#entering my stand up era with this one lmao
chryblossomjjk · 11 months
the way i love this header sm but ik tumby won't let this slide lol
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22 notes · View notes
jujutsubaby · 5 months
⛓️ lonely at the top ⛓️
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☆ pairing: satoru gojo x afab!reader x true form!sukuna ☆ summary: you are the great ryomen sukuna's favorite healer from the heian era, reincarnated in the modern time. for centuries, you have also been his favorite lover. but when sukuna returns one day with a shockingly handsome blue-eyed sorcerer, you cannot help but feel threatened. no matter what sukuna's plans are for this newcomer, however, you're willing to do whatever it takes to stay on top. ☆ tags: slight canon divergence, smut with a lil plot ¬‿¬ ☆ warnings: MINORS DNI!!!! handjob, oral sex (m/f!receiving; yes this includes sukuna's abdomen mouth lmao); voyeurism; exhibitionism; fingering; p in v; anal; overstimulation; masturbation ☆ a/n: ok the promised (and voted upon) sukugo fic is FINALLY here my loves :3 i had to add reader in the mix too though bc girls just wanna have fun. also writing this kinda made me a sukuna truther :/ maybe i understand gege and sukuna kaisen just a little bit more now :/ ANYWAY ENJOY!!! ☆ wc: 8k
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when you had heard of Lord Sukuna's imminent duel with the infamous Satoru Gojo, you knew it would be prudent to practice your Reverse Cursed Technique. you had always been Lord Sukuna's favorite healer (among other things), but that had been the Heian Era. this new time was as foreign and strange to you as the delicate new body into which you had been reincarnated.
and so, when Lord Sukuna re-enters the compound you share with his other most trusted servants and loudly calls for you, you are prepared. flexing your practiced fingers and preparing to channel positive cursed energy, you hurry to the threshold from which his voice had emanated and immediately sink to a kneeling position, your head turned to the floor. as expected, Lord Sukuna had come straight to the healing quarters.
"you summoned me, Lord Sukuna?"
Lord Sukuna approaches you; his footsteps sound heavy and slow. he is exhausted, you can tell, but he does not seem grievously injured as you had expected. so why did he call for you?
your head still inclined downwards, you stifle a gasp as you notice rivulets of blood darkening the floor beneath you and staining your pristine robes.
"you will heal him," Lord Sukuna says simply. you hear a heavy thud hitting the bed you had prepared so carefully for your lord. actually, mystifyingly, you hear two thuds. you chance a glance upwards, and your heart drops when you see that Lord Sukuna has indeed deposited severed halves of some unfortunate sorcerer's body onto the bed. from his pallor, you can tell he has already lost quite a lot of blood. this is beyond any healing you have ever performed in any era. you briefly wonder whether your beloved lord is setting you up to fail when he speaks up.
"i trust you understand that failure is not an option."
"yes, my lord."
"y/n," he says more quietly. you nearly shudder at the sound of his tongue lavishing attention on your name. "i keep you in my employ because you are the only healer worthy of serving me."
it is a statement of arrogance, but it is also one of reassurance. someone who has served as his trusted servant for as long as you have learns how to understand his sometimes esoteric cues.
you feel a firm hand grip your jaw and tilt your face upwards. you are greeted by a sight you have not seen in centuries: Lord Sukuna in his true form, in all his magnificence. his tattoos stand starkly against his glistening torso. his arms, now four in number as you recall, are corded with muscle; the grip his massive hand has on your face could easily crush your windpipe — and yet, it does not. it never would, so long as you serve your purpose. you cannot help but bask in his glowing charisma. this was the sorcerer you were so proud to serve.
"it is my honor to serve you, my lord. i will heal the sorcerer, i swear it."
noticing your desirous eyes raking over his form, his cruel mouth forms a lazy smirk, which is mirrored in the mouth of his stomach. the effect is equal parts unnerving and disarming.
"come, y/n," Lord Sukuna says, pleased with your reaction to his true form. "let us see your patient for the evening." he seizes your shoulders with his second set of arms, and indelicately pulls you to your feet before marching you towards the bed.
Lord Sukuna must still be unused to inhabiting his true body after possessing so many weak mortal vessels, you muse, for he is being far rougher with you than usual. you find that you do not mind, however. in spite of the grave situation, you feel heat embarrassingly beginning to pool at the apex of your thighs at the feel of Lord Sukuna's thick fingers and their crushing grip on your narrow shoulders.
the man in the bed is muscular, although nowhere close to Lord Sukuna's physique. that said, he looks youthful, and strong enough to have put up a good fight. perhaps he would even be strong enough to recover from his horrendous injuries under your expert healing hands.
but who was this man? why was Lord Sukuna so insistent upon healing him? and how was he injured like this in the first place?
your eyes wander to his upper half, and you pause on his face. handsome, with delicate features and a shock of messy white hair. his eyes are slightly agape, and you note that they are the uncommon blue of a summer sea.
you gasp in spite of yourself and turn to your master, momentarily forgetting that propriety dictates that you not maintain eye contact with someone so many levels above yourself.
"forgive me, Lord Sukuna, but...Satoru Gojo?"
Lord Sukuna does not seem to mind your lapse in etiquette, as he meets your gaze with a grin.
"he put up a marvelous fight. talent like that should not be extinguished, even though most sorcerers doubtlessly dream of being defeated by somebody like the great Sukuna," he says.
Lord Sukuna was always able to make such grandiose statements about himself that would sound asinine coming from any mere man. with the great Lord Sukuna, statements like these are simply the truth. he has always been so far above any human you have known, which is why his fascination with Satoru Gojo is leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. mortal humans, including you, need to know their place. that maxim should include Satoru Gojo, too.
Lord Sukuna's voice shakes you from your reverie. "oh, and y/n?" his normally commanding voice is alarmingly soft, and laced with...something. something typically reserved for his favorites, like you.
"yes, Lord Sukuna?" you ask, carefully keeping your head angled downwards towards the bed so as not to repeat your earlier eye contact gaffe.  
you watch as Lord Sukuna reaches a hand out towards Satoru Gojo's listless face to slap the young man's elegant cheek.
"do be gentle with your technique. i want this one staying pretty for me."
so that was why Lord Sukuna had taken such pains to rescue Satoru Gojo.
with that, Lord Sukuna turns on his heel and leaves you to your patient.
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you anticipated healing Gojo's injuries to be your greatest challenge yet, but it is far more taxing than you ever could have known. your Reverse Cursed Technique was meant for healing injuries, but what had happened with Gojo's body was almost beyond an injury.
it had taken you hours in the first place to even figure out a way to use your RCT in this situation, until you had realized that delicate threads of cursed energy still emanated from Gojo's body. even if it was physically severed, his cursed energy still lived, if only barely. it is a testament to the sheer magnitude of Gojo's cursed energy that some still survives; no wonder he had impressed Lord Sukuna so.
you use your RCT to trace the threads of cursed energy from one half of Gojo's body to the other; in doing so, you are able to treat the severing merely as a thinning of cursed energy, and thus as an injury rather than a full separation. you breathe a sigh of relief as you observe one thread of his torso knit itself back together under your watchful eye.
now to repeat the process for the entire circumference of his body. you stretch and sigh; this would be a long night. at least you have a way forward now, though. disappointing Lord Sukuna was never an option.
as you continue reconnecting the flesh and gristle that makes up Satoru Gojo, you find yourself increasingly unable to ignore his objective beauty. as a healer, you always possessed great admiration for the physical form, and Satoru Gojo just happened to be a prime specimen. perhaps the fact that Lord Sukuna had found him to be a worthy adversary (and prize, you remind yourself) also influenced your judgment.
you feel a strange intermingling of lust, jealousy, and envy at the thought. you are well aware that Lord Sukuna has a prodigious sexual appetite that requires countless mortals to satisfy, but you have long been secure in your position as his favorite plaything. now, however, compared to Satoru Gojo, you cannot be so certain; he possesses beauty and power in spades. 
you shake your head. this is neither the time nor the place to be evaluating Lord Sukuna’s judgment; favorite or not, it is your duty to complete the task he so graciously entrusted you with. you are not sure of how long you continue to sew Satoru Gojo’s body back together, but you are aware that the sun’s citrus glow has long faded.
Lord Sukuna had always reminded you of the sun, although you have never been bold enough to tell him such a silly romanticism. but in its radiant beauty, burning power, and distance alike, you see your liege. much like the sun, Lord Sukuna had shone on you, and in his light, you had blossomed. you had been an obscure village herbalist’s apprentice until he had found you; you had hardly even been aware of your latent healing powers. it had been Lord Sukuna who had seen your immense potential, and who had honed your sorcery to the level it was today.
even the fact that he had burned down your village the day he whisked you away had done little to dim your fervent gratitude.
the moon begins to rise higher in the night sky now, its light filtering through the shuttered windows of the healing quarters as you continue working. Satoru Gojo’s natural beauty takes on an ethereal glow when bathed in moonlight. the battle between him and Lord Sukuna must have been a sight to behold; as you reconnect his body, you feel his cursed energy growing and twisting into itself with taut strength. 
Finally, when his halves become whole again, you sit back and admire your handiwork. The full moon that night meant you did not require a lantern, but the moon is setting now, and you want to give Satoru Gojo’s body a final check. 
as you rise to leave the room for a lantern, you feel a hand clasp firmly about your wrist. you gasp softly. 
“have i died? am i dead right now?” Satoru Gojo’s voice is hoarse with disuse. you had not expected him to be conscious again yet given the state of him; you suppose the fact that he is is a testament both to your healing ability and to his innate strength. 
you sit back down, noticing that he does not loosen his grip on your wrist. 
“you are still alive, Satoru Gojo, for i have healed your wounds,” you reply matter of factly. 
his blue eyes, now that they are fully open and conscious, are even more shocking than they were when you first glimpsed them earlier that day. they seem to glow from within; they look like they hold full worlds within their depths. 
“that’s weird,” Gojo continues. “i could’ve sworn i died and went to heaven seeing as i’m looking at an angel right now.” only when you see that he is grinning impishly at you do you realize he is flirting with you. 
your lip curls in distaste, and you extricate your hand from his grasp.
“i am no angel. i am a sorcerer, as you are. you were as good as dead, split clean in half, but i channeled my Reverse Cursed Technique to heal you,” you conclude with pride. 
Gojo looks down at his stomach, shiny and pink with fresh scar tissue. 
“you must be some sorcerer, then. i was positive i was a goner back there. i’m not sure even Shoko could’ve healed me like this. really nice work,” he muses. he is right, of course. you are unsure of who Shoko is, but Gojo is correct that very few sorcerers could heal such severe injuries. all the same, you loathe the warmth you feel at his admiration; Lord Sukuna’s confidence should be enough for you.
“anyway,” Gojo continues, “who are you exactly? where am i?” 
“Lord Sukuna brought you here,” you say. “I am his healer.”
surely the mention of his formidable foe would shake Gojo’s arrogance. you relish the fear that Lord Sukuna’s name seems to inspire in other mortals. 
this was unfortunately not the case with Gojo. 
“that’s sweet, the ol’ guy wanted me healed up, huh?” 
you bristle. “you will address Lord Sukuna with respect!”   
Gojo merely laughs at your response, which infuriates you further. “i, for one, fail to see why he deigned to save such an insolent whelp like you,” you snap, succumbing to your rising temper.
“really?” Gojo asks, his blue eyes full of mirth. “guess you don’t get the old guy the way i do. i’m pretty sure I understand why he wanted me alive.”
“then be so kind as to enlighten me,” you say sardonically. 
“i’ve been the strongest sorcerer around for basically my whole life,” Gojo says. in spite of the sarcasm in your voice when you asked him to explain himself, he seems sincere. “fighting Sukuna was the first time i felt even remotely challenged. he even technically beat me, i guess.” 
he watches you, waiting for you to respond. when you are still silent, he continues.
“i’m sure he feels the same way i do. i know i challenged him the way he challenged me, and for sorcerers at our level, finding a true adversary is hard.  once you do find one, letting go can be just as hard.” Gojo sounds wistful; you wonder if he speaks from experience. 
“i guess what i’m saying is that it’s lonely at the top,” he finishes; his earlier amusement is gone, and he seems somber now. 
you find that you pity Gojo. to be a sorcerer can be a lonesome existence. Lord Sukuna, while alone in his caliber, at least has you and his other servants and devotees to warm and distract him. does Satoru Gojo have anyone?
you reach a hand forward and begin tracing the planes of his pale face with your fingers. he lacks Lord Sukuna’s raw power, but his beauty is exquisite. Gojo leans into your comforting touch. 
“how can i ever thank you for bringing me back to life?” he murmurs. as your hand passes near his lips, he stills it with his own and kisses it softly. 
you gasp sharply and withdraw your hand as though burned. 
“that was wrong,” you say urgently. “you cannot touch me like that.”
Gojo sighs. “you really are devoted to that old man, aren’t you?” 
“we both belong to Lord Sukuna,” you reply, emphasizing his proper title. “you must respect his authority over us both.” 
“maybe you belong to Sukuku,” Gojo says; you cringe at his inane nickname for Lord Sukuna, but you suppose anything is better than merely calling him an old man. “i, on the other hand, only belong to me, myself, and i.” 
you exhale in irritation. no matter how great a sorcerer Satoru Gojo is, his arrogance is certainly grating. part of you wishes you had left him severed in two — at least he was quieter that way. you recall Lord Sukuna once saying that the greatest sorcerers always seemed to possess even greater mental eccentricities; Satoru Gojo certainly proves that theory.
to your annoyance, as he speaks, he takes your hand in his again. you are bemused to find, however, that you do not wish to remove it. his hands are wiry, yet so powerful. there is power within your hands as well, you muse as you intertwine your fingers almost instinctively. your irritation, admiration, and pride are all coalescing into a confusing burn of…passion. how inconvenient. 
 “you are rather presumptuous, are you not?” comes a voice from the doorway. you gasp and tear your hand from Gojo’s once more, immediately prostrating yourself before Lord Sukuna. Gojo makes no move to even bow his head, meanwhile. typical.
“rise, y/n,” Lord Sukuna continues. “you must be giving our guest a rather unsavory impression of me with your theatrics.” slowly, you raise your face from the floor and see Lord Sukuna has crouched before you. he takes your face in one of his hands. you shiver — it has been so long since you have felt the touch of his true form. “am i not a benevolent master to you?” he murmurs; his face is so close that you can feel his warm, humid breath on the shell of your ear. it is all you can do not to tremble from desire. 
with you still reeling from the close contact, Lord Sukuna rises smoothly back to his feet and saunters to Gojo’s bedside. 
“you seem in high spirits, Satoru Gojo. i feared i had gone too far with you,” Lord Sukuna says, his tone casual as though he had not cloven the younger man’s body in two just hours earlier.
“oh, i can take much more than that, old man,” Gojo says, innuendo easily discernible from his tone. you cannot stop yourself from rolling your eyes; from what you had seen thus far, Satoru Gojo seemed to flirt with everybody he meets. that said, the image of Lord Sukuna and Satoru Gojo, of what Gojo’s playful tone was implying…your mind’s eye is running amok, loathe as you are to admit it. doubtlessly Lord Sukuna’s true form and the sleepless stress of the evening are perverting your mind in unforeseen ways, you reassure yourself.
Lord Sukuna seems tickled by Gojo’s irreverence, and you try not to feel envious. “is that so?” he inquires. 
“a credit to your lovely healer, i gotta say,” Gojo continues, his shocking blue eyes twinkling as they meet yours. “she has a rare talent. you sure you need her? i have half a mind to take her with me when we’re done here.” 
you know Gojo is being insufferable right now, and moreover irreverent to Lord Sukuna. you know that. but he’s just so handsome, and so appreciative, and so talented in his own right…you feel powerless to stop the breath from catching in your throat, flustered at his attention. 
you find yourself thinking about how his smooth skin felt beneath your touch; cool, then warm as you breathed life back into him with your reverse cursed technique. taut, pulsating with the cursed power and blood in his veins. 
so lost are you in your meditations of Gojo’s flesh that you nearly miss what Lord Sukuna replies.
“y/n certainly is a first rate sorcerer,” he says, flinging a fond look over his shoulder at you; predictably, you preen at his praise. 
“what i enjoy most about y/n’s skill,” he continues, “is her fastidiousness. she leaves no stone unturned. in healing, jujutsu sorcery…and everything else. isn’t that right?” he asks you. 
“y-you are too kind, Lord Sukuna,” you bluster, trembling like a newborn fawn. you are usually so comfortable with him, but the presence of a stranger is making you look upon Lord Sukuna with new eyes again. 
“and i trust you have been equally thorough with our guest?” Lord Sukuna proceeds. 
“of course, Lord Sukuna.” 
“how disappointing to hear you lie to me, y/n,” Lord Sukuna tuts. “i know you have not been fully attentive to Satoru Gojo’s recovery.” 
your face grows hot. what did you do wrong? you take pride in your work, after all; you would never do a sloppy job no matter the patient, but especially not for one so important to Lord Sukuna.
“my lord? i am afraid i misunderstand you. i have followed only the most careful healing protocols,” you say; this is as close as you dare come to talking back. Lord Sukuna is kind and merciful and great, but much like the fire he commands, his warmth can flare uncontrollably and singe everything in its vicinity if you are not cautious. 
 “have you made absolutely sure, for example, that Satoru Gojo’s new body is completely functional?” Lord Sukuna prods. he has now turned to face you. one set of his arms is crossed over his chest, while the other is crossed behind his back. his face looks stern, but the mouth on his stomach betrays a smirk. 
“Satoru Gojo seems to be functioning as i would expect, my lord,” you reply.
“show me,” he says, stepping aside from Satoru Gojo’s bed. his body had been obscuring Gojo from your view, but you see now that the younger sorcerer has been watching the exchange with a hungry grin. there is clearly a subtext you are missing, but you dare not speculate what it is. 
you approach Gojo and perform an examination of his body, as you would any of your patients. you test his reflexes, and check his pupils’ dilation and contraction (during the latter, they look like just a pinprick lost in an ocean. nobody ever warned you of the six eyes’ beauty). when you palpate his ribs, he groans slightly; you feel the sound vibrate through your fingers.    
“he is recovering as i might expect, Lord Sukuna. of course, we must keep him under observation, but —” 
Lord Sukuna cuts you off with an impatient click of his tongue. “i will not tolerate your inattention to detail!” he growls. your heart starts beating violently, feeling like it’s throwing itself against your breast from within. 
you fight to keep your voice steady. 
“please forgive my stupidity, my lord,” you grovel, prostrating yourself once more. “i truly am unsure of what more you want me to check. please, if you could just help me, i promise this will never occur again.” 
you are mortified to feel the white-hot prickling of tears at the corners of your eyes. Lord Sukuna had never spoken to you this way, not even when you had just begun working for him. back then, you had known next to nothing compared to your knowledge now.  you rack your useless brain for something, anything, you might have missed, and come up empty. stupid, stupid girl. you just know this is the fault of Satoru Gojo, that irritating, gorgeous interloper. it is even more humiliating to be berated like this in his presence.
at Lord Sukuna’s silence, you direct your eyes as high as they can go from your position on the ground. you cannot see his face from this angle but you see his broad second mouth has gone from smirking to smiling outright with all its teeth. is he…not actually angry? 
you raise your head a little further, emboldened by the sight, and see Lord Sukuna himself smiling down at you, his two expressions identical. 
“what a pretty sight you make,” he coos, “on all fours looking up at me like that. my pliant, obedient girl.” 
he lowers one of his hands to cup himself through his loose pants, and you clench your thighs together; you are immune to neither the effect of his words, nor to the sight before you. 
he seamlessly bends down and raises you to your feet; as he holds you against him, it’s all you can do to hold yourself back from rutting against his massive body. but Lord Sukuna has always valued your restraint, and you know he has something planned for you. 
he rotates you now so your back is to him, and cages you tightly to his body with all four arms. you gasp; you have forgotten this delicious sensation, of being so thoroughly engulfed by Lord Sukuna that it is almost as if he has subsumed you entirely. he has turned you to face Gojo, who has been watching the scene unfold with great interest. you feel Lord Sukuna’s hardness growing behind you, but you resist the urge to grind into it and remain perfectly still. his pliant, obedient girl.
“now, go attend to our guest,” he says, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear with a finger. 
“yes, my lord,” you breathe, so aroused that you are nearly in pain.
 he then bends down until his lips tickle the back of your ear, making you shiver.
“show Satoru Gojo that that mouth of yours is meant for greater things than just making pretty little apologies to me,” he murmurs; you feel his voice reverberate through your whole body. the last thing you want to do is detach yourself from Lord Sukuna right now, but you know what  he desires of you, and you are always so eager to impress him. this is one of the things he loves about you, you know.
you return to Satoru Gojo’s bed as though to continue your examination; this time, however, you straddle him, desperate for just an ounce of friction to relieve your throbbing arousal. 
“i thought you had forgotten about me,” he pouts. 
“stop speaking, you stupid, beautiful man,” you reply, before tearing a kiss from his mouth. his lips are still slightly chapped from his hours of unconsciousness, and you rake your teeth across them. he groans into your mouth as you roll your hips until you feel him beginning to grow hard beneath you; the sensation sense frissons of pleasure through you, but you are single-minded in your task. you break your kiss abruptly and sit back, smirking at the pathetic whine Gojo lets out at your sudden absence. 
Gojo is only wearing a simple robe you had dressed him in after repairing him; this provides you with convenient access to conduct your examination. you withdraw a vial of oil you had kept in the pocket of your own robes (admittedly in anticipation of Lord Sukuna’s arrival), spread it across your hand, and begin stroking him. “it seems that everything is  in working order,” you remark as his erection grows under your expert ministrations. he moans and bucks into your hand. 
“p-please…” Gojo pants. the sound of his neediness goes straight to your core, which is rapidly growing wetter. this is not the time to pay attention to yourself, though; not when you’re attending to a patient. 
“‘please’ what, Satoru Gojo?” you tease; you know he has wanted to feel your mouth around him ever since Lord Sukuna alluded to it. you are enjoying watching this powerful sorcerer squirm by your hand, however. you glance over your shoulder and see Lord Sukuna is stroking himself off as well, his pants doffed entirely. you gulp; it has been so very long since Lord Sukuna has been in his own body; the sight of his girth is making you flush with desire. 
meeting your gaze, Lord Sukuna blows a kiss in your direction, and you bite your lip to keep yourself from whining in sheer need to have him inside you. the sooner you obey him and pleasure Satoru Gojo, the sooner you may have the honor of feeling him stretch your walls; and so, you turn back to your guest. 
Gojo has the most pathetic look in his stunning blue eyes, driven half mad by yet unfulfilled lust. his plush lips are twisted in a pained grimace. you see him moving his hand to give himself the pleasure you are denying him, but you hold it in place firmly. 
“you’ve been such a patient boy so far; don’t ruin it now,” you coo, nipping his lower lip. you then undo his robe and crawl backwards until your face hovers over his engorged cock. you place a light kiss at its warm tip, licking off a bead of precum, before looking back up at him through heavily lidded eyes. Gojo tilts his head back, exposing the delicate white expanse of his throat. 
“Please, y/n!” he cries. “i need you!” 
the sound of your name on his needy tongue is having quite an effect on you, and you finally take pity on him; he only just recovered, after all. in one smooth motion, you take as much of his length as you can in your mouth. Gojo groans at the feeling of the warm wetness engulfing his cock, and you begin moving your head up and down, complementing the motions with your tongue as you cup his balls with your free hand. 
“feel free to gag her,” Lord Sukuna calls from his corner of the room. “her little throat can take it.” 
Lord Sukuna instructing Gojo on how to fuck your mouth is turning you on more than you can handle, and you moan involuntarily around his length. Gojo threads his fingers through your hair and pushes your head down on him; you swallow and feel him filling your mouth, his tip battering your throat mercilessly. you can tell from his increasing pace, from the guttural growls the feeling of you is drawing from him, that he must be getting close. 
finally, finally, you feel a strong, calloused, beautifully familiar pair of hands dig into the flesh of your hips, and you could cry in relief. 
“you have been such a good girl for me,” Lord Sukuna hums sensually. “and i always reward loyalty.” you buck your hips backwards into him, raising them to provide him readier access to your dripping cunt. you feel the pads of his thumbs stroke over your ass as his tongue begins lapping at your folds. his second tongue, you can tell, from its breadth and roughness plundering you. for all its added size compared to his primary tongue, however,  Lord Sukuna is no less exacting with it, and he is soon circling your clit with painful accuracy. he does not wait long before giving you the pleasure you crave, and almost embarrassingly quickly, you come all over his massive tongue with a wanton moan. 
with the sound of your orgasm, and the feel of your moan vibrating around him, Gojo fists your hair even more tightly and releases hot ropes into your throat with a growl. 
“swallow it all,” Lord Sukuna commands, reaching forward to stroke your hair. “swallow it down for me.” you are nothing if not obedient, and you dutifully swallow Gojo’s whole load, not letting a single drop go to waste. Gojo leans back on the headboard, spent, and relaxes his vice grip on your hair. you pop your lips off him, licking them clean and smirking to yourself at your ability to have someone like Satoru Gojo at your mercy. 
“i believe our guest needs time to rest before we continue,” you hear Lord Sukuna say from behind you. you turn and see that he is leaning back casually on one of the other beds in the healing quarters. “let us leave him for the time being, y/n.” 
you are a little disappointed to be stopping already, but you comply; Lord Sukuna is probably correct that too much excitement for Gojo could hinder his healing process. you make your way towards the doorway, yawning a little, when you feel a firm hand close around your wrist. before you have a chance to react, you’re roughly tugged backwards, spinning directly into Lord Sukuna’s firm chest. 
“i don’t believe i dismissed you, did i?” he purrs into your ear, and a thrill of excitement slithers through your body. 
“did i?” he repeats, pinching the tender skin at your waist at your silence. 
“n-no,” you gasp, hardly able to focus over your excitement for what will inevitably follow. 
Lord Sukuna twists his hand, making you hiss lightly at the pleasurable pain. 
“‘no’ what, y/n? how is it you should address me?” 
“no, Lord Sukuna,” you manage to breathe out. he lets out a low chuckle that reverberates through his chest before bending you over an empty bed, holding both your wrists behind your back with one of his hands as he pushes your head down with another. you are already incredibly aroused when you feel a third hand begin to explore your slick folds. 
“already so wet for me, are you?” he teases; you can hear the smirk in his voice. you can only whimper in response. he easily inserts two fingers into you, eliciting a sharp cry when he hooks them around and lightly tickles the sensitive spot that can make you come apart. 
“now,” you manage to grind out between your teeth. “please, my lord…i need you inside me now…” 
“making demands now?” Lord Sukuna taunts. “we certainly are feeling cheeky this evening, aren’t we?” 
in spite of his words of chastisement, however, Lord Sukuna seems intent on granting your wishes, and you feel his stiff head, moist with precum, brushing once, twice, thrice against your entrance, building up friction. then, in one decisive motion, he enters you at last; Lord Sukuna was, by all definitions and especially mortal standards, extremely well-endowed; however, you have been ready for him for so long that his length faces little resistance. you sigh in relief at the feel of his massive girth stretching your walls, making you feel so full and complete. at times like this, you feel that your body was created to accommodate him, that being used like this by him was your most sacred purpose.
you push back against him, trying to seat him even more deeply within yourself. in response, he strokes your hair affectionately. he then pulls out slightly, and with one more thrust, he bottoms out in you with a groan. 
he begins to drive into you with greater speed and urgency, two of his hands holding your hips in place so tightly that you know his broad fingertips will leave bruises. he adjusts his angle, pushing your face into the mattress and bending over you until your bodies are flush, and he continues at an unrelenting pace. your pleasure continues to build as he bottoms out again and again inside you, his massive second tongue slavering lasciviously over the curves of your back, until you come for the second time that night. you cry out in ecstasy without shame, feeling your walls clench even more tightly around Lord Sukuna. he groans at the sensation and sinks his teeth into your shoulder as he empties himself into you until his come drips down your thighs. 
utterly sated, you begin to crawl out from under Lord Sukuna’s massive form, your legs trembling with exertion, pleasure, and pain alike. your shaky breath leaves  your lungs all at once when he abruptly flips you on your back. he is so imposing and beautiful, hovering over you like this, with an inscrutable look in his cruel, narrow eyes. 
“i believe i already told you, y/n,” he growls, “you are dismissed only when i dismiss you. and i am nowhere near through with you yet.” 
holding himself up with two arms, he takes your hand with a third and draws it down until it is around his cock, which is already hard again. 
“look what you do to me,” he murmurs, before using your hand to brush his tip against your still-tender vulva. 
“i’m not yet ready, my lord,” you whimper weakly, trying to wriggle out from his grasp to no avail. you gasp as he grinds himself between your thighs and against your slickened entrance, growing harder still. the friction almost surpasses pleasure to pain after your powerful recent orgasm, and you keen loudly, unable to help yourself. “i-it’s…too much…i can’t take it,” you protest, tears rolling down your cheeks from the overstimulation.
Lord Sukuna promptly silences your noisy cries by clamping a swift hand to your throat. 
“i alone dictate what you can and cannot take,” he declares, gently pressing on the sides of your neck and slipping a hand between your thighs as you squeeze them together. with uncharacteristic tenderness, he then kisses the tears from your cheeks.
 “and i know you can take this.” 
he stares into your eyes until you assent with a silent nod, and he smiles.
“good girl,” he whispers, before using his hand to pry your thighs apart and positioning himself properly.  he buries himself inside you again, this time with minimal resistance — between your and his combined juices, you are sopping wet now. encouraged, he hitches your leg over his shoulder for deeper access to your core and begins thrusting into you in earnest. from this new angle, he drives right into your most sensitive inner point, and you are sure your cries can be heard throughout the compound. you hardly care who can hear you now, though; you hardly even pay attention to Gojo, who is now looking fully alert and wide-eyed at the show he is getting. 
you dig your fingernails into Lord Sukuna’s sinuous shoulders and cry out again and again until your voice grows hoarse.    
“say my name,” Lord Sukuna commands between his own grunts of pleasure. 
“L-Lord Sukuna,” you moan, your voice shaking as his thrusts increase in pace. he wraps his hand around your throat again. 
“my true name, y/n” he growls. he drives into you faster; you know he is close, and it is your privilege to bring him over the edge.
as soon as he releases his grasp on your neck, you reach up, stroking your hand through his unruly hair before pulling his ear down to your lips. “as you wish, Ryomen,” you purr into his ear. he moans and nearly folds you in half as he drives into you at a diabolical pace. as he reaches his peak, he withdraws his length from you and unleashes his load all over your stomach, marking you as his own; the thought that you had this effect on him, this power over him, multiplies your own pleasure, and you climax once again, your legs shaking and toes curling in sheer bliss. 
Lord Sukuna rolls off of your body, both of you breathing heavily. 
“now, y/n,” he pants, “you are dismissed. i shall attend to our guest in your stead.” 
your exertions have exhausted you, but you are still obedient to him before anything else. and so, covered in both of your comes, his saliva, and a sheen of your own sweat, you bow deeply, and excuse yourself from the room. you are so utterly sated, so pleasurably sore, that all you can think of is taking a hot bath and resting.
well…almost all you can think of.
Lord Sukuna’s final statement has piqued your curiosity, however. and that is why, rather than returning right away to your own quarters, you find yourself kneeling on the floor peering around the curtain closing off the medical wing. if you are perfectly silent and still, you can remain undetected. besides, you reason, Gojo is still your patient, and so it behooves you to keep a close eye on his recovery.
(why leave everything to the imagination, after all?)
by the time you are settled in from your covert viewing spot, you see that Lord Sukuna is standing by Gojo’s bedside. the younger sorcerer is fully awake and alert now, peering up inquisitively with those blue eyes of his. 
“is it finally my turn now, then?” he asks; you note that he sounds slightly petulant and roll your eyes. was he really jealous now, of all times? 
You can only see his muscled back  from where you sit, but you know from how his shoulders shake that Lord Sukuna is laughing at Gojo’s insubordination. 
“you have seen what i demand, Satoru Gojo,” he says, crossing both sets of arms. “do you believe you can keep up, even in your state?”
you know that Lord Sukuna’s line of questioning is only pretense, of course. you recall why it was that Lord Sukuna had brought back Satoru Gojo for you to heal. and you remember his request — i want this one staying pretty for me, he had said. 
“of course i can ‘keep up,’” Gojo scoffs. “can you keep up, old man? you seemed to get pretty tired just then.” 
you grimace at Gojo’s disrespect, but Lord Sukuna is made of sterner stuff, and he just laughs even louder before clapping a pair of hands around Gojo’s beautiful face. you note that Gojo flinches, if only for a split second.
“such a mouth on you,” he hums, brushing a thumb across Gojo’s bottom lip. “just look at you. we will have to do something about that attitude.”
“like what?” Gojo asks, his eyes glimmering with anticipation that you can see even from where you sit. “what exactly is it you would do, Sukuku dear?”
“you seem to have your own ideas already. what is it you would have me do?” you can hear Lord Sukuna’s grin, even if you cannot see it.
Gojo simply winks.
“here’s an idea. why don’t you split me in half again?”
Lord Sukuna laughs heartily before leaning forward over Gojo’s bed, slightly obscuring your view. 
“what an idea, Satoru Gojo. would you enjoy that?”
for some reason, Gojo does not answer right away; you try to crane your neck around to see what is happening, but he speaks again soon.
“y…yes…” he responds, suddenly breathless. “i believe i w-would.” 
suddenly, you realize that, while you cannot see all of Gojo’s body from this angle, you can see one of Lord Sukuna’s arms moving rapidly up and down, and you can see a blush beginning to color Gojo’s delicate cheeks. your breath catches in your throat as you put together what it is you are witnessing. scrambling for a better view, you decide that both men are occupied enough that you can creep back into the corner of the room and hide behind one of the beds for a clearer angle.
“and are you certain you can truly take me? all of me?” Sukuna inquires, continuing his businesslike tone as though he is not currently stroking his rival off.
“mm-of course,” Gojo keens. 
“‘of course’ who?” Lord Sukuna prompts, repeating the routine he loves to do with you. 
“forget your own name, Sukuku? you gettin’ senile?” he pants with a grin that is equal parts lascivious and mischievous. this is bratty behavior Lord Sukuna never had to suffer from you, so you wonder with eager anticipation how he will respond. 
Lord Sukuna merely tuts in response. “what a shame. whether you can accommodate all of me or not, we will have to fix that smart mouth of yours first.” 
he fists a hand in Gojo’s fine white hair, easily palming his full skull as he pulls back until the blue-eyed sorcerer is looking straight up at him. 
“i happen to know the best cure for a smart mouth,” Gojo says with a feral grin. he darts his tongue out and swipes it swiftly across Lord Sukuna’s swollen tip. 
“get on with it, then,” Lord Sukuna growls, roughly forcing Gojo’s head onto his length. you grimace at the vigor with which Lord Sukuna rams himself down Gojo’s throat which looks so dainty to you, but he slurps eagerly on it; it seems Satoru Gojo is never one to shy away from a challenge. 
watching Lord Sukuna use Gojo’s throat so mercilessly, and Gojo meeting the task with such enthusiasm, you find yourself unable to resist snaking a hand down between your legs, where you feel heat and tension building once again. as you toy with yourself, careful to remain as quiet as possible, you see Sukuna pull Gojo’s mouth from his still-hard cock with a wet pop. 
“you have proven yourself to me,” he says, releasing his grip on Gojo’s hair to caress it tenderly back from his face. “and it is time for your reward.” you hold your breath; this should be a treat for you, as well.
with a grip on Gojo’s shoulders, he raises him from the bed; Gojo, still a little shaky on his legs, braces himself back against Lord Sukuna’s body. Gojo is by no means a small man, but his form is still engulfed when he is up against Lord Sukuna; you bite your lip at the thought and rub yourself faster. 
Lord Sukuna reaches around Gojo to the bedside table, where you had deposited your vial of oil, and lubricates his fingers with a few drops. his hands should still be slick with all of your combined secretions, you reason, but Lord Sukuna always takes extra precautions given his immensity. then, gently bending Gojo back over, he inserts one finger. Gojo throws his head back against Lord Sukuna’s chest and groans as he gets accustomed to the feeling, and he moans outright as Lord Sukuna inserts his second finger. 
the sight and sound send hot coils of pleasure through you, and you have to clap a hand to your mouth to keep yourself from mirroring the sounds Gojo is making. 
“are you prepared for me to split you in half again, as you so eloquently put it?” Lord Sukuna purrs against the shell Gojo’s reddening ear. 
“yes!” Gojo cries without hesitation.  
“would you beg for it?” Sukuna prods, not one to give his rival what he is asking for so easily. 
“please!” when Sukuna makes no moves to proceed, Gojo cries out again. “please, Lord Sukuna,” he breathes. “please make me yours.” 
“good,” Lord Sukuna says, leaves a bruising bite at the nape of Gojo’s neck. “well said.” then, preparing his length and using both sets of his arms to position himself and Gojo optimally, Lord Sukuna enters him with agonizing slowness. you are unsure of whether you even thought to hold yourself back from moaning this time, but it is drowned out in any case by Gojo’s own needy vocalizations. 
as he pumps in and out of Gojo, all three of you are overcome by your own pleasure, by the complicated dynamics you have brought into the medical wing and worked out in such a raw and wild way. your earlier feelings of confused irritation for Gojo dissipate as you watch his beautiful form twisting in paroxysms of pleasure; in him, you see yourself. as the two men climax at nearly the same time, scattering their pearly semen across the sheets and each other, you find yourself peaking soon after, tears streaming down your face in sheer joy.
As Lord Sukuna settles Gojo back down into the bed for him to continue his recovery, he gives him a fond pat on the head.
“you were magnificent, Satoru Gojo.”
the sorcerer gives a little self-satisfied smile before falling into a deep slumber nearly immediately, and you make a mental note to ensure that all the exertion did not compromise his healing in any way. before Lord Sukuna can turn back around, you gather your earlier discarded robe around yourself and quietly crawl back out of the room and behind the curtain, pleased with yourself for not being caught. 
or so you thought.
“there is no need to exit on my account, y/n,” he calls, not turning around. you gasp before re-entering sheepishly.
“i apologize, my lord. i merely wished not to disturb you both, so i did not make myself known,” you explain rather weakly. 
“i am pleased you… enjoyed yourself,” he says, finally looking over his shoulder at you with a knowing smile that makes you shiver with shame.
 “you seem to have enjoyed yourself as well, my lord,” you reply; your envy of Gojo for earning Lord Sukuna’s attention is building back up, and you are unable to keep it from your voice. 
“oh, y/n,” Lord Sukuna chuckles fondly, closing the space between you with long strides before he is clasping you to him. 
“Satoru Gojo is a novelty.” he leans down until your mouths meet, and your breath catches.
“you, however,” he murmurs against your lips, his breath hot, “are mine. do you understand?” 
“yes, my lord,” you breathe back into him, hardly daring to move.   
he steps back from you first, calling for Uraume much to your confusion. the soft spoken chef, a long-time friend of yours inside the compound, appears with their characteristic quiet swiftness. much like yourself, Lord Sukuna has implicit trust in their devotion, and so often depends on them for personal tasks even beyond their formal role in the kitchen. as such, you have both built a mutual respect for one another. you nod a cordial greeting at them, which they return.
“you called for me, Lord Sukuna?”  they ask with their careful diction. 
“please draw a bath and get y/n cleaned up for me,” he says. 
you look at him inquiringly, and he chuckles darkly, his previous tenderness all gone.
“you and your pleasure both belong to me, y/n,” he reminds you. “and i know i did not give you my permission to…enjoy the show.”  
you gulp, and he turns back to Uraume. 
“get her prettied up for me,” he continues  with a devious grin of anticipation, “and bring her back to me so i may discipline her appropriately for her disobedience.”
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jinkiezzsstuff · 6 months
Back to Life
human!alastor x human!gnreader
Part 1 of 5+
summary for part: you had just been for a walk in the woods, and now suddenly you’re standing over a historical looking guy with a chipper attitude and… a gun? thankfully he’s here to help you in your bloodied and confused state, but as things play out you can’t help but notice nothing is like it was before your fall, and all you have to trust is the odd grinning man
summary for series: One day when waltzing through the woods a peculiar looking buck led you deeper in, while following, you fell hitting your head and woke to a stranger standing over you. You don’t know where you are, how you got here, or who this guy is, but he’s all you’ve got and he’s utterly insane.
warnings for part: short first chap, lowercase intended; i’m feeling quirkyyy, multiple parts-i put other things aside because my brain is STUCK on human alastor sorry lads ;-;, blood, descriptions of injury, kinda strange stylized writing, i’ve got like a whole story thing planned compared to the other ones-this one’s got a whole plot line. no descriptions of reader- of any kind, no pronouns, i looked up a shit ton of 1920s outfits & speech just for a couple lines lmao, OOC alastor my reasoning behind that is he’s not in hell yet so he hasn’t had that kind of demonic development yet, he’s still a psycho tho and we love him for that, also mommas boy <3, he uses 1920s slang a lot lads, throughout the whole series
warnings for series: homicide, morally grey reader, eventual smut, cannibalism, reader will eat a guy, unknowingly, alastor be doing witchcraft magical madness but it’s never in depth explanations, alastor is a mommas boy and it will be hounded on, annoying 1920s slang, alastor is more accumulated to the era he’s in so he may be OOC 100 years in hell would change a guy, varying descriptions of injuries and blood in detail, takes place in 1927, alastor is 27 oop born in 1899 tho, nothing here is canon, just loosely follows, reader is in their 20s at least; no younger, alastors mom is nameless mostly, maybe later on she’ll have a name; she’s 48, alastor has daddy issues bc same, mimzy may be added later depending,
you remembered seeing a deer while wandering through the woods, you were taking pictures of the scenery when you saw this curious looking deer.
it stood tall with large antlers, a beautiful reddish brown coat, you’d never seen a deer so close. brining your camera up slow you went to snap a picture when your phone crashed, you weren’t even able to get the buck in frame before your phone fizzled out.
the deer started to walk away, but you so badly wanted these pictures. slowly you followed behind, cautious of the leaves and sticks below your feet. you followed it over a fallen tree, through bush and branch. finally you entered an area filled with more foliage, closer trees that blocked off sunlight, more bushes and fallen trees, wild flowers, moss and random mushrooms.
you watched as the buck disappeared behind thick bush, and that’s the last conscious moment you remembered. you woke at the bottom of the hill, when you opened your eyes you didn’t know a thing.
it was like you were a blank slate, everything was as it was; there was no confusion, you were simply in the woods with no worry or question as to why. you laid there, your head lulling from side to side observing the tree covered sky above, the sunlight that shot through the trees highlighting the particles floating through the air.
there wasn’t a sound at all; the animals feared something near. inhaling deeply, you willed your head up, wincing and groaning in pain. suddenly life as you knew it came back to you, you weren’t just a mindless being in the woods, you were you, and you were out here taking pictures and then, fell?
you still weren’t sure what had happened just that you followed a deer and then… fell asleep and woke here. your body ached badly, specifically your forehead, your back, neck and shoulders. it seemed the brunt of the fall was your head, lifting your hand you touched your forehead feeling a flap of skin that wasn’t there before.
looking down at your hand you weren’t surprised to see some blood, in fact the top you had worn had been covered in it. “hello dear, funny place to snooze if ya ask me.” a voice joked, startling you. however your body was too tired to startle, so despite your heart rate increasing, and the jump you felt in your bones, your body remained eerily still, your head slowly turning toward the sound.
standing above you was a man with a soft smile, he wore circluar glasses and the strangest outfit. he wore a coat chestnut brown- a lumberjack coat; strange looking pants that puffed out at the hips, with boots that the pants cinched into them. his hands were covered by gloves, and tiny brown coloured coiled curls popped out from his hunting cap, and on his shoulder a leather strap that allowed a large shotgun to sit on his back.
you were taken aback by his looks, his outfit looked vintage, historical too, and he was, well, gorgeous. “you’re bleeding quite a bit dear, how’s about we getcha up and outta here, hm?” lending his hand to you, the man gave you a charming smile with lidded eyes. you felt something was off about the man, a lingering feeling that something beyond your understanding was telling you to run, get away.
instead you whimpered, pathetically so, and placed your hand into his, letting him hoist you up. he wrapped your arm around him, while he looped his own arm under you, helping you walk. it was hard to do so, your ribs hurt with every breath you took, your head felt like it was floating above your shoulders, your cheeks watered making you swallow constantly, and though you were shivering your body felt ablaze on the inside, like hot coals were lit under your skin.
the man looked down at you, you could see from your peripheral vision he was inspecting you, but you were too pained to care. “how’d you find yourself at the bottom of the hill my dear, someone try to bump you off?” his voice was way too chipper for your current mood, and all you did was mutter a confused ‘huh’ at him, thankfully he laughed that off.
“listen, i’ll take you to my joint my mothers over so we can getcha all patched up, but you’ve gotta spill whatever happened to you if that’s quite alright.” despite the sturdiness in his voice, asserting what was going to happen with expectations, he tone was somewhat kind. dryly you mutter out ‘name?’, your voice raspy and unlike your own. the man chuckled before he responded in a smooth tone. “alastor dear, pleasure to meet you.”
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that-one-xachster · 5 months
Megumi x Childhood Bestie!Reader Hcs
I've seen too many of these and needed to write a few heh ive actually never written hcs before so this is my first time 😅 kinda a slow burn?
so first of all you were tsumiki's bestie because I haven't seen a hc like that yet (PLEASE I NEEDA SEE ONE OF THESE-)
and we'll also make fushi's mom besties with your mom
so now you two are besties since you were in diapers
and you were a very grabby baby and Fushiguro's hair is as wild as carpaccios from mashle-
(sorry not sorry)
so you'd just grab at his hair and pull it all the time which would annoy the hell out of him
which would then somehow end up in you two fighting
and then your mother's would have to calm you down
and after the whole toji and mother fushiguro went bye bye your mom took in megumi and tsumiki
so now timeskip you're both 6 years old and just walking together from who knows where
and if you thought you grew out of these grabby tendencies no you're either grabbing his hair or his sleeve
yes it still annoys the hell out of him but you do it for shits and giggles
and then on this fine day you just happen to run into the gojo satoru
anyway this guy is making his ever so iconic face like 'bro reminds me of his dad-'
anyway gojo doesn't know who you are so you're just standing there awkwardly behind megumi while you're now gripping his backpack
and you're just glaring at gojo for no reason at all for sure just thinking 'who the hell is this weird ahh man with hair like he's in his 70s tryna kidnap megumi 🤨🤨'
and ofc megumi pulls the 'what about my sister' card
and after the whole negotiation with megumi he turns to you and is like 'you can come along too ig'
and ofc you watch megumi so you pull the 'what about my parents' card
gojo's like 😀
anyway you somehow end up going to school with megumi and tsumiki and first day kindergarten no surprise you guys are the new kids
everyone I mean EVERYONE loves tsumiki ofc
a partial reason is because of you and megumi glaring at the people who you think are looking at her a lil funny
like sir ma'am CHILD how dare you
anyway you have a pretty peaceful elementary school
you do pick fights with megumi though
...and a whole lotta other people
you stopped in middle school but looks like megumi picked it up instead because yk he beat up a hefty amount of people
you stanned him for that
also hyping him up from the back
"shut up."
so that was pretty eventful but tsumiki did not approve which caused you to sulk next to megumi
but then yk she went to the cliff and shit went down real fast
tsumiki got cursed, you entered your depressed angsty teenager era, and megumi became emo. more so than he was before
"oh my god its worse than they thought- they made him EMO-"
^ thats megumi now but we all like pretty emo bois so
wItH tHeIr bLaCk hAiR aNd gReEn oRbS-
too bad megumi has blue eyes
see this is why asians don't have blue eyes we'd be too powerful
anyway back to this you two finish middle school all swandy dandy but a lil depressed
oh and I don't think I mentioned you two got into a fight bc of tsumiki's sickness
megumi: you're closer to tsumiki bc you two are girls why didn't you stop her from pulling random crap whatever she did to make her sick
you: BITCH you blaming ME? you wanna go?
yeah basically you two got into a stupid argument but oh well its fine bc gojo forced you two to talk again and yay you're talking again
and now first year into jujutsu tech you and megumi are the only students so you're still poking and grabbing him all the time
you did it less in middle school
I think we know why
like you're in the car going to a mission- his hairs being tugged
got off the car and walking his sleeve being tugged
literally everthing
my bros grown immune to it though so he doesn't really mind
he kinda likes it now but will never admit it
so let's say before you got ranked up and all your arm almost got blown off by a curse
needless to say tsumiki's accident really hit him hard so this hit him harder and when I say he got angry he got ANGRY ASF DUDE
like he freakin obliterated the damn curse
he also made it pretty painful
if you even can
and let his demon dogs casually eat it up
and you're just there like 👏👁️👄👁️
"it's not that deep bro-"
"yes it is"
gojo was very proud though
and now you're with him stalking itadori and you're like
*1 braincell working*
itadori = fast
fast = speed
I am speed
and when you finally confront your stalkee with megumi and itadori's like
"uh I'm mourning rn"
you're just
"thats great and all dude I totally feel you but you're gonna be mourning even more if we don't get our asses to your school"
you did not want to host multiple funerals
so you all speed ran to his school
and whoopsie doosies you're with megumi and itadori makes an entrance like the main character he is
and when my bro eats that finger
and gojo pops up
he throws the kikufuku at megumi
but its okay hope you have a good day imma send you bout 850-
you steal the kikufuku from megumi and eat one as if its popcorn
well you're watching gojo and sukuna fight rn
and you accidentally admit out loud that sukuna's hot
and then megumi low-key side eyes you
bc how dare he some random goofy ahh old mf misongnyistic tatooed dude just steal your attention so casually
he's full on disgusted when he's face to face with sukuna
yes you notice this
you're like
"ooh did somebody get a crush on a thousand year old curse-"
"wtf no get some help"
its the opposite lmao but you don't know that
so then itadori turns back to normal gojo goes boop and he goes to sleep
and now you're here sitting next to megumi, eating Gojo's kikufuku and having the time of your life
holy this is so long imma do a part 2
fun fact my autocorrect always changes sukuna into skunk 🦨
smelly sukuna
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quitefair · 10 months
The Temple of Mythal and Greek Sculpture
Or: How Bioware takes from history without any nuance.
Picture this. You're me, playing Inquisition for the first time. You get to the Temple of Mythal, the doors shut behind you and you finally get to look around. It's a typical elven ruin for the game, nothing much seems different...
Hold on.
Hold the fuck on.
You know what that is.
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You know what that's based on, and for a long time after it tickles you. Oh, maybe that meant something in the grander scheme of things! We've never seen such a blatant reference to a real-life sculpture anywhere else in game (to my knowledge at the time)! Maybe it'll come up later and it'll all make sense!
Here's the deal. I've been bothered by this for years. The more I think about it, the more angry I become. Anger over a single fucking type of statue, you say? There's a lot of other shit to be angry over in this game, and you choose this?
Picture this. You're me again, aged 14 this time. You're in the Louvre, the first museum of Western classical art you've ever been to. You've grown up in a place where this interest could only be cultivated from extra-curricular reading, and for a kid that age from my country to be ass deep in Greek and Egyptian myth is frankly lmao. Neurodivergent. Anyway.
So we're wandering around the Louvre, I've just taken my parents through the Egyptian section and given them a thorough infodump on everything I know about burial rites.
And then we enter this room. And I very nearly fall to my knees when I catch sight of her.
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This is the sculpture the statues at the Temple of Mythal are based on - one Winged Victory of Samothrace.
She is a sculpture from the Hellenestic era, depicting the goddess Nike stood at the prow of a ship. Her head and both arms are missing, save one hand with two fingers (also in the Louvre but displayed separately). She was found on the Greek island of Samothrace, among the ruins of what was known as the Sanctuary of the Great Gods. It seemed like she was displayed at the top of a hill, looming down at all that regarded her.
I’ve had the absolute privilege of seeing her in person twice in my life, both before and after the 2013 restoration. And let me tell you, regardless of which staircase that leads you there, the sight of her will stop you in your tracks.
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[Now with people, for scale.]
She is massive. Larger than life, and immediately is the centre of your attention. It's not the fact that she has no head, no arms. No, you will realise the closer you get to her, the more you're able to appreciate the details of this absolutely astounding piece of history.
No. It's because she feels so alive.
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The way her robes drape against flesh, wet from sea-spray or rain, yet flowing with the motion of an invisible wind. The wings cast behind her dramatically as her right foot steps forward. Standing tall and proud, unflinching, unbowed against the elements. Even without her arms, you can feel how dynamic the torso and legs are.
You don't need to be an art historian, or even have any knowledge of Greek myth or art history to stand in front of her, as I once did as a young teen, and nearly be brought to tears.
This brings me to the first of the two main gripes I have with the way this sculpture is used in Inquisition.
Compared to the way she's displayed in the Louvre, and also presumably how she was presented to her original audience - larger than life, looming, powerful, beautiful - she is relegated instead to smaller, repeating statues of the same nature throughout the temple.
This diminishes the purpose of the original sculpture, which was to instill a sense of awe and wonder. The singularity that forces you to focus and appreciate the scale and intricacy. The aura, the gravitas of having a single, massive sculpture of such a dynamic figure is completely gone.
And to make things worse, they Mythal-ify her. Adding a helmed head and changing her beautiful feathered wings to leathery dragon wings. They don't even add arms, which is odd because the original sculpture very clearly is missing its arms.
And, may I ask, Why?
It feels cheap, like they saw the Winged Victory and were like 'oh shit this is a cool sculpture, we should add it in game' without giving any fucking thought to what the sculpture means.
Which brings me to the second gripe. The complete disregard for the symbolism of the Winged Victory.
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Detail from the Athena fountain, Parliament Building of Vienna, showing Nike the Winged Victory in the palm of Athena's hand [source]
Nike is a minor Greek deity, said to be the daughter of Pallas (a Titan) and the river Styx. Her other siblings by the same parents include Zelus (Zeal),  Bia (Might) and Kratos (Strength).
Yes. That Kratos.
She was one of the earliest gods to pledge her allegiance to Zeus in the Titonomachy, and after the victory of the Olympians, Nike and the other gods that allied with them were allowed to live on Olympus. In her aspect as Victory, she is closely associated with several of the major Greek gods, and in particular, Athena.
There's also her Roman counterpart, Victoria. This version doesn't come with the backstory Nike has, but is more of a general concept of victory. This is the aspect that is present in a lot of the modern sculptures and interpretations of Nike/Victoria:
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Left: Detail from the Berlin Victory Column. Right: Detail from the Victoria Memorial, London. Note the similar iconography, of a woman seemingly standing against a strong wind, fabric and cloth adhering and yet flowing against the breeze, wings outstretched.
From this, we can probably extrapolate what our beloved Winged Victory might've looked like. Here's an artist's render of one possibility:
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There's some iconography we need to go through before moving on - symbols that are commonly associated with Nike/Victoria.
One is the trumpet as see in the reconstruction above, the sound and symbol of the end of war, of impending peace. Another is the laurel wreath, another Greek symbol of victory and achievement. Famously, laurel wreaths were used to crown victors of the original Olympic games.
This is another conversation entirely, but there’s a discussion to be had about the duality of Elgar’nan and Mythal, in term of vengeance and justice, and how an emotional rage versus a calculated wisdom can be compared to the difference between the two Greek gods of war – Ares and Athena.
If we can compare Mythal to Athena, in the sense of her wisdom in making difficult decisions, then it’s not a stretch to associate Mythal with the symbolism of Nike, and therefore explain the presence of statues similar to the Winged Victory in her temple.
But since Bioware absolutely did not put this in the game for anything other than the Aesthetic, there’s some problems that need to be addressed.
Mainly in the way in which these statues are scattered throughout the temple. If you wanted static, ominous statues to line the walls as your player characters explore, perhaps have like, I dunno. Less dynamic statues that you reference?
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Left: Nike of Paionos, Right: Stele 1 of Las Incantadas
Or maybe instead of statues, have friezes lining the walls. Like this one from the equally iconic Pergamon altar, depicting the Giganomanchy.
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It’s the same symbolism, the wings, the smiting of foes and victory of good over evil.
And then perhaps, at the heart of the temple... where, y'know Bioware, lay a body of water sacred to Mythal herself, you could've perhaps done something remarkable. You could then have had the most dramatic and beautiful entrance you’d ever seen.
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[Nike, at the iconic Daru Staircase, the Louvre]
It was at this moment that Mythal walked out of the sea of the earth's tears and onto the land. She placed her hand on Elgar'nan's brow, and at her touch he grew calm and knew that his anger had led him astray. - Codex entry: Mythal: The Great Protector
Mythal herself strides out of the Well Of Sorrows, the metaphorical tears of her followers that died and kept their knowledge alive in her name. Her (draconic) wings spread out, (restored) hands outstretched to touch her husband, to calm the rage that nearly destroyed this world.
A symbol of victory against the blind rage of a god against His father, the Sun. A symbol of wisdom and grace, against the violence of hatred. A divine sense of something bigger than anything we could imagine.
There's also the lack of iconography regarding victory, instead piling on some cheap representations of what we think of as Mythal. That's another post entirely on the symbolism of the Elven gods, but if Bioware really wanted to hone in on the Athena/Athena Nike parallels, they might have thrown in the trumpet/laurel/palm leaf symbolism with the statues, alongside the dragon wings.
If this were the case, then maybe, just maybe, Inquisition would’ve then earned the use of this sculpture in the game.
Sources not listed above/Further reading if you're interested
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zorasthoughts · 6 months
all my thoughts below :) (also, i haven't read any of the books apart from an offer from a gentleman so i'm going in blind)
"we have been apart for far too long" - yeah we have! didn't realise how much i'd been missing the julie andrews voiceovers
kate and anthony!! - look at them being all happy and in love
eloise and cressida, interesting - i'm pretty sure el is doing this just to spite penelope, but i wonder what we'll see them talk about in these scenes
can we get a "hell yeah!" for pen being done with her family and deciding to actually do something about it? girlie is entering her main character era
colin arriving back and his family being shocked at his rizz and his new look is fun. i feel like compared to daphne, who was the eldest daughter and was the diamond of her season, and anthony who is the head of the family, and was a big catch, colin is just some guy. i like the idea of him also getting into his main character era
also, important psa for anyone who missed it: kate and anthony were holding hands!!! (it's not a massive deal in the grand scheme of things, i just love their casual intimacy and affection during a time when people were more reserved)
lmao, colin getting changed in the carriage on his way to court with the others is so chaotic
and before the scene cuts away, we can see anthony and benedict laughing, so i hope we get more fun teasing among the bridgerton brothers this season. i think compared to last season, which was quite angsty, this season will be lighter in general
a deal to help a girl find a husband because you are friendly/acquinted with her will definitely work. just look at how it went for daphne and simon!!
hehehe, penelope trying to flirt is so funny. nicola coughlan is great at comedy, just look at derry girls. i felt like i could see clare coming out in this scene
"she's not seeking a husband in YOU i hope" and "since when are you worried about penelope?" - yeah, eloise misses her friend. i'd reckon much of el's arc this season is going to be her working through her feelings from that final scene with her and pen in 2x08
penelope debuting her new look is iconic. and so pretty!!! i love that even cressida's jaw was dropping, and the way everyone was turning to look at her. someone in the comments section on youtube said it was similar when daphne shows up at the ball to get the prince's attention, and i love that pen gets to have a moment like that
what makes me sad though is that this is the ball we saw in the clip released last month where everyone was (rightly) losing their minds over kanthony (myself included) while pen was just standing in the corner having no-one pay attention to her
the violins are giving angst
also, it seems interesting that lady danbury seems to be giving pen some advice. i don't think the two have ever interacted in the show, but maybe after lady danbury sees pen's new look and that she is looking to bag a husband, she decides to take pen under her wing?
portia being happy for pen is honestly cute. my guess is in this scene that that guy had asked portia for her blessing to propose to pen and that's why portia is so excited. i'm interested to see what their relationship will be like this season, both are quite complex characters, with a complicated relationship
violet giving colin advice is nice, and i like them discussing friendship as being a key part, and maybe even the most important thing for a romantic relationship. in season one, she did tell daphne to "simply marry the person who feels like your dearest friend" so i think that a similar conversation could be the start of colin realising his feelings for penelope have crossed from the territory of platonic to romantic
the costume design this season is really good, because penelope starts off with the very bright and gaudy featherington shades, then starts dressing in greens that are either a dark emerald shades, or a softer mint colour, but that then shifts to a pale teal, and then pale blues, and lilacs, signalling her journey towards becoming a bridgerton
okay, the overhead shot around 2 minutes 8 seconds in the trailer? that's kate and anthony, right? very curious about this scene
francesca!! not said anything about her yet, but i'm curious about what she'll be getting up to this season
violet having a potential love interest makes me happy, but i hope they would commit to it. i found her storyline in the queen charlotte show to be pretty compelling, and she deserves a chance to find love again
kate and anthony dancing!! obviously we saw some of the dance in the clip that has already been released, but it looks as though we're going to see a full dance scene between them, and it's going to be everything (to me, at least)
that final part of the trailer with colin and penelope? it's so tense and emotional!! i wonder if this could be something to do with whistledown? has colin figured it out?
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
Happy birthday!!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨🌻🌷🌻🌻
Please: Gojo Satoru, stressed, "Well don't just stand there, do something" And "They don't deserve you"
Thanks so much 🤍
aww, thank you so much!!!! (Please ignore this is like 3 days late; lifes been weird lmao)
I was really excited to do this one, I hope you like it!
Now Presenting...
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Starring: A very stressed and a little protective, Satoru Gojo
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The room was tense, apprehension and fear so thick in the air that at times it felt like trying to breathe in putty. For Satoru, at least. If you were feeling any of the pressure, you were pretty good about hiding it. Absent-mindedly scrolling through social media on your phone, making a point to pay everyone else in the room no mind. Gojo knew you better than that though. He could see that you didn't stop long enough to read any of the posts, and that your finger tapping was far too frantic to be from annoyance alone. 
Finally, the Elders came in. Everyone rose out of respect and habit, and bowed low as they walked through the room. Satoru tried to catch your eye, but you were making the pointed decision to look at only the floor. His hand reached for yours, something to let you know it would be ok, but before he could make it the elders spoke.
"Rest." Gakuganji grumbled, and everyone returned to their seats. 
"I wonder how it feels to get an undeserved standing ovation every time you enter a room.." Satoru mumbled the anxious joke. For the most part, he got glares and side eyes. But, from you, he got a ghost of a smile. And that was his real goal anyway. 
“Y/n L/n, You stand trial today for using a forbidden curse technique,”  The old man said, utterly uninterested. He was just annoyed that his Monday morning tea was being interrupted. “For your crimes you-”
“Wait, What?” You scoffed, “Some fucking trial, you’re sentencing me already?”
“L/n, your crimes are clear and well documented.” Gakuganji sighed, rubbing his temple with two fingers. Your hands twitched with rage.
“Yes, I’m not arguing that I'm innocent, I’m saying my motivation for doing so should be taken into consideration.” you pointed out. Had you broken an ancient rule placed on your family a millennia ago? Yes, undoubtedly. But did you also save thousands of lives in the process? Without question. The special grade you were fighting was going to take out all of Okinawa, and your ‘forbidden’ cursed technique allowed you to exercise the curse before it even had a chance. You were not a criminal. Which is why your treatment since the incident was making your blood boil.
“Honorable as your intentions may have been, it’s no excuse for breaking a precedent that goes all the way back to the Sengoku era. Your execution will be-”
“Execution?!” you snapped. Were they really so caught up in their goddamn traditions they were going to kill you over this?! Satoru was stunned. He felt trapped in a static coffin as he processed the words. Execution? Execution? He saw you getting more and more impassioned in your argument, further digging your grave and pissing off the geezer. And then he felt your nails dig into his forearm, electrifying him back into the moment as his eyes snapped to your desperate stare.
“Don’t just stand there, do something!” You begged. He shook his head, remembering that he was Satoru fucking Gojo, surely he had some weight he could pull to save your life. He stood,
“An execution?” He said, standing up, “That’s just a little extreme don’t you think?” Gakuganji groaned in frustration, wishing for once he could just make this kid go away.
“No Gojo, I don’t. They-”
“Saved millions of lives, right. I’m well aware of the details, old man, you don’t have to explain.” he smiled, “Really, if anything we should be celebrating them. Instead you cowards want them dead? Are you really that scared of something as small as change?” Yoshinobu slammed his fist on the table before him to try and regain control of the situation. He pointed an accusatory finger at your old friend.
“Silence Gojo, I will have no more of this. My decision is final-”
“Oh, mine is too.” Satoru smiled, “If any of you even think about laying a finger on them, You’re going to have to deal with me.” He said darkly. Gojos' threat hung heavy in the air. He didn’t go into details. He didn’t have to. Everyone's eyes nervously flashed from you, to Satoru, to Yoshinobu. Everyone knew the old man had already lost, the question now was what would happen to you.
“Fine.” the head elder said, finally relenting. “But they are hereby banned from using jujutsu sorcery ever again. Any attempt to do so will result in them being labeled a curse user, and executed on sight.” You bristled at the final verdict, but both you and Satoru knew better than to try and test your luck further. At least you had your life. “We are done here.” Gakuganji siad, dismissing the room. You were the first out, followed closely by Satoru.
The two of you had managed to make it to the garden before the tears started to fall. It only made you angrier with yourself. You hated it, you hated crying, you hated how you couldn’t protect yourself during your trial, you hated that they had taken your sorcery away from you. You hated them. 
“Y/n, no-” Satoru muttered, taking you into his arms and pulling you into his chest. You had talked to him before about random hugging, especially when he saw you were in distress, but you were willing to let it slide this time. This time, his warm arms and familiar scent wrapped you in a blanket of comfort. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting the tears freely fall.
“I know right now it hurts,” He whispered softly, gently petting your hair, “But they’ll be begging you to come back, I know they will.”
“I gave them everything Satoru,” You whimpered, “I gave my life for jujutsu sorcery…”
“I know you did. They don’t deserve you.” Satoru sighed, kissing the top of your head. “And.. I know you probably don’t want to hear this right now, but this might actually be good.”
“How?!” You demanded.
“Because you’re finally free. You can pursue whatever life you want to live without the threat of death constantly looming over you. You’ll never have to endure all of their glares ever again, you can find a place where you’re loved, and cherished, and valued like you deserve to be. You never have to be disrespected again.” He wasn’t wrong, and the thought did bring you some solace. Still, one aspect of jujutsu society tugged at your heart. The one thing you couldn't stand the thought of leaving.
“What about you?”
“What about me?” He laughed. “I’m not going anywhere. No matter what choice you make, I’ll be there. If you’ll let me of course.” You couldn’t help but smile at his promise.
“Of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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moononmyfloor · 2 months
Dashing Youth Ep 1-10 Commentary
Ep 11-16, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 33-35, Ep 36-40
Alrighty let's organise all my thoughts in neat lil piles.
1. Personally the type of Wuxia I enjoy is the more subdued, mature and philosophical vibe like that of Sword Snow Stride and Mysterious Lotus Casebook. I rarely watch youthful, lighthearted, rom-comey wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan. I didn't enjoy BoY a lot and I still wonder how I managed to finish it, the few characters I loved were Wuxin, Tang Lian, Zhao Yuzhen, Prince Chong and Prince Lingchen, because they had the acting style and character arcs that were closer to my preferences.
I clicked on Dashing Youth just for the curiosity and out of "since I watched BoY anw, I'm kinda obligated for this" feeling, but unexpectedly, within 10 mins I was in love lol. Many of the actors I already know and love, the bromance is instantaneous and strong, the promise of a good tragedy is alluring, and I could enter the worldbuilding faster because I already know what to expect from this universe.
AND I ADORE how the casting directors seem to have chosen actors with BLs/BL-vibe shows under their belt for all the important roles, they all know exactly what to do and like:
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I for one am not mad about all the CP pushing promo the showmakers are doing. I mean, even if this was a super straight story we'll end up with gay fanfics anyway, right? So just as well we get to see our fantasies haha 😏
Like, that's an adorable thumbnail!
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OK without further ado, getting myself invited into the Daddies' party time!!
By ep 4, Dongjun has so far charmed the asses off of Spear daddy, Lei daddy, and now Liu Xueyi's daddy. At this rate, I'll have to assume that the future kids are gonna be procreated not via their future wives, but through the consummation of the daddies' elaborate spiritual bodies when they flirt-duel lol
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(Exactly like that)
Now I really wanna see a 重回我爸的高中时代 (Back to My Dad's High School Days) edit for Dongjun and his harem from the kids' povs Like here .
Ep 6- You did indeed, Wu Xie 2.5!
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Hou Minghao collects new boyfriends, old boyfriends and his own other-selves like pokemon😆 Also gotta say that everytime I see Bai Shu now I feel like a proud parent. He's grown so much from the grumpy scrawny bb Wu Xie era huhu
Ep 9- It's amazing how I personally didn't really enjoy BoY, but Wuxin instantly got my love and while I'm 10x more drawn to Dashing Youth, the one who won me over above everyone else is again, Wuxin's dad. Also, Wuxin's dad is a chef! How can I not love this baby!
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Everyone showing off martial arts while they are in their own world, serving a buffet lmao
Lei Mengsha looking at this poster: Yep, I can see this polycule is not a good idea. Usually I'm all in but I'll sit this one out and go make my two kids in peace. I'll have my chance with HMH in another universe anw
Despite being the silliest of them all, LMS is the only one who gives the vibe he'll always stand straight on his two feet even if the entire world goes topsy-turvy. I don't even need to look at BoY to be proven correct.
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Ep 10- Ever since his intro from ep 1 where he went all, "wow, what a fate!", I love the parts they do these crossover jokes
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(In fact, instinctively performing Qimen Dunjia is possibly how LMS figured out the trajectory the other boys were going to be in LMAO)
Now they need to add some tomb robbing jokes when Bai Shu and Neo interact and it'd be perfect!
Also it feels kinda fateful that Lei Wujie would go bond with Xiao Se, Lei Mengsha was best bros with his uncle Langya.
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The Hollow Ache of Missing You
Day 6 of @ombrotherlylove2023, and I'm really excited to share this one! Beel is seriously one of my favorite boys and sometimes he just needs a shoulder to lean on. I think he feels a lot of pressure to be strong for his family and I think he can relate to Mammon a lot this way so I decided to pair them for this fic. But I hope you guys enjoy! As usual feedback & Reblogs are appreciated! Now I have to get writing the last prompt lmao
A/N: This is set in Nightbringer Era, but present time brothers! So this is present time Beel & Mammon experiencing the disappearance of MC.
Summary: Beel can't sleep and has been tossing and turning all night. The rumbling of his stomach finally pulls him out of bed to head downstairs for a midnight snack. But his hunger has been insatiable lately, and he finally realizes why.
Day 6: Midnight Snacks & Crying; Beel and Mammon.
Taglist: @amberrskiies, @obey-me-posts, @sassykattery, @delphi-dreamin, @bite-sized-devil, @flemmingbamse, @a-hidden-gem, @otomefoxystar, @siofrantic, @todothedodo, @marvelous-maniac, @nonbinary-disaster, @selfmadender, @animeismyhappyplace, @vampire-tr4mp, @meiloorun-tea, @ana-dear, @gaychaosgremlin, @sidgethegamer, @jasper-s-phantym
floral divider by @/saradika
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Beel has been tossing and turning all night. He’s not sure how his twin brother is sleeping through it all as he’s tucked snuggly into the spot next to him. Belphie has been sleeping beside him in his bed a lot ever since MC went missing. They have both been having a rough time coping with losing yet another loved one, and they have been practically glued to the hip recently more than usual. He stared at the ceiling, attempting to count the hanging star and moon garlands that Belphie had wanted him to put up in their room some time ago. When that didn’t work, he tried to focus on the sound of Belphie’s breathing, smiling when he let out a little snort here and there. Eventually, a loud grumble from Beel’s stomach echoed through the room and he couldn’t take it anymore. He tossed the covers off his legs and grabbed his D.D.D. off his nightstand. It was exactly midnight, and he decided it was time to head down to the kitchen for a midnight snack. 
Beel quietly left the bedroom, and headed downstairs. Thankfully, it appeared that no one else was awake at the moment, although he was pretty sure Mammon had yet to return from one of his late night parties. He noticed that his older brother also had his ways of coping with MC’s disappearance. Beel hummed softly to himself as he rummaged through the fridge, finding the snacks he had kept tucked away for nights like these. He pulled out the Bufo Egg Donut he had been saving and quickly devoured it. He practically moaned at the taste, but still felt unsatisfied. He got a bag of Spicy Newt Chips out of the cupboard and began to snack on them as he scrolled through his D.D.D. He opened up Devilgram to see several pictures that Asmo and Mammon had uploaded, as well as a couple from Levi of a new anime figurine he had just acquired. Beel never really uploaded anything to his page, usually only food or the occasional picture of him and…MC. He knew he’d regret it, but tapped on his profile to see his most recent picture. He and MC had recently gone to a food festival in the human world together, and they had taken a selfie while they each held a giant burger as MC kissed him on the cheek. Beel felt the impending wave of sadness wash over him. He knew why nothing he ate satisfied him anymore. It’s because he was hungry for an entirely different reason. The ‘hunger’ he felt was really just a need to fill the void that MC left when they disappeared. 
He must have become lost in the memory of the photo together as he didn’t hear Mammon enter the room. He wasn’t even sure how long he had been standing there staring at his phone, while his other hand gripped the chip bag. “Oi, Beel! Beel, are you with me? Hey!” Mammon half-yelled, as he still wanted to be quiet so he didn’t wake the entire house up. He had just gotten back from his party, and was only planning on grabbing a bottle of water to take to his room when he found Beel frozen in place in the middle of the kitchen. Beel finally blinked, lifting his gaze to see Mammon staring at him with a worried expression. “Why are you crying?” Beel’s eyes widened as he finally noticed Mammon as well as the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. “I…um…” he choked out, his hands beginning to tremble. “Hey, hey it’s alright, don’t worry! Easy now.” Mammon mumbled, gently taking the chip bag and Beel’s phone out of his hand. He set them on the counter, glancing down at the picture from Beel’s phone on Devilgram that Beel had pulled up. The picture was blurry from the tears that had been dripping onto the screen, but Mammon knew all too well it was of his little brother and MC. “Beel, you know you shouldn’t be doing this to yourself.” The red haired demon blinked, his violet eyes filling with tears once more. “I-I realized why it’s worse now. My hunger, I mean.” Mammon leaned against the counter, his gaze fixed on Beel. “Because you miss them, right?” Beel nodded sadly, bringing his hand to his stomach. “I know how you feel. It might not be with food, but my gambling and spending has become way worse.” Mammon paused, stealing a glance down at the shiny gold watch against the tanned skin of his wrist. He had managed to win it at that night’s gambling session at the casino. “All of our sins seemed to intensify the moment MC disappeared.” Beel’s lower lip began to tremble again. Mammon was right after all. Belphie was hardly ever out of bed and Lucifer had even been testing his patience lately with his prideful and short tempered attitude. He just wanted MC back. He wanted them home and wrapped up safe and warm in his arms where they belonged. But he didn’t want to cry anymore, especially in front of his brothers. He may be the 2nd youngest, but he was supposed to be the strongest. 
Mammon finally pulled him from his thoughts. He realized more tears were running down his cheeks, and his mouth felt like cotton. “Here, take this.” he said, handing Beel a bottle of water. Beel nodded graciously and began to take slow sips. “That’s it, just take it easy. Do you need me to go get Belphie?” The 6th born shook his head, not wanting to wake his twin for some silly reason such as this. “Okay. Well how about we just sit for a little while. You got another bag of chips?” Beel smiled slightly as he nodded, stepping over to the cupboard once more to get out another bag of Spicy Newt Chips for Mammon. “Thanks. Let's go to the living room, it’ll be way more comfy in there.” The two of them headed into the giant common room and sat down on one of the couches together. They sat in silence for a while with only the sound of crunching potato chips filling the room. “Hey Beel, I was just thinking. It’s like, okay for you to cry, yanno?” Beel blinked at Mammon’s words. “What do you mean?” Mammon shrugged, tossing another potato chip into his mouth. “It’s just that I don’t want ya goin’ and thinkin’ you have to be strong for us all. Just cause you are strong doesn’t mean you have to be all the time.” Beel glanced down at the ground as he fidgeted with his hands. “Thank you, Mammon… I want you to know it’s the same for you. The others give you a hard time but…” he glances up, his violet eyes shimmering with the remnants of tears. “You can always talk to me if you want. I know MC was special to you too.” Mammon blushes as his own eyes begin to water. “I-I uh, dunno what you’re talkin’ about…but uh… thanks Beel.” This time Beel smiles, an actual genuine smile that Mammon knows isn’t just a facade. “Mmhm, MC may be special to us, but we are also special to them. I know they’d want us to take care of each other while they are away.” At his words, Mammon grins and gently bumps Beel’s shoulder. “I can hear them yellin’ at us for moping around like we are.” Beel chuckles, finishing up the last of his chips. The hunger has seemed to dissipate for now. “Yeah, me too. We should probably get to bed because they’d be scolding us for staying up too late.” Mammon gives Beel a pat on the back, wishing him a goodnight before heading off to his own room. Beel makes his way back to his as well, quietly crawling into bed beside his twin. “Mmn, Beel…? You okay?” Belphie mumbles, still half asleep. His eyes are slowly blinking awake, the concern for his brother overpowering the desire to keep sleeping. Beel nods, pulling the covers back up over his legs. “I am now. Let’s go back to sleep, Belphie.”
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blossominghunnie · 1 year
𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫
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Pairing: Lee Heeseung x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, f2l
Summary: Heeseung’s friends think he likes his dance partner. But that’s not true, is it?
Warning: None
Notes: I had to! Lmao, I’m getting so bias wrecked this era so I had to write a Hee imagine. 🤠 It’s not the same idea as my smau but maybe it’s on the same universe? Anyway, enjoy this imagine. :)
Ps: I don’t like the finale that much but I didn’t know how to end it, lmao.
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“Just tell us, dude. Do you like her?” Jay asks.
“Who?” Heeseung responds, not even looking away from his phone.
“You know who, Y/N.” Jake rolls his eyes.
“No, why would you think that?”
“Cause 1. You’re looking at her Instagram right now and 2. Don’t think we haven’t seen the way you look at her.” The oldest blushes and looks at the floor.
“What way are you talking about?”
“Quit playing dumb, Hee. Like she’s the prettiest girl in the world.” Ni-ki says.
“Even Ni-ki has seen it and he lives in his own world like 90% of the time.”
“True.” The blonde nods.
“I’m not getting away with it, right?” Heeseung sighs.
“Okaaay, yeah. I like her. But I don’t think she likes me.”
“Really, Hee? She looks at you with heart eyes. We’ve all noticed.” Sunghoon speaks.
“What? Are you sure?”
“Yeah!” Jungwon responds and stops for a second before speaking again. “What was that?”
“What?” All of the boys are confused.
“You didn’t hear that?” The leader asks.
“Okay, nevermind.” He waves his hand. “Back to the topic at hand…”
In another part of the building there was a girl running excitedly to a practice room.
“Y/N!” Jake’s dance partner, Jinwoo, shouts while entering the room.
“What’s up?” She stops stretching and looks at the younger girl.
“I have information that may be of interest.”
“Why?” She asks curiously.
“Weeell, I may have heard that one of the boys likes you.”
“Eh? What are you talking about? Who?”
“I was walking by their practice room when I heard them interrogating the one that starts with H and ends with eeseung.” Y/N laughs. “And he admited that he likes you.”
“What? You’re sure they were talking about me?
“Uh, yeah! They literally said your name.”
“Wow, what do I do now? I’ve never been in this situation before.” She giggles.
“Maybe you can confess to him.”
“You should totally do that.” Mina, Jay’s dance partner, speaks.
“Were you listening the whole time?” Jinwoo questions, raising an eyebrow.
“Obviously, I love gossip.” The brown haired smiles.
“Not surprised.”
“Okay, I’ll do it. I don’t have anything to lose.” She shrugs. “I’ll do it after we finish practicing.”
They all clap excitedly.
Minutes later they’re told to go to Enhypen’s practice room because rehearsals are about to start.
So they go to their respective partners.
Heeseung and Y/N keep looking at each other while smiling nervously.
They think the others wouldn’t notice but they’re not very subtle. Their friends just smirk while looking at them.
After dancing for hours, they all lay on the floor, exhausted.
Before the duo can talk, each and everyone of their friends make excuses and leave the room. Once they’re alone, they speak at the same time.
“Oh, you go first.” She smiles nervously.
“No, no, you.”
“Okay.” Y/N sighs. “I like you.”
“Really? I like you too.”
“That’s a relief.” They giggle.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” Heeseung asks while fiddling with his fingers.
“I would love to, Hee.” The girl smiles happily and blushes.
After a moment of silence, the gray haired takes the lead and puts his arms around Y/N, pulling her into a hug. She looks shyly at him but returns the hug.
They hear hollers and both look at the door. Their friends appear with smiles and teasing smirks on their faces.
“It was about time!” Jake speaks.
“We were tired of seeing you pinning on each other.” Sunoo says.
They keep teasing and you just keep looking at Heeseung with a loving stare. Impulsively, you stand on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek.
His whole face looks like a tomato which made everyone laugh. He just smiles, even if he is surprised, and tightens his arms around you.
And you stay like that for a while.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
random thoughts, episode 5x04 edition:
- Miguel reminding Soledad that her men fucked up by not informing her sooner, first I thought that hit was retaliation for Miguel taking out Alejandro in the bathroom but the little boy reminded me it was the cook house the club raided previously and the person he saw was Angel. had Miguel looked at me like that and given me candy, I would've spilled my guts to him too. wouldn't even have mattered if he lied about being with the police or not.
- Emily playing nice at home for a minute and not even Miguel bought it, lol. and the mother of that city hall clerk calling her out in the middle of the store was so unexpected that it made me laugh, she was so close to the door already. oh, did Sarah really say fuck that american accent? she sounded differently.
- Adelita did to that little girl what the cartel did to her as a child, killing the father right in front of her. also, she told angel about the day at the beach with her dad and now my speculation makes so much more sense that Clayton and Mav presumably filmed one of their last days on the show at a beach before they wrapped up. no idea if Carla was there too but Adelita's story made that puzzle piece fit in quite nicely.
- did Gilly seriously adopt a whole ass family and is playing house with them now? are he and whatshername an item now?
- I felt bad for Sofia when she tried to save Lobo and the club was just standing there, doing nothing. history repeats itself for her, first she couldn't save her kid and now they let that dude die. obviously they couldn't just call an ambulance and explain what happened but that doesn't make it easier for her. and then her dead child's father shows up on top of it...
- Lobo was a fucking idiot for entering garage in the first place. the sign saying "if you enter, you die" was not just for decoration, what did he think was gonna happen? but hey, no one liked him anyway, lol. yeah sure, he hated having a prospect tell him what to do but man, did that bite him in the ass. 
- Guero should've been visible more, he needs an episode centered around him, idgaf what anyone says. Bottles has been front and center for two episodes, give him the same treatment. there's unfinished business with Diaz and I want him to finish it. well fuck, I fell for this guy so fast it's actually a little embarrassing, lmao.
- the Broken Saints, I like them. Johnny Panic putting EZ in his place with "my attention isn't free" and putting him to work, good for her. but who is really calling the shots in their club, who is "mother"? 
- I can't wait for KJ's ghost to come back and haunt EZ and I hope he's not gonna get out of that one. Angel looked at him so fucking loud when Hank said there's a rat. also, wasn't EZ supposed to have a photographic memory or some shit, why does no one seem to remember that, not even the writers...
- Bottles is actually so sweet, he and Elio are amigos now. he reminds me a little of Steve though and hopefully he won't end up the same way... 
- Nails is back and she's doing well. I wouldn't have needed to see her again but I'm glad she's doing well. are she and Hank getting together after all?
- they, the cast, talk about coming full circle so often that I'm beginning to think when, not if, EZ dies, Angel will leave the club (family beach scene) and Bishop will be sitting in the president chair as if the "Reyes era" never existed and shall never be spoken about ever again.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
hey :)) got any hopes for the race? who do you think is going to be in the top 3? (i'm just hoping for no in-team drama, but maybe that's bc i'm new lol) - @monegasquess
no in-team drama -> oh man @monegasquess you're gonna get me yapping. i feel like we've entered f1 at such a sanitised / different age to what it was before but there always was, is, and will be ✨drama ✨... what form it takes i don't know!
but it is certainly interesting compared to even 5 years ago how the public narratives have changed and how much teams (or maybe specifically ferrari and mclaren as examples) actively rely on happy-brotherly driver narratives to market the sport to new audiences (people like us) now. even with red bull i get the sense that the only reason we're not seeing inter-driver drama is because checo knows exactly where he stands and what is role in the team is, which is definitely interesting to watch. we are experiencing max in the kind of... moon waxing phase because he already has 3 WDCs but we're also seeing indications of how volatile he can get when there's a hint of challenge to getting him that WDC, like silverstone, austria, hungary. it seems like a very different type of drama to the danil/pierre/alex albon eras where they were younger drivers feeling like they had a lot to prove to each other as much as the team... but i digress.
where we're at in the season now makes for extremely compelling racing, especially given the almost clean sweep max made last year / what a friend of mine called "max's leisure sunday morning drive" to p1 every time lol. and this is not to downplay that he is a once in a generation driver who wrangles magic out of the car - due to a variety of reasons it hasn't been easy for him this year and that's what makes for great viewing too: added stakes.
TANGENT ASIDE, my personal hopes for the race... from a mclaren pov....
obviously i'd like an oscar podium in spa (tho a win would be stellar). he's driving well and idk anything about the track conditions or whether they favour the car but consensus seems to be that the orange car is a rocketship whichever way you slice it, so. but also. maybe something people don't talk about as much is how much driver synergy is actually required - amongst the other engineering prowess obviously and huge credit to andrea and team here - to get the car developed to this point. lando and oscar are clearly very evenly matched in skill at the moment. to me, in an oversimplified way, lando has better tyre management, and oscar is better on attack. and also i am thinking about how andrea says it seems lando and oscar discuss the car amongst themselves before they deliver feedback so they are on the same page. so it'll be exciting to see them battle wheel to wheel more... and certainly not without drama.
there also was a really funny and accurate post about how mclaren's DNA has been kind of... repositioned publicly to be all chummy chummy but that's probably going to change if the two drivers ever end up fighting in earnest for a WDC. idk. there are a lot of unknowns. there are a lot of possibilities. there's a reason why fic is the fun sandbox to explore those because we also just never know what might happen with the reg changes by '26 which could toss mclaren all the way back to middle of the pack, it's incredibly hard to say.
one thing for sure though. is that until oscar gets his wdc (which in my biased but also strident opinion he will in his career)... i am unfortunately buckled tf up to watch lmao.
and the sport will change again with the arrival of new talent, new marketing, new audience acquisition, the direction that Liberty Media i.e. the owners want to take it (more street tracks...eugh brother eugh)... so who knows, genuinely.
anyway your ask about this particular race weekend turned into a much longer essay centred around my interest in oscar and the future of the sport sooooo uh yeah staying true to my rep as yappatron 3000 i guess. but with summer break coming up and new folks following the sport all the time, i thought it was worth chatting about!
thank you for the question!
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ziltoidcoffee · 1 year
I had a dream about a Regency AU. Imagine Daniel the long-suffering social darling because he has the most suitors. Can't enjoy a party because suitors flocking around him at any given moment lmao.
(Anon, don't kill me for just now getting to this. But here's a Silverusso regency era drabble! Thanks for sending an ask <3 Also this is some AU where there's no LGBTQ hate cause I ain't here for that.)
Daniel frowns at his reflection in the mirror. His overcoat is practically swallowing him whole, and the vest beneath is way too tight, even when he undoes the top button. But Ali explained this was the point: to make Daniel look small and delicate, the perfect future groom for all his potential suitors tonight. Only the former was true though. He was shorter than most men in the village. But after learning karate, a type of hand-to-hand combat, from his guardian Mr. Miyagi, he was nothing but delicate.
And yet, his mother always thought Daniel should marry into a wealthy family, and after her tragic death in a carriage last autumn, he could only honor her dying wish, despite how much he doesn’t want to give up his independence. Mr. Miyagi even encouraged him to stay single and said he’d always support Daniel, but his guardian was growing older each year, often speaking of returning to his home in the east.
It was now or never for him to marry, and his socialite friend Ali was more than happy to host, inviting all the single, wealthy men in town to Mr. Miyagi’s manor for the evening. All Daniel had to do was show up. He just wished she selected an outfit something less stuffy. 
But as he enters the grand hall in his guardian’s mansion, his eyes widen at the large gathering of men dressed in their finest garms. He suddenly understands her persistence on what he wore, especially when they all turn to look at his entrance. 
“And here is the young bachelor in question tonight,” Ali announces, appearing at his side with a grin, and Daniel gives them all a formal bow before turning his back to glare at his friend.
“There are far too many men here,” Daniel hisses, but his smile has returned before he turns back around.
Ali chuckles, wrapping her arm around his to lead him across the room. “Not enough in my opinion.” She leans in closer so no one can hear. “Johnny invited far too many associates from his gentlemen’s club. Be sure to steer clear of them.”
Daniel nods, sweeping his gaze across the strange men. “How can I tell?”
She releases his arm and points at her wrist. “They’re all likely wearing their gold cobra cufflinks. If they aren’t, be on the lookout for the name Dutch at the very least. He’s the worst of them. Not sure how a man like that joined the gentlemen’s club.”
He snickers at her joke before taking a deep breath. “All right,I’ll go socialize then.” There was no backing out now. “Wish me luck?”
“You won’t need it, Daniel.” She gives him a wink then catches the eye of another woman attending who she falls into conversation with.
Meanwhile, he’s left standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, feeling like an untrimmed branch in a perfectly pruned bonsai. Like the one outside the window of the hall that draws his attention. The temptation to go outside is strong, but before he can plot his escape, a man approaches Daniel and introduces himself. At first, they share small talk, boring details like job titles and town of origin. Then he begins to talk about their future together and how he sees Daniel fitting into his life. Apparently, he expects them to adopt right away, have Daniel raise the children at home, and of course, there’s no mention of his career or goals.
This repeats several times before he finally escapes. Each man has a similar story, presents a boring plan for their future, then Daniel moves closer to the window, only to be stopped. Eventually, he manages to step outside away from the crowd, and thankfully, Ali blocks the door, telling everyone the next course of dinner is being brought out.
“I’ve never been so jealous of a plant,” Daniel says to himself, staring at the bonsai in the center of the courtyard. “No men to bother you out here, are there?”
“Perhaps I should leave then.” The unfamiliar voice sends a shiver down his spine, assuming he was alone, but when Daniel glances up, a strange man appears from around the tree. Like most of the men tonight, he is dressed in expensive clothing, and his long, dark hair is tied behind his head into a formal bow. 
Though unlike the others, he appears older than Daniel, perhaps by at least a decade, and as he draws closer, his taller height becomes clear. It’s almost intimidating when paired with the easy confidence the strange exudes, but Daniel doesn’t show his trepidation. Nor does he show his attraction because the man has to be the most handsome person he’s ever seen since moving to the valley.
He clears his throat and glares up at him. “Perhaps you should. As I do not know how you got out here. Guests were told to stay in the ballroom.”
For a second, the stranger smirks, almost appearing amused. This is quickly replaced by a frown and a bow. “I’m sorry, Mr. LaRusso,” he says and gestures at the tree. “But I was admiring your beautiful bonsai. I could not resist a closer look.”
Bonsai. He actually knows the name. Daniel can’t resist a smile. “You have heard of bonsai?”
“Indeed.” The tall man grins. “I have a fascination with the far east. I have several bonsai in my manor, along with many other treasures I brought home from my time abroad.”
“You traveled to Nippon?” This is the first time he’s been genuinely interested in something a man has said tonight.
“Yes, and to several other neighboring colonies.” He twirls a cane Daniel didn’t notice before in his hand, and the glow from the outdoor oil lamps danced off the silver snake wrapped around the edge. “All for business. Though I would gladly return. I found much pleasure in the culture there.”
“Me too. I mean—” His cheeks grow warm. He’s not sure why. Talking to all the other men inside never made him this flustered. “I traveled there last spring when my guardian’s—Mr. Miyagi’s father passed. But I suppose we were technically in Ryukyu.”
“Ah, yes. Ryukyu.” The stranger nods. “I’ve heard the islands are lovely.”
Daniel’s smile widens at the man’s appreciation, and he realizes then they have not been introduced. “Sorry, uh—I’m Daniel LaRusso, Mr. Miyagi, the ambassador’s ward.” He bows before releasing an awkward laugh. “Though I suppose you could have assumed that.”
“Terrence Silver,” he introduces himself, followed by a bow. “But you may call me Terry. Or Mr. Silver if you really prefer.”
The permission to use a nickname sends more heat to Daniel’s cheeks. They were already on familiar terms. That had to be a good sign. “And you are here to meet me?” he asks because there’s no way this man is still single.
And yet Terry nods. “Correct. I was invited by Mr. Lawrence,” he explains. “His mentor at the gentlemen’s club is a close friend of mine. He mentioned your party in passing.” Daniel frowns at the mention of Sheriff Kreese. He was quite rude to Mr. Miyagi when he first arrived, only changing his tune once he learned the man was an ambassador.
“I see,” Daniel says shortly.
“Oh, I do apologize if John was rude to you,” Terry suddenly apologizes, as if he can read his mind.. “He has never been the same since the war. All the death you see—it changes a man. But worse yet, when he came home, his bride-to-be died of tuberculosis.” He blinks in confusion. Johnny never said the sheriff was in the war. That and his fiance’s death would explain much of his rudeness. “He has never been the same since we returned.”
His mouth drops open. “You were a soldier as well?” Daniel could believe him. He looked strong enough. That much was clear. But he acted nothing like the sheriff. 
The question pulls a frown at Terry’s lips. “Yes, John and I met as comrades, and we only grew closer after—when we both discovered our love of karate, which was what inspired by travels to the east.”
Daniel’s eyes widen at the familiar word. “You know karate?” The older man nods. He can’t believe his luck. Not only is Terry attractive and interesting, but they share similar hobbies. “I know karate as well. Mr. Miyagi taught me last summer.”
“Oh, really?” Terry’s grin sharpens. “What a convenience.” He chuckles. “And to think I almost did not attend. But lucky for us, my father has been insistent that I marry since I took over his business. I thought I would at least appease him by attending.” 
He frowns. Of course, Terry wouldn’t come out of serious interest. “However, I am very glad I did.” The older man steps closer, and Daniel sucks in a breath. “As I was able to meet such a charming, cultured young man—one whose mere sight took my breath away, even before he spoke.”
For the first time tonight, a man’s advances has sent warmth to Daniel’s gut, as well as his cheeks. He’s not sure what to say, but a chance never comes as a soft knock behind them turns his attention back to the door.
Ali stands with a grin on her face. “Sorry to interrupt.” Her eyes dart between the two men, and Daniel’s face burns with self consciousness.
“Yes, Ali? What is it?” He tries to hide the annoyance in his tone but is unable to.
She chuckles. “I was simply coming to inform you the next course is almost entirely gone already. Perhaps it would be best for you to come in and have a serving, or you may spend the rest of the evening with hunger pains.”
Daniel snorts. His friend knows him well. “Yes, that would be best.” He turns back to Terry with a smile, but the older man’s expression does not match his own. Annoyance has twisted his handsome face, and an apology is already at his lips. “Excuse me for leaving in such a hurry, Mr. Silver. I can be quite irritable if I don’t eat.” He lets out a forced laugh at his joke.  “Would you care to resume this conversation shortly?”
Terry nods. “Of course.” His smile returns as he heads toward the door where Ali still stands, and Daniel follows after, only to stop when Terry glances back. “I will find you at a later time tonight. I would very much enjoy getting to know you, Mr. LaRusso.”
His face is lit aflame again. “Yes, and I you, as well,” he stammers, and Terry smirks then disappears among the crowd of guests.
But Daniel doesn’t get farther than a step before Ali grabs his arm. “What?” 
Her face is etched with concern. “Do you know who that is?”
“He told me his name is Terrence Silver,” he answers with a shrug. “Said he was acquainted with Johnny’s mentor. But unlike that awful sheriff, he was—” So many words come to mind, but Daniel settles for, “Amazing.”
She blinks at him. “Did he show interest?”
He doesn’t understand her disbelief. “Yes, why? Do you not think I’m good enough? Weren’t you the one who threw this party?”
“Relax, Daniel. You are worthy. I promise. ” Ali says with a smile. “He’s just—don’t you know who that is?” Daniel shakes his head. “That’s Lord Terrence Silver, the Earl of San Fernando.”
“Oh my god,” he gapes, unable to take his eyes from Terry—no, Lord Silver across the room. “You must be mistaken, Ali.”
Her laugh tickles his arm. “I’m not.” She pulls him closer. “And if you marry, you would be Countess Daniel.”
Daniel runs a hand over his face. Why did he let her talk him into this party? And why did the only suitor he liked at the party have to be a noble?
Well, Countess Daniel Silver didn’t sound too bad.
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
Tbh the atsv fan "characterization" that pisses me off the most is the Miles Morales Prowler shit. Thats just a 15 year old. Good god. It makes me want to punch a bitch. At least Hobie is punk (even tho like. I still super dont like thag a lot of characterizations of him that seem to rely too much on the fact that a lot of Punk Thingz™️ (namely, drugs and hate for authority) are also antiblack stereotypes and we should be giving benefit of the doubt in these cases)
But Miles Morales is still Miles Morales, even if in a dif universe he's the prowler and his hair's different(? Im ngl im white and idk if it has anything to do with this, but ive seen his hair referenced before as important). I also see a lot of ppl forgetting how Morales was treated after the first movie, that fuckin colored pencil post still makes me mad.
Pissing me tf off. Sorry for mini rant it just seems you are also on this topic rn and none my friends seem that into the spiderverse 😔
Oh the moment I tried to block the Miguel tag (which DIDNT WORK, btw), the Miles G reader stuff showed up and I had instant regret 😭 but I haven't seen much for him outside of that. I'm glad I haven't, now.
Tbh, I wasn't really into Fandom when ITSV came out, so I (gratefully) missed all of the bullshit I heard happen with that one.
What's really pissed me off about Miles' seeming depiction by fandom, at least in the sections I've seen, is...idk if I'm saying this right.... To over simplify him? Like it frustrates me that a movie, both movies, the existence of Miles Morales himself, ALL have to do with themes of race, representation, and belonging. Yes there are plenty of other messages that are important, but all of them connect back to that identity too.
And people are just... Glossing over that. In this desire to go "oh he's so precious"- in what I'm sure is white ppls well-intentioned attempt to not be seen as a racist that doesn't care about Black children- they are still managing to completely ignore how his identity is symbolic in the storytelling. It's colorblindness in a movie where seeing race is essential and if you're gonna ignore it you might as well not even watch it at all bc at its core it's HIS story.
Like yeah, you think he's queer allegory, yeah you recognize how it feels to not belong, how to fight the status quo, fantastic, I love it, are you actually engaging with the race aspect that affects his experience of all of those things? Are you processing that when Rio said he might not be accepted in spaces, just maybe you have brown friends who feel that way in white spaces, fan and otherwise (esp now with affirmative action lmao, but always with Miles in the comics and dealing with fans). It's easy to think a multicultural movie with a Brown antagonist, well it "can't have to do with race" and that's just not true.
That's why people fixating on Hobie mildly disturbs me too; he TOO is a BLACK punk. That makes a difference, in his solidarity and what that meant for Black viewers. Or how they're ignoring Margo altogether despite her crucial role in his escape. Or how they're refusing to engage with Jessica Drew with understanding (you don't have to agree with her! I don't! But to understand where she stands in that spectrum from Hobie to Miguel, she is not nearly as bad as fandom wants to believe; she's actually comparable to Peter B but misogynoir prevents that conversation).
Like I am so happy we are finally entering an era where Black and Brown people are seeing themselves more on screen in roles we've yearned for, I am. But that also means it's time for white people to start engaging with what that means, and that means unlearning and learning.
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edotfightme · 7 months
The Harder Path That Could Have Been Walked
So I'm doing a live reaction to my own 10,000 word fic that I forgot I wrote. Link here. You'll probably have to read the fic to understand my reactions because I am not keying them to each part.
A lot of this is me complaining about my own writing.
Let's go!
What the fuck are these tags? WHAT DO YOU MEAN KIND OF???
Why did I tag sad racoons?
Wtf do you mean "don't summon void dragons" why is that in the tags???
I finally got past the tags.
This is a lot of worldbuilding in the notes let me check how much. 540 words of worldbuilding in the tags alone.
Wtf where did I find that language what does it say?
I can't understand a single word that was said before it translated to English it doesn't really work for an effect like I clearly intended. Plus the paragraphing makes it hard to read.
Bruh the first part was badly written we're starting off strong.
Oh shit, I started recognizing the second part. Ish. Holy shit it's like a core memory was unlocked. I remember thinking this was super cool. Let adult (questionable) me be the judge of that.
Hang on I think I realized why the hook was so shit. I was trying to keep his identity hidden. Still sucked though but good on you younger me. Still too many paragraphing issues. This was before I sorted those out methinks.
Holy shit Technoblade was still alive when I wrote this. Just had a moment while I thought of it.
Eww more text I can't read. Gonna scroll to the bottom to see if I translated it. MF I DIDN'T TRANSLATE FOR EVERYONE???? Where is the fic on my computer I need to figure out the translation- I'll finish this first hold on.
Lmao Tommy got put in his place. Should've put some sort of descriptor on the text so people knew how the Piglin was talking and which ones were talking. It's too intuitive.
"What are they saying?" I wanna know that as well Techno.
I just looked for the document and couldn't find it. The meanings will be lost to time.
Oh shit I forgot about the racoons. I gave Tommy a ton of racoons. That must be the sad racoons I mentioned. Wtf am I going to do with a bunch of racoons???
I wish I didn't press 'enter' so much jfc. Learn to write a paragraph little me. Number 1 thing I'll tell myself if I ever time travel is to write a god damn paragraph. This is exhausting to read.
Ewww I forgot about "pog".
Lol he scared the shit outta everyone you go kiddo!
The references to the bits are actually pretty funny though. I just wish I could understand WHATEVER THE FUCK THE PIGLINS ARE SAYING!!!
Also the lack of racism in this book infuriates me. Don't get me wrong, I don't condone racism, but could they be just a tad bit more racist to properly set up that they are the bad guys. The cult stuff isn't enough. We need to really hate these guys. TREAT THEM LIKE SHIT!
Lmao Tommy just had a moment where he's just fucking experiencing a past life. Which is mood. Like when you're walking in a crowd and you lock eyes with a familiar stranger and you stop for a moment to stare, wondering who they could've been to you. But then the moment shatters and you're left standing with the broken remains of what could never be.
The pacing and plot convenience is shit though (where is the racism? The foreign and silent curiosity of who you are?) let me just continue the fic.
I WANT TO FUCKING READ THIS FIC NOT A TON OF GLYPHS! The whole fic will be like this god dammit. I didn't realize this was my era before I learnt how to write foreign languages.
Haha. The random moment where it's just gibberish and then "fuck".
For those of you who aren't reading alongside me, here's piglin dialouge for reference:
"ᛟᚺ! ᚺᛁ! ᛁᛟᚢ ᛊᛈᛖᚨᚲ ᛈᛁᚷᛚᛁᛊᚺ?! ᛏᚺᚨᛏ×ᛊ ᚷᚱᛖᚨᛏ! ᛗᛁ ᚾᚨᛗᛖ ᛁᛊ ᛉᛖᛈᚺᛁᚱᚢᛊ!"
wtf does that even say???
"... that good old pogtopia look in his eyes" what was younger me smoking???? I can picture the exact expression but jesus christ kid are you alright?
Why the fuck can Phil speak english? Are they all speaking a different language? What is happening right now?
"The door to their cell swung open and Mr "Goes missing and freaks everyone the fuck out but is fine since he joined a cult" runs in." Holy shit little me you fucking killed him.
"Don't worry mate you won't be sacrificed." What kind of reassurance is that? I know it's like that on purpose but it's terrible. The unknown is scarier than the known. That's what I was banking on with Sinners.
"Eventually, Wilbur stopped looking like he was 5 minutes away from war crimes and now looked like he was 2 seconds away from war crimes for a different reason." I'm sorry but these quotes are something else. Where is the comma? You could've made this a beautiful paragraph but it's just a sentence. DESCRIBE THE ANGUISH!
Which corner is Wilbur staring at? Shouldn't he just like... glare at Phil with murder in his eyes? Also why is Tommy the attack dog? I get that Wilbur is roleplaying a drama club goth but shouldn't Techno logically be the protective one here? Or them all trying to shuffle each other behind themselves like some weird fight. And Phil's just standing there confused and vaguely exasperated, like it's someone else's emotions.
Don't make me rewrite this fic I don't want to touch it again.
Lmao them being so distracted by roleplaying drama kid goths and they forget to escape. Most realistic thing I've seen so far.
Plaininnit lol that's actually a good one. Also why are they answering? Make him fight for the info you muppets! But the mental disorders though.
What was the point of that entire prison scene? It looks like it served no purpose. It didn't move the plot forward at all! It just served to show us that Phil can also speak normal? Like- we could've had that later?
At last, a piece of dialogue I think I understand! The X must be an apostrophe then.
Why is Wilbur speaking in percentages? I should've had Techno's chat run a poll and the odds not looking too good.
Why is Phil in the cult council? Did I explain that? Idk if it was in the worldbuilding or later...
Why'd Tommy also shout in another language? What is with younger me and making reading difficult? I can tell why this one was so poorly recieved, nobody wants to translate a book to read it.
Eww I used "snapped" twice in the same sentence.
Why is Tommy suddenly mute now? I know I had a reason, I just can't remember it.
Hang on I gotta scroll up and read some world-building rq.
Wait fuck what is the techno quote??? oh right- "WELCOME HOME THESEUS!" Just got to the part where Tommy mimes his name across.
*to the music of where is the justice* "Where is the pacing?"
Why the music memory thing? I know what I'm meaning for the audience to ask themselves but why did I do that? I should've introduced that later on. It would've made a better plot.
Lmao the warped fungus bit was funny though.
Bruh I nailed the creepy elder thing on the head. I don't know why I'm just good at writing sleazeballs taking advantage of kids (not sexually, just in a way that grates uncomfortably against the reader). I don't know where that comes from.
WAIT I THINK I MIGHT'VE REMEMBERED A PLOT POINT! Are all of Wilbur's snakes lavaproof? Is that why I had the scene?
Oh that is disgusting what is wrong with you little me? I should've tagged cannibalism. It feels like cannibalism.
The pandora's vault Dream being grounded bit is funny and I live for it. Little me had ideas. Offputting ideas but ideas.
Lol Elder took the jukebox.
This is so uncomfortable to read but not in the way an Elder scene is. Just Phil thinking that Tommy's eyes being red means he's happy but it's fake. And Phil hating it when Tommy's eyes are blue is just tragic. Because it comes across as Phil hating it when Tommy is himself and then he's happy when Tommy wakes up brainwashed but Tommy came to him for comfort because he was fucked I just- Little me you are one messed up kid.
HAHA He named Cat "Dream" because it envokes bad memories.
Oh wait that's what the beneath the surface intention was. The surface reference was that the colours reminded him of the people.
Phil dropped Ancient Debris on his foot. Wouldn't it be fucked up if Mojang added a weight limit in Minecraft?
The typos in her description though... I want to cry.
OMG KRISTEN IS HIS THING! That's actually adorable though. Little me knows how to make me aww.
More Techno vs the Warped Fungus bit I am living for it.
What is with the blue and red strobe lights that are Tommy's eyes? What is wrong with him? Little me? Explain?
Wait why is everyone just vibin in the castle? What's with that? Also Phil being a moron for Kristen and she's just being a little shit. Dream joined a nether fortress as well lmao.
Oh that's what the warped fungus bit joke was for. So he could still be lava-proof.
Wait why are we singing ten duel commandments? Did I organize the ending to that song? that sucks.
OH MY GOD I WROTE A CHILD GROOMER??? Holy shit that is foul. I was a child when I wrote this. What the fuck? No wonder why I was getting the heebie jeebies. I literally wrote the Elder as a character that is grooming Theseus.
The wills part was so out of place idk.
Double use of worried kill me now.
Oh damn the Phil and Kristen scene hit. That one definetly didn't feel out of place.
OH SHIT I didn't expect Phil to pull Tommy out of his ass. The jail scene looks important now.
They found him. Chat. It's only a matter of time.
Aww trauma babies. Them all being so traumatized that they're fully on alert and watching for fireworks.
Also the fact that I'm pretty sure the Elder was placing Tommy into a drugged trance and basically hypnotising him is fucked up. Younger me you are messed up.
Kristen's entrance was pretty darn good. Like the crows being death and just everyone and everything knowing who exactly is gracing their halls is terrifying and excellent.
Philza for the save finally! Let's go!
Lmao Techno's mates at the Bastion being right bastards and telling the gossip I am living for it.
OH shit, the author notes at the end. The entire flock was there. Damn, Elder was not escaping with his life after grooming one of his kids.
And that's it! I hope you enjoyed my commentary on my 10,000-word book. I actually found it enjoyable to rediscover my own book. I can understand how other people got put off by it but after slogging through the dialogue I couldn't fucking read it was a decent story. A few issues but overall a fun experience.
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momsforroadhead · 7 months
hey bestie please say more about labyrinth?
nooooo i asked for this lmao um well
i thought about straight up posting my paper, but it's in french so. yeah.
BASICALLY it was for a mythologies of cinema class and we had to pick a mythical figure whose presence could be argued in a movie. i chose Peter Pan as a mythical figure, which was present in Labyrinth's Jareth. My paper was titled "The eternal child or the old boy", because old boy ("vieux garçon") is a euphemistic way of referring to older, gay and therefore unmarried men (in french).
a mythical figure refers, in thias context, to any figure/character who represents a type which can be replicated, along with it's themes, in stories forever, which transcends time.
in Peter Pan's case, he is used, often in pop psychology, to refer to a "man child" (peter pan syndrome etc), which is also often used to refer to queer men, because can rarely (if ever) achieve what is percieved by a cis/heteronormative society as adulthood. in one paper i read, the author highlighted the fact that "boy" only makes sense as a transitionnal state towards "man". if one never achieves manhood, then what does being a boy really mean for them. in this paper, the author then focused on the importance of the boy for transmasc people, touching also on "bois".
jareth has, unlike peter, achieved a sort of biological adulthood, but his societal role is not that of The Man. he remains unmarried, rules over a kingdom which is disorderly and immature and, at his core, exists only within a childlike fantasy world. by kidnapping sarah's brother and by attempting to marry her (or have sex with her, which, in this fantasy world, is considered equivalent).
like one of the rebloggers mentioned, the narrative is very rooted in stranger danger on sarah's part, much like it is for wendy in peter pan! wendy is led out of the home, away from her new motherly responsabilities (she is 14 and moving out of the nursery, starting to care for her brothers) by a figure which threatens to keep her in eternal childhood, away from the societal role of the woman. we even learn that peter visited her mother when she was younger. however the scary stranger who would corrupt a young woman looks much different in the late 80s than he did in the edwardian era.
the casting of bowie is not coincidental here. with his public persona, he very much represented in the minds of then everypeople this idea of queerness. they also added to this with his costume. the revealing tights, the leather boots, gloves, vest and whip (!!!) the big hair metal mane, the flouncy shirt (at the time, pirate clothing was very in fashion with the new romantics, a very queer (yet apolitical it's complicated) subculture (think boygeorge) which was inspired by bowie and which he had recently associated with) and the kabuki makeup (a theater in which casts were initially entirely made up of female sex workers, and later of men). this all contributed to project this image of sexual deviancy and gender fuckery, of deviation from the norm which, as we see in the film, was actually tempting to sarah!
however, at the end of the day, the story is not about him. she's the heroine, she has to succeed. jim henson has said that he really wanted to empower young girls with labyrinth, so sarah states that he has no power over her and goes home. back on track to the societal role of the woman, the motherly role (taking care of her little brother). but henson is kinder to young girls than barrie was, and he allows her to keep her childlike wonder, her imagination, her fantasy. all her friends from the labyrinth (three different but positive masculine figures) appear in her room, the sanctuary of the Girl in the 80s, they tell her that they'll always be there when she needs them. but Jareth, cannot enter this sanctum, this "re-gendered" society. he is a menace to it and therefore stands at the window, in bird form (i have to note that peter pan is, in the book, cannonically half-bird), looking in before flying away.
i had never considered the teenage predatory/rape fantasy that one of the rebloggers brought up, that's actually so smart!!! and apt!!!!!! wish i had thought of it in time to write it into my paper cause my conclusion was pretty weak!!!!!!!
so yeah there you have it. i will understand if you don't have the time to read all that.
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