#eonwe is manwes son
ttrtru · 1 year
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An old art from 2 Feb 2018.
Was doing some height chart to see who's tall and who's smol. A rather weird character selection compared to my usuals. Maybe I wanted to compare the heights of the elves.
Left to Right, Melkor, Manwe, Eonwe, Curumo, Aiwendil, Mairon, Celebrimbor, Maedhros, Curufin, Fingolfin, Feanor, Finarfin, Maeglin, Pharazon, Murazor, Khamul, Hoarmurath
The red lines are feets and the blue lines are cm.
I like to think Melkor and Manwe's heights are the same. Melkor might be wearing high heeled boots just to be taller than Manwe
Eonwe's the tallest of all Maia, probs close in height to the shortest Valar(probs Vana)
Probably drew Mairon too smol here but I like smol Mairon. I mean he's a shapeshifter so hey, he could be any height he want to be. maybe he wanted to be the same height at Celebrimbor
Celebrimbor is taller than Curufin, change my mind
Curufin is pissed coz a shady Maia is close to his son
Yeah I know Maedhros here ain't 250cm/8'0, or the elves in general are rather short. It's just my thing where I'm more into humanoid shaped beings being less than 8-9'0.
I drew Pharazon and Murazor next to each other coz they'd hate that(I specifically remember that even after 5.5 years).
Hoarmurath(6th Nazgul) is the shortest in this height chart but I still like to think he's very tall for a human. It's medieval level food for 99% of the population, surely the average height would be lower than what we have today.
Some HC are different to what I have now but I'm too slack for a new height chart.
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eri-pl · 1 month
So I was thinking about Eonwë
(as you do, especially when the Lil Birb is celebrating his week).
And I remembered how in the early writings he's the son of Manwë and Varda. So, he's got a star-themed parent and a bird-themed parent.
And we know who has the same pattern of parents (gender reversed): Elrond and Elros. (+obligatory mention of kidnap fam, but let's ignore them for now)
Therefore: Eonwe should have a brother, also with a name starting with E sister, also with a name starting with E, because why not, we need more ladies!
(Yes, my logic is "those characters have similar theme in one place so they need to be similar in one more place. It is a very valid logic. :D )
So, the question is:
No, we aren't making her to be dead just to give Birb more angst, we don't fridge characters! (But the mail-lady is canonically dead so that's an exception.)
When her job is decided, we can work on the name and other details.
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caenith · 1 year
Strongest of limb, and greatest in deeds of prowess, is Tulkas, who is surnamed Poldorea, the Valiant. He is unclothed in his disport, which is much in wrestling; and he rides no steed, for he can outrun all things that go on feet, and he is tireless. His hair and beard are golden, and his flesh ruddy; his weapons are his hands. He recks little of either past or future, and is of small avail as a counsellor, but a hardy friend. He has great love for Fionwe son of Manwe. His wife is Nessa, sister of Orome, who is lissom of limb and fleet of foot, and dances in Valinor upon lawns of never-fading green.
This description of Tulkas is everything to me.
Running around naked? Checked. A great potential for Tulkas/Eonwe ship? Also checked.
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Tolkien Masterlist
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Middle Earth
Amon Lanc:
Thranduil x Finrod x Reader
Melkor x Reader
Mairon x Reader
Eönwë x Reader
Halls of Mandos:
Námo (Mandos) x Reader
Forests/Halls of Oromë
Námo x Lissëndë (OC)
Halls of Tulkas
Fëanor x Reader
Character x Character ships
Varinen (Varda x Uinen)
Fëanor x Námo
Lords of Ilmarin (Manwe x Eonwe)
Medieval! AU
Medieval! Ainur AU Masterlist
Modern! AU
Mairon x Reader
Thranduil x Reader
Headcanons / Layouts / Mood Boards
Tevildo: HC 1
Alqualondë: City layout | Olwe’s palace layout | Temple of Eru layout
Re-embodied Finrod in Mirkwood: Part 1
The five kingdoms of the sons of Fëanor
Multi-Part Fics
Thranduil x Fem. Reader: A Better Future
Eärwen: Iron Hall
What would a character do:
What would Thranduil do
Stories for beautiful art
Tolkien OCs
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
Things that are absolutely not canon but I Can Do What I Want so here's what I'm rotating. Sliiightly au depending on how you interpret some things, but:
Eonwe, whose might in arms is surpassed by none in Arda, stopping Feanor at the gates of Tirion to all but beg him to not try and fight Morgoth without the aid of the Valar
Eonwe hearing from Manwe the news about Thorondor helping rescue Maedhros, and having way too many conflicting emotions about it, because he is overcome by both love for Manwe and frustration that this is already bending the rules and he can't go fight Morgoth until the right time comes
Eonwe rushing from Valmar when Earendil comes and calling him looked for and longed for, and helping him plead the case for the War of Wrath
And after Morgoth is cast down, the sons of Feanor, right back where they started, refusing his wisdom and choosing to rebel, and again Eonwe won't stop them from leaving, unharmed even though they have killed people under Eonwe's command
Just. Eonwe who will fight Melkor in the Dagor Dagorath, getting to have a storyline about deeply grieving the fate of the Children of Iluvatar
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cilil · 27 days
forgive me because i love to ramble about characters i love so i'm genuinely curious about your hall of fame of “look a real man” because i 1000000% agree about manwe but since im obsessed with eonwe x gothmog because of your wonderful fics, is gothmog also there? because eonwe can be his babygirl lmao idk
Never apologize because omg this is the single best thing to pop up in my inbox after fleeing the crime scene of my (for now) last exam - if Tumblr had decided to notify me, which it hasn't because it's still glitched, but now I found it anyway. Thank you so much🤍
(Since I don't remember if I listed my current "look a real man" hall of fame in the tags/not everyone's seen those, the men I've currently accepted into this prestigious category are Manwë, Eönwë and Beren. Cases for new nominees may be made freely at any time.)
Anyway... Gothmog. Let me think. I'm gonna say: Old canon Gothmog (son of Melkor) definitely not, new canon Gothmog maybe not, my Gothmog (as in based on my headcanons) potentially yes.
Moral alignment is not really a factor here, now that I think about it. The "real man" criteria is more that the character in question is secure in his masculinity, no matter if he chooses to express it in a more traditionally masculine way - for example Beren and Eönwë being your typical "hero" characters - or if he goes against traditional or toxic masculinity - for example Manwë being unafraid to cry in public. The latter gives bonus points in fact. The other big thing is being a supportive lover regardless of said lover's gender, treating them respectfully and not acting creepy.
My Gothmog may be a slayer of blorbos, but aside from that he's a weirdly chill guy for a Balrog who likes bickering with his siblings, play-fighting and bathing in lava and also sleeps a lot. While he may participate in some taunting to keep up appearances, he has always known and acknowledged that Eönwë is just as much of a warrior as he is, even if his fána is just half his size and way cuter. He would even admit that Eönwë is the better warrior in a heartbeat. Of course he wouldn't back down from a fight, either because it's a fun sparring session or because they have to do their duty in a war - something both of them understand - but he knows what's up.
He's the classic big, strong, tough guy who doesn't talk much and appears "simple", though that doesn't mean he lacks intelligence. In fact, I do think Gothmog possesses the amount of emotional intelligence he needs to stay out of the drama Melkor and Mairon are causing all the time and to deal with Eönwë's particular brand of "weird bird man". It sounds so strange to say considering what a nightmare it is to face just any Balrog, let alone Gothmog himself, in battle, but I do think on a personal level he's awesome for anxious people. He'll be your literal rock and take care of everything.
So yeah, I actually do think Gothmog might make it into the "real man" hall of fame on the evil side as the reliable and weirdly sweet tough guy. Good thinking, bestie!
Some more nominees from me: Dior and fanon Irmo
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kanalaure · 8 months
⚓ from the silm asks!
⚓ Pick a Silm ship to go down with. What is compelling about their dynamic?
okay so i am absolutely in the small, small minority of silm fans here but it's maglor/eonwe for me. there's just so much potential
because the thing is, they don't make sense on paper. they don't have an actual on-page conversation ever (eonwe addresses the noldor once, and him and maedhros when they steal the silmarils, but maglor doesnt say anything back), the way melian and thingol's relationship is written doesn't make it seem like there are any other known maiar/eldar relationships, maglor's father is notoriously distrustful of the powers, maglor himself vanished into the sunset and his fate is unknown.......
but that also kind of cycles back into why it compels me so much? because i really get to dig into no, why WOULD they know each other, why would they like each other, etc
(my favorite question in the world is "what if" and i think it shows, lmao)
and also. the inherent tension of feanor's son and manwe's herald having a 'this is a bad idea' friendship that shades into something else, only for their opposing loyalties to pull them apart? -chef's kiss-
constantly rotating them in my head like rotisserie chickens
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doodle-pops · 2 years
This is such a cursed thought but
Manwe and Eonwe in a Angry Birds au?
Eonwe: Would you help me get revenge on my enemies?
Manwe: son, revenge it's not the ans-
Eonwe: that hawk it's trying to steal my mate
Manwe: WHAT? why didn't you tell me that earlier?! Common
*Manwe puts Eonwe on the catapult*
Eonwe: ready?! Now!
Eonwe: Get away from my partner!
Manwë and Eonwë as chubby fat birds😂 drifting from angry birds, but if this ain't Eonwë to some other bird and Manwë running after him
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dalliansss · 1 year
hi!!! for the fics I’d like to see from you how about something on modern au angbang or silvergifting? I think you ship the first but I’m not sure…
I wish you would write a fic where...
The intern tasked to bring the message was understandably weak in the knees when she finally entered the conference room. All the heads of departments in Valinor Holdings that mattered were in there, and it was nothing short of pure horror when all the sets of eyes in the room (elven, human, dwarven and hobbit) turned to her. The intern swallowed the lump in her throat, and walked toward the head of the long table, where the CEO was seated. Her heels clacked loudly in a room that had gone silent.
If he wasn't so stern and intimidating, the intern knew that the big boss, Melkor, would be considered hot: straight jet-black hair that hung to his waist, half-tousled suits (the man never bothered with proper wearing of a coat and tie), multiple rings on some fingers, gold-amber iris eyes, mouth perpetually thinned into a line. Right now though, the boss was unmindful of her approach; he was twirling a Montblanc pen in his right hand as he surveyed the papers from a brown manila folder.
The intern risked a peek. Divorce papers. Then she swallowed the fresh lump in her throat.
"Sir? Sir Melkor?" she murmured, voice soft and timid. "Sir?"
(It was Thuringwethil who sent her here. The woman had flashed her most charming smile and told her to deliver the news of Iluvatar Sr.'s death. This on top of the fact that Melkor was also served divorce papers on the same day. The intern swore that Thuringwethil was out to get her.)
He turned to her. The intern shifted from foot to foot. "Sir, your brother Manwe called. He said -- he said, your father has...has passed. He expects you to join him quickly at the hospital, um, decisions to be made? Sir?"
Those present in the meeting exchanged glances. Half a heartbeat later, the whispers started. The intern drew back. Please don't fire her. Please don't fire her. Oh, please don't--
The Montblanc pen was dropped to the desk with a clatter. Melkor drew himself up to his full height, and, without saying anything else, walked out of the meeting. The intern survived another day.
Mairon pressed the glass of cognac into Melkor's right hand. It had been a very long day for them all -- he had made it to the hospital first, having received the call from Eonwe, Manwe's personal assistant. Ten minutes after his arrival, Melkor had arrived as well. The brothers were perfectly civil, and for once, Varda remained seated and didn't butt into the conversation she had no business butting in in the first place. In quiet voices and few words, Manwe and Melkor agreed on funeral arrangements, an outline of a statement to be sent to the press.
He had watched Melkor pull the blanket away from the corpse's face, and he saw how those lips twisted in distaste, before the white sheet was put back in place. He would have approached, would have wrapped an arm around Melkor, but he knew that Melkor didn't like such gestures and surely would have merited him a harsh word or two.
But, there was also the consideration that Arien had finally pushed through with the divorce. Mairon didn't know the full details yet, but the custody of the twins was surely going to be a contentious point. He would have to tread carefully for the next weeks.
He sat down on the couch across from Melkor's seat, and for a long while they didn't say anything. Mairon sipped at his own glass of cognac.
"Call Feanaro," says Melkor. "I want the best corporate practitioner among his sons in a meeting with me in two days."
Mairon paused, glass half-raised back to his lips.
"Why him? I have other law firms at the slate who are better suited."
"Last I checked, I made the decisions regarding the course of action regarding my father's company. Not you."
Ah. It was one of those nights.
Still, Mairon's lips curled in displeasure. "Are you telling me this as your P.A., or as your lover?"
"Both. Make that call."
"As you wish, Melkor. First thing on my agenda on the morrow."
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mmm you know what! i'm going to submit my boys here too. eönwë/finarfin? but also turgon/elenwe if you're willing
thank you (also congrats on being nearly done with school!)
eönwë/finarfin are so so interesting but what is even interesting is the hot gossip around them. became close while preparing for the war and came back basically Elf/Ainur Marriage The Reprise, but like, if thingol was already married and king. they're adorable and so complicated, but really incongruously adorable sometimes.
the fact that eonwe is the other woman (the other bird, if you will) leads manwe to change the laws and costumes because he Does have a favourite not-son tho! this might have been finarfin's plot to change the míriel/indis/finwe situation and eventually step down if/when his dad comes back. eonwe is aware of it and loves his king who still has a neurotic need to be underestimated and plot cunning plots. he thinks it's cute :)
also i think it's amazing that finarfin finds his compatible brand of freak is an unknowable being made for righteous battle and absolute fairness. like!! what a guy, what a guy.
turgon/elenwe! rivals to friends to married to widowed/dead to rivals to friends to married!
in my heart of hearts turgon wakes up from mandos to find elenwe has taken over the raising of cities and leading of the people of gondolin and built her OWN city and he's simply living there. she's everything he's just ken. and after the insane stress of the last run he's just happy to be there (no, he has so many opinions, it takes work and delegating to make it work but it always did. at no point do they consider a brief separation, tho - they should, but they don't)
they have a weird dynamic even before post-death and the only reason anyone would marry turgon (INTENSE attachment style from the get-go) is if they're as intense. which elenwe is. like, she left her people for him! she's objectively an insane life choice! like girl! that's just a guy!
they're always ready to take on a light-hearted third tho, because they are A Lot at once even for each other. their gallery features such rolodex cards as finrod (semi-established) to elemmíre (it happened once in a sweet night in valmar) to maedhros (fun casual affair becomes the world's least fun exs-situation).
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numenorrex · 2 years
Why I Like the World of Tolkien So Much
     Why do I like the world of Tolkien so much? Is it because I like that it is medieval-inspired or because it is majestic? Ever since I watched The Lord of the Rings movies by Peter Jackson I was amazed by the beauty of the world and its geography, and how the characters and locations were brought to life. Not only was it majestic and medieval-inspired–it was the most amazing thing I saw in my entire life.
     But I found out that there is more. There were stories before the Lord of the Rings like The Hobbit which is about Bilbo Baggins going on adventures and The Silmarillion which is like everything in one like the Bible. I was shocked to learn about these stories and the biology of every being in the World of Arda.
   I found out Arda is the name of the World or Earth in Tolkien’s works. I was introduced to a character named Eru Illuvatar who is known as God in Tolkien’s works and the Ainur who are the angels/gods who are divided into two groups The Valar who are based on Christianity, Norse Mythology and Greek mythology, and the Maiar who are the angels. 
The Valar like Manwe and Varda based on Zeus and Hera from Greek Mythology, Odin and Frigg from Norse, Joseph and Mama Mary from Christianity, Ulmo based on Poseidon, Mandos based on Hades from Greek and Hela from Norse, Melkor aka Morgoth based on Satan, Nienna, Vaire, Aule based on Hephaestus, Yvanna based on Demeter, Vanna, Orome, Tulkas, Este and Nessa.
The Maiar are servants of the Valar, in earlier versions the Maiar are the sons and daughters of the Valar but they were changed to be servants instead of children. The Maiar include the Istari or Wizards like Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, and the Blue Wizards, Eonwe, Osse and Iluin, Melian, Mairon (later named Sauron), and the Balrogs. 
It is possible that characters like werewolves, vampires, and other characters like Ungoliant and Tom Bombadil are Ainur but Tom Bombadil is actually the Spirit created by the song of the Ainur. 
Some Valar like Aule, Yvanna and Melkor created their own people Aule created the Dwarves, Yvanna created the Ents, but Aule felt that creating a race of people is mistake so he tried to destroy his creation but Illuvatar stopped him, like how God stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac, Yvanna feared that the Dwarves the Creation of her husband would cut her Trees so she begged Manwe and Eru to create a new race of people known as Ents, Melkor wanted to create his own race of beings with the Flame imperishable or the Secret Fire but it only is part of Eru alone, so Melkor decided to take action during the song Ainur, Melkor does his Discord but Eru tells Melkor that he is Mighty but He alone is the creator, which makes Melkor unhappy but he hides his feelings, But due to the discord it created a dark spirit named Ungoliant who takes the form of a Spider and the mother of the Spiders like Shelob, Melkor did create other creatures by corrupting some of the Elves and became known as Orcs, Trolls were made by Melkor in mockery of Ents, Dragons and other foul creatures.
     Another thing I like about Tolkien’s World are the many Peoples of Middle Earth, also known as the Children of Illuvatar. They are races of beings like Elves, Men, Dwarves, and Hobbits. Elves are the firstborn children of Illuvatar, They’re immortal and stay young even if they reach 90, 100, or more. If Elves die they go to the Halls of the Vala Mandos to be re-embodied. Humans or Men are Mortal and live shorter lives, which is a Gift from Illuvatar Himself. However, One Man did fell in love with an Elf and They are Beren and Luthien. Beren and Luthien along with Tuor and Idril started a new race known as the Half Elves like Dior Eluchîl, Elured and Elurin, Ellwing, Earendil, Elrond, Elros, Elledan and Elrohir, Arwin and the line of Numenor. Dwarves are actually adopted by Eru along with Hobbits, but Dwarves and Hobbits like Men are Mortal. Dwarves like Durin, Thorin and Company, and Gimli live in Caves that they established as their Kingdoms and Mines. Hobbits live in Hobbit holes which are built on hills. I really love characters like Frodo, Bilbo, Sam, and everyone, and they even reflect Tolkien himself Because it reflects his life with his friends and family.
     Beren and Luthien is a couple that was based on Tolkien’s love story with his wife Edith. Beren was a Man who fled an attack from Sauron’s fortress Tol in Gaurhoth, traveling to the Mountains and Valley where Ungoliant’s Spiderlings lived and reaching Neldoreth where he meets Luthien and was Tasked to steal a Silmaril from Morgoth’s Crown to win his blessing to Luthien’s father Elu Thingol. Luthien was an Elf but not your ordinary elf as she was half-Maia, and her Mother Melian is Maia, Melian met Thingol in a small forest called Nan Elmoth, where she created a girdle surrounding Doriath and Neldoreth. Luthien helped her love, Beren, along with Huan the Valinorian Hound to steal a Silmaril. Beren decides to steal all three of them but his knife breaks and runs with Luthien to escape Angband but Beren loses his hand and the Silmaril to Carcharoth the Werewolf, Thingol decides to wed Beren and Luthien and hunt the wolf down but it claimed the lives of Beren, Huan, and Luthien but Luthien sang a song to Mandos about her grief and she along with Beren where brought back. Beren and Luthien would have a son named Dior who would later succeed his Grandfather as King of Doriath. Beren and Luthien did die one last time, although Luthien was half-elf, half-Maia she gave up her immortality to be with Beren one last time.
     Orcs are another race of being in Middle Earth. It is believed that they were elves once before Melkor corrupted them. When they multiply in number they can participate in many battles. Orcs along with Goblins, Uruk Hai, and Man Orcs serve Morgoth, Sauron, The Witch King, and Saruman and are loyal to their evil masters. Hobgoblins are superior orcs like the Uruk Hai they are strong and smart. There are also orcs like Azog, Bolg, Shagrat, and Radbug who are vicious in many of their own ways.  Orcs use terms like “snaga” which means slave in Black speech. Another term they use is  “snufflers” which is how they refer to their wide nostrils.
     Another race that serves Morgoth is the race of Trolls. While Orcs are mockeries of Elves, the Trolls are mockeries of the Ents. There are many Trolls in Middle Earth. Hill Trolls live in Hills and are seen opening the Black Gate. Cave Trolls are another type of Troll that live in caves, like the one we see in Moria in the Fellowship of the Ring. Mountain Trolls live in Mountains and are known to push the battering ram called Grond to ram the gates into Minas Tirith. Snow Trolls are rare in Middle Earth but we did see one in the Rings of Power TV show and they are mentioned in the story of Helm Hammerhand to describe Helm as he was looking for food and fighting off enemies with his bare hands. Half Trolls like Half-Orcs and Goblin Men are a mix between Trolls and Men. The Olog Hai, meaning Troll people, (like Uruk Hai means Orc People) are a group of Trolls known for war, as we see in the battle at the Black Gate in Return of the King. And there are the Three Stone Trolls: Bert, Tom, and Bill, whom Bilbo and Thorin’s company meet in The Hobbit.
     Ents and Huorns are races of being in Middle Earth that resemble Trees. Ents and Entwives (like Treebeard, Fimbrethil, and Quickbeam), and Huorns like Old Man Willow live in forests like the old forest and Fangorn. We don’t see the Entwives in the films because the Entwives disappeared during the War of the Last Alliance in the Second Age, when Sauron burned the Gardens of the Entwives.
     We cannot forget about the animals of Middle Earth. Middle Earth has so many animals either domesticated or wild. Animals like Dogs such as Huan the Hound, and the dogs of Farmer Maggot, cats like the cats of Queen Beruthiel, horses and ponies like Bill the Pony, Nahar, Snowmane, Shadowfax, Felarof, and the Mearas, Asfaloth and Rochallor, wolves, wargs and werewolves like Drauglin, Carcharoth and wargs of the Uruks of Isengard and Bolg’s forces, Vampires and Bats like Thuringwethil (Fact: Sauron in the story of Beren and Luthien shapeshifts into a werewolf to fight Huan and a vampire to flee), Spiders or Ungol like Ungoliant, Shelob, The Spiders of Mirkwood and the Spiders of Nandungortheb and Ered Gorgoroth, Dragons which include both Fire and Cold Drakes like Glaurung, Ancalagon, the Beast of Gondolin, Gostir, Scatha and Smaug, Hellhawks or Fell Beasts, Birds like the Great Eagles and other various creatures.
     I also love the places and locations of Middle Earth. Places like the lands of Beleriand, The island of Numenor and the lands we all know and loved in the movies.
The artifacts are another thing I love. Artifacts like The Silmarils, Phials, The Rings of Power, The Arkenstone and Various Treasures and Weapons like the Swords, Axes, Bows and Arrows and Hammers and Maces. Swords like Anglachel aka Gurthang, Anguriel, Glamdring, Orcrist and Sting, Narsil aka Anduril, the Morgul blade, etc. Bows and Arrows like the Red arrow, the Bow of Legolas, etc. Axes like Dramborleg, Durin’s Axe, The Red axe of Dain Ironfoot, The Axe of Gimli, The Hammers like the Smithing Hammers of Celebrimbor and the Gwaith I mir dain and the Maces like Grond the Mace of Morgoth to whom the Battering Ram is named after.
     But why do I love these things? Because I was fascinated by how the lore describes them. The feeling is what reflects us and Tolkien himself like how Beren and Luthien is based on his love story with his wife and the names were written in their tombstone after they passed away. The friendship between Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin reflects the Tea Club and Barrovian Society, the club Tolkien founded when he met Geoffrey Bache Smith, Christopher Wiseman, and Robert Gilson. Geoffrey was the Samwise Gamgee to Tolkien’s Frodo Baggins, and Edith was the Luthien to Tolkien’s Beren. I too describe myself as these characters like I am the Frodo to my brother’s Samwise but I’m also the Bilbo, Thorin, and Theoden to the children who are new to our family, and The Beren or Aragorn to maybe someone I would fall in love with, but when I saw the Tolkien Movie, I knew that I would also be like him, to start and bring back the Club he started at a very young age, fall in love and write a love story or tell a story about fellowship and friendship and maybe I would succeed everyone like Tolkien until the end.
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eri-pl · 4 months
Finished polls masterlist
Worst x:
Worst life choices
Worst father …and second place
Eol is more hated than Morgoth (Why?)
Ar-Pharazon was worse than Palpatine
the Valar (did some wrong)
Which Vala would you rather be (most of you chose Ulmo)
Best brothers (M&M, and E&E are second)
Most conflicted feelings
I won’t cry for
I won’t cheer for
Eol stuck in Mandos
How to recognize whom a Maia serves
Valinorean, not Valinorian part 2
Kids after reembodiment (beautiful 5-bucket Gaussian distribution)
Ósanwe (you can open selectively)
On average, 2.1 Valar are blorbos
Which Valar do you want to be? (Ulmo)
Color of the Silmarils chart
Choose your doom! (Mostly arts, crafts and dating Elves)
Best reaction on being angered. (prophecy)
Not my polls: which characters you like, which you hate?
Do the eyes of the Eldar glow and how? (mostly the iris)
Best part of the Silmarillion (split by equal pagecounts): the Feanorian drama
Best and worst Valar (Melkor not included): Ulmo wins, Tulkas loses
How did you get into Tolkien? (mostly books, but LotR movies are also common)
RoP and Silm (the results say more about my blog viewership than about anything)
Best Maia (Mairon, Olorin and Eonwe)
Who should rule Arda? (Ulmo)
How do you pronounce the king of the Valar's name?
Would a Silmaril burn you? (probably not)
Which Vala is most likeable? (Ulmo, definitely)
Which Vala is most prayable to? (Nienna)
Which Vala / Valie is the best-looking? (Melkor and Varda)
Eyes of the Elves who seen the Trees (glow, mostly the iris)
Best part of the Silm (Flight of the Noldor + early FA)
Dark lords:
Sauron, a creature of fire
Melkor or Morgoth?
Why do you hate him? (orcs)
Sauron or Mairon? Results
Melkor or Morgoth? (shipping correlate)
Why the temple in Numenor?
Was the invasion of Valinor planned as a moral dilemma for the Valar?
Shipping correlate for both
[not mine but I made a chart] Sauron's hair color
Which Silmaril did Beren take from Morgoth? (the left one)
which Melkor or Morgoth is the best? (in Aman pre-Darkening)
Which Dark Lord is better? (Sauron) + which part of the book is better (later) + some talk about independent variables
Religious people don't usually like Melkor more than Manwe (yes, I know, very surprising :D )
What language did Morgoth speak to Maedhros? (Quenya, the Feanorian variant)
You all think Morgoth looks better than Eol.
Best Melkor (shortly pre-Darkening)
Which Silmaril did Beren take?
Where was Morgoth thrown into exactly (another blog, but it's mine) (out of time and space)
…and what's going to happen to him ultimately (classic "Turin kills him")
Feanor (did some wrong)
Most of you are Feanorian followers
But he’s still most liked of all the hated characters.
And a better jeweler.
If I had a Silmaril (I would give it to Feanorians)
Celebrimbor at Alqualonde(babysit by Huan)
þ(feanorians won)
We’re funding therapy for Finwe and his family
Rings of Power got a free Maglor!
If Finwe was not allowed to remarry (he would die of grief)
Why word the Oath like this? (want recovery of gems & revenge for Finwe, swear revenge for gems with no mention of recovery...): grief.
Second Kinslaying - order of death (not my polls)
Liking Feanor correlates with not liking the Amazon show
Goal of the Feanorians (it varies, but mostly to ditch the Oath and be happy)
Celegorm controversy Earlier poll, less informative.
Feanor morality & canon (inconclusive)
Nobody dislikes Celebrimbor!
Likeability of Celegorm and Curufin vs the world (not my polls, but my analysis): 1, 2
Celegorm the Fair: pretty, not just. Also, pale and pretty.
Also, he did the attempt at Luthien but we still like him anyway.
Redemption for the sons of Feanor (possible, also many votes for not necessary)
If it wasn't about rest of the family, would M&M still murder other Elves?
What do we call a group of Feanorians? (a doom of feanarlings)
What is the Everlasting Darkness (the void) and how Feanor learned about it (mostly from Morgoth)
Ghost of Christmas Oath of Feanor:
Who are we showing things to? (Feanor)
Feanor: which scene? (Mae dying)
Sons of Feanor: which son? (Maedhros)
Celebrimbor: which scene? (forging of the One Ring)
Radioactivity (Melkor)
Electricity (Manwe)
Mathematics (Aule, but Varda is close)
Tie-dye (Vaire)
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atanes-universe · 4 years
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Sav`s Universe
The first arc of this comic has come to it´s end. I hope everyone liked it so far öwö. We are now entering a new chapter of Savs life and slowly have to say goodbye to bby Sav :c
After the imprisonment of his parents Sav gets to grow up with his Uncle Manwe on the peak of Taniquentil. It´s a bit isolated in the sheltered palace of the Elder King but this little guy knows how to make friends. That is if he´s not bothering his cousin Eonwe who became like a brother to him.
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
You're still accepting request right? I have a complicated one here for you. I didn't know how to write this one for myself, so I'm passing the mantle on to you to write. >.< forgive me.
Reader is Maedhros wife from the years of the trees and came with the host of Finarfin for the War of Wrath and along with Eonwe and Maglor, was able to convince Maedhros to return to Valinor and accept his punishment - that way they could be together again. Years after he did his time, he was the first to leave and reunite with his wife. His wife obviously forgave him.
If it's too complicated to write it's okay, you can omit and change it up to your liking to make it easier to write. 🌻🌻
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featuring maedhros x wife reader
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n i loved this request so much - i couldn’t stop thinking about it
warnings angst, little spicy especially towards the end, sadness, forgiveness, small violence, arguments
You didn't know what to do— just continued staring at your husband.
His flaming red hair over his shoulders, freely flowing— standing so tall and handsome about 5 feet away from you.
His fiery blue eyes glimmered— and you realized he was holding back his tears as much as you were.
When your mother-in-law said there was someone here to meet you, you never expected it to be your husband— your long lost husband — the one that you even thought had given up on your marriage— considering the way he spoke to you last— as if dismissing you for good.
For a moment your mind replayed the day of your wedding— just before the year of the trees of Valinor— that day you thought the sun was shining its brightest.
You stood hand-in-hand— you in a shimmering white dress with sparkles of silver and gold— while he stood there as your prince charming and husband-to- be— promising each other the brightest of futures.
When completing your marriage that night— he whispered all and everything into your ears as he made love to you— sweet and tender, pulling his name from you and kissed you with the utmost passion you thought would collapse in his arms— that nothing shall come before you and it was your comfort and heart that mattered the most to him.
He promised you everything and more as he held you close, skin to skin and with your souls intertwined.
But all that and more vanished when he swore under the oath of his father— alongside his brothers and nephew.
It was like you were speaking with another ellon on the shores of Valinor as he was ready to depart with them— you begged him not to go, to stay with you.
He raised his hand ��� but he stopped seeing the frightened look in your eyes, he trying to cup your face but seeing you react negatively. . . deep down he knew it was only the beginning.
Maedhros sighed and left you on the shores, with his mother and Curufin’s wife. 
You stayed put as instructed to do so — but during the War of Wrath you no longer cared what Maedhros had told you — you set out to fight putting yourself in as the host of Finarfin even if your kin had disagreed with you.
But you had to go. You had mainly joined to see your beloved again — to comfort and hold him for just moment and promised Nerdanel to deliver her prayers to her last two lving sons.
Silently thanking him for the years of training your Maitimo had given you, fought your way through battle — even as the fire breathing beasts joined. 
You kept fighting through — with the one goal of wanting to see your husband again — you didn’t care for the wounds, ache, blood and mud on you. You kept fighting through, even when tears flowed down your face and rejoiced as Manwe’s eagles came.
When the battle was over and with the defeat of Morgoth — you tried to face your husband. But Eonwe and Maglor was already there by the time you found him.
Eonwe was right they had to summon themselves to justice for everything they had done.
You never witnessed the two brother break into a heated argument— the oath had broken apart this family more than you could ever imagine. 
When Maglor had made the point of Manwe or even Varda being able to release them from the oath you had jumped to agree — that’s when Maedhros froze and it broke your heart because your beloved husband had only noticed you now.
The entire time Maedhros had kept his back to you and he tried to turn but he stopped himself — and strictly dismissed you.
“This does not concern you, Y/N.”
That was definitely not ellon you once knew — he spoke to you with a gentle and loving words and with a tone that made you float. 
No — this rough edged voice. . . it shocked you.
Your Maitimo has changed — after watching his younger brothers die, take the precious lives of others and tortured under Morgoth. . . he had changed completely.
You reached for his hand — you did not care for which one — it didn’t matter to you because you had hoped at least your touch would bring back the ellon you knew before.
You looked up at him.
“Maitimo, vero, please listen to us. We can stop this now. We can be together. We do not need to take anymore lives. Please just accept your punishment and then. . . we can be together again. . .” (husband).
He glared down at you — then roughly yanked away the arm that was missing a limb from your hand.
“Together? And what? Have everything my brothers died for come to nothing? Everything brothers and I have done become nothing? We have done so much and been through so much, Y/N!  — And what the fuck do you want to do? Throw that all away? Do you even understand what you are asking me to do, you foolish girl?”
“Vero. . .” (husband).
His eyes twitched like a madman’s.
“If you do not understand what any of this means to me — then you shouldn’t be my wife at all!”
Maedhros suddenly raised your sword at you — almost shocking and scaring the life out of you.
Maglor had jumped in — quickly pushing you out of the way, making you trip and fall onto the ground and held back his brother.
You sobbed on the ground in seeing you have completely lost your husband to the oath.
From that day you had never stopped crying —wondering if Maedhros wanted to break off your marriage then. Then when hearing Maedhros and Maglor has stolen the silmarils — Maedhros throwing himself into a volcano with two of them and Maglor casting his into the sea you had never known.
You simply returned to Nerdanel in heartbreak and utter loss.
Living there almost like a soulless dying elleth, wondering if your marriage was over and when or if Maedhros returns, would he search for you?
Over the years — you brought yourself out less and less —only meeting Nerdanel, Curufin’s wife or Maglor’s wife unless absolutely necessary — otherwise you locked yourself away in your own world. 
“Veri . . .” (Wife).
Maedhros’ voice quickly brought you back to the present.
He has taken a step closer.
“Please say something. . .”
He begged you — the whole time he watching you as shifted into your mind’s eye.
After all this time. . .
“Am I still your wife?”
You whimpered — wondering what you meant to him.
“Of course you are!” 
He didn’t hesitate to answer you.
Then — he suddenly lifted you onto the table — you gasped as he did — he wanted to look into your eyes without causing strain on your neck or his neck.
He carefully and slowly cupped your face  — he had scared you so many times and it was eating him apart —he kept punishing himself for it.
While taking the oath he had broken all his promises to you.
“If you will still have me. . .”
He whispered — tears pooling his eyes when he looked into your eyes.
You noticed how he sometimes forgot how he has both hands when he tried brush away your own tears.
“. . .Because Eru knows, am not deserving of fair loving maiden like you.”
You let out a sob and placed your forehead against his forehead.
“Of course, Maitimo . . .- of course I’ll still have you. I was so . . . - so scared you wanted to break off our marriage.”
He immediately shook his head.
“That is not what I wanted, melda. I want you. . . I want us. . .”
“Then prove it to me. . .Make love to me. . . Renew our wedding. . .”
You whispered to him.
Maedhros didn’t need to be told twice —he lips quickly smashed onto your lips, latching on and immediately lifted you, wrapping your legs around his waist.
Your husband was on you —pressing himself to you and kissing you deeply as he made his way over to your once shared chambers.
He delicately placed you on the bed as if you were fragile thing.
He pulled back to look into your eyes, still looking for permission and when you nodded he dived back in — littering kisses all over you.
Maedhros harshly pulled down your dress and his robes and took you in his arms, his hands roaming every inch of skin he could find.
Years —centuries had he waited for this and this time he planned to keep his promises to you as he pushed himself in and out of you with tenderness, marking your skin with his kisses and whispers sweet nothing in your ears.
“I love you . . .” 
He whispered delicately into you ears.
“I love you too, Maitimo. . .  — but don’t you dare break my heart again!”
He chuckled, but still placed a loving kiss on your forehead and still buried deep inside you.
“I promise, veri. . .never. . . I do not plan on losing you ever again.”
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silm taglist: @doodle-pops
tara’s taglist: @aeonianarchives @mslizziesblog @spidergirla5
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phantasmaticar · 2 years
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Arien : My Original Digital Painting.
For me Arien was Female protagonist of Tolkien in the Maia's phase. Her roles and relations form Canon and Legendarium are very important and ELEGANT!!
1.Her apperance is described as one of prettiest of Ainur
"the Maia who ruled the sun, who we are told is "the most ardent and beautiful of all the spirits that had entered into Ea with [Varda]".
(MORGOTH'S RING : Myths Transformed [HME.X.380-381 & 131-132] )
2.Melkor need her as his Queen!! Place her as a Representation of Varda.
"I have chosen thee, and thou shalt be my spouse, even as Varda is to Manwe, and together we shall wield all splendour and majesty. Then the kingship of Arda shall be mine in deed as in right, and thou shalt be the partner of my glory."
(MORGOTH'S RING : Myths Transformed [HME.X.380-381 & 131-132] )
3.Eönwë Chief of the Maiar Loves her.
In draft of the legendarium descriped about his unrequited Love for Arien.
The Tale of the Sun and the Moon
In the Tale of the Sun and Moon from the Book of Lost Tales, it was the Sun who was put up in the sky first under the guardianship of Urwendi (later Arien). When the Boat of the Moon was ready, Manwë sent Fionwë, swiftest of all those who moved about the airs, and asked him to bring Urwendi back to Valinor. Fionwë went rapidly, for he had conceived a great love for Urwendi many years ago, and her radiance set him aflame with the eagerness of the Gods. It seems that Tilion “took over” this portion of Fionwë’s character in the published Silmarillion.
The Final Battle
In the original ending of the whole story (Manuscript C in the Book of Lost Tales), it was Fionwë who slew Melkor in a fit of rage and grief over the violation of the Sun, carried by Urwendi whom he loved:
“Fionwë Úrion, son of Manwë, of love of Urwendi [the Mistress of the Sun] shall in the end be Melko’s bane, and shall destroy the world to destroy the foe, and so shall all things then be rolled away.”
Special Thank for https://aminoapps.com/c/lotr/page/item/eonwe/PGf3_I651PXgYbYZJG6XvW0KWpK0vL
4.She was one of the most loved of the Maiar by mortal Men.
Her first journey across the sky was the signal of the Awakening of Men. + Victory of Men (According from The battle of Helm's Deep and Battle of the Pelennor Fields.)
5. 'Farewell!' Legolas said to Gandalf. 'I go to find the Sun!'
May be The legendary of Love between Maia and Sindarin Elf would be recurrented again. If Fanfic writers interest this story. lol
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tolkien-feels · 3 years
Eärendil for the character ask game?
Have I ever talked about Earendil here? I don't think I have, outside of pointing out parallels? How come?? Let's change that
one aspect about them i love: That's probably a very shallow answer, but it's Eonwe's greeting. The first time I read this I just physically shuddered and had to stop reading for a moment to take it in. I just can't think of Earendil without remembering these words, and I'm always overwhelmed by awe. Earendil is for me eucatastrophe personified, which would probably make Tolkien very happy lol
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: Hm... This is not about characterization or anything, but I find it very interesting to read Mythopoeia (yes, I'm bringing up this poem again, I just love it, okay?) while thinking of Earendil's story. Not because it tells me anything about Earendil, but because it tells me many interesting things about how Tolkien conceived subcreation, which in turn affects how I read the legendarium as a whole, including one of its central stories, the voyage of Earendil. So it comes full-circle, really
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: He initially feels a lot of guilt about his canon unrest before he sails. He has a beloved wife and young children, he's been spared many sorrows that others have endured - is his unrest not a sign that he's greedy? Is the growing wish to find the last shore a sign of arrogance? How to know if he's really being moved to action or if he's just fancying it to justify potentially unwholesome ambitions?
one character i love seeing them interact with: I mean, it's got to be Eonwe, right? I just have a very vivid image of their first meeting in my mind and can't get over it
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: I really wish we could know more about his relationship with his sons. I don't know how, because they're so young when he sails, so they wouldn't exactly have a relationship, but I still wonder
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: Okay this is super weird but it's my very favorite Earendil headcanon. Early on, Ilmare was a Valie of love as well as daughter to Manwe and Varda. I really love the idea of Ilmare still being somewhat connected to love and feeling bad about the uh, bittersweet (to be charitable) ending of Earendil and Elwing, and taking messages from Elwing to Earendil and back, which I assume she could do since physics aren't a thing for Ainur
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