#especially from a random person on the interwebs that doesnt like gain anything from being nice to me lol
allylikethecat · 5 months
girl your writing is NOT getting worse, there’s nothing bad about it for it to even “get worse” at all!!!!!!
Thank you so much! It's honestly a huge insecurity of mine, I feel like sometimes I get *really excited* and start a fic and obsess over the first few chapters before I post them and get them *perfect* in my mind, and then I start posting, and I get *even more excited* because now I'm SHARING the fic with PEOPLE and then I lose direction because I have the attention span of a hamster, and I'm like throwing words on a page to see what sticks lol
I know that *rationally* my writing is still about the same, but like sometimes it just feels like the quality deteriorates and I find myself spinning in all these different directions and then I get in my head and am like wow these people are so nice and kind and supportive reading my work and they deserve better even though everyone really IS just this nice and supportive and yeah idk it's a whole thing and I'm sorry for over sharing right now but WOW did I see that tumblr post and feel seen because even if my writing isn't *actually* getting worse, we're our own worst critic so it does sometimes feel like it is? If that makes sense?
Anyway I almost cried reading this ask because it's honestly just so sweet and you didn't have to go out of your way to send it but you DID and for that I am extremely grateful and I screenshooted it and will be looking at it when I start to get too hard on myself so THANK YOU and also I apologize for how stream of conscious this is. I hope you continue to enjoy my fics, and I hope that I manage to keep it so that the quality doesn't actually go down, and also that you had a fantastic Friday! I also hope that you have the VERY BEST weekend!! Thank you so so much again!
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