#erasure. thanks for coming to my tedtalk
bitchthefuck1 2 years
Since I have seen a few people try and frame Tolya being aroace as just a headcanon, or point out the (valid) fact that being aroace doesn't completely negate that someone can be in a relationship as a reason why having him be interested in Inej in the show isn't erasure, I feel like it's important to point out that he very specifically states in the text of one of the books that he has no interest in forming a romantic relationship or attachment with anyone and never has:
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So yes. Shipping him with Inej, or anyone else, is erasing his canon sexuality. That's it.
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andellaheartz 25 days
toyhouse c3< artfight c3< characterhub, thanks for coming to my tedtalk
Refsheet erasure smh 馃檮馃檮馃檮 i think af would be a terrible auspistice and make toyhubs fights unintentionally worse as being a chivalrous battle lover they assume the two have some chivalry, they do NOT , at ALL 馃槶. refsheet though is straight to cutting the nonsense up very quickly because he knows when the fights up to that point they WILL get messy as hell, and he is not a big fan of messes (also based on how some users talk abt refsheet from both sites refsheet seems to be mutually respected)
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flyingdumpsterfire 1 year
that moment where omnisexual is so hated on and underrepresented that you just tell people you're bi to stop them trying to correct your sexuality
i have come out to 2 people so far who have responded like this: me: I'm omnisexual, so I like all genders but I have a preference them: so you're bi another one I've heard is: me: i saw this hot guy today but then i also saw this hot girl and i had omni panic
them: why call yourself omni, that's too confusing, just use bi or pan more people understand that
what i'm trying to say is:
stop correcting people's sexualities, it's THEIR decision
Omnisexuality is valid and not biphobic whatever you might think
sToP oMnI eRaSuRe
thank you for coming to my TedTalk
(tagging my omni moot: @xxxsugarcyanidexxx)
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iwillsingforhim 29 days
A Short TedTalk
Ok so I was looking at the Prince Of Egypt tag on here and a lot of people were talking about how it's a Jewish film and story and we shouldn't be bringing Jesus/Christianity into it and in doing so, it's Jewish erasure. But here's the thing. The story of Moses that is found in the original Torah is part of Christianity as well. Now if you want to know how that is, you must understand some stuff. Many people tend to separate the Old Testament and the New Testament, saying one is for the Jews, the other for Christians. In reality, the entire Bible is for Christianity. It was given to us by God.
To associate only part of the Bible with our religion is like reading only part of a letter. You miss important information that relates to the part you read. In the same way, the Bible (which is like a letter from God) needs to be read as a whole. I once heard a pastor describe it like as artwork in a museum. The Bible is not a bunch of random, unconnected pieces of art to be viewed separately. It's a mural that is connected and ultimately tells one story, the story of God's love for humanity and the price His Son paid to save us from eternal suffering.
SO the Old Testament isn't just random stories that we teach kids in Sunday school. It's all relevant to Christianity today. From the Levitical laws that give us context for things in the New Testament, to the Psalms and their beautiful praises of God, and even the prophets who reference the coming of the Messiah, it's all relevant.
If you still think that its not, you need to remember: Jesus was Jewish! He came from the line of Judah who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Jesus followed the Law of Moses and participated in Passover and Sukkot and Yom Kippur. It was only when He sacrificed Himself, died on the cross in place of us, and rose again that Christianity began. Judaism was the main religion of most of the New Testament figures. They grew up just as Jesus and thousands of others did over the course of hundreds of years!
Now that we know that Jesus Himself was Jewish and that Him and His Father's story starts at the beginning of time, you can understand why many Christians classify the Prince Of Egypt as a "Christian" movie. Its because it is a fantastic testimony to the wonder and power of our God. And by doing so, we are not removing the Jewish aspects of the film. Rather, we're celebrating and remembering the rich culture and history that our Savior grew up in. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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crowscrafts707 5 months
I don't make a lot of posts on here but can I just say-what in the fresh mother of fuck happened to fandoms lately??? Like I mind my business and it's in one ear and out the other, but it seems like people are going absolutely apeshit these days,,, what happened to headcanons? Tf happened to people seeing something they don't like and simply just "huh well ill move on with my life cuz I don't like this character/that person's version and not interact"
Now if you share smth about a character it's like kids freak out and send a witchhunt after you. What happened to fun??? Does anyone remember that?? Having 100s of AUs for everything because if it didn't happen in canon you could just...write/draw whatever you wanted???
I keep seeing people getting attacked over LGBTQIA+ headcanons and people threatening them cuz "tHaTs nOt cAnOn FuCk yOu" and it's atrocious. Yall know the block button is there for a reason??
The internet is your Oyster and yall keep eating the buffet food that yall actively DONT LIKE. curate it how you want. The more hate comments that you send the more you're gonna see that content broski, just choose the not interested option, block, and move on, it's truly not that serious
Also don't freak out over someone else's opinion on a character? Let people enjoy themselves.
Idk maybe I'm just old school and frankly don't care that much about character takes, but making posts about how a character can ONLY be this way and then they lose their mind and start threatening and sending hate when someone else thinks differently.
Like they're fictional bro, they can be anything. Turn them into fucking Shrek if you want to, you have the power, and it's not that serious. So long as it's not an ethnic stereotype, some type of erasure, or that line of shit, who cares.
Make your headcanons, do your fanfics and fanart. And if you see something you don't like-just don't interact???
I wonder if people actually enjoy media sometimes or if they're just using it as an excuse to troll and spread hate. Like do you ever take the stick from out of your man or are you chronically online sitting in your desk chair. Is it fused with your asscrack, have you never felt joy since you shoved the stick up there? Were you born a bitter bitch or did someone else's headcanon character come into your house and hold you hostage?
Long winded rant thing but yeah people need to chill. Another note I'd like to add, cuz this is sort of related to posts I've seen-i saw someone say that 1 character can be trans because he's like...macho masc and shit, but then character 2 can't because character 2 doesn't make masculinity his whole personality and is "too soft" basically. They make character 2 cis, agender, transfem, literally everything else but oh no don't ever make character 2 trans because hEs nOt mAn eNoUgH basically.
which is WILD to me, that's some serious deep rooted gender roles you're projecting brother, but sure. Thing is tho, I blocked and moved on and now it's in one ear and out the other, which I think is smth a lot of people need to do now instead of sending hate threats over FICTIONAL THINGS
Anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk have a great day
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last-taijiya 3 years
i live for non-toxic male bonding in this house, don鈥檛 get me wrong.
but you鈥檙e ON DRUGS if you think sango wouldn鈥檛 handle the demon slaying training of one of her kiddos personally.聽
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