nouhabelaid · 1 year
#Let's Explore Media in #MENA -Environmental Media in the MENA Region: A Vital Force for Change
Cliquez içi pour lire l’article en Français The MENA region faces critical environmental issues, such as severe water scarcity, desertification, pollution, and the significant environmental consequences of fossil fuel production and consumption, all of which are exacerbated by climate change. Immediate action is imperative to tackle these challenges and foster sustainable approaches, as they…
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phaeton-flier · 1 month
One of the things I'm not particularly sympathetic about is complaints about tourists in a "we, the locals, have a right to this place, and no one else".
All land, everywhere, and the resources on it, is the collective inheritance of all humanity. This is the basis of my views on open borders and LVT. Anyone who wants to move to a place out to be able to live there; If this drives up the cost of housing that's a problem of building housing, not a problem of people of the wrong race moving there. Anything else is inevitably blood-and-soil rhetoric screened through anti-colonialism. (The problem with colonialism wasn't "people moving to a place", it was the violence and the genocide)
I do give exception for sacred locations and for environemental protections; but if we need to limit the number of people living or using a location for the latter, that still gets rationed out among "everyone on earth", not just "locals".
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philcollinsenjoyer · 4 months
can every fly in the world drop dead i don't care about the environemental impact
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Then again, if parents named me Grape I'd turn to villainy too.
✨ Environemental Storytelling ✨
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frenshnewz · 2 years
Qatar World Cup: A pressing on the press
The Qatar world cup is now beginning in less than a month and this contested subject is about to get even more problematic as Qatar government made an announcement that is against press liberty
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Many controversies are affecting this event and the Qatar
Qatar world cup was already in many controversies, as the environemental conditions aren’t optimal and the living conditions of the workers are also worrying but a documentary made by the channel France 2 also revealed that there was also clandestine workers and that Qatar government is also making fake advertisement about the salaries of their workers.
The Qatar is restricting medias rights.
On Saturday we learned thanks to The Guardian that BBC that is an official broadcaster of the World Cup will only have a filming permission in some places related to football and are forbidden to film some places like hospitals, universities, or religious places. We also learned that medias are not restricted on the subjects they can treat but they are still forbidden to film inside people houses. This is clearly an attack to the press rights, FIFA also told they were looking to have talks with Qatar supreme committee to “ensure the best possible working conditions for media attending tournament, as well as ensuring that broadcasters continue to report freely without any restrictions”. But as long as there is restrictions, we can see that journalists are struggling to produce their content. We can look at the example of France 2 documentary in which they were forced to film a major part of the report with a hidden camera.
What are the risks
Looking at the restrictions we can think that it’s impossible in the actual state of the regulations that journalists produce content about the world cup that is not concerning the football, so many of them might try to break the rules and this can have consequences. As we can see thanks to an article of the French media Reporters sans frontieres from 2015 We learn that Mark Lobel a reporter from the BBC spent two nights in jail as he filmed a group of workers and showed the bad working conditions for this group. By looking at this case we can think that journalist that will investigate about the even might risk similar or higher sanctions.
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mi6012lucaminale · 11 months
Tracing the birth and death of corecore
Corecore is an artist movement
We are living in an artist movemnt at the moment, corecore is this.
Corecore can be a carthartic aesthetic experoience that takes seeminly random videos about the experience of living in the 21st century and matches them together tocreate an emotional respomce that refelcts the world that we see in front of us. However, this is incomplete. Corecore has become an example of anti intellectualism in my generation.
Coreocre is beginning to flater as the mainstramhas taken the aestheitic of the genre, stripped them of their ideological and philisophical meaning and have created new art based purely on the aestheitic of the genre. Early corecore was often imbued with politcial messages of anti industrialism, anti capitalism and environementalism. These messageswere mixed with great aestheitics bujt weren't empty. The genre takes inpiration from other worldly aspects of 21st centruy life. the videos weren't meant to make you depreseed but rather engage younger people into building intrest in certain political movements or radicalise/ mobalise them in a meaningful way.
However, as people outisde of this philiosophial bubble discocvered corecore videos had begun to trend more towards depression. This shift can be quiet dangerous- these videos may be that aestheic carathasis that the genre is known for. Divorsing the aesthics from the ideology means that we willneve get a meaningful art movement based on corecore. And it will just become another passing trend of aesthetic pleasure.
People have grown used to this new wave of corecore but i think the more liveley psyop is people taking these movements with strong politcial ideologies and completely divorcing them of that and turning them into souless and meaningless aestheics fads.
This extends to other movements in my generation. Were poeple don't actually want to intelectually engage in the art they produce and consume. With corecore you need to harness the energy of that movement and the passion for a political shift and a dreaming of a better world. But when we don't and we remove the meaning behind this and create media about how depressing and terrible the world is nobody gets mobolised. People get sedentary. People get depressed. People get stuck in their ways and don't want to anything.
Those original videos gave poeple hope that we may see some serious politcial movements
How dod we keep the intellectual core of an art movement while spreading them to the masses
the melancholic effects by mixing media and creating a collage. by taking these existential videos seriously and by doing so injecting urgency into them. This viewpoint is a start but incomplete, I'd like to invoke the spirtutality/ supernaturality to describe the feeling aswell. These feelings of dread and melancholy that you experience can also be experienced as a spiritual reckoning.creating a dissosiative reaction to viewing something things we belwive as real but we will never expereince in our lifetime. Creates a desire to see more
The numbness can be created because what you're shown is so esorteric and so far removed from youre life but you lknow if affetcs you.
Technology being tested has no meaning on your life currently but could have major impacts on countrires and peoples around the world
creating a dissosiative reaction to viewing something things we belwive as real but we will never expereince in our lifetime. Creates a desire to see more
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winari2 · 2 years
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lyd-sewing · 2 years
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When I broke up with a white friend and she unfollowed Malala, Sohla El-Walyly and Intersectional Environementalism on Instagram and the time I broke up with a non-white friend and she unfollowed Rupi Kaur. Like wtf do I have to do with those people. So your activism was performative and just a way to draw me in? And our friendship was more about you feeling good about yourself/ feeling like you weren't racist or something.
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t-shirts14 · 2 years
Check out this awesome 'Asteroids Dinosaurs Global Warming' design on @TeePubli
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eggcat · 7 years
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Some of the environmental paintings done with spidey & city landscape
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keepingitneutral · 3 years
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Diébédo Francis Kéré Awarded 2022 Pritzker Architecture Prize !
Born in Burkina Faso, the Berlin-based architect Diébédo Francis Kéré aims to empower and transform marginalized communities through the process of architecture. Kéré chooses projects in countries laden with constraints and adversity. The expression of his works exceeds the value of a building itself.
“His cultural sensitivity not only delivers social and environmental justice, but guides his entire process, in the awareness that it is the path towards the legitimacy of a building in a community. He knows, from within, that architecture is not about the object but the objective; not the product, but the process.” - Pritzker Jury
Gando Primary School, Gando, Burkina Faso,
Serpentine Pavilion, London,
Léo Doctors’ Housing, Burkina Faso
Arbalé Ke, “the House of Celebration,” Burkina Faso
Xylem Pavilion, Montana, United States
Burkina Institute of Technology
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‘Defend the Earth’
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justsomeantifas · 6 years
The UN:
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rainbow-femme · 5 years
Tahltan Central Government President Chad Day says the deal is a historic economic achievement for the nation as it will generate revenue and provide clean energy for generations.
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Imaginative Scenarios & Empathy
Any scenario, be it the end of the world or a trek through a backyard, can become something more if you use a little imagination.
To me, imagination is largely an exercise in empathy. You expand your perception when you try to consider the world as taken in through the senses of another person or living being.
For example, if you're in an art museum you'll come across different works from history; plates once used to dine on by noblemen in Austria, the armor was worn by a child training to be a knight, an ornate gold-framed mirror once used by a mother and daughter in the preparation for a ball, and etc. Maybe there is a specific person in your mind you can try to see the world through, or maybe you make someone up? You get the picture.
But empathy doesn't end with humans.
If you're sitting by a creak, you can try to think about what a fish sees as it swims through the water, or how a frog survives dining on dragonflies and water striders. You can glance up at the trees and see birds carrying straw to build a nest on the high branches of a birch. What must those birds be thinking? Are they thinking at all, or are they on autopilot, driven by the evolutionary need to reproduce? What about the bees - are they too merely subject to their instincts?
From empathizing with various lifeforms, you can build a world unlike your own, in which your neighbors may be many times larger than yourself, and your family might rely on you for their survival. You can see the world as larger, scarier, or perhaps all looks small from above as you live upon a mountaintop at the peak of civilization, an eagle.
Thinking from different perspectives, human and non-human alike, I find that I have an easier time creating worlds and unusual scenarios for characters to survive in or thrive in.
In my series, Fearghus Academy, I have a world that I plan on exploring deeper and deeper with each novel. As an author, I need to see both the protagonists' and the antagonists' perspectives. And if I'm creating a new species, I may want to consider the perception of another living being, like a bat or a gopher, a snake, a spider ... Or something fantastic that has little basis on our planet.
Then, in my new (and a bit experimental) science fiction series Eyes Of The Blackest Cloud, I have to consider how a planet would survive without sunlight. This means I'm considering the survival of not just humans, but of entire ecosystems filled with plants and animals. How much would die? What could be done to enable the survival of some life? How many people and animals would starve? What about diseases? When looking at survival from the smallest lifeform to the largest, I have to consider the needs of these creatures and how those needs will or won't be met based on the scenario.
So, friends, there's a whole lot to consider when writing. But whether you're a writer or not, using your imagination through empathizing with all life can lead you to enjoy the world and the passing of time on a wider, deeper level. You may find yourself wanting to protect all life more, too. This world is precious, and we need to take care of it.
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crockersbian · 3 years
“oh hey recommendations!”
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why is it always russians
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