"it takes grace
to remain kind
in cruel situations"
Rupi Kaur, milk and honey
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If you can dream it, you can do it
Walt Disney 
I love Disney and I am trying to be more positive this year and be more aspiring for my future
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And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
John F. Kennedy
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This quote describes me well since I follow the policy of honesty with the utmost integrity. Honesty is a great thing since it helps build trust which is something that is hard-earned and can be easily lost. Also, the quote is from one of my favorite gentlemen from history.
“It is better to speak one truth than a million lies.” - S.O.
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“Without struggle, success has no value.” ― Aaron Lauritsen, 100 Days Drive: The Great North American Road Trip
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Master Oogway from Kung Fu Panda is one of the wisest and coolest turtles to ever exist.
This classic saying from Alice Earle’s book in 1902 is one of my favorite quotes. It combines learning from the past, not worrying about the future and making the most of today. This is something that I like to live by
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SLO A Reflection
There were many genres that I have analyzed so far. These genres included editorials, research news articles, visual timelines, and historical documents in a wide variety of topics. I chose those genres because they were unusual genres and I hadn’t learned the purpose of some of these genres yet and they were interesting because they were unusual. I learned in the editorials that since they are personal doesn’t mean that they have to have an informal register and can keep a formal and professional register throughout a piece. I learned for my career was focused in SWA 2 with a visual timeline that was very informational.
           My favorite genre to research was the editorial documents that I found online. I was able to research an editorial from 1966 and to see how it was formatted to convey an idea concerning engineering was very interesting. While I was researching I was able to compare it to other editorials that were recent and analyzes the genre conventions but also the style of writing between the years.
           The genres I wrote in varied between the three major assignments we did throughout this sequence. For SWA 1 I wrote an essay about a historical casting for Judy Garland for Dorothy and analyzes the subtle genres. For SWA 2 I wrote a field entry guide for my major and was a very interesting writing because it was not a usual assignment and wrote in small sentences and not long paragraphs. Lastly for MWA 1 the genre I wrote in was a genre convention reflection essay that I analyzed multiple editorial pieces in electrical engineering that was not of the norm and broke the normal genre conventions. Each of these assignments were different genres and allowed for my writing to grow.
           I don’t have any questions about the different genres. It was interesting to learn about how conventions can be subtly broken and can be unnoticed if not looking for them.
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Analyze, compose, and reflect on arguments in a variety of genres, considering the strategies, claims, evidence, and various mediums and technologies that are appropriate to the rhetorical situation.  
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This is Jim Valvano’s famous speech he gave at the 1993 ESPY Awards. I like this speech because even as his life was coming to an unfortunate end from cancer, he inspired everyone with not just his story, but with his most famous line: “Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” He wanted to help others until his time on Earth was over.
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SLO G - Research
When researching for evidence to use in my research paper, I searched through the deep, infinite sea of articles and selected a few that would help build my argument the best. Technology was a major help during research, I used the internet a lot in order to sort through the vast expanse of academic articles and reports posted about the topic I had chosen. Without technology, such as the online Library catalog and the internet, the research paper would have taken much longer to create since I would have had to go to each library, find out what they had, and determine versus the relatively simple keystrokes and clicks to find the articles needed online. When researching and addressing the counterarguments for my paper, I had to make sure to include that part of the counterargument was rooted in fact but the groups making them were forgetting the background information that they do not acknowledge. Most of the counterarguments only scratched the surface of an overall problem but did not go into great detail with too many to be addressed and refuted within the paper without becoming repetitive and making multiple paragraphs redundant. One such counterargument that was not used was 'Renewables are safer and cleaner than Nuclear' which was proven incorrect in body paragraphs 1 and 3 in major assignment #2 and would have been redundant since it would be proving the same argument again. Overall, it did not change my mind on the topic I chose. My only question is how to incorporate more complex counterarguments that may be difficult for people to understand since some only know the surface of the argument or do not know the argument even existed. I discovered that there are many misconceptions and stereotypes in any field that a person is in. These misconceptions and stereotypes are spread by those not within the field. However, most people need to be informed about the truth of the actual field and topic.
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I chose this quote because gave me motivation to stay working hard in school. 
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One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.
Malala Yousafzai
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engl1120jennifer · 5 years
Research Clinic Sign-Up
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I sure am missing High School right now, mostly Cheering.  This is one of my favorite cheer pictures from senior year on a FNL night! 
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