#eric nam... please come again a next time... :'(((
transmandonnie · 6 months
upsetting that I can't even fucking go to a concert by myself
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minnie--verse · 10 months
First Date Pt. 4/Final part! (Bang Chan x Reader)
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summary: Day to day life was perfectly uneventful, you wake up, go to work, make coffee, go home, and start all over again. But today... you met Chan. And you continue to meet chan... every day.
pairing: bang chan x f!reader
genre: strangers to lovers, non idol au, crack, mostly fluff, some anger from mc, later chapters to include: slight angst/comfort, slow burn.
general warnings:  barista!mc, slow burn, adult themes including but not limited to: suggestive content, cursing, mentions of death.
word count: ~4.8k
chapter content: mentions of food, coffee shop manager!Changbin, nonidol!Chan, nonidol!Han, first meets, first love flutters.
author's note: The last and final part of my mini series! This was based off the song I Think I Know You by Sarah Barrios and Eric Nam! Please give it a listen for the full experience!! I'm so glad to see so many people who enjoyed this series, I had originally meant to just write it for my best friend and leave it in google drive lol but I figured why not share it with everyone on here anyway yk? ANYWAY PLEASE ENJOY IT!!!
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Chris’s eyes were wide as he stared at you, searching for some kind of answer from your eyes. Something finally broke through to you, and Chris had to know what it was in case it doesn’t happen tomorrow. He had put too much effort and time into you to let this just slip out of his fingers. He let out a soft laugh and moved his head to be in your line of sight. 
“No, no, what did you remember?” Chris persists, smiling through the surprise in his eyes.
You laughed slightly, taking the football from his hands and holding it up, “It’s nothing I just-- I must have dreamt it, but I remember playing this with someone.”
You had to’ve dreamed it, it was the only excuse you could come up with. Chris is just a new customer to the cafe, and you’ve never met him ever in your life. You laugh it off, and look down at the cafe table with a light flush on your cheeks. 
“I must have a knack for embarrassing myself in front of strangers,” You sigh as you recover from the moment. 
Chris couldn’t think of anything to say. His heart was beating so fast and hard that he was afraid you could hear it from across the table, and all he could do was smile knowing you had remembered him from day one. 
He cleared his throat, and placed his phone down on the table, “I don't think it’s embarrassing,” He pauses, “Anything else seem… familiar?”
You pressed your lips together and stood up from the table, wondering how weird you’d seem if you told him that his voice specifically was in your head, “Uhm, not… not really.” You shake your head at him, and straighten your apron.
“Yo! Chris--”
A loud voice echoes through the cafe, and you turn your head behind you to see another guy quickly approaching Chris with a big smile and a computer bag hanging from his shoulder. His smile was almost as infectious as Chris’s and you took a step back from the table so he could sit with his friend. 
You watch Chris’s eyebrows knit together, and his eyes flicker across his friend’s face in confusion, “Han?”
Han looked at you for a moment and then back to Chris, “Am I.. interrupting?” He asks, pointing between the two of you.
You quickly hold up your hands and shake your head, “Oh, uhm no. I just, uhm-- Thought he reminded me of someone but it was just a mistake.”
You watched the two boys exchange a glance you couldn’t quite discern, and Chris speaks up next with his eyes unblinking as he stares down Han, “Something about deja vu, you know how it is.”
You press your lips together into a tight smile before excusing yourself back to your work behind the counter. Despite the lighthearted exchange, the peculiar sensation lingers in the background.
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As you continue to steam milk and clean down the equipment, you can't shake the feeling that there's more to this odd memory than meets the eye. The cafe buzzes with activity, but in that moment, a subtle thread of mystery weaves through the air. When it slowed, you mindlessly sang along to whatever was playing overhead in order to relax and stop thinking about what had happened earlier.
Chris couldn’t help but listen when you sang. He’d heard it every day and he never grew tired of it, noticing you favored the softer, more indie feelings songs in comparison to the popular media that played between them. He always took his headphones down  from his head and rested them around his neck just so he could hear you softly singing, imagining that one day maybe he’d be able to mix something just for you.
You glance up at the two of them every so often, more specifically, you look at Chris. You chew on your cheek in thought, something was odd about the memory but you couldn’t quite place it and it was driving you fucking crazy. You look at the two boys as they bicker about something on their computers, your hand slipping off the handle of the steamer and your arm touching the hot metal causing you to jerk your hand away with a hiss. 
“Shit--” you whisper, glancing down at your fingers and inspecting it before looking around to see Changbin watching you with a raised brow and you give him a small thumbs up, “I’m alright, no worries.”
“And mentally?” Changbin says, drying off a white mug with a towel. “Your head has been literally anywhere but the cafe today.”
You shrug at him, dumping the over-steamed milk from the mug and pouring a fresh bit to re-steam, “My head is perfectly attuned to my work, Bin.”
“Sure, because you haven’t been staring at that guy for your whole shift,” Changbin says with an eyeroll before reaching for the mug in your hands and putting it aside to have your full attention, “Did he upset you? I can make him leave if--”
“No! God no, Bin,” You say quickly, carding your hands through your hair, “It was nothing, I just thought I knew him from somewhere.”
Changbin freezes as he stares you down, just blinking at you. It was as if he wasn’t sure how to react, “what do you mean by that?”
You make a face at Changbin and laugh a little, “It’s nothing serious, I just thought I had met him before but it was just a misunderstanding.”
Lie. You shift your weight and cross your arms over your chest. You watch Changbin turn over his shoulder and glare at Chris before looking back at you, squinting as he looks you up and down.
“What do you mean?” You say quickly, scrunching your nose at him.
“Y/N, i know you better than you know how to make a decent cup of coffee. What else happened that you didn’t tell him?” Changbin pressed, nodding his head to where Chris and Han were seated. Unfortunately, having a best friend like him means he knows what’s going on in your head.
You huff and your arms fell from your chest, “I found this on my doormat this morning, and when I unfolded it I saw his name and order. The same one he placed today, so I asked him about it and--” you pause. 
“Is he stalking you?” Changbin said quickly, unfolding the receipt and reading it for himself, “I can report him if he’s stalking you--”
“No--God, hover parent much?” You huff, pushing him gently, “Anyway, when I sat down with him we started talking and I flicked the football at him and I like-- I swear I remember playing that with him. I remember talking with him, but I swear I have never seen him before.” 
Changbin stares at you over the paper in his hands, his mouth opens as if he was going to say something then he turns around to look at Chris. You take the receipt back out of his hands and fold it back up, and Changbin looks down at his empty hands before facing you again.
“Do you remember him?” He breathes.
“Yes and no?” You say with a half shrug while your face scrunches, “I thought maybe we had met before, but I think it’s just deja vu,” You say, returning to your cleaning tasks as your shift comes to an end.
Changbin smiles softly, and tosses the white towel he was holding over his shoulder, “Deja vu sounds about right,” he says, watching you continue your work.
You let out a sigh. Something about this isnt sitting right. Reaching behind your back, your fingers untangle the bow to your apron and slip it off over your head. There was something about looking at Chris that made you feel like you were closer than strangers, like he had some way of invading your memory without you even noticing. You punch out from your shift and reapproach Chris and Han as they chatter about some project they were working on.
“Dude, this song is all we have-- we have to turn it in. JYP isn’t going to be happy going yet another week without a new song,” Han huffs, leaning his chair onto the back two legs.
“Look, I know but if she’s starting to remember then putting this song out is a risk. I don't think it’s a good--” Chris stops in the middle of his sentence when he sees you approaching them and greets you with that same warm smile, “Hey again.”
“Uh, hey--” You start, awkwardly reaching into your back pocket and taking out the paper football in his hands and holding it out to him, “I just forgot to give you this.”
Chris takes it from your hands and flips it before placing it on the table, “Oh yeah, thank you.”
Before you could walk away, Han speaks up while gently resting his hand on the table as he leans towards you, “Hey, can we get your input on something?”
The sudden question catches you off guard, but if it was an excuse to talk to Chris and figure out what that memory was about then you weren’t going to deny it. You give a quick nod and take a seat next to Han.
“So we make music, and having an outsider’s perspective on our project helps a lot,” Han starts, pointing at his computer, “We’re turning this one in tomorrow and I feel like there’s something missing from it, would you give it a listen for me?” 
Han was already handing you his headphones before you could object, the bulky black over ear headphones rested on top of your head comfortably. They matched the ones Chris was wearing and you could see a bit of a flush form on Chris’s face as he looked at his computer screen intensely, as to not make eye contact with you. 
The music started, a gentle piano echoing slightly between your ears before you hear a voice come in, it’s mid pitched and soothing. Han watches you expectantly and Chris avoids eye contact with you as he types away.
The voice is incredible, and without even knowing it you were smiling as you listened to it. You silently point at Han, asking if it was him singing and you watched him shake his head no before pointing across the table at Chris; who looked mortified that you were listening to him sing.
You reach across and waved a hand near his computer screen to get his attention and when he finally looks up, you give him a smile and a thumbs up. His voice was the kind you hear and suddenly the world stopped spinning, giving you the entire moment to just take it in and enjoy hearing it to the fullest extent.
The music cuts out, and you slip off Han’s headphones and pass them to him gently before looking at Chris, “I… wow. That was actually amazing, Chris.”
“Thanks… Kinda embarrassing to have someone listen to your music right in front of you though you know?” CHris laughs gently, his eyes locking with Han’s as if he was warning him.
Han rolls his eyes before facing you, “I’m gonna be real, we need someone to duet with Chris in it.”
You raise your brows at the comment, shifting your eyes between the two boys, “I think that’s a great idea. It would balance out kind of like a story.”
Han looks pointedly as Chris while gesturing to you dramatically, “See!? I told you she’d do it.”
“Woah-- Hold on,” You say quickly, a tinge of uncertainty in your voice, "I'm not really used to singing for people, let alone two guys I don't really know. It's a bit out of my comfort zone."
There was literally no way in hell you were going to sing on a song for two--well… one guy you don't know and another you have hardly any memory of. The only singing you’d ever done was for yourself. You glance at Chris, seeking some reassurance. He gives you a wince of hope, trying to encourage you, but the reluctance still lingers. The thought of putting yourself out there feels intimidating.
"Come on, Y/N. It's just a small gig," Han insists, his eyes reflecting a genuine belief in your abilities. “You were singing just a little bit ago, I think you would be perfect for it.”
Despite his reassurances, a knot of reluctance tightens in your stomach. The fact you were even talking with two random people feels like a leap into the unknown, let alone in considering singing for them. 
Chris passes you a notebook, “Here, these are the lyrics.”
You glance at the lyrics, imagining the notes resonating in the studio, and a mixture of excitement and apprehension tugs at your heart. The lyrics were close to home, and your eyes flicker at Chris. He had to’ve met me before and I just don't remember it.
After a moment of contemplation, you take a deep breath and meet their gaze. "Okay, let's do it. I'll give it a try."
A genuine excitement lights up Han's face, and Chris lets out a breath he was holding. You card your fingers through your hair and laugh embarrassingly before Han quickly packs up and drags you out of the cafe with Chris in tow.
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You stand still in a closed off room with a large window on the wall that allows you to see Han seated at the soundboard, “So… this is how you record then?”
Chris nods his head softly as he adjusts the microphone to match your height, “Yeah, this is the part of the studio that keeps all the outside noise at bay so we only pick up the audio we want.” Chris explains, tightening the knob to keep the microphone in place now that it was right where it should be. 
You watched as Chris leaned over to the stand behind you, and you felt your chest tighten at the proximity to him. The warmth of his skin radiating enough for you to feel it before he stand up and gently places the headset over your ears. He leans back to look at your face, eyes flickering between your own, “comfortable?”
You nod, “y-yeah, they’re good,” you say, reaching up to touch the headphones on your head and giving Chris a smile as you shift your weight and he leaves you alone in the room. He takes a seat by Han and you watch as they speak a little bit in silence. Chris looks anxious, Han rolls his eyes at him and says something exasperated before turning to face the window and pressing a button.
“Can you hear us okay?” his voice booms into your headphones, and you give them a thumbs up. 
“This feels insane,” You say with a small laugh, “Are you sure you don't want someone who is known for singing to do this?”
Chris shakes his head before finally looking at you, “Nah, you’ll do great, Y/N.” His signature smile was showing through with his words, and it made you feel at ease even when doing something as crazy as this. “You’ll have my track playing in the background so you can hear how the song is sung. We can re-take things so don’t stress if you mess up, yeah?”
You give him a thumbs up before you see Han put up his hand, counting down from five as you hear the music start playing in your ears. The delicate piano chords echo in your head again and you take a deep breath as Han finally reaches zero.
“You say down right at the corner of my table, and I don't know what it is but I swear I’m feeling deja vu.”
Your eyes closed and the lyrics moved past your lips almost effortlessly, you could hear yourself in the speakers of the headphones. When you open your eyes, Chris’s own meet yours as if he’d never looked away from you. As the music swells you watch him slowly spin the paper football in his fingers and your mind is flooded with the same memory from earlier.
You flick the folded paper and send it flying, over-shooting the goal and Chris letting out a small chuckle as he picks up the paper, “So do I get to know my opponent’s name anytime soon?” He says as he flicks it towards you, his eyes flicking up at you from your hands as you pick up the little paper.
“Y/N,” You say as you sink down into your chair to line up your shot, your tongue sticking out as you focus and send it flying through his hands. You glance up at him as he picks up the paper, “So are you like-- a part of a famous paper football league that I’ve not heard of?”
In a split second you find yourself transported to a different moment – the first time you met Chris. The memory floods your senses: the laughter, the shared conversation, and the spark of connection that had lingered in the air. It's as if a hidden door in your mind has swung open, revealing a scene that was once obscured.
“Swear I feel you in my memory, I think I’ve seen you in my dreams. Maybe you and I have history but I don’t think you know me--”
Your heart is beating out of your chest as you stop singing, the weight of this recollection settles over you. The realization is overwhelming, like a sudden rush of emotions that you weren't prepared for. Faces in the cafe become blurred, replaced by the vivid image of Chris, his smile etched into the canvas of your memory.
 “If there was a league, I’d be famous by now and you would have had to ask me for my name at the register,” he says with a playful head nod as he continues to flick the paper back and forth between the two of you, “But unfortunately there’s not, so I make music.”
"You make music?" you ask with a teasing glint in your eyes, "I thought you were auditioning for NSYNC with that outfit."
He looks down at himself, an amused expression playing on his face. "What's wrong with my outfit? I thought it was a fashion statement."
You lean in, pretending to inspect his ensemble with exaggerated seriousness, "Well, if the statement is 'I'm bringing back the '90s,' then mission accomplished,” you bring your hands up to make air quotes with your fingers when you say that.
Oh my god the bucket hat. You remember him wearing stupid bucket hat. A mixture of confusion and awe lingers in your eyes as you stare at Chris and you find yourself grappling with the significance of this sudden memory recall. The once-disconnected pieces of your encounters with Chris start to form a more coherent picture, leaving you in a state of introspection.
“Have we met before? Maybe in another life I knew you, maybe if I try I’ll see right through you and I’ll remember who we were.”
Overwhelmed by the sudden rush of emotion, you find yourself only listening to Chris’s singing in your ears as you collect your thoughts. The weight of the forgotten memory mingles with the joy of rediscovery. It's a bittersweet realization – a fragment of your past brought back to life in the present.
You remember Chris's visits, his patient smile each day, a consistent presence for you. Every day, he came back. The thought resonates within you, and a warmth spreads through your chest. The realization is both heartwarming and heartbreaking – a testament to the resilience of a connection that transcends the limitations of memory.
You recall the moments when Chris would visit, sharing stories and laughter as if each encounter were a brand-new beginning. The frequency of his visits, the sincerity in his eyes – it all makes sense now. The times you were less than kind to him, and the one time Changbin kicked him out of the cafe all because you didn’t remember him. He didn't let the forgetfulness deter him; instead, he embraced each meeting with unwavering dedication.
Emotions surge within you like a tidal wave, and you feel the tears welling up in your eyes. Clarity, like a long-lost friend, has found its way back to you. Studio and music in your ears cuts out as you navigate the flood of memories that has rushed back to you. Chris, gaze never wavering from you as he watches the changes in your face, reaches forward and presses a button to allow his voice to reach you.
“Y/N, are you alright?”
As you stand before him, tears well up in your eyes, and you take a deep breath to steady yourself and you shake your head to dismiss his concerns. 
“You know that bucket hat looked awful on you.”
Chris’s eyebrows furrow for a moment, staring at you as if you were crazy. Then his eyes slowly soften, then widen, and you watch his lips part as he smiles, the same one that had melted you the first day you’d met.
“Oh my god--” His voice cuts out as you watch him quickly stand up and enter the recording room.
"Chris," you begin, your voice quivering with the weight of the revelation. "I remember. I remember everything." His eyes widen, and a spectrum of emotions dances across his face – surprise, hope, and a touch of disbelief. He opens his mouth to speak, but you continue before he can find the words.
"I remember you coming in that day, your smile, the way you patiently shared stories, how I had you kicked out," you confess, tears streaming down your cheeks. The weight of the unsaid becomes a palpable presence in the studio, “I remember you showing me Han’s song, I remember you walking me home, I remember-- God, I remember everything.”
Chris, struck by the depth of your revelation, leans forward, his eyes searching yours for confirmation. "You... remember?"
You nod, a mixture of joy and sorrow in your eyes, "Yes, Chris. And I remember the first day we met, how you made me laugh with that paper football game. And I remember the way you smiled at me when I said the 90s was an awful time for fashion and how I fell for you in that moment."
As Chris takes in your revelation, a mixture of disbelief and joy dances in his eyes. He gazes at you, absorbing the weight of your words, and then a tender smile graces his face. With a sincerity that pierces through the air, he begins to share his side of the story.
"Y/N," he starts, his voice tinged with emotion. "Every day, I walked into that cafe, hoping that it would be the day you remembered. Even when you didn't, it was worth it. Your smile, your laughter – they became the highlights of my day."
He takes a deep breath, as if collecting the scattered fragments of his emotions. "I fell for you so hard, right from the start. Your kindness, your laugh, the way you were so warm and inviting to everyone – it was impossible not to fall in love with you."
"I love how you find joy in the little things, how you light up when you talk about your favorite songs, and the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh. It's like every moment with you is a melody, and I can't get enough of it," Chris continues, his gaze locked onto yours.
Tears glisten in your eyes as you listen to him pour his heart out, the weight of his love both comforting and overwhelming. Chris's vulnerability becomes a bridge that connects every memory you have of him, and he pulls you into his arms tightly.
"I love you for who you are, Y/N, and every version of you, even the one who couldn't remember,” He breathed into your hair, eyes screwed shut as he held you close to him.
“Don’t let me forget you again, okay?”
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The blaring alarm pierced through the veil of your dreams, a relentless assault on the peace that only moments ago had surrounded you. Groggily, you fumbled on the nightstand for the offending device, your hand clumsily slapping at the snooze button in a desperate attempt to silence the intrusion before your hand slips and it falls off your night stand, alarm still blaring.
“God damn it…” You curse under your breath as a resentful sigh leaves your lips. Reluctantly, you threw off the warmth of the covers and reached for your phone, the bright screen reading 4:30AM. Your body was protesting the untimely disturbance as the coldness in the air replaced the coziness of your bed. The room, dimly lit by the soft glow through the curtains, felt like a sanctuary you were being forcibly expelled from. The cool floor beneath your feet served as a stark reminder that the inviting embrace of your bed was now just a fading memory.
As you stood there, the harsh reality of the impending workday began to settle in. The day ahead loomed like an insurmountable mountain, and as much as you didn’t want to go make coffee for stuck up business men and housewives with too much time on their hands, you promised to open the shop this morning and you were absolutely kicking yourself for it. 
Dragging yourself toward the bathroom, you squinted against the bright light, your reflection in the mirror a testament to the reluctant and incredibly rude awakening. With each passing minute, the realization that the sanctuary of sleep was slipping away. The only thing keeping you moving was knowing you got to have a free cup of coffee as soon as you got there.
The clock ticks, the seconds slipping away, and with each passing moment, the inevitable draws nearer. You stare at the ceiling, contemplating the merits of calling in sick, but reality nudges you with a firm reminder of bills and responsibilities. With a heavy sigh, you brush your teeth and hair as you attempt to blink away the grogginess in your eyes. The morning routine is a series of half-hearted motions. Your reflection in the bathroom mirror wears the exhaustion of someone who'd rather be doing anything but going to work.
The uniform feels like a straitjacket, but you squeeze into it, donning the required apron with a resignation that accompanies the mundane. As you lace up your shoes, you can almost hear the distant and antagonistic laughter of those still wrapped in the warm embrace of their dreams.
The walk to work is a slow march, the chilly air of Seoul biting at your skin. The vibrant sunrise paints the sky, a cruel juxtaposition to your muted mood. The comforting scent of freshly ground coffee wafts from the shop, a mixed blessing as it both heralds the start of another day and wraps you in the familiar embrace of your workplace as you tuck yourself behind the counter swiftly.
The clock on the wall seems to mock you, displaying a time that's far later than you intended to arrive. With an apologetic smile, you make your way to the locker and quickly toss an apron over your head, hoping to go unnoticed.
However, your hopes are dashed as you hear a playful voice from across the room. "Well, well, if it isn't our resident time traveler. Did you bring back any cool gadgets from the future, Y/N?" your boss Changbin teases, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
You chuckle nervously, appreciating the light-hearted tone. "Just a tardiness superpower, I guess. I thought I'd share it with the team today," you reply, feigning innocence.
Changbin leans against your desk, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, the infamous tardiness superpower. I've heard it's all the rage in the superhero world. Fashionably late, right?"
You nod, playing along. "Exactly! It's the new trend. Fashionably late is the new on-time."
Changbin laughs, shaking his head. "Well, as long as you don't start wearing a cape to work, I think we can forgive a little tardiness now and then. Just don't make it a habit, superhero."
Customers trickle in, their orders becoming a monotonous hum. With each espresso shot pulled, you feel a little more awake, a little more alive. The routine becomes a rhythm, a dance with the coffee machines. And as you hand over that first latte of the day, you realize that despite the initial reluctance for starting the day, there's a certain satisfaction in being part of the daily grind. And to which, you let out a small laugh at your own pun and shake your head before glancing back up to be met with the next customer.
When you looked up, you were greeted with chocolatey brown eyes that crinkled a little as he smiled at you. It was a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts, and it was a smile that definitely melted yours. You couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“Hey, Chris.”
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Author's note: I am... to happy with how this turned out. Let me know if there's any mistakes I missed, it is very late for me as I'm getting this posted and I half-proof read it! Please enjoy the last part, and tell me all about your favorite parts of the series<3 I'll be back soon with a new series as soon as I can lovelies ^.^ Again, this is for my best friend Baylee. I love you more than you love Chan. Seriously.
Love, Bunn XOX
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smolwritingchick · 9 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 36- My Ideal Type
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Chapter Summary: Throwback chapter for Episode 95 of After School Club while they promoted Danger, Jennie shows off her guitar skills, reveals fun facts such as her ideal type, first kiss and the high expectations & insecurities with her anticipated DJ skills.
Words: 4,000+
Author's Note: English is in Italics. 
With Eric Nam and Jimin as the MCs for this episode of After School Club, they happily announce BTS to come on stage. The members of BTS were all in their Danger outfits, promoting their new album Dark & Wild.
"Aye! What up! What up!" Jen happily greeted with a mic in her hand. Suga started to lay on the ground, posing coolly while Jimin kneeled next to him. "And let the goofiness begin." She laughed at the members lying around the set. She decided to sit with Jimin on the yellow box afterwards, while the rest of the members lay around the other seats.
"Okay, so they're lying around." Eric watched them.
"Okay, I think BTS is the first group who has...okay and now they sat on the MC chairs." The female Jimin looks around.
"What is going on?" Eric laughed. After they finally regrouped, BTS stood with the MCs. "We finally have Bangtan here in the studio. Nice to see you guys."
"2! 3! Bangtan! Hello, we are Bangtan Boys!"
"Woo! Yes, we have them here and it's really, really great to see you guys again." Eric says as Rap Monster recalls being on the show around 8 times. He discussed that it's been around three months since their last appearance and he's the second person to be on ASC the most and hopes to make the show more enjoyable.
"We have the energetic, charismatic, talented BTS here, in the studio. Please tweet us your requests for BTS with the hashtag, ASC, pretty please!" Eric announced.
"And BTS will be reading your names and doing your requests so tweet us now." Jimin added.
After a commercial break, BTS was seated with the MCs. Jen sat behind V, next to Jin. "Please introduce yourselves." Jimin gestured.
The camera panned to Taehyung. "YO! V!" He screamed and threw up a peace sign. "HI!" He grinned, waving the peace sign. Jennie let out a soft laugh at Jimin and Eric Nam's reaction because of how shocked they were.
"Ah, that scared me." Eric laughed, still startled.
"RAP MONSTER!" Rapmon shouted.
"Okay." The female Jimin chuckled.
"Chim! Chim! Hello!" Jimin introduced himself.
"SUGA!" He shouted.
"I'm your hope! I'm engine! J-Hope!"
After Jungkook and Jin introduced themselves in Korean, the camera panned to Jennie. "Aye~! It's your girl Jennie!" She waved and blew a kiss to the camera with both hands.
"They're all hyper today." Jimin applauded. "And I'm kinda getting small, right now."
"It's okay. Hey, you know you have a song with his name in it." Eric pointed out, glancing at Suga.
"Give me some Suga~" The MCs started singing and dancing in their seats.
"Suga! Suga!" The rest of the members started to sing and dance in their seats.
"Anyways, we have people that have been waiting for hours." Eric pointed at the screens to a variety of BTS fans with posters, and other merch. 
Then he goes on to say that there are two Park Jimins. The one in BTS and the MC that sat next to him.
"I'm younger than him though, so I'm the second Park Jimin." The female Jimin informed.
"Shall we switch seats?" Jimin suggested as everyone let out a laugh.
"As we mentioned in our opening, BTS has been on the show the most often. Most frequent out of all our guests, so I'm sure they feel a little more comfortable and its more family like. How do you guys feel?" Eric asked.
"Of course, it's like family like, I see you like more often than my mom." Rapmon answered with a smile. Afterward, the members explained what they've been doing abroad from going to Germany, to America for a reality show.
"Did you learn any new English?" Eric questioned as Jen laughed at the random English words the members would shout out.
"What's up?"
"What's poppin'?"
"Turn up!"
"All right well we have a lot of fans that's excited to see you guys here on today's show, so we're gonna go straight into our pretty please corner." Eric announced as he and Jimin headed to the screen to check out the tweets.
The first tweet was from DyoQueennie, tweeting, 'Hi BTS I'm Queennie from BTS. I would like V to sing a song for me. I love you ❤.'
"Queennie, hello!" V waved and started to sing briefly, winking and calling her baby.
The next tweet was from piquantstyles. 'Can Jungkook sing Haruman to me and say "I love you, Esmeralda.'
After Jungkook sang a snippet of Just One Day, the members and MCs praised him for his angelic, smooth voice.
The next tweet was, 'Jennie, who is the idol you want to meet the most?'
"AILEE!" She shouted loud and proud, throwing her arms up in the air.
"Fangirl!" Suga teased
"I love her. She's so dynamic. If I could meet her, collab with her, or even be on the same stage as her, I would die. Like if I meet her, I will probably shout, 'This is not a drill! I am with Ailee!' Man, my life would be complete."
'ERIC. DANCE BATTLE WITH JIN' Was the next tweet read by the MCs.
"WOOOOOOOWWWWW!" The members shout, turning to Jin. Some of the members were shouting, "Jin! Jin!" while gesturing for him to dance.
"Oh, I have GOT to see this." Jen got comfortable in her seat.
Eric and Jin dance to Girl's Day's Darling as the MC Jimin and Jennie cringed. "Oh, I'm so embarrassed." The MC, Jimin looked on. Afterward, they have J-Hope and Jimin dance to Sistar's Touch My Body. "Wow!"
"Let Jennie dance! She's our guy group dance expert." Jin called her out.
"Yeah, let's let Jennie dance." Eric beckoned for her to come over.
"Jennie! Jennie, Jennie, Jennie, Jennie~!" The rest of the BTS members sing and chant while clapping their hands, encouraging her.
"Hahah, all right, all right." She got up from her seat and walked to the front of the studio. "Any requests?"
"Let's just put on a random song," Eric replied as Got7's Girls Girls Girls blared out. "Are you familiar with this?"
"I got you." She gave him a thumbs up, getting in position as the instrumental continued to play. But as soon as JB started to sing, she rocked back and forth, powerfully, smoothly dancing the choreography.
After she finished, she was applauded and praised for her dance skills. 
"My question is, where does she have the time to learn these dances!?" J-Hope exclaimed.
"That's my secret." She grinned.
While watching her dance, fans tweet:
'My weave has been snatched!!'
'DAMN! Go, girl!'
'Did she just smirk at the camera!? Rude!! Stop killing me!'
'Ahhhhh I love her!!'
Back to the questions, Jen was asked another question with the tweet saying, 'Jennie! You are the only BTS member who has yet to dye their hair! When are you going to dye it?'
"Hahah, I love this question. Everyone asks me this. My hair will be dyed when you least expect it. Patience is a virtue. I already know the color, just not sure what the style is. But it won't be anytime soon, unfortunately. But it will be worth the wait." She reassured the fans.
As they answer more tweets, Jen is asked another question with the tweet saying, 'Jennie! When are you going to show us your DJ skills?'
"Ah...I get so shy about it. I dunno...Suga has been asking me almost every day to show him me DJing in front of him instead of a little snippet of what I've played around with. He told me that he might want me to help make music for BTS or maybe use it for a concert, but we'll see. I just get so insecure about my DJ skills. Everyone keeps asking and then the high expectations. I'll admit I'm a little scared to show it off to the public. I'm not gonna say I'm not good enough but I'll just say that I don't feel like my skills are that level for me to showcase my potential for it. So, I'm still practicing alone, trying to keep away from Suga because he always tries to catch me practicing. One day I'll show my skills. We'll have to wait maybe a few years before I'm ready. Just like with the rapping which he's currently teaching me."
After a few more tweets, they all gather back in their seats for the pretty please requests as they reveal the winner's tweet for a special prize. 
"Jennie, Rapmon do one of you want to read it?" Eric gestured as the two members glanced and smiled.
"I can do it," Jen spoke up as Rapmon nodded in response. "Okay, this tweet is from Sara Sarah. Say hi to Canadian A.R.M.Ys and please come here soon. Love you!" She read. "Aw, so sweet. What's up Canadian ARMYs!?" She waved.
"What's up!" Rapmon spoke up. "I like Toronto, I like Vancouver. I like everyone in Canada. I like the nature, I like the mountains, so I love you."
"He's just rapping." Eric exclaimed while the MC Jimin tried to mimic Rapmon's wording. "But his is so much cooler."
"O-kay." Jimin looked back down at her cards.
"I totally will make sure to try to make a trip up to Canada. I have yet to see the sights and I absolutely want to enjoy all the beautiful attractions there. So, shout out to all the Canadian ARMYs. You'll always have a special place in my heart." Jen eagerly said, making a heart with her hands.
"So, we gotta talk a little bit, it's been a busy few months for Bangtan. They've been overseas for a long time and they've been preparing for their new album that finally dropped. How's that been? How's that been going for you guys? You guys have been super busy. You guys doing okay?" Eric questioned the members.
"Ah...not okay." Rapmon let out a low chuckle. "It was busy but I think being busy is the best thing because I think it's better than not being busy. Having no schedule, ASC doesn't call us." He playfully rambled on.
"Oh really?" Jimin asked while Eric let out a laugh
"We rest, we've been getting fat." Rapmon went on.
"So, I've heard that your practice videos are a really big hit right now." Jimin went on and started doing exaggerated movements with Eric. 
Once she stopped, Eric kept going and she tried to stop by placing a hand on his arm. His actions caused the members to laugh once again.
"So, this is BTS' first full length, so we want to ask what it means to BTS," Eric stated.
"It's our first official album and compared to our other singles and mini albums that was simply a warm up. This 14-track album is amazing." Suga explained.
"What's your personal favorite song?" Jimin asked.
As Suga said Let Me Know is his favorite since he produced it and it's different from other BTS songs because of the emotion, he decided to show everyone the high note.
"Everyone you may want to plug your ears." Eric joked.
"GIRL LET ME KNOOOOOOWWWWWW~" Suga suddenly sang and fell off his seat.
Eyebrows raised and jaw dropped, Jen stared at Suga in disbelief. "Oh hell no." She exclaimed while Eric approached Suga to ask if he was okay, while he continued to exaggerate the high note. 
Afterward, Jimin stated that Danger is his favorite song. Rapmon said 24/7 Heaven is his favorite song, demonstrating singing the song.
"Okay, I'm a rapper, but I just did some melodies on that song." He explained, preparing to sing. "All night girl. I think about you all night girl. naeirimyeon geudael boge dwae. And I don't know what to say."
"GIRL LET ME KNNNNOOOOWWWWWW~" Suga overdramatically sang in a high pitched voice, again.
"Oh, mah gosh! Suga!" Jen laughed with the rest of the members. 
V, of course, said that Cypher:Killer was his favorite as he eagerly performed it for the show.
"I ne beonjjae aelbeom jeonggyuui gwanjeom!"
"Cypher!" All the members shout, dancing around in their seats, getting hyped.
"I teuraegi naomyeon Haterdeul wanjeon!"
As V went on, Jen hyped him up even more by shouting, "AYE! AYE! OKAY! OKAY! UH! UH! KILL EM! KILL EM!"
After settling down, it was finally Jen's turn to reveal her favorite song. "Okay, my favorite is War of Hormone because this song is very different for me. It challenged me because it made me portray a sexy persona for this song. I was so reluctant to even do it, honestly because I get embarrassed with sexy personas. I'm not used to it, it's not my favorite concept but I'll do it if you want me to. It made me try a new persona and I think it went well with my voice."
Jin's favorite song is please turn off your phone, while Jungkook's song is Rain and J-Hope's is Hip Hop Lover. Next up was a pop quiz, the question was how many times did the scene of Jimin hitting the sandbag appear in the music video? In the meantime, they reveal the fans for the Hangout session.
They reveal the first person, Anja from Serbia. She explained she went to their showcase and was on the plane for around 24 hours to Berlin, enthused that BTS is amazing, while the members and MCs were in awe.
"Dedication. Fans are amazing." Jen smiled.
Anja showed some of her drawings, mostly of Rap Monster while Jin asked where were the rest of the members. Her request was to see V dance the choreography for Danger. Then Eric requested for all the members to dance. 
Next was Kasey from the U.K. She said that she went with her best friend to Berlin to see BTS and it was amazing. She thanked BTS because seeing them so passionate and hard working and talented inspired her to work for her dreams. After Rapmon translated, the members were touched by her kind words and her request was for Jimin and J-Hope to have a dance battle.
Next was a girl from America, whose name was Taylor. "Jennie! Jennie, you are my favorite member, and you inspire me to achieve my dreams, no matter where I go. I love you so much! You slay my life!"
"Aye! Thanks, girl! I love you, too!" Jen grinned happily. "It's fans like you who keep me going. Thank you for always being so supportive."
"Of course! So, my question for you is, what are your struggles while performing here and what do you want to improve?"
"Okay, I cannot for the life of me dance cutely. I can't do cute dances. I'm more into the badass concepts and powerful dances. I'll try my best to work on that, though. I want my high notes to improve. I feel as though my voice isn't strong yet, so I'm also working on that with vocal lessons. But I also want to try to sing different genres of songs and see what my strengths and weaknesses are. So, to help with that, I want to start working on covers to post on the BTS SoundCloud near the end of 2014 when I have some free time from the promotion, so keep a lookout, for that."
"And what is your request?" Eric asked Taylor.
"So, since you said you want to start working on covers, can you sing a little bit of one of the songs you want to cover?" She requested with an eager smile.
"Yeah, of course!" Jen beamed and began to sing a snippet of Amerie's Why Don't We Fall in Love. "So many things I'm goin' through. So much that I wanna do. It startin' to become so clear to me. Tomorrow ain't really guaranteed. So many days I've thought of you. It's about time you knew the truth. Got to act quickly, you and I. We fall in love, so many reasons why."
"Oh, my gosh!! I cannot wait until the full version! That was so good! I love your voice!" Taylor started fangirling on camera, earning a shy giggle from Jennie. She thought she was cute for freaking out like that, as she thanked her, while the MCs and members of BTS praised her for the song.
"I could hear the love and passion in her voice. Is there someone special in your life?" Jimin asked her. "Is Jennie in love?"
"Hahah, not yet." Jen waved away their funny accusations.
"How long have you been practicing?"
"I haven't practiced yet but since this song is a throwback, I already know the lyrics. But once the promotions die down and I'm not working on anything, I'll be practicing and preparing to record the cover."
After revealing the winner of the pop quiz, they go back to hanging out with the fans. A fan from China appeared as she was greeted by the members and MCs.
"Jennie, I have seen these questions all over the internet for some time now and wanted to ask them, so I hope you won't get too shy about them. Us ARMYs would love to know what was your first kiss like."
"Oooohhhhhh." The MCs turned to Jen while she buried her face in her hands, laughing. As soon as Rapmon translated the questions, the rest of the members yelled uncontrollably and eagerly awaited her answer.
"Ah, my first kiss...it's a very interesting story might I add. Shocking and off guard but somewhat cute. Well, it all started with a box of pocky. Or pepero as it's called in Korea." She began to explain. She tried not to laugh at the focused stares the members were giving her.
"You kissed with Pocky?" The MC, Jimin asked. "Aw, that's cute. Were you playing the pocky game?"
"Yeah. Remember when we filmed Rookie King?" Jen turned to the guys as they laughed and remembered the wild memories. "I hope he doesn't mind me sharing this out to the public, I don't think he knows this either but Jungkook was actually my first kiss since you guys wanted to smash our heads together during the pocky game." She shook her head.
Jungkook felt his stomach drop when he heard Jen say his name and saw her point at him. Then when she gestured about smashing heads together and said Rookie King before that, he had figured out what she said in English, immediately looking down at his lap, shyly. His face began to warm up as he tried to fight the growing smile on his face.
"No way! So that's why you had your head down for so long." Rapmon remembered clearly, ignoring the members but Jungkook questioned what Jen had said.
"Wow!" Eric Nam said, pleasantly surprised as he had a smile on his face, thinking it was cute.
"Aw! That's adorable!" The female Jimin smiled sweetly as Rapmon translated the bombshell to the members.
"Whaaaaaaaaaaa~!" The members but Jungkook start to yell and freak out in their seats. Jen tried not to laugh as J-Hope started screaming, running around the studio with Jimin and Tae. Suga had fallen out of his chair yet again while Rapmon shook his head at the chaos.
"Jungkookie?! OUR JUNGKOOKIE!?" The male Jimin pointed Jungkook out, who still shyly had his head down. "What is going on!?"
"What!? WHAT!?" Jin shouted in mother mode.
"Oh dear, I didn't think it would cause so much commotion." Jen rubbed the back of her neck. She avoided turning around to see Jungkook's reaction. 
She hoped he wasn't mad at her.
"Jungkook, what is your reaction to that?" Eric questioned, turning his attention to the Maknae.
Feeling bold from an unknown source of bravery, Jungkook looked up, speaking in English, "Not sorry.", causing the guys of BTS to laugh.
Widening her eyes, Jen turned around, meeting his stare, taken aback at his reaction. He smiled at her as she turned back around, feeling her face heat up. 
So, he wasn't sorry for giving her, her first kiss? He wasn't mad?
"Do you regret the kiss? How was it?" The female Jimin asked, wanting all the details. Everyone has their full attention on Jennie.
"Regrets? Honestly, I don't have any but if I'm nitpicking...I just regret not being a good kisser for him, to make the kiss more enjoyable, even though it was unintentional. So, I'm sorry that my kiss was terrible and sloppy, haha. But all jokes aside, no, I don't regret it at all."
"She's very considerate." Eric Nam pointed out.
As Jennie turned around to look at Jungkook, she decided to translate her statement for him instead of Rapmon, as she smiled at him, apologetically.
'But you have nothing to apologize for.' Jungkook thought to himself.
Next was Ardina from Indonesia, using a hangout free pass. She explained that watching Jimin dance made her go to dance school, and she danced for them, wearing the Bulls Jersey that Jimin wore.
"Yassssss! Go girl!" Jen looked on. She had some moves, it was amazing, and the rest of the members were blown away by her performance.
"Adina, I think you're better than me." Rapmon smiled.
Next was Olga from Poland, who asked Suga where she got his inspiration for his songs. The MCs translated that everyday life inspires him. She says she's supported them since debut and loves their meaningful songs. Her request was to ask Rapmon what his favorite method of learning is because he's one of the smartest students in Korea.
"Actually, it was computers. Playing games and yeah." He answered, shooting up a thumbs up.
Fanny from Belgium was next to talk to the group. She announced that she was going to show a drum cover of Danger. "Hey! Jen and Fanny should collab. Jen plays the guitar and fanny plays the drums!" V pointed out.
"That'll be nice!" Jen agreed. As they watched her play a small portion of Danger for the group, the members were in awe at her performance. "That was sick!"
After saying goodbye to Fanny, Rapmon pointed out, "We actually caught Jennie playing a guitar version of Danger."
"Putting me on blast!" She teased.
"Oh, are you planning on making an acoustic version of Danger?" Eric asked
"You never know." Jen shrugged.
"Can we see a demonstration?" Jimin asked as Jen was handed an acoustic guitar.
"I wonder if this was planned. You magically just had a guitar waiting for me, huh?" She teased the MCs who laughed in response. Making sure it was tuned up, she prepared to play. "Chorus. Five, six, seven, eight!"
A loud, strong strumming sound was heard, sounding just like Danger as the members swayed and bobbed their heads along to the music.
jangnanhae neo? dodaeche naega mweoya?
manmanhae Uh? nal gatgo noneun geoya?
neo jigeum wiheomhae wae nareul shiheomhae?
wae nareul shiheomhae? hetgallige haji ma
jangnanhae neo? dodaeche naega mweoya?
manmanhae Uh? nal gatgo noneun geoya?
neo jigeum wiheomhae wae nareul shiheomhae?
wae nareul shiheomhae? hetgallige haji ma
neo ttaeme neomu apa
neo ttaeme neomu apa
neo ttaeme neomu apa
hetgallige haji ma
neo naege neomu nappa
neo naege neomu nappa
neo naege neomu nappa
hetgallige haji ma
"Woo! Great job!" Eric applauded with Jimin. "Is that a full song? The acoustic version? It sounds so good."
"Nah, I was just playing around," Jen answered, placing the guitar down.
"Playing around? That needs to be recorded!" Jimin demanded.
"That's what I'm saying." Rapmon chuckled. "We'll think of something."
"I wouldn't mind playing the guitar more for our songs. I'm down for acoustic versions or even electric. We'll see in the future." Jen reassured.
And the last person was a guy from the Philippines, who happily greeted BTS. "I've been waiting so patiently because I really wanted to speak with Jennie."
"Aw, thank you!" She smiled and placed a hand over her heart.
"I wanted to tell you how much I admire you in BTS. And I also wanted to say that you are my ideal type."
As soon as she heard him say ideal type, she pointed to herself, stunned at his statement. "M-me? Really?"
"She's really surprised, haha." Eric looked on.
"I love your personality, you're so down to earth. And you have a pretty smile. You and Jin are my favorite members. Now, there are some male ARMYs around and I wanted to ask this question for them and for myself. Jennie, what is your ideal type?"
As soon as the MCs translated, the members of BTS turned to Jen, awaiting her answer.
"First, I'm shocked that I am your ideal type, like wow. You're the first that I know of to call me that and I am touched, so thank you. That just made me really happy. Like honestly, I'm not used to that and I'd feel left out since I'm never described as someone's ideal type here. I recall myself as a singing and dancing potato." She joked.
"A very beautiful potato!" The guy countered with a genuine smile.
"Hahaha, he's charming." Eric laughed.
"Thank you." She smiled. "Now, I don't have a specific person as an ideal type, like with Rapmon, who likes girls with red converses, though I personally prefer Nikes. And with Jungkook head over heels for IU."
"But to answer your question, my ideal type..." She paused for a moment. "Well, some things I would like is someone to be patient with me. Sometimes I'm not going to get things right away, but I would love for whoever I date in the future to just help me and be there for me and work with me through any struggles. Uh...someone to make me laugh, I love hugs so I would love to have someone to always be open to hug me and even cuddle. Am I getting too cheesy?" She looked around and got laughs in response from the MCs while Rapmon translated what she said.
"I do enjoy skinship, so hugs, or piggyback rides, anything. I tend to focus more on the personality, not the looks. I want someone that makes me happy and respects me. I'm outgoing so, if I date a shy person, I will do everything I can to bring them out of their shell. Everything." She shot the guy a thumbs up. She continued, "And another thing, to the fans and anyone in general, please don't change who you are to fit someone's ideal type. We're all different, we have different personalities from others. And I know what you're thinking. How can anyone want someone so skinny and bony like me? Or someone so chubby like me? Flat chest, big chest, skinny legs, thick legs, or I have acne on my face, scars or stretch marks, or whatever. Love comes in all shapes and sizes. There is someone out there for you."
"Sadly, there are people who don't understand that. And I think media can also be an issue because of that. Oh, I gotta look a certain way for this person and that person to notice me," she added. "Like no, don't do that. Keep doing you and be yourself. That's attractive to me. Let me see who you really are, behind any makeup and behind the scenes. And don't get upset when you're not like someone's ideal type. I'm guilty of this, I've had a crush on some K-pop idols before when I was younger. But remember that there's someone out there for everyone and someone will love you for who you are, no matter what you look like or what you've gone through. Just gotta wait. Love is patient. Love is unpredictable."
"I don't see myself dating anyone here since I don't really fit anyone's ideal type around here and besides, I always imagined myself dating someone in America, anyway. But you never know, someone might come in and change that. I think it's a beautiful thing, how love can be so unpredictable in the craziest ways. And whoever my special someone is, I hope that they are eating well, are happy, and are getting enough sleep. And I hope they're thinking the same about me. And...I just rambled. Sorry, heheh." She looked down, feeling her face heat up.
After Rapmon translated, Jungkook gazed at her. 'Love is patient and unpredictable.' He repeated in his head.
"That was inspiring." The female Jimin applauded with Eric. "I'm getting emotional."
"Did I answer your question?" Jen smiled at the guy on the screen.
"Very! Thank you for giving me hope! That was a passionate response." He smiled.
On the Twitter live feed, fans tweet,
'Yo...we ALL have a chance to date Jennie!!'
'Does she like girls!? Because I have a MAJOR crush on her, she's so damn beautiful!'
'Well she did say they instead of specifying a guy.'
'We don't deserve this girl!'
'Protect her!'
'I knew it! First kiss with Jungkook!? AHHHH! DATE!'
'We ALL have a chance with Jennie. She's so cool!'
'She just made me feel so much better about myself.'
'Do you think she'll date one of the members??'
'Well she did say she doesn't see herself dating in Korea, but in America.'
'Yeah but remember, she said love is unpredictable!'
'I bet her special someone is closer than she thinks.'
'I still ship her with V!'
'Nah, JenKook!'
'Um, no, JenMin!'
Before they could go to the next person, the MCs announced that they were out of time. They finally take their ending shot. "All right, thanks for joining us, we'll see you next time on ASC!" Eric closed the show.
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gamerwoo · 3 years
Seventeen: The Xperiments (Part Twenty-Three)
Tumblr media
Characters: Seventeen x female reader
Genre/warnings: superhuman/experiment au, fluff!!!!, but also angst [please read the warnings in the intro]
Word count: 1,804
a/n: things in bold are in english. also i know that it mentions an eric in this part but you’ll probably gather that this isn’t the same doctor eric from reader’s past lmao
Previous | Next | The Xperiments Masterlist
“I don’t know how I’m supposed to keep him safe,” Eric sighed. “He knows everything I know – he can literally hear my thoughts!”
“Look, it was our fault,” Jiwoo admitted. “We didn’t think it through…”
“Listen, Nam,” Matthew came onto the phone, “for what it’s worth, we won’t tell you anything else about Yuen and the lab.”
Eric ran a hand through his hair as he paced outside. His eyes looked at the door and he paused, saying quietly, “He’s still going to ask. All he does is ask questions.”
“We know,” Jiwoo said. “You can’t really hide this from him, but at least you don’t know details. He doesn’t have to worry about it.”
“He will.”
“They all will when they find out.”
“We have time,” Matthew reassured them. “Nam, you should get back to Joshua. Leave the scientists and the lab to us, okay? Keep us updated on Josh.”
“Yeah,” he scoffed. “Talk soon.”
Eric hung up and shoved his phone in his pocket. He looked at the door again and took a deep breath before entering the small apartment.
Inside, Joshua was already staring at the door before Eric even came in. Eric already knew the experiment knew everything in his head.
“They’re coming for us,” Joshua more so stated rather than asked. “The white coats are planning something.”
Unable to deny what Josh could already hear in Eric’s thoughts, the older man let out a deep sigh, “What do you want for dinner?”
“We’re moving out,” Minghao had muttered, his eyes looking far away to a moment that wasn’t presently happening.
And then the lights went out.
This wasn’t the first time the power had gone out, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Living in a cabin out in the middle of nowhere was the best place to hide, but it also sucked when the weather was bad. The power went out so easily.
Seokmin always came in handy when that happened, and his power also never failed to leave you in awe. This boy could create a ball of light out of the palm of his hand before flicking it into the lanterns that hung from the ceiling. The warm glow of the light Seokmin made from thin air somehow was more cozy than the actual light.
“What did Minghao mean by that?” Jeonghan asked when everyone settled in the living room with nothing else to do. “‘We’re moving out’?”
Wooshik leaned forward, folding his hands as his arms rested on his knees. He had wanted to call a family meeting by the weekend, but Minghao seemed to have let the cat out of the bag early. 
“We wanted to talk about…moving out,” he finally said.
The room froze. Eyes widened, eyebrows raised, and time seemed to completely stop as all eyes landed on Wooshik before searching the room to see if the rest of the black masks were on the same page.
Over the last few months, everyone was getting better. You were all learning more about society and the dos and don’ts, all of you were getting more and more confident in what you were doing, and you specifically were getting stronger with your Korean -- it was still a little slow and the accent wasn’t perfect but you could at least communicate most things. And while you all understood the end goal was living on your own, the fact that Wooshik was already preparing to have all of you go your separate ways seemed to blindside everyone.
“What do you mean ‘moving out’?” Wonwoo asked quietly.
“We’ve found a few places for a handful of you to move into with one of us,” Wooshik explained. “Of course you can pick your roommates, but we think all of you are ready to take the next step of living on your own in society. We’ll call it…a halfway house of sorts.”
“So…we won’t be…together?” Seungcheol clarified, seeming unsure of the idea.
“Each group will be maybe an hour or so away. At most two. You can still visit when you want, especially since we’ve made it so public transit won’t be a problem for any of you. But, no, you won’t see each other everyday.”
The group looked around sadly at each other. Not seeing one another everyday? That wouldn’t feel right. Sure, you hadn’t grown up with them like they had, but they were your family and you knew they saw you as the same. Even just living this long without Joshua was weird… But without everyone else?
“There’s still three weeks until the move,” Wooshik continued. “There’s plenty of time to prepare – mentally, emotionally, and physically. As always, Namjoon will be available to talk through anything.”
“How many groups?” Hansol questioned.
“Some of us will be going back to HQ, so it’ll be Jiwoo, Mingi, Chanyeol, Jungkook when he comes back, and myself.”
Jungkook had gone back to HQ a couple months ago. You missed having him around – he wasn’t the youngest you had found out, but he was one of the newer members – but Wooshik and Matthew promised everyone that he would return. He just had another mission to complete, but they of course didn’t go into detail.
“What about Matthew and Namjoon?” Chan frowned slightly.
“We have to go back to HQ,” Matthew explained. “We’ll come back to check up on you guys every now and then. Namjoon will definitely be calling a lot to keep up with your mental health.”
“That’s my job, after all,” Namjoon smiled warmly. “I’d never just leave you guys, but I have to be able to communicate with all of you. It would be unfair if I lived with only one group.”
“I call dibs living with Yeol,” Junhui spoke up, putting his hand up with a smirk.
The group laughed and then began babbling about who was going to live with who.
“I’m living with Jiwoo!” Soonyoung and Hoshi announced proudly. Then Soonyoung leaned into her before making Hoshi appear on her other sided on the couch. “Whaddya say, sweetheart?”
Jiwoo narrowed her eyes and scoffed, “What about _____?”
“Cheating on your wife already?” you asked, feigning hurt. “I’m getting a divorce.”
Hoshi glanced at you, “Ya snooze, ya lose.”
“Not losing much,” Jihoon snorted, making everyone else laugh.
You felt a nudge and turned to see Seungcheol looking at you with a slight smile. He always seemed to have the hint of a smile whenever he looked at you.
“Who do you want to live with?” he asked softly.
You shrugged, “I’m not really sure. I think I’ll be happy with whoever I end up living with. I’m just going to miss…this.”
You gestured at the room. The atmosphere was warm and light and full of laughter. It was loud but you loved it. You hated the silence now because the house was always full of chaos.
“Yeah,” he nodded with a sigh. “I know it’s been a while since I came back but I missed this. I don’t want to go back to the silence.”
You’d gotten to know Seungcheol a lot better – even better than the clone you thought was him –  and found that he was just as nice and caring as you thought he was. But he was also funny, charismatic, and smart. Even though he was brought into all of this later and had to catch up on everything happening, he just went with it. He was a very positive person and natural leader. You admired him. You were glad you got to know the real Seungcheol.
You did tell him everything about the other Seungcheol, though. He found the stories interesting.
“If you live with Soonyoung, it’ll never be silent,” you joked.
Seungcheol laughed, “Will they make us pay rent for all his clones?”
“Let’s not room with him,” you decided with a chuckle.
“Hey!” Soonyoung and Hoshi frowned.
“Can I get in on that?” Wonwoo leaned over to ask. 
Thankfully, the cold atmosphere of Wooshik’s announcement melted away, and everyone was bickering and laughing. However, that was cut short when everyone heard a knock at the front door.
Everyone froze and fell silent. You all knew that hearing a knock at the door meant danger. Everyone who needed to get into the house could, so if someone was knocking…
Immediately, Seokmin opened his palm, and the light flew from the lanterns into his hand, sending the room into darkness other than the moonlight that shone through the windows. Matthew stood to answer the door, but the door clicked and opened. He paused, his hand finding the holstered gun at his side. The other black masks moved their hands to their weapons while you leaned forward, tensed for action. Beside you, you saw a spark in Seungcheol’s palm, his eyes trained on the entryway to the den. Seungkwan was also tense, ready to jump up from where he sat on the floor. Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Soonyoung, Hansol, and Chan were all perched where they sat, ready to either attack whoever was intruding or to save a more vulnerable experiment.
“You can relax,” a familiar voice called with a chuckle.
Suddenly, the room was tense for a different reason. Jeonghan stood from where he sat, eyes wide and still staring at the doorway.
“Eric?” Wooshik called, standing from his seat.
“And me,” Jungkook walked into the den, looking worried and tired.
“You’re back already?” Matthew asked, his eyebrows pulling together in what seemed like concern. “What happened?”
“We’ve got trouble,” a new man that you’d never seen before rounded the corner into the living space. He looked troubled and somehow even more exhausted than Jungkook.
“Where is he?” Jeonghan interrupted, looking between the two men who had entered.
“Right here.”
And then he stepped into the room, a bright smile taking over his face.
“Joshua,” Seungcheol breathed in awe, standing up as well.
“Hey,” he said so nonchalantly, you would’ve guessed he saw everyone yesterday. “I’ve missed you guys.”
You and the other experiments were in a frenzy. Everyone was rushing to Josh to hug him and greet him and tell him how much they missed him. He laughed and hugged everyone warmly. When he got to you he pulled you in tightly and said, “You have no idea how much I missed you.”
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but can we relax for a second?” Matthew interrupted. “Jungkook, what’s going on?”
“I didn’t want to come back here because they were following me but I managed to lose them in the city so I figured I’d go to Eric instead because if I led them here then–”
“Please just get to the point,” Jiwoo told him.
Before he could say anything, Minghao beat him to it. Despite his words being mumbled, it sent the room into a dead silence.
“The white coats found us. They’re coming for us. We have three days.”
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ashotofeuphoria · 3 years
As I Hold You
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Pairing: Firefighter! Jongho x Injured! Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: character death (not member or reader), ANGST, car accident, blood, injury, fire, v brief description of a dead body, trauma, potential miscarriage (hinted at), let me know if i missed anything!
Authors Note: First fic! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy!
You don't remember the impact. The sound of metal crushing, of horns blaring, and tires screeching. Everything just went black.
You had been out running errands all day with your younger brother, Gabriel. You needed to pick up some more supplies for your baby who was soon to arrive. Your first baby shower was scheduled for this upcoming weekend. While you knew that your family and friends would support you and buy you most everything you needed for your baby; you still wanted to buy cute outfits and toys in the anticipation of their arrival.
Your final stop was a new boutique that opened across town, and your younger brother was eager to chauffeur you. He knew that you were a little scared of what the future held and wanted to ease any stress he could, by doing little acts of service for you.
You were living with your family and would remain there throughout your first year of motherhood. You hadn't meant to become pregnant. In fact, you were rather scared of the idea of children and pregnancy. But accidents happen, as they tend to, and your (ex)boyfriend ended up knocking you up.
It was an amicable split when you broke up. You both knew it wouldn't last, and children don't fix broken relationships. He did agree to support you the best he can and you're thankful for that much. It's overwhelming honestly, having the amount of support from everyone that you do. One thing is for sure, this baby will be so loved.
Your brother walked you out to the car, all the bags in his hands, opened the door for you and helped you in. You were only about 4 months along, so you just barely had a visible bump on your small figure. But he held your hand and helped you step into the car regardless. He shut the door and ran around to the driver's side before opening the door and hopping in.
"Thank you for driving me today, buddy. I know you have other things you could be doing," you said as he started the car.
"You know I'd rather spend time with you than do anything else. All I do is read and listen to music in my room, it's not like I do all that much," he chuckled, finding it amusing how appreciative you are of a simple car ride.
"Yeah, alright," you smiled towards him, "Still I know you aren't required to help me out, so thank you. Love you, bubs."
"Love you too, y/n," he said as he glanced towards you with a soft smile.
The car pulled out of the parking lot with the GPS routed 20 minutes down the highway to the boutique. Gabriel took a left out of the neighborhood, and you asked him for the aux.
"Sure," he replied, keeping his eyes on the road but reaching for the cord to hand to you.
You began playing your K-pop playlist, something that's been getting you through the days recently. When you hit shuffle, Love Die Young by Eric Nam started playing. You started to harmonize with the chorus as Gabe pulled the car onto the highway.
"Not this sappy shit, y/n, really?" he giggled as he watched you dramatically act out the song, clutching at your heart as you sing, staring at him with a smile plastered on your face.
"His voice is so smooth I can't help it Gabe," you exclaimed in a sing-songy tone. "So, what do you think I'm gonna have? A boy or girl?" you ask him as the car hits the speed limit and he puts on cruise control.
"Honestly, I think it'll be a little girl. I hope it is at least. We gotta buy so many cute outfits today. I can't wait to help you take care of them. Whatever they may be," he laughed glancing over at you.
"I have this whole idea for their room, I want to do a taupe and mossy green color for the walls. And I think I want a lot of cute pictures of plants and different animals. Ya know, to keep it pretty but neutral, something that can age well with them," you explained to him as he steadily controls the car.
"I think it'll look perfect," he responded. "10 more minutes and we'll be there."
You nodded your head and looked out the window at the greenery. Ideas of outfits and nurseries swimming in your head. You closed your eyes, propped your arm up on the window, and leaned your head against your hand as the car drifted down the highway.
Your eyes jolted open when you suddenly hear Gabe go from a whisper to a shout "fuck, fuCK, FUCK Y/N HANG ON!"
A car had swerved and jumped the median and was driving directly towards you, mere meters away. Showing no signs of stopping, and Gabriel having no real way to swerve to avoid them, he threw an arm in front of you, and you brought your hands up to cover your face, your knees coming up on instinct to protect your belly.
And everything went black.
When you came to, the first thing you noticed was the smell. Metallic, and smoky, like something was burning. Then you felt a searing pain in your head. You struggled to open your eyes but when you did you couldn't believe what you were surrounded by. The airbags had deployed, but there was blood splattered across the car. You could tell smoke was rising out of the engine, but you couldn't see much else through the cracked windshield.
You look to your left and see Gabriel covered in blood, eyes closed. And you immediately feared the worst.
"Gabe! GABE!" you reached over to shake him, to hold onto his cheek and try and get him to face you. To open his eyes. To do anything. Your ears are ringing, and you can feel your eyes stinging when he won't respond. Your hands are desperately grabbing at his shirt, and hair, willing for him to wake up, for him to be okay.
"Gabe," your voice barely bubbling out of your throat as sobs begin to overtake your body. "Gabe, please, please, wake up. please, you can't, no, please, Gabe, bubs, you're okay, we're okay, please," the sobs wrack your body as you gasp for air between each word. Tears are streaming down your face and suddenly your focus is on your hands, and you see they're covered in blood.
You hold your hands in front of you and stare at them in horror when your vision redirects to your legs. You're crushed in the car. Your legs trapped under the dashboard. Your hearing is slowly coming back as you hear sirens somewhere in the distance, but from what direction you were unaware.
You remember a car had hit you head on when it crossed into your lane going well over the speed limit. As you glance out of the passenger window to see what happened to the other car (and if you're even still on the highway) you're met with a ghastly picture of your face in the side view mirror. Your forehead has been deeply cut, and blood is dripping thickly down your forehead and has mixed with the tears falling down your cheeks.
You cough when you begin to inhale smoke. Your vision blurring, your head falls back onto your headrest as you pass out.
As you come to, a faint knocking sound begins to grow louder, until you can hear a man yelling "Ma'am! Ma'am! Can you hear me! You gotta wake up! Ma'am!"
You cough the smoke out of your lungs, your head throbs from the movement and you wince in pain. You're brought back to the situation you've found yourself in and remember Gabe is next to you. You look over to him and the feelings become overwhelming again, as you stare at what you can only assume is his dead body.
As a sob erupts from your throat, you look out your window at the man who was calling for you, and are met with desperate, soft brown eyes staring at you through a helmet and face guard. He's a firefighter dressed in full gear. He yells something to you, trying to overpower the other noises happening on the busy highway but you can't connect the sounds with words in your brain. You can only stare at him in confusion, tears falling faster down your cheeks, your breathing uneven.
You see him reach for the handle of the car door and try and open it mumbling a quick "fuck!" in frustration. You're trapped in this car, and he needs to find a way to get both of you out before the whole car goes up in flames.
"Get the jaws! The doors are jammed!" He yells at the team of firefighters surrounding the car and the truck.
He looks back down to you and says as clearly and reassuringly as he can, "Hey, it's okay. It'll be okay, we're gonna get you out of there, okay?"
You begin to nod your head in response when a knock is heard at your brother's window. You whip your head around and see stars for a moment. When your sight clears you see a taller man in uniform shouting to your brother, who isn't responding. Your voice is small and cracks as you try and tell the man outside "he can't, he's not-" and you feel your chest become tight once more.
You hear the man at your window begin talking to you.
"Ma'am, please try and stay still. We must make sure your head is okay. Alright? Please don't move too much. Can you do that for me?" he politely asks you, empathizing with your situation.
You meekly nod your head. Your eyes are stinging. You don't know if it's the smoke or the tears, but it's probably both. As you focus on the man in front of you, you hear the man near your brother begin yelling at his team about the window and needing to check Gabriel's vitals. The man in front of you can tell you're not paying attention, so he speaks up.
"Yunho is going to break the glass to check the man next to you, okay? Just look at me, don't look away from me, okay? My name's Jongho. Just look at me, okay? What's your name?" Jongho asks you to keep you preoccupied and focused on him.
"Y/N," you try and get out of your throat. It's so dry and scratchy your voice isn't much higher than a whisper.
"Okay, y/n. Listen to me, you'll be okay. I'm going to get you out, okay? Who is that in the car with you?"
"M-my brother, Gabe, but he, I-I don't thin-nk," you choke out as you stare at Jongho, unable to say the words. That Gabe is dead. But you don't want him to be. You don't want it to be true. You look down at your door, suddenly feeling very claustrophobic, unable to breathe. You hear glass shatter. As you begin to turn your head, Jongho raises his voice, keeping your focus on him.
"Your brother? Yunho is going to check on him and make sure everything is okay." you hear him say.
"Ma'am, are you okay?" Yunho calls out from the driver window. "Try not to breathe the smoke in, Jongho is gonna break your window to get to you, I'm going to take your brothers vitals and make sure he's doing okay. We're going to get you out of here as quickly as possible, okay?"
You glance towards him and nod your head, finding your eyes drawn to the way he checks for a pulse on Gabe, his slender fingers dancing on his throat, his wrist, anywhere he could find a heartbeat. And seeing the increasing worry on Yunho's face does nothing to reassure you. You see his eyes widen, and yours follow. He leans back and yells over to the team, "There's a pulse. It's faint, we need to get him airlifted asap! San, I need you over here!"
While you're fixated on Gabe's pale and limp figure, you hear glass shatter next to you followed by a warm hand turning your cheek towards him. You involuntarily gasp and sputter at the influx of fresh air.
"Deep breaths for me, Y/n. Please look at me." he gently demands. You look into his eyes as he shines a flashlight above them checking your pupils. He can see how bloodshot your eyes are from crying, and he glances over at your brother, then back at you. "Hey, it'll be okay, we're here now. Just look at me, don't look at him. You're okay. Everyone is here to protect you." he rushes out.
His hand rests under your chin as he uses two callused fingers to check your pulse. Then he gently tilts your head to each side to inspect the gash on your forehead as quickly as possible. He glances down your body to check your arms, and torso seeing they're mainly just bruised, when his eyes land on your bump.
His eyes widen as he asks you urgently, "Y/n are you expecting? Are you carrying a child?"
You hadn't even thought about your child. You had been so distraught over your brother; you didn't even consider the health or wellbeing of your unborn baby. Your heart rate rapidly increases as panic begins to set in.
"y-yes I am, I'm 4 months. I-I'm, do you think, are they? god please don't tell me-" you start blubbering as all the possibilities begin to tumble through your head.
Before he can reassure you, he checks down the rest of your body and sees your legs are trapped under the dashboard. And that even when the door is off you won't be able to get yourself out of the car. Jongho defaults to reassurance as he really can't even begin to answer the questions you're asking him, "I-it's okay. Everything is okay. Let's get you out of this car."
Smoke is becoming thicker around the front of the car, and you watch as it blows around Jongho's figure, flooding out the highway from where you sit. Tensions are growing higher as the crew knows there isn't much longer before the car is gone. Four men are teamed together and grab the Jaws of Life from the truck as they begin walking toward your car. Setting up on your brothers side you begin to hear metal cracking and snapping as the four men work to pry the car open with the heavy machinery. You're itching in your skin wishing to jump up and run now that you're trapped, and Jongho can tell. He has his hand braced at the back of your neck, keeping it steady, as you once again begin to panic; he rubs circles on your arm, and pushes your hair back from your sticky forehead and out of your eyes.
You can hear the Jaws stop and in the reflection of the side view mirror you can see Gabe's lifeless body being pulled from the car, his body pale and bright red from blood, blue and purple littering his figure. He's placed on a gurney and run towards the truck where someone begins CPR.
You redirect your eyes to meet Jongho's, whose eyes are looking deeply at you searching for any sign of pain or discomfort, any sudden changes in your condition. "Is he going to be okay? He has to be okay. Please tell me they can fix him." you plead with Jongho, who looks at you with nothing but the heaviest of hearts.
"We're going to do our best. I promise you we will do everything we can. But right now, we need to get you out of here too." he explains. "I'm going to go bring the Jaws over this way and we are going to get you two out of here," he asserts, gesturing at your bump. "I need you to stay still just like you have been, okay? You're doing so great. Keep your arms as close to your body as you can, and don't look at the window in case anything splinters. Do you understand me?" he asks you.
"Please don't leave me. P-please don't, don't go. Please stay." you sob as you realize you'll be left alone in your wrecked car.
"I'll be right here. Remember stay still and close your eyes." he reminds you as he drops his hands from you and gives his team room to operate on the car door.
You sob quietly to yourself. You can't believe this is happening. How Gabe could be here one second and now he's gone. The image of his pale bloody face is burned into the back of your eyelids as you squeeze them tightly shut. You hear the metal of the car frame crunching and cracking once again, as all four men yell commands and directions at each other. Your sobs are uncontrollable as you wish it had been you and not your brother. You wish with all your heart that you could've taken his place.
The door hits the asphalt and almost instantly you hear Jongho next to you, "It's okay. I'm here. I'm right here. I never left." He notices how black the smoke has gotten and decides to check your legs to see if he can carry you out before the rest of the car is disassembled.
"Can you feel your legs?" he urgently asks you.
You nod your head as you cough so hard that you gag.
"shit-" Jongho mumbles under his breath, looking all over your figure and the car, knowing he must move now or never. With his mind moving a million miles a second, he makes the decision that your legs are likely not broken and brings out a blade from his pocket to saw your seat belt off you. You watch as the sweat beads down his forehead and across his dimpled cheeks as he grits his teeth.
Jongho puts his arms under yours, pulling you into his chest, getting your upper body mostly out of the car. When your legs are more visible, he puts one arm under your back and the other under your knees and lifts. You slide out from under the dashboard and with your neck cradled by his bicep and forearm he jogs you away from the car towards the firetruck. He gets five strides in when you hear the explosion. You peek past his arm to see your car engulfed in flames. You can feel the heat on your face, and the sound has left your ears ringing once more.
The team must've anticipated the event as hoses immediately start spraying to drown the car fire. Jongho gets behind the firetruck away from the fire and sets you down making sure you are stable, with no further injuries from his manhandling. He gently places a hand on your bump and hopes against everything that this baby is okay. Just as he's about to stand to find his captain and report your status he feels your hands fist into his uniform jacket holding onto him.
"please don't leave me. please don't leave. d-don't go." you hiccup as you stare pleadingly up at him. With the way you're gripping onto him, he knows there's no way he can walk away from you right now. Instead, he stands up and grabs a clean towel from just inside the truck and begins to tenderly wipe the blood and tears off your face, avoiding the gash on your forehead.
He doesn't have the heart to tell you that Gabe didn't make it, his body covered with a sheet on the other side of the truck. He also doesn't know how to explain that if Gabe hadn't reached over to protect you, he might've been in less critical condition. That he died protecting you. So, for now he wipes away the grime; and, after seeing you shaking, unbuttons his thick uniform jacket so he can hug you; until the paramedics arrive and will inevitably pull you away from him. You don't hesitate to wrap your small arms around his waist, and he holds you, pressing your head against his chest where you can hear his steady heartbeat.
"It's okay, y/n, it's going to be okay. You're okay. I'm here. I've got you." he repeats it like a mantra, over and over, convincing he thinks, both you and himself.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Your Daughter Asks To Call Him Dad ~ Eric Nam
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“Eric has to come too; you can’t be the only one to put me to bed.”
Your eyes instantly looked across to Eric, whose head nodded immediately. It was all that he ever seemed to do around your daughter, whenever she wanted anything, he would nod straight away and be there for her. You knew first-hand how lucky she was to have someone like Eric by her side as she grew up, the best she ever had to a father figure in her life.
Being a single parent was never the way you imagined your life going, but after three years, you couldn’t imagine your life any other way. It was the same with having Eric around, he’d been your closest friend since you could remember, the best friend in helping you raise your daughter.
Luckily for you, Jisoo knew nothing else aside from having you and Eric in her life. She knew that Eric had been there for you through everything, and now he was there for her too. Just like you, she couldn’t imagine what things would be without Eric around you both.
He was by her side throughout as she got ready for bed, helping her change, brush her hair, even laying down beside her as she made herself comfortable underneath the duvet.
It was a natural instinct in Eric to take Jisoo under his wing. He’d been by your side throughout your breakup and held your hand through it all. There was no other choice as far as he was concerned but to step up and fill the void that had been left in her life.
“Are you going to stay here tonight?” She whispered across to him.
“In your bed?” Eric teased, tickling against her side gently. “I don’t think I’ll fit in your bed all night long, I’ll squish you like a monster if I stay here.”
Her head nodded, clutching onto her hand. “Mijoo at school says that she always shares a bed with her dad when she’s feeling sad.”
“But I’m not your dad,” Eric pointed out to her, “I’m just going to be your annoying best friend for the rest of your life. You won’t want me in the same room as you one day.”
The two of you were both quick to catch onto how her expression dropped and her bottom lip beginning to quiver. “Sweetheart, Eric has his own home to go to, he can’t stay here.”
Her head continued to shake, clinging on much more tightly to Eric. The conversations were always the hardest when she began to tell you about her friend’s dads. She had so many questions, and so many that sadly you had to leave unanswered.
“Maybe next weekend when you haven’t got school, we could have a sleepover,” Eric suggested, trying to bring the smile back to her face. “As long as it’s alright with your mummy. Maybe we could find a bed big enough for the two of us and then you can lay with me all night long, and I can tickle you until I can’t tickle you anymore.”
“Why can’t we just always have a sleepover? You’re here all of the time anyway, I don’t think you even go home when you say that you do. Mummy deserves to have her best friend with her, it’s not like she has a boyfriend who can keep her company.”
Your smile softened as you moved across to lean against the side of her bed, brushing your hand through her hair. For a young girl, she certainly knew so much about the world.
Eric couldn’t help but chuckle at how wise she could also be sometimes. She wasn’t oblivious to the huge role that Eric played in her life, even if he wasn’t hers by blood. She was very aware of how different her life could have been if it wasn’t for him always there to make her smile and tickle her when she frowned.
“Your mummy has you for company, that’s more than she could ever wish to have Jisoo.”
“She deserves more,” she whispered, “we could both enjoy having you here.”
As worried as you were for her putting Eric on the spot so much, you trusted that he’d be able to handle her sass. For all the points she made, Eric always had a comeback to try and get her to stop using her wise attitude so smartly.
“What’s stopping you from staying with us and being here all the time?”
“I don’t know,” he whispered, staring down at her wide eyes that looked up at him. “There’s a lot of complications that would come with me and your mum living together. In ten years, I don’t think we’ve ever spent one night under the same roof with each other.”
It was a bit of a weird habit for the two of you, but both of you loved your home comforts. You could never expect Eric to stay the night whilst Jisoo was young. Although he’d protest with you that it was fine, you could never expect him to change nappies and feed in the early hours, that was a job for you, and you only.
“You could move in and be just like a dad to me.”
Both of you froze at her sudden statement, neither of you knowing quite what to say. Jisoo stared aimlessly between the two of you, sensing she’d maybe said something that she shouldn’t have.
“You always do the things with me that my friend’s dads do, it’s not like I have anyone else to be a dad to me,” she admitted, “you can still be mummy’s best friend, but what if you became my dad too? We’ve always been a weird family, haven’t we?”
“I guess we have always been a bit weird.”
The two of you were often mistaken for a couple whenever you went out with Jisoo, but there were always comments that you just brushed aside. If anything, you found it funny that you managed to give off such an impression to everyone.
“If you want to call me dad, I wouldn’t mind,” Eric whispered across to her.
At last, her eyes lit up yet again, nodding her head instantly back across at him. “There’s no one else I would ever want to call dad aside from you, you’re the best dad for me.”
“Jisoo, are you sure about this?” You questioned, not quite as convinced as Eric. “To start calling him dad is a pretty big deal, it’s not like calling him uncle or brother, are you sure that it’s what you want to do?”
“Of course,” she giggled, as if it were all so easy. “Who else is going to look after me and you like Eric does? Sometimes I don’t get why you two don’t just get married.”
Your head shook as Eric nudged her side gently. “I could never marry your mother; she’d drive me up the wall. I’m more than happy just being her best friend, and even happier to be able to take on the honour of being dad.”
“If you become dad, does that mean you’ll move in?” She continued to push, poking at Eric’s cheek as his eyes rolled. “Please can you come and stay?”
His eyes looked across at you, but all you could do was shrug your shoulders. “Maybe that’s a conversation for us adults to have whilst you get some sleep.”
“I know that you’ll both end up saying yes,” she teased.
“You don’t know what will happen next.”
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sircnss · 3 years
Hellooooo and welcome to round 1!
If you click on [this link right here] it will take you to the first poll to vote for your faves for the March Madness this year!
It’s technically not too late to join and fill out a bracket or send me yours if you need to, shoot me a message for details and whatnot, you’ll have until Saturday really to get it in.
Round 1 will run from Monday March 7 until Saturday March 12 until about 6pm
Each correct pick this round is worth 2 points
Each round will last Monday-Saturday with results coming sometime Saturday night or Sunday afternoon so I have time to make the next google form and I will reblog this again once more today and two times on Wednesday and Friday, mayhaps once more Saturday before the form closes.
If you are playing off of a bracket, remember to go with what you picked and then do your best to follow them as the rounds continue to shake out.
Share this with your friends! The more that participate the merrier and it makes votes close and gives me more fun with tie breakers. And tie breakers to break those ties.
As always if you have any questions, comments or concerns please let me know.
Under the cut will be a typed version of the match ups that matches the visual of the match ups on the google form
@nctphx @mjhope-world @violagoth @chocolatspring @noonachronicles @ohheymichelle @little-writing-worm @talsuv @uwunnie
Astro vs Ateez
2PM vs A.C.E
NCT vs Monsta X
The Boyz vs TVXQ!
Big Bang vs EXO
Seventeen vs AB6IX
SHINee vs Stray Kids
Mamamoo vs WJSN
Rolling Quartz vs fromis_9
StayC vs Brave Girls
Dreamcatcher vs Everglow
Twice vs Apink
Weki Meki vs Red Velvet
Weeekly vs LOONA
Suga vs Sunmi
Ailee vs DPR Live
Hyorin vs Chungha 
Wonho vs BoA
Woodz vs Key
CL vs Jessi
Kai vs Heize
Taeyeon vs Eric Nam
aespa vs Momoland
Cherry Bullet vs KARD
Kep1er vs Hyuna & Dawn
2ne1 vs VIXX
BAP vs Wonder Girls
Epik High vs Sistar
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nct-lian · 3 years
people who have a crush on lian (outside of the group)
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duration: april 2020 — present
he actually developed a crush on her after he had watched the music video to her pre-release single, “stay tonight.” he thought she looked SO good and went on to talk about how much he loved that kind of concept on her for weeks on end.
eric obviously knew about her prior to his discovery of the song, having a member that’s been great friends with her for about a year.
he thinks that if kevin would stop hogging lian and actually let her interact with more of the members, he’d be able to “win her over” but according to kevin, she’s his best friend and his best friend only.
do fans know?: yes
fans of both the boyz and nct figured out that eric had a little bit of a crush on her after watching the english line’s episode of the k-pop daebak show with eric nam.
it was the section of which eric nam was reading out all the questions jacob, kevin and eric had sent in for each other, and one of kevin’s questions for eric was, “do you have a crush on my best friend?”
eric nam widened his eyes, “you have a best friend that he has a crush on?” he asked kevin, who was trying not to laugh hysterically at the question that had resurfaced. “he might,” kevin nodded.
“jacob, do you know who he’s talking about?” jacob nodded and suppressed his giggle by lifting the pillow he was hugging tightly to his chest and covering his face with it.
eric held a look on his face that screamed, “i’ve been personally victimized” as he shot his head back and forth between kevin and the other two older men in the room.
“i don’t have a crush on your best friend.. well- you know- like- maybe a celebrity crush.”
kevin cackled, “she’s not a celebrity-” eric nam laughed at that and shrugged his shoulders when eric turned to him for some help. “i don’t even know who’s he’s talking about, don’t look at me!”
“to you!” eric shot back at kevin, implying that he obviously wasn’t going to see her as a celebrity, given their best friend status.
jacob let him himself laugh, “eric, it’s okay, you make it so obvious sometimes.” he reassured his younger member.
eric stuttered over his words and kept shaking his head. “it’s a celebrity crush. no real feelings.” he stated.
the man across from him, again, shrugged his shoulders in confusion. “i still don’t know who we’re talking about?”
kevin apologized and clapped his hands together, “she’s actually schedules to come on this show.” he smiled and threw him a thumbs up. “is she really? oh, i think i know who it is, then.” eric nam made a face and looked at kevin and jacob, who both matched his expression.
then they all looked at eric, “why are you guys looking at me like that? okay, next question.” he smiled in attempt to change the topic. eric obeyed, feeling bad that they were sort of teasing him, while the two others just laughed.
current status: acquaintances (they met through kevin moon)
( FIRST MEETING ) lian had been waiting at the door of kevin’s dormitory for a minute too long, and no matter how many times she knocked, nobody would answer. they were supposed to be going on a walk in order to catch up before their weekly schedules. 
lian pulled out her phone and called kevin through facetime, him answering almost immediately. “kevin, why aren’t you answering? i’ve been knocking nonstop.” 
he rolled his eyes and told her to just come in and that he’ll be a minute because he can’t find any shoes that look good with his outfit. 
she hung up on him and walked inside, greeted with the sight of the boyz’s maknae on the couch. she stopped in her tracks and watched as he scrambled to his feet in panic. “s-sunbaenim, what are you doing here?” eric scratched the back of his neck.
“huh? oh! i’m just waiting for kevin to finish getting ready.” she smiled politely and looked at everything but him, finding the interior of their dorm rather interesting at that moment.
getting uncomfortable with the awkward atmosphere her and eric had created, she yelled out for kevin to hurry up. “moon hyungseo!” she called him by his korean name, knowing that he didn’t like it.
“don’t you dare call me that, bae haneul!” he shot back at her, stumbling out of his room while trying to put on his left shoe.
she chuckled, “hah, jokes on you, i actually like my korean name.” he stuck his tongue out at her, “okay idiot, let’s just go.”
he opened the door for her so she could walk out first, “uhh, bye eric.” lian waved at him with a tight smile before exiting the dorm, kevin following after her.
eric waited for the door to close before he returned her goodbye, giggling like a little schoolboy who’d just received a lolipop.
“she knows my name.” a bright smile replaced the awkward frown on his face.
crush percentage out of 100: 60%
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duration: unknown — present
chan can remember keeping up with smrookies while he was still a trainee, and he developed some sort of jealousy towards lian. he saw her grow as a person, not just an artist. 
he watched her debut first, he watched her transition from red velvet into nct, he watched her achieve his dreams before he could.
this jealousy overtime somehow turned into feelings, and he had no idea what kind of feelings they exactly were.
he hadn’t ever really experienced feelings like this before, and he was terrified to admit what he thought they were. eventually, chan opened up to someone and it was clear that he had a bit of a crush on her — and a big one.
chan began to update himself on smrookies daily, constantly wanting to know what she was up to and what her debut plans were, especially because of the sudden group change.
even now that they’re great friends, he’s always calling her to see what’s going on and if she needs help with anything.
do fans know?: definitely
no doubt do stays know about his feelings — he was bound to slip up once or twice while live streaming to them.
and that slip up just so happened to be while he was reacting to lian’s “play” music video. everything was going fine — bopping his head to the beat and humming calmly, but he couldn’t stop the blush from spreading onto his cheeks while watching her dance with another guy.
yeah, he was jealous, but that doesn’t mean stays had to know. he hysterically fanned his face, somewhat over exaggerating to play it off. “oh- woah- is the ac not working in here suddenly?” he playfully laughed at the camera facing him.
the song soon ended, and chan was back to reading all of the comments. he read some aloud, some in his head, but he accidentally let one slip through his lips.
“do you have a crush on neullie?” he nearly cursed when he realized the question he had just read to the entire live stream said what it said, allowing himself to sit back in his chair as he watched all the comments flood in.
“well, do you?” “CHAN OMFG-” “christopher bang..”
“guys, come on, of course i don’t.” the viewers definitely wanted to believe him; like, a lot, but they couldn’t.
the way he smiles whenever she was brought up in a conversation, how he looks so incredibly proud when talking about her — it would be a complete lie to believe otherwise.
current status: good friends
( FIRST MEETING ) changed out of the sparkly, sequinned dress she’d been wearing for the last couple of hours and now sitting in a pair of sweats and a zip up, lian couldn’t be happier.
finally out of the uncomfortably tall heels and being able to sit down on a cushy sofa while waiting to leave the venue, lian pulled out her phone to check notifications.
five minutes probably passed before her manager gave her the “okay” to start walking to the exit, the car already waiting for her outside.
leaving the dressing room, she saw taeyong, who decided to tag along with the driver (and taeil) so he could see her. “hey, oppa.” she greeted, grabbing onto his arm and leaning on his shoulder for support.
“did you have fun? were you able to see sunmi-sunbaenim today?” he patted her hand slowly. she nodded and made a noise in confirmation, way too tired to give an audible response.
taeyong chuckled as he made sure to keep her upright while getting closer to the exit.
meanwhile, bang chan was talking with felix a couple feet away. he felt bad watching as taeyong struggled to help lian balance herself on her, for sure, wobbly legs.
he saw how terrific she danced that night, completely dominating the stage with her powerful choreography and her clear vocals.
subtly walking in their direction, he put his hand out the minute taeyong’s arm wasn’t able to hold her up anymore. lian looked like she was sleeping at that point.
chan gracefully caught her in his arms, taeyong apologizing and taking her back into his own. “i’m so sorry-” he bowed.
“no, no, it’s okay. she must be tired- uh- would you like some help?” chan offered a helping hand, but taeyong was sure he had other duties to attend to, being the leader of his group and all.
“no! please, i got it from here. thank you for catching her, though, you have no idea what yuta would have done to me if something happened- uh, i’m getting ahead of myself. have a good night.” he noticed how he began rambling on, but chan paid no mind to it.
laughing and keeping the air light, chan nodded his head and bowed, about to walk away after wishing him a safe trip back to the dorms; but that was when lian decided to wake up from her slumber.
“huh?” she looked at taeyong cluelessly, but chan caught her eye. it was then that she noticed johnny’s grey zip up was halfway down her arms, spaghetti strapped tank top (pretty revealing) on full display.
she hastily pulled the sleeves up and looked at chan awkwardly, bowing to him and proceeding to ask taeyong if they were going home.
taeyong nodded his head and put a hand on her shoulder, “yeah, the car is waiting outside. taeil’s in the backseat with your pillow.” he smiled.
lian’s smiled back with a toothy grin, clapping her hands excitedly as she now knew she would be able to sleep on the way home. again realizing chan was watching, she looked back to him.
“it was nice meeting you!” lian waved her hand at him, grabbing onto taeyong’s arm and gently dragging him towards the door leading outside. he complied, but not without shouting yet another “thank you!” to chan, who was still standing in the same spot.
crush percentage out of 100: 90%
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duration: october 2018 — present
soobin was really able to learn more about the different variety of idols in the industry when he first joined bighit, and that surely included lian. he admired her so much; she became one of the people he looked up to most.
she was the only female member in a group that included eighteen other men, how could he not immediately think the highest of her after finding that out?
he would keep up with her scheduling and make sure to listen in on her radio show appearances so he could stay updated. he even bought all of her solo albums so he could put her photocard in the back of his phone case!
do fans know?: yes
moas aren’t even able to count on their fingers the amount of times soobin has said lian was his ideal type or his #1 crush. like, the first couple appearances he had on camera post debut, her photocard was literally still in his phone case.
“moas are asking if you still have a crush on lian-sunbaenim.” yeonjun nodded his head towards soobin, the members of txt all sitting comfortably on the floor of a practice room.
soobin lightly brushed his hair out of his face as he nodded his head, “yeah, she’s gotten even prettier lately. have you see her new music video?” beomgyu nodded excitedly.
“it’s super good! the album is amazing, as well.” he beamed at the phone that was filming them and clapped his hands.
“yah, don’t get too excited; soobinnie will get jealous~” yeonjun teased. soobin playfully hit his hyung on the shoulder and told him to be less embarrassing, a small blush now resting on his dimpled cheeks.
hueningkai and taehyun both laughed at their leader, agreeing that lian has certainly gotten prettier, if that was even possible. the topic was soon over as they began talking about something else, but moas definitely added that into their list of “soobin fanboying over lian” moments.
look forward to the fifteen million new youtube videos about it!
current status: acquaintances, idol x fan
( FIRST MEETING ) soobin almost jumped straight out of his seat when he noticed the goddess herself, lian, walk into the section him and his group were currently in. he watched her bow to the members of itzy before sitting next to them and placing a fluffy blanket onto her lap.
she had just finished performing, and he was still shaking at how perfect it was played out; the sparkly outfits, the amazing choreography, her powerful vocals yet again never disappointed.
the curfew for underage idols now being hit, soobin and yeonjun both bid goodbye to their younger members as lian, yeji and lia did the same for ryujin, chaeryeong and yuna.
the three girls sitting in front of their section soon ran out of things to talk about while waiting for bts to perform their stage, a comforting silence falling upon them. lian allowed her eyes to wonder around her surroundings and ended up unconsciously turning around and staring right at the two members of txt that were left.
yeonjun seemed to have paid no mind to her lingering gaze, but soobin on the other hand could have sworn his heart dropped out of his ass at that very moment. lian, now shaken out of her thoughts, noticed how creepy she probably looked.
bowing in apology, she quickly turned around to talk with lia once again in order to distract herself from the embarrassment that was currently enveloping her whole.
once he knew lian was too invested in her conversation to notice his quiet squeal, he excitedly began bouncing his legs up and down on the cold floor and repeatedly hit yeonjun’s arm.
“huh, what? what’s wrong?” confusion took over his face, wondering why soobin was practically having a heart attack next to him.
“hyung- she looked at me! right at my face! lianna bae looked at me!” yeonjun couldn’t help but scoff at how incredibly excited soobin seemed to be at such a little thing, but it was cute.
crush percentage out of 100: 78%
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duration: somewhere in 2019 — present
taehyung has seen lian here and there whenever he browsed twitter on his secret account, and he’s definitely noticed the constant shipping and dating rumours that went on between their fandoms.
the fanwars, the manips — they’ve all been seen by him at some point in time; but he has to admit that from the manips he’s been able to get a good look at, him and lian would actually make a pretty nice looking couple.
but you didn’t hear that from him tf :)
do fans know?: kind of
the calming beat of lian’s “my friend” played in the background of taehyung’s vlive, the viewers all watching him eat peacefully and answer some of their questions.
“are you a fan of lian?” taehyung slowly read out the question as he tried to slurp some of his soup up at the same time. “yes, i like her music a lot..” he trailed off, once again focusing on finishing his soup.
he ate his last spoonful shortly after, continuing his sentence, “i noticed she likes to experiment a lot.. it’s admirable.” he smiled fondly and switched to another song on his playlist after “my friend” ended.
“uh, she’s also really pretty; she fits my ideal type well.” he allowed himself to giggle, somewhat playing it off so the atmosphere on the stream stayed comfortable.
the topic of lian never reappeared that night, fortunately for him, but when he was chaotically woken up the next morning by jungkook, he saw at least five headlines about how he admitted to having a crush on lian.
current status: friends (?)
( FIRST MEETING ) venturing off and losing his members during isac was never taehyung’s intention, but he was able to see some of his friends, so it wasn’t exactly a bad thing. he met a few idols and befriended them, trading phone numbers with a couple new people before heading off to regroup with his six roommates.
on his way there, however, a girl with green sweatpants and a white long sleeved t-shirt caught his eye. he recognized her as nct’s only female member, who was currently running around with seulgi of red velvet.
if he was being completely honest with himself, he’d love to join in on the fun they looked like they were having, but he instead continued on with his journey towards bts. even after a couple minutes of searching around the large stadium he was still unable to find his members.
eventually giving up on his mission, he just decided to back to wherever he last saw some entertainment. he found himself now engaged in a conversation with johnny suh, looking back at lian every now and then to see if she’s gone anywhere.
after a little while, johnny seemed to have caught on, “why are you staring at lian?” taehyung jumped at the question, shrugging his shoulders awkwardly and turning to fully look at the older male beside him.
“uh, i can ask her to come over here if you want. i’ll be a wingman,” johnny winked playfully at the fellow idol, and went over to grab lian before taehyung was able to give a solid answer.
“hey, lian, taeyong wants to talk to you.” he grabbed her hand, and began to drag her towards the bts member, who was literally shitting his pants. seulgi on the other hand, was following the two to wherever lian needed to be, not quite ready to leave.
“noona, go away.” johnny lightly pushed seulgi away from lian, being a shot an “i’m incredibly offended, you’re dead to me” look as as she stomped away from them and over to joy and wendy.
lian silently followed johnny to where “taeyong” was but instead she was met with the face of kim taehyung. she looked back up at johnny with confusion written all over her features, but he shrugged his shoulders and walked away as well.
now, they were just standing there awkwardly looking at each other with nothing to say. “uh, hi, you’re not taeyong.” lian laughed to break the ice, taehyung following shortly after. “yeah, i don’t know what he was trying to do here.” lian nodded in agreement.
lian suddenly became aware of all the fans in the audience and the numerous amounts of fansites that probably had their cameras facing directly at her.
she was able to wrap up her conversation with taehyung pretty quickly, making a mental note in her head of the phone number he’d given her so they could talk later.
once taehyung walked away as he’d finally caught sight of yoongi, lian stomped over to the member of nct 127 and roughly pushed johnny into jungwoo, but he was far too strong to be toppled over like she wanted.
“you idiot, why would you do that? that was so awkward, i hate you and i’m not cooking for you ever again.” johnny simply laughed and ruffled her hair, turning back to hyuck, who was also laughing at her.
she huffed as she was engulfed into a hug by yuta, who almost immediately asked what the hell they were talking about over there.
crush percentage out of 100: 40%
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halaboyz · 3 years
side note: i don't know if anybody's curious but it's been bugging my mind to put this out so.. ;; not everything in here is assured to be posted. i put this out so that everyone knows that i am, indeed, thinking of what to put out when i'm not posting lmao,, let me know what you look forward tho!
。・:*˚:✧。 ATEEZ
-> [REDAMANCY] single dad! hongjoong x fem! reader ⤷ god was it not easy to be a single dad's girlfriend. a single dad who's still co-parenting a child that's in the age of being overly curious and confused why she had a mother and another side-mother. it was already hard making a child open up to you. harder because of hongjoong's situation as his girlfriend. so why wasn't he trying to make things easier and better for you?
-> [THANTOPHOBIC] mafia! seonghwa x doctor! reader ⤷ wherein your brother brings his boss– all wounded and almost ready to die on the spot boss in your hospital but his own men don't trust you enough as your brother was just a newbie in their gang. you clearly told your brother to never enter a gang again. and to never bring you someone from the like again. as you can see, i think your brother didn't get the memo.
-> [RANTIPOLE] detective! san x troublemaker! reader ⤷ you were the little town's nightmare. every time they'd wake in the morning, it was already part of their routine to check their house's gates to see another grafitti drawn. they know it's you. you make it known it's you. you do it to gain two people's attention. your father, who knows only to shower you with money, and that one hot detective in the station. one fine night, vandalizing happily around and caught in all angles of the town's security cameras– the next day you were a murder suspect.
-> [KAIROS] summer love! mingi x reader ⤷ based from the kdrama lovestruck in the city. ⤷ running away from the city going down to shit (read: your life in the city was the only one going down to shit) and meeting absolutely lovely strangers who quickly became your family in the countryside was not part of your bingo card for the year. especially meeting that one hot guy who didn't know he was hot. definitely getting wedded in that short amount of time, too.
-> [SILLAGE] basketball player! wooyoung x reader ⤷ spin-off of buzzer beater ⤷ recent heartbreaks made wooyoung something he wasn't in anybody's eyes. especially yours. you knew him as someone so close to being the sun– bright and strong. also, unreachable. that was until you were fed up. if wanting to see his smile back again meant getting hurt in the process, you were willing to take the risk.
-> [ASTERISMOS] soccer player! jongho x reader ⤷ smau ⤷ oh jongho. why do you keep running away from love that you crave? why don't you try hogging it like you do with soccer balls, dumbass?
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。・:*˚:✧。 THE BOYZ
-> [HAVE WE MET BEFORE] sangyeon x reader ⤷ reincarnation au, based on eric nam's song 'have we met before' ⤷ love that continued- even in their next lives.
-> [UNTITLED] jacob x reader ⤷ the day was coming. your wedding with jacob was one of the events that had entered your mind but not one of those you were sure was going to happen. anticipating and excited were two things you felt but not enough to explain more of the feelings you were feeling. that wasn't until you can't find him beside you, or anywhere else the next day– the week before your wedding. you thought he was only in a rush to somewhere, forgetting his phone but not his wallet, all his clothes, and his passport. no, he wasn't. please, he wasn't. he was. he did. he left you– getting cold feet himself and left you hanging. canceling everything that the both of you had planned, you stayed traumatized with what happened. years later, destiny played with you once again and lets you meet jacob, still himself, still like the old times, just like the jacob you fell in love with.
-> [UNTITLED] hyunjae x freshman! reader ⤷ smau ⤷ frantic. you were frantic about your applied university results whether you were applicable for enrollment because if you weren't accepted to even one, your parents would make you fly to paris alone to study. you applied to every university there was to raise the probability of staying, what you didn't know was that you totally shotgunned every exam because your parents didn't tell you about their plans until recently. one university left, you were heavily praying while continuously refreshing their page for the results. screeching out loud when you read system is down. sorry for the inconvenience. you quickly ran to your account to rant– to see only a few people only getting their results mix-matched. asking for the public's help, one person finally messages you– but it was someone unexpected, someone, who, with the littlest bit of you, resented him. the one who ghosted you two years ago.
-> [BURNOUT] juyeon x reader ⤷ smau ⤷ you've loved juyeon for so long, you think it's finally the time to graduate. you've outgrown each other, you were so positive you'd be able to move on after two years of not seeing together, so how come your heart was beating abnormally when his eyes lands on you oh so sweetly, his lips whispering your name, his warm hands reaching out to you and how come you're hoping to be loved back?
-> [UNTITLED] boss! kevin x writer! reader ⤷ wherein your books you wanted to release were never enough for your boss. never good enough. so it was normal to hold rage for him. leaving the company isn't one of your choices though. terminating a contract costs tons of money. and the money can't be given to you because of your boss. in short, you were stuck with him until a book you wrote was good enough for him.
-> [UNTITLED] chanhee x reader ⤷ smau ⤷ wherein you receive a sudden text of someone ranting to you about people mistaking his gender. before you even stop him, he rants more. you let him because indeed, sharing with a stranger is better because they don't judge you- because they don't know who you are. until you do.
-> [DOGS AND EXES] ex! changmin x reader ⤷ smau ⤷ exes co-parenting a dog?! you see yourself facepalming when you see your ex's text, asking if you could see the dog you adopted together, ghana, because he keeps waiting for you by the door of the apartment you once shared. the next thing you knew, you were walking to the park you agreed to meet up.
-> [UNTITLED] haknyeon x reader ⤷ liking jacob was something you lived with. something buried deep inside you, meant to be never revealed until he got himself a girl. a girl who had someone looking over her too– haknyeon. haknyeon knows well, too much for your own good, how you feel. so he steps in between you and jacob, trying to stop you from ruining anything related to the new couple. because what matters to him was his friend's– jacob's girlfriend's happiness.
-> [MAYBE THIS TIME] sunwoo x reader (same universe as unfortunately and maybe next time) ⤷ spin-off of maybe next time, set before and to present of maybe next time. ⤷ smau ⤷ sunwoo literally does not understand. he excels in everything but you. he was the one who was there when you were at your lowest, he agreed to be your punching bag, your safety net, your shoulder to cry on, etc. etc. but how come he knew right away that with how you smiled when you looked at your ex, shamelessly making his way into your life again, how come he knew that this time, it'll be loving you'll find, just not with him?
-> [MAYBE NEXT TIME] ex! eric x reader ⤷ smau ⤷ sequel of unfortunately. can't be read alone. ⤷ nobody knows why. three years after graduation, two years after they broke up. what would they do if they see each other for the first time after the break up? will they take it as a second chance to fix things or simply a time to bring a long-overdue closure to their relationship?
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AAAAAAA as you can see there are still a lot of stories that are yet to have a summarization since i'm still not sure how the story will go, and still a lot of untitled ones for the boyz, so if a title crosses your mind do tell me! i'd love some feedback <33
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quirrrky · 4 years
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For the EIGHTH DATE OF CHRISTMAS a daydream came to me…
AN CARNIVAL DATE w/ GIYUU especially crafted for @remnez. Something memorable and surprising. Enjoy your dream holidate!
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“Alright, take your time.“ Giyuu informed as he awaited for you outside your room.
It’s snowing outside and everyone was celebrating the Winter Festival. People around the village were excitedly talking about this much anticipated event and Giyuu happened to invite you out of nowhere.
Internally, you were so excited for this day to come yet you’re inside you room contemplating if you looked good enough. Plus, you didn’t really know why he asked you out. Was it because he heard you told Uzui-san that you Giyuu probably doesn’t know what a date was. Bad commentary as ever, but you were just saying what you thought. Thinking considerably, you picked yourself up together. You certainly didn’t want to keep him waiting too long.
Finally, the door of your room opened, and Giyuu turned around to take a good look of you. For a moment, his eyes were plainly intent on you, drinking the sight of you in. It’s his first time seeing you wear an elaborate yukata, especially that of his favorite color which totally matched his eyes. The gaze he’s giving you right now was not different from his usual, but somehow you’re feeling oddly conscious about it.
He casted his eyes slightly downwards, a reaction he usually does. Then, he looked back up at you again. “You look pretty.”
This made you mirror his reaction by casting downwards just to look up at him to say, “Thank you.”
You knew Giyuu so well after being close friends with him. You two were alike in so many ways. Most of the time, it’s reassuring to know that you weren’t the only one thinking or feeling the same. Yet there were times, when it was rather funnily uneasy. Like right now, where you knew that you’re both being shy in this moment. The knowledge of that was making the thumping in your chest more intense than it could ever be.
Taking you by surprise, he had your hand in his. Though his action puzzled you, you kept mum about it. The two of you headed the festival and was welcomed with sparkling lights, and attractions, carnival games and a Ferriswheel. Your eyes glisten as everything looked so fun and you wanted to experience them all with Giyuu.
Both of you wasted no time and played one of the games. The dart game where you can win any stuffed plushie depends on which score you landed on turned into a playful battlefield between the two of you. The competitiveness you have only sparked things up. Giyuu ended up winning but you’re going to make sure you’ll win next time. Though you must admit that getting a small plushie of your favorite animal from him, was really cute.
The rest of your festival experience was filled with little moments of you and Giyuu together. You tried the Takoyaki, which everyone lined up for, and he wiped the mayo off the corner of your lips as you were waiting. While riding the Ferriswheel, you didn’t fail to notice the light thumb rub he’s doing on your shoulder as he had an arm around you.
You have been close to each other but you have never done something as fun and extremely close as now, where both of you just enjoyed the night without minding tomorrow. Though, he usually wears a straight face, you found it charming that he can make some subtle yet adorable reactions. You were just friends, but home come he could always make your heart flutter like this.
Everything came to a close and he walked you home. You were a bit saddened as the time you spent with him didn’t feel sufficient. Reaching your front door, you both stopped by and faced each other preparing for a goodbye.
“So…That must be it,” you said.
“Yeah,” he answered. “Good night.”
“Good night.” You greeted back and your shoulders slumped together with your reaction. Seriously…
You finally entered your home, but still not closing the door for you were watching him head his way. Suddenly, he stopped and paced back to you again. You were surprised that he was now so close to you and was practically towering you. His face was drawing nearer that you can feel his breathing on your neck. You froze as the air got stuck on your chest. He placed a sweet kiss on your cheek and all you could hear was the beating of your heart. Then, he started to whisper, his voice snowy cold yet lingering, “I know what a date is.”
With that, Giyuu left you in utter shock.
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A/N: I can’t tag you for some reasons but i hope you get to like your request!!! So much love for Giyuu here I really wanted to hear him say that last line. aWwwW...Merry Christmas! And have a happy New Year too!
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REBLOGS ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED ♡  Please help me reach other viewers as tumblr tags are unfortunately not working on me. Thank you so so much!
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☾ masterlist: Giyuu ✧ KNY ☾ ·⁺˚*·✧ request guidelines ✧⁺˚*·
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wherevermyway · 4 years
step out! do what you want (chapter three)
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pairing: reader/bang chan side pairings: established changbin/minho, past jisung/reader (and it’s causing problems), reader/bang chan/jisung rating: explicit | 18+ warnings: oh boy here we go. angst like mad, lots of drama, more profanity, chan is possessive and jealous, arguments, smut, threesome (because I am trash), smoking (again), mention of firearms, unprotected sex, mentions of drug use, profanity, alcohol consumption, minor praise kink, lots of biting. word count: about 15,000 (!!) also posted to my AO3 here! chapter/series navigation
chapter three: one more step, i will never stop
recommended tracks: you calling my name by got7, I am you by stray kids, follow by monsta x, jungle by punchnello, absinthe by punchnello, louder than bombs by bts, veni vidi vici by zico, baby don’t like it 나쁜 짓 by nct 127, on track by stray kids, honsool by agust d, congratulations by eric nam, singularity by bts, people by agust d, 時間がない by kirinji, and 주소서 (pray) by b.a.p (I cannot get enough of this song right now). playlist can be found here!
note: jisung is so soft in this chapter. he’s one of my favourites (stan 3RACHA), so writing this chapter broke and warmed my heart a million times over. apologies for the length of this one!
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disclaimer: any reference to persons in this work of fiction are purely coincidental. the characters referenced from Stray Kids are interpretations loosely based on their personalities in the group and do not represent the real people behind the personas. if this, or any of the content included in the warnings above make you uncomfortable, please stop reading now.
side note: for the love of minho’s cats, don’t mix party drugs or drugs with alcohol.
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You had shown a photo of your ex, Jisung, to Christopher and Changbin, who confirmed that it was the Jisung they knew. When Christopher saw his face on your phone, his mouth turned down into a scowl, causing him to become tense and reserved. “Whatever,” he grumbled as he spun on his heel, turning to the fridge, “I’m gonna make some jigae with the stuff in the fridge. We’ll deal with this later.”
Changbin pulled his eyebrows together in confusion. He opens his mouth to speak to Christopher, but decides against it, turning to you instead. “Look, we’ll make this work. Han won’t be here for that long, just a follow-up on his task. Then he’ll be gone and we can pretend this never happened. Okay?”
You nod your head, hoping that it was going to go that smoothly. Christopher takes out some ingredients from the fridge and then pulls out some cookware with a clatter, the noises causing Minho to finally wake up.
“Aaaaahhhhhh, Binnie,” he groans loudly while stretching, catching the attention of Changbin.
“What, Min?” Changbin says with little concern in his voice, getting up and walking over towards him. He leans over the back of the couch, reaching a hand down to Minho’s hair to ruffle it around.
“Binnie, you crushed me, cuddling me too hard in your sleep last night and now I hurt,” Minho whines, grabbing Changbin’s arm and pulling the brunette down on top of him.
“What the fuck?” Changbin squeaks out, in a cute voice you weren’t aware he could make, before he topples over the back of the couch.
“Cuddle me and make it better,” Minho cries out dramatically, wrapping his arms and legs around the smaller man. Changbin tries to say something, but his voice is muffled while he’s kicking his legs up and down in the air.
Watching the two of them made you smile, happily reaching down to your cup of lukewarm coffee to take a sip. You turned your attention towards Christopher, watching him chop up some vegetables and other ingredients, prepping them and putting them all into a large pot.
“Can I help you with anything?” You ask him.
“Nah,” he shrugs your suggestion off, turning over his shoulder to smile at you, “I don’t know how to work with someone else in the kitchen, but maybe we can try something out later?”
“Yeah,” you smile back at him, “I’d like that.”
The assembly of kimchijigae doesn’t take that long. Once all of the ingredients are in the pot, Christopher calls for Changbin to help him set up the gas burner on the coffee table, while you help by getting the rice started in the rice cooker.
Within a half hour, you’re all sitting down around the table, happily eating the jigae. Changbin and Minho are talking about some story about the time they went to Daegu and the Colourful Daegu Festival was happening. They had dropped some acid and lost their minds during the parade, where there was a lot of music, dancing, and other performative arts on display.
As fun as their story sounded, Christopher looked like he wasn’t completely paying attention, his mind distant and thinking about something else. “Christopher?” You call out to him, poking him in the arm with the back end of your chopsticks.
“What?” He snaps back to reality and shakes his head. “Oh, sorry,” he apologizes, “I was just lost in thought over something. How’s the jigae?”
You smile and nod, “I’m impressed, Mr. Bang, I had no idea you could cook.” The compliment makes him smile, and he reaches out to rub his hand on your thigh in appreciation. “You’ve been telling me for two days now that you’d make me something and you finally did it. It was worth the wait.”
You’re about to bring another bite of rice to your mouth when a knocking at the door startles you. Changbin and Christopher stand up at the same time, but Changbin calmly coaxes the blond to sit back down. “It’s probably Jisung, but if it’s not,” he grabs his bag from under the table and pulls out a pistol, sheathed in a protective case, tucking it in his waistband, “I’ll handle it.” Minho stands up, a focused look on his face as he quietly walks over to sit next to you, likely to help calm you down and to protect you if need be.
Christopher reaches under the coffee table, staring at Changbin as he walks to the front door. His hand fumbles a bit until a sliding door is heard. Out of the secret compartment, he pulls a pistol that’s identical to Changbin’s and a magazine, snapping the machinery together. He puts a hand on your leg, gripping it tightly as you start to tremble in panic. “It’s alright,” he whispers to you. Changbin turns to Christopher, and they both nod.
A knock is heard at the door again, a bit more urgent this time. “Who is it?” Changbin questions coolly, putting a hand on the door and his other hand on the handle of his pistol.
“Bang-hyung?” It’s faint, but you can hear a voice come from the door. “No, wait, Seo-hyung? It’s me.” Changbin turns around, dramatically rolling his eyes in the direction of all of you, a dumbfounded look on his face. He opens the door and yells at the silver-haired man that walks in.
“Aish!” Changbin exclaims, slapping the back of the man’s head, eliciting a squeal from him. “You dumbass! I told you that you needed to text us when you show up. We thought you were a potential threat.”
Christopher exhales an irritated sigh of relief, taking his hand away from your leg before disassembling the magazine from his pistol. “Fucking moron,” he grumbles under his breath, putting the pistol and magazine back in the compartment under the table. He turns to look at you right as you spin your head around and look at the man that walks in. Your jaw drops in shock as you realize it really is Jisung.
“Sungie?” The word squeaks out from you in shock. Jisung snaps in your direction when he hears your voice, looking as if he was hallucinating the sound of you.
“Bunny?” He says your old nickname with a whine. He looks directly at you for a second before nearly running over to you, almost tripping over himself as he kneels in front of you, reaching his hands up to your face. “Oh my god, why are you here? How are you here?”
Christopher scoffs, rolling his eyes as he kicks back into his chair, arms folded, biting his lip back in anger. An air of jealousy fills the room as he watches Jisung pull you into a hug with him. “Oh my god, oh my god,” he whispers, rubbing the back of your head. “I knew there was a civilian woman here, but I had no idea it was you, baby, I’m so sorry.” His voice is so calm, so soothing, but you feel how broken his heart must be, seeing you in such a helpless situation.
It’s almost like the past year never happened, the comfort between you is so warm and familiar. It felt so good to be comforted by Jisung, but you could feel Christopher staring at both of you with fire in his eyes, like he would kill Jisung just by staring at him if he could.
“Han,” the man assertively barks, causing you both to jump. “Beijing. What happened?” His tone is curt and cold, something you hadn’t heard in him before. You had a sinking feeling in your gut that this wasn’t going to go smoothly, after all.
Jisung snaps up, bowing deeply in apology. “B-Bang-hyung,” he stutters out, “yes, my apologies. I just,” he turns to you nervously, then back to Christopher. “I’m sorry, we used to be close and to know she’s here, in danger, well-“
“I’ve got her.” Christopher cuts Jisung off, sitting forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees, “She’s not your concern right now. She’s mine.”
The way he claims you so nonchalantly makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. It was a strangely attractive thing for him to say to your ex-boyfriend, but it was also really embarrassing. Jisung had no idea that the two of you were something, so he just kind of brushes it off not really grasping the seriousness of  Christopher’s words.
“Yes, hyung, I understand,” he nods, “but, if I may, since she knows me, I’d like to-“
“Shut up, Han.” Christopher spits out, balling his fists up, slamming one of them into the arm of the chair as he cuts Jisung off again. “I don’t want to hear another goddamn word out of your mouth unless it has to do with Beijing.”
Changbin pipes up from behind the couch, “Chan,” he says with a commanding tone, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Back off. That’s an order. Jisung isn’t your enemy here, he’s your brother. Do I need to remind you of the code?” Christopher shoots a nasty glare at him, snarling his lip up in anger.
“I’m sorry,” Jisung interrupts in confusion, “Am I missing something?”
You sigh, dropping your head down to your hands to comb your fingers through your hair. “Sungie,” you say softly, looking back up at Jisung, “Chris- uh, Chan, I mean, and I are, well,” you voice trails off, not really sure what to call this thing that’s going on between the two of you.
“We’re seeing each other,” Christopher finishes your sentence for you, eyeing you before he looks back up to Jisung. “Not that it’s any of your business.”
Jisung looks at both of you a couple of times, disbelief painted on his face, before he finally settles his eyes on you. “Bunny, is this true?”
“Kind of?” You say, shrugging your shoulders. “We met each other at a party the other night and I’ve been here ever since because shit hit the fan.” Jisung’s face falls as he looks at you, realizing the implication of what you’ve done with his superior.
“Baby,” he whispers, the look of disappointment on his face causing your heart to sink down into your stomach. You shouldn’t feel bad, since it’s been a year and you separated amicably, but you always felt protective of Jisung while you were together, a feeling that clearly hasn’t disappeared from you.
“The fuck does it matter to you?” Christopher grumbles under his breath as he stands up, walking angrily over to a drawer in the kitchen. He rifles through it for a second, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. “Whatever. I’m going out on the balcony; I need a cigarette. Enjoy your fucking reunion. After I come back, I want that goddamn report on Beijing and then I want you to get the fuck out of my apartment, Han.”
Christopher pulls open the blinds in the far corner of the living room, unlocking the balcony door and flinging it open. He steps outside and rips the door closed behind him, closing it with a loud slam. You’re not sure, but you think you hear him yell “fuck” after he slams the door.
“The hell is his problem?” Minho chirps up for the first time in a while, looking up at Changbin, then back down to you. “Are you alright?” He places his hand on top of your knee, rubbing it softly with his thumb. You timidly nod your head, still in shock.
“I swear to God, that man and his issues,” Changbin grits his teeth and sighs, walking up to Jisung to squeeze his shoulder in support. “I’ll go talk to him. I’m sorry he’s taking this out on you, Jisung. You know how he gets when he’s stressed. He probably doesn’t mean any of it.”
Jisung doesn’t say anything, just nodding in response as he looks down at his feet.
“Minho,” Changbin says, making his way to the balcony door, “keep an eye on things in here. Yell if you need me.”
“I’ve got it, Binnie, don’t worry,” he says with a nod. Changbin slips through the door and you can see Christopher throw his hands up in the air as he starts to yell. His muffled voice somewhat comes through the door, but there’s no way you can possibly make out anything he’s saying.
Jisung flops down in Christopher’s seat, letting his head fall into his hands. “Bunny,” he says, not bothering to look up at you, “I can’t believe that you and Chan-hyung are…”
Minho chimes in, “Hey, maybe you two should go into the studio and talk this out? I’ll stay out here and keep an eye on things.”
It was a good idea, you had to admit. This entire situation was complicated and personal, not really something you wanted everyone to hear. It would probably make you both more comfortable if you talked about it in private, anyways. You stood up and grabbed Jisung’s hand, guiding him to the studio with you. Once inside, you closed the door softly and fumbled your fingers around on the wall for a light switch, flicking up the first one you felt.
The room illuminated, and the first thing you saw as you turned around was Jisung’s pained face. He stutters, trying to come up with something to say to you, but he just stands there, dumbfounded. You weren’t exactly sure where to begin. It was over a year since you saw him last, and all of the memories you had together were floating around in your head, not helping make the situation any easier.
“Jisung,” you open your mouth to speak, but before you can say anything else, the lean man walks up to you, pushing his body against yours so you’re forced to step back up against the wall. As soon as your back hits the wall, he reaches his hand up to just under your chin, bringing it up to his face.
“Don’t say anything, baby,” he whispers, tears glistening in his eyes, before his lips softly collide with yours. His lips have a faint taste of bubblegum, probably from his favourite chapstick, and his tongue is warm and soft against yours. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers softly in between kisses, “I never wanted to leave you. I loved you so much, and I absolutely still do.” His voice starts to crack, and you feel tears come down his cheeks as he rubs his face against yours with his sloppy, needy kisses. “I just… I couldn’t do it to you, bunny. They had connections in the industry and I needed the money. I was only going to stick around until I had enough and then stop with the criminal shit, but now I just can’t leave. They’re my family now, my brothers. They mean so much to me.”
He breaks down, his head falling on to your shoulder. Racking sobs run through him as he pulls you into a tight embrace. You try your best to soothe him, an arm wrapped around his back and one hand stroking his hair. “Sungie, baby,” you whisper into his ear, hushing him, “it’s okay, I forgive you. I promise, it’s okay.”
You both stand there for a while, letting Jisung calm down a bit thanks to your words and your soothing demeanour. After what seems like an eternity, he finally stops crying. When you’re about to pull away from each other and go back into the living room, you hear footsteps and chattering come from outside the studio.
“Where is she?” Christopher’s voice booms from the other room, loud and terse, “Where is he?”
“Goddammit, Chan,” Changbin growls after him, sighing. “We just talked about this.”
“I told them they should talk it out in private, in the studio,” Minho answers him, his voice quiet and timid. “Was that a bad idea?”
Footsteps draw closer and Christopher bursts through the door. He looks at Jisung, nuzzled up to your shoulder, eyes wide and still damp from crying. “Chan-hyung, please,” he whimpers out, cowering back into your shoulder before the blonde starts to make an advance towards him with his fist drawn back.
“Christopher!” You shout, throwing an arm up in the air and turning Jisung away from the blond, gripping him closer to your chest to shield him. “That’s enough!” Your outburst causes him to stop dead in his tracks, dropping his arm. “I will not tolerate you treating Jisung like this. Yeah, I get it, you feel threatened because we have a history, but if you so much as touch him, I will leave here and never come back. I don’t care what anyone out there does to me. I won’t stand for this.”
The two of you stare at each other for a pause pregnant with tension, Jisung gripping your shirt tightly. “Fuck,” Christopher finally sighs out, rolling his eyes as he walks over to the couch behind you. He grips his hair, looking up at the two of you. “Han,” he starts, letting himself breathe for a moment. “Jisung, I’m sorry. I’ve been nothing but an asshole to you since you showed up. Actually, since before you showed up.”
Jisung rubs his face on your shirt. He stands upright and turns to look at Christopher, still holding on to you with one hand. “Chan-hyung,” he says, looking at you, then looking back to him. “I know you’ve both been doing things, but,” he sighs, eyes drifting down to his feet, “I still love her. I wouldn’t have left her if it wasn’t for the family. Seeing her here makes me terrified for what could happen. She still means so much to me, even after all of this time.” His hand drops down from your waist, grabbing your hand and interlacing his fingers with yours.
Christopher grimaces at the sight, but chooses to let it go. “I get that,” he groans, “but you left her. It’s up to her to decide if she wants you back. Even if,” his voice trails off and he sits fully back into the couch, “even if it doesn’t involve me.”
“Haven’t you only known each other for two days?” Jisung innocently questions, hoping that the question won’t provoke a fight. “Seems a bit early to care that much?”
“Yeah,” Christopher says as he avoids eye contact with either of you, “but there’s something about her. Maybe it’s this whole situation, maybe I’m just delusional. But there’s something that makes me want to risk it for her.”
Jisung smiles, looking at you as Christopher starts talking about you. He squeezes your hand and nods his head. “I know, she’s incredible.” The way that he looks at you reminds you of the night he first told you that he loved you, with that same boyish grin on his face and excitement in his eyes.
Christopher looks up to you both, an uncomfortable, awkward look on his face. Even Jisung simply making lovey eye contact with you just hurts him. You weren’t in love with him, not even close, but you did have some feelings towards him that were starting to be impossible to ignore. Choosing between them would be hard, and you simply didn’t want to do it.
“Wait,” your eyes light up with an idea. You pull Jisung to the couch, telling him to sit at the opposite end of Christopher. You go to close the door, seeing Minho and Changbin making a pointed effort to hide their eavesdropping before the door slides closed with a click. “What if,” you say, walking back to the couch, sitting in between the two men, “I don’t have to choose between you two, at least not yet?”
Christopher squints his eyes in confusion and Jisung cocks his head to the side, not quite understanding what you mean. “You know,” you say as you grab a hand from each of them, “you just share me, until I make up my mind?”
“Share you?” Christopher is the first one to respond, sounding confused.
“Oh,” Jisung breathes out, then the realization hits him, “oh. You mean…” He looks at Christopher, then back to you. “You want me to share you with Chan-hyung? But he’s my superior, he makes all of the decisions. If he says no, then,” his voice goes from excited to a bit dejected.
“Jisung, look at me.” Christopher addresses him with a stern voice. “If it’s what she wants, it’s fine with me. I don’t know how we’ll make it work, and it already sounds weird, but I’m willing to give it a shot.”
Jisung’s eyes light up as he looks at Christopher and then looks to you, “You mean it, hyung?”
Christopher nods his head, then turns his attention to you. “I’m willing to do anything if you’ll give me a chance. You are stuck here with me for a while, yeah?”
You smile and look down at the hands you’re holding. It was a strange concept that you weren’t sure would even work, but it was something to hopefully keep the three of you somewhat happy and entertained while you were stuck here.
“Okay,” Christopher says, standing up, “I’m glad we could work this out, but we really need to talk about the Beijing deal, Jisung.” You both look up at him, noticing an awkward smile on his face. “Come on, let’s go back out there, take care of work, then we can address all of this,” he waves his hands in a broad circle around all of you, “when we’re done. Alright?”
Jisung nods his hand, squeezing your hand before he stands up. “Whatever you say, Chan-hyung.”
“Can you, like,” Christopher rubs the back of his head in embarrassment, sighing, “not call me hyung when it’s just the three of us? It’s a little weird, considering the circumstances.”
“Oh!” Jisung exclaims, “Yeah, sure thing, Chan-hy… Channie.” He corrects himself, then giggles. “That doesn’t seem right, either, does it?”
“Ugh,” Christopher groans, walking to the door, “don’t get used to it, Sungie.” He mockingly uses your nickname for Jisung and it causes the silver-haired man to visibly cringe.
“Point taken,” he says, following Christopher to the door. “C’mon, baby, let’s go.”
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Jisung does an extensive job explaining just how the Beijing job went. The guys had been working on building up their relationship with the Triad since the Shanghai incident a couple years ago, and, based on what Jisung reported, it sounded like it was finally getting better. He had secured a deal for a small shipment of firearms and some party drugs like ecstasy and cocaine. The cocaine was more expensive than Changbin wanted, since it was coming from a different source this time, but he figured he could turn it at the clubs for a higher profit pretty easily.
“I’m impressed,” Changbin says, sitting forward from his spot on the couch, clasping his hands together in front of him. “I wasn’t expecting you to actually secure the whole deal, much less any part of it. For a last minute switch up, I’m glad I sent you, Jisung.”
Jisung flashes a cocky smile at Changbin, darting his eyes to you for a quick second, looking like he hoped that you were impressed, too. “Thanks. Beats getting protection money for once, but I really need to brush up on my Mandarin. I got lost in conversation a couple of times and had to try explaining stuff in Korean and English.”
“Chan can help you with that,” Changbin says, looking to the blond man with a serious look on his face, “if he’s done being an asshole to you, that is.”
“Oh, shove it,” Christopher scoffs. “Yeah, Jisung, I’ll help you before your next trip out there; it’ll probably be a while, though, since you’re gonna be out here a lot more now. I need you to cover my usual spots since I’m stuck here.”
Changbin and Minho exchange a surprised glance with each other and then look at Christopher. “What the hell happened in there?” Minho pries, “You’re calling him Jisung now? You’re not trying to tear his throat out? Are you actually being nice for once?”
Christopher glares at Minho, causing the black-haired man to gasp, then he turns to motion at you. “It’s thanks to her. She brought me to my senses, made me realize how irrational I was being. Now I’ll only get mad at the kid if he deserves it.”
“Chan-hyung,” Jisung says, the corner of his lip pulling up a bit, “thanks for offering to help me. I’ll need it.”
Christopher waves his hand dismissively in the air. “Don’t get too excited. You’re still covering my normal shit and I’m gonna work you twice as hard to pick up the slack.” Jisung lets out a whine as he’s told about his workload.
Minho snickers at the way Christopher phrases his demands, making a comment under his breath. “Yeah, I bet you’ll work him hard.”
His quip earns him a light shove from Changbin. “Alright,” the brunette says, standing up. “Since you two seem to be getting on just fine for now, Minho and I are going to go back to our place for the night. I’ve got to meet with Hyunjin tomorrow to fill him in on some things and so I can take care of the goods we’ve got coming in thanks to Jisung.”
Changbin turns to Jisung, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’m leaving you to watch this place tonight. A couple of the newer guys in our security group, Lee and Yang, are in 3201 if shit goes down and you need backup. Chan has an arsenal hidden in the studio, so you don’t need to worry about arming yourself.” He turns to look at you, then Christopher. “We’ll be in one of our properties in Apgujeong-dong tonight, so if you need anything, call me and I’ll be here pretty quickly.”
Changbin turns back to the couch, offering a hand to Minho to help him upright, which the black-haired man happily accepts. “Don’t worry,” Minho says, looking down at you, “We’ll be back tomorrow night or Thursday morning. You haven’t seen the last of me yet. I know Binnie doesn’t like to leave Channie alone for too long.”
“Aish,” Changbin says as he elbows Minho in the side, “you make it sound like I’m obsessed with him.”
“I mean,” Minho says with a smirk as he rubs his side, “with the way that last night went and how you reacted when we listened to that recording-“
“I’m going to throw you in the river on the way out.” Changbin cuts Minho off, grumbling as he walks towards the door. “C’mon, you troublemaker. I’ll give you something to obsess over when we get home.” Minho grins, then leans down to you to give you a hug.
“I put my number in your phone last night, so if you need to bitch to anyone, I’ve got your back. I’ve also got a lot of knowledge on Chan if you need it. Put a better passcode on your phone, by the way; birthdays are too obvious,” he whispers in your ear before standing back up. “Channie, Sungie, I’ll see you soon.” His voice is light and cheerful as he says his goodbyes.
“Min,” Changbin says pointedly, adjusting some items around in his bag before motioning for him to follow, “Come on, let’s go. Seungmin isn’t gonna wait forever.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Minho says, waving at everyone as he heads towards the entrance and puts his shoes on. “Try not to kill each other while we’re away, okay?”
Christopher scoffs and waves at the guys as they walk through the door. “See ya.”
An awkward silence falls over the three of you. The couch now feels a lot more spacious now that Minho and Changbin are no longer sitting next to you. Christopher and Jisung are sitting in the chairs across from you, and all of you are trying to avoid looking at each other.
“Well,” Christopher chimes in after a minute, slapping his legs as he stands up. “I’m gonna pour myself a drink. Do you guys want something?” You look over at Jisung, who is nibbling on his bottom lip and looking at you, then look up at Christopher.
“Sure, I guess,” you say noncommittally. “I don’t want any soju or beer, though, not after last night.” The memory of you and Christopher in the studio rudely comes up and interrupts your train of thought, and a blush creeps up on your face.
“What happened last night?” Jisung innocently enquires, looking at you with a puzzled expression. “Minho-hyung brought it up too.”
Christopher clears his throat, walking over to the kitchen, reaching up to a tall shelf above the refrigerator.  “I’m gonna break into the whisky,” he says, ignoring Jisung’s question. “I’ve got some…” his voice trails off as you hear some bottles rattling around, “oh, I’ve got some sake, vodka, gin - why the fuck do I have gin? Damn you, Minho - oh, and some weird baijiu that Hyunjin brought me from Taiwan.”
Jisung pouts, visibly upset that neither of you answered his question. “Don’t you have any flavoured soju? I don’t like any of that stuff.”
“I think we drank most of it, but,” Christopher opens the fridge, humming to himself as he looks around, “Oh, yeah, we’ve got two bottles of peach and two bottles of strawberry leftover from yesterday. Which do you want? Do you want a glass?”
“Strawberry sounds good! No glass, though.” Jisung says in a happy voice, his face lighting up a bit. Christopher brings Jisung the bottle he requested, eliciting a soft, “thank you, hyung,” from the silver-haired man as he accepts it with both hands. Christopher turns back towards the kitchen, stopping in front of you.
“What do you want, baby?” Christopher asks, earning a glare from Jisung as he calls you baby, “I think you’d like the sake that I have. Want that?”
You nod your head a bit begrudgingly. “I suppose it’s different enough from soju, but I guess I’ll take the sake. Is it a nigori?”
Christopher twists his face in confusion at your question. “I don’t know,” he says with an upward inflection, walking back into the kitchen and fumbling with the bottles. “My Japanese is really bad. Is that the clear kind?”
“No,” you laugh, getting up to go assist him. “It’s cloudy. Nigori literally means murky, just so you know.”
“Oh,” he laughs, tilting the bottle to you, “I think you’ll like this one, then. I had it once in Osaka and brought a couple bottles back with me the last time I was there. It’s really good.”
“Thanks,” you say, holding the bottle. “I’m gonna need to chill it, though. You’re supposed to keep this stuff cold.”
Christopher opens up his bottle of whisky, the seal snapping loudly, grabbing a nice glass from the cupboard, He opens his freezer to put a couple of ice cubes in the glass. “Clearly, I don’t know these things,” he laughs, smiling at you for a moment longer than he should have. He sucks in air through his teeth, turning to grab a paper towel and wetting it in the sink. “Anyway, wrap it in this and stick it in the freezer for about 20 minutes. It’ll get nice and cold by then.”
You take the towel from him, wrapping it around the bottle in your hands. “That’s an odd tip,” you say, sticking the bottle in the freezer.
“Yeah, well,” Christopher grabs the bottle of whisky, and carefully pours it into his glass. “You learn a lot of weird drinking things when you’re friends with people that have the balls to buy warm beer that you wanted to drink sooner rather than later.”
Jisung lets out a giggle from the living room. “Bunny, you can share my soju with me while you wait for your sake to get cold!” You turn to him, about to tell him that you really don’t want more soju, but the way he smiles at you convinces you that one glass wouldn’t kill you.
“Fine,” you grumble, grabbing a sake cup from the cupboard, dramatically groaning as you walk back to the living room, shuffling your feet the entire way. “I really don’t want more of this flavoured stuff for a while, but I’ll drink a cup just for you, Sungie.”
He excitedly claps his hands once, shaking the bottle a couple of times before opening it. “Bunny, baby, here,” he motions for you to bring your cup to the table, “I’ll pour it for you, okay?” That’s exactly what he does, getting down on to the floor and getting really close to the cup. He sticks his tongue out of the corner of his face, squinting with determination as he fills your cup. “There! Now you’ve got a drink.”
The way he smiles at you warms your heart as he takes a quick drink from the bottle, then screws the lid back on his soju. You instinctively reach out to rub his face, letting your thumb slowly stroke his cheek. “Thank you, Sungie.”
Jisung is about to say something, but Christopher unceremoniously flops down on the floor to your right, sitting very closely to you. “Well,” he says, taking a sip of his drink, “aren’t you two cute? I can’t say I expected this from you, Sung. You never gave off those vibes.” You turn your head to look at him, expecting him to be angry, but he surprisingly doesn’t seem like it.
Christopher leans into your space, reaching a hand up to your face, and pulling it close to his. The sharp, sweet aroma of his whisky faintly floats up to you as he looks at your lips, then looks up at you with a look that screams desire. He gets closer, then softly kisses your lips. It’s not quite as passionate as the kisses he’s given you over the past couple of days, but it’s still loving and sweet.
He pulls away, looking at you, then looking at Jisung. “I can be cute, too.”
You feel your face warm, and you turn to Jisung to see if he’s angry. He has a determined look on his face as he stares at Christopher. His hand sneaks up to your neck, pulling you close to him, and he grips your face with his other hand, giving you a needy look. “I’m not always that cute,” he says with a low voice, flicking his eyes at Christopher before pulling you into a deep, passionate kiss. As his tongue demands entrance into your mouth, the artificial flavour of strawberry is strong and briefly overwhelms your senses. His fingers dig into your skin gently, and you feel your heart skip a beat as he pulls away from you, breaking the kiss.
Jisung looks at you, proudly smiling and licking his lips. His eyes slowly roll over towards Christopher and he gives the blond a taunting smirk. Your mind is starting to spin, all of the attention from both men causing you to feel a bit overwhelmed in the best possible way.
“If that’s how it’s going to be,” Christopher says coolly before crawling over your lap, straddling you and grabbing the back of your neck, “I’m going to win this game.” He eases you down on to the floor, the cool panelling giving you a slight chill. He presses his lips to your neck, kissing you all over, occasionally giving you quick nibbles to make you squeal.
You down look at him exploring your neck and kissing you, then you look at Jisung. The expression on his face registers as jealous, but also intrigued and aroused. His bottom lip is sucked in under his teeth, and his eyes are half-open, staring down at you. “Chan,” he breathes out, crawling closer to both of you.
Christopher breaks away from you with a groan of irritation, turning to look at Jisung. “What? Why are you interrupting this?”
“She likes her collarbone marked up,” is what unexpectedly comes from Jisung. You were expecting him to be angry, but he looked like he was enjoying this. “She loves to be bruised, but only where I - er, we, can see it.”
The two men exchange glances, almost as if they were coming to a mutual conclusion, then turn to look at you with a devious intent in their eyes. “Wait, wait, wait,” you say, sitting up on to your elbows. “As much as I love this, I don’t wanna do this on the floor; it’s cold and uncomfortable. Can we save whatever this competition is between you for the bedroom?”
“Oh,” Christopher snaps out of it and sits back on his heels, moving his hand down to your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think that this spot would be uncomfortable for you.”
Jisung puts a hand on your other thigh, smiling at you. “Yeah, sorry, we got a little excited, didn’t we, Chan?”
“I’m never going to get used to you not calling me hyung,” Christopher groans, moving back to his previous spot, taking a short sip from his drink and pulling his phone out of his back pocket. “I think we should eat something beforehand, too. It’s been a long time since lunch, yeah?”
It didn’t register to you until now, but you were starting to feel hungry. Jisung’s arrival did interrupt your meal earlier, after all. “Yeah, I could use something right now,” you say, subconsciously running your fingers over your stomach. “What are we going to eat, though? It’s not like we can go anywhere.”
“We can’t, sure,” Christopher says, scrolling through his phone. “But we can order something to be delivered to the lobby and have little Sungie be a good boy and fetch it for us.”
The way that Christopher talks about Jisung makes him blush awkwardly. He fidgets with the hand on your thigh, and you can’t help but giggle uncontrollably. “Bunny!” He whines softly, shaking your thigh with his hand.
“What?” Christopher looks up at you both with confusion. “Was it something I said?”
“Sungie,” you say between giggles, “he likes to be called a good boy by me. I wasn’t expecting a reaction out of him from you saying that, though.”
“Oh my god!” He shouts and playfully shoves you, a bright pink tinting his face in embarrassment. “I can’t believe you’d tell Chan-hyung something like that.” His arms fold in front of his chest and he frowns.
“I,” Christopher shakes his head in confusion, “What? What’s so weird about being called a good boy?”
“Aah!” Jisung groans, bringing his hands to his face and falling to the floor dramatically. “Hyung, please stop, it’s killing me.”
You can’t contain the full-blown laughter coming from you. There was always something you enjoyed about making Jisung squirm. He was always so cute and adorable when it was just the two of you. To see him react like this made you more confident that he was becoming more vulnerable with Christopher.
It takes you a minute to stop laughing so hard, but you do recover, sitting back up to wipe the corners of your eyes. Jisung is still curled up on the floor in embarrassment, and poor Christopher looks like he finally understands, just suffering from secondhand embarrassment for the man on the floor.
“Duly noted,” Christopher says, looking back down to his phone with a slight blush on his face, “a-anyway, what should we have for dinner? There’s a decent sushi nearby place that delivers.”
As you’re about to mention that it sounded good, a thought crosses your mind. “Wait,” you say, looking at Christopher with concern. “What if they can trace your location? You know, giving your name and phone number to this place.”
Jisung sits up with a groan. “It’s fine,” he grumbles, “we never use our real names or phone numbers for any of these things. We use burner numbers, and we almost always pay in cash, but we do have credit cards and IDs in fake names, just in case.”
Christopher hums in agreement. “Jisung, you’ve learned quickly. He’s right, though. We’re very cautious about our existence around people we don’t know.”
Jisung cocks his eyebrow and tilts his head, “Yeah, unless it’s an attractive girl at a house party.” This quip earns Jisung a middle finger from Christopher.
“If Changbin was here, I’d make you go out and pick this up instead,” he grumbles, looking back down to his phone, “I’m gonna order from this place. What do you want?”
Eventually, you sort out an order you all can agree on. Christopher places the order, and you grab your sake from the freezer. His trick was miraculous - it was cold, but not frozen. The paper towel came right off without ruining the label, too, which was an added bonus. You gently shake the bottle as you walk back to the table, pouring some of the sake into the cup you used earlier for Jisung’s soju.
“How did you two meet, anyways?” Christopher asks Jisung as you sit down. The question freezes you in place for a second, a bit embarrassed at the memory. Jisung and Christopher look at you as you shake yourself out of your stupor. “What?”
Jisung smiles, despite your discomfort, “I think she has a type. We met at a club, she was drunk and we were both lonely. I told her I made music, and she practically begged me to take her back to my place so she could listen to some of the stuff I made.”
You groan, and drink the entire cup of sake you poured in one sitting, even though you had intended to slowly sip on it. As you slam the cup back on the table, you notice Christopher is staring at you with a very amused smile on his face. “So, musicians, eh?” He quips, and it causes you to grumble. Your head falls to the table in frustration.
“Needless to say,” Jisung continues, “we didn’t even get close to hearing some of my music. She was on top of me, literally, as soon as we got back to my tiny apartment and the rest was history. We were both pretty hungover the next day, so we stayed in bed, messed around a bit, and ate really bad takeout while watching some bad dramas. If she didn’t stick around for that, we probably never would have ended up together.”
Christopher snickers, rubbing his hand on your back. “Seems reasonable. I can see how that would happen.”
You sit back up and pout at both of the men. “You two are just as bad, taking home a girl you barely know at a party or a club.” The three of you share a nice laugh as Christopher’s phone pings.
“Ah, wow, that was fast,” he looks up to Jisung, then back down to his phone, “that’s your cue. The concierge downstairs just texted me, and delivery guy is asking for, ah, what was the name I gave,” he scrolls on his phone for a second, “looks like you’re Kim Jihoon today.”
Jisung stands up and stretches, and Christopher gets up, walking to the kitchen to rifle through a drawer. “Jihoon doesn’t really suit me, does it?” He looks down at you and smiles, bending down to give the top of your head a quick peck.
“Here,” Christopher says from the kitchen, not looking up. He puts some bills on the countertop and shuffles some things around in the drawer before closing it. “Should be plenty to cover the bill. Tell the concierge that you’re in room 3201. He’s one of us, but it’s enough to throw off the deliverer, just in case.”
“Alright,” Jisung says as he walks to the entryway, grabbing the money on the counter on the way. “Kim Jihoon, at your service.” He sarcastically salutes before taking a mask out from his pocket, pulling it over his ears as he slips his feet into his shoes. “I’ll be back in a bit,” he says before exiting the apartment.
Christopher sits down right next to you, placing a hand on the back of your neck. “I’m going to be honest,” he says as you look at him, “this is still a little weird, but I can see that Jisung really does care about you.”
You try look down at your feet, but Christopher puts a finger under your chin, tilting it up so you look at him again. “I didn’t say it was bad, so please don’t look away from me. I told you, I’m willing to give this a shot for you. We just might have some awkward bumps along the way.” You nod, giving him a soft smile. “The way he kisses you, though. Wow, that was both fun and frustrating to watch. It made me want you more, which I didn’t think was even possible.”
“Really?” A giggle escapes from you. “You two looked like you were enjoying fighting over me.”
“Yeah,” Christopher laughs nervously, “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious to see what he’s like with you in bed.”
The thought of both men in bed with you caused your heart to flutter with excitement. The duality of them was enough to give you whiplash: Christopher was on the more aggressive side, from what you could tell, and Jisung was generally the complete opposite. He usually preferred it when you took control, being warm and comforting, but he had moments where he was the exact opposite, enjoying making you beg for any sort of sexual gratification.
“What’s up?” Christopher says, rubbing his thumb on your chin.
“Oh,” you say, snapping out of your thoughts. “I was just thinking it’s going to be interesting having you both at the same time. You’re both really different, that’s all.”
A curious look comes up on Christopher’s face with your response. He’s about to open his mouth to say something, but his phone beeps with a notification tone. “Ah,” he grumbles, reaching for his phone on the table, “that’s probably Jisung.” He scans his text message and stands up. “Yeah, it is. The fuck? What’s with all of the star emojis?”
“It’s something he does, especially when he’s been drinking,” you say with a laugh, “you’ll get used to it.”
Christopher shoots you a look of doubt before walking to the entrance. He opens the door, and Jisung walks in with a couple of paper bags. Christopher grabs the bags from Jisung, allowing him to come in and take his shoes off. “Thanks, Chan-hyung,” Jisung says, pulling his mask off and shoving it back into his pocket.
As Jisung is slipping his shoes off, Christopher walks back towards the living room, setting the bags down on the table. “Watch this,” he quietly mouths to you, before turning back to face Jisung. The silver-haired man stands up and starts walking over to you. You can see a wide grin from the side of Christopher’s face as he opens his mouth to speak. “Wasn’t little Sungie such a good boy, grabbing all of that for us?”
You stifle a laugh, eyes growing wide as you clasp your hands to cover your mouth. Jisung stops dead in his tracks and instantly turns bright red with embarrassment. He locks eyes with Christopher, a look of shock and disbelief on his face as his eyes widen. Christopher can’t take it, doubling over and cackling with enjoyment.
“I’m so sorry, Sungie,” you say between laughs, “I had no idea he was going to pull that on you.” Jisung looks at you and pouts, shuffling his feet towards the living room.
“Baby,” he whines as he flops down on the floor dramatically. “You know what that does to me.” His voice is in that whiny, needy tone that you loved to hear from him when you were together before. It’s the voice that told you that you could get away with nearly anything.
“Oh my god,” Christopher says, catching his breath and taking a seat on the floor. “I’m sorry, it was just so fun the first time. I had to try it out again just to see what you would do.”
Jisung sits upright, his face serious. “It’s weird when you do it!” He cries out, his brows furrowed. “It’s fine when she does it because I love it when she does that, it makes me all excited. When you do it, it’s just weird!”
Christopher looks at you, cocks an eyebrow, then looks back at Jisung. “Why’s it weird when I do it to you?”
If it were possible for Jisung’s face to turn a deeper shade of red, it was happening. His eyes nervously dart around, settling on the floor as he shrinks into himself a bit. “I like it,” he mumbles, barely audible enough for you to catch it.
“What was that?” Christopher prods, unsure if he heard the younger man correctly.
“I like when you do it, too!” He shouts in frustration. “It’s weird, because you’re my hyung and I don’t see you like that. But this whole situation is weird and I don’t know what to do about it.” Jisung did seem honestly flustered, but not quite upset.
“Sungie,” you say, softly, before you scoot close to him. He looks up at you and pouts, but you just grab his face and pull him into a gentle kiss. “It’s okay, baby, we’ll make sense of it as we go, okay?”
Jisung perks back up at your words, giving you a soft smile. “Okay, bunny, that’s fine with me.”
Christopher clears his throat and opens the bags up. “I think it’s time for food, yeah? I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” Jisung nods and grabs some things from the bags, helping set everything out on the table.
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All three of you get through the dishes you ordered, it seeming to be just the right amount of food. After a couple of drinks, the three of you are laughing around the table and are enjoying the company of one another.
“Well,” Christopher says, “before I drink anymore, I’m gonna step outside for a second.”
“I thought you only did that when you were bored at a party?” You ask, looking over at him in confusion.
“Yeah,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I’m just feeling like it tonight, you know? It’s been a weird day. Does it bother you?”
You shake your head, “I just don’t want you to smoke too much, that’s all.”
Christopher leans over and kisses your forehead. “Don’t worry, baby,” he says in a soothing tone, “I won’t.” He pulls away from you, walking over to the balcony door, grabbing the pack and lighter from earlier off of the end table by the window. “Don’t have too much fun without me,” he says with a wink before he slips outside and closes the door.
As soon as Christopher closes the door, Jisung reaches his hand out and grabs yours. “Baby,” he says, looking at you with concern. “About Chan…”
“What’s up, Sungie?” You ask, interlacing your fingers with his, giving the top of his hand a soft kiss.
“It’s about earlier.” He looks down to the floor, then back up to you, his face turning pink again. “When he, uh, called me a ‘good boy’.”
“What about it?” You ask, rubbing his hand with your thumb. “Did it really bother you? I can tell him to stop.”
“No!” Jisung shakes his head. “No, it didn’t bother me. But, um,” his voice trails off as he looks over his shoulder, over to the balcony door, then back down to his lap. “I really did like it. More than I should. I don’t know if it’s because he’s my hyung or my superior or if it’s because you like him, but,” he sucks in air through his teeth, colliding his head down to your shoulder “he said it and it instantly got me hard.”
Your eyes widen with shock. “Oh,” is all you can manage to squeak out, not really sure what to do with that information.
“Please don’t tell him,” Jisung says, still resting on your shoulder, “I don’t wanna make things any weirder than they are. He didn’t really like me much to begin with and I know he probably doesn’t even want me to be a part of this, so I don’t want to cause any more problems.”
You run a hand through his hair and rub his back with your other hand. “Don’t worry, Sungie, this is new to all of us.” You try your best to reassure him, but also reassuring yourself. This situation was indeed crazy, and unpredictable. This could either go very well, or very poorly, and you just had to go with it for now.
The balcony door opens, breaking the silence in the room. Christopher steps inside, setting his lighter down on the end table. He turns around, walking back to where you were sitting, looking confused. “Sung, are you alright?”
Jisung sits up with a snap and shakes his head. “I’m fine, Chan-hyung, I was just, uh-”
Christopher cuts him off as he sits down. “I told you, stop calling me hyung when it’s just the three of us. It’s weird. Are you sure you’re fine?” He reaches down to his glass, bringing it to his lips as he takes a sip of his whisky.
“Yeah,” Jisung says, a bit more calmly this time. “I just wanted to rest my head and cuddle. That’s all.”
“Okay,” Christopher says, clearly not convinced. “Anyway, now what do we do? It’s a bit after 11, so we could go to bed, but that seems a bit early.”
You take a drink of sake, darting your eyes back and forth between Christopher and Jisung, not really sure what to suggest. You really couldn’t handle drinking games two nights in a row.
Then, Jisung grabs his drink, sucking it all down at once. “Finish your drinks, or don’t,” he suggests, leaning on to the table. A somewhat shy smirk comes up on his face. “I think it’s time we finish what we started earlier.”
Your face flushes as you take a drink directly from the bottle of sake, finishing off the last of what was was left in it. Christopher smiles widely, finishing off his whisky. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” he says as he slams his glass on the table, turning to you. “Alright. Stand up, both of you” he commands you with an ominous tone to his voice.
You don’t see any reason not to, so you stand up at his request. “Jisung,” he says, “go in the bedroom and wait on the bed for us.”
Jisung looks like he’s thinking about protesting, but he decides against it. “Okay,” he says, flashing you a smile before he walks off towards the bedroom.
Christopher walks up to you, lifting your chin up so you look at him. “Do you trust me?” His voice is soft and calm, a stark difference to what he sounded like just a moment ago. He cared about what you were thinking, and it was starting to show.
“Yeah, I do. Why?” You ask, but Christopher doesn’t give you a complete answer. He bends down and picks you up, lifting you under your back and your knees.
“You’ll see,” he says, smiling deviously as he carries you to the bedroom.
Jisung is sitting at the foot of the bed when you both enter, not really sure what to do with himself. Christopher sets you down on the bed next to him, and leans up on the dresser in front of the bed.
“Jisung,” he says with a commanding tone, “I want you to undress her, but she has to enjoy it. This goes for both of you, but if you want to stop at any point, I need you to tell me. Green is fine, yellow to slow down, red for stop. Understood?” You nod your head in affirmation and look at Jisung.
“Okay,” Jisung says, turning to you, a nervous smile on his face. He crawls on top of you, straddling you. His lips crash against yours, a bit timid at first, but his kiss rapidly becomes more and more desperate and needy. It seems subconscious, but he starts to grind his pelvis into yours, his erection very obvious against you. You grab his hips, helping to steady him as he grabs both sides of your neck, fervently lapping his tongue against yours. With each kiss, he lets out the softest, small moans against your lips.
“Oi,” Christopher stresses, his voice startling both of you. You both turn to look at him, and he hasn’t moved. His arms are folded over his chest, and he has a devious look on his face, drinking in the sight of both of you all over each other. “Jisung, I told you to get her undressed, that’s it. She’s enjoying it, so hurry it up.”
Jisung swallows hard and nods his head, turning back to you. He gives you a couple of soft kisses before bringing his hands down to the bottom hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head. He looks down at your torso, shirt still in his hands, as he can’t bring himself to stop staring at your breasts.
“Oh my god,” he whispers, dropping the shirt to the bed and moving his hands up to just under your bra. “I forgot how incredible you look, baby.” He takes you in, then looks up to meet your eyes with a cheeky grin. “I loved this so much. I love you so much.”
The words cause your stomach to do a backflip, but you have a wave of nervousness as you dart your eyes over to Christopher. You expected him to snap up, call the whole thing off, and tell Jisung to stop. It was weird - he just didn’t. He looked completely calm, nodding at you to continue.
Jisung reaches behind your back to the clasp of your bra. He always had trouble with it before, so it doesn’t surprise you when it takes him a couple tries before it finally unhooks. Once it’s unhooked, he gently pulls the bra to him, gently guiding your arms through the straps. He doesn’t even bother looking away as your breasts are unveiled. The needy, wanting look on his face makes you shift your legs a bit in discomfort. You wanted attention and you wanted it now.
Christopher moves, and you spot him sneaking behind you from the corner of your eyes. “Keep going, Jisung,” he whispers as he places his hands on your hips and comes down to your neck. It’s obvious he’s taken Jisung’s words to heart as he kisses you a bit before sinking his teeth into the apex of your shoulder, right below your neck.
The initial sensation is shocking. It feels like a bolt of electricity goes up to your head and down to the bottom of your toes; the moan leaving your mouth is completely involuntary, only intensified by the fact that Christopher sucks the skin between his teeth hard. It felt like it was going to leave a bruise and you loved that feeling.
Jisung is a bit shocked, staring down at both of you. When Christopher comes up off of your shoulder, he looks up at the dumbfounded man. “She’s not naked yet. Finish your job.”
Christopher’s commanding tone snaps Jisung out of his trance yet again. He sputters a bit, stepping down to the floor. “Hyung,” he timidly whispers, clearly not wanting to interrupt either of you.
“Chan,” Christopher corrects him. “What do you want?”
“I can’t remove her jeans if you’re, um,” Jisung nervously stutters, looking nervously at the two of you.
“Spit it out.” Christopher commands, sounding a bit annoyed.
“I can’t remove her jeans if you’re keeping her down.”
It takes Christopher a minute to snap out of it. “Oh,” he says, pulling back from you and putting his hands in the air. “Alright, continue.”
“Hold on,” you say, looking up at Jisung, “are you sure you’re okay? Is Christopher bothering you?”
Jisung shakes his head, “No, no,” he says, kneeling down in front of you, “quite the opposite, actually. I kind of like being told what to do, even if it’s by Chan. I’m just a little nervous, since this is new.”
He reassures you for now. The last thing you’d want would be for something in this to go wrong, because it was starting to feel incredible, having both of these men devote all of their attention to you. You put your weight on your hands as Jisung undoes the button and zipper on your jeans. He hooks his fingers in the waistband of your jeans and panties, pulling them all the way down and off of your ankles.
Jisung starts to adjust as if he was going to get up, but he’s at eye level with your crotch, which causes him to blush. Before he gets to enjoy it too much, however, Christopher orders him to stand up, and come back to the bed. “Yes, Chan,” he says with a pout on his face, moving to the foot of the bed.
Christopher moves away from you, grabbing Jisung’s hand and pulling him down. “Come here,” he says a bit softer than before. You turn around to look at them. Christopher moves to lean up against the bedframe, pulling Jisung between his legs. “Turn around and sit here.” He pats his legs and Jisung does as asked, his face a light shade of pink.
Christopher takes Jisung’s wrists, pulling them behind his back and firmly holding them in place. Jisung yelps in shock, nervously sputtering incoherently. Christopher leans down to Jisung’s ear and whispers, “Be a good boy while we take care of you and you’ll be rewarded, okay?”
Jisung stops chattering, his eyes widening with excitement as he looks at you. “Alright,” Christopher looks at you, “why don’t you help Sungie get out of his clothes now?” You nervously swallow and nod, shifting your position to in between Jisung’s legs. As you grab Jisung’s shirt, starting to pull it over him, the look on his face distracts you for a brief moment.
He’s leaning back into Christopher’s arms, eyes flooded with lust. His chest is rising and falling rapidly, and he’s biting his bottom lip in anticipation and excitement. Christopher looks at you with a smile on his face. The sight takes your breath away. “Go on, baby,” Christopher nudges you along, “I want to see you play with Sungie.”
You nod your head, and Christopher lets go of Jisung’s arms so you’re able to pull his shirt off. Jisung reflexively goes to reach up to your face, but Christopher snaps to his wrists, pulling them back down behind him. “No, no, Sung, not yet.” He brings his chin to Jisung’s neck, a breath hitched in his throat, pausing briefly in thought before he nods at you.
Jisung whines, adjusting his hips right back up into Christopher. A gasp leaves his throat and he turns his face to look at the blonde man. “Chan,” he breathes, a surprised look on his face. Christopher darts his eyes away and blushes.
“Yeah, I know,” he grumbles, clearly not wanting to talk about whatever it is that’s happening between them. “Come on, baby,” he says as he looks at you, trying to change the subject, “let’s get him completely undressed.”
You reach up to the button of Jisung’s jeans, trying to undo them, but fumbling a bit due to your nerves. Finally, you release the button from the hole and unzip his pants. Jisung flinches a bit and gasps in relief as his cock is no longer restrained by the taut fabric of his jeans. “Ah, baby,” he whines, squirming up against Christopher, as you slip his jeans and briefs off of him. “I want you so badly.”  
Christopher looks at you with a smirk before he presses his lips against Jisung’s ear. “Patience is a virtue, Sungie,” he whispers softly, gently biting the man’s earlobe. Jisung’s face contorts into an expression between shock, pain, and pleasure and his cock twitches in response.
“Chan,” he desperately breathes out, turning his head to face the man behind him. They exchange a quick glance, before Christopher shifts himself, timidly bringing his lips to Jisung’s, clearly unsure if he wants to actually kiss him or not. Jisung, however, decides for both of them, aggressively closing the distance between their lips. The brash action appears to change something in Christopher. He releases one of his hands from Jisung’s wrists, grabbing the side of Jisung’s neck, pulling him in and shoving his tongue into the man’s mouth, adventuring around assertively.
You don’t really know what to do, sitting there, your gaze transfixed on them. The sight makes you forget how to breathe, completely entranced by the way they melt into each other. Without even thinking about it, you make your way down to take Jisung's cock into your mouth, gently kissing the tip of his head, and giving it small, gentle licks.
Jisung breaks away from the kiss with a cry, curling his legs upward a bit in response to your actions. You look up at him, your tongue swirling around his head, watching his reactions as you take him fully into your mouth, and down your throat. He lets out a deep moan, throwing his neck back onto Christopher’s shoulder, panting hard.
“That’s it,” Christopher coos, bringing his free hand up to stroke Jisung’s face. “You’re doing so well, Sungie." He plants a kiss on Jisung's temple, then looks down to you. “Keep going, baby. Get him close.”
You continue, licking your way up his shaft slowly, teasing him a bit, before taking him all the way in again, sucking your cheeks in and creating a vacuum effect in your mouth. You go up and down like this a few times, until Jisung’s become moans breathy and shaky. He starts to twitch, and Christopher says your name, getting your attention.
“Stop,” he commands, “he doesn’t get to come yet.” You follow his order, pulling yourself off of Jisung. His eyes snap open, frantically looking at both of you.
“What?!” His voice is panicked, thrusting his hips into the air once, scrambling from the loss of contact. “Why did you make her stop?”
“Because,” Christopher says, pushing Jisung to sit upright, “I want you to be a good boy and wait.” Jisung groans in frustration, quite loudly, in fact, as Christopher moves himself out from underneath the silver-haired man in his lap to sit next to him. He slips his shirt off, tossing it across the room, then undoes his belt, pulling it from the loops of his pants.
“Jisung,” Christopher says, turning to look down at him, “give me your hands.” He holds his belt in one hand, other hand held out, waiting. Jisung furrows his brows in confusion, but presents his hands to the blond. “Good boy,” Christopher says, taking him by the wrists, lifting them above his head to the bedframe behind them. He pins Jisung’s arms up, carefully wrapping his belt around his wrists and the frame, finishing by fastening the belt together.
“What?” Jisung turns his head up to look, then looks back down to both of you. “What are you doing, Chan?”
Christopher doesn’t technically answer him. “What’s your colour?” He asks in response.
“Uh,” Jisung pauses, still distracted by his arms being restrained above him. “Green?”
“So, you’re okay with this? And you’re relatively comfortable?” Christopher presses.
“Yes?” Jisung says with an upward inflection, nodding. “I just don’t understand why?”
Christopher smiles, then turns toward you, grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him. “Because I don’t want you to touch yourself while we have fun. Patience is a virtue,” he repeats.
Jisung dramatically groans, rolling his head back into the headboard. “You’re so mean, Chan,” he whines, “this is so unfair.”
Christopher was leaning in to kiss you, but turns to Jisung with a glare. “One more complaint, and I’ll make sure you don’t come at all tonight. Understood?” His assertiveness causes Jisung to snap up with a squeal, biting his lip as he nods feverishly.
“Good,” Christopher says, bringing his attention back to you. “What do you say we make Sungie squirm some more, baby?” He grabs your head, finally pulling you in to kiss you, deeply and passionately. You bring your hands down to his waistline, trying to undo his pants as you kiss each other.
Christopher breaks away from the kiss, pulling your hands off of his pants. “How about a repeat of your first night here? I can wait.” He grabs your hands, guiding you with him as he lays down next to Jisung, who’s staring at both of you, wide-eyed with intrigue. You walk up to Christopher’s face on your knees. He lets go of your hands, lining you up to his mouth.
“Watch and learn, Sungie,” Christopher says, almost mockingly, as he starts to lap you up. The first lick causes your body to shiver from head to toe, but you manage to keep your balance. You dart your eyes over to Jisung. His eyes are attentive and curious, taking in the sight of you on top of Christopher.
You open you mouth, about to make a comment, but Christopher’s tongue presses up against your clit in a way that makes you forget how to speak. He moves his tongue back and forth, then in circles. “Playing with Jisung made you so wet, baby,” Christopher says, breaking away from you for a moment, turning to Jisung to speak. “Look at what you’ve done to her, she must really want you, hmm?”
Jisung bites his lip and whines, uncomfortably shifting around, “She likes it when you bite her inner thighs. Always makes her scream.”
Christopher lifts his eyebrows, smiling at Jisung. “That’s helpful. Let’s test it out,” he says, bringing his attention back to you. You feel your legs tense as he brings his teeth to the top of your thigh, digging them in and dragging his teeth across the sensitive skin. The sharpness of his teeth on your skin causes your nerves to light up and tremble within you. You drag your hands into Christopher’s hair and shout out his name.
You feel Christopher smile against your skin, pausing for a moment to look at you before he brings his attention back to your clit, lightly sucking on it, flicking the tip of his tongue against you. Everything inside of you is burning, aching, pining for more, crescendoing in tandem within you as Christopher brings you closer and closer to your orgasm.
He breaks away from you again, but not before sticking two of his fingers inside of you, causing you to gasp. “What do you think? Should we let her come?” You want to kill him for stopping, right when you were right there, but the way he asked Jisung just drove you mad. You looked down to Jisung with pleading eyes, mouth half-open and you likely looked totally wrecked.
Jisung locked eyes with you, smiling as he studied your face. “Do it, Chan. Make her come for us.” As soon as he says that, Christopher curls his fingers inside of you, pumping them in and out at a rapid pace. Your knees start to buckle and you curl over him, lucky that you miss hitting your head on the wall, and you drop your arms to either side of his head. He steadies you with his free hand, bringing you back up to his mouth, his tongue doing circles against your clit.
“That’s it, baby,” Jisung says in a soothing voice, helping coax you to your orgasm, “come for us. Come on Chan’s tongue. I wanna hear you scream our names.” The combination of Jisung’s words and Christopher’s actions proved too much to handle. You started breathing uncontrollably, laboured panting taking over as every muscle in your body started to involuntarily twitch and shake.
“Christopher, Jisung, I’m gonna-” you say, but you’re unable to finish your sentence. Your orgasm comes coursing through your body, making you stiffen up and tremble, contractions pulsing within you from head to toe.
It takes a minute for you to catch your breath and lift yourself off of Christopher’s face.
“You did so well, baby,” Christopher whispers, removing his fingers from inside of you, reaching his arm up to the man next to you both. “Hey, Jisung,” he says, tilting his head to look at him, “open your mouth for me.”
Jisung furrows his brows, but does as he’s requested. Christopher takes the fingers that were inside of you, and brings them right to the entrance of his mouth. “Clean them.”
Jisung sticks his tongue out, inching closer to Christopher’s fingers. He slowly licks the essence of you off of him, rolling his tongue around and in between both fingers, then takes them all the way into his mouth. Christopher moans, his eyes fluttering in response to Jisung’s actions. “Fuck, you’re good.”
Christopher pulls his fingers out of Jisung’s mouth, rubbing his cheek softly before turning his attention back to you. “Why don’t you reward Sungie for being so good, baby? Crawl on top of him. Ride him until he comes, okay?”
You weakly nod your head, swinging your leg around Christopher. “But what about you?”
He waves his hand in the air before reaching down into his pants. “I’ll be fine. I did say that I was curious about how you two would be together, didn’t I?”
“Alright,” you say, positioning yourself over Jisung. He looks up at you with eager eyes. “Are you ready?”
Jisung nods his head quickly. “Oh, please, baby,” he whines, “I’ve been waiting for this all night.” You smile, lining him up underneath you. Your attention is momentarily distracted as Christopher closes the space between him and Jisung. He brings his face up to Jisung’s ear, giving him light nibbles as he strokes himself.
“Be a good boy for us, okay?” You hear Christopher whisper to Jisung, causing the man below you to shudder. He nods, and you slowly lower yourself on him.
You watch Jisung, taking in every reaction he makes as you take him in. He involuntarily rolls his head back, still trying to watch you. His eyes flutter as you meet his hips with yours, eliciting a deep, guttural moan from him. Christopher looks up at you, smirking, before he drops his head down to Jisung’s neck, giving him small nibbles and kisses. He whispers praises in between each kiss and bite, but you tune it out as you start grinding your hips into Jisung’s.
The way that Jisung felt inside of you was enough to make your eyes roll back as you ride him up and down. It probably wasn’t enough to make you come again, but it still felt incredible.
“How does she feel, Sungie?” Christopher says, loud enough for you to hear.
Jisung responds with a nod and some incoherent ramblings. “Don’t stop,” he manages to squeak out. “Both of you. Please, don’t.” He rolls his head back into the headboard. “Chan,” he pleads, “keep going.”
“Jisung likes to be bitten hard,” you breathe out, smiling up at Christopher, “so you should finish what you started.”
Christopher responds with a scoff. “Fine,” he says as he adjusts his position. “Only because you’ve been so good.” He leans up on one of his elbows to get closer to Jisung’s neck, fully devoting himself to worship Jisung’s neck with his teeth.
The sight of them both causes your stomach to burn in the best possible way. You shift down, steadying yourself on one arm as you take your right hand and start pumping Christopher’s cock. He groans against Jisung’s neck, but doesn’t stop.
Jisung starts to pant out mewls, his eyes shutting tightly as he starts to twitch. “Baby,” he pleadingly whines, “baby, I’m gonna come. Can I? I want to come. Please, please.”
“It’s okay, Sungie, baby,” you pant out as you ride him a bit faster. “You can come for me. I want you to come for me, okay?”
He nods once, about to bite his lip, but he chokes out a moan, calling out your name at the top of his lungs. Christopher removes himself from Jisung’s neck as he starts to twitch and thrust up into you. He watches you ride Jisung, milking out every drop of cum from him with each slow thrust of your hips.
Jisung’s pants slow down, and he starts coming back to reality. He looks down at you, eyes half-open, and goes to move his arm, surprised to find that they’re restrained, just for a moment. “Ah, shit, I forgot,” he groans, “I wanted to kiss you, baby. That was amazing.”
You smile, letting go of Christopher for a second and leaning down to give him a quick, but loving, kiss. “I’ll give you a better kiss when I’m done with Christopher, okay?” Jisung pouts, but nods his head. Slowly, you lift yourself completely off of Jisung, getting one last shiver out of the man beneath you. You reach up and undo the belt, unravelling it and tossing it to the side. “You did so well today,” you coo to Jisung as you kiss his wrists, gently bringing his arms back down to him.
“Okay,” you say, adjusting yourself on the bed so you’re hovering over Christopher. “You’re next, baby.” You lean down to kiss him. “Do you wanna be inside me?”
“Fuck yes, I do,” he groans, grabbing your hips and aligning the two of you together. “I’m already really close, but I want to feel you around me.”
You lower yourself on to him, expecting your motions to be slow and calm like it was with Jisung, but Christopher tightens his grip on your hips. He takes control, thrusting himself up into you with no mercy. His sudden movement causes you to cross your eyes in surprise and collapse down into him.
It really doesn’t take him long, with him in control. He’s in and out of you, hard and fast, and it feels good. You turn your head to face Jisung and he’s watching you intently, a smile on his face. “Do you like making Chan feel good, baby?”
You can’t really make the words go from your brain to your mouth, so you make some sort of groan of affirmation in between your pants.
“Oh, fuck,” Christopher moans underneath you, reaching his hands up to your back and digging his fingernails into your skin. He moans out your name as he thrusts up into you one more time, throwing his head back into the pillow behind him. His body shudders beneath you, and you lift your head up, propping yourself up on one of your arms.
You look down at Christopher, completely blissed out, his face starting to relax and come back to normal. Slowly, you bring your face down to meet his lips, giving him soft, tender kisses as you help bring his attention back to focus. “That felt really good, baby,” you whisper, smiling against his lips.
Christopher scoffs, a goofy smile coming up on his face. He opens his eyes, looking at you, reaching his hand up to your face. “That was incredible. All of that was incredible.” His head turns, looking over to Jisung, reaching out to his chest with his free hand. “I seriously can’t believe we did that.”
Jisung takes Christopher’s hand into his own, sliding himself up closer to both of you. “I can’t believe we did that, either. I didn’t think I would ever be able to share my bunny with anyone, but you treat her so well.”
You slide yourself off of Christopher, and he lets out a soft moan in response. “I’m going to duck off to the washroom for a minute. You two made a mess of me.” Both of the men laugh in response as you wobble your way off of the bed and into the washroom.
It doesn’t take you long to clean up and wash your face. Within a couple of minutes, you find yourself walking (a bit more coordinated, now) back towards the bed. The bedroom is an absolute mess of all of your clothes. ‘Whatever’, you think to yourself, ‘we’ll just deal with it tomorrow.’
You maneuver your way through the clothes strewn about, getting up to the edge of the bed before you stop. Christopher and Jisung have passed out, with Christopher on his back and Jisung curled up next to him. You had wanted to sleep between them, but you’d settle for the space right behind Jisung.
As you crawl up on to the bed, you turn off the lamp next to you, deciding to leave the rest of the lights in the apartment on for now. You curl up next to Jisung, wrapping your arm around him. It only takes a couple of minutes before you find yourself nodding off, completely at peace. Honestly, this felt so nice. If you could end every night like this, you would happily take it.
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“Fuck,” you hear a voice as the bed shifts, and Jisung rolls over, wrapping his arm around you. It feels like the voice in the distance is part of your dream, along with the chirping of a bird. “Shit,” you hear the voice again, a bit clearer now. The chirping of the bird turns into a ringtone. Christopher’s ringtone, actually, the one that you heard when Changbin called him. “Goddammit,” the voice perks up again as the trilling stops. It’s Christopher’s voice.
Your eyes flutter open, the room still relatively dark, the only light was from the kitchen, spilling into the bedroom. It’s faint, but you make out Christopher’s shadow, walking into the kitchen as he answers his phone as quietly as possible.
“Changbin, it’s four in the morning. What the fuck?” His voice is groggy and low. You don’t really have the energy to stay up to hear some sort of report, so you let your eyes close again, drifting back off into sleep.
“Fuck,” Christopher says, the sound of his footsteps getting closer and closer to the bed. “You both need to get up. Now. Jisung, we need to move.”
Jisung shakes his head, sitting upright. “What happened?”
“We need to go. Now. Changbin’s orders. Go pack up the shit in the studio; most of it should be in the black bag.” Christopher says with urgency, turning on the lamp next to you. He turns to you to wake you up, but is surprised to see you wide awake and staring at him. “Get dressed. I don’t have time to explain.” Jisung groggily gets off of the bed, stumbling to get his pants on. He tosses your shirt and bra over to you, slipping his other leg through his jeans.
Christopher grabs some clothes from the drawer, still holding his phone up to his ear. “Lee and Yang? 3201?” He questions, “Right now? Alright.” He turns his head back around to you, his voice starting to sound panicked. “Seriously, get dressed. Two of our guys are on their way over.”
You don’t really have the time to register what exactly he’s talking about, you just move to grab your underwear and pants from the floor, and slip all of your clothes on. Christopher pulls his phone away from his face, tapping the screen, and you can hear Changbin’s voice on the other line. Jisung walks behind Christopher, slipping his shirt over his head. He moves with purpose out into the kitchen, and you hear him rustling around in the studio next door.
“Hyunjin’s been shot,” Changbin’s voice comes through the tinny speaker of Christopher’s phone. Both of you freeze, unable to move for a second. “I don’t know where they are, but I know they’re coming for you.”
“Fuck,” Christopher says, snapping out of it, throwing on his shirt and slipping his pants on in a rush. “What’s his status?”
“Don’t panic, he’ll make it. If I heard correctly, it was just a through and through in his leg. Seungmin’s with him at the hospital, so don’t worry.”
You take a hasty breath of relief, putting your shirt on with shaky hands.
Christopher grabs his phone, stopping to look at you. “I need you to hurry up, please.” He turns off the speakerphone, bringing his phone back to his face. He starts to move for the kitchen as the front door opens. He stops for a moment, trying to decipher if it was a threat. You can’t see who comes in, but Christopher relaxes when he sees them.
“Are you ready?” One of the unfamiliar voices says, and Christopher shakes his head.
“Almost. Yang, she’s in here, keep an eye on her and get her out here. Lee, watch the door. Han and I are grabbing the essentials from the studio and we’ll be ready in a minute.” His voice trails off, and you assume he’s headed off into the studio with Jisung.
A young man with black hair walks into the room, your shoes in his hand. He sees you and offers a shallow bow, handing you your shoes. “I’m Yang Jeongin. I’m with Bang-hyung and Seo-hyung.” You don’t really know what to say, so you just offer a small bow with your head, shakily introducing yourself. “I know. Don’t worry, we’ll keep you safe, alright? I need you to get up and come with me, though, okay?”
You hastily slip on your shoes and shakily make your way to your feet, all semblance of balance leaving you. As you’re about to fall forward, Jeongin comes up to catch you. “It’s alright,” he says softly. “We need to go. Seo-hyung will be here in just a few minutes. Okay?”
You weakly nod your head, regaining your balance. With Jeongin’s help, you make your way to the kitchen just as Christopher and Jisung are coming out of the studio, both visibly armed with pistols. “Lee,” Christopher says, putting a large black duffel bag on the counter. The young, bleach-blond man standing at the entrance nods, walking over to the counter to grab the bag. “Everything’s in here. Don’t let this bag out of your sight, no matter what.”
“Understood, Bang-hyung,” he says with a bow, meeting your eyes as he grabs the bag. He looks at you with a serious look, as if he were hiding his nervousness under a tough skin. “Lee Felix, nice to meet you.” He offers you a bow, pulling the bag off of the counter and taking it to the entrance before you can introduce yourself.
“Yang,” Christopher says, grabbing the pistol from under the table, “Han and I have got her, don’t worry.” He takes the pistol and the magazine and passes it to the black-haired man. “I want you to lead with Lee as we leave, understood?”
“Yes, hyung,” he says with a bow, assembling the pistol and putting it in an open side holster.
“Alright,” Christopher says, coming up to your side. “Han, are you ready?”
“Yes, hyung,” Jisung says, coolly and calmly, walking up to your other side. You turn to look at him, and he looks stoic and composed. “Don’t worry, baby, we’ve got you.”
“Changbin’s out front,” Christopher says, grabbing your hand haphazardly. “We need to go.”
With his words, the five of you move quickly, yet cautiously, stepping out of the apartment and into the elevator. You, Christopher, and Jisung stand in the back, as Felix and Jeongin stand up front. All of them have holstered their pistols, but their hands are on their hips above them.
It seems like an eternity since you’ve seen this elevator. The last time you saw it, you remembered being excited and nervous, curious about who the mysterious Christopher Bang was. Now, you were nervous and terrified. You looked up to him, and found yourself wondering that familiar question:
Who is this man?
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a/n: if you made it this far, thank you so much. <3 i really hope you enjoyed this chapter.
131 notes · View notes
springday-aus · 4 years
BTS’s Namjoon: Plus Two || part one
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Fic Piece Written by: Admin Grandma of @springday-aus​
Moodboard Link: Created By Admin Grandpa
Character Pairing: Y/N and BTS’s Kim Namjoon (RM)
Other Characters: BTS [Hoseok, Taehyung, Yoongi (barista!yoongi), Seokjin - others are mentioned briefly], Hyerin (EXID), Suho (EXO OT12), Moonbyul (Mamamoo), Eric Nam, Tiffany (SNSD), Irene (Red Velvet), and Jackson (GOT7) - along with their respective group members, who are involved as planners, partakers, and guests 
Genre: romance, comedy, officer worker!Namjoon, wedding date!au, friends to lovers!au 
Type: series [two parts]
part one || part two
Word Count: approx. 21.6k
Plot Summary: getting older is never easy, especially with all the weddings Namjoon has been attending. Fortunately for him, a run in with an old friend of his, i.e. you, makes all these weddings a bit more bearable. 
⤷ Alternatively: you and Namjoon keep running into each other, ultimately becoming unofficial wedding dates. Once it’s official, a couple of things start to change... such as the old flame that Namjoon thought he put out. 
→ Inspired by: the movie called Plus One—hence the creation of Plus Two!
Warnings: lots of drinking involved and cursing 
A/N: this accidentally became a slow burn fic, considering that I stretched out Namjoon’s pining to 21k words. 
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October 25th, 2019
Friday, 10AM 
Lee Corporations
The clicks of computer keyboards fill the dead silence of the office floor. Everyone’s buried in their own paperwork and files, concerned about finishing their workload before the work day is over. Namjoon sits in his cubicle, reorganizing his spreadsheets and double checking the numbers. It’s taking longer than he originally wanted, but then again, computer games are designed for distractions. He checks his watch. It’s only been two hours and he’s already bored. Sure, he’s got enough work, but does he really want to do it? 
No, not really. 
He rubs his eyes, which he inwardly hopes might wake him up from this nightmare. Curse him for being practical and choosing to be a business major. Had he chosen a different path, he might have turned out happier—at least, he has a stable paycheck. By the end of the day, that’s all that really matters in this lifetime. 
A chime from his phone interrupts his thoughts on his extinctial crisis. He grabs his phone from his desk counter, as he stands up from his seat. Might as well grab another cup of coffee. He heads to the break room and immediately navigates himself into the corner, where the coffee maker rests. After plugging it in, he unlocks his phone and clicks on the latest notification—an email sent to his personal inbox.
You’re invited to celebrate the union of Seo Hyerin and Yoon Jae Jung! 
Date: November 16th 
Time: 11:15am for the ceremony, 8pm for the reception
Location: Crossroads Cathedral and Sweet Dreams Event Hall 
Please RSVP at XXX-XXX-XXXX or respond to the email! We hope to see you there! 
Huh, he hadn’t heard from Hyerin for a while—last thing he remembered was that she was enjoying her job as a translator and she was in a wonderful relationship, which is now blossoming into marriage. 
Good for her.
He doesn’t mean for it to sound as sarcastic as it does. It is good for her. As one of her close friends (close enough to get her wedding invitation at least), he’s glad she’s able to find someone who wants to share her life with. 
But it’s also a reminder that Namjoon hasn’t managed to do the same. He shuts his eyes and lets out a long sigh. It’s going to be really sad that he’s going to be there without a date of some sort, while others are most likely going to be there with dates. It’ll be nice to catch up with some of his old friends, but it’s also going to be a pain to have all those pity looks and the ‘don’t worry, you’ll find someone soon’ speeches. 
By the time he realizes he’s lost himself within his thoughts once again, the coffee is reheated and his phone screen has turned black. He moves his mug and slowly pours the dark liquid in. Namjoon’s ringtone breaks the silence. The image of Hoseok’s dog, Micky, flashes on his screen with the words, Dancing King. 
“What’s up, man?” Namjoon asks, as he pours a packet of sugar into his cup. 
“Hey! How’s my favorite businessman?” 
“Hoseok, I’m the only businessman you know.” 
“No! Wonsik is also a businessman.” 
“He’s a CEO of his own music company—while there is business associated, he’s still deemed as a musician in my book.” 
There’s a bit of silence and Namjoon can practically see Hoseok’s lips pulling back in disappointment. 
“Same difference,” Hoseok says through the line. “Anyways, did you see the invitation yet?” 
“Yeah, I saw it,” Namjoon says. “I just can’t believe Hyerin is already getting married.” 
“I know. It’s almost like we’re adults or something.” 
Namjoon rolls his eyes from Hoseok’s sarcastic comment, even though he can’t see it. “Are you bringing anyone?” 
“It’s too soon to see, but I might try to find a date—it’s just another wedding.” There’s a pause, with some muffled shuffling. “If not though, would you do the honor of being my date?” 
“You know, I might just take you up on that offer.” 
“Bet,” Hoseok says. “Well, the others are starting to come back from break. I’ll talk to you later?” 
“You know where I’ll be.” 
“Only from 9 to 5.” There’s another laugh from him through the phone. “Alright, bye!” 
He sets his phone down, staring mindlessly into his coffee as he waits for the sugar to dissolve. 
Well, on the bright side, he has a date to the wedding now. That one task marked off the list. 
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November 16th, 2019
Saturday, 9PM 
Hyerin’s Reception 
Sweet Dreams Event Hall 
“I’ve known Hyerin for such a long time,” Hani says. “And I have seen so many sides of her. Even today, she continues to reveal new sides of her that are surprising to everyone. She’s smart; she’s classy; she’s fun-loving and she’s cute. Sure, everyone here might know her as the crazy one in this group. But that craziness is part of her charm—which I’m sure Jae Jung has experienced at least once or twice by now.” 
The crowd laughs, as Hani tips her glass towards the couple. She gives another dazzling smile to them and continues. “Nevertheless, that craziness is what’s going to make life more entertaining for you. Some may say marriage doesn’t last, but I know you two will make it work. As one of Hyerin’s closest friends, I wish you two nothing more than a lifetime of happiness from one another. Congratulations, Hyerin and Jae Jung.”
There’s a light applause as Hani, the maid of honor, finishes her speech, which is followed by the taps of the guests’ champagne glasses. Hoseok and Namjoon’s glasses make a clink against the other, before they respectively clink their glasses with the other guests at their table. 
After taking a sip, Namjoon turns his attention back to his plate, which is cleared of food. 
“Hey,” he says with a nudge to Hoseok. “When did they say they were gonna cut the cake?” 
“I think they’re gonna cut it after a couple more courses.” 
“I’m so full.” Namjoon lightly pats his stomach. “I knew there was gonna be a lot of food, but I didn’t know it was going to be this much.” 
Hoseok lets out a laugh. “Hyerin’s got a bottomless pit for a stomach—you should have known she was going to have a lot of food.” 
Namjoon laughs with him. “Oh my God. How could I forget the buffet incident?”
Their conversation is interrupted by some feedback from the speakers. The crowd’s attention is turned back to the main table, where Hyerin stands with the microphone in hand and her new husband, Jae Jung, is trying to fix the veil that was caught on the back of her dress. 
“Hello everyone! Thank you so much for coming and joining us for this evening. Also, if we could give another hand to Hani for helping me arrange the whole thing—she really is the best. This night has been the most incredible.” There’s some more applause and, at the end of the main table, Hani stands once more with a smile and bows to the guest tables. 
Hyerin continues to talk once it dies down. “Um, we’re still coming around to the tables to properly greet and thank everyone for their support and gifts. The cake will be cut soon, but we still have two more courses left. Also, the bar remains open, if any adults need some more alcohol.” There’s a light laugh—Hoseok and Namjoon exchange looks of agreement to hit the bar after the meal. 
“And after the cake is cut, everyone is welcome to the dance floor.” She hands the mic to Jae Jung. 
“Hyerin and I will have our first dance and, after that, the party can officially start.” A guy in the back shouts a ‘woo’ and there’s scattered laughter. “Anyways, thank you again for coming in support of Hyerin and I. We hope you have a good time tonight.” 
There’s more applause and the couple resume to make their rounds to each table. The informal conversations begin once again as the guests wait for the next course to be served. Namjoon turns his attention back to Hoseok, who’s already engaged in conversation with a couple of people at the table. 
“So, how do you know the couple?” Minhyuk asks. 
“Ah, Hyerin and I went to the same dance academy,” Hoseok says. “We’ve been friends for, like, 10 years now. We all still talk so…” He gives a light shrug with an eased smile. 
Minhyuk looks over at Namjoon unexpectedly, who freezes for a bit from the eye contact, before answering. “Oh, I met Hyerin through Hoseok actually,” he says. “We had a couple of classes together and were in a couple of study groups together in college and…” He pauses. “Here we are. How do you know her?” 
“I was friends with her back in high school,” Minhyuk says. “A lot of people thought we were dating, so it’s a whole inside joke between us—especially since I got invited to her wedding.” 
“That’s funny,” Namjoon says. “But, wow. You kept in contact after high school?” 
“Yeah, thanks to the creation of cell phones and, as you already know.” He pauses. “Hyerin is very sociable, so it’d be hard to not keep contact.” 
“Speaking of which,” Hoseok says. “There’s a lot of people here. Their guest list is huge.” 
“I have a feeling there’s more of Hyerin’s friends than Jae Jung,” Namjoon says with a small laugh. 
“I’d place my bet on that,” Minhyuk says. His attention is diverted towards the servers that were coming out to serve the fifth course, making more conversation with the others at the table. 
“That’s a safe bet,” Hoseok says to Namjoon. “I’ve seen nearly everyone from dance camp.” 
“Yeah.” Hoseok takes another look around. “I saw Hyemi as we were coming in and Sanghyuk is just a couple of tables away.” He pokes his head up, sitting up straighter to get a more clear look around. “I should catch up with him in a bit.” 
“Maybe you two can meet on the dance floor,” Namjoon says with a laugh. “That’d be an interesting scene.” 
“Well, there is an open bar.” 
Namjoon can only give Hoseok a warning look, to which he gets a mischievous one in return. He can only sigh in response, but he can’t help to chuckle. He’s known Hoseok for so long that he knows he can’t stop one of his shenanigans. 
He resumes his attention back to his plate, where a small scoop of brightly colored sorbet sits in a little bowl. 
“It’s cute,” Hoseok says. “We get ice cream before the cake.” He does a little dance with his shoulders, beaming with his pearly whites. 
“First of all,” Namjoon says. “I think you’ve had enough sugar. I’m afraid of what’ll happen once the alcohol starts to take effect as well. Secondly, it’s sorbet and it’s supposed to refresh your palate.” 
“Ah, Namjoon,” Hyerin says. “Smart as always.” The entire table centers their focus on the newlyweds, who’ve approached them from behind. Light cheers erupt from the other guests and Namjoon gives her a big, toothy grin. 
“I was just wondering when you two were gonna get to our table,” Il Woo says from across the table. 
Hyerin laughs. “I’m trying my best to get to all the tables, but, in hindsight, we do have too many friends.” 
“To be honest,” Jae Jung says. “We had to cut down the list, like, twice.” 
“Finding a venue to fit everyone was easier than cutting down the list. Who knew?” Hyerin makes a face, which Hoseok responds to with one of his. The two start to go around the table, individually catching up with others and filling the guest’s glasses as they chat—eventually getting to Hoseok and Namjoon. 
“Are you two finally dating?” Hyerin teases.
“As much as I like Hoseok,” Namjoon says. “Seokjin is more of my type.” He looks over at Hoseok, who pouts. 
Hoseok turns away with bitterness. “That’s fine, I like Yoongi better anyways.” 
“It’s nice to see that you two haven’t changed,” Hyerin says. “Thank you for coming—the both of you.” 
“It’s no problem,” Hoseok says. “We’re your friends.” 
“We’re here to support you.” Namjoon says. 
“You two are just as sweet as I remember,” she says with a bright smile. She taps her glass with theirs. “Cheers.” 
Hoseok and Namjoon take their respective sips, while Hyerin drowns hers down. 
“Damn,” Hoseok says. “Your tolerance hasn’t changed since college.” 
“We’ll see with how tonight goes,” Hyerin says. “I think the others’ have lowered, so watch out when they all head to the bar.” 
“You mean like now?” Namjoon asks. 
Namjoon points a finger towards the wall where glass shelves hold many colorful bottles of wine, liquor, and juices to mix with the alcohol. A bartender mixes the drinks to the best of her abilities to fill the four glasses set on the counter. Hyerin’s bridesmaids lean on the countertop, shouting “shots” repeatedly. 
“Oh dear God,” Hyerin says. She shuffles with her dress, grabbing as much of it as she can, and attempts to run over towards them. “Y’all!! Couldn’t you have waited until the elders left!?! Wait for me!” 
Jae Jung hurriedly follows after her. “Honey! Be careful with the dress, you could trip!” 
After they ran off, Hoseok and Namjoon could no longer hold in their laughter. 
“That’s one way to exit a conversation,” Namjoon says with another sip of his champagne. “They really haven’t changed since college.” He lets out another laugh. “Who else do you think is here?” 
“Honestly, knowing Hyerin,” Hoseok says. “I have no clue.” 
They get back to their plates and converse with the others at the table. Hyerin has made many friends after graduating, Namjoon notes. Then again, she’s always been very friendly with others, which is how Namjoon was able to easily get along with her. 
As the conversations go, the last course, along with the cake, is served and the dance floor is officially open. Once 10pm hit, Hyerin and Jae Jung led their first dance. Everyone slowly started to join in and then the songs were transitioning to a faster pace, in which the elderly started to take their leave. Good timing too because the alcohol started to set in and no one had any resistance left. 
Hoseok has officially abandoned Namjoon to steal the leftover party favors on empty tables (at this point, he’s openly stealing rather than sneaking them into his pockets). Namjoon remains at the, now, empty table and empty plate—observing the other guests who have made a home for themselves on the dance floor. 
Hyojin’s alcohol tolerance is officially met as she twerks on the dance floor. Hyerin and Hoseok’s dance friends, Hyemi and Sanghyuk, have officially engaged in a full-fledged dance battle. Meanwhile, one of the bridesmaids, Solji, has another, Junghwa, on one arm to pull her away from any physical object she could flirt with (to which Namjoon has been a victim) and, in the other arm, she holds a svedka bottle that’s already half empty. In another corner, from Namjoon’s table, Minhyuk has helped himself to the rest of the uncut cake with a serving spoon. 
Amidst the chaos, Namjoon stays at the table, taking in the atmosphere with the disco lights and fast-paced radio hip-hop songs. He nods along with the music, mouthing along with the lyrics. As much as he would love to join the others, he knows he would most likely break something of his, or someone else’s. 
He checks his watch and glances around, wondering as to how far Hoseok had gotten with the party favors. Just as he was about to start his search, Rihanna’s Umbrella starts to play and that’s when he hears Hoseok before he can see him. 
Namjoon has to close his eyes from embarrassment of being his date, but then something saves him. 
Well, nevermind. 
The crowd parts like the red sea, allowing Hoseok and two familiar looking figures to meet in the middle—each person nodding along to the melody and waving their arms in the air. As if it was a karaoke meet, everyone sings aloud, along to the music. 
“You have my heart. And we’ll never be worlds apart. Maybe in magazines… but you’ll still be my star…” 
 Namjoon smiles at the sight. Hoseok and Hanna are doing their own thing, ignoring the little bags that fall out from Hoseok’s pockets that were, technically, stolen from the other tables. You blend into the crowd, swaying to the melody with Hani on one arm. 
“Because~ When the sun shines, we shine together. Told you I’ll be here forever. Said I’ll always be your friend. Took an oath, Imma stick it out to the end. Now that it's raining more than ever, know that we’ll have each other. You can stand under my umbrella… You can stand under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh…”
Namjoon makes eye contact with you. Your eyes widen, surprised from seeing him. With your free arm, you wave him over—to which he can only shake his head, passing up the opportunity of embarrassing himself in front of his old college friends. 
You pull yourself away from the crowd and head towards his direction, eventually taking the empty seat next to him. Without a word, you reach over and grab a champagne glass from the other side, drowning it down in one shot. 
“Ahh,” you breathe out. You point to his glass and the remaining alcohol that glistens from the disco lights. Without another word, Namjoon hands it over to you. He can only watch, as you drown down that glass as well. 
“Well,” he says. “It’s nice to see you too, (Y/N).” 
“Sorry,” you say. “That glass looked too appealing.” 
He lets out another light laugh with a shake of his head. “Seriously though, it’s nice to see you.” 
You hum. “How long has it been? Couple of years?” 
“Yeah, it’s been a bit of time,” Namjoon says. “Glad to see you haven’t changed too much.”
“Glad to see you haven’t either.” You pause, looking back at his, now empty, glass. “Still have a low tolerance?” 
“You already know the answer to that, so why bother asking?” 
“Just ‘cause it’s fun to hear you admit you’re a little baby when it comes to drinking.”
“Ugh, this is just because you were able to build a tolerance from all that bar hopping.” 
“We both did that bar hop.” You scan him with a glint in your eyes. “Something clearly went something wrong.” 
You both laugh. With another nudge towards him, you speak up again. “How’ve you been? Still working at the office?” 
“Yeah, I’m officially a manager.” He rubs the back of his neck. 
“You still making music?” 
“Every now and then,” he says. “Whenever I get the time, I do.” 
You let out a little laugh, grabbing another glass of champagne. “I remember all those tracks you made. Shame that your mixtape never released.” 
“Oh my God.” Namjoon has to close his eyes. “Please never bring that up again.” 
“Why not? They were great.” You take a sip of the glass. “I still have your Soundcloud page bookmarked.” 
Namjoon rubs his face with his face becoming more and more flushed, but he can’t hide his growing smile. “Oh my God, (Y/N).” 
You give him another teasing one in return. “Remember when you used to try to promote yourself on the quad—” 
“Oh my God, (Y/N)—”
You let out another laugh from his red face. Namjoon shuffles his feet and his eyes dart around, trying to find a drink for his, suddenly, dry throat. As if you read his mind, you tip your glass towards him—offering him the rest of your drink. He takes it and takes a small sip, clearing his throat afterwards.
“Anyways,” Namjoon says. “What have you been up to?” 
“Oh, you know. Same old, same old.” You pause. “You act like you didn’t like my Instagram post two nights ago. You also DM me memes, dude.” 
“Yeah, but that’s different from actually talking to you and catching up.” Namjoon rests a hand on his chest, in mock-hurt. “I’ve been sending those since college and you still don’t appreciate them?”
You roll your eyes but it’s with no malice. “For your information, more is not less. Less is less.”
“Is this your way of telling me to lessen the meme content in our messaging?” 
“Damn, that’s harsh.” 
You let out another laugh as he pouts in his seat. “Sorry, Joonie.” 
Your conversation is interrupted, as Hyemi shouts your name from across the room. “(Y/N)! I’M PUTTING ON BRITTNEY, BITCH.” 
“AYY!” You immediately get up from your seat, dancing your way over back to the dance floor. As Hyemi pulls you away, you look back towards Namjoon and give him a little finger wave. “I’ll see you sometime, okay?” 
He smiles back with a small nod, just quick enough for you to see, before you get pulled into the crowd once again. 
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December 3nd, 2019
Tuesday, 6PM 
Shoreside Condos
Another chime comes from Namjoon’s email. He continuously types, re-organizing and triple checking the calculations of his spreadsheets. 
He sits on the couch with multiple sheets of paper which lay on the unoccupied space of the table and couch, in some type of clean mess. In the background, his flat screen plays a film from some movie channel that he stopped paying attention to a while ago. His only company, Rapmon, lays on the carpet near Namjoon’s feet—practically blending himself into the white, soft texture. The keyboard clicks continue for a couple more minutes, before he decides to check his email. 
Hello Mr. Kim, 
How are you this evening? I am sending this email to let you know there are some adjustments that need to be made to the reports. Below, I have some attachments for you to check. 
Please let me know once they are completed. Have a good evening. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. 
Bang Sihyuk 
Head Manager of the Big Hit Management Team 
Lee Corporations 
Namjoon lets out a sigh. Guess it’s more work for him. Jokes on Bang though—he didn’t give him a deadline. Loopholes are a wonderful thing. 
He shuffles with the papers on the table, trying to find the remote. Once it’s spotted, he lowers the volume. He looks at the overall mess, ultimately deciding it’s better to clean it up, somewhat. As he pushes some of them back into their manila folders, he hears a whine. 
With a scratch behind Rapmon’s ears, Namjoon gives him a little kiss. “You hungry, baby?” Namjoon gives a small smile, as Rapmon pants. “I’ll get some food for my good boy.” 
He lifts himself from the sofa, already abandoning his clean-up attempt. Rapmon bounces alongside with him and they head into the kitchen area. Opening one of the lower cabinets, he easily pulls out the dog food and puts it into the doggy bowl.
Leaning on the countertop, he looks down adoringly at his pupper. “I should probably get something to eat too.” He pats his stomach. “It’s been empty.” 
He pushes himself off and shuffles over to the refrigerator. However, a white card, decorated with lace, catches his attention. He sighs, plucking the card off the refrigerator magnet. 
Join us for the union of Minyoung and Junmyeon! 
January 11th, 2020 @ 5PM
Location: Sowon Temple 
Black tie dress. 
Reception to follow! 
See you there! 
Namjoon lets out another sigh, but from the migraine that formed. He’s gonna have to text Taehyung—maybe they can go wedding gift shopping together. Considering how much Taehyung spends, Namjoon is sure to balance out that…. Taehyung-ness. 
He grabs out his phone, sliding it open to his messages. 
Namjoon: yo, did you get a present for Junmyeon yet? 
The reply is nearly instant and comes all at once. 
Tata: oh shit 
Tata: i forgot 
Tata: shall we go shopping soon ? 
Namjoon: you read my mind 
Tata: it’s like we’re soulmates 
Tata: :) 
Namjoon: …. okay 
Tata: i love you :*
Namjoon: and you have now made it weird 
Namjoon: but ily too 
Tata: i’m screenshotting this for the groupchat
Namjoon: and goodbye
He shakes his head, silently laughing at Taehyung’s responses. He’ll make those plans later, once he’s got some more time. It’ll be fun to spend some more time with Tae. It’s been a couple of weeks since they’d hung out. While their time at the ice rink was fun, they spent more time struggling than skating together (well, at least Taehyung was the one struggling). 
But, right now, he’s got more work dumped on him. And he’s hungry. 
Rapmon looks up at him as Namjoon looks down at him. “Don’t look at me like that.” Namjoon opens the fridge without breaking eye contact. “This is for me. You got your bowl, buddy.”
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January 11th, 2020 
Saturday, 7PM 
Junmyeon’s Reception 
Enchanted Evenings Restaurant 
“Although I am the oldest of our group,” Minseok says. “Junmyeon has taken care of me ever since I became friends with him. I’m sure that everyone in this room, who knows Junmyeon, knows that he has this thing where he cares more for others rather than himself. He’s the mother figure that everyone wants in their lives and we were lucky enough to have him as ours. But now, he’ll finally have someone to care for him this time around, for the rest of his life.” 
He turns to the main table and raises his glass. “I would like to dedicate this toast to Mi Young, on behalf of the exo boys. Thank you for putting up with all of us.” The crowd chuckles. “ And congratulations to the both of you, for finding someone who will faithfully look after you no matter what. Cheers.”
Everyone respectfully clicks their glasses together, taking a sip and going back to their meals and their own little conversations. Namjoon looks up from his glass, seeing Taehyung across the table—chatting away with the other guests. Tae fits well with the others, despite looking out of place in his patterned suit (“It’s Gucci. I have taste,” Taehyung said, when he was picking up Namjoon).
Namjoon glances to the right… where you are seated. You happily drown your glass down, letting out an exhale from the refresher. 
You turn to him. “Do you think I’m allowed to drink more?” you ask. 
“(Y/N),” Namjoon says. “I think it’s better for everyone if you didn’t drink more.” 
You pout. 
Namjoon tries not to stare. 
“You, my friend,” you say with a point of your finger, poking his chest. “Need to loosen up.” You shake your empty glass at him. “What better way than with alcohol?” 
“Have you become an alcoholic? Is that what this is?” 
“Haha, oh so funny as always, Joonie.” 
“You know I try,” he says with a grin. 
He sets down the glass, turning his attention back to his plate—on it lies a pile of chopped lobster topped with little scraps of gold, which is paired with fresh caviar and foie gras sauce on the side. Everything looks so good that it practically glistens in the chandelier light coming from above the table. 
While there are many guests, the venue is actually very spacious. Each table has a good amount of space that the chairs don’t bump into one another when pushed out. And yet, there’s still a large amount of space dedicated to a multicolored dance floor (which has Baekhyun and Jongin written all over it, Namjoon notes). 
Even without the tables, anyone could tell it’s decorated tastefully. Above each table, there’s various lights that provide a nice atmosphere for the guests. The ceiling itself is painted plain white, but if anyone looks close enough there’s little specks of gold that shine against the light. In contrast to the ceiling, the walls were covered with wallpaper. The wallpaper is also white with gold accents, but there are also pearls that popped out of the walls—quite literally popped out. The kids who came with their parents have been feeling up the wall for the past hour or two. 
Namjoon knew the wedding would be boujee, since it is Junmyeon’s, but he’d almost forgotten about how loaded Junmyeon’s family actually is. 
“Who knew my most expensive meal would come from a wedding?” Go Eun says, from your other side. You let out a laugh. “It’s the Kim family, what more did you expect?” 
“I don’t know,” she says. “Maybe something corny.” 
“Honey, we’re past corny when we walked through those balloon arches.” 
Go Eun blinks, slowly nodding along as she comes to the realization. “Ah, I guess I never got over the whole senior-junior view I had of him in school.” 
“He’s got that vibe; he seems like a chill mentor.” 
“But realistically speaking,” Namjoon pitches in. “We know that’s far from the truth.”
“Considering how he dances to any Sistar song like (Y/N) to Hit Me Baby One More Time,” Go Eun pauses. “I think all of the guests here know that.” 
“Damn,” you say. “You really had to attack me like that, huh?” 
She gives you an innocent smile that feels not-so-innocent. “Hyerin’s reception videos circulated. What else was I supposed to do with their information?” 
You give her a teasing one in return, before returning to your plate once more. 
There’s a moment of silence at the table as everyone is starting to dive into their meals, except for the silverware that taps the plates and bowls. As the plates start to get cleared, the chatter picks up once more—especially as the newlywed couple makes their way around with Junmyeon holding the train of Minyoung’s dress. Taehyung stirs up the commotion as he sees them making their way over. 
“Here comes the lucky couple!” 
From the sudden, informal announcement, everyone cheers with their glasses—both empty and full—for the newlyweds. 
Junmyeon tucks a strand of Minyoung’s hair back with one hand and, with the other, he holds a glass filled with champagne that’s already lost its bubbles. “Thank you for coming, everyone. We really appreciate your presence here.” 
“It’s no problem,” Namjoon says. “We’re glad to be here.”
“We hope you like our presents!” Taehyung practically yells. “If you don’t, then deal with it because we lost the receipts.” He gives them one of his boxy smiles. 
Everyone gives a light-hearted laugh at Junmyeon’s face. 
“Is everyone okay?” Minyoung asks. She stands behind you and Namjoon, laying a hand on your shoulder. “Is the food good?” 
“Minyoung, this one plate is about the equivalent of my first year tuition,” Yeri says, looking at her. “The food is more than just good.” 
“Don’t worry,” you say, giving Minyoung’s hand a pat. “Everything is great.” 
She lets out an exhale. “I was just a bit concerned because Junmyeon decided the meals without me.” 
“Honey,” Junmyeon says. “The meals turned out great. (Y/N) agrees.” He turns to the rest of the table. “You guys are going to love the dessert.” 
“What’s for dessert?” Yunho asks, from one side of the table. 
“It’s a Golden Opulence Sundae,” Junmyeon says with a beam. 
“It’s got edible diamonds and a sugar forged orchid,” Namjoon whispers to you. “It was super trendy a couple of years ago, but it doesn’t mean the price went down.” 
Your eyes widen. “Goddamn,” you mouth to him. 
“Yeah, he went a bit overboard,” Namjoon says. 
Junmyeon pouts at Namjoon’s words and Minyoung pinches his cheek. Minho makes a gagging noise and Yunho has to hit him to get him to stop. 
“Anyways,” Minyoung says, pouring another glass for you and Namjoon. “Let’s enjoy the evening with a drink—cheers.” 
Around the table, everyone respectively tap their glasses against one another—Namjoon with you and Minho, you with Namjoon and Go Eun. 
“We would love to stay, but we need to get to the other guests,” Junmyeon says. 
“But,” Minyoung says. “Stay as long as you would like. Desert is coming and the cake will be cut soon after. So, please enjoy yourselves—at the table, on the dance floor, the pool out back—” 
“There’s a pool?” Heechul asks from the other side of the table. 
“Yeah, the doors will officially be open after thirty minutes or so,” Minyoung says. “Anyways, mingle and have fun. We’ll be around.”
“Enjoy yourselves, okay?” Junmyeon says with another smile. With his hand on her lower back, he guides her towards the other table behind yours. 
“They’re so cute,” you say with a pout. “I’m glad to see Minyoung with someone good for her.” 
“Same,” Namjoon says. “I haven’t seen Junmyeon this happy since…” He tries to think. 
“Since Sehun paid that one time for dinner?” 
Namjoon’s eyes light up. “Yeah!” He takes another sip of his glass. “I almost forgot about that.” 
“I couldn’t,” you say. “You don’t ever forget it if Sehun pulls out his wallet for you.” 
“Yeah, he only pulls out his wallet for Vivi,” Namjoon notes. “Big mood though.” 
You laugh. 
Everyone gets back to their plates, which now has the dessert and the reception goes on. The conversation flows, between all the guests—at their assigned tables, along with the other tables. Siwon visited Namjoon’s table on many occasions, just because of Yunho and Minho’s seats. Although, Namjoon will admit that their conversations are very impressive (many topics related around politics and social injustices in modern society, which was very impressive to be honest). 
The time continues to pass, but it’s hard to tell with all the conversation going on. While Namjoon is more introverted, he has been very engaged in many conversations with others—especially with you. It had only been about a year or two since you two had actually talked, caught up and all that good stuff. 
You two originally met in college, in one of your classes together—after all, the study group that suffers together, stays together. While Namjoon majored in business, you had actually studied what you wanted. Your drive and extrovertedness balanced with Namjoon’s realism and introvertedness, which created, what you believe to be, an iconic duo on campus (at least with your friends). 
While it is inevitable for people to lose touch after college, you were easily able to keep the connections. With the help of social media, you reached out and managed to keep contact with your close knit group of friends—including Namjoon and many others from college (and probably high school). 
Unfortunately for Namjoon, this also means reminders of the uni days—both good and bad (as previously mentioned: the mixtape promos on the quad)... 
“Expensive Girl was a fucking bop and you know it,” you say, scooping another spoonful of your ice cream. “What did you do with all of those CDs anyways?” 
Namjoon groans, wiping his face as if it’ll get rid of the embarrassment from the olden days. “Honestly, they’re probably in a box somewhere and collecting dust.” 
“Come on,” you say. “You have to admit that those songs were actually really impressive.” You smile at him. “You were really creative. What happened?” 
He sighs, setting down his, now empty, wine glass. “Nothing happened, (Y/N).” He pauses. “Real life just got into the way and… next thing I knew, I stopped making songs.” 
The look in your eyes softens. “Namjoon, you’re one of the most creative people I know,” you say. You lay a hand on his that rests on the table. 
His eyes land on yours. You continue. “You should do what you enjoy, while balancing out the realistic picture.” Your other hand pokes his chest once more. “You, of all people, should know that. Remember what happened sophomore year?” 
Ah, sophomore year. From what Namjoon remembers, you originally came into college undecided. It wasn’t until the beginning of sophomore year that you figured out what you wanted to do. (“Seeing you so driven about your music makes me more driven towards what I want to do,” you said to him. “Even if I suffer to the destination, my happiness afterwards is the most important to me and my future.”)  
Namjoon sighs once more, but it’s more of frustration towards himself rather than exhaustion. He can only say one thing. “Being an adult is hard.” 
You laugh at his statement—your hand unmoving from his, another thing Namjoon tries not to focus on, but he can’t because of the warmth of your hand. Yes, while the two of you are friends, if he said he never had non-platonic feelings for you would definitely be a lie. 
The tap of the mic interrupts his thoughts and the conversations start to simmer down once more. In the front, Junmyeon and Minyoung stand side by side. Minyoung is in a different wedding dress but it’s been shortened and paired with some white flats. Junmyeon’s jacket has been removed and his tie is loosened. 
“Hello?” Minyoung says. “Can everyone hear me?” Her smile grows, as she meets everyone’s eyes and nods. “While people have been able to enter the pool area, it’s officially been thirty minutes since dessert was served.”
“With that,” Junmyeon says. “The pool is officially open, along with the dance floor. We’re allowing song requests, along with karaoke mics. So, go wild.” 
“YEAH!” Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongdae simultaneously shout. 
Junmyeon immediately retracts his statement. “Not too wild!” Despite that warning, everyone knows it’s already too late. 
Jongin, Taemin, and Ten are the first ones to enter the dance floor as the music starts. Everyone easily joins in to circle around them and chaos starts to ensue, making space for the elderly to start to leave. As the other guests start to migrate towards the colorful tiles on the dance floor, the younger ones are more on the antisocial side—Yeri joins the table with Mark, Renjun, and her other university friends that were invited as well (considering that most of them can’t legally drink). Meanwhile, Yunho, Minho and Siwon continue their political conversations in another corner as their glasses are consistently refilled by the servers. 
At some point, Sehun simply puts on his sunglasses and holds a bright yellow floatie in one arm (“Sehun, we’re indoors,” Luhan says. “Your point?” he retorts). He walks past your table, saying something about how he needed the hot tub and a bottle of bubbly after this chaotic week—although, the nearly empty strawberry flavored vodka in his hand said a lot more about his lack of current sobriety. 
Meanwhile, you were long gone to the dance floor, being pulled in by Yuri and Hyoyeon. Go Eun was right; something just flips when Hit Me Baby One More Time plays. Namjoon remains at the table, watching the others continuously mingle and dance, as he engages in conversation with Jaebum and Taehyung. 
“You two came together?” Jaebum asks. 
“Yeah,” Taehyung says. “We went shopping together for Suho’s gift and he had no choice because he can’t drive,” Taehyung jabs a thumb towards Namjoon, who’s jaw drops. 
The audacity. 
“I suddenly miss Hoseok as my date,” Namjoon says. 
“It’s nice you all kept in touch,” Jaebum says, ignoring Namjoon’s pettiness. “It’s hard to do that nowadays.” 
“It really is,” Namjoon responds. 
Jaebum and Taehyung nod alongside him in response. At this moment, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae are walking past them with black buckets to which splashes could be heard with each movement. 
“Hey guys!” Taehyung calls. 
Baekhyun turns towards the table and the three make their way to Namjoon and them. “Hey, Tae! Long time no see,” he says. “Nice to see you two again, thanks for coming,” Baekhyun says to Namjoon and Jaebum. “Did anyone wanna come to the pool?” 
Namjoon and Jaebum shake their heads. “I didn’t bring a swimsuit,” Namjoon says. 
“Same,” Jaebum says. “I forgot about it.” 
“Okay, good,” Chanyeol says. “Because you won’t want to swim in it later.” 
“What?” Jaebum asks. 
“We’re dying it pink,” Jongdae says. Their eyebrows raise in curiosity, but no one dares to ask. “Although, I think Kyungsoo has been catching on.” Jongdae’s eyes dart around, trying to catch sight of the short, but frightening man. 
“I’m sorry,” Jaebum says. “Not to be that guy, but, where’s your wife?” 
“She passed on the wedding invitation, so she’s at home with our daughter,” Jongdae says. His head tilts to the side and his eyes narrow. “Why?” 
“Just trying to understand why you left the house without your impulse control,” Jaebum responds with a smile. 
Jongdae pouts, but it’s ignored. 
“Wanna join?” Baekhyun asks. He has an innocent smile on, but his eyes are full of mischievousness. 
“I'll pass,” Namjon says with a raised hand. “But thanks for the offer.” 
“Same,” Jaebum says. “I don’t plan on messing with Kyungsoo.” 
“I’ll go with,” Taehyung says. “It’ll be interesting to see how all of this’ll unfold.” 
He waves the other two goodbye and points to Namjoon. “Text me if you want to leave early, but I’ll be at the pool, okay?” 
Namjoon nods. “Please be careful.” 
Jaebum waits until they’re an earshot away. “I have a bad feeling about this.” 
Namjoon can only shrug. “But can you stop them?” 
“You got a point there.” 
From the other side of the venue, there’s a crash, followed by a splash, coming from the pool area and a yell louder than the music (which could only be Kyungsoo). 
“Well,” Namjoon says. “They lasted longer than I thought.” 
Jaebum checks his watch. “Two minutes?” 
No one is really sure of what happened with the dye (except for those who were actually in the pool). But it’s hard to concentrate on that when, out of the pool area, Jinki and Kibum emerge from the door with pool noodles, attacking one another with them with unnatural, pink frosted tips. Kyuhyun and Johnny are attempting to separate them, but are seemingly failing to do so. Jinki’s pool noodle hits Johnny, knocking him into a vase—luckily, he manages to catch it before it falls. 
… That is until Ten knocks into him as he shakes his ass along to Shakira’s Hips Don’t Lie. 
“Oof,” Jaebum says. “That’s… that’s rough, bro.” 
“Hopefully, no one notices?” 
Another server comes around, silently filling their glasses once more. 
“Thank you.” 
“Thank you.” 
They clink their glasses together in a silent toast and take a sip. Jaebum sighs, leaning back to his (well, your) seat. He takes another glance at the dance floor, spotting Heechul and Momo dancing their asses off. You would think that as dates they would be dancing together, but it looks more like they’re competing. Eventually, he spots you with some of the others. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t come here with (Y/N),” he says. 
Namjoon’s eyebrows raise. “What? What’d you mean?”
“I just mean..” He pauses. “It’s not bad that you two are friends,” he starts. “But, I was betting you two would be together… or, at least, in college.” 
Namjoon doesn’t know what to say, but Jaebum continues. “You two just had a lot of chemistry, and still do!” He pauses. “Not a lot of people can say that.” 
He nods. “Yeah, you’re right.” Namjoon looks out, easily spotting you from the crowd. It’s hard not to notice you as you twirl and dance around with some other guests—especially since someone managed to get you into a duck floatie. 
“I think it’s (Y/N) though,” he continues to say. “(Y/N)’s just sociable and… that outgoingness just makes people surround (Y/N).” 
“Is that what led you to (Y/N)?” 
From Jaebum’s question, Namjoon’s lips automatically pursed. “I-I guess it is.” 
Before Jaebum could say anything else, Give It To Me by Sistar starts to play and there’s a shout. 
Before anyone could stop him, Junmyeon shimmies his way past the guests and towards the center—loudly singing along and doing all the dance moves. 
Without either one of the boys noticing, Minyoung stands behind them with another champagne flute that’s half empty. 
“Why hello, Mrs. Kim,” Jaebum says, looking rather cheeky. 
“Hello boys.” 
“So, Mrs. Kim,” Namjoon says. “What are you going to do about that?” he asks, pointing to the monstrosity that’s happening underneath the multi-colored disco ball.
“Uh, I don’t know,” she says. She swirls her glass and drowns it down. “Because I suddenly don’t know him anymore.” 
They laugh. 
“Well, that’s your husband now,” Namjoon says. “That’s all on you.” With those words, he tilts his glass towards his mouth, emptying it out once more for the night. 
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January 27th, 2020 
Monday, 8AM 
The Roasted Bean
The sound of chatter and the smell of coffee fill the air as Namjoon steps into the familiar coffee shop. While some of his fellow co-workers sit at separate tables, typing away on their laptops and drinking from their espresso cups, they all collectively ignore his presence—too preoccupied with their own matters. His body automatically places himself in line; his head poking up every once in a while to get a glance of Yoongi behind the counter. 
Since it is early and they are located in the business district of the city, Namjoon expected for the line to be fairly long. As the time continues to pass, Namjoon quietly hums along to the songs that play on the morning radio, occasionally nodding along with the beat. He gets closer and closer, eventually giving a smile at the frowning barista. 
“How are you doing that?” Yoongi asks. “It’s, like, dawn.” 
“It’s eight in the morning,” Namjoon points out. “Not exactly dawn.” 
He brushes the comment off. “You’re here earlier than usual. What happened to 9 to 5, Dolly Parton?” 
“Nothing really,” he says with a shrug. “I just have some extra work to do and I should be able to leave an hour earlier.” 
Yoongi makes a face with nothing short of disgust. “I still don’t understand how you’re able to just go to work like that.” 
“You’re at work though.” 
“Okay, but here, I get free coffee.” 
“Isn’t that stealing?” 
“Not if I mess up,” he says with a wink. “Speaking of messing up orders, how can I mess up yours?” 
“The usual is fine,” Namjoon says. “Thanks, Yoongi.” He gets a grunt in response, so he takes that as his cue to head over to the side where the stirrers, creamers, and sugar lay. As he absentmindedly fiddles with the sugar packets, he goes back to humming along with the songs. 
A tap on his shoulder interrupts his thoughts. A familiar grin greets him. 
“I thought that was you,” you say. 
His smile mirrors yours. “Hey, (Y/N). I almost didn’t recognize you in the daylight.” 
“And I almost didn’t recognize you without alcohol in my system.” 
Namjoon laughs. “What are you doing here?” 
“You’re asking me what I’m doing in a coffee shop?” 
He gives you a look. “You know what I mean.” 
You let out a laugh of your own. “Well, I just was visiting my friend, who works down the street, and I heard this place has the best coffee.” 
His eyebrows raise. “Well, consider me pleasantly surprised.” 
“Thanks?” You let out another laugh, smiling as you move yourself towards him, along with the sugars and creamers. 
You both end up fiddling with the little packets, nodding along to the music together silently. Namjoon glances towards you, eventually nudging you to get your attention again. You hum in response. 
“You still prefer the french vanilla creamer?” 
“Yes, sir,” you say. You pluck it from his hands with a twinkling look in your eyes. 
He glances over again, catching your eye. He lets out an awkward chuckle. “What?” 
“Nothing,” you sing. “I just can’t believe you still remembered that.” 
“Considering how we spent most of our college years over-caffeinated,” he says. “It’s safe to say I remember it.” 
“Over-caffeinated?” You think for a moment. “Sounds about right.” You pause for a moment. “Oh!” 
Namjoon slightly jumps from your random shout, which you do apologize for. 
“Sorry.” You put a hand on his arm with a not-so-innocent smile. “I just remembered: are you going to Moonbyul’s wedding?” 
He thinks. It had been a while since he received the invitation, but he definitely remembers getting it. “Yeah,” he says, after a moment. “Yeah, Jin and I are planning on going together.” 
“Still can’t drive?” you ask with a mischievous twinkle in your eyes. 
“You know what,” he says. “I can’t and there’s no problem with me not having a license.” 
“I didn’t say there was.” You sniffle your laughter, as he pouts. 
“Don’t license-shame me.” 
“Not a thing, Joonie.” 
Before he can reply, he’s interrupted by Yoongi, who calls for him. 
You give him another smile, before heading back to the line. “I have to get back in the line. I’ll see ya. Thanks for the creamer.” 
Before he heads back to the main counter, he gives you a little nod.
He tries to ignore Yoongi’s cheeky grin. “Don’t say anything.” 
“Okay,” Yoongi says. “I’ll ask instead. Who was that and why do you look all slap-happy?” 
Ah, semantics. They were going to get him some day. Namjoon sighs. “That was (Y/N).” 
“From college (Y/N)?” 
“College (Y/N).” 
“Ahhhh.” He smirks. 
“Can you not?” Namjoon groans.
“Didn’t you tell me you used to have a crush on (Y/N)?” 
“Can we not?” 
“Not what?” 
“Oh, okay. So,” Yoongi starts. “From your exact words: (Y/N) is technically your first love, but you never confessed out of fear—of both ruining your friendship and also rejection, which is only natural. You thought you had a chance at graduation, where you knew the ties could or could not be severed. And yet…. you still didn’t confess and, now that you’ve run into your old flame…” His eyebrows raise in question. “How are things, ‘Joonie’?” 
Namjoon’s eyes narrow at him in speculation. “You remembered those details rather vividly.” 
Yoongi shrugs. “My therapist says I have good listening skills.” 
“You really have an answer for everything,” Namjoon mutters. 
“And yet, I’m the one who’s a high school dropout.” 
For once, Namjoon blanks, before deciding to change the subject. “I thought you said my order is ready.” 
“It is.” Yoongi sets the large cup onto the counter and gives a bright smile that is filled with sarcasm. “Bone apple tea.” 
“It’s lingo,” he says. “Keep up with the times, man. You’re younger than me.” 
Namjoon groans, but he can’t suppress his grin. “Have fun with the morning rush. I’ll see you later, man.” 
“See ya.” 
On his way out, he gives you another wave goodbye, to which you wave back.
As he officially leaves the cafe shop, he makes his way back to the office. While his mornings are rather shitty, Yoongi does tend to make them brighter—but seeing you, on top of that, might have given him more energy than the coffee does.
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February 14th, 2020
Friday, 8:30PM 
Moonbyul’s Reception
Celebration Ceremonies Wedding Hall 
“I think we can all agree that Moonbyul has a stronger image,” Hyejin says. “Despite the more masculine stereotype she’s categorized in, Moonbyul is a very loving, sweet, and tender person.” She pauses. “Although, Heewon probably already knows this.” 
She turns to the rest of the guests. “People say that love is supposed to make you feel nervous—your heart will pound and the anxiety will make you sweat. But, I think, love means sharing yourself with another person and you’re willing to work together to build that life with one another. Byul is someone you can share anything with—she makes everything feel more comfortable. Rather than making you nervous, she makes you feel at ease.” 
She pauses. “Heewon, you’re very lucky to have someone so dedicated and hardworking by your side. And, while I may not have known you for very long, I know you’ll take great care of her. Congrats to the MoonWon couple and may your marriage be blessed for all eternity.” 
Light applause is given throughout the room and Hyejin makes her way back to her seat at the main table, with the other bridesmaids and immediate family members of the two brides. 
Light conversations begin once again at each of the guest tables—Moonbyul and Heewon remain seated at their table, having greeted the guests earlier as they entered the reception hall. In the background, classical music plays softly (although, live music will continue to play after the cake has been cut). 
It’s been calm so far, but who knows what will happen once the bar’s open. 
Namjoon takes another sip from his water glass, listening as Seokjin rambles on about the perfect ramen. Next to Jin, there’s Hani and Yura, who look half confused and half-amazed at how much he knew about food. On the other side of Namjoon, Junghwan and Myungsoo are eating away at their plates, practically cleaning them with their utensils as they scrape the food off (despite that, Namjoon swears he heard both of them ask if doggy bags were doing to be given out). 
“There’s this cute little shop that Namjoon and I used to go to all the time. Remember, Namjoon? It had that seafood theme with the cute decorations?”
Namjoon’s head turns from his name being mentioned. “Yeah?” He blinks, recalling the cute fish tanks they had along the wall. Granted, the restaurant also sold sushi and he always felt guilty whenever he ordered the sashimi platters. “We should go back there sometime. They really do have the best ramen there. You should give it a shot, if you get the chance.” 
“I’m always up for food,” Hani says. “I’ll take the girls with me someday since you’re giving it such high praise.” 
“Well,” Namjoon says. “Maybe when Hyerin gets back from her honeymoon.” 
“Very true.” 
“It does sound like a cute date spot,” Yura adds. “Maybe I’ll get lucky enough to find someone to go with here.” 
“Ooh,” Seokjin says. “I’ll share the address with the newlyweds too. They can go on cute dates together!” Seokjin turns back to Namjoon with a pout. “We don’t go on any dates anymore.” 
“I’m busy at work, you know this.” 
“You can still try to make time like you do with Jimin, at least.” 
“I didn’t know you were dating,” Hani says, glancing between them. “Have you been together long?” 
Namjoon nearly chokes on his food from the laugh that escapes his throat. 
“We’re not dating,” Seokjin answers. “Namjoon’s got his eye on someone else.” Namjoon gives him a questionable look, which he ignores. “As a little birdie has told me.” 
Damn Yoongi and his big mouth. 
At that moment, there’s some microphone feedback coming from the front. 
“Hello?” Yongsun and Jaehwan stand on the stage and Yongsun carefully taps the microphone in her hand. “Hello, everyone. Can you all hear me?” 
She smiles. “Well, I hope you’re all having a good time. We're just about to cut the cake, but, before that, Jaehwan and I have prepared a duet for the new couple for their first dance! I hope you all enjoy it and another congratulations to our brides.”
Jaehwan gives a thumbs up to the DJ in the corner, who gives another in return and starts to play a soft melody. The lights dim and, from Namjoon’s line of vision, he sees Moonbyul stand, bowing to her wife with a hand out to invite her to the dance floor. The two make their way to the middle and slowly start to sway together. Others start to join in too, listening to the soothing music provided by Yongsun and Jaehwan. 
Namjoon nods along to the song, along with the many others who stayed at their tables. He takes a glance around, spotting some of the other guests and that’s when he sees you with Wheein and Eric. An automatic grin appears on his face as he sees you. The three of you are holding hands and slowly swaying to the beat with bright, proud smiles as you all look at the lovely couple. 
He glances to the side, only to see Seokjin with a smug face. He feels the heat creeping back up his neck and towards his cheeks. Namjoon clears his throat, shifting in his seat from his friend’s eyes. “What?” 
“I think you know what.” 
“No, I don’t.” He clears his throat once more, feeling it dry up. “Stop staring at me like that.” 
“Staring at you like what?” 
“Like what?” Seokjin tilts his head in a mocking manner. 
Namjoon sighs as he closes his eyes and shakes his head. “You know what I mean.” 
“No,” he says in a singsong tone with a higher pitch. “I don’t~” He gives another look to Namjoon, speaking up again, back in his normal tone. “That’s what you sound like right now. You can’t lie to me and you know it.”
Namjoon lets out another sigh. He does know it; he really can’t lie, especially to one of his best friends. Because of this though, he’s going to be teased endlessly. “Do you remember (Y/N)?” 
“Of course I do,” he says. “How could I ever forget the person you pined over for the entirety of college and afterwards?” 
“Can you please not mention that part?” 
“How could I not, though?” Seokjin tilts his head with a little smile that’s nothing short of mischievous. “You never confessed too, so that just added onto the secondhand frustration I had whenever you two were together.” 
“Oh my God,” he mutters. “I’m just gonna stop talking altogether.” 
“No, no, no,” Seokjin whines. “Please continue, I’ll be quiet.” 
“Okay,” Namjoon says with a sigh. “I may… or may not, have ran into (Y/N) a couple of times at some other weddings and the coffee shop—” 
“Which is where I got my info—” 
He gives him a look, which shuts him up. 
“Sorry,” he says. “Proceed.” 
“(Y/N) is also here—” 
Seokjin squeals, clapping his hands together—unable to contain his excitement. “Where? Where? Where?” 
“(Y/N)’s with Eric and Wheein right now.” 
“So? Go join them; talk to them, chat ‘em up.” 
“Dude, you’re a great hype man,” Namjoon says. “But, not that great. (Y/N) seems busy, I shouldn’t interfere with that.” 
“What you lack, my friend, is the confidence.” He pauses. “Do you need some of mine? Because I’d be happy to rub some onto you.” 
“No, thank—” Even though Namjoon (halfway) rejected him, Seokjin is already rubbing his hands onto Namjoon’s face and, at that, with a bright smile as he smushes his best friend’s face. 
After a couple of seconds, Seokjin pats Namjoon’s face, admiring his ‘work’ for a second. “There. You are set.” He gives Namjoon a little push. “Now go.” 
“Of course now; they’re starting to cut the cake and (Y/N)’s gonna be alone.” He makes a shoo-ing motion with his hands. While Namjoon would rather let his anxiety take over, Seokjin’s got a point. Yongsun and Jaehwan have finished their duet; Moonbyul and Heewon have already moved on to cutting the cake, which have taken most of the guests’ attention—even Hani and Yura have moved themselves towards the front (granted, anything with food will draw them in). Better now than never. 
Namjoon stands up, straightening out his shirt and tightening his tie. Seokjin gives a thumbs-up and a pat on the butt, before Namjoon sets off towards your table. 
He takes long strides with, little to some, confidence. By the time he gets near your table, he stops behind you and lightly taps your shoulder. 
You turn around, greeting him with a bright grin. “I knew you’d be around somewhere!” 
“You were looking for me?” He tries not to look too shocked. 
“Considering how you said you were going to be here… Yeah, I kind of was.” You turn back to Eric and Wheein. “Scootch over, y’all. Namjoon’s got a seat next to me.” 
“Don’t even worry about it,” Eric says. “We’ll be out of your hair in a second.” 
“We’re gonna go get some cake and then we’re gonna go to the bouquet toss too,” Wheein says. “I also have to stop Hyerin from running into the kitchen to get more of the food. Don’t worry though, we’ll be back.” 
They both get up, waving you both goodbye, and catch up with the rest of the crowd. 
Meanwhile, you turn back to Namjoon. “So, what brought you over?” You lean your chin on your hand. “Was it my sparkling aura you felt the presence of?” 
He laughs, responding with a teasing tone of his own. “What else could it have been otherwise?” He shifts in his seat. “Are you having fun?” 
“You know me, Joonie,” you say with a laugh of your own. “I’ll find a way to have fun.” You eye him. “Are you having fun? Or are you planning on being anti-social again?” 
“Again?” His eyebrows raise. “How dare you. I am an introvert, not anti-social. I came to you this time.” 
“Uh-huh,” you say with crossed arms. “This time being the key phrase. Don’t you have other friends?” 
“I have other friends.” He pouts. “I came here with Seokjin.” 
You gasp. “I haven’t seen him in so long. I need to catch up with him; I miss him.” You poke your head around towards the dance floor, waving to Seokjin—who is currently doing his infamous traffic dance underneath the disco lights. 
“Wow. Really feeling the love here, (Y/N).” 
You turn back to him with a teasing smile and poke your finger into his dimple that he doesn’t even bother to try to swat away. “I’ve missed you too, Joonie.” 
He quickly takes your hand off his face, hoping you didn’t feel the heat that rises to his face. 
“We can make plans too,” you say with a nudge. “You know, instead of meeting at all these weddings.” 
“Oh, yeah,” he says. “That’d be a lot easier.” 
“Give me your phone.” 
Namjoon reaches into his pocket, easily pulling out his phone and hands it over to you. He lets you tap around on it, until he realizes something. “Wait, what are you doing? I have your number.” 
“I’m checking your schedule,” you say. “Makes things easier to plan.” You look up from the screen. “Especially since you’re an important businessman.” 
He closes his eyes, in an attempt not to laugh at the ridiculous statement, but the grin on his face gives his emotions away. 
You scroll through his calendar, before landing on a date. “I’m free for lunch on Wednesday.” You dangle the phone in front of him. “Think you can make some time for me?” 
“(Y/N), I can always make time for you.” He really hopes that didn’t sound as desperate as it did. 
However, he doesn’t think you care—as he spots the large grin on your face. 
“Great,” you say. “It’s a date.” 
Namjoon is unable to say anything, as he’s sabotaged by his own friend. 
Seokjin dances his way over, pulling him onto the dance floor. “Need to borrow him, thanks! I’ll catch up with you later, (Y/N)!” He gives a light push to Namjoon, who’s trying to keep up with Seokjin’s dance moves. “How’d it go?” 
“We set a date?” He tries to collect his thoughts, but he’s having issues with processing it. “I think?” 
“See what happens when you have a little confidence?” He interrupts before Namjoon can answer. “You’re welcome.” 
“Oh my God,” he mutters with disbelief. Sometimes, he really can’t believe the amount of confidence that this one man has. 
“Now keep dancing, that’s how we’re gonna make our way closest to the bouquet. I’m catching that and no one can stop me.” 
“Seokjin, why are you like this?” 
“Oh hush, you love me.” Seokjin does a little body wave to skim past the other guests. “Y’all better watch out ‘cause the king is coming!” 
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February 19th, 2020
Wednesday, 12:30PM 
Emerby Eateries 
Namjoon’s fingers tap against the table, checking his watch for the time once again. He takes another sip of from his water glass, oddly feeling the anxiety hit. Does this count as a date? You did say it was a date, but… is this really a date? 
Before he can linger too long on the thought, the seat in front of him is taken—by you. You’re slightly out of breath and, from the sight of your hair being slightly out of place, he can assume you did a small run on your way here before you were any more late than you already were. 
“You’re late,” he says with a singsong tone. He picks up the menu, pretending to glance over the options. “You really haven’t changed since college.” 
“Tsk, tsk, Joonie.” You brush off his statement with a wave of your hand. “You’re just too punctual. I was just a couple of minutes late.” 
“More like ten minutes late.” 
“Potato, potato.” You grab your menu, glancing through the appetizers. “Time’s an illusion anyways.” 
He tries to stop his laughter, but one look at you and he breaks his fake anger. 
“Did you order anything without me?” you ask. 
“Of course not,” he says. “I figured you would want to share anyways, so you can decide on what you want.” 
“And jack the bill up? I’m not that type of person.” 
“Stand down,” he says. “Not what I meant.” 
You chuckle. “I’m just pulling your leg. But, seriously, is there anything you’ve set your heart on ordering?” 
“Well, the sandwiches look good.” His tongue clicks as he contemplates on his order. “I usually get those whenever I’m here, so I’ll probably get one. Do you know what you want?” 
“Not really, I’ve been stuck on the appetizers. Did you want to split one?” You set your menu down, but your eyes don’t leave it. “They got fried pickles and I kind of want to try them. They also have those cheese balls that those mukbang youtubers eat.” You look up at him. “I kind of want to try those, not gonna lie.” 
He smiles at the way your eyes sparkle at the thought. “I’m not stopping you, you know.” 
“I know, but will you eat it with me? I’ll even pay for them.” 
“Damn, (Y/N),” he says with a hand on his chest. “That’s how I know your love is real.” 
You let out another laugh at his words and Namjoon couldn’t help but admire how carefree you look. While the two of you were a chaotic duo, the chaos was more drawn out from your side—not really chaos, it was more of your impulsiveness. But, it doesn’t mean he didn’t enjoy those memories with you. In fact, he cherishes them the most from his college memories. 
He still can’t believe he let you convince him of breaking into the campus gym’s pool. There was also that time when you two were drunk and you told him you wanted to try rock climbing—at the end of the night, you took an hour to climb up to his top bunk, declared success, and passed out once your head hit his pillow. You also broke into a classroom with him, to explain your theories on how birds work for the bourgeoisie (while the theories were insane, he had to admit you had a really convincing argument, which was probably due to all those essays you had to write). 
“Do you know what you would like?” 
The server’s question makes him snap out of his thoughts. He looks at you expectantly and you do him the solid by answering first. 
“We’re gonna need some more time for the entrees, but could I get a couple of appetizers first?” 
“Of course, whenever you’re ready.” 
“Okay, so we’re going to start with the fried cheese balls with some fire sauce on the side, along with some fries.” 
“Anything to drink?” 
“I’m good with water.” You look to Namjoon. 
“Uh, me too. Water’s fine.” 
You both thank your server before she leaves and turn back your menus when she’s out of sight. There’s a moment of silence as you both deliberate on what to get. Namjoon’s already figured he would just get what he usually does a while ago; his menu is shut and left on the side as he waits for you to figure out what you want. He can only shake his head; you’re still just as indecisive as before. 
Light pop music plays in the background and his fingers tap along with the beat. He moves his focus to the window where people continue to pass by on the busy city street. It’s lunchtime, so he expected the foot traffic to pick up a bit (and it did)—which was why he wanted to go a bit earlier. After another moment, he turns back to you, only to see you already looking at him. 
“Having fun?” you ask with a quirk of your lip. 
“Always.” He leans back in his chair. “You figured out what you want?” 
“Yeah, it took a bit but I figured it out.” 
When the server comes over again, the appetizers are served and you both order the entrees. You and Namjoon split the appetizers, nearly finishing them until the entrees were ready. Between all this time, you two actually catch up. It’s more than just the casual conversations you’ve had at those weddings—you’re both taking more time to listen to one another (in a more sober conversation) and actually talk about the things you didn’t manage to get to. Next thing you knew, it’s already been nearly an hour. 
“Can you believe that we’re actually adults living in this capitalistic society?” You set your glass down. “We’re doing things like paying for bills.” 
“Yeah,” he says. “It’s called responsibilities.” He lets out another laugh at the face you make from his word choice.
“Ugh, that’s disgusting. Don’t make me choke.” You take another sip of your water. “You know one way of knowing there’s the transition from childhood to adulthood is attending more funerals than weddings.” 
“It seems more like the opposite for us, don’t you think?” 
“Oh my God,” you groan. “You’re so right though. The amount of weddings I’ve been attending…” You shake your head, as if to convince yourself the number is lower than it actually is. “It’s kind of ridiculous. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of my friends, but Jesus Christ, it’s like they all had a pact to get married around the same time and decided to leave me out.” 
Namjoon sighs, playing with the leftover sauce on the side. “I’ve been to, like, five last year and I’m pretty sure it’s going to keep coming.” 
“I really feel you, Joonie. I really do. I have a couple more I have to go to later.” You let out a sigh. “Curse me for being so friendly with others.” 
“Haha, this is what you get for being popular.” 
“I am not popular; I just happen to be a bit more extroverted than you.” 
“More like a lot,” he says. “You definitely used to be a popular kid in high school.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. What’s wrong with a couple more friends?” 
“No, no, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a compliment: people enjoy your company and that’s how you managed to keep the ties you still have…” He pauses. “Like me.” 
You give him another teasing smile. “Glad to know you enjoy my company.” 
“It’d be awkward if I didn’t, considering I decided to have lunch with you.” 
“Oh, yeah, by the way, how long are your lunch breaks?” 
“Since I’ve moved up to management, I get more time, so about an hour or so—give or take.” 
Your eyebrows raise. “Wow, look at you.” 
He tries to suppress the blush from the look you give him. 
“And despite all of this,” you continue to say. “You still don’t have your license?” 
“Why are you bringing this up again?” He groans. 
“It came up organically when I was with Seokjin,” you say. “You know... After he managed to steal the bouquet from Sunmi’s hands.” 
“So,” he says with a glint in his eye. “You did talk to Seokjin that night?” 
“Yeah, I did. Found out a little bit about what you’ve been doing after college.” 
“So you talked about me?” 
For the first time today, the blush starts to creep up your face. Namjoon raises an eyebrow at the sight; for once, he seems to have the upper hand. You clear your throat, before taking another sip of your near-empty glass. 
“Don’t try to change the subject,” you say. “You still don’t have your license.” 
“I-I just never had the time and the office is close to my apartment…” He tries to find the words (excuses, if he’s really being honest). “All of my friends have their licenses, so I don’t see the appeal of getting one.” 
“So, what I’m hearing is, you have a uncommitted chauffeurs.” 
“Oh my God, (Y/N),” he says with a laugh. “I don’t have that much money yet.” 
“Yet. That’s the word to focus on.” 
You both laugh again. 
“Well, I would love to be your chauffeur anytime,” you say with another grin. “That is if you pay me for gas money.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he says. “Thank you for the offer though.” 
“It’s no problem.” You let out a sigh, but it’s more relaxed than tired. “I’m serious though. If you need a ride, you can always ask.” 
“I know, I know,” he says. He swirls his glass, trying to distract himself before he lets out his next words. “I know I can count on you anytime.” 
The sparkle in your eyes returns and Namjoon has to stop his heart from skipping a beat at the sight. 
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March 10th, 2020
Tuesday, 4PM 
Shoreside Condos
Hey! Just a friendly reminder to RSVP to our wedding! 
We’d love for all of you to join! 
See you then! 
- Anna Young and Eric Nam
Namjoon squints at the email and its neat, curly font. If he didn’t have Eric’s email saved, he definitely would have thought it was some type of subscription he signed up for and completely forgot about from the words alone. 
He makes a mental note to dry-clean his fancy suit before the time comes. Although, realistically speaking, he has more than enough time to do so. He can probably (and most likely will) procrastinate on it.
As he tries to make the mental arrangements, in the background, the television plays on another generic movie channel that doesn’t play anything remotely worth paying attention to (he might make an exception for The Hunger Games though). Rapmon sits on the couch, next to Namjoon, with his front paws and head laying on Namjoon’s legs. One hand pets Rapmon softly and the other hand hovers over his laptop’s keypad as he quickly RSVP’s for the wedding and reception. 
Namjoon easily fills it out with one hand, humming along as he taps the individual keys. However, he realizes that there is a problem after submitting the form: he has no ride. From what he can recall, the others probably aren’t going, considering these were two separate friend groups—so there’s no point in asking anyone for a possible ride. Then again, he could always get an uber or carpool with someone else. 
He sucks in a breath, praying someone he knew would be on the guest list. Going back to his email, he looks over those who were sent the same email.
While he is acquainted with over half of the people, there isn’t anyone close enough he could ask. Jackson’s most definitely going with his long-time partner and there is no way Namjoon wants to be between the two of them. On the other hand, Amber is probably going with a group of people and he’s not really up for a conversation with a bunch of people he’s unfamiliar with. On top of all that, Eric is very sociable, so there are bound to be guests from all sorts of places (considering the unknown names from the email). 
Although....there is another option. 
He quickly picks up his phone, scrolling through his contact list. His finger stops as he hovers over your contact. He taps on it, but can’t find the courage to hit any button. The contact photo of you, smiling with a bundle of puppies (from that time you wanted to pet a bunch of puppies at Petco), is what his eyes linger on the most. 
While the rational side of his mind knows you would be ecstatic to go to Eric’s wedding with him, the irrational side tells him that he shouldn’t bother you. What if you think he’s just using you for rides? Are you just going to drop him off? Should he invite you as a date? But, most of all, what if you just flat out reject him? 
Rapmon senses his master is upset and tilts his head up at Namjoon as his paws start to pat him—at least, his leg—to make him feel better. Namjoon can only smile, patting his head in response as a silent thanks for the attempt to comfort him. However, because of that… 
One of Rapmon’s paws hits the call button and Namjoon can feel ten years of his life being shaved off as the tone starts to ring. 
Out of panic, he drops the phone quicker than a hot potato. Luckily for him, it lands on the soft carpet below. He looks to Rapmon, who looks around, panting—without a care in the world, as if nothing was wrong. 
But right now, everything is wrong. 
Before Namjoon could even pick up the phone, nevertheless hang up, the ringing tone stops and there’s a soft response. 
He stumbles around, trying to grab the phone, but hitting the coffee table with his foot and falling on his ass. “Oh shi—” 
“... Hello?” 
“Sorry!” he shouts aloud. He quickly puts himself together, sitting back on the couch and leans down to grab his phone. He clears his throat, before speaking. “Hello?” 
“Hey, Joonie.” He can hear your grin over the phone. What’s up?” 
“Oh, nothing much..” He lets a small exhale, trying to calm himself from the embarrassing situation. “Um, what’s up with you?” 
“Nothing really?” He hears some clutter as you are shifting the phone on your shoulder. “I’m just at home. You know, doing this and that.” 
“Oh, oh. Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you—” 
“Namjoon, you can never bother me,” you say. “What’s up though? Not that I mind you calling me a bit out of the blue.” 
He opens his mouth, unable to really find the words. “So, uhm… This is kind of stupid.” 
“More stupid than you cutting that onion?” 
“That was one time.” His eyes close, trying to repress his laughter and the embarrassing memory. “Let it go!” 
There’s a laugh on the other side of the line; your laugh is infectious, causing Namjoon to burst into a laughing fit as well. 
“Um, okay,” he says. He lets out a sigh. “This is, like, way earlier than I originally intended.” 
“Come on, Joonie. Spit it out; it’s just me.” 
That’s the problem though: it’s you. But he can’t say that without it sounding weird. His lips twist to try to find the right words. “Do you remember Eric?” 
“You mean the guy I met at Moonbyul’s wedding?” 
“Yeah, him.” 
“Yeah, I remember him. Why?” 
“Well, he invited me to his wedding…” 
“Oh, good for him.” 
“Yeah.. but I was wondering…” Maybe he shouldn’t ask, but he does anyways. “If you could give me a ride?” 
You let out a small laugh. “Of course I can give you a ride.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, when is it?” 
“It’s in April, which is, like, a month away, but—” 
“Considering how I can’t even plan the next day, I’m sure I’ll be able to give you a ride, like, a month later.” 
“Well,” he says. He can feel his shoulders tense a bit. “It doesn’t just have to be a ride…” His fingers absentmindedly toy with a decorative button on his couch. “Did you… did you want to be my plus one?”
There’s a bit of silence and Namjoon can only swallow, feeling all the moisture in his mouth. 
“... It depends.” 
“On what?” 
Your response is a bit softer from the original teasing tone you had before. “It depends if you really want me there.” 
He relaxes, easily leaning back onto the couch. “Of course I want you there, consider it a trade deal.” 
“A trade deal?” 
“I get a ride and you get free food?” 
You hum a bit into the phone. “I like that preposition, but could I refer to this as a favor?” 
“Considering that it is a favor,” he says. “Sure—I owe you one.” 
“I’m gonna hold onto that against you then.”
“I’m completely fine with that, (Y/N).” 
“Okay, just keep in touch and text me the details when you get the time.” 
Before you can hang up, he speaks up once more. “Hey, (Y/N)?” 
There’s a bit more shuffling, but it stops. “Yeah?” 
“It’s no problem, Joonie. You can count on me anytime.” 
He smiles into the phone for the nth time and looks down at his feet, feeling the blush return. “I know.” He pauses. “I’ll-I’ll text you.” 
“You better, Joonie. I’ll talk to you later.” 
His phone screen turns black for a second, before returning back to your smiling contact image. His grin grows and he slumps back further into the couch, practically beaming once his body is bully molded with the couch. He turns back to his fluffy boy and plays with his fur, giving him thorough pets. “Such a good boy. I shall retrieve you a treat soon.” 
Rapmon barks happily at his spot, continuing to pant as he moves his eyes on the television screen. 
Meanwhile, Namjoon gets back to his spreadsheets, minimizing his personal email tab. He manages to do his tasks much happier now that he’s got something to look forward to. 
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April 3rd, 2020 
Friday, 7:30PM 
Eric’s Reception
Bright Rings Event Venue 
“Anyone who knows Eric,” Eddie says. “Knows that he’s very easy-going. He’s able to get along with anyone, which is how he’s able to meet so many people and make so many friends. So, when I first introduced Eric to Anna, I thought this was nothing more than another just friends situation. Little did I know was that I would be standing here… as the best man for their wedding.” 
He moves himself closer to the main table, where the bride and groom are seated. “As Eric’s brother—and manager—I did not think that he would be married before me.” The crowd laughs light-heartedly. “Don’t worry, I’m not bitter about it. I’m glad Eric has found someone who’s willing to spend their life with him, especially after getting to know him.” He lets out a small laugh as Eric pouts from his seat. 
“Anyways, Anna—” He raises his glass. “This toast is for you. Consider this your official welcome to the Nam family.” 
The guests click their glasses with the others, exchanging pleasantries along the way. Namjoon comfortably smiles at you, and vice versa, before drowning a mouthful of the bubbly champagne that you two had previously cheered with. The chatter picks up once again as Eddie sits down next to his date at the main table with the newlyweds. Everyone resumes their conversations, slowly building up to, nearly, maximum volume. Birds of a feather flock together—Eric’s loud personality attracts many other eccentric personalities. 
Namjoon takes a look around, taking note of the other guests. There’s a wide variety of people; while some are from college, from what he could recall, most of them are unfamiliar faces and unrecognizable place settings. Although, he should thank Eric for his place setting—many of those at this table are faces he does know. 
Jackson and his long-time girlfriend and recently engaged fiance, Hua Yi, were seated (luckily) on Namjoon’s left side and you were placed to his right. On your right, you sat next to Amy Lee and Amber—who were like Eric’s non-biological sisters. You were making easy conversation with the other guests, both familiar and non, as per usual. Maybe it’s due to your presence, but Namjoon has been able to easily converse with others as well. 
Jaehyung, another close friend of Eric’s, is currently at the front of the stage to provide entertainment with his guitar. He sings a sweet melody, contributing to the light atmosphere—above all the chatter and light conversation happening. 
“You know, I’ve always wanted to play the guitar,” you say, leaning closer to him. “Maybe I should’ve joined the band kids in high school to pick up a little something.” 
“Well, I did band…. kind of.” His face contorts, remembering the piano lessons he was forced to participate in due to the school’s curriculum. “But, trust me when I say that it did nothing for me.” 
Your eyebrows raise. “Nothing?” You lean in closer, with an elbow propped on your knee. “You almost became one of those famous soundcloud rappers. I think you should give yourself some more credit.” 
“Yeah, well, I can only play chopsticks,” he says. “So, were those four years really worth it?”
“Is anything from high school really worth it though?” 
You both chuckle as the old memories from high school started to occupy your minds. To think that Namjoon had really spent four years, not knowing what the hell he was doing—only to study for four more years to survive life and work a stable job with a stable paycheck... Time really does just fly. 
“Oh my God,” he says. “High school was awful.” 
“College was fun though.” You let out a relaxed sigh as you lean back and your eyes nearly sparkle from the fond memories you’d made way-back-when. “That’s the time period anyone would go back to.” 
“I would prefer the experience without the debt though.” 
“Thank God for scholarships.” You give him a little nudge. “Am I right, Mr. 148-IQ?”
Namjoon rolls his eyes at your words in a playful manner.
Before he can respond back, microphone feedback plays through the speakers, causing most to wince at the sound. Eric and Anna have entered the stage area, nearly blocking Jae—who simply waves at the crowd with his head poking out from behind the couple. 
“Hello?” Eric says. “Can everyone hear me okay?” 
There’s a collective murmur and he speaks up once more. “Okay, we’re good. Before anything, let’s give another round of applause for Jae!” 
There’s a light round of applause for Jaehyung, who gives a big smile and wave. Eric continues to speak after it dies down a bit. “Thank you all for coming once again. We both really appreciate that you took the time to be here for us.” 
“Right now, we’re going to have our first dance,” Anna says. “So, we’re gonna slow things down with the musical accompaniment of our very own Ailee!” 
Next to you, Amy raises from her seat and makes her way to the stage. You, along with Namjoon, clap for her—cheering her on as she walks towards center stage. She chats a bit with Jaehyung as the two of them start to set up. After a bit, she does a bit of harmony with Jaehyung and, shortly after, the sweet, soft melody of the guitar starts to play. 
Anna guides Eric towards the middle of the dance floor, who’s got a grin the size of the entree plates; she places his hands on her waist and hers on his shoulders, leaning into him as the song continues to play. Other guests slowly join them as well, including Jackson and Hua Yi. 
In a couple of minutes, you and Namjoon are the only ones left at the table. You two continue to chat for the time being, even as the music changes and time continues to go by. The other guests come and go by your table (even Mark came by, but the thumbs-up he gives Namjoon made him quite flustered); some had left a bit sooner because of prior engagements they had arranged for the next day. 
By this point, it’s past three hours—the cake has already been cut and the bar is officially open for the rest of the evening. The loud personalities had just gotten louder as the night got longer. 
Yongsun’s alcohol tolerance has been hit as she swings on the stipper pole with a plate of cake in her hands. On the other hand, as the songs started to get more upbeat, Amy abandoned her post at the stage and headed towards the bar—where she’s been doing her own personal wine tasting (and karaoke session). Amber had briefly joined her, before deciding to lead an impromptu concert that may or may not have resulted with her currently crowd-surfing. Jackson is with Peniel… doing whatever they usually do (although, Namjoon definitely recalls Peniel holding very tightly onto a Naked smoothie bottle; something about getting naked at the reception). 
The chaos goes on, even with the two of you in your own little bubble. The only difference though… is the alcohol intake as the time had passed. Considering how many glasses you had drowned, along with the ones Amy kept recommending to you and the ones brought by other servers, Namjoon is starting to remember how good your tolerance is. Despite that, you are definitely starting to feel it hit hard all at once. Meanwhile, he’s suffering silently from a mere three glasses. 
You drown another glass of your white wine. “Ahh.” You lean back in your chair with closed eyes. “My guy, I definitely cannot drive for a while.” 
A giggle spills from his lips as the alcohol starts to flow throughout his system.  “I can’t drive at all.” 
You laugh along with him; his giddiness is contagious. “Are you drunk?” 
“Nope.” He pops the p, giving you a wide beam that showcases his perfect, shiny teeth.
You raise your eyebrows, but don’t say anything. You can’t focus on anything from seeing how red his face is. You can’t resist yourself and lightly tug on his ears—which are also a similar shade—to pull him a bit closer to you. “Joonie, you’re so cute when you’re drunk.” 
He feels the blood rush more into his cheeks, but he can’t help his smile growing from the compliment. Even as you’re squishing his cheeks together, he doesn’t pull away from your touch. 
Both of your heads turn towards the stage. Anna’s clearly had her fill of alcohol too. Her hair is in loose curls from the tight updo she previously had. She currently stands on the stage, the mic in one hand and her bouquet in the other; her wedding dress was already ripped—but it looks as if it was chopped with some basic kitchen knife—to a shorter length. 
“It’s time for the flower toss!” She waves it around, dangling it in front of the crowd. “Anyone who wants this can come and get it!” 
A small group of people start to push their way towards the front as Anna turns her back towards them. 
You divert your attention back to the man in your hands. “I’m gonna go.” 
“Will you be back?” 
“Very soon.” You look dead serious. “Swearies.” 
He nods his head (to the best of his ability, considering his face is literally in your hands) and watches on as you head towards the crowd, easily fitting in with the others. He leans his chin into his palm, watching you engage with a bunch of people, who are literal strangers to you. It’s amazing how you can easily and naturally insert yourself into a group of people. He knows he probably looks like some type of idiot, but, right now, you are the only thing that matters. 
Back at the stage, Anna counts, leaning back little by little with a swing of her hands. “3! 2!” 
Just as she tosses the flowers over her head, Mike yells. “Yeet!” 
“Mine!” Peniel calls. 
But Matthew gets there first. 
“Interception, bitch!” 
He knocks the bouquet from its original path. It was almost like a high school basketball match from the way it happened.
Next thing you know, a couple of grown ass men were starting a brawl over an overpriced floral arrangement. Jamie interferes the two, squeezing herself in between the two idiots and easily whacking them, effectively getting them to stop. 
“Not the tiddies!” 
“Shut the fuck up!” she yells. “This isn’t about you!” With each word, she uses the flowers to hit each of them. 
While everyone’s distracted, Jackson rips the flowers from Jamie’s hands. He makes his way over to Hua Yi, easily getting down on one knee. Before he says anything, Hua Yi rips the flowers out of his hands and yells. “We’re already engaged, you idiot!” There’s no harm in it, considering how wide her grin is and the blush that’s apparent on her cheeks. 
Eric, eventually, takes over the stage once more—his tie loose and tossed carelessly over his shoulder. Despite it being his wedding, he looks like he’s  seen some stuff happen. He stands next to Anna with the mic, which he definitely had to pry out of her hands, and simply sighs as he watches the chaos. “This is cancelled; y’all are banned—I’m calling the police.” 
Of course, everyone ignores his empty threat and continues to brawl over the flowers. 
Namjoon’s attention is taken away from the scene, as you move past the chaos, and head back towards him. You arrive back with a pout, immediately slouching back in your seat. He rests his chin on the table, inching closer to you with eyes that sparkle like an anime character. 
“I didn’t get it,” you whine. 
He pouts with you, feeling your pain. “I’m sorry.” 
You let out a sigh and proceed to take another shot. A drop spills from your lips, trailing down your neck and Namjoon’s eyes unconsciously follow it. 
“Joonie,” you say. 
His eyes go back to yours. “Yes.”
“I need ice cream.” 
“Ice cream?” His eyebrows furrowed together in concentration and thought. “They only have cake.” 
“Then we need to go to the ice cream, Joonie.” 
His eyes widen in a comedic size reeling you’re correct. He snaps his fingers, lifting himself from the table, and pointing directly at you. “You are a genius.” 
“I fucking know, bro.” You pause as you realize your predicament. “I can’t drive.” 
“Neither can I.” 
“Not like that,” you say. “I’ve had like…. more than five glasses.” 
“Really?” His mouth gaps open. “I lost count after the tenth one.” 
“Ten?!” You gasp. “Did I really drink that much?” 
“I don’t know, (Y/N). I said I lost count.” 
You blink at him, slowly coming to the realization of how much alcohol was actually in your system. “Oh my God.” Your pout returns. “But I want ice cream now.” 
He hums, rocking a bit in his chair, like an old man out on the front porch, to find some way out of the complication. His eyes finally met yours. “I think I have a solution.”
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Friday, 11:45PM
After Eric’s Reception
Midnight Munchies
Your giggle overlaps with the sound of the bell that rings as you two walk into the late-night dessert shop. The workers greet you cheerfully, which you both respond back to. You are looking at the glass that showcases all the different flavors, whereas Namjoon tries to read the menu to the best of his ability—but his squinting shows how bad his vision is at the moment. 
Back at Bright Rings, after some common sense had slowly started to come back, you both searched up ice cream places nearby. Luckily, Namjoon found a place that served ice cream at this hour and it was close enough to walk to—resulting in an improvised, evening stroll which was just the two of you laughing at dumb jokes along the way (he may or may not have used some of Seokjin’s dad jokes along the way). 
Due to the lesser amount of drinks in his system, he sobered up a bit… On the other hand, yours still remained. But nothing can’t be fixed with a little bit of ice cream (at least, that’s what you said).
“Do you know what you would like?” 
Your attention has been turned to the server behind the counter. “Uh, not me.” Scooting closer to Namjoon, you give him a nudge. “Joonie, do you know what you want?” 
“I’m not sure,” he says with a slight frown. “What’d you think I should get?” 
You let out a small hum as you think, before pointing to the fruit flavors in the middle. “You like fruit flavored ice cream, and you definitely need to try something new, so I say you should get the melon.” 
“Okay,” he says with a nod. “I trust you.” He turns to the worker. “Can I please get a scoop of the melon ice cream?” 
“Would you like any toppings?” 
“Uhh.” He turns to you. “Should I?” 
“If you want some, then get some.” 
He hesitates a bit. “Strawberries?” 
The worker raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure?” 
Turning back towards the counter, he answers. “Yes.”
He receives his ice cream, waiting as you order yours and pays when you’re done—despite your protests. You two thank the staff and add some change into the tip jar, before heading out to go back to the venue to sober up a bit more. 
For a bit, you two are enjoying your ice cream in silence as you walk side by side. You both walk for about a block—his footsteps match yours and yours matches his. 
You’re the one who speaks up first. “Thank you for the ice cream.”
“It’s just ice cream, (Y/N),” he says. 
“Still,” you start to say. “Considering I practically pushed you into inviting me out—” 
“You didn’t push me. I wanted to invite you.” 
You look to him, simply giving him a small smile. “Thank you.” 
The two of you continue your walk back to the venue, but you abruptly stop and tug on Namjoon’s sleeve. 
“What’s up?” 
You point to an open park and, with another hand, you lightly shake his arm like an excited child. “Let’s go in there.” 
He smiles at the sight. “Okay, let’s go.” 
Your eyes gleam at him and you’re practically wiggling with excitement, before you sprint over towards the park gates like a child. 
He shakes his head with a chuckle as he follows behind you. By the time he’s caught up with you, you’re already settled underneath a nearby tree with a view of the lake. He heads towards you in long strides and silently seats himself next to you. 
You’ve already finished your ice cream—its remains left on the side. Namjoon manages to finish his, which isn’t hard considering how it’s half melted and less cold. White noise plays as you two sit back and relax. There’s a couple of bikers, dog walkers, and other couples that occupy the public space. But, for most of the time, it’s just the two of you in silence. 
It’s broken once you let out a loud breath and fall back onto the grass. You shift a bit, trying to make yourself comfortable, and tap the empty space behind him. “Come on, Joonie. It’s just me.” 
“Okay, okay,” he says. “Just give me a sec.” 
He leans back, feeling the prickly grass brush against his neck, and rests his hands behind his head. You frown from the distance, easily pulling his arm and resting your head on it, scooting closer to him. 
His breath gets caught in his throat from your proximity, but he doesn’t move away—almost in a near frozen state as you continue to lean on him. Right now, all he hopes is that you can’t hear how hard his heart is anxiously beating in his chest. 
Instead, he tries to focus on the clear evening sky. It would have been nice for the stars to be out, but this is just as fine (although, the view can be done without all the red helicopter lights that pass by). 
You let out a sigh, feeling a lot more sober compared to before. “Time is weird, huh?” 
“What’d you mean?” 
“It’s just—” You pause. “One moment, we’re just college students messing around and now we’re adults, doing things like jobs and going to the post office or something.” 
He chuckles. “The post office?” 
“Ugh.” You lightly hit him to get him to stop laughing. “You know what I mean.” 
“Yeah,” he says with a sigh of his own. “I get it. It’s just… we’re grown ups—” 
“Ew, please don’t say that.” 
He chuckles again. “Look at us though. Could you have even imagined telling your younger self that the most eventful thing you’ve done this week is go to a wedding?” 
“Weddings can be fun,” you try to defend. “There’s free food and good music.”
“Good music?” 
“Better music than all those cringey ass middle school mixers.” 
“You’re right about that,” he says. “I think I’ll die if I hear another remix of a top 40 hit song again.” 
“You know which remix I hated the most?” 
“Which one?” 
“Love You Like A Love Song club remix.” 
He lets out a hearty laugh from your answer. “I didn’t know that was a remix.” 
“It is and it’s absolutely terrible. They did Selena so dirty.” 
“Did they now?” 
“Absolutely, Joonie. It’s a fucking monstrosity.” 
You look dead serious, which is probably what makes him laugh even harder than before. His laugh dies down to a chuckle. There’s another moment of silence afterwards, the two of you focusing your attention on the calm atmosphere from the silence of the park and the calm waters that lightly splash from a safe distance. 
The silence is interrupted as your phone goes off. Namjoon watches as you simply take the phone that was placed next to you. The light of the phone shines against your features briefly before you turn it back off. 
You make eye contact with him and he has to turn away, clearing his throat from being caught. “What’s up?” he asks. 
“Nothing really,” you say. “I just got a reminder for another wedding I have to go to.” You wave your phone, despite the blank, black scene. “I have to RSVP later… at some point.” 
He hums, understanding the situation. Suddenly, you sit up as you shake him lightly, causing him to sit up as well. 
“What?” he asks with apprehension. 
There’s a glint in your eyes that Namjoon is unsure as to whether or not he likes. 
“Remember that favor you owe me?” 
“You wanna come to my friend’s wedding with me?” 
He leans back with a hand on the grass, contemplating whether or not he should. Would this count as a date? Nevertheless, an unofficial third date? 
He does owe you a favor too… 
So, it makes sense for him to accompany you to return the favor. 
He finally looks to you, whose head is tilted towards him in curiosity with a smile that shines brighter than the sun and eyes that sparkle more than any star in the sky. 
“Come on, Joonie. It’ll be fun.” 
“Count me in,” he says. “Consider it a favor being repaid.” 
Your smile turns into a beam before you settle back onto the grass with your eyes closed. “Let’s stay here a little longer.” You sigh. “I’m going to keep you for a bit, before I have to share you again.” 
He lets out a sigh of his own, but you don’t hear it. 
He’s already yours for the taking.
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April 18th, 2020 
Saturday, 9PM 
Tiffany’s Reception 
Rosey Pink Palace
“I’ve known Tiffany for over ten years,” Jessica says. “I’ve lived with her, worked with her, and that meant learning a lot about her, as a person and a professional. She’s someone who finds the balance between idealistic and realistic. She has been looking forward to finding her Prince Charming and now she gets to have her fairytale ending. I have never seen Tiffany as happy as I’ve seen her with Kaun Yin.” She pauses, looking at the two. “So, let’s raise a glass to congratulate the Pink Princess for finding her Prince Charming.” 
The other guests give a light round of applause for Jessica, who gives another wave and smile—before she takes back her seat at the main table. Conversation is sparked once again amongst the guests. 
At your table, Namjoon makes small talk with some of the others at the table (mainly those who he’d previously met at Junmyeon’s wedding). Despite the fact that this is your friend’s wedding, which is filled with literal strangers and acquaintances, he’s managed to mingle fairly well without your guidance. But that’s also the reason why he’s been dragged into a conversation with another table—i.e., the table behind him. 
“Tiffany and I went out for ice cream once and she basically shamed me for not getting sprinkles,” Evan says. “I’m betting her cake is going to be the most colorful thing in the venue.” 
“The pinks aren’t colorful enough for you?” Nichkhun asks with a teasing smile. 
Namjoon lets out a laugh. “It’s called the Pink Palace, what other color did you—could you have expected?” 
“I thought maybe Kuan Yin would convince her to other colors,” Evan says. He lets out a sigh, swirling his wine glass. “I blame my optimism.” 
“If you know anything about Tiffany,” Nichkhun says. “Then you would know that no one could convince her out of something once her mind is set.” 
“How long have you known her?” Namjoon asks. “I bet it’s been some time now.” 
The handsome man ponders for a bit. “Probably about half a decade now,” he says. “Another one of my friends knew her and… we’ve been friends ever since.” 
“That’s a long time,” Evan says. “I’ve only known her for a couple of years. She helped me out with some of my Youtube videos.” He sips on his glass. “She did a makeover for me once.” He turns to Namjoon. “How long have you known her?” 
“Oh, I’m just a….” He tries to think of the word. Technically, he’s a date, so he should say date…. right? Something inside stops him from saying so though. “I’m just a plus one.” 
“Oh?” Nichkhun says with a tilt of his head. “Of who?” 
At that moment, you take back your seat next to Namjoon. You easily settle back in, giving him a smile, before noticing the other two. “Sorry, there was a line at the bathroom. Did I interrupt something?” 
“Not really,” Evan says. He points to Namjoon. “Is he with you?” 
“Yeah,” you say with a smile. “He’s my date.” 
He nearly chokes on his water at your words, but your smile just grows when you look at him. Before he can respond, the conversations come to a bit of a pause as the newlywed wife gets up from her spot, stealing the crowd’s attention. 
Tiffany makes her way up the main stage with a bedazzled, pink microphone in one hand and her dress in the other; Kuan Yin follows behind her with a hand holding the rest of her train, making sure she doesn’t trip on her way up the stairs. 
“Hello?” She taps on the microphone to double check. “Everyone, thank you so much for coming. We’re so glad you were able to make it. Let’s give one more round of applause for the maid of honor!” 
There’s another round of applause for Jessica and, once it dies down, Kuan Yin speaks into the microphone that remains in Tiffany’s hands. “She’s done a lot for us this past month and we’d like to thank her again for her hard work.” 
“Right now, we’re preparing for the cake cutting!” she says with a giggle. “Our wonderful servers are getting the cake ready and it will soon be out!” 
More light applause breaks the silence once more and, in a second, the two servers emerge from the kitchen with a rolling cart. 
On top of the cart is a three-tiered cake, various shades of pink are dotted around and smeared to look like a sophisticated art palette. Edible, at least what Namjoon thinks, glitter is decorated along the side and sparkles in the light. White frosting is decorated on the edges and sprinkles top them off. 
Well, Evan was right about one thing; it is colorful. 
You lean over towards Namjoon. “I’m betting there’s glitter inside the cake too.” 
“I’m willing to get into that bet too,” Nichkhun says. 
Namjoon and Evan laugh. 
On the other hand, Tiffany and Kuan Yin are already cutting the cake and passing it to the servers, who are immediately placing it on trays to serve to the other guests. You let out a little cheer once yours arrives. Next to you, Bora takes pictures of the slice that sits on her plate, showing them to both you and Na Eun, who’s sitting at her other side. 
“I’m glad she got the red velvet,” Bora says. 
“Yeah, it fits the aesthetic,” Na Eun replies. “And it definitely screams Tiffany.” 
You pick at yours a bit, splitting the cake to see the rest of the batter. “I totally called it. I knew there was gonna be glitter inside!” 
Namjoon just shakes his head, before grabbing a hold of his fork and diving into his dessert. 
As the cake is cut and distributed, the conversation builds up again and the sugar has started to hit. Your plate is cleared, but Namjoon can’t get past all the sprinkles (which is why they’ve been abandoned on the side of his plate and you took that chance to poke some fun out of him). 
In the midst of all the chatter, the newlyweds return back to the stage, along with Jessica, after the cake-cutting—with Taeyeon behind them, who has begun to set up the stage. 
“I would just like to thank all the guests, once more, who are here to support Tiffany and Kuan Yin,” Jessica says. “Right now, we have Taeyeon, another bridesmaid, who will be singing the song to their first dance!” 
Another round of light applause is given as Taeyeon gives a smile and wave. Meanwhile, Tiffany and Kuan Yin have arrived in the middle of the dance floor, looking at one another with so much love. Namjoon couldn’t help but be a bit envious. 
“Congratulations once more to the happy couple,” Taeyeon says. “This song is for you—I hope your happiness will carry on for the rest of your lives.” 
The guitarist starts to strum to a soft melody and Taeyon’s soothing voice starts to move throughout the venue. Other guests start to make their way to the dance floor as well, joining the slow dance. Namjoon moves his head along to the calm tune, swaying to it with his eyes closed. 
He hears your chair move and he peaks an eye open, only to see you standing with a hand out to him. 
“Would you like to join me for a dance?” 
“I thought we agreed I should never be dancing,” he jokes. 
You pout, putting your hand down. “We’ve been to so many weddings and haven’t danced once.” You put your hand out once more, wiggling your fingers underneath his chin. “Is little Joonie afraid?” 
“We both know I’m not the best dancer.” 
Your pout deepens and you take your hand away again. He has to stop himself from leaning back to your touch. 
“That’s your insecurity talking,” you say. “Besides you don’t know until you try.”
He lets out a sigh, hiding a smile, and wordlessly puts out his hand for you. “Okay, (Y/N). I trust you. Please lead the way.” 
Your pout turns back to a smile, easily grabbing his hand and leading him towards the bright tiles where the other guests are dancing. 
Taking the initiative, as per usual, you put his hands on your waist and lightly place your hands on his shoulders. He hopes you don’t notice how shaky his hands are, or how much more sweaty his palms have gotten. His heart pounds even harder in his chest from the close proximity.
He let out an exhale, trying to keep it under his breath to avoid hitting your face with his glittery cake breath. Despite being friends for the longest time, Namjoon can’t remember a time he’d been this close to you. There had been a couple of times when you would drunkenly cling to him or the time you asked for a piggyback ride… But he’s never seen you like this upclose. 
Under the sparkling lights, he can make out your features. Your eyes shine with excitement and anticipation, but he can’t tell from what. The way the slope of your nose dips is pretty, he notes—he’s never noticed. Your lips… they practically mock him. 
He can feel his throat feeling dry again. Where are the champagne flutes when he needs them? 
Even as he tries to avoid eye contact, your eyes don’t leave his face. A teasing smile appears when you take notice of his darkening cheeks. 
“What’s wrong?” you jib. “You’re doing good. Are you focusing all of your brain cells into your dancing?” 
He rolls his eyes at you, but it’s without malice. “Haha,” he says. “You know I didn’t have that many to begin with.” 
“You have 148 IQ.” 
“Let it go, (Y/N).” He sighs. “Let it go.” 
This time you roll your eyes at him, giving him a light shove. “You’re literally so smart. You need to embrace that more.” 
“Don’t get too cocky on my behalf,” he says. “I think I got burnt out by the time we graduated.” 
“Everyone gets burnt out,” you say. “Whether it’s emotionally, physically… Life has a way of doing that to you.” You lean a bit closer, settling your hands on the back of his neck. “What you choose to afterwards is how you decide its impact on you.” 
He straightens up a bit, but doesn’t necessarily move away from you, putting himself in a more comfortable position. “You don’t ever seem burnt out,” he says. “I wish I had that endless energy. I might actually be able to do something productive with my life.” 
“Hey,” you say. “You’re doing it again.” 
“Doing what?” 
“Downplaying your abilities.” You let out a sigh. “You did it, not even, two minutes ago. You haven’t even stepped on my foot; you’re going just fine.” 
He feels the heat on the back of his neck, hoping you don’t say anything about it. “Not yet, at least. Have you forgotten that tango class I accidentally registered for?” 
You grin from the memory. “Considering that we were able to grow closer from it and it was required, not accidental… I have not.” You tilt your head at him. “But did you forget?” 
“Forget what?” 
“How much you improved by the time the semester ended.” 
“I don’t know, (Y/N),” he says. “I didn’t get worse and that was all I was aiming for.” 
“Sure, you weren’t perfect, but you were pretty good by the end of it. Admit that, at least.” 
“Fine, I was pretty good at it.” He looks directly at you. “Satisfied?” 
“Not really, but I’ll take it.” 
The two of you sway for a bit, listening to the music and enjoying each other’s company. At some point, you lean against him with closed eyes. He smiles to himself, subconsciously pulling you closer and breathing in the faint scent of your shampoo. Letting out another sigh, he can’t help but think of himself that he could get used to you in his arms. 
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April 28th, 2020
Tuesday, 4PM 
The Roasted Bean
“Do you want to come to China with me?” 
You choke on your tea. “Shit,” you manage to cough out with. 
Namjoon scrambles to pass you the napkins and can only look at you with concern as you continue to cough. He waits for you patiently, expecting this kind of response from you.
When you had agreed to meet up with him for coffee, Namjoon said to himself he was going to plan what he would say to you… cut to the day of and he had planned nothing except, well, that. 
Damn, procrastination really doesn’t stop. 
“I’m sorry,” you say. You dab the corners of your mouth, trying to wipe off the remains of the tea that spilled from your lips. Your hands settle on the table as you look at him incredulously. “Did I hear that correctly?” 
“In hindsight, maybe I should have provided some context.” 
“A little would have been nice,” you say with a slight shrug. 
He lets out a sigh, shifting in his seat. “I’m going to Jackson’s wedding,” he says. “... which is located in Hong Kong. I made the reservation awhile back, so I took a couple of vacation days to go to it and join them in the festivities. I even got Jungkook to dogsit RapMon, but, then again, that could easily go downhill. But, I thought, you know, since we’re, like, wedding buddies, you might want to go with me?” 
“Wedding buddies?” you ask with a raise of your eyebrow. “I guess that’s one way of putting it.” You take another sip of your tea. 
“It’ll be fun?” he says with an awkward smile. “Besides, you know Jackson.”
“I’ve met him a couple of times, yeah.” You take another sip from your cup. “I obviously wasn’t close enough to get an invite, but I know him.” You try to think, as if you were pondering the pros and cons. “I do know some people who were going to be in the wedding too.” 
“You do?” He shouldn’t be surprised, but couldn’t help the curiosity. 
“Yeah, there’s Mark. There’s also Jinyoung and Youngji.” 
“Even if you didn’t know anyone,” he says. “It’s not like you won’t make new friends.” 
You give him a shy, but proud smile in return. “I do adapt well.” Your eyebrows round from a realization. “Wait.” You give him a confused look. “You were originally planning on going to China…. by yourself?” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks with a slight pout. “Is it a bad idea?” 
“No,” you say. “Rather the opposite.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“How do I say it?” you mutter, more to yourself than aloud. “I guess—it might just be because I know what you’re like.” 
“... Elaborate.” 
“It’s not supposed to be a bad thing. It’s just that—I say this with affection, okay?” You clear your throat a little and lean back into your seat. “You don’t really leave your comfort zone, which isn’t a bad thing—it’s just a bit surprising that you are willing to leave the comforts of your home.” He doesn’t get the chance to respond; you continue to talk. “But, another thing I know is you’re fierce loyal, so it’s not necessarily that surprising. Even then, it’s a good surprise because this might be good for you.” 
There’s a brief pause as he thinks to himself, absentmindedly swirling the remains of his coffee from his glass. You’re right (with both of your points). It’s not that he’s offended, or mad. It’s just that… you’re right. That’s it. 
He knows he’s more of an introvert, which isn’t a bad thing—he just takes a bit longer to adjust to new surroundings and unfamiliar people. He’s very self-aware of it rather than self-conscious about it. To be honest, he really didn’t think things through all the way; he couldn’t say no to Jackson, especially considering how close they are with one another. The thought of brushing up on his Chinese also crossed his mind momentarily, but this trip is really more about supporting Jackson and Hua Yi. 
He freezes, snapping out of his thoughts. “Sorry, I just, like, spaced out.” 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah, just lost in thought.” He clears his throat. “What were you saying?” 
“Nothing of that much importance, but—” You pause. “I just think this would be good for you, you know? You’d get some time off from work, get together with your friends, explore a new place, etc.” 
“It’s just a week or so,” he says. “It’s not much, but… it’s something.” 
“Yeah, but you never know.” 
He hums, agreeing with you, as he taps his fingers lightly against the table. The tapping stops. “Wait, you never answered my question.” 
“Wait, what was the question?”
  He chuckles. “Did you want to accompany me to Jackson’s wedding in China?” 
“Well,” you drag out, fiddling with your napkin. “I would need to see all the details, figure out a couple of things, but, overall…” You practically beam at him. “I’d love to.”
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May 13th, 2020 
Wednesday, 9AM 
East Asian Airlines
Incheon International Airport
You nearly elbow him as you try to settle into your seat. Your neck pillow barely hangs on your shoulders, as you reach over to adjust the incline and decline with one hand and manage your downloaded playlist on your phone with the other. 
“Whoa,” Namjoon says, trying to escape from your flailing arms. “You know this isn’t an overnight flight, right?” 
You let out an exasperated exhale that’s far more dramatic than it needed to be. “Joonie, comfort is always a priority.” 
“I didn’t say anything was wrong with comfort,” he started to say. “I’m just saying it’s a bit much for a four hour flight that you’re 100% going to fall asleep on.” 
Your jaw drops. “The audacity.” 
“Am I wrong?” 
Your jaw promptly closes at his words, your lips twisting to the side. “No,” you mutter.
He lets out a laugh, patting your head as some type of reconciliation—messing it up a bit. “Sorry, I only speak the truth.” 
You grumble in your seat once more, playfully glaring at him with a petty look in your eyes. Without breaking eye contact, you lightly slap his hand away and start to fix the mess he created on your head. “Says the man who told Taehyung he looked handsome after his home haircut, but okay. Pop off.” 
His eyes narrow at your sarcasm, but he doesn’t say another word. 
While you fiddle with the light and air conditioning functions above, he plucks out an airline magazine from the seat in front of him—in an attempt to ignore the numbness of his long legs due to the small, cramped area he’s been provided. 
Curse this capitalistic society and the stupid economy seats. 
He flips open a page, glancing through. Most of the pages are promotions for products that no one really needs. There’s also an absurd amount of pillows that they were insisting to be sold. Who needs a pillow that can work as a lap-desk? Or a bendable neck pillow that can be twisted into a hugging pillow? There’s also a pillow that can be folded into a miniature pillow. These are all awful, he thinks. 
As he inwardly questions and critiques each product, he fails to notice that you’ve finished settling in, tugging on his jacket to get his attention. 
“What’s up?” he asks without looking up. “Finally settled?” 
“Say all you want, Joonie, but when I’m napping like a champ, you’ll be restless in your spot like a chump.” 
He stifles his laughter, raising his eyebrows from your words, flipping through the pages without actually looking through them. “Okay, (Y/N). Whatever you say.” In his peripheral vision, he can see you pouting from his lack of reaction. 
You lean back in your seat, taking another deep breath. “You know, I think this is the first time we’re traveling together, isn’t it?” 
“I think it is.” He looks at you. “This is our first trip together.” 
“Well, first overseas trip.” 
“First overseas trip,” he says with a hum. “You think there’ll be more?” 
You smirk. “Only if this one is a success. But, for now, we’re just wedding buddies.” 
“Wedding buddies?” He lays a hand on his heart in mock hurt. “We’ve known each other for years and this is what our relationship has come to?” 
“You defined it first,” you say with a poke of his chest. “If anyone is to blame, it’s you.” 
His lips are pulled back—half frustrated at himself and half disappointed. Before he can retort, the bell has been rung and the attendant’s voice comes on over the intercom. 
“All passengers, please take your seats as we are taking off at 9AM sharp.” 
Another bell rings and the seatbelt image flashes on. The attendants go around, checking the seatbelts and others begin to start the safety procedures. Namjoon tries to remember it all, but eventually finds himself accidentally tuning out the information. Sensing his panic, you remind him that it’s also in the same pocket he’d been grabbing magazines out of. 
After a little while, the plane starts to ascend. Both you and Namjoon wordlessly look out the window, taking in the view as the buildings get smaller and smaller. Once the captain had announced that passengers are now allowed to roam about the cabin (with reason, of course), you lean back in your seat and plop in your other headphone. 
“Wake me up when we’re descending?” you ask. 
He nods, letting you play your music and close your eyes. About twenty minutes pass and you’re already asleep, But, your neck pillow is still barely hanging on your shoulders. He manages to adjust it comfortably for you, without waking you up—he’d call that a victory for his clumsy ass. 
To pass some time, he goes through some more magazines, eventually getting bored of them. He should’ve downloaded a playlist or something; granted, you did nag him a bit to do so at the terminal gate because you didn’t want him being bored on the plane. 
As usual, you were right. 
He looks over at you once more, before deciding that he should nap too. 
If he’s being honest, he was too nervous last night to get any sleep at the thought of spending, nearly, an entire week with you… in an unfamiliar country. He really didn’t think these things through. On one hand, it’s normal to invite long-time friends on trips and go to events together, platonically. On the other hand, he technically had feelings for you. But, he also thought those feelings had died down… until he actually started to talk to you again. 
Deep down, he knows the feelings never really died but that’s a conversation he’s not ready to engage in. But, he’s also aware that he’s stupid and lacked the brain cells to even think of the possible cons that would come when he invited you to an overseas wedding...
Sleep, Namjoon thinks. Sleep is great for avoiding problems like these. 
He lets out a long sigh, settling into his seat with a close of his eyes. 
Yes, sleep is the best solution. 
Ding. “Passengers, you will need to return to your seats soon as we are close to our destination.” Ding. 
As Namjoon starts to regain consciousness, the light from his window that shines on his face stirs him awake. He lets out a sigh, lifting his head from yours as he rubs his eyes. You remain asleep on his shoulder with your headphones still intact, but your neck pillow sits uselessly in your lap. 
He’s suddenly awake and aware of your current position. He unconsciously clears his throat, instantly feeling thirsty, causing you to shift a bit closer to him. 
The intercom comes on once more. “Once again, passengers, if you could please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts, we’re going to begin to descend soon.” 
From the announcement, he lightly shakes you. “(Y/N),” he whispers. 
When it doesn’t work, he shakes you a bit harder. “(Y/N).” 
You let out a groan from being awoken. “Ten more minutes.” 
He shakes you again with a bit of a laugh. “You don’t have ten minutes.” 
“Give me ten minutes then.” 
“No, wake up.” 
“(Y/N),” he whines. “Wake up.” 
You let out another groan, reluctantly opening your eyes—immediately shutting them from the bright lights of the afternoon sky. “Are we there yet?” 
“Nearly,” he says. “Why did you think I woke you up?” 
“To torture me?” 
“I wouldn’t do that to my precious wedding buddy.”
“Damn,” you say. “Your sass levels are up.” 
He laughs in response. 
Your conversation is interrupted as the bell rings once again, the attendant’s voice filling the air. 
“All passengers, we are descending to our destination.” 
You let a small squeal of excitement from the official announcement, leaning out towards the window to take in the new sights. He can’t help but smile at your childlike wonder, moving himself out of the way for you to take in the scenery as the clouds start to part. 
“We apologize that there will be a bit of turbulence, so if you may all please fasten your seatbelts for your safety. Once again, we are starting our descent—passengers, we welcome you to Hong Kong. Thank you for choosing to fly with East Asian Airlines. We hope you’ve had a wonderful trip.” 
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A/N: Thank you for reading the first part of Plus Two! Please do not ask about updates—you can check the upcoming page to check on the status of the second half! 
22 notes · View notes
noona-clock · 5 years
A Familiar Face ✨🏰
Harry Potter au with Eric Nam?!?!? 😉
YAAAAAS,  @trishmarieco​! YAS! Thank you!!!! This isn’t Halloween-themed at all, but I got an idea in my head, and I just went for it!
Genre: Harry Potter!AU
Pairing: Eric Nam x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Part 1, 2, 3, 4 | Words: 3,912
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Oh, no.
Almost immediately upon setting foot in the staffroom at Hogwarts, you saw him. And you froze.
What was he doing here? 
I mean, presumably, he was sitting in the staffroom talking to Professor Longbottom because he, himself, was a professor. Why else would he be here?
But... really?
Eric Nam, the most popular Gryffindor of your year, a professor? At Hogwarts? Not some high-falutin’ Auror or a well-known broadcaster for the Wizarding Wireless Network or... well, something with a bit more status than a mere teacher?
And then you heard quite the impatient ahem behind you before a voice next to your shoulder made you jump: “Isn’t it a bit early for pranks, Ms. Y/L/N?”
Your heart skipped a beat as you turned, your wide eyes landing on Headmistress McGonagall. “P--pardon, Headmistress?” you stammered.
“No students have even arrived and yet someone seems to have transfigured your feet into blocks of concrete,” she said in that tone of hers. You know the tone. The tone which made you wonder if she was annoyed or amused. ...Or both.
Probably both.
“I...” you began, but you were still quite in shock from not only seeing Eric Nam in the staffroom but by your boss’s accusation regarding your feet.
“What I’m trying to tell you, in not so many words, is to get moving, Y/L/N,” McGonagall added with something which could have been a chuckle but which also could have been another impatient ahem.
Without another word, you scrambled inside the staffroom, allowing the headmistress to pass by you so she could begin the annual beginning-of-year meeting, the reason why all of the current professors were here in the first place. 
She took her spot at the head of the table so everyone could see her; you, on the other hand, slunk to the farthest corner, trying to keep out of Eric’s sight so he had no chance to recognize you.
...Who were you kidding, though? He wouldn’t recognize you even if he did see you.
As previously mentioned, he had been the most popular Gryffindor of your year. One of the most popular Gryffindors since Professor Longbottom -- since Harry Potter himself, even! Everyone had known him because he... well, he was Eric! He was nice and friendly and outgoing and funny and smart and fearless, and there was just something about him which made him popular.
And you? You had been a stereotypical Ravenclaw. A glasses-wearing, nose-in-book, people-fearing nerd. 
You’d had two friends, maximum -- not including your professors, of course. Your professors had always loved you, and that was a huge reason why you’d wanted to come back here as a professor yourself. But as far as friends your own age? Two.
You’d been shy and quiet and scared, and probably the first time most of your classmates had even heard your name was when you were recognized at the end of your seventh year for academic excellence. You had taken ten N.E.W.T. classes and had received an Outstanding mark on all ten of your exams, so Headmistress McGonagall had seen fit to award you with a Medal of Magical Merit. (And when you had come to her with an interest in filling the History of Magic professorship left by Professor Binns several years later, she had hired you almost instantly - but that’s neither here nor there.)
So, really, you and Eric had been about as opposite as opposite could be. In fact, he hadn’t even spoken three words to you during your entire seven years at Hogwarts.
He hadn’t spoken three because he had spoken exactly two: Excuse me.
You had been standing in his way once in the hallway during your fifth year, and he had murmured those two words in your ear as he’d weaved through the crowd.
And just how did you remember this, you ask? It’s not like the two words had been something as memorable as You’re beautiful or Date me or Be mine...
Okay, fine! You remembered the exact two words he’d said to you -- and the exact time and place -- because you’d spent all seven years with a major crush on him. As cliche as it may be, you had been charmed by his good looks and his warm personality and his penchant for taking risks. 
And his good looks.
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And, as you took your seat as far away from his as you possibly could... you were able to deduce those good looks had not faded. They’d done the opposite, actually.
His shoulders were a bit broader. His jawline was a bit sharper. His hair, rather than being shaggy and constantly in his eyes as it had been during his teenage years, was now combed back neatly from his forehead.
In other words, the years since graduation had been nothing but kind to him. Of course. Why would you expect anything else? Eric was just that kind of guy. If anything the least bit unfortunate had ever happened to him, you’d never heard about it.
“...Ms. Y/L/N, returning to History of Magic for her third year,” McGonagall announced, her voice bursting through your daydreams. You jumped a little, eyebrows raised as your fellow professors clapped politely for you.
A very tiny smile quirked at your lips, but you didn’t even have time to sneak a glance at Eric before McGonagall moved on.
“And, finally, we are lucky enough to welcome back another former student this year. Mr, Nam will be taking over Defense Against the Dark Arts. I have assured him the position is no longer cursed, as its last occupant was here for eight years, but let us wish him luck anyway.”
The staffroom filled with more polite applause and Eric lifted a hand in greeting, looking around at as many fellow teachers as he could with a friendly smile on his lips.
He made eye contact with you for a brief moment, and your heart leaped up into your throat. Before he had a chance to look away, you forced yourself to smile at him.
And, much to your surprise, he smiled back.
You had no reason to be surprised because he was an incredibly polite and friendly person. Of course, he would smile back at you.
But it was the first time you’d ever received a smile from the biggest crush you’d ever had in your entire life, so it was just a little bit exciting.
But also pathetic.
You were no longer a teenager; you hadn’t been for quite a few years. You hadn’t even seen Eric since you’d left Hogwarts as a student. By all intents and purposes, you should be over him.
But your reaction to seeing him here in the staffroom and to seeing him smile at you?
You were definitely not over him.
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“I trust we will have a wonderful year,” Headmistress McGonagall announced at the end of the meeting. “We will, yes. I know you all will have a wonderful year. It’s the students we must worry about.”
A low rumble of chuckles filled the room, and when McGonagall nodded her head to dismiss everyone, the vast majority of the professors stood and headed toward the door to finish getting ready for the feast later that evening.
You stood, too, but you didn’t move from your spot in the corner. You found you couldn’t make your legs move even one inch because Eric was walking over to you. And you knew he was walking over to you because the other professors around you had left already, and... he was looking right at you.
Oh, god.
You were not prepared for this.
Eric Nam was about to say his third word to you -- and, most likely, his fifth, sixth, seventh, and who knew how many more -- and you had no idea what they were going to be or what you were going to say back to him or what --
“I thought I recognized you when you walked in,” he began when he reached you, his lips curved into a lopsided grin. “And then McGonagall said your name. We were in the same year, right?”
You nodded. “Yes,” you replied breathlessly. To be honest, you were surprised you even managed that.
“You won the Medal of Magical Merit,” he continued, nodding and looking rather pleased with himself for remembering. “Was it nine N.E.W.T.S.?”
“Ten,” you told him with a somewhat panicked smile.
“Ten! And didn’t you get Outstanding on all your exams?”
Again, you nodded, though you couldn’t quite get any words past your lips at the moment. The fact that he remembered all of this was too overwhelming. In the best way possible.
The lopsided grin on Eric’s lips transformed into a full-blown smile, one which pierced right through your heart. “Wow,” he chuckled. “No wonder McGonagall snatched you up to teach here.”
A soft, somewhat strangled chuckle escaped your lips, and you shifted a bit awkwardly. “I wanted to, actually. But, you’re right, she didn’t hesitate in hiring me.”
He slid his hands into his pockets then, turning and making it clear he was about to leave. You jolted into action, taking a step toward the door and trying to control your breathing as he walked beside you.
“It’ll be nice to have a familiar face here,” he said as you dodged one of the armchairs on the way to the door.
A... familiar face? Really?
“To be honest,” you began, your voice a bit shaky. “I’m surprised you even remember me.”
You glanced over at him, and you saw his brow had furrowed slightly with confusion.
“Really?” he asked, and now your brow furrowed slightly with confusion.
“Well... yeah,” you chuckled. “I don’t think we ever even spoke when we were here. As students, I mean.”
You decided not to mention the two words -- the only two words -- he had said to you during those seven years.
“Ah,” he murmured, his tone filled almost to the brim with guilt. “I mean, yeah -- I didn’t --”
Rather than hear whatever his excuse would be for not ever noticing you in school, you decided... it was all water under the bridge now, right? Teenagers were a whole different species, and the two of you were adults. If he wanted to make your acquaintance now, did it really matter that he hadn’t back then?
No. It really didn’t.
“It’s okay,” you interrupted with a soft laugh. “No one really noticed me. I was even more shy and quiet back then than I am now. I literally had, like, two friends who weren’t teachers.”
“It’s not like I didn’t notice you,” Eric corrected as he held out an arm to usher you through the staffroom door. “I did notice you.”
And, unsurprisingly, your heart skipped a beat. 
“I just... noticed that you were shy and quiet,” he admitted with a guilty chuckle. “Plus, we were in different houses, so... -- we were in different houses, right?”
“Yes,” you laughed, nodding. “I was in Ravenclaw, not Gryffindor.”
“Ah, so you know which house I was in,” he replied a bit teasingly.
“Of course,” you said as you felt your cheeks warming. “You were the most popular student in our year. Everyone knew who you were back then.”
“Okay, not every --”
“Everyone,” you confirmed. “I was invisible, so if I knew who you were, then everyone knew.”
“Well,” Eric said with what sounded awfully like a bashful chuckle. “Now it’s the opposite. I’m the new guy, and literally, all of the students and teachers know you.”
“This is true,” you replied. It’s funny that you hadn’t thought of it that way before.
“So... maybe you could kinda... take me under your wing? Be my mentor?”
Truly, you almost stopped walking. You almost froze right there on the spot, just as you had when you’d first seen him sitting in the staffroom next to Professor Longbottom.
But, somehow, you managed to keep your composure.
“Really?” you asked, your eyebrows halfway up your forehead in astonishment.
“If you want to,” he answered quickly. “If you don’t, I totally understand. I haven’t even taught a single class, and already I can see how much work it’s going to be. If you won’t have time, it’s really fine --”
Oh my god. He was rambling, and it was one of the most adorable things ever. He was rambling much like you would have rambled if you’d ever had a conversation with him back when you were any age from eleven to seventeen.
Obviously, you didn’t think his rambling meant he had a crush on you, but still. It was... oddly satisfying to hear the most popular student of your year rambling as he talked to you.
“No, I would love to,” you assured him. “I was just surprised. But, yes, I will gladly show you the ropes. And... the first thing you should know.”
“I’m listening,” Eric replied curiously.
“The Potter kids and the Weasley kids.”
“Don’t mention anything about... the Potter and Weasley things. They don’t like to be the center of attention that much. At least, not because of who their parents are,” you explained.
“Got it,” Eric nodded. “Any other students I should watch out for?”
“Oh, you’ll learn who soon enough,” you chuckled.
“Come on!” Eric laughed. “I thought you said you were going to help me!”
“I am! But it’ll be way more fun to let you figure that particular part out on your own.”
“And here I was thinking you were nice,” he teased.
Truly, you couldn’t believe this was happening.
Eric Nam. Most popular student in your year. The one you’d had a crush on all throughout school. (The one you have a crush on now.) 
Eric Nam was teasing you. He was laughing and smiling and asking you to help him and basically wanting to be your friend.
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The welcoming feast that evening went as well as can be expected: there were no mishaps or pranks, no loose trolls, no basilisks... Even though you had come here long after all of the terrifying events of Harry Potter’s time, you still liked to measure the success of a Hogwarts event by the absence of a lethal creature.
Quite a few of the first-years had gotten sorted into Ravenclaw, which still made you happy despite the fact you were not the Head of House. And, of course, the food was delicious.
But one thing which stood out to you was the fact that Eric sat next to you at the professor’s table at the front of the Great Hall. He smiled at you, talked to you, laughed with you. He even expressed his relief after Headmistress McGonagall introduced him and made him stand up, saying all those adolescent eyes on him made him incredibly nervous.
“They’re not so scary once you get to know them,” you whispered, resisting the urge to reach over and pat his arm reassuringly. You felt more comfortable in his presence, yes, but not that comfortable.
“Yes, but you’re used to Ravenclaws,” he reminded you with raised eyebrows. “Gryffindors...”
“...Oh, yes. You’re quite right about that. Well, I can’t help you there,” you sighed, trying your best to keep a smile from forming on your lips. “You’re on your own.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“You’re welcome!”
If you could go back in time right now and tell your seventeen-year-old self that, one day, you would be sitting next to Eric Nam and conversing playfully with him... Well, obviously, you wouldn’t believe yourself.
When McGonagall dismissed everyone after dessert, both you and Eric stood and began to make your way to the side door as all of the students headed out through the front of the Great Hall. 
“Are you ready for tomorrow?” Eric asked as you filed out with the rest of the professors.
“I guess,” you sighed. “As ready as you can be.”
“So, it gets easier, then?” he asked with a nervous twinge in his voice.
“What, the first day of classes?”
Eric nodded, and a smile quirked at the corner of your lips.
“Easier, yes,” you assured him. “But it’s never easy. You’re a Gryffindor, though, so that shouldn’t scare you.”
“No, of course, not,” he chuckled.
You began to walk toward the part of the castle which housed all the teachers’ rooms, the two of you falling into a companionable silence for a few minutes. But then your curiosity got the better of you.
“Can I... ask you a question?” you inquired, your brow knitting together gently.
“Ask away,” Eric replied.
“Why did you become a teacher?” And when he didn’t answer right away, you continued. “I mean -- you were so popular, I figured you would become something... I don’t know, like a broadcaster for WWN. A politician, maybe even run for Minister of Magic. You were as popular and well-liked as Harry Potter -- okay, almost. But, still. You know what I mean.”
“I know what you mean,” he said softly, nodding. “But... the thing is... Harry Potter wasn’t popular because he was well-liked. He was popular because he overcame all these crazy challenges. And because he was a cracking good wizard. I was popular because I was nice.”
And good-looking, you thought to yourself.
“But being nice doesn’t get you as far as you think. When it came down to it, I was just an average wizard. I am an average wizard.”
“I highly doubt that’s true,” you declared, shaking your head. “McGonagall wouldn’t’ve have hired you for Defense Against the Dark Arts if you were just an average wizard.”
“Okay, maybe I’m slightly above average,” he relented. “But the truth of the matter is, I wasn’t popular for a specific, special reason. When I left Hogwarts, I realized that people knowing your name doesn’t get you too far unless it’s because you’ve actually done something. I tried to get a job in the Ministry, but there just wasn’t anything I was particularly good at. I always liked learning about Defense Against the Dark Arts, so I wrote to McGonagall on the off-chance she needed a new professor, and... here I am.”
It shouldn’t have, but it actually made you feel better that someone as popular as Eric Nam had discovered that... popularity wasn’t everything. It didn’t automatically make your life better or easier. In the back of your head, you had always wanted to be more popular, but your shyness had won out -- obviously. And now you were glad of it.
“I should actually be asking you the same question,” Eric said, interrupting your thoughts. “Why are you here when you could have any career of your choice? Ten Outstanding N.E.W.T.S.!”
A flush warmed your cheeks, and you did your best to hide a bashful smile. “I’m here because this is my career of choice,” you answered. “I loved school, and I loved learning. I couldn’t think of anything else I wanted to do besides helping kids who love learning, too. And even those who don’t.”
“Which, I assume, there are a lot of,” Eric said with a smirk.
“Absolutely,” you chuckled.
“I have to say, that’s really admirable,” Eric told you as the two of you shuffled along down the corridor. The teacher’s wing was not far off, now, so you would have to say goodnight pretty soon.
And you realized that you really didn’t want to. You wanted to keep talking to him... for hours.
“Is it?” you murmured shyly.
“To have the potential for any career, to be able to have so much power and status, and you choose to help the younger witches and wizards of our community. I --”
He cut himself off, and you forced yourself to wait ten whole seconds before speaking.
“You... what?” you asked.
Eric slowed, eventually stepping to the side of the corridor and coming to a stop. You followed him, of course, your heart pounding with anticipation.
He took a breath, his brow furrowing before he looked up and made eye contact with you. “I’m just starting to realize how sorry I am that I never got to know you back then.”
“What?” you replied without hesitation, laughing softly. “Why would you be sorry?”
“If I had known how cool you were, we could’ve ruled the school together,” he said as his lips curved into a grin.
“Oh, I did not want to rule the school,” you chuckled. “And what do you mean ‘cool’?! I’m the furthest thing from cool, I can assure you.”
Eric simply studied you for a few moments before shaking his head quickly.
“You’re wrong,” he said. “Trust me, I know.”
You were about to refute him yet again, but... you decided not to. If Eric Nam wanted to say you were cool, then why should you disagree? It was a good thing! He was seeing you in a positive light -- he was seeing you. Period. That had been all you’d ever wanted all those years ago, and now... it was finally coming true.
“Well,” you said a bit breathlessly. “There’s nothing we can do about the past now. We only have control over the present and the future.”
“Very true,” Eric nodded. “So... will you let me make it up to you?”
“Make it up -- what do you mean?”
“We’re back at Hogwarts again,” he shrugged. “I was a jerk the first time we were here together, so I want to make up for it.”
“You weren’t a jerk!” you assured him with a grin. And if you were a bolder person, you would have playfully swatted at his arm.
“Okay, maybe not a jerk,” he admitted. “I was just... blind. An idiot.”
“Oh, stop,” you chuckled, shaking your head.
“Anyway,” he interjected. “Whether or not you let me, I’m going to make up for it. I’m going to be your friend.”
You lifted your hands up in mock surrender, doing everything in your power to keep from smiling like a complete goofball.
“All right,” you told him. “I won’t get in your way if you’re that intent on it.”
Eric leaned in just a hair, one corner of his lips lifting into the slightest hint of a smirk. “I am that intent on it.”
And now, of course, your heart was racing so quickly you were surprised it hadn’t burst right through your ribcage. 
But then it got better.
Or worse, depending on how you looked at it.
‘Better’ because Eric’s next words made the future very promising, indeed. ‘Worse’ because you weren’t sure if you were going to be able to breathe properly for the rest of the night.
“...Were you always this pretty?” he asked quietly, his forehead wrinkling in thought.
Somehow -- you weren’t sure how, and you would never be sure how, but --somehow, you were able to keep up your playfully teasing tone, and you rolled your eyes at him. “Oh, please,” you scoffed. “Come on, let’s go. We need our rest if we’re going to make it through the first day of classes tomorrow.”
“What? I’m serious!” he retorted, though he still followed you when you moved toward the teacher’s wing just ahead.
You simply shook your head, chuckling softly to yourself and severely hoping Eric wasn’t able to hear just how quickly your heart was racing.
If tonight was any indication... this school year was going to be interesting.
Very interesting, indeed.
Part 2
421 notes · View notes
youarejesting · 5 years
Femme: 42
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Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, GDragon x Bigbang, Eric Nam.
Rating: Mature
Length: 4.6k
Warnings: sex, pregnant sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, oral (female receiving), spanking, Tae-Jin sandwich, praise, birth. NO PROOF READING OR EDITING.
Announcement: this chapter was so easy to write I think it was because of all you guys showing it love. 
Recap: Yoongi had a taste for baby food, the Bangtan family moves house, the BTS Femme channel grows some more and Kyungju goes to daycare. You make an unlikely friend and save him from peril. Sharing an intense moment with Namjoon in the hospital. Namjoon’s father, the bean that he is, makes a new friend in Eric. 
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Seokjin dressed in his nicest button-down and his softest emerald cardigan. He picked up his blazer with a smile. You were old fashioned and so was he, his mother always told him to bring a handkerchief and a Jacket so he could give them to his loved one. Sneaking glances to the other side of the master walk-in closet. You were only wearing your lingerie but you picked up a beautiful emerald green dress and some flats. You must have noticed his colour choice and decided to match.
He watched you struggle to pull the dress down over your belly and decided to help. He took the hem and gently unravelled the back and it slid down with ease. Giving him a big smile you eyed him up and down. How could he be so handsome? With nimble fingers, he brushed your hair behind your ear and secured it with a beautiful clip. It was a silver feather and looked rather cute on.
“I like when I can see your pretty neck, my love” He undid your velvet black collar and placed it onto the dresser. You felt a wave of shame. It felt wrong to not wear it. It was like you did something wrong and was being punished, you reached out to grab it but he was already fastening something to your neck. He steered you to the mirror to see a beautiful choker necklace.
It was stunning and your eyes went wide. With a delicate yet intricate design, it sat securely to your neck and with white gold chains hung a crescent moon with a star inside. “This is something pretty you can wear when going out” Turning you pressed your lips to his tasting a honey flavour. He pulled you close your round belly preventing your bodies from really touching. “We should be on our way”
You followed him in a daze. Seokjin stopped picking up his dark Jacket and pocketing a handkerchief for the journey. Walking out, Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok were all dancing with Kyungju. They wished you fun on your date and you left to a Kombi van in the driveway. “I know it’s not the nicest of cars but, with our growing family this seemed like the best choice”
“A van seriously!” That wasn’t the way he expected you to say it turning to your bright smile and adoring eyes, you ran to the doors and threw it open, you explored the inside with a childlike nature. “It’s huge”
“You like it?” “You kidding this is my dream car” “When I was a kid we would always go places, but someone always had to stay behind as there wasn’t enough room, or we had to take multiple cars and that really made me mad, but, this is amazing. We can take a camping trip to Taehyung’s family farm, his father keeps asking for us to visit” You ran your hands along the seats.
Seokjin checked the time and grinned, “We have to get moving we have reservations, let’s go for a drive” He started the engine and pulled out onto the road driving sensibly, his hand resting on your thigh. Unwinding the window you laid your head just on the edge of the door so you could feel the breeze.
You were happy. Truly. There was nothing you wanted more than a drive on a warm night with a cool breeze. Arriving at a beautiful theatre you thought that perhaps you were watching a musical or ballet. But he led you through the crowds to grab some snacks and drinks. He waited outside the bathroom while you went. You knew you had to go before whatever you were watching.
You were glad of your choice as it wasn’t a musical, play or Ballet. It was a comedy show and you were laughing so hard enjoying the show. Seokjin was laughing so hard it made everyone laugh even more. After the show, you both ate at a buffet talking to your camera for your channel talking about your night. Laying your head on his shoulder listening to him sing to the radio. This was perfect. It always took Seokjin a long time to relax from work. You loved his childish side.
Arriving home giddy from the evening activities, you both headed to the bathroom. Seokjin ran a warm bath with scents and candles, he stepped in first and pulled you to sit between his legs. You laid back against his chest and he ran his warm hands over your belly, trickling warm water over the baby bump. He giggled into your hair as he felt the baby wiggle and move inside you.
“This baby is definitely JK’s, Kyungie barely moved in your belly, but this little one is an active one, and that scares me” Deciding to move to the bed when you yawned for what seemed like the thirtieth time. Sinking into the soft mattress your back clicking back into place as your spine stretched out, Seokjin draped his arm over your waist and held your belly his soft breathing in your ear.
Taehyung feeling your presence in his sleep rolled over sliding his hand past you to hold Seokjin’s waist his soft flat tummy pressed against your swollen one. He spoke to you in his sleep not really making sense but just mumbling to you. Your dreams were filled with vivid colours and strange concepts.
You woke the next morning still wrapped up in a Tae-Jin sandwich, you tried to escape to go to the toilet. They woke and laughed watching you waddle off to the bathroom. When you left the bathroom the two were still lying there looking so comfortable sharing kisses. They held their arms out wiggling their fingers enticingly in your direction. You crawled back in between them and they stripped you from your clothes kissing and touching you so gently.
Taehyung took out his camera and was snapping pictures of the two of you asking you about your date. Seokjin was kissing and massaging your body making loud moans escape your body. Taehyung fascinated by the sounds escaping your body covered your mouth with his and mingled his own to make beautiful harmony. Seokjin smiled up at you.
“Taehyung-ssi, let’s climb to the top” Taehyung grinned at his Hyung the two using two fingers to walk up the small hill that was your belly. “Wow, the view is so beautiful up here?”
After the playful banter and laughter between the two, you crossed your arms feigning anger. “No you are beautiful, we love you?” “Prove it?” “Are you sure you want this handsome Oppa to prove to you how much he loves you, you might regret it”
“I don’t see an Oppa, I see Taehyungie and an Ajhussi” you grinned and his mouth fell open. “The disrespect,” he said rolling you onto your side and spanking your bottom, he was in no way assertive like Namjoon, Hoseok or Yoongi but he played the part well none the less. “You will regret these words”
Lifting you onto your hands and knees he didn’t hesitate to join his lips to your heat. Taehyung grinned watching your mouth fall open unable to retort. You were a mess when he tongue circled your clit fingers curling deliciously inside your pussy. Hand lurching forward trying to grab for Taehyung, who interlaced your fingers together.
Taehyung was truly captivated by your beautiful bodies. His trousers were extremely tight and he shifted uncomfortably. You felt the warmth in your lower regions spreading while the coil in your stomach twisted further ready to snap. Seokjin pulled back, “Tell me, my love, If I am an Ajhussi then I must be too old to fuck you” he licked his lips wiping his chin with the back of his hand.
“I don’t think you are too old Hyung” Taehyung grinned at Seokjin, the two had been fooling around a lot, experimenting and switching the roles of their bedroom relations. You were always interested to see who took charge on their day to day intimacy. “Ah, then I shall have to fuck my Taehyungie instead unless someone wants to beg me.” Seokjin raised his eyebrows towards your panting form he really almost had you on his tongue earlier.
“Jinnie please, it was a joke” He didn’t listen climbing onto Taehyung and kissing him his hand sliding into the photographer’s baggy lounge pants. Taehyung was clutching the front of Seokjin’s shirt his back arched trying to suppress any sound. “Ngh…” Taehyung was panting heavily his strangled whines the only sound he could communicate. “Come on pretty boy, you can do it” Seokjin’s fist tightened around Taehyung’s cock pumping faster trying to send him over the edge. He was squirming unable to stay still as he came onto his stomach and chest.
“Jinnie can you please do that with me?” “What did you say?” “Can you please fuck me” you muttered “I can darling”
Propped up with pillows against the headboard, Seokjin knelt between your legs stroking his dick, He took his time burying himself between your wet folds. Taehyung was exhausted but grabbed his camera to take some photos his eyes never leaving the place where you two were joined. “That’s beautiful” he smiled you knew he had a strange way of seeing things and this had to be one of those moments. “It just looks like love”
Taehyung was so sentimental and found beauty in the strangest things.
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Jung kook was walking around the house in his tank top and gym shorts, he finished work hours ago and yet hadn’t had time to change. He was fiddling with his fingers and pulling at the hair to the new nursery, he was unsettled. You finally had enough and called him in. His eyes were shadowed, you knew whatever it was had been plaguing him for more than this evening “What is wrong Yeobo?”
“Nothing really” “Kookie, tell me please I want to know” “I am nervous, it’s getting closer and I don’t want to see you in pain again, I… I just can’t” “Kook, millions of women before me have had children in worse conditions, I think I can handle it okay, it’s enough to know you care” “I will be there and I will hold your hand the whole time” “You make it sound like it’s my first day of school, Kookie I would rather you weren’t there because I don’t want you to see me in pain or you will blame yourself for the rest of your life, I want you to be strong and wait with the boys and sing me that pretty song you all wrote for my birthday”
Gasping you took his hand and placed it against your tummy he waited patiently. This wasn’t the first time he felt the baby kick but it was his favourite thing. You loved how his face would light up his eyes sparkling and bunny teeth on show. He ran out the room his feet tapping against the floor, you were confused and before you could follow him he ran back wearing a jacket.
“I made something?” He opened the jacket to reveal a black shirt with white writing it read ‘Team Y/N’ and it had a bulletproof vest emblem over the heart. He smiled and held up yours and he flipped it over and it said ‘Mum’ on the back in Korean. He turned and you saw ‘Dad’ written on his back. He then held up two tiny suits one said ‘brother’ and another ‘baby’. “I made them for everyone, the boys have theirs laid out on the bed for later.”
You felt extremely encouraged, you were going to have your own little cheerleading team. The nursery was finally painted and decorated the theme was grey, white and pastel mint green, the clothing colours you had chosen were pastel mint green and white.
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You were finally full term, the due date had past and you were playing a waiting game. Trying everything safe to help you go into Labour. You were dancing not too vigorously when that didn’t work you gently bounced on a birthing ball. An Idea struck you and you walked into the studio and turned Yoongi’s chair. He froze looking up at you. Sweeping him into a kiss, he was quick to get the message pushing his equipment aside and taking you on the desk. That is until you felt the third contraction in the forty-five minutes of your activities.
He lifted your right leg and hooked it over his arm so he was able to fuck you deep, just like you liked. He was cumming hard inside you when he felt a warm wet feeling and he opened his eyes and looked down frowning. “Did your water break again?” “Yeah, I think it did?” “Why does this always have to happen to me” he laughed moving you from his desk before you ruined his expensive workstation and walked you to the master bathroom and started a shower, he helped you clean up rubbing your back when your contractions took over.
Your body must know what was happening because everything was progressing faster, you were more relaxed and not particularly scared as you had done this all before.
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The boys came home after work, each wearing team shirts that said ‘Dad’ on the back. Seokjin had picked up Kyungju and they all arrived to see you leaning over the back of the couch. Grabbing your bags and things you all piled into the van heading to the birthing clinic. Everyone was dressed in the team shirts that Jungkook had made and you updated your channel on the baby being on the way.
Your phone was buzzing, all your friends and family were messaging to wish you luck. Namjoon’s father and Eric were holding a good luck banner, and there was a message from Inshik telling you how strong you were.
The boy left when the active labour began and you were all business, you knew what to expect so you weren’t going to cry, not this time. You were pushing and breathing in time. The boys started singing outside the birthing suite. “Baby I know, I can make it better, I can hold you tighter…”
With them singing, you took deep breaths and pushed, but the baby didn’t cry. It was like a shock through the heart and the nurse cleared the airways and you heard the shrill cry that made tears pour from your eyes. The baby was placed on your chest and you sobbed it was the biggest scare of your life.
You took a shower and changed laying back on the bed ready to be taken to your wardroom, the boys all stepped inside they swarmed around you. Jungkook sobbing into your neck. They brought the baby over for the boys to see.
“It’s a boy Kookie, you have a son, I know we have been looking at a lot of potential names and I think I like the one you suggested first, Jeon Jeongsan.”
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“JeonJeon, has his mother’s hair” Hoseok smiled cradling the newborn while Jungkook hovered for his turn once more.
“He is cute our little JJ” You grinned as Jimin stepped in front of Jungkook for the next hold. It was like Jungkook couldn’t get enough of it. He would hear one noise and look at you panicked, just for you to tell him that it was a sneeze.
“Is he cold, I can get his blanket”
“Jaykay, he is perfectly fine, just relax, sit down and admire your son like a proud father” Yoongi smiled and pulled the maknae to sit beside him. “Tonight we shall toast some whiskey, what do you say, and I can impart some dad secrets”
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When you had brought the baby home Jungkook was hysterical, you couldn’t take him seriously. You walked in on him changing the baby in rubber gloves and a peg on his nose. 
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Taehyung starred at the baby and hummed, “his eyes are so big, they must be your eye shape, y/n, he looks like he could be part of an anime, look they sparkle”
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Namjoon was doing the washing. He placed the baby in the basket of dry clean clothes and made faces while stacking the washing machine. He left the laundry only to shout “THE BABY” and rushing back in apologizing profusely scooping up Jeongsan from his comfy bed and taking him to the living room. He had been quite peaceful curled up in the clean washing and you suspected he had a sensitive nose like his father.
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Jeongsan was definitely a sensitive baby, he almost refused to be held by anyone who wasn’t his biological father, to the point where Jungkook took longer leave off work to help settle the baby. He even refused to breastfeed so you were reduced to pumping so that Jungkook could feed the baby. He became a Mumma bear. Making sure his son had enough to eat, he knew all of Jeongsan’s cues and mannerisms. As much as you found it cute you were devastated that your baby didn’t want you.
That is until he was almost a month old, he woke up in the middle of the night crying, and wouldn’t settle for Jungkook, you took him into your arms and he settled instantly. He didn’t seem to want to leave you and after you fed him you felt yourself breaking down. You had held it in so long and pretended it didn’t bother you but the relief when he came to you to feel safe brought you comfort.
Kyungju walked into the room -he had discovered how to escape his crib recently- Woogie in one hand and two fingers in his mouth. He climbed up onto the bed and over every single sleeping figure until he found his father. Yoongi in his sleep lifted his arm and allowed the boy to settle into his chest.
After that night Jeongsan preferred to stay close to you, but when he fussed you took him to Jungkook and he nuzzled his father's shirt trying to smell his skin.
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Kyungju’s was one and a half and loved to play on his toy piano he got on his first birthday. Yoongi took the tiny toy and began playing songs for his son complaining as there were only ten keys and what could his son play. You had the audacity to tell your musical husband that you could successfully play hot cross buns and he threw a stuffed poodle at you. Kyungju copied anything his father did, this included and wasn’t limited to; sitting beside his father while he worked in the studio, while Yoongi played the piano he sat beside playing his toy one, making grunts instead of answering and some serious swear words you had scolded your husband for even though you admitted it was cute.
“Mama, JayJay Woogie” Kyungju said urgently and you grinned taking the small comfort toy from your youngest and handed it to its rightful owner. This brought up problems as your youngest wouldn’t settle, you ordered online a small soft bunny that resembled the soft Cat greatly.
“Come on my Ju, let's go get something to eat you want nummas?” You grinned and the boy squealed following you. “What do you want?” “Eggy Bread, Eggy Bread” he shouted it amused you how he thought an omelette shared any resemblance to bread. Hoseok scooped Kyungju up from behind and blew raspberries on the boy's belly tickling him. He stilled the wiggling child in his arms long enough to press a searing kiss to your lips. “No Daddy-bi dat my mummy”
“Oh is this your mummy, but I want to kiss mummy. Can I kiss mummy?” he asked the boy politely, throwing in a please for good measure the boy crossed his arms and shook his head. “No my mummy” He shouted once more covering Hoseok’s mouth when he leaned in for another kiss. “Just one kiss, please Juju or I will get sad” “Okay mama,” he said and Hoseok made sure he got his money worth kissing you for as long as he could.
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Not wanting to alarm anyone but you were experiencing some really bad issues. You were having trouble seeing, your eyes couldn’t focus but the optometrist said it wasn’t your eyes but your brain. Your hair had started to shed not excessively, but enough to notice a difference, you assumed it was because of the change in weather. There were days where you couldn’t physically eat without puking. You were losing so much weight. Randomly your limbs would go numb and you couldn’t feel anything. 
You had kept it all a secret but you had fainted one afternoon in front of Namjoon. Having to come up with an excuse that you were tired and dehydrated you were sent to bed with a bottle of water for when you felt thirsty.
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You watched Kyungju and Jeongsan grow up together, you smiled the older always taking his brother's hand and taking him on adventures around the house and backyard. The two would look at bugs and smile bringing them to show you their hands grubby with dirt and mud.
Kyungju turned two years old and was talking with almost proper words. He was still quite small. Yoongi’s mother assured you he was like that as well despite their appropriate appetites. Jeongsan was one year old today and you were holding a party in the park. It was June which meant the weather was amazing and you gave everyone ice cream from the van.
You smiled watching Seokjin talk about his new position as CEO after handling the account issues and managing the Hotel successfully all those years he was finally promoted working just under the board of directors. Eric was looking healthy and happy, he was getting ready for his final year at high school and was applying for both jobs and university. 
You felt your head spin momentarily before everything went black.
Waking in the hospital you sat up and everyone was standing around you, they had taken some tests while you slept and everyone was waiting on the results. A nurse came in and asked what you were experiencing and when you explained the boys were horrified that you kept something so serious from them. The fear in their eyes was intense.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get sick?” “Miss Y/N, is it?” The doctor knocked poking his head inside you nodded “It seems you are pregnant but your immune system is feeling quite attacked, it seems you haven’t received your vaccinations since being unfrozen, as the world develops new virus’ and bugs are created and you are no longer immune to this world, now three of these vaccinations are several harmful to an unborn child, and the rest are perfectly safe, you have a few options, you don’t seem far along in your pregnancy by the levels of estrogen and progesterone you are no more than a month or two. That being said we can Terminate the pregnancy and you these life-saving vaccinations or we can proceed with this pregnancy without the three major vaccines which are not recommended as it could kill you and the baby. Or we can give you the vaccinations and risk terminating the pregnancy or cause major side effects to your baby's development. The thing is, something is affecting you. We don't know which illness it is but it needs to be fixed as it is putting stress on your body essentially killing you slowly”
“I don’t want to terminate the pregnancy, give me all of them except the three major ones” “Wait we need to talk about this?” Namjoon said and they all looked alarmed
You had a major debate between the options and you stood your ground, you don’t know what it was, a mother’s intuition, hysteria or what but you knew you couldn’t terminate the pregnancy. Everything was going well, you were able to eat once more, you were feeling better and it was October. The boys were dressed up for Halloween and they went trick or treating in the neighbourhood. You were dressed up as a pumpkin and you walked the streets when you felt a sharp pain, you led the boys back home quickly and were trying to hold it together near them.
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You found out it was Taehyung’s baby and he was inconsolable for day’s he kept apologizing that it was his fault and you were going to die. You reassured him often you were feeling healthy and ready to take on the world. It took him a long while before he was excited for the new baby to come. He finally started talking to your baby and was delighted when the first kicks came in. He soothed the baby when it got restless with his deep smooth voice and decorated the new babies nursery he chose white grey fawn and hints of orange. You smiled as there were cute outfits he bought a beautiful little bear comfort toy that matched Kyungju’s cat and Jeongsan’s bunny. He sang strange songs to your belly every night. One afternoon you were watering the garden in a sky blue dress watching Kyungju pull his brother along chasing a butterfly.
“She looks like a blue parrot, would you come fly to me” His hands wrapped around you swaying you back and forth as he sang.
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Something was wrong, you weren’t due until January, but these were strong contractions. The boys weren’t home and you needed to go to the hospital. You laid down and the contractions stopped. Relieved you rested on the couch while the boys played and ate their snacks. Yoongi came home and walked over to the couch he rubbed your belly gently.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as your face was too scared for this to be okay. “I was getting contractions, but I am only six months Yoongi the baby won’t live if they are born now” “It’s okay, everything is okay?” He kissed you and you felt a popping sensation and a big gush of warm water escape you like in the movies. He froze and looked down as he was yet again the victim of your water breaking. “I call bullshit, I didn’t even touch you”
Jumping into action he got you all into the car and to the hospital, they laid you in the bed and did an ultrasound checking to see if the baby was under stress and how developed you were. “Your babies are in fact full-term, their heart and lungs look perfectly normal and they seemed ready to come out, we won’t delay the labour, but would you prefer to deliver them naturally or via C section?”
You were shocked he said babies as in more than one, you looked at your stomach which wasn’t extremely huge. “What do you mean babies?” “How many are in there?” “There are two?”
“You were waiting until you were fully dilated, Yoongi had started filming hoping the others would turn up soon. Taehyung ran in and was frantic, he grabbed your hand and started kissing you. “What’s going on, it’s too early?” Hoseok asked “The babies were further along than was estimated” Yoongi smiled “Welcome to the club” “Babies?” Namjoon picked up on the plural
You held up two fingers, with a giggle.
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Femme Media 42
Next chapter
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weeb-alcove · 4 years
2019 English Playlist
In English: 
“99″ - Barns Courtney
10ft - Eileen Yo
5 Seconds of Summer Babylon Easier Lie to Me  Teeth
88rising History Midsummer Madness ♪ from their album Head in the Clouds II ♬ Breathe I Love You 3000 II Indigo Strange Land These Nights
Affection - Between Friends
Aftertaste - Whethan
Ain’t Goin Back - Russ
Alan Walker Are You Lonely Different World Do It All for You Lily  On My Way Play
All Fall Down - Johnny Glenn & Ally Hills & Just Juice
All Over Again (remix) - Lost You & Michael Moawad
Another Summer Night Without You - Alexander 23
Aphrodite - Rini
Ariana Grande Esta Noche ♪ from her album thank u, next ♬ bloodline in my head NASA
Arms Around You - XXXTentacion & Swae Lee & Lil Pump
Ava Max Freaking Me Out (Bingo Players remix) Not Your Barbie Girl So Am I
Bae - Trevor Wesley
Bars and Melody Lighthouse (Dave Winnel remix) Waiting for the Sun
Bazzi Caught in the Fire Focus Mine Myself No Way!
Beat of My Drum - Powers
Benee Evil Spider Find an Island Glitter  Monsta Want Me Back  Wishful Thinking
Better Not - Louis the Child
Big Sean Berzerk Single Again
Billie Eilish everything i wanted  When I Was Older ♪ from her album WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? ♬ 8 bad guy bury a friend ilomilo  my strange addiction wish you were gay  xanny 
Birthday Party - AJR 
Break Your Heart - Taio Cruz
broken - lovelytheband
Caffeine and Dopamine - Keepitinside
Camila Cabello Find U Again  Señorita  ♪ from her album Romance ♬ Bad Kind of Butterflies  Liar My Oh My Shameless  Should’ve Said It
Cardi B Money Please Me
Catch Feelings - Henry Young & Zachary
Céline - Gallant
Cemetery - Coin
Chanel - Frank Ocean
Chase - Aaron Carpenter
Cherry Cola - Kuwada
Cigarette - offonoff & Tablo & MISO
Clairo Sofia Throwaway
Close to Me - Ellie Goulding & Diplo & Swae Lee
Cold - Boy In Space & unheard
Come My Way - Plvtinum
Conan Gray Generation Why Greek God  Maniac The King 
Creep - Radiohead (GAMPER remix & Dadoni & Ember Island)
Crush - Lucian & Tiffany Day
Crying My Eyes Out - Stephen Puth
Crystal Dolphin - Engelwood
Dangerous Love - Justice Carradine
David Guetta Better When You’re Gone Blame It on Love
Daya Insomnia Left Me Yet Wanted
Don’t Be Gone Too Long - Chris Brown
Don’t Lie to Me - Lena
Don’t Start Now - Dua Lipa
Eric Nam ♪ from his album Before We Begin ♬ Congratulations  Love Die Young
Everything - TobyMac
Eyes Wide Shut -  Glades 
Falling - Trevor Daniel
Fine - Rufus
Finneas I Don’t Miss You at All  Let’s Fall in Love for the Night
Fitz and the Tantrums Hand Clap Out of My League
Flower - Johnny Stimson
Friends - Feyde
Funeral - Miguel
G-Eazy 1942 Nadie Como Tu 
Get Away - Ed Black
Giants - Becky G & Keke Palmer & Soyeon & Duckwrth & Thutmose
Glass Animals Life Itself The Other Side of Paradise 
Greyson Chance Boots Shut Up
Halsey Eastside Graveyard
Heart in Tokyo - Good Gasoline
Heartstrings - STVN & Jenna Carlie
Her - Alex Aiono
Hey Violet Better by Myself Queen of the Night
High School - Umi
Hometown Smile - Bahjat
Honne  Crying Over You  Day 1
How Do You Sleep? - Sam Smith
IDK - Bruce Wiegner
I Fall in Like Too Easily - Ashton Arbab
I Feel Love - Suggi
If I Can’t Have You - Shawn Mendes
If You Need Me - Julia Michaels
If You’re Over Me - Years & Years
I Heart You - Baby Ariel
I’ll Be There - King Henry & Sasha Sloan
ILYA - Fly By Midnight
In Betweenin’ - Austin Brown
Indiana Massara Apology Smoke in My Eyes
i think i love you (but i dont like you) - push baby
It’s Not You It’s Me - 6LACK & Bea Miller
Japanese Denim - Daniel Caesar
Jaymes Young Infinity  Northern Lights 
Joji Sanctuary  Test Drive Yeah Right
Jonas Brothers Only Human Sucker
Juliet - Sebastian Javier
June - Sage Charmaine
Just My Luck - Tia Ray & Kehlani
Kailee Morgue Go to Sleep Headcase
Katy Perry 365 Harleys in Hawaii
Kiss Me Thru the Phone - Soulja Boy
Lalala - Y2K, bbno$
Last Hurrah - Bebe Rexha
Lauv Drugs & the Internet I’m So Tired
Lava Lamp - Dandi
Left to Right - Marteen
Lennon Stella La Di Da Polaroid Workin’ on It
Lifeguard - iamnotshane
Lovefool - The Cardigans
Love Me Wrong - Allie X & Troye Sivan
Love You Like That - Dagny
Madison Beer Fools  Hurts Like Hell
Maggie Lindemann Friends Go Would I
MAGIC! Girl at Coachella Lay You Down Easy 
Make You Mine - Public
Mango Love - Shawn Wasabi & SATICA
Mask - joe.k
MAX Love Me Less One Two Things Worship
Middle of the Night - Monsta X
Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince - Taylor Swift
MØ Blur Don’t Leave Kamikaze Nostalgia  On & On  Red Wine 
Mona Lisa - Valntn & Peter Fenn
mxmtoon Blame Game Prom Dress
My Family - Karol G & Migos & Rock Mafia & Snoop Dogg
Nobody - Emilee
No Sleep - Martin Garrix & Bonn
Nostalgia - The Beamish Brothers
NOTD Keep You Mine Romantic (NOTD remix) So Close
Ocean Man - Ween
October - Alessia Cara
Oh Wonder I Wish I Never Met You Super Love
Only You - Cheat Codes & Little Mix
On the Low - Justin Park
Pardon Me - Dion
Permission - New Hope Club
Pharmacy - Isaac Dunbar
Pink - No Rome
Post Malone ♪ from his album Hollywood’s Bleeding ♬ A Thousand Bad Times Circles Die for Me  Goodbyes Take What You Want 
Quinn XCII U & Us Wayback (remix)
R3HAB All Comes Back To You Don’t Give Up on Me Now Lullaby This Is How We Party
Raincoat - Kieron Lee & Chloe Ho
Rebels - Ivy Adara
Red Sippy Cup - Ellis G & Tristen the God
Rei Brown Picture Frames Real Love
Rescue Me - OneRepublic
Right Now - Nick Jonas & Robin Schulz
Rolex - Ayo & Teo
Roots - Galantis & Valerie Broussard
Roxanne - Arizona Zervas
Ruel Free Time Real Thing Younger
Say It to My Face - Maty Noyes
Selena Gomez Bad Liar I Can’t Get Enough
Sick Thoughts - Lewis Blissett
Skeletons - keshi
Speechless - Dan + Shay
Stay Home - Faye Risakotta
Sugarplum Elegy - Niki
Summer Love - Hyu
Summer Time High Time - Cuco & J-Kwe$t
Summertime in Paris - Jaden & Willow
Suncity - Khalid & Empress Of
Superfruit - Maude Latour
Sweet Little Lies -  bülow
Swimming in Your Feelings - Haven
Talking Loud - Jennifer Zhang
Tell Me - Mika-Intersection
tell me how you rly feel - adam&steve & Lostboycrow
Tessa Violet Bad Ideas Crush
Thank You - Junny
The Chainsmokers Family Kills You Slowly Takeaway
The Vamps All Night All the Lies Can We Dance  Just My Type  Middle of the Night Missing You  Somebody to You  We Don’t Care 
Think About Me - dvsn
Tired - Jasmine Sokko
Tomorrow Tonight - Loote
Virtual Reality - ieuan
Waste My Time - Grace VanderWaal
Why Don’t We Come to Brazil I Don’t Belong in This Club I Still Do Mad At You  Unbelievable  What Am I (Casualkimono remix)
Why Don’t We - Austin Mahone
Why Haven’t I Met You? - Cameron Dallas
Woke Up Late - Drax Project & Hailee Steinfield
Yellow Hearts - Ant Saunders
Yoandri All the Way Bravo Cherry on Top It’ll Be Ok Only You
You & Me - Marc E. Bassy
You Got Issues - spring gang & Amaranthine
Young the Giant Apartment  Cough Syrup
Zayn Rumors There You Are
In French:
Tous Les Mêmes - Stromae
In Spanish:
Rebeca - Mc Livinho & Gerex & Maejor
Teléfono - Aitana (remix with Lele Pons)
Monster Gambling in Tokyo - Idealism
Sorry I Like You - Burbank
Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit
4 notes · View notes
babbushka · 5 years
Two Doves (4/6)
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Drafted into a war he didn’t want to fight, Flip Zimmerman comes home to a country that doesn’t want him. With your help, he works through it all.
Flip Zimmerman x Reader
Word count: 8.3k, warnings: N*FW, violence, graphic description of injury, war, gun violence, mild assault against reader 
I was not a combat soldier, So, I was relatively safe, unless Our helicopter was shot at, unless Our jeep hit a land mine, unless Our base camp was rocketed, unless The enemy breached the perimeter. We were, after all, in a war zone.
-- Unknown 
Flip sits in one of the only bases they have, reading a newspaper in a language he doesn’t speak. He’s mostly in it for the distraction, makes up his own crossword as he sips his beer.
He’s in a club, really. What a weird place, he thinks, a club. It’s dark and damp and entirely made of straw, but it’s a club. There’s music playing off a crackling radio, surprisingly good signal for where they are in the middle of nowhere. Flip’s got his feet propped up on the table and the toe of his boots sway back and forth to the rhythm of it. For whatever reason, they’re playing swing music, even though it’s the 70s. Well, just barely, anyway.
The booze flows and the soldiers drink it.
Some of them drink too much.
Some don’t drink at all, and Flip commends them for that. He doesn’t think he could – doesn’t think he would want to get through this thing sober, this war.
He’s not the only one who takes notice of a boy – because really that’s what he is, a boy – stealing a spot at the bar, sidling up and asking only for a coca-cola. They notice and they snicker and they frown, and they conspire.
Flip knows what they’re going to do, and he’s already rolling his eyes, already returning to the newspaper he can’t understand.
“Hey new kid!” One of the older guys shouts, getting the attention of a brand new recruit, fresh-faced bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
Flip gives him all of a month before that cheerful nature goes away, is hardened by the reality of war. He hates that he thinks it, but he thinks it nonetheless.
“Yeah?” The boy asks, sounding very much like he’s trying to be nonchalant, and failing.
They all wind up surrounding him, and Flip watches carefully from him spot in the back of the club, watches in case he needs to go break up anything. It’s not that he doesn’t have friends among those people, it’s just that he’s only going to be here for a couple more months, his year coming to an end, and he figures it’s better just to get through it with your head down and try not to get killed.
“What’s your name?” They ask, and the boy puffs his chest out in a way that makes Flip roll his eyes once again.
“Eric Costell.” He tells them, and they laugh.
“Well Cost-ell,” The older guy with a big mustache and a shaved head crosses his arms menacingly, “Looks like you ain’t been informed on the way things work around here.”
“Oh yeah?” Eric asks, “And how do they work?”
Flip has to admit, the kid’s got guts, to talk like that to someone like that. The other men all mumble to themselves in an agreement of Flip’s own assessment, maybe this kid isn’t just another pipsqueak.
“If you want to sit with us, you have to drink with us.” Mr. Mustache says, and Eric falters for a moment.
“I can’t.” He winces, making them all jeer.
“What was that, rookie?” Someone else asks, probably the bartender, Flip doesn’t know.
“’M not old enough to drink.” Eric says like he’s ashamed, and Flip does look up now, does take interest, because that’s not fucking fair.
“But old enough to go to war, ain’t that fuckin’ something?” The bartender sucks his teeth and shakes his head, and all of the men sober up enough to realize just how young this kid is. “None of us is gonna tell on you, so here – drink up.”
Something filled with flames slides across the bar counter, and Eric catches it with ease. He peers into it and Flip knows what’s coming, he knows.
“What is it?” Eric asks, and they just laugh, because of course the kid wouldn’t know.
“That right there is what we call The Devil – straight rum and a little fire. You down all that? You can sit with us.” They say, and bless him, Eric lifts the glass to his lips and chugs.
They all watch, stunned, as Eric downs the last of the rum. Maybe he didn’t know what the hell he was getting himself into, didn’t know so he couldn’t be prepared for the worst, but in the blink of an eye the drink is gone, and Eric is shouting from the burn.
The men all burst into cheers and douse the kid in beer, whistle and clap their hands, an initiation bravely competed.
Sooner than the glass is set back on the bar counter, have the men all broken out into song. Flip watches Eric’s face carefully, watches watches watches as his smile starts to fade when he listens to the words, the morbid lyrics that those men are so blind to now:
“You’re goin’ home in a body bag, doo-dah, doo-dah, you’re goin’ home in a body bag, all the doo-dah day!”
He savors it, the feeling of you.
A man possessed he can’t help but fuck you with such intensity as this.
He wants to visit the station yes, but first – first he must have his fill of you; he’s so in love, so grateful, so fucking turned on by the way you look, taste, smell feel. He’s in love, and he’s desperate, and you give him everything all the time. You’re giving him everything now.
“I missed this – so much – oh, oh (Y/N).” Flip can’t help but hold you too harshly, grip on you destined to leave bruises in its wake.
You’re an angel underneath him, with the way your wet hair splays across the towel covered pillow.
“Flip please, it’s good – so so good.” You’re moaning, high and loud, and it’s music to his ears, a symphony of sounds made by him, for him.
The undulation of his hips wreck you, and he can feel just how tight you’re clenching around his cock, can feel the spasms of your cunt all around him as he makes you come, as your mouth drops into a perfect O, as you cling to him as your orgasm ripples through you.
Behind your eyelids are dancing stars, they rattle and shake with the force of his thrusts. He presses kiss after kiss in between your tits, licks at the sweat that’s collected there, and he comes, not soon after. He lets his arms give out just a little so he comes crashing down on top of you, sandwiching your body between his chest and the mattress.
This really beat jacking off all by himself in the middle of the night, that was for fucking sure, he thought with a laugh.
“What’s so funny?” You ask with a grin, cracking an eye and craning your face up towards him.
You loop your arms around his neck and he rolls you both over, trying his best to stay inside you, to keep you filled for as long as he can get away with.
“I feel drunk.” He replies, because he does, and he laughs again.
It feels good to laugh, he thinks, even if it’s because he’s out of it. Everything is hazy and warm, floaty.
“Oh really, all because of me?” You muse, wiggling your hips and making him groan at the feeling.  
“Yeah, you and this pussy.” He bites at your throat as he pushes his cock further into you in a half-hearted thrust, really too tired to do much more than be silly, cock starting to go soft. You moan and gasp anyway, and it makes Flip smile.
“Are you sure you want to go in today? We can always go tomorrow.” You try being cheeky, but Flip shakes his head, much to your mock disappointment.
“No, I want to get it over with. The sooner I see everyone and let them know I’m back, the better.” He pulls out of you and you wince, feeling his come slide out of you. You’d talk to him about that later, he knew. But you look so beautiful that he can’t help it, feels entirely completely whole when he’s lying next to you like this, with the bright sunshine of late morning making the room warm and buttery. “Besides, then we won’t have to worry about them coming ‘round and interrupting.”
You nod, and flop over onto your back, chest heaving just a bit. Flip reaches over and grabs his towel from the shower, and wipes you both down, takes extra extra care to be gentle with you in a way that has your stomach fluttering from the touch.
He forgets sometimes, that while he’s been away and all alone, so too have you.
You may not have been in constant peril, but there was something almost as dangerous as the loneliness that he can tell has seeped into your bones, the way you’ve become touch-starved. He has two years to make up for it, because he knows – he knows – that you haven’t gotten affection like this from anyone in his absence. He knows that you wouldn’t have wanted it from anyone else, but him.
Now he’s home, and he has you now, can hold you close and press kisses all over you and can fuck you and laugh with you and and and, but the damage is still there.
You turn over to face him once you’re both clean, reach out and tuck some of his still-damp hair behind his exposed ear as he faces you too.
“They’ve missed you, they really have.” You say, meaning the boys down at the station, and that fills him with a strange sort of relief.  
“Jimmy take good care of you like I asked?” He asks lowly, twining his fingers with yours, the two of you just holding hands and comparing the lengths of your fingers lazily.
“You bet.” You reply, chuckling to yourself a little. Flip wants to ask what that little laugh means, wants to hear the stories that you’re bound to have, but you continue, “And Harry and Bridges. You know even Landers offered his help?”
“No way.” Flip’s eyebrows raise in disbelief, but you nod as if to say, I know, right?
“Way,” You laugh, “I spent a lot of time at the station but, after a while…”
The laugh trails away, and he remembers one of your tapes, the way you said seeing his empty desk has become too painful. He can’t imagine it, he can’t. At least in ‘Nam there were no reminders of you. Here, there were reminders of him everywhere.
He’s amazed at your strength, at your ability to not go crazy. He would have.
“I know.” He says, brings your hand up to his lips to kiss the knuckles there, press them to his cheek. “I’m home now.”
“Yeah you are.” You grin, all trace of sadness forgotten in the novelty of having him close once more, smiling as you straddle him to wrestle, “If you ever leave me like that again I’m gonna kill you!”
“Good, no one else is allowed to.” Flip is laughing, and you’re laughing, and for a minute things feel like they’re going to be okay.
They’re headed off somewhere, god knows where, He doesn’t ask too many questions anymore. He wonders how long until he can hear from you again, wonders when the next mail drop is going to be. He’s starting to crave your voice.
You were so fucking smart, to think of the idea for the tapes. He had cried the first time you sent them, cried when he heard you talking about everything and nothing, just talking. He wished he could talk back to you in real time, wished he could call you, hear you laugh.
He missed your laugh, desperately.
They’re walking through the jungle, soft calls of birds and chirp of insects the only noise for miles. The team before them came through and cleared everything out, killed all the enemies, so there was little to fear for in that particular moment.
Flip was glad for moments like those, it gave him some time to think.
“Hi.” A voice asked, interrupting his thoughts. “Can I walk with you?”
Flip turned to see the face of young Eric, who was smiling at him despite the gap in his teeth. Strangely, Flip thought that was brave, insecure about his own set of pearly whites.
Eric was waiting expectantly for an answer, and Flip found himself nodding, for whatever reason.
“Sure thing.” He replies, and the boy sticks his hand out for a shake, like he must’ve seen his father do once upon a time.
“I’m Eric.” He offers, and Flip takes it, shuffles his gun onto his other arm to do so.
“Flip, good to meet you.” Flip returns the introduction, sets his eyes back to the path in front of them as their platoon walks and walks and walks.
“It’s great to meet you too! I was talking to some of the other guys and they all say you’re a real great shot.” Eric beams, and Flip finds it flattering, if a little sad.
“Yeah, expert.” He says, points his index finger out like a pistol and clicks the trigger of his thumb. It makes the kid laugh.
“No shit?” He shakes his head, “That’s crazy. I’ve never shot anything before now, had to learn just for this.”
Flip’s eyebrows shoot up, and something parental and protective inside him flares up. He changes his mind, he gives the kid a month before he’s dead.
“Really?” Flip asks, because he just has to know, “Where are you from?”
“Colorado.” The boy replies sheepishly, like he’s been scolded, and Flip thinks if he gets one more surprising piece of information he’s going to have to wake up, because life isn’t as coincidental as this.
“No fuckin’ kidding, Colorado Springs.” He says, and Eric laughs once again.
“Aurora!” He says, and damn, he could throw a skipping stone and probably hit Eric’s house.
Well, maybe not, but still.
Flip wishes he had a cigarette.
They keep walking.
“Oh well that makes sense, city boy.” Flip can’t help but tease, and Eric sighs dramatically. Flip has half a mind to tell him to keep quiet, that there could be people listening, waiting, watching.
But they step over dead bodies of fallen enemies on their path, and Flip thinks better of it.
“That’s what they all keep saying.” Eric replies, before chuffing up like some big shot, “But I think I proved them wrong with The Devil.”
“Yeah I saw that.” Flip mutters, and Eric’s expression falls at the response, “Hey, just so you know, you don’t have to do everything they tell you to.”
Eric nods, lets out a small smile.
“I know, but I wanted to fit in. I know what these kind of guys are like.” He says with enough wisdom in his voice that Flip has to wonder what he was doing here and not in college, “You been here long?”
“Only a couple months, but this is my second tour.” Flip explains, felt the need to explain himself to this kid.
He didn’t know, there was just something about him.
Eric’s eyebrows shot up, and for the first time he looked truly surprised.
“You came back?” He asks incredulously, making Flip shrug one shoulder.
“Not my choice.” He responds, and Erics nods.
“I didn’t think it was any of our choice.” He says.
They keep walking.
It takes all of three seconds for people to start recognizing him, when you and Flip enter the station.
He barely has any time to soak in the atmosphere, the familiarity of the ringing phones and garbled voices on the walkie-talkies all overlapping, before someone lets out an excited shout.
“Detective Zimmerman!” Phyllis, the secretary near the lobby drops her coffee in her excitement to rush over to the two of you, wasting no time to wrap her short arms around his wide middle.
Her declaration of his return has the entire station practically swarming, a big crowd of beat cops and detectives alike, all shaking his hand or patting him on the back, cheering and whistling, applause just for him.
He doesn’t deserve it, doesn’t deserve their applause, but he doesn’t have a chance to tell them that.
“Is that Flip?” He hears someone ask, and just like yours, he’d recognize that voice anywhere when it calls out an excited, “Flip!”
“Jimmy!” Flip finds himself laughing as his best friend, lifelong best friend Jimmy Creek, cuts through the crowd, jumps onto him with happy tears.
“No fucking way!” Jimmy is beaming, shouting and hollering and laughing, and Flip won’t let go, not even as they shake and smack each other’s sides, “No! Fucking! Way!”
Flip’s cheeks hurt by the time he finally puts his friend down, the two of them clasping each other’s shoulders and circling one another like two eager puppies who haven’t seen each other in a long time.
“You let your hair grow!”
“You got massive, were you always this big?”
“Copying my goatee I see.”
“Well someone had to step up to fill your big shoes.”
They went back and forth until Flip’s cheeks started to hurt from smiling, until everything quieted down enough for Landers, Flip’s rival, arch enemy for all intents and purposes, to stick his hand out in a sincere greeting.
“I���ll be fuckin’ damned, welcome home Zimmerman.” He says, and Flip doesn’t waste any time shaking it, putting all the past troubles behind him.
He’s realized that arch enemies really aren’t that serious, in the grand scheme of life. Not really.
“It’s good to be home.” Flip replies, and you’re getting all choked up again just from the sight, just from seeing him here surrounded by people who love him, people who care about him.
He holds your hand in his own as the old ladies in the station kiss your cheek and congratulate you for his return, as Phyllis reaches up and tugs on his ear.
“You had us worried sick you piece of shit.” She scowls entirely playfully, and Flip waves her off with a big grin.
“Who’re you calling a piece of shit you old hag?” He shoots back, and she just laughs and laughs gives him one more squeeze just because she can, just because they all can now that he’s home.
The crowd parts like the red sea and everyone goes quiet. Flip turns to look at what’s caused the disturbance, when he sees a familiar head of salt and pepper hair.
“What’s going on here?” Bridges demands, voice booming, imposing.
Flip suddenly feels like he’s fucked up a case, is about to be scolded.
“Chief I – ” He starts, but Bridges holds a hand up and gives him a stern look.
“You better get over here right now…and give me a hug.” He orders, and really, who is Flip to disobey?
He would never admit it, not in a million years, but Bridges had always felt like a father to Flip, and that hug means more to him than he could probably articulate.
“Hey chief.” Flip whispers, as he and Bridges pat one another on the back, a strong embrace.
“Welcome home Phil.” Bridges pulls back and looks him in the eye, gives his shoulder a healthy shake, “We’re glad you made it back in one piece.”
“Yeah you and me both.” Flip laughs, and the whole station laughs too, and you’re just right by his side crying enough to make everyone get misty-eyed, everyone who isn’t already in tears that is.
“You must just be thrilled.” Jimmy says, nudging you with his elbow, and you nod with a wet smile, glancing up at your man.
“Oh you know I am – I tried convincing him to hold off until tomorrow so I could have him all to myself a little while longer.” You wink, and another round of whistles and cheers erupt.
“I don’t blame you, it was a long two years.” Bridges nods understandingly.
“Yeah you’re telling me.” Flip says, and makes sure to look at everyone as he pulls you close to him, “Thank you, you guys, this was a really warm welcome.”
There’s another round of applause again, and people go back to their lives, back to their work. How funny, he thinks, that this was the greatest interruption of their day, probably of their week? He almost envies them for how they can go right back to it, right back to their desks.
Flip looks at you and looks at Bridges and Jimmy and the station and he doesn’t even think about it when he says,
“I was wondering when I’m expected back at work.”
You frown, they all frown, like he’s said something wrong.
“Flip you just got back.” You want more time – no, need more time, with him.
When he had gone to war the first time he took off an entire month before he went back to the station, and that hadn’t been nearly as intense as this deployment, not nearly as harrowing. The last time he had stayed with you and you’d spent all your time in the garden or the bedroom or the mountains.
He saw the worry in your eyes, that he maybe didn’t want to be with you, that he wanted to run right back to the station and leave those sun drenched kisses behind, but that was far from it. He just wanted some semblance of a normal routine again, that was all. He wishes he knew how to explain that with just a squeeze of his hand in your own.
He tries anyway.
“No I know, I know.” He says, and he looks at you and you get it, somehow you get it, “I just meant when is standard?”
“Whenever you want. Just give us a week heads-up, and it’ll be like nothing ever happened.” Bridges trails off, scratches the back of his neck, “Unless…”
“Unless what?” Flip frowns, they haven’t replaced him, have they?
Bridges looks at you and nod just the slightest bit, and Flip wants to know what’s going on.
“You’re okay to handle guns and all that still?” Bridges asks and Flip almost wants to sigh of relief.
“Guns have never been the issue.” Flip reassures him.
“Good to know.” Bridges says with as much of a smile as Flip is ever going to get out of him. “Just because you know, we hear stories sometimes, soldiers coming back, going beserk. Gunfire sets them off, makes them crazy.”
“Nah you don’t have to worry about that with me, promise.” Flip replies, and all the weird tension evaporates.
Jimmy elbows his way back into the conversation and you smile as you watch how excited he is to talk to Flip, finally talk to him after all this time.
“Jesus we really missed you you know? Basketball’s not the same – the fuckin’ firefighters beat us last year and they are so damn smug about it.” Jimmy rolls his eyes but Flip isn’t really paying attention.
“Hey, where is everyone?” He asks, and everyone goes real quiet.
 With the excitement of the day died down, Flip can tell there’s not nearly as many people as there normally are in the station. Too many empty desks and not nearly enough people roaming around. You, Jimmy, and Bridges all look at one another, as if to silently determine who is going to speak first.
“Big protest downtown, the city’s asked us to keep cops stationed. You know, just in case things get out of hand.” Bridges says, and you immediately sigh in frustration.
“I don’t like it.” You say right away with a shake of your head, and Flip frowns.
“Protest for what?” He asks, looking at you.
He always looks at you.
“The war.” You reply simply, and he’s stunned.
“What, still?” There had been protests going on and on about the war since the turn of the decade, he thought that everyone had said all that they needed to say already.
“There’s some sort of debate going on, for the presidency. People have shown up to use the opportunity to talk about the war, you know, demonstrate.” You explained, and ah, he thinks, that would explain it.
“People aren’t happy. They’re really not happy, Flip.” Jimmy sighs and you’re practically simmering.
“I don’t think the cops should be there, with the tensions as they are I don’t think it’s a good idea and I’ve told Bridges that.” You say, the only person who could ever really get away with telling the chief of police what to do.
“Can we go down there?” Flip asks, and you cast your gaze down, and Flip wonders what the hell he missed, while he was gone.
“They’re not very kind, to the vets.” You whisper, and he has to pinch your chin between his fingers, has to bring it back up to meet his eyes. “I don’t want you to get upset.”
“I’m just curious.” He says, leans down to kiss you softly, “Please?”
He wants to know the state of the world, wants to know what’s going on. He was gone for so long, he has so much catching up to do, he wants to know.
You have pain in your eyes, and Flip wants to know why.
“Say, what are you listening to?” Eric asks one evening, a month or so into them being friends.
Because that’s what they’ve become, somehow. Somehow through all of it, they’ve become pretty good friends.
It’s dark outside, and they’re all awake still, huddled by a very small fire, small enough that no one would see it, if they were looking. Flip’s got his headphones on, got the volume turned just loud enough that he can hear, but not too loud so that he can’t hear if something goes on around him.
He immediately clicks the play/pause button on the player, now that Eric’s here.
“Tapes, my wife sends them to me.” Flip holds up the cassette player, and Eric lights a cigarette from the flames of the small fire.
“What like music?” He asks, offers one to Flip.
Flip has never been more grateful for a light in a long long time.
He takes a drag and for the first time in months, his lungs are flooded with the all too familiar taste of nicotine and tar, and when he exhales it’s with a relief he hasn’t felt in ages.
“Yeah, and just her talking. She tells me about stuff going on at home, keeps me up to date with everything I’m missing.” He says, and he almost has half a mind to let him listen, but he decides not to. He’s protective, of you, of your voice. It’s the one thing he has sacred, and he doesn’t want to give it away just yet.
Maybe another day, maybe he’ll play the tapes that have the music, or the books that you read – but this one he wants to keep just for himself.
He thinks he sees a shooting star flit across the night sky.
“Do you miss her?” Eric asks, and for the first time since he left, Flip feels the tight sting of tears in his eyes.
“Like hell, kid.” He whispers, voice cracking just a little, “Like hell.”
Flip and Eric lay down, lay staring up at the stars in the night sky, and Flip looks for another one, makes a wish on it.
He wishes you’re okay, you’re safe.
“Do you got a picture of her?” Eric asks, and Flip is eager to show you off.
He fishes around in his jacket and pulls out the pocket watch that had been passed down to him, clicks it open and reveals the image of you.
“Yeah, that’s her,” Flip whispers, lets his finger trace the curve of your cheek, “That’s my (Y/N).”
Eric studies you for a moment, and when he looks up at Flip it’s with great admiration in his eyes.
“She’s really pretty.” He says, and Flip chuckles wetly.
“Yeah, she is. Don’t know why she married this ugly mug.” He teases, just trying to lift his own spirits.
Eric knows, and he laughs too, punches Flip lightly on the arm.
“Guess she must really love you, huh?” He grins, sticks the cigarette in the gap of his teeth.
“Yeah, she does.” Flip says softly as he carefully closes the watch, presses it against his chest, right over his heart. “Do you have anyone back home that you miss?”
Eric is silent for a moment, watching the stars. Flip wonders what he wishes for, when another one streaks across the inky black expanse of space.
“No, not really. Just my mama.” Eric says softly, “But I don’t think that counts.”
“Of course it counts. Never underestimate the love of your ma.” Flip shakes his head, “She send you letters?”
“Yeah, and my friends back home do too, but it isn’t the same as a wife.” Eric says, and well, Flip isn’t going to say he’s wrong.
“Nothing’s the same as that.” He agrees, the two of them smoking in companionable silence.
After a while, Flip thinks Eric’s fallen asleep, from the silence, from the way he breathes. Flip lets his own eyes close, lets himself just listen to the crackling sound of the fire, before he knows it’ll have to be put out. Someone is awake as a lookout, he knows, but it’s still too risky with them in the jungle like this.
It’s all too risky.
“What’s she like?” Eric asks, but Flip isn’t paying that close attention.
“Hm?” He asks, opening his eyes again.
“Your wife, what’s she like?” Eric asks again, and Flip hums to himself.
“You know how sometimes in your dreams you feel like you can do anything, be anything? How you’re flying high above the world and everything seems so small below you, like you’re walking on the clouds and there’s nothing but light and warmth and happiness? How everything just kind of feels good, and you’re laughing but you don’t know why?”
“Uh huh.” Eric says, real soft.
“She’s like that.” Flip says, even softer.
Above them, another star shoots by.
You and Flip depart in the truck after saying goodbye to your friends, and are quiet on the drive downtown.
He parks the truck on a side street somewhere, and though you’re nowhere near the park where the big protest is being held, you’re already in the midst of the demonstration. There is a great parade of people going down main street, cars and bikes and pedestrians alike, all marching in time.
He helps you out of the truck and shuts the door behind you, grateful for the anonymity of the baseball cap he keeps on the dash, grateful for your closeness. There are some men in the familiar uniforms of a soldier who had just come back.
Some have their sleeves pinned back where their arms had been blown off, others are pushed in wheelchairs, legs rendered useless by bombs or gunshots or disease. Some are cleanshaven, some are scruffy, some still have bandages wrapped around their face, disfigured and torn to pieces. Flip feels his stomach sink, as he looks at them, looks at the wounds they carry. He is painfully aware of how lucky he is, painfully aware of how he came out of that war unscathed.
Did he? He wonders, did he really?
Better than those men, that’s for sure. Better than those who didn’t come out of it at all.  
And as Flip walks with his arm tightly wound around your waist, walks through the sea of angry signs and chanting voices, walks up and down the streets lined with hatred and disdain, one thing is made immensely clear:  there would be no parades for men like him.
No banners to be waved, no cheering or applause to greet him, no champagne kisses or confetti like they had showered his father before him. He sees the pain and anger in their eyes, hears the insults they spray like acid, feels the movement in the Earth as feet stomp in time to songs of supposed peace – all while jeering and spitting at the men who just wanted to return home to their wives and mothers, men too young to have done any different, men too tired to stop them now.
He thinks of his uniform, wrinkled and discarded still on the floor of your bedroom, and wonders if he had worn it today, would there be rocks raining down on his head just as hard as those bullets had been?
The answer is yes, Flip finds. And while that cruel reality is one he now must live with, somehow, the look on your face breaks his heart more than anything else.
“Are you okay?” He asks, and you think that’s an absurd thing to ask, in the moment, how he can be so concerned with you, when it’s him they hate.
“It’s hard hearing them say all this awful shit.” You reply softly, and Flip doesn’t have a moment to reply when you whip your head around to the sound of sneakers and heels on pavement, rumble of the earth for an entire different reason, “Why are people running? Ow – hey!”
Someone runs right in between the two of you, and Flip loses his hold on your waist, watches as you get knocked down to the ground.
It’s like a dam has broken, and now all the people who had been walking in one direction are stampeding in the other, towards the two of you, splitting you up.
“(Y/N)!” Flip shouts, because he’s lost sight of you, can’t see your face anymore.
“Flip!” You scream, frantic, but he can’t see you – he can’t see you and he feels the cold familiar dread of terror grip his chest as he spins around and around, desperately seeking you.
But you’re not there, and Flip is caught in a sea of people, can’t see you, can’t hear your voice, and his breathing is out of control, too fast, too heavy, he can feel people pushing and shoving him, and he has to run along with them because he knows, he knows if he stands still he’ll be run over, and then he won’t have a chance of finding you at all.
Ash, dust, smoke. Fire. There’s so much fire.
He doesn’t know where he is, he’s scrambling, trying to find something sturdy he can lean up against. He trips over something, and crashes hard to the ground, his gun scattering away from him. Fuck fuck fuck, he reaches for it, manages to grab just the strap of it, manages to get back up until something – someone grabs his ankle.
He’s about to shake it off when he hears a cough, a horrible trembling cough.
“Flip!” It’s Eric, and he’s crying, on the verge of screaming, “Flip, please help!”
It’s too dangerous for them to be there, in the middle of the village as bullets and bombs rain down on the straw huts, as the enemy has caught up to them, as they’re killing everything in sight. It’s too dangerous for Flip to crouch down and hold this child, but that’s what he does.
“Hey, calm down, you have to calm down.” Flip says, trying to figure out what’s wrong, reaching for Eric’s hands – until he realizes.
He tries not to retch as his fist closes around the bloody end of a wrist.
Eric is shaking, convulsing, and Flip doesn’t know what to do.
“I don’t want to die, please don’t let me die.” He moans, cries out in pain, face covered in snot and tears and blood and dirt and and and.
Flip does the only thing he knows, picks the kid up and carries him somewhere safe, searches for somewhere safe. Eric’s too out of it to notice, to notice Flip running running running with him in his arms.
“You’re going to be okay, I promise – Eric! I promise.” He says, not sure if he’s telling the truth, not sure if this kid is going to make it. He tells him anyway, because the last thing he’ll do is let this kid give up hope.
He’d be damned, if he let this kid give up.
“Okay okay okay.” Eric chants, and Flip’s breathing in too much smoke, has to get low, they have to get low or else they’re both going to die.
He kicks the door of one of the small houses down, finds it blissfully empty, lays Eric down who immediately goes to cradle his wrist. Flip’s never seen that much blood, and he panics even though he tries not to let it show.
“How did this happen?” Flip asks, searching for something, anything in his bags, searching for his first aid kit.
“I don’t – I don’t know.” Eric cries and cries, and Flip nods, tries to keep steady as he finds some gauze.
It’s not going to be enough, but it’s all he has, all they both have.
“You’ll be okay, just need to stop the bleeding” Flip talks him through it, talks and talks and talks because this kid is closing his eyes and he knows that if Eric closes his eyes, they’re not going to open again. “Hey – look at me, you have to stay awake okay?” He snaps his fingers, and Eric nods.
“Tell my mama I love her, if I die, you have to promise to tell my mama.” He cries, grabs Flip’s hand with his own. “Promise me.”
Flip stares at him hard, covers Eric’s hand with his other, gives it a bloody squeeze.
“You’re not going to die.” Flip says resolutely, like it’s fact, like it’s final, like he has any say in the matter.
The gauze isn’t enough, so he takes off his shirt, rips a long strip from the hem and wraps wraps wraps this kid’s wrist. They’re both sweating all over, sweating and covered in filth, but they can’t stay there forever.
“We need a fucking medic!” Flip shouts, screams, before hoisting Eric over his shoulder like he were some great fireman, before going back out into the fray.
Outside the flames roar up and Flip has to go back out there to shoot, but he can’t leave him, can’t leave Eric behind.
He won’t leave anyone behind.
Things happen in slow motion – or maybe that’s just you. Maybe you hit your head when you fell, maybe the world isn’t spinning at all, maybe it’s just you.
You scream for him, shout his name again and again, but it doesn’t do any good. There are too many other screams – how the fuck did it go so south so fast? You knew you didn’t want the cops there, you knew it would be a bad idea, but with tear gas in the air your eyes are stinging and you can’t see anyone, can’t see anything.
Your heart is beating too quickly, so quickly you’re almost afraid of a heart attack, terrified of dying without Flip. You’re so fucking scared in fact, that you don’t even realize it when you bump into someone, and you’re immediately apologizing before you can even register who it is.
She’s beautiful, young. Her hair is in a big afro and she wears a black leatherjacket, even though it’s the middle of summer. Her round glasses have a splattering of blood on them, from where she’s been knocked in the head, presumably by a cop.
“Are you alright?” You ask immediately, and the girl is so surprised that you asked, that she takes a moment to respond.
“Yes – yeah I’m okay.” She says, but you’re already fishing around in your purse for a handkerchief, a tissue, anything to offer her.
“You’re bleeding, here, please take this.” You tell her as you press a small square of cotton into her shaking palms, as you strain through the foggy air to search for someone who could help. “I don’t know where the paramedics are.”
“It’s okay, I’ve had worse.” The girl waves you off, but you shake your head.
“That doesn’t make it okay.” You refuse the handkerchief when she tries to give it back, “No, you keep it, I’ve lost my husband, I have to find him.”
“Good luck.” The girl says, and for a minute, you want to ask her her name, want to see if maybe she needs help finding someone too, but then she’s gone, running away.
“Thanks.” You say softly to yourself, before trying to think about where to even begin.
There’s nothing, nothing but the sounds of sirens and chanting, screaming as the protest turns more and more violent. All you can think about is your husband, where Flip is, if he’s okay, if he’s safe. Your feet carry you deeper and deeper into the streets, into the park, soft green grass crunching under your shoes.
“Hell no, we won’t go! Hell no, we won’t go!” Rings out through megaphones in a discordant amalgamation of sounds, a delay from not being properly in time.
You had to give it to the protesters, they never quit, not even when their knees were being taken out by police batons, not when they were pepper sprayed or hauled into the back of cars with flashing lights.
“Oh shit, oh shit – Flip!” You think you see him, think you see his baseball cap, and you run to him, run with open arms and a strong wave of relief floods through you when you grab his elbow, “Fuck – Flip!!”
“Are you lost?” The man asks, entirely too pleased to see you, and you realize very quickly he is not your man, not Flip at all, and you start to grow hysteric.
Where is he where is he where is he?
“Oh I’m sorry – I’m – I thought you were someone else.” You’re already trying to leave, but the man grips your elbow, yanks you back.
“Come on why don’t you come with me, huh?” He asks, and you can smell booze on his breath, even though it’s the middle of the day, even though there’s chaos all around.
“No no no please, let me go – ” You manage to wrestle out of his grip but only get a few steps before he’s grabbing the back of your shirt, and you punch him in the gut on instinct.
“Hell no, we won’t go! Hell no, we won’t go!” They keep chanting and chanting and you can almost feel yourself losing your mind, can feel the words in your brain, until this stranger backhands you across the face for hitting him, sends you stumbling down to the ground.
You’re in shock, and you’re about to scream when out of nowhere someone else’s fists are flying, knocking this stranger back and away, and you quickly stand up so you don’t get trampled in the chaos.
“Don’t you fucking touch her.” Flip has snapped, is beating the shit out of this guy, this random man who managed to split the corner of your mouth with the way he hit you, must have worn a ring or something to manage it.
“Flip!” You cry out in relief, try to pull your husband off of this man, not wanting him to get hurt. Now that you’ve found him, all that you want is to leave, all that you want is to go back home.
“I’ll kill you, I’ll fucking kill you for what you just did to her.” Flip’s screaming, red in the face and spitting, and not letting up, not stopping as his fists beat beat beat this man’s face into oblivion.
“Flip please – please let’s just go home.” You’re begging, but you can’t snap him out of it, you can’t.
You notice you’re close enough to the street to see news vans, more and more cops, more guns and cans of gas and you’re panicking in earnest now, now the chants have changed, now everyone has turned their attention to the
“The whole world is watching! The whole world is watching!” The protesters stick their middle fingers up, they sneer, they chant and yell and shout and laugh and scream and all your panic comes to a tipping point when you see the great green machines slowly make their way through the tear gas.
“Flip there are tanks, we have to go.” You say, and that gets through to him, that for whatever reason makes him drop this stranger, and with bloodied hands he takes yours gently, leads you through the crowd.
Wasn’t this supposed to have just been a peaceful protest? When did it become a riot? You don’t know, can’t tell, don’t care. You don’t care. All you want is to go home, to go back to your safe bedroom with your husband, with Flip.
He’s leading you expertly through the crowd and the park, until you’re at the edge of the tear gas, until you can breathe properly without coughing. It’s much less chaotic here, where it’s clear, where you can see. Flip is checking you frantically, trying to stop the bleeding on your lip, crushing you to him and holding you tight. You can’t imagine how he must be feeling, being separated from you like that.
You thank every one of your lucky stars that he found you.
“You’re okay , you’re okay, okay we’re going, I’m sorry – I’m sorry.” Flip just keeps apologizing, and you cup his face in your hands, kiss him deeply, so deeply, kiss him as people are being beaten and ruined not one hundred feet away.
You find you don’t care about them, still too shaken from being torn apart.
“It’s okay, let’s just get out of here.” You say, and Flip nods, leads you to the car.
He always had such a good sense of direction, your man.
 You hold hands the entire ride back to the house, back to the nice manicured lawns of your neighborhood, beautiful houses silently existing together and yet with enough property between them that they can exist apart too.
It was a moment like that, that really made you appreciate the beauty of your home. Flip had bought it for the two of you to live in ages ago, and had transformed it from a bit of a shabby dwelling into a gorgeous house – into a home. It wasn’t lost on you that this was the first time the both of you pulled up to the house together in years.
Hand-laid brick in variegated shades of grey complimented the light grey tiles of the roof, which sat atop a beautiful cream colored second story with mustard colored trimmings and front door. You smiled at the little porch that Flip had built with Jimmy one summer, smiled at the green green green lawn that Flip used to always cut, smiled at the full trees that let sunlight dapple on the both of you as you walked up to the house.
How strange, to think of the events of the day, to think of the events of the past forty-eight hours, while unlocking the screen and front door.  
“Oh! Hold on, I need to check the mail.” You kiss Flip on the cheek, going back to the mailbox at the edge of the street. There’s not much, just the newspaper and a couple timely bills, but you frown slightly when there’s a small handwritten letter addressed to Flip. He hadn’t gotten any mail in quite some time, being away and all.
“Everything okay?” He asks, exhausted.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. There’s just something here for you.” You reply, trying to read the return address, only there isn’t one, but the stamp is from Colorado, so you figure it must be from someone you know.
Flip is waving you over, and you go right back to him, stepping through the threshold and letting out a big sigh of relief in the foyer. You try handing him the letter but he shakes his head, puts the stack of mail on the table by the entryway and simply holds you to him.
“I’ll look at it later,” He says, burying his face into your neck, cradling the back of your head, “You were right, we shouldn’t have gone.” He muffles into your skin, and you just sigh, hold him too.
“There’s no way you could have known it would turn out like this.” You whisper, your fingers curling in the hair at the base of his neck, hating the way he shakes.
“I feel sick,” He starts, all choked up, throat tight and you’re immediately soothing him, immediately kissing his cheek, trying to calm him as he hiccups, “For putting you in danger like that.”
“Hey, look at me.” You say, firmly but not unkindly. “You found me. You’ll always find me.”
Flip nods, but he still cries, and you let him. Sometimes people just need to cry.
You think if anyone needs to, it’s Flip.
“Let me make you lunch?” You whisper, wanting to at the very least give him something small to smile about.
It works, and soon he’s chuckling, just at the absurdity of the day, at the rollercoaster of the day. It’s not even two p.m., he realizes as he checks the grandfather clock against the wall.
How can it only be barely two o’clock?
“Okay, yeah, lunch. Lunch is good.” He admits, as his stomach growls, not used to being able to eat whenever he wants, after two years of closely rationed meals.
“That’s what I thought.” You beam, kissing him once more before walking into the kitchen with a, “And no you are not allowed to help.”
And in the kitchen the two of you feed each other bites of muffins and cake, enjoy salads and sandwiches and glasses of juice, and you keep the tv and the radio off, content to live in your own little bubble, at least for a while.
At the very least, for a while.
Tagging some friends! As always, if you’d like to be added or removed, please just let me know :)  @dreamboatdriver @kylo-renne @callmehopeless @kyloxfem @formerly-anonhamster @thepilotanon @solotriplets   @fullofbees @spinebarrel @bourbonboredom @driverficarchive @rosalynbair @redhairedfeistynerd @glitzescape @adamsnacc-kler  @ladygrey03 @venusianmaiden marvelous-blog-221 @edwardseyelashes @softcrybabykid @tinyplanet-explorers 
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