#enemy aircaft
fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
Okay can you do a fanfic where reader gets hurt in battle and goes into a coma for a couple months and shuri is by readers side for all of it while running wakanda as getting revenge on the person who did this to reader. Reader does eventually wake up even though the doctors don't think reader will wake up and it's just fluff from there.
If you do end up doing this fanfic, thank you! And you are one of my favorite writers! 🤍
You’ll Always Have Me
Pairings: Shuri Udaku x fem!reader
Summary: After getting hurt in battle, Y/N falls into a coma. Doctors aren’t sure when or if she’ll wake up, but Shuri refuses to lose hope. No matter how long it takes, she’ll never leave her side. Except to make sure that the person who caused this won’t get away with it.
Word Count: 4,244
Warnings: Murder | Violence
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Second Person POV:
Prior to any type mission or battle, you and Shuri like to bask in each others presence right before you leave. You feel safe while you soak up every ounce of affection and time together that you can before you run head first into danger. So, that's what you were doing right now.
Sitting in the private space of your bedroom, Shuri sat crisscrossed on the bed while you sat on her lap with your legs wrapped around her. Your eyes were closed as you rested your foreheads against each others, trying to feel as close as possible in the others arms.
A few hours ago, you found out about a planned attack on the town when the enemies somehow left some clues and let information slip. You guys were working on evacuating the city, but there was still a little ways to go. So with all hands on deck, you were going to get to the city before the attack was set to happen, hoping to stop them and get everyone else out of harms way.
The loudest noise in the room changed from silence to Griots voice when he quietly gave you the five minute warning, as Shuri requested.
"You have a total of five minutes until your departure, your highness." he whispered, attempting to not disrupt the silence too much.
This was the time when you and Shuri had your "pep talk". You would tell each other how much you loved the other, and things to reassure you while sharing small, innocent kisses.
Shuri took a deep breath, inhaling your warm vanilla scent before lowly speaking up, "I love you so much, darling. When we get back home, we'll get comfy and watch a movie. Then probably fall asleep 10 minutes in, yeah?" she said with a soft chuckle, pecking your lips.
You hummed, nodding in agreement, "I love you too, Shuri." you responded and she kissed you again.
"You know I worry about you a lot, so you'll know I always have eyes on you. If you need help or think something's wrong, let me, Nakia, or Okoye know. You can even go to Aneka or Ayo. I'll have your back. You’ll always have me, my love." she told you, making sure this information was embedded into your brain.
"I know, Shuri. I'll tell you if something's wrong. But you can always tell me if you need help, you know that right?" you reassured her.
She nodded her head with a smile, "I know, angel. I will."
She kissed your lips again, but more fully this time instead of a little peck. She wanted you to feel all the love she had for you in case things went downhill. But both of you have always come back to each other in one piece, so this time wouldn't be any different, right?
When Griot informed you that the five minutes was up, you and Shuri shared one last kiss before getting up and exiting the bedroom. You stopped by her lab first to make sure that you had everything, and that you weren't forget anything you would need. When you were sure you were ready, you made your way outside and boarded the Talon Fighter.
Sitting down next to Nakia, Shuri stood standing so that she could run the plan through her mind one more time before giving everyone their roles and jobs. When the aircaft took off, Shuri started to speak.
"We're a little behind on the evacuation, so I want Nakia and Y/N to focus on getting people out, and onto the aircrafts. I'm going to have everyone else, the Dora Milaje, with me to make sure these guys aren't successful with whatever their idiotic plan was. We'll adjust and adapt the plan as needed. Questions, comments, concerns?" she spoke, looking between you and Nakia when she mentioned your names.
Everyone either shook their heads or mumbled a "no" to answer her question. With confirmation that the plan of action was understood, Shuri took a seat next to you. You leaned your head on her shoulder, and she turned hers to kiss your forehead, wrapping her arm around you to hold you for whatever time was left in the short flight.
When Griot alerted Shuri of your arrival, everyone exited the aircraft and began to take their designated places. When it was your turn to walk outside, your girlfriend stopped you.
"Promise me you'll be safe, and tell me if you need help." she said, gently grabbing your hand to turn you around and face her.
"I'll be okay, Shuri. I promise." you reassured her, moving your hand to caress her jawline with your thumb.
She sighed before giving you a small smile, "Okay, princess. I'll see you out there or when this is all over."
You nodded, leaning up to give her kiss, having to slightly stand up on your tippy toes in order to reach her lips. When you broke the kiss you hesitantly pulled away from her, not wanting to leave her arms but also wanting to go help people.
She watched you walk out and fade out of her line of vision, "Don't worry, your highness. I'll be with her the whole time." Nakia stated, next in line to leave.
"If you need anything at all, tell me and I’ll drop whatever I'm doing to get to you guys." Shuri demanded.
"You know I will."  she said, jogging to catch up with you. Shuri waited for everyone else to exit before she enabled her mask and walked out, letting the doors of the aircraft close behind her.
Your POV:
"Okay ma'am, it'll just be a few minutes and you'll be out of here in no time." I kindly said, guiding an older woman to the line to get on one of the aircraft's that are transporting people.
We still had a little bit of time before they were planned to attack, and every second counted. I was in charge of evacuating the last two floors of the building near the river, while Nakia had the smaller houses.
I quickly made my way back to the floor I was working on, continuing to guide groups of people to whatever aircraft's were available. I cleared one floor and started jogging back to my last floor when I heard the commotion of the first shots being fired. I saw smoke rising into the air that followed sounds of explosions.
Seeing this motivated me to start moving quicker, practically sprinting up the stairs to evacuate my last group of people. I reached them and led them back down the stairs, reassuring them that everything will be fine, and also answering whatever questions they had to the best of my ability while trying to keep them calm.
I made sure that everyone got on safety before pressing the button to close the door. I told Griot not to let the aircraft take off until I did one last sweep of the building, starting at the bottom floor and working up.
When I got to the top floor and was certain that the building was empty, I began making my way outside when I heard a rumble, and the floor shook under my feet. I could see the ceiling start to crack, dust falling.
I knew I had to get out right at that moment, but I was stunned when the sound of an explosion rang through my ears, followed by the heat of the blast.
The power of the explosion was so strong and close to me that it pushed me back into the already cracked window that was behind me. When my back made contact with the glass, it broke, and I fell through. I didn't fall far though because I managed to grab onto a ledge on the building, hanging on and keeping myself from falling the two stories of the tall structure.
"Y/N!" I briefly heard Nakia yell from below me, but it was hard to focus on anything except hanging on, and the pain in my back from the glass.
"Y/N, hold on I'm coming!" I heard a different voice say. The words went in one ear and out the other as I tried to get a better grip and pull myself up, but I couldn't get leverage on anything.
My whole world stopped when another explosion shook the building, and this time it came collapsing down, and I plummeted into the water below me. I tried to swim up, but I was already in pain and pieces of the building fell into the water, hitting me and pushing me down further. It wasn't until one piece of rubble hit me in the head that I passed out, continuing to sink.
Shuri's POV:
"Aneka, watch your six!" I called out, warning her of an approaching enemy.
My focus went back to the three on one fight that I was in when something caught my eye. Although it was a little far away, I knew that Y/N was in that direction since I always had eyes on her and info on locations. I saw an explosion crumble a building, and my vision focused in on the figure barely hanging onto the side of it.
"Griot, what's happening over there?" I quickly asked the A.I through my kimoyo beads.
"It seems that the building you are looking at has been damaged by an explosion, and another explosion is predicted. The person you are looking is unfortunately Miss Y/L/N." he informed me, and my instantly heart dropped.
"Y/N." I whispered to myself, completely disregarding the people I was previously fighting, and making a b-line straight for Y/N.
"Shuri, we have a problem." I heard Nakia speak through my kimoyo beads.
"I know, I'm already on my way." I quickly responded.
I was only a few yards away from reaching the bottom of the building, "Y/N, hold on I'm coming!" I yelled, but it was too late when another explosion shook the building, and she went falling into the river below her.
That river is not something you want to get stuck in. It's currents are very rough for it only being a river, and watching the rubble fall into the water after her made a wave of anxiety wash over me.
So that's why as soon as I reached the edge of the water, I jumped in after her. It was hard to see, but I managed to catch a glimpse of her hand before she sank further down. I swam towards her, learning that she was unconscious when I saw that she wasn't moving. When I reached her, I held her limp body with one arm as I used the other to swim to the surface, gasping for air when I did.
"Nakia, help me!" I shouted while disabling my mask, desperate to get Y/N out of the water.
She quickly made her way over to the edge of the river, and I swam towards her, handing Y/N off to her so that she could pull her up while I pulled myself out of the water.
While I frantically tried to pull myself up, Nakia checked on Y/N. Putting her ear close to her mouth and nose to see if she was breathing, and then confirming her results by checking the pulse in her neck.
When she put two fingers on the side of her neck, I panicked, "W-what's wrong? Is she not breathing?"
When Nakia found no pulse, she immediately started CPR. At this point, Okoye had finally caught up to me. She had followed me when she saw me sprint off in the direction that Y/N was known to be in.
I watched Nakia rhythmically press on Y/N's chest, trying to get her to breath. I started crying, attempting to take over the CPR, but Okoye just held me back knowing that I would do a sloppy job of it considering my now hysterical state.
"Y/N!" I cried out. There was no way that the love of my life was about to leave me same way my mother did. I already lost her, my dad, and my brother.
Y/N was all I had left.
Okoye struggled to contain me as I fought her grip, practically sobbing for Y/N to come back to me. And my pleads had miraculously come true when Y/N began to cough up water, gasping for air. Nakia turned her onto her side to help her get the water out of her lungs, but she wasn't conscious for long because after she was done coughing, she passed out again. But, I could still see the rise and fall of her chest which was a good sign.
"We've got to get her back to the palace." Nakia said, picking up Y/N and starting to make her way to the Talon Fighter.
"Can I carry her?" I asked, wiping the tears off my face to try and show that I was capable of it now.
"It's okay, Shuri. Nakia's got her. Let's just get her back to the palace so that the doctors there can care for her, okay?" Okoye comforted me and I nodded my head, briskly following Nakia to the aircraft.
When we were boarded, she handed Y/N off to me, letting me hold her in my arms until we got back home. Her body was so limp, and cold. I got Griot to check her vitals, and they were stable for now. The ride home was short, but it felt like days. When we landed, I carried Y/N inside and to the lab, placing her on a stretcher and demanding that our top doctors care for her now, which they did.
I was hovering over them the whole time, and I got concerned when they stopped talking aloud and staring whispering to each other.
"What?" I worriedly questioned, but they didn't answer.
"I swear if one of you doesn't tell me what is going on with my girlfriend right now, I will ensure that the light coming from the ceiling is the last light that makes itself known to your vision." I spoke sternly, and they immediately turned to face me.
One of them spoke up with a sigh, "Although her vitals are stable, due to the lack of oxygen that her body received, and the blunt force trauma to her head, she has fallen into a coma. We are not sure when or if she'll wake up." they quietly whispered the last sentence.
I scoffed in disbelief, "No." was all I could say.
"No. You're joking, right? That is the love of my life laying there, and you mean to tell me that you don't think she'll wake up?" I said, speechless. All they could do was nod their heads.
"Get out." I muttered.
"Shuri-" Okoye started, but I cut her off.
"Get out!" I raised my voice, feeling frustrated and devastated.
They listened to me, knowing that I needed time to process what was just said to me. When the lab was empty, I walked over to Y/N and picked her up to move her to an actual bed instead of the stretcher. I laid her down and pulled a chair beside the bed, sitting down. Tears started streaming down my face again and I grabbed her limp hand in mine. I held onto it tightly, bringing it up to my lips to kiss her hand.
"Baby girl, you can leave me now." I whispered to her.
"The time I've gotten to spend with you isn't enough. It'll never be enough. We're supposed to spend our entire lives together, I was ready to marry you. You can't leave before I get to put a ring on your finger." I spoke to her through my tears.
When all I got was silence in return, I broke down, sobbing into the sheets on the bed.
34 Days Later
It's been a little over a month since I saw Y/N's bright eyes looking back at me, and I've gone to sit with her every single day.
I'd read her some of her favorite books, turn on a movie she likes, or just talk to her. During the time she's been in the coma, I went over the footage that the camera in my suit recorded the day of the incident. I managed to find the identity of the person who attacked the building she was in, and I've been tracking their every move since.
I have everything I need to make sure they get what they deserve, but Y/N has always been my top priority. So, I've focused on making sure she knows that I'm still with her, even though she's just asleep.
"I stand and hold out my hand. She gives me a skeptical look, but takes it and lets me pull her to her feet." I read from her favorite book.
I went to read the next line, but hesitated for some reason, turning my head to look at her. It felt so strange reading her favorite book to her without her little comments and kisses to interrupt me. This whole situation felt like my worst nightmare came true. We knew the attack was going to happen, and she still somehow ended up in this hospital bed.
I could've saved her if I had been just a little bit faster. But since I couldn't, I was going to make sure the person who hurt her never did anything with their life ever again.
I put the book on the bedside table for later, and leaned down to kiss her forehead, "I'll be back later, pretty girl." I whispered to her before standing up and walking out of the room.
"Griot, tell Okoye and Nakia to come to my lab right now." I told the A.I.
"Right away, your highness." he responded, and a couple minutes later, Okoye and Nakia appeared in my lab.
"You requested to see us?" Okoye questioned.
"Yes, I want you and Nakia to suit up. We're going after the person who collapsed that building and hurt Y/N.
As there aircraft landed outside of a remote building, I went over the plan one last time.
"We're looking for them," I showed a picture of who we came here to find.
"If you get to them before me, let me know and just keep them restrained until I get there. I want to deal with them myself." I said.
"Yes, your highness." Nakia responded while Okoye nodded her head. We exited the aircraft and swiftly made our way inside.
Going our separate ways, I could hear the commotion of Nakia and Okoye taking out whoever they saw. I did the same, not using all of my strength on them because I was saving that for the person responsible for Y/N's coma.
"Nakia, Okoye, my part of the building is clear. They're near one of you." I spoke using my kimoyo beads after checking the last room.
"I've got them. Griot, direct Shuri to me." Okoye responded, and I followed the A.I's directions.
When I entered the room, I saw the person we were looking for tied up with what seemed to be an extension cord, and Okoye holding them still.
"Thanks, Okoye. Can you wait outside for me, please?" I asked and she stepped out of the room.
I sighed, "Do you know who I am?" I questioned.
"Yeah, you're the new queen of Wakanda." they answered.
"And do you know why I was looking for you?" I asked, stalking around the room.
"Is this because of how we ambushed your country?Listen, it wasn't my idea. I was just doing what I was told to do." they quickly tried to explain themselves, but I wasn't having any of it.
"Partially. Not only did you and your people attack my country, but it was you specifically who exploded one of our buildings." I said.
"I-" they started, but I cut them off.
"Don't try to explain yourself. You are the very reason why someone so dear, and special to me is in a coma that no one knows if she'll come out of. You hurt the love of my life, and now you have to deal with me." I spoke sternly, and close to their face.
I turned my back to walk around the room again, but I sensed motion behind me and my instincts told me to duck, so I did, barely avoiding a swing to my head.
Turning around, I realized they had somehow managed to get out of the restraints. It made me angry how they thought they could hurt Y/N and get away with it.
But now I finally had the opportunity to avenge her, and I was going to do exactly that. Striking them whenever I got the chance, and dodging their attacks as well. I kicked them in the stomach which knocked the wind out of them and caused them to hit the ground.
I let my claws show, stalking towards them and gripping the collar of their shirt, digging the nails into their side.
"I really shouldn't kill you, but it wouldn't be fair if you got to live and my darling girl didn't. I would say it's nothing personal, but it is." were the last words I spoke to them before letting go of their shirt and digging my other set of claws into their neck until they stopped struggling.
I stepped back and thought about what to do with them now. I just decided to leave them there, thinking that they didn't deserve my effort to move them.
I walked out of the room, "I'm done now. Let's head home now, I want to get back to Y/N." I said and Okoye and Nakia followed me.
When we got back to the palace, I took a quick shower and changed before going to sit with Y/N. I decided to turn on her favorite movie this time and watch it until I fell asleep.
A few hours later, my eyes were focused on the tv until her hand twitched in mine. My head snapped over to look her, seeing her eyes still closed.
"Y/N?" I whispered, but got no sound or movement in return.
"Y/N, I felt your hand move. Can you do it again for me, sweet girl?" I pleaded, standing up.
I chuckled in shock when she moved her hand again, "Oh my god. I see you, darling. I know you're trying to wake up. Can you open your eyes for me?"
Her other hand moved and she made some small noises, "Come on, princess. Let me see those beautiful eyes of yours. Please?" I leaned down to stroke the back of my hand over her cheek.
A few seconds later, her eyes slightly opened, but quickly shut due to the lightning.
"Griot, dim the lights." I quickly demanded. When the light dimmed, she finally opened her eyes.
There were small tears running down my face, "There you are, my love. Hi," my words quivered from the overwhelming happiness I felt.
"Shuri?" was all she could mumble.
"Yes, darling. It's me, I've got you. You're okay." I reassured her, kissing her forehead.
Her eyes scanned the room before looking at me, "What happened to me?" she questioned and I looked down.
I sighed, "What's the last thing you remember?"
She thought for a moment before speaking, "I was making sure I evacuated all the floors. Did I get everyone out?" she asked.
I chuckled, admiring how she was worried about everyone but herself, "Yes, baby girl. You got everyone out."
She nodded her head, "So why am I here?"
"I guess when you went back up to double check, the building you were in was attacked. It exploded and collapsed, you fell into the river, unconscious. I got you out, and Nakia did CPR."
"How long have I been asleep for?" she questioned.
I thought for a moment, "34 days." I responded.
I could tell she didn't really know what to say or think about that, so I spoke up for her, "The doctors didn't think you'd wake up, but here you are. My strong princess." I said and she smiled.
"I know it's going to be a long recovery, but I'll never leave your side. You'll always have me." I comforted her.
"I'm tired." she muttered.
I lightly chucked, "I know, angel. Rest is crucial for recovery, so sleep all you want." I told her.
"Can you lay with me?" she quietly asked.
"Of course I can. You don't have to move though, I'll make use of the space there is." I climbed into bed with her and let her snuggle up to me however she wanted to.
I moved my hand under her shirt to rub her bare back, knowing that skin to skin contact comforts her.
"I love you." I whispered to her.
"I love you too, Shuri." she said before falling asleep.
Her head fell onto my shoulder, and I knew that my arm would eventually go numb, but I didn't care.
All I cared about was that my girl was okay, and now I'll have the chance to hopefully make her my wife like i've always wanted to.
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k2kid · 4 years
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pricescigar · 3 years
What if Elvira survived Solovetsky?
@adlerboi 's OC Mary Peterson, mentioned once more
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The Final Count Down. . .
"Is everyone ready for this?" Adler asked the others, the set of cars was driving their away to the base. This man had been chasing down Perseus, for as long as he could remember; More specifically since the Vietnam War, he has been on a long lasting man hunt. And now, all of that is coming to an end.
"Ready as we'll ever be." Elvira said confidentially to Adler, holding her gun firmly. This was the team where they would get their revenge, their justice and to rescue the whole of Europe for the greater good.
"We'll be at the other side, just get the job done you lot." Mary spoke over the radio, going the opposite direction with her Doomsday team.
"Great, let's get Perseus off the air." Adler says to his team, as a missile shot through the air. Shooting through the sky, striking at the communications. As it exploded, a bright light formed in the sky.
"Schiesse..." Elvira covered her eyes with her arm, the light died down and a huge gust of wind struck the cars.
"Haha! That's how we do it!" Woods said, the cars regained control of driving as they approached to the Base.
"Take down the towers!" Elvira said to the others, aiming her weapon shooting them down as the cars passed on by. The entrance of the base blown out, leaving a huge hole. The cars stopped as they all jumped out, running into the base.
"Take out those anti aircrafts everyone! We don't have much time!" Hudson said over the radio. There were many mounted anti aircafts, that had to be destroyed before all would be too late.
"I will! I have the C4's with me, cover me while I do so!" Elvria said as she lead the way, shooting down the enemies as she made way to the first Anti aircraft.
"Everyone cover Wolff!" Adler ordered as they shot the incoming enemies, the first Anti Aircraft was down and so was the second one.
Adler and Wolff fought their way through the graveyard, fighting their way to the last anti aircraft. Time was running out, the team alone had thirty seconds left. The Doomsday team were dead, except for Mary herself who was fighting with her life in order for this final mission to be successful.
"Guys come on! Not much long left! Hurty up!" Hudson said over the Radio, Elvira shot the last two men. As she planted the C4 on the Aircraft, moving away pressing the detonator. The last Aircraft was in process of debris, and nothing more.
"Missiles incoming get to cover!" Adler said to them seeing a group of planes coming, missiels got relawed onto the base as they exploded everywhere on the ground.
Everyone's ears were ringing in such pain, it was difficult to even hear anyone. The fire spreaded around the base like such wild fire, it was far too dangerous to remain here. Adler coughed from all the fire that was spreading, and all of the smoke that surrounded the team. All but who was missing, was no other than Wolff.
"Is everyone ok? No one is injured?" Adler asked, brushing the bunch of debris off his outfit looking at them. Though something was wrong, he could tell as he aimlessly looked around the base. "Where's Wolff?" He asked looking at the others, there was a slight of worry in his tone of voice.
Mary managed to catch up with the others, seeing that they was standing there doing nothing. She felt the content and happiness, that all of this was finally over. Though when she saw the reactions on their faces, her happiness easily faded. "Whats happening...? Where's Elvira? Where is she?" She demeaned.
Adler knew that he couldn't leave Wolff here to die, wherever she was. They had to look for her regardless, they didn't know what kidk of condition she was in, so they had to look for her quickly. He looked at everyone else seriously, before he then spoke to them. "Everyone look for Wolff, we're not leaving here until we do." He walked away as he began to search himself, as all the others did with a slight rush.
Woods was searching through the many debris, easily moving them away. Looking for her aimlessly. He wasn't going going to give up, until they had find her. Endlessly searching for her, he recognised something deep into the debri. That oddly looked familiar to him, yet he couldn't make it out on what it was. He dug his hand down and he recognised the engraving, his dogtag. The same dogtag  that he had given to Elvira, in the midst of all of this. He came to the immediate realisation, and  removed all the debris in the rush and he had found her. Wolff was buried deep into the debris, brutally injured a few of the debris was stained with her blood. He grabbed her body and lifted it up from the debris.
"Shit... Shit, no, no please don't do this to me Wolff..." Woods looked down to her, as he held her body turning to Adler. "Adler! I found her!" He shouted, to get everyone's attention.
Elvira's eyes slowly opened, hearing many voices. Her body was screaming in pain, the many muscles contracting on pain. Her eyes darted around a little in confusion, the many fire pits around the island. In fire and smoke, she tried her best to keep her eyes open if it was possible.
Adler turned to where Woods voice was heard, as his eyes widened under his glasses as he rushed over to him. The others caught attention too, as they rushed over too with Woods.
"She's alive! She doesn't look too great, but she's conscious!" Sims pointed out, her life was on the line now. Everyone looked over to Elvira, who remained in Woods' arms. Unable to move, due to the excruciating pain she endured.
"Prepare for exfil immediately! We can't loose her." Adler looked down at her, he assisted Woods in stopping the blood before the emergency exfil would collect them.
The hours passed in returning back to America, the whole team working together to keep Elvira awake. To reduce the risk of losing her, with any wounds she had. Sim worked on them, determined to keep her alive. Everyone else being there for support, Woods hand remaining over hers. Eventually arriving back to America, where Elvira was rushed go the emergency room. Which left the others to helplessly wait, which was enduring and long enough. Along with the many thoughts and what if's running through their mind helplessly. To pass that infinite time, anyone esle who had injuries. They was tended to as well, luckily no one else had severe injuries. Their own worries still turned to Wolff.
A doctor finally approached over to them, and in sync their heads turned to where the doctor stood. It was a matter of good, or bad news. And the team alone, was prepared for any kind of news they was going to get.
"Well?" Adler finally asked him, addressing the Elephant in the room. Looking over to the doctor. The question alone, and demanding for an answer immediately. It was quite urgent enough. And to which he was also beginning to get a bit impatient with waiting.
"Wolff had endures many injuries, but we managed to save her... She'll be under heavy observation. But she'll be ok." The doctor replied reassuringly.
Everyone was so relieved of the great news, their sighs of relief and content. Knowing their little agent would be ok. It was clear everyone was scared that they was going to lose her, but the Wolff stubborn as ever. Held on and on, to ensure of her survival.
"Can I see her?" Woods asked, looking up to the doctor. Ever since he let go of her hand to go to the surgery room, all he ever wanted was to still hold her hand. There was some form of guilt remaining in his features, as he promised to not let go of his hand.
"Oh, of course. I mean all of you can, but please one visitor at a time. Ok?" The doctor spoke in a serious tone, looking at everyone. Judging by everyone's silence, they were of course dissapointed. By the fact simply that not everyone,  could see her at the same time. But gradually they would eventually, although the group knew. Elvira meant to Woods more than anything, anything in the whole wide world.
Elvira's eyes slowly opened, her whole body was numb. Due to the amount of morphine that was infected into her, to ease the screaming pain of what her body had endure. Her eyes briefly closing again a little, trying to get comfortable. Before her hands intertwined with someone else's. She held onto their hand, with the last bit of strength she had left. Opening her eyes once more, looking over briefly to who was holding her hand. The scent of their aftershave that was so familiar
"Frank..." Elvira whispered softly, as she looked at him. A weak smile appearing on her features, moving a little which made her groan in pain. Stopping herself from moving her body, to reduce the increasing pain in her body.
"Don't move too much you've been injured badly, shit... I thought. I just thought you wouldn't make it..." Frank said softly, running his fingers through her curls gently with his free hand. Deeply terrified that he was going to lose her, but to see her ok and in the hospital. It almost felt unreal to him.
"The missiles... Solovetsky... Fuck." Elvira muttered, holding onto Woods' hand tightly. Feeling utterly exhausted, with all of her old wounds opened previously after being tortured. Her life was truly on the line.
"But we won Elvira, we won." Frank said kissing her hand gently multiple times, he didn't want to let her go, or out of his sight anymore.Sitting ever so closely to her,  he laid his head gently on her chest. God, he was so close to crying, he never felt so scared in his life.
"I'm glad that we won..." Elvira said, feeling his head lay on her chest. Putting her arms around him gently, occasionally giving him the affection he needed in reassurance. Running her fingers through his hair gently, just letting him relax.
"When you're better... I can you to anywhere you want for our date, anywhere you can think of. I will go with you, as long as I'm beside you... That's all that matters." Frank said to her promisingly.
"I'll think long and hard then, but still. As long as I am with you my love, then I'm happy either way." Elvira spoke softly, keeping him in her arms. The medicine taking effect, which made her slowly fall asleep with her holding Frank in his arms. Safely and content.
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roalbalove-blog · 7 years
Pacific Navy Fighter Android Mod Unlimited
New Post has been published on https://apkmodclub.com/pacific-navy-fighter-android-mod-unlimited/
Pacific Navy Fighter Android Mod Unlimited
Pacific Navy Fighter
Size: 7.73 MB | Version: 2.8.0 | File Type: APK | System: Android 2.3 or higher
    Description :
Pacific Navy Fighter “Classic” puts you in control of a carrier based aircaft (Corsair or Zero). Fight the opposing forces through various dynamic missions defending your base aircraft carrier and conquering Islands. The enemy will be after you with tanks, mobile AA, strike fleets including carriers and battleships. Fend of the dangers and escort friendly bombers to their targets. When you hear the air-raid siren (torpedo) bombers are comming in for your carrier and you better respond or you will have no place to go! Watch the radio communications: ships, fellow pilots, tank commanders, lookouts, recon planes and compounds can call for help or give vital information on the battlefield situation.
Features of Pacific Navy Fighter mod :
– All Unlimited – Advertise Removed
Install Instructions :
* You visited this site on mobile ? 1. Download the Android file on mobile. 2. Install and run it. 3. That’s it,Enjoy!
* You visited this site on desktop or laptop ? 1. Download the Android file on Pc. 2. Transfer Android file from PC to your Android Phone (Via USB , Bluetooth , Wi-Fi). 3. Install and run it. 4. That’s it,Enjoy!
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