#especially iilluminaughtii
my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
I don’t know about you guys, but it’s crazy to see how current YouTubers have lost their reputation. I used to watch iilluminaughtii, Colleen (Miranda Sings), and so much more.
I genuinely loved these creators, and learning about their past actions makes it extremely hard to support them, if at all.
I just want to know what in the world is going on and why are these secrets just now getting revealed? Why…just why?
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clockworkcheetah · 1 year
i swear when a youtuber is never allowed to be criticised otherwise you get dogpiled to shit by their fanbase always turn out to be dogshit people
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weaselbeaselpants · 9 months
In light of iilluminaughtii's canceling,
I think the antiPeta and autism communities need themselves some better whistleblowers, or people who can summarize what's controversial and evil about these companies and why they shouldn't be trusted by those passionate about autism support and animal rights.
I especially don't trust Blair after learning she recently made a video called "vegans are killing the planet" or some shit like that.
Contrary to what some are going to think of me anyway, I am not antivegan. I know vegans who have been personally victimized by org like PeTA for not being vegan enough- and also it doesn't have to be a harmful thing if you know what you're doing and you're able to safely turn vegan if you want to. Vegans aren't the problem; people being bad faith actors about veganism is.
Disgustingly, I think I can guess exactly the kind of concerns Blair bring up in that vid: 1) soy and meat substitutes are environmentally taxing to grow and destructive, especially soy farms ,about as much as sometimes more than regular farming is destructive, and 2) synthetic wool is accelerating litter and microplastics.
I feel like, especially for vegans, these problems need to be known and dealt with before they get any worse-- but yeah I kinda DON'T trust that or really any PeTA counterfighting from a person who makes veganism itself out to be the problem. Bad sign. I don't know if he's pro-peta or even vegan but I hope Cid Dwyer steps up to the plate on this front. He's much better and more passionate about calling out bad animal care.
On a more personal level - we need a real video essayist to tackle autism speaks.
Blair's videos about Autism Speaks were what I linked my job specialists to in order to show them "no, it's not just me being untrustworthy that makes me hate that company. These people are hurting us, not helping us. Please don't support them"- and my specialists listened to that. Even if Blair's work is just regurgitating articles that state this better, it's one of those instances where people are never going to know the basics because they never are going to really look into it for themselves if they don't have someone else explain it to them.
Same thing goes with Salvation Army.
We need legitimate, well-sourced whistleblowers to help gear the winds of change. We don't need abusive grifters who are just content mills.
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littleliongirl16 · 8 months
Tagging YouTube channels I like (or in some cases liked) as TMA fears because I have so very many hyperfixations and have no choice but to combine them...
disclaimer: I don't know anything about most of these people outside of their youtube channels, it's really the channel and how they are on the channel specifically that I'm tagging as a fear
Overly Sarcastic Productions: End & Eye
This one was a bit hard to tag because they make so many different things, but I think the Mischellaneous Myths videos that really stick in my brain are the ones where Red is trying to puzzle out information about a god or story and how it developed and the information is just gone. I think there's also some of that in History Summarized on Blue's end. I think OSP as an embodiment of fears of knowledge being lost, that tries to prevent knowledge from being lost, but also feeds on the horror of everything that's already gone because it's End aligned would be very cool.
Kennie JD's Bad Movies And A Beat: Stranger
This is specifically bad movies and a beat because I don't watch most of her other stuff and can't speak on it. A lot of Bad Movies And A Beat involves movies that are badly written and acted in a way that you could easily push towards human imitators and the uncanny valley and "why does this writer write like he's never met a human being? Because he hasnt". Also like! She doesn't always do her makeup but I feel like the fact that Kennie is changing her appearance with makeup, especially since her look is heavy foundation, very extreme, very far from how she looks without it, really does add to the stranger energy.
Film Theory (and that whole quartet of channels): Spiral/Eye
Matpat is elbow-deep in red string and thumbtacks, he is claiming that the Cars in Cars are actually insects, he is giving in to the madness. I think there's something inherently very spiral about trying to find patterns in details that in many cases probably just weren't well thought out by the original creators of the media. (like the scratches on Rubble's helmet in paw patrol when it should be new). At the same time, fiction is maleable, and sometimes he's trying to create a story that arguably makes more sense than the original using thoughtless details thrown in by the creators. There's another Spiral component of there being no "real answer" in fiction and it not mattering what the author originally intended if Matpat can use clues they accidentally left to create a different story. And then there's also an Eye component in that sometimes he is looking at details the author intentionally left and piecing together a story they intended to be found! And an Eye component in that some of the other channels, like Food Theory, do have more objective answers, like yes, the best thing to eat with spicy food to make it less spicy is something that can be scientifically found.
iilluminaughtii: Stranger... because everything was plagarized...
Kurzgesagt In A Nutshell: Extinction if it's real! Probably Desolation if it's not but Kurzgesagt has elements of almost every fear when I think about it.
I cannot think of anything more Extinction-coded than Kurzgesagt. I don't even like the Extinction that much but I want it to be real just so Kurzgesagt can belong to it. This channel has a video called "How To Kill The Universe". It's almost a running joke that 70% of their episodes are about an apocalyptic scenario, from the heat death of the universe to "what if we set off all the nukes. what if we turned all the uranium into nukes and then set off all those nukes" to horrifying antibiotic resistant pandemics to "what if we turned the earth into gold" to climate change bad scenarios. Kurzgesagt wants to end the world so bad. From impossible hypotheticals for funsies to things that could happen to things that will happen.
If I'm not allowed to say Extinction I guess the raw destruction for the sake of it of Desolation maps to that the channel the best? The more heat-death type scenarios read as End. They do a lot of astronomy content and also have some scale of the universe episodes and episodes on how the size of an organism affects its biology dramatically, which all feel Vast to me. They explain how a lot of pathogens and notorious diseases work, which is obviously corruption. Then there are a lot of more human psychology videos that dip into Stranger and Lonely. This channel has bits of all of the fears but I'll reluctantly go with Desolation.
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tsukimefuku · 1 month
Ranting on YouTube drama
Cw: capitalism is its own content warning.
The MrBeast and Iilluminaughtii fallouts are an absolute lesson in how personal branding IS A THING and you should hone in your critical thinking about how these people present themselves online.
Nobody finds a huge level of success under an unfair system like capitalism without partaking in the unfairness of said system. Our culture rewards individualistic, cutthroat, narcissistic, toxically competitive and egocentric behaviors as long as the person has branded themselves well and sells good dreams, like making houses for people in need or “fighting the good fight against the evil mlms”.
People need to stop being so incredibly naive.
The world is a stage and nearly everything is a performance, especially in the case of these famous people.
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Me talking with my anxiety-riddled brain.
My Brain: *constantly thinking of how would be best to reply to the weirdo stalking my page* Me: You know this is kind of stupid. My Brain: What is? Me: Replying to that stalker. My Brain: How so? Me: Remember last time? The dude stalked my great aunt's house, my online activity, my workplace, my university... legitimately everything. The dude would twist words and make it sound like I'm a monster and tricked everyone we knew into thinking we were constantly sending him death threats and shit. My brain: What does that have to do with this? Me: Everything. This guy is starting here, what is stopping him from trying to track everything I do digitally until he finds me and shoots me for daring to like some random. My Brain: Are you sure that isn't just me being anxious-- Me: Bro I'm a fucking Hispanic Ace Woman, I can't be too paranoid considering that Republicans think that anyone that isn't so pale people you disappear in a white background is some illegal immigrant. They're even trying to convince people that Vivziepop of all people is an illegal immigrant. I'd rather not risk my life. My Brain: But they're not understanding-- Me: Look I don't owe anyone explanations, and I don't need to waste my valuable time arguing with someone online. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they take this as a win and keep stalking me. It's their choice if they don't want to have a life. It is their choice to waste their entire life hating one person. It's their choice to waste their life hating me because I won't bend the knee to them. They can waste their time. I'm not wasting mine. My Brain: But- Me: They pretend like FNGR didn't go on hour-long transphobic tirades when making hate and rant videos about Lily. They pretend that I didn't say that I thought Lily was in the wrong when biting off that artist's head. They pretend that what Lily said to that artist was worse than what the Steven Universe Fandom did to a literal CHILD. And they can't get it through their THICK FUCKING SKULLS that if they're telling me the absolute put their life on the line deadass truth and actually have a mountain of evidence... then I'd LOVE to see Lily behind fucking bars. I'd LOVE IT if they were to have a court case going and have it be all on the public Youtube sphere like the fucking Iilluminaughtii shit going on right now. My Brain: True... Me: yeah but here's the problem, they never show it to me. They just EXPECT me to believe them and take their words at face value. I mean yeah, Lily is a dick half the time, especially in the past. She was on some fucking rage timing that you'd think she was constantly playing Cuphead, but that's why I never understood why she didn't just only talk to close friends and just toss the whole Discord Server idea into the fucking trash. I don't see the point in even interacting with fans at all for any fucking public figure. It always seemed like a disaster waiting to happen. I mean fans are ALWAYS waiting for their favorite idol to mess up one time so they can have an excuse to maul that person alive. I mean look at Selena. The most beautiful Mexican-American artist of all time and she was MURDERED BY HER NUMBER ONE FAN. Yolanda Saldívar still has people waiting to fucking shoot her ass for what she did to Selena. To think, she murdered Selena over MONEY. My Brain: So we just stop responding? Me: Yeah, they're going to keep on expecting and believing the worst of me. That's how every stan is. I mean google is free, it's easy as fuck to find the website of the Canadian police! My Brain: Okay! Okay! Yeah. You're right. This is all stupid. We need to just ignore them. Me: Yeah, ignore them like how they'll ignore all the links and stories here because Lily is their Lolcow and they are going to keep stalking her. That's a fact. I'm going to just not engage. If they keep trying to spam me, I'll just find new ways to block them. Better than wasting my time responding. My Brain: But they are right about the whole re- Me: Yeah! I already deleted it.
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domidextrus · 10 months
I'm not surprised that iilluminaughtii was covered here, as her backstabbing her collaborators was only the tip of the iceberg (seriously, you don't pull that shit on OneTopic of all people unless you want to be permanently on my shitlist with no hope of redemption). The biggest surprise to me was Internet Historian, not because I'm a devoted subscriber or anything, but because his scrappy, meme-laden editing may have subconsciously disarmed me.
No matter what way you slice it, being a plagiarist is a special kind of evil, especially when you try to disguise it with quirky presentation and then throw a public hissy fit when you're caught.
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cnidocyst · 3 months
I think things would be better if people realize that these videos are for entertainment far more than they are to inform and you'll have to be an idiot to use a video essayist as a primary source of information.
Should they do a better job of making sure the information they provide is correct? Yes. Do documentaries and similar media made by more mainstream outlets still get things wrong sometimes? Absolutely. Should people learn how to question what they're being told, especially if the person speaking doesn't appear to have any credentials? Duh. And Hbomberguy isn't nearly as bad as other video essayist that do these things 10x worse, may I remind you of how iilluminaughtii was just reading directly off of wikipedia with no effort to even reword anything?
i never said i think he's the worst youtuber ever created just because he got some things wrong sometimes, i just think it sucks people are super trusting of him + i don't care for his reputation as some big smart lefty youtuber . why are you telling me this
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redtail-lol · 3 months
I think ableists pathologize abuse and assholery, and treat "psychopaths" "sociopaths" and "narcissists" as Bad Person Disorders is to avoid confronting that they're equally capable of causing pain as the people they despise. If "being a bad person" is a condition you either have or don't have, they don't have to worry about making sure they don't end up causing pain to others because they don't have bad person disorder. Confronting the fact that cruelty and abuse is a human behavior and not a condition you either do or don't have is uncomfortable for them - especially because a lot of them have advocated actually abusing people with stigmatized disorders, and they would have to acknowledge they were cruel and abusive, not ""Super Empaths.""
Sorry not sorry but you have to acknowledge that bad people (yes, even the worst of the worst) are just as human as you are, they are the same category of human as you, and you are not pathologically less capable of doing what they do or did. We invented the social construct of morality so you could say you're a better person than them and you wouldn't do the things they do because you have better morality. Just say that instead of calling people narcissists or psychos or sociopaths (especially when you use psychopath and sociopath not as the super generalized insults they're used as now, but as if they were actually still-recognized pathological conditions).
So stop calling iilluminaughtii a narcissist. Stop calling SSSniperWolf a narcissist, even if she referred to herself as such, because she showed a clear lack of understanding of the actual disorder. But also, going further, stop calling Netanyahu a sociopath. You have to recognize that the shitty people, and the worst morally bankrupt monsters, are as human as you and you cannot just pathologize them without knowing a damn thing because it makes you uncomfortable.
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walhartonsclub · 1 year
2023 Update
My life is much different from the days of 2016 and 2017. Those days were pretty dark with my depressed mood along with being hurt and exploited by CC. But these past few years after 2021 were amazing, a far cry from the likes of Chapter 5 & 6 era and the Chapter 8 era even more for sure. I have received the support I desperately wanted in the mid 2010's and very grateful to have that. I also made some new good friends as well. I even had feelings for a few men and hang around with one particular one very much and loved being in his presence. Not only is he a good person unlike CC, but his looks outclass CC by at least 5 points.
As for CC. Wherever he appeared, I would not say a word to him, keep a large distance away from him, and observe him while I keep expanding the gap until we are not even readibly viewable. If he would spot me, he would he turn his head at me often with a negative expression at me that seems to be a mix of strong anger and for some reason apparent fear. One day I was at a bench and CC walked by, I didn't notice him until he was a few feet away from me. I immediately got up and started walking away until he started speaking me about how I "keep talking so much crap about him on the internet". I didn't respond and kept observing him. I took off as he was walking away.
He was not specific with what he was talking about. If he is not talking about this blog, then there no reason for him to saying anything like that to me. Last time, he claimed I was subscribed to his channel and I sent him threats, which is not true. He has demonstrated himself to be a liar and a consistent harasser who was vulgar to me, all because I was tired of his abuse and didn't let him force me to quit my job. Unless it is about the CC blog, he is just doing the harassment rounds because he is dealing some unknown problem and lashing out at me out of covenience. Typical lowlife behavior of him.
If he is talking about the CancerChaser blog: he reaps what he sow. His abuse was revolting. He cannot honestly believe that he can try to change someone else's life and priorities because he says so or say all kinds of nasty and hurtful messages in response while expecting no consequence. What he did in late September 2017 was very wrong objectively and what he did in response and more weeks later was even worse. Just because the police wouldn't bother with CC does not make his actions any right. On the internet there is controversy over anything slightly disagreeable. Does he honestly expect that he would actually get away with all the abuse he did to me, especially the claims that I was never good to him? His nastiness would naturally be returned back to him, as that is how he treated me. What goes around comes around. He is the one who instigated the situation with his attacks.
It is natural that there would be a response. CC is not powerful enough to properly quash me and what he did was justified for him to be exposed. Like in Chapter 3, e-begging is considered a massive crime and is often taken like a felony to the point that people have been canceled for asking for money on the internet. Back in the same time period of Chapter 4, there was a scandal that surrounded a Switch Launch Line involving a man who ran a GoFundMe campaign for flight money and was attacked viciously by a community over the lack of transparency along with several other factors. Said person who was targeted even has the same sexual orientation as CC. Much more recently a YouTuber known as iilluminaughtii has been exposed for her massive amounts of abuse that she inflicted at the people that worked under her as well as her ex boyfriend. CC deserved to be attacked on the internet for what he did. Given his horrible behavior, it is only natural he would recieve hateful negativity returned to him one way or another. Although, I do not codone the death threats at CC.
It is just that CC would be receiving blowback. Wether indirectly or directly. His heavily abusive bullying through phone and email makes him a wretched virulent person, especially in the context of his selfish desires he pushed on me. He doesn't like it? Too bad, he should've never been so nasty after he screwed up badly by interfering with my job schedule. It's called accountability. He needed to understand that in his formative years and yet nearly middle-aged he still has the mindset of a spoiled child; while acting like one at a younger adult.
This blog wouldn't happen if he just simply stopped talking to me instead breaking boundaries. If he feels he can just violate set personal boundaries, he has to accept the repercussions that would happen. The world does revolve around him. People his age are naturally expected to have accountability.
Hopefully I hope to never have to talk about CC ever again. I really want to move on.
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goldkirk · 2 years
Top 10 mental health/similar books you've read in the past year? (or documentaries, or podcasts, anything is cool!)
this is gonna be all over the place and way more than just 10, sorry, but i'd say my top most impactful things-of-any-type I've encountered in the past year are the following.
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog
Reparenting the Child Who Hurts
Take Back Your Life
Zak George's Dog Training Revolution
When the Body Says No
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
The Case Against Conversion "Therapy": Evidence, Ethics, and Alternatives
On Tyranny
Plato's allegory of the cave
How Tax Brackets Actually Work
UV Camera Reveals The Best Way to Apply Sunscreen to Your Face
Rhett's story of his personal religious deconstruction timeline
This guy's gut wrenchingly honest, timeline-jumping, clearly articulated, and wryly humorous series explaining his long and truly wild journey to atheism
This 6 minute interview with Liz Hunter where she talks about growing up in a cult without realizing it
Church Services Are Designed to Influence You. Here's How.
Former Evangelical leader Josh Harris on renouncing Christianity
therapist talking about the lies purity culture tells women
a therapist's take on religions and emotional manipulation
Polygamist Cult Founder’s Daughter, Rachel Jeffs, Gives Her First TV Interview
Evangelical blinders/guarding your heart
Big Joel's video on anti-abortion propaganda (large focus on the movie Unplanned)
I fantasized about martyrdom too
Omnipotence paradox & laws of logic
"Cults Inside Out" with Rick Alan Ross
An analysis of the Christian martyr complex via the first three God's Not Dead movies
Raised in a cult and finding her voice (an interview with Liz Hunter)
No True Joy Outside the Church?
Pray Away: A Therapist's Take on Conversion Therapy
Nothing Fails Like Bible History - Episode 1
Personal Autonomy Post-Religion
WHAT do you do after LEAVING a cult? (life after the moonies) (this girl is SO FUNNY)
TheraminTrees's (therapist) YouTube videos, especially:
betting on infinity
rebuttals to 'betting on infinity'
false equivalence | qualiasoup and theramintrees
punishing doubt | religious condemnation of thought
'science' of the gaps
commanded to love | performing false emotions for tyrants
grooming minds | the abuse of child indoctrination
degrading love -- part one | how religions distort the meaning of 'love'
degrading love -- part two | how religions distort the meaning of 'love'
living with abusers
imaginary defects | when dogmas label us flawed
creating sickness | recovering from religion
Philosophy Tube's YouTube videos, especially:
Abortion & Ben Shapiro (you might need to pause this one a few times just to mull things over on your own time)
Ignorance & Censorship
Who's afraid of experts?
Identity: A Trans Coming Out Story
Social Constructs
The Hidden Rules of Modern Society
FundieFriday's YouTube videos, especially:
The post 9/11 Evangelical fever dream that is Jesus Camp
iilluminaughtii's youtube videos, especially:
The Abusive Practices of Focus on the Family
Ex-Fundie Diaries' YouTube videos, especially:
Christian Nationalist Child Indoctrination Cult: AWANA
Christian Nationalist Propaganda | Inside My Homeschool "Science" Binder
Christian fundamentalism doesn't always look like the Duggars
Anxiety & Anger Are a Sin in Christian Fundamentalism | Emotional Child Abuse
Child Abuse | Spanking, Neglect, & Psychological Punishments in Christian Fundamentalism
Scientology and the Aftermath
Pray Away
Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult
Lots of others on YouTube and Netflix I'm sorry it's just hard to dig them all up lol, if I have energy some other time I will
Hope this helps someone!
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if you like Far Cry 5 learning about real-life cults, especially the ones that inspired the Project at Eden's Gate, might be as interesting to you as it is to me. Here are some videos I recommend about David Koresh, whose appearance Joseph Seed was heavily inspired by, and the Branch Davidians as well as the siege of their compound in Waco, Texas in 1993.
The Tragedy of Waco Siege (28:21 min) by iilluminaughtii
Cults: David Koresh and The Branch Davidians: Part One (1:29:09 hrs) by Stephanie Harlowe
Cults: David Koresh and The Branch Davidians: Part Two (1:17:36 hrs) by Stephanie Harlowe
Cults: David Koresh and The Branch Davidians: Part Three (1:28:24 hrs) by Stephanie Harlowe
Cults: David Koresh And The Branch Davidians: PART 4 (1:12:12 hrs) by Stephanie Harlowe
What the Waco Bodies Revealed About the Siege (30:39 min) by Ask a Mortician
I recommend watching them in this order but that's just a personal preference and they can also be watched very well on their own.
Content warning for death, death of children, obvious cult stuff, child sexual abuse, and violent actions at the hands of the government. These CWs can definitely be improved and I am appreciative of any suggestions as to how to do so. Feel free to add more media to the list too!
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gffa · 3 years
Some video essay recs for those who like background noise while they do other things! - Purity Culture & Fandom | Melina Pendulum - This was a really thoughtful look at some pretty complicated topics in fandom (purity culture and racism especially) and how reducing these issues down to being black and white winds up actually hurting people, as well as how there’s a really salient point about how fans of color are used as talking points/weapons against people’s whose opinions we disagree with, rather than actually listening to the voices.  But that also nothing is a monolith, this isn’t about flattening things or shutting out voices, but instead about including more of them in.  I enjoyed listening to this, thinking about what she had to say, and the nuances she was putting into the situation. -  Vaccines: A Measured Response | hbomberguy - A very thorough look at the Wakefield paper that kicked off the whole “vaccines cause autism” paper and just how mind-boggling it is that we got to this point when the whole paper was such a huge, huge nothingburger.  I’m still only halfway through it, but I’m enjoying it a lot and it’s sort of shocking just how little really was in that paper and yet it caught on so thoroughly and just oh my god. - iilluminaughtii - Last time I asked for video recs, this channel came up and I’ve been having a lot of fun putting her video essays on in the background and letting them go.  Her focus tends to be on MLMs especially and you really just get furious about how predatory and awful these companies are, but the videos themselves are pretty fun to watch.  You can really start anywhere, but I liked the Satanic Panic video, the NEXT | Autism Speaks video, and the PETA video as places to start. - Kat Blaque - I think I mentioned her videos last time, but they’re worth a mention again because I really like how thoughtful her videos are and how much she cares and the sheer amount of energy she expends into talking about these topics in such a caring way.  It’s also interesting to hear from someone who has so much intersectional stuff going on and what that does and doesn’t mean for her life, like, there’s so much more to her than just being Black or being trans or being a woman and hell that’s just the stuff she chooses to share in her videos! - Jimquisition - I’ve always liked the Jimquisition, but watching them transition and hearing bits of their story (as told through videos about the predatory nature of the video game industry) has been really meaningful to me, as a way to get more non-binary voices into my sphere of experience and as a way to keep in touch with some well-written and delivered content about, no, seriously, the video game industry is fucked up.  I mention their channel a lot because they could use a bit of promo and also I just look forward to their videos all the time!
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spiritcompanionship · 3 years
hey, rute!! if you like criminal case studies, i would recommend bailey sarian and kendall rae on youtube!! i found out about many cases that has happened because of them! and i have 7 tattoos too!
Oh, dude Neb watches Bailey Sarian with me! We also really like iilluminaughtii on YouTube and Coffeehouse Crime. Especially Coffeehouse Crime! iilluminaughtii does a lot of factual videos but still really good.
Hell yeah! What are they of??
- Rute
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windwakergamer · 2 years
Hello! Welcome to my page!
Hello! A small announcement:
This is a safe space for LGBTQ+, POC, etc.! Bigotry and otherwise harmful ideologies have no place here. Thanks!
Here are my interests:
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Tumblr media
•The Legend of Zelda
•Persona 5
•Mario Kart
•Spider-Man PS4/5/Miles Morales
•Stardew Valley
•Sims 4
•Sonic Adventure 2
•Sonic Frontiers
•Mini Motorways
Tumblr media
•Lord of the Rings
•MCU (especially Spider-Man)
•Into the Spider-Verse
•Ferris Bueller's Day Off
•The Adam Project
•Free Guy
Tumblr media
•Brooklyn 99
•The Owl House
•Gravity Falls
•Star vs The Forces of Evil
•Sonic X/Sonic The Hedgehog
•Buffy The Vampire Slayer
•Avatar: The Last Airbender
•The Dragon Prince
•The Flash
•The Umbrella Academy
•Locke & Key
•The Queen's Gambit
•The Witcher
•The Great Pretender
Tumblr media
•The Crane Wives
•Glass Animals
•Concrete Blonde
•Bo Burnham
•Green Day
•3 Doors Down
•Lindsey Sterling
•Crush 40
•Imagine Dragons
•Fall Out Boy
•KT Tunstall
•Caravan Palace
•Various video game music
•Other rock/folk/alternative
Tumblr media
•Drew Gooden
•Danny Gonzalez
•Micheal Reeves
•Call Me Kevin
•Brian David Gilbert
•Scott the Woz
Tumblr media
•Various arts
•Geology/Earth Science
•Collecting rocks
•Greek mythology
•Greek and Roman history
•Percy Jackson
•Various arts
•Pressing/drying flowers
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thecozmoking · 3 years
Who are your favorite blorbos on youtube? Besides watcher of course.
Oh no I’m so sorry for the word vom you’re about to endure because I have MANY Blorbos.
Video Game Blorbos:
-Scott the Woz: Very funny and has a pretty good amount of overarching lore in his videos. I love the characters his irl friends play as well.
-Caddicarus: I’ve been watching him /forever/ and he’s one of the few content creators from my youth that I still watch.
-James Stephanie Sterling (The Jimquisition): Another one I’ve been watching forever. The non-binary gender trash that takes the games industry to task, and whom I am in love with.
-Pikasprey/Pikasprey Blue: Does super cool videos on their main channel especially on Pokémon Softlocks. They’re also the only video game Let’s Player that I watch because he’s so calming and funny. I adore his style.
-LGR: If retro computers are your thing then you have to check him out does really in-depth videos on them. Also his voice and style are very soothing. Plus I love his thrifting videos.
-Yuriofwind: Another one that I have watched practically since the beginning. I love his Bullshit Creepypasta Storytimes and Gaming Mysteries.
-Pat the NES Punk: I don’t watch his YouTube content that often, but I LOVE the Completely Unnecessary Podcast he does with Ian Ferguson and have been listening to that for many years.
Commentary Blorbos:
-Iilluminaughtii: Came for the Multi-Level Marketing slander, stayed for the chill vibes.
-Kurtis Conner: Very funny man with good vibes.
-Jarvis Johnson: Premium content and very genuine.
-Danny Gonzalez: Drew Gooden.
-Drew Gooden: Danny Gonzalez.
-Jacob Sharpe: He survived brain cancer and now is bringing the nuggets.
-nickisnotgreen: Newer to the space but still great.
-Ready to Glare: Commentary and Goth Style.
-Kappa Kaiju: Doesn’t upload a lot but it’s always a treat when he does.
True Crime Blorbos:
-Kendall Rae: Incredibly respectful and brings attention to cases that are criminally under publicized. Raises a lot of money for charity as well.
-Brief Case: Does a lot of old time cases and in small installments.
-Dark Curiosities: A lot like brief case but also talks about a lot of missing indigenous women.
Miscellaneous Blorbos:
-KrimsonRogue: Hands down my favorite booktuber. Not pretentious, thorough, and sits on a throne of books as he talks.
-Dominic Noble: Another amazing booktuber who does great videos on adaptations of books to movies.
-Saberspark: Does videos on different animated media for better or worse.
-TheMysteriousMrEnter: Also does reviews on different animated shows and movies.
-Jenny Nicholson: A little bit of everything in video essay form.
-BlameitonJorge: Lost media, mysteries, and creepy happenings.
-TwistedDisaster: Great art, advice, and stories.
-Kenny Lauderdale: Fantastic videos on lost and forgotten animes and ovas.
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