#epic autism moment
baura-bear · 10 months
I turned in my 2,000 word final about the newsboy strike of 1899 what do I do with myself now
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three hours omg omg omg i cant wait for this album im gonna be so ordinary abt this (im.not bears in trees are my special interest im never gonna recover)
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plutonium-love · 2 years
i love projecting all of my problems onto pathetic middle aged fictional men
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cyberhai · 11 months
If I hear something along the lines of "the r slur is not a slur to be reclaimed ☝️🤓" from one more "neurospicy" Internet Activist I am going Full Retard
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pinetreewannabe · 2 years
u ever in a situation and just think to yourself "man, im too autistic for this"
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lighterium · 2 years
Me and the boys learning to deal with our neurodivergent issues by making each other aware and dealing with our little messed up interoceptive and proprioceptive systems together
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lixxen · 1 year
all your tags u r leavin on my art blog MAKING ME SMILLEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOOOVE IT I LOOVE u im glad someone is as crazy 4 the spot as i am waghgufhgudhfggghhhg
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Me rn at your art frfr
I was sitting and giggling going through your art blog, kicking my feet and having a moment looking at babygirl art
I'm genuinely so happy other people like him as much as I do!!
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doqqy · 1 year
being soso normal about stardew valley lately (lying)
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extraemopossum · 9 months
ive been listening to the last two songs on the sonic adventure 2 ost on loop for like an hour
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big-mothy-man · 2 years
When cats make biscuits, that’s them stimming
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“4th of July is the American Independence Day” WRONG THUNDER SAGA AND RE-RECORDINGS OF TROY AND CYCLOPS SAGA DROP DAY 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💥💥
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baura-bear · 10 months
Having anxiety nightmares and also having hyperfixations is not fun! You wanna know why? Because for me it means that I have anxiety nightmares about GOING TO THE REFUGE?????
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metaforth · 1 month
Edit: Adding a note because I'm noticing the correction by @crypticsposting isn't being included in reposts, I'm aware Wes Craven wasn't a writer on the NOEM reboot. He was credited despite having no direct involvement in the film. It was written by Wesley Strick and Eric Heisserer. It doesn't really effect my point so I'm not gonna go back and edit the entire post but I'm just noting here now, I know about the mistake.
People on this hellsite seem to forget this very often when it comes to fictional characters but a villain being a creep doesn't mean the writer is pro-creeps. Infact, the fact they made the villain a creep implies quite the opposite.
Like back when that Nightmare in Elmstreet reboot that everyone hated (and that I think was actually pretty good) came out and turned the subtext of Freddy being a pedophile into domtext some people acted like that meant Wes Craven is a creepy weirdo? Because he decided that the horrible man who murdered kids is also a horrible man who touched kids? No one claimed that him making the original movies means he's pro-child murder. Why does him making Krüger, the exact same character, a pedo (or at least making it much more clear he's a pedo) mean Craven is a pedo?
The cognitive dissonance is so strange.
And to be clear, whether it makes Craven a creep and whether it's a good decision are separate issues. I personally don't mind the change but I understand why people find it unnecessary and a'little weird. It fits the darker and more serious tone of the film but that doesn't mean you have to like the decision. But, whether or not you do, I don't feel it reflects on Wes Craven as a person.
Now admittedly, the people saying that choice makes Craven creepy were a very small but vocal lot. I'm saying this because that sentiment is one I see a lot, especially on this site. That anytime a writer makes a character do a thing, that means the writer support whatever that thing is, even though obviously that's not generally true. I don't think George Lucas is pro-planet-explodination after all.
Just a very strange trend that makes me really hate the writing discourse this site sometimes.
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weedplantar · 2 years
Recently I learned that when someone asks "who wore it better?" in regards to two people wearing the same thing, they're ACTUALLY asking who's BODY looked better in the outfit. All of a sudden all of the arguments I've accidentally started in the past because I replied to that phrase with "no one, because they're the same exact thing" make a LOT more sense.
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cyberhai · 2 years
Oh, you think you're white and autistic? I shit you not I threw my hands up in the air and yelled "hooray! :D" after my first kiss.
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ideasatemynights · 1 year
I headcanon that newt used to be self conscious about his weight but stopped caring after awhile
Oh yeah definitely, I 100% agree with that!! I've thought A Lot about Newt's relationship with his weight as someone who's fat irl and is also pretty similar to him in personality according to irl people I know, which definitely leads to the Projection. Some general sorts of headcanons about this (warning for internalized fatphobia, disordered eating, and just a fair amount of self hatred below. Also I wrote this in one big block in the middle of the night, so it's going to be kind of incoherent.):
☆Absolutely is someone who's always been naturally chubby/fat. He didn't really think anything of it when he was really little because he looks like his dad and uncle and they're so cool and he loves them so much!! He was always more focused on catching cool bugs and playing Godzilla with his dad and uncle anyway.
☆Once he got to be a little bit older in school, he definitely started feeling insecure. He already had a target painted on his back because he was too smart, too loud, too passionate, too rude, basically too ND for all the other kids and even the teachers (not helped by the fact that he was always ahead in school), so his classmates absolutely started picking on him for his weight and probably his height too. Because of all of that, he started feeling really bad about his body and wishing that he looked different.
☆This also intersects with my HCs about Newt being trans and his relationship with his mom. His mom was the only person in his family who was more thin and conventionally attractive and because he was AFAB, before he came out she basically just wanted to use him as a doll to parade around and show off on the rare occasions she actually saw him and because of that she tended to be critical of a lot of aspects of his appearance. There was a lot of her fussing over him and telling him that he should diet, grow his hair out, be more proper and less messy, dress more feminine, etc, which didn't help his self esteem. Once he came out as trans, she basically just stopped talking to him altogether.
☆There's also a lot of fatphobia in trans spaces, medical gatekeeping based on weight, belief that fat people can never be read as their correct gender, lack of gender affirming products for fat trans people, etc, which also doesn't help.
☆Once he started at MIT (probably around 15 based on canon info??), he was even more in the spotlight because he was known very publicly as a prodigy, was in a lot of news articles and stuff, won a lot of awards, etc, which added a whole other layer of scrutiny from the public to his appearance. He was also pretty isolated from same age peers because of it, so when he did get to socialize with them, his naturally poor social skills were even more atrophied because of it. Because of that, he was subjected to even more weight based bullying than he would have been otherwise, which did an additional number on his self esteem.
☆When Newt started writing with Hermann, he never would have admitted it, but he was kind of happy that Hermann couldn't see him. He had kind of reached a point where he assumed anyone would immediately write him off because of his appearance and particularly his weight and he was so happy to finally be able to make a friend who couldn't dismiss him based on the way he looked. He knew that Hermann could definitely find pics of him online, but he was hoping that the relationship he built through writing would cancel out the way he looked (obviously a super unhealthy thought process, but uhhh). The fact that the first healthy relationship Newt had ever had with a peer was also with a guy who didn't originally know what he looked like also unintentionally reinforced some bad body image stuff.
☆When Newt figured out he was falling in love with Hermann, he was even more terrified of Hermann learning what he looked like. Like he hadn't had a good track record with making friends or people affirming his appearance in the past, but he uhhhh especially hadn't had a good track record with romance. He had been rejected a lot and when someone had gone out with him, they were clearly using him for easy make out sessions and the sort, while not really caring for his personality or appearance in the slightest (and oftentimes making digs at them). Newt was certain Hermann wouldn't do that, but he was still convinced that the only way someone could like him was despite his weight and he was terrified that Hermann wouldn't like him enough for his personality to cancel out the difference (once again, not true and definitely unhealthy, but he's having a real bad time).
☆So they finally meet in person and it goes poorly. It had nothing to do with Newt's appearance and logically he knows that, but there's still some small deeply unkind part of him that's convinced that Hermann took one look at him and decided he was too fat and ugly to even consider staying in contact with, much less dating.
☆(In actuality, Hermann took one look at him and instantly thought that he was the most attractive man he had ever seen in his life. He desperately wanted to press Newt up against the wall and grab his love handles and kiss every inch of his mouth and face and neck and chest he could get his hands on. Being Hermann, he was deeply mortified by having such lewd thoughts about a colleague, especially one so obviously attractive to him, which definitely contributed to them both being incredibly awkward and off their game while meeting.)
☆By this point, I think Newt's in a really bad place mentally with his body and his relationship with his weight, so I think he ends up in a depressive episode for a while. This has the side effect of killing his appetite and so he ends up losing some weight which is really not physically healthy for him, but he feels a sick sort of pleasure in anyway. When he meets back up with Hermann when they're both stationed in HK, Hermann is still fucking pissed at him (just as Newt is likewise), but he's also legitimately worried about Newt because he doesn't look well by the standards of his body. Hermann ends up eventually asking about it, which only pisses Newt off and honestly brings up a fuckton of trauma for him and also causes Newt to believe that Hermann really is disgusted with him and his body.
☆As the war rages on and rations get tighter and they start working longer and longer hours, Newt loses even more weight which once again causes a sick sort of pleasure in him, despite logically knowing as a biologist that this is in fact very very bad for him and his body. He never intentionally tries to restrict food or lose weight, but he can't help feeling some pleasure at being so much more thin than he's used to. By the time the movie starts, he looks like he actually does in it, where he's soft around the edges, but not fat anymore. Hermann doesn't bring it up both because it's the result of the last days of war and because last time Newt got very upset, but he watches from the sidelines and is very worried about him.
☆When Newt drifts with Hermann, there's a lot of surprise on Newt's end that not only does Hermann like him and not only is Hermann actually in love with, but Hermann actually likes his body in its natural form when it's treated well. In fact, Newt is kind of stunned at how attracted Hermann was to him at their first meeting and the fact that while Hermann would be attracted to him at any weight, Hermann definitely distinctly prefers him fat and healthy and happy. This also causes Newt to realize that Hermann was legitimately concerned about him when he asked about his eating habits, etc, and that maybe the way Hermann treats him is the way he should have been treated all along.
☆Now this obviously doesn't fix everything in one go because a lifetime of trauma doesn't just go away overnight, but going to mandated therapy post war helps, along with a healthy relationship with Hermann, more time to relax, the ending of rationing and the entire world recovering, etc. He eventually gains all of his original weight back and then some and Hermann is so fucking in love with his incredibly handsome sexy fat husband and his wonderful mind and personality. Like don't get me wrong, they're still complete bitches to one another, but they adore each other and work through their insecurities together and it's wonderful.
Once again, I'm writing this at 3 am, so I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense. Also forgive me for the huge block of text, you unlocked A Thing I Go Insane About.
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