#especially Wild World since i own TWO COPIES OF IT but my one copy is beginning to show its age and freezing which was one reason why i got
ducktracy · 11 months
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sithbvcky · 10 months
Gimme Shelter: Part One
70s gangster bucky barnes x fem!reader au. Warnings: mature themes, drug use, alcohol, guns, blood, violence and nudity.
Synopsis: James "Bucky" Barnes, better known by his fearsome moniker, The Winter Soldier. It's Los Angeles in 1977 and only one man owns the city. Until someone decides to challenge the king for his throne.
Note: I do not give permission for my work to copied or translated anywhere else but this blog.
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For as long as you'd known him, Bucky was the man of Los Angeles. He knew everyone who was anyone and they all bowed to him like he was the second coming of Christ. Course if they didn't there would be consequences of varying degrees.
To you, Bucky was an angel. Sweet, gentle and caring. When you met you were dancing at The Rainbow and he stopped a particularly handsy man from trying to tear your glittery little number off your body. He knocked the man out cold with a single punch and within the same breath lent you his hand to help you out of the chaos.
Since then you've been on his arm. You knew he was a kingpin and he pushed all sorts of product around the city, he had the police in his pocket and always assured you everything would work out. But you weren't privy to all of his dealings, especially the more dangerous ones. He preferred to keep you as far away as possible when it came time to do dirty work. He'd sometimes disappear for days leaving you questioning if he was still alive only for him to show up at your shared penthouse apartment with a smile and a bouquet of flowers.
Despite it all, you loved him and he loved you and you knew he'd do anything for you and you felt the same. It was a wild kind of love but you wouldn't trade it for anything. You got to see the world with him and no longer needed to strip for money to eat. Some of the members of his crew even became like family to you too. You were especially friendly with Bucky's right hand man, Steve Rogers. They'd known each other since they were kids and Steve was as loyal as they come. He was always kind of enough to keep you updated on your lovers well being when he was off in some God forsaken place doing things you probably didn't want to know about. Then there was Natasha Romanoff, a beautiful red head who was as deadly as she looked. She was the brains behind most of the operation and often you two would go on shopping trips and became fast friends. As the only women in the circle you clung to each other like glue. She was insanely deft with a gun and knew how to hold her own in a fight. You'd only seen her skills up close once, and you felt bad for the man on the other end of her wrath.
Lately, everything was smooth sailing. Tonight you had a date to make an appearance at The Roxy. A big party was planned and having Bucky show his face would do good for business.
You sat at your vanity adjusting your hair and makeup. Bucky was in the bedroom, sprawled out on the cream colored silk sheets, a cigarette balancing in between his fingers as he watched you. You could see his smug face in the mirror as you continued prettying yourself for the evening.
"God Damn you're beautiful." He commented. You smirked as you put the final pin to hold your hair in place. You looked at him through the reflection in the mirror,
"Don't you forget it."
Bucky laughed and got up from the bed. Wearing nothing but his underwear, his hair disheveled from previous activities. He walked up behind you, his cigarette free hand guiding your face to look up at him so he could place a kiss on your freshly red lips. It was a fervent kiss, so much so when he pulled away his lips were stained with red. You reached up with your thumb and smeared the red from his mouth.
"Can't have you going out like that, darling." You cooed. His blue eyes burned holes into you as he smiled. He moved to kiss you again when there was a knock on the door, he stopped just before your lips.
"This better be important." He grumbled before striding to grab his robe to cover himself up.
You listened as Bucky opened the door,
"What is it, Steve?" His voice was laced with annoyance but you knew as much as it bothered him when business interrupted your time together, Steve would never show up without necessity.
"We got a problem." You heard Steve reply. It was a quiet for a moment then the door closed. Bucky must've let Steve in not wanting this conversation to be overheard by anyone in the hall.
You stopped what you were doing so you could listen closer.
"Word is a new pusher arrived in town and he's looking to take your place. I've had a few clients come up saying they've been visited by a Mr. Stark offering them more product and more protection." Steve said. Your blood went cold. For so long it had been peaceful. No one dared to challenge Bucky on his turf, everyone was too afraid to step to The Winter Soldier.
"He thinks he can just come into my city and start negotiating with my people and that I won't notice?" Bucky's voice was filling with rage, you could hear it simmering in him.
"I've been told he's gonna show at The Roxy tonight. Natasha says the intel is good so I'd say we gotta be careful." Steve continued.
There was a loud smash and you flinched. Bucky just broke something in his fit of anger and you hesitated as you stood up from your vanity.
"Get everyone who's in town, we're gonna make sure we're ready should this Stark decide to play games." Bucky growled.
You stepped into the living room where to the two men were standing, on the floor was a broken glass vase. You walked over to Bucky and placed a soothing hand on his back, the cigarette was now hanging from the corner of his mouth. Steve gave you a friendly nod and you returned it.
"Y/n, I'm not sure you should come tonight." Bucky turned to you, putting his cigarette out in the ash try on the coffee table.
"Baby, where you go I go. If this man is foolish enough to challenge you in public I wanna be there to support you." You said. Bucky shook his head,
"It might get dicey, babe. I can't have you getting hurt."
"I won't get hurt, I'll stay with Nat. Or have Steve protect me." You argued. Bucky sighed, Steve folded his hands in front of him.
"I need Steve with me, but I guess I can spare Nat to protect you."
You reached up on your toes, took his face in your hands and planted a kiss on his lips.
"I promise you I'll be fine."
He kissed you back,
"I'll make sure of it." He let go of you and turned back to Steve.
"Get Nat and Sam ready, tell them to be prepared for anything and that Nat's priority is Y/N's safety if anything starts to get hairy."
"You got it, boss." Steve turned on his heels and moved to leave when Bucky said
"And Steve." He ran a hand through his brown locks. "Tell em The Winter Soldier is coming."
Steve nodded and left. Bucky kissed your forehead and walked into the bedroom. You stood in the living room, the broken glass around your feet as you wrung your hands together. Hoping tonight wouldn't go the way you knew it would. It always ends in a fight.
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findmeinthefallair · 2 years
A Look at Hunter’s Complex PTSD (Part 2)
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I forgot to add in the first post last weekend that I am taking excerpts from Parts 2, 4 and 5 of the book ("What My Bones Know" by Stephanie Foo), in case anyone plans to get a copy of it.
I didn’t use anything from Parts 1 and 3, since 1 involves the author recounting her own childhood trauma while 3 is about the cultural and historical events that are tied to the generational trauma in her family and community, which she researched to find answers.
Also..with two of the Owl House specials remaining, which would definitely give us more major Hunter moments…any additions from those two episodes that relate to the book excerpts will be added as new posts, e.g. if any scenes from For The Future are relevant to this Part 2 post, I will be making a post titled A Look at Hunter’s Complex PTSD (Part 2B).
Anyhow if all this sounds confusing now, there will ultimately be one grand masterpost listing every single part. As usual, take care with the warnings of mentions of abuse and trauma ahead. Here goes, for Part 2:
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Hunter’s history differs only slightly from the above. He also played a caretaker role to Belos during the latter’s rage episodes:
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which shows the failure on Belos’s part, especially since he’s in the guardian/caretaker role, to own, regulate or seek his own help for his difficult emotions, but it imbued Hunter with that sense of feeling “special”. The Golden Guard role was his, and his alone. Belos could then reinforce the whole “wild magic is bad” narrative, exploit how Hunter loved to feel special and wanted, and continue abusing the boy.
But as Hunter tried harder and harder to get Belos to love him the way he wanted, he too experienced a growing vigilance and desperation that was destroying him more and more, as he was worn down further over time.
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I’d say it was like this for Hunter too. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t please Belos enough. It wasn't fixing things and it felt as if he was a ship slowly sinking. As his desperation grew, you could say he ventured out further beyond established boundaries, and Hollow Mind was the culmination of the courage and support he spent the previous episodes building up.
He, just like how it’s stated in the book page above, ended up woven more into the world, sewn emotionally and professionally into a network of lives. He made trusted friends and healthier company at last. Ultimately, all those actions he took nudged him along the path meant for him, and it even ended up with him being brave enough to say this in Hollow Mind:
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To ask the ultimate question, "What did you do to the other guards?". The question that got Belos to decide “Okay, time to off this Grimwalker and then make another”.
Following that heart-stopping moment, Luz saving his life, both of them escaping, and then the panic attack scene that we all remember, Hunter’s story isn’t over yet. 
With where he is now, in the middle of S3, he might be mentally and emotionally operating in a way that I can deconstruct while we wait for the next episode.
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I am inclined to agree with these.
It’s just…so likely for Hunter. It was the case for me, since the first 5 years out of my 7 years of seeing therapists (2014-2020) were either just talk therapy or with ineffective therapists that I didn't trust enough. It felt more like just maintaining healthy enough functioning in my daily life, rather than having what felt like proper breakthroughs.
What Hunter needs first and foremost is to just continue experiencing the precious trust and presence of the good people he has formed good relationships with. Everyone is now in survival mode and would need the same manner of support.
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Frankly, almost everyone in the show needs that too. The Isles will be going through some form of collective grief, if not already.
Processing all that has happened to him, in his young mind, will be hell of a lot of work. He can’t nicely fit all of that horror into a framework of cold logic, and I doubt the mess can be solved just by “talking things out”. After all, he has Complex PTSD: and being entangled in damaged formative relationships (Belos and the Emperor's Coven, basically) - not necessarily involving just people, or his relationship with himself, but also himself with the world - is the centerpiece of Complex PTSD.
Cold logic can't exactly help you make sense of why you lacked warmth in your formative relationships (the more technical term is "primary relationships" where your primary caregiver(s), a parent/guardian, is supposed to supply you with security and warmth in their relationship(s) with you).
The clearest analogy I can think of for how he’d need some time before talk therapy could ever benefit him, is when a computer does that thing where it shuts down outside of your control, in order to prevent further damage. When you switch it back on by pressing the power button, it usually acts as if nothing happened before that. This numbing and calmness has been essential in the short-term for Hunter to function, one example being from Hollow Mind:
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because his emotions being almost completely shut down here were crucial for survival: for his legs to carry him, with Luz’s help, to escape Belos’s mind. If he didn’t have such a shutdown, he may have frozen in place due to being too overwhelmed, making it harder for Luz to shake him into being lucid to follow her, and Belos would’ve been able to apprehend and capture him all over again in the mindscape.
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Survive first, fear later.
There is the possibility that with Flapjack’s death in particular, he might swing towards more dissociation than ever before. The reason why dissociation happens in the first place is because the brain, like the computer, would be overwhelmed if it stayed online any further. It’s a protective built-in mechanism to numb intense psychological pain. That computer can still work overall for some time, but boy oh boy..it would need some repair shop work at some point to even perform basic functions.
If his best friend’s death, by his hands, shocked us in the audience as much as it did, it goes without saying: he himself is carrying a massive amount of shock. The thing is..for the time being his attention is diverted to fighting back and going after Belos, making sure everyone else is safe. But we shall see how his mental state will be after the fighting is over.
This pattern of shutting down/short-circuiting and then coming back online without proper deep healing, would be detrimental long-term if it keeps happening and if it continues past the point where things start to be truly safe for him. It can sadly go on for years if e.g. a child is trapped until they move out as an adult, which would mean the road to healing is having to thaw out of several years’ worth of survival mode and hypervigilance.
To remain isolated would be the biggest obstacle in any stage of his recovery. Thankfully he is now the furthest thing from isolated, where the story left off. Check out how different the screenshots are below omg…the effects of Belos isolating him versus where he is now:
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A consistent theme has been an ongoing tension between his fears and what he chooses to do anyway. It ain't just great storytelling, it also feels damn real because I'm willing to bet many of us experience the same tension in our day-to-day living.
E.g. in Labyrinth Runners, the panic attack he had:
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is what made the later moment so much more powerful, when he decides to run towards fear to help Gus:
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Over time, he has repeatedly made decisions where he prioritizes care for others, the desire for connection and wanting to do what is truly right, over the fear of being hurt and rejected. My personal fave example of how he worries for others’ safety is this seemingly smaller moment, but it’s honestly heartbreaking and reveals hell of a lot about who he is:
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He is so terrified that Belos is back, quivering and exasperated, yet he doesn’t want Luz to call anyone else to help them: and in no way does he do this to show off or anything, he wants to protect his loved ones. But this tenacity that exists alongside his gentle spirit is what got him to rebel more and more throughout Season 2, leading him into greater danger and well..unfortunately all of that plot was also building up to what Belos did to him in Thanks to Them.
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…yeah. Talk therapy is not what I think this kid needs right now, not till there is restored peace all around him. Because talk therapy requires quite a bit of usage of the brain’s prefrontal cortex - the part responsible for reasoning and logic - and it is activated when we are in conscious control of our thinking. And facts such as “My ‘uncle’ chose to lie to me my whole life” can’t be understood and analyzed in the same way as a math problem can be deciphered :’) How does one make sense of something like that?
Poor Hunter can only accept the reality that Belos chose to do all that, and a key part of this acceptance is to affirm his own strengths and believe he can accept such hard truths. To achieve such acceptance, treating his condition would most likely require subconscious work that is experiential in nature (involving deeper parts of the mind than just the prefrontal cortex) as opposed to just analyzing and taking things apart. Because I don't think simply talking about this:
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on top of a childhood of being manipulated, will get this poor kid to where he'd like to be.
My former supervisor calls experiential subconscious work “heart work”, not “head work”...i.e. experiencing one’s feelings and relationships in a safe space. All of Hunter’s military training and duties are most definitely “head work”, all about strategy and withholding trust, which means “heart work” - building trust and finding authenticity in his relationships - has been a new journey for him. His network of relationships and perceptions need a major, positive reframing. And there are so many emotional wounds, oh Titan, so many from Belos.
Hunter is likely to benefit from experiential subconscious work such as the increasingly popular Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) modality for therapy, because EMDR can be an effective treatment if a client experiences discomfort in the form of physical bodily sensations whenever their trauma is triggered, though it is not necessarily for everyone who suffers from trauma. A Boiling Isles version of EMDR might involve Illusion magic...if a therapist from that Coven can draw out mental images of clients to project into the therapy room, that would be a cool simulation and cool parallel of how therapy works in our world.
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EMDR was the biggest, most revelatory thing for me in my own recovery but a coursemate of mine found it to be too much and too direct: instead, she benefited from the Emotion Freedom Technique (EFT) approach which was more physical in nature and relied on tapping acupressure points on the body. Idk, maybe I matched better with EMDR because I have an innate curiosity about things, even if it has gotten me in trouble many times in life (this sounds like Hunter as well) :S Whereas EFT was the better fit for my coursemate because she wanted a sense of attachment and connection with herself via the specific sense of touch.
Disclaimer: I am not yet certified in EMDR, god it will be years before I can afford the training fees but I have been on the receiving end of it as a client in many sessions. So I am no trained expert in it at all.
We see Hunter experiencing physical distress related to his trauma, which is why the EMDR technique, that aims to reduce trauma-related distress experienced in the physical body, could be the right match for him. Since he loves the Ruler’s Reach and Cosmic Frontier, he might like how EMDR is like letting your subconscious re-tell your story as a heroic triumphant story, and the treatment feels like rewriting your painful memories while still acknowledging how they actually happened. Because the treatment helped me learn that it is possible to hold both of those in your mind.
To sum up EMDR the best I can, the client replays their difficult memories in their subconscious imagination. It relies on a phenomenon called bilateral stimulation (BLS) which is related to how making left-and-right motions (e.g. going for walks, or swimming) while holding upsetting thoughts in our heads, helps to reduce the intensity of such thoughts.
The general process involves:
Helping the client prepare an imagined safe place to go to (Hunter might choose his fave location from Cosmic Frontier, since clients can choose fictional places if they like) and if needed, a safe person (he might choose Camila) to come rescue them in their mind, in case revisiting the bad memories becomes too distressing. The therapist gets the client to experience the safe place and person, then describe to the therapist what they see, hear, touch etc with as much detail as possible. There will be several practice rounds in those safe spaces, before the client is supposed to do the same imagination thing with their scary traumatic memories in later sessions: once they are experienced with visiting their safe places.
Desensitizing the pain and distress of traumatic memories, working through only one memory at a time, where the therapist gets the client to hold the painful memory in mind while also performing left-and-right physical movements e.g. client moves their eyes left and right, following the therapist's hand motions. The therapist regularly checks in with how the client feels and also measures 1. the intensity of the client’s distress (using the Subjective Units of Disturbance or SUD scale, on a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the highest distress level imaginable to the client) and 2. The strength of the client’s positive belief about themselves (using the VOC or Validity of Cognition scale, on a scale of 1 to 7, with 7 being complete trust in the positive belief). The aim is to reduce the SUD score to 0 or 1, and increase the VoC score to 7, per memory that the client decides to process with the therapist. This would definitely take at least 3 sessions per memory, based on my experience.
The desensitizing step takes multiple sessions (estimated to be 8-12 sessions for simpler traumas, and many more sessions for complex traumas) helps to make room for new positive beliefs about oneself e.g. “I am worthy of love” to take up more space in the client’s mind, while the emotional space taken up by negative beliefs like “I am unlovable” gets smaller and smaller.
In my experience as an EMDR client, you are just supposed to let your subconscious flow and alter each memory during the desensitizing, because it isn’t about how realistic the memory was, it’s about what meanings you’d like to put into the storyline of the memory e.g. going from “I deserved that abuse” to “You know what, I’m gonna try protect myself”. This means Hunter could incorporate his fave fictional scenes and elements into his own story. I found that my brain went from accurately replaying my traumatic memories, to adding in new things or replacing original parts of each memory. And best of all, I wasn’t actively choosing all these changes - I just let my subconscious run on its own, since it is outside my conscious control anyway. E.g. in a memory where my own abusive mother was yelling at me during a car ride, I saw a tall red tree (red is my fave colour and I feel strength whenever I see it) rapidly growing out of the road directly in front of us. It could cause my mother to lose control of the steering and brake hard, and I could quickly unlock the front passenger door to exit the car and run to my own safety. The most real thing about this was that I now got a taste of how it would feel to use strong boundaries with my mother in real life, and the coolest thing was seeing how my own brain went off on its own to write an encouraging story, which is what mattered and allowed my positive beliefs about myself to start taking root. It all started in my imagination, guided by the therapist.
The best way of putting it is..I realized that when the original traumatic events happened in my life, the bad events happened which then installed negative beliefs about myself (and the world) into my brain's programming, breaking my trust in almost everything except my escape spaces like gaming and art. With EMDR, after feeling the safety of trusting my therapist and my safe place, I had to let my brain create the positive version of the above: letting improved versions of those traumatic events be written by my subconscious: which helped to usher in the positive opposites of those negative beliefs.
It would be too lengthy to go into more detail here about how EMDR could help our boi, so I will instead cover that in my future case formulation post that is separate from this series. But EMDR is not the only way to reach a point of having positive beliefs about oneself. Some people may be able to reach that stage without therapy, using resources like a strong support network and doing meaningful work and activities, which is completely valid and fine as well.
EMDR was the tool that helped the book author reach her first ever breakthrough in her mental health journey. It helped her realize that stuff from so long ago, which she thought she had gotten over, needed to be revisited in order for her to start feeling love for her inner child and younger self. Feeling love for yourself and understanding self-love is very hard work, and it’s not the same as shrugging “Yeah, I guess it’s good to love yourself” and knowing it in theory as an observer.
That section of the book is sort of like how Hunter becomes more and more able to draw strength and other positive qualities e.g. courage, trust, etc, from himself, on his own. The rest of the Hexsquad and Camila came in to help and save Hunter first, which gently reinforced a healthy narrative over time that he is in fact deserving of love, getting him to believe along the lines of “You know what, I don’t want to try being useful to Belos anymore, because what he did to me and what he does as the Emperor is wrong”. This understand was further reinforced when he was the one to extend help to Gus towards the end of Labyrinth Runners.
Perhaps the biggest takeaway from this post is how Hunter’s friends helped to positively reshape the way he saw himself, when they modeled how healthy relationships should be for him. Many posts have already made in the fandom about how this was the case in every episode that Hunter was featured in (from Hunting Palismen onwards), so I’ll only show the recent examples from Thanks to Them below:
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I like how during all of his screentime, it wasn’t obvious to us whether he had good beliefs about himself, right up until we see him at his happiest, in his cosplay outfit and secondly when he expresses his desires out loud to Belos while being possessed.
Learning healthy behaviours from positive influences outside of himself (sometimes, in therapy speak we call this “introducing a foreign element” outside of the client’s own familiar world, to introduce real change), because he had no reference points to draw upon from his own knowledge, is what got him to begin understanding and believing he deserves better. Such recovery work can’t happen within a vacuum, since no man is an island. Some form of connection is needed as a catalyst.
And ajhdhkjkljdfd I am so so proud of him that he could already practice these modeled behaviours himself at least a couple of times, supported by Flapjack's love, after being equipped with the love he needed:
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Now, without Flapjack, I am on the edge of my seat wondering how he sees himself, and while he will never be the same again..I wonder how he will find his way back to liking who he is. I hope to see a more in-depth, layered and raw version of these where he has to face himself...and Flapjack is not going to be there this time..:
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Especially since his “I like who I am right now” has been so greatly challenged by Flapjack dying by his own hands.
The author's breakthrough after meeting her younger self in her imagination, during her own EMDR sessions, was that she now understood in her heart, not just knowing in her rational head, that her parents did not provide her with healthy love. With that, it became clear what it was that she needed.
This is crazy important. Gradually, Hunter made his way from merely knowing (suspecting that the 'love' provided for him by Belos was not right) to fully understanding (feeling what love is supposed to be, through his friends and Camila). This concept references what I said very early on in this post about “heart work” vs “head work”. Head knowledge is the knowing part that looks for facts and can be reached quickly, but heart knowledge - trusting, believing, seeing the meaningful significance of something - can be tough to find without the aid of a support network, therapists and any form of meaningful inspiration.
The following life-changing truths that the author found in the challenging parts of her EMDR therapy sessions, are truths that were also revealed to Hunter in his character arc through difficult experiences:
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I'm sure there will be amazing upcoming dialogue where his support network and found family help to further reaffirm the positive beliefs that he has began to trust about himself.
And that’s that for Part 2!
I wonder if any of the above was helpful, and feel free to comment and discuss in the notes.
Importantly, to put up a word of caution here: please do not try any EMDR on yourself under any circumstances, of course xD
Which stuff did you guys find the most interesting from this part? If anything above is pretty complex for you, feel free to DM me or comment to ask further questions~~
Part 3 will be posted next weekend.
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authoralexharvey · 2 years
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Who You Are:
E.K. || They/them
I'm from Germany and I study English and French translation - I plan on being able to make a living of translating books one day. I've been writing since I was 10 years old, and even though I love all other kinds of creative work too (I sometimes draw and am the singer of a rock band) it's the one thing in life I just NEED in order to be happy.
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Adventure, comedy, fanfic, fantasy, mystery, paranormal, romance, and sci-fi. Young and new adult.
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
Fantasy! Exploring new worlds and concepts, and at the same time being able to transfer the lessons learned there to real life is just… Idk, it really makes me emotional :')
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
Crime fiction. It's just a really specific genre following really specific rules, and I don't think I'd be able to follow all of them and have fun at the same time.
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
Honestly, at the moment it's just me, and sometimes my friends. I feel like my stories are very close to my experiences in life, so I wouldn't expect anyone to get or like them.
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
One specific thing I always come back to is a conflict between two groups that need to overcome their prejudice. In one of my stories it's a straight up war, in the other one it's a family feud. In general, acceptance of the other (in whichever form) is a really strong theme in all of my works.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
Are toxic relationships a trope? I don't think they're a healthy thing to romantisize, especially in YA fiction. They can be written well if not romantisized, though, and that's cool!
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
I'm currently working on a fantasy duology called "Dawn". I've been working on it for 10 years now, but with a major break in between taking 8 years (!).
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
Mostly a mix of A) internal and external struggles and the need to put them on paper in as many metaphors as possible B) the sheer joy of having written something that wasn't there before. Creating something out of thin air is just wild!!
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
14 years now. I first started writing down my dreams as a kid, and over time those dreams developed into really long stories until I one day decided to finally write a "proper book".
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
Music! Everything I write is in some way inspired by the music I listen to, especially my current project - some characters or scenes only developed the way they did because of a certain song or album. (It also goes both ways cause my stories sometimes find their way into my own songs, help)
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
My current project, Dawn! It's just amazing to be able to return to writing something I loved so much as a teenager, and on top of that add everything I learned about writing in the meantime. I never would have thought that I could find so much potential in something I wrote when I was 13 and use it to make something even better.
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
Not yet. I would love to publish a book one day, but I don't want to rush it.
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you?
The best thing is to just be able to have a copy of it on your shelf and give it to your friends. I think I would be a bit scared of offering it to a publisher and having other people make decisions about it that differ greatly from my own ideas.
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
HAVING WRITTEN and being happy about it is so good! Not having written? Or worse: Having written and being unhappy about it? Hell.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
I usually do some soft plotting beforehand, but once I dive into writing I tend to follow my instincts. I work with Scrivener, which really helps me to keep an eye on the bigger picture. Otherwise I would easily lose track of where I'm headed or where I left off. I am also very motivated by word counts - keeping a goal is essential if I want to finish a project. Also: I really love writing on the train. It's amazing.
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
All of my active years combined: About 2. I think the writerblr community is a very positive, interesting one and I just love keeping in touch with other people and their amazing ideas. Every one has their own style and flavour, it's like a candystore full of stories and nice people.
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
@concerningwolves is an amazing author and their work is full of rich worldbuilding and fascinating characters. When Dealing With Wolves is definitely worth a read. @siarven is not only an amazingly nice and energetic person but also a fantastic artist! I love their drawings so much.
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
The positivity! There's also a lot of information available with so many people sharing their experiences. It's great.
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
Ummm. I actually don't know. It's sometimes hard getting in touch with people or finding blogs to follow. It's also really hard to talk about and share work that's written in another language than English, but that's how it is on most platforms.
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
Insert "idk i just got here" meme :D Honestly, I think a lot has changed since I first joined in 2018. I'm just trying to get back into the groove and then we'll see.
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
Same answer as above. :)
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
God I love tag games. They're so much fun!
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
On instagram
Questions For Fun:
If your main character(s) was a flower, which flower would they be? Why?
Funnily, the full name of the MC of Dawn is Khorin'do, which means 'glowing leaf'. Glowing leaf is a tree of which the leaves turn almost see-through before autumn, which makes them look a bit like bug wings. Hence, this tree is not only how Khorin got her name, but in fact all of her kind - they are fairy-like creatures called Khorwes. So as you can imagine, her name is pretty much as common there as Steve or Mary are here.
If your writing were a color, what color would it be and why?
A friend of mine once described my writing as rainbow-coloured because it can get very intense, chaotic, and naive. Honestly, I think that's pretty accurate.
Is there a song that has had the most impact on your work? An album? A music artist? Why do you think they had such an influence on you?
For Dawn specifically, there have been many, many musical influences. In its early stages (around 2012), the themes of war and injustice were inspired by bands like Rise Against or Thirty Seconds to Mars (especially their album This is War, which umm… turns out to glorify war a lot? This is actually the opposite of what I wanted). Nowadays I tend to draw inspiration from instrumental vibes more than the lyrics. If it sounds epic, melancholic and slightly futuristic, it works. This is the case with Arcane Roots' album Melancholia Hymns. It helped me come up with a lot of internal conflicts for the characters and even inspired the new main antagonist as a whole. I think music has a big influence on me because it stimulates the visual part of my brain that loves daydreaming and indulging in fantastic scenarios, which is mostly what writing really is for me.
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
7/29 - 8/6/2023
I started last weekend really excited about writing Renji 2, and had a good time with that. And then proceeded to have no writing time past last weekend. =_= I just need to chill out and accept that life is going to be about driving and People and racecars and the Women's World Cup rn and not about my blorbos and stories. Not that I don't also like the aforementioned but also MY BLORBOS AND STORIES THO. ):
As excited as I am about this chapter I'm still not sure if it ~works because Renji is just infodumping about 79 different things, and the part I wrote was about written vs. actually-followed easement policy in West Rukongai and how long it takes to run places. Which on one hand, Renji Why, but on the other, Why Not, Renji.
Something I have done a lot of this week, though, is driving—more in the last 7 days than in the last 7 months, to be specific—and I got reacquainted with my nemesis, audiobooks. I still don’t think I actually like audiobooks, but all of the books I listened to were very enjoyable in spite of the format, and I recommend all of them! This is especially exciting because these choices were guided by "what is currently available at the library."
The week’s roadtrip audiobook selections:
H is for Hawk, Helen MacDonald (2014)
Psalm for the Wild-Built, Becky Chambers (2021)
Orange World, Karen Russell (2019)
The Nickel Boys, Colson Whitehead (2019)
H is for Hawk, Helen MacDonald (2014) I’ve been wanting to read this book for a long time, but I’m glad I didn’t get a chance to until now, because coming off of condor!Tobiume this book was especially exciting. I didn’t realize until listening that it drew so heavily on The Once and Future King (and TH White’s biography in general) as intertext, which has really made me want to re-read that book, since I haven’t read it since the summer after I graduated high school. H is for Hawk is a falconry memoir, and it is quite a bit about birds—the goshawk Mabel in particular—which I figured would be a good time, from a creative nonfiction, ecology writing POV, two genres I generally like. But oh my god it is so much better than I already thought it was going to be! MacDonald has such strong analysis of masculinist, neoliberal cultures past and present, and the kinds of mythologies falconry comes from with regard to class and gender (and sexuality, re: TH White), and her own parsing of these things as she grows up. I want to read this book again.
Psalm for the Wild-Built, Becky Chambers (2021) I am OBSESSED with this book and I keep recommending it to everyone I see. It’s about a tea monk on a future moon where, in the distant past, robots developed to work in human factories gained sapience and left the human places to go live freely and separate in the wilds. Yearning for something missing from their life, the tea monk sets off into the wilds and encounters a robot who has been sent out to check in on the humans, and to answer the question, “What do humans need?” I don’t know that I am usually a robot person—but I am a traveling tea monk person haha—but I love these robots so, so much. They name themselves for the first things they see, so they all have plant/animal names. They hyperfixate on watching stalagmites grow, for centuries. This book is so soft and thoughtful and incredibly thought-provoking. It’s about a future that doesn’t rely on post-apocalypse; nothing overtly dramatic happens but everything is gripping.
Orange World, Karen Russell (2019) This is collection of short stories—I was able to pay attention to some far more than others, but Russell had the most interesting prose for me. There were lines where I was like, man, I wish I were reading this so I could copy this down.” Really strong sense of region and place in each story, and the world building (as one might hope of a book titled Orange World) is superb. I was familiar with Russell conceptually but hadn’t read anything by her before. My favorites were the story about Plains State/Midwestern storm farmers, who captured, husbanded, and rented out storms of various stripes—and now their industry was being affected by climate change. And the story about four sisters who are gondoliers, and use echolocation (of a sort) to navigate the span of a short story.
WIP-wise, I guess LOL I’d love to write as beautifully as Karen Russell does!! But more seriously I guess it’s about being bold about the mechanics of a world and how much it is possible to accomplish even in the span of a short story.
The Nickel Boys, Colson Whitehead (2019) I’m only halfway through this one, but it’s historical fiction about a reform school in the South during Brown v Board of Education, and the false promises experienced while attempting to integrate the South.
As far as where this could be WIP research, Whitehead does a great job of minor timeskips across the parts of the novel, including skips of actually writing out major precipitating events, which makes me feel more embolden about how I’ve structured some of this WIP.
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miloscat · 10 months
[Review] Densetsu no Starfy 3 (GBA)
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A thoroughly pleasant game.
Tose is usually a shadow developer, doing contract work without credit. The Starfy series is/was one of their own creations, something they can call their own and be proud of. I seem to be playing these in backwards order as I started with the only localised instalment, the fifth game, then later picked up the fourth. I'm playing this one now at the end of my Wario Land odyssey because Wario himself makes a guest appearance! More on that later.
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The more Starfy games I play the more I realise how similar they are to one another. For a period of seven years they pumped out five of them, making what you could call very safe sequels. But hey, it worked for Mega Man and I think it works here too. After playing the whole Wario Land series with its wild swings and experimentation to mixed results, I really appreciated Starfy's consistency and had a really nice and cosy time with this chapter. The gentle adventuring and platforming is as pleasing as ever, and I particularly enjoy the land/water dynamic. Starfy and Starly are wonderfully mobile both in and out of the water—spinning, running, gliding—and Tose never fails to wring something out of the interplay between the two.
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The main difference between games seems to be the type of gimmicky vehicle sections they include. But in this third instalment, the final one on GBA, there are actually two innovations worth mentioning. One is the Wario crossover (more on that later), and the other is the inclusion of Starfy's boisterous younger sister Starpy/Starly. This is in fact her debut as a co-lead, and as in 4 she has her own playable sections and her own abilities (crawling, wall-jumping). She also adds something to cutscenes; ok so I skipped past a lot of them because this game is only in Japanese and I struggled to read them at a glance, but having her participate in conversations along with sidekick Kyorosuke/Moe and the many silly animal characters you encounter enables a dynamic that stunned mullet Starfy, lumped with the "silent protagonist" hat, simply cannot. He's adorable but I'm getting really sick of game characters who don't talk, especially when he has implied dialogue.
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Anyway, more on Wario now. It's an odd inclusion because the series has never before or since had a crossover like this, but it's very well done. Each level is normally framed as a fetch quest or other favour for an NPC who then lets you exit the level, while giving you a little cosmetic item to dress up your stars in the menu. In world 8 (of 10) you meet Wario as the designated NPC, and he sticks around for the whole world of four stages. It's cleverly positioned as an event within Wario Land 4: he pops out of a portal, there's four gems to collect, you step on a frog switch at some point which puts you in an autoscroller. His sprites even look like redraws of WL4, except more detailed!
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Wario has a much more active participatory role than most NPCs in other stages, in a way that incorporates the status effects that were so prominent in the series. Starfy has to nudge him while in a fiery panic, burst him from bubbles, and get a lift from his floating puffy form. It's a great way to deeply involve him to get maximum effectiveness from the crossover, and even stands out in this game due to the level of interactivity with another character. He also has a great presence in cutscenes (and these ones I did try to read): threatening to cook and eat Moe the clam, pressganging Starfy into helping him while calling him "rookie", and having fun arguments with Moe where they accuse each other of being ugly, and imitating the other (they both have a similar, rough manner of speech). Wario is so much fun when you let him speak! Over the course of proceedings, he gives you his hat, a replica of his nose and moustache, and a copy of Warioware GBA, then you find a very Wario-like pile of treasure at the end of his set of levels. All in all it's a really cool crossover and a lovely homage to WL4.
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This guest appearance opens up so much potential that I'm puzzled why they never tried this kind of thing again to this extent. Not just fun cameos in the vein of Kirby's Dream Land 3, but the interactivity that Wario brought in his chapter as more than just a roadblock NPC. It's a highlight of the game for a few reasons. Oh well, there's something to be said for the baseline pleasantness and charm of this series either way. Oh, and there's an attempt at replayability here that's worth mentioning: after clearing the game, you can finally access a world map and can revisit levels for new collectibles. I opted not to, but it's a decent way to extend the life of the game... maybe if I ever return for a second playthrough, or the fan translation group gets up to this game (they recently completed a patch for the first game!).
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mermaidsirennikita · 10 months
ARC Review: Wild Magic by Alexandra Ivy
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2.5/5. Releases 1/2/2024.
Vibes: spooky, plot-heavy, every day magic, slooow burn
Following the murders of her mother and her coven, powerful Peri must team up with the vampire Valen--who's long desired her--to confront her past and go up against a dangerous evil.
I was so excited to see a paranormal romance up on Netgalley--and one with a vampire hero at that! Pros: the writing is strong here, and I do think Ivy has an interesting concept going on with a fun world. Cons: as a romance, it fell flat for me. It's so, so slow; and because this is ultimately a romance, that slowed down the entire plot. Now, I'll admit; a sloooow slow burn usually doesn't work for me, so I have that bias. But waiting for Valen and Peri to get together (especially since they sounded hot) just didn't work for me. However, if you do like a Mariana Zapata-level slow burn and want to pick up a paranormal romance, it may work for you.
Quick Takes:
--In a lot of ways, this is a murder mystery. Which is fine! I figured that would be a part of it based on the summary, but I didn't realize it would be such a strong part of it. I can't help but think that if the murder mystery had been a smaller part of the book, the romance would have moved faster and been strong. I mean, in a lot of ways the murder mystery even overpowered the paranormal aspects. I didn't always feel like I was reading a book with a vampire hero.
--Speaking of, maybe I'm spoiled by Immortals After Dark, but... Valen just didn't feel much like a vampire to me. It just took too much of a backseat to the mystery.
--At the end of the day, despite Peri and Valen's romance being a slow burn, they really didn't spend a lot of time getting together in terms of the story's timeline. So it's rushed and slow at the same time. I don't mind a quick timeline in a romance. But to me, that necessitates the two really FEELING feelings in a big way even more, because you kind of have believe that they just can't resist diving in.
Ultimately, which Wild Magic was well-written in terms of prose and something I could tell I should like, the pacing and lack of real clarity of genre made it a slog for me to get through. It'll definitely work for its niche readers, but it didn't work for me.
Thanks to Netgalley and Kensington for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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(NOTE: descriptions copy-pasted from DA where i normally/originally post my works. any context that is missing here on tumblr can be found on my DA [linked here and on pinned post] )
[also, another rather old yet still good piece of work; actually definitely a couple years old since i can recognise that iconic crayola coloring pencils instead of the fancy faber castells)
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so....time to add warriors and other erin hunter books to the strangeworld bestiary.
all of erin hunter's books take place in the exact same type of universe, and the exact same planet of earth (earth-4amar-22003W). before the pukanis actually visited the planet, they run a check to see what sentient life is on there. even if they know for sure what exactly they are, its still worth running a check to see if they'res other lifeform that have that sentience. and boy, there was. lots and lots of it.
as it turns out, all members of amniota (reptiles, birds and mammals) were 100% sentient, and the other animals that arent come pretty damn close (akin to that of parrots and possibly chimps). from what the pukanis have experience on many other earths, it seems that humans on untouched universes often have a difficult time adjusting to the idea of other sentient lifeforms, especially things from other universe. so given that nearly an entire clade of animals on there own home planet is just as intelligent as them, the humans (or twolegs, if we go by Warriors), are already a Contact At End (C.A.E.) situation, only making contact when their world ends and are at high risk of extinction. the animals, on the other hand, seem more easier to make contact with. this is mainly because there have been many case where different species were able to communicate with eachother, and even team up to deal with bigger threats. it also helped that the pukanis are able to turn into any sentient lifeforms on the planet to make things easier. [provided they have an external source that allows them to shift into said sophont species; one of many things that i'm working on...]
the planet also seems to be rife with paranormal activity, mainly with the afterlife. it seems that each group's afterlife exist in there own in-universe dimension only accessible when they are either asleep, unconscious, or are a spirit form. the only thing that doesn't have to be either one of those to enter said "afterlife" are the pukanis and other interdimesional beings, but even then they tend to leave those things alone (after all, the afterlife is a tricky subject to deal with whether it exist or not in a universe/dimension).
now, "talking animal" universes aren't a new thing. a talking animal universe (TA) is often classified as a universe in which the dominate species is an animal that, well, cant talk. these animals, apart from the talking part, don't differ to much from there normal, non-sentient counterpart in other universes. what make this one special is how many talking animal species there are. usual, its only one or two species, or if you're lucky maybe three. this universe? about 20,000 species capable of talking.
ok, now that i've established a universe and setting, i can now talk about the "catusapiens".
catusapiens have been around as long as man has been breeding domestic felines. despite the fact that normal cats in the wild are territorial and typically solitary, there are many catusapien societies,each with there own ways of life.
there are two types of catusapien lifestyles (note-these are the terms the cats use)
the first one on the left is a traditional catusapien, also known as warriors. these cats live in there own societies, mainly either clans or tribes (which while are two different types of groups have some similarities), ran by a leader and contains many members within various ranks and roles in the group. these cats almost always have a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and rely on the land to live and thrive. they usually have a set of teritories if there are multiple clan or tribe living next to eachother. there names are sort of "primitive" and always derived from nature.
kittypets are catusapiens that live a "modern" lifestyle. this name, while used for cats that are the pets to twolegs, is also used for cats that live in a modern codagian society. these cat were either living with twolegs already or where warriors that chose the easier, more relaxed world to live in. many wear clothing or some form of wearable accessories like collars, capes, scarves, etc. while many live like normal people, there are many places where kittypets can live like their traditional warrior lives, but they're often designed so that they still have the kittypet comforts but still have the warrior experience, mainly the clan life, ranks and duties. while most are legal and open to many, there are some who are of course, more like gangs or cults doing illegal activities in the city, and will gatekeep the everloving shit out of newcomers.
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anitabyars · 1 year
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Stay Wild by Kaylee Ryan is now live!
What happens when your wandering heart is captured by your friend with benefits?
Archer Kincaid is supposed to be all the fun and none of the strings, but the longer I stay in Willow River, the more I feel roots pulling me to settle down.
I plan to complete a one-year photography contract with Captured Moments, then move on to travel the world. Chasing my dreams, taking photos, and living life on my terms--shot by shot.
But I've been on my own since losing my adopted parents, and home isn't about a place as much as it is a feeling. And Archer's starting to feel like home, but loving him means trading one dream for another.
Scarlett Hatfield is the kind of girl who can't be tamed. Her adventurous spirit is contagious, but a blue-collar man like me doesn't chase dreams. I build them from the ground up. And my home is in Willow River.
I can see myself building a life with the gorgeous redhead who's turning my world upside down, but that means clipping her wings. And I could never do that, not when she's meant for more than my small-town life.
Even if it means destroying my heart, when the time comes, I'll have to say goodbye and let her stay wild.
Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!
Start the Kincaid Brothers series today!
Add the series to your TBR!
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Meet Kaylee Ryan
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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kaylee Ryan has been crowned the Queen of Swoon by her readers. With nearly fifty romance books under her belt, she's known for penning happily ever afters with heart. When she's not writing, you can find her with a book in her hand or hanging out with her family where she resides in her home state of Ohio.
Connect with Kaylee
Website | https://www.kayleeryan.com
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My Review
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I shiver at the thought of these two! A really fantastic friend with benefits that will have your heart and soul overflowing with love and happiness. Scorching chemistry! Fun times! Big family get togethers! And plenty of steamy moments! I am loving this family and so happy for another great addition to the Kincaid Brothers series!
Archer Kincaid’s a good guy, who knows his way around a woman’s body. Open, honest, and doesn’t play head games. He’s also not afraid to talk about the hard stuff. A loyal brother and friend but a much better friend with benefits especially after he meets her.
“Scarlett Hatfield just changed me. I’m hers. And while she’s here, she’s mine. “
Scarlett Hatfield isn’t like anyone Archer has ever met. She’s a beautiful firecracker, with gorgeous red hair and a passion for photography. After losing her parents she has been floating from state to state, from city to city traveling the world. Who is in town for the next year, who has a wild streak inside her that doesn’t want to be tamed. But will she break his heart when she leaves? You will need to read to get all the amazing details!
“I feel like I should tell you that I can walk, but it’s sexy how you carry me around. It makes me feel… some kind of way.”
These two will consume you! Their chemistry is scorching hot! Archer’s body will have you drooling and his heart will have you swooning! Leaving you happy with a big smile on your face as this family continues to get bigger! Loved this!
I received an early copy and this is my honest review.
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rinitachan · 2 years
Thoughts on Sonic Frontiers So Far
So, I haven’t had loads of time to play the game so far but I’m loving it so much! It’s honestly a lot of fun, and it makes me want to keep playing, and I feel excited that I get to go home after any outing and play it more. I haven’t felt that way about most games since Darksiders Genesis or Resident Evil 2 REmake.
The writing so far has been amazing, it feels like the Archie comics (Post Penders) and the Pre-Colors era, and that just makes me happy! Don’t get me wrong, some of the meta humor from the Colors era is fine, but it’s just gotten grating and wore out its novelty pretty quick. Instead, the writing from Sonic characters feels more like they’re being their genuine selves here instead of being so try-hard like they were in Forces. And it makes sense that it’s got great writing, it got my favorite writer from the later Archie comics, one Mr. Ian Flynn. The new antagonist, Sage, feels like a much newer and better version of Infinite. She’s mysterious and robotic while also being smug. I am curious to see what she’s really all about.
The environments are so beautiful, I’m not even joking. They added a day-night cycle, and weather system. Yes, I know most open world games have this but it’s just that little bit of extra polish I love to see and it made me so happy. I was skeptical about the free-roaming/open world approach at first because I worried that Sonic Team was just trying to copy Breath of the Wild, but it feels very organic and genuine especially considering how Sonic is portrayed to be such a free spirit, giving him a wide open world makes so much more sense and gives him a lot of room to run around in. And there are so many things in the environments that it makes me really want to explore, it’s rare in a lot of games that I get to explore cool looking stuff without feeling as though I’m wasting my time, it’s just really great.
I mean it, if you showed this game to 12-year-old Rinita, she would’ve been losing her damn mind. It really takes me back to feeling like a kid again and I’m so happy with it so far! It feels like Sonic’s having his own sort of Renaissance like Disney did in the 80s and 90s, or like how Nic Cage and Keanu Reeves have been for the last little while where they’re re-inventing who Sonic is. I can only hope things continue to improve with the rise in new Sonic Media. Like hopefully the third movie is even a fraction as good as the first two have been and I hope we get more games like Frontiers in the future.
I’ll be giving Sonic Prime a look soon. :3
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roscgcld · 4 years
HEADCANON + GOJO SATORU || the gojo twins
request: HELLO^^ so I’ve been wondering this so long but do you think it would even be possible if Gojo had a twin sister that also has the sixth eye ? Probably not but, I’d kinda want to know what the clans higher ups and curses react to 2 sixth eye user.
note: I am glad I am not the only one thinking about this lol. like what if they were two gojos? absolute chaos the world has ever seen. i love it, this entire prompt lives in my head rent free lol
pronouns: she/her
gojotwins!au masterlist
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imagine the other clan’s reactions when they learn that not one, but two of the gojo clan’s newest heirs were born with the highly coveted Six Eyes?
gojo satoru and y/n - the newest members of the gojo clan, twins that are born with the Six Eyes. a first case that has ever happened in the family’s history. it was this monumental moment when the higher ups realise that things are going to be interesting
by the way - you’re the older twin lol. just so you can poke jabs at gojo for the rest of your life by using the line. “i’m the older sibling here!”
“only by like, two minutes!”
that being said though, over-protective twin brother who will scare all your boyfriends/girlfriends the first time they meet because of his height and overly nice personality that scares people even more
you’re just as bad though - if any girl or guy walks out of his room after a night of fun you will probably be a little bitch and make them feel awkward until gojo wakes up
“can’t you be a little nicer to them?” gojo groans after the person he slept with last night quickly left after an awkward cup of morning coffee with you. “I actually liked them a lot.”
but it’s all done with love, and if the other realise their significant other makes them happy, they will back off
the moment you two entered jujutsu tech, then yaga-sensei was about to hand in his retirement slip early with the sheer chaos that his year of students were bringing him 
ieiri was delighted that she wasn’t going to be the only girl at school; geto was amused how you two were basically copy and paste of each other, just in different genders
surprisingly enough, think you’d be the one who’d be the more studious and definitely more interesting in learning how to hone your skills better - gojo probably still has this ‘i am the strongest’ mentality that the elders planted in him because ✨misogyny✨
but he loves to compete with you - and you’re the only one who’d he ever admit defeat to, and will defend your honour whenever the elders talk down on you because you’re a girl. and to them, girls are just meant to be ‘a pretty face with strong genes to bring a strong generation into the world’
he’s probably the one who talked your elders out of arranging a marriage between you and an heir to another important family like the kamo clan - because there is no way in hell is he going to let some random ass man take you away from him
probably joking told you that if all else fails, to marry geto on the spot - and let’s be honest here, who wouldn’t? Geto looks so damn fine both the anime and especially in the Gojo Past Arch. rail me daddy-
*cough cough*
anyway - ever since that comment, geto and you might pretend to flirt with each other to get gojo riled up. playfully brushing your hand along his arm, playing with his hair between your fingers whenever you two talk, geto leaning close to you to whisper something in your ear with a smirk, or him resting his hand around your waist whenever he leads you about
it always gets gojo riled up, and he’d get in between the both of you; whining for you to give him attention instead
you probably sneak into his room, even as you got older, to hide in his arms whenever you have a nightmare - and he’d wordlessly just hold you close and cuddle you to sleep again no matter how old you two are
both of you share the same braincell - same reactions, expressions, and sometimes even finishing each other’s sentences. sometimes you two even say the same thing at the same time, to which you two just high five each other with a laugh 
freaks everyone out a little, since it’s just so random and natural for the both of you to do it 
nanami hates it whenever he has to accompany you two - as his senpais, he can’t complain much. he does learn a lot, yet at the same time, he can’t stand it when the both of you are sent on a mission together 
with you he’s fine; but he barely tolerates gojo 
ijichi loves you, since you compliment him on the smallest of things, or smile at him warmly whenever he does something right; may have a crush on you that he refuses to reveal to anyone
both of you probably have shopping trips every weekend; don’t tell me you two don’t splurge on clothing when you two can charge whatever it is you want to the gojo clan account 
you two probably got a lot of those roadside modelling offers - and sometimes you’d probably even joke about leaving the whole jujutsu world behind to become a model instead
“i mean - it pays. and all i need to do is sit and look pretty.”
a lot of ‘did not!’ and ‘did too!’ arguments all day long 
you two love to taunt the Curses together before you kill them - it makes them only more scared, but the ‘chase more fun’
“say, toru - it looks so weak for a semi-first, no?”
“must be a new born - how pathetic.”
bags of candies all over the place - somehow he got you addicted to candy as well, so whenever you two travel, you always buy different candies and different treats 
when geto betrayed you all in your third year, gojo turned to you as his pillar of familiarity; even more so when he was force to kill his best friend a few years later. the both of you leaned on each other as you start to pick the pieces of yourselves once more
both you and your brother share the same idea of changing the jujutsu world from the inside out, so you two decided to take up teaching together under the command of now principal yaga
poor man is deciding if he now regrets accepting both of your applications 
you took in megumi as your own by the way - so megumi respects you a lot since you’re like the mother he never had. but at the same time, he wouldn’t be surprise if he heard that you do something stupid with your twin brother
feel like gojo and you will spend your free time probably trying to unlock more secrets of the Limitless and how to use your Six Eyes better - and Gojo will teach you how to probably use Hallow Purple and how to use Reverse Cursed Techniques with the held of ieiri as well
you took in maki, inumaki and even panda as your own kids as well - teaching them whenever gojo is forced to go and solve some issue the higher ups throw at him; making the kids super protective of you
even when yuta came, you didn’t care about the special grade curse that was stuck inside of him; treating him like an actual person and training him up and build his confidence once more
when you heard what happened to the special-grade cursed object that megumi was tasked on taking the following year, you laughed your ass off for 10 minutes while megumi tried not to show his annoyance
“y/n-sensei, i almost died. it is not funny.”
but you still took yuji in as your own child, and when you were giving him a tour around campus, you raised an eyebrow when a pair of lips appeared on the side of his cheek
“even though i want to kill that white haired bastard, i might spare your pretty little face.” 
“hello to you too, sukuna.” you greeted with a smile while yuji slapped a hand over the mouth, apologising to you with a wild blush on his face. you just laughed and reassured the poor boy it was alright
when nobara came, you adopted her as well; and she loves you, and loves how in tune with the trends you are. you two even have a girl’s night where you talk about everything that happens and have a few rants about boys
all in all - highkey chaotic, but with more common sense then your younger twin brother gojo and knows how to act professional whenever you need to. you also tend to adopt all the students that walks through your doors, and they view you as a parental figure as well. you and your brother are a menace together, but you two get things done and no one can really complain
gojo is protective, but when it comes to you it’s worse lol. but you’re just as bad when it comes to making sure ‘your baby brother’ is safe. you two tend to be super sassy and throw shade at each other, but when it comes down to the basics, you two love each other a lot and will go the extra mile to make sure that each other are safe
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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keiarchived · 4 years
Freshman Year
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stoner!Atsumu x f!innocent!reader x stoner!Suna ft stoner!Osamu
warnings: Drug (weed), gangbang, oral (giving), anal, dubcon, fucking whilst high, university!au, sex tape, cockwarming, corruption kink, sleepy writing
words: 1.8k
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To say you were inexperienced, naive and artless, they weren’t wrong. You’re the last person who would cheat on their essay and cause yet another headache to your lecturer. You’re the classic ‘goodie two shoes’ as Atsumu calls you, the same couldn’t be said about both Miya twins and Suna, however.
They are anything but good.
You should’ve listened to those whispers of warnings and rumours that made their way around the campus, how they’re the last people you’d want to get involved with despite their popularity among students. You either love them or hate them, there’s no in-between with valid reasons.
You don’t belong in their world, you know that. But it doesn’t stop Suna from wanting to strip the innocent of you. Maybe it's the way you smiled nervously at him or maybe the glare you gave Atsumu whenever he made those snarky comments, but one thing for sure is that he wants to show you what you’ve been missing.
“Suna...” It almost came out as a whine whilst your head fell back against his shoulder, dark iris swallowing those rings of colours whilst your lips parted delicately with a cute pout. “Hmm? What’s wrong?” He coo, arm resting snuggly and comfortably around your waist as he pulls you even closer to press a kiss on your temple. Chilling at the Miya’s with Suna and his friends has become a regular thing ever since your first proper encounter with him at the party, where your friend ditched you for another guy. Perhaps you should’ve seen through him before accepting his offer to keep your company that night, maybe then you could’ve avoided whatever this is between you and Suna. But would you’ve pushed him away if given the chance?
“Wan’ more...” You whimpered, earning a chuckle from the man as he peppered your cheeks with few more playful kisses before pulling away. “What do you want, princess? C’mon, use your words” Suna love to see it when you’re desperate like this in his arms, staring up at him with those bleary eyes, cheeks flustered and small hands trembling as you grasp at his jacket with wants. “Mmn... smoke... wan’ more of smoke...” You slurred between each hitched breath of yours, feeling a few pairs of eyes glued onto the both of you as Suna leaned closer after taking a drag of his blunt before letting the heavy white smoke slips past your plump lips like weightless velvet. Oh, if only you knew how alluring you are when taking every ounce of the fumes from him greedily. Close enough for both of your lips to slot together, but far away enough for a grin to tug at his lips before pulling away. “Still not used to taking it on your own hm?” Or maybe you just adore these tingles dancing against your skin every time Suna shotguns it to you, as if he’s feeding you his essence in the most sexual way possible.
“Ya babying her too much, Suna. Gonna end up spoiling her.” Atsumu wasn’t wrong, ever since his friend introduced you to an unfamiliar world of ecstasy, he has you wrapped around his fingers like a puppy on a leash. “Why not, jealous Tsumu?” You could barely listen to their conversation as a giggle slipped past your lips, Suna could still remember the time you took your first hit. Trying to copy him only for those bitter smoke tickles your throat, making you cough with tears swelling from your eyes. It was cute though, he praised you for being a good girl, done so well on your first try as he wiped away those tears before wrapping those legs around your waist to give you the fucking of your life and the rest was history.
It was Suna who got you addicted to... him.
“You bet, how come she’s always hanging off your arm when you guys aren’t even together?” Astumu scoffed as shifts from his seat, watching from the opposite sofa with a frown over his defined features. It is unfair really, how you’ve chosen Suna over anyone else. Atsumu would love to slips his arms around you once in a while too, playing with those pretty lips of yours whilst you get drunk of him instead.
Despite no strings attached between you and Suna, shaking your head no as soon as he mumbles softly under his breath, beckoning you to go sit with Atsumu but no — you didn’t want to. “Nnu...Wanna stay...” Instead, your grip tightens on the fabric of his jacket, snuggling further into him until your head is buried at the crook of his neck.
If only you’re sober enough to see the faint but taunting smug smile Suna have stretched across his lips as he shrugged at his friend, guiding you to sit properly on his lap instead with your back facing Atsumu. “Better luck next time.”
God knows how long you’ve been sitting like this, legs folded on either side of Suna’s lap as you rest against his broad shoulder. Pins and needles crawl up your numb legs, shifting with an uncomfortable whine. To think Suna would waste a perfect opportunity like this, you’d be wrong, especially when all if most of his companions are high off their heads to even notice what the two of you’re about to do. “Baby, want my cock?” Suna isn’t subtle about it either, bulge poking at your clothed core. The mention of his cock was enough to have your clouded mind runs wild, grinding against his clothes erection with an eager nod. This wouldn’t be the first time you’ve cockwarm Suna in front of other souls like this, Tsumu would shuffle towards the both of your and join in occasionally. Shotgunning you with his own blunt whilst lazily as he jerks off to your moans and tangle bodies. “What happened to the sweet innocent princess we knew?
As the time you spend with Suna and the Miya twins grew, so did your confidence. Becoming more familiar with the substance than you originally were, however. It was naive of you to think you could do this properly on your own without Suna here to keep you out of trouble because you’re a big girl who knows how to take care of herself. But instead, you have taken a pretty big hit, blame Atsumu. It was his idea to lower the amount of tobacco this time around, instead of feeling the familiar high you have with Suna; this is something way stronger.
How did you end up atop of Tsumu with his cock buried deep inside your dripping cunt, you have no idea. Only remembering fragments of things he had said to you prior to this, “Suna aren’t here is he? Shame. Let me be Suna tonight for ya, baby. Ride me inside, bet I could treat ya better than ‘im, c’mon baby, don’t be shy. It’s not like he’s ya boyfrien’ or anythin’.” That’s all you could remember before a snap of Atsumu’s hips snapped you out of your thought, drawing a meal from your lips. “C’mon, baby. Don’t hide that pretty voice from me now.”
Atsumu’s little plan would’ve been a success if it wasn’t for Osamu, consider it payback. Call him selfish if you want, but seeing his twin brother knocking the breath out of your lungs sparks his jealousy. Sure he could’ve joined in easily but what’s the fun in that?
Suna has been stood by the door for a while now, watching as you desperately bounces on Atsumu’s cock and moaning his name between each of those sloppy kisses. But still, that stoic face remained unbothered, maybe a twitch here and there but nothing major, the completely opposite of what Samu thought he would do. After all, despite Suna saying he doesn’t care nor does he wants you, everyone knows how much he cares for you enough to keep you around for as long as he has. Instead, Suna approached the two of you. Yanking your head up those sweaty locks of yours whilst you could barely register the shift in his eyes, “You knew this was gonna happen didn’t you? Just wanted an excuse to fuck Tsumu.”
He wasn’t wrong, both Miya twins shares the same face and it is hared to ignore their handsome features after all.
Osamu was dumbfounded when Suna positioned himself behind you instead, not only did he not have a good go at Tsumu but at the end decide to join too before prepping your rear end the best way he can before inching in, frowning as he does. “Fuck... just as I expected. You’re so fucking, right baby”
Neither one of them paid attention to Samu before Suna caught him palming at his jeans, only then did he come closer with his cock freed with one hand whilst the other holding a phone and hit record. You should see the way your lips parts whenever you’re close or the complete fucked our expression that suits you so well, no worries though; Samu will keep a good record seeing as how well you take all three of them together with Samu’s cock lodge deeply down your throat, stuffing you full with all ends.
At least this time you are not the only one who’s slurring nonsense as you came, Tsumu was the first one to pump you full of his cum first then it was Samu and lastly Suna. Showering you in praises and kisses before the younger Miya twin decides to take up the aftercare duty upon himself since Tsumu has already blacked out and Suna doesn’t look that far off either with the remaining blunt in his hand.
Samu is the gentlest of them all, washing you carefully as though you’re a glass doll. Having you put on one of his shirts and setting you on the kitchen counter whilst he cooks, earning small nods and hums from you whenever he asks you a question. Samu’s surprise you even managed to hold yourself this well before finally crashing against his shoulder, it was a struggle to get you to eat some food and drink some water but he did anyway.
Only for Suna to snatch you away again with a wave of his hand and a pat on his lap, you practically scrambled out from Samu’s arms and into Suna’s chest. Snuggling comfortably against him with a content smile on your face.
At the end of the day, you are Suna’s precious little princess. He’s the one who shown how to roll a joint, how to smoke from a bong and be a little rebellious. The Miyas twins could hook up with you as many times as they want, but he knows you’d be running back to him as soon as it is over.
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Tag list: @m-mortimer @selfishwitch @sleepyrintaro @cxnicalsweetheart
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voiceless-terror · 3 years
I am so completely enamored with Danny as jons ex and I would be forever in your debt if you finished that
i wasn't expecting people to like this idea so much, its definitely one of my weirder ones xD since im not sure when i'll get around to actually finishing it (if ever) you can have a very rough chunk of it instead. you'll have to forgive any mistakes, im not up to editing it.
In a surprising show of athleticism, Jon ducks under Sasha’s chair before the specter of his past manages to see him.
Sasha swears at the action, backing up in her chair and peering down at Jon in bafflement. “What on Earth are you doing, Jon?”
Instead of answering her question, he backs up even further, tucking his feet out of sight. He thinks Sasha’s umbrella must be under here, and judging from the sharp point currently jabbing at his thigh, he probably broke it. “Is he still there?” he hisses, tilting his head to avoid bashing it into the desk.
“That- that man!”
A pause. “Tall, dark and handsome?”
Jon’s turn to pause. “I suppose you might call him that,” he replies stiffly. And it’s true. The man, from Jon’s brief, panicked glimpses, is at least six foot, with thick, dark hair and a bright grin.
And he looks exactly like Jon’s ex, Danny Stoker.
He’d done an almost comical double-take after a cursory glance; at first he’d thought Danny was the new hire, but this man was more angular, like a sharper, leaner version of his ex. So no, it couldn’t be him.
That didn’t stop him from diving under the nearest object, ergo Sasha’s desk. Not the wisest of decisions, considering his throbbing side, but he’s never been known for grace under pressure.
He’s not exactly sure why this fight or flight mode’s been activated- he and Danny had parted on fairly good terms, each recognizing that although they cared about the other, they simply weren’t compatible in the long term. They’d dated for a little over six months when Jon was a freshman, and he’d fallen hard.
Danny had been his first real relationship, and Jon was shocked that someone like him even looked his way. Impossibly handsome, incredibly fit, desired and envied in equal measure, and he dated scrawny, shy, insecure Jonathan Sims; the rumor mill went wild. They’d met at a party, and not even a good one. In a brief moment of liquid courage, Jon managed to insert himself into a group and fit in one snarky joke that sent Danny into stitches, the rest of the partygoers following his lead. For one second, Jon felt like he truly fit in, like he was someone worth knowing.
Danny had a way of making someone feel special. Big, romantic gestures, surprising him after class, taking him on little expeditions beyond campus. Jon didn’t drive, still doesn’t, and Danny wanted to show him the world outside of their privileged little campus.
But, like all of Jon’s relationships, it came to an end. Jon wasn’t ready for such overwhelming affection (didn’t think he deserved it, quite frankly), and Danny needed someone who could handle his fast-paced lifestyle. Jon was not that man. They broke up amicably, even if Jon shed a few tears in private, saw each other on campus a few times. Danny tried to reach out more than once, just as friends, but Jon’s never been able to handle more than one relationship at a time, and by then he’d met Georgie.
But now it seems the past is unavoidable, and standing near the circulation desk. Well, now walking in his direction, if the steady footsteps were any indication. Jon’s heart begins to hammer in his chest as it hits him that he is, in fact, hiding under a desk because a man who sort of looks like his ex is in his general vicinity. Coward.
“‘Lo!” God, even the voice is similar, if not as deep. “Tim Stoker. Reporting for duty.”
Stoker. Tim Stoker. Jon startles, slamming his head against the desk with a yelp.
Somewhere in his spiraling thoughts and throbbing head he remembers- Danny had a brother. An older brother that he adored. This must be the famous Tim- Danny made him out to be a saint, and though Jon never met him, he felt some fondness via Danny’s descriptions. But Tim’s going to have no fondness for him, especially considering Jon’s current position, hiding in pain under his coworkers desk.
“Pleased to meet you!” Sasha chirps, very clearly amused by the situation. “I’m Sasha James. And this-” she tugs at one of Jon’s legs, dragging him a few inches into sight. Jon buries his head in his hands and wishes he were invisible. “-is Jonathan Sims. We’ll be training you.”
“Excellent.” Tim’s voice holds the same good humor Danny’s always did, and sends a pang of nostalgia through his chest. “Er, you alright down there?”
“Yes,” Jon responds robotically, scrambling to his feet and standing behind Sasha’s chair, unwilling to meet the man’s eyes, lest he be drawn in. “I- uh, lost a pen. P-Probably left it in the copy room, I’ll just be going...there.” With that incredible performance, he fled.
And only tripped once on the way out.
So Jon’s kind of cute.
Tim doesn’t normally go for tiny disgruntled academics, but Jonathan Sims is an interesting fellow. He’s got a reputation for being the ‘problem child’ of the Research Department, awkward and prickly and always available with a snide word. He wields his books and files like a little suit of armor, and the only person he’s seen him open up to is Sasha. Besides their little conversations, Jon is all work and no play.
Except with Tim.
Sasha says she’s never seen anything like it, with one of her secret little smiles. Jon’s always staring. Usually, the man can’t hold eye contact to save his life, but he’ll spend full minutes looking at Tim when he thinks he can’t see. The first few times, Tim would turn around and smile, but that practically sent the man into convulsions, dropping his papers and jumping out of sight like a spooked cat. It was funny the first few times, but Tim pitied him enough to ignore it now. He hopes Jon enjoys the view.
God forbid he ask the guy a question. Jon will look around the room, as if waiting for someone else to answer, when it’s clearly directed at him. He’ll blush and stammer his way through every explanation, keeping a wide berth of at least two feet between them. Even when Tim wants him to look at his screen, he’ll squint from far away. Tim starting to think he smells bad, or has some sort of communicable disease unbeknownst to him.
“It’s not that,” Sasha assures him, again with that unreadable smile. “Trust me.”
Time to try something else.
He prints out his latest follow up, a rather elaborate statement regarding mistaken identities and absolutely nothing supernatural. He knows Jon prefers to look at things on paper, as screens ‘trigger his migraines’ if Tim understood his mumbles. Maybe if he can engage with him on familiar territory for the both of them, he’ll be able to hold a conversation. Tim specifically requested his help on this one.
“If you could just look it over, make sure everything’s up to snuff, that’d be great,” Tim says to the top of Jon’s head, as the man refuses to lift his own to meet his gaze. “You know how Dr. Walker is. Always-”
“Finding mistakes where there are none? I’m familiar with her methods,” Jon snorts, and Tim feels like he’s getting somewhere. A whole sentence! With classic Jonathan Sims snark! “I-I can give it a look. I’m rather busy, but -”
“Take your time,” Tim says with a dismissive wave of the hand. “I finished a bit early, so I don’t need it for a few days yet. Don’t want to put you out.”
“You’re not.” Jon meets his eyes for about ten seconds before ducking his head back down.
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mitsukui · 4 years
what you do is secret | f.w.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x female reader.
Summary: Fred is caught red-handed ━ based off this request I got! It was supposed to be a blurb, but I got a bit carried away, heh.
Word Count: 1,8k of pure smut (I FEEL NASTY).
Warnings: smut! Masturbation and oral sex (male receiving both). I imagined it taking place on April 5, 1996, during the Easter holiday, right before Fred and George left Hogwarts, so all characters are 18+!
Disclaimer: none of the pictures used in the edit below belong to me; I simply put them together.
A/N: thank you so much for the request, anon! Please, leave me some feedback if you feel like it! My askbox is open for your opinions, thoughts and requests. Thank you so much for your time and attention ❤
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Your ears perked up as you heard something that sounded quite novel to you. You leaned in closer to the wooden door and pressed your ear against the cold surface, your hand being placed right beside your face.
Loud whines and shaky sighs echoed in one of the Gryffindor dorms - the one that belonged to Fred Weasley and four other boys. You worriedly furrowed your eyebrows together, fearing for the worst. It was impossible for you to know who was on the other side of the door, yet you could not leave someone there, to suffer somehow.
You had gone to Fred's dorm to ask him if he wanted to do something together before the Easter holiday was over, especially because you both had recently turned eighteen, but still had not gotten the chance to celebrate it. However, you now stood with a heavy heart inside your chest.
Until you heard it.
Fred moaned huskily and, if your ears were not playing tricks on you, you could swear your name left his lips, too. A trail of lustful whimpers continued flourishing between the walls of his dorm, and you continued there, behind the door, listening to him.
It was deliciously intoxicating. By now, it was pretty clear what he was doing, but you did not feel bothered by it one bit. In fact, you felt pretty honored to become aware of the fact that you occupied his mind even in moments like that one.
A smirk flashed across your face and you leaned in even further towards the door, trying to destroy the only thing existing between the two of you. Your insides started to tingle, and a feeling that you had never experienced before took shape in your loins.
Closing your eyes, you attempted to imagine what Fred looked like at that moment. You had never seen him completely naked before, which meant you could allow your imagination to run wild and, oh boy!, you did it.
The image of him being shirtless popped into the back of your mind, and a dreamy sigh escaped your lips. That was a sight you were used to, not that you had any complaints about it. His milky skin with a constellation of numerous tiny freckles became vivid in your head, and you could see all of his muscles. His veins were there, too, leading down to the place you wanted to see the most.
Your eyelashes fluttered and you pressed your thighs together, the new sensation sinking in your body. Suddenly, it all became too much for you. You could not stand in silence there and only listen.
The wooden door was gently pushed, scaring Fred being the last item on your list of intended actions, and your curious eyes fell upon the stone eyes first and then, upon him.
He was the only one in the boys’ dormitory, his body spread on his bed. One of his hands was wrapped around his cock while the other held tightly on his sheets. His eyes were closed, his lips were slightly parted and his eyebrows furrowed in pleasure.
Fred Weasley had been dominated by a huge pang of crave for you.
Everything you did was magical to him. He spent many hours wondering how someone could be so seductive without even noticing. The way you licked your fingers after eating something with your own hands, the habit you had of biting down on your lower lip, the breathy sighs that escaped from you every single time his lips brushed against your skin, the urgency you had to dig your nails onto his skin whenever he kissed your neck.
He was unable to look at you and not feel the need to pleasure himself.
Almost like you were in a trance, you stood still and watched him quietly. Your eyes captured every movement he made: his hand moving up and down, his grip on the sheets becoming tighter each second, his chest rising and then falling again, his toes curling, his hips bucking up, his tongue wetting his lips, and his Adam’s apple moving roughly every time he cursed out in lust.
You felt like a new world had been discovered, and you wanted to dive right into it. Your body had been taken by a billion of unprecedented jitters and you ached to do something about it. Nothing had ever happened between you and Fred until that very moment, but you were determined to change that.
Tiptoeing your way to his bed, you fought against the enormous need to immediately touch him. It was not like you knew what to do, but copying his actions seemed to be a good idea, once he was moaning repeatedly now.
“You look so hot right now.” Even though your voice came out as a silky whisper, he still got a tad startled. He opened his eyes to find you approaching him to down on his bed, extremely close to his trembling. Almost choking on his own breath, he tried to cover himself and come up with an explanation for what was happening, but you shushed him with a brief peck.
“Don’t stop.”
He felt as if he had heard incorrectly, but then nodded obediently and his hands started pumping his shaft again. As much as you wanted to continue looking at him and to study his face contorting in pleasure, what was going on down there was so much more interesting.
So you did. You looked at his cock. More precum leaked from his reddish tip, a new desire from being watched appearing in his groins, and was soon spread all over his member by the way his hand traveled all the way up and then down again. He kept a rapid pace, a very light pressure being put on his movements.
“Go slower.” You spat out of nowhere, a little dominant creature coming to life inside you. Perhaps, you were not experienced enough to touch him. You surely knew how to use your words, though. “Go very, very slow and use your other hand to run your fingers across your tip.”
At first, neither of you knew what had gotten into you. But it was obvious you two were enjoying it.
He followed your commands and cried out loud at the sensation of his sensitive being touched. His hips bucked up, and your hands all of a sudden pushed them down. Your warm touched caused him to squirm.
“Yes, just like that, Freddie.” You cooed and let one of your hands to run over his flexed abs. Just then you noticed how tense he was, and how he had been breathing heavily. “You okay? You seem a little bit tense…”
He chuckled at your oblivion for sexual matters, which only turned him on even more, and spoke through weak murmurs. “Yeah, it’s just that I’m close, you know? About to cum.”
“So I want you to stop, Freddie.” You placed your hand over one of his and gave it a light squeeze. He looked confused for one second, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead. But he did not follow your orders this time; he continued stubbornly moving both of his hands, the fast pace returning to his actions.
“But I’m so close, princess. Just let me cum, please, I’m really close.”
“Stop.” Your voice sounded slightly strict, and he groaned in ecstasy. This side of yours was completely new to you two, but the effect was much bigger on him.
Once his hands were no longer moving according to his pleasure, you took his lips on yours and kissed him slowly. You moved your tongue sloppily, your teeth grazing his lip ever so softly, and your fingers roaming his body.
Your kisses were not exactly the most innocent thing in the universe at that moment, and he still whined from time to time, asking to continue his little game.
“Go on, Freddie, touch yourself for me.”
A moan escaped his lips and, as soon as he wrapped his shaft around his fingers again, you lightly ran over fingers over his tip. He arched his back and murmured for you to continue.
“Do you like that?” Fred panted and tried to form coherent sentences to answer you properly, but he was only able to whimper and nod his head. “Does it feel good?” He repeated his actions from seconds before and you smiled, looking back at him for the first time after a while.
Boldly, you placed your hand over his and mimicked the way he caressed his cock. A pool of arousal was being gathered on your panties, and you pressed your thighs together again, trying to get some relief. His eyes captured your actions and he loved discovering he had some sort of effect on you. The pleasure within him was growing to be too much again.
“Princess, please. I’m close.”
But you stopped again. An utter frustration painted his insides and he groaned loudly. A light pain was felt by him, and Fred pleaded you to let him cum. You shook your head sweetly, and explained to him you were mesmerized by the show.
“Let’s try this one more time, shall we?”
Now you positioned yourself between his legs and, for the first time since it had started, you felt a wave of anxiety playing with your heart. You had never done anything like that before, but there was something about the position that Fred was in that really tempted you.
“Can you guide me through it?”
If he was not so painfully aroused, he would have grabbed your face and littered a ton of kisses on it. But he had other cravings at that moment, and it was high time he acted on them.
“Start by using your tongue, princess.”
It was turn to follow orders and you did it amazingly well. In a very short period of time, he was close to reaching his so postponed orgasm and you wanted to see what it would result in.
After his requests, you did not stop. You kept on using your tongue, hollowing your cheeks and moaning against his cock. But you acted painfully slow, frustration growing inside him again. He felt humiliated, ready to feel his warm tears stinging and staining his cheeks.
And then, it happened. You felt the warm strings of his release exploding in your mouth. You tasted his cum and, even though it was not the most pleasant thing that had laid on your tongue, you enjoyed it enormously.
He needed a minute or two to return from his high and, when he did, his cheeks were flushed and his eyes glistened a bit. As you swallowed his cum, secretly wondering if you had done the right thing, he cleared his throat, and groaned one final time.
“How about I take care of you now, princess?”
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theshadowwalkers · 2 years
You have opened the floodgate for ask spams fjjffdjdjd! I wanted to ask first about the language: what inspired you? Do you follow a set of rules or just go with what looks cool? Do they have an alphabet? Any chance of hearing how the most important stuff (especially names) is pronounced?👀
OMG you just asked about one of my favourite topics ever around this world lmao
So, the goal eventually would be to be two fully functional languages, Ahnol and So'Kaï, respectively the languages of the Ahn’né and the J'kaï, and have some common words and titles translated into the languages of the Fées, the Naïades, the Ëkos and the Changeformes. The Dracs' language is a bit different, because I'm basically using a regional language from my country and tweaking it a bit for them, so it's not like I'm coming up with it from scratch like I did with Ahnol. So'Kaï is currently at the point I'd like to get with the other languages, which means a bunch of important words used by people in the story.
I was, of course, inspired by Tolkien just as a concept, but the language in itself is a combination of a bunch of things. I've learned seven languages in my life, even if I'm not fluent in all of them, and I've always been interested in them. So, for Ahnol, I based the syntax structure on French, which is S+V+C, or Subject, Verb and Addition. Then, I just began making up words until I had enough that I begun noticing a pattern in sounds I had made unconsciously. When I noticed that pattern, I stuck to it to make a consistently-sounding language. So eventually, it began to sound like the regional languages from my country, mixed with Japanese and Chinese. I'm also using some of the additional letters we have in French, like é, è, à, ç, the little triangle symbol like this = î and the two-dots symbol like this= ï
It has very consistent rules for how it's pronounced and it's relatively easy to understand. Time works like in Chinese, where every sentence is present tense and you just add a time signifier. In English, that would look like this: I was hungry // Yesterday, I am hungry. So the latter is basically how it works.
Unlike French, which its heavily based on in other aspects, I refused to add gender markers and the formal and familiar "you" we have, because the first sucks and the second, although fun, was more complicated than I wanted to get at the time (that changed but at this point it'd be too much work to invent both "you"s)
There is an alphabet and I even made a custom font so I could type the words in documents or when I'm drawing something. The alphabet looks roughly like this (this is an earlier version but the only picture I currently have on my computer, but there's like one tiny difference in the current version so this will do)
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The alphabet is clearly based on Ogham, which I'm very familiar with because of my religion, culture and practice. Because the Ahn’né live exclusively in forests, it made sense to use something literlaly called the Alphabet of the Trees as an inspiration.
Right now, Ahnol is completely usable, but it looks vocabulary, which is what makes a language rich. Since I basically add new words whenever I need them in the story, I have a wild variety of words atm.
Excuse my voice, I went to a metal concert with my sister that went on for almost 5 hours and had four bands, including the legendary Gojira, so my throat is busted. But here's a list of words and short phrases, what they mean, and how they're pronounced, as well as some of the most important characters’ names
link to the sound file
(rough transcript of names)
Naradrilen’né Anathÿ O’sha
Olaÿ Erenalui
Mehetÿl of Ashbloom Domain
Hé’noûr of House Faon’den (Faon’den’né Hé’noür)
Sheoril Ashall’dil
Jora Dil’norr
Eobel (Naradrilen’né Eobel)
Orril (Naradrilen’né Orril)
and hey, if you want to use what I give you later in this post to make some sentences of your own, I’d love to see them lol I haven’t copied everything from my language file because I want to protect my work a little bit, but I use Ahnol pretty extensively in the game so I thought it’d be cool to share some with you and everyone else
Thank you so much for this question, I had so much fun writing all this. I might post a language breakdown in the lore tag of the blog for later, we’ll see. And if you have any other question, I would be DELIGHTED to gush more about the world of Enschka.
[everything below the cut is copied straight from my language file on my computer, so it has annotations, French thrown in the middle of it and it has literal translations as well, marked as ‘lit.’, short for ‘literally’ (for ex, I love you is Je t’aime in French, but the literal translation would be Je aime toi. Or in reverse, Je m’appelle John translates to My name is John but the literal translation, so word-for-word, would be I am me called John)]
PRONOUNS & BASICS mün: to be ih: I, me noür: you wa'ih: you far away (like in japanese, sore/kore/are) ara: they (gender-neutral singular third person) araï: they (gender-neutral plural third person) ihnoü: us
ihn: mine noüh: yours arani: theirs (no distinction of singular/plural) ushihi: ours ushihnoü: together
aa: yes eo: no i: and, also
asharr'noür: thank you (lit. blessed be you) dil asharr: you're welcome (lit. bless the white -implied, bless the white instead of me)
aa: yes eo: no i: and, also
asharr'noür: thank you (lit. blessed be you) dil asharr: you're welcome (lit. bless the white -implied, bless the white instead [of me])
o'sha: gender-neutral word for a ruler a'sha: king specifically, since the ahn’né don't have those they invented the word for other cultures shalle: master ha'norr: healer (the magic of hands) irhashal: mage (master of life) ashto'ïreq: shadowwalker (lit. walk in the dark) vallemek: warrior oshallem: soldier (lit: warrior of the queen) irhamek: battlemage (lit: warrior of life) erenmek: councillor, specifically for war (lit. the one who sees war)
olaÿé: dreamers sila'né: sylvains héki'né: septs
héki: septentrion arheyü: after-sky oshaji: stone sheo: sea
dil: white dila: light ïreq: black ïreqa: dark nara: red eri: blue sato: green lunil: yellow faon: gold adoo: marron
eranga'a: sibling essa'a: older sibling (like Chinese. this is familiar way, like "big sis/big bro" but gender neutral) osso'a: younger sibling (same) irha'a: twin/beloved sibling/sibling of life because of irha ushana: companion, partner nooqa: parent who provided the stasis (familiar) anooq: idem (soutenu) neqe: parent who provided the constant stream of irha (familiar) aneq: idem (soutenu)
ih shalle'deo: I don't know -something implied- (literally meaning I don't master -something-) quera ihqari: come with me ihqari: with me (works with any pronoun or noun, subject or speaker first, then the thing being with the subject) asharr'uil: blessed be [...] shallon ihqari: i love you (lit. love with you)
for bonded people: peace for you: noür thyna'shi (lit. you peace is for) and prosper: i n'ahanni (lit. et t'prospère -même raccourci que dans je t'aime par ex)
formal greeting: asharr'uil noür dil'oshallonri: Be blessed on this day, you who is beloved by the White (lit. blessed be you, sun beloved) ushihnoü ashto dilero: may we walk together under the light of the White (lit. together walk the sun under)
oyami: precious (gender neutral) (ihn)ushana: (my) companion (gender neutral, with the possessive it becomes a full word) (ihn)venhael: (my) bonded (gender neutral, same) oshallonri: beloved
SWEARING (scale of #1 to #5 from less offensive to worse)
shkaï: putain (#1 used like putain, is a bastardized version of Kaï, the angel island) irha'o: connard/connasse (#3 gender neutral insult, lit. without irha/without a soul) mera: salaud/salope (#4 gender neutral, short version of Merathÿ, the traitor queen)
quera: come, follow quera'deo: stay put, don't follow shalle'rea: to know something, to have mastered something asharr: to bless asharr'ui: to be blessed shallon: to love, (lit. to master emotion) shallon'ui: to be in love ahanni: to prosper eren: to see eren'ui: to be seen ashto: to walk arahn'ui: to give birth
dil: the sun/the white, light norr: hand irha: life/centre (also the name of the particles that form their life-force and magic) ahnol: language of the ahn’né ahn: the small fairy-like creatures who inhabit the Dreaming Woods and are born from the irha in the trees. Also how the ahn’né talk about themselves in their language sooreth: cloud sooreth'irha: clouded heart, ahn’né slang for half-blood/mixed people thyna: peace sil: tree sileo: bois (du bois, pas les bois/forêt) (common first name) soori: a type of tea, very bitter, from the Ashtou Chain nalui: friend olanéi: the dreaming elm (lit. the ones who speak the dreams into existence) lemek: conflict, though used also in the context of war ol: langue (autant le muscle que le concept de language) olaÿ: dreams, songe ishell: the wrapped tunic worn by Dreamers over their undershirt and pants thÿrun : the facepaint worn by members of a specific House to denote their status yüe: the sky qeraÿo: a follower, someone who subscribes to a belief yano: wind shi: "-day" or celebration (Dreamer-day is olaÿ-shi for ex) jarré: snow oshaji: stone sheo: sea asharri: god/the divine, as in a general term for a god when not using their name (ex: the gods have spoken) arahn: birth mer: carer, caring person ant: star/celestial body
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firefly-in-darkness · 4 years
Proud Popsicle
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Pairing → Dad!Stucky x Daughter!Reader (platonic)
Characters → Marvel Characters
Summary → Y/N visits her Dads after her holiday with her partner
Word Count → 1.4k
SSB2021 Square Fill → Dad/Daughter Dance - @star-spangled-bingo​
Warnings → Fluff.
Betas → @daydream3r-xo​ // all mistakes are my own.
A/N → I couldn’t help myself with this fluffy piece and Steve being such a mother hen and proud husband.
Firefly’s Masterlist // Star Spangled Bingo 2021
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It was the first time you’d seen your parents after returning from your holiday and you were beyond excited to spend the weekend with them, telling them all about the adventure you and your partner went on and catching up on all theirs too.
You rushed out of the taxi and eagerly into the arms held open wide, burying your head into the chest of your Pops. He chuckled at the tight hold you had on his waist and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Hi, Pops.” You mumbled into his chest, then looked up to him. “What time will Bucky be back from work?”
You were sure that Steve’s blonde locks and beard were peppered with more greys since your last visit a month ago. But his blue eyes still shone as bright as the day that he brought you, a quite eight-year-old, home from the adoption centre with Bucky.
It was Bucky that had spotted you at the orphanage, shy and playing on your own with some old raggedy toys. He always comments at family gatherings that it was the wild yet stoic look about you that drew him nearby. You were like a feral child in your own little world, he’d tell his closest friends.
It was the moments that you weren’t with family or friends that were hardest for Bucky, you’d grown used to it and didn’t bat an eye when people stared at his prosthetic arm, and you’d always help him through a panic attack from the crowded spaces. You didn’t care that your Dad caused a scene - he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and he needed love and support around him. He had put aside his fears and given you the life of your dreams.
“He should be home in about half an hour, he took a half-day just to see our girl.” Steve beamed and picked up your suitcase. “Come on, I’ve got lunch ready and Auntie Nat is already here.”
You squealed and rushed through the front door and down the hallway to the kitchen. Your favourite aunt was perched on a stool at the breakfast bar with a beaming smile and waiting arms.
“Pops didn’t say you’d be here. When did you get back from Europe?” You threw your coat onto the dining table behind them.
“Last week. Clint and I completed the merger for the business earlier than we expected so we immediately jumped on the opportunity to come home.” Natasha explained. “It’s been a long eighteen months and I needed to see you guys properly. Not on a tiny cell screen.”
You were excited to hear everything about your aunt’s security firm’s expansion and what it was like to live on the other side of the world, but you were interrupted by a sandwich being placed in front of you by Steve. Stomach grumbling at the sight of your favourite filling.
“Steve was just showing me the wedding video,” Natasha smirked.
You groaned, “Not again. Are you seriously still showing that Pops? It’s been two years.”
“Nat hadn’t seen it,” he explained, to which you just raised your brow, knowing full well that she attended the ceremony and you’d sent a digital copy. Steve then added, “in person.”
You chuckled, “okay, what part you up to?��
“When Bucky joined us for the father, daughter dance.” Steve beamed; his chest puffed with pride.
You carried on eating your sandwich, “Well-”.
“Don’t eat with your mouth full.” Steve reprimanded as he started to walk out of the kitchen, “and hang your coat up when you’re done.”
You rolled your eyes and looked at your Auntie Nat for defence.
“Don’t look at me honey, you’re an adult and married now.” She put her hands up and followed Steve.
In a flash, you threw your coat on the hook in the hallway and took your sandwich into the lounge, sitting cross-legged on the couch between Steve and Nat. Both focused on the images playing out on the wall-mounted television.
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The swing band, hired by your parents, began playing Moonlight Serenade, you hooked your arm through Steve’s as he guided you onto the dancefloor for the Father, Daughter dance. It was already planned that Bucky and Steve would walk you down the aisle together and then the dance was with Steve. Bucky wasn’t sure if he’d be able to handle being up there and you accepted that because you wouldn’t put your Dad in a difficult position. Especially after everything he went through from serving for his country.
You made sure to hook the loop at the bottom of your dress before Steve brought you into his arms. It would be just your luck that you’d trip over the flowing skirts as he led you around the dancefloor. The pair of you swayed together, and both caught the adoring stare of Bucky as he watched them from the top table.
You cupped Steve’s cheek as tears glistened in his eyes, “What’s wrong, Popsicle?”
Steve chuckled at the nickname that Tony Stark had encouraged from the moment they met, “I’m just so proud of you sweetheart, you look beautiful.”
“Thank you, but please don’t cry. I’m not going anywhere.” You reassured.
“I know,” Steve sighed, a huge smile taking over his features. “I’m sorry that Bucky couldn’t join us.”
You shook your head, matching his smile, “He took me down the aisle with you, that’s what any girl would want of her Dad. Plus, we agreed, this was more your thing than his.”
Steve pulled you closer, and you tucked your head against his chest. Relishing in the magical moment, the love and fear of being separated by marriage had been weighing heavy on the three of them but it had only made their bond stronger.
You both must have closed your eyes and gotten lost in the music because the sudden tap on your shoulder had you both pulling away, startled at the presence of someone joining you.
Bucky smiled, holding out his hand, “Can I join you, doll?”
Excitement surged through you and you jumped into his arms, wrapping them around his neck and nuzzling his neck. You missed the looks between your parents, their silent conversation as they both pulled you into their hold and finished the dance as the family unit you would always remain.
“I love you Dad.” You rested your head on his shoulder.
“I love you too, honey,” Bucky responded with a kiss to your forehead.
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You looked over to Steve at the sound of the sniffing but then you realised it was Natasha who was also crying on the other side, you chuckled at the sight of the pair of them. Former hired bodyguards and security detail, strong and independent people, sobbing at the wedding video.
The sound of the front door opening and closing stopped your internal laughter, and you jumped out of your seat, knowing that your dad was finally home from work. You waited for his call, the one he’d done every day, from the moment you were officially theirs, and he never intended to stop.
“Honey, I’m home. Where’s my Princess?” 
You walked into the hallway then sprinted to him, “Dad!!”
Bucky staggered backwards then held you close, “careful sweetheart, I’m not as young as I used to be.”
You pulled away and looked at your Dad, eyes wide in shock, “you cut your hair.”
“Do you like it?” Bucky sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
“Yes, it looks great.” You hugged him again, “Pops is watching the video again. Used the excuse of Auntie Nat seeing it in person.”
“Ugh, the punk.” Bucky chuckled and wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you walked down the hallway.
“I heard that!” Steve yelled from the lounge, “I might be getting old but my hearing’s still intact.”
“What?” Bucky responded. All they could hear was Steve grumbling and Natasha’s laughter. “Now, what has my partner in crime been up to?”
You’d forever deny that you always watched that part of your wedding video, with tears in your eyes too, whenever you were apart for more than a few weeks. You were the luckiest daughter ever and you couldn’t be prouder to be theirs.
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Everything Tag List: @kitkatd7​ / @fandomfic-galore​ / @writerwrites​ / @thefridgeismybestie​ / @wedonttalkaboutitenough​ / @courtneychicken​ / @persephonesinfernos​
Marvel Tag List: @natasha-danvers​ / @little-baby-vixen​ / @stuckonjbbarnes​ / @starlightcrystalline​ / @nekoannie-chan​ / @hailhydra920​ / @vollzeitliebe​ / @fitzsimmons-is-forever​ / @ladyacrasia​ / @emmabarnes​
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