#enoch o'conner x reader
hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Closed Off — Enoch O’Connor x implied fem! reader
Summery: Enoch opens up to reader.
tw: None
a/n: This is based off the movie cause the book version of him is a literal child.
wc: 1k
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I was a ymbryne in training. My name being (y/n) nightingale. My teacher was Ms. Peregrine and she was very thorough in her training. She made sure I was on time for everything. She made sure I was the one to reset the time loop every night and if I didn't I would have a major scolding.
The children loved me. Even though they were much older than me they still acted young and innocent, probably because in mind and heart they were. Everyone was warm and welcoming...except Enoch. Oh was Enoch rude and mean. He was very closed off. Yet I seemed to nearly break through his shell. I was so close. Yet something was holding him back and I think I knew what.
The fact that I would have to leave to start my own loop kept him from opening up to me fully was the problem, I could tell. He would 'tolerate' my presence when we hung out. I would talk about myself sometimes to clear the silence but most of the time we were quiet.
"You must be on time Ms. Nightingale," Ms. P scolded me. I had missed the time mark last night for rewinding the loop and Ms. P was making sure I knew it. "If you don't your loop will continue forward and that would not be opportune. The children under your care would want to live a normal life which we both know very well can not happen."
I nodded silently looking down at my boot clad feet.
"I need to hear that you understand," She spoke firmly.
"I understand my mistake would have grave consequences Miss Peregrine," I said softly. I knew I made a major mistake that if I had my own loop would be dastardly. I know I need to start being more responsible and do my job correctly. Otherwise I won't be able to become a full fledged ymbryne.
"You are dismissed," She sighed out. "And keep in mind if you keep making the same mistake I may consider you unfit for the role of ymbryne." My worst fear confirmed. If I don't become a ymbryne I would look like a fool and failure in peculiar history. I clasped my hands together and left her office. I made my way to my room and closed the door behind me. I looked into the mirror in my room and stared at my reflection. (E/c) eyes staring back to me. My (h/c) pulled up. My long dress nearly hitting the floor and the (f/c) brooch pinned under my neck. I looked like a strict ymbryne but I already felt like a failure.
My eyes took in all of my features, my hair having pieces sticking out slightly, and my dress was wrinkled as I had to get ready quickly this morning. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a small thumping noise at my door. I turned away from the mirror and opened my door. No one was on the other side until I looked down and saw a clay homunculi staring up at me.
I picked up the small clay figure. In one hand was a (fav flower), in the other a small note. I set the homunculi on top of my dresser and took the flower and note. Opening the note it read;
I have something I need to tell you. You can find me in the basement waiting. ~Enoch
I looked back at the (f/c) flower then at the homunculi. It sat lifelessly on my dresser, its purpose done. I put the flower in my slightly messy hair and hid the note in the top dresser. I walked down to the basement and just as he said he would, Enoch sat there waiting. His stature seemed like that of a timid and nervous boy and I was getting a bit concerned. The clacking of my slightly heeled boots alerted him of my presence and he turned around. The nervousness I saw before was gone and replaced with his typical pessimistic look.
"Hello Enoch," I said. "You wanted to talk to me."
He nodded his head, "Yes." Then it was silence. He didn't continue so I became confused and curious, what did he want to talk to me about?
"What did you want to say?" I asked rocking back and forth on my feet.
"When do you leave?" Enoch asked bluntly.
My eyes widened, I didn't expect such a question, "I'm not sure." He stared into my eyes like he was searching for something, anything, yet I'm not sure what.
"I..." He trailed off, like he didn't know how to word something. "I want to go with you."
A rush of surprise hit me as I wasn't expecting him to say something like this. I looked back into his dark eyes for some sort of reassurance that he wasn't joking with me or trying to crush me emotionally. I felt a small blush rise to my cheeks as he looked completely serious.
"Y-you do?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Did I stutter?" He said with a slight scowl, but also a blush.
"Why would you want to come with me and leave your friends behind?" I asked hoping he would say what I wanted him to.
He looked away from me and crossed his arms, having a hard time saying what he wanted to. I had a hunch about what he was going to say and I knew it would be hard for him to say it. So I would say it for him.
"Do you love me?" I asked walking closer to his taller figure. I noticed a fiery blush creep up his neck and coat his face. I felt a proud grin make its way onto my face, loving the effect I had on him. Once I got close enough to whisper in his ear I leaned up a bit and whispered, "Well I love you too."
Enoch was finally able to look me in the eyes as I pulled away from his ear. The look he gave me was one of vulnerability, love, and happiness. I sent him a shy smile and pushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Enoch hesitantly grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. Without letting go he walked me upstairs and to his room. Once again we sat in silence, but this time the air between us was sweet.
I seemed to finally fully crack open his shell.
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marvolocore-library · 3 years
Cardiac Arrest - Movie! E.O x M.Reader
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Req: No | Wc: ≈2.5k
Pair: Movie! Enoch O'Conner x Cardiokinetic! Male! Reader; he/him
Fandom: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016)
About: Enoch meets a mysterious peculiar that entered Miss Peregrine's loop after his own loop was raided. The peculiar is suddenly shaken awake by a curious Enoch O'Conner. . .
Warning(s): Organs; Stopping heart from functioning; Minor character death; multiple mentions of grief/grieving; mentions of death; self-hate; vulgar language
Author's Notes: When I thought of this idea, I was in genuine love. I love this concept so much, so I thought, how could I NOT write it? Enoch's kinda OOC but not really, just mainly curiosity and piqued interest in something. There will probably be a sequel.
This may be read as platonic, but this rears towards romantic! Also, my writing is kind of crap in the beginning, apologies! This was originally for my old account before moving.
Wattpad Link to this story
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Sweat beaded at your temple. You ran as fast as your legs could possibly take you, your heart's beat pounded in your ears. Sand coursed itself in between your toes. Your satchel (which contained your oxford shoes and socks) bounced behind you, resting above the hindside of your rolled-sleeve button-up shirt. Your dark-grey trousers - which were tucked over your shirt and held up by brown suspenders - began to feel further uncomfortable as you ran farther down the ocean's shore. Of course, you would step on the occasional shell and you would let out a faint, ouch.
It was 1956, your loop was gone, and the nearest hiding place was Cairnholm, Wales. Where Miss Peregrine's loop lay virgin.
It was the only possible loop you could hide in, your previous one had been raided by the monstrosities and you were devastated - for the most part.
If you were something other than devastated, you were deeply disturbed. And by disturbed, I mean in grief.
All of your friends, your family, had died. All their bodies lay eye-eaten and to-be-rotten. You had watched as the monster's shadows staggered away, tentacles retreating into the threshold of shark teeth.
You switched your trail to a mucked path that lead into the bog that held the contents of refuge. Still running but at a slower pace.
As you run further into the wetland, trees began popping up every so often, until a canopy of trees blocked the sun from physical view until it led up to a rigged cavern. Halting to a stop, you rested your hand on your chest and began to regulate your heartbeat - it was part of being cardiokinetic.
You walked up to the cairn's entrance. Resting your hand upon the stone archway and peering inside. It was dark and otherwise quiet besides the few drops of water that formed from the stalactites.
You entered the cairn, careful to avoid tripping over pebbles.
You travel to the opposite end of the arch, leading you to a sun-filled sky.
You invited yourself to run to where the house was located, even if that meant passing another canopy-covered-bog.
You walked up to the house's front patio and gave a deliberate knock. Moments later, you could hear the clacking of a heel coming toward's the door.
The door swung open, and you were met face-to-face with a charming woman. Her jet-black hair was put in a unique updo, with streaks of violet-blue. She wore a black-collared jacket that appeared almost leathery, and her eyes were outlined lightly with black eyeliner.
"Oh, you must be one of Miss Starlings'." She eyed you up and down, "Ah, yes. You surely look like one of hers. Is there anybody else with you?"
"No, ma'am. Just me." You said solemnly. Your eyes drifted to the floor before reconnecting with the Headmistress'.
She frowned, letting out a mournful grunt.
"Anyways," she piped. "What was your name?"
"[Name]," I chewed the side of my cheek, offering my hand.
She took it and gave a vigorous shake before letting go, "well, we should bet getting you settled now." I just nodded in return, following her as she hobbled up the flights of stairs.
She lead you to an ornamented room. A big bed lay simply in the corner and the walls were racked with bare shelves.
"This is where you'll be staying," she said, removing her pipe. "I'll introduce you to the rest at supper." She parted her lips and smoked on her pipe.
"One question," you speculated. "When is dinner."
She smiled, "five o'clock. Don't be late."
You gave a simple nod as she departed from your presence. Throwing your satchel onto the bed and unbuttoning three of your buttons that ran down the front-center of your collared shirt. You seated yourself on the mattress next to your bag.
It felt nice to relax, to unwind after everything that's happened in the past few days. If anything still lingered on your mind, it was of your friends. Susie, Carlos, Logan, even Piper. Gee, you missed the way Piper would fly into your room with her swan wings and start howling on the ways you messed up in life - at three in the morning. You laughed a bit before your face went poker and your mouth dipped at its edges.
Gee, you missed everything Barron ruined. If only you could have made their hearts stop. Did they even have hearts? Cause they sure seemed heartless.
A heartless monster is all Barron will ever be.
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You walked down the stairs and entered the dining room. It was but empty, except for a peaceful Miss Peregrine stood waiting at the entranceway. You fumbled with your now-clean clothes.
"[Name], your early. That's quite perfect, actually." She smiled endearingly. "Come, sit."
You both moved to grab a chair at the long table. You had noticed that she was currently pipe-less.
"Nobody currently knows of your presence here, today." She told. "So do expect it to be a bit of a shock to the others as they sit down with us."
You nodded, "I wouldn't expect any different."
The headmistress moved her hand into her pocket and slid out a black pocket watch. "They should be here any second now. . ."
I watched curiously, then the front door opened and low murmuring came from the entrance hall. Some heavy steps came trampling down the staircase as a group of children - of all ages - barged into the room.
They watched beady-eyed and curious at your figure. They whispered among themselves as a visibly adorned one came towards you with an outstretched hand.
"Hullo," He greeted, "I'm Horace, it's a pleasure." You shook his hand.
"Hi." You said plainly.
Next, they all came up to you, saying their hellos and introductions. Everyone was seated by the time a dark-haired male entered the room.
He seemed your age and came into the room in a fuss. "Sorry if I'm late, one of the puppets got out of hand."
He stopped dead in his tracks and eyed your sitting body.
"Hey." He said, diverting his eyes to an unoccupied chair.
You just gave a faltering smile as he sat at the end of the table.
The headmistress clapped her hands and stood on her feet to face her children. "As you all know, we have a new addition to our family." She beamed to you, then continued. "Please welcome [Name]. He came to us from Miss Starling, as her loop was grievously raided." She motioned to you.
You smiled at the peculiars surrounding you, they all lightly applauded accordingly after Miss Peregrine's appeal. They all looked at you with gradient, enlightened eyes, except for one. The boy with the pretty dark hair, the one that murmured a 'hey' to you because he was late. Though you didn't recall him addressing his name.
You ineptly stared at your plate, the large peculiar-grown block of carrot laying to rot until eaten. You felt sick, being introduced to your new family wasn't something you could digest, unlike food. It meant leaving your past behind. Your family, friends, even lovers.
You felt your heart begin to quicken slightly, the pounding matched unevenly with the throbbing in your head. You stood up, looking at Miss Peregrine fearfully.
"Excuse me, I'm going to go to the loo." You said stiffly, quickly pushing in your chair and trekking to the nearest bathroom.
As you made it to the restroom, you shut the door tightly behind you and flicked the lock. You retreated and looked in the mirror. At your face, your perfect-but-imperfect [skin color] skin radiated against the restroom's ceiling light. You studied your distraught [eye color] eyes that were a mix of confusion and grief. At your tangled hair, wrinkled button-down shirt. You were a complete and utter mess, and everyone could see. Like your failures as a human being were shown at a museum display. Getting seen by judging eyes hundreds of times a day.
Everything was going by so quickly. It all hit and pounded on you like a runaway train that was driven by some sort of psychopath.
"Stupid." You muttered towards the mirror, light sobs coursing through your throat. "Why were you the one to live?"
Salty drops of water came from your eyes, cascading down your cheeks like waterfalls. The water would get too close to your mouth, then you liked the water from your chapped lips and let the shred of salt and water go down your throat.
You half-expected someone to hear your bawling and barge in and give you comfort. But why would that happen? Those were the things that would happen in a romance movie, the movies where you would be snuggled with your friends and laughing at the cheesy lines as you stood in front of the monotonous screen. But this wasn't a romance, this was a story where the character lives in grief for the rest of his life. Moping around a house, living the rest of eternity eating vegetables and goose. Vegetables and goose, goddammit.
Once again, your heart rate quickened in your flash of anger. You inhaled, and exhaled, using your power to regulate its pace.
Deciding you were over having a fit, you unlocked the door and exited.
You walked quickly back to the dining table, where most of the others peculiars were just finishing their meals. You glanced at some, flashing a smile before retaking your seat, carrots untouched.
"Are you alright? You took quite a while." The headmistress pointed out.
"I got lost," You spoke, lying through your teeth. Miss Peregrine just shrugged before going back to her meal and you poking at your carrots with a fork.
It was before a girl with blonde curls named Claire said something about movie-time that you thought that you would die of ennui.
The children all shuffled from their chairs to the living area, where two couches were parallel to each other, a chair sat empty in front of what seemed to be some type of white fabric.
Horace moved to be seated in the wood chair and you took your chance to sit next to Hugh, who blatantly smiled and had some small talk with you before everyone stilled.
Horace-who had somewhat prominent ears-had held an odd cylinder eyepiece in his hand. He lifted it to his eye and sparks of light illuminated boldly from it until a theatre-like form appeared on the white fabric.
"He projects his dreams upon the wall, you see," Hugh told you. "Mostly about apparel, but sometimes foresight into the future."
The dream was about clothes, as Hugh had stated most of his dreams were about. He was trying a variety of similar suits, picking through monocles, and sorting his top hats. It was quite dull, so you decided to play around with your heart rate (You did that a lot, but you were mindful not to do anything dangerous).
Hugh had groaned audibly from next to you, his eyes turning to slits as his eyebrows bunched up.
You mimicked Hugh, besides you groaned many pitches quieter than him.
You were going to lay down on the couch before you heard soft footsteps and a creak on the sofa. Something about how a shrouded figure sitting alongside you put you on edge, your mind resorted to the conclusion that it was a Hollowgast before remembering Millard.
So instead, you leaned back on the spot you currently were at and shut your eyes. You felt eyes on you, so you squinted open your right eye to see a pair of dim coffee-colored eyes on you before quickly diverting away.
Your consciousness faded from the apparent void of darkness into a mild sleep.
You dreamt of your original loop, of Miss Starling and the rest of her wards.
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You shook awake by, being met with the same lingering eyes from before your nap. "Get up, you lazy ass," he said.
"I'm up." You said, pushing his arm away from you. It was just the both of you in the room. You sat up as he sat next to you on the couch.
He eyed you, "I'm Enoch."
"Hullo, Enoch."
"You sound stupid."
Enoch hummed before playing with the hem of his shirt a bit.
You kind of stared at him. His face was relaxed and drowsy, unlike his annoyed and stern expression from dinner. His dark hair was parted and wave-like as it swayed on the side of his face. He wore more monotoned colors compared to the others.
"What is your peculiarity?" You asked unconsciously, Enoch's eyes loomed into yours.
"I can reanimate the dead."
Your eyes widened a tad, "cool! I've only met one other dead raiser apart from you before."
Enoch shifted on the couch, "what can you do?"
You shifted, "Cardiokinesis." You stared into Enoch's eyes, an emotion besides boredom, ignorance, irritation, annoyance, and tired entered. Curiosity. "Basically I can control heart rates of me or some other living thing, apparently I can do a little more when I practice or something."
Enoch kind of just stared, and you dittoed.
"I don't say this much, but that's very intriguing," Enoch said plainly, trying to mask emotion.
"Thank you," you smiled. This small gesture, the small curve on your lips made Enoch go berserk with emotion. And, for once, he smiled back and seized your hands.
"Can you demonstrate?"
You were kind of shocked, "on you?"
"Yes, it doesn't matter."
"I can only put you in cardiac arrest for a few seconds? I can only stop it so long before you get global cerebral ischemia." Enoch did not understand what you had said but nodded nevertheless. "I can't promise that you won't be damaged."
"Just do it."
You bobbed your head, your hand just hovering above his chest. Your power spiked and coursed through your arm, a red glow stringed from your fingertips to Enoch's chest. Enoch gasped. Your head began to throb, it pounded and pounded. Enoch's already dark eyes seemed to grey out his emotion.
After another three seconds, instead of a red glow, green surfaced from your fingers and into Enoch's chest. He panted, eyes dilating.
"Are you alright?" You asked, gripping his shoulder with your right hand.
"I'm fine," Enoch said before blinking and soughing.
"A hundred-percent okay?"
"Maybe ninety-seven." He breathed. Enoch, for once, felt enlightened that you didn't view him negatively (yet, at least).
You chuckled, "You're funny sometimes."
Enoch stared blankly, "What planet are you from?"
You laughed a bit louder that time, "Earth."
"And I'm from Saturn." You didn't show emotion that time.
"You ruined the joke." Enoch just grinned, even how much he tried it he couldn't help it.
You both just leaned into the couch, enjoying the other's silence.
You're going to like it here.
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years
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Jacob Portman
Young Love — Jacob Portman x gn! reader
Millard Nullings
Is This Love? (Pt. 1) — Millard Nullings x fem! reader | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |10 | 11
Unbelievable — Millard Nullings x gn! reader
Midnight Confessions — Millard Nullings x gn! reader
Painting  — Millard Nullings x gn! artist! reader
Misunderstandings — Millard Nullings x gn! reader
Enoch O’Conner
Closed Off — Enoch O’Connor x implied fem! reader
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