#ending the main series is bittersweet for me these are my friends in the tv screen from 13+ years ago)
pop-punklouis · 2 years
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dnana-2809-blog · 4 months
heyy do u mind if return an ask that u sent me?
"what are your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them?"
how are you, btw? :)
Not, at all... I'm fine, thanks.
My favorite characters mostly change from time to time. But my top 3 have been the same in the last 4 years. Here they are :
1. Ash Lynx (Banana Fish)
He is an amazing character. Have been through a lot but still have kindness in his heart. He deserves all the happiness in the world. His relationship with his "good friend" Eiji is just something else. That is why, after the series ended, I search for the fics. This series is the reason I made ao3 account, to search for their happiness.
2. Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
She is strong, beautiful and a great leader. Watching her journey from a spoiled princess to an amazing future queen is a so great. Also one of the few m/f canon relationship that I love is between Yona and her bodyguard, Hak....
3. Wei Wuxian (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
The one who started it all and got me to BL is him. I was surprised when I know he got together (canon) with the ml. And then I read the other works by the same author, they are all amazing works. And I became a BL fan until now. Wei Wuxian is smart, kind, cheerful, mischievous, and people can't help but like him when getting to know him...
4. Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs)
I love him so much. He always try his best and try to see the good in everyone. Can't believe when I saw someone's hate in him. Like, how can you hate someone who already hate himself so much? Glad to see his developement as the story progress. Also, I'm surprise to find new otps (non canon mlm) when I start this series.
5. William J. Moriarty (Moriarty the Patriot)
As a fan of Holmes, of course I start watching/reading this series. And I can say that this is one of the best adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. The story and characters are all great. As I read, I'm surprise that my favorite is not Sherlock himself but William. He is just so kindhearted but willing to kill that part of himself for the greater good. Also, the relationship between William and Sherlock is special (that letter and bridge scene are a few of my favorite moments ever). Yes, I found new otps again from the series.
6. Merlin (BBC Merlin)
As new fan of this series (about 2 years), I'm glad I found it. Really love him, how he is kind hearted but can do cruel things if it's for his loved ones. His loyalty and bravery are just so him...And the ending, I did not see that coming. Well, it's me, of course there is a great bromance moments between Merlin and his prince/king, Arthur. Their relationship is so bittersweet (and why I search for their happiness in fics)
7. Patrick Jane (The Mentalist)
I've first watch the series in midde school. And he is the main reason for it. He is smart, unpredictable, mischievous, but deep down a kind hearted person. (Okay, now that I wrote it down, Jane is so similar to Wei Wuxian). Glad he can find his happiness in the end.
8. Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
Love her. Never got bored reading her story. My favorite from all Austen works. Now, I'm not really into m/f romance stories anymore, but this book will always have special place in my heart.
9. Maomao (The Apothecary Diaries)
The reason I got into the series is because of her. Love her personality, how dedicated she is to her hobby, and how she always use logic more than personal feelings. Now, I know I'm a minority here but I dislike JinMao ship. Like, I wish she can stay single and just focus on what she loves to do (I know it's romance and she will end up with Jinshi), but it's just my opinion.
10. Hinata Shouyou (Haikyuu)
How can I not love him. He is really just like his name (a sun). Because of his bright personality, he can made friends with anyone and also learn from them. There are times if it were most people, they'll give up. But not him, he always got back up again when falling. And it's great. Overall this series is inspiring and we can learn a lot from this. (Also, yes, I have at least 5 otps from this series, including Hinata with his rival/friend)....
Sorry for this long answer, hope you don't mind.
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scorbleeo · 9 months
TV Series Discussion: Supergirl
Season 6 (2021)
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Source: Google Images
The adventures of Superman's cousin and her own superhero career.
Source: IMDb (2015)
A Bittersweet End
I am going to start this out by saying I had no expectations for Supergirl Season 6. I might have watched all the previous seasons, but I was disappointed with the last or last 2 season(s). Although I adore Supergirl and the Super Friends, the plots were often average. Now thinking back, I can't even name a Supergirl villain that stuck to me.
That being said, this final season of Supergirl was much better than the previous seasons. It got me hooked onto the show and there were times when I was actually emotional. Although the villains were way below mid, the storylines were solid. And the action, I absolutely enjoyed it. Even the character developments were good. As a Supergirl season, season 6 was one of the better ones. As a final season, I believe it could have been better plotted.
Lets start with the villains. I'm not saying Nyxly was a marvellous villain but because of her existence and actions, it created several great storylines, especially the role it played into Kara's self-realisation, then development.
Lex on the other hand, his arc was so weirdly written. The Lex Luthor I was used to disappeared in season 6, for real. Him being in love really ruined his arc, when he could have gone down as one of the show's better villains. But, I like what the writers did with this character. I mean, people have tried to kill Lex, he lived. People have tried to incarcerate Lex, he walked away scott free. Other than the Phantom Zone, I doubt there would be another way to get rid of Lex once and for all.
As for Lillian. I hated her throughout all 6 seasons. I really did not like the idea of her redemption in the end but her redemption meant enlightenment for Lena. For that, I eventually accepted that there was a redemption arc for this infuriating woman. Perhaps, if her redemption was shown gradually through this last season, I might not have disliked the idea as much.
Through the entire season, I enjoyed more than I was bored. I liked more than I disliked. Unfortunately, there was something I seriously wished the writers never wrote down. What happened to William did not need to happen, or at least, not to him. It's not as if William's death meant the whole Super Friends was going on a revenge path, so why bring him back from being shot only to have him go permanently by being shot? He was the one character I constantly wished nothing happened to him since his first appearance...
Moving on to brighter topics, lets talk about Kelly. First thing first, that episode that was Kelly-centric? Wow. It was the first time Azie Tesfai impressed me. The way Tesfai portrayed Kelly in the episode, it was almost like I could feel everything Kelly was experiencing. Then came their wedding scene and I am never one for vows, not a romantic and could care less about wedding vows. However, Kelly's vows to Alex touched my heart. I really don't know if it's the words, Tesfai's acting, or the combination of both. Whatever it is, I finished Supergirl extremely aware of what a magnificent actress Tesfai is.
Next, Nia. Not only did Nia (and Dreamer) grow, Nicole Maines improved so much too. I never disliked Maines nor her character but the acting always felt a little awkward. Usually, I just let it go because if Nia is one awkward girl, Dreamer will be awkward too and thus the awkward acting. This last season proved me wrong because I still see awkward Nia but the acting very obviously improved. Completely off the tangent here but when Nia confronted Maeve? Atta girl! I loved it when Nia told her sister, she will not forgive her but she can give a second chance. That's the way, actually. How do people forgive without seeing how others handle their second chances?
Lastly, Kara's character arc. I have always loved it when Kara showed vulnerability. In this season, she's practically always vulnerable even when she's not actively attacked. It hurts to watch Supergirl lose hope so often but then the way the smallest things brought back some hope to her? Love it. The courage plot was something else too, something I did not see play out the way it did. As much as I loved it, I still don't know how I feel about the season ending with the world finding out Supergirl's identity.
After watching several Arrowverse shows consecutively, Supergirl was a nice end before a break from the Arrowverse TV shows. Although Kara and Mon-El are not endgame, I am still very happy that the finale brought back the old faces.
Rating: ★★★★☆
More Arrowverse here: Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 | The Flash Season 7
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makedonsgriva · 1 month
Hi again @makedonsgriva . If you don't mind me asking, can I ask, what are your top 7 favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series/etc) and your top 7 favorite ships (can be canon or non canon) from any media? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this questions before and if I ask too much.....
Hi @dnana-2809-blog !!! Thank you for the ask. I don’t mind answering your questions at all and you are always welcome to send more asks in my inbox ^_^
Top 7 favorite media (in no particular order)
1. Attack On Titan
I can never ever move on from this story. The plot twists??? The characters??? Zero fan service and filler episodes and being just straight to the point??? And the PLOT!?! HELLO??? THE PLOT IS SO GODDAMN GOOD????
Attack on Titan is truly a fantastic story about war, humanity, sacrifice and above all, love. On the surface level, it seems like every other shonen anime out there but its depth is truly incomparable. No media I’ve watched comes close to it.
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2. Captive Prince Trilogy
I think I read this series for the first time back in 2018-19 and it absolutely rocked my world??? I reread it almost every year now because holy shit??? I’ve never read a better enemies to forced allies to friends to lovers to divorced but forced allies to lovers to im gonna die for this man???
Also the plot??? CS Pacat knew how hard they cooked and ate with Captive Prince. The world building, the characters, the plot twists, politics, the drama??? I M M A C U L A T E.
I highly recommend it to everyone who has not read it but please check the trigger warnings for this trilogy before you start.
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(Pls let me know the artist yall so I can edit this and credit the artist!)
3. Carry On Trilogy
I don’t think I’ve ever been as emotionally attached to a series as I’ve been to Carry On. Like Simon, Baz and Penny were exactly who I needed as an awkward teen dealing with a lot of bs. I saw this trilogy being completed in front of my eyes. I can’t tell you how healing and rewarding it was for me to read Any Way The Wind Blows. 2020 was the most horrific, heartbreaking nightmare for me and I think a part of me healed when I read AWTWB in 2021. When I saw that Simon and Baz were going to be okay, I understood that I would okay too. It wasn’t going to be easy, but it would happen.
Sorry I think I got too personal but I just have so much love for this series and the way it showed healing and love and friendship. It’s so special to me ❤️
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4. Tian Guan Ci Fu
A very recent addition but I just know it’s going to be one of those series I’m going to spend the rest of my life loving. I’m such a sucker for stories that are, at the end of the day, about love. About knowing how vicious and shitty this world is but being kind is what makes all the difference. About learning from past mistakes and about making a future, no matter how late that future comes.
It also gave me Xie Lian. You guys don’t understand just how much I love Xie Lian. I can go to war for that man, okay. I can follow him through hell. I will protect that man with my life.
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5. The Good Place
It’s been a while since I watched this show but I do remember just how deeply it impacted me and permanently altered my brain chemistry.
The characters were all so unique and coming from such different backgrounds and with really interesting backstories. The growth we witnessed for them over the four seasons was phenomenal. Especially for Eleanor. And Michael. God I fucking love Michael.
Everything about this show was top notch. I think I will need to make a whole separate post talking about the philosophy of this show. I think this is one of those shows that everyone needs to watch at least once in their life.
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6. Fleabag
Fleabag will always be superior. The main character is one of my all time favorites and I think it tells a really great, bittersweet story of coming to terms with your own flaws. It’s a story about life but not the entirety of it because we just get to witness a very small portion of Fleabag’s life. Her mistakes are colossal but her life is too big to be defined by it. Yes she is a raging cunt but yes I love her to death and her story too. The humour, the fourth wall breaking, the emotions… all of it make fleabag the amazing show it is.
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7. Yuri On Ice
My first anime ever. The feelings it gave me is incomparable to any other. News of its movie cancellation was beyond devastating.
(As I type it out, the theme song is playing in my head..)
I can’t begin to emphasise just how important this anime is for queer representation in mainstream anime because while this anime is about ice skating, yes, above all it’s about love. How it makes us better, how it brings out the best version of ourselves, how it sustains and pushes us forward. And that love just so happens to be between two men. It’s just so heartwarming.
It was so so important for me as a young queer person still struggling with their identity and wanting to fit in. Yuri On Ice was so important for me and still is.
(Fuck I miss Yuri and Viktor)
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As this post has already got too long, I will answer your ship question in a separate post! I will make sure to tag you when I do :)
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epersonae · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @yerbamansa, thanks!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
169 😅 150 of which are for The Adventure Zone (I wrote a LOT of small fic for TAZ, and just a lot of TAZ fic in general)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
604,338, which remains absolutely wild to me. I hit the half-million mark this year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Our Flag Means Death, but previously The Adventure Zone, and I have one Star Trek (TOS movies) fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sea of Love (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) (6,697 words)
Phoenix Fire (The Adventure Zone (Podcast)) (2,031 words)
Commit to the Bit (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) (2,471 words)
Dinner & Conversation (The Adventure Zone (Podcast)) (826 words)
I have begun to long for you (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) (4,185 words)
Yeah, ok, some fun reunion porn for the big fandom and a collab with two pretty popular writers for the small fandom make sense for that top two in particular.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, especially since I don't get that many, and I love getting comments so much that I just want to share my appreciation. Sometimes the spoons are low, sometimes I don't know what to say except "thanks!" and if someone just commented on several chapters I might not do that for all of them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, Phoenix Fire is the Worst Ending, aka the destruction of the entire universe, plus unbearably sad between the main characters, so yeah.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I do have quite a bit of fluffy fic (Commit to the Bit comes to mind, there's also a Fantasy Costco Kravitz/Taako that's very sweet), but I immediately thought of for the benefit of all the broken hearts, just because it takes an incredibly bittersweet ending of the fic it's fixing and says FUCK THAT, how can everyone get a happy ending instead?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've never gotten any, even managed to avoid the twitter wank that WFU got when I wrote fics of it! (long ago, I did get some vagueblogging about some stuff in my TAZ fic, but nothing ever addressed directly at me)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
That is where I started and why I started (my first smutty fic is pretty bad imho but it was popular, relatively speaking, because for a bit there it was the only unlocked smut for that pairing); my original rarepair was M/F bi4bi in a complicated polycule, and so there's some them+others works in there. (readers of for the benefit of all the broken hearts are nodding along like "ok this tracks") beyond that, I'm just going to say go look at my work.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Is for the benefit of all the broken hearts (and the rest of that series) a crossover??????? Like I'm legitimately staring into space thinking about the boundary line between modern AU and RPF and........ HUH.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
183 thousand words in a series: the only life you could save, with my beloved Ryn, when we were "just friends" - started as our attempt to co-write a reconciliation between Taako and Lucretia, and spun out into an entire timeline with themes spanning before the Stolen Century all the way into post-canon. Some pieces we wrote separately, much of it we wrote together. Even the last piece, which I published after Ryn died, includes a section that they wrote, about Taako trying to cope with Lucretia's death.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Probably Mulder/Scully lol, tho I don't know if I've ever read any fic of them????
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
One of my very first TAZ fics was a Hurley/Sloane backstory fic that was going to be basically a beat-for-beat retelling of The Fast and the Furious (oh, I guess that's also sort of a crossover?), but I only ever wrote the first chapter. I would love to write it at some point, because I think it would be fun as hell.
I'd also love to finish my TAZ Amnesty fic, sweetness follows, which is friends-to-lovers post-canon Minerva/Duck.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character voice, I think. Possibly a stupid depth of canon knowledge for whatever the canon is, and I think I have a knack for figuring out how to reincorporate those details. Honestly, it's hard for me to say "oh these are my strengths and weaknesses", or at least today I'm having trouble pinning that down.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Punctuation Pokemon, or rather, my sentences do get very tangly. I find endings really tricky, I've done a lot of work thinking through how to stick the landing. (This is one of the ways in which Ryn continues to live in my head, because they could always spot when I hadn't quite made it.)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Alas my Spanish (high school and college) is too rusty to even try, and I don't know any other languages.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Adventure Zone, although I wrote quite a bit of Agatha Christie pastiche in junior high, and a lot of Anne Rice influenced original fiction in high school and college.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I love a lot of my fic, it's fun to go back and look and say "oh that!", and The Reckoning Arrives is up there, of course, because I loved writing it, and it saved my life. ("she's survived the impossible before" got me out of my marriage and 2 years later got me through the hospital. "you're here, so be here" got me through what came after that.)
But it does have to be for the benefit of all the broken hearts - she lives in my head, still, and I feel incredibly proud of all the work I put into it, the technical work, the emotional work.
Not tagging anybody, but PLEASE! if you feel like talking about your writing, do it!
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kaantt · 9 months
@kabbal and @belphegor1982 tagged me in this years ago and since I'm finally kinda coming back on tumblr I'm finally doing it
How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 58 works on AO3 : 50 on my main account (all of them being fics for the Kaamelott fandom) and 8 on an other account that I use for non-Kaamelott fics. I might create a third account for my fics in written in english.
What's your total AO3 word count?
Boy oh boy 565 732 words in total.... Which is longer than Tolstoï's War and Peace... In just three years of writing... Terrifying
What fandoms do you write for?
I don't write a lot this days... But my main fandom is the french TV Show Kaamelott with 50 fics and I would say that my other big fandom is The Three Musketeers (book and 1961 movie versions)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
ἔραμαι : (Kaamelott) A collection of very short fics that I wrote in response to promts that were sent to me on tumblr.
ἀλέξω : (Kaamelott) My main fic for the Kaamelott fandom that I need to get beck to writing. It's a retelling of the events that happened between Livre VI and KV1.
καιρός : (Kaamelott) A fic written for 2022 Fictober. A collection of one shots with many pairings (romantic and platonic).
Ουλές : (Kaamelott) A fic written for the fandom's secret santa (2020) about the ship Arthur/Venec.
The ballad of the white lady : (Kaamelott) A fic written for the fandom's secret santa (2022) about the ship Arthur/Guenièvre.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes I always respond to comment, I find them motivating and if people took the time to leave me a sweet message, the least I can do is to respond.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A child's evening prayer : (Kaamelott) yeah it's not a fun fic at all, it's just angst through and through
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm more of a bittersweet ending type of writer, but the end of my fic Crimes Célèbres is quite happy.
Do you get hate on fics?
Never did and hope I never will...
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do write smut, it's quite fun to write I think. I discovered recently that I was really into "erotic letters", it's a really fun and original way to write smut.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do write crossovers ! My girlfriend and I are writing about the Three Musketeers but we mix them with Angélique, Cyrano de Bergerac, Le Capitaine Fracasse and other works happening in the seventeenth century.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not an entire fic but I found parts of my fics / some paragraphs in an other author's work... I asked them to remove them but they just blocked me so I don't really know the end of it.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No ! I actually translate theater plays (professionaly) but I'be never translated a fic or had a fic translated.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes ! I'm writing a western inspired fic for the Kaamelott fandom Le Bon, la Brute et le Friand with my friend @kabbal but we kinda stoped working on it (maybe one day...) and my gf @aramielles and I are writing a series together
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't really have an all-time favorite, I have one for each fandom that I'm a part of but I can't chose between my top ships of every fandom.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My fics ἀλέξω and Le second because I'm not really into the fandom anymore but I really like this fics and I do hope to finish them some day...
What are your writing strengths?
I like to think that I'm pretty good at character studies and descriptions
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not great at writing dialogues, it's not awful but it's not great, they are always too much "written" if that makes any sense...
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it can both serve the plot and the style but I think you need to be fluent in the languages you use for it to be done well enough.
First fandom you wrote for?
It was Doctor Who but I've delated the fic and no one will ever find it (I'm not even sure that I still have a copy on my computer)
Favorite fic you've ever written?
Crimes Célèbres (Les Trois mousquetaires), I'm very found of the epistolary novel genre and was very eager to write a fic in this style, I like the plot, the research I've made and it was a gift for my girlfriend so...
I'm also very proud of my fic Andrew's Tales (Philadelphia 1993) that I wrote for a very dear friend's birthday, it's inspired by operas and greek mythology lore
Tagging @aramielles
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ladytp · 1 year
Show Off Tag
One of my earliest friends in fandom, creative and magnificent @supernovadragoncat, tagged me in this meme; a show off dare for fanfic writers. Something most of us are hesitant to do unless ‘forced’, so thanks for the tag! 😊
The Rules: Post the 5 fics you are most proud of then tag 5 people.
I chose deliberately fics from different fandoms I have written, as all of them had a special meaning to me at the time.
1.      This Time, We'll Do Better (A Song of Ice and Fire, Sansa Stark/ Sandor Clegane)
This was my “magnum opus”, a culmination of my desire to write a longfic with various side plots alongside the main story, with adventures, events, ups and downs – and using a devious theme of time-traveling to allow Sansa to do stuff that might not be believable in the strictly canon setting… It took exactly two years to write and post and it was all fun!
2.      The Triangle (’A Song of Ice and Fire’, Sansa Stark/Sandor Clegane/Jaime Lannister)
A bit like above, also a longfic but written much earlier when I wanted to explore a topic that had long fascinated me: the Arthurian love triangle. So I did scratch that itch and it was extremely satisfying!
3.       Jumping from the Ropes (’A Song of Ice and Fire’, Sansa Stark/ Sandor Clegane)
My only modern fic – set in a professional wrestling world that I followed avidly at the time. I didn’t think I would have enjoyed writing modern fic as much as did (as required by a fic exchange prompt) - and even continued it with a follow-up sequel! However, I think that might have been it about modern fic for me...
4.       Seven Autumns With or Without You (’Washington’s Spies,’ Benjamin Tallmadge/Caleb Brewster)
Hmmmm, I seem to have a penchant for sprawling fics… This too is a story covering the whole lifetime and the full love story of its central characters in the midst of American Revolutionary War. Sweet and bittersweet – that is my jam!
5.       To The Ends Of This Earth (’Our Flag Means Death’, Edward ‘Blackbeard’ Teach/Stede Bonnet)
This TV series blew me over like it did so many others – what a breath of fresh air and what an absolutely amazing love story! So I just had to write something about it, starting with ‘3 times when’ and then taking it to an AU direction. This is also my latest fic - how time flies...
I miss writing fic, but increased work responsibilities and stresses have kind of come in the way... However, I know of others who have had a lull and then started writing again, so I am hopeful that I will too, eventually!
I tag @weshallflyaway, @amplifyme, @ownsariver, @littlefeatherr and @enchi-elm – and of course anyone who wants to do this!
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zoyaofthegardvn · 2 years
little known fact, i am a huge the walking dead fan. it's the first tv show i ever got into (i was 9 when it premiered!) and one of the very few shows i ever watched on a weekly release basis.
i remember, up until season 8 when i stopped watching, i literally had never once in over 8 years missed an episode. i was seated at 9pm every sunday evening when it released.
my whole family sat around to watch it together, but we all stopped when they killed carl because that was just unforgivable, atrocious writing that we could not look past.
we tuned in for rick grimes' last episode, and for michonne, but we never watched the show in earnest after season 8.
i did, however, tune in to the finale last night. it was a bit bittersweet, now that i have grown up so much, i had a watch party with a group of friends rather than my family being together (people have moved out, moved on).
while watching it, it was just a tad disappointing because it really wasn't the walking dead for me. the walking dead died with carl grimes.
the camera angles, the filter, the camera quality, the characters, they just aren't what i fell in love with. i miss the grain, the hazy look, the lowkey-ness of it, the tight knit cast of characters. i miss the original opening credits. i miss rick grimes more than anything.
but, nevertheless, i was actually really impressed with the series finale. i cried. A LOT. the performances, specifically from connie, kelly, magna, yumiko, and luke in that first act of the episode... wow. i was a puddle of tears. i hardly knew those characters, but the walking dead has a phenomenal, talented cast.
and rosita, my love :( full on sobbing mess. she deserved better. she deserved to live forever with her baby girl that she fought so hard for. she deserved to go swimming, in the summer, with her bestie, eugene. a beautiful, powerful performance from christian serratos. rosita espinosa is a walking dead icon, one of its best characters. she deserved to make it to the end. that was a raw, heartbreaking end to her story.
and i dont know if i can put my love and emotions during that very final scene into words. rick grimes, my beloved. one of my all time favorite characters, the first character i ever stanned, a character i will always hold so close to my heart. you cannot have the walking dead without rick grimes.
i was convinced that neither rick or michonne would make an appearance. i should have known that andrew and danai wouldn't let the show end without one more epic scene.
i screamed, burst into even more tears, and had the body high of a lifetime when i got to see rick grimes on my screen again.
perfect ending to the finale, perfect final monologue, pitched in from the entire cast, finished by michonne and rick. the beautiful montage of all the past, iconic characters. the nods to all who built the walking dead and made it as incredible as it was. seeing glenn, carl, beth, hershel, and tara grace my screen again... it was a beautiful final few minutes to a show i will always, always, always love.
rick grimes has, what i consider to be, the most epic, intense, profound character arc of all time. i've loved him since season 1, and i'll follow his path through the walking dead universe with no hesitation.
rick grimes went from believing "we are the walking dead" to believing "we're the ones who live."
rick grimes, there is no character quite like you!
thank you to andrew lincoln for his flawless portrayal of one of the most badass main characters to ever exist in television history.
the walking dead changed, for the worse. but, that finale was truly a love letter to what it used to be. it was incredible. im so sad it's over, that it couldn't end during its peak, but i cannot wait to see rick grimes and michonne grimes back on my screen, next year.
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panlight · 3 years
okay so i say this as someone who loves twilight so much and has been a fan pretty much since the series was originally released: have you read any other contemporary vampire romances that actually live up to twilight’s potential? i mean twilight has so many great themes it never follows through on (the cullens backstories and the general lore, the dark “uncontrollable” side if vampirism, the issues of agency and morality etc etc), do you have any recs for vampire novels that actually deal with these themes well?
I haven’t really.  Every vampire book, movie or TV show never gets it exactly how I want it, which I suppose means I have to eventually write that I want myself. The nerve. 
The vampire thing I was super into before Twilight was the short-lived CBS show Moonlight, and while there were definitely things about that lore and world-building that bugged me too, I was obsessed with it. It only lasted for one season and I can’t say that it was like, good, but it was enjoyable? Like with Twilight, I wasn’t personally invested in the central romance (come to think of it was kind of a love triangle although it was signaled so clearly that the two leads would end up together that the third person in the triangle was more of an afterthought) and the main character whined a bit too much about being a vampire, especially since the lore of this world is not that bad. Sunlight can kill them but only in large doses--perfectly fine to walk to and from your car or whatever, you might just feel a little uncomfy/ill. He had a way of getting human blood from contacts in the morgue, so no killing. He can sleep (in a freezer, but . . .). He has a best vampire friend. Thirst isn’t described in the painful, suffering way it is in Twilight (until BD when I guess Bella’s not in constant pain abstaining from human blood). So when he complained about what a monster he was and how he hated himself I rolled my eyes, just like with Edward, but Edward almost felt more justified because Twilight vampirism is ‘worse’ imo and also he’s 17 and this guy is 30. 
That sounds like I hated it but I was so obsessed with it. But again, it’s like with Twilight--it’s not about whether it’s “good” or whether I “like” it, it’s about me being interested in it. It was compelling even if kind of cheesy. And it ended after only one season and that season was mucked up by the writer’s strike so it has a similar feel of “there’s POTENTIAL here that wasn’t realized” like with Twilight. 
For books I’ve found some of the most compelling stuff in short stories. There was one about a vampire photographer. He had a human wife and he wasn’t the Dracula, monster-y type of vampire, just kind of the “vampires live among us” type but he was haunted by the desire to take a photo of the sunrise and that’s what the story was about and it remember it being really lovely and sad. I can’t remember the author or which anthology it was in but someday when I have time at work (librarian!) I’ll try to track it down again. 
That’s what I want from vampires romance. I want it bittersweet. Mostly tragic and sad, with a little bit of hope and love to take the edge off. Twilight seemed to offer that until BD pulled the rug out and was like: NOPE this is a fairy tale romance and/or a superhero origin story!
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004 // slice-of-life essentials
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Another genre that I enjoy watching is the slice-of-life genre. It just feels good and simple to watch these kinds of dramas or series and grow closer to the characters. There are times when you can relate to one of the characters which makes you form a closer bond to them. Sometimes, you just enjoy watching the characters’ interactions and their day-to-day life. However, this kind of genre usually leave us with bittersweet endings of huge change or character separation after learning valuable life lessons for characters to develop even more after the separation. Here are some slice-of-life dramas and series that I personally enjoyed re-watching when I miss the characters.
1.     Friends (1994)
With over 10 seasons, Friends is one of the series that is easy to watch and each episodes do not usually link with each other so you randomly pick an episode and watch them whenever you feel like it. The chemistry between the casts are so unbelievable and I especially love the friendship between Joey and Chandler. I personally feel like I can relate to each of the characters. For example, I relate to Chandler due to his fear of commitment and sarcastic humor, Joey because he funny-stupid and I’m not-that-funny-stupid too, Monica because she is an organizing and cleaning freak and I am like that too, Rachel because she is career-driven and a shopaholic, and also Phoebe because she is so weird and I am weird like her too HAHA
However, I feel like I can’t relate to Ross the most idk I just feel like we have different value and mindset but yeah, he’s okay I guess. I just love their dynamic and friendship altogether and I aspire to find a friend group like theirs too and just chill at Central Perk everyday. Not to mention, the mid to late 90s outfits in Friends is just so pretty. I especially love Monica’s and Rachel’s outfits so much! Definitely a go-to TV series to me where I can watch it light-heartedly
2.     Modern Family (2009)
Modern Family is one of my favourite series too with the slice-of-life genre. It just feels so good to watch the characters grow and develop through every season and I felt so empty when the series ended last year. I will definitely miss the Dunphy family, Lily’s sassy sarcastic attitude and Gloria! I honestly love all the characters in Modern Family and they all have their good and bad which is what makes them human. While watching the series, you’ll definitely find a family member who you could personally relate to a lot and in my case, it would be Jay and Lily. I also love the chemistry of the casts and all the casts just fit the role they play so perfectly. I really like Gloria and Phil’s scenes together and Lily with anyone in general.
3.     Hospital Playlist (2020)
Another Korean drama you can watch on Netflix is Hospital Playlist, a slice-of-life drama that revolves around five doctors and their day-to-day life. I just love the friendship between the characters so much and with each episodes ending with nostalgic Korean songs sung by their band. This drama is really heartwarming, and it does not just revolve around the main characters but also of the other doctors and interns working in the hospital and the patients that visit the hospital too. Again, the chemistry between the casts are just amazing and I wished there were more seasons for this drama. Through the drama, you will see many character development and unexpected romance between characters too. Altogether, it is just an easy to watch drama and I will definitely recommend this to people who enjoys watching the slice-of-life genre.
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cyberfairyblog · 4 years
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Why Jillian Sucks
Hi, welcome to Odyssey Mystery Hour! I'm your host @gritsandbrits and today I'll be talking about a hot topic in the AIO fandom! Wanna know the tea? Keep on reading!
In the weeks I started getting back into the radio series, the newer episodes have started to irk me, mostly because of one of the more annoying additions: Jillian. Marshall. 😬😬😬
Even though I ship Jason with my self insert OC this not going to be about her. There's a lot of reasons why I do NOT like the idea of Jillian x Jason becoming a canon thing on the show. I hope to describe these feelings as best I can.
Who is Jillian you might ask?
Well to put it simply, Jillian is what happens when a Soccer Mom and a TikTok boyfriend mate and spawn an unholy baby and name them Rachel Berry. Out of the aspects of Nu!Odyssey I dislike, Jillian is the one thing I truly despise. Thankfully I've met fans who share the exact sentiment! 😁😒
Double-N Annoying, Double-O Nincompoop
Making her debut in 2018, Jillian is described as lively and upbeat, if a little high strung and immature; the perfect recipe for Kid Appeal! Before she moved to Odyssey she lived in different cities and worked nineteen jobs before becoming roommates with Connie and her sister Jules.
Now this is actually a fairly interesting set up: a new character struggling to find purpose only to discover it in a quaint small town. But as it turns out her going through that many jobs seems to be more than just struggling to find purpose.
When I first saw her design my thought immediately went to the smarmy classmates I went to school with.
We're introduced with this iconic line: "Hi!! I'm Jillian Marshall, double-L Jillian, double-L Marshall! It's so nice to meet you!"
With that one sentence I knew I was about to die.
The following episode has Jillian bumbling through every job interview much to Connie's duress after which she conveniently ending up working at Triple J Antiques...the same place Jason works!
A little backstory on Jason: he is the adult son of John Whittaker, one of the show's main character, and a bit of an Ensemble Darkhorse. He was introduced as a secret agent meant to bring action and intrigue into the show. He was set up as a charismatic and reckless sort of guy clashing with the calmer Jack Allen. After the Green Ring Conspiracy Saga, Jason officially retired from James Bonding and settled down to work at the Allen's antique shop.
Given his immense popularity there's understandable concern for how he is written and who he gets paired up with. So what does that have to do with Jillian.
Well, the idea of Jillian working at the same exact place as Odyssey's resident bachelor and calling him cute raises a few eyebrows.
"B-but Grits all she did was call him cute! You're reaching too far into this!"
Am I? Look I know this wouldn't be much of a big deal too but that is a subtle tactic the writers threw in to get the cogs turning for Jillison. Jason is clearly uninterested and even implied to dislike her. Jillian bemoans this but Connie reassures her that that's not the case. But hey at least she called him cute so OF COURSE she's going to end up being his love interest!
To me removing a character's core trait to justify a romance means you do NOT know how to actually write a compelling romance. It's trite, it's forced and painful to listen to.
It's also obvious she's a replacement for Bernard, given they have similar personalities and her brief stint on TV (which she also failed at lol). But whereas Bernard was actually endearing, Jillian seems more of a cliche womanchild with zero self awareness and tact. No actual depth, just a personality that is incredibly dumbed down and even insulting. Seriously they made her the dumb blond stereotype in an era where we should've moved on from that! 🤦
Did I mention she goes to church?
Yep she's gonna be one of those Christians.
Literally Loveless, Literally!
Oddly enough the narrative frames this as a rivals to lovers thing, where Jason is both the charismatic friendly guy and the super uninterested Straight Man. The constant twisting the turning makes him go OOC. See we know he's fit better as the former because that goes in line with his canon personality. But when they make him the latter he just comes off as unnecessarily mean. This is turns frames Jillian as someone we should pity: "Oh the attractive male doesn't like me because I went into his office without permission!!"
Wouldn't it make more sense for Jillian to be the one uninterested in a romance since her focus in to find a job/better purpose and romance might distract her? That would make a fun subplot...IF SHE WASN'T OBNOXIOUS!
A pattern I noticed and several fans pointed out: Jason's previous love interests were consistent in that they were strong minded women who challenged him in different ways. Their personalities bounced off creating a fun dynamic that was entertaining to see. Even though they didn't end up with him, you can still see and hear and feel their chemistry which is my goal for Jason x OC. Tasha doesn't make Jason OOC & they had a bittersweet arc, so their interactions were organic. Monica only made him OOC because she was a villain actively manipulating him. So again that worked in terms of story and led to Monica's redemption if my memory serves.
However, Jillian's dynamic is not that fun to listen to. You can feel her annoying Jason through the airwaves. She's strong but only in the sense of feeling something hard underneath your back laying on the bed and realizing that's just your earbud. She's vibrant yes but what else? She doesn't have any unique traits to contrast Jason, and any attempt at a contrast would mean making him act out of character. Adding her bumbling clumsiness and annoying voice, Jason would get tired of her very quickly. He's the type to go for people to have intelligent conversations with, not make him lose braincells. She could very well bring out the worse in him, it'll be an unhealthy relationship.
Here's a tidbit worth mentioning: the VA for Jillian actually auditioned with Jason's VA Townsend Coleman. Now that is big ass red flag right there! No hate towards the actress, just throwing that out there. There's also a facebook page dedicated to Jillison. Typical FB stupidity ramped up to eleven, or AIO fans who see something in Jillian; or at least THINk they see something worthwhile in her.
It doesn't help the writers keep insisting that these two go well together. The audience knows they do not work well as a pair but the narrative keeps insisting they are anyways. I recall an episode that had them pretend to be married while undercover and it was bad. Like REALLY humiliating to see Jason put in that position. He also told her to shut up much to my joy because she could NOT stop being irritating for five minutes. Alas the show still tries to justify Jillian being the Perfect Woman for Jason when she's anything but. And not even endearingly imperfect.
Follow Up
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These tags I wrote on one of the AIO posts describes how I feel about Villain Marshall and the Jillison coupling as a whole. It just wouldn't work because Jason needs someone that can actually CHALLENGE him, have their own personality that can bounce off his (without being forced), and most importantly DOESN'T AGGRAVATE THE FANDOM!!
I have not met a single person anywhere that say they like Jillian. It's a different story apparently on the Club App - they like her for reasons I'm too cowardly to find out. But no, she sucks as a character. She makes a annoying friend, and is not a good addition to the show, much less a good love interest.
The only good thing she brought us are the nicknames we gave her 😌
That's all for now thank you for tuning into the Odyssey Mystery Hour. Next week I'll be talking a bit more about my OC Vanessa and her role in the world of Odyssey! Goodbye and make sure to lock your doors to prevent Jillian from coming in!!
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stephkaylor · 4 years
FAVES & FAILS: #1 (Teen Wolf)
I’ve decided to do this questionnaire when a show/book series/movies where I answer these questions with fun gifs too (its Tumblr, what did you expect?), if you want more info, the original idea post with links to each of my completed lists is here ⚡️. A bunch of my faves have already ended so getting all of these out will take a minute, but I’m aiming to post a new one twice per week. 🤞🏻Anyway, enjoy!! OH!! ALSO, I’ll be discussing plot elements in this list so...SPOILER ALERT!!
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HANDS DOWN, no question about it! He was the soul of the show, and funny, and so incredibly human on a show full of the inhuman, and that was what made him so integral.  Anyway, I could go on forever about how much I love Stiles, but here’s a gif:
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There isn’t really a male that makes me want to punch something, so good for the writers, I guess?
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I really want to say Allison but it HAS to be Lydia, hands down! Her character development from a girl pretending to be vapid and shallow and who hid her genius so she could “fit in”, to a strong, powerful, confident woman secure in who she really is and the power inside of her (figuratively AND literally, lol), this girl is the real MVP.
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This was hard because there are several female characters that made me want to throw my laptop out of the window.  The short list is Kate Argent, Allison’s mom... I could go on... but Monroe’s systematic attempt to wipe all supernaturals out of Beacon Hills and then maybe the rest of the world gave me fucking high blood pressure and a rage issue. I don't care how “scared” you are, killing a kid who hasn't done anything wrong just because they are different than you is some fucked up, borderline genocidal bullshit. And she survived the finale!!? Like I had to deal with her self-righteous smirky attitude and you didn't even have the decency to punch her in the face and let me watch?!? Rude.
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I badly want to say Allison again here because I love and miss her tons. But she died protecting her family and friends and I believe that she is happy wherever she went afterward.  Watching Aiden die in his twin brother’s arms I don’t know who I felt the worst for.  The boy dying, or his brother who now has to live without him... I’m gonna go cry now, brb.
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Luckily she was not a regularly appearing character, but when she showed up it was always “for revenge” and I'm like...can we just...not this season? I was having a lovely time and then you showed up with your petty anger for whatever fucking shit that happened in, like season one.  Like, honey... if it’s been so long since you’ve been relevant that I have to google what you’re upset about because I have honestly forgotten...maybe it’s time to let that shit go.  Kindly fuck off now, please...
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Like, don’t get me wrong, he’s great and I loved when he was on the show, but I feel like some people think he carried the show and it wouldn't survive without him.  Well, surprise! because he went away after season 4 and I still think some of their best shit came in season 5 and the beginning of season 6.  
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Um, he was basically Scott’s druid emissary and he got no recognition for it.  He saved all of the main pack members’ lives at least once.  Also he didn't make Stiles pay for the windows, so he’s apparently not an asshole. 
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OVERHYPED SHIP: Scott and Malia
I feel like they had to adjust the final season A TON because of Dylan’s injury and Kira not coming back and I think the writers panicked when they didn't know who to put Scott with (because our leading man could never not have a girlfriend, *gasp* THE HORROR!) because Lydia needed to be with Stiles and I think they picked Malia because she was basically the only one left...I was never into it.  In fact, when my friend texted me after we watched the episode where they get together, my response back to her was literally “meh 🤷🏻‍♀️”.
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UNDERHYPED SHIP: Allison and Isaac
It would’ve been so nice to see where that relationship went.  Don’t get me wrong, had she lived, I would’ve wanted Allison to end up with Scott.  But I loved that the show was willing to say that it is okay to fall in love more than once in your life.  Sometimes the shows aimed at a younger audience have a tendency to act like your first love has to be the one you’re with until you die and that’s just not realistic. It was nice that the writers didn't box these characters into that mold because it gave them more depth as characters. 
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FAVORITE SHIP: Stiles and Lydia
I don’t know how to explain how much I love this pairing.  Like, from the beginning he saw her for how amazing she was and he supported her as she came into her powers and then she was always there making sure that someone was taking care of him when he was taking care of, literally, everyone else, and then when he disappeared SHE KNEW something was wrong nearly instantly, and ‘remeMBER I LOVE YOU’ I need to stop before this run-on sentence goes on forever.  ALSO they’re canon official, which never fucking happens for my ships so I’m fucking excited, sue me.
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His backstory was well-developed and deep, he was clear with his goals, he actually executed said goals in a logical and timely manner, he was a fucking ALPHA OF ALPHAS, nuf said. 
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Hands down, the most heartbreaking moment on the show, and I will fight anyone who comes at me with a different opinion. Because like--she was smiling when she was stabbed because she had figured out a way to help her friends and then she died in Scott’s arms and told him she loved him even though they weren’t together she still loved him and he still loved her, and I truly believe that she had zero regrets when she died, and how bittersweet is that???!  But Scott couldn't take her pain because it didn’t hurt anymore, and Lydia had to feel her best friend die and she screamed Allison’s name and if you are not hurting right now are you a monster???!?!
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FAVORITE STORYLINE: Eichen House Escape/Dread Doctors in Season 5
It was hard to pick between the Dark Druid storyline in season 3A, but the Eichen rescue/Lydia learning how to be a BAMF Banshee from Meredith while she was catatonic (ALSO ‘Stiles saved me’ I AM DEAD!!!), and the whole la bête du gévaudan thing was great, and reuniting the pack after Theo had royally fucked it up earlier that season, it was all just superb! *chef’s kiss*
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STORYLINE WE COULD’VE DONE WITHOUT: Like, the whole second half of the last season, TBH
It was a petty, counterintuitive, and just garbage. The monster was dumb, Monroe is a royal twat (as I stated above), and it didn't have a conclusion.  Like, the fuck? This isn't Game of Fucking Thrones you guys do not need to leave every season finale with so many loose ends it make people want to throw their laptops off of a cliff into a vat of hydrochloric acid.  And it was the LAST SEASON so there’s no hope of fixing this bullshit storyline. ugh, kill me now. 
BIGGEST PLOTHOLE: Scott’s pretty selective “True Alpha” powers
They, like, kind of tried to pass it off as it taking a ton of energy so he can’t always do it all the time.  But he got through a mountain ash barrier to save Deaton and activated his True Alpha but then couldn't get into Eichen to get Lydia out because of the mountain ash...? oh and also where the fuck did Cora and Isaac go? (I, sincerely, hope he’s not still just chinning in fucking France wondering were Argent fucked off to)
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OVERALL MARKS OUT OF TEN (10 being that watching this show has probably increased your life’s worth by at least five percent; 1 being the only thing this show has given me is a stomach ulcer and trust issues): 
8.75 out of 10.  This show was a blessing and I would definitely recommend it to other people. (mostly because I love to get people hooked on my favorite shows and then they're stuck and we can be tortured together). 
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THE END! Thanks for reading my overly-long and overly-obsessive list.  Do come again soon.  I’ll probably have another of these up next week.  🤍🤍🤍
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My thoughts on suf
So the 4 part series finale happened and damn what a ride. Personally I liked the direction they went with the final episode and of corse I have my own personal nitpicks, so let’s start off there!
Not enough corrupted Steven and him rampaging through the streets. (That might just be my love of monster carnage talking) but having all the gems work together to get Steven into the water and make him cry to uncorupt him would have been amazing! Imagine the possibilities, every gem who was helped all coming together to ensure the safety of the townspeople and Steven!
Pink pearl hiding her eye SUGAR!!!!
His healing process was slightly hinted at, like mentioning his therapist. Throughout the series we kind of get implications that he’s gotten over his mother and who she was, but I always wished we could have gotten that inner peace shown better. The only close instance we see is volleyball and even then it’s both pearls coming to realize that pink was trying to change and become a better person, but we never get Stevens input on that. Along with the struggle between being a gem and a human, the main issue that seems to be somewhat dropped. Time constraints are understandable, but leaving the audience out of months worth of therapy was a tad disappointing for me as that was large part of his outbursts.
No after corruption scars, many people (me included) theorized that there would be some sort of ‘scar’ left behind as a sort of reminder of the emotional and physical toll the whole situation had. Very sadly he came out physically unscathed, which for a show about symbolism surprised me. You could argue that he does have scars, they’re just on his skeleton. (Or inside) perhaps I was just too invested in the idea of maybe a pink patch or eye (like a lot of imagery throughout the series) again this one is the most nit of the picky.
Things I adored!:
The diamonds (and everyone else) realizing just how bad they fucked up. Steven went through some shit with them when they still thought he was pink diamond. White reflecting on what a bitch she had been to literally everyone and everything. Greg finally standing up and saying no more running from gem stuff.
That fucking group hug killed me, it destroyed me. The moment of realization of just how many people were there for him and willing to show it ( the fucking cluster showed up and when it held his hand I just fudhetekhf) and of corse the Connie kiss. The good ol healing kiss not in the same way, but fuck it melted my stone cold void of a heart. Right after Steven corrupts he’s still crying, but this time everyone is there, his support system never truly left. They are all still there for him and it took turning into a giant Godzilla for him to truly see it. And the meltdown on lion, just... man I can’t bro. That cry, it hurt, but in a good way.
Steven leaves, but not on bad terms. Yes Steven leaves beach city to travel the states and eventually settle down but unlike his parents he’s keeping in touch with everyone, he’s not running away from his family or faking his own death. He’s going out and seeing the country (and I’ll bet you 50 bucks he’ll build a portal at his new home for the gems to visit his kids) he also didn’t leave immediately as its been months since the wormy boi incident. (I’m assuming he’s 18 at this point as Connie was talking about college) he gives everyone a goodbye gift, he tells everyone he’s leaving, and it’s bittersweet. Now I’m a sucker for bittersweet! I love it (and the ending to ymam actually has a planed bittersweet ending) so seeing him go out into the world and leaving the only home he’s ever known is really nice. But it’s also nice to know that he will most likely visit beach city, video chat with friends and most likely live stream tv shows with peri.
Stevens breaking point, oh that entire sequence just obliterated me. Everything he’s held in and been afraid of just BURST into the open. He pours his guts to everyone all in the midsts of a manic episode. We get to see Steven at his lowest point (before wormy boi) everything he thought to be wrong and he would never do. I never thought the series would go there, but they did. They went above and beyond with showcasing the effects of PTSD from a young age and damn it was done well. And Stevens diamond form, holy cow he was HUGE! And the diamond eyes! For so long fans have wanted to see Steven with the good ol diamond pupils and we finally get them. Just, yes!
All in all there are some things I would have liked to get more attention, but it’s ending was bittersweet with a good helping of an uncertain but hope filled future.
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mistergrass · 4 years
Hey! Do you have any show/movie recommendations with a found family theme
Hey there! I’m sorry this took so long to respond to. When looking back at a lot of the films and shows I’ve watched I’ve realized how shockingly little ‘found family’ films I’ve actually seen. That being said, here’s a list of a few films that might have some themes and dynamics that could scratch that itch! (With some outsourced suggestions from @lilbeehive​ -- who is the biggest found family bitch in the game. Credit to her for the last three on the list.). 
Foreign Films: 
35 Shots of Rum (Dir. Claire Denis), France, 2008:
A slow burn, bittersweet tale of a close-knit single father and his college age daughter. Their tender dynamic is put under strain when a childhood friend makes his affections for the daughter known.  I’m recommending this because of the sense of community in the film. The tenants of their apartment building, along with the father’s co-workers, are like extended family. Though the story portrays loneliness in a gorgeous fashion, their surrounding community keep those themes from blooming into hopelessness. 
Joint Security Area (Dir. Park Chan-wook), S. Korea, 2000: 
After two soldiers are found dead at the DMZ between North and South Korea, an investigation launches that reveals the true story between a group of opposing officials. This is one of my favorite films of all time. While it may not strictly be found family, the friendships forged between the characters is both captivating and intimate. Though it’s indicated from the start that the ending is not a happy one, this is definitely a journey worth taking to watch these relationships form -- ones that, for me, are a rare on-screen experience. 
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
I am going to go to my grave recommending this anime -- it is by far my favorite of all time. I’m not even going to give a description of it because my experience with it was going in completely blind, and that’s how I’m going to suggest anyone else goes into it, too. In both seasons, there is a strong sense of found family and INCREDIBLE relationship dynamics that absolutely floor me. QUICK TIP: If you use crunchyroll to watch this series, be sure not to watch the first episode of the 2nd season first (titled Descending Stories). I’ve had more than a few friends make that mistake, lmao. 
Tokyo Godfathers 
Three homeless people try to return a lost baby to its parents on Christmas Eve. Big shout-out to bee for reminding me of this movie. It’s wonderfully animated with some incredible characters. This is definitely one of Kon’s more heartwarming pieces. 
TV Series: 
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Yeah, it might be obvious but it’s TRUE. On the off-hand you haven’t watched it, let this be the final push from the universe. These kids are family and they save the world together and I love them. 
The Good Place
Four strangers with completely different, and often times oppositional, personalities learn what it means to be good after death lands them in the afterlife. I love this show. I LOVE this show. It’s an easy watch with how comedic and light-hearted it is, but it never sacrifices serious and interesting discussions in the name of its comedy. The main characters of the show form a completely unbreakable bond over the seasons. Also, this show had by far one fo the greatest and most cathartic finales of all time. 
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elsafowl · 4 years
Las Chicas del Cable, S05 (part 2) | REVIEW
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Okay, so SPOILERS AHEAD for the final episodes of Las Chicas del Cable (or Cable Girls in english or Les Demoiselles du Téléphone in french). You have been warned, if you read this post further than this, it's on you.
Now, let's talk.
I don't really have a logical order for my talking points, actually I kinda finished the last episode 10 minutes ago and I just stopped ugly crying so forgive me for the feels and over punctuation.
THE ENDING: yeah, let's start with the freaking ending. The freaking BAD ending, I must say. Sure, I was so sad and overwhelmed with the pre-death flashbacks that I didn't think about it at first but. wow. what a bad ending. Seriously, what were they thinking in the writers' room? "Oh, we are writing a serie about powerful, clever, independent, badass women who survive and fight against all odds for 5 seasons, how can we finish that..." "BY KILLING THEM ALL" "Yay, great idea Steve!" THE FUCK. It was already enough that Ángeles had to die. It was already enough that most of the original main cast had died by the last episode (Carlos, Elisa, Julio, Ángeles, Carmen, that's already a lot of people), but nooooo, you had to kill the main four. The main four, who, let's be clear, died in the most stupid way ever.
ALTERNATIVE ENDING THAT WOULD'VE BEEN WAY BETTER IN MY OPINION: so, modern TV seems to have a problem with 100% happy endings. Like, endings are usually bittersweet, or sad, or damn tragic (glaring at you, Game of Thrones). Let's roll with that. You want a mildly sad and shocking ending for your chicas, but you also really want that years of fights and character developments don't go to waste, and you also want your depiction of the after Civil War era in Spain to be a little bit realistic. What do you do? Let me tell you: you kill your main character in the final. Lidia dies, saving everyone else, sacrificing herself. She is the main, so it's a shock and it's sad (+ the ship war between Lidia/Carlos and Lidia/Francisco is avoided because 2/3 are dead). It's sad but it makes sense: not everyone can survive the Franco regime, not even the main character (who, honestly, has high morals and always try to help everyone even if it puts her in danger). You have the drama and the tears. But Carlota and Óscar? They deserve a happy ending, being badass reporters with their new son Martín, being in love and maybe becoming cool spies during WWII. They deserve this ending, because I'm tired of the Bury Your Gays Trop (seriously. AGAIN??). They deserve a happy ending because this last season was them not being sure they belonged together, and Óscar not feeling like himself, and them breaking up and finally making up at the end, and all of that for WHAT?? Tell me, for what!? Marga needs a happy ending too: she risked everything to save her husband, she freaking gave birth like a pro in the middle of a riot/prison escape and she had her baby and her family is reunited for what... three minutes before she has to freaking die?? No. Just no. I guess I can imagine how these deaths symbolize the fights of all of those women who were forgotten by History, but you don't have to kill all of them to spread the message damn it.
ESPECIALLY WHEN THE REASON FOR THEIR DEATHS SUCKS: maybe I can accept them all dying, if it made sense. But it didn't!! They spent the entire season, hell, the entire serie fighting against everything and everyone - and they were mostly winning!! Las chicas never gave up on anything or on each other, and that's the strength of the show. But here we are, with the last scene: Lydia has a crazy good plan with the book and the sleeping powder and they freaking manage to escape. But oh look, these dumbasses started the train 30 sec too early and they can't run fast enough to jump in it (even though Franscico managed to do so literally 10 min earlier). But oh look, they aren't running fast enough because they are wearing high heels... honestly, I know this sucks, but during the running scene I couldn't stop thinking that they were going to die because they were wearing high heels. And damn, they actually did die. BECAUSE OF A FASHION CHOICE AND BAD TIMING. are you kidding me? They also died because they decided to give up. Again, las chicas, who fought and won against asshole men, against Doña Carmen, against the freaking Franco regime and they gave up. Just like that, because of a train speeding too fast. What the actual fuck???
But let's talk about the other deaths of this season (because they were a lot). I had tears in my eyes for Elisa and that's it. You see, the major problem with these last episodes and their characters' deaths (except the last ones), is that you could feel that the writers had used this specific character and they didn't need them anymore. Julio is fun, but we don't need him anymore: you kill him. Elisa was useful for a bit, but then we don't need her anymore: you kill her. Doña Carmen lost everything, she's not a villain anymore so we don't need her: you kill her. Even this lady from the prison was a cool character, but you needed to show not everyone could come out of this escape alive so bam! you kill her. Honestly, I was okay with all of these deaths even if they were not subtle at all in their intent, but if we add the last four deaths, IT'S JUST TOO MUCH. Like hell, you can't have mostly everyone surviving impossible situations for 4 seasons and then having a real massacre in the last one.
The rhythm: yeah, the rhythm wasn't that great. Everything happened to fast, from plot development to character development. It's a minor complaint tho, because they did good with the few episodes they had and most characters had been developed in previous seasons anyway. But it still felt a little bumpy at times.
Doña Carmen's redemption (of sort): it was a little too fast to my taste. But then, Elisa's death was heartbreaking and Carmen's flashbacks with her children (now both dead, I can't believe I was such a fan of the Cifuentes in the first seasons) made it even more painful. I liked how she didn't backed down or betrayed Lydia in the end. And I like how her ultimate suicide was presented as a victory: Carmen was in charge of her own life, she never let anyone tell her what to do or not to do. She was a great villain, and yeah she dies but not to save anyone, just because she said so and I like that.
Also, I don't remember his name but don't you think there was a hell of a gay tension between Pablo and this guy who betrayed them and got Julio killed? I mean, maybe it's just me, but I think he wasn't really in love with Marga and maybe more with Pablo!
Too bad Sofía wasn't developed more. She was a tool in this last season: a plot device to spy in the prison, and she had like 2 scenes as the daughter of Lidia/Franscisco and 2 scenes as Felipe's love interest but... I don't know, I guess I wanted more of her, since we didn't really get to know her before.
I loved the prison scenes!! They were short, but each of the chicas had her moment to shine and it was particularly pleasing to see Óscar believing in himself again. Carlota and Óscar's arrival in prison was so violent (with the shower scene and everything), I wish they explored a little bit more of that. And also of Lidia suffering and becoming not a person but a number during her 8 months incarcerated.
Where did the nice lady guard from prison go?
Carmen putting her ex-friend and mostly Carlos and Elisa's killer alive in a coffen was pretty satisfying. Yeah, not sorry about that.
I really liked that Franscisco and Lidia didn't really had couple scenes in those final episodes. I'm not such a fan of the couple (why do we have to keep the first love forebver?) (the love triangle with Carlos sucks too), and I didn't miss those scenes. They didn't make a big deal of Carlos' death so they made the right choice to not rub it in our faces by having cute lovely scenes between Lidia and Francisco.
Actually, Marga and Pablo were the cutest and the birth scene was awesomely done. How Pablo was so encouraging over the phone, how Marga needed him to tell her she could do it, and she finally did it and the little moment of angst when the baby didn't cry and them obviously naming him Julio. I honestly was so happy, this was definitely one of the best scene (plus, they manage to reunite almost everyone in this scene, between the people in prison with Marga and the people in the apartment with Pablo).
Carlota and Óscar organising the riot was awesome too, and them getting back together was certainly welcomed bonus, even if they didn't get much scenes to explore that.
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Anyway, there is a lot to say about this season. Sure, the ending was terrible to me but that doesn't mean the rest of the season (or even the show) was bad. I think you can see me cool off in this post as I write, now I'm pretty calm and not as mad because I still love this show but damn, why would you ruin the ending like that?? Or like, maybe not ruining it totally, but making it so damn hard?
All in all, I really liked this serie even if the final episode (actually, the last scene) was pretty terrible to me. Of course, the first three seasons were way better than the last two, with the intrigue being around the cable company and less slip up in so many different directions because of the war. I truly think the Civil War and Franco era plot could have been better if they had more episodes, more time to develop it, and maybe more complex storytelling. I will always been grateful to have seen such a wonderful cast of actresses/characters on the show. They were powerful, badass, clever, independent, loving women (and Óscar) who were fighting everyday for their lives, for their loves, for their freedom and for their rights and that was beautiful to watch, especially when the main five characters are so different and yet so connected, so relatable, and so... I don’t know, women? 
Thank you Carlota, Óscar, Marga, Lidia and Angeles. Thank you, las Chicas del Cable. You’ll be dearly missed. ♥
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calm-and-wine · 4 years
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(I’ll give you) the best years
part I (moodboard)
Hello lovely people! Here is the start of a little drabble series about Nulu’s future (you can catch up on Down the line here). The biggest thank you to Anna @silverrank​ for editing and giving the best tips. Please come talk to me about those two anytime of day or night!
April 2022
“My mum’s been busting my ass with questions about the wedding. She’d love to help us plan things,” Niall said between bites of his breakfast.
They were in his house in LA, Niall had been putting finishing touches on his new album, while Lucy had a week off before going to Europe for clay season.
“Umm sure, I mean I’d love to have her help, but it’s not like we have a date set or anything. We haven’t even really talked about what we want it to be like.”
They had been engaged for a few months, but had yet to breach the topic of their wedding at all. Lucy quite enjoyed this phase of their relationship. Of course she wanted to take the relationship to the next level - hence the engagement - but after Australian Open, they hadn't spent more than two weeks together. The worst part of it was that those two weeks hadn't even been consecutive, thanks to Niall being busy recording his album and Lucy with playing.
“I know. But I think she’s just excited. And she assured me she doesn’t want to make decisions for us, just help with the organisation, since we’re both busy.”
“She’s honestly the sweetest soul. I love your mum.” Lucy sighed longingly, because she really did; Maura was an angel who had welcomed Lucy into the family with open arms, even when they hadn’t been dating that long. Because of that, she made a mental note to call her, as it’d been too long since their last chat. “Well, how about September next year? I could probably take a bit of a time off after US Open, skip a couple tournaments. I mean, it’s the end of the season anyway…”
“I’m gonna be done with touring by the end of July, so yeah, that’d work. Did you have a location in mind?”
“London,” Lucy said without a second of hesitation
“Really?” Niall looked at her surprised. “No destination wedding? Like a beach or something?”
“Nope,” she said, shaking her head. “London’s home and I’d love to do it somewhere there. Would you prefer somewhere abroad?”
“No, London’s good. I would be okay with a destination wedding, but it would be a pain in the ass with all the guests flying in and stuff. And some people wouldn’t come, so that would be a shame. Look at us, we already have a venue and a date!” Niall said with a big smile on his face. Apparently planning a wedding wasn’t that hard, all you had to do is have a chat with your partner and voila, everything was set!
Lucy laughed. “We do not have a date and a venue, we have a month and a whole city area.”
“Okay, party pooper.” Niall stuck his tongue out at her. “What about people? How many are you thinking?”
“I don’t know, about a hundred?”
A concentrated frown made Niall’s eyebrows scrunch together. “A hundred people for each of us? I guess I could make it work…”
Lucy made a face. “I meant a hundred altogether, actually.”
Niall looked at her with surprise. “Wait, what? A hundred people total?”
“Well, yeah. How many were you thinking?” Now Lucy was the one confused.
“I don’t know, around three hundred or something,” Niall mumbled, picking at his food like he was embarrassed.
“Are you serious? I wouldn’t know even half of them!” Lucy raised her brows and waited for Niall to raise his head, but when he did, he just shrugged. Lucy sighed. “And you wouldn’t even have enough time to talk to three hundred people.”
“So you want a small wedding, then?” he said after a minute.
“Yeah,” she admitted. “I mean, I’d rather have fun with the people that are closest to us than spend half the night wondering if I talked to everyone and if no one feels left out or annoyed I’m not giving them attention.”
Niall hummed, but stayed silent for a moment, thinking it over. “Maybe you’re right. I think we should start making a list, see how many people we come up with.” He had his phone in his hand in a second, ready to type. “What?” he asked, when he looked up at Lucy only to see a wide smile and bright eyes.
She shook her head slightly, but the smile wouldn't leave her face. “It just kinda hit me that we’re really doing this. We’re actually getting married.”
“Are you regretting it already?” he asked with raised brows, but with a smile that matched hers.
“No, but I might, if you actually want to invite three hundred people.”
Niall’s laughter filled the place and she joined him, thinking that she might even endure a night in the company of three hundred people or more, if it meant hearing that laugh and making a man she loved happy.
February 2023
Lucy went dress shopping with her mum, Niall’s mum, Laura, Mia and Natalia. The latter was Mia’s girlfriend of almost a year. Lucy always had limited time in London, so instead of going to a variety of different stores, she looked through an online catalogue of the one they were in, now presenting the five dresses she’d chosen. The first one had gotten mixed reactions from her company, so it was a no. The second was beautiful, but Lucy found the narrow, mermaid style bottom of the dress a little too constricting.
The minute she put on the third dress, Lucy knew her mum wouldn’t like it. And she was proved right as soon as the dressing room’s door opened.
“Oh no, this one brings too much attention to your arms and shoulders and you don’t want that, honey,” said Megan right away.
Lucy didn’t even bother making her way to the mirror in the room, nor did she grace her mum with a response. They’d been through similar situations so many times she’d lost count. The rest of her help committee was rendered silent and she didn’t want to make the atmosphere even more awkward, so she just went and changed into dress number four, losing hope of actually finding one everyone would like, herself especially.
Two out of the pre-picked dresses were nice, the first and fourth one, but none was amazing. Not one made Lucy go, ‘Wow’. Maybe she just expected too much, she always thought that she would just know, she would try it on and just feel that it’s the right one. She wanted to fall in love with her wedding dress; was that too much to ask?
“Let’s maybe look around for a bit? Maybe something will catch your eye, it’s always a bit different than browsing online.” Mia stood up as soon as she saw her cousin’s disheartened expression after looking at her reflection in the last dress.
Lucy smiled with gratitude before stepping down and heading towards the racks full of all types of wedding dresses. The other women joined them, spreading around the room to look through the garments. The group worked quietly, the main sound in the room being the scraping of hangers and background music. Lucy’s attention was brought to whoever called her name to show her one of the dresses, but she mostly replied with a shake of her head. Diana, the shop assistant, was observing the scene, ready to bring whatever was needed or take a dress to wait for Lucy in the changing room.
“What about this one?” Natalia spoke up for the first time since they started looking. Lucy looked up, and she felt her eyes instantly starting to sparkle when she looked at the dress in Natalia’s hands. It was so beautiful and delicate, breathtaking, yet not too much, all at once. She was scared to like it too much right away, before even trying it on, but the thought that this dress might be the one made her heart do a little jump.
“Yeah, I kinda love it.” She gave Nat a wide smile before turning to Diana. “Do you have my size?”
After the visit in the bridal shop, Lucy, her mum, Maura and Mia went to lunch. Laura had a meeting about one of her new work projects, while Natalia had a photoshoot location to look at. It was nice to actually spend time with her family and friends and Lucy was relieved that most of their conversation topics weren’t about her wedding. Obviously she was excited about the whole thing, but she had been the centre of attention all morning and it was nice to get away from the spotlight a bit.
After lunch she had a session with her psychologist. They’d been working together for a few years now to make sure she had the right mentality on court, as well as helping with general mental health. As soon as the appointment was over, she had a proper training session with her coach scheduled.
It had been a good day, but when evening came, she was more than happy to be back home, enjoying a quiet evening with a steaming mug of tea and catching up on some tv shows. And when her phone finally rang with an incoming facetime call, she didn’t even try to contain her growing smile. She loved being back in London, but it was always a bit bittersweet if Niall wasn’t around. It didn’t feel completely like home.
“Hi, love.” Niall’s smiling face filled her screen and her heart instantly warmed.
“Hey. Are you leaving for the venue soon?” She could see he was still in his hotel room, shirtless as always and it looked like his hair was wet. He had a show tonight, though - in Chicago if she remembered correctly - so he should be heading out soon.
“Yeah, but I wanted to chat with you for a bit before. Did you have a good day?” He was lounging on his bed, his attention focused solely on Lucy. It was one of the things she loved most about him, especially because sometimes he found it quite hard to focus on one thing, but never when he talked to her.
“Really nice day. It was so good to see everyone and spend time together. I do miss you, though.” She pouted, an action Niall mirrored.
“I miss you, too, Lulu. I’m counting down the days for that week and a half together before clay.” He smiled sadly. They had a few small visits planned, but it was usually for two or three days; they had to wait until the beginning of April for a longer visit.
“48 days,” she said with a smile; she had an app counting the days.
As if to change the subject before the mood became too sad, Niall asked, “How was the dress-hunt?”
“Terrible, at first,” Lucy laughed. “But it got better.”
“I heard your mum made some comments…” Niall said, a bit tentatively.
“Did Maura tell you that?” Lucy asked, at which he nodded. “Yeah, she hates my arms and shoulders, but what else is new. Well, those arms and shoulders got me a spot in the top 10 best female servers for a few years now, so I really don’t care if my mum thinks they’re not feminine enough.”
“I love you, Lulu,” Niall said with a fond look in his eyes. She was appreciative that those were the words that left his mouth, not that she was beautiful; somehow it made her feel better and it was like he knew she didn’t really need that boost of confidence.
“I love you too, baby.” They stared at each other through the screen for a while, giving each other gentle smiles and supporting looks. “I hope Maura didn’t have a terrible time today.” She had to ask... well, indirectly, because she always had this creeping fear that maybe people didn’t enjoy her company as much as she enjoyed theirs. And with her mum making it awkward for a bit and the dress search taking longer than expected, she’d hate to think that maybe Niall’s mum became irritated at some point or would rather spend her time differently.
“Don’t be silly,” Niall said instantly. “She called me today as soon as I’d woken up and wouldn’t shut up about how great you are and how lucky I am to be marrying you, like I didn’t know already. You know she adores you and she felt very honored that you wanted her there. I’m pretty sure she actually texted me the minute you invited her.”
Lucy laughed. “That woman is so cute. Did she tell you about the dress?”
“Oh, you found the dress?” Something in Niall's tone made Lucy raise her eyebrows. A beat of silence followed, before Niall broke it with a sigh. “Well, she didn’t say much, refused to give me even the smallest description, but she did say you look absolutely stunning in it. She also said I’m gonna be completely speechless when I see you in it. I might not be able to say ‘I do’ if that’s the case. Do you think a nod will do?”
Lucy looked at him very unamused, while he cackled to himself. “Why, oh why, have I agreed to marry an idiot?” she asked.
“Oh please, you love my jokes. You think I’m hilarious.”
“I don’t think there’s a person on this planet who’d ever use that word to describe you,” she retorted, though without heat or malice.
They just leveled each other with a daring look until Lucy broke and started laughing, with Niall following suit.
“I really can’t wait to marry you, Lulu,” he said when they calmed down, with smiles still painted on both their faces. “Why haven’t we decided to elope?”
She snickered at that. “May I remind you that not so long ago, you actually wanted a wedding for three hundred people?” She raised her brow daringly, at which he laughed and shook his head.
“Well, good thing I’m marrying such a smart woman; at least she’ll always get my head on straight.”
Lucy let out a soft chuckle and silence engulfed them for a split moment before another thought hit her. “Oh, I told Mia we’re gonna come do the tasting in the week after Wimbledon, she said Monday would be best, cause they’re closed then, so they’d just come in for a few hours for us. You’ll be back then, right?”
Mia was a sous chef at one of the best restaurants in London, so of course they wanted to hire that team for their wedding. Obviously Mia herself wouldn’t be working as she was the maid of honour, but her colleagues would be just fine without her watchful eye.
“Yup, I’m flying back Sunday afternoon, shouldn’t be home too late, so Monday works for me.” Lucy nodded while Niall took a minute to consider something before speaking again. “I’m going to sound like a dick, I know, but is it extremely awful that I kinda hope you won’t become a Wimbledon champion this year?” he asked sheepishly.
She wasn’t offended at all, just looked at him softly, with a little tilt of her head. It just so happened that he was playing this tour’s last concert the day of the women's final at Wimbledon.
“Well, a part of me is kinda hoping I’ll lose early on, so I can come see you at least for the last show,” she said. “Maybe even a couple, if I lose in the first week.”
They shared a look with which they tried to transpire an unspoken message of ‘I miss you’ and ‘I love you’. This was their normal, not being able to experience all of the big moments together, having to make tough choices, knowing when you could be selfish and when to put the relationship first. Some may think that was too much trouble, but through their years together they learned to navigate it somehow. Sure, they still made mistakes and were torn between decisions, but as cliche as it sounded, communication was the key. And neither of them would ever exchange their relationship for something easier. After all, Lucy was a firm believer of working hard on things to truly earn them. And working on her partnership with Niall might actually be the most pleasurable work ever.
September 2023
“Man, you’re actually getting married, that’s so wild!” said Mully clasping a hand on Niall’s shoulder with a big smile on his face. “I mean, it feels like you two has been together forever, so no one really had a doubt that you’d be endgame, but just… You’re actually settling down, that’s crazy.”
“You’re one to talk… Should I remind you that you proposed to Jordan three months ago?”
“Touché,” Sean laughed.
“Can you go see how everything's going out there? And get me some water, please,” Niall said to his childhood friend, mostly because he wanted a minute to talk to his father.
“I’m on it.” Mully gave a salute and left the room with a laugh.
The rest of his groomsmen were out there as well, making sure their partners and plus ones didn’t feel abandoned and giving Niall a moment to breathe.
“Why are you so nervous, son? I thought you were a million percent sure she’s the one,” said Bobby, noticing Niall’s bouncing knee and unfocused gaze.
“I am, I mean I’ve never even been in love like that. I want to spend my life with Lulu, of course I do, but, like, what if things don’t work out? What if we actually won’t last? How can I know that?” he asked.
He loved Lucy with his whole heart and soul, he’d never been more sure about anything, and he knew she felt the same way about him. But some part of him was worried, because sometimes things just didn’t work out, right? Things happened and feelings could change. He was sure his parents were in love when they got married, yet their marriage didn’t last. And so did so many others. Maybe love wasn’t everything and marriage wasn’t the road they should take? Just thinking about losing Lulu was making his insides churn and if he focused on it for too long, he might just throw up his breakfast. 
“Niall.” Bobby came closer and looked at him with a soft, but sure look. “There are simply no guarantees. That’s just life. But let me tell you that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a relationship as strong as yours, or two people so determined to make it work, just because of the love they have for each other. Sure, life will throw all kinds of troubles at you, but I think you’ve worked through a lot of the hurdles already. As long as you’ll stay like this, honest and open and wanting to make it work, you’ll be fine. I’m pretty sure of this.”
Niall looked at him with glazed eyes. His father wasn’t one for inspirational speeches like that, which made it even more meaningful.
“And I hope you know how proud we are of you, me and your mum. For everything you’ve done and what a beautiful life you’ve built.”
“Thanks, dad,” he said, enveloping Bobby in a tight hug.
He didn’t doubt Lucy and their love, he doubted life and happy endings. He doubted just how much goodness and happiness one could get from the universe. His life had thrown so many good things his way already, there was so much luck involved in all of his successes, and he just felt that someday it’d have to turn around and some gloom would take over. And maybe not seeing Lucy since yesterday and spending the night without her brought a bit of self-consciousness and worry. After all, she was usually his voice of reason. They lifted each other up. And deep down he knew it’d always be like that. They wouldn’t let each other fall, and together they wouldn’t hit the ground, because there would always be one to hold the other up.
“I need to see Niall,” Lucy said, when her hair was finally perfectly arranged and she was left in a room with her and Niall’s mums, Mia, Natalia and Laura, who were her bridal party.
“What?” asked Megan, brows drawn together in confusion. 
It was less than an hour until the start of the ceremony. Lucy hadn’t seen her soon to be husband since late afternoon yesterday, as they’d decided to follow that bit of tradition and spend the night apart, with him staying at home, while she was at the hotel with her parents and Mia. She was very much regretting that decision now. They’d texted and talked on the phone before falling asleep, but she still missed him, it was different knowing he was so close, yet they weren’t together. It didn’t feel right. And now, when she was so stressed, not about the whole marrying him thing, but just about the whole ceremony and having all eyes on her throughout the day. At least she was glad that they’ve managed to wrap up the guest list just under hundred and fifty people.
Her and Niall were not supposed to see each other before the big walk down the aisle, but she needed his presence to calm her nerves.
“Can you please ask him to come meet me?” she asked Maura.
She looked at her a bit surprised, but nodded and brought a small smile to her face, even though her eyes looked a little worried. “Of course, sweetheart.”
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad, I just need to see him,” Lucy assured before Maura left the room.
“We’ll give you a moment,” said Mia, squeezing Lucy’s shoulder as she passed, ushering everyone out of the room. Megan gave her an unnerved look, but left the room.
While waiting, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing her perfect dress, her hair was done just the way she wanted, part of it pinned up and part left down in soft curls, her face adorned by quite delicate makeup. Everything was just the way she imagined, even better.
There was a quick knock on her door followed by a nervous, “Lulu?”.
She took a deep breath before saying “come in”.
Hearing that Lucy wanted to see him and then standing outside her door, Niall thought his heart might just beat out of his chest. But when he walked in and saw her, standing there, a mirror behind her, a soft glow coming from the window and lighting up all of her best features, he felt like his heart just left his chest. He felt nervous and suddenly calm at the same time. His mum had been right - he was very much speechless, because Lucy looked like a vision.
“Is, um, is everything alright?” he asked, searching for any signs of distress in her eyes.
“Yes, of course. I’m about to marry the most wonderful man in the whole world. I’m a bit nervous, though, and just needed to see you,” she said a little sheepishly. She hadn’t really thought about how it might look to Niall when his mum showed up and said his fiancée wanted to see him, hadn’t considered how panicked he might get.
He took a step closer, not being able to stand the distance between them any longer, especially since he was sure she wasn’t about to call the wedding off or anything like that. When he was close enough, he noticed her hands were shaking and instantly engulfed them in both of his.
“Nothing to be nervous about. It’s just people we know out there. And I’m gonna be there, waiting for you at the altar and then be by your side the whole time. Plus, I have to say, just… wow. You look so incredibly beautiful, Lulu. I knew you would, you always do, but this... this is just a different level. And knowing you’re gonna become my wife today, somehow it just makes you even more stunning.”
When she finally looked at him, her eyes were already starting to water. “You look incredibly handsome as well.” His face finally lit up with a big smile and she almost launched herself into his arms. “Can we share our vows now?” she asked quietly into his ear.
Out there, in front of everyone, they’d decided to go with the traditional vows, to try and not make each other cry. But they both wanted to do their own, special ones. It was agreed to exchange them sometime later, probably late at night, when the wedding festivities were over, but she didn’t want to wait. As they were standing in this small room, both ready, wrapped up in each other, she wanted to be his already. Even if it wouldn’t be officiated, she wanted to have that promise between them already. She wanted to walk down the aisle with his vows playing in her head. She needed the confidence that his words would give her, the reminder of his love and devotion.
“Of course, whatever you want, love,” he whispered. “Do you want me to start?” Even though he didn’t see her because of their embrace, he could feel her nod. He planted a soft kiss on her cheek, right by her ear, before slowly pulling away, but keeping his hands around her waist.
Lucy felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest. It was fluttering around her ribcage, when she looked at the man in front of her, ready to soak up his every word. Even though her heartbeat might say differently, she wasn’t nervous.
“My Lulu,” Niall started, looking straight into her eyes. He’d use her full name out there for their proper vows, so now, as it was just the two of them, he really wanted to call her by his favourite nickname. “I promise to love and to cherish you every second of every day, no matter what’s going on or where we are, together or apart. I promise to not let you lose yourself, especially not in my own life and dreams. I promise to always be your number one fan and supporter, to always believe in you, always let you shine and remind you how bright you are. But most of all, I promise to be your partner, through thick and thin, no matter what life throws at us, to stand by your side, hold you tight and lift you up. I love you, Lulu and I promise to try to be the best husband possible.”
About halfway through his speech, Lucy’s eyes not only sparkled, but full on watered, tears eventually spilling down her cheeks. Niall quickly wiped them away with a soft smile and a look that said he’ll always be there to do just that. He didn’t even need to say it out loud, she already knew.
Before she started speaking, Lucy reached up on her tiptoes and planted a kiss right on his lips. “Niall, baby, I knew I should have gone first, cause you’re better at words than I am,” she started, at which he chuckled and squeezed her waist encouragingly. “I promise to always make sure you know how much I love you, through words and gestures, to always make you feel secure and confident, just like you do for me. I promise to always have your back, cause we are a team and together we can do anything. I promise to always try to understand you and consider your feelings. I promise to be open and honest, just like you want me to. I promise to never lose sight of how amazing you are and not let you to, either. I promise not to let you sacrifice yourself too much for me, even if you want to. I promise to make you laugh, just like you do with your stupid jokes, and to play with your hair and rub your back when you’re tired or can’t sleep. And I promise to always strive to be exactly what you need. Even though I can’t promise to be the perfect wife, I promise to try my hardest and always be the best for you.”
Just as she was saying the last sentence, a tear rolled down Niall’s left cheek, which she wiped with the tip of her finger, just like he’d done to her a few minutes earlier. She’d barely finished, when he pulled her closer and enveloped her in a tight hug while planting kisses all over her face and neck. This moment was just so blissful, they both wanted to stay in it forever.
Neither of them could even say how long they’d spent alone, after their vows they just stayed in each others’ embrace, sharing kisses every other second, inhaling one another, swaying back and forth on their feet, even though there was no music playing. They were wrapped up in their little bubble of love and excitement. Until there was a knock on the door.
“Please stop mingling in there, you’re supposed to get married in twenty minutes. I can’t believe you couldn’t even keep your hands off each other for one day.” Mia’s voice was slightly muffled through the doors, but her words were still clear. Niall and Lucy shared a shocked look, not even thinking of what anyone might think they were doing (they truly didn’t care), before erupting in laughter.
When Lucy was coming back from the toilet, someone pulled her hand before she reached the main room. She turned her head to see it was her husband. He had a wicked smile on his face and put a finger to his lips as a signal to keep quiet, even though she was pretty sure no one would hear them over the loud music coming from the dancefloor anyway. He laced their fingers and led them into a corner of the hallway passed the kitchen.
Niall propped her against the wall, but put a hand around her waist to soften the hit.
“I’ve missed you,” he said, quietly bringing his body closer and leaning in to kiss her cheek before moving on to her neck.
Lucy let out a lovely laugh. It was a sound that he wanted to hear for the rest of his life. “We got married today, baby, we’ve been around each other for hours.” Despite her words, he kinda had a point. Sure, they were always together, holding hands or wrapping an arm around the waist to keep the other by their sides, but they were constantly around other people, listening to congratulations, well wishes and just making conversations with their guests. It was lovely, it was a part of the whole wedding ordeal, and it was their family and friends, who they were so happy to share this moment with, but she did want a minute alone with her husband as well.
“Yes, but I want you just for myself for a moment. You’ve been my wife for hours now and I’ve barely even kissed you. It’s a bit outrageous, don’t you think?” He whispered it all straight into her ear, nibbling on a skin once he was done.
She hummed. “Very much so” she agreed. She grabbed the back of his hair to pull him away from her neck and finally bring him in for a proper kiss. Both of them were hungry for it, their mouths working hurriedly, like anyone could interrupt them at any given moment, which was kind of true in this situation. Niall’s hands were rummaging around her dress, sneaking from around her ribcage to her waist and then travelling down and in this moment Lucy was both glad and mad at herself that her wedding gown was floor length, because she missed the warmth of his skin on her, even though this definitely wasn't the time and place to be doing that. She wanted to do nothing more but rake her fingers through his soft hair, but it was still perfectly styled and she didn’t want to ruin it, especially since it would probably create quite a buzz between the guests.
“Man, I can’t wait until the party’s over” he sighed, throwing his head back, when Lucy pulled away with a groan to force them both to catch their breath. “Is it really awful that I’m saying that about my own wedding?”
“Nah, I kinda feel the same right now,” she admitted with a giggle. At this moment, when they were sneaking around the party for a bit of a make out session, she felt like a teenager with butterflies in her stomach, not an adult with a husband. But there was a certain beauty in that, how Niall could make her feel giddy and excited with the simplest things, no matter how long they’d been together.
“Should we sneak off to the bathroom or something?” he asked with a glint in his eyes.
Lucy chuckled, knowing, well, hoping at least, that he wasn’t actually being serious. There was no way she was having sex with her husband for the first time in some filthy bathroom at their own wedding. Well, maybe not filthy, cause the whole place was very nice, but the sentiment was very much the same. It was not the place (nor time) to engage in marital sex. She and Niall had slept together too many times to count, but both of them wondered if this next time would be different, because of the official commitment marriage brought, if anything would change in their connection. Lucy had a gut feeling it’d be better than any time before and that they’d feel close and connected like never before, although that’d never been an issue for them. Their intimacy always brought not only their bodies, but also their minds and souls as close together as possible.
“Absolutely not,” she said, planting a kiss on his lips to soften the blow. “But we should get back. Theo looked pretty sleepy and I promised him another dance. Also, Harry made me swear to save one for him as well.” She smiled at the memory of sharing a dance with Niall’s ten year old godson not even an hour ago, and at the conversation they’d had with his former bandmates, which involved a lot of teasing of her husband.
“No,” Niall whined languidly. “Why do I have to share you? I’m fine with Theo, he’s a good kid, but Harry can suck it, he has his own girl.” He pouted to emphasize his words, at which Lucy laughed and reached her hand to smooth his features.
“Well, you could dance with Meave or another of the boys’ girls and then we can swap to get back together. I’m the bride, baby, a hot commodity, nothing we can do about it.” She shrugged her shoulders with a smile.
He sighed and pulled her closer to hide in the space between her neck and shoulder, which might just be his favourite spot on her body. “Okay, let’s go, I want to get it over with,” he said after a minute, standing straighter up. The smile on his face and the kiss he gave her before pulling away and lacing their fingers to head back to their party told her what she already knew, that he wasn’t actually grumpy and he did enjoy the night, even if it meant sharing her the whole night. Because in the end, she was his and he was hers and they had a whole lifetime together ahead of them.
Right before they entered the room where most of the guests were gathered, he pulled her to her chest once more and whispered a simple sentence right into her ear, but that few words sent a thrilled chill across her whole body: “Can’t wait for our honeymoon.”
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