084392 · 1 year
"When groups of [spheal] eat, they all clap at once to show their pleasure. Because of this, their mealtimes are noisy." actual tears in my eyes.,,
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As it should be
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cagemasterfantasy · 6 months
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Alolan Vulpix the Fox pokemon a ice type
Ability: Snow Cloak Hidden Ability: Snow Warning
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Defense Speed:65
Lowest Base Stat: Hp:38
Base Stat Total: 299
These Pokemon live in packs in the snowy mountains and defend themselves with icy breath. I suspect this species changed its form to adapt to the frigid climate.
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Use a Ice Stone to get Alolan Ninetales the Fox pokemon a ice and fairy type
3ft 7inc
Ability: Snow Cloak Hidden Ability: Snow Warning
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Speed:109
Lowest Base Stat: Attack:67
Base Stat Total: 505
Dwells on sacred peaks perpetually covered in snow. Said to appear to virtuous people who have lost their way on mountain paths—it then guides them back down to the mountain's base.
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junipersramblings · 5 months
Hey Marble Hornets fans, whatever you do, don't check the dates in the corner of Entry #26 and enttry #37
Trust me, you'll just make yourselves sad
Alright fine, but don't say I didn't warn you
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The last day Alex saw his girlfriend alive, the day she DIED, was his BIRTHDAY
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arkgifs · 1 year
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enttry #37 + fragments
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imsogayyippee · 5 months
thoughts on timlex being each other's foils or paralells between them? or how do u think it would have gone if alex had accepted tim's help during the last entries? ough, beloveds
FUCK this got long um. sorry
Timlex are so paralells.... "what if what happend to me is happening to alex right now?" AAAAAAAHAHHAHAHDVHWBDJWBFJWBXNANFNJWDNE like.... according to enttry 37, it looks like the operator somehow was also around alex as a kid, therefore like....... they both were haunted as a kid by the operator, wether they knew (Tim's "hallucinations") or not (alex apparently didn't see any signs of the operator as a child). ive seen someone point this out somewhere um. tim's like main color is red and alex's is blue, but in entry #86 tim is wearing a blue flannel and alex is. well.Covered in blood. which I think if intentional, was a way to show that tim had taken alex's role in that entry, since he was the one killing someone now, a behavior seen frequently in alex but not in tim. OUUGHH I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT THEM SORRY THIS POST IS GETTING LONG....
And about the second thing, GOD.i love imagining that alex accepted tim's help in entry 86. it's honestly so sad because like. tim WANTED to help alex. He genuinely wanted him to get better, but not only did alex not accept his help because, yk, the operator fucking up his head probably made him just SO convinced that his plan to end the operator was the only way, but also the operator is known to make people more aggressive? when it shows up. Like in entry 82 for example. And so when the operator showed up, tim immediately stabbed alex and shit, but after he hears what alex was saying and leaves the room, he fucking cries...... ough.............. ripping my hair out...
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brittlebutch · 1 year
So THAT’S what he meant by “you missed one”! I’d thought he was referring to himself, but that still didn’t feel like it was the right interpretation.
I still have some questions, though: If Alex didn’t want to drag anyone else into this, why give Jay the tapes at all? Why not just say he’d already burned/lost them? I forget which entry it is, but there’s that one with the footage of Alex’s birthday party when he’s a kid—if The Operator’s there, does that mean he’s wrong and Tim isn’t the (only) source?
Less of a question and more of an angsty theory: What if Tim’s meds were helping somehow, but Brian just started taking them too late to reverse the damage The Operator has done? It’s possible that prolonged exposure caused the issues you mentioned, and he’s a shell of his former self (though still trying to help) like Tim said.
(If you’ve got any, I’d love some Brian and Tim fic recs—platonic or otherwise—where Brian lives. He was Tim’s best friend, and to have it end like that—I’m emotional and fully in denial. He’s fine, they’re fine.
Everything is fine. 😉)
Yay I'm glad it was able to help!! Going to answer your questions under a cut again because Spoilers and also I'm incapable of being brief lmao
Alex giving Jay the tapes is one of those things where it's hard to tell if it's a character beat (ie; Alex maybe thought he'd already burned most of the Operator related footage and just didn't realize there was more mixed in with the film project footage, OR just that he really did anticipate successfully killing Jay that evening and was like 'it's not like it's going to matter' and it's almost a 'one nice things before you go' moment) or if it's a moment of Operator influence (which has been shown to impact impulsivity and the ability to think clearly).
The Doyalist explanation though is just that the Marble Hornets project was started by planning out season 1 alone, which was organized and filmed as a more or less complete story that the creators decided to unfold further after videos had already been posted. It's likely that Alex's motivations and intentions weren't actually worked out in any detail (since the planning of season 1 was mostly done in terms of Shots and Footage as opposed to unfolded character dynamics) until around season 2 and beyond. Alex probably wouldn't have acquiesced and gave Jay the tapes, but because that was the Whole Beat that kicked off the series to begin with, it has to be left as a minor contradiction in his character goals as we learn of them later lol]]]
As for enttry #37, I'm kind of of the opinion that the Operator was not actually physically present in that footage; I tend to see it as something Brian edited into the footage to make a point. Sometimes I do wonder if Alex was haunted by the Operator as long as Tim was, but the way season 3 unfolds regarding that topic (Uncovering Tim's history, Tim's speculation, and Alex's agreement with it) makes me personally lean into the notion that Tim alone was the source as they entered college. To me, it feels like Alex's reactions to and goals drawn from his encounters with the Operator throughout the whole series weren't well-worn, you know? He doesn't seem used/adjusted to these things or able to rationalize they're existence as like 'some kind of childhood hallucination', it feels New to him, which is part of the reason why he reacts the way he does.
Also, the kind of hazy/staticky appearance to the Operator in enttrry 37 (and the fact that no one in the room reacts to it) makes it feel like a standard totheark edit rather than plain footage <- the Operator is always a tangible presence when it shows up, it's never ethereal or vague it's something with weight in the frame because it is there physically. If it had been Actually present at that party, then I don't think we should have been able to see it at all because there were no lights on (and it's not bringing a light source with it lol) during that shot. So I'm of the opinion that Brian took advantage of the blank dark footage to Edit in footage of the Operator, to make a point about how he thought Alex was the source of it (another reason he's so stung by the uncovering of Tim's medical records - because it would have forced him to re-contextualize some of his opinion of Alex)
That is possible! Without getting too far into comic spoilers, we have found out that Brian's exposure to the Ark has resulted in him losing tangible pieces of himself. By the time he dies, there was little (if anything) left for it to take; so it is possible that the damage was just too much to recover from anymore.
As for fic recs! I do have a few :3 I don't have a lot of fluff ones per se, because the angry/complicated character dynamics in this series are a huge draw for me, but I do have a couple Brian Lives Tim&Brian recs: GrenadeFestival's "Eutychus" and sp4rrowbird's "Unpayable Debt". One of my own Marble Hornets series is an Everybody Lives one that has a couple of Tim&Brian-centric fics so far - Making Strange With one Another.
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purpleghostemblem · 4 years
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Greetings guys, I am Rhea ‘Ronironi’ Roniquez, and this is my first entry blog about…well…ME!!!
I would usually talk about things I do for fun and what not, my topics, reactions to films, my daily thingy ma jigs, and…MORE ME!!!
Entry# 2: 
It was a slow and boring week, there wasn’t much to see on the TV or online, not much of my friends have plans to go out, honestly, I thought I was about to sink on my sofa like a potato, until my parents told me that we might as well spend some time in the gym, so why not?
We’ve killed a whole hour in the gym, it was a boredom killer, if I say so myself. From push ups and treadmills to pull ups from those monkey bars, being in the gym wasn’t as bad as people say it is, well, they must have said it because they're kinda a bit lazy to get up, but I recommend to try to get some stretching, for your body’s sakes XD
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horridform · 5 years
url change ^w^
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entry84 · 7 years
fun fact we didn’t make and upload enttry #37, “j” did.
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Reasons Why You Need to Keep the First Year Photo of Your Baby
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Moms and dads would constantly be drown in happiness when they have their children provided safely and make an enttry into their life. The newborn will definitely ends up being the focal point among loved ones as they search for infant gift to praise in the kind of gifts. For some individuals, picking the best gift can end up being a genuine difficulty.
You can select a present basket which contains a selection of infant products which consist of soap, powder, feeding bottles, food and oil as a gift alternative. The majority of individuals tend to pick this to share the wondrous minute with the parents. A designer diaper pack will likewise be a great present for moms and dads who decide to take the infant for a getaway.
The toys mentioned might assist in the advancement of child's attention and sense of hearing. Toys that make a noise are also very popular with older children.
If it's a baby shower, you can get a baby shower present set that includes soft clothes, mittens, and caps for infants. One thing to keep in mind is that when you select a present, take the mommy's personal taste into factor to consider. With this, you can come up with special infant gifts that are different from others.
You can put the child's name in the gift. These tailored presents come in the type on embroidered blanked, diaper bag, or child bathrobe that comes with the infant's name.
Next to the gift ideas pointed out above, have you thought about a photo frame? There are might of them readily available out there. You can choose the 12 months memento frame that will be a memorable present for the baby's development. You can even make it more distinct and personal by picking a frame you can have etched with the child's name. A 12 months baby memento frame remains in our viewpoint, would be a delightful gift. It can show the infant and capture's very first year from month to month.
If you're looking for the keepsake frame, we advise you to get the ones from Baby Growth Collage. It can be found in 12 little openigs and 1 big central opening for displaying moments of the baby's development from a newborn as much as 1 year plus 1 month of age. The design is also astonishing that will perk up any corner you put it in.
For additional information, go to https://www.amazon.com/Collage-Photo-Frame-Baby-Keepsake/dp/B06XXVN16F?psc=1&SubscriptionId=AKIAJWUNWFOQULLYMUQA&tag=earth-techshop0-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B06XXVN16F
http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/baby photo frame
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mechaddiction · 8 years
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GUNPLA BUILDERS WORLD CUP 2014 (GBWC): CHAMPION & FINALIST ENTTRIES - On Display @ Gundam Front Tokyo [Part 4] #mecha – https://www.pinterest.com/pin/289989663491972482/
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zayzaycom · 6 years
Stevie Nicks, Janet Jackson, And Radiohead Receive Noms For Enttry Into The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame
Stevie Nicks, Janet Jackson, And Radiohead Receive Noms For Enttry Into The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame
A year after a Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame class that had many scratching their heads, 2019 will offer one of the most exciting classes in years. Radiohead, Janet Jackson, Stevie Nicks, The Cure, The Zombies, Roxy Music, and Def Leppard will all join the esteemed institution when it has its ceremony on March 29 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Among those nominated but missing the cut this year…
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Drunken Ramblings, from an old notebook
My lungs will burn as the ashes churn/there’s no return and I can’t discern/which way to turn/when the young kids yearn/for a way to learn/which books to burn
Nope. That’s garbage. that wasn’t even drunk, that was I think a creative writing related thing. what is drunk; is me. 
A friend wrote some long rambling drunk tumblr posts that were all very melodramatic. They too, were kinda garbage. Sorry, man, but I think you’d agree. He addresses some ‘you,’ an often referenced 2nd person singular pronoun. You you you, always you. He had a you. When he was drunk and felt like he was going insane and 16 and angsty and angry and sad and trying to sort all that shit out, he had a you. I have no you. There is no one. Is that because I’m not deluding myself to think that I have some deep emotional connection that isn’t really there? Cause reading said friend’s blog, it seems like that’s the case. I get the feeling any time anyone has ever felt close to anyone and really loved them, it was because the alternative was that they were alone and that was really fucking bleak so they fabricated a new reality where they were totally on board with this whole soulmate thing, and now they really think they’re happy and if that’s the case they’re probably right. But I haven’t got there yet. I think 99% of the people I meet are fucking garbage. I find flaws in them really quickly. I must say, I am glad I decided to write prose rather than poetry, because aforementioned friend wrote poetry and it kinda sucked. again, sorry man. No one, literally no one, is ever likely to read this. I’ll come across this in a couple months, years, whatever, and be disgusted. That's the general  trend. I’ve done it before, I might do it again, unless I find a fucking girlfriend for me to go crazy about. One that sticks around, that is. 
I’m sorry, I can’t keep living this lie. In all honesty, I’ve made about a billion spelling mistakes and I just now corrected them. I’m a hot mess typing wise, and I didn’t want you (reader) to think that I had my shit together in any way. 
There was a line in Jessica Jones that I dug the fuck out of. Russian mechanic says to bitchy alcoholic lady (protagonist): “Rude girls(the ‘r’ was rolled russian-ly) are lonely girls” 
Protagonist(incidentally rude and lonely) says: Countin’ on it. 
This tickled me. 
When I started writing, I had poured my first drink and felt sad. So I wrote. Now, I am very much the booze. Time to go be the cancer. When I come back I might tell you about the other enttries in my Drunk meloncholic notebook I keep. I shoplifted it from walmart. While I was back to school shopping with the parents credit card. Who the fuck knows why. Arrividerci, constant reader. 
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