#energy-intensive agriculture
pearlprincess02 · 1 month
academia sign as 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞 𝔞𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔰
academia (829)
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔠 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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aries / 1st house academia: aries in academia approaches learning with enthusiasm and a pioneering spirit. they thrive in competitive environments, enjoying subjects that allow them to take the lead, such as sports science, entrepreneurship, or anything requiring bold, innovative thinking. their learning style is hands-on and action-oriented, preferring to dive into projects rather than sit through lectures. quick to grasp new concepts, aries students excel in fast-paced, dynamic settings where they can showcase their initiative and drive. they are natural leaders in group work, often inspiring others with their energy and passion.
chaotic academia vibes: red bull, coffee, late-night study sessions, messy desk, sticky notes everywhere, highlighters galore, backpack overflowing, headphones tangled, running late, cramming, competitive studying, impulsive learning, last-minute cramming, energetic study sessions, motivational posters, pomodoro technique, study groups, mind maps, flash cards, music playlists
major & minor in college: history, english, psychology, theater, business, creative writing, philosophy, computer science, art history, sociology
𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔨 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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taurus / 2nd house academia: taurus in academia is methodical and steady, approaching learning with patience and determination. they excel in subjects that involve tangible results or a connection to nature, such as agriculture, culinary arts, or finance. taurus students prefer a structured learning environment, where they can take their time to absorb information deeply and thoroughly. they have a strong memory and excel in retaining facts, often mastering subjects through repetition and consistent effort. their learning style is practical and grounded, focusing on real-world applications and long-term value.
dark academia vibes: leather-bound notebooks, vintage fountain pen, cozy sweater, warm coffee, comfortable armchair, candles, classical music, antique bookshelves, quiet library, natural light, slow & steady approach, consistent studying, structured routine, mindful studying, note-taking, reading extensively, researching deeply, essay writing, critical thinking, patience & perseverance,
major & minor in college: literature, history, art history, philosophy, classical studies, music, latin, greek, anthropology, environmental studies,
scorpio / 8th house academia: scorpio in academia is intensely focused and driven, diving deep into subjects that fascinate them, especially those involving psychology, criminology, or anything that uncovers hidden truths. they are natural researchers, drawn to mysteries and complexities, excelling in environments that require investigative skills and critical thinking. scorpio students prefer to study in private, where they can immerse themselves fully without distractions. they have a talent for uncovering details that others might overlook, and their determination to master a subject is unmatched. passionate and resilient, scorpio learners often emerge as experts in their chosen fields.
dark academia vibes: black coffee, leather jacket, intricate jewelry, vintage records, haunted library, gothic architecture, mysterious aura, intense gaze, quiet solitude, deep thoughts, intense focus, deep research, analytical thinking, critical analysis, debating, persuasive writing, problem-solving, independent study, night owl, passionate learning,
major & minor in college: psychology, philosophy, criminal justice, history, political science, sociology, anthropology, mythology, astronomy, creative writing,
𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔯𝔢 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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gemini / 3rd house academia: gemini in academia is curious and versatile, thriving in environments where they can explore a wide range of subjects. they are natural communicators, excelling in fields like journalism, linguistics, or social sciences, where their quick wit and love for information can shine. gemini students prefer a dynamic, interactive learning environment, enjoying discussions, debates, and collaborative projects. their learning style is fast-paced and adaptable, allowing them to pick up new concepts with ease and shift focus between topics effortlessly. always eager to learn something new, gemini keeps their mind sharp by continuously seeking knowledge in various fields.
theatre academia vibes: script book, makeup bag, costumes, props, rehearsal space, stage lights, backstage passes, playbills, acting classes, impromptu performances, versatility, adaptability, improvisation, memorization, public speaking, character analysis, script analysis, ensemble work, storytelling, critical thinking
major & minor in college: theater, english, creative writing, communication studies, film studies, music, dance, history, psychology, sociology,
𝔠𝔬𝔷𝔶 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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cancer / 4th house academia: cancer in academia is intuitive and emotionally connected to their studies, often drawn to subjects that resonate with their personal experiences, such as history, literature, or psychology. they excel in environments that feel nurturing and supportive, preferring to learn in a space where they feel safe and comfortable. cancer students have a strong memory, especially for details that evoke an emotional response, and they often approach learning with empathy and care. their learning style is reflective and deep, focusing on understanding the emotional and human aspects of any subject. sensitive to the needs of others, cancer can also be a compassionate and supportive peer in group settings.
cozy academia vibes: knitting needles, teacup, soft blanket, candles, cozy armchair, bookshelf filled with sentimental books, family photos, journal, soft music, homemade snacks, emotional intelligence, empathy, nurturing oneself, creating a comfortable study space, mindful studying, journaling, connecting with others, supporting others, patience & perseverance, emotional regulation
major & minor in college: english, history, psychology, sociology, social work, counseling, child development, family studies, art history, creative writing
𝔯𝔬𝔶𝔞𝔩 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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leo / 5th house academia: leo in academia is confident and expressive, thriving in subjects where they can showcase their creativity and leadership, such as performing arts, literature, or leadership studies. they enjoy being at the center of discussions and excel in environments where their ideas and talents are recognized. leo students are passionate learners who bring enthusiasm to their studies, often inspiring others with their energy and charisma. their learning style is dynamic and interactive, preferring presentations and group projects where they can shine. with a natural flair for storytelling and self-expression, leo often excels in areas that allow them to be both creative and influential.
royal academia vibes: crown-shaped stationery, velvet robes, gold jewelry, vintage fountain pen, grand library, ornate furniture, elegant calligraphy, classical music, high-quality textbooks, personalized study supplies, confidence, leadership, public speaking, motivation, goal setting, networking, presentation skills, time management, creativity, passion
major & minor in college: history, political science, business, theater, art history, music, philosophy, classical studies, public relations, creative writing
𝔟𝔬𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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virgo / 6th house academia: virgo in academia is analytical and detail-oriented, excelling in subjects that require precision and critical thinking, such as mathematics, science, or technical writing. they have a strong work ethic and prefer structured learning environments where they can methodically work through complex problems. virgo students are diligent researchers, often going above and beyond to ensure they fully understand a topic, and they have a knack for organizing information logically. their learning style is meticulous and focused, thriving on clear instructions and practical applications. with a keen eye for detail, virgo often excels in areas that demand accuracy and thoroughness.
botanical academia vibes: herbarium, plant journal, botanical prints, terrarium, gardening tools, natural light, plant-based stationery, herbal tea, nature-inspired décor, organized study space, organization, planning, time management, detail-oriented approach, note-taking, researching, problem-solving, critical thinking, patience, perseverance
major & minor in college: biology, environmental science, botany, horticulture, chemistry, agriculture, nutrition, health sciences, art history, creative writing
𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔠 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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libra / 7th house academia: libra in academia is balanced and diplomatic, drawn to subjects that involve relationships, aesthetics, and justice, such as law, art, or social sciences. they excel in collaborative learning environments, enjoying discussions and group projects where they can exchange ideas and mediate differing opinions. libra students have a natural talent for seeing multiple perspectives, which makes them excellent at analyzing complex issues and finding harmonious solutions. their learning style is interactive and social, thriving in settings that allow for cooperation and mutual respect. with a strong sense of fairness and a love for beauty, libra often excels in areas that combine intellectual rigor with creativity.
romantic academia vibes: love letters, poetry collection, vintage jewelry, soft/pastel colors, romantic novels, flower arrangements, classical music, art galleries, beautiful stationery, cozy cafes, collaboration, harmony, diplomacy, balance, aesthetic appreciation, empathy, persuasion, critical thinking, creativity, open-mindedness
major & minor in college: english, history, art history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, communication studies, music, creative writing, design
𝔞𝔡𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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sagittarius / 9th house academia: sagittarius in academia is adventurous and curious, drawn to subjects that expand their horizons, such as philosophy, travel, or global studies. they thrive in environments that offer freedom and exploration, preferring to learn through experience, travel, and broad, open-ended discussions. sagittarius students have a natural enthusiasm for big ideas and are often inspired by the pursuit of knowledge that challenges conventional thinking. their learning style is spontaneous and wide-ranging, excelling in areas where they can explore different cultures, beliefs, and philosophies. with an innate love for wisdom and truth, sagittarius often excels in fields that encourage lifelong learning and intellectual growth.
adventurous academia vibes: travel journal, global map, adventure novels, passport, backpack, camping gear, telescope, world atlas, foreign language textbooks, wanderlust-themed stationery, curiosity, open-mindedness, exploration, adaptability, risk-taking, global perspective, intercultural communication, problem-solving, independent study, passion for learning
major & minor in college: history, geography, anthropology, philosophy, foreign languages, international studies, environmental science, economics, creative writing, journalism
𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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capricorn / 10th house academia: capricorn in academia is disciplined and strategic, favoring subjects that offer practical applications and long-term value, such as business, engineering, or finance. they excel in structured, goal-oriented environments where they can set clear objectives and work methodically towards achieving them. capricorn students have a strong work ethic and are adept at managing their time efficiently, often thriving on detailed planning and rigorous analysis. their learning style is focused and persistent, with a preference for mastering foundational concepts before advancing. with a keen sense of responsibility and determination, capricorn often excels in areas that require patience and sustained effort.
winter academia vibes: thick coat, scarf, warm coffee, cozy sweater, planner, bookshelf filled with textbooks, quiet study space, pen & paper, minimalist décor, structured routine, discipline, time management, goal setting, planning, persistence, problem-solving, critical thinking, researching, note-taking, long-term planning
major & minor in college: business, economics, law, political science, accounting, engineering, computer science, mathematics, history, philosophy
𝔣𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔠 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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aquarius / 11th house academia: aquarius in academia is innovative and independent, gravitating towards subjects that involve technology, future trends, or social change, such as engineering, environmental science, or sociology. they thrive in learning environments that encourage original thinking and unconventional approaches, often preferring to explore new ideas and challenge established norms. aquarius students are skilled at grasping complex, abstract concepts and enjoy engaging in collaborative projects that push boundaries and promote collective progress. their learning style is progressive and exploratory, with a strong inclination towards experimenting with novel methods and solutions. with a keen interest in improving the world, aquarius often excels in fields that foster creativity and forward-thinking.
futuristic academia vibes: smartwatch, laptop, tech gadgets, futuristic eyewear, minimalist design, neon lights, sci-fi novels, futuristic architecture, virtual reality headset, sustainable products, innovation, problem-solving, critical thinking, future-oriented thinking, collaboration, interdisciplinary learning, ethical considerations, lifelong learning, adaptability, social consciousness
major & minor in college: computer science, engineering, physics, astronomy, artificial intelligence, environmental science, sociology, political science, psychology, philosophy
𝔬𝔠𝔢𝔞𝔫 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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pisces / 12th house academia: pisces in academia is imaginative and intuitive, drawn to subjects that explore the arts, spirituality, or the human psyche, such as creative writing, music, or psychology. they excel in environments that allow for introspection and creative expression, often thriving in less structured settings that encourage personal interpretation and emotional depth. pisces students have a unique ability to grasp abstract concepts and connect disparate ideas, making them skilled at synthesizing information in innovative ways. their learning style is fluid and adaptable, with a preference for exploring topics through personal experiences and intuitive insights. with a deep sense of empathy and creativity, pisces often excels in fields that involve understanding and expressing the complexities of the human experience.
ocean academia vibes: seashells, aquarium, ocean-themed stationery, beach towel, nautical decor, marine biology books, beach reads, ocean-inspired jewelry, dreamcatcher, calming music, intuition, empathy, creativity, imagination, meditation, mindfulness, visualization, dream journaling, connection with nature, emotional intelligence
major & minor in college: marine biology, oceanography, environmental science, psychology, art history, creative writing, music, philosophy, sociology, religious studies,
all observations belong to @pearlprincess02
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acti-veg · 1 month
Leather vs. Pleather: 8 Myths Debunked
Since we are all beyond tired of seeing the same regurgitated leather posts every day, I've compiled and briefly debunked some of the most common myths peddled about leather and pleather… So hopefully we can all move on to talk about literally anything else.
1) Leather is not sustainable.
Approximately 85% of all leather (almost all leather you'll find in stores) is tanned using chromium. During the chrome tanning process, 40% of unused chromium salts are discharged in the final effluents, which makes it's way into waterways and poses a serious threat to wildlife and humans. There are also significant GHG emissions from the sheer amount of energy required to produce and tan leather.
Before we even get the cow's hide, you first need to get them to slaughter weight, which is a hugely resource-intensive process. Livestock accounts for 80% of all agricultural land use, and grazing land for cattle likely represents the majority of that figure. To produce 1 pound of beef (and the subsequent hide), 6-8 pounds of feed are required. An estimated 86% of the grain used to feed cattle is unfit for human consumption, but 14% alone represents enough food to feed millions of people. On top of that, one-third of the global water footprint of animal production is related to cattle alone. The leather industry uses greenwashing to promote leather as an eco-friendly material. Leather is often marketed as an eco-friendly product, for example, fashion brands often use the Leather Working Group (LWG) certificate to present their leather as sustainable. However, this certification (rather conveniently) does not include farm-level impacts, which constitute the majority of the negative environmental harm caused by leather.
2) Leather is not just a byproduct.
Some cows are raised speciifically for leather, but this a minority and usually represents the most expensive forms of leather. This does not mean that leather is just a waste product of beef and dairy, or that it is a completely incidental byproduct; it is more accurate to call leather a tertiary product of the beef and dairy industries. Hides used to fetch up to 50% of the total value of the carcass, this has dropped significantly since COVID-19 to only about 5-10%, but this is recovering, and still represents a significant profit margin. Globally, leather accounts for up to 26% of major slaughterhouses’ earnings. Leather is inextricably linked to the production of beef and dairy, and buying leather helps make the breeding, exploitation and slaughter of cows and steers a profitable enterprise.
3) Leather is not as biodegradable as you think.
Natural animal hides are biodegradable, and this is often the misleading way leather that sellers word it. "Cow hide is fully biodegradable" is absolutely true, it just purposely leaves out the fact that the tanning process means that the hide means that leather takes between 25 and 40 years to break down. Even the much-touted (despite it being a tiny portion of the market) vegetable-tanned leather is not readily biodegradable. Since leather is not recyclable either, most ends up incinerated, or at landfill. The end-of-life cycle and how it relates to sustainability is often massively overstated by leather sellers, when in fact, it is in the production process that most of the damage is done.
4) Leather is not humane.
The idea that leather represents some sort of morally neutral alternative to the evils of plastic is frankly laughable, at least to anyone who has done even a little bit of research into this exploitative and incredibly harmful industry. Cows, when properly cared for, can live more than fifteen years. However, most cows are usually slaughtered somewhere around 2-3 years old, and the softest leather, most luxurious leather comes from the hide of cows who are less than a year old. Some cows are not even born before they become victim to the industry. Estimates vary, but according to an EFSA report, on average 3% of dairy cows and 1.5 % of beef cattle, are in their third-trimester of pregnancy when they are slaughtered.
Slaughter procedures vary slightly by country, but a captive bolt pistol shot to the head followed by having their throats slit, while still alive, is standard industry practice. This represents the “best” a slaughtered cow can hope for, but many reports and videos exist that suggest that cows still being alive and conscious while being skinned or dismembered on the production line is not uncommon, some of these reports come from slaughterhouse workers themselves.
5) Leather often involves human exploitation.
The chemicals used to tan leather, and the toxic water that is a byproduct of tanning, affect workers as well as the environment; illness and death due to toxic tanning chemicals is extremely common. Workers across the sector have significantly higher morbidity, largely due to respiratory diseases linked to the chemicals used in the tanning process. Exposure to chromium (for workers and local communities), pentachlorophenol and other toxic pollutants increase the risk of dermatitis, ulcer nasal septum perforation and lung cancer.
Open Democracies report for the Child Labour Action Research Programme shows that there is a startlingly high prevalence of the worst forms of child labour across the entire leather supply chain. Children as young as seven have been found in thousands of small businesses processing leather. This problem is endemic throughout multiple countries supplying the global leather market.
6) Pleather is not a ‘vegan thing’.
Plastic clothing is ubiquitous in fast fashion, and it certainly wasn’t invented for vegans. Plastic leather jackets have been around since before anyone even knew what the word vegan meant, marketing department have begun describing it as ‘vegan leather’ but it’s really no more a vegan thing than polyester is. Most people who wear pleather are not vegan, they just can’t afford to buy cow’s leather, which remains extremely expensive compared to comparable fabrics.
It is striking how anti-vegans consistently talk about how ‘not everyone can afford to eat plant-based’ and criticise vegans for advocating for veganism on that basis, yet none of them seem to mind criticisms directed at people for wearing a far cheaper alternative than leather. You can obviously both be vegan and reduce plastic (as we all should), but vegans wear plastic clothing for the same reason everyone else does: It is cheaper.
7) Plastic is not the only alternative.
When engaging in criticism of pleather, the favourite tactic seems to be drawing a false dilemma where we pretend the only options are plastic and leather. Of course, this is a transparent attempt to draw the debate on lines favourable to advocates of leather, by omitting the fact that you can quite easily just buy neither one.
Alternatives include denim, hemp, cork, fiber, mushroom fiber, cotton, linen, bamboo, recycled plastic, and pinatex, to name a few. There are exceptions in professions like welding, where an alternative can be difficult to source, but nobody needs a jacket, shoes or a bag that looks like leather. For most of us, leather is a luxury item that doesn’t even need to be replaced at all.
8) Leather is not uniquely long-lasting.
The longevity of leather is really the only thing it has going for it, environmentally speaking. Replacing an item less often means fewer purchases, and will likely have a lower environmental impact than one you have to replace regularly. Leather is not unique in this respect, however, and the idea that it is, is mostly just effective marketing.
As your parents will tell you, a well-made denim jacket can last a lifetime. Hemp and bamboo can both last for decades, as can cork and pinatex. Even cotton and linen can last for many years when items are looked after well. While some materials are more hard wearing than others, how long an item will last is mostly the result of how well made the product is and how well it is maintained, not whether or not the item is leather.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
1. ‘It was an accident’: the scientists who have turned humid air into renewable power
Greetings, readers! Welcome to our weekly dose of positivity and good vibes. In this edition, I've gathered a collection of uplifting stories that will surely bring a smile to your face. From scientific breakthroughs to environmental initiatives and heartwarming achievements, I've got it all covered.
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In May, a team at the University of Massachusetts Amherst published a paper declaring they had successfully generated a small but continuous electric current from humidity in the air. They’ve come a long way since then. The result is a thin grey disc measuring 4cm across.
One of these devices can generate a relatively modest 1.5 volts and 10 milliamps. However, 20,000 of them stacked, could generate 10 kilowatt hours of energy a day – roughly the consumption of an average UK household. Even more impressive: they plan to have a prototype ready for demonstration in 2024.
2. Empty Office Buildings Are Being Turned Into Vertical Farms
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Empty office buildings are being repurposed into vertical farms, such as Area 2 Farms in Arlington, Virginia. With the decline in office usage due to the Covid-19 pandemic, municipalities are seeking ways to fill vacant spaces.
Vertical farming systems like Silo and AgriPlay's modular growth systems offer efficient and adaptable solutions for converting office buildings into agricultural spaces. These initiatives not only address food insecurity but also provide economic opportunities, green jobs, and fresh produce to local communities, transforming urban centers in the process.
3. Biden-Harris Administration to Provide 804,000 Borrowers with $39 Billion in Automatic Loan Forgiveness as a Result of Fixes to Income Driven Repayment Plans
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The Department of Education in the United States has announced that over 804,000 borrowers will have $39 billion in Federal student loans automatically discharged. This is part of the Biden-Harris Administration's efforts to fix historical failures in the administration of the student loan program and ensure accurate counting of monthly payments towards loan forgiveness.
The Department aims to correct the system and provide borrowers with the forgiveness they deserve, leveling the playing field in higher education. This announcement adds to the Administration's efforts, which have already approved over $116.6 billion in student loan forgiveness for more than 3.4 million borrowers.
4. F.D.A. Approves First U.S. Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill
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The move could significantly expand access to contraception. The pill is expected to be available in early 2024.
The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved a birth control pill to be sold without a prescription for the first time in the United States, a milestone that could significantly expand access to contraception. The medication, called Opill, will become the most effective birth control method available over the counter
5. AIDS can be ended by 2030 with investments in prevention and treatment, UN says
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It is possible to end AIDS by 2030 if countries demonstrate the political will to invest in prevention and treatment and adopt non-discriminatory laws, the United Nations said on Thursday.
In 2022, an estimated 39 million people around the world were living with HIV, according to UNAIDS, the United Nations AIDS program. HIV can progress to AIDS if left untreated.
6. Conjoined twins released from Texas Children’s Hospital after successfully separated in complex surgery
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Conjoined twins are finally going home after the pair was safely separated during a complex surgery at Texas Children’s Hospital in June.
Ella Grace and Eliza Faith Fuller were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for over four months after their birth on March 1. A large team of healthcare workers took six hours to complete the surgery on June 14. Seven surgeons, four anesthesiologists, four surgical nurses and two surgical technicians assisted with the procedure.
7. From villains to valued: Canadians show overwhelming support for wolves
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Despite their record in popular culture, according to a recent survey, seven in 10 Canadians say they have a “very positive” view of the iconic predators. 
Here's a fascinating video about how wolves changed Yellowstone nat'l park:
That's it for this week :)
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Living machines are essentially intensive, indoor artificial wetlands. Technical names for living machines include "advanced ecologically engineered systems" and "fixed-film ecology wastewater treatment systems." What they entail is mimicking natural processes of biological decomposition in a constructed aquatic environment. Simply put: dirty water goes in, passes through a series of self-contained aquatic ecosystems, and clean water comes out. The water is, in fact, so clean that it can be safely discharged into sensitive aquatic environments, like natural wetlands. And it does all of this without any of the usual chemical treatments or high-energy inputs of conventional wastewater treatment. Living machines produce such safe effluent because they achieve what is known as "tertiary treatment," meaning they successfully abate pollutants. How does a biological system do this? Simple: it uses them as inputs. Let me explain. The most common such pollutants are nitrogen and phosphorous. These happen to be the two nutrients whose out-of-whack flows have pushed us past a key planetary boundary. The biggest reason for this is industrial agriculture: it relies on synthetic nitrogen and mined phosphorous to exceed the carrying capacity of the ecosystems in which it operates. One of the big problems with industrial agriculture is that a great deal of the nitrogen and phosphorous applied isn't actually utilized by the food being produced: most of it runs off into waterways. This leads to far-reaching, ecologically catastrophic events ("eutrophication"). By constructing a complete food chain within the living machine, each step creates the food for the next step. Excess nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorous, feed microorganisms which are then consumed by larger creatures and so on up the food chain, until we are left with harmless components and a great deal of life. The living machine converts pollution into biodiversity and clean water, instead of run-off and eutrophication. It's a prime example of true "regeneration."
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transmutationisms · 4 months
any thoughts on the obsession with "hyperprocessed foods"? is there even such a thing and if so how much of the stuff around it is fake?
such a flawed useless categorisation lmao; this phrase comes from the nova scale, according to which an "ultra-processed food" is identified by a lack of sufficient "intact" food and the presence of "sources of energy and nutrients not normally used in culinary preparations" and additives specifically "used to initate or enhance the sensory qualities of food or to disguise unplatable aspects of the final product" (other additives, such as preservatives, antioxidants, and stabilisers, only qualify a food as group 3, "processed"). ultra-processing is defined as "a multitude of sequences of processing [...] includ[ing] several with no domestic equivalents," and ultra-processed foods are "usually packaged attractively and marketed intensely."
......so ok, first of all, this is very obviously reliant on a lot of assumptions about what 'normal' cooking and cooking equipment means, lmao. i do all kinds of shit in the kitchen that would have been inaccessible to someone in the mid nineteenth century; has the food become 'less processed' because i can make it at home now? if i obtained the equipment to hydrogenate oils myself would they magically not be ultra-processed simply because they came from my kitchen and not from an industrial setting?
this is just quasi-scientific language to express a fundamental distrust of food produced in ways that currently can't be replicated in [researchers' definitions of] a [normal] home kitchen. it's barely more sophisticated than platitudes like michael pollan's command to "eat only foods your grandmother would recognise". using the nova classifications to make assumptions about the healthfulness or danger of a food is just silly; the presumption is that the dietary and medical effects are not due to the food itself but to how it's produced, an idea that has led researchers to conclude that "the NOVA system suffers from a lack of biological plausibility so the assertion that ultra-processed foods are intrinsically unhealthful is largely unproven."
fundamentally the only evidence that nutritional scientists have been able to produce is observational studies showing a correlation between certain ill health outcomes and consumption of 'ultra-processed food'.
But the observational studies also have limitations, said Lauren O’Connor, a nutrition scientist and epidemiologist who formerly worked at the Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health. It’s true that there is a correlation between these foods and chronic diseases, she said, but that doesn’t mean that UPFs directly cause poor health.
Dr. O’Connor questioned whether it’s helpful to group such “starkly different” foods — like Twinkies and breakfast cereals — into one category.
Clinical trials are needed to test if UPFs directly cause health problems, Dr. O’Connor said. Only one such study, which was small and had some limitations, has been done, she said.
ie, when evaluating the healthfulness of foods you have to actually look at what they are and what the human body does with them, and not just make a bunch of wild assumptions based on fears about their lack of proximity to 'naturalness' or propensity to be advertised (unlike, i guess, other more intact foods, which are not commodities. who knew!)
and there are like a million trillion other reasons why this correlation might hold: off the top of my head, for instance, people who rely more on the convenience of ready-made foods likely to be categorised as 'ultra-processed' are likely to be people who can't cook because they don't have time because they're working. so as usual nutrition and health science does a dogshit job distinguishing between the health effects of socioeconomic status and those of whatever some dickwad wants to publish a splashy study about.
there are certainly 'ultra-processed' foods that we can be extremely confident are harmful to human health---for example, trans fats. but the categorisation as a whole is so conceptually flawed as to be useless for any purpose besides as a term that 'scientises' culturally held beliefs about the wholesomeness and healthfulness of home food preparation, and the corresponding danger and artificiality of industrial production and methods.
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adragonsfriend · 2 months
The Cat People-Agriculture Problem
Writing about Zygerria and realized you know what a massive problem with cat people is?
They're obligate carnivores. Raising animals is incredibly energy intensive. how the hell are they going about creating a food surplus of meat sufficient for a population of carnivores to create city or city-like settlements? Like you're going to need agriculture to feed all those mice or whatever, but what motivation to your ancient hunter gatherer cat people have to start cultivating anything? What do they care about seeds? maybe they notice that more mice hang out in certain grassy areas? The connection is just so much less direct than for if you're actually going to be eating the cultivated grass yourself
Do they have giant mouse colonies alongside giant grain fields? is it like they let the mice out to graze before herding them back into their enclosures? have they bred giant mice like how chickens got way bigger in the 20th century? I guess they could eat space-chickens too. maybe they farm several kinds of birds. but that's still a lot of grain. or maybe there's a lot of fish. Fish might be the answer here the picture of Zygerria from space shows quite a bit of ocean. Maybe it's just impossible to have a cat people city that isn't on the coast?
Do poor cat people have to eat more plants than they should and deal with stomach ulcers all the time (my sister's cat used to get ulcers from eating too much grass) as well as the general effects of poor nutrition? Honestly that would fit into zygerria's entire everything and also very much real life food deserts.
I just feel like everybody talking about cat girls is not sufficiently considering the ramifications ok bye gonna go world build giant mouse farms or smth
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hearthandheathenry · 3 months
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All About Litha
Litha is the modern name given to the Wiccan and pagan holiday for the summer solstice, a.k.a. the longest day of the year. In 2024, the holiday falls on June 20th for the northern hemisphere. Generally, the intense power and energy of the sun is celebrated by those wishing to participate, and many celebrations revolve around fire and light and other symbolic things representing the sun.
Historically, the actual word "Litha" was associated with the June and July months in the Anglo-Saxon communities in Europe, as written by Venerable Bede from the 8th century. However, different cultures and regions have their own names for midsummer or solstice festivals, and Litha is a modern name and version adopted by new-age Wicca and modern Druidry. Some Wiccans and pagans will use the name "Midsummer" for the holiday, though, as that name signifies the many solstice traditions held in Europe as a whole and has a more ancient history in texts. Since their new-age holiday enmeshes many traditions together, Midsummer makes sense as an alternative name.
Because Litha was created by Wiccans, which is a new-age practice, they have adopted different solstice traditions from more ancient pagan religions that aligns with their religious beliefs. Just like other solstice celebrations, their summer Sabbat named Litha is all about the sun and the abundance and life is brings to us all, especially in agricultural communities. The sun's energy is thought to be the most powerful at this time, so many Wiccans use this opportunity for spellwork, cleansing, and energy-intensive work and projects. Since it's a combination of many traditions, there is no one way to celebrate the holiday. Some ways to celebrate include having a bonfire, focusing on love and romance, gathering herbs and other plants, creating flower crowns, singing and dancing, enjoying time outside, and feasting by having a picnic under the sun. Since Wicca is also a very divided religion with many sects, certain branches may celebrate different ways. The overlaps seem to be focusing on the sun, height of summer, and nature, like other religions on the same day. In terms of associations, it is generally believed that anything you associate with summer can be used for Litha, such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, sun, fair weather, bright colors, etc.
Litha Associations
Colors - yellow, orange, red, green, blue, pink, purple, other bright colors
Food - fruits and vegetables, citrus, melons, berries, honey, mead, wine, herbal teas, salads
Animals - bees, snakes, butterflies, birds
Items - sun wheels, sunflowers, chamomile, dandelions, torches, wreaths, flower crowns
Crystals - sunstone, citrine, carnelian, tigers eye, diamond, amber
Other - sun, fire, bonfires, picnics, faeries, love and romance, power, bountiful harvest, high energy
Ways To Celebrate
have a picnic under the sun
make a sun wheel
enjoy a sun themed feast filled with summer foods
have a bonfire
light candles and give thanks to the sun and the light
make a flower crown or bouquet of summer flowers
do spellwork that needs large amounts of energy
use the sun to charge your crystals
make sun tea
make an offering to the faeries
focus on relationship and self love magick
go to a farmers market
go for a nature walk
create a vision board
plan out your goals and projects
sing and dance to joyful songs
gather and dry herbs to use
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Virgo Sun + Risings
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✧.*Aries Rising: You're full of vibrant energy, taking risks and masking uncertainty with assertiveness. Your warmth attracts others, though insecurities can push them away. Your heart seeks recognition and flattery. You're robust physically and love outdoor activities. While impulsive at first, your methodical side becomes evident as people get to know you.
✧.*Taurus Rising: Sociable and refined, you have a deep affinity for animals. You enjoy social interactions, have artistic flair, and are nurturing. You can be cautious with finances but indulge occasionally. Family dynamics might have tension. You're committed to your aspirations, and your practicality shines.
✧.*Gemini Rising: You're sociable, intelligent, and curious. Your loyalty is reserved for a chosen few. You're a thinker, delving into books and seeking rational explanations. You're busy with a thirst for knowledge, but you tend to graze the surface of topics. Family conflicts are common, and your actions sometimes create predicaments.
✧.*Cancer Rising: You're affectionate but hesitant to engage deeply. Emotional wounds are hidden, leading to occasional mood shifts. You're discerning with friends and value consideration. Imagination drives you, and your journey includes fame and influence. Family dynamics can be complex, and you might have grown up as an only child.
✧.*Leo Rising: You're commanding and benevolent, exuding self-assurance. You have a taste for collecting and a constructive outlet for criticism. Sociable and joyful, you seek recognition. Flattery can complicate love. You appreciate grandeur and beauty. Family dynamics might have challenges, but your traits form a captivating personality.
✧.*Virgo Rising: Intelligent and analytical, you categorize and critique everything. You're a natural leader but hesitant to give orders. You value loyalty in friends and remain composed in critical situations. Ambitious and pragmatic, family complexities might arise, and you occasionally reveal a wilder side beneath your composed exterior.
✧.*Libra Rising: Serious yet humorous, you avoid confrontations and maintain a modest profile. Family dynamics might lack ambition. You're shyer than you appear, finding comfort in familiar faces. Stepping out of your comfort zone could lead to growth. Embrace risks for a fulfilling life.
✧.*Scorpio Rising: You're discerning, self-critical, and intense. You focus on those who adore you, becoming a remarkable friend and lover. Your professionalism drives success, but temper your exacting standards. Your vivid imagination and occasional jealousy surface. Family dynamics might involve setbacks.
✧.*Sagittarius Rising: Nervous vitality drives your pursuits. You're ambitious, diligent, and adventurous. Prioritize personal matters and avoid excessive burdens. You're courteous and serene, treasuring autonomy. Family dynamics might involve siblings, and your life is characterized by positive relations.
✧.*Capricorn Rising: Practical and accomplished, you comprehend others and excel in diverse cultures. Balance work and leisure, and don't shy away from relaxation. You're reliable but might shoulder too many burdens. Family dynamics might involve challenges. Your resolute pursuit of goals is unwavering.
✧.*Aquarius Rising: Detached yet concerned for others, you're a passionate advocate for freedom and global issues. Collaborative and skilled at blending in, you shield your sensitivity. Friendships thrive, but you can be temperamental. Family dynamics might involve siblings, and your parent could have connections in trade or agriculture.
✧.*Pisces Rising: Gentle yet resolute, you balance artistic talent with pragmatism. Collaboration and compromise bring harmony. You're perceptive but shield your inner world. Solitude isn't preferred, and you find solace among like-minded individuals. Family dynamics might involve turbulence.
Extra Sources: Drawing by Destina Eroland
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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broncoburro · 8 months
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Meur (or magic) is a natural force in Vestur. Since the invention of the Andimeur Synthesizer (a device that converts it into a form usable by man), Vestur’s aristocracy has continually found new uses for it. From homes heated by red meur to nutritionally dense food aided by green meur, the Tri-Kingdom has gained the distinction of most scientifically advanced country in the known world.
Children in Vestur sometimes play a clapping game that goes as such:
“Green’s for the beans on my supper plate, Blue’s for the clean water enjoyed while I ate, Red warms my toes when there’s snow on the ground, Yellow’s how a Southern fellow steers his ship around, And if he crashes it upon the shore The Architect alone will decide his score: Black, White, Black, White, Black, White, Black If the man is slack, it’s the work of Black If he avoids the light-- Then thank goodness, it’s White!”
Like all good children’s songs, it ends in giggles about dying a horrible death. But it effectively teaches every child in the Tri-Kingdom about what each of the six meur types, or colors are, and their most common use cases.
Green meur affects the botanical world. While plants cannot be summoned into existence through green meur alone, it can be used to grow plants in conditions that shouldn’t be able to foster them. It may also alter their growth trajectory or physical properties. Almost none the of the plants grown in the Northern Kingdom could survive the nutrient-poor, hard soil without green meur. Specializing in green meur may sound tame or perhaps boring at first (and green meur users are stereotyped as such), but bring domesticated thorny vine seeds onto the battlefield and a competent green meur user will be sending barbed tendrils through an enemy’s torso in seconds.
Blue meur pertains to water. The ability to command water’s flow has several use cases in itself: powering water wheels, irrigation for agriculture, maintenance of sewerways. But this meur type takes on new complexities when you consider water’s other states. Ice can be easily weaponized, and some innovative meur scientists have been doing research into engines powered by steam. Even more mysterious, it seems water’s omnipresence on earth has lent blue meur some properties related to the flow of time. There’s more to blue meur than is currently understood.
Red meur is pure energy in the form of heat. When wielded by man, It’s most commonly seen as fire. Heat is useful for everything from keeping a forge running to warming air in houses. Red meur is (sadly) not a free energy buffet though, and has some major downsides: it’s inherently tiring and energy-intensive on the user. In addition, fine control is difficult. Red meur users have something of a reputation for being none too bright, but many of said users would rebuff this with “easy to use, difficult to master”.
Yellow meur affects air. It’s mainly used to influence wind direction and speed, leading to some of the fastest trade ships in the known world. As a result, yellow meur is an eclectic choice for anyone to specialize in besides Southerners. The current use cases are narrow... but this might be more due to lack of interest in the field than anything else. Who knows, perhaps some sort of yellow meur related discovery is around the corner....?
Green, blue, red, and yellow are the standard meur colors. Upwards of 95% of Vestur's nobility have their specialty in these four. There are two less common meur types though, and they have a lot of mythologizing around them, as well as being less understood.
White meur is usually described by laymen as “the healing one”. Say that to any white practitioner and watch him start pulling his hair out in frustration and screeching through gritted teeth, “its so much deeper than that!”. Those who use white meur must, in addition to finishing standard meur education at Vestur Royal Military Academy, score well on the White College Aptitude Test and be accepted to the College of Divine Healing, where they’ll learn about the human body, pathology, and advanced white meur for an additional two years. Only then can one be certified as a white practitioner. Without knowing what you’re putting back into place and why, it’s horrendously easy to do more harm than good when mending the human body.
All this said, white meur can’t do miracle work. Wound closure or bone refusing is one thing – regrowing a whole arm or bringing someone back from the dead is strictly in the realm of fantasy.
Black meur inflicts death, plain and simple. It is unilaterally outlawed. Its only practical use is in combat, but black meur is considered a dishonorable way to inflict suffering. Any of the standard colors can just as easily be used to kill. Only one nobleman in all of Vestur is registered as a black meur user, and the designation was given as a soft way to say, “you are disallowed from wielding meur of any color”. Though... he really is quite talented at it, as circumstance will soon reveal.
And those are the meur colors! Every noble child in Vestur goes to VRMA and gets educated on the principles of wielding each, but as a graduated nobleman in the service of your community, a person may only specialize in one.
Any given two blue meur users likely have their in very different applications: one might maintain a city’s sewerways, and another might work to provide potable water in an area where there is none. There is a lot of variation and opportunity within any given color.
(The little emblems for the meur types, as with all of Forever Gold's more graphic design-y work, were done by LSDolphin!)
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Mass tech worker layoffs and the soft landing
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As tech giants reach terminal enshittification, hollowed out to the point where they are barely able to keep their end-users or business customers locked in, the capital classes are ready for the final rug-pull, where all the value is transfered from people who make things for a living to people who own things for a living.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
“Activist investors” have triggered massive waves of tech layoffs, firing so many tech workers so quickly that it’s hard to even come up with an accurate count. The total is somewhere around 280,000 workers:
These layoffs have nothing to do with “trimming the fat” or correcting the hiring excesses of the lockdown. They’re a project to transfer value from workers, customers and users to shareholders. Google’s layoff of 12,000 workers followed fast on the heels of gargantuan stock buyback where the company pissed away enough money to pay those 12,000 salaries…for the next 27 years.
The equation is simple: the more companies invest in maintenance, research, development, moderation, anti-fraud, customer service and all the other essential functions of the business, the less money there is to remit to people who do nothing and own everything.
The tech sector has grown and grown since the first days of the PC — which were also the first days of neoliberalism (literally: the Apple ][+ went on sale the same year Ronald Reagan hit the campaign trail). But despite a long-run tight labor market for tech workers, there have been two other periods of mass layoffs — the 2001 dotcom collapse and the Great Financial Crisis of 2008.
Both of those were mass extinction events for startups and the workers who depended on them. The mass dislocations of those times were traumatic, and each one had its own aftermath. The dotcom collapse freed up tons of workers, servers, offices and furniture, and a massive surge in useful, user-centric technologies. The Great Financial Crisis created the gig economy and a series of exploitative, scammy “bro” startups, from cryptocurrency grifts to services like Airbnb, bent on converting the world’s housing stock into unlicensed hotel rooms filled with hidden cameras.
Likewise, the post-lockdown layoffs have their own character: as Eira May writes on StackOverflow, many in the vast cohort of laid-off tech workers is finding it relatively easy to find new tech jobs, outside of the tech sector:
May cites a Ziprecruiter analysis that claims that 80% of laid-off tech workers found tech jobs within 3 months, and that there are 375,000 open tech roles in American firms today (and that figure is growing):
There are plenty of tech jobs — just not in tech companies. They’re in “energy and climate technology, healthcare, retail, finance, agriculture, and more” — firms with intensely technical needs and no technical staff. Historically, many of these firms would have outsourced their technological back-ends to the Big Tech firms that just destroyed so many jobs to further enrich the richest people on Earth. Now, those companies are hiring ex-Big Tech employees to run their own services.
The Big Tech firms are locked in a race to see who can eat their seed corn the fastest. Spreading tech expertise out of the tech firms is a good thing, on balance. Big Tech’s vast profits come from smaller businesses in the real economy who couldn’t outbid the tech giants for tech talent — until now.
These mass layoff speak volumes about the ethos of Silicon Valley. The same investors who rent their garments demanding a bailout for Silicon Valley Bank to “help the everyday workers” are also the loudest voices for mass layoffs and transfers to shareholders. The self-styled “angel investor” who spent the weekend of SVB’s collapse all-caps tweeting dire warnings about the impact on “the middle class” and “Main Street” also gleefully DM’ed Elon Musk in the runup to his takeover of Twitter:
Day zero
Sharpen your blades boys 🔪
2 day a week Office requirement = 20% voluntary departures.
For many technologists, the allure of digital tools is the possibility of emancipation, a world where we can collaborate to make things without bosses or masters. But for the bosses and masters, automation’s allure is the possibility of getting rid of workers, shattering their power, and replacing them with meeker, cheaper, more easily replaced labor.
That means that workers who go from tech firms to firms in the real economy might be getting lucky — escaping the grasp of bosses who dream of a world where technology lets them pit workers against each other in a race to the bottom on wages, benefits and working conditions, to employers who are glad to have them as partners in their drive to escape Big Tech’s grasp.
Tomorrow (Mar 22), I’m doing a remote talk for the Institute for the Future’s “Changing the Register” series.
Image: University of North Texas Libraries (modified) https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth586821/
[Image ID: A group of firefighters holding a safety net under a building from which a man is falling; he is supine and has his hands behind his head. The sky has a faint, greyscale version of the 'Matrix Waterfall' effect. The building bears a Google logo.]
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Taurus Talon Abraxas
Unleashing the Power of Taurus’s Spirit Animal: A Guide
The symbolism of the bull as Taurus’s spirit animal extends to themes of fertility, abundance, and sensuality, making it ideal for rituals related to manifestation and prosperity.
To harness the energy of Taurus’s spirit animal, witches can perform rituals involving earth elements, such as grounding spells or working with crystals like emerald and rose quartz.
Rituals involving the bull spirit can enhance one’s ability to set and achieve practical goals, fostering a sense of unwavering determination and resilience.
Incorporating the bull’s energy into your witchcraft practice can also help you connect with the earth’s energies, deepening your spiritual connection with nature and the cycles of life.
Taurus’s spirit animal
Taurus’s spirit animal is the bull. It is a very stable sign-in which stubbornness and a lot of possessiveness are present. The animal moves and thinks slowly, but the moment it learns something it assimilates it in a lasting way.
Taurus hates change and has the gift of knowing how to handle money. They are not deflected by flattery, they insist on logic and do not disperse their interests. They are usually in excellent health. People of this sign have intense physical magnetism towards others.
Its greatest virtue is patience as well as constancy. Someone born in the sign of Taurus is very tenacious in pursuing a goal, despite being strong and rather slow, and when fate is adverse, he knows how to wait with great calmness and start again with great calmness without getting tired and without wasting time in recriminations that, for him, would be useless. Nature passionately expresses itself, more sensually than sentimentally.
They are loyal individuals with some weaknesses: they have a great sense of friendship, they would really do everything for a friend, even help him economically, even if the Taurus possesses great parsimony.
The formation of the individual is influenced by childhood and the family environment, he knows where he wants to go and does not tolerate impositions, moreover, he hates intrigue and shuns gossip. It becomes very dangerous when he realizes that he has been betrayed and exploited. However, the
Taurus does not lack defects: he has a possessive nature, laziness, and a total lack of self-criticism that leads him to a sort of presumption. The Taurus knows how to give warmth and love to those close to him, but he is equally selfish and jealous of the same people.
Those born under this sign should be taught dominating instincts and the control of arrogance. From a very young age, he will be favored in relationships with others, he wants to show himself well and often succeeds, his bonds are constant and lasting, whether they are of love or friendship. Taurus loves the so-called “good life”, so he usually surrounds himself with beauty.
His home is his temple and he loves décor; he creates a great place where he can feel relaxed and pampered. Those born under the sign of Taurus are considered to be practical and simple people, peaceful and open; they love their home, they have a great taste (aesthetic and more), they are attracted by the pleasures of life and material goods.
With strong and constant characters, they are suitable for the arts or cooking, for works in the field of aesthetics, well-being, agriculture, in any case respecting nature and its balance (great ecological sensitivity). The psychology of those born in Taurus is not as simple and serene as it may appear; on the contrary, it is complex and tormented, often involving a relationship of love, which is understood as the possession of the loved one, of deep jealousy.
The female psychology represented by Venus in her dark side is, in fact, also highly seductive and observing, a bewitching and astute manipulator. Being happy for Taurus means possessing, merging, planting roots, and relying on safe nourishment and support.
The symbolism of this spirit animal explained
Due to its virility and the might of its presence, the bull has been a cult icon for many cultures. In many ancient cultures, such as Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, and Egyptian, it was considered a sacred animal and it was common to offer the blood of this animal as a sacrifice during sacred rites.
In Celtic symbolism, the bull represents physical strength and power. According to the Celtic beliefs, the bull was extremely virile and therefore symbolized fertility and the power of procreation, which in turn meant extending one’s life.
The druids associated the bull with solar energy, and the cow, on the other hand, with earthly energy. For the Celts, the bull was also a symbol of luxury, wealth, and prosperity: after all, it has been a source of benefit and income for these people for centuries.
Also, according to Celtic thought, it was said that the bull possessed a very important characteristic that stands out above all the rest: the fact that this animal is very stubborn and obstinate. It is also a symbol of virility for men and fertility for women.
According to the Celts, this animal would help improve the mental state in relation to sexual strength. Since the bull was a great source of food for the Celts, it is easy to understand why his figure is associated with an age of serenity and abundance.
According to a more modern perspective, the bull has several meanings related to safety and strength. Although the source is unknown, the bull is said to be a positive symbol for investment in business due to the remarkably active lifestyle it leads in its natural habitat.
Some aspects of the symbolism associated with this animal are stability, virility, strength, prosperity, security, fertility, determination, and help.
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Insights into spinel cobalt oxides may lead to efficient ammonia synthesis
Researchers have made a significant breakthrough in the development of catalysts for the electrochemical nitrate reduction reaction (eNO3RR) to ammonia, a process that has broad implications for sustainable energy, agriculture, and industrial applications. The study is published in the journal ACS Nano. Ammonia, a critical component in global food production, also holds promise as a zero-carbon fuel due to its high energy density, clean combustion products, and established infrastructure for storage and transportation. However, the current method of producing ammonia, the Haber-Bosch process, is energy-intensive and accounts for about 1.8% of global CO2 emissions. In their recent study, the research team focused on spinel cobalt oxides (Co3O4), a promising class of catalysts for eNO3RR due to their low cost, high activity, and selectivity.
Read more.
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mezzy-1 · 1 year
A Bunch of WHOLESOME Valorant Headcanons
Damn I shoulda posted these a week ago but here goes. Also thank you to @eviethelesbian for coming up with the prompt. Gotta give credit yknow.
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Is always challenging people to race her or beat her in some way.  Competitive as hell but just likes the thrill of it
Misses her old home, but brought a lot of her mementos along and has a story behind every one of them in her room
She’s worried about her powers acting up, but Sage and Reyna helping her out has given her a little more confidence.  She’s grateful to both of them
Sleeps like a rock after a hard day, to the point where it's usually impossible to wake her and not get shocked in the process
Has big sister energy with most of the other young agents and lightly teases them if they lose to her.  Always lets people rechallenge her and may or may not let them win 
Complete menace to the fridge because of the calories she burns running so fast, but shares the food she preps.  
Gets excited when she meets dogs and will absolutely lose her mind if someone lets her pet their dog
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Despite being the leader and ex-military he’s not really harsh on any of the younger agents
They still hate him for the PT he makes them do, especially because he knows how to bring out the best of them.  
Usually it's reminding them about not letting someone close to them down, but other times it’s about proving themself
A lot of personal records have been set thanks to Brimstone, but the aches and pains from intense exercise are the price of hard work
He is always there for agents when they have self doubt or regret.  A hand on their shoulder, giving them some time to themselves, or a quick story from his ‘younger days’ that manages to provide some guidance
Him and KAYO sometimes take a few extra minutes after a briefing to go over ‘potential strategies’ or ‘advanced tactics’ but everyone knows it's for them to talk about something pleasant before getting back to work.  
When agents return from a successful mission and are unharmed, the look on his face is of pure relief
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A lot of her ideas come from something someone says or suggests, she’s always listening to people intently because of this
The chicken design on the turret was in reference to a chicken she kept after her school did one of those agriculture/biology programs.  She named it ‘Gelbie’ and the turret shares the name.
She may build her gadgets, but she prefers to have people weigh in on the colors (hence Raze helping her out a lot).  She lets people pick out some of the colors of things
She’s the tech support for a lot of people and likes using it as an excuse to get to know people.  Also has left notes for people who don’t understand tech as well, signed with little doodles 
Can and will outdrink other agents, and loves dragging people to go clubbing.  If whoever she brings isn’t the most social, she’ll keep close if they need it and encourage them to try dancing with someone
Huge nerd for everything and somehow part of every fandom.  Will definitely rewatch or replay things with fellow agents.  Enjoys talking about the nerdiest stuff with anyone 
While working for Kingdom, she’d hack the coffee machines and vending machines to spit out free drinks for her favorite coworkers.
Absolutely loves her jacket, and it was a gift from one of her friends back in Germany and she does her best to keep it in the best condition she can, despite the firefights
If an agent is a little shaken from the last fight, she’ll lay her jacket on them if they need it or if they’re sleeping.  She sees it as extending a bit of good luck.
Blushed a lot when Raze joined the VP and stayed up late to help her with any kind of work.  She’d make excuses for it too and try to avoid letting people see how red her face was.  It made it even more obvious
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Didn’t realize how serious she seemed at first and used to scare some of the younger agents, much to the amusement of Viper.  Apologized a lot after she realized it
Has moments where she drops her formality and everyone kinda stops what they’re doing.  When she isn’t restraining herself to monotone or quiet it’s really noticeable
Nobody knew she could laugh at first but it came out once.  It’s one of those really loud and tearful ones that she can barely breathe through.  Borderline snorting laugh
On occasion she’ll tell people how they remind her of her ‘sisters’ 
Will sit in with the other agents while they watch dramas and whatever else, despite her obvious confusion.  
Is blunt, but tells people what they need to hear to get things done.  Never leaves any room for miscommunication or anxiety at all
Understanding and observant with the other agents, and is often able to bring an element of calm to tense situations
Kept the tags of her Staljaeger unit and has them in a locked box in her room, along with a group photo
Enjoys doing her weapon maintenance because she can sort of lose herself in the work, but doesn’t mind doing it with others
Wears a ton of sweaters, like absolutely lives in those ultra-comfortable ones that are constantly warm
Gekko (+ Wingman)
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Wingman will grab people’s hands and try to lead them to things.  It’s always the fridge cause he isn’t tall enough to reach the handles
Wingy will bring things to his favorite people, and most of the time its things from Chamber’s room cause of how shiny they are
Neon loves that Wingman steals from Chamber and lets him into Chamber’s room for the hell of it
If asked to grab things by anyone other than Gekko, he brings the wrong item most of the time.  Cypher once asked for a soldering iron and Wingman brought back a minifridge that let cans and food everywhere
Dizzy passively floats in Gekko’s room like a helium balloon and is usually found on the ceiling.  All curled up and sleeping like a cat.
Thrash will follow a laser pointer around and yes there’s a video of it 
Gekko may not have a lot of battlefield experience but he’s always ready to charge in to save someone.  
He also gets along great with everyone by keeping things light and throwing compliments around.  Phoenix and him brighten up a room, and behave like brothers
Loves having dinner with the protocol, it feels like the dinners his familia would have 
Will attempt to do challenges from the internet with other agents.  Most of the duelists are usually game but getting Brimstone to try something makes his day
Discussed working with the protocol with his mom before leaving, and sends her little postcards from the places he’s visited.  The radivores sign them with paw prints
Will help people dye their hair no questions asked and knows all the places to get tattoos and dye in LA.  Loves showing his home to the agents.
Loves getting together with people and hitting up food trucks, doesn’t matter what kind of food either
Protocol Wide Headcanon
One time someone (Neon or Jett take ur pick) put a Jalapeno in someone’s (Harbor’s) food as a prank.  When he ate it no problem, that’s when some other agents chimed in saying that Jalapenos aren’t spicy.
This began a debate as to what is and isn’t considered spicy, and to test their theories more chiles, peppers, and habaneros were eaten.
This led to almost the entire protocol having a contest to see who could eat the spiciest food.  A lot of people were either trying to prove a point or show how tough they were
It got so heated that Brimstone stepped in, and decided to make a point as to who knows spicy food the best
He made a chili the next night that had people turning red, downing milk and chewing ice, and generally rolling around in pain
Undiluted spice hell
Brim said he used a family recipe and that nobody would ever be able to handle the chili his grandpa came up with
Viper had poured straight capsaicin into the chili the night before, she just wanted to stop the contest and since capsaicin is a neurotoxin she had a ton of it lying around
Brim still thinks it was his cooking
Now from time to time, small contests of spice tolerance break out over dinner but not enough to get the attention of the higher ups, fear of the chili haunts them
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“People need to understand that ‘growth’ is not the same as social progress.” Hickel is one of the leading lights in a growing post-growth or degrowth movement. Its proponents argue that economic success cannot be measured through the crude metric of gross domestic product (GDP) and that there needs to be a managed reduction in growth in carbon-intensive countries and industries. “Growth simply means an increase in aggregate production, as measured in market prices,” says Hickel. “So, according to GDP growth, producing £1m worth of teargas is considered exactly the same as producing £1m worth of affordable housing or healthcare.” Hickel says that what matters in terms of social progress is not aggregate production but the production of specific goods and services that are necessary for improving people’s lives and achieving ecological goals – and a reduction in overall growth in high-emitting sectors and countries. “Every time a politician says they want more economic growth, we need to ask: growth of what and for whose benefit?” Opponents of the post-growth movement counter that a shrinking economy would be socially destructive, leading to a rise in unemployment, a reduction in tax revenue and therefore less money available for public services. This, they argue, would lead to increasing levels of hardship and destitution, which is already hitting marginalised communities the hardest. However, economists in the post-growth movement say a planned and purposeful reorganisation of the economy would benefit the vast majority of people. According to their vision, this could entail an organised downsizing in production of things such as mansions, SUVs, industrially produced beef, cruise ships, fast fashion and weapons – all of which are profitable to capital but ecologically destructive. At the same time, there should be a massive increase in investment in what would benefit people the most, from healthcare, public transport and renewable energy to affordable housing, nutritious food and regenerative agriculture, which offer less profit but are also less ecologically destructive. Hickel says: “In high-income countries like the UK, we have absolutely massive aggregate output. But this output is mostly organised around what is profitable to capital – and beneficial to elite consumers – rather than what is necessary for the wellbeing of everyday citizens. So despite high production we still have widespread deprivation … More than 4 million children live in poverty, and you can see the misery on our streets when you walk around. It’s madness.”
27 August 2024
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"Although methane is harmful in its effect on our climate, a new study of the greenhouse gas shows that its effects are not as intense as previously thought.
The biggest sources of methane gas emissions come from coal, oil, and gas development, although emissions from agriculture is probably the most heavily publicized.
As the planet absorbs heat from the sun, it would naturally radiate this long-wave energy back out into space. But greenhouse gasses trap the heat inside the atmosphere, causing ‘the greenhouse effect’.
Scientists at the University of California-Riverside have now found that methane also absorbs short-wave energy, which, through the creation of cooling clouds, actually cancels 30% of its own heat (the heat which the gas has created in the greenhouse effect).
Specifically, it creates more low-level clouds that offset the short-wave energy from the sun and fewer high-level clouds which increase the outward radiation of long-wave energy from the Earth.
“This has implications for understanding in more detail how methane and perhaps other greenhouses gases can impact the climate system,” said Robert Allen, UCR assistant professor of Earth sciences. “Shortwave absorption softens the overall warming and rain-increasing effects but does not eradicate them at all.”
They also found, as Allen says, that methane cancels 60% of increased levels of precipitation predicted under global warming models—yet more good news for cities and towns around flood zones.
For a number of reasons, this could be a revolutionary discovery. The EPA says that methane’s greenhouse effect is 34 times that of CO2.
Using the U.S. as an example, methane accounts for only around 10% of the nation’s emissions. The lifespan of a methane molecule in terms of its harmful affect on climate is around 9 years.
This means that methane emitted 9 years ago is no longer causing a greenhouse effect. By contrast, the greenhouse effect of CO2 molecules is more than 1,000 years.
For years, climate scientists have known that methane was a critical greenhouse gas for humanity to target, but now we can create more accurate models that reflect how methane is 30% less harmful than we thought and it counteracts 60% of its own harmful rain effects."
-via Good News Network, 3/28/23
The study was published in the renowned journal Nature, and there's a full open access copy here!
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theblissfulstars · 5 months
Full Moon in Scorpio,April 23rd 2024
On Tuesday April 23rd, 7:49 p.m. Eastern standard Time, we are going to be experiencing a full moon in Scorpio.
This full moon is thematically aligned with motifs surrounding healing, rebirth and second chances.
With both the Moon in Scorpio and on the Ascendant, themes of rebirth, death and horror are highlighted prominently this full moon. We are going to be faced with crises surrounding our sense of security, home place and well-being. With a Mars ruled sign at the helm we can expect explosivity, volatility and violence to take center stage during and around this full moon. Mars for this full moon is currently in the fifth house conjunct Neptune and Saturn. Mars and Saturn are enemies, this energy creates a hyper focused, stressed, anxious and drained quality. There's a lot of pressure for success, and karmic influences on how we're spending our energy. This indicates major power plays and disruptions surrounding places of hegemonic power, governmental control and business. Throwing in Neptune, there is exacerbated delusions, violent fantasies, naval warfare and even abuse of substances leading to injury during this full moon.
Risk-taking behavior is not advisable during this full moon, nor is gambling as it can lead to an unnecessary expenditure of precious resources.
There is an incredibly heady, sensual, provocative and enticing energy to this full moon that made tempt you to physical action of a libidinous variety. This can make one impulsive or unwise and how they go about romantic and physical connections. This tension in this area can facilitate breakups, conflicts and issues in already established relationships. It could even prompt breakups with people who no longer resonate with your path.
Spiritually, this configuration is incredibly potent. With both Scorpio and Pisces heavily at play we're going to be having supernatural occurrences, visitations from the dead and otherworldly beings. If it is within your path, you are gently advised to seek counsel and/or blessings from the dead during this lunation and to listen to your intuition.
All of this intense and heavy energy is undergirded by the t-square configuration between the Moon, Pluto and the Sun. This t-square configuration is all about transformation and illumination of the darkest parts of the self. Symptoms of anxiety, depression and other mental ailments may be amplified during this full moon in order to force us to confront the parts of ourselves we may be ashamed of. There is an escalation here, as Pluto is mutiny, power shifts and dynamics the sun is authority figures and the moon is the people in electoral astrology. There may be an overthrowing of a government on or around this full moon that is quite significant.
This all sounds very frightening However this full moon as stated prior is all about healing, rebirth and second chances. With the Sun in Taurus in the 6th and mercury Rx in Aries in the 6th conjunct the NN, collectively, we're being given the opportunity at a second chance to cultivate health, healing and productivity in our environment and around us. This is a time of massive healing of the past, trauma and pain that we've gone through.
With Jupiter conjunct Uranus trining Ceres, we can expect a lot of monumental and positive changes in environmental procedure in conservation efforts, renewable energy and agriculture. Similarly, in the world of medicine the potential for revolutionary or experimental techniques arises, especially surrounding dietary science, the bones and herbal medicine.
All in all, this is a moon of healing and passion.
The cards for this full moon include: eight of swords, ten of wands, ace of pentacles, seven of wands.
Spirit acknowledges the collective malaise that has befallen the collective. However, this is a rather encouraging message that this moon will illuminate the bindings of our mind and liberate us from powerlessness. There's an opportunity for physical growth in some way for the collective and an acknowledgment that we are overwhelmed, overburdened and overworked. But with the seven of wands, do not give up! We are close to achieving something big. Keep going and keep having faith.
•new love
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