Okay, so I've decided to finally write this analysis that's been kicking around my brain for way to long.
Also, just a note before we start: I wholeheartedly believe that byler is endgame and Mike loves Will. Therefore this analysis was written with that in mind. If this bothers you for some reason, keep scrolling.
So, without further ado:
Stranger Things 4 and Romantic Monologues
We all love to shit on Mike's monologue and how it was a complete and utter failure as a declaration of love. We also love to heap praise on the van scene as a romantic moment. But these two aren't the only two romantic monologues in season 4, and if we take a closer look at them, there's a pattern regarding which ones work and which ones don't.
So Mike's monologue is objectively bad as a declaration of love. There are a million analyses on how bad it is. And it's very bad. Mike is lying the entire time, uses words that are a direct callback to things said to El by her abuser, and has to be prompted by her brother. Not to mention the fact that the entire thing was in response to Will's feelings, not hers. Mike barely pays any attention to what El actually wants, instead giving her what he thinks she wants. Yeah, Mike told El that he loved her. But it was never really about hearing him say I love you. I won't dive too deep into that; go read this post if you want to know more. But the general gist of it is that the only reason El wanted to hear him say I love you was because Mike wasn't making her feel loved. And his monologue didn't fix that because it didn't come from his heart. It was fake and riddled with romantic cliches and had to be wrenched out of him by the image of her choking on the table in front of her. It's very bad.
So Steve's monologue is technically two monologues, but I'm going to treat it as one for the purposes of this analysis. I absolutely despise these monologues. But we're already off to a better start than we were with Mike, because Steve is being genuine. You can tell because he isn't falling back on romantic cliches or what he's supposed to say in a moment like this. His six little nuggets speech feels genuine because that is how he feels. It's all coming from his heart.
The problem with his monologue, and the reason why I hate it, is that it doesn't take into account what Nancy wants. And we know that she doesn't want any part of the future he's envisioning for himself because she goes out of her way to tell us. She says, "That sounds like a nightmare". She is very clearly not on board with this plan and the writers make sure we know that.
So while Steve's monologue is genuine, we have yet another romantic monologue that ignores what the person on the receiving end actually wants.
Jonathan & Nancy
This one's a bit of an outlier. Technically, it's two monologues: one from Jonathan and one from Nancy. But they're set side by side like a dialogue, so it makes more sense to look at them as one.
Unlike the previous two declarations of love, these two actually take into account the person on the receiving end. They're about their qualities and strengths and what they see in them. We already know they love each other before they ever say it because you don't talk like that about someone you're not in love with.
But this is also the first time we've seen an endgame couple say the word love in relation to each other. And after they both say they love each other, Nancy insists that everything is fine in their relationship, and you can hear the bitterness in her voice. She's lying. And we find out later that everything isn't fine in their relationship, and they are in fact having communication issues. Their monologues did nothing to change that. They did nothing to fix their problems.
The monologues are genuine. We can feel that. We never doubt that they actually love each other. And we can see that in their reunion in episode 9. But they don't address the actual problems they're having. Something's still missing.
As they're walking to skull rock, Lucas and Max have one of the most important conversations for rebuilding their relationship in season 4.
Lucas in this scene is reassuring Max with this monologue. Telling her that she doesn't need to hide anymore because he understands that she's going through something hard and he's here for her. It's a monolgue that's tailored to Max's insecurities. When Max tries take on some of the blame for their relationship falling apart, Lucas immediately shoots her down because he knows that she has so much guilt over what happened to her brother, and what she needs right now is someone to tell her that it's not her fault. Lucas tells Max that he sees her because he knows that she has been feeling invisible.
I see you aren't inherently romantic words, but they do more for Lucas and Max's relationship than any I love you ever has for any other relationship in this show, because they are the words that Max needs to hear.
And that's the crux of it really. This monologue works because it's what Max needs to hear. It's about acknowledging her feelings and reassuring her insecurities. It's about bridging the gap between the two of them.
Joyce and Hopper have two romantic moments after they reunite: one right after, and then one at the church. The first one is basically Joyce telling Hopper that they missed him and the second one is her telling him that he was worth that whole trip. Unlike Lucas's monologue, they're both much more romantic moments, but they still follow the same basic formula. Joyce is telling Hopper what he needs to hear.
Hopper's main insecurity is that he only brings sadness and death to the people around him. But here Joyce is telling him that that's not true. They missed him. They want him around. She even brings in El as proof of this. And she's telling him that he's worth it. He's worth all that money, he's worth getting captured, he's worth crashing a plane in Russia. He's worth it. And they missed him.
So, finally, the van scene. This scene has been analyzed a million times. I have gone from thinking that Mike is an idiot with rocks in his brain to being convinced that he knew exactly what Will was talking about here. This scene has so many layers, so much to be looked at and analyzed, and there's no way I can do it justice. This is where I direct you to this analysis. Just go read it, it's amazing.
But from the perspective that we're looking at, from the perspective of romantic monologues and why they work in Stranger Things, this one follows the same formula that the last two have. Will in this scene is doing the same thing for Mike that Lucas did for Max and Joyce did for Hopper: he's reassuring Mike. Mike feels insecure in his relationship with El. He feels like he's not important. Like he's nobody, and nobody needs him. And Will is telling him, "No. You are somebody. You are important. You make (El) feel like she's not a mistake. (El) needs you Mike."
The reason Mike is so moved by this monologue is that this is everything he has ever wanted to be told. And for the first time he feels loved. And Will never once said those three words.
I see you, I missed you, I need you. On the surface those words aren't nearly as romantic as I love you. But that's the point. I love you is too general. I love you could be about anybody. But having the ability to look at someone, see the parts of them that they hate, and say that they don't need to feel that way because you're there? That's specific. That's love.
Grand declarations of love don't work in Stranger Things because they don't actually address the relationship. They don't get to the heart of it and tell you what it is about these two people that makes them compatible. And they don't address any of the underlying problems in a struggling relationship. All the I love yous in the world can't change the fact that Jonathan is lying to Nancy about Emerson. They can't bridge the huge chasm between Steve and Nancy. And they certainly can't make Mike and El's relationship less toxic.
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americaswritings · 11 months
Violet Hakami & Evan Hawkins dating (for more than a few episodes) would include...
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A/N: Just my take on how their happily ever after could go (still sobbing over here so writing this gave me a little comfort. I hope it might cheer you up)
Violet definitely has an ugly christmas sweater competition with Ritter and Gallo
She thinks it‘s kind of dumb, but she participates anyway because why not??
So when she is out shopping with Evan she begins looking for the ugliest one she can find
And he is like ????
"You actually think these look good???"
So she tells him about the competition and he helps her pick one and it's never mentioned again
But then on Christmas Eve he shows up in the most horrendous sweater she has ever seen
And she is so shook??? Because it‘s Evan???
"I think I win this one.“
"Oh, you definitely do!"
The year after that they take the competition so serious they go shopping separately
and there is lots of banter and teasing involved ;)
Also Evan is really good at picking out gifts
Violet just gets something she thinks is a good fit but Evan can spend weeks weighing ideas until the finds the perfect one
And he does
Every single time
"Evan...I don't know what to say." :,)
She is always speechless and he thinks it‘s the best reward he can get, because it‘s so cute
And we all know making Violet Makami speechless is not an easy quest (That girl always got something to say)
"Just tell me I'm the best."
"Oh, you so are!"
At the end of her work day Violet usually vents to him about annoying patients or jokes that were pulled at 51
And he listenes quietly and grins (because he thinks she is so cute when she is mad) until she is done or his smile distracts her from what she was going to say next
"Stop it!"
"Stop what?"
"You know what! That thing that you're doing!"
"Exactly that. It's distracting!"
Evan is a really good listener
and he is very patient
Violet is more fierce and outgoing than him
so that's a match ;)
But even though he is the calmer one , sometimes he has to let off steam too (mostly it‘s about the paperwork)
One of his ways Violet really doesn't mind ;)
The other is the gym. They work out together regularly and he teachers her boxing
He goes for runs too, but Violet can‘t be bothered to join him
"There is good exercise and then there is running.“ He always grins at that
Violet takes him to a spinning class once (Brett introduced her to it) and he ends up loving it
When they have a tough call they always take the time to talk about it, because they both know how important that is
Usually Evan can sense if something happened just by the way Violet picks up the phone or when she comes home in a weird mood
"What's wrong?"
Lots of comfort
And hugs
"You know you can always talk to me about everything, right?"
"I do."
Evan is the big spoon
But when they make out Violet is the dominant one
She likes to mess with him and tease him
because she thinks it's so fun to get a reaction out of him
especially in public ;)
Also lots of chemistry talk (because she knows he is into that)
which in turn makes her feel very cool about it and not like a huge nerd
though she has learned Evan is such a nerd about tv shows
she is always more entertained by how into them he is than what actually happens on screen
And yeah she might have called him chief in bed once or twice (it was an accident….)
Let‘s just say he didn‘t mind
Since officially being out as a couple they go to Molly‘s regularly
Evan gets along with everyone, because he is such a likeable guy. Violet sometimes thinks it‘s annoying haha
"Is there anyone who doesn't like you?"
"I guess some do, yeah."
She rolls her eyes hard at that
They often hang out with Brett, because he still supports her on the paramedicine program
He introduces her to his friends too and they are not the uptight guys she imagined they might be (they think she is pretty cool and pretty hot Evan can‘t disagree on that one, though he prefers his friends not to call her that)
Violet is the sassy one in the relationship
But they both got the sarcastic comments down
They like to call each other by their last name if they are teasing
Also Evan does this leaning-against-a-wall-pose that Violet thinks is so hot
The worst part is he doesn‘t even realise he is doing it
After dating for a while he introduces her to his family and they all adore her
Now they keep bugging him about proposing
Which he will do (eventually)
Also Evan can cook
He sometimes tries to teach her but she‘s a mess
(Or maybe she isn‘t trying hard enough, because it‘s just so comfortable to let him cook for her)
and he doesn't mind at all (he says it relaxes him which she really doesn't get)
They don‘t see each other at work anymore, but sometimes he surprises her with a lunch date or pops in at 51 when he is off shift
Those are her favourite moments
Of course Mouch then made him cook for the whole firehouse which she got pretty mad about, but Evan didn’t even mind
"They are your family and I want them to like me.“
"As if they didn‘t adore you already.“
When he doesn't cook for them, he loves to take her out
Fancy restaurants
Chilling at the movies
When he has to attend boring events she is by his side and makes them not so boring
He is there (and proud!!) when she gets another award
"For being one hell of a badass paramedic!"
They move in together when they realise they have been practically living together all the time anyway
„It’s just easier that way.“ Brett just nodded at that with a very unconvinced grin (the girl knows what's up)
Evan is really not the jealous type. He likes to be aware if there is something he should know about, but he trusts Violet and is secure in their relationship
Violet can get pretty jealous though. She just can't help it
Especially because she knows how good Evan looks in his uniform (or outside of it ;)) Of course others will try their luck with him.
She actually growls when she is there to see it. But he always very politely shuts them down
"You know I only have eyes for you."
And they go on that vacation
And lots of others
Their camera rolls are full of photos of the other
Most of them are goofy
Of course they are each others lockscreens, but Evan carries around a photo of her in his wallet
She thinks it’s so old-school??? But so cute???
Later when he proposes he does the whole deal
He makes sure they are both dressed up and he has roses and her favourite dessert
it's so romantic
Violet almost cries (okay maybe she cries a little) and then Evan gets teary eyed too and it's a whole cute mess
She wants to say she expected it after Brett and Kidd kept teasing her for months
But she really did not
Because there had been plenty of opportunities where nothing happened so she didn‘t expect anything that day
He makes it look so smooth, but they both know he is a nervous mess inside
His biggest fear (after her saying no obv) is dropping the ring so he holds onto it so tight he almost forgets to let go of it then
OBVIOUSLY she says yes
They agree to keep it low-key at first until they figure out the details
But the next day at work she ends up spilling the news to the girls and to Ritter and Gallo
And then Herrman overhears and announces it loudly to the whole firehouse
So there is that
Everyone is so happy for her
Boden even comes out of his office and hugs her
it's adorable
Herrman wants to throw them a party at Molly‘s and she actually thinks she might combust from happiness
Evan doesn‘t mind at all when she admits that „kind of everybody knows“ later. He is more amused about it
"You can show off your ring now. I know you want to.“
She really does (urgh when has she become one of those puppy eyed lovesick girls she used to make fun of??)
Shortly before the wedding Violet gets into a car crash with the ambulance when a sicko tries to get back at the firehouse for uncovering his drug stash
Evan feels his heart sink when he hears what happened
He rushes to the hospital IMMEDIATELY (he might have used his siren to get there faster)
Brett is there to tell him what happened and he is so scared for Violet the whole time she is in surgery
But it makes his heart a little lighter when he sees the whole waiting room is packed with her family at 51
And they take care of him too
Because he is a part of it now too <3
When they finally get the good news that she will be okay everyone let’s him go in first
He hates seeing her in a hospital bed although it reminds him of their first memorable encounter when he had to lecture her about a citizen complaint and her appendix burst in the middle of it
And she had barked orders around in the ambulance and talked nonsense…something about not having problems in her love life at all…and then she had petted his knee and told him he wasn’t a bad paramedic
She had told him that
Her boss
And she had asked him if she would survive
It had been one hell of a messy and cute event for sure
He had fallen hard for her then. And fast.
But being back here sitting at her bedside he could only think about the possibility that she had not survived
And he hadn‘t been there
But when she wakes up and asks him for the bubbly water he made sure to get ready for her it‘s forgotten for a moment
And she sees how upset he is so she reassures him she is okay
"Trust me, you won‘t get rid of me that easily.“
"I am counting on it.“
They do need to post-pone the wedding a little
But when it does happen it‘s picture perfect
And Evan cries a little when he sees her which makes everyone else cry a little too
And they have their happy ending
Because they deserved it
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Add yourself to my taglist!
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thena0315 · 22 days
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There were actually more heroes they weren't fully aware that were on the planet that could have helped them in the Battle of Earth
(I saw the writer's reasonings why The Defenders didn't appear, but we all know in the sense of the end of the world type of battle, there is always room for more heroes to join the fight. And Daredevil is now officially part of it, confirming the rest of the shows are canon as well.)
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home-dailyfilms · 10 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⠀⠀⠀— клинт. эй, эй. смотри на меня. ты в порядке? ⠀⠀⠀— да, да. все хорошо.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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zipzaptoastainthebath · 4 months
"I can't risk you for someone who's already gone, Buck." I LOVE FANFICTION. ENDAGME STEVE COULD NEVER
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halconnoticias · 1 year
Guardianes de la Galaxia Vol.3 | Un Conmovedor Cierre
Por: Hector Gaytan. 14 de mayo de 2023.
Sin Spoilers.
Seis años después de su segunda entrega y tras un controversial despido, James Gunn cierra su trilogía de los Guardianes de la Galaxia antes de encaminarse a dirigir el reinicio del universo DC. La más que recomendada cinta nos sitúa tiempo después de Avengers: Endagme (2019) y The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (2022), donde el equipo de inadaptados galácticos deberá cruzar la galaxia en una última aventura para salvar al universo y a uno de los suyos, mientras aprenden a dejar el pasado atrás.
Sin dudas James Gunn se despide de Marvel en grande con una enternecedora película que se aleja de la obligación de estar conectada a otras para construir un gran evento, como la tercera cinta de Ant-Man. Desde el detonante uno se da cuenta de que esta película le pertenece únicamente a los guardianes, brincamos de un conflicto en el multiverso a algo más íntimo. Los personajes que llevamos 9 años conociendo tienen un cierre que brilla por el cariño y el estilo con el que se desarrolla.
Marvel Studios hizo lo que debió haber hecho desde el fin de la fase 3, darle la libertad a los directores de enfocarse en sus historias y no en exclusivamente construir su nuevo gran evento. La cinta toma riesgos al tocar temas sensibles y en romper las expectativas a las que la trilogía nos tenía acostumbrados. El viaje acompañado de los ex-criminales es disfrutable y crudo al mismo tiempo.
En lo negativo, para algunos espectadores los guardianes pueden parecer más caricaturizados y extravagantes que de costumbre, razón no les falta. La película brinca de un tono dramático a uno cómico sin paciencia o sutileza, el cambio abrupto a la comedia rompe la tensión que Gunn intenta impregnar y el misterio rompe una muy extravagante e irreverente comedia. Los chistes no siempre se sienten frescos, al contrario, se sienten fuera de lugar, a excepción de dos escenas a mitad del filme en las que un anti humor ejecutado con base en las personalidades y traumas de los protagonistas hizo reír a toda la sala.
La interacción entre los personajes se vuelve demasiado cursi, lo cual generalmente funciona con la historia, pero a veces termina cayendo en lo incómodo. Las actuaciones se vuelven demasiado frenéticas, como si los personajes se hubiesen tomado 5 tazas de café y tuvieran que hablar o moverse de forma extravagante cada vez que pueden; el ritmo se siente lento, hasta el punto medio de la cinta parece que el guión no sabe cómo resolver el conflicto que plantea o como seguir la historia.
Sobre la selección musical tan característica de la saga, he de decir que de las 3 películas esta es la que más me ha quedado a deber. Pues, aunque esta incluye canciones de Radiohead o Do You Realize?? de The Flaming Lips la mayoría se sienten a priori desaprovechadas o que no encajan en las escenas en las que están colocadas y se sienten más como un relleno en la mezcla sonora, no hay armonía entre la imagen y el sonido. Como si estas hubiesen sido escogidas luego de terminar el guión, en lugar de que las escenas fueran escritas con base al ritmo de las melodías, a excepción de The Dog Days Are Over y No Sleep Till Brooklyn.
Además, el compositor de la banda sonora original de las dos primeras cintas -Tyler Bates- no regresó para el volumen 3 por su compromiso con la 4 parte de John Wick y la ausencia de su ambientación se nota. John Murphy (The Suicide Squad) y Kevin Kinner (Peacemaker) hacen lo posible por recuperar la esencia orquestal de los guardianes, pero las composiciones se sienten incapaces de evocar a otra emoción que no sea una bélica tensión que con el pasar del filme se siente sosa.
Aunque en los efectos especiales y prácticos el cierre de la trilogía se lleva las palmas, si bien sí hay ciertos errores que distinguen que Groot y Rocket son hechos por computadora, esta es la película de Disney/Marvel que mejor se ve en años. Gunn optó una mezcla casi perfecta de CGI y efectos prácticos, al punto que se le acaba de otorgar un récord Guinness por la mayor cantidad de aplicaciones de maquillaje/prostéticos creados para una única producción.
La fotografía de Henry Braham junto con la dirección de arte destaca tanto como en las primeras dos cintas, añadiendo una capa extra de extravagancia que es capaz de preocupar al espectador, sorprender y provocar risas y lágrimas.
El estilo de Gunn ya no es tan diferente e innovador como lo fue en su época, ya que todo Marvel y hasta otras productoras, se dedicaron a copiarlo, pero sigue sintiéndose carismático. El final es maravilloso, una despedida de Gunn a sus personajes que se que quedará en el corazón de los espectadores, es un final que revertirá toda expectativa de la publicidad y de los seguidores de la filmografía del director. Sí, puede resultar menos “impactante” de lo esperado, pero sin duda es emocional y hará a todos sacar una lágrima.
La película se siente más informal, menos de estudio, factor que le juega tanto a favor como en contra. No es la mejor de las 3, ese puesto sigue perteneciendo al volumen 1. Sin embargo, es una experiencia disfrutable que vale la pena ser vivida, una película de superhéroes que tocará en lo más profundo de cualquier espectador. La trilogía de guardianes se consagra como la más única del UCM, la que marcó un estilo en Hollywood que todos intentan copiar. Se entiende por qué nadie quiso el puesto de Gunn, el ADN de los guardianes está en su mente y en su alma, el nuevo universo de DC está en buenas manos. La película es un bello parque de diversiones que recuerda que en Marvel Studios deben dejar de expandir su universo y deben profundizar en él.
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
Luffy would be the most enthusiastic uncle to Sabo’s kid (or kids).
Actually, Luffy taking all his absurd niblings to movies and then getting pizza afterwards. That is the true endagme of One Piece.
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omarfor-orchestra · 11 months
Raga se fanno loro endagme c'è speranza
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prouvaireafterdark · 2 years
Is lestat endagme = Is the sky blue
God I know lol I'm really trying to not be an asshole about it because I'm sure there are newer fans who don't know and are anxious about it and I don't want to make them feel bad about asking questions but I am so sick of being asked that question, I feel like I need an FAQ at this point
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Also the core bit where alphys goes away for a while is superboring too and a adngerous bit where i might leave it fof because its also like right before mettaton and after mettaton its endagme Sorry just demonstrating my autism over her
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alexpllbenzo · 2 years
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ectojester · 11 months
You put “temporary A/B” in the additional tags, and not in the relationship section, so that people actually looking for that ship don’t get disappointed. You can also clarify that they break up quickly in another tag. “Endagme A/C” is also a commonly used tag.
Thank you!! I usually stick to very gen fics both in reading and writing so I have no idea what I'm doing lol
0 notes
Her eyes, the stars - Bucky Barnes x Reader (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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[I know, I am a ghost. Sorry guys. Enjoy.]
The reminiscence of a rose - the single flower that’s so impossible to hate, delicate and pretty, even when it stops blooming. Her voice could calm even the most chaotic oceans, always soothing with soft notes of comfort. Even her eyes could mesmerize the most soulless creature; her sweet face left him dreaming in heartache. On the nights his loneliness stung him harder than cheap liquor; he was always thinking of her. For he reveled in the memory of her heart placed on his hands. As he tried to get drunk on other people’s skin. Yet all that regret still burned his chest. And he realized that he once had the best. Since she loved his highs and lows. He thought about what he once held. He regretted leaving her. But she deserved more than his pettiness and demeanor.
She begged herself to stop loving him.She hated herself for all the mistakes she had made, all those wrong decisions - she blamed him for he made her vulnerable. He was the sun, never really committed to one planet, always dancing around the universe, with bright colors revealing themselves, leaving her in awe. Her heavy blues of night opened to reveal the chariot of the sun lighting up the sky with various shades of yellow and gold. The feeling was almost theatrical and the dramatic intensity was palpable. How could they end up in the same sky, when he was the sun and she was always so fond of the night? They were just celestial objects, trying to find the one perfectly still moment, so they could co-exist in harmony without worrying about nature's balance. That moment had passed them by, ignoring their desperate attempts to escape the chaotic force.She was a whole universe in motion - he had guessed that was why she seemed so tired lately...It must be an exhausting, yet beautiful thing to brush the orbits of all the universes she walked by. He had tried to stop thinking that he made her so unhappy. He couldn't. Instead, he tried to understand her a bit better than before, to get close to her, without hurting her. Again. She was no pawn in his game, she was clever and cunning - but just to hide her true self.
"You think you can define me, that I am a tick in just one box. Like my being is a door that a single key unlocks. But let me tell you something - something I figured out after you broke me. I have the universe inside, I hold an untamed ocean with a constantly changing tide. I'm home to endless mountains with tips that touch the sky, flocks of grand migrating birds and deserts harsh and dry. Please, don't tell me that you know me. That "this right here is what you are", trying to get an old and very dead version of me back. I am the universe in motion, for I was born from the stars" she was talking to him, trying to make a point, to seem sure about what she had become - but she was scared of her heart. Oh, the things it made her do. He wasn't taken aback, which surprised her. He was looking into her eyes, watching the soft colors of the sky fooling around with the dark strokes of her irises. It was true, her eyes held the stars. She closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the swirling feelings inside her. She felt every single cell of her body begging for her to forgive him - there was nothing to forgive, really, for he had done nothing wrong. It was her that could not - would not - handle things. She never saw herself in a relationship - so many obligations. She was not made for ballgowns and parties but for battlefields and saddles.
"I am yours, forever yours… and when the last star of the universe blinks silent, I will still be yours", his answer came naturally to him. It was the most sincere thing he had ever said. He knew her as a sea breeze, but now she met her as a hurricane. So he knew, she needed to be alone. She had been craving freedom so long and he had been blind. He was a liar- he lied to her, to the entire world, to his own self. He wasn't the Golden Boy, people made him to be. He had hurt her in ways he couldn't have imagined before. She softly smiled to his words, because she knew he was being honest. Once upon a time, everything was magical and they were found themselves walking through a chaotic paradise. The entire multi-universe had changed.
"I might have been too harsh, Stevie. Truth is that this, us, has turned to dust right after we were defeated. Five years now, we have been foolish enough to try and make things work. We have been lying to everyone, we want them to move on and be alright when I know that all those sleepless nights we have been thinking of a way to make everything as it was. I also know, and please do not try to deny it, that you are not mine. Not really, not entirely, not ever. For you, it's always gonna be Peggy. Accepting that, was the hardest thing I have ever done". His face twisted in a guilty way. Everything she had experienced for the first time, had been with him. It hurt her but she would move on, find someone else to make her feel alive again.
"I... I am sorry. I love you, you should know that. It's just. I can't shake the feeling… I am so sorry" he calmly apologized to her. He couldn't control his heart.
" And I love you. You can't unlove someone. You can, however, become just friends with them. I wouldn't want to lose you from my life. So... Hey dude" she tried to change the dark and painful situation into something less... 
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It all happened so quickly and slow at the same time. It was a disaster and a triumph. Everyone came back - well, not everyone. Once she laid eyes on Bucky, she ran like hell and almost knocked him down as she enveloped him in a bone-crushing hug. How she had missed him - her best friend, companion and well...it would take her a while to admit it but there were butterflies, even though she did push them away every time, convincing herself that it was nothing more.
"I missed you Jay, so damn much" was all that she managed to say before Steve called them to assemble. 
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They won. And they lost. All thanks to the amazing Tony Stark. After a horrific scene of Thanos wearing the gauntlet and snapping his fingers - only to realize that Tony had stolen them right on time - everyone's heart fell and crushed and burnt. Yes, Tony defeated Thanos but at what cost?
He had always been the only father figure she knew- if she thought that standing against him with the Sokovian Accords was devastating, this was torture.
When things slowed down, Steve looked at her for the first time in what seemed like a lifetime. Her porcelain-like skin was bruised, stained and twisted forming a pained mask, her hands were trembling and she was leaning against his best friend- why was this the first time he was noticing the look on Bucky's face? Why was this the first time he felt that his friend craved to be more than a friend to her? 
Life has a strange way of revealing her secrets, a dark sense of humor. It goes on, like a circular river, never-ending, never resting. After the simple ceremony to honor Tony's memory, she took a step back, asking for a few weeks off of the team to help Pepper and Morgan. All she wanted was to feel normal again. One more task before that though.
Seconds before Steve stepped into that platform to be teleported back in time, she called for him. He knew it and so did she. She had seen it in his eyes after they had mourn Natasha. In all honesty, she understood why - he deserved the life that was taken away from him, without asking him if he liked the alternative options. Bucky knew it. He knew it when he saw him on the blood-stained battlefield. He felt it in their hug. He also knew that she knew- he was the one both her and Steve had asked for help before Thanos. He was the one who swallowed his feelings for her and gave her a friendly shoulder to rest her head. "Thank you" Steve mouthed to her. She smiled, eyes covered in tears threatening to spill. "Go".And he was gone. Bucky gave her hand a gentle squeeze and she turned to face him. Unknown him, she had become aware of his feelings. And her own, slowly but steadily. "A soul that carries empathy is a soul which has survived enormous pain" she softly whispered as if she didn't want to be heard. He felt that she could read his mind. All those years ago, another Bucky had existed- one who flirted shamelessly with everyone. He had to get in touch with him if he wanted a chance with her, he thought, only to be proven wrong after a while. He just had to be himself. 
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She had finally realized that Steve and her were exactly like the moon and the sun- and their time together was an eclipse, a breathtaking phenomenon, a glimpse of what it could have been. A moment. And that was okay. She regretted nothing. It was perfect in its imperfection.
She found herself knocking Bucky's door, not knowing why. All she wanted was to see the stars but somehow when she was greeted by sliver blue eyes, the stars seemed inefficient. He was the night, she thought.
"Can I stay here for a while?"... because I am scared when I am alone? He opened up his door to let her get inside because he knew the part of the sentence that left unsaid. His room was warm with a serene view of the night sky. He knew that she loved to gaze the stars, how she would always complain that the moon was a hypocrite. But not tonight. She felt gravitated towards him which made him blush, thankful for the darkness. To say that he hadn't wished for a moment with her, it would be a lie. He was pulled towards her like a magnet and in all honesty, he didn't want to leave far away and get over her.
"Can't sleep?" he asked her in a hushed tone as he laid to his bed, eyes watching her every move. She let a tired chuckle and sat down next to him. He pierced her eyes and she felt naked - and she didn't mind. It was okay for him to see her in all her doomed glory.
"Jay, its past midnight and I’ve pretty much thought of all the words hoping to find something that can remedy this... I can try but my vocabulary falls short when it comes to describing the matters of my heart. My heart. Not yours - mine. I could fill pages about the likes and dislikes of your heart. What makes you tremble what softens you up. I know you like the back of my hand. I know your anger and I know your vulnerability. Vulnerability…. what does that even mean? I guess it happens when you finally take the leap to open up to one who might not ever see you the same again. I guess that your weakness is not supposed to be a different form of feeling when it comes to me. And it isn't. I guess that attachments don’t exist between the two of us. But it does. And I guess, well I guess, that I love you a bit more each day and bit less on the days you choose to ignore me. No, wait, that's a lie. And I know that this is way too forward and yes, he was, is, your best friend, and my ex, which can be a bit awkward -  but you know what? He made a choice, but not before I do. I had already fallen for you and if it's weird -" he did not let her finish. The words coming from hee mouth were burning fires inside his head, for years now. His lips were ever so gently upon hers. It almost didn't feel like a kiss.
In the end, everyone wanted to be like Icarus, hoping to fly high and soar far. Nobody was satisfied with their standing and kept pushing their limits. And that was human...  full of life, blinded, arrogant, wonderful... always falling in the end. But not every fall hurts. She landed softly on his lips, her hands caressing his face and his were holding her tight as if she was a dream and he would soon wake up.
He was the stars and she was the moon. Finally, it worked.
'From stars we came, to stars we'll return and in the middle is all we are'
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avengerwindgirl · 5 years
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In memory of all those who died in The Infinity Saga ❤😭
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ssvgawara · 5 years
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Yes, me too. On many, many occasions. There was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So, I went to pick up the snake to admire it, and he transformed back into himself and he was like, “Yeah, it’s me!” And he stabbed me. We were eight at the time.
— Thor, in Thor: Ragnarok
Requested by: @quxntumvandyne
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lazymmart · 5 years
Anyways I’m so happy that Morgan Stark is canon
I see lots of possibilities for the character and I just can’t wait to see more of her. She’ll surely grow up to be a powerful sassy girl, just like her father
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