#ent sayings
fazbear-ent-official · 3 months
bc u have the lesbian pfp, I'm gonna a ask: who do you think is lesbian in the company? LOL
as one of the aforementioned lesbians in the company i think it's shitty to out anyone but is it outing when vanessa carries her "best gay aunt" mug everywhere
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dvnieldraws · 1 year
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
i somehow missed to share this or even react to it and i thought about making gif sets — but the video is so much better. gifs cannot do it justice. this is shared by rufeng ( 如枫飞舞 ) to commemorate 729. i’m pretty sure i probably saw a cut of a bit of this at a different angle, seeing it again is making me feel things for some reason. aside from me missing those days where they can promote a show together, which i’m sure they miss too— spending that time with each other and working with someone you adore.
they are in their own little world again. which is not new. from cql shoots, television show recording, interviews and even freakin concerts! lol. but something about this is just special. how xz leans in and wyb listens and reacts. how xz probably noticed something and just had to share it to yibo immediately. the eyebrow raise and shaking his head plus a smile — xiao zhan. you. stop it. then they both walk off, wyb was behind but xz had to gesture for him to come on. which is what he does frequently when they attended events together, always asking where yibo is, wanting them to be side by side. some are saying he looks jealous but i’m not gonna go there. he just needs his bobo beside him okay?
they are so perfect. look at them and their interactions. it’s plain to see. everything else is just noise. 🫶🏼
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knightforflowers · 4 months
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would you give him a smooch,,,would you.
(original pic under the cut)
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By @/mitzubao on twitter!
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kazz-brekker · 13 days
coming to the lord of the rings books after having already seen the movies it was quite strange to finish reading fellowship of the ring and have it end with boromir still alive. i was like “huh that’s weird i KNOW that death isn’t something the movies invented.” and then i started the two towers and he died on page 2.
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bruceawaynefrfr · 5 months
yall some dick riders fr, these men dont know you and wont fuck you stop bouncing on the dick with a boot in your mouth and recognize how fucking stupid they are right now
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quarks-pussy · 9 months
I'd love to make a post like "we need a starfleet captain who's a bottom" but of course Archer already exists so. Petition to have a second starfleet captain who's a bottom
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
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Patreon | Ko-fi
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radioroxx · 10 months
i think everyday about. how, as a robot, freddy fazbear would experience emotions differently from people. and how, as a robot, his whole perspective on the three star family situation would be wild. like… you’re programmed to be an entertainer, a dancer, a singer, etc., until suddenly youre not. he probably cant dance without a head- wouldnt have a reason to sing anymore (except maybe to his family. which is VERY cute to imagine). and its just… he’s not really freddy fazbear anymore, is he?
theres also a point to be made about, how robots feel. bc bc ai blah blah i wont go into it, his feelings arent going to be expressed or understood in the same way peoples’ are. theres going to be part of him that doesnt fully understand what its like to be part of their little family, to fully understand why and how he came to care sooo much about these two for taking him in.
i need to organize my freddy thoughts but. oooughhg. do you understand? please please pl
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jonathanarcher · 1 year
Jonathan Archer may not be the best captain. He may not be the smartest captain. He may not be the coolest captain. But he is certainly the captain who’s name is an insult in the most cultures and you can’t take that away from him
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trekkie-polls · 9 months
I’m excluding movies, animation, and other media because it’s just not the same.
And I think we’re going to follow this with a poll about worst lighting…..
Lighting example pics blow ⬇️
1. The Original Series
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2. The Next Generation
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3. Deep Space Nine
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4. Voyager
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5. Enterprise
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6. Discovery
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7. Picard
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8. Strange New Worlds
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queenspock · 4 months
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"don't worry i'll make something worse 😊" i should ban myself from editing <3
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notanotherinfjblog · 7 months
A few thoughts on NJs
I'm currently in the unique position where my most frequent social contacts are an ENTJ and an ENFJ, and one thing I find is that NJs generally strongly gravitate towards each other. Coming across a fellow NJ out in the wild is exceedingly rare, so whenever that happens, there is always this strange moment of instinctual mutual recognition. Suddenly you see your own Ni reflected back at you. It makes sense that you'd want to stay close to that person.
In the following, I will just talk a bit about the observations that I've made (not very coherently, I'm sorry). Something that I find interesting is that even though our minds work very similarly (always dissecting everything, searching for patterns and meanings, making seemingly random connections in the search for the root of something etc.), NFJs and NTJs have very different priorities. The NFJ can be completely drowning in work, but that will never stop them from prioritising people over everything else. They will collect and cherish every tidbit of information that someone told them about themselves. They will sacrifice time they absolutely do not have just to be there when an acquaintance they somewhat like gives a talk about something that is in no way relevant to the NFJ. They will be able to recognise all their co-workers by the sound of their steps alone. All of this is precious information. The NTJs, on the other hand, will not even bother to learn your name unless they have taken an interest in you in any way. NTJs will be polite to you, that's no issue, but if they don't care, almost everything you tell them will be deleted from their brains. They prioritise the abstract over everything else. If they are busy thinking about, I don't know, quantum physics, you are welcome to discuss it with them and they will be delighted. If you and the conversation are interesting enough, they will also figure out how your mind works in the meantime. But this is a step you have to unlock with an NTJ first. The NFJs will do this automatically. Funnily enough, I find that NTJs become more openly annoyed by you the more they have grown fond of you. If you are being annoying and they don't care about you, depending on the situation, they will either simply leave or put you in your place. If you are being annoying and they do care, you end up with amazing conversations like this:
INFJ: "I needed help with that work thing, so I asked a friend, but it didn't really go as planned and so I ended up with even more work to fix the thing afterwards." ENTJ: "Well, why didn't you ask ME for my help? I can help you better with this than your friend can." INFJ: "I didn't know I could ask you." ENTJ: "What do you mean you didn't know? Of course you can! Sometimes you are just ... Can you do it over?" INFJ: "Why? I've already done the thing now." ENTJ: "Can't you just throw it away and do it again, but with my help this time? I could help you with it right now." INFJ: "What for? Like I said, it's all done." ENTJ: "Just ask me next time."
Because once an NTJ cares, they care. They want to watch you live a good life, but then they witness you making your own life difficult just by being the way you are, and it will be frustrating because it's not something they can just fix. They will be nosy, they will observe and analyse everything about you (just like an NFJ in default mode but the NTJs are more normal about it). But if they don't care, you end up with actual conversations like this:
ESFP: "I'm going to leave work early today to go to that concert later tonight." ENTJ: "Oh really? What concert?" ESFP: "What do you mean 'what concert'? I literally told you that like an hour ago." ENTJ: "Did you? Sorry, my brain must have registered our conversation as useless information and immediately deleted it."
This is absolutely not something that you will ever hear an NFJ say to someone. If they don't like you, they will just never seek out a conversation with you, but if put into a situation where they have to interact with you, they will remain polite, quiet and a bit awkward (but then again, I have yet to meet an NFJ that isn't a bit awkward in general). Something that I've noticed between ENFJs and INFJs is that we are very similar, but we externalise our Fe a bit differently. I will have the impulse to do a particular Fe-driven thing and then stop myself from doing it because I think it might come across as slightly pathetic. ENFJ just does it. An example: when someone I like (or even only feel neutral towards) tells me a story about something that happened recently and hands me their phone to show me a photo, I get the impulse to look at every photo related to this story because I want to know everything about this person and their experiences, just soak it all up and gather all the information. But then I take a step back and think this might come across as too intrusive, so I do nothing and just listen and look at what is presented to me. In that same situation, ENFJ will straight up ask to see every single picture, zoom in on every face and ask questions about all the people in the pictures and so many other things with genuine curiosity. Meanwhile, I express my Fe more by pulling faces as a reaction to everything that is said to me in order to make a connection with people (think of Jim Halpert looking at the camera in The Office. That's me.). ENFJs, however, are more blank in the face and generally the least emotive of all the FJs. You tell them a funny story and they will just ... stare at you. Their reactions and feelings remain hidden beneath the surface. I never really understood why so many people have told me all my life that I'm completely unreadable. Until I met ENFJ. I know what they mean now. There is a disconnect between the NFJ and other people. They collect all the information about everyone and figure them out in silence, but every non-verbal communication from them seems slightly calculated. Like they are in hiding. It's like there is a window between you and the NFJ. You can see them and interact with them, but you can't quite reach them. There's something invisible between you and it's keeping you separate. I get it now. Many have tried to read me, but only one seems to have cracked the code: ENTJ. Generally, NTJs do show the typical Ni detachment from the world, but their mental and emotional states are not hidden. You always know how they are feeling.
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onionhaseyoareumm · 3 months
thats it. Thats the post.
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dykevanny · 6 months
every time people misinterpret the ar emails I go even more insane
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cheesebrackers · 7 months
This how I feel accidentally spoiling a transformer media to my friend
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