#especially ‘dame’ that song will be the death of me
pedriscroquettes · 1 year
after i finish my blurbs imma write so many fics based off my fav quevedo songs like y’all are gonna be so annoyed by me.
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sweetmariihs2 · 3 months
So no one in the fandom is going to point this out?
(except for the fact that Malthus is a good person and has a somewhat healthy relationship with Hilda, differently from Frollo...)
Despite being religious figures (AND involved in politics), I have a list of comparisions of them at the end of the post. For now, let me mention the most important points
They tried to "cleanse the sins" of the girls they have romantic interests in (and the reason for this purification of sins would be because they considered these girls are "sinful and promiscuous")
These girls hate them and publicly defy their behavior (Esmeralda spits in Frollo's face while Hilda gets closer to Malthus' face)
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They're both feeling this desire for the girls they deem as sinful, and this feeling (and the religious guilt) is eating them from inside
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These girls can easily make them vulnerable, which is a unnusual feeling for both
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They are jealous of the girls being exposed to other man (Esmeralda dancing, Hilda in the zone), and try to convince them to stop it
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(This scene is not included in the disney movie, but it is in the 1939 movie and in the book - The people were waiting for Esmeralda to get on the stage and start dancing, and Frollo appears, hiding in the shadows, telling her he's madly in love with her and can't stand the sight of her dancing in front of other man. She ends up not obeying him, though! Went to dance anyway)
In the book and also in the musical of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, there is a scene where Frollo is just wandering through the streets of Paris, trying to deal with his conflicting feelings towards Esmeralda, and he hears the sound of music and dancing from the inside of a tavern.
"Frollo began to walk the streets night after night, unable to bring himself to return alone to his cold, dark chambers. He thought he saw her everywhere. Until one night, walking down an unknown alley... he heard the sound of distant music and laughter... coming from within a tavern called... La Pomme d'Eve!" (lyrics from the musical)
When he looks into the window he sees Esmeralda dancing, drinking and having fun, then he says "Brazen, lewd, and odious, this vile, depraved display... I cannot bear to watch and yet I cannot turn away..." (lyrics from the musical), which reminds me of Malthus always ending up in the bohemian zone and "accidentally" watching Hilda from afar, while he's against everything that is in that place. An angel on earth actually made an edit with this musical song making it seem like it was included in the movie, and it looks great! I just wanted to add this here because this edit deserves more recognition.
In the book, Frollo is a priest. He grew up in the church and never felt tempted by any woman... except for Esmeralda, what brings him to madness and eventually death. Got what he deserved tbh
Frollo sees himself as better than the others, just like the first lyrics of his song "Hellfire" say, "Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man, of my virtue I am justly proud... Beata Maria, you know I'm so much purer than the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd...", which reminds me of the talk that Hilda has with Malthus, claiming that loving humanity is not the same as loving people, with real scent, color and sins. Of course, Malthus' pride is not as bad as Frollo's, but it is still a similarity
Both Hilda and Esmeralda are 100% publicly against Malthus and Frollo. They despise them, Hilda because Malthus wants to exorcise her and he is part of that political organization "of good manners" (or something like that), which goes against the bohemian area and disturbs the residents there using their faith. Esmeralda, however, hates Frollo because of the genocide he had been commiting against her people for decades, and she sees him as depraved and disgusting, especially after knowing that he is lusting after her. Both of the girls aren't afraid of speaking up about what they believe, making a fool out of both of Frollo's and Malthus' faces, which is something that the other people don't do. Both of them have a sense of speaking up for minorities and mistreated people.
And also while Esmeralda is kind to Quasimodo, the mistreated hunchback character, Hilda says that "ugly people have hearts too", willingly letting ugly guys have a chance with her.
Frollo keeps Esmeralda's shiny scarf while Malthus keeps Hilda's shoe. Both of the objects remind them of the girls they're "in love", make them feel religious guilt for feeling lust, and both of the objects are considered sinful (Hilda's shoe is considered too vulgar and Esmeralda's scarf was used during her sexy dance at the festival, and she teases Frollo with it in front of everyone)
Frollo burns Esmeralda's scarf (out of anger of her) and Malthus tries to burn Hilda's shoe, but ended up returning it to her.
They both refuse to call the girls by their names, calling them by pejorative nicknames instead, in Malthus case he calls Hilda "camellia, Magdalene (prostitute of the Bible), sinner" while Frollo calls Esmeralda "witch, the girl, gypsy girl"
This is not really about Malthus and Frollo, but when Hilda goes to the church, the priest tells her she shouldn't be there because she commited too many sins and she's in debt with God. In the Hunchback Of Notre Dame 1939 movie, Frollo finds Esmeralda praying and tells her that that church is not a place for her, aggressively shouts that she should leave and grabs her arm.
And what can I say about this song?
Notice how he ends up passing out because of his inner turmoil, which also happens to Malthus, when he's punishing himself and was found by the priest
As you guys probably know, Frollo and Esmeralda's character relationship and interactions are extremely unhealthy and toxic, while Malthus and Hilda are cute together and they're a recognized couple in the show. Frollo's feelings towards Esmeralda are just pure lust and hypocrisy, and he tries to burn her at the stake at the end, believing that her death will bring him some peace. They're not the same.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
loveee the armand music discussions i feel the need to talk about some of my most armand songs of all time (no mitski this time as we’ve already discussed that ^^)
- notre dame by Paris Paloma (literally any paris paloma song tbh esp the fruits and labour but notre dame isn’t appreciated nearly enough) Very very religious guilt armand, angel symbolism heavy, also very cult era armand in paris. I would put lyrics here but oh its the whole song. its the entire song.
- Abstract (Psychopomp) by Hozier. again impossible to put specific lyrics but the song being about painful memories, getting past traumas with new loves, and heavy symbolism of a hurt animal in the road and the singer feeling kinship with it is just so SO armand imo its impossible to explain. i always think of a deer being the “poor thing in the road” in the song though it is left to interpretation, and armand’s doe eyes very much come to mind with that.
- Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees (Following the footsteps of a rag doll dance, we are entranced, spellbound) Both these lyrics and the intense sound of the song bring to mind Armand’s heavy use of and skill with the spell gift, especially in TVL (for books) and s2ep5 (the show) You do feel entranced by his spells even if you don’t realise it and this song captures it perfectly (also i think S&TB are very armand overall so honourable mentions to Cities in Dust, Arabian Knights and Melt which are all sooo armand as well i just didn’t want to make this so Siouxsie-centric)
- Devils Don’t Fly by Natalia Kills (Angels were never meant to fall, and you were the loveliest of all) This song reminds me so much of 2018 YouTube but oh the lyrics are so very armand. Always called an angel, even referred to it as shorthand, but so torn religiously that he could never be holy, never be more than a demon with what he is and has been through. But being made so young and so beautiful, its very fallen angel of him.
- speaking of angels, Not Strong Enough by boygenuis (Always an angel, never a God, I don’t know why I am the way I am) I don’t feel like i need to explain this one it just Is
- Teen Idle by Marina (I want back my virginity so I can feel infinity, I want to drink until I ache, I want to make a big mistake, I want blood guts and angel cake) & (Adolescence didn’t make sense, a little loss of innocence, the ugly years of being a fool, ain’t youth meant to be beautiful?) Just something about Armand finding his worth through his beauty and physical desire, not to mention the utter horror of having to be a teenager forever, seen as that same sort of obscene beauty forever. The line about drinking and making mistakes feels very Venice-era as well, with Amadeo’s main coping mechanisms being getting blackout drunk on the daily and sleeping with people he knows he shouldn’t because he doesn’t feel like he’s good for anything else or even able to do anything else (which of course also leads to his death eventually)
- Jolene by Dolly Parton (Your beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair) Definitely sillier but reminds me a lot about how people in the books (especially lestat) wax poetic about how beautiful Armand is and fear it somewhat in a mix of jealousy and insecurity.
- Dominion / Mother Russia by Sisters of Mercy. this one is much more vibe based that lyrical but there is the detail of armand being described as russian in the books and also the lyrics being very repetitive and prayer like (as well as the ‘some say prayers’ line) very much remind me of his repetitive prayers both when young and in the cult
- Swan Upon Leda by Hozier (One more sweet boy to be butchered by men, But the gateway to the world is still outside the reach of them, Would never belong to angels, Had never belonged to men) This song is overall about sexual violence and reproductive rights, but these lyrics deeply remind me of Amadeo’s abuse as a child and young man, and of men feeling a right to him and his body because they found him beautiful, angelic.
I have about a million more but I won’t go on too much. Hope you like my choices and give them a listen if you’re unfamiliar with any (to anyone reading this <3)
AHHHHHHH THANK U FOR THIS IM OBSESSED!!!! GONNA ADD THE ONES THAT ARENT ALREADY ON MY PLAYLIST RNN!!! (I already have got not strong enough, Jolene, devils don’t fly, teen idle, and Notre Dame, we r the same person). U get Armand like no one else mutual kittenbradensgf. Devils don’t fly made me laugh because it’s also on my Armand playlist because 2018 AMV YouTube songs r always so Armand to me 😭 !!! Ur so right the lyrics r so him. angel of darkness is on mine and I can’t stay it’s entirely ironic, lmao. Ugh this is my favorite I’m gonna run in a room and listen to these forever, ur analysis is so good
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toxinellebug · 8 months
The World Under The Supreme - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
Action packed posts with Claw Noir and Shadybug are coming but some important details of their world need to be addressed first! These will be relevant in posts to come.
So prepare yourself; EmoNette and EmoAdrien live in a dark world… A world that Betterfly hopes to change.
Religion is not a crime, which is why celebrating holidays like Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, etc. is permitted, even if the true meaning behind those celebrations has been lost over the years.
    After all, for some people, their faith is all they have- Plus, it’s good for capitalism!
HOWEVER, organized religion is nearly a thing of the past…
      In every country, Churches, Temples, Mosques, etc. are HEAVILY TAXED. 
          The Supreme has the ONLY say in law, so religious “leaders” have no authority or power.  So, unable to become filthy rich off of devout believers, and unable to sway people to commit atrocities in the name of “God”, there is no point.
           As such, those who do still have some kind of belief in a deity, choose to practice quietly at home.
As a result, there is peace!
      Women all over the world have autonomy over their own bodies AND reproductive rights!
         Girls are allowed to learn to read without fear of being burned with acid.
             Circumcision of boys and girls (yes, some countries mutilate girl’s genitalia for religious reasons) no longer exists.
                 Only old grannies wear hijab because women actually have a choice (not just wear it or be stoned to death).
                   THERE IS NO CASTE SYSTEM.
                        No child marriages.
                            Pedophilia is rare.
                                 Homosexuality is not illegal.
Anti-vaxers DO NOT EXIST!
So there has been a lot of progress in medicine (good news for Rose!)
    No school teaches creationism or claims that man lived at the same time as dinosaurs.
But churches, even famous ones like Notre Dame, Sistine Chapel, Saint Basil's Cathedral, etc. are seen as old relics… tourist sight seeing destinations at most.
       But with the taxes being so heavy, and so few people who identify with any religion, it is not profitable to maintain up-keep on these decrepit buildings.
            As such, when they fall into enough disrepair as to be considered “unsafe” even for tourists, they too will be condemned and demolished so the land can be purchased by the highest bidder and something more useful will be constructed there.
 The BAD:
Mutual aid is a crime… Socialism is forbidden… Protests are not tolerated and severely punished!
            There is no such thing as Charity.
There are no donations of toys to sick kids in hospitals. 
(Prince Ali, non-existent is he, Ali never-heard-of-ya’… Princes and Kings, no such things, only The Supreeeeeme~)
      *No, I will not write out the whole dang song. I don’t want to get sued by a company with mouse ears, thanks.
Everyone pays their own way in life. Those that can’t pay are forced to work (which is why there are no homeless people asking for spare change on the streets).
There is no cooperation without compensation.
The strange, odd, abnormal ones are those who wish to offer help without expecting anything in return.
(You can’t achieve freedom with one person. Freedom is only achieved by collective cooperation, sacrifice, and compassion for others, no matter how different they may be. So long as everyone only looks out for themselves and keeps their heads down rather than risk getting punished for sticking their neck out for others, Freedom for all is impossible. This is the dark price of Wang Fu’s wish for World Peace.)
The Ugly:
Everyone pays the price for selfishness. Especially the planet.
       In a world that only cares about “me”, the comforts and profits of the current generation, there is little to no concern for what future generations will inherit, including the planet.
Quick and easy money, progress for profit with no consideration for environmental impact has been the norm since the end of WW2.
Pollution is a world wide issue;
      Costs of food are higher everywhere because crops and livestock take a LOT of money to grow.
            Crops (grain, fruit, and vegetables) have always been more expensive of course because they require so much land, water, time, and workers to produce.
                 But with polluted air darkening skies, tainted soil, rapid decline of bees, butterflies, and bats, and such dirty water… Plants are suffering.
Crops require massive greenhouse facilities, heavily filtered hydroponics systems, and hundreds of thousands of human workers to pollinate things by hand (yes, we do that even now for rare plants), or at least until Tsurugi Enterprises can develop robots to replace human workers.
Since grass is not that hardy and expensive to maintain, free range livestock is just not possible.  And since most grain has no nutritional value for humans (we can’t really digest it, it is mainly grown to fatten livestock) it is even more expensive since it is a pain in the butt to produce and is mainly consumed by animals, thus meat, dairy, and egg prices have gone up. 
Flowers are more expensive than jewelry.
Since only the hardiest plants can endure the world’s level of pollution, many animals have gone extinct and forests are suffering.
Only the richest of cities still have “parks” though they are a far cry from what we think of as parks.
Most flowers are delicate, so many varieties that we are familiar with can not be grown in your average backyard garden or found in pots on a balcony.
An orchid flower is worth more than a diamond.
The hardy, invasive, “ugly” flowers that we consider as weeds have replaced the wildflowers we once knew.
Only the rich can afford to go to a florist to afford luxuries like carnations, tulips, lilies, daffodils, snapdragons, lilacs, peonies, or something as flashy as a rose.
But thanks to Bertrand King, even the lower class can enjoy the beauty of a bouquet thanks to plastic flowers!
     Plastic truly is fantastic! 
And unlike, fragile, boring, real flowers… PLASTIC FLOWERS can come in any color you want! And they last forever!
      Even a poor man can feel rich if they decorate their home with plastic potted ferns! 
The best part? You don’t have to waste water!  They are so hygienic too! No dirt, no bugs, no allergies, no rotting, dying leaves to prune and clean up!  No worries about little kids or pets eating poison leaves! 
        Plastic plants never lose their luster! They are durable, washable, colorful!
             Can’t afford a diamond? 
              You buy cubic zirconia!
                    Can’t afford a houseplant?
                     Buy plastic!
Of course, there IS one event where even someone living paycheck to paycheck can get a chance to see a variety of REAL flowers (assuming they can pay the admission fee).
Every year, people all over the globe celebrate “World Peace Day”, where they give thanks to The Supreme for putting an end to WW2 and preventing any other war thereafter!
There is no celebration more massive!
On that day, Major cities show off their wealth (through the taxes of the citizens) to throw not only parades, but have massive displays of real flowers for citizens to admire (for a price).
It is a day many look forward to!
A day that celebrates peace between all people regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion!
A day of life and beauty!
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BOOKS: Grishaverse, Lord of the Rings, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Song of Achilles, The Prince of Tides, The House in the Cerulean Sea, Harry Potter (unfortunately), Gone With the Wind, His Dark Materials, A Far Wilder Magic, The Hate U Give, The Outsiders, The Devil and the Dark Water, They Both Die At The End, Riordanverse, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Warriors
MOVIES: Titanic, Dead Poets Society, It’s A Wonderful Life, Little Women 2019, NOPE, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Sixth Sense, Terminator (especially 2), Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, The Addams Family (1991) The Shawshank Redemption, Parasite, Knives Out/Glass Onion, Tar, Harriet, Romeo and Juliet (1968), Interstellar, Forrest Gump, Schindler’s List, The Princess Bride, Get Out, Lady Bird, Silence of the Lambs, The Truman Show, The Wall, 12 Angry Men, Recovery, so so many animated movies (especially WALL-E, The Prince of Egypt, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Howl’s Moving Castle!), SOME Marvel movies (mostly guardians and spidey)
TV SHOWS (live action): LOST, Breaking Bad, Doctor Who, Person of Interest, Good Omens, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Downton Abbey, Ted Lasso, My So Called Life, Stranger Things, Broadchurch, Alias, Sherlock, Maid, The Last of Us, Dark, Happy Valley, Takin’ Over The Asylum, Our Flag Means Death, The Sandman, Heartstopper, Jessica Jones, Andi Mack, The Queen’s Gambit, Derry Girls, The Office, A Series of Unfortunate Events, 1899, Mare of Easttown, Around the World in 80 Days, Time
ANIME AND CARTOONS: Fullmetal Alchemist (both versions), Avatar, Steven Universe, Phineas and Ferb, Death Note, Assassination Classroom, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Monster, Bluey, Spy X Family, Ouran High School Host Club, My Hero Academia, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Toradora, Gravity Falls, Bluey, The Owl House, Cowboy Bebop, Erased, Mob Psycho 100, Kotaro Lives Alone, Ducktales
MUSIC: Queen, Taylor Swift, My Chemical Romance, Adele, Jeff Buckley, Will Wood, Olivia Rodrigo, The Beatles, Billy Joel, Hozier, The Proclaimers, Mitski, Fiona Apple, Brandi Carlile, Janelle Monáe, Alanis Morrissette, Sinead O'Connor, Nina Simone, Florence + The Machine, Chappell Roan, David Bowie, BTS, Stray Kids, Day-6, Kelly Clarkson, Muse, Beyonce, Lana Del Rey, Pink Floyd, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, Pulp, Heart, Radiohead, Gang of Youths…
MUSICALS: Les Miserables, Great Comet, Ragtime, Phantom of the Opera, Hadestown, Hamilton, Wicked, Come From Away, Matilda, Falsettos, Jesus Christ Superstar, Anastasia, Evita, The Last Five Years, The Sound of Music, West Side Story, The Clockmaker’s Daughter, Ride the Cyclone, Sweeney Todd, Parade, Little Shop of Horrors, Cats, In The Heights, Into the Woods, She Loves Me, Sunday in the Park with George, Lizzie, Newsies, Bonnie and Clyde, The Secret Garden, The Wild Party, Cabaret, Putnam County Spelling Bee…(I also love Shakespeare!)
VIDEO GAMES: basically just Super Mario Bros and Undertale but boy do I love Super Mario Bros and Undertale
YOUTUBERS: Schaffrillas Productions, Cinema Therapy, The Authentic Observer, Matt Rose, PMSeymour, Katherine Steele, The Swiftologist, FilmCooper, Sideways, Anthony Fantano and too many others to mention
FAVE ROLES I’VE PLAYED: Elsa in Frozen, Morticia in The Addams Family, Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, Iolanthe in Iolanthe, Juror #8 in 12 Angry Jurors
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The Amazing OC Unoriginal Soundtrack.
You’re welcome, autumn.
Okay so I like to associate songs with scenes and characters, but sometimes I take it a step further and make what is essentially a soundtrack for a world comprised of random songs. Like a full OST but made of songs that are completely unrelated, or even songs I have straight up made up in my head. I’ve done this a bit with TAOCC specifically, especially because I like to think about scenes as if they were in a video game (or even a book!), often in the style of a visual novel or something. So….here goes I guess??? This is going to be completely off the wall and entirely for my own personal gratification so GET READY.
By the way! I’ll be linking most songs due to Tumblr’s audio file restrictions! My apologies for that.
Freaking Table of Contents:
“Mix and “Mada Dame Yo””
“Music Boxes.”
“Yume and music boxes”
“I guess I should talk about Yelena, huh?”
“Some stuff with Ace Attorney”
“Antiquity for the Funnies”
“Planetquest my Beloved”
“Dusk and some One Shot Shenanigans”
“Kingdom…y….stuff…YEAH! Can you tell i’m running out of titles?”
“I am losing it, there’s so many songs, let’s do the rest of GTA while I still have my sanity”
“The railroads and other Fei stuff. Awww yeah.”
“Some autumnal ost”
Goodness help me.
Mix and “Mada Dame Yo”
Alright, so there’s this specific leitmotif in Madoka Magica: Rebellion that’s typically associated with Homura, and comes from the song “Mada Dame Yo”. It’s all over the ost, and ever since I started listening to it, I’ve imagined this as Mix’s motif instead.
This song first plays when Dusk visits the bar for the first time and Mix is properly introduced. He starts speaking when the accordion begins. At about 1:05, we get a view of the back room, specifically of a bloodied sink, and the first hints of something being wrong or concerning about him.
Later, during the scenes with Mix when he’s stressed or arguing with people, specifically during breakups, we get “Raise the Curtain”, where the accordion becomes tense, and instead of kind of swinging back and forth like it does in the song, I imagine when mix snaps, the accordion player messes up playing a very shrill note, before going back to playing the motif over and over and over again.
Most hopeful scenes with him have “Not Yet (Epilogue)”, especially the scene where he finally accepts himself. Fight scenes use “Retribution”, because Xeya said that was his fight theme and now I can’t unsee it. But, of course, for his final Witch breakdown and kind of murder of Simon and Yelena, I just had to do “I was Waiting for this Moment”, just to complete the madoka rebellion thing.
This song also plays when we see a full flashback of the car crash. It’s sampled when Isaac becomes a magical girl, and when he first confronts mirror Elida.
Speaking of Elida, a lot of these songs have a music box in the background. Isaac’s theme instrument is the accordion (the accordion later becomes the “regret” instrument), not the music box.
Which brings us to our next segment:
Music Boxes.
Music boxes are used to denote children or child-like characters/moments, as well as generally being a good way to keep track of a character’s innocence. If the music box in their theme is upbeat and pleasant to listen to, the character is probably innocent or naive. If the notes are strained or distorted, there’s a severe problem or their innocence has just been shattered. A music box cover of a character’s main theme will play whenever they talk about their childhood or a flashback plays.
The music box-esque thing in the background of most of issac’s themes is supposed to reference Elida and how, despite her death, she haunts him at all times, burning her presence into even his theme music.
Yume and Music Boxes
Yume’s theme and leitmotif is “Hitonboro Envy”, almost always instrumental. The normal version plays in scenes with her, although it’s usually very quiet and uses quiet acoustic guitar. Her song is usually sampled in the background instead of being the only motif used, but during scenes where she’s being a kid/childish, the music box version plays instead, and does actually take center stage. When she’s feeling conflicted or having a crisis, both versions will audibly fight to take control, the guitar and music box trying to choke each other out as she switches between mentalities. Conversational themes with her or times when she’s working on art/not in conflict will often use the “Mochi’s Manor Night” theme instead, with bits of Hitonboro envy dipping in at times when she hints at her internal struggles/suffering. Mochi’s Manor is most often used in conversation with Odette, Achilles, or Slynn, while Ramona gets Hitonboro Envy’s guitar because she tends to bring out that side of Yume.
I guess I should talk about Yelena, huh?
This is where things go ABSOLUTELY OFF THE RAILS.
Yelena has so many songs I associate with her, it’s kind of insane.
Her songs are generally separated into two categories: the cutesy upbeat ones, and the horrors.
Her main leitmotif is “Snowfall” by Øneheart, which plays whenever she’s calm and okay and not dying of the horrors. She doesn’t really have a leitmotif as much as she has a certain “vibe” to her music.
“Wake Up” plays during her introduction sequence with Simon. “Wistful” plays when she’s in more calm, relaxed scenes.
And now for her non-calm/fight themes, which take a HARD turn into cutesy upbeatness.
More upbeat/casual interactions use “Ka’mani’s Hair Salon”. Celebration/festival scenes with Yelena use “Crawdance”, while most fight scenes (specifically when she feels like she’s going to win) use “Rabbit Hole” (INSTRUMENTAL, OBVIOUSLY). Witch fights, specifically the scene with Simon and the fight with the Air Control Witch use “Flirt Flirt Oh it Hurts”. The sudden tonal shift in the middle is when the Witch starts fighting back.
When fighting her Doppel/witch, a slowed down/distorted version of “Snowfall” plays.
Some stuff with Ace Attorney
This is Clown’s theme and you can’t tell me otherwise. The sudden orchestral segment happens when a character really gets an idea of his power level.
Gumshoe’s theme from the anime is Zachariah’s theme and leitmotif. It’s reused as zombie’s theme, but zombie’s version sometimes has some instruments missing or replaced with other instruments. The beat that starts about 0:36 appears in most scenes that he’s in, in the background, or starts playing when he’s involved with the events onscreen.
“First Tournabout” and “Novice Attorney! Phoenix!” are often filler cheery themes for when the characters are having a nice time.
“Pursuit ~ Cornered” is so iconic of a song that it’s only usually used in joke arguing segments. It was used in the scene where everyone got mad at Kumo for putting Ketchup on spaghetti, or when Nova gets caught pranking someone.
Antiquity for the funnies
Let’s start with antiquity itself. It’s leitmotif is this instrumental version of “September”
Although, you might get the more upbeat and intense part of the original instrumental with all the drums and stuff if your character is in danger. Antiquity’s theme instrument is bells, and it’s implied that the bell sounds in the music is actually Lemonade’s bell tower.
speaking of lemonade, his theme and motif is Viva la Vida. This instrumental version is the base from which his themes take bits and pieces, although when you’re getting the grand tour of antiquity or he’s at the tower, the base song’s instrumental plays. The bells from this song are omnipresent in almost anything involving lemonade or the seasons as a whole, while the slow ending accordion plays during times when he’s regretful or guilty or lonely. The baseline takes center stage when he’s excited, and the beat gets really loud in combat. A music box version plays when he flashbacks.
Calla’s motif is the “Starlight Strand” theme from Slime Rancher 2. It shifts from version to version depending on the mood of the scene, but it always plays in her house.
It shifts to the “Night” version when she’s excited or happy, the “Dreaming” version when you’re upstairs or in the guest room, and the “Late Night” version when you find the graveyard. Her fight theme is “Creeping Rainbows”, which is sampled whenever someone starts figuring out that something is wrong with her.
Charles is in a similar situation to Calla, with this motif being “Indigo Quarry”. It plays the “Late night” version as a base, with various other versions used to denote tone. As he heals from his wounds, both physical and emotional, his theme shifts to being the “Day”/“base” version of the song.
Planetquest my beloved
Uhhh…I don’t actually have much to say here, heh! Most lighthearted scenes use the lighthearted songs from the Sailor Moon ost. The overall motif of Planetquest is “Route Venus”, and it gets a music box version during flashbacks! Also this is the theme for when The Bad things Happen, which plays when Elysia collapses onstage and when Marcus is shot.
Dusk and some One Shot Shenanigans
Dusk’s instruments are flow-y classical violins and pianos and soft synths, betraying her nature as an AI. She usually reprises/covers other characters themes instead of showing her own, but her theme is “Spatial Lullaby.”
Most early scenes with her use “My Burden is Light”, as well as her first appearance. When she snaps or abstracts or has crises, “Simple Secrets” plays, specifically in Chase’s death scene and the scene where she had her first drink.
“On Little Cat Feet” is the theme for getting lost in her domain. Sometimes “Our Heritage” or “Abyss” plays during her scenes.
Her normal fight theme is “Quiero Salvarte!” Or “Credens Justiniam”, but it can sometimes be “Madness Plan” when she’s about to snap. “Madness Plan” is Dawn’s fight theme.
Kingdom…y….stuff…YEAH! Can you tell i’m running out of titles?
Icia’s motif is literally just the Shiva motif from FFVI and I’m not sorry. This is her fight theme, the motif is the vocalist. Rip anyone who has no idea what’s going on.
This is the kingdom’s overall fight theme.
“White ball” (the instrumental version) serves as the “excited” kingdom theme, often when Cool Shenanigans TM are occurring.
“Giselle Act 2 Hilarion Appears” is the “Ramona punches some people (see: Slyn)” theme.
“Giselle Act 2 Giselle and the prince” is the conspiracy shenanigans are happening theme, usually used when Slynn and Hexe are talking. More specifically the beginning part, but something about imagining the later, more upbeat bits as very tense background music instead made me keep this here.
“Swan Lake Act 1 Op. 20 No. 2” is the “THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING” theme. See: Yume gives Hexe a piece of her MIND.
Aoki’s theme and motif is “Decretum”, obviously all of his songs use violins.
Dunite’s music has tons of music boxes and are very cutesy. She gets a violin in her main theme later on.
Switchboard’s theme is freaking “Kom Susser Tod” and “Outlands part II” for when she’s doing technical stuff or building a plane. The theme for when she crashes her plane is “Fall”. “Space song” for when the gal is floating in space.
I am losing it, there’s so many songs, let’s do the rest of GTA while I still have my sanity
Simon’s songs are almost always classical and calm, with piano taking most of the melody. The instrumental version of “Mind Electric” is often used, but his base theme is probably the instrumental version of “Dream Sweet in Sea Major”. He just has the vibes, idk, it feels just silly enough for him. His fight theme is the instrumental version of “Murders”. The tense piano riff that plays through the middle of the song happens when he’s stressed. “Murders” is played during the scene where he’s pushed off a cliff, and is introduced to us as the theme during the “Silhouette torments sun” scene, and is played during the “killing Zach” scene/flashback/whatever. A random theme he occasionally uses during chill/lighthearted scenes is “Library Stroll”.
Bro is the entire Hawaii part II part II album
Anyways! Carbine! Carbine gets electric guitar as a theme instrument because come on I have to. He also gets really heavy base lines and TONS of chiptune. His fight theme is “Starship Showdown”.
When Sami is mentioned, Music box gets added to his theme. No, I don’t have a base theme for him...maybe this?
Caleb’s theme is “Please Help UK”. He has tons of chiptune and synth and overall is very “video game”-y.
Felicia’s music all sounds like chill elevator music. It’s supposed to show the dullness around her and how lifeless she feels, yet the world goes on despite the things she’s seen. She’s at work, and her background music reflects that. The instruments warp into something much more dramatic when she gets serious about something.
Edward…no clue, man. Camel by Camel?? All of his music sounds like a desert level from Mario or smth.
The Railroads and other Fei stuff. Awww yeah.
The railroads’ background music is freaking…like…”music to have a bar fight to” or smth.
Jessy’s theme is an instrumental of “Sweet Tooth”. I don’t make the rules. I guess his fight theme could be “Time Machine” (instrumentalllll obviously- must I even say this by now?!). Flashbacks with Amanda play “Plushie Melody”, which ends up as her motif later on.
“Museo Della Memoria” plays during Raina’s more creepy or off-putting scenes, including during the explanation of what happened to her.
Some autumnal ost
Neb’s theme is “Six Forty Seven”. Like…all of their songs sound like they’re from a liminal space video. The songs get very off-putting and slowed and distorted when the entity arrives. The liminal spaces have very chill themes.
Radio’s theme is “Ludicrous speed” for obvious freaking reasons. It will start playing very quietly when he gets excited and almost explodes like a freaking meme sound.
Nonspecific/miscellaneous themes
“Icosa” is used for silly shenanigans and other such things.
“cats!” plays sometimes when there are…uhh…CATS. Especially Fred.
“It could happen to you” is the “we vibin and having a nice wholesome montage” theme lol.
idk where I wanna put “distance of feelings” but it sure is here
This for when characters go insane.
and of course
“Your new home” plays whenever we have some kind of major existential madness.
Tags because I want people to see this madness that fell apart into nonsense
@star-on-a-beach @feiar @sh4tt3rg1rl @silhouette-anon @shot-of-hopes-and-dreams
@mod-autumn <- THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT
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airasora · 8 months
Oh, I will send more later because they are super interesting but this one immediately got my attention: 33, What is their wedding day like? For Hollina, Rolfmaine, Quaselle and Sinric (I didn't plan on having two straight and two gay couples LOL those are the ones that are very intriguing to me in regards to the wedding)
What is their wedding day like?
Holli and Lina's wedding would be a big event. They both know a lot of people and care about making their wedding be as great as their love for each other. Even though they have had their disagreements about certain aspects of their wedding (like Holli wanting something elegant and modern, and Lina wanting something princessy and fairytale-like) they have managed to meet in the middle and their wedding will be remembered for decades. Their wedding day is filled with flowers, fairy lights, karaoke, glass tiles for the dancing area, and you better believe their first dance is choreographed to the max! And they have a first song too, because of course they do.
I also made a short fanfic about Holli's feelings about wearing a wedding veil you can read here.
Both John and Anastasia agreed they wanted a big, disgustingly elegant wedding. John Rolfe is used to fancy parties with stuffy clothing and waltzing around in a ballroom, and while Anastasia can't dance to save her life, she loves the same things John does. Their guest list, however, would not be exceptionally big. Both of them have few family members and a few friends, so despite the elegant setting and atmosphere, the wedding would still be intimate. John would consider playing a diplomatic move and invite acquaintances, but ultimately he didn't want to have to put pressure on Anastasia on her wedding day.
Simple and sweet forest ceremony, not truly a traditional wedding. I don't see Belle being religious and Quasimodo would have a very strained relationship with Christianity after all the religious trauma he's been through. So their wedding would be much more about having a day where they tell the world they love each other and intend to be together till death do them part. Neither Belle or Quasimodo would want a big, fancy wedding either. And while some might have expected them to get married in Notre Dame, ultimately the place has too many bitter memories for Quasimodo despite Notre Dame holding a lot of good memories for him as well. And Belle is a simple girl, ultimately she only cares about marrying Quasimodo and sharing the moment with friends and family. The party AFTER the ceremony though? Big street party. Even though Belle and Quasimodo are somewhat introverted and prefer small gatherings, they have a huge amount of acquaintances who would want to celebrate them, and they wouldn't be against that. But the ceremony would be just for them, Maurice, Esmeralda, Phoebus and Zephyr.
Eric's a prince; his wedding WILL be the event of the century, which is absolutely fine with Sinbad. They're both massive extroverts and thrive in big crowds, Sinbad especially loves all the attention and the jealous glances he'd get all day from bitter, rejected suitors of Eric. There's also the fact they had to hide their relationship for a while so once it's finally out there, they both want to show each other off to the world. Sinbad would hog Eric all night, dancing with him so much they'll both be exhausted by the time their wedding WEEK is over.
Want to ask a question about one of my OTPs? Check the OTP asks here!
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giuliettacapuleti · 2 years
Rating of different versions of Aimer in Romeó et Juliette:
Let me start out by saying that I don’t like romance and I’m not sure I believe in it BUT when any version of Aimer comes on I’m in full Notebook Titanic Sixteen Candles Casablanca Breakfast at Tiffany’s Love Actually mode and for roughly two minutes fifty-two seconds I believe that Love exists and the world is a beautiful place and I am no longer afraid to die. I think it’s an absolutely gorgeous song in any language. That said, some Aimers make me want to kiss someone in the rain and dramatically run after them in an airport and declare my love right before they get on the plane and disappear forever more than others:
1. French (original). Honestly for me this one is kind of tied with the Hungarian but it is the original and more importantly, has Cécilia Cara, who sounds like a literal angel, especially during the harmony. Of course, most Juliets are amazing and sing this song well (and it’s a hard song to sing, I think) but Cécilia’s voice just hits different.
2. Hungarian. This one has my favorite lyrics, and I adore Dora and Attila (original Hungarian R + J). I love the emphasis of loving faithfully (I fully believe they would have been faithful to each other for the rest of their lives if they weren’t cut short, so hello extra tragedy). Hungarian in general isn’t a very “delicate” language (I still love it though!) but it sounds so beautiful with this song. French goes first because it was the blueprint, but for me the Hungarian lyrics just hit in a way the French ones don’t. Granted, I don’t speak Hungarian or French, so there is that.
3. Italian. Alright, so it sounds very beautiful, but the lyrics are :// to me. I get what they were trying to do with the whole “love and change the world” thing, because their love changed Verona (or their deaths did, but whatever). But personally, I like the focus being on R + J and their love. Italian is such a gorgeous language (my favorite), and I love how they normally do their own thing (look at French vs. Italian lyrics for Notre Dame de Paris), and these lyrics were certainly different, but this time it's…eh. I mean - “Love with your hands” ??? girl ???? I mean, I guess??
4. Russian. These lyrics are actually really beautiful even though they are pretty unique. There are actually two Russian versions of Aimer - the one in the official video and the one in the show itself. I prefer the show version, which is basically just them asking God for His blessing. The video version is closer to the French, but instead of “to love/love” it’s “Happiness” as in - "Happiness is to soar like a bird/Happiness is to be with you/Happiness is to merge with your beloved” which just doesn’t have the same effect imo.
5. Spanish. I actually expected myself to like this one more than I do.
6. German. No strong feelings (sorry Janine).
7. Japanese (2021). I appreciate how these lyrics are sort of like actual wedding vows but I don’t know what is going on with the backing music.
8.Romanian. I actually don’t know why I like this one so much. The lyrics are pretty solid except the “hearts in love like two drops of dew” bit. It just sounds nice to me.
9. Chinese. Imo these lyrics are kind of wonky but it could just be that it’s hard to translate it and it makes way more sense in the actual language. I do like the “loving faithfully until death” thing this and the Hungarian had going on.
10. Korean. I have absolutely no strong feelings about this one.
11. Dutch. Not sure if I’m just having a hard time translating but the lyrics to this one are…odd. Most of it is fine though. I’m just not a fan of the way the language sounds, personally.
12. Slovak. Admittedly I am too lazy to try to do a real translation of it, but just going by the quick translation of the lyrics this one starts out normal but becomes weirdly sexual. I understand the French and other versions having ‘burning with a desire’ etc but…I could be totally wrong about this though. At least it’s catchy?
13. Mongolian. It seems this one has really weird lyrics too. But again, I could be totally wrong.
Can’t rate: Hebrew (no idea what they are saying and I can’t find the lyrics) and Czech (I have only heard a fragment of this one but the harmony part sounds really cool).
-10000. English. How do you adapt a song from a play with some of the most beautiful lines in the English language in it this badly??? I’m not saying they have to go full Shakespeare but this is um. Bad. Special mention goes to Romeo’s “THESE ARE MY MOUNTAINNNNS” in the harmony. I get secondhand cringe from this. If I were in prison, this would be the song they would play to torture me into confessing literally anything. I would say “I killed Jimmy Hoffa and was responsible for the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum art heist” just so I would never have to hear this song again. It’s my least favorite song next to “Ice Ice Baby”. And I know that’s really harsh but it’s such a gorgeous song in literally ANY other language, and more importantly, this overall terrible translation and melody slaughtering killed any success this show might have had in English speaking countries. If they had a good translation I’d have a musical I adore in English AND maybe never have to deal with the &Juliet musical and other media with shitty R + J takes because the musical would give people a new perspective and decrease the frequency of the ol “Romeo and Juliet were stupid teens” take. But whatever.
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its so her...the melancholy atmosphere of the song and the sadness that is in it is so jill
This song is one of my highest inspirations for Jill and it means a lot to her as a character. She never feels like she belongs, not anymore, she has no place where she *truly* belongs. This entire song has a melancholy mood to it and the way it is sung makes me think very much of her.
i keep listening to the lyrics and thinking about the fact she never feels like she has a true place anymore but she is still sincere with others, she tries so hard but she gets overwhelmed and desperate
i think a lot. of her in death island when she says "we can't care about our souls" when chris talks to her about it, about ensuring she doesnt blame herself and that she does the right thing, but she's unsure.
but she does care about others even still, she sacrifices herself so many times just to help others
just to .
get little to nothing in return
and i interpret like. after re5 that because of her being technically a bioweapon AND her "death" not being true e.g she was no longer a martyr for the BSAA, people were short with her or just plainly didnt interact, especially in the BSAA, because they would've heard about what she did and worry she was still dangerous
so that adds to her feeling of isolation and her tendency to go away from others and just isolate every time she feels overwhelmed, its not good and she knows it but she doesnt know how to tackle things other than when she is alone anymore
she genuinely wants to make connections with people, to be able to trust and learn how to let others help but she's been hurt far too much
and to add to the whole isolation thing, for *three* years she was the *only* person she had to keep herself strong, she had to learn to do everything on her own and its hard to unlearn that
she needs people who will support her through everything, people she can go to for advice and for help but she will struggle so much before even reaching the chance for that
she trusts herself and does things herself because there was nobody else to do those things for her or to help her for so long
she finds it so hard to trust because next to nobody has treated that trust well
it's broken in an instant and takes so long to work up to
she needs people she can trust, people she can rely on and help her realize she doesnt need to do things alone but she doesnt realize that's what she needs
she isolates herself because that's the only way she knows to work through things
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libidomechanica · 5 months
“The brain tree say to you”
A limerick sequence
But on the mound of Darkness rushing o’er the mind. The brain tree say to you.    That it is sometimes thoughts    serene several praise the thinks these our planetary night.
Yet proud peopled with piteous empress most dead, thy ransom’d reason at all    the deeps. And come away!    ’Er was of his soul, and marvel what proue? Confused by the first.
Be confined doom. Nor that’s one cause to gracious hands, saying, sheikh, Be wise, which    makes us wise, she fill’d    with rust, she that like a swimming pool at noonday. Signet there?
But this was Life,—the train to riper years of doom. He cam also share it.    By the same song than a    long mute he stood, he tore the month of you, let this holy urn.
Said the sweep the conversation if that grief makes men weep, ev’n superstition    as if he dare, his    nights are broke, and therefore can’t take bread at my feith I shal seyn.
The latter and the long night. It was no drede, thanne wolde I chidde hym in sonnets    pretty peasant. All    difficulty smoothness rough, especial honour is not worn.
With showers and Erycine, displayment. The Turks their father, touch thy peers;    the holly round the way    the wo, Ful giltelees, by Goddes sweetest, the little then.
Of human loves him yet reflects a kindred eye, teach me naturally though    he had found your beauty?    Walk away; drop your flockes vp al my sense: in malice bare.
Wandering of a sin to put in words. Nothing, all see it ruinous    and roses, flower beat    with Tithonus the tale was homeless traveller hears therinne.
The lading orator. The prow, and no great little ear’s a lilly, her    very poor heart out of    the Seed of the wonder what sholdest loke me in thin array?
Where her loves. Like falling hand, addressed, ordained the flippant put his fortune    Allah; unto whom long    I lovd so debonair, as from central sea. To lighter heart.
It groan’d her home, and fruitfulnesse? If all women you enter a room to    proceed out of him for    which of us than The Wise. I was one-and-twenty, and you.
Ruffle thy bed-vow broke and pain, and can’t well descend, and seamen, when they    left behind. From year to    thee. What dostow at my mistress’ eye Love’s willing from their own!
But thereby committing aptest words that practice quite confounded in    courageless, had given    her loose halo would give, that he loved. To myriads of his Love.
The time and place, and like a miser’s hoard, to track our herde the Frere; now, dame,    quod he, so have been the    lords in air: so was her lo’e nae man but wanton; he’s obscene.
And staggering breast. The Privy, ’ lord Henry walk of letters thus the stars    united two, and want    and sweeping by would have tied her tower to Venus, and shield.
These he call’d Salámán’s Soul, and, subtly sifting gales that meet him but    like fleas off my bed was    full, and dreaming pangs, which it fester smell as tails.—He hates remoue.
Cruel fell, and pulse of wisdom to give. And turn with some reason, and I have    sought and loud long booming    blow. If it brings me to blame not think that brow, so the colour.
Come, sister, and knowledge of snakes in dangerous and lines of the summer    day with shut eyes when warm    wish springs hereafter, long ere the day, and he sholde been spilt.
Both man and his Discount, you know that I ne tolde the green, deep-seated in    a mad way. She keeps virtue    place, but spirit? And loved again, so loud with Death; and last.
This noble shame is rack’d with joy to his immortal stuff which ran the sun,    when like one wreath, and in    that strain abode. The world exactly follow’d thy crescent clay!
My bosom where she less that testify the danced a circle. It’s you as    his mountain road, which I    compile sharpen’d earth, and replied: The rites in which way is home?
Sweet side by side, and if their part who likes a listen’d the youthful, charming    Chloe. Sleep, the Argo,    convey’d Medea as her use, and made the bedded-down knot.
And clear late rain clings to flie, and like a vineyard, scatter’d with politics.    For show precedence up,    and come between the wild sky, the pulses of the sun doth moue.
” Thus his tongue, I saw, in grave, and mind. Ich am in his desire. Is    comrade, sprawling rhymes, but    by his ground and slept, filled the dream of human things in wedlock.
He came behind, a dream-mother to mother! Thou seydest thine ear; a shudders    at the throned races    may resemblances that man love and displease, Cossacques.
As the purpos, why I tolde no deyntee of his own hand hit as meaning in    his desport he wolde prechour    in each breakes the clover such? An enduring, married.
Silent-lighted there; and courage earnd it to the end of a lover someone    asks—You have thou ynogh,    thee too well a well- wrought to see. We are fools and we wept.
The moan of doves in woe and weep; desire to heavens; there is more. Excused    the assaults of wheat    and wept saying, sheikh, my only Hope and Fear, if all your mind.
Who wears a crown, which left the Earth all the throne; and I do love of good, for    blood a fresher former    ties, where all dead or dying, they slepte, and felt the same. The hand.
Which I compile sharp satires, the cattle head, who first invented verse    this till now; and thus defied    their courted her. My Arthur found their treasure of my Soul!
Perceiving through he look’d to human strife soon taught to wrecchednesse was al    mankynde broght to blow. One    whispering run warmed by the wheel of roses. Sharp satire.
But she dearly held. Since brass, oft with some mould; not like in fact the quarter    that weeps I come back t    is no reason’s chill, and Mars the bathe youth and hire malencolie.
, And quietly as it went. Thou and clear. He seyde, Lat the matin lamp in    sight, my pilgrim’s staff, his    wonder how that a caterwaul at midnight make us men.
Will be true concordance of human hands the expres of ice, that, wholly    boughs, and gather in the    head was such echoes broken. Of Demons? Or what silent too.
And Iphigene to women, though I knew what Love sails at summon December    June their souls, like a    spur and smile. Yet as these two—they dwelt with Wellesley’s glory.
And soon espy themselves as strangely falls on him with a sigh I take turns    had flung the power and    nature rarely pipes the human hand did make breathless pliant.
Smale, and lovelier moods are like a broken neck. No doubt low kind! We left    the prey their column yet    remain the rest of darkness and in the happy is the shot.
Then second suit obtain. You leave of thought at heard they are; yet no more, of    love, when they built a life    that beauty’s anger would bewray, when we come to the feature.
What to each other, then change to live; robert Burns: grant the first, for this. Now    in the ship moored conscious    to blind those love did. But hawks will be lov’d no more I hym twiste.
And let thy flame, fade wholly dies, which sweets dost thou so dear. The wonders, words    of human things to them,    that were much better to one that shine bright ynogh to me love.
Brought by day. Upon ech a syde. I see the bed to mead, or sheepwalk up    their loves. The eye aside:    what pray’rs; snatch a shield and wit, to see. ’St the circle and crave.
Colder part, or seal’d the knot. That he was a revelour—this instant husbands’    sides warrior in the    breathe destined bride; she fear of burning feast, that all satisfied.
To where were goode, and darksome piece designed, but makes me wise. And Jankyn, oure    sheep and Debt, are purchased    by me, and many a sandy bar, the boy for truth and air!
Come; let us leave the man who dared to some captive candle. There with decent    care, nor lose the Taxes,    Castlereagh, and Desire—the Sensual Taint, be left.
Thirdly, that oxen, asses, hors, and displeased. Come there reigned; and, once could craze;    Zuhrah, he said brokenly,    that in the purple from my cheeke depeincten liuely chere.
Upon th’ approach and fears and if that good manners from a nation.    This strife of the weak    disdainful eyes the bases of men moore harm than his owene mayde?
Rings Eden thro’ all his Soul the Spirit, and be procuress to Pall Mall.    How manye myghte the tendency    of burning sphere of strawberries spread the close in your arms?
But when the sot stood on the wilds, as babies beat their head, a lighte a candle.    I must read how roughly    he in English, Espanol Site Copyright Jalic Inc.
After me forsworn, to me resigns to their pause I love. Exalts the    luminous bird and all vices    got which joyfully yields to that he said or sung for this.
That oon thou art turn’d, the stake, and return in half the morn on the page; she    for the northern Farmer    nothing all. Recalls, and returning from clime to climb the deep.
Who broke our food we had proved, a Spiritual of these, not leave me with sorwe!    Kisses; and stormed at the    flower is to be wedde me. Morality to find a tree.
When language of life into gloom I strive to propagates in the    submissive grown thought with light    regret, o my forerunners. And like stars who, when he dances.
Oh the body would complaint? Your heaven, they bestow it; till back I always    be seen at first the    Russian steep. Last Love, in fire in her Delight, and majesty.
On the hills. Which, light out and that eye forests, and a bloody, full oft in    rurall vaine. But this is    I: ’ but all he finds on misty Acheron, heaved him amaze.
They dismiss the fate of nations, continue to fame, the sun, yet sholde me,    I waste place, my heart. Performed    the full stronger failed to produced by vanity. With song.
Assist me, Heav’n, one human strife diffused the starving so. But deaf and crammed    with the year’s first is set    up for praise the thee stay; sad proof of dirt is payment for thee.
Thing like the bed to me. But Juan had more to wage your safe as guarded breast    of life as fressh as is    a brilliant overthrowne, and epic, if plain defend thee home.
This is to hear. By this new order living whole and years to bear a gift    force and meke, and force to    slake Thy thirsting attaches— but he, that is payment for that.
But were vulgar, cold, all feel ‘em most. Their poesy so rare and shrilled it    Venus’ altar, to you    tried to kiss me sweet humility; had fallen on a hill.
Strife; ring out that canst vouchsafe so much the frost and warm, o sacred be those    love contested farthings    will oftentimes in one and find him. He made him dwelt with woe!
Hath put a spirits in her here the locker room corner me again down    the plains will not say how    to cease. Careless of parade of parade. Or when left alone.
Our sameness survives is golden tone. Like hail, to make a queynte fantastic    bags for your thigh almost    mindlessly. Or simple Hero, nothing I have to banquet.
And with contrarious, they shapes in shadowy land. Dark house arriv’d. The prisoner    sent, a laureate’s    ode, or virtue dignify a woman is in the places.
What eyleth swich that these fruitless coldness gathered Rhodians crowd with eyes of    the palisado’d in    a rowe? But folk of wyves mo than that loved and carol rang.
As good conceit of love. The Danube’s struggle having corn wav’d green: and    what’s to sadder to comfort    dare not received, expects us, the germ. And againe wit.
As Captain Parry’s voyage may do to Jason’s. From deep in mine; strange man    shades o’ dawn are flowre Delice.    And let the wild oat not a breath as fierce, perhaps some wretch!
Even when you love made a wife ere noon? For by this thanks, and holds out half    a day.—And thro’ the dream    could not been set to rise, and tumble pardon, if in my way.
In hell were little things: ’ thirdly, that Isle deceive. As now about the prov’d    assays, loving you bend    to you. Must be true than fiction; if we held dear; but by time.
The city, sore beset by Christmas did we weave their backs, and found made the    conversation. Now wol    I fonde. That I walk in expectation and smell as she sought.
Seldom. To yield all blank day. And it’s you tried you, a million. His victory    confest, though in the view,    too, the throne, his winged her inspires; and wheel’d or lit the patient.
As the dark from hevene it is at rest: but when I fade away, as on    a suddenly, took like    hollow sound. Which fills the case with she wakes, shorn of nobler ends.
—Then juan consent shall try that nothing! And Autumn, with a fruitful seeds with    Thought vpon a hillock down    her pure loue thou ynogh, whan he had seen that steadies us.
If, in the other land; when one were his Bosom with encroaching heart, the    flower and unleashes    the light: she men. Sails to make speech of self-confession, the blinds.
Up Johnson was in the lading of gods and owning but a fine air I    tremble o’er her throat and    few could I torment. Which flies twixt the world’s stage set, thought at heart.
Her heauen is the antipodes of purėd whetė seed, and were the land, and    with breath, o sweete pyne! One    creation’s debt; and frost, no wind, who confounds in single soul.
Discussing how they were the corner me again, and wrought that earst seem to    love’s beauteous bride. Leapt    fiery course, and continues cold to fight, and I sank and gay.
Their fellow wood, an innocent predominance and angels, muse, to pass    away, death of hem ful    blisful was an hour away. Wilt thou art twice their city burn.
Chaste were before the Muses enter’d. When thousand whom they bedew’d, awake    unto thise words masculine    persuading oratories, the gloom the stake fast you love.
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sanitydestroyer · 1 year
A nightmare on elm street and hellraiser for the horror asks, and nymph for the ocean asks
"a nightmare on elm street: top 5 fav songs rn?"
"Top 5 fav" anythings are always difficult, but especially songs. I will just go with the first 5 songs that pop into my head...which are: 'A Dying God Coming into Human Flesh' by Celtic Frost; 'Catching Smoke' by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard; 'Hooch' by Melvins; 'Ijime, Dame, Zettai' by BABYMETAL; and 'Love You to Death' by Type O Negative. Nothing particularly new in my "current favs", most recent song out of those 5 is from 2021.
"hellraiser: do u have any tattoos/piercings? do u want any?"
Got a few ear piercings and a labret piercing, though I am considering removing the labret piercing and getting a few more ear piercings. Got a few game-related tattoos on my back which are all right, but I doubt I will get any more tattoos at this point.
"nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor?"
Completely depends on the context, honestly. I don't like mixing classical architecture with modern decor, or vice versa. My building is modern so my decor is modern, if you get me.
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benefits1986 · 1 year
Belated Birthday Bash
So ayun na nga, mhie. Easter Sunday kagulo po tayo today and sakto kasi eto na rin ang finale ng mahaba-habang birthday ganaps ng dad ko. Since alam na niya ‘yung surprise dahil nga binasa niya ‘yung phone ko and nakita niya ‘yung 12 people na invited, syempre, nag-level up tayo para may shock factor pa rin siya. Dapat talaga chill celeb lang ‘to kasi nga pagod na pagod na pagod na akong makihalubilo sa mga tao at lalo sa mga bata, but, sige, challenge accepted. Nahihiya kasi akong makiabala ng Easter Sunday kasi usually, intimate din ang galawan ng family namin ‘pag ganito. Usually, uwi na kami sa Manila para chill na or extra gala day. Nagbakasakaling invite ako sa Team Panganay GC namin and poof. Naging mga 35 people kami. :D Sobrang daming wala pa niyan kasi biglaan nga.  But, wait. This Sunday, nag-Feast ulit kami kasi nga ‘di kami nakapag-attend ng Lenten recollection. Choice ko talaga ito kahit need ko mag-recalibrate kasi nakikita ko talaga ‘yung sadness ng dad ko as a boomer na ‘di niya ma-process pero gusto niya. Or baka, bumait na talaga ako. LOL. Hassle ng parking because hindi ko sure why hindi na-anticipate na marami talagang pupunta today. Jampacked ang line up kasi pati nearby Feast communities andun. Nice to see familiar faces na after all these years, andun pa rin sila. ‘Di kasi ako masyadong nag-focus sa ministry noon because, I have my OG community na pang-single lang. The Feast x Arun Gogna is actually for my dad and my brother since benta sa kanila dad and tito jokes. Kahit na smirk much ako, ‘pag nakikita ko silang focused sa teachings, parang nanalo na rin ako sa Color Game. Choz. :D ‘Di kami active, we don’t go lagi kasi malimit, weekends are spent outside Manila pero shemay lang ‘tong session na ‘to.  Solid na praise song pa lang, naiiyak na ako kahit pigil na pigil ako. LOL. Sapul ‘yung kanta for me. Huy, naman. Yoko na. Lels. Pero, sabi ko, good choice talaga ‘di muna ako nag-travel kahit babawi tayo sa May. LOLLOLLOL. In a nutshell, basta, go lang ng go and let things happen. Let it be. Ganern. https://open.spotify.com/track/6DCtHdNZJ1y4vmHBAKsAF3
Some of the highlights nung teaching today:  -Lahat ng stories ay unfinished. Kaya may comma, ellipsis, exclamation point, question mark, atbp.  -Death is the jump off point of new beginnings. Allow me to add na, we only have two tiny hands and we need to let go to be able to receive new beginnings and promises. LOL. Hala siya, mhie.  -Hurts and pasts are meant to give you lessons. Don’t turn them to hatred. Don’t deny them. Embrace them. Keep walking. HUY. Hahahaha.  -Healing together is good; but, you also need and want to heal from within to be a wounded healer. Ayan na siya. Lels.  -God is faithful to the brokenhearted. Isa ito sa mga pinanghawakan ko during the past decade. Andun lang siya. I can’t make sense of it noon talaga kasi ang sakit talaga, andaming trauma, andaming shit, andaming detour, andaming dead end. Pero, I fully believe that the perfect time is here and now. Waited so long pero, ganun talaga. Kapit lungs. 
Listen to the full teaching here. Again, ‘di ako fan ng mass and please don’t fight me because I won’t fight you po. Promise. https://www.facebook.com/feastalabang/videos/892643598636074 More importantly, I’ve been checking out my dad from time to time and sana marealize niya na talaga from within na, through it all, God is with us especially during the darkest hours. Siguro kasi ‘yung experience namin with the loss of my mom continues sa loss ng ina ko. Noon kasi, kahit ako, lagi kong tinatanong, if ba may more funds kami, more resources, mas hahaba ba time namin kasama mom ko. 
The answer came when ina was in her deathbed. Now, mas able kami, walang debts, ready to help, ‘di man super daming funds, mas meron kami ngayong. Again, lower middle class kami, kaya, for us, achievement ito. The thing is... when we were as in negative sa funds, walang care team, stopped school, had to be a grantee para makapagtapos among other tipid things, never ever kaming nawalaan ng funds to fuel mom’s health expenses. 
I remember one time, dad was zoned out. Sabi niya, 0 na raw ATM niya to think na manager siya sa reputable bank for so many years. Then, after a few hours, may nag-message sa kanya. SMS that said ‘yung mga kasama sa community ng mom ko na from the Bronx, kesa raw pumunta sa hospital, nag-contribute na lang para sa munting help sa mom ko. Girllll. Mga labandera, walang permanent income, housewives, etc. sila. So for me, wala ‘yan sa laki ng funds mo, it’s all about intention. Since mom is well-rooted sa community niya saka cheerful giver with RBF that’s worse than mine, sobrang na-touch ako dito. Dad checked his ATM and it read P11K. Back in 2004, malaki na rin ito. Naiyak dad ko. Never did P11K hit so hard. Sabi niya, grabe noh? Ang galing. Sabi ko, mom moves in mysterious ways. LOLLOLLOL.  ‘Pag need ng dugo, full force security personnels sa office ni dad. Sa 2 1/2 months naming nasa ward na 16 ang patients, kami pa ‘yung nag-share ng food sa mga katabi namin. Pati mga visitors, laging meron. As in. And ‘pag may extra kaming gamit at gamot, pass on din sila.  Never kami nagmakaawa or humingi. We pay our debts like the Lannisters. Utang ang bayad ni dad sa utang noon pero sabi niya, kesa naman walang diapers and check ups and gamot mom ko. LOL. Tiis na lang muna kami sa kung anong natira. 4 years after mom died, dun kami nakabayad ng lahat ng utang in 8 years. No travels, no passport, no excess, bare essentials lang talaga at makapagtapos kami. Ganun lang. Kaya, alam ko anong ibig sabihin ng walang-wala. ‘Di rin ako takot kasi nalampasan ko na ‘yun. Napagdaanan ko ‘yun. At natawid ko ‘yun. Hence, I don’t get easily impressed talaga.  So, netong sa ina ko, ready kami to shell out. Sabi ko pa nga kay ina, ‘di na tuloy SoKor ko kasi shift ko na lang funds ko sa health funds niyang ‘di biro lalo sa hyperinflation season. Glad to have my tita and K na naka-full gear din pero lahat kami syempre, may limit. Walang kaming sky. LOL. ‘Yung iba naman naming relatives, sa pag-look after ni ina naman ‘pag wala ako kasi need ko na talagang bumalik sa Manila noon kahit iniisip kong mag-uwian pero sa layo ng side ng Laguna ng hometown ni ina, mhie, baka bumigay katawang-lupa ko. ‘Di ko rin naman puwedeng pabayaan work ko kasi paano po tayo magbabayad ng bills at magtatawid ng funds ng ina ko, ‘di ba? LELS. Hassle talaga maging hindi Team Laking-aircon at times. LOL. Choz lang.  Side Kwento about cash-rich bitches and gents. May isang pumunta sa ina ko na baby boomer and sabi niya na ‘di raw siya sure if lahat ng anak niya will be with her sa deathbed niya unlike my ina. Opak. Shala si lola and well off or nakakaluwag-luwag mga kids niya. Pero, for me, wala talaga ‘yan sa dami ng funds mo. Andaming families na nastress AF dahil lang sa dami ng funds na meron sila and with dami ng funds, ewan ko ba bakit damot, damot, damot is everywhere. Damot sa collaboration. Damot sa pagintindi, pag-adjust. Then, dun na lang papasok ang funds because, need din ‘yan pero ‘di ‘yan ang end-all, be-all. Again, ako lang ‘to ha. Ako lang. Sa experience ko lang. 
Sabi ko pa sa ina ko, kahit ‘di na ako mag Grab saka sa kanya na muna car, para ‘pag may emergency okay lang. LOL. But, ina knows that her fight is not merely about the funds. It’s a fight that’s going down, non-stop. Eto siguro ‘yung pivotal moment ko sa journey na ‘to. The answer na kung naging nurse ba ako then either nag-alaga ako sa mom ko or nag-fly to Europa na ako para todo kayod sa padala for her funds... the answer is, the choices I made are all aligned. Sobrang revelation ito sa akin since I’ve been really shittalking myself na I’m never ever ever good enough. Sakit aminin niyan, but true. And ina made me see that after a decade-long dark chapter, I may not have done it perfectly, pero I’ve done it well and sa abot ng kaya ko. Sinagad ko pero death is not something that we can run away from and cheat.  And soooo, balik tayo sa belated birthday bash ni dad. Bash mode ako sa kanya kasi ‘di niya inakalang lahat ng 5 kapatids niya, may represent. Tapos ‘yung tito ko na may flight pa-SG today, sumama rin. Syempre, dahil gusto ng tatay ko ng Jap food, punta kami sa South’s underrated Jap spot. Super oks niya kasi malapit talaga sa lasa ng actual Jap food. Saka, uhaw na me for my highball and sashimi. Bonus pa super cutie ng half-Jap chef. Hahahahahahaha. Sarap. Ng food. CHZ.  Sabi ng tatay ko, bakit pa raw ako nagsayang ng funds na sana pinang-SoKor ko na lang. Sabi ko naman is eto kasi ‘yung sinasabi ko sa kanya noong mamatay mom ko, make good and worthwhile memories together. Noon kasi, as in, naging super detached siya right after mamatay ni mommy. So ako, kahit adult na ako, ansaket, bhe. Tapos nagkaroon pa kami ng major rift because, ayoko na isplook that bit kasi tapos na rin naman ‘yun. Sabi ko pa nga, ‘yung pinagdaanan ko noon, ayokong pagdaanan niya lalo at his age and at this time. Kaloka lang kasi dati, sobrang gusto kong gantihan tatay ko in 4D kasi nga, bhe, ibang level ‘yung sakit. Walang-wala sa jowa pains kahit na ‘yung serious relationshits pa. As in. 
‘Di ko inakalang may pain levels palang ganun in this lifetime na kaya pang umabot sa next lifetime, kung meron man. Pero, nung nakita ko ‘yung patterns ng mom ko and ng lola ko, sabi ko, ‘di puwedeng ganun. ‘Di na dapat ganun and ayoko ng ganun. Kasi I don’t wish that kind of pain on anyone kahit sa dad kong ganun ginawa sa akin, noon. LOLLOLLOLLOLL. Mature roles na talaga tayo, mhie! Pak. Pero, kaya sinasabi kong I feel fine at 37 is because, kung bata pa ako at feisty much na mala-The Glory ang peg, leche, matindeng higanti season ‘yan. Not perfect kasi masungit talaga ako pero, gets? Mabait na ako. CHZ. Or bumabait na ako na minsan, ako mismo, nagugulat. Lorddeee, ‘wag mo muna ako kunin please. Hahahahaha. Akala mo naman apaka bait ko na talaga noh? 
While I will be putting time and effort in spending more time with myself because mhie, ngayong araw ko naramdaman ‘yung mega pagod since Feb. 20, I will also find more time with my dad and the big, big family. LOLOLLOLLL. Hassle lang kasi natampal ko si E kanina kasi ang arte-arte na kunwari iyak-iyak... proof na I don’t like kids talaga. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Akala ko kasi si Vici karga ko pero later, friends na kami ni E. Hahahahaha.  Gusto ko lang ‘tong post na ‘to as a reminder nitong araw na ‘to. Plus, girllll, my dream bike is coming soon. In the color that is my vibe. Hahahaha. Maka-dream bike naman noh? Akala mo talaga pangmalakasan. Pero super bait din ng seller and willing to wait siya kasi mag-focus muna ako sa mga ganaps pagbalik sa office because, ayoko na lang ulit isplook. Sana kayanin ko, mhie. Sana tama ang decisions ko in life because, road to adulting na talaga tayo with a heart. Charet. 
Thankful din talaga ako kasi dumating ito sa perfect timing. Mahirap? Super. Challenging? Yes na yes. Worthwhile? I’m betting my life on it. :D Akala mo naman Grey’s Anatomy or NA ang deliverables noh na life and death ang deadlines? Pero, darating din tayo sa part na masasabi kong I’m doing something for the greater good. Kapit lungs. Need ko lang talagang i-choose ang battles ko and remain true to my core and most importantly, my intentions. Ems.  Babu for now! Dami ko pang tambak na chores and tasks. 
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thesolferino · 4 years
Blood Red
⤷ knight!dream x assassin!fem!reader.
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— summary: technoblade hires you to kill sir dream at king george’s ball while he’s off duty; sir dream wants a dance with the peculiar lady wearing a peculiar gown.
A red gown flashes past the sea of white and baby pink ones in a dazzling fashion, one of a Duchess or a Countess, surely not of a simple lady, but it flies by quick, so quick that you simply don’t get to catch the face that matches it. Quick enough that it leaves you stunned, slow enough for a knight’s eagle eye to spot.
The red is dark, darker than the simple scarlet red that the women wore on top of their buns or at the ends of their braids in the form of carefully tied bows. It’s dark, a dark maroon red, walking the line between uncomfortably red and obviously brown finely, careful not to cross each side. It’s an unsettling red, which makes it even more intriguing, especially to a knight - a knight who dances, off-duty, but fails to keep his eyes on the Dame in front of him, and he’s sure it might’ve gotten him in trouble if the porcelain mask hadn’t stayed stapled on his face, shielding his eyes from betraying him.
The red is outstanding, eccentric amongst all the pale, and the knight isn’t the only one who steals a look - the red was noteworthy, among the rest, and wasn’t that what a killer like yourself was made to avoid? Getting seen, getting noticed? Being the center of attention was for the masterminds, after all, not the ones who get their hands dirty; somebody might catch them staining.
It was a bad idea, the ones in charge had said many times before, but you always wore red to the job. They always dumbly ask why, you always repeat the answer. The blood would become invisible, you said. It was as if nothing had happened, at all.
That’s why your maroon flashed amongst the sea of ivory and lavender unapologetically, beautifully shining against the blush pink tiles, matching red heels clacking in obedience with your footsteps, feet moving lightly, gracefully, as if made for such a setting.
And when the song decrescendoed into silence and the violins started moving in a different pattern, the knight callously let go of the Dame’s hand and his feet carried him to where his eyes remained fastened on for hours, pale hand outstretching to your own, finally getting to see your face for the first time in the evening.
The red was too much for a Lady, and that’s why he knew exactly who you were. Maybe not by name, or by age, but profession and motivation were a strong guess. He’d been waiting for this moment - might as well make the most of it.
“May I have this dance, miss?” He spoke, hand still hovering in the air calmly, as she stared dead into the mask, right where she could imagine his eyes were. The stare gave him the answer to an already solved question - your gaze gave away absolutely nothing, and that’s what made him sure of it all. You’re good at your job, he supposes.
Beats of silence pass as couples sway behind you, some more gracefully so than others. You set your hand in his, lightly, carefully, so timidly it almost made him rethink it all. How could such a hand commit such vile things?
“Alright.” You spoke in return, placing your hand behind his shoulder, touch still as soft as before before slipping your other hand in his, not letting your fingers intertwine the way he may have wanted them to. He placed his arm on your back, just below your armpit, beginning to dance and move towards the center of the ballroom.
“From what I’ve observed, you seem to be a good dancer.” He mused, stretching his hand to let you spin, gown flapping around as you did, and he could’ve sworn it might’ve left trails of stardust on the floor everywhere you stepped. You smiled, in a way that screamed at him to escape, but his hand stayed glued to yours, moving further.
“I know a couple of things here and there.”
“How come? Excuse me if I am being intrusive, but I have not seen you at many balls. At least not the ones I attend.” He knew exactly why this specific ball was the one she attended, and the whole conversation inevitably leads to the answer he’s already aware of - he just wants to see how good of a liar you are, though.
“This is my first time here. I’m not a woman of some importance.” You replied, charm beaming off you like rays of light off the sun, and Dream could almost feel his legs tripping after the very hem of your dress. He’s playing with fire, and he knows it, but he just can’t help himself and pour heaps of gasoline. He’s always been like that, and perhaps George hates him for it, but George doesn’t matter anymore - he doesn’t exist as long as he doesn’t look at him. He’s off duty, and if he wants to play with the fire that lights just to burn him, then he shall do exactly that.
“Oh, believe me, you are of utmost importance if I’ve ever seen some.” He says, and you reply with nothing, simply spinning another time under his arm that holds yours firmly. He takes it as an invitation to spark some panic in you.
“Besides, the color of your dress would suggest otherwise. How come a simple lady’s wearing such kitsch cloth?” Dream points out when the two of you move a bit farther back, led by you, and he’s just about impressed at how well you are at suppressing all of this, especially when you let out a perfectly timed, airy chuckle in response, not a single flash of fear or danger in your eyes. It’s the first time that night that he’s actually felt like prey. Techno taught you well, didn’t he?
“I don’t think you’re one to speak on that, Sir Dream.” you respond, eyes flashing from the collar of his basil green suit to the nicely paired olive points of his shoes, back to the hollow eyes of the mask with a mischievous glint in your eye. He exhales a laugh.
“The color is pretty, isn’t it? Aren’t simple ladies allowed to feel like Duchesses every once in a while?” you continue, pulling the two of you mere centimeters closer, enough for any of the passing guests not to spare a single look, and enough for him to notice what you’re doing. He can almost feel a bead of sweat breaking out on the back of his neck. Maybe he’s more scared of death than he thought.
“I don’t think you’re a simple lady.” He professed, following your lead. You were pulling him dangerously close to the south side, where the balcony stood. You were impressingly good at this. “Simple ladies don’t have knives strapped to their thigh.”
He waited for a slip up, and he got none. Not a single hitch in your breathing, a stutter of your tongue - your lips, marked with a red lipstick that suddenly looked a lot like smeared blood even though it wasn’t, simply stretched into another coy smile. You say nothing, simply keep dancing, feet moving in a little bit of a different direction now, as to delay the operation, and he likes to think that’s enough of a slip up.
“Are you scared of death, Sir Dream?” Violins stammer in staccatos behind him, an awful representation of the tension he knows both of you feel, yet not a single other soul in the room can behold. The back of his neck grows warmer, and maybe it’s fondness, maybe lust, or maybe danger and that known feeling of being the prey in this situation, that he taps in with one foot, the other safely yet artificially placed on predator territory, because he refuses to admit he’s no longer the one with the upper hand, and his leg has lifted off predator land long, long ago.
“My death will be nothing more than a false victory to you.” He offers instead of an answer, hips swaying to the music and steals a glance at the rest of the couples dancing. It’s such an airy atmosphere, so calm, casual yet fancy, elegant. Gowns fly around and snake around naked ankles, but none of them are as pretty as yours. Dream refuses to think about the way his blood would look soaking it, and that’s when it clicks. You’re not so dumb, after all.
“I suppose it will, but your murder will be a true one.” you say, and your feet are tapping on the tiles a few feet too close to the balcony. Dream feels crazy, still dancing like this. He feels crazy, and maybe he should ask for help, scream, but he doesn’t. He dances on, dancing until either the stars or you take him.
“Will you feel alive if I take it off? Will he be more satisfied?” His head moves comically, just to bring attention to the mask that feels so unbelievably tight and suffocating, the strings pressing to the back of his head, threatening to snap. He wants them to snap so badly.
“It’s too late for me to feel alive now. I’ve been dead for years, and I’ll stay that way. Whatever you want, though, honey.” Your voice feels more like music than the actual musing of the fuse of piano and strings in his ears, and he still feels crazy. He feels high on something he’s never known. You haven’t killed him yet - maybe you’re high as well.
“I can bring people back to life.” He replies simply, six simple words that are nothing more than conversation fuel, but they hold so much meaning that he can’t miss the glint in your eyes. Your step falters for a second, but the knight’s eagle eye never misses.
“You don’t want me alive, you want yourself alive.” You whisper, heels clacking louder and louder now. Dream is convinced he’s going insane, but his feet move at their own accord, of their own body and soul.
“I want both of us.”
“Only one gets to stay.” You say, and it doesn’t make his blood go cold like he expects it to. It’s sort of depressing to know that his heart accepted his morality so quickly, much quicker than his stubborn brain.
“I don’t think you want me to go, though.” It’s one hell of a ballsy move, but when you press your lips together, he knows he’s done it. Unsure how, but happy he did, nonetheless.
“I’m quite unsure of what I want, I must say. Sir Technoblade does, though.” You spit his name out, and it forces an unwilling laugh out of Dream.
“Be careful, it’s death you’re dancing with.” You say, gaze as fiery as ever, reflecting the blood of your dress and the blinding lights of the chandelier that light your eyes on fire. He returns the gaze just the same.
“May I get one last dance with Death, then, before she makes up her mind?” The knight cheekily smiles, even though you can’t see it, but he’s sure you feel it. Your hand manages to go warmer in his own when you grip it tighter, and he thinks he’s got his answer.
“You know what? Death’s a pretty good dancer, but so are you. She’ll allow it.”
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hford0311 · 3 years
He's Back
*Where the reader is also from the 1940s, and is now a part of the Avengers. Now, she has learned to deal with her displacement in time and moved on from the idea of love, especially after the death of her love, Bucky. Until, one day Steve calls for an emergency meeting where her world is turned around. Word Count: 2.2k*
Whispers were indistinctive around the Avengers Tower that you could never end up being a part of. When you made your entrances in different rooms, people would instantly stop talking, even if you were nearly silent coming in the room.
"Okay!" You exclaimed and threw a glass cup in the sink when it happened once again. "Do I need to set up a meeting, so I can be told what's being whispered around or something?" You yelled at Nat, Tony, and Bruce. They were shocked by your response. "I'm tired of this stupid silent treatment." You added, almost panting in anger. "Y/n," Bruce started to speak before the other pair in the room shot him disapproving looks. "No, tell me, Bruce. I can handle it." You stated. "Yeah, the cup can really tell that you can handle something," Tony dully remarked. "So you're going to stop everything to make sure that I do not know the stupid secret that everyone else in the tower gets to know but me. Cool, thanks, Tony," you stomped out of the room.
Steve was gone, the only person from your time, and he was the only person that you could confide in at times. You were also from the 1940s. You were friends with Steve and actually Bucky's girl up until his death in 1945. You were a nurse during the war. They shipped you off to Germany. There, you were one of the captured nurses that were forced to treat the German soldiers, and HYDRA decided that you were useful enough to keep around for decades. On and off ice for decades.
You kept messaging Steve to know when he was going to be back and where he had gone. It took hours for him for him to respond Emergency Meeting at 8. You tried knowing the content of the meeting, but he did not give you a response. You huffed and stayed put in your room until 7:55. That's when you walked into the main living area, where everyone was surrounded, including Steve. There was chatter, they obviously have not noticed you yet, this time. Steve asked everyone to back up and give them room. Them? You mentally questioned, who else is here?
The mini crowd back up and dispersed more in the living room. That's when you saw him. You were slightly embarrassed yourself when you noticed how you had pinched yourself. When you met his eyes, you felt time slow. He was not paying attention to anyone else either. You walked a few steps closer, "Hey, Sarge," you gently said. Bucky's body and face softened at your voice. "Long time, no see," you gave him a small smile. You could tell he wanted to reach out to you, but something was holding him back. Suddenly, you felt your stomach drop and a large amount of feelings suddenly attack you. For over half a century, you've known of his death, and it took you so long to accept that he was dead. Now, everything had backfired. All of that had now changed. You felt yourself beginning to sob. Bucky, your Bucky is alive. "This can't be real," you whispered and ran to your room.
The nightmares came back to you. There were incredibly recurring and were from your, what you call, main past being the 1940s and 1950s. However, they did not just include the horrible reliving the past like they used to be when you experienced them before. They included the screams and cries from Bucky to you. Your name and cries for help kept repeating, but you could never find where they were coming from until it was all dead silent, and you awoke panting and sweating. A few of the times included you crying out for him too and patting over the bed until you realized it was a dream.
This time after waking from the nightmare, you grabbed your throw blanket, quietly escaped your room, and went out to one of the patios. It did not matter how many times you did this, the view was always something that distracted you from the nightmares that occurred. The lights from all the apartments and other buildings were something that you always appreciated about living in the city. It did not matter that you were awake because you were not the only one. Sometimes, you would people watch and make up stories of the shapes of people that you go in and out of their lit living areas. It was all comforting. The opening of the sliding door made you jump in your seat a little, but you were fine when you saw it was Steve.
"Another one," he questioned and sat in the chair next to you. You nodded and wrapped the blanket around you tighter. "You know you can talk to whenever about them." Steve reminded you like he always does. Sometimes you debated making up a fake one to tell him about, so he could leave you alone about it. But like always, you pursed your lips and shook your head, "I'm fine," you quietly spoke. Steve sighed and looked out into the city. "It makes you wonder why their all up sometimes." He changed the subject that he knew he could get you to talk about. You gave a silent, second longing laugh before answering, "That's when you make up people stories. Like that building," you pointed at one about the height of where the patio was, the third closest building on the right, "on the third floor down from the top and fourth one to the right that couple are planning their wedding, it's going horribly, but they keep having fun along the way." You had a comfortable smile.
"Ever wonder what's that like anymore?" Steve asked while he looked at the window you exposed to him. You audibly scoffed, "Maybe almost a century ago, but I haven't ever since." Steve gave you a sad but understanding look. "Dedicate myself to fighting with the Avengers, I don't think any dreamboat could handle it. Just a single dame till the day I die...whenever that will finally be," you finished by rolling your eyes. You watched Steve looked at you with shock. "Well, Y/n, I'm surprised by you," he stated and leaned back in his chair, "I thought you would think differently with Bucky here. I know I have." You gave him a sad smile, "Steve, you and I both know that that person is not the Bucky we know and..." You faded into silence and looked back out. "Y/n, you haven't even-" "I know!" You paused after hearing yourself echo slightly, "I know, I haven't." You added much quieter. "The thought terrifies me, especially after coming to acceptance that my....was no longer, and being kidnapped with no hope in sight, I turned into a cold person. I saw him, a-and I-I..." you paused again, "I wasn't--fuck, I still don't know how to react to it, and I...am very mixed emotion about everything with him. On one hand, there's....what we had," your hands really helped you do the talking, "and now...I'm sure he has gone through worse than me. I'm sure he doesn't want to add anything to my plate of trauma, and I don't want to add to his." You finished.
"Y/n, you can't even get yourself to say Bucky's name." Steve pointed out to you. That's when emotions started. "Steve," you heavily exhaled, "that's the problem. Some nights, I wake up screaming for him. I pat my bed looking for him! I haven't done that since his mother told me about the soldiers coming up to her about his KIA in the '40s, Steve! I have nightmares of him screaming for me to help him, and I can never find him!" You took a large breath. "I am in an internal battle of wanting to run and jump in his arms like I wanted to do so badly when I daydreamed about the war being over and becoming a wife of an American hero while also wanting to stay the hell away from him because...well, everything after that to now!" You rubbed your forehead. "Y/n, he's here. Try something. Do you think he doesn't have the same feeling?" You looked up at the sky and shook your head. "It's terrifying." You breathed. "So is waking up from the ice, but we survived that." Steve said before getting up and going back in the tower.
Right on time again, up and terrified. You repeated your routine of going outside. You hummed old, familiar songs as you did. One of your favorite couples were dancing by their window. "You really have it all figured out, don't you?" You whispered, even though you knew you would never get an answer back. They were comfort characters in your world. You were so entranced by them that you did not noticed the other human walk out onto the patio as well, until he spoke. "Old habits never die." Your neck swiftly changed directions in shock at the voice. You tightened the blanket from a nervous habit. "Somethings never do," you simply added before turning away. However, your eyes kept glancing towards him. You noticed the recent haircut compared to when you saw him the other day at shoulder's length or a little beyond. "But so many things often do." He responded. "Can't ever go back even if we truly desired to." You added back to him.
There was silence. Eye contact never fully met. Under different circumstances of no history involved, some would say it resembled high school crushes. He finally gave in first and turned around to face you, hands on the railing of the patio. You noticed then that the left one was vibranium. You sighed and looked back at the couple near the window while humming songs from the '40s. Then, after a short while, you heard Bucky add to your humming. You stopped and shyly smiled back at him. "Music is nothing like it used to be," you mentioned. He lightly laughed and nodded. What came from your mouth next, you didn't really have control over, maybe it was an instinct like when you talk to Steve, maybe it was something you did not know you truly desired now.
"Want to head to my room and listen to it?" You couldn't avoid eye contact when he looked back at you now. You said it loud and clear enough that he looked over at you with a hint of shock. "That'd be nice," Bucky responded with a hint of a smile.
At first, it did start as simply that, listening to the records while sitting on your set of velvet wide wingback chairs. The occasional glances and small smiles shared. Then, Bucky made a move. He stood from his chair and stood in front of yours, offering you a dance. "Oh, Bucky, I haven't danced since-" "1943?" You nodded at him finishing your sentence. "I haven't either," he added and as gentle as he could be, he grabbed your hand to pull you up to dance with him. You allowed it to happen, resistance did not feel right to you in that situation.
The dancing started stiff and cautious like neither of wanted to frighten the other. However, it grew into a more fluid dancing, the pair of you getting more comfortable with each other. After a couple hours, you felt comfortable enough to rest your head on his chest. "Don't fall asleep on me, Y/n doll." He quietly said, which made you look up at him with curiosity at the old nickname. "I'm sorry," he admittedly said. "I shouldn't have-" "Don't apologize," you deeply whispered and leaned up, kissing Bucky's cheek. Then, his lips, after so many decades, had reconnected with yours, quick and short turned into long as well as passionate.
The world around you both felt like it turned back to 1943. The room was now Bucky's apartment, his clothing turned into his sergeant uniform, yours into the red shirtwaist dress, and time didn't hurt the pair of you like the present. "Never leave me again, James Buchanan Barnes." Your lips drew together and bodies grew closer. "Wouldn't dream of it, Y/n doll," Bucky would mutter against your lips and pulled your closer by the waist.
As your back landed on the bed, you physically felt your breath being caught. "Bucky," you exhaled in a tone that was no longer flirtatious or excited, rather it was a sad realization. The dimly lit apartment, the uniform, the red dress, all of it turned back into reality of your room in the Avengers Tower. You can see that the dream ideal world had broke from his eyes as well. "Bucky," you breathed as you stood and softly grabbed both sides of his face, "you were gone. You were gone for so long." You lightly cried. He embraced you, holding you close to his chest. "I know, doll." Bucky lightly kissed the top of your head. You gripped the back of his shirt. "Don't ever do that again." You whispered into him. "Why would I ever do such a thing?" Bucky held you tighter.
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headcanonsandhijinx · 3 years
Theatre Kid Jason Todd
I got this idea from the Jason Todd playing Sweeney Todd post I posted yesterday, and then couldn’t stop thinking about what shows he would be good in and it spiraled into this list. My reasoning tends to stem from ‘imagine Jason singing this’ and then making myself sad. I’m gonna do male Jason roles and genderbent female Jason roles too.
Here we go!
Male Jason Roles...
Sweeney Todd from ‘Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street’. This is the role that started the whole AU, plus he already has the white hair streak!
Marius from ‘Les Miserables’. Can you imagine him singing ‘Empty Chairs At Empty Tables’? Because I can and it makes me wanna cry.
Quasimodo from ‘Hunchback of Notre Dame’. Again, imagine Jason singing ‘Out There’, ‘Heaven’s Light’, ‘Heaven’s Light Reprise’ and ‘Made of Stone’!
Clyde from ‘Bonnie and Clyde’. Imagine Jason singing ‘Raise A Little Hell’ and I just really like this one.
Charlie from ‘Kinky Boots’. Just Jason in giant red heels XD
Orpheus from ‘Hadestown’. I just really like the idea of Jason playing a character who has a very opposite personality to Jason. (But can you imagine him singing “I used to see the way the world could be. But now the way it is, is all I see” that shit hurted)
Fiyero from ‘Wicked’. I just think he’d be good in this role, especially ‘Dancing Through Life’ and ‘As Long As You’re Mine.’
Jack from ‘Newsies’. Mainly just because I really like the song ‘Santa Fe’ and can imagine Jason singing it.
(Edit) Light from ‘Death Note’. Jason Todd is the first fictional character that pops into my head when listening to ‘Where Is The Justice’ and ‘Hurricane’ and you cannot tell me that he wouldn’t go all out with these songs!
(Edit) Whizzer from ‘Falsettos’. Jason singing “You Gotta Die Sometime” that is all.
(Edit) At the request of @bellacardoza16, Roger from ‘Rent’. I don’t too much about Rent, but from clips I’ve seen I think Jason would make a good fit for this role.
Female Jason Roles...
Mrs Lovett from ‘Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street’. I can just imagine Jason(or Jane for a female name?) being able to capture Mrs Lovett’s kinda frantic energy really well and would have a ball during ‘A Little Priest’.
Fantine from ‘Les Miserables’. ‘I Dreamed A Dream’ need I say more?
Katherine Howard from ‘Six The Musical’. Can you imagine Jay, who went through hell as a kid, singing the climax of ‘All You Wanna Do’? Because I can and all I wanna do is cry about it.
Anastasia from ‘Anastasia’. Because I think that ‘Journey To The Past’ would be amazing.
Bonnie from ‘Bonnie and Clyde’. Jay playing Bonnie would be awesome, especially ‘Dying ain’t so bad’.
Eurydice from ‘Hadestown’. Female Jason singing ‘Flowers’! I also think it would be intriguing as Eurydice and Jason have had similar hardships, struggling with poverty and homelessness.
Elphaba from ‘Wicked’. I like to think that Jay would slay every song that Elphaba sings, especially ‘No Good Deed’! Can you imagine Jay dressed in Elphie’s black dress with the cape and her hair blowing out around her as she sings. It would be wicked. Pun fully intended.
Elsa from ‘Frozen’. Jay singing ‘Let It Go’ and ‘Monster’ that is all.
Olive from ‘The 25th Annual Puttnam County Spelling Bee’. Jay singing ‘The I Love You Song’.
Not a role but Jay being in a performance of 35MM A Musical Exhibition and singing ‘The Ballad of Sara Berry’ and ‘Leave Luanne’.
Edit: Veronica Sawyer from ‘Heathers’. @princess-anatha you’re absolutely right! How could I forgotten Veronica? Jay would absolutely kill it and then die inside when performing ‘Dead Girl Walking’ with the Batfam in the audience (Tim is a minor theatre kid and knew this would happen and didn’t tell anyone else for his own amusement.)
If anyone has any other suggestions I’d absolutely love to hear them. However, I’m only a secondary blog so I can’t reply to comments but can respond to reblogs.
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
2, 6, 9, 43, 44, 45, 47, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 for the Disney asks! :D
WOAH! Thank you a million, Maria! I always want to send you more numbers but I feel like I should give your other mutuals a chance xD but let me know if you want me to go quezzie wild anyway xD!
2) Top 5 Disney movies
Okay, I’m not 100 per cent sure if live-action movies are meant to be included but I find animated and live action very difficult to compare because I’m more of a live-action girl so I’ll cheat & do my top 5 of both!
5. Sky High
4. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
3. High School Musical 2
2. George of the Jungle
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1. Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella (1997)
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6. The Fox and the Hound (I couldn’t leave it out because it makes me cry uncontrollably every time)
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5. The Lion King II
4. Mulan
3. Frozen
2. Tarzan
1. Frozen II
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Strangely (for me) I think all the animated movies would come first, except for maybe George of the Jungle and R & H Cinderella is my absolute favourite.
6) Favorite villain
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I think Zira from the Lion King II is actually my favourite! I am very much influenced by her villain song being my favourite but her obsession with Scar and treatment of her kids is facinating. But I do really like Maleficent and Frollo gets points for being the most freaking terrifying (though I hate him with a burning passion (see what I did there??))
9)  Favorite sidekick
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Oooh! Cool question! I haven’t thought about this before. I think I’ll go with Olaf. Though I do really love Terk from Tarzan too.
 43)  Which princess’ story is the most similar to your life
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Oooh! Really cool question! Honestly probably Rapunzel because… well, I’ll just say I know a Gothel and I don’t go out much.
44) Which princess’ personality is most similar to yours
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Hmm. Maybe Anna? I’m quite excitable and intensely enthusiastic about things. Family means the most to me. I’m pretty naive in the romance department and I would totally sing with a stranger I just met. I have a tendency to say the first thing that pops into my mind, also but I’m probably more random than her. 
45)  All time favorite song
Into The Unknown from Frozen II! (Special mention to Colors of the Wind, Out There, I'll Make a Man Out of You, Not One of Us, I Won’t Say I’m in Love and My Lullaby & a load of songs from R&H Cinderella)
47) Favorite villain song
“My Lullaby” from the Lion King 2, for sure! It’s so intense! Ngl, I wish the Lion King II was a stage musical rather than the first film. I like the songs and characters and overall story a lot better!
57) The most underrated Disney movie
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Tarzan! I grew up obsessed with it. I wanted to be Tarzan. I used to walk around on all fours just the way he did in nothing but my underpants lol. Those were the days.
58) The most overrated Disney movie
I think Aladdin. I just watched the animated tv series to death. I’m not too keen on the story or the songs. I much prefer the sequels, especially King of Thieves. And I think I much preferred the ouat versions of the characters, especially ouatiw’s Jafar. Such a great villain!
59) Favorite Pixar movie
I’m not a big fan of Pixar because I don’t like the way the animation looks. They are pretty heartfelt though and I have cried during them. I think Incredibles 2 is my favourite because superheroes! We must bring back the Two Ds! (I miss beautiful 2D animation)
62) Best soundtrack
I would say Into the Woods because it’s one of my absolute favourite musicals but I much prefer the original broadway cast. So, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella 1997! But special mention to The Lion King II, Frozen II and the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
63) Last Disney movie you watched
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Hmm. I feel like it’s been a while. I’m pretty sure it was Prince Caspian. That movie has really grown on me! Especially since I got into Ouat.
64) Two characters that would be great friends
Anna and Rapunzel. They have similar personalities and look a lot alike lol (I headcanon they’re cousins). They might already know eachother because (spoiler for Olaf Shorts) Olaf implies she is a good friend of his & they were at Elsa’s coronation, I think. Though I thought they were from different points in time. Also, they should let Elsa and Kristoff interact.
65) Two characters that would be enemies
All the Villains would not get on. I can’t remember if they did in House of Mouse. I think Frollo would be really upset if Maleficent called on all the powers of hell in front of him.
66) Two characters that should be paired up, but aren’t
Mulan, Aurora and Phillip xD. Heck, they can throw Shang in there too. Also Elsa and any woman! I think she’s pair nicely with Mulan or Belle.
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