#employee qualities
clementimetodie · 3 days
The problem with the "diversity" initiative is that it had intended to fix a real problem. Employer bias does exist and they will often forgo the candidate they are biased against even if they are qualified. But the initiative went far beyond fixing a real problem and created new problems as "diversity" became the priority rather than the effort to eliminate unfair discrimination. Both the left and the right ignore different aspects of the problems at play here
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lumiereswig · 5 months
I'm still seeing a lot of angry takes in the tags about how excessive Watcher's current costs are and how all fans really want, apparently, is "just shane and ryan sitting in a basement" back again. While I do think Watcher is probably spending over budget and that's a real issue, a lot of the takes I'm seeing show a fundamental misunderstanding of how video production works and where costs actually lie. So a few quick things that I just keep seeing that are bothering me:
It was never just Shane and Ryan in a basement. BFU did a great job selling that conceit and making sure you never saw anyone beyond them and maybe TJ, but they absolutely had other crew members with them on ghost hunts and they didn't do all the work on BFU themselves. This Q&A from Season 2 lists 36 people on staff for Buzzfeed Unsolved. It's fair to make arguments that Watcher may or may not need 25 people, but those arguments should not be coming from a place of "before it was just Shane and Ryan and nobody else."
If you don't know how many people are needed to make a professional video from a TV/film standpoint, you will not have a reasonable grasp of why Watcher wants to keep 25 people on staff. Sure, some YouTubers get by with a ring light and a contracted editor. The Watcher team have stated repeatedly that they do not want to work as just YouTubers and see themselves more as a production studio—so why do people keep referencing the YouTube model to understand their business? This is like asking the local shake shop why it doesn't function like the kids' lemonade stand down the block. The item category is similar but they're not trying for the same products or process.
The "gold dusted food" is not the big budget sink you think it is. On most TV shows I've worked on it's normal to partner with businesses that are shown onscreen and work out a deal where the price of the product (in this case the gold food) is reduced or eliminated in exchange for the free publicity. Watcher very likely made a deal with every restaurant it worked with to make the Korea trip affordable for the company. The real budget spends are on things you're probably not seeing but that still matter: camera and lighting equipment is expensive, insurance for that equipment is expensive, business overhead and paying your staff are expensive. So again—it's fine to critique Watcher for the streaming plan and the perceived budgetary issues, but go into this knowing the costs might not be coming from the things you see onscreen.
My source is that I work in TV and film and actually have a clue on how the industry functions. Again, 36 people worked on Unsolved (and those were the people mention in Season 2—who knows how big the team blew up past that in later seasons). Entertainment work is real work, and demands decent equipment, competent staff, and the same types of business and budget problems you'd find in any other business (overhead, staffing, etc.). Feel free to critique Watcher's business model, but first try to understand where that model is coming from and what goals it's attempting to serve.
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noobartperson · 8 months
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tried a different style (use one weird brush and keep every layer visible) and I like it ithinks?
Anyway here’s a tea party. The tea is fancy
part two?
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koukaaa-descent · 7 months
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I love buddy very much,, pangolin if u see this know that u are the reason I have so much love for these lovely corpses,, it's so silly. I hope it and its crew have a happy ending forever and ever
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amystarrstuff · 9 months
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butch queen of friendly fire
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bisexualdinahlance · 5 months
Y'all can think the Watcher streaming service is a bad business decision or that the announcement was handled poorly (because it was) without acting like the Watcher guys killed your dog lmao. Every single one of you bringing up Shane's "eat the rich" thing is so fucking Silly and doesn't understand that "eat the rich" isn't about fucking youtubers who got in over their heads and are now trying to keep their company from failing? These guys aren't the 1% regardless of any car Stephen may or may not own lmao.
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egberts · 1 year
i no longer argue with people on facebook. it wasn't good for my mental health at all. instead i just drop my morally superior take and then laugh react when people try to argue and they get. so. mad.
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raining-anonymously · 6 months
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You came back to visit me.
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killrisma · 9 months
my mom keeps buying me bootleg good omens merch which like, yeah ty for caring about me and my interests but some of these stickers are stolen art from people i’m literally acquaintances with
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hijackmac · 1 year
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"I shall heal you, curing you of all disease and injury you possess."
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I went to a thrift store after work in my NPS uniform and a little old lady asked me if I worked there. At the thrift store. The National Parks Service manages your local Savers
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goldensunset · 7 months
less than a day before something goes thermonuclear in the pokémon fandom (no matter what happens someone will be angry)
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butchlifeguard · 3 months
wow, the biden administration passed a lot of laws that sound like they could help queer people! surely this will help prevent hate crimes of trans teenagers, record rates of lgbtq book bans, chain stores discontinuing their pride collections to cater to the far right, conservative speakers calling for the eradication of transgenderism, the banning of transition care for minors in many places, laws being passed banning trans girls in high school sports, lawmakers calling queerness 'filth' in professional settings, criminalization of drag in front of minors,
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chheese-mmmhh · 5 months
am i hoping for bad things to happen to watcher? no!!! absolutely not!!! i really hope they continue to do great and pull in more people HOWEVER do i foresee bad things happening? yeah for sure…like just on a business level this was a horrible move and i have such mixed emotions because i WANT good things for them but that just…won’t happen
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ghoatinaytherealone · 2 years
[Click for better quality]
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laora-ryn · 1 year
Good morning all I am Not Dead I am just Very Bad at doing literally anything including using Tumblr skvjsbfbbd
Life updates:
1. I got a new job in Minnesota and am moving there in November!! No more 100+ days of 100F+ heat for me!!!! Living in a blue state again will be so nice!!!!!!!!
2. It'll be the same work (rehab engineering/assistive technology) but a pay bump and a position in a much bigger dept that is actually well supported rather than the One Man Army I've been down here
3. I got back on the Magnus Archives train and just finished 170 and let me tell you. I was neutral on Martin before this season but he has grown on me rapidly. Several of the unreality/depersonalization eps have hit me pretty hard but 170 almost literally knocked me the FUCK out it was So Good I am DESPERATE to finish this show
4. (also I continue with my string of "Blorbo who has special powers that set them apart from other people, but they're just A Guy, a guy who is kind of an apathetic dick at the start of the thing but grows to learn and love and trust people. Also they are autistic and ace" with Mr Jon Sims who I love very much) (following behind minato arisato and neku sakuraba and setsuna f seiei, my beloved children)
5. I unfortunately still have the anxiety (tm) and am incapable of writing short posts
6. I maybe will write a short BDTS oneshot in the near future to try and get back into the swing of fic things? Equally likely that I will write some tma angst. bc I haven't gone deep into the ao3 tag yet, but I have not yet seen any of what I see as some low-hanging fruit, which means I Have To Make It Myself
So anyway hello everyone how've you been??
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