hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Closed Off — Enoch O’Connor x implied fem! reader
Summery: Enoch opens up to reader.
tw: None
a/n: This is based off the movie cause the book version of him is a literal child.
wc: 1k
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I was a ymbryne in training. My name being (y/n) nightingale. My teacher was Ms. Peregrine and she was very thorough in her training. She made sure I was on time for everything. She made sure I was the one to reset the time loop every night and if I didn't I would have a major scolding.
The children loved me. Even though they were much older than me they still acted young and innocent, probably because in mind and heart they were. Everyone was warm and welcoming...except Enoch. Oh was Enoch rude and mean. He was very closed off. Yet I seemed to nearly break through his shell. I was so close. Yet something was holding him back and I think I knew what.
The fact that I would have to leave to start my own loop kept him from opening up to me fully was the problem, I could tell. He would 'tolerate' my presence when we hung out. I would talk about myself sometimes to clear the silence but most of the time we were quiet.
"You must be on time Ms. Nightingale," Ms. P scolded me. I had missed the time mark last night for rewinding the loop and Ms. P was making sure I knew it. "If you don't your loop will continue forward and that would not be opportune. The children under your care would want to live a normal life which we both know very well can not happen."
I nodded silently looking down at my boot clad feet.
"I need to hear that you understand," She spoke firmly.
"I understand my mistake would have grave consequences Miss Peregrine," I said softly. I knew I made a major mistake that if I had my own loop would be dastardly. I know I need to start being more responsible and do my job correctly. Otherwise I won't be able to become a full fledged ymbryne.
"You are dismissed," She sighed out. "And keep in mind if you keep making the same mistake I may consider you unfit for the role of ymbryne." My worst fear confirmed. If I don't become a ymbryne I would look like a fool and failure in peculiar history. I clasped my hands together and left her office. I made my way to my room and closed the door behind me. I looked into the mirror in my room and stared at my reflection. (E/c) eyes staring back to me. My (h/c) pulled up. My long dress nearly hitting the floor and the (f/c) brooch pinned under my neck. I looked like a strict ymbryne but I already felt like a failure.
My eyes took in all of my features, my hair having pieces sticking out slightly, and my dress was wrinkled as I had to get ready quickly this morning. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a small thumping noise at my door. I turned away from the mirror and opened my door. No one was on the other side until I looked down and saw a clay homunculi staring up at me.
I picked up the small clay figure. In one hand was a (fav flower), in the other a small note. I set the homunculi on top of my dresser and took the flower and note. Opening the note it read;
I have something I need to tell you. You can find me in the basement waiting. ~Enoch
I looked back at the (f/c) flower then at the homunculi. It sat lifelessly on my dresser, its purpose done. I put the flower in my slightly messy hair and hid the note in the top dresser. I walked down to the basement and just as he said he would, Enoch sat there waiting. His stature seemed like that of a timid and nervous boy and I was getting a bit concerned. The clacking of my slightly heeled boots alerted him of my presence and he turned around. The nervousness I saw before was gone and replaced with his typical pessimistic look.
"Hello Enoch," I said. "You wanted to talk to me."
He nodded his head, "Yes." Then it was silence. He didn't continue so I became confused and curious, what did he want to talk to me about?
"What did you want to say?" I asked rocking back and forth on my feet.
"When do you leave?" Enoch asked bluntly.
My eyes widened, I didn't expect such a question, "I'm not sure." He stared into my eyes like he was searching for something, anything, yet I'm not sure what.
"I..." He trailed off, like he didn't know how to word something. "I want to go with you."
A rush of surprise hit me as I wasn't expecting him to say something like this. I looked back into his dark eyes for some sort of reassurance that he wasn't joking with me or trying to crush me emotionally. I felt a small blush rise to my cheeks as he looked completely serious.
"Y-you do?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Did I stutter?" He said with a slight scowl, but also a blush.
"Why would you want to come with me and leave your friends behind?" I asked hoping he would say what I wanted him to.
He looked away from me and crossed his arms, having a hard time saying what he wanted to. I had a hunch about what he was going to say and I knew it would be hard for him to say it. So I would say it for him.
"Do you love me?" I asked walking closer to his taller figure. I noticed a fiery blush creep up his neck and coat his face. I felt a proud grin make its way onto my face, loving the effect I had on him. Once I got close enough to whisper in his ear I leaned up a bit and whispered, "Well I love you too."
Enoch was finally able to look me in the eyes as I pulled away from his ear. The look he gave me was one of vulnerability, love, and happiness. I sent him a shy smile and pushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Enoch hesitantly grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. Without letting go he walked me upstairs and to his room. Once again we sat in silence, but this time the air between us was sweet.
I seemed to finally fully crack open his shell.
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