mmidsay · 3 years
EnderMemiorSMP (Maze Runner AU)
A/N - I’m so sorry if I missed anyone I don't keep up to date with ender smp! (I only really watch remi’s pov i tried to ask questions and make it as accurate as possible!)
God my head, it smells of steel. I struggle to open my eyes as I feel the texture of the metal I’m laying on. It reeks, My body slowly let’s every sense come back. The last to return was my hearing, the banging of the chains almost impossible to miss yet moments ago It all sounded like nothing existed. 
I sat in the box for what felt like hours, I don’t remember anything about myself, that’s fucking terrifying. All I know is that my hair is shaggy and out of place then I’m used to I could tell by the uncomfortable and foreign feeling it brought, I’m a decent height and my voice is too quiet to hear with the chains rattling. 
What’s my name..
Where am I.. 
What is this..
I try to recall the people in my life and it all seems to have faded. I can smell the room but I can’t see the people, or why they’re there. The bright red and black hair gives a sense of friendship, the brunette seems as if they are proud of me? But what do I do? The memory fades more as I try to think about it. I felt like I was in hell, each memory I tried to recall slipped from me.
My memories are falling apart. I remember the brunette hair, and the- the uhm.. what is it.. as I think harder it slips even harder. The box halts hard and fast, sending me fast first into the ground.. for a moment I think the cage will finally open, but it doesn’t not for a while.
The top of the cage opens and the bright rays of sun hit my eyes.. My name is yuckles.. fucking yuckles? Really thanks mom for that one. Ugh I push myself up and someone jumps into the box.
Someone with a split dye of blonde and Brown hair appears in front of me.. “Day one greenie.”
I push myself trying to adjust to the sun's heat, the people around me are trying to help pull me up and out of the box, I look around for a minute and feel lost. This is not my home, I shifted to look at the looming stone walls before- Someone grabbed my shoulder, “hello greenie!” 
I nod towards them, “I feel it’s best if you come meet Alexa and Reggie before we do anything!” 
Who is this, who are the names. I’m so confused. “What’s your name?”
They turn to smile at me, “Names Bloo! I’m the keeper of the builders!” 
They look at me as if they're asking a question, “you want my name?”
They nod excitedly.
“Yuckles… at least I think?” It felt foreign coming off my tongue.
“Yuckles? Well alright shank! Let’s get you too Alexa so you can deal with that whole mess! Mess hall won’t fix itself!” Bloo smiles pushing me towards a shed
“Alexa! Reg! New greenie coming in!”
Two voices shout back in unison, “Let em in!” Bloo opens the door letting me in before it hits me in the back as they run away yelling “good luck!” As they go.
Alexa and Reggie told me they were the leaders and what I needed to know and what I didn’t need to question, I guess they could tell from my eyes I was curious.
“We’ll leave you with last months greenie Andrea”
I looked at them with confusion, they act as if I’m supposed to know who that is..
They seemed to get the memo, “go to the gardening area. You’ll see someone with bright pink hair, their name is remi.. they’ll be able to help you to remi.”
I nodded, asking one last question before I got to the door, “where are the gardens?” Alexa I believe follows me out and starts me off in the direction of the gardens. 
“I must be going now,” I nod as she talks, “See remi over there?” I look at the pinkette with a purple ribbon holding back their hair.
“Remi!” Alexa shouts from beside me
Remi looks up from the crops and raises her body to stand, you can see a younger person who was copying her movements, “Alexa! Hey!”
She shifts her eyes to me and then whispers to the person next to her then runs over to where we are.
“Hiya greenie! I’m remi” she mimics as if she was tipping a hat.
“Rem, this greenie is stuck with you until the doors shut.” Alexa pushes me forward towards remi before the turn around
“You got it boss!” Alexa starts walking in the opposite direction, remi wraps her arm around my shoulder
“I guess I basically have two greenies under my ranks!” Remi smiles as we walk back to the gardens
“Remi who’s this?” The person who was crouched down now standing with curious eyes.
“This is our new greenie but don’t you worry Andrea! You’ll still be called greenie.” Andrea sighs in defeat before smiles 
“I’m Andrea! I now have the privilege of calling someone greenie, so when you do remember your name I’m going to call you greenie anyway” Remi snickers lightly next to me.
“Just out of curiosity greenie what is your name?” Remi smiles as we walk toward the crops
“Yuckles I think? It doesn’t sound like a real name but it’s all I can remember.”
Remi smiles “whatever works, works. Is it cool if I call you, Yuck? Yuckles is too long.”
I nod before Andrea shouts out in laughter, “YOUR NAME IS YUCKLES OH MY GOD THAT IS SO FUNNY.”
They continue laughing until they see Remi’s glare. Remi is a bit smaller than Andrea and Significantly smaller than me, yet I would not fuck with her.
“I’ll be leaving the gardens a bit early today, so you will be with Andrea from dinner to sun down. They'll run through everything.” She smiles sweetly at me. Andrea nods their head.
Remi starts teaching me the basics of a gardener, constantly apologizing for the fact that I have to start as a gardener. They know everyone hates the job.
Eventually after enough remi gets up, “alright Kofi and Sky are back. I got to go, Andrea, be nice.”
Andrea smiles and shouts as Remi leaves, “No promises!”
I keep an eye on Remi as they walk over to a Tall strong and built black man wearing baggy clothes with a satchel across his shoulders and a shorter raven haired with a red hat with a notebook and a pale complexion smiling at Remi as she walks up to them both giving her a hug. 
They walk to a wooden structure before someone yells out. “DINNER FOR WORKING GLADERS! LETS GO!” The voice seems as far away as you can be in this area
“Okay come on greenie let’s go get dinner.”
We both walk to the mess hall, they guide me through the line. They smile at the people saying hello. They led me to sit down the the person who pulled me out of the box, another guy similar to the guy remi had run up to but significantly less built, and someone else with a brown curly hair and a black mask covering their face.
“Guys this is the new greenie!” They yelled as they sat down at the table pulling me along.
“Hello again Greenie!” The person with the split dye says to me as I place my plate down, after explaining and giving names of everyone at the table They then turn to Andrea, “Will Kofi,Sky and Remi be here soon?” Bright shrugs, “It’s always a toss up with them, I heard they’re mapping everything while Sky interrogates Remi about how they’re feeling. 
The mess hall door opens with laughter, The boy named Matt speaks “Speak of the devil. Hey Guys!”  Remi and Kofi come in and sit down, Sky walks to the food line grabbing three plates, I assume for themself and the other two. “Sky and Drell are probably gonna be a minute they haven't seen each other all day.” I pipe up, “Who’s drell”
“Sky’s sibling.”
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