#epic behaviour
drulalovescas · 1 year
Happy two years to this absolute gem
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eeviaylxix · 3 months
hc that elpenor was a son of dionysus
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yessfordor · 4 months
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unyandere · 2 months
Yandere killer x reader who is a Theatre Kid and CAN’T stop making musical references every two seconds
Tw: Theatre kid behaviour (I should know, I’m a theatre kid) songs from Hamilton, Epic:the musical, Six, Heaters, Ride the Ciclone (and maybe other musicals) mention
Maybe some musical references here and there but nothing too big
Other Tw: probably cringy, I feel bad for the Yandere, LOTS of bad English, oh dear you are not ready for this musicals references (I am not tagging the musicals fandoms, I feel like my silly goofiness is too overwhelming today)
Wanna read more unyandered works? Here’s the master post
You shot your photo aaaand… posted!
Now that you thought about it, this was your first post on insta, and it was a photo of you smiling in the theatre awaiting to see the play that would’ve started in just a few moments.
You almost couldn’t contain your excitement, buying the ticket had been a real struggle, but finally you would have been able to see THAT musical.
You were mumbling some of the songs from the musical you heard on Spotify, while trying to calm yourself down.
After a couple of seconds you heard a ping, a notification, from your phone.
The show would have started in less than 10 minutes, but looking at a notification wouldn’t take more than a couple of seconds.
Well, looking at the phone you noticed it was just your childhood friend liking your post.
You smiled at yourself.
On the other hand, your so called childhood friend was… well, he was certainly not well.
Tied up to a chair, beaten up and, oh lord, were those burn marks on his head?!
Yeah, he wasn’t exactly at his best.
But the guy in the same room as him, who, oh so casually, was smoking a cigarette, that so casually happened to be the cause of the burn marks, was someone that could be considered physically well, mentally… let’s just say his therapist had to see another therapist who also needed to see another therapist after that and so on.
The cigarette-smoking-guy was also in a good mood!
Talk about being lucky…
Why? Well, he just found that his muse, his everything, his sweetheart (who didn’t even know him but those are just flimsy details, aren’t they?) was pretty close to where he and his victim were and, on top of that, was oh so cutely looking at a play.
He didn’t really like plays, but if his sweetheart, his everything, his muse liked them… well he could stand to lose a few pounds hours.
Maybe… just maybe… after this job (extorting vital info for a particular company from your friend) (he was really keen on making your friend either disappear or become his accomplice in making you fall in love with himself), he could wash himself, dress up nicely and, maybe, meet you outside the theatre.
And, who knows, maybe he could… dine with you? Oh, how his mind rode off thinking of all the things you two could do together.
It took him ten minutes to recompose himself, ten minutes that he could have used to finish this job earlier.
He almost got angry with himself, but he stopped before: he didn’t have the time for that.
And so he looked at your friend.
“Sooo… how about you tell me those little secrets of yours, then you help me out with this one little-itty-bitty really legal thing and then, on an incredible note, I let you live?” He asked smiling at your friend.
Your friend sighed.
Three hours later you went out of the theatre, feeling refreshed and happy after seeing the whole play.
You knew you would sing those songs in repeat for the next three weeks.
But, as soon as you were outside you saw your childhood friend with… a guy in a black trench that looked like the outlet version of JD from Heaters.
Obviously, you went to your friend to greet them and tell them what a GREAT show you saw and give them a preview on how you would annoy them for the coming weeks.
They looked at you smiled (kinda forcefully?) and introduced to you their new friend telling you that “They were also musicals fans”.
To be honest, that was in no way true, he, the killer and kinda kidnapper on demand, hadn’t seen A musical in his whole life, he just knew some of the most famous titles.
But he did ask your friend to introduce him in a way you would want to talk to him.
You grabbed his wrist, your happy-neutral expression becoming more and more crazed-happy the more seconds passed.
“You..” you looked at him, eyes shining “You like musicals?!”
He slowly nodded (he was in an emotion between the most extreme happiness one can feel, the most fear one can feel and the most in love one can feel).
You stopped breathing for a moment.
He didn’t process the question, more precisely, while trying to understand what you were saying his brain went into overload, caused a crisis and collapsed on itself leaving him with one thought: her face was really cute.
“I like your head” he said, not being able to form a decent phrase.
You obviously took the reference (which technically wasn’t there) and laughed.
“Man, you Henry the VIII?” You joked.
He didn’t understand the joke, and neither did he remember anything about Henry the VIII apart from him being called the “Golden Prince” or something, so he thought you were looking at him and complimenting him on his looks.
And he totally had to return a compliment.
But then another person, a girl you knew from drama class, chimed in wanting to ask your thoughts on the play but she was stopped by him (who misinterpreted her wanting to come to you as her trying to attack you)
“Yo, you got a bone to pick?!” He asked her.
You and her looked at each other, then him, then each other again and you both, being both theatre kids obviously, smiled devishly.
“You’ve come so far why now are you pulling on my dick? I’d normally slap your face off, and everyone here could watch, but here’s some advice listen up” you both sang and then took a (extremely melodramatic) breath “BEEYOTCH”
And, yes, you both started little dancing together the choreography.
Nit doing it too much (cuz you know you were still in public) but doing it enough for your friend and mr. Killer and kidnapper on demand to see.
And he… he was confused.
What the hell did you two just do? Why did you two sing? Why were you both moving your hips? What did he say that made you two act like that.
“Why Lord-“ he started but as soon as he said that you two stopped looked at each other and attempted the last part of “The ballad of Jane Doe” (the part with the Why Lord) even though none of you were a soprano so what people heard were two chicken like voices schreeching and hurting everyone’s ears.
And now, now he was regretting his life choices, as he was cursing the fact that he was in love with you and not with, idk, a mentally stable and not socially awkward person.
“You are the-“ before he could even finish the sentence you two chances song, almost reading in each other’s mind with the typical telepathy ability that all theatre kids have once they sell their soul to the devil in exchange for the part they want to be casted as.
“-WORST KIND OF GOOD CAUSE YOU ARE NOT EVEN GREAT! A GREEK WHO REEKS OF FALSE RIGHTEOUSNESS THAT’S WHAT I HATE!!!” You and your drama class classmate sang as one voice as you both exchanged really full of pride stares to one another.
“I-I’m sorry” mumbled the Yandere “I will go to work”
And as soon as he said the word WORK, an ancient almost primal instinct woken up inside you and your classmate.
And you both started singing “The schuyler sisters” from Hamilton
And so, the Yandere pining over you just, quietly, walked away.
Traumatized and comforted by your friend who was also put at discomfort by your… peculiar antics.
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lonelyroommp3 · 14 days
feel like pure shit just want her back (2016 makeup culture)
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bluestarjay · 6 months
I do not like cross-fandom fics or crossovers in general but,, BUT,, if it happened to be X files and Criminal Minds (and mayhaps Supernatural 👀👀), I would read it SO quick. And bc Mulder used to profile serial killers under the behavioral science unit at Quantico, it would be PERFECT BASIS FOR A CM CROSSOVER!!! Ex profiler teams up with current profilers for a case that involves and/or could count as an X file?? OHH unsolved serial killing case re-examined and discovered to fit with an X file so both teams called in?? And along the way they find brothers Sam and Dean suspicious and they seem fucking crazy but Mulder and Scully are like "no wait,, wait,, 🤨🤨🤨 they've got a point" and the bau just like ??? Cause these people seem batshit insane cause they're talking about monsters and aliens, but it works!!! And the criminal is under some other worldly influence, but that's just how it goes. Ohhhh, Mulder and Reid would love and hate each other bc they'd find the other so interesting and funny even, but they'd disagree on everything. Scully and JJ would be good friends, I think. Ahh this is turning kinda cringey I apologize but I've been thinking about this for a while hahah (I just started s2 of X files and s12(?) of CM)
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sweetmoew · 1 year
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ehlnofay · 25 days
wip wmonday(tuesday?)
two minutes past midnight as I type this. barely counts. tagged by @lemon-embalmer and @everybodyknows-everybodydies (thank you both kindly!!) tagging back @wispstalk @jiubilant @ghoulsbeard if you wish :) here is a piece of efri's adventures with the faculty
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kogetaikid · 5 months
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Just realized I never posted this here. (I somehow got it a tad bit dirty, sorry 🙁)
Here’s Yahaira, with
her sister……….
What are you doing with my paper clips?
Melody, you’re bleeding.
G̸̛̛̩̮̙̝͔̟̙̮̣͆͋̋̐͝ͅÈ̵̡̢̫̲̩̙̭̼͘ͅT̸̢͚̝̳͙̅̍͒͌̍̀̏ ̴̨̢̘͈͔͙͖̩͙̬͂̽̈͂̈́̓̏͑̕͘O̸̢͉̣̪̲̰̳̫̓͜U̴̥̠̻͉͇͌́̏Ţ̷̗̹̲̜̹͚͇͖̼͋̂͆ ̶̥̳̼̩̞̍̊̃̉̈̕̕̕Ȏ̴̝̣͒̌͌͋̐͆̌͝F̷̲̜̳̞̭͈̒͛́͊͜ ̵͕̜̅̀͑̀̐̓̅͘͘H̸̡̬̹͍͍́͌̃̉͠Ȩ̸̜̗̝̞̗̟̝̓͊́R̸̜̫̥̼̹͔̈́̌̊̓͒̿͂̐̈́͐Ḙ̶̺͎̱͗̏̒͋͊͜͠ͅ
Melody, why are you scratching yourself with my paper clips? You’re gonna get hurt!!
G̸̛̛̩̮̙̝͔̟̙̮̣͆͋̋̐͝ͅÈ̵̡̢̫̲̩̙̭̼͘ͅT̸̢͚̝̳͙̅̍͒͌̍̀̏ ̴̨̢̘͈͔͙͖̩͙̬͂̽̈͂̈́̓̏͑̕͘O̸̢͉̣̪̲̰̳̫̓͜U̴̥̠̻͉͇͌́̏Ţ̷̗̹̲̜̹͚͇͖̼͋̂͆ ̶̥̳̼̩̞̍̊̃̉̈̕̕̕Ȏ̴̝̣͒̌͌͋̐͆̌͝F̷̲̜̳̞̭͈̒͛́͊͜ ̵͕̜̅̀͑̀̐̓̅͘͘H̸̡̬̹͍͍́͌̃̉͠Ȩ̸̜̗̝̞̗̟̝̓͊́R̸̜̫̥̼̹͔̈́̌̊̓͒̿͂̐̈́͐Ḙ̶̺͎̱͗̏̒͋͊͜͠ͅ G̸̛̛̩̮̙̝͔̟̙̮̣͆͋̋̐͝ͅÈ̵̡̢̫̲̩̙̭̼͘ͅT̸̢͚̝̳͙̅̍͒͌̍̀̏ ̴̨̢̘͈͔͙͖̩͙̬͂̽̈͂̈́̓̏͑̕͘O̸̢͉̣̪̲̰̳̫̓͜U̴̥̠̻͉͇͌́̏Ţ̷̗̹̲̜̹͚͇͖̼͋̂͆ ̶̥̳̼̩̞̍̊̃̉̈̕̕̕Ȏ̴̝̣͒̌͌͋̐͆̌͝F̷̲̜̳̞̭͈̒͛́͊͜ ̵͕̜̅̀͑̀̐̓̅͘͘H̸̡̬̹͍͍́͌̃̉͠Ȩ̸̜̗̝̞̗̟̝̓͊́R̸̜̫̥̼̹͔̈́̌̊̓͒̿͂̐̈́͐Ḙ̶̺͎̱͗̏̒͋͊͜͠ͅ G̸̛̛̩̮̙̝͔̟̙̮̣͆͋̋̐͝ͅÈ̵̡̢̫̲̩̙̭̼͘ͅT̸̢͚̝̳͙̅̍͒͌̍̀̏ ̴̨̢̘͈͔͙͖̩͙̬͂̽̈͂̈́̓̏͑̕͘O̸̢͉̣̪̲̰̳̫̓͜U̴̥̠̻͉͇͌́̏Ţ̷̗̹̲̜̹͚͇͖̼͋̂͆ ̶̥̳̼̩̞̍̊̃̉̈̕̕̕Ȏ̴̝̣͒̌͌͋̐͆̌͝F̷̲̜̳̞̭͈̒͛́͊͜
*You hear the sound of footsteps and the balcony door slam
*Your face feels wet. Your eyes are sore.
P.S. This isn’t the same person as EPIC CLUB MELODY. That version of Melody represents more of a distorted version of (IMLS) Melody, Yahaira and even their cousin, Darla.
Here’s a photo of Epic Club Melody
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hilariousrabbit · 2 years
I love the twisted wonderland artists here BUT I'd hide my kids from some of y'all ngl ://
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noelledeltarune · 2 years
okay guys i need to DO my spanish homework and then WRITE an email and then be DEVESTATED over the owl house s3ep1 and then DO my math homework and then DRAW gaylois and then SLEEP and then GO TO SCHOOL and then WRITE my classics midterm
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
wow! he is literally me dot jpeg
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my bond with Ryan Goldsmith is that of a horsegirl movie protagonist and the horse, except worse, since the bond between a horse and a girl is a holy thing of course
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aceyanaheim · 24 days
"Sounds like a plan goddess and man bestest of friends"
"we'll see how it ends"
sakhdfgjshd f Odddy why are you me tho
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littlehollyleaf · 5 months
So. Those Dead Boy Detectives, huh?
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vitamin-zeeth · 7 months
I'm on the Wikipedia page for conceptual art and the Notable Examples bit is so funny. half of it is just Duchamp and Klein iconic moments compilation.
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shiroselia · 1 year
Something something if your media analysis starts and ends at “stereotypes bad because stereotypes bad” you’re really not doing all that I fear
Like there’s a whole thesis to write on this (in fact I’ve literally done media analysis involving dissecting stereotypes for school assignments before so there is Definitely theses to write on this), but there is a larger conversation to have about fictional stereotypes that doesn’t have to, and shouldn’t end, at “stereotypes bad/good” because at the end of the day it’s, well first and foremost incredibly telling about society at large (the interesting part) considering that stereotypes really is norms at their absolute most dense and eccentric peak, also dismissing actual people because there Are people who do act stereotypical or fit stereotypes (source: Hi, I’m sometimes so stereotypical I’m a statistic at times, like, y’know, they come from somewhere) (which seems kind of counterproductive since one of the most go-to arguments Against stereotypical portrayal is ‘nobody is like that’)
Idonno I just think it’s not doing media analysis any favour to still be stuck at “ew tropes” because it stops us from actually dissecting what’s actually up here because you refuse to acknowledge a very important aspect of a work, and if your first reaction to encountering stereotypical behaviour and dismissing it purely because “Oh but surely nobody acts like that hurdur” I think that says more about you at the end of the day
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