#enby dick grayson
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So like. Is DC trying to tell us something or
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were-wolverine · 4 months
dick grayson is amab non-binary. to ME.
he uses he/they pronouns and prefers to present as masc :)
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My gender is the 1997 Batman & Robin movie starring George Clooney as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Chris O’Donnell as Robin/Dick Grayson, Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl/Barbra Wilson, Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze/ Dr. Victor Fries, Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy/ Dr. Pamela Isley, and Michael Gough as Alfred Pennyworth. Directed by Joel Schumacher.
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Tim talked to Jed about a "no gender" club what the f u c k ! ? !
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igotanidea · 1 year
Someone special : batboys x ADHD!autistic!anxiety!Enby!reader
Request: batbros with a Enby reader who has some mental disabilities: Autistic, ADHD and anxiety who is pretty smart with random information and info dumps but is slow with processing things
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„Hey, what’s with the long face?” Dick asked seeing them frowning in the corner of the batcave avoiding any other member of the family.
“Nothing….” They muttered, not facing him, making Dick crouch just to look straight into their eyes.
“Hey….” He repeated, a bit gentler this time “you can tell me, love. What’s going on?’
“I… I didn’t quite catch on the plan you were describing” they muttered, blush creeping on their face “God, I am so stupid!’
“You’re not stupid, peanut” Dick grabbed their hands in his reassuringly “I can describe it again to you if…..”
“That is the whole point, Dick!” they exclaimed “you shouldn’t have to! I’m just so sick of myself and of making you say everything twice just because I cannot process information fast enough. God!” they groaned getting up and starting to walk around the batcave in circles.
“Stop honeying me! I shouldn’t even be at this team! I’m like a threat to everyone’s safety while on patrol.”
“Ok, now you are exaggerating.”
“How am I….. how am I exaggerating?!”
“You’re like a mine of knowledge, if you don’t mind me using that term.”
“Yeah, sure.” They scoffed “completely random, useless information.”
“I wish I had as much of those as you do.” Dick mumbled under his nose
“You…. you what?”
“Yeah, you heard me.” He smiled “Come here.” Grayson patted the spot next to him and they obediently approached him, sitting down and letting him put an arm around their shoulders reassuringly. “Back in the days, when I was a detective….”
“Oh, that is an old time ago, you dinosaur.” They laughed
“Well, thank you very much. Someone once called me ancient, so sorry to disappoint but you are not the first. But. As I was saying, when I was a cop…..”
“Did you know that there are less than 1000 cops in Bludhaven and even less in Gotham?” they blurted “And statistically, each year there are less new and more retiring, so most probably in the next 5 or so years we will be left without any PD to protect us?”
“Ohmygod I did it again!” they covered their mouth instantly regretting each words said “Imsosorry, Dick, Ireallydidntmeantoburstoutlikethis.”
“Hey, hey, breathe.” Dick pulled them closer to him, rubbing soothing circles on their chest “It’s all good. I was going to say that random information are usually what helps crack the case, you know. Something completely unrelated is helping with the solution”
“Ho… how?”
“Have you watched legally blonde?”
“what does that have to do with anything?” they frowned searching for an answer in the back of their mind, Dick not helping just watching them with that smile of his, waiting patiently “Oh…..” once they realized what was the point their eyes went wide “you mean the part when Elle figured that the daughter killed the father, because she couldn’t have been at the shower at the time because of the perm?”
“Yes. And you are babbling again.” Dick grinned
“I’m sorry……” they looked down, ashamed. If only they could be different…..
“Why?” Dick kissed the top of their head “you are so cute. Everything you do or say is always so cute. And damn, I love you because of all that. So don’t ever be sorry for being an amazing human being.”
“All right….” They mumbled, leaning into Dick’s touch.
“Pinky promise?” he asked pointing a finger towards them.
“Sure, Grayson. Pinky promise.”
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Everyone in the room where laughing at some joke he just said, but instead of joining the group in the joy, Y/N stood up and walked away, without a single word. At first, Jason didn’t even notice that being too caught up in being the center of attention (good for once in his life), but barely  a few seconds after he run the corridor just to find them. Fuck, what kind of boyfriend was he to miss their disappearance.
“Sunshine? Come on, where are you?”
“Hey Jace…..” they emerged from the nearest room smiling widely ‘what’s up?”
“You’re asking me?” Jason was dumbfounded “You.. you left and I though…..”
“Oh, were you worried about me? “
“Um, yeah.”
“Why?” they tilted their head and Jason started wondering whether that was just some silly game or if something really happened.
“Um… cause I was worried?”
“Oh, that is so sweet.” They cooed taking a step forward “but you really shouldn’t have. Your joke just reminded me of some book I was reading and I came here to check if I was right about the reference. And on my way I realized I left my cup of tea in the kitchen. But while I was in the kitchen, I realized I wanted to talk to Tim about one of his crazy plans that truly have like zero chances on succeeding, even if he insists on doing it.”
“Sure.” Jason crossed his arm on the chest, those stupidly big biceps flexing making their mind go blank. “Is it your anxiety again?”
“Yeah….” They played with their fingers in embarrassment “no? yes? Maybe? I don’t know. I just got giddy for no particular reason. Guess it’s more the ADHD thing than anxiety this time. I….” their mind was now running with the speed of light, their thoughts unable to stop and making them space out.
“Sunshine?” Jason put  a hand on their shoulder throwing them off the reverie and only that made them realize he was actually talking for the last minute or so, probably finishing with a question and awaiting answer.
“Hm?” they tried to cover for being so recklessly distracted
“I know that look.” Jason said “where were you?”
“too far from you…..”
“That’s not possible.” He laughed, cupping and caressing their cheek “you can never get far form me, cause if you do, I will come find you and bring you back home.”
“Jace…. I…..”
“Hush, little one. It’s my job. To keep you safe. “
“Even from my own nature? You must hate me for it.”
“Did you hate me when I was having panic attacks, trauma and when I was dealing with post-pit aggression? Yeah, we both now you did not. So how can I hate you? I …. I feel a lot for you, you know it, but hate?” he shook his head “hate is none of those things, baby.”
“Thank you….” a single tear flew down her cheek. Just one since Jason skillfully stopped the rest that might even dare to uglify their pretty face
“Wanna get out of here?”
“Yes, please….”
“Let me rescue you then.” He grinned, picked them up and carried outside, ready for a night bike ride to help them clear their mind and stop the pacing thoughts.
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“You’re back!” Tim only did as much as step though the threshold when they threw themselves at him, arms wrapping tightly around his back pulling him close “I was so worried, Tim!”
“Hey, love.” He smiled and kissed their temple “I am back. I’m safe. You can relax now.”
“No….no… I really can’t …. I…. I can’t” their whole body started to shake, as they took a step back from Tim “what if…. What if?”
“What if what?”
“What if you were followed? Or poisoned with some crazy substance with slow-paced activity? Do you even realize how many of those are there in the open?”
“I actually do.” He muttered, not able to stop the self-proud creeping in
“And …. And the scientist are constantly coming up with new ones. Like Crane for instance. His fear toxin is just one of them. What if he creates something better? I mean, worse? I mean….”
“Were you reading one of my reports again?”
“What? No. I was just browsing the web…..”
“On my computer?” he asked quietly, trying not to startle them
“Uh, um, kinda…. Please don’t be mad at me, but you always have those interesting sides on. Truly, I have no idea why would you even search for half of those things, but you always got me curious.”
“I’m not mad” Tim shook his head “but look how it made you feel. You are trembling.”
“I’m not….” they objected, but Tim was no fool.
“Perhaps I should just use the parental blockade on some of those. Reading about murder is no good to you.”
“No!” they squealed “it’s fine. I’m fine, just a bit….”
“…projecting?” Tim asked, eyeing them closely, searching for any change in the body posture or face expression. Anything that would be the reflection of Y/N’s mental state.
“Maybe… All those photos and mugshots and police reports and the crime descriptions. All of that could happen to you any night you are out. Do you know the statistics on….?”
“I do.” He cut them off “And I have no intention of enlarging them. Ever. You know I’m careful, right?”
“Yes.” They squealed, but it was not convincing at all, they were still shaking
“Do you want a hug?”
“Please…” the second Tim opened his arms, Y/N dived right into them, pulling him close, making sure he truly was with them, safe and unharmed. And getting completely lost in his warm, comforting embrace. This was nice. This was calming and their breath slowly started getting back to normal.
“You are my number one reason to stay safe out there. Unlike my brothers I think before I do something so the chances of getting injured …..” he started, and the fatal word made them tighten the grip on him “sorry.” Tim caressed their back “the thing is, I can’t let anything happen to me, because I can’t let anything happen to you. You gave me your heart and I just have to make sure it’s safe so….” he blushed a bit in that cute way that always made Y/N’s pulse speed up “so that’s pretty much it.”
“I love you too, Tim.” They muttered “can you just hold me like this some more?”
“However long you like.” he said pulling them closer, just standing in the door, unbothered by anyone, at least for the time being, enjoying being together in this little silent bubble they created for themselves.
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‘They have been here for like two hours and they barely exchanged any word with anyone.”
“I was trying to talk to them and they didn’t even look me in the eyes. That’s so rude, don’t you think.”
“Maybe they are just crazy? Wonder why Wayne let his blood son get together with such a freak….”
Y/N was not deaf. Despite the opinion amongst people they were also not stupid, crazy or insane. Just a bit different, but it was easier to call them a freak than actually try to understand. Those people at the gala had no idea what they were talking about, but it didn’t lessen the pain at all. However, while they decided to just ignore it, instead standing by the bar, counting the glasses all over again and trying to stay strong, Damian was not the one to hold back.
Especially when it came to them.
“I dare to say it again. Johnson.” a familiar voice reverberated from behind and despite knowing better Y/N turned around noticing Damian confronting one of the gossipers, his face absolutely blank which was enough indication that he was pure rage inside. Thank God, he had no weapon on him while at the party. At least, seemingly, it was Damian Wayne after all.
“Oh, come on, Wayne. Relax a bit. We were just joking. No one here means any harm to your partner.”
Y/N frowned. Maybe it really was just a joke? Sometimes they had trouble in recognizing irony and sarcasm and metaphors, so perhaps it was just one big misunderstanding?
“Really?” Damian hissed “do you see anyone laughing? Do you see Y/N laughing?”
“It’s not like they would get the joke after all.” One the jokers took a sip from his glass. Just one before the glass broke in his hands, debris and the rest of drink falling on the floor.
Mhm. So he actually had a weapon on him.
“What the fuck, Wayne?! Are you insane?!”
“Not more than them.” Damian smirked throwing a glance at Y/N. “Guess that’s what makes us a great couple.”
“You little piece of shit! Do you have any idea how expensive this suit was!?” the man’s face was now red from barely held rage as he took a few steps towards Damian, readying to strike
“Don’t know. Don’t care. And if you are trying to scare me…”
“DAMIAN!” before he could throw a threat at his father’s guests Y/N rushed towards him, grabbing his arm and stopping him in his tracks “let’s just go. Please. It’s not worth it.”
“But they….”
“It doesn’t matter, really.” They shook their head and tugged at his sleeve “please, I’m tired.”
“Yeah, you two weirdos better leave now, before….”
Johnson never got to finish this sentence
“You really shouldn’t have done that.” Y/N muttered when ten minutes later they and Damian were sitting on the bed in his room, next to each other.
They both got kicked out the gala by Bruce himself when Damian could not control himself any longer and threw a perfectly aimed punch at Johnson’s face.
“He got that coming.” Daman shrugged “the only person who can make fun out of you is me.”
“Am I supposed to be touched by that?” they asked tilting head “is that another of those sarcastic jokes I don’t get?”
“No. No it’s not. I really mean it. Cause even I mock you, it’s still just teasing you know it, right?” they nodded “gotta keep the appearances.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means if anyone else ever say as much as a bad word about you, would probably lose a tongue.”
“An ear?”
“A finger?” he whined “please, give me something to work with.”
“As cute as it is, I’m not going to let you mutilate anyone because they offended me. But I appreciate the gesture.” They pocked at his belly and laughed a bit.
“I’m not cute…..” Damian pouted, falling onto the bed next to them.
Whatever Y/N said, he was going to have some fun with a person daring to criticize them. They didn’t really need to know, right?
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mogai-headcanons · 10 months
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Casey from Dark Canival is a canon lesbian!
Her girlfriend Alex is also a canon lesbian!
Tara Jones from Heartstopper is a canon lesbian!
Her girlfriend Darcy Olsson is also a canon lesbian!
Ghoul from Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker is a transmasculine biromantic gay man!
Elle Argent is a canon trans woman who currently identifies as abrosexual!
Barney Guttman from Dead End: Paranormal Park is a transmasculine gay man!
Uraraka Ochaco from My Hero Academia is a bisexual demigirl!
Denki Kaminari is a polyamorous pansexual person!
Mina Ashido is a questioning panromantic genderfluid demigirl!
Kyle from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is a gay demiboy!
Perfuma is a transfemme demilesbian!
Rabbid Peach from Mario + Rabbids is a polysexual transfemme rabbid!
Rotor Walrus from Sonic Archie is gender questioning and queer!
Trixie Kitsune from Pirates of the Foggy Waters is a polyamorous bisexual cisfemme person!
Serena from Pokemon is a gender questioning bisexual demigirl!
Silver from Sonic IDW is a panromantic demiboy!
Valentine de Villefort from Gankutsuou is a heteroflexible gender questioning demigirl!
Samson Rodgers from The Mystery in Crimson is an unlabeled panromantic asexual trans guy!
Beth Taylor from Monkart is a transfemme nonbinary aroace trixic spring/bambi lesbian!
Willow Park from The Owl House is a demipansexual demigirl!
Hunter is a bisexual nonbinary person!
Gus Porter is a biromantic moon bi asexual demiboy!
Dick Grayson from The Lego Batman Movie is a gender questioning trans demiboy!
Varian from Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure is a demiromantic bisexual nonbinary demiboy!
Darcy from Amphibia is a nonbinary demirose bi lesbian!
Cody Gizmody from Paw Patrol is a polyamorous pansexual demigirl!
Pakas from Miniforce: New Heroes Rise is an aroflux omnisexual intersex nonbinary transmasculine libraflux xenogender intramasculine demiboy!
Leo from Dinocore is a pansexual intersex nonbinary boy who uses they/them, she/her, and he/him pronouns!
Vee is an unlabeled asexual intersex nonbinary libraflux enby who uses they/them, she/her, and it/its pronouns!
Barbara Gordon/Batgirl from The Batman (2004) is a bisexual cisfeminine person who uses she/her pronouns!
Skara is a questioning demigirl who uses she/her pronouns!
Sous Roas from Dragon Ball Super is a polyamorous demipansexual gyneromantic transfemme lovegender softgender nonbinary genderfae demigirl who uses she/her, they/them, love/loves, and ae/aer pronouns!
Hop is a futch nonbinary intrafeminine genderfluid libraflux bi lesbian who uses she/her, it/its, and claw/claws pronouns!
Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls is a pansexual xenogender demigirl who uses she/her, they/them, and he/him pronouns!
Gia Moran from Power Rangers Super Megaforce is a bisexual cisfeminine person who uses she/her pronouns!
Luka Millfy from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger is a pansexual cisfeminine person who uses she/her pronouns!
Tracey Sketchit is a bisexual demiboy who uses he/him and she/her pronouns!
Sophocles is an unlabeled demiboy who uses he/him, volt/volts, it/its, and they/them pronouns!
Lillie is a demirose questioning demigirl who uses they/them and she/her pronouns!
They are all in a friendship group!
dni link | requested by @in-an-oddballs-imaginative-mind
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localspiderboy · 2 years
Welcome to my k!nktober 2022/23 prompt list. This is my first attempt at Kinktober. I'm hoping to get most of the prompts done. None of these were pre-written because I wanted to get myself in the habit of writing often. So I may miss some days or it may go past October, but I'll try my best. Every fic will be between 1000 or fewer words, some may go over but at most 1500. This is where all the fics will be linked! Enjoy!
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Phone Sex - PS4 Peter Parker (GN!Reader)
Quickie - Ian Gallagher (Male!Reader)
Creampie - Lip Gallagher (Male!Reader)
Edging - Frank Castle (FTM!Reader)
Praise Kink + Breeding - Matt Murdock (GN!Reader)
Morning Sex - Johnny Cage (Male!Reader)
Monster Fucking - Eddie Brock + Venom (FTM!Reader)
Threesome - Zagreus + Thanatos (Enby!Reader)
Bondage - TASM!Peter Parker (Male!Reader)
Oral - Spencer Reid (GN!Reader)
Dacryphilia - Dabi (GN!Reader)
Corruption - Billy Loomis (Male!Reader)
First Time - Dick Grayson (Male!Reader)
Somnophilia - Jason Todd (FTM!Reader)
Marking - Eddie Munson (GN!Reader)
Public - Steve Harrington (GN!Reader)
Office Sex - Aaron Hotchner (Male!Reader)
Pegging - Loki (FTM!Reader)
Cock Worship - Astarion (Male!Reader)
Cock Warming - Eddie Munson (Male!reader)
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henious · 2 months
!!! looking for a long term roleplay partner !!!
18+ only !!! minors pls do not interact !!!
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about me
☆ my name is ares and i am twenty one years old !!! im a part time worker and medical student so i stay extra busy unfortunately :|
☆ i am black enby my pronouns are she/they and 90% of my ocs are also black or mixed black.
☆ i have a cat and her name is miss persephone
☆ i have been roleplaying since i was eight years old ! and i have been writing since i was younger
☆ i have a little commission shop as well :)))
roleplay information
☆ as stated once before and stated one million times i do not roleplay with minors and i prefer not to interact with minors !!! anyone under the age of eighteen is icky to me (/hj)
☆ i am super detailed in descriptive, think 1k+ words depending on the feedback my partner gives me.
☆ i am a certified yapper so i very much enjoy LOTS of plotting, headcanons and talking about ocs and relationships before, during and even after roleplay. i am also a certified listener so i love when people do the same.
☆ i really only do oc x canon double up especially for fandoms unless you’d prefer to play a canon character.
☆ i will return your energy in any capacity !!!
☆ demon slayer [ love interest: giyuu tomioka]
☆ baldurs gate 3 [ love interest: gale dekarios ]
A dc universe [ love interest: dick grayson ]
☆ more to come !!!
☆ message me on discord
☆ here is my commission shop
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findroleplay · 3 months
hello!! 24+enby discord writer looking to double up and write in the dc fandom. please be 20+ before interacting! 🧺🧺
i have two ocs i would like to use, and i'm willing to write them against canon characters or other ocs! one is a criminal witch in gotham who is perhaps losing her mind thanks to a family heirloom, and the other is a space age-loving kryptonian freed from kandor who stayed behind after the others left and he's honestly just happy to be here. i'm open to any gender pairings for these two, and dynamics can be romantic or platonic! however i will humbly beg for a batfamily member for my boy because every bat needs a kryptonian and some of them are SEVERELY lacking!!!!
as far as canon characters go for me, i'm most interested in writing as dick grayson, jason todd, cassandra cain, damian wayne, duke thomas, koriand'r, raven, harley quinn, bruce wayne, donna troy, dinah lance, selina kyle, or diana prince!! so if you have an oc you've been dying to write against one of these guys and are willing to double up, hit that like button!!!
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New pinned!!!
riven/skittles!!!! 20, he/she/they & autistic I interact from @reonrollcake !! ⭐️ byf, dni and f/o list under the cut!!
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-I am disabled and chronically ill! I tend to complain about it! if anything medical or relating to health issues triggers you I don't recommend following me for your own sake please and thank u!
-My social anxiety also affects me online!! So I have a very hard interacting with people especially with initiating it I apologize!!
-I am iffy with sharing romantic f/os! I am trying to be better about it but self shipping is a huge coping mechanism for me and the silly brain sillies sometimes! I am getting there though!!!!! I'm not an asshole about it tho at most I just block but even that's rare. The more I know someone the more I'm comfy with it honestly if we're friends then sharing is caring
-All tags about my f/os are their name followed by a letter representing what kind they are!! So r=romantic for example
-I rarely if not ever post nsfw!! at most I post things that could be suggestive and tag it accordingly, but even then it’s not like. me thirsting it’s pretty much just me posting about suggestive things f/os have said in canon and laughing at it
Dni if:
-racist, abelist, homophobic, transphobic, bi/pan/enby/acephobic/exclus, etc.
-if you condone, support or actively participate in incest/pedophilia (INCLUDING in ships, both self-ship or otherwise)
-are a main nsfw blog/post untagged nsfw
-harrass people because they ship with a character you also ship with/someone you know ships with
-participate in cringe culture/are against self shipping. that's all I talk about here idk why you'd follow if you aren't supportive of it. people who don't self ship can follow just Be Nice please.
Romantic: GYROAXIA minus Nayuta, Wataru Matoba, Misaki Goto
-Familial: Nayuta Asahi
pretty much everyone else that isn't listed is a platonic f/o/boardering on familial!!! I care about every silly from this franchise a bit too much <33
Genshin Impact:
Romantic: Kazuha, Xiao, Alhaitham, Thoma, Dottore
Crush(es): Wriothesley
Familial: Diluc, Zhongli, Itto, Klee, Neuvillete
Platonic: Scaramouche, honestly the entire sumeru + most of the mondstadt cast
Ensemble Stars:
Romantic: Himeru, Arashi Narukami, Rei Sakuma + Kaoru Hakaze (poly)
Platonic: Rinne Amagi, Hiiro Amagi, Niki Shiina
Familial: Koga Oogami, Kohaku Oukawa
Obey me:
Romantic: Belphegor, Mammon
Familial: Lucifer and Diavolo (they are my gay dads)
Platonic: everyone that wasn't mentioned!!
Blackstar Theater Starless:
Romantic: Akira, Lico
Platonic: Mizuki
Diabolik Lovers:
Romantic: Shu Sakamaki
Platonic: Ayato Sakamaki
Comfort character(s): Subaru Sakamaki, Yui Komori
Crushes: Pantalone (genshin impact), Dick Grayson (DC), Ichimatsu (osomatsu-san), Shion Kaida (Paradox Live)
Others: Banri Settsu (A3, romantic), Matt and Mello (Death Note, romantic + polyam), Jyushimatsu (osomatsusan, romantic)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Lost in the sand
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/1JNP8K5
by Seagullshrimp39
A “What if” Where Y/N fakes their super villain alter ego’s death, after choosing between Batman and Bruce Wayne.
And for awhile they are happy with Bruce.
But it isn’t easy to let go of your old way of life.
Words: 7420, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Riddler!Reader x Bruce Wayne
Fandoms: The Batman (Movie 2022), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson
Relationships: Bruce Wayne/Reader, Alfred Pennyworth & Reader, Dick Grayson & Reader
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Slice of Life, indie film energy tbh, Time Skips, Bruce Wayne is madly in love, Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Good With Kids, Bruce Wayne isn’t weird he has AUTISM, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, but he’s trying, Bruce Wayne is Jewish, reader is jewish, Bruce Wayne is asexual coded but this time the author says it, Reader is non-binary coded, Reader is asexual coded, Bruce Wayne is Bisexual, Reader is feminine presenting enby, Reader-Insert, Reader is a Villain, Well ex-villain, reader is riddler coded, reader is a riddler stand in, reader is a good parent, Dick and Reader are goofy and silly together, author did not proofread, The Author Regrets Nothing, this maybe cringe but I think this is peak idc
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/1JNP8K5
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Dick: Work can suck my enby dick.
Roy: Oof, you okay, dude?
Dick: Yes and no. Just people being jerks.
Roy: Can I poop on their graves as revenge?
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on the enby damian news, i’m thinking
damian sees themself above gender concepts, not fitting into any western conventions they’ve tried to apply since leaving the league
and he reads a LOT about it
perhaps surprisingly, tim is his biggest supporter from the beginning and damian learns a lot from him, as he has had the most experience with queer friends and going through some questioning of his own atm
damian talks to jon about it too and though jon hasn’t really been exposed to the ideas much, he starts deep diving the internet to support his friend. he makes an enby flag for damians room
bruce quietly makes the change in pronouns and makes sure all of his colleagues know (including telling gordon that robin uses he/they pronouns please if you’ll make note of that) (gordon uses they more than he to make sure robin recognizes his support)
dick and damian talk about it a lot. a LOT. because dick wants to understand what his sibling/child is going through and how they want to be seen. dick tells him everything he learned from kory about gender theory on other planets. it’s through all of this that dick realizes maybe he’s not strictly binary either.
no ones really sure who it is, but every time an article/newspaper/news site publishes about robin or damian, someone goes in and changes half the pronouns
most votes are for babs
it’s actually steph
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nightmareinfloral · 2 years
you give the vibes of a lesbian....... can't say why but yeah
glad i’m giving off the correct vibes 😎
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tokenducks · 4 years
Me; an enby pansexual: This character is enby and/or pansexual :)
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mogai-headcanons · 10 months
Sorry I just wanted to add these to my second Friend Group ask:
Varian from Tangled is a NonBinary DemiBoy Bisexual DemiRomantic!
Darcy from amphibia is a NonBinary DemiRose Bi Lesbian!
Kodi GizModi from Paw Patrol is a Pansexual Polyamorous DemiGirl!
Packard From MiniForce New Heroes Rise is a NonBinary TransMasc LibraFlux XenoGender DemiBoy IntraMasculine Intersex OmniSexual AroFlux!
Crossover Friend Group Headcanons! Casey from Dark Carnival(Made by @/thrumples ) is Canonically a Lesbian! She's friends with: Alex(Her GF/Also from Dark Carnival), Who is also Canonically A Lesbian Tara Jones and Her GF Darcy Olsson From HeartStopper, who are both Canonically Lesbian Ghoul from BatMan Beyond: Return of The Joker, a TransMasc Biromantic Gay(MLM) Elle Argent From HeartStopper, Who is a Canon TransGender Female and is currently Using the Term of AbroSexual Barney From Dead End ParaNormal Park, who's a TransMasc Gay(MLM) Uruaka from MHA, who is a Bisexual DemiGirl Denki From MHA, who is Pansexual Polyamorous Mina From MHA, who's a Questioning PanRomantic GenderFluid DemiGirl Kyle From She-Ra(POP), a Gay(MLM) DemiBoy Perfuma from She-Ra(POP), a TransFemme Demi-Lesbian Rabbid Peach From Mario+Rabbids, a TransFemme PolySexual Queen Bee From Helluva Boss, a Pansexual Polyamorous Octavia From Helluva Boss, a Questioning Demi-Girl Rotor From Sonic Archie, a Gender Questioning Queer Trixie Kitsune From Pirates of The Foggy Waters(Made by Jordango on Deviant art) a Bisexual Polyamorous CisFemme Serena From Pokémon XY, a Gender Questioning Bisexual Demi-Girl Silver from Sonic IDW, a PanRomantic DemiBoy Valentine De VilleForte From Gankutsuou, a Gender Questioning HeteroFlexible DemiGirl SamSon Rogers from The Mystery In Crimson(Made by @/Toasted Robin), an Unlabeled Asexual Panromantic Trans Guy(Normal TransFlag) Beth Taylor From Monkart, a TransFemme NonBinary AroAce Trixic/Spring Lesbian+ Bambi Lesbian Willow Park From The Owl House , a Demi-Pansexual DemiGirl Hunter From The Owl House, a NonBinary Bisexual Gus Porter From the Owl House, an Asexual Biromantic/Moon Bi DemiBoy And Dick GraySon from the Lego BatMan Movie, a Gender Questioning Trans Demiboy All of Them are in a Large Queer-Platonic FriendShip Group! Just some more to Add on my Casey friend group ask: Leo from DinoCore is a NonBinary Pansexual InterSex Boy who uses They/She/He! Vee from The Owl House is a NonBinary LibraFlux Unlabeled Asexual Intersex Enby who uses They/she/It! Barbara Gordon/BatGirl From The Batman 2004 series is a Bisexual Cis Fem who uses She/Her! Skara from the Owl House is a Questioning DemiGirl uses She/Her! Rosie(Su Rose/Pre-TransFormation Form Pls) from Dragon Ball Super is a Polyamorous Demi Pansexual GyneRomantic TransFemme LoveGender SoftGender Nonbinary GenderFae DemiGirl who uses She/They/Love/Ae! Hop from Dragon Ball Super is a NonBinary IntraFeminine GenderFluid LibraFlux Moon Butch Futch Bi Lesbian and uses She/It/Claw! Mabel From Gravity Falls Is a Pansexual XenoGender DemiGirl Who uses She/They/He! Gia from Power Rangers Super Mega Force is a Bisexual CisFem Who uses She/Her! Luka from GoKaiGer is a Pansexual CisFem and Uses She/Her! Tracey From Pokémon is a Bisexual DemiBoy and Uses He/she! Sophocles from Pokémon sun and Moon is an Unlabeled Demiboy who uses He/volt/It/They! Lillie is a DemiRose Questioning DemiGirl who uses They/She! (also, I spotted you spelt one of my Characters a Lil wrong! His name is Spelt Pakcas, Not Packard, just so u Know!)
(answered the second ask instead of the first so i could remove the creator tag)
queued! though:
i removed the helluva boss characters because i don't take requests for that source
i couldn't figure out who packard/pakcas? is so i left them out
i couldn't find a moon butch flag, but if you lmk where i can i'll get it added
removed the queerplatonic aspect because these characters' ages vary quite a bit
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