#enjoyed some mountain blueberries too
legomydoggos · 1 year
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Nice 8.8mi loop for us! Jennings Peak and Sandwich Dome
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leahsgirl · 8 months
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homemade love | leah williamson x reader
why am i getting attached to a fake scenario i made up in my head i need help.
anyways happy valentine’s day & enjoy this blurb of pure fluff !
"do you want mamma to pour the flour or is wren doing it?" the blonde asked the nearly three year old next to her as she made sure to get the measurements right.
"wren do it!" taking the measuring cup that leah held out for her she dumped the contents in the bowl, being a little off target and some ending up on the counter instead. "good job beautiful."
leah had decided to surprise you, her fiancé, with breakfast in bed. it was valentines day after all and she loved to treat you in any way possible. she roped your daughter in of course, jumping at any opportunity to have the extra bonding time with her mini-me.
today was one of the rare instances where leah was actually awake before you considering it was often you having to pull the defender out of bed which was not an easy task could you just say.
"okay crack an egg into the mixture." she read from the cookbook open in front of her. "watch these skills kiddo." leah smirked as she took the egg and attempted to break it with one hand only for her to fail miserably and have the shell fall into the batter. wren giggled "silly mamma."
"shh don't tell anyone." she picked out the unwanted bits and booped her toddler's nose, leaving a flour mark on it.
eventually the pair finished the pancake mix after a quick flour fight and leah poured the mixture into the pan, flipping it with ease much to wrens amusement shown by her excited claps.
the skipper plated them up and let wren take control of the cream "okay! that's enough darlin." grabbing the bottle off of her after seeing what was practically a mountain of the whipped substance. finishing off the meal with a few strawberries and blueberries leah moved it all onto a tray.
"lets take this to mummy shall we?"
you stirred in your sleep as you felt a weight press onto your stomach. "mummy! mummy! wake up." the infant babbled as she continued to climb all over you.
"morning bubba." you gave her a weak smile while adjusting to the light coming through the window. "i made you bekfast!"
“oo did you now?”
"i'd say it was more a joint effort but i suppose she was the better chef." you looked up to see leah stood there with a goofy smile on her face holding a tray just above her waist.
"happy valentine's day baby." she placed the food down onto your lap, bending down and planting a sweet kiss on your lips.
"oh my, thank you guys." your heart swelled at the gesture - just picturing the behind the scenes you wished you were awake to see. "eat it?" wren who had now cuddled into your side looked up expectantly.
"hm i think wrenny should have first taste, considering she did make it after all." cutting a triangular piece out the stack you fed it to the young girl watching as her eyes lit up from the taste of sugar. "is it good?"
wren nodded vigorously and gave a thumbs up making both you and leah chuckle. you had to admit, they were good pancakes, almost too good considering leah's cooking history, she was by far not the designated chef of the family.
"wait hang on i forgot your present." leah suddenly realised as she dashed out of the room.
you look quizzically at your toddler "what's she got up her sleeve now?" only getting a shrug in return.
your fiancé now came back with her guitar she had been learning to play for a couple of months in her hand. "may i present to you ‘you are in love’ leah williamson version."
you couldn't help but laugh when you figured out what she was about to do. playing the chords to the song she began singing looking directly at you the whole time.
''cause you can hear it in the silence you can feel it on the way home you can see it with the lights out you are in love, true love you are in love'
you loved seeing leah like this; all cheesy and goofy, a complete 180 to how she was on the pitch. she may not be fully in tune but she did have a good voice that you could happily sit and listen to all day long.
wrapping the song up she took a bow as you and wren applauded her. "surprised it wasn't 'our song'." you say knowing how that was the older girl's favourite taylor song.
"thought i'd be a little spontaneous gorgeous." she winked as she now plonked herself on the bed so wren was in between the both of you.
"well i guess it's my turn now huh." rooting through your bedside table drawer. "i don't know if I'm going to beat the pancakes and serenades but here." you passed both wren and leah neatly wrapped gifts. "princess open yours first." you didn't have to tell wren twice before wrapping paper was flying everywhere revealing a baby doll wearing an arsenal shirt with the number 24 on it.
you looked at leah for any form of reaction but she clearly hadn't caught on yet simply sharing wrens excitement at the new toy "you can bring her to mummy and mamma's games."
"okay leah open yours." anticipation was bubbling inside the both of you.
the blondes mouth dropped open when she picked up the items at hand. "are ya serious?" doing a double take at the pregnancy scan photos and test she was holding in her hand. "it worked?"
nodding she rushed off the bed to your side, picking you up and twirling you around. "okay okay put me down! i don't want to start being sick before i have to."
she did as requested and held the scan right in front her face still in disbelief. "september 2024, twins.`' casually slipping it into conversation.
"fuck off." she said incredulously which earned her a glare off you, reminding her there is a child in the room.
"wren your going to be a big sister!" now shifting attention to her daughter - it being her turn to be picked up and bounced around.
"sister?" the little girl questioned. you pointed at your stomach "there's two babies in mummy's tummy." wren reached her small arms out to touch your belly "hello!"
"they can't talk yet love, they've gotta grow for a while in there, make sure they're strong and healthy just like you." the centre-back explained.
you smiled at the interaction. leah was such a good mum. you couldn't wait to make your family even bigger in a few months time. "good valentines day gift then?"
leah pulled you in to her side with her free arm. "the best. i love you." she pressed her lips onto yours, conveying every emotion possible. little laughs coming from the small body in the older girl's arms as she watched her grossly in love mothers.
"oh you find it funny when we kiss do you?" you quirked an eyebrow and watched as she nodded.
you pecked leah's mouth again..and again, hearing the giggles make a return.
"i think it's someone else's turn now." the defender smiled smugly and you quickly caught on, both bombarding your daughter with kisses on the face as she squealed happily.
god you loved your valentines.
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lilypadlys · 3 months
Forbidden Fruit
Ghouls indulging in fruit and Mountain slowly losing his mind. Sorry, had to be horny about enjoying fruit for a minute there.
With the heat of summer comes the harvest time for full crops of strawberries, blueberries, watermelons, grapes, cherries, peaches, and more. Ghouls and siblings alike enjoy the chance to indulge. Rich fruits, freshly baked pastries, and delicious juices are the perfect way to celebrate gluttony; not a sin under the ministry’s roof, but a chance to revel in the offerings of nature.
Mountain is steadily losing the fight to not add lust to the celebrations.
It started innocently enough. As he worked with the garden crews to pick peaches, everyone helped themselves to fruit straight off the trees. Soon they were all sporting sticky hands and dibbles of juice down their chins. Two sisters of sin started it. Rather than washing off in a water basin, one of them jokingly licked the juice of the other’s hands while maintaining fierce eye contact. She moved to clean the other’s chin with her tongue too and well one thing led to another and they quickly disappeared into a bush. Everyone else laughed it off and left them to their make out session and Mountain thought that would be it.
Next it was the strawberries. Mountain walked into the ghoul’s common room after a long day of garden work to find Rain and Phantom cuddling on the couch, feeding each other strawberries. As Mountain entered, Phantom looked up to wave in greeting, a plump strawberry between his lips. Rain grinned and took a bite out of the other end of the berry so that his and Phantom’s lips could meet. Phantom went about as red as the berry. Mountain let them off with some gentle teasing and stole a strawberry for himself before heading to the shower.
He stepped into the hall only to see Dew eagerly hefting a watermelon down the hall to Swiss’ room. Upon further inspection, Swiss and Aether were having a watermelon squashing contest. The two of them stood in the bathtub, already soaked in watermelon juice and with matching grins. This time, Mountain gave them a telling off about wasting food. That is until Dew piped up that he was going to help them clean up after. Mountain rolled his eyes and left to take a very cold shower.
Post shower, Mountain figured it was too late in the day for any more shenanigans. How wrong he was. The delightful smell of warm pastries filled the air. Following his nose, Mountain found Cumulus in the kitchen pitting cherries. She smiled and waved. His eyes lingered a little too long on how her lips and hands were stained magenta with cherry juice. He shook his head both at her offer of a freshly pitted cherry, as well as to clear his head. She shrugged and popped the fruit in her mouth. As she swallowed with relish she tipped her head back a little, exposing the line of her throat. Mountain all but fled to the common room.
Phantom and Rain had thankfully vacated so he took up a spot on the couch to read. That is until Aurora skipped her way in. She beelined to Cumulus’ side, putting on her best puppy eyes. Cumulus laughed her bell tinkle giggle and grabbed a fresh cherry. She used her claw to slice it open and scoop out the pit. Then she held it out to Aurora. The younger ghoulette let her tongue loll out as Cumulus fed her the cherry.
After that little show, Mountain finds himself at Cirrus’ door. When the door swings wide, Mountain is ready to beg. Cirrus beckons him in with a laugh, motioning Sunshine, who's sitting on the bed munching blueberries, to scooch over to make room for the earth ghoul.
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pinkhairandpokemon · 2 months
Blueberry Academy Annual Summer Camp
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Every late summer here at BBA, when most students are approaching the end of their break, we hold an event to offer anyone who might've struggled last year with grades a chance to catch up and prepare for the upcoming new year, or newbies that are seeking to get a head start. It's also a good opportunity for any parents considering BBA for their child!
This camp began as a student-lead idea to help their friends who were struggling to keep up, and in the last few years has become a BBA tradition. Along with tutoring, we also realize attending requires most students to stay in dorm rooms for the duration of the camp- so we also offer fun activities and games in between lessons! These activities can range anywhere from arts and crafts, general hangouts, nature walks or hikes to different parts of the Terarium, or even battling!
You aren't required to show up to any specific lesson- whatever works with your schedule, and whatever subject you need help studying for! Most of our tutoring sessions are held in groups, but we also provide private individual lessons for anyone who think their kids would benefit more from that. Our sessions our typically held by volunteers, teachers, and even some students!
The event organizers this year is our newest champion of the BBL and Naranja Academy exchange student, Florence Ramirez, and our Steel-type BBL Elite Four Member, Amarys Martin. If you have any questions, direct them to Florence at @scarlet-rider!
Here's a list of the subjects we plan to tackle and some of the events we have planned in the coming weeks:
Subjects (+ Instructors):
-Science (Florence Ramirez)
-Battle Study (Blake Lockhart)
-History (Ms. Briar)
-Mathematics (N Harmonia)
-Literature (Mrs. Ross)
-Foreign Language (Anita Brooks)
Week 1 Activities
Day 1- Introduction to the Terarium: This one was made specifically for new students, but anyone is allowed to attend! Director Cyrano and Florence will be providing a personal tour of the Terarium and its various different biomes.
Day 2- Group Training: Are you a trainer seeking to challenge the BBL this year? Our Battle Studies instructor Blake and a few of our League Club members themselves will be holding a series of training sessions for you and your Pokemon to hone their skills!
Day 3- Paper flowers: We try to have a different arts and crafts activity held by the Art Club for every week of the camp. This time, we'll be learning how to make paper flower displays!
Day 4- Lunch and Get Together: Just a small meet up we'll be holding in the Central Plaza to recap how our first week of camp has gone! A good opportunity to make some friends and get to know some of our instructors. We might also have some exhibition battles between BBL Elite Four members to enjoy!
Day 5- Polar Biome Hike: We'll be hiking to the peak of the Polar Biome's Mountain! Pack a lot of cold weather and camping gear for the journey.
Day 6- Karaoke Night: A laidback karaoke event that'll be held by the Music Club!
We'll be revealing Week 2 and Week 3 events later on into the camp! We'll provide more details for each event and tutoring session via handout pamphlets that all attendees will receive, such as times, what to expect, and what you'll be recommended to bring.
The camp will run for a duration of three weeks from July 25th to August 15th. We hope to see you there!
(( OOC Event info under cut ))
(( hi! the summer camp arc was something I've been plotting for a while, and decided hey maybe other people with BBA characters would like to participate in this!
it won't be anything too complex- you can just make posts about your character attending a tutoring session or one of the events listed above. you can even have them interact with N, Blake or Florence if ya want! Florence will be making an announcement post for each event on her blog.
like I said above , there will be week 2 and week 3 events, and those will be announced once week 1 wraps up :)
a pretty simple, low stakes event, I think that pretty much sums everything up. if you decide to participate i hope you'll have fun! lmk if you have any questions ))
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dysfunctionallygrey · 19 days
Do you have any cool Pokemon headcanons???}
(sorry for the late reply BTW)
Here are some I don't really see often, and one I consider very interesting and not too thought of:
Pokemon Schooling headcannons!
(For the champions specifically, Under the cut!)
He finished public elementary school and then immediately disappeared for the mountains. Literally living my dream.
What else does he need.
Continued schooling at a private high-school while being a gym leader, then went to uni in Kalos to be a Pokémon professor.
Homeschooled from elementary to high school by his dragon clan. Then went to a private prestigious university in Galar (The same one Cynthia and Steven would eventually go to.)
(He counts, he's the champion of my heart)
Secular Private school kid, all his life. (like meeee) Probably didn't go to university in favor of Contests, since he blew up in popularity around his mid teens.
Rich kid, private elementary school, private international school abroad and then abroad again to a uni in Galar. (all non secular)
Her family is rich but not that rich, Public elementary school and then secular private high school. Then obviously abroad in Galar.
I imagine a small schoolhouse for him in Floccessy town, where he schooled for elementary where his mom taught at. I don't think he got any higher schooling than that because I headcannon he went on his Pokémon journey on his teens and kept the title of champion for a long while.
(If I'm counting Wallace I'm counting him too)
Actually homeschooling is an overstatement. He learned maths, of course. Ghetsis probably found out he was a genius in maths and fed into it because he thought it would be useful for later.
Then how to read and write, some basic words and simple things and then the rest was just blatant propaganda to brainwash N into thinking all Pokémon trainers suck.
She reeks of homeschooled kid whose spark hasn't been crushed by bullies. A very outdoorsy girl who goes out to play, do her workbooks for an hour and then pop out to play or train even more.
For high-school though I think she'd attend Blueberry academy.
I'm not saying she's a nepo baby, but she is a non-secular private school kid who went to Uni in Kalos.
Professor Kukui
Public Elementary school, Public highschool, scholarship to a fancy schmancy private university.
Hear me out:
ACE kid.
He became champion really young so he probably didnt go to normal school as a kid, so ACE it was. He was enrolled there, but he never really showed up except if you counted him coming in once a month to get his Paces and pace tests
For the uninformed, Ace is a school system focused on self learning.
They give you a short workbook called a PACE that is essentially a week or twos worth of lessons, a goal chart that you have to set yourself which is basically a little calendar where you write your goal page, usually 3 - 5 pages and then you finish it at the end of the day.
If you are ever done with a goal or page, you go to the scoring station and then score it yourself.
Once you're done, you immediately take a test for all the stuff you learned.
That's basically the gist of it, but Leon would do his Paces in between training sessions, once the week was over, the finished paces and pace tests would go to the teacher to be graded.
She went to Naranja/Uva and it kinda strikes me as a good private school with functioning bathrooms so we'll go with that.
Holy fuck that was a lot I hope you and the 5 people enjoyed
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doubleddenden · 9 months
The Epilogue dropped today: Mochi Madness. Its not a DLC, but rather an Event that's like a tad more complicated version of past events on the DS and GBA games- Such as how you'd obtain Victini, Darkrai, Shaymin, etc.
Although, I'll be honest, I wouldn't call it an "epilogue" because all it really does is introduce the friend groups to each other and then have a fun side adventure. Think of it like a fun, campy OVA or special episode to a concluded season. An "epilogue" would have done something to tie up the final loose ends of the story, imo.
But I'm not going to be a downer about it- This was fun, hilarious, and honestly what I've always wanted Events to be before they became mythical pokemon handouts. Although, I would have rather had some more to do, such as some of those strange structures deeper in Oni Mountain or just delving deeper into the connections between Ogerpon, Pecharunt, and the Lousy Three- although they were at least decent enough to provide small easter eggs to it, such as Ogerpon crying out when you bring her out to battle Pecharunt, Pecharunt crying out when fighting one of the Three, and Carmine talking about how Pecharunt and the Lousy Three were "definitely connected."
Its a campy little side adventure, and that's fine. I would have loved to see Carmine have more interaction with the gang, and to see the gang enjoy the festival or explore more of Kitakami, but as I figured with the end of Indigo Disk, I figured they just wanted to be done with Scarlet and Violet. Kieran had a great "redemption?" arc kind of, or at least we were able to actually work together with him and get some quality time with him in his right state of mind, and honestly I'm just thrilled to know that Arven considers us his best friend to the point he gets jealous of newbies.
Oh, and now Kieran and Carmine will appear randomly in the BB Club Room- it's a bitch and a half to get them to show up, but you can speed up the process slightly by using the system calendar to go forward a day until one or both show up. Nemona, Penny, and Arven are part of the coach system now, so all you need is about 1800 BP to get them all maxed out, and you can rebattle them on command. They also have fun interactions with each other and other characters, such as Arven learning about how "Toedscruel" from other regions can swim, Penny expanding on the facility Blueberry Academy is attached to, and Nemona actually offering up some more of her own backstory.
As for Pecharunt itself- I'll admit. I'm very let down. I thought the way things were played out before that it was building up to be this mastermind behind everything, but it's just a little runt. That's fine too, in the end, I love a good little gremlin bastard child. Its ability is pretty insane, too, automatically stacking Confusion on top of Poison status you inflict on your opponent.
Perhaps there was a much, much bigger story planned out involving it, Ogerpon, and the Loyal Three, but ultimately time, like usual, was something they sacrificed to get it out the door. Perhaps this was always the plan. Who knows.
As it wasn't DLC and it was just an extension of Indigo Disk's DLC, I'll just judge it a 7/10 for what was provided. It was fun enough, got some great laughs, some fun animations, I just wish there was more to it, and I'll always be a bit bitter that it wasn't the final answers to the story I've been seeking, nor was it more than just a gag Pokemon in the end. Still, I would love more Event Pokemon in this style. No more Zarudes or Zeraoras, give me Pecharunt all day any day.
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mcufan72 · 1 year
Cold winter afternoons, a lonely woman on a bench, a stranger in the park...
An Encounter in Winter ❄️
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Loki and female reader (18+)
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
18+/ adult themes/ talking/ fluff/ angst/ smut
Warnings: smutty smut (you all know what that means), unprotected sex, soft!dom/sub vibes/ slight breeding kink/ mentions of blood (not graphic), talking about death and immortality, self-deprecation, angsty vibes, fluff
A/N: I've never been to Norway but I'm planning to go on a vacation there soon. I did a little research on Norwegian landscapes, including the times of sundowning there. I'm also a hobby astronomer (not to be confused with astrology!! I watch the stars and planets, but I don't read them!!)
As always, all places are fictionalized and exist only in my head. I hope you all love some stargazing with Loki…and it's a long chapter again… I just can't write short ones;)
One week later you two were on your flight to Oslo, Norway. For you, it felt a bit like coming home because you had lived here for several years and you were excited to show Loki all your favorite places. You stayed for a few days in the city and did some sightseeing and shopping before you travelled further to the destination where you two would stay and relax for nearly two weeks. On your way to the location, you drove to some fjords and marvelled over the impressive landscapes. You were offered fantastic views of the pristine nature of the environment with its views of rugged rocks and pretty impressive, roaring waterfalls. The roads followed the coastline, big lakes and nice villages along the way.
When you finally arrived at the destination, Mrs Andersson, a cute, nice old lady and owner of the house you had rented for your vacation, welcomed you and Loki warm-heartedly.
"God dag, Mrs y/l/n. Welcome to Norway. I hope you had a good journey. Ahh…and this must be your husband, god dag Mr. Y/l/n."
You looked at each other embarrassed and smiled. Mrs. Andersson felt a bit embarrassed, too.
"We're not married, Mrs. Andersson," you said and gave her a friendly smile.
"Not yet…" and Loki gave you a mischievous sideways glance.
"I'm Loki Laufeyson, god dag Mrs Andersson, hyggelig å mate deg (nice to meet you)," he greeted her in perfect Norwegian and gave an implied kiss to her hand.
Did he just say 'not yet'? You raised an eyebrow and looked at him astonished. He felt you glancing at him and you saw how a small smirk curved his lips. You hadn't expected this of him, not yet though it would be something you might like to be one day, Mrs Laufeyson …Loki's kone (wife).
"Ohhh…you're a perfect gentleman," Mrs. Andersson giggled. "Please forgive an old woman like me for this misunderstanding. You two seem so enamored that I thought your vacation here must be your honeymoon," and she smiled brightly at you and Loki.
After a short introduction to the bungalow, Mrs. Andersson handed you the house keys, said her goodbye, and left. The house you had booked for your vacation was gorgeous and luxurious. It was a wooden lakefront house, with a large winter garden which was a perfect place in bad weather, with private sea access, a private rocky beach, and a jetty. The lodge's interior was modern but wonderfully cozy. Picturesquely framed by rugged mountains the bay offered a fantastic panorama. All in all a small piece of paradise.
You took strolls through nature, and watched eagles surfing the high winds or the ever-shifting colours on the horizon. Enjoying the silence and loneliness while sitting in front of your house or the winter garden was your favourite thing to do and while sundowning, you two loved to sit on the jetty. Swimming naked in the sea, and maybe doing some naughty things there, was another highlight, especially for Loki. He felt free like never before and the temperature of water and air was perfect for him to be your Blueberry. He put a warming-spell on you then, so you could join him longer in the, for you too cold, water. You still used to freeze easily and you knew to appreciate Loki's magical skills. You still hoped you got to see The Northern Lights. It was nearly summer and too late in the year to see them but maybe with a bit of luck it might happen.
One evening after you had finished dinner, Loki refilled your glasses with wine to drink with you outside on the jetty. Like mostly every evening you two would sit there and look over the bay until the sun goes down and the stars are sparkling in the sky. You put the washed plates and cutlery back in the cupboard and drawer and turned around to Loki. He smiled at you with this sexy grin of his and his sky-blue eyes glanced lovingly at you. Why was he always so beautiful, in each of his appearances? And also you would never understand why he always was so super sweet with you.
You couldn't resist kissing his lips, neck and bare chest devotedly. His chest hair, which lurked out of his half-buttoned black shirt, tickled your nose and your hands firmly grabbed his butt which was perfectly hugged by his tight dark grey jeans. Loki chuckled. He knew how much you loved doing that especially when he was kind of 'defenceless' like now because he held his arms sideways, the glasses of wine in his hands. He always enjoyed your devoted, gentle kisses and tender touches.
"Are you coming up, my love?" He murmured into your ear. You placed your hands on his hips and gave him a little peck on his cheek.
"Just a moment, Lo. I just put a sweater on and look for my blanket to cuddle. You go ahead, I'll be right there, okay?" you answered and went to the bedroom.
You wore just a t-shirt and leggings and you knew you would begin to freeze as soon as you were sitting on the jetty. Loki hummed in yes and went barefoot to the jetty, sat down there at the edge of the ridge and waited for you.
His gaze wandered over the bay. He looked at the horizon. The daylight was fading and the moon had already risen and stood pale just above the mountains surrounding the bay. Loki took a sip of his wine and thought about the last days. With you, every day felt good and was full of fun and laughter, fine foods and devoted sex. You two often made excursions in the surrounding area but you also loved to stay at the secluded and private lodge. It was the first time that he had found a place where he could walk around or sit here on the jetty in his natural form whenever he wanted, whenever it felt right for him.
No, you had found this place because you knew that this place here was what you both needed and you, his wonderful queen, continued helping him to accept this 'blueberry' side of him. He also knew how much you loved both of his appearances and he appreciated it. He loved it when you called him 'my blueberry'. It always made him smile because he felt all of your adoration and love when you called him by this nickname. Without you, he would be nothing anymore. You were his destiny, his now, and his tomorrow. You were his most important reason to live. And together you two were already writing new stories.
But today something was different. During dinner, you had been very quiet and he wondered why. He had the feeling, something was bothering you. But he also knew you would tell him what it was. Maybe tonight you would ask him the questions he was awaiting from you you would finally ask.
You needed to talk to him. You shouldn't wait any longer. And this place here, where you both felt utterly safe and comfortable, seemed perfect for this highly needed conversation. Since the night you two had bonded yourselves to each other, you had this indescribable feeling inside of you. It felt like… you could feel what he feels. His happiness, joy, anxieties, sadness… his heartbeat? No, that was impossible. Did he feel the same things?
You had been absolutely sure about what you wanted and you were aware of what you were getting into. But now you had so many questions and the longer you thought about it the more sure you were that you should've asked him beforehand, before you two fixed the bond. You had the feeling that you had made a mistake, a big mistake. You grabbed the warm fluffy blanket and walked outside towards the jetty where Loki was waiting for you.
"Hello handsome."
"Hello, my love. Come here and sit down, I want to hold you in my arms. Your god needs you close to him…I need to feel you!"
You sat down next to him, your legs dangling over the edge like his and he wrapped his arm tightly around your shoulder. He passed you your glass of wine and you took a sip of the red liquid.
"Is everything alright, Snowflake? You've been so quiet today."
"It's nothing, Lo. I'm fine," you answered hesitantly.
"Hmm Hmm."
"You lie to the god of lies, Snowflake?" He scolded you playfully and a smile curved his lips.
"You have to be careful, my Lady, otherwise I have to punish you," he cooed into your ear.
You laughed lightly and turned your head, your eyes meeting his. As much as you loved his punishment, it had to wait.
"Can we talk, Lo? I…I have some questions."
"Sure, you can ask me everything anytime, my love."
"Okay…I don't know where to start…" you said and bit nervously into your lower lip, your slightly trembling fingers fidgeting with the glass of wine.
"Just ask me, darling, don't be nervous."
"In the night we bonded, Lo I… I had such a strange, indescribable feeling inside of me. I don't know how to explain it… some things feel different since then."
"Does it feel bad for you?" Loki was unsettled and he traced a thumb tenderly over your cheek.
"No…no just … different. Did you feel the same? Do you still feel it like I do?"
Loki smiled. You just have given him the confirmation that you had felt it too in exactly the same moment he did. You were The One. His goddess.
"Yes, Snowflake. I did and I still do! And you've no idea how happy you make me right now. I wasn't sure if you had felt it too. I didn't know it, I could only suppose it."
"So we… we really created the lifelong bond you had told me about?" You asked him with a shaking voice.
"Yes, we did." Loki nodded seemingly relieved, still smiling. For the first time in his life, he had trusted himself and his heart, encouraged by how you treated and loved him and he had made the completely right decision.
"Lifelong… so…as long as I live?"
"As long as we live, Snowflake."
"Wait… you're a thousand years old, right?" You were confused and suddenly you felt dizzy.
"Right!… a little bit older but, yes."
"And you can get … five thousand years old, right?"
"Yeeess, give or take five thousand years, yes…" and he still smiled at you.
"Okay, so I was right when I said, it lasts as long as I live. Look, you know that my life is so much shorter than yours, it's not more than a blink of an eye in comparison with your lifespan. On average I might get eighty-five years old, if things go very well for me… hundred years…perhaps. So when I'm gone you will be free again and you can bond yourself with someone new, right? And I'm absolutely fine with it. You will still have nearly four thousand years to live ahead of you then and I don't want you to be alone when I'm not there anymore and… this thought would really calm me down to know that you can bond yourself to someone else then. I just need your confirmation and your promise that you will do that. And I know, I should've thought about that age-thing earlier, I feel so sorry that I didn't."
Your heart felt a bit lighter, now that you talked with him about it. But his answer was a punch in the gut.
"No, Snowflake. I can't."
"What? You must, Lo. I insist you do that!"
"I can't. Jotuns are like swans, do you remember?"
"You can't be serious, Lo." You were shocked. Did you get him right?
"I'm absolutely serious, darling. I can make this bond only once in my life. Maybe I could find another woman but it would never be the same. And I could never love another woman as much as I love you. You are the love of my life, Snowflake, you're my each and everything. Nothing can change that."
"But what…what did I do to you…?" The dizziness increased and you felt like he had punched the air out of your lungs.
"You did nothing wrong, my love. Everything is perfect," and he gave you his softest smile.
"No, no Loki it's not. What I did was cruel. I banished you to a life of loneliness, to live alone without genuine love when I'll be dead. It's my fault you'll be alone… for an eternity… the rest of your life is an eternity … oh my goodness. I shouldn't have let that happen."
You were desperate and shocked, disgusted by your selfish behaviour. Tears welled up in your eyes and an upcoming panic let you jump to your feet. Loki stood up too, took the glass of wine out of your hand first and put it on the wooden jetty before he held you by your shoulders. It didn't go as expected.
"Snowflake, do you really think, I could live just one single day without you? Do you really think that anyone could ever replace you? That will never happen. I knew from the first time when I saw you in the park that all I want is you. I didn't actually realize it yet back then but…deep inside of my heart I knew it."
"Loki, you cannot …oh shit… I don't want you to be alone when I'm dead…" your sobbing became desperate.
"Who says that I'll be alone then?" He asked you quietly and his hands slid down your arms to yours.
"What? I think I don't understand…"
"The day you die, my love is also the day of my death." He tilted his head a bit and he looked so softly at you that your heart clenched painfully.
"No! No no no no… Loki no…why? Why didn't you stop me? Oh my goodness, why? Why did you let me do this to you?"
"I think, now I don't understand you. What did you say to me by the fireplace back then? …' who loves risk loss' and it's my wish to take this risk. And I'm willing to make sacrifices for our love."
"How can you be so calm and smile so lovingly at me? You should have stopped me. It was me who wanted the Jotun to fuck me…and I encouraged you. I wasn't completely aware of the consequences… the consequences it has for you, Lo. I should've listened more carefully to you and you should've stopped me…"
"Snowflake, I knew exactly what I wanted and what I did. And you did listen carefully, I indignantly asked you if you want to stay with me forever and we talked about how it's a lifelong bond. And I want just you and only you. You always want me to believe that your love for me is unwavering, genuine and endless. And so is my love for you, Snowflake. Do you remember the answer you gave me?"
"Yes, of course, I said I will never leave you, that I want you and that I'll never go, that I'd follow you anywhere …and I was serious and I truly meant what I said. But I've been so horny too and I think my brain wasn't working properly that night. I didn't fully realize the scope of my action…and at the same time, I wanted you so much. My desire for you was like a train I couldn't stop…"
"I know, Snowflake and it was my wish, my decision to bond myself to you. You're not responsible for that. Please don't blame yourself. We belong together and I just want to be together with you and I want to love and protect you."
"Loki you're crazy, you're completely crazy …oh my goodness I think I'm about to freak out… I can't live with this… this guilt. One day you…you will hate me for that."
You withdrew your hands from his and ran back into the house. Helplessly you stood at the kitchen table. You were close to throwing up and tears ran down your cheeks. What have you done? Of course, he was right somehow, for you nothing had changed, except you felt him deeper and your love for him was so much more intense. But for him, everything had changed. You shouldn't have been so selfish. He paid a high price for your desire to get fucked by a Jotun. And there was no way back now.
He will sacrifice his life for you, the love of his life. Without a question, without any condition. And you? You had done nothing for him in return. You had just taken everything from him. You slammed your flattened palms multiple times harshly onto the tabletop until they hurt and you cried until your tears dropped down your cheeks. He would die for you and you just didn't want to admit it. But it was irreversible and now you had to live with that.
But wouldn't you die for him, too? Had you asked him for permission to do so? You knew your answer to this question and Loki had the same right as you to think the same way. You tried to calm down a bit and took the bottle of wine with you and returned to Loki, who sat with outstretched legs on the jetty again, one leg crossed over the other, his glass of wine in his hand. He didn't go after you because he knew you needed a moment alone. Nonetheless, he was afraid you could regret your relationship with him and it might be your wish to end it and leave him. The fear, he would never get rid of.
"I'm sorry for running away, Lo. It was just too much…I was overwhelmed." You said with a tear-choked voice, your palms were still aching.
Loki looked at you and offered his hand to you to take it and to sit down again next to him.
"Don't worry, my love. I get that. It's a lot to process. The bonding has its effects."
He turned towards you, took your hands in his and his thumbs caressed the back of your hands and he kissed your palms. His kisses soothed the pain immediately. He saw that your palms were dark red and he knew how it happened because he had heard your desperate crying and the slamming sounds.
"Please don't ever hurt yourself like this again, my love. I can't have you doing that, okay? It hurts me too. And I tell you again, I made this decision by myself and never before I had made a decision which felt so damn right. I love you, I live with you, and I die with you, no matter if your life is short or as long as mine. I think you'll have to live with that, Snowflake," and he smiled and he gently kissed your lips which were wet and salty from your tears.
You looked at him with teary eyes. He looked so happy and content. It seemed you truly made him happy…and you felt it, physically.
"I can feel you, Lo. I feel what you feel. Your happiness and your…"
"Yes?…tell me what you feel." He smiled knowingly at you and your confusion grew.
"I can feel… I know it's impossible but…I feel your…"
"Do you feel my heartbeat?"
"How do you know that?"
"Because I can feel your heartbeat too. That's it, my love. Our bond. We're destined for each other. One body, one soul, one heartbeat…"
"Lo…I'm sorry for what I did to you. I was so selfish. I did nothing for you in return. But what we have now feels so good and I love you so much… I'm so confused. Lo, please help me…"
"There's no reason to feel guilty. You've done so much for me, more than you think. You trusted me right from the beginning when you addressed me in the park when I sat on the bench next to yours. You accepted me, my crimes, my flaws…my true identity. You tried to find my heart and looked behind my mask. You did so much for me and you always give me your incredible love and tenderness. I can't wish for more. Enjoy this wonderful feeling you have inside of you. Enjoy me, be happy, and let us enjoy life and this unique feeling together. You wanted to write new stories with me, do you remember?"
"Yes, I do, of course I do but…"
"There is no 'but' …Snowflake this is just the beginning, my wonderful princess, my… goddess."
He made a short pause before he continued talking and you wondered why he had pronounced 'goddess' differently than usual.
"You can imagine that it has its advantages to be a god, can't you?"
"Yes, sure!" You wondered what his point was.
"I also have some privileges as a god. If I've made the bond with the love of my life, I'm allowed to make her an offer."
"What do you mean, baby?"
"I'm allowed to… ," How would you react? Would you freak out again? Would you run away again? He would understand it.
"Yes,... come on, Lo, straight to the point…tell me…what is it?"
"I'm allowed to make you my goddess and it gives you the chance to get a longer life, a longer life together with me."
You felt nauseous again. You grabbed your glass of wine and emptied the glass all at once in mere large gulps.
"Of course…of course, you're allowed to make me…such an offer…You… you're a god, " a weird laugh escaped your mouth.
"I'm serious, darling!"
"I'd never doubt that…but…how? It makes me feel scared."
"Don't be scared, my love. I would never scare you and I would never hurt you. You can feel me, right?"
"Yes, I do…one body, one soul, one heartbeat…"
"… and one blood!"
"Whatttt?" You needed more wine, definitely.
"One blood, Snowflake. When my blood runs through your veins, just a bit of it, it will prolong your life and you will live as long as I do… assuming nothing else happens to us," he explained calmly.
"Of course." Another weird laugh escaped your mouth.
"And how would this work, Lo? Just the human geneticists asking."
"We would celebrate a small sacred ritual in Jotunheim and with a cut in our wrists to exchange our blood and with some additional magic, my sweet beloved mortal girl would become kind of 'immortal' as I am. But regardless of this, I'm always just your god, devoted to you, my goddess, forever and your lifelong servant… and if you want for the next four thousand years."
"It's always wonderful magic. Magical like you, Lo. I cannot believe what you're telling me here right now… but it's the truth, right? I'm not fully drunk…I'm not dreaming this, do I?"
"You're not drunk and you're not dreaming! And I'd never lie to you, Snowflake."
"Holy shit…I have to think about it, Lo. I'm …I'm so confused now. It would be a big step…"
"It would change your whole life and it's not an easy decision to make, I know that. So please take all the time you need even if you need years to find out if you want to do it or not. My offer has no expiration date. I'll be patient, my love. I'll stay with you no matter what your decision will be."
"I don't deserve all of this. This incredible offer, your selfless sacrifice… I don't deserve you, Lo."
"You deserve the universe, my love. I told you that I would do anything for you."
"And you truly meant it. You mean literally anything."
"I did and I do Snowflake and I won't say it again…I decided to do it because I love you more than my life. And it's my purpose to make my precious Queen happy."
"I love you so much, Lo and I am utterly happy with you and so grateful to have you by my side. It's just not imaginable for me that you are willing to die …with me, for me. That you renounce your long life for me."
"I won't allow you to make your decision dependent on mine, my love. The best life I can have I'll have with you and without you it's not worth living it. And if it helps imagine me as a normal Midgardian man who has the same lifespan as you."
"You're far away from being a normal man," you laughed lightly.
"There's your beautiful smile again," and he kissed you tenderly with utmost passion and he pulled you onto his lap.
He kissed you deeply and passionately and you felt his cock getting hard and you humped slowly against his bulge. You broke the kiss to get some air into your lungs.
"I love you so much, Lo." You cupped his face with your hands and gave him a long kiss on his forehead.
"I would die for you too. Without you, my life would be nothing either. If you wouldn't have come back from the mission, I mean, alive, I would've followed you, Lo."
"I know, my love. And it would be your choice to do that so please let me do the same for you. Sooner or later we all have to go to Valhalla and I promised to never leave you alone so let us go together then," and he hugged you tightly.
"Yeah, I think I get it now, Lo. Do you think I have got a place there, too? In Valhalla?"
"Of course you have and in general it doesn't matter where we go as long as we're together."
He nuzzled his nose between your breasts and inhaled your scent deeply while you kissed the crown of his head.
"Norns, Snowflake, I love you so much."
He felt your body trembling and he unfolded the fluffy blanket and wrapped it around you.
"Better"? He asked you tenderly and looked up at you.
"Yes, my King," and you let your fingertips trail all over his beautiful soft face and you twisted some strains of his curls around your fingers. Still sitting on his lap, his arms curled around your waist, you poured some wine into your glass and took a sip and you let him take a sip of your wine, too.
"Do you feel better again, just a little bit?"he asked, concerned.
"Somehow, yes… but your kiss drenched my panties, Sir," and you kissed his lips.
Loki laughed silently.
"I'd lie if I say that I'm not aroused, too. You'll always be able to get me rock-hard and horny."
He always got you, with his charm and the deadly mixture of tenderness, sexiness and rankness. Now you laughed silently and nudged your nose with his.
"All the things I want to do to you, baby…" and you latched your lips onto his and licked over his lower lip until he allowed your tongue to slide into his mouth.
Loki conjured a further soft blanket underneath him and leaned backwards to lay on his back with you on top of him. After your smooch session, you rolled off of him and laid on your back shoulder to shoulder with him. He took your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours and you both looked at each other. He covered your body neatly with the blanket to keep you warm.
"Join me under the blanket, Lo, it's more cozy then," and he did.
"Do you regret our relationship and the bonding with me, my Lady?"
Inhaling the evening's fresh air you looked deeply into his eyes.
"No, baby. I'm blessed to have you and I would do it again and again. Nothing and nobody can tear us apart. You're mine, Lo, the love of my life, my blueberry. I just wasn't prepared for your offer and what you're willing to do for me."
"And you're mine, forever! Whatever that means."
You stared at each other until you both looked up at the now starry sky. It has gotten dark already. Tonight the sky was completely cloudless for the first time since you've been here and you took the chance to show the stars of Midgard's northern hemisphere to Loki. With your index finger, you pointed to the Western direction where Venus was sparkling, the brightest light in tonight's sky. You explained to him the star constellation of the Great Bear, and the Small Bear and how to find the North Star, which is the celestial north pole of Midgard. Loki listened attentively, fascinated by your detailed descriptions.
"Look over there…" and you pointed in the northeastern direction.
"Can you see the blinking bright star over there?" you asked him. Loki hummed yes.
"It's Deneb in the star constellation called….Swan." You two turned your heads to each other and chuckled.
"Really? Swan? That's absolutely awesome, my love."
You explained the whole star constellation, which looks like an elongated cross, embedded in the perfectly visible milky way, to Loki. You had barely finished when you gasped audibly.
"Loki! Look!...the Northern Lights!" and you sat up immediately.
"That's amazing, Snowflake… they look beautiful. I've never seen something beautiful like this before."
All of a sudden they were there, the dancing flames of the Northern Lights, filling the night sky with their green colours. It reminded you of the aura and the flash of green that surrounded Loki whenever he was using his magic. And to experience this spectacle in the sky together with him was magical and you got aware again that your lover was an alien prince, a king from another world, a god of the Midgardian Northern myths.
"Do you want to go back to Jotunheim one day and live there?"
"Why do you ask, my love?" Loki asked you quietly.
"You're the King of Jotunheim so I thought it's a thing you want to do. To go there, ascend your throne and reign your people."
"Sounds tempting. And you as my Queen … Y/n , Queen of Jotunheim. Would you like that, Snowflake?"
"I quite don't know. But if it's your wish… you go, I go."
"I don't want a throne and someone else is doing a good job there. I don't need my own Kingdom. I just need you."
"Will you take me to the stars one day, Lo?"
"Yes, one day I'll do that and we can go anywhere we want to go. My home is wherever you are because you are my home, Snowflake."
You two laid down again and you put your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. You sighed contentedly. Your fingers drew lazy circles on his chest and you began to unbutton his shirt completely. Your hand traced up and down over his naked torso and you placed several soft kisses on his bare skin. Propped on your elbow you unzipped his jeans and you shoved your hand slowly into his trousers and you fondled his half-hard cock and massaged his balls gently. While passionately kissing you, Loki moaned into your mouth.
"It feels good, keep going," he mumbled between kisses.
One hand on your ass, Loki raised his other hand and grasped your neck to hold you close to him. His growing arousal fueled yours and you felt your nipples hardening and you wanted him to play with them.
"Make my pants disappear, baby… and yours too," you asked him. "I need you."
"That's my naughty girl, hmm?" and he did as you wished. "Take what you need, my Queen. But the hoodie stays on!" He commanded.
You straddled him and rubbed your wet pussy back and forth over his hard cock which leaned proudly against his stomach now. He wrapped the blanket over your shoulders, shoved his hands under the hoodie and t-shirt, cupped and massaged your breasts and rolled your erect nipples, sometimes hard sometimes tender, between his fingers.
"Oh god…Lo…don't stop doing that… Good, it's so good," you moaned and continued rubbing yourself slowly over his throbbing cock, stimulating your clit and bringing yourself close to the edge of orgasm.
"I'll fuck you right to the stars, baby," and you leaned down, your one hand grabbing his pecs your other hand his nape, to kiss him messy and passionately.
"And one day… oh god… I want you to breed me…" these words just slipped out of your mouth but they drove Loki almost crazy.
"I need to be inside of you, pet."
"Then enter me, Sir" and you raised your torso, lifted your hips so he could line up his needy cock with your soaking wet entrance and sheathed himself inside your pulsating walls, inch by godly inch.
"You want that…fuck… bear my child? …I'd love to… see your womb filled with my… offspring…" Loki moaned breathlessly, holding your hips firmly.
You began to ride him and the blanket slipped from your shoulders down to your waist. His filthy words turned you on immensely and after a few more of his thrusts, you climaxed without warning. You arched your back, your fingers digging into his veiny forearms, searching for grip and support. His grip on your waist tightened. He was writhing and groaning underneath you, barely able to hold back his urgent need to cum. He lifted his hips against your pelvis to push his aching length deeper into your yearning cunt. You continued humping him until he came hard and painted your throbbing walls with a heavy load of his seed. Loudly moaning and sighing, Loki circled his thumb fast around and over your sensitive clit because he knew you needed to orgasm one more time and when you climaxed again, screaming his name, you let yourself fall forward against your lover.
"Yes, my Queen that's it, milk me, squeeze the last drop out of me. My good girl," and he wrapped the blanket around your spent body and held you tightly in his arms, one hand cradling your head.
He caressed your scalp and you both enjoyed the warm feeling of the aftermath of your orgasms. When you both came down back to earth you both chuckled and you lifted your head to look at him.
"Enjoyed the trip to the stars, baby?" and you winked at him.
"Oh yes, my Lady, it was a first-class trip." He answered with a hoarse voice and kissed your temple.
"I should let you do it this way more often."
You giggled at his statement.
"Do you really want to have children with me? And by the way, it was kinky and I liked it," he mumbled darkly into your ear.
"Yes, not now but …one day. Just in case you want to have children with me too."
"Yes, not now but…one day definitely." He answered you
"You will be the best father our children could ever have…and no, no arguments accepted, Sir!"
"Yesss, my Lady," and you both laughed and hugged each other tightly.
"But before that, I… would like you to marry me."
"You really think about marriage?" you questioned him softly.
"Yeah, and I love the imagination of being your husband. One day I would love to be your husband."
"Is our bond and my possible immortality depending on it?" You rested your head on his chest again, your fingers caressing his chest hair.
"No, it's absolutely not. I'd just like to be your husband."
"Mrs Laufeyson, Loki's kone… sounds tempting. It would be wonderful to be your wife," and you hugged him firmly and pressed a soft kiss to his sternum.
"We don't need to rush anything, my love. We've all the time in the world."
"Love you, baby."
"Love you more, Snowflake. Let's go inside and take a bath."
"Mmmhhhmm, exactly what I need now, Lo."
You two loosened your hug and stood up. Loki wrapped the blanket around your waist and carried you bridal-style to the bathroom and prepared a relaxing bubble bath for you two.
Loki didn't know that you had another small surprise for him. You had only a few more days here but you wouldn't fly directly back home to New York. You two would stay in London for two days before you'd fly home again. And you didn't know that something would happen that would affect your life again.
@lokisprettygirl @wheredafandomat @anukulee @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @lokixryss @smolvenger @lovingchoices14 @huntress-artemiss @obscureenigmatic
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yukipri · 2 years
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Galaxy's Edge Foodstuffs & Drinkstuffs Reviews!
So last month, I was able to finally visit Black Spire Outpost, aka Batuu, aka Galaxy's Edge, aka Star Wars Land @ Disneyland!
This is a roundup of photos + reviews of all the themed foods & beverages that mum and I enjoyed during our trip.
Note that I visited Batuu West, in Disneyland California. Florida may have slightly different menus, and I know that menus change seasonally too! My visit was in January, 2023.
The rest of the photos + reviews under the cut!
Oga's Cantina
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In the early morning on the very first day, we stopped by Oga's! We got some non-alcoholic drinks + some small eats to start the day off.
Non-Alcoholic drinks:
Memory's foggy, but I *think* the drinks are: 
Blurrgfire: Minute Maid® Lemonade, Pomegranate Juice, and Habanero-Lime
Review: Mildly zingy? but otherwise a pleasant juice drink.
Black Spire Brew: Cold Brew Joffrey's Coffee®, Honey, Falernum, Passion Fruit, and Citrus
Review: Probably the most questionable drink we had, but glad we tried it! The coffee + citrus gave it a sorta...sour? taste? and I'm not sure how I felt about that in my coffee! But it was certainly unique.
Blue Bantha: Blue Milk served chilled with Bantha-inspired Brown Butter Chocolate Chip and Coconut Cookie
Review: Realizing now we didn't get the cookie, sad ;_; It was ok, but idk it felt like it tasted a lot better from the Milk Stand! It was also kinda room temperature, though we *were* in the very first early morning round of people. Overall didn't stand out too much, but wasn't bad either!
Jabba Juice: Simply Orange® with Pineapple, Kiwi, Cantaloupe, and Blueberry Flavor-filled Boba
Review: A slightly mixed-juice but mostly orange juice with some blue popping boba! Was good in a normal, could probably make it at home sorta way.
Food stuffs:
Five-blossom Bread: Warm Pretzel Knot with Hawaiian Black Sea Salt, served with Calabrian Cheese Sauce
Review: It was super warm 'n toasty, surprisingly filling! It was a pretty normal pretzel and the sauce was a pretty normal slightly spicy cheese sauce, but it was still delicious!
Spiced Wroshyr Pods: Seasoned Edamame, Sliced Cucumbers, spicy Citrus-Gochujang Dip
Review: Ngl, these were just straight up plain edamame ^ ^;;; BUT the sauce was really good, preferred it to the pretzel sauce even!
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I had another reservation at Oga's on a different night, and this time we tried some alcohol. Now, tbh I am not a huge fan of alcohol; I can drink it, but I just don't really like the flavor, and have never gotten drunk (nor do I really want to), and all it makes me feel is the vague urge to pee. But, I felt obligated to try something alcoholic at the cantina, so here's what I *think* we got!
Jedi Mind Trick (alcoholic): Ketel One Botanical Grapefruit and Rose Vodka, John D. Taylor's Velvet Falernum, Bols Blue Curaçao, White Grape Juice, Lime Juice, and Grapefruit Bitters
Review: It was defs sweet? Fruity? But alas, Alcohol taste was strong for me ;_;
Hyperdrive (Punch It!) (Non-alcoholic): Powerade® Mountain Berry Blast, White Cranberry Juice, Black Cherry Purée, and Sprite®
Review: Got one non-alcoholic drink, and ngl it was definitely my fav drink out of the 3 ^ ^; Unfortunately don't remember much of it, other than that I was using it to cleanse the alcohol flavor...
Fuzzy Tauntaun: Cîroc Peach Vodka, Bols Peach Schnapps, and Simply Orange® topped with Tangerine, Pure Cane Sugar, "Buzz Button Tingling" Foam
Review: This was the most recommended drink by people we spoke to + blogs I read, so I figured hey let's try it. Other people have described the foam as "tingly," but tbh...neither mum nor I really felt it? It was very foam for sure, messy, hard to get at the drink without getting foam all over your face. Taste was pretty mild (+ alcohol, LMAO).
In conclusion: Kazu, u know u don't like alcohol, plus it's expensive. Let's just stick to non-alcohol next time and save our credits, yeah? ^ ^;
Docking Bay 7
I LOVED Docking Bay 7! It was surprisingly spacious, and perhaps because we went when it wasn't too busy, but there was never any trouble getting seating. With mobile pickup food was ready almost instantaneous, and the whole interior had such an awesome aesthetic with tons of cool design details!
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Trandoshan-style Pasta with Braised Bantha: Chile-braised Beef, Buttered Garlic Cavatelli, Seasonal Vegetables, Zesty Avocado Sauce, Balsamic Glaze
Review: This is the green-lookin' dish! I LOVED this one, so much I went and got it again on a different day. It's pasta, which I'm naturally biased towards, but also a lotta meat and veggies too, and pleasantly spiced. It felt like a Good Food, while also being unique and interesting enough it felt sorta Star Wars, I really enjoyed it!
Endorian Fried Chicken Tip-Yip: Crispy Chicken, Roasted Vegetable Potato Mash with Green Gravy
Review: Also good! But tasted a lot more "normal." It's a nice piece o' chickin floating in a ton of mashed potato gravy. Warm and filling, but didn't really feel as themed.
Moof Juice: Simply Fruit Punch®, Simply Orange® with Pineapple, Chipotle-Pineapple
Review: Another pleasant fruit juice! Gosh there are so many fruit juice mixes here! Not complaining bc I love them. Don't really remember too much about this other than "sweet."
Phattro: Gold Peak® Unsweetened Tea, Minute Maid® Lemonade, Desert Pear
Review: Another mixed juice drink, mum and I could only tell it apart from Moof Juice bc this one was mildly less sweet, more tea. Both were good!
Cold Brew Black Caf: Cold Brew Coffee topped with Sweet Cream Cheese and Chocolate Puffs
Review: I actually really enjoyed this one!! Much more than the questionable coffee at Oga's. It's got literal cereal floating on top! One thing that we found was that it wasn't as sweet or well mixed right after picking it up (no duh), but if you wait for the cream cheese and cocoa puffs dust to trickle down (or just mix it), it's a lot sweeter and so much yummier!
Also from the Docking Bay:
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Vintian Mineral Mousse: Banana Brûlée-centered Dark Chocolate Mousse, Strawberry Mousse, Vanilla Chantilly, Chocolate Crumble, Cherry Garnish
Review: THIS THING. Y'all, if I had to pick just one food item to recommend from all of Galaxy's Edge, it would be this. Wasn't really sure what it was at first, and almost didn't order because I'm not a huge fan of banana flavor, but I'm SO glad that we did. Each of the blobs is a different flavored mousse, the banana being the largest, and i *think* the blue was Vanilla, pink strawberry, though those may be flipped. They each had a sorta shell like covering with soft mouse inside. They all tasted incredibly fancy and delicate, like very expensive patisserie quality, and each blob was so distinctive so you never got bored. I even liked the banana one, though I preferred the other two. The best way to eat is to take a spoonfull, and then scoop through the crumble to pick up as much of it as possible. The added crunch makes it even better!
Overall, this not only tasted phenomenal, but it had gorgeous and distinctively "Star Wars" visual presentation, and overall was so unique!
Moving on,
Milk Stand + Ronto Roasters
While the Milk Stand and Ronto Roasters are completely different shops and aren't even close, I picked up drinks from the Milk Stand for breakfast on our second day, so reviewing them together!
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Blue Milk: Plant-based blend of Coconut and Rice Milk with alluring fruity characteristics
Review: The Iconic Drink. I hear that people have mixed opinions about this, but I actually really liked it—and it also tasted SUPER familiar. If any of you have had ramune before, the Japanese soda drink in a funky glass bottle that you can find at most Asian markets, it tasted SUPER similar. Perhaps part of me is biased bc my Japanese ass associates blue = ramune, but really, if someone made a ramune slush and maybe added a wee bit more citrus, this would be it. I also happen to love ramune, and slushes, so of course this was a win! If you want to taste ramune to see what Blue Milk tastes like (at least in my own humble opinion, backed by mum), make sure to pick up the "original" flavor! Overall this was super chilled and refreshing, I loved it!
Green Milk: Plant-based blend of Coconut and Rice Milk with zippy citrus and tropical characteristics
Review: I read some reviews that this was nasty, but I didn't think so, it was also pleasant. There was a bit of a strange, possibly slightly medicinal aftertaste, and it was also "milkier" than the blue so it felt less refreshing. Of the two, I definitely prefer blue, but enjoyed my cup of the green too!
Ronto Morning Wrap: Scrambled Eggs, Grilled Pork Sausage, Shredded Cheddar, Peppercorn Sauce, wrapped in Pita
Review: A very yummy wrap from Ronto's, only available in the morning! I felt like of the 3 wraps, this one was the richest, with a lotta cheese, egg, sausage. It was filling and super good! I wouldn't say that the food item itself felt particularly unique, but Ronto's has a super cool setup, so just being able to eat in the vicinity puts you into the universe.
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Evening on a different day, we tried the other wraps!
Ronto Wrap: Roasted Pork, Grilled Pork Sausage, Peppercorn Sauce, tangy Slaw, wrapped in Pita
Review: The classic. I was expecting to like this one the most, and while it didn't disappoint, the others were actually so good they all sorta evened out? For being the meat option, it had a lotta veggies and didn't feel unhealthy, at least compared to my usual diet LMAO. I liked this a lot, and like the morning wrap, it was very tasty in a normal food sorta way!
Ronto-less Garden Wrap: Plant-based Sausage, spicy Kimchi Slaw, sweet Pickled Cucumber, Plant-based Gochujang Spread, wrapped in Pita
Review: Usually not a huge fan of fake meat, but this vegetarian option was actually really good! Of the 3, I think I might have even liked the flavoring best? It had a bit of zing to it, possibly due to the kimchi. Either way, I'm glad I was able to split these with mum!
Hard to say which of the wraps I liked most, I think I liked all of them around the same! None of them stuck out as Exceptional, but they were all good!
Drinks from Ronto:
Tatooine Sunset: Gold Peak® Unsweetened Tea, Minute Maid® Lemonade with Melon and Blueberry
Review: Yet another pleasant fruity drink! Don't remember much about it, other than that I liked it, and it once leaned mildly less sweet than the other one ^ ^;
Meiloorun Juice: Pineapple Juice, Minute Maid® Lemonade, with Blueberry, Cranberry Juice, Lemon Juice, and Desert Pear
Review: THIS ONE. If I had to choose ONE fruit juice out of the tons I had, this one is my favorite. I want to say that "Meiloorun" in the name isn't biasing me (it may be), but no really, this one was genuinely so good. It felt denser? than the others, really citrusy but the flavors were really well mixed so it tasted like an all-new fruit, exactly what I'd expect a Meiloorun to be like! I chugged two of these lmao.
Got this on the final day, also from Ronto:
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Destran Ice Cap: Sprite®, Orange-Tangerine Syrup, topped with Sweet Cream Cheese
Review: Wasn't sure about the whole "cream cheese in soda," but I'm glad I tried this because I actually really liked it! The cream cheese added a pleasant, well, creaminess to the orange soda of the rest of it, giving it a sort of ice cream float-like feel without the ice cream. Would defs get again!
Kat Saka's Kettle
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Picked this up on the last day!
Outpost Mix: colorful blend of seasonal flavors (blend of Caramel and Chocolate-glazed Popcorn)
Review: Honestly just a pleasant popcorn mix! It was good, flavor wasn't too strong, pretty mild. Was a nice easily consumable crunchy snack. It says caramel + chocolate, but tbh I mostly just tasted "mildly sweet." I was hoping for the brightly colored purple/red mix that at least looks a bit unique, but perhaps that's for a different season? Either way, yeah, I enjoyed this but didn't feel it was particularly special ^ ^;
Aaaaand that's my review! I didn't quite eat *everything* at Galaxy's Edge, but I tried a darn good majority.
Overall, the vast majority of food/drink was super darn good and well worth the money! Some was more unique than others, but the quality was consistently high throughout. I did not eat outside of Galaxy's Edge my entire trip and felt very satisfied with that!
My standout favorites were: the pasta & mousse dessert from Docking Bay 7, blue milk from the Milk Stand, and Meiloorun juice from Ronto's!
I also got all 3 of the thermal detonator-shaped water bottles, but well, the flavor inside was just your regular Coke, Diet Coke, and Sprite. Still cool souvenirs!
But yes, in general, just so many fruit juices haha. Luckily I do love fruit juices, and also I'm glad that all of the bathrooms in Batuu were both clean, spacious, *never* had lines, and were also super cool-looking. Because given the amount of sugar water I was chugging, yeah. I visited them a lot!
While there's a good variety of food on Batuu and I think they did a great job with the menu, there were a few things that I hope they expand on in the future.
First, while there were some options for folks with dietary restrictions, they were extremely limited. Unsurprising, as most of the food shops already have an extremely limited menu with single digit menu items total. But it would still be nice to see these menus be expanded in the future, or possibly adding additional shops so that something, somewhere might work.
Next, I felt myself wishing for more take-home souvenir-type food. Liked boxed cookies, chocolates, y'know? Sure, you could technically take home the popcorn, but it's just in a brown bag. I'm genuinely shocked they didn't have Grogu's blue macaron cookies, I'm sure those would sell insanely well. Mouse-man, u listening?
Again, I know a lot of food menu items are seasonal/limited, so I hope I can visit again when things have switched around!
If you've been to Batuu, what were your favorite things to taste there?? Any hot items I missed?
Anyway, I hope you found this review to be interesting! Thanks for reading!!
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While I work on some requests here are some Era 4/5 Ghoul cooking and baking headcanons:
(Includes Mountain, Aether, Dew, Rain, and Swiss)
Mountain: Absolutely AMAZING at both cooking and baking but prefers baking, memorizes recipes really easily and enjoys testing out any new recipe he finds, loves making pastries with choux dough and his favorite thing to make is eclairs but finds puff pastry to be really annoying to work with.
Attempted to make a croquembouche (basically a tower of cream puffs held together with a kind of caramel) once, ONCE, but then he accidentally bumped into it and it collapsed and he cried for like 40 minutes. Aether sat with him and tried to comfort him as he sat in disappointed silence and REFUSED to talk about it.
Aether: Okay at baking but pretty good at cooking, likes getting recipe ideas from cooking shows, he and Mountain cook most of the group meals for the ghouls, he loves making any kind of Italian food but his favorite thing to make is bread, he makes a really good herb and sea salt focaccia, with fresh rosemary and thyme from Primo’s garden of course.
He found an old Emeritus family cookbook while cleaning out a storage room one time and made one of the recipes he found for Terzo and he loved it (and maybe cried a little bit because it reminded him of the food his mother used to make). He cooked for Terzo at least once a week after that because it filled him with so much pride when Terzo complimented his cooking. After Terzo’s death, Aether left the cookbook on his bookshelf and didn’t touch it for a year. One time Dew had a cold and refused to eat because even the idea of eating anything was making him nauseous. Aether offered to make him anything he wanted and Dew quietly admitted that he would eat Pastina if Aether made it. After that, Aether brought some of the recipes back out and makes them for the pack occasionally.
Dewdrop: Absolutely ATROCIOUS at cooking, somehow kind of good at baking, doesn’t like making pastries because of how exact the measurements have to be, loves making muffins and his favorite to make are blueberry but would never admit it.
He also enjoys sitting in the kitchen while Mountain bakes and helps a little bit sometimes, but really just likes to lick the spoons and bowls (and steal some cookie dough when Mountain isn’t looking). Every so often, in the early morning when the rest of the pack isn’t up yet, Mountain will ask Dew to make muffins for the pack while he makes the rest of their breakfast.
Rain: REALLY bad at both cooking and baking, like he could burn a pot of water if left to his own devices even though it shouldn’t be possible, has ruined multiple pots and pans, accidentally set the stove on fire once and screamed so loud Aether, Mountain, and Cirrus RAN to the kitchen because they thought he was being attacked.
Doesn’t have a favorite thing to make because everything he makes comes out burnt, but LOVES to eat. Will be the taste tester for anything and everything the others make, can and will fight Dew for the leftover batter from whatever Mountain makes. One time Copia was passing the ghoul wing and heard loud growling, worried that something happened he burst into the common area only to find Dew and Rain in a standoff over who got to lick the bowl covered in brownie batter that Mountain was holding.
Swiss: Possesses a little skill in both areas of cooking and baking but isn’t awesome at it, boxed mac and cheese and pre-prepared baking mixes are his go-to, but he can make the basics like scrambled eggs and a decent grilled cheese, likes to spontaneously bake boxed brownies or cupcakes because it’s little work for what, in his opinion at least, is a delicious reward (no hate to boxed baking mixes I love them too Swiss).
He does make great edibles though, like he is the go-to if you want an edible that doesn’t taste like weed, which can be dangerous. Accidentally left a pan of STRONG weed brownies unmonitored in the kitchen one time and when he came back and they were gone he panicked a little bit. On the plus side, they didn’t make it out of the ghoul wing so he didn’t have to worry about stoned Siblings of Sin or a pissed-off Sister Imperator. On the downside, they were very strong and so Swiss had a whole pack of stoned ghouls on his hands. Luckily Aether and the ghoulettes ended up sleeping it off but Dew, Rain, and Mountain did not. Rain went back and forth between staring at himself in the mirror and eating anything he could find in the kitchen. Dew chased his own tail for 40 minutes and then joined Rain in the kitchen and microwaved a bunch of string cheese because he “wanted fried mozzarella sticks but all there is is this stupid unfried mozzarella so I’ll fry it myself in the microwave.” (which is not how that works.. at all) Mountain almost gave Swiss a heart attack because he was just sitting in the dark facing the wall and Swiss is pretty sure he didn’t move or even blink for almost 3 hours.
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
Did someone order an angsty Olli/Allu piece with an attempt at hurt/comfort and a pinch of some melancholic spice? No? Well, I wrote one anyway, I hope you enjoy 🖤
just want your energy, a piece of that fractured mountain
I'll take whatever comes with it as long as it's yours
— Piece of Your Heart by Mayday Parade
Aleksi wasn't sure how long he had been staring at Olli's sleeping face until he realised the man was only pretending to sleep. Likewise, Aleksi couldn't decide what had finally given it away; it might have been the way Olli seemed to hold his breath whenever people passed their door in the echoing hotel corridor or every time Aleksi's phone pinged on the nightstand, or maybe the final clue had been how, every time Aleksi had shifted under the duvet to keep his arm from going numb or to adjust his pillow, Olli had moved himself closer to Aleksi, ever so slightly, so that their limbs would be touching again.
However, there was no reaction when Aleksi lifted his hand to lightly caress Olli's cheek, no sign of his stern expression softening. Aleksi repressed a sigh. He wanted to respect Olli's silence, even if it stung his heart a little.
Seasonal melancholia for reasons I can't explain, Olli had told him.
Can't or won't? Aleksi had wanted to ask, but had kept his mouth shut instead. Perhaps Olli really didn't have the words to spell out why his mood turned blue whenever the leaves in the trees turned red and yellow, and why it all seemed to be so much more severe this year, much more oppressive and unsettling, to the point that Aleksi didn't know what to do some days, didn't know how to ease Olli's pain without Aleksi being able to crawl inside his head and shovel out all the sadness. He knew it wasn't his place to do so, nor did Olli expect him to, but he felt so utterly helpless when all he could do was sit by Olli and share his physical space while his mind was somewhere else completely, far out of Aleksi's reach, no matter how hard he tried to hold out his hand.
Yet, he kept trying. He had to, because every time Olli was like this – absent, disappeared into another dimension – Aleksi was scared this would be the time Olli wouldn't come back to him anymore. That was why, despite the lack of response and the hollow feeling inside his own chest, Aleksi kept stroking Olli's shaven cheek, careful not to disturb his seeming peace too much.
Olli's long lashes rested against his cheekbones. On a less sombre Sunday morning, Aleksi would've blown air on them, just to see them flutter and eventually reveal the blue behind them, often followed by a sleepy smile and a revenge of some kind: a pinch to Aleksi's side or a scheming hand sneaking inside the back of Aleksi's boxers to punish him for disrupting Olli's sleep.
(Every time the others would joke about Olli being a heavy sleeper, Aleksi would laugh along; not because he agreed, but because he knew better – or perhaps he just had certain, unfair advantages.)
The task of taking in Olli's unreadable expression was far too important to abandon for the sake of checking the time or opening the messages that kept Aleksi's phone buzzing on the small table beside the bed. He didn't need to anyway; Aleksi assumed it was past the opening hours of the breakfast buffet already, and the band group chat was probably asking what was up and if the two of them were joining the shopping spree that had been planned for the day. He reckoned they could always get blueberry muffins from the 7-Eleven across the street and that they could catch up with the others later, should they feel like checking out the malls and boutiques of downtown Seattle. Right now, all Aleksi needed to do was make sure Olli was comfortable, to make him feel safe enough to maybe allow Aleksi to carry some of his burden for him, whatever it was.
Holding back another hopeless sigh, Aleksi gave up his attempts to have Olli open his eyes or in any other way indicate he was awake. He retreated his hand with one final stroke across Olli's cheek, biting his inner lip as if that did anything to stop his own eyes from stinging. Olli looked so lovely, lying there next to him so peacefully, yet Aleksi knew his mind was anything but; it felt unfair in every aspect of the situation – Olli's misery and Aleksi's inability to do anything about it – so was it really any wonder that Aleksi, too, was a little downcast?
If his tears would've done anything at all to bring Olli back to life, back to him, Aleksi would've filled the entire Pacific Ocean with them.
Blinking rapidly and trying to calm his shaky breathing, Aleksi almost missed Olli cracking his eyes open slightly, shooting him a sleepy gaze before closing them again,
"Don't stop." In the bleak quietness of the room, Olli's silent request sounded louder than it was, deafening in its anguish more than in its volume.
Aleksi was quick to return his hand to Olli's face, using his palm to cup Olli's cheek and his thumb to stroke softly over his cheekbone. It was then he saw the smallest of shifts in Olli's expression: the slight crease of his brow softening, the thin line of his lips relaxing, his Adam's apple moving as he swallowed and rested his head deeper against his pillow. Encouraged by the response, Aleksi shuffled closer and touched the tip of his nose to Olli's, hoping to see his eyelids flutter again or maybe even his lips twitch. For a long, heart-breaking second Aleksi felt defeated, but then Olli nudged his nose against Aleksi's own, and Aleksi felt a little easy to breathe again.
I'm here, Aleksi communicated wordlessly with another nudge, a little further up the bridge of Olli's nose, right by his cheekbone. Anything you need, I'm here for you.
Even his stomach objecting for the lack of breakfast couldn't stop Aleksi from nuzzling up against Olli like a lovesick kitten, but Olli begged to differ.
"Are you hungry?" Aleksi wanted to silence such irrelevant questions with a kiss to Olli's lips; they were close enough for that very purpose.
"Kinda," he mumbled nevertheless. "You?"
Olli didn't answer. Aleksi didn't expect him to.
"We can stay here a little longer. If you want to."
Olli sighed and pressed his forehead against Aleksi's. Aleksi took that as a yes.
It was close to noon when they ventured out to find something to eat. There was a cosy-looking coffee shop down the road, but they ended up gathering their brunch supplies from their nearest convenience store and retreating back to their hotel room, deciding the coffee shop was too crowded and suffered from a sever lack of soft beds to cuddle on. They even made out some, which they hadn't done since they had set foot on North American soil; Olli's kisses tasted of cheap corner store chocolate and vending machine coffee, all the makings of an easy, lazy Sunday far away from home, and it was almost enough for Aleksi to ignore the frown that was threatening to make its return to Olli's presence.
In the afternoon the band gathered for a scheduled rehearsal at the studio of a friend of a friend of a friend, and for every hour that passed, the comfort of the noon seemed like a distant memory. With a worried scowl, Aleksi watched Olli go on about his routines without a word: fixing the strings of his bass and strumming out notes with a solemn face, never missing a single beat, yet somehow not fully in the music either, which was the polar opposite of what Olli usually was when he played. He said nothing to participate in the conversations around him, although Aleksi knew he was listening. He hardly reacted to Tommi's puns and only smiled wryly at Aleksi's, which was cold comfort in the bigger picture, but comfort nevertheless. He stayed in Aleksi's proximity as they played, sat by his side when they took a break, even rested his head on Aleksi's shoulder when sleepiness seemed to get the better of him. As the afternoon turned into evening and the topic of conversation began to shift from music to beer and TGI Friday's, Olli shot Aleksi a look that spoke more than a thousand words.
Take me home.
Aleksi couldn't do that, of course, so he did the next best thing and excused them so they could leave the others with their after-practice plans and take a cab back to the hotel.
Back in their room, it didn't take them long to end up exactly how they had started the day, facing each other on the bed under the duvet, Aleksi's hand gently smoothing Olli's skin. The only difference was that Olli's eyes were open – drowsy, but open – and that his breathing was somehow more heavier, hotter against Aleksi's lips.
Aleksi knew what it meant the moment he felt Olli's hand on his neck.
Olli's lips on his felt like a ghost of a kiss at first, a shadow of all the passion Aleksi knew was hiding somewhere inside his lover. Aleksi let Olli slide his tongue inside Aleksi's mouth, deepening the kiss with each deep breath he took; he let Olli's fingers graze over his bare chest, along his side to his hips and from there to the front of his boxers.
His palm worked in a circular motion imitating the movements of Olli's tongue inside Aleksi's mouth.
"Are you sure?" Aleksi pulled back when his cock began to show interest towards Olli's skilled fingers.
As a reply to Aleksi's question, Olli grabbed his hand by the wrist, interrupting its efforts in fondling Olli's back, and shamelessly placed it on his own bulge. The hardness under the fabric was all the hint Aleksi needed.
While they pleasured each other, their kisses grew hungrier, needier, almost overwhelmingly so, until Aleksi had to withdraw with a gasp to fill his lungs with much-needed air. He barely had time to exhale before Olli's lips were back on his, hasty, desperate, urgent, nearly breaking Aleksi's heart all over again with their despair. As Olli's movements got more frantic, with his hand picking up its speed on Aleksi's cock and his hips thrusting into Aleksi's fist, his teeth began to nibble on Aleksi's bottom lip. Aleksi didn't have to guess what it was a sign of once he felt the teeth sink in deeper, full-on biting him as Olli chased his climax with Aleksi's hand on him, stroking him closer to the edge until Aleksi could taste traces of iron on his tongue. It was then Olli released his lip, gasping as his semen spilled over Aleksi's fingers, painting them white and wet. Moaning softly, Aleksi followed shortly after with Olli's generous help, too generous even, as his hand was still pumping Aleksi's hard-on when the aftershocks of his orgasm made his body tremble.
(Fair enough, Olli had the power to make him tremble even without his hand on his cock; most days, all Olli needed to do was just look at him a certain way, and he'd crumble like an overbaked ginger biscuit.)
The look on Olli's eyes now was dark and dazed, yet Aleksi could detect a hint of serenity in them, behind all the shades of sadness. It may as well be gone in the morning, but Aleksi allowed himself to revel in the sparkle of hope he saw in front of him, in his lover's gaze.
Before they'd fall asleep, Aleksi fetched a towel to dry them both clean (and nearly passed out when Olli used his finger to wipe a drop of Aleksi's cum off his abdomen and brought it to his lips); then he lay down on his back to make room for Olli under his armpit, knowing (and hoping) that's where he preferred to be after sex, and by some happy coincidence, that's exactly where Aleksi wanted (more like needed) him as well.
Maybe Olli would be a step closer to him in the morning. Perhaps he'd have taken two more steps back. However it may be, Aleksi would be right there waiting for him, ready whenever he was, his hand already reaching out for Olli's.
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js-sunflowers · 11 months
what i remember about tommy: a vague interpretation of my washed out memories
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[ x x x ] [ x x x ] he used to love blueberries, and enjoyed gardening (never cared about the dirt. he was always tracking a mess into the house) he could knit his own sweaters and typically fixed up everybody's clothes. he taught puffy and i both he scrapbooked a lot, i think. ranboo/niki got him into it he had a little scar on the right side of his lip. his closeness with tubbo made him kind of like a proxy-brother to me. he looked up to me a lot (and for that i'm sorry, tommy. you know how i am) i taught him how i fought because he said that techno made it "too complicated." i vaguely remember us playfighting in the forest, duel-wielding sticks his eyes weren't blue, but more so a kind of clear grey-ish color he used to wake up early before everyone else to watch the sunrise and wait for phil to come home. in the meantime, he'd chat with the crows tom's room was covered in photographs that he'd like to take, candids of his brothers and father, insects on leaves and flowers, scenery from the woods around the soot house + the town up in the foothills of the mountain where everyone else lived despite phil having wings, tommy held no physical avian traits that i can recall (and neither did wilbur, though they were both phil's biological sons) he would smell like wood and rain and dirt i've never been good with remembering things, yknow in this life or the ones that have come before but i thought i might try and jog some memories by making these little "what i remember about" posts (and maybe find my missing folk? i don't know) (if this information relates to you, don't hesitate to reach out ((*if you're comfortable doing so. never force yourself to do something that you're not sure of*)) to talk to me. i find that having someone to compare memories with can be really helpful)
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jillslife · 17 days
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There's something weird going on with Billie today.... why is her tongue a cake?
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Jill: "What's going on, buddy? Do you want me to take this? It it for me? Or are you hungry?" The plant nods enthusiastically.
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Jill: "Okay then.... how about some blueberries?" That doesn't seem her favourtive food, but she takes it anyway. Weird plant. Of course, all of the other plants get taken care of, too.
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Now that Jill owns a bike, she can expand her foraging route! There's some paths up the mountain she hasn't taken yet, so she decides to go out for a bike ride.
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She finds some mushroom colonies at a small lookout and takes them... this means more income for today!
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Then, she gets a text from Rahul Rahul [texting] : "Hey, hope your first night in the tent went well!" Jill [texting] : "Yeah, it was really comfortable... it keeps out the wind at least." Rahul [texting] : "Glad to hear it. Listen, would you like to come over today and watch the game with me? It's Pride day and my favourite team is playing.... The San Myshuno Llamas against the Oasis Spring Eagles."
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Jill [texting] : "Sure! I'll come over in a bit!" Rahul [texting] : "Awesome! We can go to the plaza afterwards and see what the cow faire is all about."
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Jill: "I'm so excited, I loved the Llama games when I was still living in San Myshuno!" Rahul: "Did you ever see a game?" Jill: "Mom took me to one, but that was ages ago..."
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Rahul: "You know, when I was little that was my dream job!" Jill: "You wanted to join the team?"
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Rahul: "Yeah. We'll see what I can do when I get my degree... If they even accept my, that is." Jill: "I'm sure they will. When are you going to enroll?" Rahul: "Probably in Winter when I get the money by then."
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Jill: "You can do it! Oh, the game is starting...."
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Rahul is in high spirits after the game - the Llamas won! They go out to the faire where they grill some of Jill's home grown mushrooms and enjoy the evening together...
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servin-up-surveys · 3 months
survey #216
What is the last song that you had on repeat? Uh I feel like it was "Blind and Frozen" by Beast In Black.
Do you believe that one day the sun will burn out? ... No shit? This is scientific fact? Like it's not gonna happen in my lifetime, but it WILL happen.
What’s your homepage when you bring up the internet? Just Google.
Have you ever cracked your phone screen before? I haven't, actually.
Do you like Train’s music? I do. They write some of my all-time favorite love songs.
Have you ever seen the movie High School Musical? Yes. My younger sister (who I shared a room with) was particularly obsessed with it.
Are you excited to pick out your wedding dress one day? I am, but I'm also not looking forward to trying multiple on and possibly being picky. I can't imagine myself being one of those people that tries on dozens and dozens, though.
Does it bother you when an artist remake a song that one has previously done? Not at all. I like plenty of covers, especially if I enjoy the original song.
How many times have you had sex within the past two years? Guesstimate? Actual sex, zero. For reasons that are sometimes very hard to deal with.
Can people read your facial expressions easily? If so, why is this? Yes, because I'm very bad at hiding my feelings on my face.
When was the last time your area had a tornado warning, if ever? I can't remember. We get plenty of tornado watches this time of year, but warnings are rarer.
Does it scare you when the sky gets really cloudy and dark during the day? Yes, because I'm terrified of the potential of tornadoes. Thunderstorms themselves don't scare me, it's just the fact that they can spawn tornadoes.
Have you ever ran from the police? No.
Have you ever watched The Walking Dead? I haven't.
Do you like horses? I do.
Snakes? I love snakes.
Cats? I sure do.
Have you ever driven an electric car? No.
Have you ever eaten moussaka? I don't even know what that is.
What breed was the last dog you saw? Chihuahua.
Do you ever fact-check the things you read on the internet? Not everything, I don't regularly care enough about what I might randomly read, but especially if it's a topic I'm invested in, I certainly will.
Have you ever had a parrot sit on your shoulder? No.
What was the last caffeinated drink you had? Mountain Dew.
With a fried egg, do you prefer the yolk runny or set? I won't eat a fried egg because I cannot stand yolk like that.
Have you ever planned a wedding? Not really. I mean sure, I have plans for my own, but we're definitely not at the "real" planning stage yet.
Do you have any pimples right now? No.
Have you ever painted a rock? I don't think so.
Do you ever shop at Aldi? Do you even have one nearby? There's one very near here, and Mom goes there rarely. She loves the prices there compared to elsewhere, Walmart is just easier for us.
What are some of your favourite snacks? Right now I'm in an insane pickle episode. In general though, I love chips, or Cheez-its. Small candies that come in packages like peach rings or Skittles I also like a lot. We don't tend to keep snacks like that in the house though, so I'm more likely to have something like a cashew bar or Special K blueberry snack bar... thingy.
What has been the best thing to happen to you in the past year? Honestly, becoming more aware of and better understanding my autism. I've come to accept myself much more, instead of just thinking I'm fucking weird with stupid quirks that could never make sense to anyone else. I still want an official diagnosis, but I firmly believe I don't need it, at least for myself.
Are you prone to jealousy? Nope. It's happened, but I definitely don't experience it much.
How did you get through the lowest point in your life? Look, to be totally real with you, I was too afraid to actually kill myself. I had no other choice but to just ride it out.
Have you ever been someone's first love? I suppose possibly Sara, but idk. She dated people before me, but I don't remember her ever mentioning truly loving somebody.
How old were you when you got your first gaming console, and what kind was it? The OG PlayStation. Idk how old I was, I think we had it when I was born.
What is your favorite food to put gravy on? I hate gravy.
Do you know anyone from Canada? Yes.
What's your opinion on astrology? It's dumb as hell and for insanely gullible people that generally don't want to take responsibility for their own flaws.
Do you use TikTok? No.
Do you ever get super bad buzzing in your ears? Not really, no. I've had rare instances of minor ringing, but nothing severe, for which I'm very thankful.
Do you know anyone who has actually been in an alcohol or drug-related crash? I do. She lost her best friend, who was in the car with her, because of it. They were both high, or possibly drunk, one or the other. It took years upon years upon years until she seemed okay again.
Did you celebrate Father's Day? No. I sent him a message and was happy to hear he hadn't touched a cigarette in two days, but that was all. We've usually gone out to lunch, but my sisters never mentioned it this year.
Do you hate how being bisexual is like a trend? It's not a trend, shut the fuck up.
Have you ever gotten a professional massage? No, this would be insanely uncomfortable for me.
Do you have a good relationship with your first love? We don't have a relationship, period.
What is something you’re currently nervous about? This weekend. I'm going to my first Pride event ever but it's supposed to be scorchingly hot and I have hyperhidrosis.
Are you dealing with any health-related problems right now? I always am.
Are you experiencing problems within a current relationship? No.
Do you find that caffeinated or alcoholic drinks make you pee more than normal? Water makes me pee more than anything else. I don't drink alcohol enough to have noticed for that, but there are sometimes where if I drink a soda, I have to go to the bathroom pretty quickly.
Do you still enjoy watching Disney movies? I sure do.
What are some interests you have in common with your parents? My mom likes writing, even if she doesn't really do it. When she was younger, she also enjoyed drawing, but that's another thing she doesn't do anymore. I *enjoy* fishing like my dad, even though I don't think fishing for fun is moral.
How old were you when your parents trusted you to stay home alone all day? I don't remember.
Do you drink more or less water than is recommended? Technically still less, I'm sure. I think the very vast majority of people don't drink the amount that is technically advised.
Do you go on vacation with your family a lot? Where was the last place you went? We never go on vacations. At least, Mom doesn't, and I live with/under her. We can't afford to.
What do your parents think about piercings and tattoos? Do you agree with them? My mom doesn't care. She doesn't LIKE all piercings or tattoos, but she has nothing against them in general. I'm like my mom in that respect, but I'm even more open and accepting of them. My dad doesn't seem too bothered by piercings, he was never against me getting any, but he was shocked and nervous when he found out about me getting a tattoo. Mine don't seem to bother him though.
What are your religious beliefs? Are these the same as your parents’? I am an atheist, but sometimes with some agnostic-leaning wonderings. Both my parents are Christians, which I am definitely not.
Do you remember The Land Before Time movies? Who was your favorite character? I do, but I think I only saw the first two, maybe three. I know I loved them, though. I don't remember my favorite character as a child, maybe Littlefoot.
What’s your favorite genre of book to read? Animal fantasy.
Are you one of those people who texts back instantly? Almost always.
What’s your favourite place to get pizza from? Domino's.
Think of the last verbal argument you were in; what caused it? My mom having main character in life syndrome and refusing to even entertain the possibility of her ever, ever being wrong. I had to blow the fuck up to Girt, she and I have butted heads a lot lately and I finally snapped in half. I hadn't been that angry in god knows how long.
Does your refrigerator have one door or two? Two, side-by-side. Left is the freezer, right is the fridge.
Do you smoosh bugs, or just let ‘em go? I tend to ignore them, but if it's a spider, I will try to take it outside so Mom doesn't kill it. I never kill bugs, unless it's like, an ant in the house. Absolutely never, ever outside.
Would you ever kiss someone with facial hair? I've done this plenty and would keep doing it. Sometimes Girt has stubble anyway and it doesn't bother me at all.
Have you ever drooled in public? I feel like I have a little bit at least once while sleeping in the college library.
Have you ever been bitten by a dog? No.
Would you ever shave your head? No, not me personally. Female-presenting individuals can look amazing with no (or very little) hair, but it's definitely not for me.
Would you ever meet someone you met online? I've done this before and want to meet at least Mazzy and Tez. Shaz would be amazing, too, as well as Sam and his wife.
Where do you wanna live when you grow up? The more mountainous area of NC. Blue Ridge Mountains would be the absolute dream.
Would you get married if you could right now? I'd get engaged. I'd like to lose weight before my wedding... but by now idk if it's ever gonna fuckin' happen.
What color are your eyes? Grayish blue.
Who was your first good kiss with? Jason was my first kiss and he was perfectly fine at kissing.
Would you kiss this person again? If I actually loved him again, yes, but I will never let myself have that kind of relationship with him ever again.
Who was your hottest bf/gf besides the one you have now? Jason.
How often do you drink water? A lot a day, I don't actually track it.
Name something that is on your bedroom wall? Above my bed and framing some plant art I have up is a branching string of circular lights that's meant to look like a vine or something. I only really turn the lights on if I'm reading in bed, but it's super cozy.
If you could paint your walls any color what would it be? Because I'm going for a nature theme in there right now, I'd probably go for a light green.
What are you drinking right now? Raspberry lemonade-flavored water.
What does your phone case look like? I don't have a case. I'd like one, but that's not something I can just casually afford to buy and it's certainly not important enough to be on my gift wishlist.
What do you take the most pictures of? My cat, lol.
If you could be a professional in any sport what would it be? Dance.
When was the last time you made dinner? Tonight; Mom was too tired to cook. I just put popcorn shrimp in the air fryer.
Who do you want to be buried next to? I'd prefer to be cremated and have my ashes spread than be buried.
Do you have any hickeys on you? No.
Who did you last share a bed with? Girt.
Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? As of this year, yes.
What are you listening to right now? I'm watching some of John Wolfe's Baldur's Gate 3 LP. I'm not very far from being done, I just ventured into watching other stuff for a while.
Do you get blizzards where you live? No.
What’s something you prefer to keep private? Sexual information/past.
What was your favorite book you had to read for school? The Handmaid's Tale.
Has anyone ever called you a sociopath before? No.
Have you ever saved someone’s life? She says so, but more than anything it was me coincidentally sending a message at the right time.
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Vacation Rentals In Tennessee
Vacation Rentals In Tennessee
Be our Guest! We would love to be your host!
We have a 3 Bedroom/2 Bath Guest Suite overnight rental available on 18 acres. PRIVATE park-like setting located in Lenoir City. This apartment has its separate entrance on the front of the house.  Your space is all yours with 3 Bedroom.  Queen and Daybed with trundle downstairs.  Downstairs also offers a kitchen with all the extras you need to cook your meals, dining room, Reading Room with comfy chairs, Living Room with 50″ TV, and a walk in bath.
Take the spiral staircase and enjoy the entire Upstairs.  It is its own Master King Suite with 42” Smart TV, Sitting area, Workspace and En-suite with Garden Tub and Standup shower.
We have an occupancy of a maximum of 6 persons (regardless of age).
Fort Loudon Marina – 5 minutes
Turkey Creek/Knoxville – 25 minutes
Maryville – 20 minutes
Oak Ridge – 25 minutes
Smoky Mountains via Townsend- 45 minutes
We do NOT charge a Cleaning Fee or Booking Fees when you reserve with us directly.
In lieu of a Damage Deposit, we offer a Damage Protection Plan per stay.
Note: Exterior Security Cameras are on site.
We bought our home years ago with the dream of running it as a full bed and breakfast. We were blessed to do that for a while until our oldest was diagnosed with Leukemia. That changed our lives in a number of ways.  We closed the B and B and raised our babies.   Now they are flying the coup, and we have some extra space.
We run a farm with chickens, horses, cats and dogs. We plant vegetables like green beans, corn, okra, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, and fruit gardens like watermelons. We have blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, peach trees, pear trees and apple trees. I enjoy my multiple flower beds. We grow a extra large sunflower field near our lower pasture in the summer too. 
There are a number of different wildlife you will see on the farm – deer, turkey,  and more. 
We truly enjoy our farm and the tranquility it brings.  We hope you will too!
0 notes
2jaeh · 3 years
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Country Club | Kim Doyoung
Genre: smut , daddy
Warnings: dilf! Doyoung, uni! Reader, RichAU,
Praise kink!, public, just DY being a hot rich dad tbh.
Author! SIN
Your father invited a friend to join you for your Saturday morning golf game, the catch was his friend and you have a very dirty secret.
A/N: admin SIN here! Sorry I’ve been IA, I’ve had so many commissions and I’m still working on the freaks prequel and another Yuta fic (help), so here’s a little smutty DY fic while y’all wait !
TAGS: @infnteen 🖤 thanks for the cute msg!
It was a cool morning and the smell of the wet freshly cut grass signaled the first rain of spring. You were up in your room, taking a break from university, and you found yourself longing for the Mountain View’s of the country club.
Thankfully mom and dad were aching to host a spring party for their friends and you were able to tag along with them to your summer vacation home. It had been awhile since you’d been here, and the last time you set foot on these grounds you were almost in trouble.
“Sweetheart dont you think the gardens look absolutely ravishing today” your mom marveled as you made your way downstairs in a white mini tennis skirt and a sky blue golf shirt.
“Absolutely mother” you smiled and placed kiss on her forehead before grabbing the pitcher of lemonade and poured yourself a glass. You stood in front of the clear glass sliding doors watching your father pace the lawn probably talking to a work friend on his phone.
“Mother I thought we were going to the golf course today, he’s not planning on working is he ?” You pouted, stuffing a blueberry muffin into your mouth.
“Your father will never miss a golf session dear” your mother chuckled, “just get your things together sweety your dad will be with you shortly.”
Sighing you downed the last of the lemonade and went to the shoe rack to find your white tennis shoes and asked one of the estates employees to load your golf bag into the golf cart.
Shortly after, your dad followed, a huge smile spread across his face as he noticed your cheeky pout obviously knowing what mood you were in.
“I’m sorry hun but work called, those varsity tuition isn’t going to pay itself now is it ?”
You rolled your eyes playfully and slipped into the golf carts driver seat and patted the seat next to you,
“Ok fine but I’m driving.”
The two of you made your way down the courtyard and into the country club’s entrance. The gravel road was covered by huge oak trees, placed strategically along the sides leading to the huge mansion at the end.
Your father directed you to the golf course and one of the gates men welcomed you in before all you saw in front of you was the bright green golf course.
“I’m feeling lucky today hun, I can feel it” your dad squeezed his fist while you let out a chuckle, “easy there Tiger Woods”
“Well I’m definitely going to beat Doyoung that’s for sure”
“Doyoung ?” Saying his name already brought you a flash of memories.
“Yeah you remember my work buddy Mr Kim right ? He’s here helping out with the party, he brought over his sons too” your dad spoke as you pulled up to the first hole.
“What about his....wife ?” You swallowed, as your mind raced back to last year’s Christmas lunch.
First and fur-most Kim Doyoung was the hottest dad at the country club. He was still quite young in comparison to the other fathers thanks to his choices of getting hitched way too early. Most people would describe him as helpful, responsible the kind of guy who genuinely helped out the people around him.
But you knew a very different side to him.
It was the evening of the lunch that you and a friend had snuck outside for a smoke, knowing your fathers would be tremendously upset with that action for their little girls. After your friend ran off to God knows where, Doyoung had emerged and the look on his face as he watched you drag in that cigarette was...something.
“You’re such a naughty girl y/n disobeying daddy like this” he said in a silky voice, taking the cigarette with his slender fingers and placing it to his own mouth.
You watched him in awe, pulling in that cigarette and exhale the smoke up into the sky like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
“Please don’t tell my dad Mr Kim” you had said in a high tone, surprising yourself at the hint of desperation in your voice.
“Don’t worry it will be our little secret love” Doyoung winked taking in another drag but this time he grabbed your chin and blew the smoke into your mouth. It felt intoxicating. But a sudden call from his wife had pulled you out of your fantasy and he disappeared, not seeing him since then.
Until now ofcourse.
“Oh your mother didn’t tell you ? Doyoung and Hani are divorced now, yeah she took off with some model and left him with the kids” your dad shrugged and greeted the caddy waiting on the course for him.
“Oh I see” you responded, placing a baseball cap on your head and watched your father tee off.
It wasn’t long until you heard another golf cart behind you as you began setting up your shot, wanting to look back desperately.
“Kim Doyoung” your father bellowed as you took your shot and turned around to meet your guests.
You noticed Doyoung had brought both his sons, Jeno a guy somewhat around your age and his little brother Jisung. It was quite surprising to see them outside when you knew they preferred to stay couped up in their bedrooms playing video games.
“Hey y/n, I didn’t know you’d be here too” Jeno shyly waved while Jisung inspected a golf club.
“Yeah I’m on spring break, so I decided to spend a bit of it here” you replied, moving a strand of your hair behind your ear.
Doyoung smiled at you innocently and held out his hand, “it’s good to have you back y/n” he said as you took his hand and nodded shyly. Doyoung returned to his conversation with your father and all you could do was stare at how gorgeous he looked today.
Dressed in white slacks, a navy blue polo shirt and black rimmed glasses, girls your age may not understand your desires but to you Doyoung was incredibly sexy to say the least.
He was well built too, his wide shoulders and small waist gave him a swimmer physique, it was all too tempting to know what he looked like underneath his attire.
“How about we mix the teams, you and y/n versus Jeno and I ?” Your dad suggested and Doyoung looked over at you briefly and smiled,
“You got yourself a deal, winner gets that Sauvignon Blanc you’ve been hoarding in your cellar” Doyoung chuckled and set up his ball for his shot.
You tried not to stare but God was it hard. You watched as his eyes narrowed on his target and his dark hair waved as he swung. Doyoung twisted his body posing as he watched his almost perfect swing lead his ball closer it’s target.
“Jeno get ya head in the game boy” your father grumbled as Jeno found himself lost in a game on his phone.
Jisung snickered as Jeno sighed and removed himself from his game to join the one he was supposed to be playing in reality. You could already tell that your competitive father immediately regretted his decision of swopping teams when Jeno’s swing only had the ball drop just a few feet away from him.
“I mean, that was a hit alright” You stifled a laughter.
“I’m not used to these golf clubs!” Jeno whined as his father tapped him on his shoulder, “A good player never blames the equipment son, y/n let’s head over to the hole shall we ?” Doyoung said jumping into his cart.
“Are we not waiting until we’re done ?” Your father grumbled still watching Jeno struggle with his form.
“Seems like we’ll be here all night if one team doesn’t get a move on” Doyoung pressed his lips together, hiding the smug smile that was beginning to form on his face,
“The caddy’s will make sure we’re not...cheating, let’s go win this y/n.”
You hugged your sulking father and hopped in the golf cart next to Doyoung, keeping your eyes on the path ahead of you.
From time to time you found yourself staring over at him, taking in that side profile as he casually maneuvered the vehicle over the greenery until you arrived at your destination.
“Shall we ?” Doyoung said, wetting his bottom lip with tongue and placed his cold hand on your exposed thigh.
You felt a shiver run down your spine, much like that night with the cigarette. You wanted more, you wanted to test just how far you could go.
And knowing that sneaking around in secret like this only made it more exciting.
“It’s going to be pretty easy to sink this” you pouted as you noticed your ball was just mere centimeters away from the first hole.
“You sound disappointed” Doyoung raised an eyebrow as he watched you set up your shot.
“We’re going to be quite far ahead of them”
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing”
You looked up at Doyoung who causally waited aside, watching you line up your shot. He wasn’t going to say it just yet, but he was definitely enjoying the view.
Sucking in a deep breath you hit the ball, but missed the target completely and felt your cheeks heat up when Doyoung lightly chuckled.
“Your form is correct you just hit it way too hard, here let me help you”
Doyoung dropped his club and made his way over to you as you got into position for your shot. Your breathing hitched when he stood behind you, a hand placed around your waist and the other on top of yours on the golf club.
You could feel his warm breath on your neck as he pulled your hips against his, bending you slightly over to feel a little more of you.
Your eyes fluttered up to where the caddy was, nervous that he’d feel some type away about this interaction but he was too invested in his phone to care.
“He’s not going to say or do anything, trust me” Doyoung whispered into your ear as you felt his hand tighten around your waist and pull your ass even closer to his crotch.
“Like this ?” You pushed your ass up to grind up against him, satisfied when you heard a small moan escape his lips.
You hit the ball and watched it sink into the hole in satisfaction. Doyoung pulled away from your body and clapped at your victory,
“Well done love” he praised and it made you rub your thighs together. You don’t know why but hearing him praise you made you so wet, all you wanted to do was be his good girl.
Doyoung’s turn was next and he easily sunk in his shot and before you knew it you two were already on your way to the next hole.
This time in the drive Doyoung had one hand on your thigh, squeezing lightly as he drove through the course casually. Finally pulling up to the next hole, you immediately got into position to tee off,
“Am I doing it right ?” You pouted back at Doyoung who stood a distance as he downed a bottle of water.
“You got this love, hey I’ll tell you what” Doyoung ran his fingers through his hair and unbuttoned the first button of his Ralph Lauren polo shirt,
“If you get this in with Atleast three shots I’ll give you a reward.”
You swallowed hard, your mind buzzing with what the reward could be. Shaking your head that was filled with fantasies you took your shot, surprised that it was a pretty decent one at that.
“Well done love, you must really want that reward” Doyoung mused, his small praises driving you into a frenzy once again.
Doyoung quickly took yet another perfect shot and the two of you hopped in the cart headed for the final stretch of the play.
Again not wasting anytime you took your shot and managed to complete the round in just two shots, immediately turning to Doyoung and gave him a dashing smile.
“Wow love, you did beautifully” he praised, coming over to stroke your back and sent your thoughts into overdrive,
“Let me finish up here and we can sort that reward out” Doyoung’s voice was filled with mischief.
Just like he said Doyoung finished his round quite quickly and went over to the caddy whispering to him before heading back to you in the cart.
“What did you tell him ?” You asked as Doyoung started the ignition and began driving on a slightly different, more secluded path.
“Told him not to follow us, and just meet us at the next hole” Doyoung pressed his lips together and you watched his eyes search for a spot that was hidden from passerby’s.
Doyoung stopped the engine and jumped out of the cart, quickly pulling you out and leaned your back against the hood of the golf cart. His eyes were dark and a smirk grew on his face as his fingers brushed against your cheek, over your chest and eventually landed on your thigh.
“You love to praised y/n, I’ve taken notice of that” he hummed and his fingers separated your legs slightly as it moved higher up your skirt.
“I want you to know how good I am” you fluttered your lashes at him, leaning back into the hood and licked your lips.
“You think you’re good ?” Doyoung chuckled darkly as his finger grazed your soaked underwear, “I think you’re a bad girl y/n, just so fucking bad.”
You bit down on your lip as Doyoung pushed your underwear to the side and pushed his index finger into your core. You threw your head back as Doyoung slowly fingered you, bringing his mouth to you jaw and kissed you gently.
“But you know a promise is a promise and you deserve your reward” Doyoung responded by inserting two more fingers in you, quickly using his free hand to cover your mouth before you moaned.
“I’m good...daddy”
Doyoung’s ears perked at the nickname and responded by moving his fingers even faster, pushing his large frame into yours as you began chasing your orgasm.
Just as you were about to come undone Doyoung removed his fingers and wiped your wetness on your skirt before pulling you into a hot and sloppy kiss.
“If you think you’re a good girl, how about doing something about this huh” Doyoung growled into your ear and grabbed your hand, placing it over his hardened member.
You immediately slipped down to your knees and unbuckled his pants, waiting to please him. Doyoung freed his member and looked down as you took him into your mouth, making sure every inch of him entered before slowly sucking him off.
“Fuck...that feels so good, you’re doing so good my love” he sighed, throwing your cap aside and grabbed tufts of your hair as you sucked him off in the middle of the country club golf course.
Doyoung began thrusting into your mouth until you felt him hit the back of your throat and he came undone, feeling every bit of him slide down your throat.
Doyoung brought you up and swiped his thumb across your lips before inserting it into your mouth while you sucked on it gently.
“You’re right, you’re such a good girl” he praised and began rubbing his member in between your thighs as you felt him slowly grow hard once more.
“Do I get a reward again daddy ?” You placed your manicured hands on his chest and looked up at him with barely innocent eyes.
“Ofcourse, anything for you my love” Doyoung mused and spun you around, bending you over the golf cart and dropped your panties down to your knees.
Doyoung pushed his member into your core and slipped a hand in front between your legs to stimulate you while he fucked you senseless. He placed a hand over your mouth once more, the last thing he needed was your father or his own damn kids walking in on this.
But he wanted to feel as much of you as he could and removed the hand from your mouth and slipped it under your shirt, giving your breast a squeeze.
“Don’t you dare make a sound my love, or else I’ll stop” Doyoung grunted as he heard your soft whimpers in his ear.
Doyoung felt himself getting closer again and pulled out, leading you to the seats of the cart and propped you up on it and entered you again. Your legs wrapped around his waist as you felt him twitch inside of you. Grabbing onto the seats for support you nodded at him, signaling that you too were close and Doyoung sped up until you came all over his member and he pulled out waiting for your mouth to return to his tip.
“Take it all in again my love, you’re such a good girl” he groaned, biting down on his lips and your mouth wrapped around him once more and felt his liquid run down your throat for the second time that day.
You finally cleaned up and Doyoung neatened himself before texting the caddy that the two of you were on your way.
“What’s the next reward daddy ?” You raised your eyebrow at him as you watched a smug smile spread across his face as he drove,
“Well after this game is over and you get yourself cleaned up, how about meeting for another reward daddys room ?”
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doubleddenden · 9 months
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With what I assume is the last dlc for SV, I thought I'd make a post for me to come back to later compiling the teams I used and other significant pokemon I've caught or used to some capacity.
I'll make a small blurb for each, including more teams under the cut
Base Violet Team:
Nyastolfo the Meowscarada, the starter. Admittedly he's not my favorite of the paldean starters, that actually goes to Skeledirge. But I wanted Ceruledge, and I wanted a colorfully diverse looking team, so I went with the weed cat. He's probably a little silly but the most dedicated pokemon.
Benji the Pawmott, who despite his size is a little powerhouse and one of my favorite pikaclones.
MickDonnaGoof (shorthand for Mickey, Donald, and Goofy) the Wugtrio, who may not really be a legitimate separate pokemon in my eyes and is more of a glorified dugtrio regional variant. But I still like her.
Caliburn the Ceruledge, the sole reason I chose Violet to begin with and has consistently been one of my favorites. She's potentially one of my strongest pokemon ever and the first I ever had change Tera Types, and the only one to do so TWICE. Fire to Ghost to take on Iron Leaves on our own, and then from Ghost to Stellar to completely ascend her.
Clodina the Clodsire, who is probably the most universally loved gen 9 pokemon for good reason. So friend shaped. Also the clean up when she was on my team.
Ceterry the Cetitan, who has the cutest encounter story. I was going to use Baxcalibur, but while in Glaseado Mountain I saw a little Cetoddle come walking up to me by itself. Didn't attack me, just smiled and danced. I didn't need to fight it at all and just tossed a ball at it, and it joined me. Probably my fondest memory of a Pokémon willingly joining my team without a battle.
Teal Mask Team
Shogun the Hisuian Typhlosion, who was caught after I finished Legends Arceus and finally got a chance to shine in Kitakami. Originally I wanted to use my Silver Typhlosion or my Hisuian Samurott from LA, but both were too high a level, so I compromised on Shogun, who was just right.
Racer the Yanmega, my first Kitakami capture within moments of arriving. A real glass cannon but a fun one, and honestly I've always wanted a reason to use one.
Fesh Pince the Poliwrath. Technically my third Poliwrath, but my first one from Fire Red is long gone and my second one is from a fan game- that's who Fesh Pince is named for, also the YouTube poop series lol. He's reliable enough
MorMarnie the Morpeko, who is probably the weakest but cutest of the teams I've put together in SV. In fact I've noticed each team has at least 1 designated cutie, so I'm okay with that.
Hollabax the Baxcalibur- admittedly I caught him in Paldea, but never got around to using him until Kitakami, where I brought him in to fix up the aesthetics of my team. If Racer is a glass cannon, Hollabax is a glass hammer, who dishes out some decent damage but goes down very quickly. Still enjoy what he adds to the team.
Yoginator the Blood Moon Ursaluna- funnily enough, Scout the Furret was in his slot before he came along. This guy's quest was really fun and amazing, and he about wiped my team before Scout saved the day. I got a funny pic of him absolutely loathing being on my team that's somewhere on my blog and it sends me every time. He kinda sucked in kitakami but got better.
Indigo Disk Team
Dojikiri the Shiny Hisuian Samurott, who was the first pokemon I successfully bred specifically to be shiny that wasn't by accident. When I found out Blueberry Academy was in Unova, I wanted to use a Unovan starter- but the problem is that I've used EVERY starter, even ones I dislike, and at the time I thought it was going to be an early pick and really didn't want to re use any of them. So with the criteria met, I bred for my favorite starter, Hisuian Samurott, the best of all worlds tbh. In battle he kinda sucked at first, which is hilarious considering how powerful his dad is (Muramasa) and his namesake being the PERFECT Japanese sword that killed Shuten Douji- but eventually he came into his own as a master of sword moves and became super reliable.
Texas PRIME the Paldean Fire Tauros. Paldea got good fire types, I've always wanted to use a Tauros, so I transferred this from Scarlet. He's reliable enough and pulled through when I needed him, but he's kind of got a Worf effect going on.
Iron Giant the Golurk. Originally I had planned to use a Rhyperior, but they fucked up Home so it would not work until the day after Indigo Disk officially dropped, and I did not want to trade, so I made use of Iron Giant and got attached. Yes he knows Fly but it's not as cool as I had hoped.
Arches the Archaludon, probably the most powerful on the team and definitely the one I relied on most. Once I got him set up with Electro Shot, he was one shotting pretty much everything. He's a bit slow but tanky.
Gelo the Reuniclus- designated cutie of the team and I'll hear no arguments. Gelo was basically Arches and Dojikiri's Rain Dancer partner for the most part, but he got a few good wins along the way. I imagine hugging it is kinda sticky.
Beakers the Toucannon- admittedly I originally thought about it only to make the aesthetics come together for the team, but I am really surprised at how good it was. Beakers is no Corviknight or Talonflame, but his Skill Link basically made him invaluable with Bullet Seed and Rock Blast. Genuinely and pleasantly surprised with him, and I imagine we use him like a Tommy gun.
Honorable mentions
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Scarlet "Ash" playthrough team, no nicknames, in which I went through as if I were writing another Season with Ash as the protagonist
Violet reserves:
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GarganaclBOI the shiny Garganacl
Gaga the Espathra
Tyranitron the Shiny Iron Thorns (not pictured: a non shiny Iron Thorns I also used)
Iron Jugulis (no nickname)
Emi the Tinkaton (if you're reading this, yes I did name it after you because it's so you coded)
Miraidon, no nickname but he is the best doggo
Scout the Furret (Silver 3ds transfer)
Iceslash Alolan Sandslash (used for Drayton's trial)
Dipper the Hydrapple (formerly the Dipplin I used briefly in Kitakami)
Muramasa the Hisuian Samurott (my Legends Arceus starter and brief Kitakami body gaurd, father to Dojikiri)
Ogerpon, who isn't nicknamed but we love our adoptive daughter
Tyson the Annihilape (formerly a Primeape from Leaf Green from over 15 years ago)
And of course
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the Egg Hatching Team
Ditto the Japanese babymommadaddy slut
Blaze the Talonflame (original XY transfer)
And Pyro the Magmortar (original black 2 transfer)
Trying to decide my favorite of the teams I've made. It might be a tie between Kitakami and Blueberry, but I still do love Ceruledge, Clodsire, and Pawmott a bunch.
Although I bitch a lot about performance and story choices I personally disagree with or wish they would have expanded upon, one thing I love is making teams and immortalizing them for me to look back on fondly. This was probably the largest cast I've assembled in any pokemon game with fresh teams for each playthrough and dlc, backup mons, and transfers for fun.
The decision to make a new team for the dlcs was definitely a great decision, as it allowed me the opportunity to use Pokémon I never thought I'd ever really use in official capacity, such as Yanmega or Toucannon.
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