#episode 6: meat is murder but murder is also murder
undertheorangetree · 2 months
How to Improve HOTD S2
This is truly just me feeling frustrated with the second season and screaming into the void. Feel free to ignore it I wrote it at 10pm in a hater spiral and probably have some information wrong
1. Shift away from the Alicent vs Rhaenyra thing and highlight Aegon vs Rhaenyra. It would be hard when zero relationship had been established in season 1 but after Jaehaerys’s murder it would have been SOOO easy to shift the focus of Team Green on to Aegon and make him really want to take Nyra down.
2. Speaking of Nyra I’m begging them to give her some agency. Her son was MURDERED. She spent TEN DAYS SEARCHING FOR HIS BODY. She should’ve been ready and raring to go to war at the end of episode one!! She should be doing everything she can to destroy those who took her baby boy from her!! Instead they had her crying about going to war and no one taking her seriously for 5 episodes. Let her be morally grey I’m begging you she is not a saint nor should she be
3. Introduce Ulf and Hugh WHEN they claimed their dragons. No one cares about their lives yet. Regular viewers don’t know who they are. They can talk backstory once you’ve shown why they’re important
4. While we’re introducing characters GIVE US SOME TIME WITH DAERON. Non book readers have no idea who he is. Establishing his place in Oldtown, the fact that he has a dragon, the dichotomy between himself and his brothers all would have been GREAT to see before they started throwing his name around.
5. More screentime for the younger generation! Helaena lost so much of her arc due to them removing her fall into madness (which I’m not mad at btw) but showing her grief would’ve still been nice. Baela is ride or die for house targaryen and that’s about all we’ve seen from her, plz give my girl some agency. Rhaena is angry about being cast aside and that’s got so much meat for character motivations but EVEN THE WRITERS ARE IGNORING HER AND GIVING HER ONE 30 SECOND SCENE EVERY OTHER EPISODE. Jace is also being done dirty, they should be establishing reasons why we should care about him and why he’s such a good heir before the battle of the gullet (which in an ideal world would’ve been where we ended season 2 but).
6. ENOUGH WITH THE HARRENHAL ARC!! The first few scenes were fine but now it’s just repetitive. Daemon wanting to be king in his own right came out of nowhere and will have zero consequences when we all know Nyra is just going to take him back when he’s done pouting. He’s literally just wandering around Harrenhal like a freak. That arc needed 3 episodes at the absolute max to establish the castle and Alys and the river lords and then he should’ve come back. I hate him but they’re wasting his character.
7. Aemond turning into a super villain?? After we established he regretted what he did to Luke?? Trying to take out his own brother for power is fine and I support you if that’s what you want king but maybe give us some more context other than “brother bullies you in front of his friends”?? Maybe my sister was just mean but that’s an average sibling experience as far as I’m concerned. It would have made more sense with the characterization they had already given him if Aemond had been given no choice but to burn Aegon in order to save him and take out Rhaneys and Meleys. The 180 into anime villain felt way too abrupt (like dany going mad sorry)
8. Alicent and Cole………… as much as I fly the Alicent is gay flag it could’ve made sense if they didn’t just immediately beat us over the head with it. We were immediately thrown in the deep end of them having a sexual relationship with zero context other than “everything you feel for me… as your queen” PERHAPS GIVE US SOMETHING MORE. I actually would have loved Alicent reclaiming her sexuality after 20+ years of having to fuck her rotting old husband but they went about it the wrong way.
9. Speaking of Alicent, I feel like they truly do not know what to do with Alicent. They took away every ounce of agency she could have had in order to make her a victim and now they don’t have anything for her to do. They just keep taking everything from her in a way that just shoves her character in a box while also trying to maintain her as one of the main characters?? It’s just all very odd to me
10. In that same vein, I feel like they don’t really know what to do with ANYONE honestly. Game of Thrones also had a big cast following multiple locations but somehow juggling between them all felt much cleaner than it does here. It’s as if they lose track of their characters and forget about them so they throw in a quick 30 second scene to be like “btw they’re still here!!”
11. I need more character interactions. Aegon/Helaena. Daemon with his children. Just people you expect to have some kind of relationship. I don’t think any of those characters have ever actually had a significant interaction with each other which feels absolutely WILD to me but
12. STOP WITH THE TEAMS!!! STOP IT!!! There is no good guy and bad guy here and there shouldn’t be. It’s a monarchy, a whole ass empire that has its roots in an even worse empire. None of the Targaryens are good. They aren’t gods. Rhaenyra has been completely screwed over due to the patriarchy but being a victim doesn’t make you a good person. She’s still sacrificing the country for her birthright. Let her be evil, morally grey, ANYTHING is better than her pushing against common sense in order to seem like a good guy. Aegon and co as well shouldn’t be portrayed entirely of super villains and victims. They’ve also done a shitty thing but at the very least give us some nuance no one is entirely good or bad.
13. This is nitpicky so it’s at the end but it’s called house of the DRAGON. I wanna see more rider/dragon interaction. I shouldn’t be introduced to a dragon the same episode it’s maimed (Sunfyre). You shouldn’t be telling me one of the main characters has a dragon when we haven’t so much as heard her speak about it (Dreamfyre). If a bond is so important between a dragon and it’s rider I want to see that bond
• IN THAY SAME VEIN why was vermithor letting nyra and daemon get all up in his grill?? They’re bonded dragonriders they’ve got their bestie, he doesn’t. Shouldn’t he have lit them up for that?? What makes them so special?? He’s barbecuing Targaryen bastards left and right but these two get a pass?? Why??
And now for some general overall complaints🫶🏼
1. Fix your pacing I’m begging you. They could have made 8 episodes work if they had let us move through the plots faster but instead there’s so much dead air. After Jaehaerys was killed we should’ve been FLYING through plot points. Two child murders are enough to declare a war started, but we still hadn’t seen any battle until episode 4 and then it stalled out again. Harrenhal doesn’t need this much screentime. You don’t need to hint at Rhaena claiming Sheepstealer for 3+ episodes. We don’t need to hum and ha about going to war for 4 episodes. There should be fewer long shots of the actors faces simply reacting and more SPEAKING. More PLOT. MORE OF ANYTHING TO MOVE THE STORY FORWARD
2. Stop repeating information. Characters constantly beat you over the head with the same information over and over again. One character will tell a person something then a second character tells that same person almost the exact same thing an episode later it’s like no one proofread the script.
3. Why are you having your actors use giant words in order to sound more period accurate?? You don’t need to repeat lickspittle every five seconds. You don’t need to use gainsay or comportment. I promise your audience knows it’s a medieval setting, put the thesaurus down you sound like an idiot
4. It’s almost totally inaccessible for non book readers. I watch with my mom and sister, neither of whom have done any research about ASOIAF but have seen GOT, and I’m constantly explaining shit to them. The showrunners rely too much on people having read them that they don’t explain anything. I know Helaena has a dragon, but they don’t because NO ONE HAS MENTIONED IT BEFORE!! BY THE SECOND SEASON!!
5. This is just a me thing but I would’ve LOVED more regional costuming. We got a hint of it with Sabitha Frey wearing a headpiece when treating with Jace and I love the idea of each region having their own specific fashion trends. The costumes are fine, some are even great, but most are lacklustre and feel too fantasy to me. I’m a history girly I want to see more hoods and headpieces and different shapes in the dresses etc etc.
Despite all this there are still some great scenes!! Aspects of this season were awesome and I think the first two episodes in particular were really strong, there is just so much lost potential this season and it has been really disappointing. I’m still gonna be sat for the finale this week but I hope that they really up their game in season three
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karakurenai-no-raion · 3 months
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MUD coining time! (Does it count as a MUD if I was a psychiatrist in-source? /silly)
This was coined by me (Hannibal Lecter), not Keith, despite this being his blog and NOT mine. :) I do not have my own blog at all. If I messed anything up in this post no I did not (/silly).
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Anthropophagic Compulsion Disorder
ACD is a rare and severe trauma-based disorder characterized by an overwhelming compulsion to consume human flesh. This disorder stems from early childhood trauma involving the forced or coerced consumption of human meat, typically that of those close to them. Behaviours associated with ACD are known to worsen, without intervention, as the subject grows older. ACD is also known to first manifest its full symptoms around the ages of 15 to 18.
Key Characteristics:
Cannibalistic Compulsions: Individuals with ACD experience intense and recurrent urges to consume human flesh. These compulsions are frequently accompanied by an episodic and insatiable hunger, often to the point of physical pain that resembles starvation, specifically for human meat.
Intrusive Thoughts: Subjects tend to suffer from intrusive thoughts related to murder and cannibalism, which can be highly distressing and near impossible to control. One subject has been known to act upon these thoughts, but most never do.
Trauma Origin: The disorder usually stems from severe psychological trauma, particularly involving forced or coerced cannibalism during formative years. The disorder cannot be diagnosed, or even exist, without the traumatic origins.
Relationship Complications: Due to it's traumatic origins, ACD interferes with the subject's romantic interests. The one that they love tends to be a focus in their cannibalistic compulsions, be it wanting to share their meals with them.. or wanting to eat them. This typically only occurs in those that were forced to eat family members or those close to them, and is uncommon in those that only ate strangers as a child.
Resistibility and Therapy: While the urges and hunger can be resisted, doing so is extremely challenging without professional intervention. Effective management most likely requires extensive therapy, which may include cognitive-behavioral techniques, trauma-focused therapy, and possibly medication.
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There is a diagnostic criteria beneath the cut because I am.. slightly obsessed.
It is what I have already stated but in a format vaguely similar to the DSM.. I also allowed an ai to do most of this part because it is. 20 to 3 in the morning for us. Though, rest assured, I went through and checked that everything was correct!
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Diagnostic Criteria
A. Recurrent and intense urges to consume human flesh, as manifested by at least one of the following, occurring over a period of at least 6 months:
Persistent thoughts or fantasies about consuming human flesh.
Strong urges or desires to consume human flesh, leading to significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
B. Intrusive thoughts centering around murder and cannibalism, experienced frequently and causing marked anxiety or distress.
C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
D. The behaviors are not better explained by another mental disorder, such as Schizophrenia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or a Paraphilic Disorder.
E. The disorder originates from severe psychological trauma, particularly involving forced cannibalism during childhood or formative years.
Associated Features Supporting Diagnosis:
Episodes of Insatiable Hunger: Individuals may experience periods where the urge to consume human flesh becomes nearly unbearable.
Compulsive Behaviors: Some individuals may engage in ritualistic behaviors related to their cannibalistic urges.
Trauma History: A history of severe psychological trauma of other kinds is also typically present, but not at all required for diagnosis.
ACD is extremely rare and predominantly found in individuals with a history of severe childhood trauma related to cannibalism.
Development and Course:
The disorder usually begins in childhood or adolescence following a, or a series of, traumatic event(s). Without intervention ACD can persist into adulthood and lead to significant impairment on the subject's life, despite it being a disorder typically missed completely by those around the subject.
Functional Consequences:
ACD can lead to significant functional impairment, including difficulties in maintaining employment, relationships, and engaging in daily activities.
Differential Diagnosis:
Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders: Unlike these disorders, ACD is specifically linked to trauma and involves clear, consistent cannibalistic compulsions. It is not a disorder that can be genetic, but the existence of other genetic disorders (within the family tree) can increase it's likelihood of occuring as a result of the subject's trauma.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): While OCD involves intrusive thoughts and compulsions, the specific nature of cannibalistic urges and behaviors is distinct in ACD. Some may consider ACD a subtype of OCD.
Paraphilic Disorders: ACD is differentiated by the primary focus on cannibalism as a result of trauma rather than sexual arousal. It can be comorbid with paraphilic disorders, but it is uncommon.
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bestfictionalplant · 6 months
Round 2 Group 6
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Propaganda and spoilers under cut
It's a little guy :D More seriously, it's a monster. All monsters in Cassette Beasts can be "recorded" so you can turn into them! "A Jumpkin is a special monster created by smearing the goo from another monster, Jellyton, on a normal pumpkin. It's pretty much the only monster with this kind of capture method. Jumpkins are just funny little guys that, as their name implies, jump around! They have such zest for life. A jumpkin tape can be ""remastered"" into two other monsters, Beanstalker and Draculeaf."
in the time before time, when the evil mayor impersonator makuta was planning his plan to get the little robot meat guys in their little memory-erasing containers and before he'd impersonated the mayor (i think; don't quote me; i am Not Good at the timeline) he was like "hey i should make a plant that will force these four-foot fuckers towards the big sports and politics stadium under threat of murder so i can easily get my bastard robot cops to force them into the amnesia balls" and then he made karzahni. who was too smart and cool and powerful. so he did not get deployed. he is named after the legendary Lego Hell and Lego Satan where Bad And Naughty Disabled Robots Go For "Repairs" And Never Return. it's expensive to copyright names. they had to double up on occasion. or triple up. or quadruple up. anyway so evil mayor impersonator who is also ANOTHER Lego Satan but that's besides the point, creates this plant. but the plant is too smart. so he puts it somewhere and forgets about it and makes the morbuzakh NEW PARAGRAPH anyway so basically most creatures in this universe are immortal bar murder and fucked-up circumstances. no old age, basically. but this plant has one, because Bionicle Satan (Not Karzahni) makes his shit with limited lifespans so they can't wait for ten thousand years gathering their power and then kill-murder him to death. six big robot meat superheroes fight a fucking big monster in a tunnel. the cool smart one who used to be a teacher gets poisoned. but because karzahni (plant) is so fucking cool it can make an antidote. and it holds the antidote hostage in exchange for Cool Oil, which is oil from the apocalypse planet where the robot meat guys' creators are from, but they fracked too hard and split the planet into three pieces so that's a bit fucked-up and yet besides the point. anyway they get the magic juice and give it to karzahni (plant). previously in the story (but later in the timeline; this is a TWO-YEAR FLASHBACK EPISODE BABY) some other robot meat superheroes took a dunk in this cool fucking water and got mega-boosted powers. super-superheroes. but that's because god exists and has predetermined what can happen in each individual's life. those guys got Good Results From Applied Goo. karzahni (plant) does not. it just fucking. dies. it is then chopped up to make some lorries float so they can take the amnesiac sphere guys up to a cool new island they found, because their old island got FUCKING WRECKED NEW PARAGRAPH anyway a cutting of karzahni survived (known as karzahni ii) with all the memories and shit of the real one and just sort of goes. FINE. i will join you, Lego Satan (not karzahni but the evil mayor impersonator) in gaslighting this mentally ill man into thinking he's short and his life is a lie in order to get the time travel device he made out of some magic fucking frisbees. karzahni took on the role of the morbuzakh. then the guy's like "this is bullshit" and gets thrown off a cliff but Karzahni II catches him and goes "hey. everything's alright. i tortured and killed a guy and he said you're doing good and everything is gonna be okay" and then the evil mayor impersonator (who by this point has not been impersonating the mayor for like. at least a week?) kills it. again. for real this time
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egophiliac · 2 years
hi, just wanted to say I've just started to get into Twisted Wonderland and binge read your comics and content for it, it was really fun to read! i love how you draw the different characters' expressions! im still super new to it (haven't played the game yet but i got kinda hooked on reading the main story after looking it up by chance) but id love to play it eventually! do you have any suggestions on what to look up/read next as far as character backstories/interactions go? ive really enjoyed the parts from the birthday events (? i think?) that you have done comics from, they sound really fun! thanks for your time!
oh boy, GET READY because the personal stories/vignettes are where the real meat lies. like, the main story is the main draw, of course, and for good reason -- I am champing as the start of episode 7 grows nearer -- but Twst's strength is definitely in its enjoyable characters and their slice-of-life interactions in Zany Magic School. and fortunately, there's a lot of them!
(sorry this got so long, I have many feelings about anime characters)
most of the stories and events don't have a specific chronology aside from taking place sometime after episode 2 of the main story, so once you've gotten that far you're good to jump in almost anywhere! (the more recent events, starting with Fairy Gala IF, are explicitly set after episode 6 -- though if you're going off of the English version then I don't think any of them have been released yet.) event cards also assume that you've gone through the event story first and usually have spoilers or references for it. otherwise there's no real order, so you can just pick a character you like or event you think looks interesting and go from there!
one of the things I really like about Twst is that interactions aren't limited to defined groups -- everyone has inter-dorm friendships and clubs and sub-friend groups and opinions on everyone else that range from "well, I don't know if we're exactly friends, but we study together sometimes" to "I would literally die and/or murder for him" (and sometimes "I would literally die and/or murder for him but he won't let me >:("). characters pop up in each other's stories all the time, and pretty much everyone gets some extra depth or development to them that doesn't come out in the main story, so I do think it's worth it to read through at least a few for every character.
like, if you just go through the main story, you only really get to see Nice Mom Friend Trey, and not that he's actually kind of a petty asshole who is weirdly obsessed with dentistry and goes around sticking his hands in people's mouths. everybody has things like that! Jade is super into mushrooms! Leona is a feminist! Malleus has an intense emotional attachment to his tamagotchi! Cater participates in shallow consumerism because nothing in life has any meaning and actually his friends are pretty worried about him!
tl;dr read everything because this game knows what it's about and that's ✨Characters✨
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selectiveanger · 6 months
The many implications that Murder Drones Episode 7 created for the story:
1) Team JNV Disassembly Drone units are left with most of their personalities with them because they somehow always find ways to help the Absolute Solver (AS) destroy the planet. In fact, it is implied that they always lead to interesting and favorable results to the AS. What's scary is that what if the N-units always end up inflitrating settlements due to their friendliness, but it's all meant to lower the guard of any resistance.
2) Tessa has been dead/semi-dead since the beginning and Cyn has been wearing her skin to pass off as a human. This could also imply that this might be one of AS's modus operandi when infiltrating human settlements/resistances by posing as an JCJ Employee.
3) J has always known who her boss is (the AS) and has been the "getaway" for all the AS's planetary destruction endeavors. In fact, J almost slipped up and revealed Tessa's real identity in Episode 6.
4) All Murder Drone units have a clone that any deceased drones can get back to if ever they "die". This means that there is a central hub/fabrication machine where these clones are created and stored. The end may not be the end.
5) The AS can only utilize Solver powers through a vulnerable host like Nori or Uzi (while it seems that Yeva and Dolls programming are not that vulnerable due to a patch), otherwise, the AS's fallback is those meat-machine spider cores that can create those centipede-like creatures with projection abilities.
6) The reason why the AS wants to destroy the hosts is because of the possibility for the hosts to usurp the AS's powers. They are capable of acquiring control over everything the AS has, and therefore they are deemed a threat, especially if they have been patched. The AS also wanted to check the list in the Cabin Fever Basement to check if there were others, other than Nori and Yeva.
7) The Absolute Solver does not only want to end all life or end things like originally stated in Episode 5, it actually wants to eat planet cores.
8) The AS is primarily organic in nature and not machine or AI. It is only capable of invading machines by making them partially organic (converting their cores to hearts with rib cages and turning their oil to blood), and only a select set of drones (like Nori and Yeva) can be converted to this type of hybrid.
9) There was no big time-skip between Nori's death and Uzi going to school. The situation that probably set everything in motion is the death of both Yeva and Nori, which prompted the creation of the Three Doors Settlement.
10) Nori faked her death by transferring her consciousness to a Disassembly Drone AS Core. In fact, Uzi can also transfer her consciousness as well since this was shown as a joke moment in Episode 2 when she took over the body of one of her classmates.
11) In Episode 2, it was shown that Uzi as a baby had the AS symbol in one of the projections by the J-Centipede, this may imply the reason why Nori was looking for the patch in the first place. In fact, there is a shortcut to going to the Cathedral without using the elevator (as shown when J's key to the ship fell to where the Cathedral is), which Nori might've used to bypass Alice and the Sentinels. Nori might have been going down there to look for the patch even before she "died".
12) The patch updates the programming of a Drone. Removing the vulnerability that the AS exploits to take over the AI of a Drone. This patch also blocks the AS from seeing what the Drones are seeing. Unfortunately, the AS instead watched everything through Uzi and Doll's unpatched AI. This might also be the reason as to why Nori and Yeva died as their daughters might have been used as hostages. And they were allowed to die as their daughters are potential hosts.
I have other more to say but I'm tired already and too brainscrambled to think anymore. These are just theories and implications. I hope Liam provides a complete explanation in the end. And I sure do hope this isn't the only season.
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sparrowseagles · 6 months
The terror 2018 & religious symbols in storytelling and character development
Religious themes are widely used in cinema mainly because religion is an inherent part of our culture. The story of the bible is told using tropes and storytelling devices that are still prevalent to this day. It can help the audience recognize themes, character archetypes and offers the storyteller/director an opportunity to play with those common ideas and reshape them to create a unique piece of art.
We will be looking at first season of The terror series and how that applies to it. I have not read the book on which it's based, so I'll be focusing on the show's version.
(Disclaimer, I was raised catholic but never went to catechism class, so my knowledge of the subject may be flawed as it dates back to my childhood. Also, I am awfully uneducated and don't know anything about other religions or how they may apply to any of this. Therefore I'll be sticking to what I know here, but you're welcome to add to this and enlighten me!)
Episode 6 "A Mercy"
This episode quite obviously relates to religion as Fitzjames names the event they organize after the Catholic season of Carnival. All the episodes after it also follow the events that come after Carnival in the catholic faith, fasting for 40 days and then the resurrection of Christ.
Fitzjames orders this Carnival to keep the crew's spirits up and to "prepare them for what's to come". The walk home and/or the Lent season.
In the catholic faith, Carnival is a celebration of worldly pleasures. People eat in abundance, expensive and unhealthy foods, lots of sweets and fat. This is a time of celebration, with dancing, music and playing games. And of course lots of alcohol consumption.
We see the event through Francis' eyes, still afflicted by withdrawal. There is a fever dream quality to the place. The abundance of everything, the time it must have taken the men to not only build the place but their costumes as well, it all feels exaggerated and far too elaborated for the resources available to them.
This furthers the idea of abundance that Carnival represents.
Francis congratulates them on their skills, their creativity, and their cooperation in building this place that he calls a 'temple'. Again, the word is significant in the sense that a temple is a church.
He goes on to tell the men what's awaiting them. A long walk, to get back home. After Carnival comes a season of fasting in the Catholic faith during which people atone for their overindulgence. They eat sparingly, no meats, sweets, dairy, and liquor and everything else they did at Carnival.
This fast lasts 40 days. A parallel can easily be made with the imminent starvation the men are about to go through.
One of the most important things that happen at this Carnival is its end. Dr. Stanley foresees these horrors awaiting them all and opts for mass murder, in his eyes it's the gentler end, 'a mercy'.
He attempts to save the men from this otherwise inevitable fate by setting himself on fire and walking out with his arms spread out like a burning cross.
There is a tradition at the end of Carnival where the Carnival King is burned, it represents the end of the festivities and the beginning of lent. It's a scapegoat for all this excess.
Also, before Carnival Kings were puppets or floats, they were an appointed person. During Carnival, this 'king' was allowed to speak freely, even against their own government and would not be punished or imprisoned for it afterwards. They were meant to advocate for the people and bring up potential issues. Where Crozier tries to be honest with the men and make them feel brave to face the task ahead, Dr. Stanly, knowing the truth about the cans, goes against that directly, to him there is no hope. He advocates for the crew through an extreme act, which looking back on by the end of the season can indeed look like the lesser of two evils.
The 40 days of fasting are a call back to the 40 years the Hebrews spent in the desert, before reaching the promised land. When looking at the visuals from the episodes following the Carnival, the landscape is strongly reminiscent of the desert. The rocky hills look just like sand dunes. It's just as barren, nothing grows and nothing lives there. Where one is hot, the other is cold.
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Dr. Goodsir as a Christ figure
First off, Goodsir's nature and personality can be compared to that of Jesus. He is a man who acts out of compassion and who believes in the goodness of human nature. He doesn't project racist beliefs onto the Netsilik people, like most of the crew does. He treats Silna as an equal and a friend, not a captive. He is the one who brings her her food, symbolically breaking bread.
He even continues to believe in the good of the British people despite the horrors he realizes they are responsible for, he claims this is not all his people are. His profession itself is reminiscent of Jesus, as they both heal the ill.
But his Christ-like metamorphosis really shines through in the latter half of the season.
As we established, the 40 days of fasting relate to the 40 years of wandering in the desert. However, it most importantly relates to the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert and being tormented by Satan's temptations.
Many times in the 4 episodes that follow the Carnival we see Goodsir refusing to eat, because he knows of the cans. Later Hickey's group stops eating the cans as well, but they don't fast, they resort to cannibalism. Where satan tempts Jesus to turn the stones into bread, Hickey makes Goodsir turn men into food. Still, despite being hungrier than any of them because of his fast, Goodsir does not yield to the temptation Hickey lays in front of him.
Furthermore, the only way he can be coerced into participating in this horrible act and preparing the flesh to be eaten, is by being threatened that harm could befall Hodgson if he refuses.
Witnessing Dr. Stanley's suicide planted the idea for Dr. Goodsir's own early on, but what triggers it is Hodgson's story about attending papist mass.
He describes the vivid elated feeling of being purified through eating the body of Christ. In the Catholic faith Jesus died for our sins and by doing so, absolved us of our wrongdoings. By consuming him, we become a little more like him ourselves. If you attend Mass on Easter Sunday, the lights will be off and then turned on to symbolize the resurrection of Christ, then you are called to eat the wafer. It's Christ's body that you first consume after your fast, it gives you life again.
But even dying on the cross, Jesus continued to love people, even the ones who put him there and asked God to forgive them. Goodsir, captive in Hickey's camp and pushed to his limit, takes another route. He only lets Crozier know of the plan, therefore sentencing Hickey's followers along with him.
Hodgson told Goodsir that if he were a braver man he'd kill Hickey, implying not Hickey's group. Francis tells Hickey that he forgives everyone, except for him. Goodsir, however, is starting to embrace his former colleague's point of view, and opts for mass murder as well.
He tells Crozier that even through all of this he still finds beauty in the environment that surrounds them. As he bleeds to death, it is not loved ones that welcome him, like he had told David Young in the beginning, but symbols of nature.
In many ways, Goodsir represents an alternate path Jesus could easily have taken, one in which he lost his faith in the goodness of people and his faith in God.
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"Any God?"
Still, Goodsir is a martyr and makes the ultimate sacrifice, like Jesus did, dying for the sins of others. But by eating his flesh Hickey will not be washed of his sins but punished for them.
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xxshadowcasterxx · 7 months
First off, we start with that interview about Bonzo, the clown suit turned murder machine
Then we have Colin (who is ALIVE) hacking into the OIAR Computers and Celia drinking the SUS coffee
Then we get into the meat and potatoes of the episode
1. Gwen does a run to the house of Nigel, the guy who made Bonzo. He gets a letter FOR Bonzo, supposedly with an address that targets somebody for Bonzo to kill. (Interview mentioned 3 new murders, which Nigel denies any involvement with.)
Sam finds a box with a key (we don't know what for yet.) He and Alice walk around and we get some very interesting details about the Institute ruins
-Worm tracks recognized by Alice (Jane Prentiss/Corruption was definately here.)
-Hole opens up underneath the ruins (Leading into tunnels?)
-Alice finds something labeled Archi (Presumably originally having read Archives or Archivist).
One of the devices used to listen in on Sam and Alice is A Tape Recorder, presumably the SAME tape recorder that once was used by Jon, as it was found in the Archi Room
Another detailis that Sam is looking for something specific, but he isn't quite sure what it is. He has fragmented memories of his time at the Institute, and one of the things he wonders about specifically is *why he wasn't chosen for something.*
We also hear someone BREATHING as Alice and Sam leave the Institute, breathing that sounds suspiciously familiar...
It has been speculated that in this universe The Magnus Institute was trying to CREATE Avatars of this world's version of the Fears, evidence for this being shown by the reports mentioning them taking in "Subjects" and "Strange Artifacts"
In Episode 10, Sam mentions that They, presumably The Magnus Institute, didn't choose him for Something. I believe that this "Something" is the ability to become an Avatar. Something about Sam made him ineligible, unable to be an Avatar. I believe this will be explored later.
-The OIAR is The Magnus Institute
I believe that the OIAR is a recreation of the Magnus Institute, run by the same people with similar goals in mind. There are parallels between the two businesses that seem significant to say the least.
The Two collect and organize Statements or Records of Supernatural incidents. What's especially interesting is that in The Magnus Archives, Gertrude mentions that organizing the Statements only helps the Institute work faster. It was their GOAL to organize Statments, and that is what the OIAR is doing.
This leads me to also believe that Lena is or was one of the most important people at The Institute, either working as an Archivist herself or perhaps even being Head of the Institute, similar to Elias in TMA
I believe that I have pieced together an Idea of what the Story of TMAGP is and where it is headed, given the evidence we have so far.
-The Magnus Institute begins to collect "Gifted Kids" in order to experiment on them and try to create Avatars
-Nigel Dickerson airs on Channel 6 with his show "Nigel's SOS"
-Introduction of Mr. Bonzo
-Bonzoland (Never Finished)
-Murders by Bonzo
-The Magnus Institute Burns (Cover Up)
The Magnus Institute began a program for "Gifted Children." We know of two people who were involved in this program: Sam and Gerry Keay. The two of them (separately) leave the Institute, both of which being "Ineligible" for whatever experiments the Institute was preforming.
These experiments and/or attempts at creating new Avatars of the Fears left both Gerry and Sam with large gaps in their memory.
Gerry: "Yeah, I barely remember any of it."
Gerry: "Oh yeah, but I was pretty young. I remember filling in a bunch of forms and questionnaires, then some old men asking me questions about what books I liked to read, who did I look up to, that kind of thing. And then I left."
Sam: "I have… I have memories of weird stuff I saw here, but no context. I want to know what was happening, why they chose us… why they didn’t choose me. Maybe find the bit where everything started to go wrong.
But… it’s too late. And now… I’m the only one left who cares."
Sam: "I was on one of their gifted kids programs and – um – I got hold of a list of a few of the other kids, and thought it might be nice if we could get in contact, swap stories and that…"
These experiments were done so that possible candidates for New Avatars could be chosen. Both Gerry and Sam were rejected.
It is also revealed that The Magnus Institute burned down sometime after these experiments were stopped or shut down after discovery.
I believe that The Magnus Institute fire, which occurred in 1999, was done by the higher-ups of TMI in order to cover up whatever experiments they were doing.
At first, this might seem incredibly contrary to the known behavior of the Institute, which was built for the very purpose of Storing and Organizing Knowledge for the Eye. Wouldn't burning it and destroying all of the Statements stored there hurt the Eye?
It would. Except, the Statements weren't destroyed. They were moved.
This leads into my belief that the OIAR is the Magnus Institute, simply disguised as a new Business. It was created with the intention of moving the Statements and both organizing them and preserving them through the use of the Computers. This would prevent them from the risk of being destroyed by something like Fire, which was established to be a way to hurt the Eye in TMA.
However, there is still one thing preventing the OIAR from fully covering their tracks. And that is the Failed Avatars.
I think that the OIAR, specifically Lena, is killing the old Avatar experiments in order to prevent anyone from knowing about the Institute's actions in the first place. And she's using Bonzo to do it.
In episode 10, we see Gwen Bouchard, who has been newly appointed by Lena as some kind of "Inside Man," making a delivery to none other than Nigel Dickerson, the creator (and possible host) of Bonzo.
Bonzo the Clown is a living creature, one mentioned to "hate being stared at." This aligns him with the Stranger, who is directly opposed to the Ceaseless Watcher.
He is given an Address by Gwen, which supposedly leads to some kind of target for Bonzo to kill.
I believe this target will be one of the Failed Avatars, possibly even Gerard Keay himself, as well as Gertrude Robinson. They would be killed by the OIAR to prevent any leaks of information.
Another lose thread in the OIAR's plan is Colin, who seems to have discovered something about the Magnus Institute and is well aware of the OIAR's habit of "Silencing" those with information.
This is what leads him to spiral and believe that any device near him is "Watching" him. He's correct in this assumption, of course, but wrong about Who it is that's Watching. He believes it to be the OIAR, but in reality I have come to the conclusion that it's one of two possibilities.
One: The Eye, or more specifically, Jonathan Sims, Former Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
A very popular theory where everyone's favorite wet cat, Jonathan "I know what a meme is" Sims, has been trapped inside of the OIAR's computer system.
Evidence to support this is the use of his voice in the reading of Important Documents, named "Chester" by Alice.
This theory suggests that after the events of The Magnus Archives, Jon's death successfully caused the Fears to travel to another universe. Since he was so tightly connected with the Eye at that time, being "The Pupil" of it, he was also supposedly transported into the world of TMAGP.
If this were the case, then it begs the question as to why Jon and the Eye would be trapped in the Computers specifically. Not just computers, seemingly every electronic device, as we see the "Listeners" also use phones and even televisions to Watch/Listen into conversations.
Two: The Web, or Us, The Audience
It was established clearly in TMA that the characters were being recorded/listened to by Tape recorders controlled by Annebelle Cane, and subsequently the Web. As Audience members, we are also apart of the Web when we listen in to these conversations through these devices. It's possible that this is the same case in The Magnus Protocol.
These are all the theories I have and am able to support with evidence. If you have any input, responses, etc, let me know!
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thegeminisage · 1 month
star trek update time. last night we watched ds9's "favor the bold" and "sacrifice of angels."
favor the bold:
worf rescuing dax during these wartime bits is EXTREMELY sweet. i think this is like 2 or 3 times now? he loves her 🥺
i love all the big cgi shots of all the different ships...i feel like i could look at those forever just noticing the various differences
quark in this episode......................
quark e kira in charge of breaking rom out. quark/kira. QUARK/KIRA! odo who? he sucks. fuck odo.
i don't mean it. i'm actually going to try as hard as i can to forgive him because it would be too exhausting to hate him until the end of the series. but FUCK ODO!!! kira doesn't need him...quark is right there...
like, odo being busy in his room fucking the mommy changeling or whatever while rom was in JAIL and kira and odo weren't allowed to see him!!!! fuck off
THE BRIG SCENE???? where rom my king rom was like. like quark was fucking. TRYING TO COMFORT HIM? and rom was just like. brother you cannot save me from execution you've got to focus on saving everyone else first. and quark was like what the fuck is wrong with you. and then proceeded to save everyone else first???
kira was also in amazing form this episode. first of all, her fucking beating damar to a pulp and daring him to do anything about it. her getting ziyal to finally turn on her dad. and most of all telling odo to sit on it and spin. literally go fuck your mother. she's amazing
nog!!! nog's little promotion. wah. about time.
sacrifice of angels:
WORMHOLE ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm actually really nervous about it cuz sisko was like bajor is my home when i retire when i go home it's gonna be to bajor and they were like you will never find peace in bajor :)
it was still really cool to see them again though. i'm fucking obsessed
and like...imagine being kira, or any bajoran. and you work with sisko for five years and he's like man cmon im not jesus. stop treating me like im jesus. i dont believe in that shit. and then he goes into the wormhole to face down 2800 enemy ships and vaporizes them with his mind. buddy you're not beating the jesus allegations anytime soon or like ever
QUARK IN THIS EPISODE ALSO. everything up to him because everyone else got thrown in jail for being rom sympathizers. him kidnapping ziyal for help was brilliant. they made a good team for .5 seconds. i love also that he 1. murdered two guys 2. freaked the fuck out about it, which is exactly what he did in that one episode with the klingon lady
also, QUARK E KIRA!!!! "i'd kiss you quark but" NO! KISS HIM!!!!!!!!!!
ziyal......girl, rip. she got there in the end i guess. but holy shit, i didn't realize damar had it in him. if im being honest im glad they killed her and not rom, it looked dangerously close to heading that way i know i checked up on him on memory alpha but STILL
what was really fun about it was dukat snapping. that wasn't where i saw his arc going but him totally losing it and then giving sisko back the baseball vs sisko triumphantly taking the baseball back...wow. that prop held so much weight over these 6 episodes and i was wondering how it was gonna pay off and it paid off REAL good
odo's change of heart.....................................
look. in theory, i LOVE him having a struggle and coming down on the side of the federation because of, primarily, kira. i just think his "betrayal" came out of nowhere, he was instantly telling this mommy changeling all his deepest secrets and then linking with her without any lead up or build up. if he had been struggling beforehand, if he had still been human and wanted it taken away from him, this i would understand. but his "betrayal" had no meat to it, so his change of heart doesn't feel very meaningful either. so like i want to care but i don't.
that said, when she asked why he changed his mind and he said "i think you know the answer" that was. pretty good. that was pretty good. it makes me hopeful that odo and i can get past this very rough place in our relationship :(
TONIGHT: finally back to voyager to catch up on all the voyager we skipped to watch ds9 three nights in a row. we got "day of honor" and "nemesis," for realsies this time
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Is Jon tall or short?
I think he’s short. (I’ll explain why under the cut)
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This is to Jon; I think it’d be kinda weird to describe oneself like that if you’re shorter than the person you’re talking to. (I know this might just be about weight, but to me it seems more like it’s all dimensions, including height)
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Granted this is from a weird eldritch being, that, I think, can be rather large. So perhaps not concrete evidence.
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Again, this a threat, so might just be hyperbole.
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Another threat(?), might just be belittling. Edit: Nikola also calls him “little Archivist” in episode 97.
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Once again, another threat, so might still be an exaggeration.
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You guessed it, another threat, but I feel it at least safe to say Jon’s smaller than the cop.
While it’s not, perhaps, the best evidence; I at least think it’s enough to say Jon’s not particularly tall, perhaps average height at best?
There’s also the fact Jon could barely carry a pipe around, (a pipe Elias could, apparently, bludgeon a man’s head in with). Jon also looks pathetic enough that Basira can’t even fathom him being able to murder someone.
(To be clear, I’m not saying Jon isn’t tall, just giving my reasons for why I think he’s short. Headcanon him whatever height you’d like)
His only concrete description is that he looks like he hasn’t slept in a week.
Just for kicks, here’s my personal headcanons on the archives staff’s (and Elias[and Georgie]) height and/or build.
Jon: Tiny. To me, he is the smallest wet cat of a man, 5’4” (162.5 cm) at most. No meat on his bones, just a little guy.
Martin: Like he says, not the smallest guy, I imagine he’s a heavy guy, very huggable. I know there’s the common headcanon that he’s exactly 6’(183 cm), but to me, he’s got 6’2” (189 cm) energy. (Am I the only one that took “not the smallest” to mean absolutely jacked at first, just a total beefcake)
Tim: Average. Average height, average build. Probably 5’9” (175 cm) decently muscular, (from those kayaking trips)
Sasha: canonically tall. Sasha’s tall, I’d say 6’1 (185 cm) I kinda imagine her to be curvy(?, I don’t know if that’s the right way to put it) you know those people who have, like some good arm fat? (I’m sorry, that’s probably the worst way to describe it, but I don’t know how else to explain it) Really soft, kind looking type of person.
Elias: Elias is an odd one, ‘cause depending on the day I might think he’s kinda big, like 5’11” (180 cm) and somewhat muscular (less so than Tim), ‘cause he did bash a man’s head in. But on other days, I might go with the common twink version of Elias, I’m thinking 5’6” (167 cm), so still taller than Jon, but shorter than most guys. (He was also described as a “weird little freak” by Daisy, but that was, once again, a threat, so might just be intimidation)
Melanie: Canonically skinny. Honestly, a lot like Jon, I imagine her to not have much meat on her bones,(although, probably more muscle on her than Jon) she’s all sharp angles. While I do like the idea she’s the exact same height as Jon, I think she’s either one inch taller or shorter, either way she’s intolerable about it.
Georgie: I don’t really have any specific height for Georgie, but I’d probably say somewhere around 5’5” - 5’7” (165 - 170 cm). Like Martin, she gives off very huggable vibes, kinda like that one person you know that’s really nice and soft looking, but can also just verbally destroy someone.
Basira: Average height, on the heavier(?, not sure that’s the right word for it) side. It’s implied that she and Martin are not as skinny as Melanie, so I think Basira’s pretty muscular, but it’s like in a weight lifter kind of way. I feel like she’s probably 5’8” (173 cm).
Daisy: strong. If anyone is absolutely ripped in The Magnus Archives, (other than Jared Hopworth) it’s Daisy. However, I don’t think she’s that tall, probably same height as Tim at 5’9” (175 cm).
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vickozone · 1 year
The Magnus Archives
-S1 Notes-
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I took notes on every episode in season one. I thought some of y’all would find it interesting. Oh well.
Fanart may or may not be coming soon.
next notes ->
Handwriting translated below:
#1 Anglerfish
#2 Casket (don’t open) delivery
#3 Creepy gay guy (neighbor)
#4 Book (old head-shaven woman)
#5 teeth & dolls
#6 Laid (worms)
#7 battlefield piper
#8 House building, bleeding tree guy
#9 creepy dad murderer
#10 homeless vamp killer
#11 Guy that dreamed Gertrude’s death
#12 Hospital.
#13 First side character, graveyard dead fiancée chic
#14 Guy kept loosing limbs (cardboard curse)
#15 ooo cave spooky (audio scared me)
#17 Book 2, boneturner’s tale
#18 meat stapler upstairs
#19-20 cannibal possessed priest
#21 the sky ate my son, also, Martin’s first appearance
#22 Martin is “spookied”
#23 Letter to Jonah Magnus
#24 doll & organ
#25 Religious Girl weird
#27 Night nocturnal intrusion dementia
#28 YouTube bloggers (BuzzFeed Unsolved)
#29 Man escapes death by becoming death??
#30 Butcher meat. IDK
#31 werewolf in America (Jon also sings)
#32 Jane is scary and Jon sounds genuinely terrified (scared me)
#33 First Tim interaction + bald head boat
#34 Dr is scared of his students
#35 idk, something underground + Robert Smirk + Jon got a package
#36 sick nursing home + lighter gift + fear + table (from ep3?)
#37 Forest checker that burned (Gertrude photo)
#38 antiques and Jon running for his lif- RUN
#39 THEY’RE EVERYWHERE Sasha + Martin is GONE
#40 Gertrude was murdered
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I have the dumbest murder drones theory. So in episode 6, it’s said that heat weakens the solver meat goop things. They labs are all Cabin Fever labs. A fever is your body overheating itself on purpose to get rid of pathogens and viruses. The Absolute Solver is now established to be a virus. In episode 4, Uzi’s body is overheating and she loses control of the solver powers. Cyn is taking control of her body, but she can also transfer her sentience. What if, when Uzi becomes controlled by Cyn again, they do something to cause Uzi to overheat and try to transfer Cyn’s consciousness into a dead drone or something. It would save Uzi, hopefully, and leave Cyn in a weakened state. Even if the sentience transfer doesn’t work and they have to fight Cyn in Uzi’s body, this would still weaken her and stop her from going all eldritch abomination like she was in the gala and as J in episode 2.
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catawonkus · 1 year
Merlin rewatch the labyrinth of gedref s1 e11
Or, Arthur learns a valuable lesson about hunting out of season.
Arthur deserved to get cursed lmao you can’t just kill a horse and be like “why are you upset don’t be such a girl merlin”
Also Uther getting a unicorn horn and immediately being like “Gaius look isn’t it cool!!” They are in love it’s so toxic
I never understood the rat meat scene. You haven’t eaten in days, right? Merlin grew up in an impoverished village. Why are you both turning up your nose at rat? The gags about food being gross are actually so dumb and spoil an otherwise excellent episode.
The bad CGI of merlin getting sucked unto the maze girl stop lol—
Final test scene holds up actually. Arthur’s concentrated little face knowing he has to die is very sweet and I love Arthur thinking his last words will be “you know me, merlin, I never listen to you”
Arthur killing an apparition does not count as a murder.
Arthur total kill count: 6
Merlin total kill count: 7
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 10, "The Bracebridge Dinner", Part 2
You can read my previous reviews here.
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I'd say someone needs to put Miss Patty on a leash, but she'd enjoy that a little too much. Down girl Down! My homegirl Paris is exhausted sitting next to Patty all night, having to hear about an elderly woman's insatiable cravings for young meat. She's also depressed because she was hoping to be sat next to Rory, the love of her life, but the stars did not align in her favor.
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Michel is me during every episode except this one and maybe 5 others.
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Dear God, Patty. He's spoken for.
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My two favorite Party Poopers. (later after the dinner, Rory and Lorelai are in their room at the Inn). Rory: Have you heard from Dad yet? He usually checks in this time of year. Take a minute to dissect that sentence. Take 5 minutes, if you need to. Let it sink in. Crusty: "Is it December again? Golly, I almost forgot. It's that special time of year where I call my daughter. The annual Daddy-Daughter Phone Call." Lorelai neglected to tell Rory that Crusty "checked in" and invited her to stay over. Rory: Why didn't he ask me? Lorelai: He's pretending to be considerate by running it by me first.
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Oh Rory, my sweet summer child in oversized blue floral pajamas. No. Rory: Why didn't you tell me? Lorelai: Because I have dibs on you this time of year, not him! I want to know what kind of strip-mall custody lawyer these two visited where they called dibs on their child lol
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She also goes on to say "there's something wrong with that woman" (a woman she's never met, by the way). I am going to utter a very cursed sentence: "IN CHRISTOPHER'S DEFENSE" (*VOMITS*), Lorelai is acting like Christopher wanted Rory to live with him for 6 months or something. He asked her to visit for a weekend over her winter break.
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Justice for Sherry, she did nothing wrong. Justice for all the women on this show whose only crimes were having questionable taste in men like Dean and Christopher and end up in the crosshairs of their jealous ex girlfriends or not-yet-girlfriends. Sherry did not deserve to be called "your stupid stepmother" (and understandably, Rory interrupts her mother's insane rambling to question whether Sherry has even earned the rank of stepmother yet)..Justice for Lindsay. Justice for Shane because Rory was nasty to her for no reason and because she didn't deserve to be brutally murdered by Jess and end up swan food at the bottom of the lake. (more on that in season 3).
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Yeah, so nice of him to invite you to visit him once a year.
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Whuuhh? Why? Can we have a Jimmy Mariano Vs Christopher Hayden Deadbeat Father Death Match? I'll make popcorn. Lorelai: Okay, maybe I was being a littttle possessive and insanely jealous of his pretty girlfriend. We love to see moments of self awareness here at TWWGG. Bless. Instead of weekly fundraisers to fix a bridge, couldn't they have used that money to pay for desperately needed therapy for Rory and Lorelai instead? During dinner, Richard accidentally revealed he was retiring and Emily didn't know and now they're mad at each other. They have a conversation about it that drags on way too long. I don't care.
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Uhhhhh. I'm uncomfortable. Anyways
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Listen to her. She may be seven but she's very wise.
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Hi. Bye.
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The wretched Forrester parental units. I will never forgive you for unleashing your demon son onto the world. NEVER.
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Three guesses to what Butthead just witnessed. You're really gonna thin out your lips, get all scowly and constipated just because you saw them make eye contact across a room? Okay, it was pretty good eye contact, he should be concerned. In the beginning of the episode while Rory and Lorelai are building their snowman for the contest, their competition includes an advanced snowman sculptor who seems as if he was planted to throw the contest in his favor ("a ringer") and they conclude it would be impossible to win against him. Rory tells Jess about The Ringer on their sleigh ride. At the end of the episode, L&R notice his snowman has been destroyed. I never connected the dots the first dozen times I've seen this episode that Jess destroyed that snowman to help Rory win the contest. And that's why I love this show. You can watch it over and over will always pick up on something new.
(Want to know another reason this is one of my favorite episodes? Nobody gets mad at Jess or gives him any bullshit. The Chuck thing doesn't count).
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bestfictionalplant · 7 months
Round 1, Group 6
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Propaganda and spoilers under cut
Undergrowth: A gigantic plant monster ghost from the Ghost Zone, he wants to enslave humanity due to their destruction of nature and turn the Earth into a giant jungle paradise. He uses his mind controlling vines to enslave the citizens of Amity park. Her refers to the all the plants as his children and Danny's friend Sam, due to her being a vegetarian and environmental activist, gets special treatment among his mind controlled slaves as his "daughter", even dressing her up in a poison ivy-eque outfit and granting her similar powers to his own. Danny was only able to defeat Undergrowth after mastering his Ice Powers.  Despite hating humanity, he does not want Earth to be destroyed, and is therefore one of the many former villains that help Danny save the planet from the giant asteroid in the series finale. 
Karzahni: in the time before time, when the evil mayor impersonator makuta was planning his plan to get the little robot meat guys in their little memory-erasing containers and before he'd impersonated the mayor (i think; don't quote me; i am Not Good at the timeline) he was like "hey i should make a plant that will force these four-foot fuckers towards the big sports and politics stadium under threat of murder so i can easily get my bastard robot cops to force them into the amnesia balls" and then he made karzahni. who was too smart and cool and powerful. so he did not get deployed. he is named after the legendary Lego Hell and Lego Satan where Bad And Naughty Disabled Robots Go For "Repairs" And Never Return. it's expensive to copyright names. they had to double up on occasion. or triple up. or quadruple up. anyway so evil mayor impersonator who is also ANOTHER Lego Satan but that's besides the point, creates this plant. but the plant is too smart. so he puts it somewhere and forgets about it and makes the morbuzakh NEW PARAGRAPH anyway so basically most creatures in this universe are immortal bar murder and fucked-up circumstances. no old age, basically. but this plant has one, because Bionicle Satan (Not Karzahni) makes his shit with limited lifespans so they can't wait for ten thousand years gathering their power and then kill-murder him to death. six big robot meat superheroes fight a fucking big monster in a tunnel. the cool smart one who used to be a teacher gets poisoned. but because karzahni (plant) is so fucking cool it can make an antidote. and it holds the antidote hostage in exchange for Cool Oil, which is oil from the apocalypse planet where the robot meat guys' creators are from, but they fracked too hard and split the planet into three pieces so that's a bit fucked-up and yet besides the point. anyway they get the magic juice and give it to karzahni (plant). previously in the story (but later in the timeline; this is a TWO-YEAR FLASHBACK EPISODE BABY) some other robot meat superheroes took a dunk in this cool fucking water and got mega-boosted powers. super-superheroes. but that's because god exists and has predetermined what can happen in each individual's life. those guys got Good Results From Applied Goo. karzahni (plant) does not. it just fucking. dies. it is then chopped up to make some lorries float so they can take the amnesiac sphere guys up to a cool new island they found, because their old island got FUCKING WRECKED NEW PARAGRAPH anyway a cutting of karzahni survived (known as karzahni ii) with all the memories and shit of the real one and just sort of goes. FINE. i will join you, Lego Satan (not karzahni but the evil mayor impersonator) in gaslighting this mentally ill man into thinking he's short and his life is a lie in order to get the time travel device he made out of some magic fucking frisbees. karzahni took on the role of the morbuzakh. then the guy's like "this is bullshit" and gets thrown off a cliff but Karzahni II catches him and goes "hey. everything's alright. i tortured and killed a guy and he said you're doing good and everything is gonna be okay" and then the evil mayor impersonator (who by this point has not been impersonating the mayor for like. at least a week?) kills it. again. for real this time
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thegenvyisreal · 1 year
Good Omens Season 2 Episode 6 Thoughts (for real this time)
Let's just take this chronologically so I can lose my mind at the end.
Crowley in heaven! What a dork! He looks lovely I hope SO MANY PPL cosplay him.
He's so powerful! Someone on here pointed out that when Gabriel in the recording said he was the only supreme (or level 1 or something?) archangel in heaven it panned immediately to Crowley. MY MAN. MY GIRL. CROWLEY IS SO IMPORTANT!!
Throwing encyclopedias at the demons and Aziraphale wincing, boy I feel you.
And shax made fun of Zira for liking food?? Okay fat shamer! Get fucked!
Wartime Halo Demon Bomb?? Great band name.
Crowley defusing a war with just saying "no, bad, do NOT"? The power he has!!
First of all, I THOUGHT the fly was a Beelzebub thing! I just didn't think it had Gabriel's memories in it.
Their little love story was cute, but explain to me HOW we were supposed to deduce why the jukebox is the way it is or WHY Gabe lost his memories without the Bureaucracy exposition??? NEIL YOU WANTED US TO FIGURE IT OUT BUT HOW???
Good for them for going off together but it's just so SILLY how THEY get to have that and our duo DON'T. I do not like it.
Okay. Let's get on with it.
So I DON'T get my angsty finale, but I do get something INFINITELY WORSE.
Maggie and Nina coming to Crowley to tell him what's up. Good for them!
Nina calling Maggie Angel I ALMOST FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR
Hell yes Derek Jacobi you're so lovely but I want to punch the Metatron in the FACE.
Why on earth would you get Zira THAT coffee?? He doesn't drink coffee!! Is this some power trip?? Is there SOMETHING IN THE COFFEE???
Aziraphale. Sweetie. Darling. Dear boy. You're so STUPID.
Crowley being like, I need to tell you this right now or I may never be able to say it. And Zira like, hold that thought! YOU RUDE LITTLE BITCH LET HIM SPEAK.
Crowley confessing. Begging Aziraphale not to do this. Aziraphale not understanding why Crowley WOULDN'T want to do this. ZIRA AFTER EVERYTHING CROWLEY'S BEEN THRU YOU WANT HIM TO GO BACK TO HIS ABUSIVE FAMILY???
The kiss.
My heart shattered.
I've been waiting for this moment for over a month, and I got it in the WORST POSSIBLE WAY. Crowley's desperation, Aziraphale not knowing how to react. Not reacting at all. Crowley kissed him and he just stood there.
Sidebar: I KNOW that Aziraphale KNOWS that he's in love with Crowley. He KNEW in 1941. You dumbass. You imbecile. You fucker. Why.
"I forgive you".
I want to understand him. I am Aziraphale-coded for sure. But I guess I'm also Crowley-coded?? Idk what to do with my feelings.
Excuse me Zira I have one question:
I'm gonna commit multiple crimes.
And he just walks out. And Aziraphale looks just as broken. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it.
And after EVERYTHING. Crowley still waits by his car. Waits to see if Aziraphale will come to his senses and come back for him. But he doesn't. Zira even LOOKS BACK AT HIM before going into the elevator. How DARE you. How FUCKING DARE YOU YOU COWARD.
And you know??? You know what really gets to me?? You know what really cooks my noodle?? Besides the "I forgive you"???
Aziraphale's face journey in the elevator. How it lands, at the end, on a horrific smile. Bless Michael's acting skills cuz that is a horrible smile.
And Crowley just feels nothing. Completely broken. Like all of us.
I get it. I GET THE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE PARALLELS. @sycophantastic pointed it out, that it's a 3-act structure, and I know this is the "dark night of the soul" portion of the hero's journey. I GET. IT. I still hate it.
It took me forever to get to sleep last night. Like an hour and a half. Cuz my brain wouldn't shut up. And I dreamt about them. And it was awful and sad. And NOW we're going to a friend's house to watch the whole thing with her for the first time. Again. I have to endure this again.
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13thdoctorposts · 6 months
Thinking about what you were saying about 12; I try to be cautious of the fact that 12 was hated for a long time but even now he's definitely gaining popularity and there's people who love his era but spout off this nonsense about 13. And sometimes all I can think about is how much hate 13 would get for saying the same things as him. Remember when bill was concerned about missy literally being a mass murderer and he implied Bill is just as bad bc she eats meat? Can you imagine how much hate 13 would get for that 😭 and its the same in other eras, 13 would never get away with half the crap that was said to mickey, or making fun of Jackie supposedly being old, or abandoning jack, or yelling at Clara etc
I love 12 because he felt more alien to me than the previous Doctors, but you never hear discourse about his behaviour or the things he said. I like each Doctor being a bit different, its far more interesting that way, and if sometimes they are a bit of an asshole thats fine too, but it has to be fine for all of them not just the male Doctors.
All they talk about is how much they love a couple of his big speeches, but for 13, 6 years on they are still complaining about episodes from series 11 claiming they make her a terrible person. But what 7 years on theres nothing to complain about with 12?
Please we all know there is if you wanted to hold a grudge but we know it's a TV show somethings in an episode aren't great and we move on. Unless you're anti 13 then you never move on and have to make sure anyone who's watched the show knows how bad of a Doctor 13 is and anyone who goes to watch it for the first time you try to ruin their experience and make sure they see all the bad before they have watched it. But they don't do that with any of the other Doctors even though you could.
When it comes to polls these days 12's eps somehow now after all the hate when it aired are supposedly the greatest episodes of Who ever written, and he's one of the best Doctors... which is fine but it also doesn't feel genuine since they weren't saying that at the time. It feels more like a a rebuke of 13 more than a love of 12 a lot of the time, and why? because at least he was still a male Doctor.
I have read more times than I cant count... Doctor Who died at the end of series 10... Why? You hated the 12th Doctors run when it aired... now you hate the 13th Doctors run,,, but somehow 12 is still a legitimate Doctor and 13 doesn't count? Please that shit is just misogyny.
And thats not even going back further through NuWho... the 9th, 10th and 11th Doctors runs also had questionable episodes, questionable morals at times, and a lot of questionable lines of dialogue.
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