#especially by the first Kris one 🥲
leopardom · 6 months
i’m gonna post this again next week but
i’ve printed some stickers i’d like to give away at the gigs i’m going! so if you’re going to Munich, Milan or Padova, feel free to come find me and get a sticker ✨
here are some of the highlights of what i’ve printed:
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and the highlight:
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whateverisbeautiful · 23 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#44: The Family Gifts (1.05)
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I love that they have this scene take place in a souvenir shop. 😊 Rick already turns the whole world into a gift shop when it comes to finding things to gift to Michonne so it’s only fitting that he’d find the perfect thing to get her in this place.
But what's extra special is now Rick's history of getting Michonne gifts has expanded to thinking about gifts for the son she gave him too - with RJ being the ultimate gift for them both. And seeing these two converse as parents in this scene was super heartwarming 🥰...
The scene starts with Rick knocking on the shop's door and then they open it and have the cutest little look exchange before entering the shop. It’s so subtle but I love it. 😊 They’re in such a good, peaceful, lighthearted mood and I always love those moments where it’s so clear that on top of being husband and wife, Rick and Michonne really are best friends. And yes I got all that just from a quick playful look. 😋
They enter and when Michonne walks pass those touristy license plates she taps them with her stick and keeps walking. I love that when she hits the rack Rick immediately looks over at her wondering what that’s about. He looks like if the license plates did something to her then he's gonna have beef with them too lol.
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gif cred: @nat111love
Michonne says, “Never did like those” and I love that Rick immediately knows why as he says, “No 'Michonnes,' huh?” Michonne says, “Not even once” and I like that in TOWL we’re even just getting these tiny insights into the characters from the world before.
I know so many with unique names could relate to this license plate moment. And 'Michonne' really is such a unique and pretty name and uncommon as Okafor noted. 'Michonne' is also Rick’s favorite word. I’m convinced. 😌 And ever since this scene, my headcanon is that Rick, RJ, and Judith definitely work together to create some type of 'Michonne' license plate and gift it to her. 
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gif cred: @nerd4music
As Rick continues to look at the license plates he stops and sees one that says 'Junior.' And y’all, the second I saw the junior license plate my heart was already bursting knowing exactly where this was going.
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I love that they make it a point to show that there are Rick and even Richard license plates available too but the one that catches his eye is 'Junior.' It just shows how Rick is already so proud that his son is his Junior. 🥲
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And then my heart just does flips and leaps hearing Rick say RJ’s name for the first time as he so sweetly asks Michonne, “Is this a terrible gift to bring to RJ?” Y'all, I'm smiling and crying at the same time. 🫠 Like how precious is this. 😭
You just know on this road trip home Rick and Michonne have been talking a lot about their kids and I love that Rick is thinking about his son and wants to bring him a gift. Especially because, as I mentioned in an episode 4 breakdown, they have a book they're bringing to Judith so I'm sure Rick wants to make sure they have a gift for RJ too.
I knew after episode 4 we were going to be seeing Healthy & Alive Rick all through episode 5 and that was so clear in this scene. Cuz this is the real Rick right here. Being a whole father. Being his affectionate gift-giving self. I love to see it. 😌
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gif cred: @kris-lulu
There’s also something so sweet about him wondering if it would be a 'bad' gift. It’s bittersweet because it’s a reminder that Rick hasn’t had a chance to know his son or what he'd like but it’s great knowing he soon will have the chance to learn it all. 
Michonne smiles and then informs Rick that “No one has ever once called him Junior.” I love that when so many of us heard that we immediately decided that this means Rick will be the only one to call RJ 'Junior' and it’ll be their father/son thing. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @krislulu
Rick says, “Ah okay” and puts the license plate back, and then Michonne smiles at him clearly finding him so cute in this moment and knowing the father of her child is the best man on earth.
And then she has the warmest kindest tone as she tells Rick, “You’re bringing yourself back. That’s more than enough.” I love this so much. 😭
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gif cred: @kris-lulu
It's so touching that Michonne wants Rick to know he’s the gift. The gift that’s more than enough too. 🥹 Like truly their family is going to be so much more whole with his return.
The wording of 'bringing yourself back' also always makes me think of how he’s literally coming back but also he’s been acting like himself again, so it’s like Rick is bringing his true self back rather than burying it. And that’s also more than enough.
I love that Michonne is always reminding Rick of how cherished he is. And it’s also this reminder that him being with them is the best thing he can do. Just like when she said I only feel safe with you, Rick is again getting this confirmation that his presence is as needed and valued as his protection. 👌🏽
Rick says, “The Brave Man, huh?” and I like how this shows that Rick has been thinking a lot about who he is to his kids.
This got me thinking about how when Rick decided to die he had to surrender the idea of ever seeing his wife and daughter again. He accepted that all he’d ever have is the fading memories and just the honor of having got to love and protect them at all, even if for far briefer a time than he’d hoped. So now, it has to be pretty surreal for him to know he really will be back with them and with the son he wanted but didn't know he had.
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gif cred: @nat111love
And if he’s at all worried if he’ll live up to his kids' expectations of him being The Brave Man, Michonne so wonderfully quells those doubts when she again so sweetly and sincerely says, “You are. More than ever.” 🥹🥹🥹
I know I’ve said it 1000 times but I adore the way Michonne believes in and uplifts Rick and this line right here might be my favorite example of that.
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gif cred: @nat111love
I love how Michonne can always sense Rick's subtext and underlying feelings and then address them in the perfect way. Because she can sense that Rick is nervous about meeting his son for the first time and maybe worried about how it’ll go just showing up in his life after all these years. But Michonne saying this is reminding Rick that by choosing to come home, especially when he had been so convinced prior that he couldn’t and shouldn’t, is a brave thing and very commendable and he really is the great man his kids think he is.
It’s so precious too that Rick gets to see that it’s not just his kids but his wife who truly views him as The Brave Man. Like even tho Rick said last ep that he’s not the brave man, Michonne wants him to know their babies got it right with that title. 💯
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And by pushing through all the fear that was keeping him chained to the CRM, Michonne thinks he’s the bravest he’s ever been for doing that. 🥹 I appreciate how Michonne and Rick find so many ways to say 'I love you' even without saying the three words directly. And this was 100% that. They really breathe life into each other with every encouraging word and gesture.
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gif cred: @nat111love
As Michonne turns around we get even more adorableness as Rick spots a name bracelet and thinks what he thinks when he sees most any item, “this could be turned into a gift for Michonne.”
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
So being cute and sneaky trying to not get caught with the jewelry since he wants to surprise her with it later, he grabs the 'Michelle' bracelet and breaks it so that it becomes an M bracelet.
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gif cred: @nat111love
Can my extra self break down all the reasons I adore this real quick? 😋
One; I absolutely love that because Rick notes every detail of Michonne he knows she’s missing her signature M necklace and so, as he’s always been so good at doing, he finds a way to essentially replace the one she lost.
Two; I love that Rick said if this place doesn’t have ‘michonne’ gifts he’ll find a way to make one.
Three; Something about him making the M bracelet on his prosthetic felt symbolic to me. He literally lost that hand because he’d choose being with Michonne over his own limbs. And now after doing everything he could to be with her, he has her and is still finding ways to give her every good thing he can.
Four; if I'm not mistaken, I believe it was said by Danai that the initial M necklace was from Michonne's mom and so I love that Michonne’s two M pieces of jewelry came from two of the people that love her most. 🥲
Five; After all those years of Michonne wearing that wedding ring with her necklace, I love that her husband is now with her and getting her new jewelry…and he’ll also be giving her some even more meaningful jewelry by the end of the ep. Amen. 😏
Six; It’s just so romantic and thoughtful. It’s so Rick to do this. And I love all these heartfelt gestures that add to Richonne’s epic love story. 
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
Rick pockets the bracelet, waiting for the right moment to gift his wife. Michonne then says, “He might be ready for this” as Rick turns around and sees Michonne holding a hatchet, similar to one of Rick's signature weapons in TWD. I adore that she saw that weapon and was like this would be a good fitting gift for Rick’s mini-me. 😋
And then something I always appreciate so much is hearing Rick ask, “Is that who he is?” I think it’s so sweet and such a sign of what a good dad Rick is. Of course, he’d be flattered if his son followed in his footsteps but the question shows that he also wants to know who RJ is regardless of him. You just know he’s prepared to love RJ whether he’s like him or not and I just love that he wants to know all about what RJ is like. 
And then it’s great that Michonne gets to tell him just how much she meant it when she said their kids are some Richonne kids when she says, “Judith has a sword. They’re us.” Hearing her say their kids are her and Rick never fails to elate me. 🥰 It’s such a true statement.
I love imagining that now that they’ve reunited Rick has got to see firsthand that Judith doesn’t only have a sword, she’s a whole pro with the sword just like her mom. 😌
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I love how proud Michonne is of her kids. She raised them to be survivors while still giving them a childhood. And seeing Rick and Michonne talk as RJ and Judith’s parents in this scene was everything. The best mom and dad. 💛
But they’re also the best husband and wife and I love how that got to take center stage in TOWL.
So after this lovely parents moment, Rick is back to reminding us why he’s Husband of the Year ever year when he spots the absolute perfect minty fresh gift to give his wife.
And y’all, I gotta do a part two because this next part has Rick saying one of my favorite things of all time and it needs its own post. 😇
But as for this moment, Rick and Michonne are such a gift to each other. And their kids are such a gift to them. And this scene is such a gift to me. 🥰 And honey, because we’re spoiled rotten with this miniseries, this gift of a scene just keeps on giving with what comes next. 👌🏽😌
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dykekota · 1 month
my all in thoughts!
[jay lethal, satnam singh, anthony ogogo, ariya daivari, private party, and the dark order vs tommy billington, kip sabian, rocky romero, kyle fletcher, lio rush, action andretti, and top flight]: WOWWW i’m so excited for this one and definitely rooting for the latter team bc i love kyle fletcher and kip sabian with my whole soul but also just gonna watch and see what happens ‼️
[dustin rhodes, sammy guevara, katsuyori shibata and the von erichs vs the undisputed kingdom and cage of agony]: ik this match doesn’t really matter but i love everyone on the first team except sammy so i am definitely rooting for them!! plus i love the von erichs and seeing them at WEMBLEY makes me so proud icl 
[kris statlander & stokely hathaway vs willow nightingale & tomohiro ishii]: i like both teams but definitely willow & ishii!! i really don’t see stat & stokely winning but if they did i wouldn’t be horribly upset 🤷‍♀️ because we get a willow vs kris match at all out anyway 
[the patriarchy vs bang bang gang vs house of black vs pac & blackpool combat club]: unpopular opinion but even though i hate him christian’s gimmick is so funny and the titles fit the patriarchy so well so definitely them!! i doubt they’ll retain but still 
[chris jericho vs hook]: HOOKKKKK!!!!!! i fucking hateeee jericho and hook’s my baby!! the title is literally his tell me i’m wrong. i really hope he gets it back today, but i’m not 100% sure he will. manifesting 🙏🏻
[the young bucks vs ftr vs the acclaimed]: i’m a bucks girl so it’s obviously them 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ as much as i hope they retain, the only way i’d accept them losing is if it’s to the acclaimed i fucking HATEEE FTR ‼️‼️ 
[jack perry vs darby allin]: JACKKKK!! i love both but jack deserves the championship after everything COUGH COUGH CM PUNK COUGH COUGH sorry had something in my throat so weird 
[mjf vs will ospreay]: MAXXXXX!!!!! the people switching up on him for acting like a heel when it’s his job make me giggle… anyway i love them both but i hope max wins 
[mercedes moné vs dr. britt baker, d.m.d.]: i hate them bothhhhh!!! but i hate bullies especially so definitely rooting for mercedes to retain because the championship definitely fits her! 
[timeless” toni storm vs “the glamour” mariah may]: UGHHH this is so hard bc even after what mariah did i still adore them both so much 🥲 but i’m rooting for toni 🫤 i wouldn’t be mad if mariah won though, because as i said i love them both sm still 
[swerve strickland vs bryan danielson]: originally i didn’t like bryan but he actually grew on me before all in!! still, i’m hoping swerve retains! it’d be a great sendoff for bryan imo too. also… i believe tony schiavone said whoever wins the casino gauntlet match can basically “cash in” the same way someone would a briefcase in wwe. so since hangman is a confirmed entrant in that… kinda hoping he cashes in 🤷‍♀️
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