#escapologist matilda
Don’t cry, I am here, little girl...
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deaf-westies · 2 years
CODA and SODA characters of the month!
Our CODA character of the month is Nina Rosario from In the Heights and our SODA character of the month is the Escapologist from Matilda!
CODA Nina becomes much more afraid of being a disappointment to her DHH parents. Her signer represents the pressure she feels to succeed and her struggles negotiating her own identity as a child of different worlds.
She sings “Breathe” with a very anxious, distant signer behind her, but can’t breathe when she reaches the bridge and has to start signing for herself from there onwards. 
Sometimes they appear to be arguing and Nina’s signer will sign “you” at her while the sung line has “I” or “me.” (”They are all counting on me/you to succeed,” “I/You am/are the one who made it out, the one who always made the grade, but maybe I/you should have just stayed home,” “I/you got every scholarship,” “How do I/you tell them why I’m/you’re coming back home?”) 
Nina also SimComs the things her community tells her (considering that she has an actual signer, this shouldn’t dilute anything).
Benny holds her signer and lets her rest during the second verse of “Sunrise.”
I don’t have any other ideas as of now, but anyone else is free to contribute!
SODA Escapologist is so, so, so much more protective of his family, with a signer who serves to represent just that.
When he tells the Acrobat, “Patience, my love,” he holds her hands tenderly and embraces her sadly.
His signer is hesitant to announce the trick they’re performing and puts on a brave front before doing so. He is elated to announce that it’s been canceled, but signs “no” repeatedly when his sister-in-law forces them to perform it, and then weeps inconsolably at his wife’s death before moving away from the Escapologist the slightest bit.
During “I’m Here,” the Escapologist is so shocked and remorseful to see how his daughter’s been abused that he doesn’t speak until he makes his speech about how he will stop her aunt.
The Escapologist and his signer appear when the Trunchbull is driven out, standing in front of the chalkboard in ghostly light to say, “Agatha, this is Magnus...” (this might also add credence to the interpretation that Magnus’ spirit is involved to an extent).
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thespianwordnerd · 1 month
Me, 11 whole years old alone in my room giving the performance of my young life:
she has SULLIED the memory of my WIFE!
she has BETRAYED the trust of her own SISTER!
She has shown CRUELTY to the most PRECIOUS reality of my marriage!
Bullying children is her game, is it? Well, let us see what this CREATURE thinks she can do when the WRATH of a GROWN MAN stands before her!!
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the Acrobat and the Escapologist (Matilda the Musical 2022)
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lemonwisp · 11 months
I keep making memes about the Matilda musical (but most only make sense if you know the cast)
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yellowhearther0 · 2 years
hi gang ^_^
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cutebisexualmess · 2 years
I just watched the new Matilda musical and omg
its obviously not the same as the actual musical but it was amazing. It bought back all the cool memories of going to the show when I was around 8 or 9 for my birthday, it was just idk nostalgic? I forgot how much I love these songs and how cool the parts about the escapologist and the acrobat were
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a-map-of-gays · 2 months
Has anyone drawn kaz and inej as the escapologist and the acrobat from matilda because it's a need
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hauntedradiotower · 2 years
characters doomed by the narrative this, characters haunted by the narrative that. What about narratives that are doomed by the characters? What about Matilda Wormwood? She didn’t like her story, but did she roll over and take it? NO she kicked down the fourth wall with mischief, intelligence, kindness, and genre awareness. She’s the ultimate escapologist. Truly a role model for kids everywhere.
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You know the Escapologist and Acrobat story from Matilda The Musical?
Now think about it, where have you heard those descriptions before?
I don't know about you but but I think it's just Kaz and Inej fanfiction
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night-ah-ahks · 1 year
thinking about how parrotduo is so “My House” from Matilda coded,
specifically this part (jaiden as miss honey, roier as the escapologist singing to bobby):
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the whole song is very q!jaiden coded in particular (young woman left with no family that takes comfort in her quaint secluded home)
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Carl Spencer as The Escapologist/Magnus in Matilda the Musical (2022)
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paintedhyenadogs · 3 months
Rewatching the netflix Matilda musical and good, I enjoy the acrobat and escapologist subplot so much, both on its own, but also its relation to the plot.
Both Matilda and Miss Honey are victims of abuse, Matilda being a victim of neglect and verbal abuse, while Miss Honey was a victim of probably physical, psychological, and also verbal abuse.
I think the Musical did a better job of showing Trunchbulls power over Miss Honey and how absolutely vile she must of been outside of the few scenes we see her with (child) Miss Honey, to have (adult) Miss Honey act with such extreme fear.
I also love that as a result of her own abuse, Matilda is much more angry, and mean to her wrongdoers. She realises she doesn't deserve to be treated like that by the people who are supposed to be her parents.
Her life isn't fair, and she isn't going to lie down and take it. She isn't gonna let other kids take it either! This girl knows her rights!!
So in this movie, specifically after realising what Miss Honey had honestly gone through, she probably felt this deep understanding of her, as a victim herself, but probably also really sorry for her, because As a child, Miss Honey wasn't powerful enough to fight back, she did have to grin and bear it, unlike Matilda, who still had enough power in a unloving household to fight back against her abusers.
On the other hand, Im sure Miss Honey felt this quiet admiration for Matilda, seeing this child show the courage to stand against the very monster that has been haunting her for years unrelentingly. She looks and sees a brilliant girl who deserves so much better than she, herself, was given. She cares deeply for Matilda and wants her to be able to lead a better life than herself.
While in the Danny DeVito movie, it feels so much more like a mother daughter situation, I feel like in this movie, it feels more like its a kindred spirit or sister type of relationship.
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Starkid Matilda the Musical
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When I grow up! I bring you to Starkid dreamcast for Matilda the Musical! One of my favorite musicals that I haven’t done yet since I was waiting for more child actors but I know that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon. In the meantime enjoy this dreamcast and substitute actual children when needed!
1. Kendall Nicole as Matilda Wormwood 2. Tyler Brunsman as Miss Trunchbull 3. Jaime Lyn Beatty as Miss Honey 4. Joey Richter as Mr. Wormwood 5. Lauren Lopez as Mrs. Wormwood 6. Lauren Walker as Mrs. Phelps 7. Will Branner as Eric 8. Richard Campbell as Bruce 9. Brant Cox as Nigel 10. Angela Giarratana as Hortensia 11. Nick Lang as Tommy 12. Sango Tajima as Amanda 13. Tiffany Williams as Lavender 14. Hamilton Davis as Ensemble 15. Denise Donovan as Ensemble 16. Ali Gordon as The Acrobat/Ensemble 17. Brian Holden as Party Entertainer/Sergi/Ensemble 18. Janaya Mahealani Jones as Ensemble 19. Jon Matteson as Ensemble 20. Curt Mega as Doctor/Ensemble 21. Brian Rosenthal as Michael Wormwood/Ensemble 22. James Tolbert as Rudolpho/Ensemble 23. Joe Walker as The Escapologist/Ensemble
Swings: Nico Ager, Corey Dorris, Jae Hughes, Alle-Faye Monka, Virginia Vass, Kim Whalen
Understudies: Denise Donovan (Mrs. Wormwood), Angela Giarratana (Matilda Wormwood), Ali Gordon (Miss Honey, Mrs. Phelps), Brian Holden (Miss Trunchbull, Mr. Wormwood), Janaya Mahealani Jones (Mrs. Wormwood, Mrs. Phelps), Joe Walker (Miss Trunchbull, Mr. Wormwood), Kim Whalen (Miss Honey), Tiffany Williams (Matilda Wormwood)
Make sure to leave any show suggestions or any questions on my casting choices so I can explain them.  
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years
my high school is actually doing matilda right now as our spring play! i am one of the assistant stage managers for it and have been able to go to some of the rehearsals and even though they’re still just practicing choreography it already feels more exciting than the movie musical.
but yeah i thought some design aspects of the movie were really cool, (i loved the way the school looked) but i feel like the relationship between ms. honey and matilda could’ve been done better. and also i think matilda and her family could’ve been done better as well, like she doesn’t seem like a hurt child as much as you’d think she’d be, as she’s already really brave. (if that makes sense?) anyways, still don’t know why her brother isn’t in the movie, but oh well.
apologies for the long ramble, this musical is one of my favorites and is really important to me. have a good day/night :]
I've never read the original book so idk if michael was originally in there but I'm actually p ok w him not being in the movie, he kinda just reads as an ableist stereotype to help serve that matilda is Smart compared to her family who Isn't.
But YEAH i loved some the set design and costuming from the movie too! the escapologist's bird cage hat fucking rules. also is it just me or is the acrobat like nevwr even wearing her white scarf even when they talk about it. also how does the movie manage to be two hours long Just Like The Musical and still remove whole songs and a lot of lyrics from songs they Did used.
also this one is more Whatever but i liked how the musical had matilda's parents call themselves the escapologist and acrobat, it feels more like matilda is basing this story on her life, before finding out who's life it really was about. idk i just like it being a funny coincidence that her parents called themselves that over her making it all up on her own
BUT Still Holding My Hand from the movie is a good finale song i like how it wraps up matilda's home life storyline instead of Revolting being the finale song to wrap up her school life storyline when it doesn't end There
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veilingofthesun · 7 months
Two weeks ago I watched Kulturhuset Stadsteatern's production of Matilda the Musical. Matilda is one of my absolute favourite musicals and this production made it justice. I was a bit worried that I would compare it to Malmö Opera's production. (That I loved and still think about)
Luckily, both productions did their own thing and they're both similar and different to each other. It's been really fun and interesting to see two non replica productions of Matilda. They both have their own creative takes and I love both productions dearly.
Some things I really loved about this production:
* Quiet. It's my favourite song and everything about was just perfect: The translation, the singing, the acting, the choreography and the lighting. I couldn't have asked for more.
* The whole concept of the stories. It was so beautiful and well made. The acrobat and the escapologist were more visible, and it made it even more effectful. I felt even more for them than I usually do. They had such a beautiful and raw connection, too.
* My House. It's another favourite of mine and I loved the simple beauty of it. It's hard to explain without showing you the scenography, but as Miss Honey sing about certain objects, like a window, it appears as a projection inside the house. Some things, like a chair for Matilda and her cup of tea, are handed to her through the house. It's really clever and it made me smile.
* The individuality of the Matilda's. I love when they get to have their own take on the role and bring their own personalities into their portrayal. All three girls had their own portrayal of Matilda and I was blown away by all of them.
I could write a lot more, but it will have to do for now. I feel so lucky that I got to see this production with all the cast members and even some understudies. I love this production dearly.
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