#erol otis
gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Spellcasting Dungeon Master's Guide (1979) Illustration by Erol Otis
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70sscifiart · 1 year
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Erol Otis, 1976
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cluboftigerghost · 1 year
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Erol Otis, 1976 https://ift.tt/m7ln5Yh
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magnetar1 · 3 years
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Erol Otis
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bugbearbrothers · 3 years
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Get a load of this creep. The Ghoul from TSR’s 1982 Monster Card set. Art by Erol Otis. This perverse creature has remained virtually unchanged through various editions, always having its popular paralyzing feature. Don’t leave your drink unattended around this character.
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eldritch-muck · 5 years
So there’s this thing I like (OSRy Retro-clone love from a nerdgirl)
I like getting supplements, and I likes me some rules-sets. When I picked up the Tome of Adventure Design by Matt Finch I was just planning on plundering the book for tables to generate bs for one of my games. But, something I wasn’t planning was picking up his Swords & Wizardry; it just happened for some reason. Maybe a serendipitous recommendation somewhere showing me that sweet Erol Otis cover.
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ugh...makeup please. well, i got excited so here’s what you get
At any rate, I ended up ordering S&W and reading it straight through, and loving it. It definitely re-awoke the same feel as of when I first had the Moldvay Basic Box Set in my grubby little paws and learned the strange rules of this whole roleplaying combatty explory gamething.
S&W is a smoothed out, updated Open Game License version of OD&D. I feel like it works really well as a relatively light-weight old school rpg. So do many other people from the amount of supplements and content and hacks out there. It’s now my favorite version of D&D. Although with my players clamoring for 5e, and my weird rules-kludge-Into-the-Odd-notGLOG-done-bad 0turn rules getting some play, I don’t know when I’ll be able to introduce some sweet sweet pre AD&D action to a table =\
So, in my gamery sadness, and trying to decide if I’d post something about Swords & Wizardry (Complete Rules incidentally), a YouTube thingy popped up and convinced me to just blather on about all of this: Frog God Games YT channel posted a little interview with Matt Finch. Along with some announcements for some kind of box-set and upcoming stuffs, there’s a min-interview with Matt Finch. Since I watch his YT stuff, and got excited, I blopped together a babbly post for the maybe 2 people who will look at this! You’re welcome. Now watch the video, and then get Swords & Wizardry. Unless you have a D&D you really like. Or just like some other ttrpg on general principles. Or just want like porn or art or something.
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vintagerpg · 5 years
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Operation: Rapidstrike (1980) is the first Top Secret module (well, second, if you count the one in the box) and it is rad.
The villain of the piece is Genevieve Larreau, an international criminal who has kidnapped a Nobel Prize-winning chemist in order to create a hallucinogenic drug with which to “subvert western civilization” (is this so bad a goal?) and attain geo-political domination (OK, that’s bad). She’s holed up on her island fortress of death traps  and the players are tasked with infiltrating the complex and destroying her operation. It feels like every Bond movie distilled into a D&D dungeon crawl, essentially, though the vibe is very strongly “spec ops” rather than “spies.”
That’s pretty much all that needs to be said about the module. Again, there are many illustrations by classic D&D illustrators Dee, Willingham and Otis and it is fun to see them deal with spies rather than monsters. Erol makes good use of his psychedelic stylings in depicting the effect of the hallucinogen.
Favorite thing: because it is a nighttime op, Genevieve is asleep unless the alarm is raised, which is not something I often picture evil masterminds doing…
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papuaunik · 5 years
Deklarasi dan seruan damai Papuaku, damai Indonesiaku
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Dari ujung Timur Indonesia, Kami Orang Muda Papua bersama segenap Komponen Anak Bangsa lainnya di Tanah Papua, sehati - sepikir, dan setindak, mendeklarasikan dan menyerukan : 1.Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa Tuhan telah menakdirkan dan atas kehendakNYA lah kita hidup bersama di Dalam Rumah Besar Kita yang Bernama Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. 2.Kemanusiaan Yang Adil dan Beradab Manusia Indonesia dari Merauke sampai Sabang, dari Miangas sampai Pulau Rote adalah manusia beradab, berbudaya, berperikemanusiaan dan memiliki kasih. Tragedi Wamena, Nduga, Deiyai dan Kota Jayapura harus menjadi koreksi dan refleksi kita semua untuk berbenah atas segala kesalahan dan kekeliruan kita selama ini. Kita semua telah menjadi korban dari perilaku rasis, diskriminatif dan berita HOAX. Hentikan rasisme dan diskriminasi! Hentikan menyebarkan berita HOAX! Hentikan kekerasan atas nama Negara terhadap sesama anak bangsa!!! Stop bilang "ko pendatang, sa asli" Stop bilang, "ko gunung, sa pante" Orang Papua harus dilihat karena dia memiliki hati Papua. Apa artinya ko Papua, tapi ko tidak punya hati untuk Papua. Di Jakarta, di Bandung, di Bali, di Surabaya, di Malang, di Medan, di Aceh, di Manado dan di Makassar, tidak ada istilah "ko pendatang, sa asli", tapi masing-masing pihak sadar diri dan tahu siapa dirinya. 3.Persatuan Indonesia Jiwa dan Raga kita dipersatukan karena ikatan sejarah yg telah berlangsung berabad-abad lamanya. Tuhan tidak bisa dipaksa dengan kepentingan pragmatis oleh pihak-pihak tertentu, apalagi hingga harus mengorbankan nyawa orang lain demi sebuah perjuangan. Di hadapan Tuhan semua nyawa berharga, dan tidak ada pengecualian. Tragedi Wamena yang memilukan hati kita semua bukan konflik agama. Karna itu kami menolak secara tegas gerakan HTI dan Kelompok radikal yg secara masif masih bergerak di Tanah Papua walaupun sudah di bubarkan Pemerintah. Di Tanah Papua, tidak akan ada dan tidak pernah ada konflik agama, karena orang Papua sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai toleransi dan keyakinan. Papua Tanah Damai karena kita semua cinta kedamaian. Siapapun dia yang hidup di atas tanah Papua harus memiliki sikap hidup damai. Jika tidak, maka dia tidak pantas disebut sebagai Orang Papua. 4. Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan Dalam Permusyawaratan Perwakilan Rakyat berdaulat maka Negara akan kuat. Negara kuat karena ada generasi Indonesia yang hebat. Mengedepankan Dialog yang inklusif untuk menghadirkan solusi permanen dan tuntas atas permasalahan Papua selama ini. Tanah Papua harus memasuki suatu era baru dimana tidak ada lagi darah yang tertumpah diatas tanah yang telah Tuhan berkati 164 tahun silam. Era dimana kita semua anak bangsa hidup dalam rukun dan damai menuju INDONESIA UNGGUL dan menyambut hari Kedatangan TUHAN. 5. Keadilan Sosial Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia. Kekayaan Alam Indonesia di Tanah Papua, di bidang kehutanan, pertambangan, perikanan dan lain-lain harus diberi ruang kelola kepada masyarakat adat di Tanah Papua sehingga dapat terdistribusi untuk menghadirkan keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia di Tanah Papua. Damai Papuaku, dan Damai Indonesiaku, karena kebutuhan tercukupi, keadilan merata, dan kesejahteraan tercapai. Bersama Pemerintah, TNI - POLRI, dan seluruh elemen anak Bangsa, kami akan mengawal dan membantu Pemulihan Papua untuk mewujudkan kembali Papua Tanah Damai. Kami yang bersepakat, TIM GERAKAN PEMUDA untuk PEMULIHAN PAPUA. Sebuah Gerakan Perdamaian dan Persatuan. Tim Pengarah : Ketua : Victor Abraham Abaidata, SH (Ketua DPW HPPI Papua) Anggota : Amir M. Madubun, SH.,MH (Ketua GP Ansor Papua)Robby Png Kbarek, SE (Seniman dan Musisi Papua)Muh. Amin Luther, SE (Senior Aktivis Pergerakan)Yves Piere Papare (Cucu Pahlawan Nasional Silas Papare) Tim Pelaksana : Ketua : Alberto G. Wanimbo, S.IP (Ketua DPD KNPI Papua) Anggota : Pieter Gusbager (Ketua DPD KNPI Kab. Keerom)Otis Deda (Ketua DPD KNPI Kota Jayapura)Erol M. Marwery, A.Md.IP (Ketua KNPI Kab. Jayapura)Dst. Read the full article
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techbotic · 5 years
Video: The people who helped make Star Control 2 did a ton of other stuff
Video shot by Sean Dacaney and edited by Evan Watkin. Click here for transcript.
Earlier this week, we brought you our War Stories interview with Star Control & Star Control 2 creators Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III, wherein the two designers discussed issues that almost derailed the games during their development. But our talk with the Two Guys from Frungytown spanned several hours—and gave us plenty of fuel for at least two more videos.
As our conversation with Paul and Fred went on, they kept name-dropping the most amazing folks who contributed to SC2—people like Starflight's Greg Johnson, Dungeons and Dragons artist Erol Otis, and Star Wars concept designer Iain McCaig. It became obvious that much like Alejandro Jodorowski's aborted fever-dream Dune project, SC2's development was built upon the work of a tremendous collection of absurdly talented people. Those folks have dispersed throughout the gaming industry and done fantastic work, acting like leavening in bread. (A big difference between SC2 and Jodorowski's Dune, of course, is that SC2 actually made it out of production.)
The video we've made out of this set of anecdotes is titled "Six Degrees of StarCon." We've pulled out a few of the most influential names involved in SC2 and looked at where they came from, what they contributed, and what else they worked on. There's a lot of fascinating history in here—and, as it turns out, Star Control 2 might just be the closest gaming analog to Kevin Bacon. Or at least to Paul Erdős.
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Video: The people who helped make Star Control 2 did a ton of other stuff published first on https://medium.com/@CPUCHamp
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gameraboy2 · 7 months
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Back cover by Erol Otis for The Rogue’s Gallery (1980)
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70sscifiart · 2 years
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Erol Otis, 1976
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cluboftigerghost · 2 years
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Erol Otis, 1976 https://ift.tt/OiAxp2E
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magnetar1 · 4 years
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Erol Otis
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bugbearbrothers · 3 years
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The Orange and Green covers of ‘Palace of the Silver Princess’.
One of the more interesting stories in the saga of TSR, the orange cover version written by Jean Wells (the first female designer for TSR), was recalled the same day it was issued. There are conflicting reports as to why this was done, but a couple of reasons given were the art by Erol Otis, depicting a three headed monster that too closely resembled upper management, and a piece by Laura Roslof ‘The Illusion of Decapus’, that shows a woman tied up with her own hair, being tortured by demons. This was at the height of the ‘satanic panic’, and the company was very sensitive to what they were projecting. The entire module was subsequently rewritten by Tom Moldvay resulting in an entirely different adventure. If you see an original orange copy for under $1000, you should probably pick it up.
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