#especially Noel Fisher
theglitternet · 1 year
EASILY the most heart-wrenching thing about later seasons Gallavich is how openly Mickey smiles when he looks at Ian. ESPECIALLY in public places
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swiftfootedachilles · 5 months
Trans!Mickey HC: Sometimes Mickey wants to grow out his hair but then he'll feel dysphoric and chop it off. He just wants to look like a cool punk dude dammit. So Ian suggests he'll grow his hair out with Mickey so they can both be cool punk dudes together. He even buys Mickey a bunch of bandanas to tie around his hair.
i love guys with long hair and especially trans guys who feel comfortable and confident enough to grow out their hair, but ngl any form of mickey milkovich with long hair sounds like it would look CURSED. idk noel fisher just has a face for short hair. that being said, i am NOT rejecting this headcanon. perhaps i just need a visual aid for mickey with variously-lengthed hair 👀 but i definitely believe that ian would do anything alongside mickey to make him more comfortable and feel less alone
edit: now trans mickey with a lot more tattoos and piercings....the vision is coming together a lil more
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gayhoediaz · 7 months
It's the same thing when people complain that OS is getting paid as much as others actors that have been acting way longer. Like, I understand that it's not fair, but what is he gonna do? Refuse the money? He's also a guy who can't know for sure if he'll still be acting in a few years, he's right to take as much money as he can 🤷‍♀️ absolutely everyone would do the same lmao
that’s the thing is that like. this is a once in a lifetime gig. booking a main part on two MAJOR shows is RARE. (of course it happens - look at peter, angela, jennifer, etc. jeremy allen white, ted danson if we’re venturing outside of this specific show.) i don’t personally blame oliver for accepting the money especially because acting is such an unstable career even if you are established.
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, i absolutely think that 911 is the height of oliver’s career. and that’s not an insult to him. (i mean. noel fisher has completely fallen off since shameless, even though most people agree he was one of the best actors on that show. not saying oliver is the best actor on 911, i think most of them are relatively even.) and while he makes money most of us could only dream of, it’s not the kind of money that is going to let him retire without a single care in the world. he’s a very lucky guy, but people act as if he (and other non-a listers in the entertainment industry) are jeff bezos and that’s just. not the case. at all.
do i agree that he (+buck) are favored more than the others? yeah. is it unfair? yeah. but it’s not oliver’s fault.
i don’t love going to bat for white people richer than me but any time anyone is attacking an actor for something they have no control over i just get. so tired.
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crestfallercanyon · 11 months
I got tagged in some questions from @callivich and while I didn't answer all of them, I've got some! (I also kept these answers Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich centric, though I did have a couple thoughts about just the show generally haha). Anyway --
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? makes a cathedral, him pressing against me and then the companion piece and we will be like sailors, swimming in the sound of it by misandrywitch and intimatelyrearranged respectively -- they're just really good post-mickey's-coming-out-fics which I tend to love every rendition but those ones are really good (also I, like many tumblr people, love richard siken, so it had me hooked from the start)
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? I love the idea that Ian gets really into photography. I think when he's settled in life he takes a lot of photos He's a sentimental guy, I think he's someone who would definitely have photos of his family in his wallet, and would just love taking pictures. (I also like the idea of when he is struggling, maybe going through a manic phase, this propensity to take photos is helpful for his family to find him and figure out what mental state he's in because the photos are kind of all over the place or of things that aren't there). And then ever since finding out Noel Fisher actually plays the piano, I love the idea that Mickey always wanted to play piano. (and that after expressing this desire that was when Terry tattooed his knuckles as an attempt to quash this dream). It's something I may explore in a fic later on.
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? I have a bajillion but we'll stick with two that I'm not actually currently trying to write -- Kind of a strange idea, but I loved -- especially earliest seasons -- Sheila Jackson. Her struggle with agoraphobia was really heartwrenching (I love the scene where she finally leaves the house for the first time both for Liam and for Karen -- she's just someone who I rooted for then so uncomplicatedly). Anyway, I have an idea where Mickey, before Terry's dead but maybe safely with the Gallaghers, starts to develop agoraphobia like Sheila Jackson had. He finally feels safe at home and he starts to really fear the outside world, and it sneaks up on him, because he's supposed to be fine right? But he's not. He keeps repressing this fear and now it's coming out in this way of being unable to leave the house. And Ian -- from Fiona -- thinks to call Sheila Jackson. With Sheila's help, Ian and her and Mickey actually have interactions. I just think it'd be a really interesting dynamic, because Sheila was so motherly and kind and Mickey I think would hate that at first, but it's also kind of the care he should have had? Anyways, it's strange, but I'd love to explore it. The other one I have is a North American Western Au. Usually I don't write modern-world-setting canon in other contexts but for gallavich I have ideas. And I love western aus, I've written one for another fandoms, it's just fun. Maybe a small town where Ian was a sheriff but he struggles with his disorder and so he resigned; and then Mickey is part of the Milkovich gang that's raising hell all throughout the state but ends up finding Ian and... well if I ever actually write it you'll see.
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? I just wish the show would talk about characters that left more often. Or things that happened in their past more often. The only one they seemed to have done a decent job with in the beginning is Jimmy-Steve. But like, why the heck don't they mention Mandy? Or Karen? Or... ANYONE? That and there are events that should absolutely be referenced again. All of the shit with 3.6 at some point could probably use a rehash of trying to process that trauma. The characters talk a bit about what happened with Monica, or Fiona when Ian and Lip were kids, in later seasons they should be telling the stories of what happened in the early seasons to Liam or Carl or Franny or whoever. I understand many shows drop things for sake of the future plots, but as Shameless is a family drama, things that are dramatic in the family I think could have maintained their relevance for longer. Especially since Shameless has such a brilliant focus on generational trauma and how the kids are, in many ways, going to become their parents in some aspects (but how much so is up to them) it would have been neat for them to actually discuss some of the scars they earned during the show.
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough? I don't know how much more it could be discussed, but I want to discuss it lmao -- but when Mickey says "missed ya", with the cigarette in his mouth and Ian responds with "really?" To me, it's the first time that Mickey says something real to Ian about their relationship, really the first acknowledgment that there's something to miss. He says this, and it's something he's said with no ulterior motive that he knows will make Ian happy, really for only the sake of making Ian happy. It will probably get him laid because this is Ian and they're both horny teenagers, but there's no guarantee, and that's clearly not why he's saying it. The best part of the interaction, though? The way Mickey smiles because he knows Ian's going to be thrilled. That like preemptive "watch this" and then he says it. I just, there's something really sweet about the interaction in a way that Mickey never let himself be previously.
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship? There's also a song aptly named "Goodnight Chicago" by Rainbow Kitten Surprise that immediately had me thinking about these two. Here's one verse: "...I killed a man there, in spite, and when he died, I took his place/eighteen made you callous to the kisses that you gave/a course exchange, a cause for blame, and I stood out in the rain/You killed a man there, and I cried, but the rain masked the hurt behind your face/by the way dear, we're alive, and it hurts 'cause we survived."
I'm going to leave this as an open tag and also reference the original questions from callivich because there's some great ones! I did a reblog because I figured this would be overwhelming if I answered on their asks. But please go ahead and answer and hope you enjoyed what you've read here lol. <3
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guardian-angle22 · 10 months
2023 Character Wrapped
Thank you for the tag @welcometololaland & @heartstringsduet
From what I've gathered, the rules are just list your top 9 characters from the year? Right? I will put most of these under a cut to save the timeline.
#1. Paul Strickland
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If anyone is surprised by my number one, you must be new here. I am the self declared number one paul stan and he IS the moment. he IS the year. and he IS the number 1 in my heart. I can't wait to bless everyone in the tag with more Paul sets during our collective rewatch in january.
#2. Henry from RWRB
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Listen, I've left out the surnames cause who can keep track? especially since the book and movie have different ones lol. but I liked the book when I read it ages ago. I thought the film was a fun book to movie adaptation. and Nicholas Galitzine was the perfect Henry.
#3. The various tea dragons from the Tea Dragon Society series by K. O'Neill.
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I read the 2nd book in this series this year: The Tea Dragon Festival. This series is just so lovely and cozy. It has dragons that grow tea and they're fucking adorable. LOOK AT THEM! (pictures are from this post in which K. O'Neill pairs each zodiac sign with a dragon!)
#4. Chidi Anagonye
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2023 was the year I finally finished The Good Place. and Chidi... oh Chidi. I want to bundle him up and keep him and his anxiety safe in my pocket. but I also want to sit down and have a book club with him. and talk about how much better almond milk is. I bawled like a baby watching the finale episode.
#5. Mickey Milkovich
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2023 was also the year I did a rewatch of Mickey's storyline from Shameless from the beginning and then got caught up on the seasons I never watched. The character growth in Mickey was so wonderful to revisit and Noel Fisher was one of the best things to happen to that show, fight me on it.
#6. Josie from Bottoms
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If you haven't seen Bottoms yet... what are you doing with your life? it's a queer classic and it just came out. I don't make the rules its just true. and Ayo was fucking brilliant as Josie.
#7. TK Strand
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TK will probably forever be somewhere on this kinda list. he's my fave little blorbo or whatever weird internet term we're using these days. 2023 wasn't my fave year for TK or Tarlos plots, that's for sure... but he was still his adorable, brave, strong self throughout it all.
#8. Anakin Skywalker
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The return of my teen obsession: Hayden Christensen, everyone. He was great as Vader in the Obi-Wan show but this year coming back as Anakin... be still my heart. The flashback episode was some of my favorite star wars stuff in ages and wooo boy I loved getting to see live action clone wars Anakin.
#9. Garlic from the Garlic & the Vampire and Garlic & the Witch by Bree Paulson
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I mean… look at her! a cute little anthropomorphic clove of garlic with anxiety. What’s not to love about her?
Some honorable mentions:
Judd Ryder. But specifically Judd Ryder holding this tiny espresso:
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Paul’s pudding cups. May they find justice.
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TK’s comfort bicep. Legend has it, he’s still clinging on at this very moment.
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every other Nicholas Galitzine character that I binge watched after RWRB came out. particularly the one wearing this goofy outfit:
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I don't know which mutuals have done this yet so I'm just gonna tag my sister: @drivenstardust and then @reasonandfaithinharmony because I said she needed to suffer with me ✌😜
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shamelessrabbithole · 6 months
Noel Fisher
His IMDB: Vladimir in Breaking Dawn: Part II; Mickey in Showtime's Shameless Why so watchable? He may be 28 and Canadian, but this actor generally gets cast as the vulnerable complex American teenager. This November he'll show that he can just as easily fast forward his age when he plays a 3,000 year old Romanian vampire in the much anticipated final Twilight flick.
Home is where the part is: "Breaking Dawn is the first time since I made the move to L.A. that I've ever booked a job that shot in Vancouver. So fun. I really miss the nature in Vancouver. Stanley Park is amazing and you're an hour from Whistler. In L.A., I live on a street that has three trees...it's just all pavement."
Fandom wherever you grove: "When I was at the grove seeing a movie, I got swamped by maybe 15 12-year-old girls. This was for a movie I did way back in the day called I was a Teenage Foust. We're talking when I was 17 or something. It was one of the little girl's birthday and she was a big fan of the movie so I gave her my bracelet as a birthday present. She was so excited and it was just really sweet."
A dish-load off his mind: "I'm kind of the dish master because I unfortunately don't have a dish washer. Those old Los Angeles apartments never do! I've got to do the dishes every night, otherwise it's that whole pile in the sink and it's just gross. can't take it."
Having a ball: "My parents were so supportive and put me into so many differ- ent classes when I was growing up...circus training was one of them. They had this big hard plastic ball and basically I would get on top and walk around skipping rope on it. That was my big trick."
Wise-ery loves company: "I think the best advice I've ever received is to throw yourself into anything you want to do with everything you have. I think with acting, you can take it too lightly and think it's just about saying words. There can be a tendency especially with younger people (myself included in my early years) to lack self-discipline. In order to do this job properly you have to really focus on it. Apply yourself, learn about it and really delve into it."
His men to watch: James McAvoy, Ryan gosling, Daniel Day Lewis.
Aww he gave his bracelet to a little girl?! 🫠 Thanks so much for this 🔍. Not only did you provide links to older stuff, but you sorted through it for us and pulled out the most interesting nuggets! What did I do deserve all this?! You continue to spoil us all with such great riches!
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northern-passage · 2 years
this is very random but i'm rereading to prep for the next update, and i can't stop hearing Merry's voice as f!Eivor in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla 😩
you know, i used to say i imagined Merry with an irish accent, but i've actually been considering changing it recently. i feel like the fast sing-song of the cork accent doesn't fit her anymore, and i hear her having a much slower and deliberate cadence instead. and especially since Clem and Noel both also have very sing-songy accents, it's hard to describe them without it being confusing.
obviously i never really describe her accent in game - again, i think it would be confusing trying to describe it alongside Clem's and Noel's, and i also like leaving the Gaelish accent up for interpretation for the player. all of that to say.... the most important feature of Merry's voice is that she has an incredible rasp (i described it akin to carrie fisher's before) and eivor definitely fits in that regard :-)
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Hey! I know you usually write stuff about spider! Buttt I saw you reblog some Twd stuff (which I Love)
So I was wondering what some of your opinions are about the Twd characters? (You don’t have to answer since I know you usually do stuff with the avatar fandom!)
Oh please, I would LOVE to answer. I was, of course, originally a Walking Dead blog as evidenced by my name. I love any and all asks about any of my fandoms lol.
Very open ended question there are so so many characters, so if you have any specific characters you want my opinions on feel free to ask. Obviously when I was larger in The Walking Dead/Fear the Walking Dead fandom I was a gleggie blog, mostly a Glenn Rhee blog. I, like a lot of other people, stopped watching after season seven. It wasn't really an intentional thing, my family fell behind and we never bothered to catch back up. We rewatch the first few seasons very regularly though. I am of the opinion the show was really fantastic until about... generously season five-ish. The first three seasons of that show are some of the best television out there. My favorite episode is Seed (301), and my favorite part of the timeline is 4A, I ADORE prison era the most, as most of the fandom does, but the farm has a special place in my heart.
Opinions on characters, I think highly of most of them. I'm trying to think if I have any controversial fandom opinions. Oh, I do not understand bethyl hype and I was never that passionate a Beth stan. I never cared about Dale that much. I love Shane as a character, he's so haunting and such a fantastic parallel to Rick in the first two seasons. I hate Negan and my family was all turned off by the fact that he lived. My mom is a staunch Lori hater and she thinks Sam Anderson was a really ugly and annoying kid, which was always really funny to watch. Obviously like most Glenn blogs I think Glenn was really misused as a character, especially towards the end. I am a richonne stan and I will be watching that spinoff. I am, however, disgusted by the Maggie and Negan spinoff and by all Negan stans. Dude really was a rapist and we all do be forgetting that. Oh, and I am an Andrea hater and a Merle Dixon apologist.
I have Fear the Walking Dead opinions too, since you're all Avatar people you might not have seen my top FTWD post about my literal icon bestie badass Travis Manawa (Cliff Curtis) beat that walkers head in with a cinderblock and then throw it at racism border patrol asshole Noel Fisher (who I constantly forget was in this show) because fuck weapons when you can possibly hit that guy you're mad at. But you'll like it.
But tbh that show, although cool at the beginning, killed off more cool poc characters than fucking history itself. We stopped watching that one quick as hell.
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spockula · 10 months
i finally finished shameless and i need to get at least a few things off my chest, won’t make sense
it feels only right to do it here on tumblr where in 2013 i came across the series through a gif set of ian and mickey’s first spicy interaction at the og milkovich house
which was back when there was so little gay representation in tv shows that i was grasping at straws and would watch just about anything
and i think everyone who’s seen will say that particular storyline was incredibly hard to stomach
as was pretty much everything in the show tbh, one of the reasons i stopped watching after getting caught up sometime in 2015ish? picked it back up during the first round of miss rona, then waited for s11 to come out, watched half the season, dropped it again, came back to it this week since it’s been on my mind a lot lately
s11 made a lot of choices that i’m not entirely sure i liked or not, i just let it happen to me, though i think the first half of the season was better
william h. macy deserves every award and nomination for his role, wish the rest of cast were appreciated as much, especially noel fisher, jeremy allen white and emmy rossum, though i guess they were fan favourites
i will most likely never ever rewatch the series as i mentioned it’s a lot (hence why i never rewatched the earlier series when i picked it back up in 2020)
it’s been a wonderful car crash of storylines and human misery to watch, jogging my blood pressure which is otherwise akin to that of a dead person
loved it, hated it, obsessed over it, never going to forget it🖤
and i privately thank everyone involved, i’m in awe they kept going and delivering for so long
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sonyclasica · 10 months
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El violonchelista de fama internacional HAUSER presenta el gran final de su fascinante película navideña, la culminación de un viaje festivo que capta la esencia de la alegría de la Navidad, la belleza de la unión y el verdadero espíritu de las fiestas.
Mira el vídeo AQUÍ
Consigue el álbum AQUÍ
El Especial de Navidad completo se grabó en su Croacia natal e incluye interpretaciones de los clásicos atemporales "First Noel", "White Christmas", "Little Town of Bethlehem", "Adeste Fideles" y "Carol of the Bells" de su primer álbum navideño, CHRISTMAS, publicado a través de Sony Music Masterworks: ESCÚCHALO AQUÍ.
HAUSER maravilló recientemente al público con una impresionante interpretación de "O Holy Night" en GMA3, dando a los fans una muestra de la mágica experiencia que les espera en su película navideña. HAUSER ha sabido ganarse una increíble legión de fans, acumulando 1.000 millones de streams de audio y 4.000 millones de visionados de vídeo en todo el mundo. Su último álbum CHRISTMAS ya ha recibido elogios de todo el mundo por sus arreglos únicos de 14 melodías navideñas populares, que ponen de manifiesto el virtuosismo de HAUSER como violonchelista.
El nuevo álbum incluye una deliciosa selección de clásicos navideños como "Noche de Paz", "Adeste Fideles", " Angels We Have Heard on High", "The First Noël", "The Little Drummer Boy", "O Holy Night", "O Little Town of Bethlehem" y "Carol of the Bells" (basada en una antigua canción ucraniana); cuatro clásicos navideños del Cancionero Americano:  "White Christmas", "The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)", "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" y "I'll Be Home for Christmas"; y dos canciones favoritas y muy queridas por HAUSER: "Laudate Dominum" y "Amazing Grace". El vídeo del primer single del álbum, "Amazing Grace", rodado en el prestigioso Pabellón Francés de su país natal, Croacia, pone de relieve la capacidad de HAUSER para infundir encanto clásico incluso a las canciones pop más queridas.
HAUSER se embarcará en su primera gira en solitario por EE.UU. en la primavera de 2024, que comenzará el 31 de mayo en el Hard Rock Live de Hollywood, FL. La gira incluye paradas en recintos emblemáticos como el Carnegie Hall de Nueva York, el Festival Ravinia de Chicago, el Auditorio Ryman de Nashville y el Teatro Orpheum de Los Ángeles. Las entradas para la gira estadounidense 2024 de HAUSER ya están disponibles en HAUSERofficial.com/tour.
HAUSER expresa su visión del álbum y afirma: "Quería que todo sonara como música clásica.  Incluso estas canciones pop suenan tan bien ahora con esta instrumentación, con una gran orquesta.  Realmente parecen obras maestras clásicas. Creo que la gente se sorprenderá al escuchar su canción navideña favorita en este estilo romántico y 'hollywoodiense'.  Tenía muchas ganas de recrear eso".
Como concluye HAUSER, "quería que este fuese el álbum navideño definitivo", con el objetivo de captar todos los estados de ánimo navideños, desde "una Navidad divertida hasta, espero, una Navidad santa".
The First Noël
White Christmas
Carol of the Bells
Little Town of Bethlehem
Holy Night
Silent Night
Angels We Have Heard on High
The Christmas Song
I'll Be Home for Christmas
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
The Little Drummer Boy
Adeste Fideles
Laudate Dominum
Amazing Grace
31 mayo 2024 - Hollywood, FL - Hard Rock Live
1 junio 2024 - Clearwater, FL - Ruth Eckerd Hall
2 junio 2024 - Orlando, FL - Walt Disney Theater
4 junio 2024 - Virginia Beach, VA - Sandler Center
5 junio 2024 - Washington, DC - Warner Theatre
6 junio 2024 - New York, NY - Carnegie Hall
8 junio 2024 -Toronto, ON - Massey Hall
9 junio 2024 - Detroit, MI - Fisher Theatre
11 junio 2024 - Indianapolis, IN - Murat Theatre
13 junio 2024 - Minneapolis, MN - State Theatre
14 junio 2024 - Chicago, IL - Ravinia Festival
15 junio 2024 - Nashville, TN - Ryman Auditorium
17 junio 2024 - Dallas, TX - AT&T Performing Arts Center
18 junio 2024 - Austin, TX - Bass Concert Hall
20 junio 2024 - Denver, CO - Paramount Theatre
21 junio 2024 - Salt Lake City, UT - Eccles Theater
22 junio 2024 - Las Vegas, NV - Wynn Las Vegas – Encore Theater
23 junio 2024 - Costa Mesa, CA - Segerstrom Center for the Arts
25 junio 2024 - Phoenix, AZ - Mesa Arts Center
27 junio 2024 - Los Angeles, CA - Orpheum Theatre
28 junio 2024 - Saratoga, CA - The Mountain Winery
29 junio 2024 - Oakland, CA - Fox Theater   
12 abril 2024 - Brisbane, Australia - Brisbane Entertainment Centre
13 abril 2024 - Sydney, Australia - Qudos Bank Arena
17 abril 2024 - Auckland, New Zealand - Spark Arena
19 abril 2024 - Melbourne, Australia - Rod Laver Arena
20 abril 2024 - Perth, Australia - RAC Arena
16 mayo 2024 – Dubái, Emiratos Árabes Unidos – Dubai Opera
17 mayo 2024 - Dubái, Emiratos Árabes Unidos – Dubai Opera
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dreamylyfe-x · 4 years
you know what's so frustrating and disappointing is that they refuse to explore mickey as a character outside of ian at all. and in s1-5 that's ok cuz he's a support character, but then he's gone for seasons, then finally comes back and gets real screentime... and they waste it on OOC sitcom bullsh*t? use him like frank 2.0 or something, just there to use for an uncomfortable contrived laugh? noel could act the hell out of a serious arc, i wish he'd get one like jeremy/ cameron/ etc do!!!
Gah. I so appreciate that people send me these asks and then I’m like “you know what’s REALLY frustrating and disappointing? ME.” -- because I actually think Mickey has gotten a lot of opportunity to be explored for a non-Gallagher character. First two seasons, there isn't much. Little hints. But after that, we get a lot of Mickey’s inner life, particularly in comparison to our other Gallagher love interests. We get an entire half-season where Ian isn't even around -- and yes, they put some time in on Mickey being lovesick and sad -- but that’s exploration of Mickey. Loving Ian is a big part of Mickey. I actually think Ian is the character who got shortchanged on that one, because when MICKEY leaves the show, the show is pushing Ian to get past it ASAP. (This is a thing I do not love.) But we also found out a lot about Mickey and how he moves through the world. His relationship with Svetlana got a lot of time. We found out stuff about his relationship with this dad. It’s hard to think of a love-interest he got more time like that than Mickey -- other than, of course, JimmySteve. 
I cannot abide him being compared to Frank. He has a heck of a lot more heart than that! (Also I mostly can’t stand Frank. And I love Mickey. That’s not a good argument, but nevertheless. I feel strongly that one of those things is not like the other.) 
I do agree that Noel can -- and has -- acted the hell out of a more serious arc. I thought he was excellent in seasons four and five in particular. There’s a buzzfeed article from season five that talks to Cam and Noel, along with the then-exec producer Etan Frankel. This quote sticks with me: 
As a writer, you feel secure writing a scene knowing they're going to knock it out of the park and they'll find things you didn't necessarily intend, so you find beautiful moments. It's exciting to see those dailies come back and saying, Oh wow, that wasn't even a moment in the script, but they've made it become a moment.
I fully still think that’s a thing. With both of them. I think we saw that in 11x03 where the entire resolution of that scene other than the mid-credits 😳 scene relies entirely on the expression on Mickey’s face after V finishes her lecture. So... I mean, I’d love to see it. I don’t think we’re going to get a ton of opportunity for it in the concluding season. And I don't think we’ve gotten a ton of it since Noel returned -- though I do think we got a nice tight emotional arc for both them in season 7. I’d LOVE to see things go a little deeper. That’s pretty much all I want, always. 
I’ll always be all what could have been... about the seasons with hardly any (or no) Mickey. But I do think, when he was here, we got some good meaty stuff with that character. And that Noel always brought a lot of depth to him in his performance. It’s a big reason the love for that character endured. And a big reason why I’ll miss Mickey and Ian the most when the show finishes it’s run. 
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swiftfootedachilles · 10 months
we all know that the size difference between s11 ian and mickey is insane, but then i thought about the size gap between s1-s3 mickey and s11 ian IM SCREAMING
yeppp especially bc thats when noel fisher was actually the age mickey is in s10/11. theres a nearby parallel universe where everything is exactly the same except noel fisher is a decade younger
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Ian Gallagher (Cam Monaghan) Appreciation Post - that chiseled jaw, like it’s carved out of marble. dayum!
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whatdoiknow · 5 years
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I have no idea either but what Cameron said.
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If you think I'm gonna watch that cringey ass late with lilly thing just for cam and Noel, you'd be absolutely right.
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shamelessrabbithole · 5 months
https://digital.miamilivingmagazine.com/i/909505-steve-howey/143? (double click to zoom in)
Whoa, so much to pore through, 🔍! Thank you! Mostly Steve Howey interviews, but also some that focus on his ex-wife Sarah Shahi. I plucked out a few items of interest.
From his AMA on Reddit:
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From one of the articles regarding the start of Shameless, season six:
Noel Fisher left the show at the end of season five. He does make the briefest of appearances in the season six premiere, but it’s safe to say the book on the lives of the Milkoviches has come to an end.
Steve has nothing but kind words to say about his former scene partner, even going as far as to say he’d go to war for him and calling him “one of the nicest people I’ve ever known.” 
A quote from his True Lies costar about Shanola. I thought it was interesting that she feels as if she knows Shanola personally, having never met her, because Steve apparently praised her so much while on set.
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Steve on being protective, especially of children. Also pretty interesting given the nature of Shameless. The dialogue would often get overtly sexual and I do not recall anyone removing children from those scenes, and in fact, the punchline of much of that crap was that it was being said in front of little kids. But whatever, I guess he spared a baby's eardrums once from a loud bang, and that was pretty heroic. 🤨 🤷🏻‍♀️
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