clubrogernimier · 4 months
« Moins ils ont de talent, plus ils ont d’orgueil, de vanité, d’arrogance. Tous ces fous trouvent cependant d’autres fous qui les applaudissent » Erasme
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vaevictis2 · 4 months
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lolita-lollipop · 9 months
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(mostly Shinso)
WARNINGS: suicidal threats from the reader, not detailed but mentioned depression and dissociation, the reader is not okay, unwanted comfort. yandere(and all the things that come with it)
it's cold outside today.
As you dragged yourself through the front yard, scratches already lining your knees,you wished that you grabbed a jacket, or decided to do this during the summer season. The sedative they had given you hours ago was in full effect, putting weight on your shoulders and making your vision blur, putting you off balance again and again as you sprinted through the front door out into the garden. Everything just hurt, your head, your heart, your hands. You were just so finished with this bullshit, so done with fooling yourself into thinking you’d be okay.
Harsh sobs left your lips as you fumbled with the door trying to get any further, ever since they’d taken you it was made very clear that if you tried to escape, they would confine you to their side 24/7, but as times flew by and your desperation slowly pooled in the bottom of your soul, you stopped caring. You hated that these people treated you like a child, you hated how they belittled you, you hated the way you never had a say in anything, and especially you hated how you could never do anything about it.
Today was your breaking point.
They were doing what they usually did, pushing and pulling and shoving you around as if you were nothing but a baby, you already had very little sleep last night after your crying fit, so you weren’t very keen on being nice to them this morning.It was simple really, all you had asked for was some Tylenol for your headache, crying takes it out of you, they know that best. but they said no.
So out the door you ran, screaming and crying the whole way there. You knew that eri and shinso were here too, you knew that escape was practically impossible, and that your attempts would be worth nothing. But you needed this. You really did.
You regret it now. Now that you’re lying down on the grass in the front yard, your hands and knees covered in scrapes. Your head fuzzy and throbbing. It was quite the surprise that they hadn’t come out to get you yet, your sobs never halted though. It was a sad sight, just a puddle of a young girl crying herself into a migraine. It into got worse when you heard footsteps, and saw that familiar purple hair you could recognize as shinsos.
He said nothing, but he had a scary look on his face. He just grabbed your arm and tugged you up into his arms harshly. This of course did nothing for your intense panic.
“Please. Please don’t make me go back- please I can’t go back in there- shinso I love you- please I love you” you stammered out through sobs, punching at his test with all the force you could muster, as a hero in training it did nothing physically to him, but you could see the resolve behind his eyes falter.
“Should’ve thought about that before you ran. I made them calm down. You’re lucky it’s me instead of Aizawa out here” he spoke as he always did, coldly and lacking emotion. Only holding you tighter and beginning to walk back to the house. You dug your bare feet into the dirt, pulling back at him. it was pathetic, you knew. the lengths you were willing to go in the name of escape.
“Please. I can’t do this anymore- shinso I’m so tired. They make me so tired I can’t even think straight anymore. I just can’t take it anymore” you were begging in desperation at this point, squirming and scratching at him, anything to get him off, to let you go.
“They’re giving you the life you wanted. A life you would’ve killed to have” The chirp of the crickets in the garden overtook the conversation, and a long silence overtook the two of you. you could hear and see everything, the water flushing through the fountain,the buzz of the bees, the chirp of the crickets, it was too much, everything was hazy and blended together and you were left overwhelmed and terrified.
It's cold outside today , maybe that's the reason you keep shivering, maybe it's fear-actually, terror is a better word for it.
“I wanted that life willingly! I didn’t want this. I didn’t want to be taken from my home in the middle of the night. Even if I hate my parents, I can’t stand that I have no power! Please, you have to understand, I’m rotting away here, I have no purpose at all- please shinso-“he paused in his trek towards the door, taking a deep, calculated breath.
“Tell that to them.”
“shinso please- please I love you. I can’t go back there, please don’t make me, I can’t, if I go back they’ll hurt me, they’ll be upset shin, I don’t wanna get hurt again” you begged as he began to walk again, your heels were begging to bleed out of the cuts the harsh ground was making. Tears flowed freely down your face now, and you flailed and kicked and cried, he was stronger than you, the both of you knew that. You could see a little sympathy in the back of his eyes though, maybe he wasn’t dead internally. not yet.
“You know that isn’t true, they would never. Now hush. You’ll be fine, I love you too.” Planting a kiss on your forehead, he hoisted you up, brushing your hair out of your face and beginning to rub circles that usually would be soothing on your neck. A long pause rung out, a deafening silence overtook the two of you as you fully came to the realization that he wasn’t going to help you, and your attention was drawing to the crunch of hit boots on the rocky mud.
“I’ll kill myself.” He paused, and his head shot down towards you faster than you could even see. Your resolve had completely shattered by now, any words you said were mumbly and overridden by your tears and your heavy breathing. You were broken completely, utterly done with the world for putting you in this situation, you had been shattered into a million pieces, and shinso could see it. He could see how desperate you were. Something flashed in his eyes.
“I will, I would rather die. I can’t go back in there, if you make me I’ll jump off a roof, or I’ll fall down the stairs, or I’ll hang myself. I just- I won’t go back- not alive” you rushed out in between sobs, you had stopped fighting, instead opting for intense teary-eyed eye contact to make your point heard. Your hands now gripped the collar of his shirt, quivering. your heart was trembling, and so was your body, it would only be minutes till you would feint. This is it.
“Don’t say that- you don’t have to hurt yourself for freedom, just ask them and they’ll give you whatever you want, anything. They love you-“ he begun, stroking your hair as he held you. Your hands continued to shake as his eyes met your gaze. You wouldn’t go back, you couldn’t, shinso saw what it was doing to you. He saw the way you shrank from loud noises now and winced when getting up from the couch, how your eyes would sometimes go glassy as if you were in a different place entirely. He wouldn’t do this to you, he loves you too much right?
“I DONT WANT THE FREEDOM THEYLL GIVE ME, I WANT TO LEAVE. I WANT TO LIVE MY OWN LIFE. I’ll do it, you think I won’t but I will. Please- even if you don’t take me away from here- just let me run, say- say you couldn’t catch me. Just give me enough time to get in a taxi, you don’t even have to help me. Please shinso, I’m begging you” your silent years now turned into gut wrenching, stomach aching sobs. He was going to let you rot in that house, with your stupid dolls and toys and cats that you were far too old for. There… there’s no hope for you… I’d he doesn’t help- if he doesn’t help than you’re stuck for all eternity till you are nothing but a skeleton.
“You know I can’t do that” at his words your hands begun to dig in his neck, your cries hurt your stomach, that endless pit of despair slowly settling at the bottom. this is it. this is the end of your life.
“I would rather go live in hell than have to live here ever again. I- I just can’t do this anymore, they hurt me just so they can feel good helping me, everything I do makes me so tired, so weak. I can’t pick things up on my own, sometimes my knees are so weak I can’t even walk. I need them. Fuck I need them Shinso. Do you know how humiliating that is, how infuriating that is? They've ruined me, I’m not a whole person anymore. Please… please just- just let me have this” You could barely breathe at this point, your lungs filling up with that depressing feeling. As you spoke your sobs got worse and worse, till you were almost incomprehensible. You can’t do this anymore. You just can’t. Too locked up in your internal monologue you missed out on the shift in shinsos eyes, how his sympathy increased with every word you spoke.
“Oh baby… I-“ tears pricked at the edges of his eyes, and a deepset frown splayed across his face. He loves you, god he loves you so much. But… maybe you would be better off away, you aren’t happy here, you cry day and night till your stomach aches, you don’t eat, or sleep. You’re a shell. A shell of the girl he loves, is it so bad to want you back?? He can’t keep you like this, unhappy, in pain.
Much to your surprise, he slowly placed you on the ground, staring right into your souls with those eyes of his, letting a “shhh” come from his mouth, he pointed towards the road. Your eyes widened as you looked up at your big brother, immediately you threw yourself on him and squeezed as tight as you could in a hug, still crying all the way through. You didn’t know you could love somebody this much.
“I love you” he spoke, and immediately you pushed off your bare feet in a dash for the road, willing to run all the way back to town if need be. You didn’t even notice the blood seeping out from your feet due to the excess adrenaline running through your system, you were simply ecstatic. You made it a couple yards, not even sparing your brother a glance, you were free! YOU WERE FREE! You ran as fast as you could….
Only to be yanked back harshly. You let out a sob as arms engulfed you, swallowing you up whole, along with your dignity and will to live.
“That’s enough shinso. Oh don’t cry sweet girl, we’ll make you better don’t worry. If I had known you felt so- so awful I would’ve helped sooner” you recognized one of your captors, mic, by not only his voice, but also his smell, and how hard his arms were gripping you. You could feel the muscles he had squeezing you, holding you ever so close to him, and warming you up. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Immediate panic set into your bones, he’s gonna be so mad at you for running , and he’s gonna be livid that you threatened yourself. You can feel the punishments coming. you shivered in his arms, panic and terror washing over you, clouding any sense of judgment you had managed to keep.
"Please- Please don't make me go back- ill die pleas-" you sobbed, scratching at him with your short nails, digging your feet further in the dirt, you found yourself wincing as mud made its way into the cuts in your feet. It only made you cry more and more. you were halted in your begging though, all the air in your lungs being knocked straight out of your chest.
Mic hoisted you up much like Shinso had previously done, however his grip was iron l, impossible to budge and honestly, painful. He squeezed you and cooed into your ear in attempts to calm your nerves. Nothing was working however, you were too fragile, too easy to break. and you were broken all right, with the way you were sobbing into his chest, that was for sure. You just need time, comfort, safety, security. they would give you all of that and more, but you had to stay with them, you just had to.
It's cold outside, but god you would rather be frozen alive than brought back into that house. this is it for you. you're over. It's done.
“Don’t worry baby, we’ll make it all better soon.
I promise” ---------------------------------------------------- its been a while huh. I FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO A "Keep reading" CUT! YAY! I havent written something platonic in months but I feel like it was warranted so enjoy, this is pretty self indulgent so I hope it works for yall too. have fun. I hope everybody reading this has a lovely day, and remembers that they are loved somewhere by someone. Have a great day! see you next time!
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Ello! Can you do An Erasermic Hc with Reader Who Has a quirk Similar to both of them? Its About 3am here so I'm sorry if my English sucks-
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Warnings: yandere behavior and talks about quirk deactivation; specifically cuffs.
A/N: hiii, you're totally fine! Since you didn't specify if this was romantic or platonic; I did the platonic route. Hope this works!
Hope you enjoy :3
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This is a bonding moment between you three!! You can bet your ass that they will teach you small tricks and tips about things they’ve been taught.
While Aizawa is a bit disappointed, he is a bit happy that you two have similar quirks and he can use this to spend time with you. He does worry about you overworking yourself or simply using it to escape.
Hizashi, on the other hand, is incredibly stocked. The two of you (Aizawa and you) had to cover your ears when he realized you could yell just as loud as him, or try to do that! He’s immediately yelling out things that you two could do for fun before Aizawa snapped at him to zip it.
Depending on what you do, it’s likely you’re at U.A. High School. This basically means these two will try to have you training with them almost 24/7, following you around and gently telling you what you’re doing wrong and what you could approve of.
Much like the headcanon above: they are always glued to your hip, and at least one of them is always around you. You’re not allowed to leave the school premises without one of them being near you.
At best, one of them is always in the same room with you — watching TV, eating, and sometimes talking to you during your short breaks and lunch break.
Because of your quirk, you can bet that Hizashi will bring you to karaoke night! Preferably, late on Fridays and weekend nights; allowing you to eat whatever you want (and yes, you can eat as many sweets) and drink as much pop as you want.
Although, you will get to take naps with Aizawa. Not only will you get to share his yellow sleep bag and have a small chance of skipping class; but don’t expect to get away with the homework!
At some point, it’s expected for you to act out. Showing this, they will use every percussion available to make sure you don’t use your quirk to escape or hurt yourself/or them.
If they need to, they will use quirk-deactivating cuffs. Or worse: A permanent chip implanted into you as a way to make you behave. Though, it’ll only be temporary!
Masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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dailykoreanpop · 2 years
ATEEZ’s Wooyoung Picks His Favorite Choreography As Netizens Shower Him With Praise For Calling Out Alleged Plagiarism
He’s making ATINY proud.
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ATEEZ‘s Wooyoung has been at the center of a debate over plagiarism recently, and netizens can’t stop praising him for his actions.
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The issue began when dancer Vata of the WDBZ dance crew on Street Man Fighter was alleged to have plagiarized the famous “driving” move from ATEEZ’s “Say My Name” choreography, which was created by Josh Smith, Johnny Erasme, and Anze Skrube.
Netizens were initially divided over whether it was truly plagiarism or if it was simply a coincidental similarity, but now it seems like Wooyoung may have weighed in.
ATEEZ recently performed at the 2022 Daegu K-Pop Concert and included “Say My Name” in the setlist, despite the fact that it was released three years ago. When Wooyoung’s center part came up, he was seen doing the “biting” sign that dancers often use to signal that a move was copied.
Netizens took that to mean that he also believes ATEEZ’s “driving” move was plagiarized, and since then, Wooyoung has been on the receiving end of much enthusiastic praise from fans who support his actions.
Though there are detractors, Korean netizens and even non-fans have come out in support of Wooyoung, some pointing out that this isn’t even the first time ATEEZ is plagiarized.
It’s no surprise then, that ATINYs would be curious to hear what he has to say on the subject. Luckily, in a fansign on October 10, he was asked to name the song he was most excited to perform…to which he gave the best answer: “Say My Name.”
Fans were only too happy to hear him say that, especially because it really suggests that this is not simply a case of coincidence, as Wooyoung appears to be firm in his opinion. Not only that, but it made ATINYs even more proud of him!
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What’s more, he’s not the only one. While some ATINYs hilariously speculated whether Wooyoung had done the “biting sign” on his own or whether he had the support of KQ Entertainment…
…his fellow member Seonghwa was seen doing the sign too.
Wooyoung has proven time and again that he will always protect his friends, his group and the people he cares about.
Credit: Koreaboo 
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elfinaldelcamino · 4 months
Capitano Fachardo
Aha! Estoy investigando un proyecto de un artistilla llamado DJ Leiermann... Ese bastardo me va a valer la más alta condecoración del Consejo de la Guardia...
Videoteaser de Dindirindín! (Teatre de Sarrià - Barcelona, 2021) de la compañía Notte e Giorno, donde se presenta el personaje del Capitán Fachardo, con libreto de Jordi Pérez Solé.
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just-a-ghost00 · 3 months
Mini PAC - Details about your soulmate/TF using game cards and letters
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Group 1 - Cassette
Banana card : they are fruity! If they’re a man, they have big D energy. They are joyful. They come from a warm climate country. Possibly an island.
Bunny card : this person is super cute and lovely. They look like a baby. They are very kind and soft with others. They have a high sex drive. Their teeth and ears could be parts of their body that you like about them. They feel very innocent and vulnerable.
Airplane card : this person likes to travel for fun and/or travels a lot for work. They live at a distance from you. They enjoy fast communication. They are active. They are curious and love to be challenged.
Letters : T H U N L I I O E Z E I C U Y I M A
Words or names I picked up on ( feel free to add more to the list in the comments) :
Liam, Theo, Noah, Noe, Zain, Zina, Zelie, Mona, Mina, Naim, Chloé, Chile, Lucy, Milan, Athene, Luna, China, mole, eye, cutie, cinema, zinc, camel, thyme, chain, lion, Leo, Helio, Nile, mint, maze, hazel, mountain, cunt, aconite, Lyna, Lina, Alice, menace, county, yen, Celine, TMI, TUE(sday), OCT(ober), autumn, Ciel, honey, Luca, Han, menu, hate, anime
Group 2 - Subway
Bicycle and train card : they live at a distance from you but it could be easily accessible. They enjoy traveling and/or they travel for work. They like biking.
Dress card : they are pretty feminine. They like to dress unconventionally. So if they’re a man, they like to wear skirts or high heels, to put on makeup. If they’re a woman, they’re a bit of a tomboy. They enjoy fashion in general. They could be a model.
Dolphin card : they are sociable. Their family matters a lot to them. They are very sensitive and in tune with their intuition. They have a kind and generous heart. They are playful, even flirty. They like water and/or leave near a body of water.
letters : W E E M S A U T T B A E E O R E N R
Words and names I picked up on (feel free to add more to the list in the comments) : tenor, Muse, water, Mona, Mason, Saturn, Beau, war, ram, Taurean, brat, bae, West, euro, won, MON(day), mount, sun, tarot, bus, runes, tan, beast, Roman, Roma, Meteora, Mars, ASMR, Ares, Arena, amore, nature, muerte, mentor, senor, Matteo, master, webmaster, woman, man, Erasme, Bruno, brunette, same, torn, tears, BTS, Naruto, Moana
Group 3 - Snacks
Letters X L N E J E E A O N A H N N L I R W L
Words and names I picked up on (feel free to add to the list in the comments) :
Hélène, Helena, Nia Jax, jail, Leo, Xena, hell, Joan, Joana, Jane, Jean, Jona, jean, Noel, Noe, Noa, lion, JAN(uary), Wall E, halo, hola, hello, Axel, Hoax, Jihane, Will, Jorah, horn, Jael, Jeanne, norn, helix, Halle, alien, Rollex, Rollin, Alienor, Jolie, Rio, Janeiro, Nelliel, Ronnie, Leon, Johann, Neil
Watermelon card : They support Palestine. They come from a warm climate country. They love summer. They love watermelon. They like your juice ;)
Tennis ball card : They are athletic. They enjoy tennis or any type of ball game. They got balls ;) They are swift and fast. They communicate quickly, they are witty and sarcastic.
Socks card : You'd feel very cozy with them. They have an odd but warm personality. They enjoy date nights snuggling by the fireplace or Netflix and chilling. They have cold feet.
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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La Mode illustrée, no. 38, 19 septembre 1920, Paris. Advertisement. Le Savon de Toilette Erasmic conserve la fraîcheur du teint. Illustration: Florence M. Leicester. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Savon de beauté; poudre de talc; savon pour le bain; pate dentifrice; savon pour la barbe; savon dentifrice.
En vente chez tous les Parfumeurs, Grands Magasins, Pharmaciens, Herboristes, etc.
Gros: Compagnie Erasmic, 15, rue du Temple, 15, Paris. Le Gérant : J.-M. Chauchy.
Beauty soap; talcum powder; bath soap; toothpaste; beard soap; toothpaste soap.
On sale at all Perfumers, Department Stores, Pharmacists, Herbalists, etc.
Wholesale: Compagnie Erasmic, 15, rue du Temple, 15, Paris. The Manager: J.-M. Chauchy.
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percehaies · 6 months
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Bâton de maréchal de France de Louis Georges Erasme, marquis de Contades.
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astraechoes · 24 days
It's funny (not) how even in Erasmic family-centric fic the Todorokis family drama caught me up😒
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thejazzera · 7 months
Erasmic Peerless Soap, 1928
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oviri7 · 1 year
Celui qui connaît l'art de vivre avec soi-même ignore l'ennui.
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metmuseum · 8 months
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Ste. Séraphie et Ste. Erasme, vierges et martyres (St. Seraphia and St. Erasma, Virgins and Martyrs), September 3rd, from "Les Images De Tous Les Saincts et Saintes de L'Année" (Images of All of the Saints and Religious Events of the Year). 1636. Credit line: Purchase, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, 1917 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/419999
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thegrapeandthefig · 2 years
What are some correspondences for Priapus? Herbs, crystals, incense, etc.
Most of the historical associations we know about come from latin poetry, or as isolated epigrams (especially in the Palatine Anthology). Here are a few relevant excerpts:
Turning along this path here, goatherd, you will find a newly carved figwood statue, three-limbed, bark-bearing, and earless, but able with its child-begetting phallus to achieve the works of Cypris. A sacred enclosure runs round it, and an ever-flowing stream splashes from the rocks on all sides onto the laurels and myrtles and fragrant cypress; there the grape, child of the cluster, spills down from the tendril, and the spring jackdaws echo in high-pitched songs the variety of their warbling melodies, to which fair nightingales reply with trills, uttering the sweet sound from their beaks. (Theocritus. Epigrams. 4.9; AP 437.1–12)
Let gardens breathing with crocus flowers invite the bees, and may the guardianship of Hellespontine Priapus, protector against thieves and birds with his sickle of willow, protect it, while the master brings thyme and pine saplings from the high mountains and sows them widely around the bees’ dwelling. (Virgil, Georgics, l. 109-115)
Columella also says this regarding to the rocket/arugula: "which is sown next to fruitful Priapus to arouse sluggish husbands to love-making" (De Re Rustica 10.119–20)
Poem 51 of the Priapeia* also lists a fair amount of garden produce (figs, grapes, apple, pears, plums, sorbs, mulberries, almonds, cabbages, beet, leeks, cucumbers, gourds, basil, lettuce, onions, garlic, rocket, mint, rue) but the comedy in this poem comes from the fact that the neighbor's garden also has all these things, and therefore the thieves choosing to rob the garden Priapus guards must enjoy the (sexual) punishment he reserves for them. So it is difficult, in this context, to really say that these produce hold more "sacred" value to Priapus unless attested elsewhere (such as the figs, grapes or apples).
Priapus is, perhaps more than most, a god of the simple things, and considering his function has protector of the garden, it'd be simpler to say that all that grows in a garden is sacred to him.
This aside, in Roman literature, Priapus is a wooden god. His statue is rarely described as made of stone or marble because he is a practical guardian who would be crafted by the farmer. Most times, the essence isn't disclosed but some wood essences have been recorded*:
Fig wood (3 mentions)
Cypress (2 mentions)
Willow (2 mentions)
Poplar (2 mentions)
Oak (1 mentions)
Apple (1 mentions)
He is also often pictured near or underneath trees, both on frescos or on engraved gems, which is thought to be because that would be a common placement for his - often simple - altar.
I do not know of any historical mentions concerning incense choice. He is not present in the Orphic Hymns (at least not without syncretism). And when it comes to crystals, there does not seem to be a specific pattern concerning the gem choice on which he is engraved outside of already very popular gem choices. On the topic of gemstones, I'd recommend giving this post a read where I explain how the ancient's conception of crystal associations and uses tends to be very different from how we understand it today. *Priapeia poems, 51 **Sageaux, Laura. "La statue en bois du dieu Priape en contexte champêtre." Journée d'Études des doctorants CRATA-ERASME: Pouvoir et Religion dans l’Antiquité: échos, mémoire, oubli. 2018.
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dailykoreanpop · 2 years
ATEEZ Fans Are Continuing To Demand An Apology From “Street Man Fighter”‘s Vata After Plagiarism Accusations
He’s been silent so far.
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ATEEZ and their fandom have had a tumultuous week since Street Man Fighter contestant Vata included a move identical to the iconic choreography for “Say My Name” during one of the show’s challenges.
Since the issue arose, fans have accused the dancer of plagiarism, and even Wooyoung himself seemed to make his stance on the issue known by using the “biting” gesture during multiple instances to call Vata out for copying the move created by their own choreographers.
One of the choreographers, Anze Skrube, has also since shared multiple stories on his Instagram in support of ATEEZ and showing his stance on the plagiarism accusations, and even made a personal statement about it.
What makes fans even more upset is this is far from the first time that ATEEZ has been copied by other performers. Earlier this year, for example, their song “Wave” was sampled without permission by (G)I-DLE‘s Soyeon for My Teenage Girl‘s finale song; thankfully in this instance, she and Cube Entertainment did apologize for the plagiarism, but it’s still upsetting regardless.
Along with this, Mnet has been accused multiple times of mistreating ATEEZ during Kingdom: Legendary War and the 2021 MAMAs. Considering that Mnet hosts Street Man Fighter, ATEEZ fans think that the company may be trying to cover up the issue and move on without a proper response.
Earlier in the season of Street Man Fighter, another contestant, Park Hyunse of YGX and Loyal Chumps, was allowed to issue an apology after he made an offensive now-deleted post on Instagram seemingly mocking rookie girl group NewJeans. While the issue was different than plagiarism, some fans are using this as another example that Mnet may be turning a blind eye in this particular situation towards ATEEZ.
The “Say My Name” plagiarism accusations and reactions have happened over the course of the past three or four days, and during that time, Vata and Mnet have been mostly silent about the ordeal. Mnet did make a brief statement saying that they were, “In the midst of arranging a position while respecting the situation of the artist (Vata) as much as possible”, further upsetting fans due to ATEEZ and their choreographers being the ones plagiarized in the situation.
In order to continue to demand an apology from Mnet and Vata, ATINYs have been flooding social media with hashtags and phrases such as #RESPECTATEEZ, #SayMyName_ATEEZ, “SAY MY NAME”, and “내 이름은 이름은 A to the Z” to keep the conversation alive and show that they won’t just let it go without a fight.
We hope that ATEEZ and their choreographers end up getting the response and treatment that they deserve in this situation, and receive proper credit for the incredible work that they do!
Credit: Koreaboo 
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
1. Turkish presidential elections: No winner yet, second round likely needed
As none of the candidates in Turkey's presidential elections has managed to secure over 50% of the vote so far, there is likely to be a second voting round. Read more.
2. Belgium to have better growth and lower inflation than expected, says EU
Belgium’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth is expected to be in line with the eurozone average this year at 0.8%, as well as next year (1.6%), according to new European Commission forecasts unveiled on Monday. Read more.
3. Belgium's 'lights will go out' if nuclear reactors are not extended, says Elia CEO
Chris Peeters, the CEO of electric grid operator Elia, warned that Belgium’s energy supply will be significantly weakened if an agreement is not reached on extending nuclear reactors. Read more.
4. N-VA and PS coalition would be 'madness', says Belgian PM
Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo described Bart De Wever's proposal for the Flemish rightwing N-VA and Walloon socialist PS to go into government together after next year's election as "madness." Read more.
5. Brussels Metro line 5 interrupted during extended weekend
Brussels' metro traffic will be interrupted between the Erasmus/Erasme and Jacques Brel stations due to renovation works at Aumale Station during the long Ascension weekend. Read more.
6. The inside story of the little blue tribe that conquered the world
They are the naughty gnomes, the original blue man group, the evergreen imps. They are, of course, the Smurfs. Read more.
7. Hidden Belgium: Lucas Huys
The black wooden mansion facing the Astridpark in Bruges is something of a mystery. Dated 1573 on a small stone tablet, it looks authentic enough, but it is actually made from fragments of other buildings. Read more.
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