#especially V U_U
selvepnea · 9 days
My Drow Warlock Talfrin :)
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#sel talks#Talfrin#I love them#kinda a he/she/they kinda fella#so sad I'm almost done w chapter 3#bg3#I'm going to miss playing with him :(#wish I had taken more screen shots u_u#excited to hear they're working on a photo mode though!#Might have to do a second play through with them :3#this is such an awful time sink for me I honestly want to drop it#but it's so fun T^T#also kinda tempted to do a fic where I go through her misadventures#oh! I hadn't mentioned his bg yet :3#I don't have a lot of details#but basically they got fed up with the way his father was raising her in the underdark; made a deal w some sort of fae to escape/get reveng#not sure if the got captured right after or if they were just starting to venture out hen they got tadpoled#I actually modelled the gaurdian after his father so she imediatly distrusted it#which I think is kinda funny (especially with the reveal that they took that form to gain his trust;#and what that could mean for his subconscious feelings about their father :3c#I adore them <3#I want to make something for her#ah! and his eyes!#they're actually hetrochromatic; but only slightly :3#I imagine the black sclara(??) are a result of his deal ( the dark marks around their eyes could also be a part of it but *shrug*)#now the white pigmentation on his hands (I can't remember what it's called; also you can't see it cause gloves :( ) is from using magic :3#really wish you could stack scars; really wanted to add more the further I went; show the battles they've faced#in love w the yellow eyes <3#v cat core#alright I'm done shpealing
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blithesrps · 5 months
Hihi! Ara with ⚔️ and 👑 if thats ok? Thank you!
THANK YOU ;v; These are great ones
Ara and Sebek:
Well. Funnily enough. :T Sebek is the one member of the cast Ara has real beef with.
It all began when Ara tried to join the Equestrian Club. She was like "Mounted combat would be a useful skill to know..." Rat of course tagged along as well. The thing is...horses do NOT like Hivechildren. They're somewhere alien between a beastman and a human and it weirds horses out. So after an afternoon of getting bucked onto her ass, Riddle finally talked her into giving up ("investing her skills elsewhere" as he put it). Sebek was PRETTY UNHELPFUL through that process and FAIRLY SMUG that she was sent packing. Rat meanwhile found the horses didn't mind him so much, so he started helping out quietly when he could. Mucking the stalls, helping feed the horses or brushing them down after practice. He was pretty enamored with watching the three club members practice, especially Riddle. It blew his mind seeing someone as small as he was be able to command such a large powerful beast so effortlessly. After many weeks of working up his courage he finally asked if he could properly join the club. It turns out that he had a bit of a talent for it, but he also REALLY irked Sebek, who started to ride his ass pretty hard. Something about his timidness and lack of self confidence just bothers Sebek, so he goes after him often. Things like "WHY WON'T YOU SPEAK UP!" or "STAND UP STRAIGHTER WHEN YOU SPEAK, CREATURE!" and "HOW DARE A HUMAN AS LOWLY AS YOU BUMP INTO MY LORD MALLEUS". Rat already rides a fine line between 'functional' and 'terrified' on a good day, so he was ready to quit when he finally told Ara what was going on. Guard Dog Ara immediately went to have a candid conversation with Sebek, thinking they could sort it all out no problem but well...he's Sebek...so things did NOT in fact de-escalate and it ended with Ara popping him in the jaw. Of course Sebek was HIGHLY AFFRONTED AT THAT and they got into a little bit of a brawl... A couple bloody noses and a few 'Off WIth Your Head's later and things were settled, though Sebek still gives Ara a wide berth and she still scowls when he passes by. For the record, Yuuri thinks this was very good for Ara! uvu Look at her, forming her own opinions and letting herself dislike someone for the first time! Malleus and Lilia also find it terribly amusing (Silver not so much).
Ara and Vil:
Ara did not have much interaction with Vil until after book 6, when they ended up at STYX at the same time. She mainly knew Vil as Leona's ex and sort of friend, and because of Rook who had taken to chasing Rat around campus in his free time (a guy has to have hobbies). Through the events at STYX Ara became a little enamored with Vil. He's always so cool and confident and put together u_u. And beautiful of course. Ara grew up in a literal cave and feels VERY SHY and unconfident when it comes to testing out how she wants to express her femininity. After she worked up the courage she asked Vil if he might consider teaching her a bit about make up and Vil was like A NEW PROJECT YOU SAY? Vil discovers Ara occasionally sings at the Mostro Longue and starts hounding her to put on a bit more of a show, which Ara finds she really enjoys. In the end, Ara ends up looking up to him as an older sister figure. Leona wishes he'd stop trying to convince Ara to dump him though B(
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lipid · 5 months
Moni, ¿cuál es tu top cinco de las Signature G3 de las mosntruitas principales? Tanto las primeras como las Refresh
5. Clawdeen: ODIO sus tenis y su chonguito en la cabeza 😭 no me gustan sus lentes tampoco... AMO su cinturón y su carita bonita, pero el chonguito y el outfit la perjudicaron u_u me encantan los detalles de su pelaje esculpidos en el plástico y su collar 💜 el teléfono tiene detalles muy bonitos pero lástima que como todos los demás no se vean a menos que los pintes xD
5. Frankie Refresh: Me gusta mucho el maquillaje más oscuro que usaron, pero si siento que está muy sobrecargado el outfit y no funciona del todo. Watzie de aluminio se ve raro, la mochila parece de esas que te encuentras en walmart como 2 semanas después del regreso a clases cuando ya nadie la quiso xD pero amo los zapatos y la media de red 🫶🏼
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4. Cleo: Si bien me encantan los detalles del Egipto Antiguo a morir, creo que es la Cleo que menos me ha gustado de G3 😔 Las botas no me gustan y el peinado deja que desear aunque tiene un blend muy bonito de azules y tinsel, pero adoro su vestido y su gama de colores, así como sus accesorios (en especial su collar de escarabajo de jade
4. Clawdeen Refresh: Como me encanta que por fin le pusieran ropa y maquilaje más oscuro. ojalá fuera más kuntiana (en especial en el departamento de zapatos y pantalones) pero vamos por buen camino <33 me gusta mucho como cambiaron la calidad de las piezas de "piel" en comparación con la primera, me gustaría pensar que es en referencia a la primera novela donde a Clawdeen le echan pintura los de PETA porque piensan que es piel cuando es su propio pelaje xD
ps. los zapatos me recuerdan a los de hatsune miku lol
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3. Lagoona: A pesar de todos los chistes de Lagoona Pink que han salido por ella, le tengo muchísimo cariño y gusto a esta Lagoona, me encantan sus chanclitas y sus accesorios como su liga de pelo de erizos, su collarcito de conchas y sus clips de perlas. La ropa da mucho "rebajas de Justice en 2014" pero su sudaderita y el traje de baño con escamitas la salvan de quedar en un puesto más bajo. Su screening se me hace super bonito y de hecho creo que es la Core normal con ojos más bonitos 🩷 sus accesorios de comida me encantan jaja en especial la cajita de goldfish con Neptuna antigua.
3. Draculaura Refresh: Sabes que adoro a Lala, y esta la vdd me gustó 10 veces más que la primera. No sé si es por las medias de red completas en vez de calcetas, la blusita de mesh con mangas amplias, la paleta de colores más coherente, los nuevos accesoroos o que por fin le dieron un sombrero pero es perfecta en mis ojos 🦇🩷
(Tuve que bajarla un lugar después de pensar un rato en Cleo Refresh)
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2. Frankie: Grandísime con esa falda tableada, los colores de la bandera trans en el pelo y la ropa y los de la bandera no binaria en la sombra de ojos 🩷 amo su cinturón y su blusita blanca "preppy" como dice la chaviza. Adoro sus accesorios de Eekstax camera con polaroids, se me hacen un detalle super dulce que agregar y sus zapatos me recuerdan a unos que siempre quise tener de chiquite. Creo que la faldita le da más aire de Frankie que el short del Refresh, creo que porque me hace pensar en Frankie G1.
La primera Cleo no me convencía del todo por su peinado y las botas pero ESTA??? obra de arte esculpida en plástico
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1. Lalalaura: La vampira más presiosa<33 ADORO sus aretes del color opuesto de su cabello, su camafeo, corset y blusita. El short está meh (yo lo hubiera cambiado por una falda tableada o algo lolita) pero igual no queda tan mal :-) los zapatitos es en donde pierde puntos, creo que se verían mejor con las alas negras o cambiando un poquito la construcción del zapato en sí, pero todos sus demás elementos hacen que se vea hermosa 🩷🩷🩷 AMO el copete de V, me encanta que un elemento tan iconique con raíces en Dracula 1931 tenga una ejecución tan linda. Su carita también es hermosa ;)🩷
Como adoro esta muñeca. Amo su peinado, su blusita, LOS PANTALONEEEES y su bolsa. Adoro la bolsa en especial. Me encanta que le hayan puesto colores oscuros de nuevo a Lagoona porque aunque me encanta la primera Lagoona, siento que no encaja tanto colorido sin contrastarlo con color negro y la red debajo del primer segmento de los pantalones se ve como una referencia a la Lagoona G1 🥺🩷 también me gusta más la expresión de Neptuna xD
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pawjamas · 10 months
diary entry about my experience today w/ getting a scheduled CT scan & more health updates (kinda) under the cut !
i broke down crying today after my scheduled CT scan because i’m just. so. so overwhelmed with the mystery of my declining health.
but my wife took me by pet smart in response to seeing how stressed & exhausted etc i was from wverything and i saw kittens and there was this little black kitten that was especially cute and sweet and it definitely turned the day around for me seeing them 🤧
also i got injected with i forget what it’s called but that stuff they put inside u to see your insides better with the scan and i Did get the internal warm sensation that the guy conducting the scan told me may happen it felt SO weird. my wife said it was like a internal hug inside me which i thought was cute though ;v; also the guy was really nice who did the scan !!
but i was 100% nervous the whole time especially with the needle/iv/injection stuff like more nervous than usual with it ?? idk why. i don’t think needles have ever gotten easier for me and i have to get blood drawn soon as well so u_u at least my wife is there and holds my hand the whole time & rambles to me cuz she knows it keeps me at least a bit calmer. cinder is with me thru all this too, he even went into the CT machine with me !!
idk. all of this is scary but it’s hopefully going to be worth it all these tests and hospital visits etc etc like the fact again that i even have Access to all of this is amazing but man. it’s definitely messing with my psyche so bad. just trying to hold onto hope throughout all of this though
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🦜 How do you feel about your trainer? Be honest.
To Chiru!
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Hey, this one's mine~--
Nah , we're consolidating . Thanks for the ask by the way Yinny .
Then I'm at least going first~! Vanilla is wonderful as a trainer~. Though he's lucky to have me as a Pokémon~! I know he loves my fluffiness~. And I'm proud of that~. But I don't want them to get too used to it~! So I ration it out for special days~. Otherwise... he likes my songs too~! Which makes me happy~!
V is . . . tough to describe . Dear sibling . Great trainer . Frustratingly stubborn and a worrier . Too quick to trust anyone who's nice to her . Trying so hard to be good . To help . I would not trade them for any trainer or Pokémon on this planet . But they frustrate me .
Vanilla is friendly... He never overworks me and remembers my favorite things... But he does keep tripping over me... So that's a negative...
I still have a lot to say to them!! I still feel like there's a gap!! But they make me want to try!! Which is more than my old trainer......
Why not like Vanilla? She gives me tasty treats!
He is not my trainer, but... I respect his drive to improve himself and to assist others in their journeys of self-improvement. She will need that sort of strength. I think they ought take this a bit more seriously, but I suppose I am requesting a lot of them.
i think she's great! ^^ i wish he'd feed me more though u_u
i'm happy :) get lots of snuggles and that's what matters :) and helping people :)
iiiiiii think they're... okaaaaay? i dunno, man. barely know her. they make a niiiiiiiiice nap place though.
I love him!!!!!! And yes I love everyone, but especially Vanilla!!!!!!!!!
i am thinking... they were very nice to chase after me when i blew away. hm, yeah... nice!
Okay . I think V definitely wants their phone back now . Thanks for asking us stuff .
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elmaxlys · 2 years
Hi I’m giving you another one if you’d want it, if not just ignore this. 003 for Shikorae or Itori! Clowns my beloved, Sorry for doing this twice the only thing I like more than answering questions is asking them.
nothing to apologize about you can send as many as you want haha! thank you for these :3
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: Itori edition
How I feel about this character:
I!!!! Love her!!!!! She's my wife!!!! She is fun and depressed and crafty and manipulative and 🥰🥰 wish we'd seen more of her because she slaps so so severely.. she was done so dirty, with this little screen time :v
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
I'm not deeply involved (positively) in any Itori related ship. She simply doesn't interact enough with anyone for me to.. I do have nOTPs tho lmao (like ut*t*ri)
I don't mind Itorize, Itorieto (Etori?) and Itorizeto but that's about it (no OTP here because aro hcs too strong)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
4th ward gang my beloved 🥰
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I simply do not see enough opinions about Itori but I guess seeing her as aroace probably is. Jessica Rabbit kind of situation u_u
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
MORE!!!!! SCREENTIME!!!!! This is CRIMINAL how little she appears, even for a Clown!!! There were counts of "how many chapters since Hide" and there also were "how many chapters since Itori" and guess who appeared less and later in :re haha *sobs*
I wish we'd seen her kagune ability properly, too! with a little explanation at the very least!! I'm not even sure the flutes were Itori and not Donato's, to tell you *sobbing intensifies*
Her character deserved more respect than to be shipped off with "she's sexy, she's in love with her gay best friend and so she does whatever he does" like what kinda bullshit is this?? since fucking when??? URGH (*inhales* 179 isn't real and cannot hurt me 179 isn't real and cannot hurt me 179 isn't rea-)
Favorite friendship for this character:
Again with the 4th ward gang, but also with Nico and the Clowns, tho, again, I wish we'd seen more of them RIP
My crossover ship:
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: Shikorae edition
How I feel about this character:
Skrunkly. Activates Protec Mode, Extreme edition. Close second place right behind Souta in the competition for who's more of a tragic character in Tokyo Ghoul, solely because of 179. I haven't played the game or read the scenario book (please Glénat.. we all know I hate you but I'd buy it I am begging. please translate it) so my feelings are limited to what little we know of him in :re but oh my good. poor little baby of my heart...
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
ROMA. As I said, I don't know shit about the game so I don't know his brother or anything about him and stuff, so while I am aware that, knowing myself, he might have been my answer if I did know, that simply is not the case and so his mommy wins. Look at them..
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My unpopular opinion about this character:
OTL I haven't read the Jail book so I don't even know the character all that well and therefore I am very not confident in any deeper opinion I have on the character. But, as I do every Clown (and most every character lmfao), I see him as aroace. Idk what the consensus on this baby is but this bears mentioning I guess?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
HOW'D HE END UP WITH ROMA?? He's with Aogiri on Rushima and the next thing we know he's with Roma and quite close already, at that, so they've clearly got history beyond Cochlea cell neighbors but - and if this was in the Jail game someone please tell me orz - what history?? I want to see!
Also more interaction with the other Clowns as a whole.. with Souta especially...
Favorite friendship for this character:
With Seidou, they're cute :)
My crossover ship:
The Ask Game
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happyendingsong · 26 days
5star thots <3
i had sooo much fun with the quarter final night, every match was banger after banger after banger and the crowd was eating it up and i was so excited with the final four.
and unfortunately the finals didn't live up to it for me ! mayu vs maika felt like it ended just as it was getting going which was a bummer, and saya vs hanan was hard to really get into because obviously saya would be going over and we had just seen this match a few days ago.
i wish there was one more big match on the card and not just filling time with anna jay and xena, hashtag hater hashtag the hater's temperment.
the god's eye vs neo genesis match was fun (love the spot of all five members of neo genesis in like a starburst formation crashing into their opp sat at the ring post, so cute). i love getting to build neo genesis's identity as a unit, but i was a little disappointed with this being the next beat in syuri's story after such an on-the-warpath 5star. the promo package for the goddess league used a clip of syuri and saki teaming together and if we get them as a tag team all will be forgiven. <3
hanan looking on during rina and hina's match was sooooo :( <33333
looooved the natsupoi/thekla moments during the cosmic angels vs h.a.t.e. match, woof. a lot of what thekla is doing doesnt fully work for me (like part of her h.a.t.e. manifesto calling out girls holding starbucks coffee cups. boo corny stupid boring fart sfx toilet swirl sfx. call the audience perverts again.) but with everything with natsupoi she brings SUCH great character work.
looove the energy ruaka and yuna are bringing too and i loved yuna getting her licks in! i feel like there's such a disparity between the cosmic angels that means tam/natsupoi/saori (the cule) and the cosmic angels that means all the others, like it's hard imagining them all standing in the same room and having a conversation, let alone being in the same faction and working towards the same goals. (which speaks to what theyre doing with tam being a shit leader, like it does seem like a conscious choice but i wish it manifested in some more friction or smth.) it was v sweet getting some interactions between yuna and poi and saori here at least!
i was really looking forward to the tora vs tam match, especially after the tag team match on the quarterfinal night where tam clocks that tora's knee is also in bits. the second she started targeting the knee, tora just fell apart and tam mocks her for it after, very smugly "we're not so different huh." and tora lashes back like "do not fucking compare us, you havent been through a fraction of what ive endured, ill show you when i finally rip your leg off this weekend" etc.
i loooove that angle. tam wrote that thread about how this 5star was about overcoming the fear she's had with wrestling since coming back from injury at the start of the year. having her knee brutalised again and again and getting these losses made her face that fear head on, and she's finally ready to hit play since time stopped with her match with tora last year.
and it's clear that tora is SO consumed by that fear, like that acl injury took a year and some change off her career and every time she gets an inch she loses all momentum. she's trying to consume tam with it too, she wants to inflict the worse thing that ever happened to her onto tam because she needs to leave her broken. tora offers her the title match not to have a match but to land the finishing blow and kill her herself. idk it's fascinating!! girl the neuroses the paranoia the projecting!!
and we'll see how all this plays out obviously, maybe they're cooking, but i really wanted tora to go over here u_u. i really want tora to be a credible threat and i think there are so many directions to go with this big bad leader of hate compelled by this really deep seated fear and bitterness. i really wanted to give that more time to grow and fester and spill its way into every fracture of the roster so that it'd be way more satisying when love/frindship/whatever eventually wins out.
i wanted tam to get swallowed up by this manifestation of her fear, by someone who was swallowed up themselves. if we're doing tam at rock bottom, lets fucking do tam at rock bottom like ! like having her lose here and have her scratch and claw to earn another title shot at the end of the year or whatever wouldve been so satisfying.
i was really really into the match until the interference stuff. and i loooove shitheel interfernce stuff but h.a.t.e. are always booked to be such fucking morons, this is so humiliatinggggg...... like tora getting the steel chair and hitting tam in the head, HELLO? this whole thing started with her chairing tam's knee, the whole point of this match is meant to be tora getting tam in a confined space to finally saw off the piece of thread holding her ligaments together. why isn't she using the first instance of the ref getting distracted to drop any pretence of this being a sports match to put tam in a saw trap. what's happening.
and oh my god im so sick of h.a.t.e. being used as these bumbling fools what the fuck are we doing...... literally lining up to trip over their own banana peels one by one. like the spot of konami accidentally spraying tora in the face and flailing her arms, then ruaka accidentally crashing into tora and flailing her arms too, MORTIFYING. i wanna be on board with h.a.t.e. sooooo badddddd there's so much fun to be had there but this is such a fucking farce like. can tam even be proud of a win here, like it's such a lose lose for everyone involved. poor tora, jesus christ.
i was pretty sour going into maika vs saya as a result and it took me a while to get into it, but they did kill it and they ended the night on a high note for me! loooooved the spot of maika holding onto saya's wrist and not letting her go as she hits her with the lariat again and again, and then saya doing the same with her kicks. wah.
saya's acting at the end was crazyyyyy, the crybaby heel shit is really really fab as a nod to the "i wanted to see you cry" thing. soppingest wettest meow meow fr.
love u maika <3333333 so glad she got her win here, i was really on edge after tam's win that they'd be going with saya instead but i think maika is still the right call. tam had been saying before maika lost the belt, smth like "bc i had to drop the belt due to injury, maika never got to experience taking the belt out of someone's grasp, someone who poured everything they are into that belt. ill show her what it's like from the other side when i take this belt from her." so there's obviously a lot of ground to build this feud on and they're gonna kill it etc
this is a chapter they never got to have the first time, and im glad they're getting to have it now, but i REALLY wish we were getting it months from now. it's such a shame to treat tora as a footnote in all of this when there's soooo much to be tapped from that. she had a long fucking reign in her! what's the point in pretending h.a.t.e. are this big threat putting the entire company on notice, the successors/dismantlers of both queen's quest and oedo tai, if they're so easily thwarted and forgotten. they're bumbling!!!!!
and with maika and tam, they've already set that match to be a couple weeks from now BOOOOOOOO. why are they so eager to burn through everything so quickly, chew your fucking food!!!!! like there's such an easy and fun plot beat to have in everyone who beat tam in the 5star rocking up to the ring like hello where are our title shots. and tam wanting this gauntlet challenge over a few months overcoming all these past losses from this year, like tam eats that shit up!!!! and then have her vs maika at queendom at the end of the year so there's actual momentum and intrigue in it.
idk this breakneck pace they're doing with everything makes it hard to get my teeth into anything, like it's hard to feel like the investment is gonna be worth the payoff. which sucks that im feeling like this after ive been so into the rest of the 5star! like having tam completely and immediately wipe out was so exciting, and i love how open the field felt for everyone.
it's a shame to end the 5star on a sour note, and maybe it'll be clear in a few months that this was all part of a bigger better plan. one can hope
but jesus christ they need to book h.a.t.e. better. babygirl tora you will always be famous.
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pizzaplexjester · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Get to know your mutuals and followers ^^
(Hihihi! from normal-about-the-dca!)
:0!!!!!! tumblr is very rude for not notifying me i had an ask!!!! thank you for sending one in @normal-about-the-dca !!! it was a nice lil surprise (*'▽'*)
but uhhh!!!! 5 things that make me happy;
1) the daycare attendant!!! although i feel like that's pretty obvious considering this is my side blog specifically for them fkdjsjsj but over the last year and some change now (WOW can't believe it's been that long already hello???) sun moon and eclipse have really become some of my biggest comfort characters!!
2) furbies! i love them so much, i have 3 that are currently in the queue to be altered into custom furbies and i'm really excited about it (despite being vaguely allergic to fake fur.....suffering for my art u_u) i'm hoping to maybe finally get to customizing them over the summer!
3) writing!! when my brain cooperates and i have the spoons i genuinely love to write; either rp-ing with friends or slowly chipping away at fic ideas! i've had a dca time loop au in the works forever at this point but i'm so used to just lurking in fandom now that i've never posted about it fjdjssk maybe i should start doing that actually ;;;
4) making playlists!! i love to make character playlists or vibe playlists or just share songs with friends to help them build their playlists!! music is such a human experience and i just really like sharing it with friends ;v;
5) listening to people info dump about their special interests/hyper focuses!!! i genuinely love hearing about all kinds of random things that people are passionate about, especially if they're completely different from my own!
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ducknotinarow · 11 months
[07 RaphVon - i feel like out of everything she could ever say to him, this is the most insulting u_u also im just in general looking for things to send you when i found this xD]
Yvonne stared at him for a moment, before muttering - "You sound like my dad."
| muse interaction
Von was more for wine her self but Raphael? he insisted wine was for wusses. He preferred the harder liquor himself sure he tried wine here and there with her but eh didn't do it for him Mikey might like it more though. Through somewhere between the fifth can on his own and who knows the cup of wine for her. That preference turned into some weird curious needs. Casey may have reason to hold some form of jealously still when it came to Raph and Von, course it would never be for the reasons he once mistakenly assumed years ago. No it was because Raphael always said Von was his favorite person to have a drink with. To better illustrate Von was his favorite person to get drunk with.
As he was sitting down now in her and Don's place. Don was at the lair with Ariel actually something about needing something or another he forgot and didn't care. Summer was off at practice for the night meaning Casey was there. To keep an eye out on this Aspen kid. And Summer to of course, have to support their daughter at hockey after all. Neither parent was truly okay with the apparent start of dating, and liking boys! and worse what comes with that! And who better to talk it all out with than his favorite person to drink with. As he sat and tried his best to settle the bottle of wine on top his can of beer.
The neck kept of course filling with wine so Raph would hand it back to Von to drink some more. No time for glass only wine it seemed. Before he took it back somewhere in his fogged over mind thanks to the alcohol buzzing in his system he felt this was the best way to mix his beer with her wine. Not that Von seemed to point out that a cup would be better. Lining up the neck of the bottle over the opening of his can slow to tip the bottle over so it could flow down and into his can. Finally getting it right as he set the bottle down and cover his can before he started to shake the can a little trying to mix the two together.
"I don' care if it normal for her to start 'noting boys' or whateva" Raph grumbles picking back up the conversation they were in the middle of now as he turned to face her, brown jacket and knitted hat still on because he was only meant to be dropping by and kept saying he be leaving but its been a good while since then. "I get the crush thing jus' fine sure whatevea' she bound to get a crush 'ere an' there an' she's a great kid so sure kids 'ike this stupid punk are bound ta 'ike here to. That's one thing. An' Casey the nut case he is gotta accept that too." Ah yes cause only Casey wasn't handling this well, though to be fair Raphael wasn't the one constantly ready to throw hands with the kid. "But I know what happens next" soon pointing his finger out towards Von. "An' so do youes!"
Moving to take a sip of his little mix he grimaced a little clear he didn't like it but he wasn't going to waste it as he finished the sip before slamming his empty can back to the coffee table now. "The touchin', an' the kissin' and worse! an' my Bug is an angel!" there was a bit of pause well Raph seems to think his own statement over. "Well she more a hellion if anythin' BUT MY POINT STANDS BABE!" Raphael continues on with.
"She ain't allowed to 'ike boys, especially gross boys." It was kind of unfair to Aspen both Casey and Raph knew of the kid he been on the same team as Summer for a bit all he did was commit the crime of liking their daughter and try to date her. Now he was enemy number one, he may beat out Hun and Shredder for them each respectfully for it alone. "No she should..she should stay at home only! not outside influence at all! cause 'han no boys can come 'round her and try nothin' with my baby girl." Raphael continue to speak acting as if that was a very ration statement to be making. Catching how Von was staring at him Raph looks at her annoyed as he rolled his eye behind his mask before tipping his head back and giving a wave of his arm before him.
"I can tell ya got somethin' to say here babe so go on ahead spit it out."
"You sound like my dad."
Raphael let his beak hang a little at that "Excuse you!?" Raphael near about shouts even with how she muttered it he heard it clear as day just then and he couldn't not accept those words from Von.
Considering who said 'dad' was. Bishop of all people to go and compare Raphael to just then and there. Raphael has had a million insults thrown his way over the years of his odd life. BUT this? oh this took the cake he had to admit. Nothing had ever cut or burned him so bad not even Bishop taking his own fucking eye was near as painful as what Von just said to him. "I am not!" he goes on to continue his statement letting his brow furrow up and beak settle in a firm frown over such a thing. "I jus' wanna keep her locked up in the apartment forever so no one can-" okay he starting to under how bad that sounds now.
Of course, he would actually do such a thing, he was honestly glad a kid he and and Casey had was human so they could be out in the sun and such unlike himself. Able to enjoy life so open and freely. So no he would lock her up somewhere where she couldn't well be as she lived now. It was just that damn protectiveness getting the better of him, "I jus' don' 'ike the idea of some creep being all over me kid." He huffs a little turning away as he mutters himself "don' want here gettin' hurt either." Because well that did also come with the dating world. He knew a bit from Casey's stories for one hell his and Casey own had some pains ingainged.
"whatever" He soon states moving to stand up as he looks down to his can he goes to push over, it was empty so nothing split out but he felt it got his point across. "I ain't nothin' 'ike that bastard father of youes babe!" He snaps with as he goes to make good on earlier statements from behind. Straightening out his hat and making sure his jacket was straight so he wouldn't freeze on his way home. He have to walk the streets in his state.
" An I don' gotta stay put and deal with youes tallin' lies 'bout me! Next time I drink it's with Casey!" he maturely tosses out before making his leave.
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selvepnea · 1 year
I can't believe how much thought I'm putting into the idea of going to canada for collage
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blastoisemonster · 1 year
Posting A Few More W's
Oh hey folks! The site's not dead at all, don't worry. It's just that I have accumulated so many GB cartridges now that my current decorated storage boxes are full- and I'm still in the process of painting a new one to start hoarding more. Mine's an organized collection, mind you U_U
Nevertheless I've been playing a lot elsewhere, mainly on the Switch because I realized I have one at home I mean, its library of graphic adventures has plenty of interesting titles, but also on several other consoles as me and my brother currently have a knack for platforming adventures. We're especially looking at some 3d explore-and-collect titles released during the early 2000s on consoles we never had the occasion to try at the time: GameCube, PS2, the original Xbox. I feel like this was a generation I completely missed, as when Nintendo's cube came out I could only read about it on magazines while I played my GBA (still very loved of course!) and its Sony and Microsoft rivals were pretty much unreachable for me (I doubt I was even aware of the Xbox's existence at the time, incredibly).
Anyway, wanna know what's the best thing about these 3D platformers? They all have a screen displaying your progress and all available collectibles, something that pushes players to go for a 100% complete run (which is one of the things I love the most about games- pretty sure the Pokèdex started this obsession of mine) and that's very easy to take a snapshot of, in order to show off the completed mission. So here's a gallery of our completed games! This is a spiritual sequel to my post about personal gaming achievements, as I feel seeing these screens is an achievement of its own.
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Vexx is a game with a very odd charm to it. My brother hates it and I partly agree with his distaste: it's flawed, oftentimes buggy, most of the difficulty is due to its unpolished controls. However I feel it also oozes with style, tries to paint a bigger picture than what's shown ingame and it's clear there was a special passion put into it, the developer team wanted to impress. I like the edgy protagonist and his design; I remember looking at a few dedicated advertisements and being very curious about it. Nevertheless, I admit taking this game to full completion was quite a pain! I'm proud of this screencap.
Super Mario Sunshine
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This title is a white whale for many players, since like half of the planet forgot the GameCube existed and now it racks up thousands on the secondhand market. I've always wanted to play Sunshine, it's the only 3D Mario chapter I was still missing and the reason why I was so very tempted to get 3D All Stars, yet I knew the Switch's emulation of the Cube was subpar. So we emulated it elsewhere. :V This game is so short! Everyone treats it like a gem and the general hype and mystique surrounding it might have elevated my expectations too much. Nevertheless we had fun, but less than what reviews promised us and if we have to choose, we'd still go for Galaxy over this.
The Incredible Machine
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Oops, here's the odd one out of the list. :P Me and TIM go way back, I already talked about this game in one of my earliest story posts and it still bears an important heritage in my childhood; however, I could never finish it back in the day! The later puzzles were too complex for kid me and my english was still extremely unripe to understand what I had to do in the stages. Seeing this screen would make younger me very proud!
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger
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If there was a class for mid 2000s abrasive platform mascots, Ty would have graduated with pomp and circumstance. This game follows every aspect of that trope to a… Ty. Antropomorphism, unusual species, comparative and aggressive advertising, catchphrases, characters trying to crack jokes every single time, an evil clone, the bad guy using robotics for end level bosses, big levels with lots of secret areas and tons of collectibles. Granted, not everything listed here is a bad thing: I appreciated the representation of australian fauna and enviroinments, also big levels and many collectibles were exactly what we were looking for when me and my brother started scouting for games to play. But there's also a huge level of unpolishness to it, like we played a beta of the game: it got too easy too fast with one of the boomerang powerups being an infinite machine gun and the other a literal nuke who automatically eliminated enemies (not that they were a threat before- we never got a game over); other boomerangs were barely employed in puzzles and game mechanics; transitions were nonexistent making cutscenes and level warps end abruptly; the sound design was especially lacking; the fire particles were absurd and we couldn't understand where it began and where it ended; similarly, the lacking shading on many platforms made jumps difficult. We got into a disagreement because I feel like this game should rank worse than Vexx while my brother swears it's Vexx still being inferior to this. We can't come to a conclusion on that. Anyway, this is as far as we can manage to go with Ty; the game is 100% complete with all collectibles except, sigh, five concept art collectibles out of 250. We literally combed all levels three times for them and like Dark Helmet's subordinates we ain't found shit. Also 250 concept art pieces? It really shows the game didn't fill up even a quarter of the disk (we were impressed on how short it was). If you're wondering why the screen's in german, my brother got quickly tired of the australian voice accent and wanted to hear all the other dubs. XD Are we gonna play the sequels? Fuck no!
I may get back to this post for the rest of the summer if we manage to take a picture of another completed collectathon! Otherwise, I'll make another in the future!
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marylander97 · 4 years
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【 ↳ That day if our positions were switched,
would our fates be different.
would I have your life… and you mine?
Let’s settle this Dante
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cirilee · 3 years
I feel like Megatron could be like Darth Vader in the V movie in the way he treats Bumblebee (about him being his son). He doesn't hate Bumblebee, he sees him as terribly misguided (and as the son of himself and someone he loved) so, in his hateful and clouded mind, the only way to make them see the truth it's trough pain, as he did. And it doesn't matter how many times he has to beat or mentally manipulate him, he is sure that it will eventually make Bee realize how in the wrong he is and he will be crawling to the Decepticons in the end.
(sorry, I really like SW, TF and your art)
OH i love the angsty route you're going for! poor bee u_u
yeah i can definitely see a darth vader parallel X'D!
especially because the idiot didn't even know that that was HIS son, and then after finding out, one thing especially (finally) breaks through his drug-addled mind:
that kid he tortured and who's vocal chords he damaged beyond repair?? - THATS HIS SON??
and then he probably has to sit down for a few days.
only to stand up and hunt down bee even more, because no, in his mind it was still all *justified*. bumblebee could have just given up the information and they wouldn't have had to resort to such drastic measures, and nO he can't be blamed for this, its his son's fault!!
.. and so on! i am loving this space opera :')!
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chocobohaired · 3 years
Haven’t been feeling well these past couple of days, but finally! My energy is returning, so hopefully tomorrow and over the weekend I will get to some writing. I’ve missed it. u_u Especially sad I essentially missed out on a lot of V-day fun :(
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which bmc scenes make you the softest bc for me it's gotta be most of the stagedorks scenes ESPECIALLY a guy that i'd kinda be into. mostly bc of christine cause her and michael are my favs (i love them all sm though) but also bc of jeremy because he is a close second to both of them. also vimh but vimh makes me cry a lot although nowadays i can hardly watch one scene without at the very least tearing up. anyways yeah which ones make you soft
i simply rewatched bmc and took notes for this and really got off track at points in the sense of sticking to What Makes You Softest but that’s how it goes babey
ACT ONE - in mts when jeremy is just having a whole moment being smitten in christine's presence while she's inelegantly picking herself up off the floor and smearing on lip balm and adjusting a skirt wedgie - jeremy and michael just being default that glad to meet each other in the middle of a random schoolday - michael hyping up jeremy's crush on christine and just encouraging this momentum to get jeremy to sign up for the play - ilpr.....that christine stops after like, the first two verses and goes back to her book b/c she doesn't figure someone's looking to listen to her beyond that but then she sees jeremy's still 110% paying attention and the whole rest of the song enfolds with increasing enthusiasm - jake doing that whole bit "all the pressure i feel to be the best at everything all the time" lmao classic stuff here, depressing content delivered in this humorousse way. charming moment - "leave me alone, i've had a bad day" - 2pg......when michael taps jeremy on the shoulder to get jeremy to join in on his choreo, which jeremy then does.....that michael asks if jeremy will be too cool for Video Games and jeremy just responds Emotionally Directly......we love the Favorite Person moment......that this song just ends with the two of them grooving 2gether god bless - jeremy stammering and Tics and Fidgeting when the squip remarks uponst it - jeremy delivering the Looking Pretty Sexy Brooke as awkwardly as possible and she's just like "thanks :)" - jeremy's own Theatricality coming out......hey hamlet - jeremy spinning around in place alternately addressing both brooke and the squip with "oh i'm supposed to meet my friend michael" - nice little detail wherein brooke signals for chloe to join in on her choreo - speaking of, v fond of the Moment jeremy is in on both their choreo......brooke sort of alarming jeremy with her whole attempted grande finale, straw and all, ft. the first instance of her messing with his hair so much she's just tugging his entire head around - cute that jake and rich have a sort of 2pg-esque handshake routine too - jeremy's "that's sad, what should i do" reaction re: jenna - rich's Earnest invitation to come over and play xbox... - "bonjour, jeremy" "ooh brooke!" and this whole exchange, her complimenting him, him laughing at "That Was French" and remembering to ask about pinkberry - love the whole choreo sequence/s in sync up, especially fond of his Moments with the girls, bumping hips with chloe (twice), hearing some Gossip from jenna, posing with brooke.... ;__; - the bowling alley performance art exchange before agtikbi ;____; - agtikbi......the glittery hearts choreo.....the whatever! the interlude or whatever!!! the I Guess A Part Of Me section hhhhoughhh ;o; ;o; ;o; ;o; ;o; that she pulls him into a hug and puts her head against his shoulder omggg ;_________; - brooke just trying to interact with jeremy the Right Way w/o any guidance on the bleachers and it continues to be awkward and funny....like comforting just his Leg while he converses w/his squip.....how she just ends up Physically pushing him around by the hands and head and shoulder and etc......whole situation here in upgrade.mp3 clearly less than Ideal but jeremy and brooke are nevertheless very cute individually And together - meanwhile jake also trying to genuinely Be With christine in upgrade is also charming lol, quitting archery to hang w/a girl like her.... - i always love when the Playful Shove brooke gives jeremy at "but at the mall, you looked at me" pushes him back a whole few steps....this moment of them truly Getting each other sans anyone else's interference.....tres magnifique - jeremy being That psyched to see michael for the first time (in like, less than one full day lol)....michael being That psyched just hearing that jeremy's cool scifi thing worked out after all - lgw ;_________________________; - like i'm some normal, handsome guy..... - giving us All that silence after "The Problem Has Always Been Me" - the whole bit where he launches into the "I'm Not The [series of insults]" and i've realized it's really especially a stretch to say i'm Soft for these moments in lgw but i Am vulnerable and that's its power. little 1" tall will roland on my screen here just made me shed a real tear doing That.....
ACT TWO - brooke's Howl at the end of her verse lmawooo - oughhh jeremy and brooke Greeting each other at the party too, jeremy unable to disappoint her and going for the Real Compliment, just v charming. rip - jake and jeremy's danceoff lol hell yes and then jake just having Misunderstood the costume plan between him and christine lol - the squip getting in on the dancing :) go you funky little ai - jeremy and brooke singing that last verse of Halloween v enthusiastically at each other, - again that jeremy is just genuinely glad to see michael.... - the inherent intimacy of singing mitb b/c your bff dumped you..... - AGTIKBI REPRISE..... ;______________________________; hhhhuouuuoh my god :'3 the lil detail that at the Height of things christine is Shy and turns away.....just. This Scene oh my god - soft in a vulnerable way like, rip to jenna where we're seeing chloe's Lack Of Enthusiasm in accepting a call from her :[ - the Shift at the start of the pants song :] - and the lil mitb reprise during said pants song lmao, also always having a great time w/this concept of "maybe this teen having a rough time needs some guidance from someone grown w/all that bonus maturity here" - i wish there was a way i could help everyone but i don't know how so i guess i'll just do theatre..... - jenna being Moved simply being asked for the first time ever How She Is u_u then her being like "....Okay!" lmfao jenna's great - just have to say in whatever context i'm v fond of pitiful children there at the end lmfao the bass kicks in like that and we're having a great time - the audience always having that response to "all the way to broadway" - jeremy going "you came to see me in the play? :)" like, that he's processing the significance of that in the middle of these Very Raised Stakes - i'm soft for will roland's vocal glitching mouth noises live every night!!! - jeremy like "ha! >:)" flipping his squip off after he's successfully Apologized lmfaoooo love him - but then having that real And I'm Stronger Than You Think I Am victory like :'| - that michael's been by like a ton btw during jeremy's probably somewhat concerning coma. also cherish the lil dance he does while they're celebrating mr. heere's bepantsedness - jake and jeremy sharing a Dab - and just the Popular Kids actively seeking him out to help re: christine b/c they just Want To Be Supportive.....very nice - this vimh interlude or whatever with christine and jeremy like jlsdfhh i think of this all the time - me and the voices in my head have made up our collective mind ;__; what do they say we should do ;______; and the Woohoo! ;_______________; - huoughh kiss and you KNOW especially the [jeremy spinning away in sheer enthusiasm] of 2.0 just KILLS THE MAN ;O; - jeremy not missing a beat despite the squip's interruption leeet's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - the more than survive na na na na na na na na na na na's but they're all So, and jeremy ending With everyone but also there with Himself and it's so Good and Everything Wants What Vimh Has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hhrough ;0; - that jason does that spin at curtain call w/his excellent squip costume... - that in virtually any given curtain call when they get into line together there's that lil ritual of george smacking will's ass lmao love languages
i mean tl;dr quite Same in that like, most likely to inspire tearing up over something or other includes agtikbi reprise and vimh which is just like, again any finale wants what it has, and the I Guess A Part Of Me bit of the non-reprise agtikbi like Oof augh this is so cute, and lgw always Gets me, and while i was rewatching speaking of being soft and move-able i was also just continually struck with delight over various moments throughout, and noticing little details for the first time thank god. just Vulnerable the whole time
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raitrolling · 3 years
so, glasya
- they work at gaia (@/goddesstrolls’ Supernatural Org and same place miki now works at) as the records manager for the investigations branch. they were an assistant for a couple sweeps until the prev. head RM got promoted so now they’re the head records manager. they’re aiming to become head archivist of the whole organisation one day
- their ancestor was a prolific serial killer who may or may not have had ties to the occult. yknow standard Evil Person Who Brutally Murders People In Their Basement gig, so her hive which glas inherited it super haunted. glas had a couple encounters with the ghosts as a kid, but since they didn’t believe in the supernatural they just dismissed it as an overactive imagination or whatever. their hive’s still haunted, but the spirits tend to leave them alone so sometimes they straight-up forget they exist
- their first major encounter with the supernatural was when they were around eight sweeps, and found a strange book while perusing a thrift store one night. said book happened to be a powerful and very cursed artefact with ties to some otherworldly entity. while the book was in their possession, they began experiencing auditory hallucinations in the form of hearing pipe music wherever they went, as well as also seeing visions of the world covered in flesh and viscera. they’d also start feeling an intense urge to kill any troll who they happened to come across, and at times could not overcome the book’s influence. luckily it just so happened that gaia was searching for the artefact, and were able to locate glasya and free them from it’s curse. they’re doing fine now! mostly
- following that incident, music has become a huge trigger for them. no music allowed in the archives. some ppl like to chill in their office because of how nice and quiet it is
- they used to be an avid reader prior to that incident, but they stopped for a long time because of it. they watch a lot of movies now, and especially love horror or anything with monsters/supernatural creatures in it
- despite how traumatic that incident was, it made them discover that things-that-cannot-be-explained are actually cool as hell when they’re not fucking up your brain. they’ve been devouring everything related to the topic ever since, and became interested in working with gaia so they could read/hear about all the other cases they’re involved with. not that they mentioned that in the interview, of course
- they have a bad habit of always looking or acting sketchy, especially when they’re actively trying not to. Nobility Of Asking The Worst Questions At The Wrong Time, and tends to laugh during inappropriate moments especially when they’re feeling nervous
- they watch a lot of tiktok and youtube videos, especially anything occult-related. constantly sending videos about reality shifting or people who can converse with demons to their co-workers and asking if they’re legit. they’re always disappointed by the answer (they’re not)
- typically an incredibly Chill guy. speaks v. casually to the point where they come across as apathetic or uncaring, but they genuinely take their job very seriously. don’t let their unprofessional texts and emails fool you
- they’re very particular when it comes to the preservation of the documents in the archives. mikiel is not allowed in their office because his psiionics mess with the room’s temperature too much
- introvert of the ‘needs to take a day off work after socialising to recharge their mental battery’ variety. they don’t hate people / being social, but they greatly prefer being on their own 
- they have a side hobby making candies and selling them online, and specialise in lollipops and rock candy. they’ll give them out to their co-workers when they have extras
- they know that quite a lot of supernatural entities either feed off fear or use people’s fears to their advantage, so they’re determined to conquer all their fears so they’re Immune to their tricks. unfortunately, getting over their irrational fear of toads is too difficult for them u_u
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