#especially since it all got so close to easter which was yesterday
fly-sky-high-09 · 5 months
Man today sure is something
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cesium-sheep · 7 months
I don't think it was necessarily a direct link in their minds but at least to me to kind of make up for yesterday being such a disappointment we went out again today, at first we were just gonna re-deposit the money but matt had some books to sell and the grocery store is right there and they're starting to put out easter stuff at the craft stores and arin also had some cash to deposit, so all three of us got to go out together for like 3 entire hours, I got to pick out nice chocolate and mentos at the grocery store and get a decaf mocha since decaf seems to be safe for me and we looked around the bookstore and I was allowed to get any ya fantasy novels I wanted as long as I didn't already have them since I think ya fantasy is a good place to start reading again, so I found a tamora pierce book I haven't read (possibly the only one lol) and the first book of the raven cycle since it got talked up by a lot of the same people that talked up capri iirc, and I got the next volume of hitorijime my hero since it was cheaper than digital and the volumes I already have are physical anyway, then we went to joann and I got to look at alllllllllllll the ribbon and lace cuz I noticed that I've repeatedly been disappointed by my current stash so it's actually very reasonable to get more and I also actually got to look at the fabrics for the first time in years now that arin got a sewing machine so I can actually sew stuff without it taking months, so we got some fabric to make another blanket like the one jordan made for me since it's the prize blanket of the couch and it would be nice to have a second one (even though it's going to start warming up soonish)
arin says she'd like me to wait until she has time to learn about her sewing machine for me to make the blanket, since I can run her through the basics while I do it. I'll probably just set it up on the floor since a blanket is too big to sew on my desk against the wall anyway. although we do have that folding table, I should probably use that tbh.
there was also a nice person in line with us at the fabric counter who was just casually chatty about my wheelchair in a comfortable way despite being ambulatory, and the person at the checkout counter was extremely efficient and on top of things. and the person cutting the fabric gave us the last extra bit of one of them for free, the cute printed one. it's got nice kinda ink painting bunnies on it.
I got so many treats and I got to go out with both of them and matt said it made him very happy to get to do these things with me and hear me laugh and point at things. I had a good time even though I still feel kind of like crying 👍
they're going to his dad's now, I stayed home because even though I feel okay right now doing any more would definitely overextend me if I'm not already. (also being very autistic at the craft store with my partners is honestly a lot easier on me than trying to socialize with an awkward old man who I like but don't trust yet.) I took my extra meds as soon as I sat down from putting everything away and I'm gonna play kingdom hearts which is very close to doing nothing in terms of the energy demand. (especially on easy mode the combat is just mashing buttons, and I care about the plot but it's melodrama so it's not exactly Cerebral)
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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05/09/2021-Blog 1 of 2: Wonderful waders, Wheatears and more at Lymington and home: My first Curlew Sandpiper of the year and more
On a very sunny and warm day I enjoyed Woodpigeon in the garden, bee coming in my room briefly and loved seeing lots of Small White butterflies in the back garden especially one I got close to when walking through to go out this afternoon which I took the second picture in this photoset of where I also enjoyed the flowers in the garden again especially hebe and sedum starting to come into flower and noticing some fleabane in the garden one of the flowers I am most fond of seeing outside for the first time seeing this lovely yellow one in the garden so another big garden flower highlight for me this year. I also took the third picture in this photoset of a red flower and on the way back through the garden with it still very sunny when back home I took the final two pictures in this photoset of flowers in the garden enjoying the alyssum and chrysanthemum again too.
We then came to Lymington in pursuit of Curlew Sandpiper and Little Stint that had been around as always key September bird targets for us. Fitting for the day #WildflowerHour occurs on Twitter as is so often the case I had a strong botanical start to the walk as I noticed more lovely sea aster on the fringes of Eight Acre pond at Salterns Sailing Club where we parked near a flower I noticed within this reserve but further along at Pennington for the first time this year last weekend and then I saw it’s purple and yellow lookalike some stunning Michaelmas daisies glowing in the sunshine as we got onto the path including the one in the fourth picture in this photoset I took today. I first ever saw these here and they are one of my favourite flowers to look for in late summer and early autumn at such areas. Also one I knew before my big delve into flowers. So it was lovely to see them today. I also saw the key for the area rock samphire my first of the year of these too beautiful quirky shaped green flowers and as the walk went on ragwort, bindweed, yarrow, carrot and the first broad-leaved clover I’d seen in a while looked great.
Walking on towards Normandy lagoon where the two wader targets of ours were reported at and I saw my first of a long stream of glorious Wheatears this afternoon. It was exceptional to see this exotic and striking species flying around and settled on the ground and on posts, including the path and the bits of land on the lagoon. I very much enjoyed seeing some of the most I ever had of them in one day for this migrant that is passing back through areas like these on the way back to Africa currently that I have seen so much of this year quite notable for a bird I was seeming to see a little less of the past couple of years perhaps so this is really encouraging. I got the sixth picture in this photoset of one among others I tweeted on Dans_Pictures tonight. We saw another colourful delight around this area when a smashing Kingfisher darted around over the lagoon and channel beside it the first I’d seen for a little while and key bird here so this was great. I also saw my first of a strong amount of Curlews today at this point probably my most at once this year which again is very encouraging for this species who’s decline and struggles have been well documented with them flying around a lot and seen still. I took the fifth picture in this photoset of one. 
Then we had the moment of the day when on Normandy lagoon we spotted the almost snow white plumage of the juvenile Curlew Sandpiper on Normandy lagoon as it was illuminated by the bright sun. It was special to make out its splendid patterned back too. We got one of our best ever views of this species building brilliantly on last year’s some of my best ever views at Farlington Marshes in September. I took the first and seventh pictures in this photoset of this bird. It was extraordinary to watch this wonderful bird sparkle as it waded in the shallows of the lagoon and rested on the shingle  nicely too with Dunlin and Ringed Plover around nicely for comparisons particularly of size with the Curlew Sandpiper considerably bigger. I was in my element watching this species some amazing views of one of my birds of the year and my first of the species in 2021. Fittingly for a bird that was involved here in at the time my 2014 year list overtaking my 2013 one to become my then highest year list, it took my 2021 year list to 177 levelling my 2014 total to make it my joint sixth highest ever year list with my totals in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2020 and 2016 higher than this with the final totals in that order. Another amazing moment with my year list this year and something I am so pleased to get to. And I feel so very lucky and humbled to be able to say that it means its another month that I have now definitely got at least one bird year tick in, my chain of getting at least one year tick in every month since November 2015 goes on. It was great to see both Curlew and Curlew Sandpiper well today not something I’d noticed happening a lot before I may have seen Curlews on the same day as Curlew Sandpipers as it’s always the right habitat but it hasn’t stuck in my mind before.
It’s remarkable over the years how many times on the same day as seeing my first Curlew Sandpiper of the year I see my first Little Stint of the year too or it’s the next year tick after it or the one before they are both around at the same time of year after all and are a real due for me. We then walked around the rest of the lagoon getting quite near to Lymington town to see if we could see the Little Stints that had been around too but we didn’t manage it today. We did see some more incredible waders though. With very big numbers of Ringed Plover and Redshank throughout the afternoon and some Redshanks on the mudflats with the tide out mostly were making a racket which was so delightful to hear with their high-pitched call and it was noticeable to some other people walking which was interesting, the former one of my birds of the weekend after seeing them yesterday at Hill Head too. There were also loads and loads of slick looking Greenshank today, as there quite often is at this time of year. It was fantastic to see them with memorable views of three together on the lagoon and one flying on the mudflats the other side of the sea wall from the lagoon too which I hadn’t often seen before and I photographed as tweeted tonight I have had a top few weeks for these as one of my stars of Rutland Water when we went last month and had a good year for them. Spotted Redshank were on the lagoon too. On the shore with some Redshanks and then later behind the fence of the lagoon quite close to us with a Lapwing was a shiny golden Bar-tailed Godwit with its upturned beak and name providing marking on its tail feathers. A wonderful bird to see another of my birds of the year which it was thrilling to see again in 2021 and I felt so lucky. I took the eighth picture in this photoset of one. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary: My first Curlew Sandpiper of the year, two of my favourite birds the Little Egret and Kingfisher, Redshank, Spotted Redshank, Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Bar-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Dunlin, Ringed Plover, great views of Grey Herons I took a picture of one with my bridge camera which starred today rather I took all but two of my many bird photos today with it which reminded me of the first picture I ever produced with the bridge camera I believe in this month three years ago of a Grey Heron at Titchfield Haven I don’t think I envisaged at that stage how important this second camera would become for me with all the help for birds further away and with ID so its exciting to celebrate the three years for me, Cormorant, Black-headed Gull, lots of Herring Gulls including many young, Mallard, Tufted Duck with a shine in its eye, Wheatear, great views of Stonechat and Reed Bunting too, Whitethroat, Feral Pigeon, strong view of a large Raven, a Swallow nicely fairly late on at the place I saw my first of the year on Easter Sunday which seems an age ago now, Small White, Brimstone, Small Heath out late as they often are at this type of habitat, another butterfly I couldn’t quite see what either Peacock or Red Admiral and dragonflies I couldn’t quite see which as they were flying fast.
My next post has some landscape pictures I took today and more reflections on the day.    
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
FTWD 6x08: The Door - Details
Let’s talk details of 6x08. I’ll talk about smaller details that back up everything I wrote yesterday. In a bit of a shakeup, this post will probably actually be shorter than yesterday’s. ;D
***As always, spoilers for FTWD 6x08 abound below. Don’t read until you’ve watched!***
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Parallels to AOW:
Remember how I said we could parallel this to Glenn’s death in AOW? Well, at one point, one of Virginia’s rangers shows up and does Negan’s signature knock, which is called, “Shave and a Haircut.” So, I think that was a purposeful parallel to AOW and possibly Glenn’s death.
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Engine Theme:
There was definitely a car/engine theme going on here. With the first car they plan to take, one of the rangers shows up and starts shooting at them, and then the car won’t start. Dakota even says she thinks the bullet hit the engine and won’t start.
Later (different car), it stalls on the bridge. After they kill the walkers, John says a red clip fell off, and that’s probably why the engine stalled, and they proceed to look for the clip. This is actually a super-interesting template to me.
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Red = an Easter/resurrection color. So, the idea is that the car “died,” but if they put the red, resurrection clip back on, the car will start/come back to life again.
But the other thing is that right when Dakota finds it, a walker grabs her. That leads to her killing it, John figuring everything out, and ultimately, to her killing him. I feel like there’s a Beth parallel in that as well. It would probably be something from the missing 17 days, so I can’t tell you EXACTLY what it is. But in a broader way, it’s probably that right as Beth is about to wake up/resurrect, a walker horde steps in, which leads to Daryl losing her. Of course, unlike John, she’s not dead. She’s “just gone.”
Diverging Paths:
I’m just gonna throw this out. A Nonny asked me last week about the fact that John and June diverged paths in the last episode we saw and if it could be a parallel to Daryl and Carol doing that in ep 21. Now, when I answered that, I didn’t know about John’s death yet.
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And obviously, I don’t think the diverging paths have anything to do with romance or non-romance. But the actual divergence of a close relationship could be a parallel. But all that says to me, if that’s meant to be similar, is that it means that Daryl and Carol diverging paths in the spinoff might lead to one of their deaths. I’m by no means certain of that outcome. But if it’s a thing, I think we all know it won’t be Daryl that dies.
Ties to Leah?
I talked yesterday about John’s line, “this river has a way of bringing people back to life,” right? Well, this is going to be contingent on what actually happens with Leah. On whether we’re right about her being a hallucination or not. But since the river theme is so big in 10x18, I wondered if that line could apply to Leah and Daryl. Just as John’s death will everyone “to life” and get them to fight Virginia, whether real or not, the experiences Daryl had with Leah and along the river while looking for Rick, eventually brought him back to the world of the living, and TF desperately needed him to help fight the Whisper War.
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To make it even more complicated, we could see this as pointing to Beth. Beth = water. River brings people back to life. Beth will bring Daryl back to life.
Death Omens for John:
I talked about how John’s dialogue made it clear he was heading for death, right? Well, here are some of the things he said. Early on, he told Morgan, “I’m just not right. I’m just not.” Later, he said, “I’m not meant to live in this world,” which is a LOT like Dale’s final line. And finally, “I just want it to be over, Morgan.” See how those are dialogue foreshadows of his death?
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And once again, Beth never said anything like that.
I also noticed that his hat fell off on the bridge, which reminded me of Carl’s death. He puts it back on, but by that time, as with Carl, things are already in motion and the death is pretty much inevitable.
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We also have a lot of talk of his dad. Another way this is opposite of Beth is that they say things that make it clear John is not letting go of his past. He says he’s spent more of his life than he’d care to admit, wondering why his father left him. So, he’s refusing to let go of his past and move forward. Refusing to do what Beth and Daryl did in Still.
Remember that Beth told Daryl that if you don’t let go of your negative past, it will kill you. She meant emotionally, but here, we have a literal representation of that happening to John. Super-sad.
And here’s the thing, guys. This is intentional. They’re defining these symbols for us and showing us what happens when people DON’T do this because I think what Beth said is going to be relevant again soon. Especially for Daryl.
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Oh, small detail, but he mentioned getting Christmas cards from his dad. On the one hand, it’s just more of the Christmas/Santa Clause theme. But I was also thinking it was an opposite from Daryl. He said he never got nothing from Santa Clause, while John DID get a Christmas card. So it’s yet another anti-parallel.
Replay of Grady:
The first time I noticed this was when they’re on the bridge and one of the walkers grabs John. Dakota takes a gun and shoots the walker through the windshield.
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First of all, I don’t think that’s terribly realistic. But putting that aside, it reminded me of all the windshields we’ve seen with single bullet holes in them. Especially the one in 4x16 that Carl was sleeping in, and the one in 5x09 that the camera zooms in on several times.
The other thing is that when Morgan, trying to help John, tells Virginia of his cabin’s location, Morgan says, “Now you can’t go back,” which is a parallel to Rick’s “you can’t go back, Bob” in Coda. (We also heard it at Terminus.)
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Also, when asking him to kill her sister, Dakota says to Morgan, “It’s the only reason you’re still here.” The “still here” theme is one we heard several times around the Grady storyline. Carol and Daryl said it in Consumed. Beth said it to Carol in Crossed. A few other times too, I think.
The Door Symbol:
In the “Inside the Episode” bit on AMC+, the show runner, Ian Goldberg, defined what opening the door means for us. This is just a reiteration of what I said yesterday, but he’s talking about how John finally found purpose again in Dakota. In perhaps helping her find her humanity again. Goldberg says, “he finally found that reason to live, that reason to open the door [in Dakota].” So, there’s the proof that “opening the door” = life or a reason to live.
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There’s a Bullet theme here.
At the beginning, I noticed that John had 6 bullets lined up on the table. I might have missed one, but I tried to count and I think we see him fire off 5 of them, which means there was one left he was planning to use to kill himself. There’s a parallel there to Lucille in 10x22. I think there’s a lot more to this bullet parallel, though. I’m working on a theory about it. Stay tuned.
I think that’s all I have for today. Anyone see anything I missed?
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memorylang · 3 years
12 Months’ Pandemic Chronicled | #51 | March 2021
Happy Palm Sunday yesterday, and Happy Passover from the night before! Right under two weeks ago, March 16, 2O2I, marked the one-year anniversary to the close of my first Peace Corps Mongolia service. While I’ve continued to serve virtually, I’ve done so informally as a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer. Having lived these past 12 months back in the States, today’s tales chronicle that year. 
Also commemorating the one-year anniversary, I’ve uploaded dozens of photos from my first nine months serving Mongolia. You can find those on my Instagram and Facebook, from February and March. I begin today’s stories with those. From there, I chronicle my journey across the year. 
Evacuating Mongolia (February 2O2O)
February’s final week, on Ash Wednesday 2O2O, I was in Mongolia celebrating the third day of Tsagaan Sar, its Lunar New Year. Returning to my apartment from my last supper, I read an email from Peace Corps Mongolia that we were evacuating. I pulled an all-nighter packing my apartment. Shortly after sunrise, I visited a Peace Corps neighbor’s apartment to pack theirs. Then in my final two days, I said hasty goodbyes to community members, exchanging parting gifts. 
Sunday morning, which began Peace Corps Week and March 2O2O, I and fellow Volunteers loaded into Peace Corps vehicles and rode in our caravan till evening. Then the snowstorm caused us to need to stay overnight in a hotel coincidentally located in a city that my cohort would frequent during our summer 2OI9 for training. My evacuation group reached Mongolia’s capital Monday afternoon, with briefings from staff throughout Tuesday. Mongolia had already begun to enforce mask-wearing and physical-distancing, so we couldn’t do much with our final hours in Mongolia. Indeed, since mid-January, many public places had already closed due to quarantine. 
Wednesday night, the week after my peers and I had received notice of our evacuation and now mere hours before my group would depart the country, we awaited the arrival of fellow Peace Corps peers to the capital. For, Peace Corps staff staggered our arrivals into and departures from the capital to account for both the time drivers would need to assemble us from across the nation and the limited flight options still going out of the country. Those of us who remained awake through our final night enjoyed getting to see and embrace peers for our final moments together. 
Over the course of Thursday, March 5, my group flew first from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, through Moscow, Russia, to Berlin, Germany. Many of our itineraries diverged. From Germany, I and a few flew to Amsterdam, the Netherlands. From the Netherlands, I and a couple others flew to New York, New York. I slept four and a half hours’ in a hotel. Then I flew alone Friday from New York to Las Vegas, Nevada. I returned to my home of junior high and high school in North Las Vegas. 
American Twilight Zone (March 2O2O)
My first few weeks in the States felt weird, not just because of reverse culture shock. Back in Mongolia, fellow Peace Corps Volunteers, particularly Health Volunteers, had followed American media and read that our presidential administration had been downplaying the COVID-19 pandemic. Problematically, too, when leaders acknowledged it, some labeled it the “China virus” and accused Asians of spreading it. These set the tone. 
When I arrived in New York, I felt perturbed by the lack of mask-wearing and physical distancing. The morning when I’d fly out, I felt annoyed when the worker who checked me into my flight joked that I might have the virus since I’d flown in from Mongolia. Mongolia had no COVID cases—and wouldn’t have its first community transmission till November 11, 2O2O. Friends, too, when I said that I’d come back, distrusted that I couldn’t have the virus. So, although Peace Corps peers and I had already been quarantining nearly a month and a half before returning to the States—and very much craved to reconnect with folks—we found ourselves again isolated. 
Then Vegas felt weird. Nevada had reported its first COVID case the day before I returned, yet Mongolia hadn’t any. Yet Mongolia had shut down, and Nevada hadn’t. Society moved as though little was happening. My brothers still had school and were gone most of most days. Dad worked weekdays out-of-town. Thus, while I lived again in the States, even inside my family’s home, I was the only one around. I felt lonelier than how’d I’d felt before leaving my life abroad. 
The Filipina family of my father’s fiancée was perhaps the most understanding of my circumstances. The oldest daughter was celebrating her birthday that first Sunday, March 8, since my return to the States. So, I got to join them in enjoying the occasion. As I’d come to learn, Mongolia and the Philippines had more cultural similarities than I’d expected. I’d also feel dismayed to learn that people weren’t treating the youngest daughter kindly in her food service role, for some customers believed that her being Asian meant that she had the Coronavirus. 
Resettling Into Lent (March 2O2O)
Most every morning, my first few days and weeks, tracks from Disney's “Frozen II” became my anthems. I’d seen the film that Friday, March 6, when I’d flown alone back to Vegas. I’d connected especially with “Show Yourself,” “Some Things Never Change” and “The Next Right Thing.” I started to learn the lyrics not only in English but also in Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. 
My local church was still open. Meanwhile, in Mongolia, our church had been closed for nearly months. So, I attended services daily. I overheard old parishioners wondering what all this pandemic talk was about. I visited Reconciliation and a Stations of the Cross service. I applied to sing in the choir with which my late mom sang. 
My second week in the States, church and schools closed. Meanwhile, Peace Corps announced its global evacuation. My peers and I weren’t to expect to return to Mongolia this summer and instead were to expect that fall would be the soonest. My youngest brother’s hs senior spring ended abruptly, so he stuck around at the house. Our oldest brother left to quarantine with his girlfriend and her sisters. 
I cleaned much in and around the house. My greatest achievement early in the pandemic was to lead a garage clean-up with all siblings when my sisters visited. The task enabled us to at last park a vehicle in it once more. My siblings and I donated, too, decades of belongings. 
Among the unearthing, I dove deep into family history. I wrote up my understanding of my father's and my late mother's ancestries, which were also mine. Months later, I'd join WikiTree, talk to distant relatives and migrate large swathes of history onto the platform. 
Easter in Action (April–May 2O2O)
Gloom seemed to enshroud the world by Easter. I saw from the telly the Vatican's Lenten services, witnessing Pope Francis’ words from his city to the world and for Holy Week. His Good Friday Way of the Cross felt especially moving, for prisoners had written beautiful reflections that made me realize how little of a prison our quarantine was. 
My younger sister in LA had also returned to visit Vegas. I resumed daily exercise routines, including trying to concurrently complete handheld video games and walk miles on the treadmill. This began my May push to make the most of my days back in America. I kicked up a daily Duolingo habit, rising through leagues, and talked regularly with Mongols during early mornings. Such helped my sanity, especially when state offices gave me a hard time trying to get the unemployment assistance to which lawmakers entitled evacuated Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.  
Around Memorial Day, an uncle and aunt visited from Kansas to celebrate my youngest brother’s high school graduation online. The relatives also took my siblings, a family friend and me on my first national parks trip in years. We saw Saguaro, Great Basin and Capitol Reef. During the trip I’d grown my Goodreads library and soon enough uncovered the Libby app. The journey led me too to begin a pensive look back on my life. 
Summer in Reno (June–July 2O2O)
Dad remarried on June 6, 2020. Shortly thereafter, I relocated to Reno to help Pa and Stepma (“Tita”) handle copious amounts of yard work. With more time to reflect, I took up the request of a homebound friend to pray rosaries daily over the phone with him. 
Another friend of mine was going through a dark patch too but had a love of films. So each morning I’d rise early to see one of his recommendations then discuss it while working the yard if I wasn’t praying a rosary. I fondly recall the conversations while trimming plants, as I wander the Reno backyard even now. 
Near the same time, the friend and another encouraged me to tell my stories. So I began to write a memoir, on which he’d give feedback. The other friend had me appear on his podcast. Both experiences made the summer feel very whole. In memory of my first summer in Mongolia 2OI9, I also wrote a more detailed series on those experiences. [Arrival (June 2OI9), Meeting Host Family (July 2OI9), Summer’s End (August 2OI9)]
I celebrated my 23rd birthday in Vegas with an overnight vigil, praying 23 rosaries alone and with Catholic friends from around the globe. I felt such joy to reconnect meaningfully with so many across languages and cultures. Languages became a growing theme for me. I’d also begun again playing Pok��mon GO after having not played since 2OI6. 
That summer, I finished seeing “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” (Season 7) as well as relevant bits from “Star Wars: Rebels.” I kept up with the Japanese episodes of “Pokémon Journeys: The Series.” Those, I’ve watched with English subtitles to know what’s happening. I’d also begun to read chapters of the Bible daily, at that time checking in weekly with an ol' friend. I started with Acts then Proverbs, Ephesians then Psalms. Meanwhile came Hebrews and John. Then were Ruth and Matthew. Now I read 1 Kings and Mark. I’d grown to appreciate both the Hebrew and Christian Bibles with renewed interest. 
Autumn Languages (August–September 2O2O)
Much of that fall, I was back in Reno. Yet, my younger brother had also come to Reno for his undergraduate fall semester. The guest room where I’d stayed quickly became his room, which left me a tad displaced. Still, I stuck through. Mornings, I rose early to read through a Latin textbook before daily conversations with a close friend who’d majored in classics as an undergrad.
Meanwhile, I’d stepped up to arrange meetings with Congressional lawmakers on behalf of the National Peace Corps Association. I’d also taken on roles within my alma mater Honors College and within the Social Justice Task Force for the American Psychological Association’s Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. I kept people organized and took notes during meetings. Meanwhile, my siblings and I had been starting a scholarship foundation, so I’d taken point on negotiating a partnership with the Vegas-based Public Education Foundation. 
As a nice break, I joined friends I’d met in high school on their near-monthly trips to national and state parks. These sights included Lassen Volcanic, Burney Falls and Tahoe’s Emerald Bay. Realizing that I wouldn’t return to Mongolia that fall, I booked a Department of Motor Vehicles appointment to renew my learner’s permit—The earliest appointment would be in December. 
In entertainment news, I’d finished seeing “Queer Eye: We’re in Japan,” “Love on the Spectrum” and “Midnight Gospel.” I’d also started playing “Pokémon Masters EX” when I’d heard that it included characters from multiple generations. I enjoyed how the stories felt new yet nostalgic. 
National Park Winter (October, November, December 2O2O)
October was a great month for my spiritual life. I got to attend my youngest sister’s Confirmation. I enjoyed my first retreat in years. I also got to tape videos for my alma mater. 
Then I returned to Vegas some weeks to complete more yard work. I’d also relocated belongings in different rooms and was able to have my own bedroom back in Vegas. This gave me a decent space in which to work. From November, I’ve also been hosting weekly video calls to help Mongols from my community abroad continue to practice English. 
I’d also listened to Riordan audiobooks, “Blood of Olympus” and “Hidden Oracle,” and various authors’ financial literacy materials. By December, “Kafka on the Shore” was a real highlight. In Reno, I saw too “The Mandalorian” (Seasons 1–2), emphatically recommended by a friend with whom I’d hiked at Red Rock Canyon. My other friends and I reunited to try again at Crater Lake and succeeded. 
My siblings and I partnered with the Vegas-based Public Education Foundation to launch our family LinYL Foundation to honor our late mother with scholarships for students. Though my formal role’s within outreach, I’ve done a fair bit of organizational leadership given my undergrad experiences. I’ve also been helping another non-profit start-up. Through it, I’ve gotten to meet alumni of overseas programs. 
My family celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas in Vegas with our stepsisters. I’d also celebrated American Independence Day with them. Christmas felt peculiar, as I’d returned from Mongolia to Vegas the Christmas before, too! 
Then my national parks friends and I hit a new record, seeing Walnut Canyon, Petrified Forest, Meteor Crater, Sedona’s Devil’s Bridge and the Grand Canyon. Having successfully renewed my learner’s permit, I scheduled my driving test for the earliest date—February. I returned to Reno and at New Year’s reunited with friends for whom I’d participated in their wedding the year before. 
Road to Rejuvenation (January–February 2O2I)
Following the U.S. elections came the presidential inauguration. I felt more at peace with the state of the nation after that. Though U.S. politics have absorbed media significantly throughout the pandemic, I felt relieved by the calls for unity and returns to political normalcy from Inauguration Day. 
Meanwhile, I sought to kick off 2O2I strong, with renewed optimism and control. I practiced driving almost daily. I’d seen “Daredevil” (Season 3) too and progressed in the Blue Lions story of my younger sister’s “Fire Emblem: Three Houses” copy. At February’s start, after years of challenges, I secured my driver’s license. 
Mid-February, my national parks friends and I saw Utah’s Mighty Five. Our trip spanned Canyonlands, Arches, Capitol Reef (different section), Escalante, Bryce Canyon and Zion. I got to help drive at the end from Vegas to Reno, a major milestone. 
Thanks to Discord, I attended a virtual alumni reunion of my high school alma mater. I experienced our school's recreation in “Minecraft: Java Edition,” wandering into the classroom where I used to play “Minecraft” as a freshman. In “RuneScape,” after 12 years on-off, I’d achieved level 99 in all but the newest skill. I'd even gotten the characters I wanted in “Pokémon Masters EX” and nearly finished my Kanto Pokédex in “Pokémon GO.” (I've never before completed a Pokédex.) 
I finished February recording music for my undergrad parish’s online edition to our annual performance for “Living Stations of the Cross.” I got to lector at and attend a friend’s baptism. I’d also soaked up my youngest sister’s boyfriend’s Disney+ again and saw “WandaVision” entirely. Its takes on grief and joy astounded. 
Social Justice (March 2O2I)
These bring me to where and how I am today. I write from Reno, Nev., where snow had fallen and the weather grown warmer. Spring is here. 
The announcement of increasing vaccines gave me lots of hope. Since I've lost so many people this past year to COVID-19 and other conditions I'm grateful that we may near the end. An email from and a check-in call with Peace Corps confirmed that summer would be the soonest I’m going back abroad. Still, I’ve kept in touch with my people in Mongolia. 
My older brother and his girlfriend moved into the Vegas house, so I haven’t felt as obligated to be there. Thus, I’ve focused more time on the church in Reno. 
A great fount of a spiritual joy for me has been getting to help lector for my college parish’s weekly Proclamations of the Word. I received particular acclaim for my reading from 2 Chronicles, for Lent’s Fourth Sunday, which delighted me. At the time I’d been reading 1 Kings, so I’d enjoyed recognizing parallels. In some ways the exercises are like a miniature college course. Beyond regular Sundays and Holy Week, I’d also lectored for such feast days as St. Joseph’s Day (March 19) and the Annunciation (March 25). 
My siblings’ and my family foundation chose our first year of recipients. It’s been an exciting process, reading and witnessing our inspiring candidates. I hope that I'll get to meet these students someday, but ah, the pandemic. 
I’ve gotten back into “Frozen II,” thanks to its authentic behind-the-scenes docuseries. I've also passed the one-year anniversary of my first seeing the film. Each morning I’ve sought to see something on Disney's platform—real' nice. 
Our psychological division’s presidential task force for Social Justice released our statement about the Capitol riots, which received strong critics but stronger supporters. Then came the Atlanta situation. 
In my U.S. Week 5I (Feb. 19–25), during a walk past the nearby elementary school, I’d had an unpleasant personal experience that led me to feel very grateful when the #StopAsianHate campaign began. I’ll likely share more later, but today’s blog story is about done. 
Hope and Easter 2O2I (April 2O2I)
At the last Adoration activity before Easter, our parish offered Reconciliation, so I returned again. Absolution offers such sweet cleansing for my mind and soul. Now Holy Week begins. I'm still lectoring, too! 
This summer, I hope to write more on my memoir. I’m still revising my research. I'm set to finish all five tiers of Duolingo Latin tomorrow. Then I'll get back to my textbook. 
I still delight in chatting with ol’ friends. My national parks homies and I will hit Redwood next weekend. Then my parish has Spring Retreat. I look forward to getting vaccinated in coming months then hugging folks forevermore. 
You can read more from me here at DanielLang.me :)
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allesiathehedge · 4 years
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tyguhnijok viva procrastination! gbhnjmk,lp.ñ-   l’DDD
Heeeeey guyz~! It’s been a while since I roamed around on my blog, although I have a lingering feeling like I was here just yesterday. I kind’of find it hard to believe that weeks had flied in a blur since ever and that I totally lost track of the time! Of course, it was not my intention to leave all of a sudden. and I do really hope that my temporary absence hadn’t alerted anyone, but if it did, then I apologize for that. .3.”
To sum everything up, I merely got caught up in watching a series called “Murdoch’s Mysteries” a month ago. It’s not an anime, but a Canadian mystery drama television series. I immediately got hooked on as soon as I saw some randomish episodes on TV then hoped on laptop to watch the rest of all available seasons online :’> It even has some brief scenes featuring the inspector and his wife that resemble Salphys here and there, and I really loved it a lot  X’D Geez, those 13 seasons sure felt so long and draining to watch! So proud of completing it and already awaiting for another season! <333
Anyway, I finally took my time to answer a mountain of quizzes that had been in the corner for months under the cut~ Again, thank you a skele-ton for bearing with me! Also, where you are, quarantined or not, please stay safe and take care of your health! Don’t forget to wash hands too! Because your life matters the most! To every centimeter of bone! <3 
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Thank you so much! Your kind words mean a lot to me! 
I never imagined that, since the beginning, the creation of this humerus ship would bring so much joy and fun which it did for multiple times~ 
Even if I’m not as very motivated as I was before, I still sell my soul filled with love to these so-nerdy characters. This nostalgic thing made me realize how much I wanna draw so many things with them again all over the place. Especially playing tricks on each other  ;w;  -
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It’s alright, nonnie you aren’t the only one :’D 
Admittedly I hardly update these days, so I assure you it’s pretty okay if you fail to remember it at all, plus the story itself. Heck, if it were me, then I’d not be able to remember every comic nor movie unless I check them out properly. XD -
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Heh :3 Assuming it was related to the latest Timetale update, then thanks :3  -
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Those cheesy beans~~ Q 3 Q -
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Gotta Cheeto Fatsts!  -
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Aww! ygurtyuyuiopi I’m flattered :D I’m glad you love my style~ 
Surprisingly, I never thought I would end up loving Alphys more and more, after I started designing her for the first time. Initially I really thought she’d be nothing but a boring and ugly traitor, too much for my taste, or that she’d not be that important for the story plots but my interest had shifted and changed quickly after some time and persistence, ironic eh?  :’3
Yah, sounds like Alphys literally had sort of cosmetic surgery LOL  x3  -
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Nothing better than being stuck in my own faboo-paradise-like isolation where I have almost everything I love~ <3 Actually, thanks to my introvert powers, it never kills me nor stress me emotionally at all -amen-. Aside from working home, I don’t have any problem coping with that during the pandemic :’3 
I wish you the same too! 
#StayHome -
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Oh, don’t worry too much about that.  Your sincerity is very appreciated! :D Truth be told, I agree it isn’t always easy to see the other side of ours and flaws.
We all overstep our boundaries sometimes too. I myself still have troubles in being supportive as well, but I do what I can just to make everyone ‘happy panda’. We’re humans after all. The more we learn from our mistakes, the better we become. At least, you did the right thing and I admire you for that. Don’t think I’d ever have that courage loool. :> -
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I’m still leaning into believing that our gov did a good job and that they managed to implement a lot of strict restrictions and ordinances, such social distancing, suspending transportation and closing any activities to prevent the crowd gatherings, except supermarkets and pharmacies that are only open. 
Frankly, I think they executed that action a little bit too late. If only they listened the warning back in January-February, then we’d be much safer and well prepared. We probably won’t reach the peak until after Easter, but we will have to wait and see what happens next. 
Given the fact that the healthcare system is poor compared to other countries, we do still hope that it gets somewhat worked out so the situation here won’t take a turn for the worse like one from Italy or USA. We already have over 4.400, a great number of people in self-isolation and quarantine, some still getting arrested for fleeing and disobeying, and, from the look of it, the toll of death isn’t definitively a good sign either if you ever ask me. Not to mention, there’s still quite a lot of them not being aware of it... -
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.... Maybe  :P Better not become “Chara-virus” then infect all monsters  l’D -
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Nice personal shipping preference^^ 
I wouldn’t be surprised if some fans actually do that, and that, regardless of sexual orientation, Alphys would be strait shipped with other females or males, beside Undyne.  -
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Thanks for the kind comment^^ 
Yeah lol Sansy loves everything about her~  :> 
What a lucky hus-bean, isn’t he~?  uwu -
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Oh gosh, don’t you ever dare break m’soul! Or else I’mma criiii  :’<<<  -
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
Making Up and Making Out-Agere!Sides AU (pt.32)
warnings!!: Implied making out/smut near the end, and panic attack/mental breakdown in first scenes of this chapter!
Little Roman was panicking. He wanted to cuddle and be held by Virgil, but he felt like he didn't deserve it. He wanted comfort, more then anything. But he wasn't ready to ask for it. He was scared, and lonely. His breathing speed up, and his eyes glossed over. The rule was that he had to find his carer when he was little, and if he wasn't available, find Patton or Logan to babysit.
Virgil wasn't exactly unavailable, but he was close enough in Roman's mind. Roman had never felt so anxious while little, he sniffled and tried to slow his breathing. He'd helped Virgil through enough panic attacks to know what was happening. He tried to be big, he swears, but he couldn't seem to erase the childlike fogginess. He was in pajamas still, he hadn't gotten up to eat, and it was at least noon.
Roman was trying to gather the courage to go out and find one of the glasses-clad sides when a knock sounded at his door. He whimpered. What if it was daddy? Would he be angry, and yell again?
"Roman, it's later than usual for you, and I just wanted to ask if you were okay," He heard Virgil's voice first, followed by Patton's.
"If not, maybe we can talk this over while making cookies?" Patton was the one who decided to turn the doorknob and let himself in. Virgil's eyes landed on Roman, who had obviously been crying. Roman found his bunny stuffed animal from Easter, quickly cuddling it to his chest in order to try and calm himself down again. You could tell he was visually panicking.
"Roman, are you alright?" Patton was quick to run to the side of the bed, crouching down to Roman's height. He gave a pout while motioning to be hugged by Patton. "Oh no," he muttered, looking to Virgil, "The emotional stress must've caused him to regress."
Roman was in Patton's arms quickly. Virgil tried to come stand by Patton, but Roman shied away.
"Woah, what was that for?" Virgil tried to lighten the mood with a chuckle.
Roman lifted his head out of Patton's chest. "What is it, little prince?" Patton had the strength to hold him up with one arm, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.
"Daddy's mad at me....yelling was scawy," he sniffled again, and Patton held him close.
"You don't need to be scared of me! I didn't mean to- ugh," Virgil stopped his quick rambling. "I wanted to talk to big Roman, work this out." He didn't mind having little Roman, but he hated that he was scared, and reassuring a five year old was gonna be more tough.
"You can't be upset with him for regressing though, this is probably the most emotionally draining situation he's been in...well, since he's begun regressing. Try talking to him?" Patton spoke over Roman's head, moving to set him back down on the bed. The affection seem to stop his tears, and slow his breathing again, but he was still scared.
"Princey, I'm sorry I scared you. We both said things-" Virgil was cut off by Little Roman.
"no, no, no, I was bad! Now you're angry at me, because I got angry with D-dec..Janus!" Roman seemed to look guilty, casting his eyes down.
"How about you have this discussion when he's big? He's obviously not in he right headspace to talk about this, and he's not gonna listen to it coming from you. I can talk to him, and we can try again later?" Patton interrupted, and both Virgil and Roman seemed relieved.  
"You can go for now, Vee. I got him," Patton promised. Virgil left on that note, leaving Patton to help Roman get ready for the day.
"So? Is he quite alright?" Logan stood, leaning against the counter, sipping a cup of coffee. Janus sat on the table, shifting his attention to Virgil. There was literally a chair, multiple chairs, actually. Right there. Why sit on the table?
"He's little," he paused, looking at Logan, who looked to Janus.
"Oh, I know already, spare me the dramatic reaction. I'm a little too," Deceit rolled his eyes, Virgil chuckling slightly. Logan seemed confused, pausing before nodding. He gave a silent shrug and took a sip of his coffee.
"So, he regressed. Emotional stress and anxiety combined will do that. But how come you came back, and Patton didn't? Is Roman okay?" Logan questioned again.
"He's scared of me. He thinks that I'm mad at him, and he's scared I'm gonna yell at him. When I tried to apologize for yelling, he stopped me because "he was bad". Way to break my nonexistent heart!" Virgil seemed pained, groaning. Logan moved to pour him a cup of coffee. Logan himself had had some earlier, and so had Virgil. But he definitely needed more.
"So I'm guessing Patton took over then?" Janus asked.
"Yeah, he's not accepting my comfort while little, and that's a serious conversation for when he's big. So unless Little Roman comes around when Patton talks to him, then I have to wait until he comes out of his involuntary regression," Virgil accepted the black mug Logan handed him, taking a seat next to Janus on the table.
Not at the table. On the table. Chairs are useless, obviously.
"I'm sure Patton will take care of him just fine, let's hope he comes around with Patton's comfort, yeah?" Logan spoke, trying to comfort Virgil, who felt all types of terrible.
"Let's hope so," Virgil lifted his mug to his mouth, taking a long drink of the energizing liquid. Today was gonna be a long day.
"All ready, little prince?" Patton watched Roman mess with his hair in the mirror. Patton brushed his hair, helped him wash his face, and do a small self care routine, to hopefully make the boy feel better. You could barely tell he had cried.
"veevee gonna be out there, Pat!" Roman whined. He wore a light blue sweater, that was big on him and was definitely stolen from Patton, but wearing the clothing that smelled like cookies was comforting to him. He wore black leggings with it.
"I can promise you, Virgil is not gonna yell at you. He isn't even angry anymore, he just wants to talk things out," Patton picked up his stuffed bunny from the bathroom counter and handed it to him.
"Still nervous, tho. Janus gonna be out there! He don't know that m' a little, what if he makes fun of me?" Roman questioned.
Patton hoped Deceit wouldn't mind this, "Honey, he knows about us. He found out when he was here a little while ago, and he regresses himself."
"Oh," Roman looked down. "Is it bad that m' scared to talk to vee?"
"you're anxious, that's all it is. You were thrown into a involuntary regression and you can't help it, and you can wait to talk to Virgil until you're big. But know, he is not mad at you, and he is really sorry that he yelled at you like that," Patton leaned forward to kiss his forehead softly.
"B-but! I yelled too, n' I insulted Dee, n' I was really mean to both of dem. If I did dat while little, Vee would make me say sorry to him too," Roman bit at his lip.
"Like I said yesterday, we all kinda did stuff. And whether or not you apologize to Janus, is your decision to make, but I support you no matter what," Patton promised.
The whole day. Literally hours passed before Roman acknowledged his own caregiver and boyfriend. He played with Patton, and cuddled up to his side. At first, Virgil hung out in the commons, talking to Janus quietly. Then, him and Janus eventually left to go to his room, because they weren't getting anywhere with Roman.
Roman wasn't regressed quite as deeply anymore, still little, but not in an anxious babyspace. Logan could hear the loud giggle coming from the kitchen from his room, at the end of the hall.
Roman covered his mouth, "Sorry! Didn't mean to be so loud, oopsie!" Patton chuckled at him action, removing his hands from his sides, where he had been tickling him. Roman sat on the kitchen counter, currently, because Patton stood right there while making dinner.
"Time to get down, we're gonna eat now," he instructed, trying to take his hand to help him down. Roman pulled his hand away.
"I like this spot," he swung his feet a little.
"Roman," Patton gave him the same caregivery look Virgil gave as a warning, the next step usually being a stern scolding or timeout. "It's time for dinner," he spoke again.
Roman shook his head, "I wanna stay here."
Patton internally groaned, he hated being strict, especially with littles who were sensitive.
"Now, baby, I know what Virgil would do and I don't wanna have to do that. Be a good little prince and listen to me?" Patton looked at him again, hoping he'd give in. He stood in front of him, so when Roman swung out his foot more harshly in annoyance, he managed to kick Patton in the stomach. His eyes widened.
"D-didn't mean to! Don't wanna hurt you!" he looked at Patton apologetically.
"You didn't hurt me. Just be more careful, I know you were annoyed, but there's other ways to take out your anger rather than aggression," Patton knew he didn't mean it, and it didn't actually hurt him. "Come on, kiddo."
Roman pulled his hand away again, shaking his head. Patton gave him a much more stern look. Roman whimpered, "I'm sorry! I get down now?" he held out his hand for Patton to help him. Which he did, he hugged Patton, resting his head on his chest.
Roman was noticeably shorter than usual. Logan had a theory that they subconsciously regressed physically in certain aspects. "You're okay, honey. How about you make it up to me by getting the others for dinner while I set the table?"
Roman eagerly nodded, making his way through the hall to get the other three.
"I'm telling you, whenever he's big again, he's gonna apologize and you're gonna be able to talk it out," Janus sat on Virgil's bed, Virgil next to him. They were covered in blankets and surrounded by pillows.
"I know, I know. But when we walked in this morning, he was having a break down, and panicking. I induced some form of a panic attack for him, and I feel so bad for it," Virgil groaned, leaning his head on Janus's shoulder.
"It's gonna be alright. And plus, Roman's actually pretty cute while little," Deceit tried to shift the subject.
"Yeah, a cute brat," Virgil scoffed. "He thinks rules and listening to his caregiver are optional."
"I'm sure it isn't that bad."
"The first time he regressed he threw a sippy cup at Logan."
"I will never question you ever again."
Their eyes snapped up when Roman knocked on the door lightly, and opened it. "Hi, sweetie. What's up?" Virgil spoke softly. Roman didn't seem as scared of him, but still visibly nervous.
"I helped Patton made dinner, he told me to come get you guys..." he looked down, shuffling his feet a little.
"Oh, well, we will be out there in a bit," Janus spoke this time.
Roman didn't move, looking up at Virgil with guilty eyes. "What is it, do you need something else? You wanna talk to me?"
Roman nodded, quick to approach and climb onto the bed. Virgil scooted away from Janus, and let him sit in between them. Roman silently cuddled into Virgil's side, and the anxious side hesitantly wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "I'm sorry," he mumbled.
"So am I. But, besides that, are you okay?" Virgil asked, ruffling his hair a little.
Roman nodded. Janus watched the sight in front of him.
"I was scared but I know you don't like yelling at me, and that you didn't mean to upset me that much. So m' sorry, daddy," Roman was shocked by the tight hug Virgil pulled him into.
"It's okay. And you're right,  I don't like yelling at you, and I didn't mean to upset you. We both got caught up, and were emotional. It's okay now, right?"
Roman shifted to look at Janus, nervously looking up at him. "I-i'm sorry, to you too. I was mean, you're name isn't weird and-" Roman huffed, trying to come up with words.
"I accept your apology, Roman. I understand what you're trying to say and I forgive you. And I also apologize for comparing you to Remus, that wasn't fair to either of you," Janus gave a soft smile, and Roman nodded.
"Thank you!" he cheered, feeling so much better than before already.
"Ro? Are you wearing Patton's sweater?" Virgil noticed, and Roman blushed.
"It smells like cookies! And it's soft!" he let out a giggle, it ringing out louder when Virgil starts to place kisses all over his face.
"You're my little prince, and I love you so much," Virgil stopped his act of dorky affection, leaving Roman red-faced and smiley. "Go out there with Patton, I'll be out there in a second."
Roman, now much more cheerful than when he entered the room, nodded and left. Janus climbed off the bed and helped Virgil up. "See? It's all fixed," he said, and Virgil rolled his eyes.
"And it was much easier than I thought it was gonna be," Virgil sighed in relief.
"told ya so," Janus stuck out his tongue,causing Virgil to roll his eyes.
The next morning, Virgil woke up in Roman's bed. Images of the night before popped in his head. Roman coming out of regression after dinner, talking to him for a while. At some point the talking faded into kissing, then making out. You can fill in the blanks on what happened next.
Roman also planned to give Janus an apology later in the day. Everything was gonna be okay. Things were starting to get back to ‘okay’ again.
For now.  
a/n: i’m now the ceo of barely getting on tumblr for weeks and then droppig in w/a new chapter at 3 am. Whoops, that’s just how writers block works. Also writing a chapter for little vlogs,,,might be out tonight,,,,may be out in three weeks idk yet.
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gretchensinister · 4 years
So I watched Color Out of Space yesterday because I thought it would be bad and batshit and something that would serve as good knitting background.
Only it wasn’t bad.
(Still batshit and still good knitting background though.)
I don’t really know where to start talking about this but since I’m doing this for free, I’m going to talk about eggs benedict first. I love eggs benedict. If you don’t know what it is, the standard is an English muffin, with Canadian bacon on top of it, with a poached egg on top of that, and the whole thing topped with hollandaise sauce.
I can poach an egg sort of successfully most of the time. But my standard grocery shopping doesn’t include English muffins or Canadian bacon, and making hollandaise is a whole thing with raw egg yolks and either getting your blender dirty or whisking until your arm falls off and like…if I have enough time to make a breakfast of more than one step for myself (or if I feel like having breakfast for dinner) I’m also probably trying to chill that day. Also I’m already poaching a couple of eggs and that’s where the anxiety has to go.
So when I want eggs benedict at home, it’s going to be made with: whatever kind of bread thing I have, topped with whatever kind of meat I have in the fridge (I have used a sliced-up hot dog for this), topped with a poached egg, topped with not hollandaise, but something that will work for the purpose, made by stirring up mayo with lemon juice and a dash of cayenne pepper. I’ve never been disappointed with my results, maybe because I’m a gremlin? I wouldn’t serve any of this business to a chef, but I don’t make this to serve to a chef, I make this to eat it.
Maybe that will help you understand what I’m feeling about Color Out of Space. Some spoilers below.
In the first half-hour or so of the movie, I was flip-flopping about whether the movie was “self-aware” or not. Like, is the weirdness unintentional? Should I wince with secondhand embarrassment at the filmmakers?
I think the answer is firmly NO to these two questions. In fact, I think that the filmmakers were WILDLY SUCCESSFUL in what they intended to do.
There were several different things that convinced me that they were doing whatever they were doing on purpose, including all their deviations from the H.P. Lovecraft story the movie is based on.
1. Right at the beginning, there’s a bit of flirting between the hydrologist and the daughter of the family that lives on the farm where the meteorite will soon land. Yeah it’s heterosexual nonsense, BUT. The hydrologist is Black and the daughter is white. H.P. Lovecraft’s head is suitably exploded, now we can do whatever we want.
2. The dinner scene with the family where there’s a short conversation about how the daughter is always wanting fast food. Now, in context this is just to establish that she’s missing living in the city vs. in the middle of nowhere. But importantly, she’s the first character we see in the movie and so is kind of our gateway into this situation. And she doesn’t want the home-cooked meal, she wants the fast food, even after her mother points out the questionable ingredients. “I know,” she says. “But it tastes like heaven.” Sometimes you want fast food even though you know very well that it’s not gourmet. Not every horror movie has to be a perfectly balanced tour-de-force of suspense, mystery, and social commentary. You can relax. Come into the movie.
3. The first creepy phone call. The hydrologist is at his survey camp (? IDK why he was outdoors at night in this scene actually, mumble mumble fieldwork?) and he gets a garbled, static-filled phone call on what is obviously a modern smartphone. But when he disconnects, there is the clear sound of a DIAL TONE. To me, this is too bizarre to be an accident, especially because there are a number of other phone calls and disconnections in the movie, and none of them end with a dial tone. I think the filmmakers do know what it’s like to use a phone. (Though there is a scene where the daughter is trying to call 911 and tells her father in a panic that she can’t get a dial tone. IDK what that’s about. A genuine error? A moment that might as well have a label that says “nitpickers take pot shots here”?) Back to the hydrologist. At this moment, as a viewer, I’m still thrown off by the dial tone. It’s nonsense, and that makes it a “bad movie” marker, I guess, but someone had to decide to put the sound in. It couldn’t have happened carelessly. And then the hydrologist has to block a glare of light. He uses the book he’s been reading, which is “The Willows” by Algernon Blackwood—which was one of Lovecraft’s favorite supernatural stories. It’s very clear to the audience—not a lingering shot, but still something that’s not supposed to be an Easter egg.
And this is where I say, okay. The filmmakers know their source material. They know their audience. No one in the movie is winking at the camera, and the movie is yes, kind of funky, but it’s not made in a careless way or in a way that you feel that the filmmakers are inviting laughter. It’s horror—and believe me, they’ve got some practical effects in this one are truly ghastly—but it’s horror that exists very clearly in its genre and feels playful because of that.
Three things that show that playfulness to me: the name of the hippie squatter’s cat. The cat is named G-spot, which, in the movie itself is explained as an immature joke “a pussy named—” but even as I was groaning and thinking “that’s a terrible name for a cat” the part of my brain that knows more about Lovecraft than I care to is like, “but not the WORST name for a cat!” and I don’t know if the filmmakers expected anyone to be like “well at least the cat isn’t named ———” but that was part of my reaction.
The casting of Nicholas Cage. Nicholas Cage is/was kind of a meme on his own, and in this movie he plays the dad of the family that lives in the house the meteor lands by. And at a certain point in the movie, his accent goes a little weird and he starts acting more like the stereotypical asshole horror movie dad. I dismissed this as just a disappointment at first, like, this is bad acting and bad acting choices and bad writing happening to move the plot. But then he switches back to his previous established character, and after it happened again I realized that this was happening because of the alien color messing with his mind! Even after accepting that the movie was being purposeful, I was still caught up in the idea of Cage as a bad actor and the movie as a bad movie that I was fooled into missing the first signs of alien mind control! That’s meta.
The kid going full creepy child like, immediately after the meteor hit. Obsessive drawing, staring off into space, invisible friends, the works. But it’s not even a main thing. We never even get a full good look at what he’s drawing. There’s no scene where either parent stops and dramatically stares at it and we wonder “oooooh is it really real?” It’s definitely real and it’s causing worse problems by the minute. The kid has gone full creepy child, but there is OTHER SHIT that is ALSO URGENT. It amused me to have this trope be present but not central.
What else do I want to say? Overall this movie had very little downtime. It didn’t waste a bunch of time with people denying that anything weird was going on, or trying to make the viewer wonder if all this was real. It’s real and it’s fucking up your alpacas! The movie assumes that viewers know “The Colour Out of Space” and doesn’t tease us with any “what-is-happening-if-anything” tension. Of course it’s happening. Show us what we came to see.
I think what made it successful for me were the same kinds of things that make good fanfiction successful, which only makes sense as it is essentially a “The Color Out of Space” modern AU. The willingness to play with tropes, the assumption of viewer familiarity with the source, etc.
The effects were used judiciously, and if some of it just seemed like a light filter or two I have to say I don’t really care.
And I think that’s all for now. Oh, except that I want to mention, only the Black guy lived. The hydrologist was the one to narrate the opening and the closing, the only voice that spoke any words from the original short story. Whaddaya know.
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meltiverse · 4 years
(22-G Mature Oneshot)Birthday Gift
Note: So… That happened… I’m not sure exactly how this oneshot ended up going in the direction it went, but Oh well. So this is a birthday gift that I wrote for myself, since my birthday was yesterday (April 12th) and it ended up being mostly smut but with some angst at the end.
Warnings: Contain some weird, biologically inaccurate kinks like oviposition (because apparently, that’s what come to my mind during Easter) , non-human genitalia, hemipenes and cervical penetration. Also contain some Mommy kink, light bondage, some femdom, some dirty talking and mentions of age difference.
Also, I’m not sure how to explain it, but there’s some mentions of dubcon? The angst is mostly that after sex, both Mel and Shuichi think they somewhat forced themselves on the other, but it get resolved and there’s an happy ending.
Also, there’s some random silliness at some points, just because. That’s what happen when I decide to write smut on my birthday, apparently… 
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“What? What kind of question is that?
- I heard you talking in your sleep about “stuffing me full of your eggs” the other night… So, do you really lay eggs or…
- Damn it… I’m… I’m so sorry…”
Shuichi was blushing and hiding his face in his hands, ashamed that he talked in such ways in his sleep. He was already surprised that Mel wanted to date him to begin with, and even more surprised that she was more than willing to have sex with him. He tried to hide the fact that once a year or so, something weird, probably related to his quirk or something, happen. He needs to lay eggs out of his hemipenes. He also gets really horny during that time and he knew it was coming really soon. He already started to be hornier than usual, which is probably what led him to that dream of stuffing Mel with his eggs. Unable to be dishonest with Mel, he tells her the truth, apologizing again and again.
Shuichi was almost panicking, thinking that this was the end, there was no ways Mel would want to be with him now.
“What are you sorry about?”
Mel was cocking her head to the side, looking at him curiously.
“You… You probably think I’m some kind of gross monster now. I… I didn’t want you to know. I was going to pretend that I was sick when it was the time… Damn it… I’m so sorry… Please… Can you… maybe… pretend you never heard that? Please? You know I would never do anything that could harm you, yeah?”
Mel raised an eyebrow, still staring at the scaled young man.
“So, you do really lay eggs… Do you know more precisely when it’s going to happen?
-… About that… I’m sorry, but it’s probably going to be around Sunday… so… I won’t be able to spend your birthday with you… I’m so sorry”
Mel shook her head and smiled, already forming a plan in her head.
“Hey, it’s ok, relax Shuichi! I’m not mad at you or anything like that! Soooo… Have you ever tried laying them in someone or…?
- WHAT? No! Of course not! I mean, you’re only the second person I ever had sex with, you know that! So when would have I? Ugh… Can we stop talking about that, please?
- Sorry, sorry. I just find it interesting.”
Shuichi scoffed; Mel really found the strangest things interesting. Well, that was lucky for him, he guessed. She probably wouldn’t want to be with him otherwise, especially with that new detail about him now dragged into daylight. Mel found Shuichi’s dumbfounded expression so cute that she couldn’t help but giggle, embracing him and placing a kiss on his snout, making him blush.
Time-skip to Sunday brought to you by EGGS! ALL I WANT IS EGGS! EGGS! EGGS! EGGS!
Shuichi was in the bedroom. Mel was supposed to be at Magne’s place for a few days, as the time has come for Shuichi to lay his eggs. He was naked, lying down on the bed, face flushed, eyes closed as he was stroking his cocks, one in each hand, trying to get those eggs to come out. He hated himself for it, but he couldn’t stop himself from imagining Mel. He imagined her riding him and asking to be filled with his eggs, her pussy clenching around him, her cute moans filling the air.
“Hmmm… yes… Please babe. Don’t stop and you’re gonna get what you want… I’m getting close, won’t be too long until I stuff you full of my eggs…”
It was quite the scene for Mel, who just discreetly entered the bedroom, wearing only a nice lingerie set.
“Hey, lover! Thinking about me?”
Shuichi stops what he was doing and sit up, his eyes wide open out of surprise.
“Mel, what are you doing? You’re not supposed to be here…”
Then, he notices what Mel was wearing, how nice the purple lingerie looks against her skin, leaving little to the imagination. For a second, he thinks that his lust got the best of him and that he is imagining her, but the feeling of her straddling his legs and her hand on one of his hard dicks feel all too real.
With her free hand, Mel gently push Shuichi back to make him lie on the bed again.
“It’s ok, baby. Let me take care of you…”
Shuichi could barely believe what was happening, but in his lustful haze, he didn’t care anymore. He wanted, no, needed Mel so bad right now, he couldn’t think of anything else.
“Unf… Please babe, I… I need you! Please, please, help me!
- Don’t worry, Love. I’ll help you get rid of those annoying eggs, yeah? Do you want me to help you?”
As she was saying that, Mel was now stroking both Shuichi’s dicks. He could feel her wetness against his leg, even through her panties. It was driving him insane.
“Please… please… I need… I need to be… inside you… please… please…”
He kept repeating it like a mantra, begging for Mel’s sweet embrace. He almost cried when she moved away from him to remove her lingerie, but the lost was short lived. Mel was now straddling his hips, grinding against his cocks. Feeling her warmth and wetness, Shuichi couldn’t help himself, his hands shot up to grab her soft, plushy breasts. He always loved the feeling of those in his hands. Mel bend down to be able to kiss Shuichi and whisper to him.
“So, here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to ride you until you lay those eggs inside me and stuff me full, and we’re both going to enjoy it. Is that ok with you?
- Yes! Yes! Please! Please do it!”
Shuichi’s hands moved to Mel’s hips, trying to move her so he could finally sheath his painfully hard dicks inside her, but she didn’t let him, slapping his hands away.
“Nuh uh! Lemme do it!”
And to make sure he wouldn’t try again, she grabbed Shuichi’s scarf.
“Since you don’t want to be a good boy, I’ll have to tie your wrists to the headboard, yeah?”
Usually, Shuichi was careful to not let anything that might imply some of what he consider his “weirder” kinks out of fear of Mel’s reaction, but right now, he was way too far gone to even think about the consequences of his actions. He put his hands over his head against the headboard by himself.
“I’m sorry… I… I’ve been a bad boy… Please… Tie me up… and teach me to be a good boy… Mama…”
Mel raised an eyebrow. Shuichi was always so secretive about his kinks, usually. This was rather a nice change that he finally let himself loose. Mel didn’t really expect that, but she didn’t really mind. Maybe their age difference was to blame, Mel was around 10 years older than him after all, with him being 21 and her actually turning 32 today. Or maybe it was Mel’s habit of being somewhat motherly with all her loved ones… Anyways, Mel just shrugged to herself and tied Shuichi’s wrists to the headboard.
“Now, are you going to be a good boy for Mama? You’ll let Mama fuck herself on your fat cocks until you lay your eggs? Your going to give Mama what she wants for her birthday and stuff her full of eggs?”
Shuichi was using all his willpower not to move, not wanting to risk Mel changing her mind.
“Yes, please Mama… I need… I need…
-Yes, I know, baby boy. Just a moment, I need to prep myself for you.”
A quick glance allowed Shuichi to see Mel stretching herself with her fingers, making him drool and lick his snout at the sight. He gladly started to lick and suck on her fingers when she presented them to him, eager to please Mel so she finally would ride him. And finally, Mel took his cocks and hold them together, struggling to get them both inside as due to getting ready to lay eggs, they were even bigger than usual, but eventually managed to get the heads in. From there, it was easier, both of their fluids allowing Mel to impale herself on Shuichi’s cocks with relative ease. They both moaned, Shuichi at the velvety warmth enveloping his dicks and Mel at the feeling of being stretched more than usual. Mel started to bounce on Shuichi’s cocks, slowly at first to get herself used to the stretch and then with a quicker rhythm.
Looking at him was quite the sight for Mel. Shuichi was panting a drooling, blabbering praises and begging her not to stop, struggling against the scarf in an attempt to free his hands and grab Mel. Unfortunately, Mel’s legs were starting to get tired, and her getting closer to her climax didn’t help her. It became quite difficult for her to keep doing that. Her lust got the best of her and she decided to do something somewhat risky. With the current situation, Mel was able to control the depth of the penetration and would’ve been able to back out easily if the eggs became too much for her. In his state, Mel knew Shuichi would not be able to have such restrains, even thought he didn’t want to hurt her in any ways. And yet, she still took the decision to let Shuichi take control.
“Hey, Mama’s getting tired, so she’s gonna untie you. You have my consent to do what you need to lay your eggs, so be a good boy, yeah?”
With that said, Mel untied Shuichi and mentally braced herself for what she knew would be wilder and more intense than anything she ever experienced. Within seconds of untying Shuichi’s hands, he grabbed Mel’s hips and rolled over so he could be on top, thrusting erratically into Mel and leaving sloppy kisses on her neck and collarbone.
“Thank you… love you so much…
-I love you too, Shuichi”
Even with the strange, numbing effect of Shuichi’s pre-cum, Mel could still feel the heads of his cocks pressing harshly against her cervix with each thrust, trying to gain access to her womb to lay their eggs and then, with a particularly powerful thrust, it finally happened. Shuichi bottomed out in Mel and stopped moving, keeping himself as deep as possible, instinctively using his Quirk to stick his hands to Mel’s hips to keep her in place...
“I’m… I’m going to… fill you with my eggs now, Mama.”
Mel barely understood, the feeling of Shuichi going past that barrier inside her getting her over the edge and making her climax at the unusual, but painless feeling. Finally, Shuichi had his relief, filling Mel up with both cum and small eggs. It was enough to quickly bring Mel to another orgasm, wrapping her arms and legs around Shuichi to keep him close and sharing a messy kiss.
It wasn’t too long for both of them to fall asleep, exhausted by the intensity of what they experienced. The last things Mel noticed before falling asleep was the full but not really unpleasant feeling of the eggs inside her and Shuichi cuddling her and nuzzling her breasts, a strange, almost purring-like sound escaping his throat.
Mel woke up some time later, the full feeling now gone. A quick glance at the alarm clock telling her that she slept for about 6 hours. She looked around, wondering where Shuichi was, since he wasn’t beside her in the bed. She noticed that she had been cleaned up and that the bed sheets were even changed! Mel thought that she must have been in a really deep sleep if Shuichi managed to do that without waking her.
Hearing a knock on the door, Mel got up, wincing because she was somewhat sore, and grabbed a bathrobe to cover herself before opening the door. On the other side of the door was Magne, holding a platter with a leftover piece of Mel’s birthday cake and a cup of tea on it, a worried look on her face.
“Magne? What are you doing here?
- Spinner called me about an hour ago and asked me to come over and keep an eye on you… Are you… feeling all right? Do I need to kill him?
- What? No! Why would you kill him? And I’m all right… Where is Shuichi?
- He locked himself up in your gaming room… He looked like he had been crying and he kept muttering about doing something horrible to you…”
Mel pinched the bridge of her nose and let a sigh escape her. Of course, Shuichi would blame himself, even if he had nothing to blame himself for. If anything, Mel should be the one to be blamed, going to Shuichi while being aware of his situation. Mel took the platter from Magne’s hands and placed it on the bedside table, grabbing the cup to take a sip of the tea.
“What happened?”
Magne still looked worried as she asked; after all, Mel was a dear friend of hers, ever since they met up for the first time at a LGBTQ+ group meetup. It was even Magne who introduced Mel to Shuichi, knowing they would get along well.
“Nothing special, really, Magne. You know Shuichi, he’s just… blaming himself unnecessarily. To be honest… I think I’m the one who messed up… I… I really need to talk with him. You can go back home, I’ll call you later, ok?
- If you say so… Don’t hesitate to call me, or even come over at my place if there is anything.
-Yeah, thank you, Magne.”
After Magne left, Mel put on some pajamas to be more comfortable and went to the door of gaming room. It was actually a second bedroom, but since they didn’t need 2 bedrooms they instead used it for their computer and video games consoles, with a flat screen tv and with a comfortable futon that could become a bed if they had friends or family over who needed a place to sleep. Mel tried to open the door, but since it was locked, she gently knocked, putting her ear against the door trying to hear inside.
“Shuichi? Please, open the door, Shuichi! I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry… Please, we need to talk.”
Mel could hear movement in the room and then Shuichi’s voice right on the other side of the door, between sobs.
“Mel? I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry! I never wanted to hurt you, you know that, yeah? I… I know what I did was awful… I’m sorry…”
It took Mel all her willpower to not start crying too, but she knew there was no way she would be able to calm down Shuichi if he heard her crying.
“Shuichi, please, calm down and listen to me. You did nothing wrong. I’m the one who messed up. So, I’m the one who need to apologize. I’m sorry. I knew of your situation and I went to see you anyways. Because I wanted you. Because I didn’t want to spend my whole birthday away from you. Because, to be quite honest, the idea of being filled with your eggs was extremely appealing and arousing…
- Really? I mean… Even then… it must have hurt…”
Well, that was a bit of progress, Mel thought.
“Not really. I mean, yeah, I’m a bit sore, but not really much more than our first time together. Oh, and thank you for cleaning me up and changing the sheets while I was asleep.
- Hey, it’s the least I could do! Hm… About that… I think all the… I think you… “evacuated” them all in your sleep, but… maybe you should get checked by a doctor or something, just to be sure?
- I’ll keep it in mind, but I’m pretty sure they’re all gone. I think I would feel it if there were any left. Hey, Shuichi? I’m sorry, really. I… I really messed up.”
Mel’s eyes were stinging, tears silently slipping down her cheeks. The door opened, making Mel almost fall into Shuichi’s arms since she was leaning on it. Shuichi’s pink hair was a mess and his eyes were red from his crying.
“Stop. Stop apologizing. You… have you any ideas how glad I was when you arrived? When you were so willing to help me, when you even went along with… what I called you…? I… I remember everything… It’s a bit hazy, but I remember. I ASKED you to help me, didn’t I? I even begged. So please, stop apologizing. You did nothing wrong. I wanted it. I wanted you. I’ll always want you. I wanted everything you did.”
Shuichi gently dried Mel’s tears and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her. Mel reciprocated the action.
“I love you, babe. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Don’t forget that.
- I love you too, Shuichi. Thank you.”
Shuichi chuckled. He had no idea how he got so lucky, to have someone who loved him so unconditionally.
“I should be the one thanking you. You’re always putting up with me. Hm… I know it’s a bit too late, but… Happy Birthday! I… I got you that new game you wanted. Sorry, I didn’t have the chance to wrap it. It’s hidden behind my games.
- Aw! Thank you!”
Shuichi leaned down a bit to be able to kiss Mel and hugged her tightly. They took turn taking a shower and then spend the few next hours playing with Mel’s new game and eating leftover cake. Strangely enough, this event only made them grow closer, and made Shuichi less ashamed of what he considered to be his “depraved” fantasies. Because, after all, if Mel shared his fantasies, they couldn’t have been so “depraved” after all. As such, he felt much more at ease to explore them with Mel, with rules and a safe word in place.
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
Against All Odds (Ch.13)
They slept through the night when they fell asleep and Scott slept soundly in the security of Quill's arms. When he woke up the next morning, Scott was alone in his bed but the part of the mattress where Quill had slept was still warm so Scott was only worried that the older teen might have left now that he got into the younger's pants. It was a small worry. The rest of him truly believed that Quill meant what he said the night before and had simply slipped from the bed to use the bathroom.
When Scott lifted his head to look at his bathroom door though, he found it open and devoid of his boyfriend. His small worry grew bigger as he looked around his room and when he still didn't see Quill, he got out of bed and got dressed when he found that the older teen must have cleaned them up sometime after Scott passed out. He would shower properly once he figured out where Quill wandered off to.
He pulls on his boxers and the closest shirt he could find (which happened to be Quill's and dampened that worry he had) and shuffles out of his bedroom with a yawn. He rubs the remaining sleep from his eyes as he starts to walk down the stairs, but then stops on the last few steps when he hears a hushed conversation from the kitchen around the corner.
"....if you hurt him--" Stephen hisses out.
"What the hell do you take me for?!"
"You've had other relationships. He's new to all of this. All of it."
"I love him." Quill argues and Stephen scoffs.
"How many people have you said that to?"
There was a pregnant silence and Scott's heart dropped into his stomach as he wondered the same thing. Quill did have other relationships before so Scott couldn't have been the first person he had feelings for, right? The older teen's confession suddenly didn't feel as genuine.
"What?" Stephen echoes Scott's thoughts and Quill huffs.
"I never said that to anyone. Scott is the first." The oldest admits.
"Others were just worried about sex and being able to brag about the fact they were able to get that from me...but Scott...he's different. He doesn't want that attention. He just wants to be loved, to be seen, and I want to give that to him. He could stop talking to me altogether and it might hurt me but I would back off if that made him happy. I just want to see him smile."
Stephen sighs. "Did you pressure him into having sex?"
"I...I don't think so. I told him he can tell me to stop at any time and he didn't."
"I'm serious about what I said. If you hurt him, I will come after you."
"That's the last thing I want."
Scott turns and returns back upstairs with a smile and grabs some clean clothes from his dresser before jumping in the shower. Halfway through his quick scrub down, he hears a thud and stifles a laugh when he hears Quill gripe about the 'fucking wall' that he ran into for the third time and it made Scott wonder if Quill had run into it when he carried Scott up to bed when he was sick all that time ago. Considering he walked into the corner every time he tried to walk around it to get to Scott's room, it was very likely.
When the younger finally shuts off the shower, he towels himself dry and gets dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants before opening the bathroom door and he finds Quill standing in the middle of the room and scratching the back of his head. When the older teen turns to face him, Scott tilts his head curiously when he finds a look of confusion on his boyfriend's face.
Of course, that was after he admired the muscles out on display.
"...you seen it?"
Scott blinks and looks up at Quill's face. "What?"
Quill smirks. "Have you seen my shirt?"
"Oh...uh…" Scott turns back to the bathroom and grabs Quill's shirt from the floor before turning and holding it out to his boyfriend. "I...borrowed it for a second."
"Man, I missed out on that?" The older complains as he pulls his shirt on. "Stephen is here. He brought tacos for lun--hey!"
If there was one thing at the top of the list of things Scott loved, tacos was one of them, and he would gladly ditch Quill to have them. He practically ran out of his room, almost tripped down the stairs when he himself ran into the corner of the wall that Quill was friendly with, and just made it to the kitchen counter when the bag sitting on it was plucked out of his reach. Scott pouts when Stephen holds it out of his reach and raises an eyebrow at him, and the youngest sighs when the junior points to the table.
"You don't get the bag. It's the one time I'm afraid you won't leave anything for us." Stephen pulls out a few tacos and hands them as well as a Capri Sun to Scott who takes them to the table to munch on happily.
"Dude, I just got ditched for tacos." Quill complains as he walks into the kitchen and accepts the tacos Stephen holds out to him. "Thanks Mom." Stephen glares at him and pointedly looks at Quill while he shakes a soda can and offers it to the oldest boy. "You're a dick."
"Don't call me Mom."
"You act like one." Quill says as he picks up his shaken soda and holds it out over the sink before opening it. He grimaces when some of the bubbly drink overflows and drips on his hands and then takes a drink when it finally settles. "Especially toward Scott."
"He's like a little brother to me."
The two oldest boys look over at the table when they hear Scott hack and watch the boy cough on the mouthful of juice he had in his mouth. A little brother? Sure, Scott sort of looked at Stephen like the older brother he never had, but he never would have believed that the sentiment would be returned. To be honest, Stephen was a friend, a sibling, and a parent all rolled into one person because he took care of Scott. Since his mom and dad weren't around to do it, Stephen took the job on for himself.
For the most part. He was still only sixteen after all. Stephen really would be a great parent if he had kids in the future.
"Are you okay?" Stephen asks him and Scott waves at him as he unwraps his third taco.
"Fine. Wrong pipe." He wheezes out.
The other two join him at the table with their own food and Scott smiles when Stephen slips another juice pouch to him when the youngest finishes his first one. They both glance at Quill after Scott stabs his straw into the second pouch, and again a flash crossed the senior's eyes, but this time Stephen noticed it. He furrowed his eyebrows and looks at Scott to silently ask if he saw it too, and Scott shrugs his confirmation. As if to say 'yeah I saw it, but I don't know what it was.'
It was the truth after all. Scott was starting to notice a pattern to the weird flashes though. They only happened when Scott was visibly happy. Stephen unfortunately wasn't curious enough to ask Quill about it, but it made sense since it was the first time he saw it happen. He probably assumed the same thing Scott did when he first saw it. That it was a trick of the light.
"So did you get your sister all caught up with whatever event she signed up to help with?" Quill asked around a mouthful of taco and Stephen scrunches his nose in disgust.
"Yes. Got home and found out she was helping with the egg hunt and the spring play. I spent most of yesterday filling plastic eggs with chocolate and painting props after helping my brother with his homework." Stephen drawls.
"Sounds boring."
"Extremely...but I at least got her caught up."
Scott sucks the remaining bits of sour cream off his fingers. "Did there happen to be any extra chocolate?"
"Some." Stephen nods. "I ate it all though."
Quill snickers. "Sounds like Stephen is a chocolate whore."
The junior kicks Quill's shins under the table and the older boy hisses at the sudden painful attack. Scott smirks as he lazily drinks his juice while the other two finish their lunch and then starts to budget his remaining money in his head. If he puts a few bucks aside, he could probably buy himself some chocolate since he never got himself that luxury before. He never really cared about holidays until recently, and wouldn't mind at least getting himself a treat after discovering how wonderful the holidays could be.
"I think I have a few extra dollars." Scott eventually says as he looks at Quill. "Could you take me to the store so I can maybe buy some chocolate or something?"
"Sure. Early Easter celebration?"
"A birthday present too. Can't afford to celebrate both separately." Scott answers with a shrug and pauses when the two older boys freeze and stare at him. "What?"
"Birthday?" Stephen asks slowly.
"Hmm? Oh yeah. It's today."
The next five minutes happened in a blur. Scott startled when the two older teens jumped out of their seats, and he squeaked when Stephen grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of his chair and up to his room. He then had a pair of pants thrown at him and then his boots when he changed into his jeans, and he barely got his shoes tied when he was dragged back downstairs and out the front door and practically thrown into the back of Quill's car. He had no idea what was going on. Quill and Stephen were speaking so fast that it seemed like they were speaking in tongues and Scott's mind was still spinning from the flurry of being dragged up and down the stairs at home. Quill dropped Stephen off at the mall after slipping him some money that Scott almost didn't catch, and then before he knew it, he and Quill were parked outside an ice cream parlor.
"Quill? What's going on?" Scott flinches when the older teen turns in his seat to look at him in bewilderment.
"We're celebrating your birthday as well as we can since we just found out about it twenty minutes ago. How can I be dating you and not know when your birthday is?"
"Celebrating birthdays is actually a thing?!"
"Sugar, you're breaking my heart."
Scott blinks as Quill gets out of the car and he climbs out of the backseat when he opens the back door and follows the older teen inside after Quill closes the car door.
"Tell me your favorite flavor and sit your pretty ass down."
"Umm...mint chocolate chip."
Quill grins. "I should have known."
Scott find a table after telling Quill his preferred ice cream flavor, and before he knew it, he was tucked into Quill's side eating way too much ice cream with him and Stephen (who made it to the ice cream shop within an hour somehow) and having half a dozen wrapped gifts shoved in his direction. Scott's first thought was how Quill and Stephen afforded all of this. Were allowances a thing too? Just how much was he really missing out on in his life?
Scott fumbles with the zipper of his hoodie as he walks toward his locker the morning of his first day back at school after spring break ended and finally sheds it when he manages to unzip it. It was starting to get too warm to wear a sweater for very long and Scott was starting to sweat when he made it to school. Quill wasn't at his house at his usual time to pick him up so Scott had to hoof it, assuming the older boy was running late, but he would see him before classes started or at lunch. When he arrived at his locker though, he found Stephen waiting for him and the older boy looked worried. Even more so when he noticed Scott.
"Scott...when's the last time you saw Quill?" Stephen asks as the younger opens his locker and stashes his sweater in it.
"The day after my birthday I think. Why?"
Scott looks back at Stephen and feels his blood run cold when he recognizes sympathy and sorrow in blue irises. Something was wrong. Is that why Stephen looked even more upset when he saw Scott? Because Quill wasn't with him? Now that he paid attention to the students around him, they were all giving Scott accusatory stares and he didn't even know why. Him dating Quill was old news and even Rachel seemed to have given up or at least backed off when the senior didn't show any intention of breaking up with Scott.
"Why?" Scott asks again.
Stephen inhales. "Scott...he's…"
"Stephen...what's going on?"
"Quill's missing. His grandfather filed a missing persons report on him four days ago." Stephen whispers.
Scott felt his world crumple around him.
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dustinhendrsn · 5 years
ashes, ashes
mike wheeler/el hopper 2k - read on ao3 a/n: here’s an extremely soft scene set during s3 that I know will be canon-divergent in just a week (can ya’ll BELIEVE) but for now is completely canon-compliant!
“What about the Ferris wheel?” Mike asks as he and El stand in the center of the summer carnival – the Fun Fair, as the mayor called it during his speech earlier in the evening. Night has fallen on the fair’s very first day in Hawkins and now everything is bright and loud and lively. Rainbows of flashing lights shimmer and dance, joyous laughter rings out from the hundreds of people milling around, and the thick, sweet scent of cotton candy and funnel cake wafts through the air. With cicadas buzzing in the trees beyond the fairgrounds and the temperature just the right combination of summer’s heat and evening’s chill, it’s a perfect night.
All of it, though, would be utterly meaningless if not for the girl standing by Mike’s side. He looks over at El – she doesn’t seem to have heard his suggestion about the Ferris wheel at all. Instead she’s gazing wide-eyed around the carnival, absorbing it all bit by bit. Mike’s heart swells just by watching her. It’s almost painful to look at her; she’s so beautiful, always, and especially now, with the rainbow lights dancing over her cheeks and lighting up her eyes. Her sweet, pink lips that Mike will never grow tired of kissing are pulled up in a faint smile as she slowly turns in a circle, awe painted across her face. She’s wearing her hair loose, the soft waves brushing her shoulders, and Mike barely holds himself back from reaching up right then and there and running his hand through it. He remembers just yesterday, when she fell asleep on the couch while they were watching a movie and he was able to take all the time in the world to stroke her hair, hold her delicate hand, softly run his thumb over her knuckles. He marveled for hours at how she was truly there – he hasn’t been able to stop doing this ever since he got her back. She was there with him then, at the lowest lows of last autumn, and she’s here with him now, breathing and living and alive, her golden heart beating and her silver soul glowing.
He loves her. Of this, he’s certain. He loves her more and more with every second that passes, every time their eyes meet, every kiss and every laugh and every word. He just hasn’t had the courage to tell her yet.
A bit of powdered sugar from the funnel cake they shared earlier dusts the corner of her mouth and Mike, unable to help the ache in his heart and the ever-present pull he has towards her, softly brushes it away with his knuckle. She blinks, her priceless attention and her endless, sparkling eyes immediately focusing on him.
“Hey,” he says with a small smile, tucking a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. Her cheeks go pink and her smile grows into something radiant and oh, how Mike loves her. Tell her, you idiot. She deserves to know.
“Hi,” she says, her smile no longer as shy as it was when they first got back to each other and started this thing known as a relationship. It was hesitant back then, which Mike thinks was mostly his fault because all he could do was stare at her and wonder if she was real or just a ghost that his grief-stricken mind created for him. But they got past it, partly because El couldn’t stop kissing him whenever she had the chance (definitely notan issue) and because all Mike wanted to do for the rest of eternity was be with her, and he couldn’t do that if they were blushing and awkwardly stammering over their words every time they looked at each other. Of course, sometimes she’ll do something adorable like sliding wildflowers into Mike’s hair or enthusing about her soap operas, or something unbelievable like floating just a few inches off the floor so she can kiss him, and when those things happen, he melts into a clumsy, stuttering idiot. But he’s okay with that, of course he is. He wouldn’t want it any other way. And in any case, things are much smoother and more relaxed now, though Hopper might not be too overjoyed about it.
Mike has found out so much more about love in the last six months than he ever thought he would. You’re fourteen, they say. You can’t be in love so young. If only they knew. If only she knew. Sometimes he thinks he loves her so much he’s going to burn to ashes with the intensity of it.
“Do you wanna go on the Ferris wheel?” he asks her again now, gesturing to the conglomeration of steel and colorful lights and swinging chairs towering nearby. “We’ve still got plenty of tickets left.”
El turns her gaze to it and then grins at him. “Yes, I want to! Yes, yes, yes –” Without wasting any more time, she grabs his hand and starts dragging him towards it. Mike can’t help his laughter at her eagerness – he’s so lucky. So, so lucky.
After a minute in line, the entirety of which El spends talking animatedly to him about the mall trip she and Max have planned tomorrow, Mike gives two tickets to the operator and then he follows El into the red, yellow, and white striped chair waiting for them. It’s a two-person chair, just wide enough for them to sit comfortably but close enough for him to be reassured that she’s still right there next to him. The operator latches the gate once they’re in and the wheel cranks up again, moving clockwise so that all they can see at first, as they ride towards the top, is the crisscrossing internal metal structure of the wheel and then everything directly to their left and right.
“Do they do this every year?” El asks, watching the carnival recede below them.
“Not this one. The new mayor made this up just this year, but usually there’s some kind of Christmas festival or Easter parade,” Mike explains. El turns to look at him, still smiling wide.
“Will you show me them, when they come?”
As if he could say no. As if he would ever refuse her or turn down the chance to spend time with her. “Of course I will.”
She grins again and takes his hand, holding it firmly in her lap as she gazes out at Hawkins while the Ferris wheel takes them higher. Mike can’t keep his eyes off her. They’ve been through so much, come so close to permanent loss. He knows that if something were to happen to her again, he wouldn’t be able to handle it. Where she goes, he will always go, from now on until the end of everything, and he doesn’t care whether their final destination is home or school or the Upside-Down or something darker and farther away. He will not lose her. Maybe that makes him crazy or stupid or hopeless or all three, but as he watches her right now, her hand warm and sure in his, he’s never felt a stronger truth. It’s laced in his bones and running in his veins and carved onto his heart.
Tell her, Mike. Just tell her.
What if he doesn’t get the chance again? What if fate decides to tear them away once more? What if, after tonight, everything falls to pieces and it’s too late? At least she’ll know, he thinks. She has to know.
“Oh, wow,” she breathes, pulling him from his reverie. They’ve stopped at the very top of the wheel and spread out around them is Hawkins, its lights glittering against the night sky. Directly below is the carnival, and then surrounding the fairgrounds is a thick forest with the town lying beyond, all of it cast in a crescent of silver moonlight. It’s an impressive sight but when Mike looks at the wonder on El’s face as she takes it all in, everything else immediately pales in comparison. A multitude of stars and constellations dot the sky, reflecting in her eyes, but all Mike can see is her. She is dazzling, magnificent, ethereal - and she’s his.
“I love it up here,” she says, glancing at him before looking around again. Her smile radiates pure happiness and it echoes deep in Mike’s heart. Ashes, ashes. He’s burning.
“It’s pretty cool, isn’t it?”
She nods, and when the Ferris wheel slides back into motion a few moments later, she turns to him. “Thank you, Mike,” she says gently. She raises her free hand to cup his cheek and he’s frozen, paralyzed by her gaze full of starlight, and then his eyes flicker shut and her lips meet his. He feels her eyelashes flutter against his cheeks and his heart stutters. Everything is golden. She is so soft, so sweet, her kiss full of sunshine and courage and spirit and friendship and time. She holds an entire universe within her – as long as Mike has her, he has the world. She is all he needs and all he will ever want.
He just hopes she feels the same way.
“El…” he whispers once they pull apart, their noses still touching. She opens her eyes, and he has to swallow the lump of emotion in his throat.
“Mike,” she says simply, years of memories contained within his name. Tell her.
The words are right there on his tongue. They’ve been there for months now; never has he doubted them. Saying them will be just like stating a fact: the sky is blue, the sun is a star, Mike Wheeler loves El Hopper with every ounce of his being. It’s an irrefutable truth and there’s no better time than now. He loves her, and he’s pretty sure she loves him, and that’s all there is to it.
He takes a small breath, looking into El’s expectant eyes. “El, I lo–“
A sudden jarring screech sends them flying apart and El’s hand clenches Mike’s almost painfully. They’re nearly to the bottom of the wheel; all that lies in front of them for miles and miles is the dense forest where the sound came from, the colorful fair lights glancing and flashing off the closest trees. The wind picks up out of nowhere, sending the Ferris wheel chairs rocking and the forest rustling and shaking as the gale tears through it. Mike stares into the dark, his heart pounding staccato against his chest, all of his thoughts completely scattered. He looks over at El. She’s unhurt, albeit horrified.
“What was that?” he asks her even though he already knows the answer.
And there it is again, unmistakable and drawing everyone’s attention to the woods: a high-pitched, monstrous howl full of malice and promised vengeance. A cold, dead weight drops into Mike’s stomach, chills streaking up and down his spine.
“It’s here,” El says flatly, her hand tight around Mike’s as her eyes roam the forest, searching for the source. He can feel her rapid pulse where their wrists press together.
Mike shakes his head. It’s too soon. He needs more time with her before the world implodes again. “It can’t be. It can’t.”
“It is.” El looks at him intently, her euphoria from moments ago now gone and replaced with a well of sadness in her eyes. There’s a hardness to her expression, a sense of duty and purpose despite how much she might not want that burden. His throat closes up, his chest packed tight with cotton. This isn’t right. He feels like he’s holding on to a fraying rope about to snap. “We need to go, Mike,” she says.
“I just got you back,” he whispers, his breath ragged. He doesn’t want to accept this at all. He wants to stay in this chair with her forever, content in the knowledge that she’s safe, both of them too high up for things like mortality and loss and pain to touch them.
She cups his face with both hands and he can see in her eyes that even though she doesn’t want to leave either, she’s begging him to understand. “I know, Mike. But we have to go.”
Finally, Mike nods, ashes in his heart. Where she goes, he goes. His love will have to wait. It can’t, but it will.
tagging my mileven crying companions <3
@fatechica @calpurnias @mikewheeler @formerlyjannafaye @ericasinclairs @elshopper @elhoppers @summer-in-hawkins @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @wheelrs
60 notes · View notes
milesabovenotch · 5 years
Our Lucky Chance
BTS x Hogwarts!au
Ravenclaw!Kim Namjoon
Words: 4625
Genre: Fluff
It’s absolutely devastating for a guy like Namjoon to think about other things beside school or classes, or studies. Moreover, about feelings.
He has that uptight aura of a geek whose nose always buried in books when he actually isn’t. He’s just reserved and saving energy not to socialize with people who’ll exhaust him more, because he always need his alone time. That somehow made him to always find a way to make things easier to do and easier to understand. And this mostly applied to academic matters.
But not for this kind of matter. Relationships, being honest with his feelings, all that jazz. He has seen many from his gang of lousy friends, but teenager Namjoon lacks experience. Especially since he just realized whom he wanted to ask to the Yule Ball. Whom he wanted to spend the so-called festive night comfortably. Which was you, his very recent study-slash-library friend.
 “Oh shoot, is it October already?” you whispered as the sudden realization hit you. You both were in the library, on the same spot every week. “Slughorn said the essay should be done by the first week of October and I’ve been practically avoiding nothing but that..”
Namjoon smiled as he too answered your exasperation in whispers, “Well, technically it’s still september 31st, so you still have approximately 7 days until the end of the first week.”
“Yes but even years wouldn’t be enough for Potion.” You surrendered and finally closed your Muggle Studies—your newest favorite subject because you just found a perfect way to learn it, once a week meeting with Namjoon and interrogating him who has a muggle dad about the real muggle world, in a different perspective. You’re a hufflepuff with pure blood lines (not that you care), but your parents went to different houses. Your mother was gryffindor and your father was ravenclaw. They said one family tends to be on the same houses but the theory doesn’t work for your family. But in a way you got a different perspective about each houses and maybe that is why you are rarely judgemental, you are used to think that houses don’t divine the people. You don’t quickly judge a person based on their houses. You have many friends from several houses you met on several very different occasions. You met Gryffindor Jungkook in an addition class of Magical Creatures, you met Slytherin Jimin near the Forbidden Forest to catch Almond, his escaping calico cat. And apparently, they belonged to the same group of friends. A lousy gang, actually. One thing leads to another, it made you meet Namjoon, the street smart Ravenclaw. Slughorn’s all favorite boy.
“I am very lucky to have you here to escalate things up.” you laughed when you finally clear up the table and pack up, “when did you finish yours?”
“Yesterday.” He answered as he squeezed a bunch of new book he’s borrowing from the library to his black book bag, the one he always carried whenever he went to the library.
“Wait,” you suddenly remembered something. Even only once a week meeting with Namjoon, you already know his clumsiness, “Didn’t you say something about meeting Seokjin before dinner? It’s like, five minutes to dinner now, Joon!”
And he fled, leaving his book bag he just packed. A very Namjoon thing to do.
“Jin! My kindest friend, the most capable, the—“
“Stop your shit Joon, I don’t want to talk to you.” Jin walked past him in the corridor without even looking at Namjoon. He was supposed to meet Jin for his experiment about transforming Pixy Egg to a-popping-firework-egg for Easter or something, basically to make it more festive and he completely forgot that.
“But i have found the book about Pixies!” he searched for the book but he realized he’s only holding his wand and nothing else, “..where’s my bag?”
Jin only rolled his eyes for the nth time,
“There- you- are!”
You came on the exact right time to bring the bag. For a second Jin gave Namjoon a knowing look you didn’t realize when you’re catching your breath after crossing the whole corridor carrying two heavy bags around.
“So you’re the reason I got stood up. How predictable—aAW“ Namjoon stomped on Jin’s feet in panic.
“Despicable, he meant despicable. Thanks, by the way.” Corrected Namjoon. He stopped there to see you grinning, your black and yellow tie a bit distorted and your messily clipped hair is a bit messier than usual, but you still managed to get him whipped anyway.
“No problem. I’ll head to dinner first, bye you two!” his eyes still following your figure getting smaller entering the Great Hall. Even though you are literally smaller by a head than Namjoon, resulting in you always have to look up whenever you two are talking.
“Have you asked her yet?”
Namjoon jolted from his thoughts, he almost forgot he’s standing next to Jin, “-yes i’m still here, brat.”
Namjoon sighed and suddenly remember how determined he’s this morning to ask you to the Ball, but everything just vanished whenever he saw you talking. “Not yet.”
“What makes it so hard, eh?” Jin asked as they walked to the feast.
“What makes—are you kidding me? i’m not you!” Namjoon felt offended, “I suppose you already asked someone?”
“Yeah, i asked Joy, the 4th grader i told you about. And not before turning down Lucy, Clara,..”
And Namjoon chose to busy himself chomping whatever it is near him instead of listening to what Jin said in their table. It is Ravenclaw’s table where Jin’s not supposed to be sitting, but it’s their thing. Even if only two person at first sitting together there, in minutes there will be five more to come. They just came to reunite on whichever house table they chose.
”Oooh, someone’s grumpy here.” ..Taehyung sat next to Namjoon. And then came another curious eyes and ears around from Jimin and Jungkook.
“Let me guess,” Yoongi has always been the quietest to approach them, but then suddenly talking as if he was there all along, “So between us 7, only you who haven’t asked someone out to the Ball?”
“What??” Namjoon felt betrayed, “So you guys already have plus ones?”
“Of course.” Jimin answered while munching the potatoes, “We agreed that today’s the deadline, right?”
“No, we didn’t.” Namjoon protested, “It’s tomorrow by breakfast!”
“Same thing. You only got an hour or two until bed time, what’s the difference?”
“All the difference in the world! it’s tomorrow, okay? Let me just eat my dinner in peace.” The crankiness was getting to Namjoon’s nerves. While the rest of the gang were joking and teasing each other about how they asked their dates to the Ball, Namjoon couldn’t help but looking for you on the corner of his eyes.
You were there, as ordinary as usual. Chatting and eating with your hufflepuff friends, surrounded by some girls giggling about something Namjoon didn’t know, approached by a guy..
Wait. What?
A gryffindor guy, what’s the name, Mino or something? Just approached you boldly on the dinner full of everyone, easily spotted, with a bouquet of rose, something Nerdy Joon would have never done. Besides he would rather not announced it publicly, he also knew very well that you don’t like red roses. You prefer yellow roses or tulips. What he couldn’t believe was that he himself was getting there, he will approach you after dinner before you go to your common room. He was just late by minutes, and here he had to watch you answered to Mino’s request? What a mess.
And by the way you blushed, accepted the bouquet, and teased by your friends (not to mention a big fisting yes! gesture from Mino, walking gallantly back to his table received by his friends as if he’d saved the Wizarding Community), Namjoon knew he’s late late. And suddenly, the grilled chicken in front of him didn’t seem so appetizing anymore.
“Hyung, come on.” Jungkook nudged him, apparently all of them also saw the hurtful scene before, “You know i would gladly sabotaged him, right?”
“Or i could crush him on tomorrow’s quidditch? I could fly the bludger towards him..” Jimin, slytherin’s beater already offering some kind of heroic actions.
“Thanks, but no, that’s a very muggle high-schooler thing to do.” Namjoon sighed and look at you. For a second your eyes met him, and shyly nodded your head and back to eating you soup. “it’s her decision, after all.”
But he didn’t finish his dinner.
“Would you go on a date with me tomorrow?”
That was one unexpected line that came out from Mino. Because the whole castle is on roaring attempt of getting plus ones for the Yule Ball but here he is, only asked you to go on a date with him tomorrow.
“I thought you were gonna ask her to the Ball?” Seulgi besides you gasped when seeing the beautiful roses pointed at you.
“Maybe? But i think we deserve one date for the sake of knowing each other, right?” Mino said nonchallantly, pointing his sharp eyes at you.
You are not one to prepare to be approached like this. You are not that fond of anything done.. publicly. You are not as charming as Slytherin’s Joy, or as bright as Seulgi, or even as pretty as Irene. You are just.. you. The not-so-prepared-for-a-surprise-you. That’s why you blushed when you accepted Mino’s roses. And pretty much no word came out beside a nod. Because no further harm could be done because of accepting one date, right?
The next day Namjoon met you at Potions, because you both were class partner after all, you shared the same cauldron today because apparently Slughorn just wanted a teamwork for this Felix Felicis finishing. Namjoon just hoped that he could be as lucky as this light liquid on his life.
“Why are you so quiet today?” you asked him, “did something happened?”
Namjoon stopped his daydreaming, “No, not at all.” But he’s not a sore loser, with you or not, he’d have to go to the ball and you’re his—well—friend after all, “What’re you doing after this?”
“Oh—“ suddenly you bit your lower lip, “You know that Mino guy from gryffindor?” yeah, as if i didn’t see it yesterday, Namjoon held his breath for a second, “he asked me for a date today, so i said yes.”
“I saw it. The rosey gesture huh.” he stirred the liquid until it turned bright, almost transparent. “what did you do with the poor flower?”
“Gosh, i feel bad so i just left it on the corner of my common room. This morning, a house-elf already put it on a vase, i’m guessing Winky, she likes to decorate.”
“One day i left a note on top of my holey socks and asked any house elf to help me sew it. It ended up with a flower pattern, Winky doing. To be honest i prefered them holey, thank you very much.”
You laughed at how Namjoon grunted. And you thanked God at how Slughorn was seriously talking to Henry who had a football player muggle-dad.
“Actually.. is it okay i have worries for the date? I don’t know Mino that well.”
Maybe, it’s time for Namjoon to take the bait.
So he said, “But do you like him though?” nonchalantly, yet his hand got colder at the same time.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I just met him twice at his quidditch practice when i was waiting for Yeri, and we just talked for a bit. Do you know him? From the boys?”
He’s a snobbish proud artsy brave young man—impossible if he said the truth, right? So Namjoon just went on saying, “i also met him only on several classes. Jungkook said he’s an okay flyer after all.”
“’Okay’, huh? i bet Jungkook doesn’t want to lose his fair flyer title, after all.” You giggled. “speaking of which, why haven’t I see you fly?”
“the sky doesn’t suit me, girl. Don’t you remember how i tripped every 10 steps? I don’t want to embarass myself tripping up in the air.”
“Hey, i have a very good idea!”
It’s your eyes that Namjoon always hold on to. Your excited eyes, showing some little dimples around your upper cheek. He could see you like this all day and don’t mind at all. But now, he just couldn’t stop, “What?”
“I promised you i’ll go with you seeing the Thestrals, right? Isn’t it tomorrow?”
“Yes, to help me tend them because i can’t see them..” Namjoon is blessed by haven’t seen anyone died. Unlike you, back when you were young and there was the famous War of Hogwarts, before that the Death Eater were dominating. You saw one of your muggle neighbor got killed by a death eater right before your family called you to Disapparate. So, yes, you could see Thestrals.
“We could try riding them!”
“You mean you want to see me floating in the air on a something i couldn’t see?”
“It’s like riding a horse, i promise you. and besides, you could hang on to me in front of you.”
That took an amount of consideration for Namjoon to think.
“Okay kids, wrap up! I will test your Felix.” Suddenly Slughorn called and interrupted your conversation.
“Whatever, i will meet you tomorrow at 4 pm behind Hagrid’s Hut.” You whispered.
Namjoon spent the rest of the afternoon in a blur. He perfectly knew you and Mino would go sightseeing on the lake, to the quidditch field, and he practically had been avoiding almost every window just so he couldn’t get a glimpse of you or Mino. He’d rather not knowing anything.
He’s just lazying around in Ravenclaw’s common room nearing twilight when suddenly a fourth year girl—Doyoung?—approached him.
“Hey, Namjoon? There’s a hufflepuff girl waiting for you outside.”
“I don’t know but she said to pass the message.” And then she left.
He wanted to think that it’s you, with your cancelled or failed date with Mino but would that be harsh?
But he’s right about one thing, it’s you sitting on the stairs just beside the Raven of the Ravenclaw’s common room door. He wanted to believe that it would be him who would lighten up your long face. You looked exhausted and spent, humming to yourself a muggle song—Good together by Honne, introduced by Namjoon through his iPod—while closing your eyes. Namjoon approached quickly and sit beside you.
Of course you opened your eyes instantly, because every movement Namjoon did including some harsh wind blown and a little bit of vibrations on every surfaces he touched, so people will easily know it’s him.
“Hi! Am i interrupting you?” you said to the tall man beside you, whose legs taken up two steps below the one your legs were in.
“I didn’t expect you to come, but no actually.”
“Let’s go meet the thestrals now!”
“Now? An hour before dinner?”
“Yes pleasee?”
And he couldn’t ever say no to that pleading eyes of yours, so he nodded.
Several minutes later after some attempt of stopping by the kitchen and asked for some raw meats from the house elves (one elf even said to Namjoon “Would you like a whole seasoned raw lamb, sir?”) you both were behind Hagrid’s hut, heading to the forest you acclaimed to have been there several times before. Namjoon stayed close to you with his bag full of meat.
The sky had become so orange reaching the twilight, a shade of red around the round sun looking like a perfectly round egg yolk Namjoon had for breakfast. It was not too windy or too dark yet, some said it’s the-
“Perfect weather to fly, don’t you think?” you also stopped beside Namjoon to look up at the sky, “One thing i love about this place is the silhouette of the Astronomy tower. That makes every scenery i see from here a thousand times more beautiful. Aesthetic, like it comes from a paintings.”
“It is a painting, don’t you think?” Namjoon answered, “Done by a whole different Great Force out there that we mere humans couldn’t surpass, even with the most magical magic there is.”
“You now what, Joon. I love how that sound. Perfectly said.” you converted your eyes to a whole another scenery beside you, a built young man looking at the vanilla sky talking about the Great Force endearingly. “You always admit that there’s a Greater Force above us all, that’s why you always walk around keeping your head down. Because you know, we’re not superior enough to feel superior.” You ended that with an endearing smile on your face.
Was that blush you see coloring Namjoon’s face or it’s just a reflection of a phoenix passing by? Nonetheless, it looked good on him. You always thought about how he was the sweetest person alive, with just the right amount of clumsiness to cloud his extraordinary cleverness and soft heartedness. How can someone not like him? Even you think he was so precious, on how he always treated people beside him carefully and little creatures beside him carefully.
And you always liked the way Namjoon simply said your name, like now. “Listen, I—“ he looked like he wanted to tell you something important, but then he got pushed away to your right looking stunned. Of course he was, it’s caused by a young Thestral nosing his bag too passionately, pushing his shoulder to the side.
“Oops, tripped on my own foot.” He finally came to his own wrong conclusion.
“No, Joon. It’s a thestral!” you said excitedly. “Oh my God it’s here..  i wish you could see it. No, i didn’t mean it that way, but-“
Namjoon chuckled when he said, “I get your point, silly.” And he proceeded to see you stroked something in the middle of an empty air. Just like how the book and the way you described it, he imagined you stroked its nose on its bony anatomy. You reached Namjoon’s fingers and lead him to stroke the thestral on the previous part you touched. Namjoon made a weird sound between gasp and an audible grumble.
“it feels.. weird? A bit cold and hairy, don’t you think?”
“But it doesn’t have any hair on the part you touched.” You laughed seeing him scrunched his nose, thinking hard about the texture he’s touching.
And after that you and Joon feed the thestrals, because after the first time you and him gave the young thestrals a slice of meat (and Namjoon was fascinated on how the meat seemed to gone bits by bits by itself) several other adult thestrals came to see you guys.
“They’re gentle beings, often being misunderstood because of their looks, Hagrid said.” your eyes soften seeing them eating.
“Sometimes i get what he said, but sometimes he just got too innocent to realize that a giant horned being 10 meters high being capable of breathing fire when approached doesn’t equal as adorable.” You both laughed at what Namjoon said, “We’ve run out of meats, by the way.”
“Then maybe it’s time to fly! Hi there this is our last meat, would you let us fly with you?” you said to a tall thestral you’re feeding on.
Several minutes later you were already sat behind its neck and convincing Namjoon that it’s completely safe up here. With the help of your hand and a wingardium leviosa later, he cramped himself between you and the thestral’s wings. Because of the little space, your back had to completely stick to his chest.
“Sorry if this is uncomfortable.” Said Joon. Part of you felt shy but it’s Namjoon, a guy you knew well and trust completely.  So you took a deep breath, reminding yourself that there was supposed to be none to be palpitating about, and yet your heart still gone too fast to your liking. You just hoped Namjoon wouldn’t feel it on his chest.
Little did you know, Namjoon panicked. He didn’t know what to think, where to touch (it’s not like i’m thinking about touching anything, he thought worriedly) but this is the first time he will fly with thestrals, of course he had to be sure about anything. Just like how he had to be sure about something  he denied often recently.
“Is it okay if i hold onto the neck?” he said.
“Joon, i know you have long arms but we both will lose our balance that way.” You said after one long thought. “You can hold on to my...waist. please don’t get me wrong there’s no other way! Except you’ll lead this thestral to fly then we should change position?”
“But i can’t fly!? What should i do?”
“Okay.. let’s not panic here. The thestral could feel it. Just..” you touched Namjoon’s flailing hands and made it rest on your waist where he held that awkwardly. “Let’s do this!!” you shouted that happily and encouraged the thestral to fly.
 Namjoon has tried flying with broom before. And never, not once he felt anything like this. Namjoon felt like you navigated the thestral gracefully, even though it felt awkward at first to have wings flapping beside his resting feet. But later he got used to it and it felt like he is entrusted to something bigger than him that could take him anywhere he wanted with his wings. In mere seconds you both reached the top of astronomy towers, where the sun felt closer than ever before and you both took a moment to see the beautiful sky upclose. You navigated the thestral to spin and make you both go around the castle twice, looking at students from around the castle walking to the Great Hall because it’s almost dinner, turn south until you reached the end of the forest, and finally flew down near the lake.
The thestral stopped at the open space by the end of the lake. Finally Namjoon climbed down the thestral, thanking him and reached out his hand to help you down. His hands were cold and sweaty as you remembered, and at the same time the thestral lowering his neck to drink from the lake, causing you to stumble down. Luckily, Namjoon was there already to catch you and held you steady on his chest.
Hearts thumped rapidly, you both still had increased breathing from the excitement because of the flying experienced from before. Thoughts on the adrenaline rush can’t seemed to reach higher was definitely proven wrong. Because when your eyes both met for a moment, that second made you both lost on each other’s gaze. You knew Namjoon could clearly see you blush because you, too, could see clearly his wavering eyes and the way his adam apple moved because he gulped.
You both let go of each other after you both went to your senses, and you sat next to each other watching the thestral drink.
“Thanks for the flying experience today.” Namjoon patted your head.
“Thanks for flying with me.” you nudged his shoulder with your elbow. “I sounded like a muggle flying attendants right now.” The silence after your laughter felt assuring, somehow.
“I kinda get it now.” Namjoon said with confidence he found suddenly, “Why you like flying very much. It’s like reaching another experience that gives you strength, in a strangely beautiful way.”
“Fly often, then? Just for your own peace of mind, no pressure.”
“I could never navigate as well as you, though.” He looked at you, sincerely complimenting.
“Thanks, Joon.” You rested your head on his shoulder. “i knew it. I could never be as assured as when i’m with you.”
“What happened? Is it about.. the date?”
“Let’s not call it one.” You sighed. “it’s just an attempt of saving his face between him and his friends, because apparently he boastfully said that he could date any Hufflepuff as well as he could win his first Quidditch game. His friends want prove, so.”
“What??” Namjoon felt his blood boiled, not just because of your proximity but for other reasons, anger, he supposed. “Completely dumb things some Gryffindor would do.”
You nudged his arm out of habit because of his stereotyping about houses, “Well, at least he had the audacity to tell me beforehand. Because, i quoted, he said ‘I don’t want you to get your hopes high or something, because i already had a date for my Yule Ball’ ”
“I gave him one by saying ‘well you better say thank you because i accidentally saved your face once, and i’m not going to do it again because you will go against me on your first Quidditch game, of course there’s no way i’m letting you win.’ And i left him in an instant to go flying with you. shouldn’t have said yes afterall.“
“Damn, girl!” Namjoon laughed proudly as he circled his arm around your shoulder and stroked your arm. “Didn’t know you could be that savage.”
“I could! But just, i’d rather not experience anything like that again.”
“No way in hell. You could trust me.”
The pause in his voice made you turn your head and looked at his face, “Meaning?”
“Because I..” Namjoon knew it would be his chance, this. Right now. Just you both alone (don’t count the Thestral), not in public. A very Namjoon way to do. “I’ve been meaning to ask you to the Ball.”
“Yeah. It’s been you in my mind all along.”
Your smile grew as you could feel how sincere he sounded, “Joon..”
He grasped your hand between his big ones, and entwined your fingers together before mumbled, “If you would like to, of course.”
“Of course i want too.” you tightened your fingers around him. “I would love to go to the Yule Ball with you!”
His dimpled smile was the most precious thing, following his cresccent eyes. He smiled with his face, he smiled with his whole body, emitting a sense of security you found rarely in anyone else.
“And if things..go right,” he said, “after the Yule Ball, let me tell you something important.”
Your forehead creased, “Why not now?”
“Because,” he stroked your knuckles with his thumb, “dinner has already started, and i’m hungry. Haven’t had anything decent since you told me about your date.”
You chuckled and he stood up still taking your hand.
“And because i think i could feel the thestral nudged me to get him one more slice of meat. Bet Hagrid has some. I owe this one for my flying date today.”
“So i still had a date today, but with you and not with Mino?”
“I’d be most delightful to revised your horrible—erm, encounter, before.”
“That’s settled, then. I had a great date today. Thank you, Kim Namjoon.”
“I thank you, madam.” He pecked the back of your hand slightly before laughing hard seeing your confused yet smitten face.
“that’s cute, but what are you doing?”
“I think Darcy has gotten into me.”
“Who’s Darcy?”
He sighed, “Clearly you have to be more educated about Muggle classics before becoming my girlfr—oops.”
“Come again?”
“Nope. Dinner, now.”
You teased him about his resurfaced shyness. He told you nothing else, just walked and held your hand through the Great Hall to eat dinner between his circle of friends. Jimin teased you both and Jungkook drank a whole pot of pumpkin juice as a celebration of whatever this is. But seeing Namjoon’s laughter, making his effort to eat with one hand because he still wanted to hold your hand below the table, you knew that you were in the right hand all along.
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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03/04/2021-Pennington: 10 different pictures in this photoset to those I tweeted tonight 
We returned to the Pennington part of the Lymington-Keyhaven nature reserve today as also hoped over the Easter weekend and it was another real spring bird fest. We saw so many including some brilliant species, five of these were year ticks going one better than yesterday to be the most year ticks I have got in a day since 5th January. Nine year ticks in two days to start this month is indicative of the first weeks of the year when there is every bird to aim for, in spring can also get a lot of year ticks too but three in a day is still quite a lot so I am pleased with this. As predicted the rather catching up on birds with restrictions eased days is mixing with the spring migration year ticks well for me to see so many birds for the first time this year lately. I have now seen 128 species this year which moves past my 125 birds seen in all of 2011 the first ever year list I did now which is always a pleasing milestone to reach if I can reach it in a year. 
Furthermore my year list is now the joint fifth highest that one of mine had ever been on this date alongside 2016 and one bird behind how many I had seen in 2017 on this date it had been a little bit behind these until the recent surge of year ticks and was just keeping ahead of what I had seen in 2014 and 2015 in the dates but is some way clear of them now currently. My current year list is now also eleven birds behind what I had seen a year ago today, fifteen birds behind how many I had seen in 2018 the highest a year list of mine has ever been on 3rd April in a year and only nine birds behind how many I had seen at this stage in my highest ever year list total 2019 it would have been a long way behind these for so long. The most interesting thing from studying my year lists just now is that I am only nine behind how many I had seen two years ago today and like this year in 2019 at this stage I was yet to see any new birds which helps with comparing my year lists numbers wise to others as its a bird all of them lacked. 
Towards the end of the last decade I found that my wildlife/photography years seem to have a lot in common with the year two years prior so 2020, 2018 and 2016 and 2019 and 2017 as I have mentioned a lot in posts. In 2019 I went on to see more bird species in a year than I ever had before and made it to the famous birder’s target of 200 birds in a year for the only time so far so maybe the omens are good. All of this certainly demonstrates the numbers recovery this recent surge of year ticks has lead to well. I think going into the year in lockdown I knew my start could not be as fast as the last few years but I obviously with the amount still I did obviously make 100 inside a month still in January starting with by far my highest ever amount of birds seen on New Year’s Day and that week off I had was especially good and the calibre of species seen was proud and felt successful the first few months for seeing birds during walks and at home, but with this surge I now also feel so proud to have had joyful moment when I was really competing with the past year lists of mine. 
There was more great bird action before we left today again with another Red Kite lately seen above the house. This was another special view of one of my favourite birds. It also flew in the direction of Lakeside where I had never seen one and I judged that this qualified as being at Lakeside if I was walking there it would be on the walk nearly getting into the country park and I had retrospectively patch ticked both Mediterranean Gull and Sparrowhawk at Lakeside in the same area seen at different points in 2019 when I put together my patch and from home lists at the end of last year. So this was a fifth patch tick for me this year which I really liked.
We arrived at Pennington and had a wonderful walk this afternoon as it was lovely to reacquaint myself with the vast blue Solent and sweet sea air and feel, with the sun in and out a little but shining for so much of the time illuminating the precious and gorgeous reedbeds, lagoons and mudflats of this one of my favourite reserves.
The sound of Cetti’s Warbler and Skylark greeted us on arrival my first Cetti’s heard this year a key target today. As we walked through the grass path of the old trip down towards fishtail lagoon where so many bird species we needed to see had been reported we liked seeing two Oystercatchers on the grass we haven’t often seen them on the grass here before. I then spotted a brilliant rosy finch that we did have as a target today too when a lovely Linnet was on a high point in the vegetation making a nice sound. A cracking view, and my first of the year of this key spring time species even if for the last three years it had been a January year tick. We would excitingly get two more year ticks in quick succession. Firstly on a spit within fishtail lagoon which I took the first picture in this photoset of today we were thrilled to see some Little Ringed Plovers. A really big bird in terms of statute it’s one of the best birds we have seen this year it was so smashing to see these neat and exciting little waders. That means since 2016 where I have been so lucky to see them every year since I have now seen them for the first time in a year three times on Lyminhton-Keyhaven nature reserves’ fishtail lagoon and three times in Blashford Lakes’ Ibsley water which is nicely tidy something I like  and satisfying. Whilst watching the Little Ringed Plovers another Cetti’s Warbler was calling its memorable call one of my favourites of any bird really loudly it was so clear and fresh to hear. Then we were over the moon to spot this long-tailed warbler in a bush behind us getting to really make out what it was. A great view in an eventful few minutes. Cetti’s Warbler is one of the most crucial birds to see in a year I always think as they are so elusive so often you’ll hear them without seeing them. Obviously it was a different one calling at the car park as we arrived but to hear and see your first Cetti’s Warbler in a year in the same day is very special and quite efficient I think and I was happy.
As we looked over fishtail lagoon more there were so many more birds, great views of Lapwings I took the second picture in this photoset of one seen quite closely with its iridescent feathers shining nicely in the sunshine, Avocets with two flying right over our heads spectacularly closely at one point and Shelducks. Wintery birds Brent Geese, Shovelers, Teal, Pintail and Wigeon hung on but spring was represented by frequent distinctive wails of the Mediterranean Gulls. Seeing the fairly similarly coloured Shelduck and Shoveler together at one point was great and not something I had often seen before. It was brilliant to watch Little Ringed Plovers closer busily racing over the shingle this was special too.
We got the final two year ticks for the day on or around this lagoon too. Firstly as hoped a group of Sand Martins were parading over the lagoon and saw a large group of them over the reservoir area by the car park too. A delightful and crucial spring time species to see it was a truly welcome sight. Then we were over the moon to spot another wader that had been around and for me one of our most striking and interesting waders, among one of my favourite waders when we saw the Ruff with the white head shown in the third picture I took in this photoset today and got some great views of that lovely bird. We also saw two others as the walk went on in more usual plumage and I liked making out their beautiful, notable and striking patterns they are so bright and delicious to look at always. This was for sure one of the best birds I saw this afternoon and one of my standout species this year so far. 
On the rest of the walk a stunningly close Lapwing view awaited as it flew up with a Little Egret, as did a few rapturous minutes of raptors when first of all we spotted one of my new B list favourite birds the Marsh Harrier gliding at the back of a lagoon a nice view. We had luckily seen one very early in the year on New Year’s Day this year one of the standout birds of my still quite young year but I don’t believe we have seen once since. Then we scanned into the distance with binoculars and spotted a wonderful Peregrine on a post. A lovely bird to see and it seemed to harp back to an almost different age for me as my second Peregrine seen this year that was a New Year’s Day yea tick at the coast too but had I been working in the office at Winchester still this most likely wouldn’t have been the case as I would have been watching the ones nesting on the cathedral I have been watching those birds on the webcam a bit recently so it sort of warmed my heart seeing the Peregrine a little today. But things got a whole lot better for us with the Peregrine as it flew towards us and dashed over our head! An exquisite view and startling sight. It was flying loosely towards the Marsh Harrier too so an amazing moment that’s five special birds of prey three of them among my favourite birds and one B list I have enjoyed this long weekend so far now. These few minutes were amazing. 
I took the fourth picture in this photoset of another Linnet as we walked on and the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth of more views as I felt so lucky to see a great deal of sunlight today again. Other notable moments as we walked on was seeing a Reed Bunting to make it the three buntings I have seen this year seen in two days now. On that subject I must correct something I said in yesterday’s blog when I said the Corn Bunting and Yellowhammer sightings meant I’d seen all the buntings we’d seen in our life this year. I don’t know how but I forgot about the amazing Snow Bunting which I have seen in my life four times so this nugget of personal information yesterday was not correct. It was interesting this male Reed Bunting and a Red-breasted Merganser seen on a lagoon were two of the key targets I had in my mind when we thought wishfully to restrictions easing allowing an Easter Lymington-Keyhaven specifically Pennington really comeback, interestingly I got them both as year ticks on walks in recent weeks but it was nice they were also a part of today. Just when I thought it might be the first day with no flower action for a long time - and I would have missed them - we came across bluebells mixed beautifully within the flowering gorse that adorned the landscape notably today as we turned to go back to the car. Like yesterday I noticed more blossom than I ever had done here before really. 
I took the final two pictures in this photoset tonight when home of flowers in the garden and another of Collared Dove and Woodpigeon out the back. This brought to an end a second packed, fantastic, captivating and wild day this Easter. I wish you all a very happy and safe Easter for tomorrow.
Wildlife Sightings Summary for Pennington: My first Linnet, Little Ringed Plover, Cetti’s Warbler, Sand Martin and Ruff of the year, six of my favourite birds the Peregrine Falcon, Dartford Warbler, Brent Goose, Shelduck, Great Crested Grebe and Little Egret, Marsh Harrier, Woodpigeon, Carrion Crow, Dunnock, Meadow Pipit, Reed Bunting, Rock Pipit, Canada Goose, Mute Swan, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Shoveler, Gadwall, Teal, Wigeon, Pintail, Redshank, Curlew, Dunlin, Snipe, Lapwing, Oystercatcher, Avocet, Black-headed Gull, Mediterranean Gull, Great Black Backed Gull, bee and I heard Skylark. 
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venus-says · 5 years
Kamen Rider OOO Episodes 17-32
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I'm really holding myself to not make a joke with a Katy Perry song.
Yes, I'm late. Yesterday was my mom's birthday and I was taking care of that for the past three days so I didn't finish writing this post on time, I'M SORRY. But here I am now so let's get to the juice.
You know, looking from the point we left in the last post I expected things to go downhill and I was prepared to have another W's mid-season experience. Aaaaand I was wrong! And thank god for it.
The complaints I had from the first part are still present here, but they picked on the good points already present and expanded so much on them that when you put things on paper the positives more than compensate for the bad ones. As I mentioned before, arcs introducing a new "ranger" in the middle of the season are for the most part very hard to me, I usually don't like those, and the way they introduce Birth sure was rough in some edges. But despite the elements I dislike still being there, I've grown to like Akira/Birth and I think their inclusion to the cast played a big role in making this second part as solid as it was.
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The come and go of the medals is still confusing and hard to keep up with, the antagonists are still kind of a mess, some of the MOTW plots are weak, but each one of these negatives come with a positive. Yes, is hard to keep track of the medals, but the new combo forms Os got in these episodes were amazing both in visuals and in powers. Yes, there are still many "factions" acting as antagonists, but each one of them had something added to them so they don't look just like a bunch of pawns trying to act like a king and just looking like a bunch of ants who broke formation coming back to their colony. While some MOTW didn't have a very engaging story, each one of them had at least one quirk that made them interesting.
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If there are things I'd consider fatal flaws in this particular block of episodes I'd say they are: how they didn't know how to manage the GREED, Gotou's storyline, and those horrible episodes celebrating the 1000th episode.
Regarding the GREED, this is a problem I had in the first part as well, they're completely underused. First, they quickly ditched two generals (the ones with most personality) at once, so I thought we would see Uva and Kazari as two different forces going against each other, but no Uva was pushed to the side for the most of it and we only saw Kazari doing his things. Then there's the matter of Ankh's body who's sitting on a very thin line and sometimes it's pending more to the interesting side and in other times is just sitting in the "really, queen?" side of things. Now not everything is bad, adding a new GREED that wasn't one of the original 5 and having this GREED be merging with both Eiji and Dr, Maki is very interesting and I'm quite curious to see how it'll develop, I feel like they're building up for Maki be the final boss and I'm kinda thorned about it since I really like Kougami and I wish he was the final antagonist, but episodes 29 and 30 shed a new light on Dr. Maki and I started liking him a little more so I think I'm okay if that's the path they'll take.
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Gotou is a mixed bag of feelings for me. I really started disliking him around episode 12, and I disliked him more when they started to hint him as being the next Rider to join, and I still think he's a very weak character and he's definitely not in my favorites' list. But I started to get more sympathetic towards him and a huge part of that is because of his interactions with Akira, I'm still not interested on seeing him becoming Birth but thanks to this period he spent with Akira I think when the change happens I'll be more open-minded for it. I also can't deny that he had a great part in on of my favorite stories of the season (Episodes 21 and 22) that made me soften my heart for him, seeing his internal conflict about his own sense of justice was very cool, the conclusion he came to wasn't what I wanted but it was still great nonetheless.
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The 1000th episode arc was... just boring and embarrassing, I'm sorry. I know I don't have the knowledge of this franchise to catch all the easter eggs and such, but with easter eggs or no is a very weak plot and I wasn't interested in anything. Again, I'm sorry.
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But now let's talk about the good stuff. First of all, I wanna take a moment to talk about the power-ups, Os got two new combos in these episodes and they're both great. Seeing that I'm a sucker for water powers I thought ShaUTa would be my favorite, and while it looks pretty good and the fight underwater we got as cool as heck my favorite form is TaJaDor, I love the design of the suit, I love the design of the wings, I love that attack with the peacock feathers, I love when he goes to the sky and start looking like a phoenix, that power-up is *chef's kiss* perfecto! I don't know if PuToTyranno is considered a power-up, but the form is also pretty darn good, I think the ptera wings are a bit weird and attacking with a tail is a bit too much for me (especially with that CGI), but I love the ax/gun weapon he got, and I can't wait to see more. (also PuToTyranno is a very fun name to me because "puto" is not a family-friendly word in Portuguese and I just can't help but crack every time I think of it XD)
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Talking about characters, Eiji is as great as ever, his smartness continues being on point, he has great comedy moments, and the delivery on the emotional moments is very well done. What I liked the most about him in these episodes was seeing how he could gave some very strong speeches about justice and helping other people and said speeches didn't sound generic or fake like in the many other shows with a young male target audience. They were a bit idealistic while staying very grounded in reality which I loved. We also got to see the full scope of his backstory too, I don't necessarily love the part about he coming from a wealthy family, but I can see that this also adds a lot on his shoulders so I'm okay with it, is still a very strong character point. I thought it would take long to another Rider to dethrone Shotaro as my favorite, but Eiji is coming very close to it, let's see how the show will handle his character in this final third.
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Ankh... is still Ankh. I thought they were building a narrative of him betraying Eiji, and I thought that could be a very nice point to make him grow as a character but that didn't come true so, I'm still kinda meh about him. Hina is still boring, but this time I'll blame all on the actress/direction they gave to her because there are good moments for her here but the delivery is very lackluster. Chiyoko is still a very nice side character, I really liked her participation in episodes 29 and 30 with her interactions with Maki, I hope we can see more of this in the future.
The things in Kougami foundation are still a high point for me, Kougami himself seems to be becoming more crazy and obsessive as time passes and I just love it. Erika is by far the best support character, and I love that badass action scene they gave her in episode 20! I wish the booty shots didn't have camera angles that weren't so IN YOUR FACE, but I guess is a fair trade considering the many closeups on Eiji while he's on his underwear so...
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I already talked a bit about Akira but I feel like I need to highlight him again. I wasn't expecting to like him this much, especially seeing how he crashed this party without previous notice, but I really enjoy him. He's so upbeat and straightforward, yet he's not just an easygoing character, we can see his dept and whenever he goes serious it doesn't seem like a very drastic change. It's kinda impossible to dislike this guy. I'm a bit afraid for him, because the signs that he's going to die are all here, and I don't wanna see him go because I like him so much, I hope that if they do it it'll be on a nice way and it'll make him justice, BUT I'LL TRY TO STAY POSITIVE TILL THE LAST MINUTE AND I'LL BELIEVE THAT HE'S NOT GONNA DIE (pls OOO, don't crush my heart).
I believe this is all I had to say, I can't believe I'm already so close to the end of this wonderful series, I really hope they won't drop the ball in this final stretch. How yall feel about the middle portion of OOO, anything you agree or disagree with? Let me know in the comments. See you, folks. o/
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engagedtobefree · 6 years
Headed for Heartbreak
I haven’t been making any personal posts about Scott the past few weeks, mainly because we just interact so frequently now every day and we talk so much, that I just can’t really post about it all anymore.
I have definitely been floating on Cloud 9. I go into his office all the time now to talk to him and he always gets his tea by me now just like he used to. We talk all the time and make each other laugh. Yesterday I got to lunch late because of a meeting, so our lunches intersected and I got to sit and talk to him for 20 minutes, and he had hinted at it earlier when I told him I was on lunch late that he would be going to lunch in 10 minutes and he beamed at me. We changed the water jug together for a third time. We still flirt occasionally. He complimented my shoes one day and I told him he smelled nice. There was something else last week I think but I forget. I got him a cannoli on Monday and an oatmeal cookie yesterday (he said he likes oatmeal), and today he got me a cookie (I had a peanut butter one yesterday and that’s what he gave me today, my fave). He actually came by my desk to give it to me, and I was incredibly enthusiastic about it too, even after he walked away. Yesterday as he passed by my desk after his lunch he actually talked to me as he walked by. So that’s new for him. I don’t just stand in his office doorway all the time now either, but I actually go into his office and stand next to his desk. He waited to say bye to me one day as I was leaving. I was talking to Joyce and he paused at the warehouse door and waited for me to look at him so he could say bye. I think it was Tuesday I said bye to Joyce and Pete and started walking, and Scott came out of his office a second later, and the way he came walking out, it looked like he had been standing just inside his doorway waiting for me, and we walked out together. Since Steve and I have the same lunch time, I spend half my lunches in their office talking to Scott since it’s just him in there. Like, I literally go in and we just talk for 15-20 minutes. And we always talk throughout the day and always at the end of the day, whether I go to his office after Steve leaves or Scott makes his end-of-day tea by my desk and waits for me to pop out. There’s been so much, that this isn’t even all of it. So many good, positive things. I did, however, embarrass myself today when I was going to the warehouse and Scott was at his printer right inside his doorway, and I turned to smile at him and walked into the warehouse door because I missed the handle. Pretty sure Steve saw it too. I instinctively said, “Oh shit” and smiled and then opened the door and went through it as fast as I could lol.
And then there was the end of today, when I went to his office after Steve left, and it was almost time to go but I’d figure I’d talk to Scott for a few minutes. Pete took Joyce and I out to lunch today since he will be gone for 6-8 weeks since he’s getting triple by-pass surgery. Scott always asks me if I go outside on my lunch whenever it’s nice out and I never do, and he always tells me I should go out. So I went into his office and we were talking and then I say “I actually went outside today! But I had to” and I laugh. He responds, “Do you not like the outdoors or something?” and I say, “I would just rather talk to you.” He immediately responds with, “That’s cool”. Not even a split second in between me ending my sentence and him responding. He doesn’t even look at me, but he did say he had gotten a ton of emails right at the end of the day when it’s time to leave, so maybe he was a bit distracted. I don’t know. But my immediate reaction is to cry. Obviously I don’t and I haven’t (yet), but I could feel the little pools behind my eyes. This one, small interaction is enough for me to send every good thing unraveling, making it all feel meaningless. I talk to him a bit more and then go and say bye to Pete and Joyce (especially to Pete since his surgery is on Monday). I get my stuff together and say bye again and then go back to Scott’s office to tell him to have a nice weekend (as I do every Friday) and to have a happy Easter. He stops working and turns his whole body to me and gives me that knowing smile, like he does a lot of times when I go to his office to say bye, and he tells me to have a nice weekend and happy Easter too. I keep my cool and give a little smile, but as I turn away, my face breaks. I can feel my expression change from forced little smile to just plain sad. I am such an open book. It’s awful. I sip my straw in hopes he won’t notice, but I can see in my peripheral vision that he was still turned to me. I don’t know if he noticed or not. I was just really disheartened by what had happened a few minutes prior. It could’ve been nothing, but in my eyes it isn’t. I keep being led to believe this is something, that it can go somewhere, and then as soon as I feel that it can’t, I can just feel my heart breaking. I can say that I am getting very attached to Scott. We are getting more comfortable around each other and we interact so much. I am starting to care about him and have genuine feelings for him now, so this could either go really well for me, or turn out disastrous. 
Sometimes Scott is so easy to read, and other times I can’t read him at all. I’ve learned not to take it personally, as I think it’s just how Scott is in general. Like, I know I can be awkward, and no matter how close someone is to me, it’s a guarantee we will have moments of me being awkward as some point, so it never has to do with the other person, and there’s been quite a few times of me being awkward with Scott. Couple that with his unreadable expressions, we’re bound to have a few messy moments. We have, and we just move on from them. I feel like I have been riding this positive wave and hoping that it lifts me above the things that were holding me back from being completely open with him (ie. his marriage). But now I’m back to thinking that it’s such an unavoidable topic. Because as much as I try to remain positive and as much as I feel that this can go somewhere, the truth is that that may not be a possibility, that Scott may just be making me feel that way, which of course is still wrong on his end because I am clearly still absolutely smitten with him. And even though this past month I’ve dismissed the idea of bringing it all up again since I want to allow Scott to tell me when he’s ready, I may have to be the one to say something once again. I hate to even think about doing that because I love talking to him and being around him and I’m afraid of permanently ruining all of this (even though it seems my confrontation may have honestly allowed us to be brought closer together). But I also know that if this keeps going in the direction it’s going, I am going to continue to get even more attached to Scott and that it’s only going to lead to heartbreak for me. I feel like it wouldn’t be out of line for me to just say “So, where is this going?”. I feel like I would come off way less confrontational than last time and since we’re getting more comfortable with each other now, maybe he can actually just tell me wtf his situation is and what our interactions mean. Of course, I don’t want to force the conversation either, and I know that if I should bring it up that I will feel guided to do so and to do it at the right time.
This is just still so confusing. It seems like he genuinely likes me, but then one little interaction sends everything unraveling. Scott, please tell me what is going on. My little heart needs answers.
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redditnosleep · 7 years
The Terrifying Note Addressed To My Six-year-old Son
by Creeping_dread
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 (Final)
This story has a free audiobook available!
There’s a certain terror in knowing your life is on a totally different path than the one you intended and there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop it. Four days ago I could have looked out over the next 2-3, even 5 years, and said I pretty much know how things are gonna go. Well, not anymore. Even though every day is a living nightmare, it’s not knowing what tomorrow may bring that scares me so much.
Carrie and I started speaking to each other yesterday afternoon sometime. Just short conversations here and there, but it’s a start. My heart still feels broken, but my worry for her well-being is starting to trump my own feelings. She’s barely eating, for one. And if it’s possible to lose significant weight in the span of a couple days, she has. She was already thin enough to begin with. When she looks at me, I can almost read her thoughts through those puffy eyes: I wish I could take it all back. But I can’t.
There’s something else I’ve been considering: it’s entirely possible that Carrie was drugged. Cheating on me with a stranger in his car doesn’t seem like the Carrie I know. It just feels wrong. If the person who left those fucked up notes/took Andrew and the person who took Carrie down to the river are the same person, the idea that she was roofied is that much more plausible.
And I can’t help thinking Carrie saved her own life when she blocked “Ray’s” number from her phone. She may not have survived a second meeting.
Still, that stupid, smirking, voice is always there, whispering in the background. You’re so gullible, Dean. She CHEATED. And if what she says IS true, WHY did she hide it from you? Why, indeed. Shame, obviously. Or maybe she just didn’t want to get caught? It’s hard to ignore that voice, but I’m trying.
Detective Carr dropped by to interview Carrie around 4 yesterday. He thought she’d be more open about her experience with “Ray” if she didn’t have to talk about it in front of me, so I sat outside on the porch while they talked, that jealous little voice badgering me the entire time. When they were done, Carrie left the house to run an errand and Carr and I talked in the living room.
Of course, the police department had gotten dozens of calls after the radio show, which had sent our little town into a tailspin. I guess giving a name and a persona to this psychopath—whether correct or not—had really touched a nerve. People were reporting every single little “suspicious” thing they saw, which left a lot of work for Carr and his team. Every person that wore a hoodie, acted strangely, or was in an area they wouldn’t normally have been in was reported. The mall canceled its Easter Bunny pictures, which were supposed to take place each day of the week leading up to Easter. I’d gotten a text from Kyle’s coach explaining Kyle’s tee-ball season was canceled, too. Temporarily, at least. No one wanted to be responsible for another child being taken.
Leads needed to be followed, no matter how small, Carr said, but he knew he’d be lucky if any of them amounted to anything.
Before he left, I asked Carr bout what was going on at 3 Orange Circle. Had they found anything? He said the construction crew had finished breaking up the concrete floor and hauling it out just after lunch. He was waiting on the forensics guys—he laughed when he said it, it was really just two police officers with some special training in collecting evidence—to get over there and start digging. Even though he’d already refused to share it with me, I pressed him again about the evidence he’d found. He looked like he was mulling it over in his mind, then told me he could show me one thing. He retrieved his phone from his pocket, flipped through some pictures, and held the phone up to my face.
The picture on the screen showed a polaroid photograph laying on a scuffed wooden floor. The lighting was dim, so it was a little hard to see. For a split second, I thought it was a picture of Carrie. The blonde hair, pulled back tightly like a cheerleader’s, was almost identical. Then I realized who it was.
Suzanne Kerrington, Carr offered. Then, when he saw my face, Yes, I see the similarity. When I asked whether he thought this was all about Carrie the entire time, he shrugged. I’m not sure about that, yet. It’s an odd coincidence, if not. I thought he may agree to show me what else he’d found, but he demurred, glancing at his watch. I’ve been here too long as it is. Every minute is precious when you have a child missing.
A little after he left, I got a text message. It was from Ryan, a friend of mine whose son played on Kyle’s tee ball team. I’d kept him up to date on what was happening. Thought you might want to see this, the text read.
Below the message was a screen shot of a text message Ryan had received from Andrew’s dad. It said: What the fuck does this mean?. A picture of a note was attached below it.
I’m going to keep this short and sweet
before things get too scary.
If you want to know why
I chose Andrew to die,
you better ask Dean and Carrie.
I felt like throwing up. Who did this sick fuck think he was? It wasn’t enough to terrorize us—now he wanted to turn the entire community against us!
I had no idea why he chose Andrew! The only thing I did know—or THINK I knew, especially after seeing the picture of Suzanne that looked identical to Carrie—was that this was never about Kyle. Or Andrew. Not really. It seemed like he was targeting Carrie the entire time.
Actually, one other thing was certain: he wanted to destroy our reputation in the community. That’s why he had left that note for Andrew’s dad. I knew the picture would make the rounds, and Carrie’s and my name would be dragged through the mud. No doubt. But then, that voice was at it again. Gullible. Sucker. What if it’s more than that?
When Carrie got back from her errand, I showed her the picture.
Me: Any idea what this means? Is there something you’re not telling me?
Carrie: (Eyes wide and pleading) No Dean, I swear to God. I have no idea what this means. (She grabbed my phone and read the note again.) He’s sick. That’s what it is. He’s sick and he’s trying to destroy us.
Me: Well, he was telling the truth in the last note. Why lie in this one?
Carrie: (She grabbed my arm. It was the first time we’d touched since the day before). I have a lot of groveling to do. I get that. But please, if you’re ever trusted me—if you have any love for me left, any single solitary little bit—believe me now. Please. Believe me. I don’t know what this means.
She held my eyes with hers, and in that moment, I believed her. The little voice was silent.
I dropped the phone in frustration.
Me: What are we going to do?
Carrie: I don’t know, Dean. I just hope Andrew is okay. Do you think they’ll find him?
Me: (That reminded me of something). Oh, tomorrow at church will you ask Glenda in the front office if you can look at the church’s membership records? I assume Detective Carr will be by there, now that he’s talked to you, but maybe we can get a head start on it. I want to see if there’s a Ray listed anywhere.
Carrie: Okay. Are you going with me?
Me: I don’t think so. I don’t feel very close to God right now.
She looked like the words hurt her, but she also looked like she understood.
This morning, Carrie went to Union Street and met Glenda before Sunday school. The church didn’t keep any digital membership records, but Glenda did find a box with all of the membership bulletins for the last ten years. The kind with each member’s picture and their name underneath. When Carrie called, her words were dripping with disappointment. She couldn’t find anyone named Ray or Raymond. She asked Glenda to make a copy of each of them for Detective Carr and said he’d probably be by later to pick them up.
While Carrie was at church, I got a call from Ryan. Apparently, a lot of the dads are upset that the entire tee ball season was canceled. I know some of these guys, and you probably know some guys just like them. They have big trucks and guns, and they feel like they could protect their sons just fine if they were allowed to continue the season. I sort of agree with them, deep down, but I also understand its better to be cautious. Andrew was taken right out from under his dad’s nose, after all.
Ryan isn’t as bad as some of them, but he also agrees that this psychopath wouldn’t make a move out in the open like that.
So,they were supposed to have a “practice” game today at 1:00. Just to get some of the kids together at the field and let them feel like they’re actually getting to play. Full dress, scoreboard, ref, all that. The problem was, none of the dads could get in touch with the head ref. Some of the dads had been texting and calling him since the season was cancelled, but they hadn’t gotten a response. That's what Ryan had called about. To bitch about the refs.
The call was breaking up, but I thought Ryan said Ray’s usually here whenever we need him. He loves doing these games. He’s out here every chance he can get.
Me: Wait a minute. Say that again.
Ryan: I said Jay’s usually out here. But he won’t answer his phone.
Me: Shit, you just about gave me a heart attack. Jay who? Do I know him?
Ryan: Jayson Fisher. He’s been the head ref for a while.
Me: Who’s his kid?
Ryan: Doesn’t have any kids of his own. Just likes tee ball, I guess.
When he said it, something went off in my brain. Like a bell tinkling.
Me: How old is Jay?
Ryan: Uh, I don’t know, close to our age. Forties.
My heart started to thump in my chest.
Me: And you haven’t talked to him in a couple days? Any idea why?
Ryan: No, like I said, he usually texts back. He’s the one who assigns the other refs when he can’t make it. I guess I’ll need to track down someone else’s phone number.
Me: Keep trying to reach him, Ryan. And listen: if you get him, do you mind letting me know?
Ryan: Yeah, why?
Me: I don’t know, maybe I’ll bring Kyle out there.
Ryan: Really, I thought you said….
Me: Just let me know. Okay?
Ryan: Will do.
Me: I gotta run. Talk to you later.
My hands were clammy as I texted Carrie’s phone. Emergency. Please call me back.
About two minutes later, Carrie called, almost hyperventilating.
Carrie: What’s wrong? What happened?
Me: Nothing. Everything’s fine here. I’m sorry I scared you. (She breathed a sigh of relief). I need you to do something for me. Right now. Can you go back to the office? I want you to look for another name. I’ll stay on the phone.
Carrie: Another name? Okay, hold on. (I could hear the phone rustling as she hurried down front steps of the church and around to the side door that led into the office area). Okay, I’m here. The copies Glenda left out for the detective are on the desk.
Me: Carrie, look for a Jayson Fisher. Start in the one farthest back. 2007?
Carrie: Yes, 07. Jayson Fisher? Okay, let me see.
I waited. She was breathing heavily and I could hear her rustling through the pages.
Then, she gasped. When she spoke again, her voice had taken on a new quality. Like that of a frightened animal.
Carrie: Oh God, Dean. Oh God.
Me: What?
Carrie: It’s him, Dean. It’s him! It wasn’t Ray, it was Jay!
Me: Are you sure?
Carrie: Yes, I’m sure. I don’t remember a lot, but I’ll never forget those eyes.
Me: He’s a tee ball ref, Carrie. He took Andrew! I know it.
Carrie: No! Oh my God. I missed Kyle's first game, but I was there for the second. Why didn’t I recognize him?
Me: I don’t know. But I actually spoke to him! During Kyle’s first game, he hit a grounder to the short stop and the ref called him out at first when he was clearly safe. It was a bad call. Everyone said so. And I let him know that. God. That’s why he said I was rude!
Carrie: It’s not your fault, Dean…..
Me: I gotta call Carr. I love you. Bye.
I hung up before she responded, then dialed Carr’s phone. As it rang, I thought: Hold on Andrew. Just a little longer.
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