fandomxo00 · 7 months
X-Men: First Class rewrite - Part 2 -Erik Lehnsherr, Magento
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warnings; Violence, erik angsty
word count: 866 words
pairings: Erik x Nadine!OC
You were the daughter of a human and a Quareen creature. There was no love in the relationship and from a young age he left you and your mother alone. Your mother worked very hard and had so much determination to create a good life for you. Your powers came to you when you were nine years old. It was after a gym class where a boy had kicked a ball to the back of your head. It hurt a bit and you went to the nurse's office to get an ice pack. Later that day, your head began to hurt terribly, you were sensitive to sound, light and movement.  Then you started hearing all the voices and you started seeing their nightmares. You would wake up in the middle of night, your dream about your classmate being hunted. 
Then one year you showed your true Quareen form. You remember growing severely embarrassed by a child that you had grown feverish. Then you transformed into fiery dangerous natural figure of a Quareen. Your mother had pulled you from the school and you started going to school at the local church. She had been very strict about hiding your powers and wanting you to act normal. Then one day she had made you angry and you lit the house on fire, killing your mother in the process. 
When you met Erik it was a busy day in the office you worked at. You were a personal assistant always ridiculed and never thanked. ERik had noticed something different about you. You had come into the room, a fresh cup of coffee for your boss, the man had the audacity to spill the drink over your white blouse, embarrassing you. The coffee didn't burn your skin because you ran hot but your bra showed through the material of your shirt. 
Erik had been the one to make the man shut up, you quickly learned that Erik was coming after your boss to kill him. You hadn't stopped him and even showed him your powers. He had a fascination with you, the way you would focus on your victim, their heart beginning to face, sweat beaded on their forehead, their body trembled in fear. Erik had been turned on by your power, your victim fell to their knees, their hand clutching at his chest as his life was taken away from him. 
He had immediately asked you out for a drink where you shared your secrets and revealed your past. In the short time you felt as though you could trust him, and he decided to never take that for granted. 
The two of you were on a mission, you were in a fitting gray dress. Erik had worn a crisp gray suit, purple highlighted in his tie and handkerchief. To combat the cold, you wore a matching purple coat while he opted for a gray Hench coat and hat. Erik was there to present something valuable to the man, he would hopefully want this item and Erik will be able to gain information. He had sat the briefcase on the desk before opening it to reveal blocks of Nazi gold. 
"Possession of that gold is illegal. I should inform the police." The man started, though Erik was hardly phased as he blinked at the man. 
"Let's not play this game." Erik suggested. 
"Where did you get it?" 
"A friend. He recommended your bank most highly." 
"I see. Do you know our terms, sir?" 
"Yes, and you should know mine." Erik smiled at the man before reaching forward to look at the pictures on his desk. He sets them down, his face growing serious. "This is blood money, and you are going to help me find the bastards responsible for this." he paused, staring up at the man, you redirected your eyes to see Erik holding back the man from pressing what you assumed was a panic button. Erik clicked his tongue, shaking his index finger at the man. 
"Now you are going to hit yourself." You spoke in the man's mind as his hand went flying up to hit himself in the face. 
"Don't touch that alarm." Erik warned, as he stood from his chair and rounded the desk. "I want Schmidt. Klaus Schmidt." Erik hit at the man's chest. "Where is he??"
"Our clients don't prove addresses. We're not-." He started before Erik lurched forward. 
"Not that sort of bank, huh?" Erik's hand came up to the man's face, two fingers pinching together as the man began groaning in pain. "Metal fillings, eh?" he mocked, as he continued to pull with his magnetic force. "Not gold. Worried someone might steal them?"
"Argentina! Schimdt is in Argentina!" The man yelled. "Villa Gesel! Please!" Erik pulled harder, one of the metal fillings flinging to his hand. The man's hand came up to grasp his mouth. You moved forward as Erik said, "Thank you."
"I would love to kill you." Erik remarked. "So, mark my words. If you harm anyone, I'm coming...we will find you." He moved away from the man as you stepped closer.
You dipped your chin, connecting into the man's mind, "You will never speak of this, but you will never forget."
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