#especially since ive been alone on christmas and ill still be alone on new years *peace sign*
rexscanonwife · 2 years
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I’ve been a bit depressed lately and I wanted to draw something super soft and self indulgent and...went a little ham with the lighting ngl! but sometimes instead of getting up and going to some mission debriefing you just wanna stay in bed with your lover ♡
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isaurr78789 · 9 months
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Its been like 900 years whoopsies. happy new years and merry christmas. Ive been doing absolutely balls all winter break and now its the last day and i dont wanna go to school :( especially now since my sleeps schedules the worse its been all break but oh well. I might be going to the salon today, i dont feel like going out but my hair looks like actual ass so ill do it for my sake and for the sake of whoever might have to look at me looking so bad. I hope friday comes fast because thats when my package comes and seems to be the only good day this week. not that every day is bad but on a weekday if you have a good day then you wont have a day after to relax. you have to go back to work or school and then that just sucks having to do things day after day but ive been doing that for like 80 years of my life so wtf am i even saying. all of my friends are in school today so im bored and alone until the afternoon but i dont mind being alone like this i think ive started to like mornings when im by myself because i have so much time for myself and i can continue to do nothing and whatever I want. I can watch the shows I want to watch without being told to take them off and play music on the tv instead of having to use headphones. I do still really like headphpnes. and i can journal without being nervous about being asked what im writing. omg my eyesight is actually so bad, the letters are blurry if im not actually sniffing the screen im so serious. thats on me though bc my glasses are right next to me. idk what to do now i might go play minecraft or something while i still have time. I DONT WANNA GO TO SCHOOL SO BAD.... ;(((((((((((((
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demivampirew · 4 years
I would give up everything for you.
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A Charles Brandon x Mary Tudor (written as reader) (Henry’s sister) one shot
You can find more of my writings in the Masterlist
Warnings: Death, heartbreak, crying, unwanted arranged marriage (and talking about being consummated).
Summary: Shortly after becoming a widow, Henry summons you back to England for he has arranged a new marriage for you.
A/N (Important to understand the story): For those who don’t know, in the show they’d merged both Henry’s sisters into one: Margaret. In reality, he had two sisters, the one mentioned who ended up marrying the King of Scotland, James IV, becoming the Queen consort of said country (and after the death of her husband, Queen regent in name of her son for two years). Mary, the other sister, was married to the King of France, Louis XII for a few months, until his death and soon he was succeeded by his son-in-law Francis I -the King of France from the show, and his daughter Claude as Queen Consort- she couldn’t reign for the law forbid a woman to rule the country back at that time. Shortly after the death of the King, Charles was in charge of bringing Mary safe back to England, but in reality that was a secret plan for them to marry in secret in France, as Mary confessed to King Francis. It isn’t known when and how exactly they fell in love but it surely was before her marriage to the late King of France. They married in secret but then they had a public wedding because they suspected Mary to be pregnant and they wanted their kid to be legitimate.
For my story, I mixed a bit of the show’s plot with actual events. The main characters are the same from the show, except from Mary, written from a perspective of reader, who wasn’t on the show (Margaret’s story in this one-shot is the same from history and not the one from the series). I used the arranged marriage with the King of Portugal’s plot from drama purposes (this never happened in reality, because like I’ve said, Mary married Charles before going back to London, and she had married the King of France with the promise that she would marry who she wanted after that or she would become a nun - which Henry did not want because he would lose the Dowager’s money if she did that. -although in this story she doesn’t threaten him with becoming a nun.)
Disclaimer: English isn’t my first language and write in another period of time can be a bit difficult. I tried my best, so I apologize if I made mistakes.
Tag list: @lunedelorient @henrythickcavill @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @mary-ann84 @desperate-and-broken @peakygroupie @summersong69 @ivvitm1109 @madbaddic7ed @iloveyouyen @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @whyyoudothistomecavill @thetaoofzoe @thereisa8ella​
"The Queen of France, Your Majesty" announced one of the guards as you enter the room. Henry was sitting on the throne. There were a few guards there as well as Charles and William Compton, who were standing next to the door. - Dear sister! - your brother exclaimed as he stood up and approached you, grabbing your arms and placing a kiss on your cheek. - My poor sister, I'm terribly sorry for the lost of your dear husband.- "dear husband"? It felt as if he was mocking you, after all the only reason you married the late King of France, Louis XII was because he forced you to for that marriage forced an alliance between the two countries.
Being married to an old man was not a pretty thing. Being forced to consummate that marriage and with a crowd of people to witness it. Luckily, it didn't last for long because not long after your coronation as the new Queen, on Christmas' eve your husband died for an illness. After his death, his son-in-law, Francis I, inherit the throne with his daughter, Claude as Queen Consort. Even though your marriage was short, you were a loved Queen and you could have stayed in France if you desire it, but your brother had other plans for you. For you to agree to marry the late French King, he promised you that you were going to be able to marry whom you choose after his death, but sadly for you, he had no plans to keep his word. He ordered the Duke of Suffolk to escort you safely back to England. Charles was a loyal friend to Henry, but you succeeded to confess your brother's intentions for your return to England - you knew that if he wanted you back so quickly was not because he missed his beloved sister, but because there was something he needed from you. "He wants you to marry the King of Portugal" he confessed finally succumbing to pressure. After finding out that your worse nightmare was a reality, you ordered everyone on the ship to leave you alone and you cried on the way back.
- As sorry as I am for your loss, I must admit sister that I would need you to put aside your grief and take the King of Portugal as your new husband. With the rise of power of the Holy Roman Emperor, we need new alliances and he is more than pleased to become out ally if you marry him. He's seen your portrait and is enchanted by your beauty.- he informed you with a smirk. You remained silent and made no gestures. - So, my dear sister, would you consent to marry the King? - My consent is not needed, Your Majesty, for the King always does what he wants.- you finally said, your voice emotionless. There he was, your older brother. He could be charming for a moment and a second later be the devil himself if you crossed him. He didn't like when anyone defied him, especially women. His face showed no signs of rejoicing anymore, just contained anger. - We are at war, my dear sister.- he explained angrily. - We could face an invasion from Spain and if that would happen, we will need soldiers and money and he could provide that to us. - You are at war, brother. This is all because of you. If the Holy Roman Emperor is planning to attack England, it is because you broke your promise, like you always do, and set aside his aunt, humiliating her all. And that's because you had fallen in love with another woman. In your eyes, dear brother, you are the only one allowed to marry for love and you do not care who has to pay for your desires.- you replied bitterly. -If you want me to marry that old man, breaking the promise you once made me, at least you could have avoided me the displeasure of seeing your face and should have asked the Duke of Suffolk to escort me directly to Portugal since you know that no matter what are my choices, at the end I must be a loyal subject and obey you or I'll suffer the traitor's faith.
His hands were closed forming fists; he was containing his rage. If there was something Henry hated more than anything else was being defied. If it was not for the fact that he needed your Queen Dowager's money and the perks that your new marriage would bring to him, he would have you banned from court.
- Charles, take her to her chambers immediately.- he ordered and walked away, returning to his throne.
You bowed to him and allowed Charles to escort you back to your bedchambers. Once in the room, he closed the door to be sure no one would hear you speak.
- The Queen would be wise not to cross her brother.- he advised you. He spoke softly, surely it was because he did not want to be heard, but there was another thing in his voice: worry. - Why not?- you asked; it was a sarcastic question, you knew exactly why you should no speak to Henry that way for he was a King before your blood. - He could vanish you from court or worse.- he explained. - Great! I would rather be banned from court or dying to have to marry another old King.- you admitted, sighing bitterly. - You should not say that Your Majesty.- he pleaded. - Charles, would you stop calling me Your Majesty? I have known you my entire life. I'm still the same Mary I have always been, just less trusting and much more unhappy.- you confessed. - But now you are the King of France, Your Majesty. I should treat you with nothing but the proper respect. - I am Queen Dowager, I don't have the same importance that an actual queen has. - You are soon to be Queen again.- he reminded you and a tear fell from your eye; you wiped it away quickly. He stared at you with sadness on his eyes. He was probably hurt that you had to go through that again. - I rather die.- you repeated and look to the floor -You are lucky Charles, you could marry whom you choose.- you sighed. - I cannot.- he said with sadness. - Who is that you want and can't have, Charles? -you asked sarcastically.
The Duke of Suffolk looked you directly into your eyes, giving you the answer to your question without even saying a word.
Before leaving England, the two of you were close. He was this ladies' man and you were the King's little sister, but you started to see him differently in the year previous to your marriage. He was sweet, funny and protective. It was clear that you were not a just his friend's sister anymore, but a smart, funny and delightful woman. You had long talks while you played with carts and spent a lot of time together before your departure.
Charles excused himself and was about to leave. You called his name and when he turned to face you, you ran into his arms and kissed him. He pulled you closer to him as he stopped fighting his conscience. He probably felt that it was wrong, but he couldn't keep denying his feelings. After the long and awaited kiss, he pressed his forehead against yours and sighed.
- Escape with me.- you pleaded. - What? -he asked confused. - We could go to France. Francis is not a fan of my brother and he had nothing but sweet thoughts about me. He will be delighted to have me back there and surely he will support us and protect us if Henry decides to seek vengeance. - you assured him.- Please, Charles. - I... I cannot do that, I am sorry.- he said avoiding to look at you. - I will not betray my King. - Is it because he is your childhood friend or because you do not want to lose your lands and titles, Duke of Suffolk? - you questioned bitterly. He did not say a word, but it was not necessary; his shameful look said it all. Your poor heart broke into a million pieces. Not only you would have to marry an old man once more, but the man you loved preferred his nobility and money over you and your happiness. No matter what the future had set for you, it surely would not be a happy one.
A month passed before you were set to leave for Portugal. As you demanded, Charles stood away from you. The days passed and all you could do was crying about your cruel destiny. If at least you could have the luck that your sister Margaret had of marrying a young King whom she fell in love with, but no, that was not your fate. You were meant to be unhappy for the rest of your days.
Charles' eyes met yours. You could feel his pain but you could not be sorry for him, after all, he could have had you if he would have been brave enough to fight for you and, surely soon he would forget all about you and find solace in another woman's arms while you had to be with a man much older than you whom you didn't know. You quickly look to other side making sure he noticed that you were ignoring him and stood there, waiting in the room full of people for your brother to show up to say goodbye.
Henry appeared shortly with Cardinal Wolsey by his side. He approached you a kissed you " My dear sister. Fare you well on your journey. Remember the King of Portugal, your future husband, loves you and respects you. You must love him in return." - he said faking affection when in reality it was a command and a warning. He looked into your shiny, watery eyes but that didn't seem to have any effects on him. After crossing him the day of your return to England, he must be more than happy to see you gone.
The King was about to leave the place when the Duke of Suffolk called his attention.
- Your Majesty, I would like to have a word" - Charles pleaded. Henry looked at him with confusion but gestured him to speak. He walked a few steps forward and got on his knee in front of his best friend. - My heart forces me to beg you to save your sister from this marriage for that would make her unhappy.- he said firmly. There were gasps among the people present. You were breathless and your heart was beating an at exhilarating speed. Henry stared at him, his eyes showed both shock and anger. - As a sign of gratitude for your kindness towards the Queen of France, I will resign to my title, renounced to my lands and accept to be banned from court and any other punishment Your Grace sees suitable for my outrageous request.
For the first time since your mother's death, you saw tears fell from your brother's eyes. It didn't come as such as a surprise to you, you might be his sister by blood, but Charles was his brother by choice; they grew up together and he was his most faithful companion and now he put him in a position Henry must have surely hated. If he agreed to let you escape from this marriage, he would have to punish Charles from defying him in front of people from court. If he rejected his plead, people would know that he forced you into a marriage you didn't want to and he would further loss the affection of his subjects, who were already unhappy about his decision of leaving the beloved Queen Catherine for Anne Boleyn. Whatever decision Harry took, surely it would not have a happy ending for Charles. You knew you were right at the moment your brother stormed out of the room without saying a word.
Anthony Knivert, one of your brother's closest friends, walked you back to your chambers after Cardinal Wolsey ordered him to do so. The trip to Portugal has been postponed until after the King came with a resolution about the matter. As impossible as it seemed, you were even more heartbroken than before. There was no way Charles could cross your brother like that and no get punished and all because of your fault. If you just accepted your destiny quietly and had not made him feel guilty for choosing lands and his noble title over you, this would not have happened. Now, because of your stubbornness, he could face death.
It was around midnight when you heard someone knocking at your door. After permitting to enter your bedchambers, Charles walked in. You got up quickly from your bed and ran into him. He hugged you tightly for a moment and then softly pressed his head against yours. You could feel his warm breath. His hands grabbing your face provoked you chills. - Charles, you should not have done that.- you regretted. - I should have done it before, but it is ok. I would do it again if necessary.- he assured you and tears rolled down your cheeks. His thumbs clean the tears and then he kissed you. - You are not only the Queen Dowager of France but also the Queen of my heart, Mary.- he confessed. You smiled at him and your lips met his again.
After a knock, the door opened and Will Compton warned Charles to hurry for someone was coming. He kissed you once more and disappeared.
The King summoned you a few days after. There were some noble people present, Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk among others. Charles was already there waiting. About half an hour later Henry appeared with Wolsey and sat on the throne. He remained silent for a moment, as he inspected you. He knew; he knew his friend loved you and his love was reciprocated.
- Dear sister, I would like to apologize to you, for I did not know you were unhappy with the marriage proposal.- he said with conviction as if that would make it true- I desire nothing more than happiness for you, my beloved Mary. So I have decided that it should be you the one to decide who your future husband will be. You have my word and my blessing. Of course, he would make it seem as if you pact before marrying King Louis XII was his idea, but you did not care, as long as he granted you that you were not mad about him credit it to himself. - As for Your Grace.- he said looking at Charles- Your title and lands were given to you as a reward for bravely fighting by my side to defend your country and should remain at your disposal. Furthermore, as a sign of gratitude for enlightened me about my sister's displeasure for her now announced marriage, I would like to grant you my blessing to marry her, if that is her heart's desire and I hope you live the happy quiet life you desire away from court.
There it was, your punishment was being banned from court, but it was a slight price to pay for all the great things you had achieved. You were now allowed to marry Charles and live happily with him.
Maybe it was the fear that Henry would change his mind that made you marry that same day. In a private ceremony, with a few maids and his friends Will and Anthony to witness it, you promised to love each other forever.
You had the opportunity to have another wedding since you have not bled and you were sure with child, you had a public wedding to show the legitimacy of your future child. This time, you had it at court. Henry was a proud man, but even if Charles did what no other man would have dared unless they wanted to lose their heads, your brother loved him too much and trust no other like he trusted your husband.
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Henry Brandon. That's the name Charles choose for your newborn. He was the living image of his father.
Not everything in your remaining life was happiness. Even though you had been blessed with another two children, Frances and Eleanor, by God's will your little Henry died when he was six years old. A year after that, another baby joined your family, honouring his late brother by carrying his name.
Charles was nothing but a loving husband to you. He stood by your side when tragedy hit your family and later when you got ill. You survived the sweating sickness but never fully recovered from it, and five years later you meet again with your loving son. It must have hurt your love, who never left your side until your heart stopped beating. He loved you much and would be sad for losing you, but you were glad he had your loving daughters and son to keep him company and help him move on.
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queenfredegund · 4 years
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MEROVINGIAN REGINAE | Brunehilde Regina († 613)
Chief wife of Sigebert I Rex, to whom she gave two daughters, Ingund II Regina and Chlodosuinda III Regina, and one son, Childebert II Rex, she is probably one of the most powerful women of her time. 
Although her date of birth remains unknown, we know that she was the youngest daughter of Athanagild of Toledo and his wife Goiswintha, and that she had an older sister, Galswintha Regina. 
“Nam Galsuintha aetate senior a Brunichilde erat.
Galswinth was older than Brunhild.”
DLH, IV, 28. Quod Sigiberthus Brunichildem accepit
In 566, she married Sigebert I Rex, and remains his only known consort. As Sigebert’s wife, she may have lived in Mettis (Metz) or Colonia (Cologne), principal civitates of his regnum. 
“Porro Sigyberthus rex cum videret, quod fratres eius indignas sibimet uxores acciperent et per vilitatem suam etiam ancillas in matrimonio sociarent, legationem in Hispaniam mittit et cum multis muneribus Brunichildem, Athanagilde regis filiam, petiit.
King Sigibert observed that his brothers were taking wives who were completely unworthy of them and were so far degrading themselves as to marry their own servants. He therefore sent messengers loaded with gifts to Spain and asked for the hand of Brunhild, the daughter of King Athanagild.”
DLH, IV, 27. De uxoribus Chilperici
The next year, in 567, her sister married too in the Gauls, and became the principal wife of Chilperich I Rex, half-brother of Sigebert. However, the marriage did not last long and Galswintha was found dead in her bed after only one year of marriage.
“Quae cum ad Chilpericum regem venisset, cum grande honore suscepta eiusque est sociata coniugio; a quo etiam magno amore diligebatur. Detulerat enim secum magnos thesauros. Sed per amorem Fredegundis, quam prius habuerat, ortum est inter eos grande scandalum. Iam enim in lege catholica conversa fuerat et chrismata. Cumque se regi quaereretur assiduae iniurias, perferre diceretque, nullam se dignitatem cum eodem habere, petiit, ut, relictis thesauris quos secum detulerat, libera redire permitteretur ad patriam. Quod ille per ingenia dissimulans, verbis eam lenibus demulsit. Ad extremum enim suggillari iussit a puero, mortuamque repperit in strato.
When [Galswinth] reached the court of King Chilperic, he welcomed her with great honour and made her his wife. He loved her very dearly, for she had brought a large dowry with her. A great quarrel soon ensued between the two of them, however, because he also loved Fredegund, whom he had married before he married Galswinth. Galswinth was converted to the Catholic faith and baptized with the chrism. She never stopped complaining to the King about the insults which she had to endure. According to her he showed no respect for her at all, and she begged that she might be permitted to go back home, even if it meant leaving behind all the treasures which she had brought with her. Chilperic did his best to pacify her with smooth excuses and by denying the truth as convincingly as he could. In the end he had her garrotted by one of his servants and so found her dead in bed.”
DLH, IV, 28. De uxoribus Chilperici
As she was childless, according to the law, all her possessions and properties had to pass to her legal heir, i.e. her sister Brunehilde Regina. As this inheritance would have deprived him of major cities of his regnum, Chilperich I Rex refused Brunehilde’s rights on it, and Sigebert called for a mediation, but the two brothers did not reach an agreement and grew an hostility between them.
In 575, due to this common hostility and to several military assaults, Sigebert called a war against his brother and successfully led an army to the west, in the future Neustria. Brunehilde followed him with her children, and was present in Parisius (Paris) when her husband was ultimately killed, perhaps on the orders of Chilperich I Rex who had been forced to retreat in the civitas of Turnaco (Tournai). Taken as a prisoner and deprived of all of her treasuries, she was exiled in Rotomagus (Rouen), separated from her daughters who were send to Meldicus (Meaux), meanwhile her son was taken in charge by nobiles and crowned new rex over Mettis (Metz) at 5. 
“Igitur interempto Sigybertho rege apud Victuriacum villam, Brunichildis regina cum filiis Parisius resedebat. Quod factum cum ad eam perlatum fuisset et, conturbata dolore ac lucto, quid ageret ignoraret, Gundovaldus dux adpraehensum Childeberthum, filium eius parvolum, furtim abstulit ereptumque ab immenente morte, collectisque gentibus super quas pater eius regnum tenuerat, regem instituit, vix lustro aetatis uno iam peracto. Qui die dominici natalis regnare coepit. Anno igitur primo regni eius Chilpericus rex Parisius venit adpraehensamque Brunichildem apud Rodomaginsem civitatem in exilio trusit thesaurisque eius, quos Parisius detulerat, abstulit; filias vero eius Meledus urbe tenire praecipit.
At the moment when King Sigibert was killed in Vitry, Queen Brunhild was in residence with her children in Paris. When the news was announced to her, she was prostrate with anguish and grief, and she hardly knew what she was doing. Duke Gundovald took charge of her little son Childebert and removed him from her in secret, snatching him from certain death. Gundovald assembled the people over whom Sigibert had reigned and proclaimed Childebert King, although he was barely five years old. Childebert began to reign on Christmas Day. In the first year of Childebert’s rule, King Chilperic came to Paris, seized hold of Brunhild, banished her to the city of Rouen and took possession of the treasure which she had brought to Paris. He ordered her daughters to be held in custody in Meaux.”
DLH, V, 1. De Childeberthi iunioris regno et matre eius
During her captivity, she was visited by Merovech Rex, son of Chilperich I Rex, who then married her with the help of his godfather, Bishop Praetextatus, perhaps in order to strengthen his own power; Brunehilde’s consent on this matter is unknown, and it is probable that she was actually married by force rather than falling in love with a young man, as some scholars want to see it... However, since they were aunt and nephew, the marriage was contrary to the canon law, and Chilperich rapidly intervened to separate them: Merovech was tonsured to nullify the ceremony, and Brunehilde sent away with her daughters to reunite with her son, in Austrasia.
She then sought the regency on behalf of her son, even if she had to face the strong disapprobation of the nobiles, mostly the powerful Gogo. From 576 to 583, she nonetheless personified the true power in Austrasia, building up political alliances, such as with her brother-in-law Guntchramn Rex or with Hispania through the marriage of her daughter Ingund II Regina to prince Hermenegild, and was known as an excellent administrative reformer. She also had to face some opposition against her, such as the conspiration led in 587 by three nobiles, Rauchingus, Ursio and Berthefredus, who tried to assassinate her and Childebert. As the regina-mother, she seemed to maintain herself within in her family, as she had a devoted (and perhaps low-ranking) daughter-in-law, Faileuba Regina, who never tried to challenge her superiority.
In 587 again, she attended with her daughter Chlodosuinda III Regina and Faileuba Regina, to the Treaty of Andelao (Andelot), where Childebert and Guntchramn agreed on Guntchramn’s succession and the future of the women when they both would be dead: she was reaffirmed in her own rights as the heir of her sister and as the mother of the rex. She also initiated a correspondence with both byzantine emperors and pope Gregorius, and personally intervene when her daughter Ingund II had to fled the Hispania and tried her best to take her home with her child, however in vain.
Upon the death of her son in 596, she pursued her ruling by being appointed regent again on behalf of her two grandsons, Theodorich II Rex, rex over Burgundia, and Theodebert II Rex, rex over Austrasia. But she started to find resistance in the person of her granddaughter-in-law, Bilichildis I Regina, a former slave-girl she had trained. With new opposition from the nobiles, she was forced in 599 to retire from Austrasia, where she was actually living, and joined Theodorich in Burgundia with her granddaughter, Theodelina Regina. 
“Eo anno Brunechildis ab Austrasies eiecta est et in Arciacinsem campaniam a quidam homini paupero singula reperitur. Secundum eius peticionem ipsam ad Teuderico perduxit. Teudericus aviam suam Brunechildem libetner recipiens gloriose honrat.
This year, Brunhild was driven out by the Austrasians. A poor man meets her, all alone, near Arcis in Champagne. In accordance with her wishes, he led her to Theuderic. Theuderic welcomes his grandmother Brunhild and covers her with honor.”
Chron, IV, 19. De Brunechilde, qualiter de Auster est egecta
She quickly became a prominent figure of Theodorich’s immediate entourage, and dominated his inner-court, even avoiding, according to the sources, the consumption of his marriage with the wisigothic princess, Ermenberga.
With her new advisor, Protadius, she started to form a faction waging war against Chlothacar II Rex, who was actually growing in importance, and tried to maintain diplomatic relationship with Theodebert II Rex and Bilichildis, with whom she entertained a regular correspondence. She was an important religious builder with three major foundations in Augustodunum (Autun), even if she also had troubles with religious men, especially with Colombanus who accused her great-grandchildren of being bastards because they were born from concubines and not from a wedded wife. 
In 613, after the death of Theodorich II Rex, and in absence of a powerful mother to claim the guardianship, she became regent for the third time, for her great-grandson, Sigebert II Rex, still a child. But Warnacharius II, Maior Palatii of Burgundia, alongside Pippin I and Arnulf of Mettis, resentful towards her, abandoned her cause and joined Chlothacar II Rex that they recognized as the rightful leader of the Franks.
Betrayed by the rest of her leading nobiles, she fled with Theodelina, but they were arrested and delivered in Rionava (Renève) to Chlothacar, who accused her of the murders of ten reges and then sentenced her to death with her young great-grandsons. She was tortured and humiliated in front of the whole army, then tied by foot and hair to a wild horse and torn apart. The remains of her body were burnt and the ashes buried in the Abbey of Saint-Martin d’Autun that she had founded in 602.
“Factionem Warnachariae maioris domus cum reliquis maxime totis procerebus de regnum Burgundiae Brunechildis ab Erpone comestaboli de pago Vltraiorano ex uilla Orba una cum Theudilanae germana Theuderici producitur et Chlothario Rionaua uico super Vincenna  fluuio presentatur. [...] Chlotharius, cum Brunechildis suum presentatur conspectum et odium contra ipsam nimium haberit, repotans ei eo quod decem reges Francorum per ipsam interfecti fuissent - id est Sigybertus et Meroeus et genitor suos Chilpericus, Theudebertus et filius suos Chlotharius, item Meroeus filius Chlothariae, Theudericus et eiusdem filiae tres, qui ad presens estincti fuerant - per triduo eam diuersis tormentis adfectam, iobetque eam prius camillum per omne exercito sedentem perducere, post haec comam capitis, unum pedem et brachium ad ueciosissemum aequum caudam legare: ibique calcibus et uelocitate cursus membratim disrumpetur. .
Following the maneuvers of Warnacharius, the mayor of the palace, and of almost all the other great men of the kingdom of Burgundy, Brunhild, at the same time as Theodelane, Theuderic's sister, was led out of the domain of Orbe by the count Herpo in the district of Jura and was presented to Clothar in the village of Renève, on the Vingeanne. [...] Clothar, before whom Brunhild is presented and who harbored a lively hatred towards him, imputes to her the murder of ten kings, namely Sigebert and Merovech, as well as their father Chilperic, Theudebert and his son Clothar, a another Merovech, Clothar's son, Theuderic and his three sons, who had just been killed. After having inflicted various torments on her for three days, he ordered that she be led through the whole army perched on a camel, then tied by the hair, a foot and an arm to the tail of a particularly fiery horse. Then she was tied to the feet of wild horses and torn apart limb from limb.”
Chron, IV, 42. De quod Chlotarius regnum Burgundiae et Auster recipit et filius Teuderici occisit
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you-did-well-moon · 4 years
questions tag :))
i was tagged by the lovely @bearboyunho thank uuuu
relationships: I was in one for a maximum of three hours dkejek. Ill explain in the breakup question. This is definitely not a relationship im proud of. It caused me too many problems considering how short it was...
break-ups: I have so many trust issues and insecurities, i think i still have a long way to grow before i can enter a relationship, besides i havent met anyone yet. I didn't lead this person on, i treated him as a friend. And i usually spent more time with him since we were both in track. He caught feelings for me which i honestly knew about but i didnt say anything bc i didnt have feelings for him. One day during lunch with all my friends at the time he asked for a relationship. He later confessed to me he did this on purpose because he knew i would feel bad saying no to him, and that paired with the pressure of my friends, i said yes. He held my hand, and it just didn't feel right. Everything didnt feel right. So three hours later i got him alone and told him i wasnt ready for a relationship but that we could still be friends. He took it relatively well, but he avoided me. His cousin confronted me and told me he cried all weekend, but she said she understood and that she was glad i said no in the end which i was confused about but didnt question just wanting to leave it behind. Then it all started the next year. Out of nowhere he texted me, which was ???? Bc i never gave him my number, but i talked to him believing he was doing this on friendly intentions. lol i was a dumbass. Later my friend revealed to me he had lied to her and said i was paired up with him during a project. I also found out he asked her for pictures of me. His cousin which im friends with also told me she was sure he was not befriending me on good intentions, and that she was creeped out by him. My friends had continuously told me he would speak about me as if we were together to other people, and that he stared at me for weird periods of time. At this point im fucking scared and confront him and say i dont want to be friends with him and that i dont think us talking or being friends is healthy for either one of us. He continued texting me, making me feel bad when i didnt respond asking me if i hated him i had to eventually block him. He gave me a present on both valentines and Christmas which i rejected but he forced me to accept them. After class i always packed up my stuff slowly bc i had a good relationship with my teacher and talked to her. He stood in front of me and just stared at me while i packed. We actually had a kpop club, and one day he showed up. I was part of student council, and at the middle of the year he started attending. He sent me kpop memes to try to get my attention. I felt so unsafe i told my English teacher. Eventually he gave up when i started being firmer in my silence and overall attitude towards him. so yeah.... a relationship that didnt even last a day caused all this. I genuinely wish i had been more careful. The red flags were there from the beginning and i tried ignoring them bc i wanted to be nice. Dont do that, if someone maked you uncomfortable please dont feel bad and cut them off for as long as you need to. Anyways- nExT quEstiOn.
kids: i dont have any but i want twins so badly it's stupid. I honestly dont mind having kids that aren't twins. I just want two tbh. A girl and boy.
brothers and sisters: i have one sister who's five years younger than me. Im very close with my two cousins tho so theyre like sister to me too. They're older than me by more than five years.
pets: i have three dogs. Two shih tzus Otis and Bella, Bella is mother to Otis. He's the only puppy we kept from when Bella had puppies. I have Rocky a very clumsy english bulldog. I also have a beta fish called Suho.
surgeries: Ive had two. One when i was four to get my tonsils removed because i got sick a lot, and last year i got my gallbladder removed because i had gall stones. That one was so painful i couldnt laugh or do anything without everything hurting.
tattoos: None but i would like one. Not big ones, just small meaningful ones.
countries i’ve been to: Mexico....i miss it
been in an airplane: my family is not in the class where we can take an airplane to travel or even travel to other states. Ive only been on it twice for a contest i won.
been in an ambulance: Twice as much as i can remember. Once for my sister who had a really bad seizure when i took her to a doctors appointment and the other when they had to transport me to another hospital when they first found out i had gall stones.
i sing karaoke: no but you can usually find me singing along to a song on the radio or randomly around my house.
ice skating: I would love to try. The closest ive gotten is rollerblading. I can't do any fancy tricks but i can balance, but oh no i havent gone in such a long time. My poor rollerblades are collecting dust in my garage.
been on a cruise: ..... this is a joke right? Let me have enough money to buy groceries first.
driven a motorcycle: ah i would really like a motorcycle, but no never.
ridden a horse: Lolol all the time. When i was young my uncle helped out at some stables that were literally at the end of my street snd and he always took me a long with him. A lot of my family especially in Mexico and in the valley have ranchos which means they have horses and you can usually find me hanging out with the lovely animals.
stayed in a hospital: I once went because my head was killing me and i found out it was migraines. I had gall stones for seven months and stayed in the hospital about two times a month so yeah i was there a lot. And for the surgery of course.
favorite fruit or berry: Watermelon and Guayaba. Also green grapes.
favorite color: peach and aqua.
last text: "ye ok" it was from me to my cousin since i was gonna go to her house but she was with my grandma who tested positive for covid so we both decided it would be safer for me to keep my distance.
coffee or tea: coffee. i need it to survive. As long as it has sugar im ok. But tea is great for when my stomach hurts. I just prefer coffee. I could drink it any hour.
favorite pie: Pecan, especially with ice cream its so good. Key lime isnt bad either.
favorite pizza: i dont really care? I like all of them but when i was little and we'd go to the mall my dad would always get this big pizza that was big enough to have things stuffed inside it and it tasted so good. Its a good memory.
cat or dog: dog but i really want a cat.
favorite time of year: Chritmas and Thanksgiving always. I love it. Especially Christmas when my family gathers together and we play games and everyone brings a traditional Mexican dish. We stay until like 4 am and its always great.
met a star: That one woman who had an affair with george bush. I met her. That doesnt really count. Yeah no one, i met basketball players but i dont remember from which team or who they were. I met ted cruz. Cool story tho my english teacher knew one of shinee's choreographers.
flown a helicopter:..... umm. nO..
been on tv: Nah. Probably in the backround of some news things.
broken my leg: no ive never broken a bone surprisingly.
seen a ghost: i had sleep paralysis it was close enough.
been sick in a taxi: never even been in a taxi. Ive been on a uber tho.
Tags: @doyoungbunnyagenda @butterflybam @brighttragedy @saturnsluna @waterfallsandrosebuds @jooheonyonehunnit @leecherryyong
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verritytorres · 6 years
calron fake dating au - unfinished outline
·      still not fully clear on why they fake date but we getting there
o   call announces it for shits n giggles at a party on Thursday night (drunk? to celia the gossip queen?) then morning after everyone’s like “oh congrats on finally dating aaron btw!” “what”
o   aaron’s pissed at first cause that’s actually a shitty thing to do also he’s been pining for going on two years now do u have any idea what this does to his Heart
o   that is, until something happens that convinces him
§  some bully fuckers in the locker room after soccer practice like “who we gonna get today, chad?” “well everyone in here is off limits so--” aaron chimes in “what do you mean… off limits” “look youre a respectable guy so we treat you right, always have. teammates honor and all that. so we get at other people instead” (cue Dark Aaron) “and who are these other people” “that scrawny guy hunt for example” “oh, you mean call hunt my boyfriend?” “your…what?” “you heard me. if you fuck with him, you and I might have a problem. and nobody wants that.”
§  later, aaron texts call “I’m in.”
§  “sweet. what changed ur mind?” “That’s not important.”
·      the only person that knows is tamara bc helou its tamara they don’t keep secrets from each other
o   STUDY SESSION AT THE GABLES FRIDAY AFTERNOON (they all in the same regular algebra class cause theyre gay and therefore not great at math):
§  t: yo btw have you guys dealt with the whole “youre dating” rumor? if anyones been giving you a hard time tell me so I can eliminate them off the face of the earth
§  c: actually, aaron and I are just gonna roll with it
§  t: wait. youre actually gonna date?
§  c: NO no no no we’re gonna fake date. scam the fuck outta the school also it’s a bit too awkward to go back on it now for me so
§  t: (turns and gives aaron a Look cause she knows this fuckers been pining forever) are YOU on board with this?
§  a: (busies himself with his hw to hide his blush) yeahsurewhynot
§  t: (looks up and shakes her head) this is gonna end badly, calling it now
o   t: math is acephobic. im asexual and its inconveniencing me
·      Saturday! aaron goes over to the hunt household to hang out like he usually does
o   alastair loves him
o   alastair: so when did this happen?
o   call, who is sitting knee-to-knee w aaron on the couch like he always does: when did what happen
o   alastair: (gives him a Look) the watsons came in this morning. Brenda told me the news, im just surprised you didn’t tell me
o   call:…..what news…….
o   alastair: you two are dating, right? which im totally fine with btw, i had a boyfriend back then too, and im really happy for you, youre both mature enough that I don’t have to give the whole speech—
o   call and aaron are looking at each other in Horror
o   call: OKAY THANKS DAD WE’RE GONNA WALK HAVOC NOW BYE (nyooms outta the house with aaron and havoc in tow)
o   out in the park
§  c: so I guess we gotta find out how to sell this whole (gestures between himself and aaron) thing
§  a: (snorts) thing?
§  c: yeah thing. if my hermit dad knows, then we can assume just about everyone in town knows too. which is not the idealest
§  a: why’s that?
§  c: cause then we gotta act all coupley to everyone or else they’ll be like “wait a minute…are they really dating??”
§  a: well, not with everyone. tamara knows
§  c: yeah, that’s one person in a whole townful of people
§  a: we spend the majority of our time with tamara though
§  c:….point. we still gotta sell it to everyone else
§  a: it cant be that hard, just hold hands a little here, drop some compliments there
§  in reality aaron doesn’t wanna do Big Couple Things or else he might literally spontaneously combust. its possible, hes read abt it
§  c: oh come on, no one gonna buy that. we gotta pull out all the stops
§  a: (cursing silently) like?
§  c: hugs. general lack of personal space. kiss on the cheek, maybe. pet names.
§  a: (calming his crazy heart) oh. I see.
§  c: as long as youre alright with it, of course! I don’t wanna do some creeper shit and like accidentally assault you
§  a: nonono I get it im alright with it. (pause) we should uh..have some signal, though
§  c: signal?
§  a: in case one of us goes too far or something. nothing too obvious, but just obvious for us to notice
§  c: hm. ok, how bout asshole?
§  a: (bursts out laughing) asshole????
§  c: (grinning) yeah, asshole. I never call you an asshole, you never call me an asshole. so if you say “youre a bit clingy there, asshole” I know I should back off
§  a: that- that hardly sounds affectionate
§  c: well duh you gotta say it in an affectionate way. like this (sticky sweet voice, batting eyelashes) “asshole”
§  a: (still laughing) okay. asshole it is.
§  theyre both quiet ntil aaron speaks up. “I do have one request”
§  “which is?”
§  “this is gonna sound weird, please don’t ask but…don’t kiss me. not unless I tell you to.”
§  call looks at him like ??? then says “sure, man. nix on smooches. you wish you had a taste of these bad boys, though.”
§  aaron turns away bc hes a blushy boi. “youre making it weird.”
·      Monday rolls in
o   call is in Zombie Mode making himself coffee on his antique expensive coffee machine (the best Christmas gift ever thanks alastair)
o   alastair, making pancakes: shouldn’t you bring an extra to school today?
o   sleepy call, pouring himself a solid triple shot of espresso: whaddya mean
o   alastair: if youre gonna be dating aaron, you gotta treat him right. bring out the big guns, you know
o   call, suddenly wide awake: what????
o   alastair: I will not have that boy deprived of real boyfriend privileges
o   so call leaves his house with two coffee cups
o   he walks over to where he knows aaron is at the time (music room, playing piano)
o   before he heads in he looks inside and just. stares at aaron playing the piano. gay descriptions galore
o   aaron hits a wrong key and swears
o   c: well that’s a big word
o   a: (practically jumps out of his seat, swearing again)
o   c: and that’s an even bigger one
o   a: oh, its you. good morning, call
o   c: morning, snookums
o   a: (smiling tentatively) snookums? is that really the best you can do
o   c: that’s just scratching the surface, and also its Monday morning so im not at my peak. anyway i brought you coffee
o   a: thanks. already “pulling out all the stops” I see
o   c: I plan to be an especially doting boyfriend (glances at the door, sees a few people staring at them) I..gotta get to my locker (kisses his cheek, aaron goes rigid, call whispers at his ear) we got an audience. see you at lunch
o   aaron sits there for a while after call leaves staring at the ceiling and asking himself why
·      lunch in the magisterium high caf
o   aaron, biting calmly at his sandwich: what don’t you get
o   jasper: there are at LEAST a dozen guys in this school ready and willing to go out with you and you go with CALL
o   call, resting his head on Aarons shoulder, much to Aarons chagrin: its ok dude you can just say youre jealous
o   jasper: YEAH A LITTLE. Aarons like…the best catch out here. the golden boyfriend. the guy that would tell your parents “yes sir ill have him back by nine thirty sharp :)”
o   aaron: I wouldn’t say that to alastair
o   call: yeah you would (turning back to jasper) who are these dozen guys? I gotta know whos planning to fight me so I can know their weaknesses beforehand
o   jasper: kai hale, for one
o   aaron: hmm. he is kinda cute
o   call: HEY
o   jasper: definitely cuter than hunt
o   aaron: is there something particularly wrong with call?
o   call: takes one to know one
o   aaron, shrugging and finishing his sandwich: maybe I like trash men
o   call laughing his ass off, jasper groaning: youre killing me, stewart. youre literally causing my cells to stop functioning
·      study hall w aaron and tamara
o   t: (has been frowning at him for the past 10 mins)
o   a: okay you clearly want to talk about something so out with it
o   t: are you sure about this thing with call?
o   a: what, the dating thing?
o   t: the fake dating thing
o   a: right. its fake. yeah im fine
o   t: we both know that’s a lie, aaron. we don’t lie to each other
o   a: (sardonically) yeah well. ive been lying to him since we were freshmen
o   t: having a crush isn’t lying, per se, but that’s besides the point. im worried about you, man. I don’t want call to hurt you accidentally, and then consequently be hurt himself by not knowing how he hurt you, cause then ILL be hurt by best friend collateral drama
o   a: I get it, tamara
o   t: then I reiterate: are you sure about this?
o   big internal monologue
o   a: yeah. im sure.
o   it’s the fall festival since its October theres pumpkins everywhere and haunted houses and candied apples and hay bales and rides and its lit
o   the iron trio+jasper go always
o   theyre walking around, aaron looking at the decorations, tamara call and jasper arguing abt which haunted house to visit first
o   c: the mansion is the obvious choice just sayin
o   j: but theres a haunted hospital ffs
o   c: ive been in enough hospitals to know for a fact that they are all haunted so that doesn’t excite me as much as a MANSION
o   t: how bout…we happy medium at…the graveyard one
o   a: how bout we don’t go to any of those and just go to the roller coasters instead
o   t: aaron, I love you, but youre a weenie sometimes. you can wait outside if you don’t wanna go
o   a: im not leaving you guys alone! (catches calls eye, glances at jasper, call nods a lil, aaron drapes his arm round calls shoulders) who am I to let my boyfriend into that scary place alone?
o   c: (smiling and rolling his eyes) its not that scary, but I appreciate the offer, sugar
o   aaron? oh yes he is dead
o   j: (GAG) youre going to give me diabetes with all these sweets
o   t: (mischievous smile) I dunno, jasper. ever since they started dating they’ve been acting kinda the same as always
o   aaron Tenses, call raises an eyebrow at him then turns to tamara
o   c: what were you expecting, rajavi? showers of pda everywhere?
o   t: oh come on, if any one of us is going to be That Couple its you two.
o   turns out the haunted whatevers are not open yet, they open at nightfall, so they head to the roller coasters
o   surprise surprise call hates roller coasters
o   “if I die I want you all to know that you are not written into my will therefore I owe you nothing”
o   hes clinging to aaron the whole ride and aaron is like if theres a god up above…….
o   then they reach the hay bales and jaspers like “im gonna head over to the bumper boats w tamara you guys can wait here or do whatever I guess”
o   “we’re just fine going with you guys??”
o   jasper looks at call weirdly and says “um, no youre not. you lovebirds need some alone time. get your 10 things I hate about you on in these haystacks.”
o   they get redder than the ripest tomatoes
o   they just stand there awkwardly for a while when call says “wanna head over to the carnival games” “please”
o   they walk over to the game area in a kinda uncomf silence until aaron breaks it
o   “what did jasper mean by 10 things I hate about you?”
o   call stares at him “are you serious right now”
o   aaron looks at him meaningfully
o   “oh my god. oh my god. have you never watched 10 things???”
o   “no?”
o   “oh my god. dude. its just like star wars all over again. we’re watching it, no excuses.”
o   aaron smiles at him “okay. whats it about?”
o   “well if I tell you that ruins the whole goddamn surprise, doesn’t it, pumpkin?”
o   he laughs. “it does, doesn’t it.”
o   they get to the carnival game: the hammer game. the biggest prize is a huge stuffed monkey
o   aaron turns to call grinning and calls like “you do know this game’s rigged right. theres no way you can win.”
o   but of course. aaron wins.
o   call is just gaping at him and whispers “you fucking beefcake you.”
o   aaron says “here’s your prize, boyfriend” and fucking winks
o   is call dying? we don’t know this aint his pov
o   c: it looks like you
o   a: thanks
o   call suddenly looks behind aaron with wide eyes and grabs Aarons hand so Aarons brain goes like WHAT…..
o   “heads up,” call whispers, “group of classmates at eight o clock”
·      call and tamara have always attended every one of aaron’s soccer games, but for some reason this one felt different
o   theyre cheering frm the side with their banners as always (banners say STEWART FOR SOCCER GOD and LUCKY NUMBER 8 and most recently THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND!!! maybe that last one makes this different)
o   its also rainy as heck the banners had to be laminated this time (do not underestimate being friends w a rich kid)
o   they both in they raincoats while Aarons in full soccer gear in the RAIN rifp
o   but the team is falling behind so theyre like FUK OUR CHEERING ISNT WORKING WHAT WE DO
o   at halftime
§  t: lets get the fuck down there we gotta give him a pep talk
§  c: what r we gonna say
§  so they head down to where aaron is sitting, drinking from his water bottle
§  c: cant you just tilt your head back and stick your tongue out in this weather
§  t: shut up. aaron we are here to peptalk you. (INSERT PEPTALK IDK HOW TO PEP)
§  exit tamara
§  a: (wince) we’re that bad today, are we
§  c: yeah youre kinda sucking
§  a: well that’s not the supportive boyfriend comment I expected
§  c: doting. I said I was going to be doting, not supportive. and definitely not a liar
§  a: whatever. tamara’s pep talk helped, so I guess ill get my head in the game
§  coach rockmaple blows his whistle for the team huddle. aaron salutes call with two fingers before standing up to go and then call blurts “ice cream. on me. if you win the game, that is.”
§  aaron stares at him and then smiles. “you’re on.”
§  everyones celebrating and grinning and cheering and call catches aarons eye and theyre smiling, smiling, smiling, and suddenly call finds himself right in front of aaron and aaron is cupping his face and its raining and it sounds like something out of a movie and his face is so close and aaron’s freckles are covered in droplets and so are his lashes and call never really thought about it but if he leaned in, tilted his head just a bit, they would be kissing, and call could pass it off as having an audience—
§  aaron pulls call’s face towards him and kisses his forehead, leaning his head to call’s ear to say “you owe me an ice cream.”
§  and call’s heart all but leaps from his body, he feels lightheaded, and aaron looks fucking beautiful like this, his eyes alight with triumph and joy and something else
§  he doesn’t think till he gets home that wanting to kiss aaron for real wasn’t part of the plan.
·      they first kiss at a party cause everyones like KISS KISS KISS so call (lightly drunk) cups Aarons cheek and leans in. aaron.exe has crashed is not working holy fuck this is the best thing ever and all those gay ass descriptors. everyone cheers in the bg
o   call is dronk, aaron is driving him home, call is being supper chattery and super flirty (think: drunk Laurent)
o   alastair is sleeping so aaron has to make sure call is quiet when going to his room
o   a: (a lil breathless cause hes basically carrying call) be quiet, your dad is sleeping right there
o   c: (winking with both eyes) what do I get in returnnnnn
o   a: oh my god
o   aaron finally gets him to his bed, drapes him on it and tucks him in, hes about to lean away when call grabs his shirt collar to keep him there
o   “aren’t you gonna give your fake boyfriend a proper goodnight?”
o   “youre drunk. i—we can’t—youre not yourself right now. goodnight.”
o   “mm. alright. you owe me a kiss, though.”
o   aaron huffs. he cant breathe right. and just because its 3 am and hes feeling reckless after kissing him tonight and call’s just about asleep and he probably wont remember this in the morning, he whispers, “sure.”
·      THE BREAK
o   Aarons leaning on his kitchen counter, trying to look casual but ultimately failing. call has a sneaking suspicion as to why hes acting this weird but by god he will not say it. its too embarrassing on its own.
o   “so.” aaron says. “you kissed me last night.”
o   fuck. dammit. “did i?”
o   “yeah, in the middle of the party. everyone was watching.”
o   call spots himself a loophole and hell if he doesn’t take it. “sweet. looks like drunk me was up for a show.”
o   “what do you mean?”
o   “well, it was a full party. this whole thing is build on other people believing we’re together
o   “’sides. it’s all just fake anyway.”
o   aaron stops, his hands fists. “right,” he croaks. “its all fake.”
o   “dude…you okay?”
o   “yeah. yeah im fine.”
o   “don’t lie to me aaron, i can see youre upset. spit it out.”
o   aaron takes a deep breath and quickly says “is it really all fake?”
o   call freezes. his mind replays last week’s game, and the subsequent breakdown he had because he likes aaron. and fuck. fuck. he swore he was being quiet about it.
o   “yeah,” he says after a while, forcing the words out. “it was always fake, that’s the idea.”
o   “lately, it hasn’t felt fake.”
o   call’s stomach drops. “if you ever needed to stop you could’ve just said—“
o   Aarons eyes are closed. “last night didn’t feel fake.”
o   because it wasn’t, because im a shitty human who fell for you and since I did this has all been horrible self indulgence, because I like you and you don’t like me.
o   “well it was, so I don’t know why youre making such a big deal out of it.”
o   call hates the things that come out of his mouth.
o   something in aaron seems to catch fire, his eyes fly open and he’s angry, call has barely ever seen him angry at him. “it’s a big deal for me, you kissed me”
o   “I didn’t—I didn’t mean to!”
o   “then if you didn’t mean to, why did you!”
o   calls head is spinning, he doesn’t know what hes doing at this point. “I was drunk, aaron, people fuck up when theyre drunk”
o   “I told you not to kiss me, but you went and did it anyway, do you have any idea how that felt—“
o   “I don’t, aaron, because I don’t feel the things you feel!”
o   aaron freezes completely, his eyes wide
o   “right. I forgot. sorry. right.”
o   theyre quiet, and call knows he fucked up. he doesn’t know exactly how, but he knows.
o   “I…I gotta go. bye.”
o   aaron slams the door behind him, call hears the car door slam and aaron driving away before he manages to whisper “wait”
o   but its too late. hes alone.
o   well, not alone. havoc noses his waist and looks up at him with huge, worried eyes.
o   “come on, boy. lets go for a walk.”
o   he ends up at the park—the same park he first discussed the thing with aaron. he sits down under a tree and rests his head on his knees, havoc cuddling up to him.
o   he kind of drifts off, loses track of time. his mind is kinda blank right now. he knows that’s probably a shitty coping mechanism but what the fuck can you do.
o   he doesn’t want to do anything right now. he doesn’t want to deal with anything or anyone right now.
o   he doesn’t want to feel anything, because feeling is what got him into this mess in the first place.
o   he’s so wrapped up in his personal void that he doesn’t hear the footsteps behind him until he hears jasper say “you look miserable.”
o   call doesn’t look up. “fuck off, jasper.”
o   he does not fuck off. instead call hears leaves crunching  as jasper sits down next to him.
o   “he’s at tamara’s. been there for the past hour.”
o   “didn’t ask.”
o   “but you wanted to know.” calls quiet at this.
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saras-almanac · 6 years
Because i love to procrastinate my actual life, I figured, why not make a round-up of what I wrote this year? It’s exclusively Emmerdale because I was just so inspired to write for it and this fandom’s been so amazing at welcoming me and others, which has just made me want to write even more! 
Robert Week Fics. These prompts were so amazing and I literally felt hey were tailor-made for me. Write a scene the way you wished it would have gone? Hello canon divergence, which is my favorite thing! It was the first things I’d written for Emmerdale and I just had so much fun! 
just one night - robert/aaron
quiet night - robert & vic
letting go - robert/aaron (break-up fic, sorry! i’ve been asked to fix it though!)
the shirt - robert/aaron, everyone picks on robert
the fight - robert/aaron
stay - robert/aaron
together - robert/aaron
Hesitantly-titled Promises verse ficlets. It’s the canon divergence where Robert doesn’t go out with Bernince and all so Aaron doesn’t get jealous and sticks it out with Alex for longer. I hate seeing Aaron basically miserable and I loved that reunion so much, but I sort of wanted to see what might have happened going forward if Aaron and Robert were just mates for a while longer. How would that work out? Would it? Where does Alex fit in. It was also a way for me to explore probably my favorite dynamic of this show, second only to Aaron and Robert themselves, which is Robert and Liv. I think I might try and make this into a sort of fic serious or longer fic this year. Maybe I’ll try and add that on my list as well... We’ll see. 
promise - robert & liv
the bridge - robert/aaron, robert & liv
guilt - robert & liv
the fallout - robert/aaron
we’ll sort it - robert/aaron
My Noah-moves-into-the-Mill AU that I am still trying to figure out the best format to use! I originally thought a chaptered fic, but then I think a series where every fic can sort of stand alone might work best. I keep fluctuating back-and-forth, to be honest, and I’m not sure where I’ll end up landing come the new year. I have been thinking a lot about this one, especially because of all the Debbie stuff because Jack has found his way into this AU as well since he’s always missing. (Where was he on Christmas, Debbie? Everyone you knew was at the wedding and he wasn’t with Diane)
movie night - roblivion & noah
maths help - robert & noah 
just paints - robert & noah
Aaron week came at the busiest time for me, so I was sadly unable to produce something for every day. But I had so much fun and those prompts were amazing. I might try to come back and finish it in the future, but it’ll depend on how much time and inspiration I actually have! 
rude boy
past & future 
Miscellaneous fics:
all i want for christmas is you - robert/aaron
Robert has a new boyfriend and Aaron handles it the best he can. Mostly by avoiding Robert and pretending that he’s not actually in love with Robert. If every romantic comedy is to go by, there’s no way this could possibly go wrong.
aftermath - robert/aaron, robert and the dingles 
Aftermath of 28 September episode. Robert tries to help everyone through this.
TW: Mentions of Chas/Paddy storyline and the outcome of Grace’s birth.
worry - robert & liv
Liv worries about Robert post seizure. Coda fic to 13 September 2018. [Is it shamelessly self-indulgent? Yes. Is it hinting at Liv viewing Robert as her father-figure. Yes. I’ve said it before, I will die on this hill of Liv and Robert being Liv’s pseudo father.]
support - roblivion 
After Liv finds out what Jacob’s told his dad, Robert and Aaron just want to help. Response to an anon prompt on tumblr.
I wrote this when it was just spoilers and then it sat in my folder for a bit as real life got in the way. I tried to rework to fit more in canon, but I’m not sure how successful I was.
Looking back, I’m actually pretty impressed with myself. I managed to produce over 30k in about 4 months, on top of work and my graduate program, which is just insane to me! It’s also made me pretty excited to continue working in this fandom because I’ve just had so much! 
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Come Back Down, Part 21
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Title: Come Back Down, Part 21
Warning/Rating: NC-17; For graphic smut, hand job (male receiving), cussing, description of mental illness.
Word Count: 4,879
Summary: Recovery is not easy for Jensen. It involves sitting still and ‘resting’ which pretty much adds up to anxiety and feelings of failure. Depression weighs heavily on him as he contemplates the past month.
A/N: Thank you, @tas898, for reading through this and reassuring me that it wasn’t complete crap! Also for pushing me to post the damn thing. I super appreciate your support, Twinsie!
Hollygopossum’s Master List ~ If you’d like to read more of my work, click this link 
Come Back Down Master List ~ Just incase you’d like to catch up, click this link here!
I’d been home for about 2 weeks now and had barely even left this room. Despite being drugged up to the gills for most of it, I was starting to lose patience with everyone. Mom had, of course, been insufferable and over attentive which was both annoying and guilt inducing. I knew there were preparations for her favorite holiday to be done but she was too busy checking on me every thirty minutes. Which, was an improvement because up until a couple of days ago, it had been every five.
It was a crazy concept to me, when I thought about it, but Christmas was only less than a week away. The two weeks I’d spent in hospital had seemed to drag on and on, but it turned out that hospital time goes a lot slower than real time.
The time I spent hospitalized was anxiety inducing, especially with my parents and their superpower of smothering the fuck out of me. My family had come to an agreement of a different schedule when I finally lost it enough to need more iv Ativan.
They were only allowed to come in one person at a time. My parents traded of the morning and afternoon shift. Josh, Mackenzie and Jared had each come to visit and take a ‘shift’ that I found unnecessary since I had a very attentive nurse. She came quickly when I had to break down and push the button but she hadn’t tried to make small talk. She was there to get down to business.
Then there was Y/N. She mainly took the night shift, after my parents and I had put our foot down that she needed a shower and at least 5 hours of sleep that she wouldn’t get if she stayed glued to my side 24/7. Selfishly I wanted her to stay with me and scare off my parents with her haunted eyes. But, she truthfully hadn’t recovered from me scaring the ever loving fuck out of her and she needed sleep and food.
So now, even though I was feeling pouty and ready to hunchback my healing ass out of this room and to the nearest bar, I stifled it. Earlier in the week, I’d half heartedly tried to convince her to go home to Wyoming. I told her she didn’t have to stay to take care of me when she had so many things to do at home. The argument was pointless, like arguing with an especially grumpy mule. I tried to let the guilt bog me down. I tried to convince myself that I was not just uselessly just putting her life on hold, and many of the cast and crew were ‘home on break’ until we had a full cast to work with.
So much guilt. Forever with the guilt.  
Unfortunately for me, she was also extremely perceptive. She always had been, and she knew with just one look that I wasn’t handling the bed surfing part of my recovery well. If I were honest with myself, I would admit that the appendectomy had scared the fuck out of me too. But, it seemed wrong to voice that when everyone else had been terrified too. I was damn relieved that she hadn’t listened when I told her that she should go home.
She knew from experience how much of a pain in the ass I could be when I wasn’t feeling well. And, like I’d said before, we’d been there for each other through a large variety of situations. Like, the time I’d gotten mono from making out with Anna McDowell the summer before senior year.
Y/N had been the only person home because she was visiting over her break. Dad was off filming a part in some sitcom that filmed in Vancouver. After I had assured Mom that Y/N and I could behave and would be fine alone, she had reluctantly gone with him.
My throat had been brutally sore and I’d felt weighed down like I could sleep for days at a time. I’ll just say that mono had made the bad cold I’d had back in Cheyenne look like the sniffles. She made sure I drank plenty of fluids and took my medication. She would even bring me popsicles if I didn’t bitch too much. I know I definitely tested Y/N’s patience that first week of summer. It was one of the many times that solidified the position she held in my life as my favorite person.
Now, things were a little different. We weren’t just two teenagers trying to get by anymore. She never gave me any inclination that she ever planned to run like hell. I’d tried to get used to the very real possibility that dealing with all of this was just too much for me to ask. How could such a friend stay in my life for so long? Especially when they were picking up pictures of her and putting them in the gossip magazines?
My life was already spilling over into hers and I hadn’t made anything official. I’d gotten comfortable with what we had, but now I had to consider the possibility that she wouldn’t want the kind of life that was constantly being observed underneath a microscope. Not that I could completely begrudge Danneel for going off the deep end, but I knew I was going to get some backlash for that. That meant that Y/N might get backlash, too. Some of my fans had tagged her as the ‘other woman’ years ago before I’d wizened up.
My sad effort to keep these worries and some others under wraps and my problem alone had failed. She’d tried to cheer me up by offering me my favorite foods or letting me watch whatever I wanted, but the truth was that I was going fucking stir crazy. I didn’t want to sit still so that my abdominal internal sutures could heal properly like the outside sutures were headed to a lot quicker than I had thought. To be honest, it was getting a little itchy which just added to my discontent.
To be fair, I recognized that it was my own damn fault that I’d landed in this situation. If I hadn’t been such a hard headed dipshit, I’d be back on set by now.
On top of that, I couldn’t help but think about Danneel and the fake pregnancy. I still hadn’t been able to give her what she wanted. It still stung more than I was prepared for, even though we weren’t together anymore. Our divorce had caused her to suffer a psychological break, or so her brother had informed me in a very angry, violent conversation over the phone right after I’d been released to go home.
I’d spoken to Danneel’s mother yesterday and she’d informed me that Danneel was receiving treatment closer to her home town in Louisiana in a much nicer, if a little bit professional tone. The doctors there thought the break was due to the imbalance of hormones in her system caused by the fertility treatments she had been having. Oh, and stress. For some reason, Danneel’s mother took pity on me. She mentioned that even though stress didn’t help the situation, it had played a very small part in comparison to the fertility treatments and her unsuccessful attempts at conceiving a baby.
I still couldn’t quite let myself off of the hook, even having been pardoned by her mother. As soon as I was healed enough to drive, I planned on making time to visit with Mrs. Graul and maybe even Danneel if she was ready to have visitors. I knew all too well that the divorce was solid this time, but I still couldn’t shake the feeling of being responsible for pushing Danneel closer to the deep end. She might have meant to harm me, but I would’ve never wished her any real pain.
Y/N was still furious with Danneel who had confessed to running her off the road and into the ravine. A dark, unpopulated ravine that she’d been at the bottom of for nearly a week. Add on top of that the vandalism of her barn, and Y/N had every reason to press every charge possible, but she’d dropped them when she found out that Danneel wasn’t mentally well. She’d told me right before bed the night before that she didn’t want to make a bad situation worse. Plus, it was kind of hard to point fingers at someone who’d had such a hard time adjusting that they had a meltdown.
Once the media got a hold of the story, some negative Tweets and articles had already been released. Some of the Supernatural fandom were not very happy with me. They blamed me for Danneel’s mental break, and I couldn’t say I blamed them. The suits at the CW said not to worry, that the negative press would settle soon. They’d even tacked on that my drama had actually benefited the show being renewed. Bad attention, is still attention. Ugh! I felt used, but at least the crew would still have a job the longer they stayed on tv.
I sighed, feeling the tension building back up in my chest. It had only been momentarily alleviated by Y/N’s earlier animated conversation about how beautiful our hometown was. As she’d leaned into my shoulder, and nowhere else because I was a fucking china doll, she’d reminisced in a way that didn’t completely depress her. It was new, this lighter side of her talking about childhood hang outs and memories of us as high schoolers.
No matter how many times she returned to Dallas, and even though my parents had moved to a new house a few years before, the first couple of days always hit her like a sledgehammer. Especially if she tries to talk about her family. Now though, she seemed relaxed and happy to be here. She’d come back upstairs a couple of times ready to discuss a conversation that she’d had with my parents. There were little tidbits of information that she’d never known about her mom until my Mom had shared with her.
Maybe I’d be able to summon the inner strength to ask her what had changed.
She had disappeared about an hour ago and the book I was trying to read wasn’t holding my attention for longer than 5 minute increments.
Ever since I’d arrived home I’d been battling the nervous, possibly manic energy that was buzzing beneath my skin the longer I was forced to sit still. There were so many things that needed to be done for the show and I’d had to fight with both my Mom and Y/N so that I could leave to do voice work next week. They’d eventually given in when I told them that it was going to be done locally and for short amounts at a time. Even being able to do voice work in the very near future didn’t really quell it.
The crew had made changes as soon as they knew my recovery would be extended. They had left me out of several scenes and used my stunt guy to fill in where they couldn’t. I hated the strain this put on my friends.
Singer had tried to comfort me with the fact that it was only a couple of episodes and then they would break for Christmas. I wasn’t comforted. I hated anything that would possibly take away from the shows full potential and the family that was there.
You’d think the nervous energy would be completely cancelled out by the depressive episode of gargantuan proportions. It was obvious with my unwillingness to get out of bed or eat or to bathe myself with anything more complicated than a baby wipe down. I could actually feel myself sinking deeper and deeper, even with taking my antidepressant regularly. I could recognize it but I couldn’t do anything about it without feeling overwhelmed and defeated.
I had been at the end of my rope a few nights ago and finally caved. I told Y/N a shortened version of what was going on with me, omitting my worries about her because I didn’t want to give her more things to worry about. She had listened patiently but she hadn’t tried to soothe me with putting her hands on my face or giving me a look of pity.
She chose a scientific explanation that put me at ease faster than a generic, ‘I’m sorry, baby.’ She’d simply explained that sometimes anesthesia and the sedatives would mix up the normal balance of brain chemicals. That I should just try to take it easy until they balanced themselves out, but I didn’t know just how much more I could take.
Bored by the book I was trying to read and filled to the brim with hopelessness, I fell asleep. Sleeping was my only escape. It was the only way I could stop the voices in my head telling me how much I’d fucked up. That I was letting everyone that I’d ever cared about down.
I wasn’t sure how long I’d been asleep the next time I woke up, but it was a pleasant wake up. Y/N face was leaning down so that she was eye level, a private smile on her face and a little blush on her cheeks. It looked like maybe she had been able to be outside for a little while and gotten some sun on her face.
“Hey.” She whispered like speaking too loud would disturb the room. As I slowly became more conscious, I noted that she’d opened the blinds to let some sun it. It glowed brightly against the beige carpet in the room, reflecting an ethereal glow on her face.
“Hey.” I croaked, lifting a hand to push the hair hanging in her face behind her ear. She leaned down a little further to kiss my nose and then my lips, bringing a small smile out.
“I’ve run a bath for you.”
And… the moment was gone. “A bath?” A bath required energy. A bath meant I’d need help getting in and out. A bath sounded terrible.
“Yeah.” She sat down on the edge of the bed, probably seeing my face fall. “I’ll do all the work. All you have to do is stay awake.”
“I don’t want you to do all the work.” I grumped, groaning quite dramatically as I sat up. “I don’t want you to have to do anything.”
“Would you rather your Mom helped?” Dirty. She played dirty. She deduced the answer by the appalled twist to my expression. “Maybe we could have a little fun.”
I lifted an eye brow in question, wondering if Y/N had lost her mind while I’d been sleeping. It was a tiny bit enticing but absolutely not while my parents were still in the house. That would just be weird. Plus, I wasn’t exactly in shape to be doing acrobatics in the garden tub.
“Your parents are gone shopping for some last minute Christmas things. They’ll probably be gone…” She checked the phone she’d been carrying in her right hand. “For the next two hours.”
And, there went most of my excuses.
I didn’t cave one bit, my face a study in extreme grumpiness, as she walked close beside me while I hobbled into the upstairs bathroom. Even as I saw the bath tub full of bubbles and surrounded by a couple of candles that had to be left over from Mackenzie, I remained against this whole thing. It was one thing for me to help her shower all last summer. It was completely another for her to do the same.
I loved her and I wanted to be her safety and her security. I couldn’t very well do that while she was washing my ass for me.
To Y/N’s credit, she never lost the smile on her face or the genuine care she put into getting me into the tub. Which, if I were in the mood to be honest, it wasn’t as complicated as I’d thought it would be. It didn’t even hurt as much as I thought it would, but I still would’ve preferred some damn baby wipes or a sink bath to this. I could already be napping again by now. I was already a little breathless from the ten feet I’d just crossed to get to the bathroom.
A thought occurred to me as I got lost watching her take her clothes off, neatly folding them up on the counter next to what I assumed were my clean clothes. (Because I hadn’t even thought about grabbing any) But, maybe she was pushing this bath because she was tired of sleeping next to someone that (maybe, possibly) didn’t smell too fresh. The reasons didn’t even really matter that much. I was in the tub now. Might as well be fucking clean.
“Sit up a little.” She helped by pushing my shoulders forward and then slipped in behind me, her legs spread wide to frame mine. “Okay, now lean back.” I carefully leaned back and despite my issue with being the little spoon, I had to admit that it felt good. I closed my eyes and breathed deep, the water gently lapping around us and her arms encircled around my chest so I wouldn’t slide down.
This was nice and quiet, the firm hold around my chest chased a bit of the crazy anxious feeling away. Y/N knew exactly what I was doing and the possibility of her not knowing hadn’t crossed my mind besides being a grumpy asshole.
I didn’t even have to move when she began soaping my hair with shampoo, using a cup to wet my hair and then rinse it. I begrudgingly had to admit, if only to myself, that having my hair washed felt fucking fantastic. I relaxed further, humming as I let my full weight lean against her, as she massaged my scalp with firm fingers.
Her chuckle vibrated against my back, making a relaxed smile slowly spread on my lips. “You and your hair.”
I cocked an eyebrow even though she couldn’t see it, “What do you mean, ‘you and your hair?’” My voice grumbled an octave or two deeper because I was on the cusp of falling asleep.
“All anyone has to do to wipe that grumpy look on your face is put their fingers in your hair. I’m not sure you can have your hair cut in public with the noises that you make. You might get arrested for being indecent.”
“What?” I tensed up a little, only because what she was describing wasn’t very manly at all. I couldn’t help the character traits that I held to so rigidly. “I do fine in public thank you very much.” I had evolved since I’d grown up in Texas and made sure to never extend anything but support, especially to those that chose to challenge the world’s expectations and dared to be exactly who they were. I admired their strength, but I was still stuck living by my Dad’s southern expectations and it was a lot easier to be understanding of someone else than it was to be understanding of myself.
“Shhh…” Her fingers slid down to dig deeply into my intensely tight neck muscles after she’d rinsed my hair thoroughly. I instantly forgot what I was ruffled about. “I didn’t mean to get your hackles up, Ackles. You’re still a big tough guy if that’s what you want to be.”
She got a grunt in response, mostly because I didn’t want to get into another discussion about how I hold myself to too many rigid self-expectations. Oh yes, she had made her point several times, but I just couldn’t stop. The anxiety that I’d been trying to fight since childhood always managed to make me fixate on my flaws. All through Days of Our Lives and Dark Angel, I would spend hours rehearsing and trying to have my line delivery perfect. When I would lay down at night, all the times I’d failed would keep me from sleeping well, including the time I’d failed to get a big part in the kindergarten play. I took a big breath and let it go, relaxing back into her warm, soft body.
I let myself drift in and out of consciousness, letting her hands wash away all the eck that had built up while I was laid up. Y/N had clipped her nails short so that she could massage my skin as she washed everywhere thoroughly, pushing the painful toxins and leaving me basically a pile of jelly. Damn it felt good. She cleared her throat, a tell that she had something important to say, and I braced myself for what would come next.
“You can’t do this to me again, okay?” She began to whisper, her warm breath and lips tickling the back of my neck and setting off goosebumps as she swiped the wash cloth over my healing incision. I hummed in answer, trying to maintain this relaxed state for as long as possible, but let her know I was listening. “You get a free pass for this one, but anything after this, there will be consequences.” I grunted, unable to conjure up enough energy to form words. “I won’t be able to handle it again, Jay. I never wanted to be close to anyone after my parents. But then, there you were. I will never be able to survive a day without you alive on this Earth somewhere, and that terrifies me.”
The sound of her sniffling brought me back to Earth, her words processing clearly. I laid my head back, held up by her shoulder as I searched blindly for her lips. My eyes were still closed as I instinctively found them. I was afraid if I opened my eyes that she would see the fear in mine as well. Not because of her threat of retribution and consequences, but the horrifying thought that if something happened to me she wouldn’t survive.
They were salty from tears when she pressed her lips against mine. I turned the kiss into something needy, something that expressed the vulnerable thing inside me with her name on it, without words. I wanted to pull her into my lap and hold her close but the internal sutures kept me from moving very much at all.
“M’not goin’ anywhere.” I pressed the words into her willing lips, my tongue easing in to glide over her teeth and then battle for dominance with her tongue.
“Okay,” she whispered on an inhale, her fingers teasing my happy trail below the surface. I was already responding to her kisses, my dick already filling with blood and half hard. I couldn’t help the grunt that was muffled by our lips when her fingers lightly grazed me. My eyes squeezed closed even tighter against the emotion that was stirring turmoil in my chest. The bath and the tease of something more made sense now. She wanted to put her hands on me to feel me alive and well. How could I ever have thought I’d be strong enough to begrudge her that.
From then on her touches were done with more intent, her fingers teasing my shaft only to go lower and gently roll my balls and hold them in her palm. I was gonna be a quick trigger and I couldn’t even bring myself to feel self-conscious about it. I hadn’t even put my own hand on me since a few days before my surgery. I hadn’t even thought of this since I’d been home, too distracted by the pain.
But, fuck if it didn’t feel good now. I was already panting hard, my head feeling dizzy from my short breaths and limited oxygen intake. I tried to turn around so that I could touch and taste more of her, but she stopped me with her hands pressing firmly against my pecks to keep me still. “Stay like this. This is just for you.”
I didn’t like being the only one on the receiving end. I got a lot of my pleasure from watching her feel good. I loved how responsive she was. I loved the noises that she made and how she would finally just let go and feel it. However, I had to admit that what she was doing, the being in control? Fuck, that was hot, too.
I finally had to stop trying to kiss her, leaning my head back and tucking my nose into the crook in her neck just so that I could breathe her scent into my lungs. I felt her other hand leave my side a moment and the sound of a thick liquid being squeezed from a bottle. It didn’t really register until her hand was slicking up my cock with a lubricant. It was oil based so that it didn’t wash off right away, removing the friction that water made uncomfortable. The warm, wet sensation was overwhelming and I couldn’t help the groan as I pushed my face further into her skin.
This time she didn’t tease, sensing my urgency in the twitch of my hips, her hand firm as she began pumping with purpose. I was already desperate, my breath started to get caught in my throat and hitch in my chest.
“Relax, let me do all the work.” She whispered like a dirty, dirty porn star and put pressure on my hip to try to keep me still. The action resulting in a moan from deep in my throat, a thrill of pleasure crawling up my spine. Fuck it was hot that she was bossing me around a little.
She would bring me right to the edge, my toes curling in the water, before she’d ease off. I could hardly stay still or hold in the vulnerable moans that echoed in the acoustics of the bathroom. I couldn’t help but to thrust into her hand as much as she would allow, planting my feet and trying to get the most out of every single one. To keep from sliding down, my hands were leaving finger print bruises as I gripped her thighs for dear life. Fuck!
“Oh, fuck. Oh, god-. …gonna… Sweetheart, I’m gonna-. Oh, fuck!” When she finally let me come it felt like months’ worth of come was dragged out of me in long, hard pulses. My balls clamped down so hard that they were actually sore when I could bring myself to give a fuck. To be honest, I didn’t know what I said, my mind blown and focused on just one thing, babbling the words that just rolled out of my mouth without a filter. There may have been curse words or multiple praises for unknown deities and moans that might’ve sounded like I was dying. All I really knew was that my throat was a little dry when I could finally focus on the room.
The orgasm had turned my entire body into jelly, my legs and arms were like limp noodles. I hissed through my teeth, my dick still very sensitive, when she washed the lubricant off with a warm, soapy wash cloth. God, as much as I’d complained and tried to convince Y/N that this wasn’t a good idea, I had to admit to myself that I had been wrong.
Even though I had been a grumpy ass, she had still been able to take care of me so completely that mixed in with the orgasmic haze was a hell of a lot of gratitude.
Getting me out of the bath tub and dried off would probably be a funny story later, but I was too relaxed to care. I could feel the dopey smile on my face as Y/N laughed at me while I leaned almost my entire weight into her side. “Whoo…” We listed to the left and to the right a little because my brain was mostly out of the building.
“Alright, chuckles, hang on for me for just a minute longer.” She kind of sounded like I was probably killing her back, but my center of gravity depended on her.
When we finally made it safely to the bedroom and into bed, she took great care as she tucked me in. She pulled the comforter up to beneath my chin and dipped to kiss my lips one more time.
It was pure luck that I was able to work my hand and to grab onto her shirt before she could get up to leave. She returned the big, dumb smile I could feel on my face. “Stay.”
The amused smile on her kiss swollen lips turned soft as she answered me with a kiss to my forehead. “Okay.” I watched blearily as she ditched her blue jeans and bra, climbing and snuggling up close next to me in just a t shirt and her blue lace panties. She laid up against me, but put her arm over my chest to avoid my incision, tucking her face beside mine, sharing my pillow. “Love you.”
I pressed my lips into her forehead, staying there as I fell into a few deep, quality hours of sleep. “Love you, too.”
Tagging (Forever’s): @perpetualabsurdity, @maileann, @daydreamingintheimpala, @gecko9596, @gemini75eeyore, @jotink78, @dancingalone21, @winchesterprincessbride, @sandlee44, @exploratiionist, @arryn-nyx, @littledarlinhavefaithinme, @tiffanycaruso, @boredoutofmymindstuff, @feelmyroarrrr, @raeganr99, @ruprecht0420, @anokhi07, @letsgetyourdeanon, @sis-tafics, @callmesatansprincess, @atc74, @ryansgirl5509, @notnaturalanahi, @keepcalmandcarryondean, @sea040561, @just-another-busy-fangirl, @uniquewerewolfsuit, @ria132love, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @pretty-fortune, @butiaintgonnaloveem, @justanotherdeangrl, @weasleywinchester,@easelweasel, @akshi8278, @tas898, @mandymoiselle1970, @pansexualmeteorite,
Tagging (CBD Only): @melissaj616, @katrena7, @deansdirtyduchess, @anticipate1003, @jalove-wecallhimdean, @shamelesslydean, @xristina-gkika
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batbobsession · 7 years
Stuff I’ve Written
Let’s talk about something… - How Adam must have felt when he realizes he’s human again.
Our Fault - A oneshot of the prologue, from the eyes of Mrs. Potts.
Our Fault, Part 2 - The morning after the curse is cast.  Mrs. Potts tries to find Chip, and in doing so stumbles upon Chapeau, Plumette, and Cadenza.
Not Until My Whole Life is Done - Young Adam goes about his regular days in the castle, but something’s wrong…
Finale - Maurice looks upon all the happiness in the room during the final scene and realizes that his job as an artist is a lot more important than just making a picture.
That’s How a Moment Lasts Forever – An old man tells his granddaughter a story in hopes that it will fade into legend, and the residents of the castle will live on through it.
Less Human - Just the staff going about their normal activities, not even realizing that they’re becoming more and more like the objects they were cursed to be.
Enough - Belle runs away to find her mother.  This is Maurice’s reaction after they found her.
BatB in Four Parts - What if BatB 2017 was the third installment in a four-part movie series?
Nocturne - Not too far from where a provincial village sleeps, a castle sings its sorrows to the night sky.  No human wanders in such a place, but it is alive all the same. (Probably the one I’m the most proud of at the moment…)
The Nameless Prince - Our favorite castle staff finds themselves dealing with steampunk androids and Carrionites.  Also, the Doctor is in! (Doctor Who/BatB2017 crossover)
Long Ago - A reclusive earthbending prince meets a young inventor who teaches him that the world is a lot bigger and a lot kinder than he originally believes.  If Beauty and the Beast took place in the world of Avatar…
New Life: Part 1 – Based off of this post from @plumettesfeathers, @gastt, and @forr-everrmorre. Maurice sees Belle and Adam’s son for the first time.
New Life: Part 2 – Same thing, only with Garderobe and Cadenza seeing Plumette and Lumiere’s daughter. AU where Garderobe and Cadenza are Plumette’s parents.
Up in Smoke - Lumiere and Plumette contract a deadly disease.  Everyone thinks about how much their lives have been affected by the two, and decide that letting them die is out of the question.
Remember - What if the king was still alive and away from the castle at the time the curse was cast?  How would he feel once he remembers?  AU where Adam’s father is still alive.
Bit by Bit - What if over time the transformed staff became more object-like, and slowly stopped having human emotions?
A Shadow’s Tune - The French Revolution is in full swing, and many of the castle’s residents are starting to lose hope.  They’d hate to see their beloved home fall a second time…
One Moment - A collaboration done with the incredible@lumiereswig.  While the villagers teeter on the edges of anger and fear, the staff laments over the fact that Belle is gone, and now they will never be human again.  The other part of the collab is here.
What Might Have Been - Imagine Gaston wins. Imagine Belle arrives too late…and the Beast, wounded and alone, is forced to live the rest of his life as a monster. Maurice is carted off to the asylum, and Belle is forced to marry Gaston in order to keep her father alive. Now, fifteen years later, a small boy happens upon the castle and finds that it’s not like the stories he’s heard.
The Last Christmas - It’s only been months since the queen died, and already the castle is beginning to feel the weight of it.  But the servants look back and smile and remember the joy that they all felt when the queen was there to celebrate Christmas with them.
The Songs of Other Lives - my first poem on this blog!  It’s part of theSestina Challenge I issued a few days back.  Feel free to participate, so long as you tag me so I can see your awesome poems!  This one’s about the staff.
Music-based Prompts
The Midnight Waltz - On the eve of the summer solstice, the queen gathers her friends and family together to dance the night away.  But the celebration is not contained in the ballroom; the entire castle is affected by the music and the spirit.  Based on the David Garrett piece by the same name.  
Memories - Agathe isn’t as heartless as some may think, but her curse brings a purpose with it.  Based off of “The Impossible Planet” from the Doctor Who OST.
Grey - After the queen’s death, all of the happiness drains from the castle and its residents, especially the young prince.  Inspired by a piece from “The Killing” soundtrack.
Sunrise - It’s been a full day since the curse has been broken, but this is the first sunrise they’ve seen since being reunited with the ones they love.  Inspired by Leia’s Theme from Star Wars IV.
The Snow - On the night the curse was cast, the castle was changed. The village was changed.  We all seem to forget that the forest changed, too.  Based off of the Allegro from Vivaldi’s “Winter.”
Wooden - Cadenza has always played for Garderobe, his wife, his angel, his muse.  But this time, something’s off.  How…long has it been since he’s actually seen her?  Based off of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata.
Never Let Go - my first real oneshot; a retelling of the fading scene as well as the relief afterwards, but all from Cadenza’s perspective.
The Rehearsal - Just a small thing; Garderobe and Cadenza practice for their first performance after the curse has been lifted.
Duet - Belle finds out about Cadenza and Garderobe’s marriage.
Can we talk about Cadenza’s love for Garderobe? - No, seriously.  Can we?
And Always Will - inspired by a post @lumiereswig wrote.  It’s been two hours since everyone’s woken up the morning after the curse has been cast.  So what’s on my mind for something like that? Angsty Garderenza.
Find Her Here - Garderobe and Cadenza discover an old castle secret.
Lumiette Thoughts - Lumiere just staring at Plumette because he can hardly believe he’s married to her now.
Golden Hour - very first real Plumiere oneshot.  They’re dancing in a garden.  What more can I say?
Run - Lumiere is sick with a illness that reminds Plumette a little too much of the plague.  As well as the death it brings in its wake.
OMG I wrote 37 fics for this movie.  I can’t even believe myself right now.
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Elevated Hearts, Chapter Two
Lonely after his son’s death five years ago, Truman Gold’s days mostly evolve around his memories and working where his son was happiest, the Chicago L. His life is quiet and solitary until one Christmas morning when he rescues a young woman from the tracks.
Everything would have been fine if the doctor hadn’t mistaken him for her fiance, but soon everyone believes he is in fact engaged to the comatose Lacey French, who he had never even met until that morning. Overwhelmed by the support and love and the chance to be a part of a family again, Gold can’t find the right way to tell them the truth, but he has to try. Especially since Lacey’s sister, Belle, is determined to figure this mystery of her twin’s new fiance.
                           A While You Were Sleeping AU Now on A03
                                               Chapter Two
“Coming through!”
“Make way-”
“I need a doctor here!”
Gold took a step back as nurses rushed by, wheeling the woman from the tracks past him. Discombobulated from the chaos reigning in Northwestern Memorial emergency room, he stumbled after them. He was only faintly aware of the orange blanket wrapped around his own shoulders so he didn’t notice when it slipped off to puddle on the floor behind him. Shock, the EMTS had told him in the ambulance. They had insisted he ride with them to the ambulance despite his protests that the station couldn’t be left unattended. The stranger’s purse had somehow gone missing in the struggle, and some police officers had been left to comb the tracks for it while others started to close down the station for the day.
Someone bumped into him, and for a brief, terrible moment, he lost sight of the stretcher. His knees, weak from his earlier adrenaline rush, trembled as his heart began to twist violently in his chest. He remembered the frightening midnight rush to this very hospital from the suburbs, how Neal had been so small and still and the sound the paddles had made when they had restarted his heart there in the ambulance.
Everything hit him at once. He was back at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, and once again, he didn’t have a clue what was happening. Bile rose in his stomach, and he turned to be violently ill in the trash can by the door, no doubt left there for just that reason. He sucked in steady, deep breaths, eyes clenched shut as he tried to get himself back under control. He stood, shaking, and wiped the back of his mouth but no one took notice of him.
As his breathing evened and his heart rate slowed, he forced himself to take stock of his surroundings. Despite it being Christmas, the emergency room was packed with people. There was a family surrounding their patriarch, his whole right arm swaddled in a dish towel as he winced and nursed what looked like a burn. Across from them, a young couple looked pale, miserable and sweaty from the flu, though they were holding hands over the bucket they were sharing.
Over the intercom, someone paged a Dr. Mermac to the I.C.U. West and the doors to the ambulance bay swished open as someone went outside to sneak a smoke. The cool air was welcome in the stifling heat of the emergency room but Gold still shuddered.
Everywhere he looked there were families. One large extended family were opening Christmas presents in their pajamas, but their eyes kept floating to the emergency room door, their smiles brittle. He swallowed, painfully aware of the taste of sick in his mouth, as he debated his next move.
The doors to the emergency room shushed open. As a doctor stepped into the waiting room towards the large family, Gold saw her. His stranger lay just beyond the door, nurses surrounding her as they checked the brace around her head and neck. They had changer the bandage over the gash on her head, though the new one was already stained crimson. There was no one beside her, no one holding her hand, and it hit him that in that moment, she was as alone as he was.
He didn’t think much beyond that. He moved towards her just as a doctor materialized at the stretcher’s side. The doctor inquired on her vitals but before anyone could answer the doors closed again and swallowed their reply. Gold ‘s reflection in the opaque glass was lost in the dark shapes moving just beyond his vision.
People brushed around him, but he remained rooted to the spot. He don’t know how long he stood there before a hand landed gently on his shoulder. It encouraged him to turn and around and retreat back to the endless waiting of the emergency room.
“Sir, you need to step back, please sir.” He must have made a noise of protest, because the nurse’s grip grew firm. “I’m sorry, sir, family only-” she began only to cut off with a squeak as he looked over at her.
With a shock of blonde hair piled in a bun on the top of her head and bright hazel eyes, he almost didn’t recognize her until her face split in a large smile. “Mr. Gold!” she cried and threw her arms around him. He just barely caught her, holding her elbows stiff as she just as quickly pulled back from the hasty embrace. A self-aware embarrassment crossed her pixie features. “Bet you don’t remember me,” she said with a roll of her eyes toward the ceiling.
Gold didn’t remember a lot of details from the days Neal spent in the hospital. Everyone had been kind but faces and names had blurred together in his memory. It would be hard, however, to ever forget the young woman in front of him. Isobel Tinker had been Neal’s favorite nurse, the two of them as thick as thieves. Gold couldn't recall how many times she had snuck Neal out his room for an adventure through the hospital halls, or even up to the roof to look at the stars. Neal, captivated, had dubbed her his fairy godmother. Gold supposed she must have been at the funeral, but that whole day was a dark blur best left forgotten.
“Nurse Tinker,” he greeted though he was looking past her toward the emergency room doors. She looked over her shoulder, puzzled, before her eyes noticed the orange blanket laying on the ground some feet away. Her eyes went wide as her mouth fell into an o of surprise as the pieces clicked into place.
“You’re the one who saved the woman on the train tracks!” Her hands went to her mouth to stifle the volume of her voice.
A few people looked around and Gold hunched his shoulders at the attention.“How is she?” he asked, and his voice was rough, desperate enough to pull the nurse out of her thrall.
“They’ll take good care of her,” Tinker promised. He must not have looked convinced because she added, “Do you know her name? I can check her charts but in the meantime, why don’t you sit down and I’ll get you some coffee?”
He shook his head. “I don’t...I don’t know her name..they couldn’t find her purse-”
“Okay, okay,” Tinker soothed and it occurred to him that out of anyone in the world, this woman had seen at his most vulnerable. She had been the one to hold him back as the doctors had worked feverishly, her own grief lost in the voice of his own pain. He had never apologized...for the things he had said to her then...The odds of her working the emergency room on the day he came in...he swallowed.
“Sorry,” he managed and her eyes brightened with surprise. “It just...she doesn’t have anyone else,” he explained with a ragged gesture towards where she had disappeared into the depths of the hospital.
Nurse Tinker paused, and then something glinted in her eyes. Her hands flew to his forehead and pulse in rapid fire. Startled, he moved to swat her hand away but she just maneuvered his wrist to measure his pulse. Baffled, he stilled and looked around at the people around them, but no one seemed to be watching anymore.
“Shock,” she sighed and now her hands were on the small of his back and guiding him towards the admittance doors. “Nothing for it, better get you checked out.”
He stammered something about insurance, but she pretended not to hear him. The emergency room doors hissed open and they passed through it unmolested. No one stopped them, the sight of the diminutive nurse in scrubs next to him as effective as the golden ticket.
“What are we doing?” he hissed under his breath as they passed by rows of bed. People lay in various reposes, broken bones in casts and people coughing miserably as an IV dripped at their side.
“We’ll just find out how she is,” Tinker whispered to him as she guided him past all this. It occurred to him they were on an adventure of sorts, and something like fondness squeezed in his chest. It did not escape him how much she was risking, but she seemed to understand how much this meant to him.
The halls of Northwestern Memorial were quieter here, though people still hurried up and down the hallway. The nurse kept a close grip on him as she steered him through the maze. She stopped at a nurse’s station, chatted for a few minutes about the poor Jane Doe until...
“She’s stabilized so they admitted her upstairs, though poor thing got Dr. Whale,” the nurse at the station said. “If we weren’t short staffed, I’d keep someone in the room with her but-”
The two nurses exchanged knowing looks, and when Tinker ushered him away from the station, her footsteps were a little bit faster. “I thought we were just finding out how she was?” he protested.
“Plans changed.”
He was dizzy from the speed they were going as white tiles and fluorescent lights flashed past. “What’s wrong with Dr. Whale?” he asked. “What is he, a butcher or something?”
“Oh, no he’s a great doctor,” Tinker replied though her voice was pitched low. “Brilliant even though...he has some...unorthodox tendencies that tend to get him in hot water from time to time.” She turned a corner and wavered before making her mind up and turning right. She had loosened her grip on him so he hurried to keep up. “The board just fine him and sentence him to some hours om the ER.”
“What’s so bad about that?”
Tinker’s eyes were fierce. “He’s fond of the ladies,” she said and cocked her head at him. “A little too fond, rumor has it. No one’s ever caught him at it, but there’s been the whisper or two-”
She didn’t have to say more than that. She pushed open a door to reveal the same doctor he had seen before downstairs in the ER bent over the woman from the tracks. Whale straightened rapidly and tossed them both a filthy look. “Family only!” he barked as Gold pushed past Tinker to the woman’s side.
His stranger had been changed into a hospital gown, her face cleaned and hair combed out of the elaborate updo from this morning. Machines were humming around her, but she was motionless. Gold had her left hand in his before he could think better of it, and was relieved to feel the heartbeat in her wrist strong and steady. He wasn't paying attention to the tense words between the doctor and nurse until -
“What’s going on in here?” The three of them turned like guilty children to face the uniformed officer staring at them in professional disbelief.
The doctor stepped away from the bed towards the officer, a smarmy smile already in place. “Officer, if you could remove this man from the room?”
The officer’s eyes swung to where Gold was cradling the patient’s hand in his own, but Tinker was faster. “He’s the fiance!”
All three of the men’s eyes dropped to the ring finger where a diamond was glistening. Gold stared at it, utterly transfixed and at a loss to how he had missed it this morning.
“It’s even better than that,” Tinker went on as the officer turned back to her. Over his shoulder, her eyes went wide at Gold, a clear signal to keep his mouth shut. There was no need for that, he could barely think. He dropped the woman’s hand and backed away into the corner but there was nothing for it. Tinker continued, “He’s the one who saved her life!”
Before any of them could respond to this, the door flew back open and a jumble of people tumbled into the small room.  “Where is she?” a pixie haired brunette demanded, practically shoving the officer out of her way.
She had a death grip on a teenage girl, who looked as if she too was suffering from the flu raging through the emergency room downstairs. “Mom, don’t embarrass me,” she muttered.
Two men followed them into the room, and Gold stilled as he tried to determine which was the actual fiance of the woman on the bed. The taller man had a gold wedding band, his coloring the same as the teenager. He had to be the father, though it hardly explained how they were related to the woman on the bed.  None of them had her eyes, or her delicate features.
The father kept a careful distance from the bed. “She’s so pale,” he muttered, his own face turning green.
This was all too much for the doctor . “What is this? This is a hospital- Family only!”
“We are family.”
This came from the other man in the room, the one with a mess of curly hair and a scarfy styled artfully around his throat. He was confident and assured, and if Tinker’s frank appraisal was any indication, a very handsome man. This had to be the fiance. Gold took a step further back, judging the distance to the door.
With that cleared up, the woman rounded on Whale. “How is she. What’s happened- they said she fell. What’s going on!”
None of these were actual questions. “You can't come bursting into this unit!” Whale was shouting over them but he was fighting a losing battle.
“She’ll be alright, won’t she?” the husband asked.
Whale bit down on a sigh but gave in to the inevitable. “She’s in a coma.”
“On Christmas day?” the younger girl asked, and it may have been Gold’s imagination but she looked even paler.
“Jesus!” the brunette muttered and her husband shot her a warning look.
No doubt used to this, Whale continued as if no one had said anything. “Her vital signs are strong. Her brain waves are good.” “Brain waves?” the girl mouthed, but her parents were too caught up in their own worry.
“I think she’s going to get through it,” Whale concluded.
“Are you a specialist?” the husband asked but his wife didn’t have time for that.
“How did this happen?”
“She was pushed from the the platform at the train station.” Gold hadn’t meant to speak, but now everyone was staring at him in confusion. His eyes flickered nervously to Tinker who was shaking her head discreetly.
The brunette narrowed her eyes at him. “Who’s he?”
The officer looked puzzled. “He’s her fiance,” he replied with a gesture towards the ring on the woman’s finger.
“Her fiance?”
“Yeah,” the officer said with a glance over at Tinker to confirm this. She quickly schooled her features into an innocent smile.
“Lacey’s fiance?”
“Lacey’s engaged?”
“Yeah,” the officer said as he took a hasty step back. “I thought-?”
“No, you don’t understand,” Gold tired to say but his words were lost in the swirl of everyone else’s.
“She would’ve told us,” the brunette said but her voice was uncertain. “Lacey would have told us…”
“Maybe she was busy,” her husband said slowly, as if to convince himself.
The man by the door shook his head at this. “Too busy to tell us she’s getting married?” he asked with a quirk of his brow.
“If only Belle were here,” the brunette said as she pinched her nose.
“Honey, you okay?” Tinker had stepped forward and it was only then that Gold noticed the teen was swaying on her feet. Her eyes were glassy and her face was pale with sweat dotting her temples. It was rather hot in here, he thought, until he saw the metal bracelet on her right wrist.
A million things crashed down at him at once as the officer asked, “Is she okay?”
Her parents were at her side, lowering her onto the chair by the window. The girl shook her head feebly, but she sank down into it as she fought to breath. Gold saw past her, to another child trying to breath, their traitorous heart failing, eyes scared and tired- “She’s got a heart problem,” the man by the door said to the officer who was darting worried looks around the room. “On the donor list since she was eight.”
“Ten,” the girl corrected stubbornly from across the room.
“Nothing wrong with her hearing though,” the man said with a wink.
The officer, clearly overwhelmed, took a step backwards. “Okay everyone,” he declared in what had to be his official voice in a vain attempt to regain authority in the room. No one paid him a bit of attention.
“What is he doing here?” the curly haired man asked the officer with a pointed nod towards Gold.
All eyes swiveled back to Gold, and his mouth went dry. The teen looked up at him in curiosity, and it occurred to him that this girl would been close to Neal’s age. His fists tightened at his side and he caught himself straining to hear the young girl’s heartbeat over the beeping of the monitors and the others breathing.
The officer hurried to answer, relieved to know the answer to this. “He saved her life.”
This was not what they had been expecting. A hush fell over the room until the only noise was the intercom in the hallway.
“You saved her life?” the brunette repeated incredulously.
Gold hurried to explain. “Yeah, yeah but I-”
“I thought she was pushed off a train platform?” the husband asked the officer.
“He jumped on the tracks,” the officer said with a proud smile. This stopped Gold short, words disappearing from his tongue.
“You jumped on the tracks?”
“Mom, stop repeating everything,” the girl groaned.
Doctor Whale frowned at him from across the room and Tinker was wearing a very sheepish look on her face as things escalated. “Okay, look,” Gold said as he held up his hands. “I-I’m sorry, you-you don’t understand.”
“No,” the brunette said, standing to come towards him. He took a step backwards but his back was already against the wall. “I’m sorry,” she continued, unaware of his attempted retreat. “We haven’t...we haven't seen her in a really long time, so we didn’t know.”
“We always wanted her to find the right guy,” her husband said, his hand still on his daughter’s shoulder though he was looking over at Lacey. When their eyes met, there was a warmth and acceptance in them that staggered Gold more than his wife’s apology.
“I just- I-”
The girl’s wide eyes were green as her eyes flickered over where Lacey lay. A tear rolled down her cheek, and she hurriedly brushed it away. She caught his eye over her mother’s shoulder and rolled her eyes as if to mock her own emotions. He didn’t look away, his heart thundering in his chest as he stared at the small metal bracelet still dangling around her wrist. Whatever he had meant to say disappeared as the girl’s breathing evened out and she smiled up at him.
“Sorry to interrupt,” the officer said as he cleared his throat. “I do need to ask Mr. Gold here some questions…”
Grateful for the escape, Gold hurried out the door with Tinker close on his heels. The officer lingered for a moment as the family started talking over each other again and the two of them hurried towards the elevator.
‘Shit,” Tinker whispered as they turned back to watch the family through the open door. “That was intense.”
He almost agreed with her until he remembered the entire scene had been thoroughly her fault. “Why did you say that?” Gold demanded. “I’m not her fiance!”
Tinker closed one eye and bit her lip. “I know!” she groaned. “I just said that so you could stay until they found her actual family! It was going to be a misunderstanding, and what with you in shock-”
“Stop saying I’m in shock,” he grumbled. He put his head in his hands and tried to think but all her could see were bright green eyes staring up at him and the trust and relief that had been so naked on everyone’s faces.  “What am I going to do?”
Tinker shrugged helplessly. “I...I don’t know,” she admitted.
He raked a hand through his hair and sighed. “I’ll just tell them the whole thing’s a misunderstanding.”
“Excuse me, nurse?”
They both jumped and spun guilty around to find the curly haired man from Lacey’s friends standing just behind them. “Is there a pharmacy in the hospital?”
It took Tinker a moment to hear what he had said. “Oh, yeah,” she hurried to say with a shake of her head. “What...what do you need?”
“It’s for Emma,” the man replied with a jerk of his head back towards the room. “She needs some nitroglycerin.”
“Oh, for her heart problem?” Tinker said, and her eyes fluttered to Gold.
“Problem?” the man chuckled, though there was no humor in it. “Try problems.” His eyes swung to Gold now and grew serious. “You know something?” he said quietly. “I think you saved her life.”
He shook his head. “Emma’s. They didn’t tell us much when they called...they just said she fell. We didn’t realize it was this serious until…”
Silence fell between them. “I'll take you down to the pharmacy,” Tinker suggested.
“Thanks,” the man said with another smile and the two of them disappeared into the elevator leaving Gold standing alone in the middle of the hall.
Christmas afternoon found Gold sitting in the waiting room down the hall with Lacey French’s closest friends. The Blanchards were the closest thing Laey French had to a family and they had insisted Gold join them to await the doctor’s assessment.
“We met in college, the five of us,” Mary Margaret Blanchard explained as her daughter fell asleep on her shoulder. She idly stroked the girl’s long blonde hair. “In English Lit 101.”
“We got paired up to write about Snow White,” David confirmed with a chuckle.
“Lacey and I had Alice in Wonderland,” Jefferson sighed as he stretched his legs.
Gold, curious as to their relationship, perked his ears up only to hear Mary Margaret mumble under her breath. “Fitting.”
Before Gold could wonder what she meant, her daughter stirred. “Hey honey,” she whispered. “How you feeling?’
“Fine, Mom,” the girl mumbled as she peeled herself away. “Any updates?’
Jefferson shook his head. “They said the swelling went down but they want to keep her sedated until they can assess the damage.”
Emma nodded morosely, a flicker of guilt on her face. Gold stayed silent where he sat beside Jefferson.” What were you guys talking about?” she asked as she looked from adult to adult. “I heard you mention Wonderland?”
“How we all met,” her father answered and Emma wrinkled her nose.
“Not that story again.”
“What do you mean not again?” Mary Margaret teased. “You used to love that story. How your father dressed up as Prince Charming that Halloween and asked me to the ball-”
“It was a sorority dance,” Emma corrected with a roll of her eyes. They landed on Gold and she perked up. “What about you?” she asked.
“Me?” Gold repeated, taken unaware by her interest.
“How did you meet Lacey?”
“Honey,” Mary Margaret whispered. “He doesn’t want to talk about that now.”
“Why not?” Emma said with a frown. “We could all use a nice story.”
“How do you know it was nice?” Jefferson drawled, and both the Blanchards colored slightly. David shook his head as if warning him off. Gold looked from one to the other, feeling as if he was missing something crucial.
“Of course it was nice,” Emma was saying over them. She seemed to be picking up the same tension Gold was and her voice wavered. “Why wouldn’t it be nice?”
“What happened to the other guy?” David was asking his wife. “What’s his name? The one she met at the bar?”
“What’s that got to do with anything?” Emma demanded but her parents were having their own conversation now. “Keith Nottingham,” Mary Margaret spat.
“Mary Margaret..." Jefferson looked pointedly at Emma. “She has a nice guy now,” his eyes flickered to Gold, “ doesn’t she?”
“Did you steal her from that guy?” Emma demanded and her voice was breathless, but this time it was out of excitement. Her eyes were hopeful and her mother softened in turn. “I bet it was love at first sight.” Jefferson chuckled and Emma shot him a look. “I have a sense about these things,” she confided to Gold. “I call it my super power.”
She lit up, the same way Neal had whenever someone encouraged him to talk about his beloved trains. “Oh?” he asked, encouraging her to continue. The nitroglycerin had helped improve her color, but worry still weighed down her shoulders and the occasional look in her eye made Gold think there was more bothering her than just Lacey’s accident.
“Was she visiting you at work?” Emma asked the question everyone had been too polite to ask. “Did you guys meet there?”
“Emma,” her father protested, but it was a weak one. He glanced over at Gold with a sheepish shrug, and it occurred to him he wasn’t going to get out of this.
“I..uh..” he said, and the last thing he wanted to do was lie to these people, but Emma’s medical bracelet glinted up at him and he cast about for what to do. The time for explaining was long gone. The police officers had taken his statement, but no one had dreamed of letting him leave, certain he wanted to be there to hear what the doctors had to say.
“What was it about her that, you know, first struck you?”
He realized now, too late, they had been waiting to grill him. From the small things they had said, all carefully coded to not alarm Emma, it seemed Lacey French had put some distance between herself and her unorthodox family.
“Her eyes,” he answered honestly. The bright blue had stayed with him throughout the long day. He had tried not to openly stare at Lacey, though she was easily one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. He could too easily remember the feel of her in his arms, and some small part he had thought long dead had seemingly awakened in all the excitement. This should have embarrassed him, but the group seemed delighted to hear this.
Jefferson leaned back on the couch. “She’s a beautiful woman,” he said casually, but there was a hook underneath it. “You guys meet online or-?”
“Shh!” Emma demanded. “Let him tell it.”
There was no escaping it, so Gold took a deep breath. “Well...the first time I saw her…Everything….just fell away. She was so...fierce and unafraid,” he shook his head. “I just knew my life would never be the same.”
It was the truth, God help him. Fond smiles lifted the corners of everyone’s mouth. David leaned over to pat him on the back. Gold started at this casual touch, but relaxed as the others began to talk about Lacey’s fearlessness, her bravery and her tenacity. He settled back as they spoke so fondly of the woman they thought he was in love with, and he found himself content just to listen.
If anyone's curious, I chose Tinker Belle as the nurse character because I always liked the idea of her knowing Neal and I think the two of them would have been fast friends based of their time in Neverland together in canon. And Whale being a slightly creepy doctor because Whale.
Second chapter and still no Belle, but the character of Jack doesn't appear in the movie until a quarter through, so I can promise everyone she does show up in chapter four. Following the movie, next chapter we'll have a visit to the hospital room at midnight, a talk on porch stairs, and Ice Capades.
Thanks to @prissyhalliwell for letting me ask her a million questions and assure me I’m not crazy. 
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hitomishiga · 7 years
Is DiaMari niche enough for the ask meme? Even if not, thanks for doing all of them! They're super fun to read through and consider!
this is the last one ill do, unless someone brings in smth ESPECIALLY niche or not love live! thanks ! i try my best but characterisation is a personal weakness of mine i hope to overcome this year.
Gives nose/forehead kisses: god they really both can. for reasons ive mentioned in previous asks, id say mari tho. more often, anyway.
Gets jealous the most: not jealous but mari hates being alone. make of that what you will.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: dia, obviously. shes like, designated driver amongst aqours once theyre all legal and can drive. this is ofc a generalisation but a fair one, i think.
Takes care of on sick days: im tempted to say mari when dia works herself down but like, think abt it. mari is the kind of selfless person who would do that and then Die. and dia has to deal with that fallout more often than anyone else.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: mari!! she (and kanan) have always been dragging dia along, to the point where she almost resigns to it. its not that she is against going in the water tho, just that she was planning on taking her time and looking gorgeous in her new swimsuit, but no, mari just has to start a juvenile waterfight, doesnt she,
Gives unprompted massages: this is such a good one for either but consider mari just swinging by student council when dias working overtime and just. relaxing those muscles. and then leaving, without so much as a word.
Drives/rides shotgun: ok so mari can drive first. so it depends. assuming they both have their license (and dia, will, get her license, naturally), dia the driver, mari the GODAWFUL shotgun who loves turning their car rides into impromptu karaoke sessions (or to say really embarrassing things in a space where dia cant just get up and leave. captive audience)
Brings the other lunch at work: ehhhhh neither. theyre both working! if one of them has the day off work and circumstances permit i can see them both doing this tho
Has the better parental relationship: another tough one. theyre typical spoiled rich princesses! ofc they dont have the best of relations with their parents. arguably mari tho? idk
Tries to start role-playing in bed: tries to, or succeeds?
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: ive said mari is the drunk dancer before but like, dia just loses it sometimes. it depends. if maris there egging her on she does some p embarrassing shit she doesnt have any recollection of, and the fact that everyone seems to be gradually exaggerating the story more and more doesnt help
Still cries watching Titanic: i mean canonically mari has cried more times than dia probably dia, if either
Firmly believes in couples costumes: neither of them “firmly”. however, mari is the one who....pressures.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: break it? they do more than simply break it. they set a new record. they rewrite history. when these two get serious, its just really terrible for everyone else.
Makes the other eat breakfast: makes the other breakfast: mari. makes the other eat breakfast..? dia
Remembers anniversaries: both, most likely. as if either of them would let the other forget.
Brings up having kids: since theyre both in positions of heir-ship, its bound to come up in conversation between them at some point, so both. neither. who knows. on that thought, god what kind of children would they have. what kind of extra ass rich soccer moms
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sweetlifetownsville · 6 years
To End The Year, A Mini-Magpie With A Mini Mystery.
Has mega-fraudster Craig Gore skipped Australia? And if so, why hasnt this been reported in the media especially since he is supposed to have made a midnight flit the very day after a judge refused to allow him to leave? In other matters, one has to admit that the Townsville Bulletin is consistent it has ended the year as it started, continuing its weekly Olympic-standard shambles. And Mongrel the Barrister has left us lawyer Mark Donnelly, the man who inspired a much loved Magpie character has passed away. and our final visit to Trumpistan for 2018. But first Its hard to keep a good man down, and our fav toonist Bentley is nothing if not a good man. Even in the holiday season, he casts his jaundiced eye over the news, and brings us a different and rib-tickling perspective. This week, he was much taken as most of us were with the drone drama at Gatwick Airport in the UK. A professional drone was reported in the airports approach and departure air space, and thousands of travellers were stuck when the whole shebang was shut down for a couple of days while the wallopers tried to go hi-tech and trace the source of the bastardry. Its not fully sorted yet, but Bentley thinks the drone may have already met its fate.
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Why Arent All The Gore-y Details Available?
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Will ye no come back agin, laddie? Now to our mini-mystery. On December 19, this report appeared in the Courier Mail. Judge denies disgraced former rich-lister Craig Gore request to travel overseas Vanessa Marsh, The Courier-Mail December 20, 2018 2:21pm A DISGRACED former rich-lister accused of ripping off almost $800,000 from investors has broken down in court after a judge refused his request to leave the country to visit family. Lawyers for alleged fraudster Craig Gore today launched an application in the Queensland District Court, seeking for the former businessmans bail conditions to be altered to allow him to travel to Sweden to visit his wife and children. But Judge Paul Smith denied the request, saying Gore faced a long time in prison if convicted and there was a real risk he would not return to Australia to face trial. Gore is facing 12 charges of fraud over allegations he swindled about $800,000 from self-managed super fund investors in 2013-14. He also faces three charges of managing companies while disqualified. Now that seems pretty definitive and eminently sensible. But The Magpie was informed two days later, by a regular contact and mate who has always been on the money in the past, that Gore went back to court the next day on another application, and had his passport returned so he could be with his family in Sweden at Christmas. He was to return in three months to face trial and possibility of a lengthy striped suntan. The Pies contact says Gore was on a flight out of Brisbane that night at 11pm, accompanied by a lawyer (that was apparently part of the arrangement) who will return with certain paperwork. Gore will be expected to make his own way back to face his fate in March. Yeah, right. Now all that is as it may be, BUT THIS SPECTACULAR REVERSAL OF A JUDGES IMPLACABLE DECISION HAS BEEN NEITHER EXPLAINED OR APPEARED IN THE MEDIA. Well, not that The Magpie can find, after days of searching to verify. If it is true, there will be a hell of a lot of very pissed off people Gores victims and the tireless investigators who nailed him who know just how long are the odds that we will ever see this shyster again. Shades of Skase!! Perhaps we will never know how this came about if it did come about because there will be a lofty judicial silence of unaccountability if he is a no show but surely the second hearing was an open court? Hard to fathom why it wasnt reported. Mongrel The Barrister Is No More The Magpies good mate Mark Sludge Donnelly the man who partially inspired the popular Magpie character Mongrel the Barrister, died in his family home in Cairns last weekend. It is fair to say that Mark was my best mate in the halcyon days of Portraits Bar in the Exchange Hotel all through the Noughties, the years when I was reporting court matters for the Bulletin. We were part of a memorable and disparate group, the bar crowded with our marvellously mixed group every Thursday, Friday and sometimes Saturday nights. (The fondly remembered Portraits became Poseurs Bar in the newspaper column and then in this blog.) Mark was universally known as Sludge, which he happily answered to, but never fully explained, even to me, its origins apparently it had something to do with a memorable comment from a lecturer or senior teacher suggesting Marks behaviour at that time some comparable to something from the bottom of a pond. Sludge was one of the wittiest people Ive known, and his memory was nothing short of astounding, not just for quoting legal precedents but in all things, particularly pop music. He always commandeered the music machine at parties, and was a pretty good DJ. He also had an eye for a well turned ankle, and his way of getting ladies to talk about themselves endeared him to more than one. Like many a member of the Portraits push, Mark liked a drink, and some believed he was a bit too enthusiastic in this direction. But I would say that rather than having a battle with the bottle, he just had frequent skirmishes with it, as we all did and any excess rarely affected his work at the other more sedate bar, where he often shone. Mark left Townsville when his father died, to live with his mother in the family home in Cairns. He didnt practice in Cairns, and went into virtual retirement, which was plagued by ill health for some time. He returned to Townsville annually for his birthday, but I lost touch in the past few years, for which I feel a bit miserable now. Sludge is now undoubtedly arguing the finer points about the Laws of Entry with St Peter for that is certainly where this witty, soft-hearted old friend of mine now is because we all know God loves a larrikin. Mark was 62. They Really Dont Understand Language at The Astonisher, Do They? And they even get the wrong WORD for a headlines. Even when theyre trying to make a pun, which kinda depends on the right word, yes? But we got a headline quoting some bizoid saying Townsville is bracing for a great 2018. Bracing for? Ahem. Youve managed to say EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what you meant. Heres the dictionary definition of bracing. verb[withobject] prepare (someone or oneself) forsomethingdifficult or unpleasant:both stations arebracingthemselvesforjoblosses|policeare braced fora trafficnightmare. So although this paper goes through life like a bouncing Hari Krishna whos visited the medicine cabinet once too often, giving us totally unquestioning, unexamined glop about our economy (usually from someone with a vested interest), it seem to have inadvertently hit on the truth here. However, the most tedious aspect of the paper of late is the dreary attempts at humour in headlines, particularly about crime, a subject no one in Townsville with the exception of you folks in Flinders Street, finds the least bit funny. AND EVEN THEN, LANGUAGE FAILS YOU let alone a sharp sense of humour.Take this major front page fail on Thursday.
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Swindler? My dear headline writer, stay with me on this and read slowly, feel free to move your lips as you must. Now lets see, a swindler is someone who fiddles some unsuspecting victim out of something. That person would be called a fiddler, and if hidden in a ceiling, could be described as ta da a Fiddler In The Roof. You see, this would then coincide with the hit musical of the same name oh, how we would have all fallen about, clutching our sides in mirth, and holding your superior wit in such esteem!!! But swindler? Now weve just got a headache from smacking our foreheads yet again. And this one in simply NOT TRUE. This online
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The actual number of people who said (or may have said, who knows, its probably a fiddled fantasy anyway) was 55% of the 700 or so people who responded to a totally uncontrolled survey. If there area 220,000 potential readers (ha! you wish) in the circulation area, the percentage is not even .5 of one percent. But we all know that the on-line edition is sloppy, so the paper itself will temper the outlandish claims, wont it? Errr no.
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This is simply lying, and treating people like morons. And still they wonder But barely have we swallowed our anger before we start scratching our heads over weird genuinely weird stories like this, which would suggest that English isnt TEL boss Patricia OCallaghans first language, or she was suffering mild sunstroke when she was penned the media release from which the story was transcribed.
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This story is selective twaddle certainly straight off an unedited media release from the Dudley Do Nothings, meaningless twaddle in which Ms OCallaghan specialises. It has often been said of her that she has the gift of the gab, and aint that the truth, just about all of what she has to say, in The Pies experience, is just that meaningless gabble that sounds good until it is more thoughtfully examined. Like this: The Museum of Underwater Art, located within the heart of The Great Barrier Reef, is a proposal based on the works of international sculpture and underwater artist Jason deCaires Taylor. Whats that bit located in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef? Has there been a Krakatoa-like geographic shift we havent noticed? The Underwater Museum, one of several planned along the coast, will be, at last report, just of Maggy Island, the GBR is a at least an hour or more away by fast cat . But in it goes to the story, with a newbie cub reporter just churning out this PR bumf. But wait, theres more. We then get this prize piece of meaningless gabble from the top executive charged with attracting and promoting tourism to Townsville: Its a project that is going to enhance the Great Barrier Reef experience and also educate visitors on how we manage and live with the reef everyday Ms OCallaghan said. That is absolute poppycock that is totally meaningless. And We? Bloody WE? FFS, girl, get a bloody grip. Insulting, uppity tripe from Ms OCallaghan and lazy, presumably unsupervised reporting (read: select all, copy and paste) by a very uncurious junior reporter (read: stenographer). Really, a monkey using scrabble board wouldve made more sense. The clusterfuck continues no wonder were so deep in the shit. Other matters As if golf didnt already have enough hazards.
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Words of Wisdom From Two Funny Men
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Frankie Boyle The cleverest quote of the week comes from the Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle in the Guardian. But first, his preamble touched a chord for The Magpie, who can vouch for it when Mr Boyle writes: The plight of the satirist, such as it is, is a compulsion to look at the grimmest, most important thing they can think of, and then for reasons that probably wouldnt survive a really good therapist, try to make it funny. To try to address the iniquities of their society, the satirist must manufacture some hope that what theyre doing might make a difference, then type it all up and send it off somewhere before they remember that it never does. Looking back over the events of this year is a bit like holding a doll for a therapist and pointing to where the bad man hurt you. Mr Boyles point is a universal one, which can be shared by Townsvilleans looking back over the past shambolic year. But his prize quote is so subtle, that you may have to think about for a while The Pie roared after a few seconds. The murder ofJamal Khashoggiby Saudi Arabia is another very difficult subject to find the lighter side of, unless someone in the Ecuadorean embassy has clipped the story out and stuck it to the fridge. (Sigh) Dear Mystified of Mysterton, it means that the Ecuadoreans might be giving their Wikileaks guest Julian Assange a hint.
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Dave Barry The other funnyman worth a quote is the inimitable Dave Barry , the American columnist who talks about Florida the way The Magpie talks about Townsville only he is far funnier, proof being that The Magpie pinches more of his lines (many) than he does of The Magpies (none). This was his challenge to a graduating class, but it can just as well apply to the year 2019. How are you, Class, going to respond when the Clock-Radio of Challenge emits the Irritating Buzz of Opportunity? Are you going to roll over and hit the Snooze Button of Complacency? Or are you going to wake up and, after performing the Bodily Functions of Preparedness, boldly grasp the Toothbrush of Tomorrow? And no matter what you do in the coming year, make sure youre always politically correct, so no snowflakes will melt before your harsh words.
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And So To This Week In Trumpistan First, compare Trump as Commander In Chief of real US soldiers, on his surprise visit to Iraq
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Guess whos wondering if she packed the shampoo? with this.
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And now to our final gallery of the year about the man Frankie Boyle described as this troll-doll King Lear, who looks like something youd pick off a baking tray after cooking pizza above it.
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And Finally How The Hell ? The Pie has been occasionally upbraided for the use of naughty words in this blog well, one word in particular. He is aware that it can be confronting, but it is the other F word Frustration that compels him to sometimes resort to other for emphasis. Anyway, so what, if its good enough for Sesame Street, its good enough for The Pie. .. So that was the year that was, and what a rip-snorter we have coming up. Turns out this edition wasnt so mini after all. Comments run throughout the holiday break 24/7, so you dont have to wait to have your say. And the New Year will look even rosier for the old bird if you think the Nest is worth a small donation to keep it neat and tidy. The how to donate button is below. HAPPY NEW YEAR, YALL. http://www.townsvillemagpie.com.au/to-end-the-year-a-mini-magpie-with-a-mini-mystery/
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raining-v-coffee · 8 years
Clara/12th Doctor fic recs (One shots)
*Multichapter    ~my notes
Angel Of The Morning
The message on the psychic paper was short and to the point: I’m looking for the best doctor in the universe – dickwads and time wasters need not apply. Not their usual kind of thing, not that anything they really did counted as usual.
But a summons is a summons... although much to Clara and the Doctor's consternation, they discover that the red-suited sender is just as blunt and foul-mouthed in person.
Keep My Glass Full
Clara hadn't even wanted to attend the party, not really. But Nina had insisted, and so now here she is, determined to have a good time... even if all she can think about is a certain Scottish Time Lord. When things take a sour turn, she realises how much she needs him to take care of her.
Baby Please Come Home
The Doctor had brought them carefully back to London, right after they'd left - or so he'd said. In fact, they're in Glasgow... and he's made a slight temporal error regarding the date of arrival. Suddenly alone and uncertain of what to do, Clara turns to a policeman for help, only to learn that she's been reported as a missing person... and the bad news doesn't end there...
I See The Hope In Your Heart
At Coal Hill, Clara Oswald is not a five foot two saver of alien worlds, occasional Time-Lord-hand-holder and all-round genius. She is, instead, a five foot two English teacher with a fondness for the Regency Era and a full-time preoccupation with her students' welfare, occasional coffee-drinker, and general force to be reckoned with. But when one of her students begins to act strangely, Clara has to work out how best to handle the situation... and she ends up finding help from an unusual source.
~Trigger warning for mentions of self harm
O Christmas Tree
Alone with only the Michael Bublé Christmas Special for company, Clara had resigned herself to not getting into the Christmas spirit - unless that spirit was gin. So when the Doctor turns up with a real Christmas tree for her flat, she's touched by the gesture... until six hours later, when the tree starts to warble well-known seasonal songs at maximum volume.
The Christmas Spirit
When her phone rings in the middle of the night, Clara is surprised to find Osgood calling. She's even more surprised to discover that the world isn't ending, but instead she's needed to come and collect a drunk Doctor from the UNIT Christmas party.
The Teacher and the Visualizer
What would you do if you had access to a device that recorded everything that ever happened in time and space? If you're Clara, you look for the equivalent of funny cat videos and embarrassing old images of the Doctor.
Child of Mine
The Doctor said bringing a new human aboard the Tardis would be a distraction, he was right...
Composing a Symphony
Clara wakes to an unexpected serenade by an unexpected source.
The Last and Yet
Prompt: Write a twelveclara fanfic based in In The Forest Of The Night, in which the Doctor is wrong about the solar flares and the earth is destroyed, therefore Clara becomes the last one of her kind.
Like Stars
Twelve and Clara have a quiet evening of babysitting.
Effective Escape Plans
Trapped down an alley, with guards encroaching, the Doctor and Clara need to come up with a plan to paper over the petty theft, drunkenness, and bickering.
Occasionally the Doctor spams Clara's voicemail box. Going through them usually provides an entertaining way to decompress after class.
please, just see me
Please, just see me, she hears him beg, the memory of his voice hers and hers alone.
Because the man sitting before her could no longer see her.
After a relaxing trip to Peramus IV, Doctor gets a bit uncharacteristically handsy with Clara, and she's determined to figure out why.
Through His Eyes
Tumblr prompt: Bodyswap!
Clara comes to better understand some things about The Doctor, incuding why he shys away from her touch.
Tiny Human
The Doctor and Clara babysit for Rigsy. Fluff ensues.
Never Cross A Time Lord (or Those He Cares For)
Something's bothering Clara and she won't say what, which causes the Doctor to worry.
After a run-in with the Sisterhood of Karn, the Doctor comes over to Clara's looking a little different than normal. young!12 AU
It's All Been Done
Clara time travels in dreams but she thinks it’s just dreams and thinks nothing of it. She also keeps meeting a man named Doctor in her dreams, but she thinks he is just a figment of her imagination until one days she collides with him in real life. She thinks she has finally gone crazy.
Temples, Dreams, and A Nudge in the Right Direction
The Doctor and Clara travel to a planet and do a favor for a local, which prompts them to do something both had been holding back from.
Twist and Shout
Clara and the Doctor get separated during a Mardis Gras parade on New New Orleans, leading Clara to have to find him again. The Doctor causes shenanigans once they are reunited.
Carer & Caretaker
The Doctor and Clara take care of each other when they're ill. Post Last Christmas
A Duty of Care
“Please, don’t even argue,” he said, holding out his hand. Clara saw not only the fear in his eyes, but the hope that she would take his hand and they would run off, travelling happily ever after. She wanted to, she really did, and would have had it not been for one tiny detail. Leaning forward, she kissed him on the cheek; a kind, tender gesture.
“I… this isn’t an argument,” she replied.
~Babyfic, super cute
miles to go
“Clara, why would you want to go for a boring old run when we could just pop over to Galafaxorous, accidentally insult the king’s malodorous son, and then be chased by his brain-sucking guards?”
Sometimes Clara has nightmares, but she learns how to cope.
Hay and Elephants
The Doctor and an injured Clara seek shelter from a winter storm. Huddling for warmth ensues.
Green Blaze
The town is called Mistletoe. Clara objects, because those are tumbleweeds, not mistletoe, and she can tell the difference.
He was a teacup that could be dropped. He knew it because he'd been dropped before. He was a teacup that had been mended over and over.
Things to remember, a partial list
He is not an idiot. He has a perfectly functioning mind, if not a perfectly functioning memory, and he knows the sound of an early-model TARDIS when he hears one.
Solar flares
Two sentient stellar beings, in close orbit around each other, exchanging plasma, in an epic romance that had taken millennia to consummate. One would envelope the other in a few million years, and then they would burst outward in a supernova, bringing their love to a spectacular end. Their light and their love would be ash, but not now, and not any time soon. Today, now, in the glory days of their love -- or so the Doctor described it -- their names swirled across their surfaces as sunspots, dots and whorls in the plasma. The written language of stars.
The Edge of the World
The Doctor remembers Clara, his memories return in a flood, and he makes some questionable choices. Luckily Clara is there to pick up the peices
For Better, For Worse, For You
Clara notices the Doctor changed in ways that are more "suited" for her between 11 and 12.
On Some Planets, You Realize, This Means We're Married
Post-Christmas reunion, the Doctor and Clara go for a little peaceful togetherness time. "Bonding ritual" is taken a bit too literally.
(Major Whouffaldi fluff, for which I would apologize if I was sorry.)
Feeling a bit rough
Sometimes things get to Clara.
Pretty much what it says on the tin. Bubble beards, splashfights, hoodie sharing/stealing...
Of all the things that might potentially put a Timelord straight to sleep, it had to be something that Clara had good reason to avoid.
He's been chasing her since Christmas. She's finally too tired to keep pretending she's fine.
She's had enough of thinking she heard his voice, of waking up to everything looking the same when it's far from it. She's had it with mourning someone who is still alive. Post Hell Bent, whouffaldi reunion fic.
Prompt: Clara and the Doctor being domestic in the TARDIS, Doctor busy fixing something or writing maths on the black board, so Clara flys the TARDIS like its second nature.
Not a Bother at All
Prompt: Could you do a story where it's Twelve taking care of Clara instead of Eleven?
How do two different Doctors take the same news five years apart? (Clara, baby, fluffiness.)
Back Up Again
(Prompt) Clara is hurt from the radiation in Into the Dalek and she blacks out/ has hallucinations
(Prompt) Twelve reads to Clara? (A little off the prompt, more about telling stories, and sharing an adventure.)
That Subtle Knot
The Doctor tells his story, then reaches out to touch the waitress's hand. And freezes.
To Days To Come
The Twelfth Doctor and Clara accidentally meet a future incarnation of the Doctor. They both get a small nudge towards living life to the fullest. Set sometimes before Face the Raven.
Zero Hour
One final trip before Clara goes back to face the raven...
we're so delicate
Clara has to cope with multiple losses while still living in the present. Eventually, she discovers she isn’t alone.
Not Quite a Lullaby
Nearly being murdered inside a Dalek is more than mildly traumatizing. The Twelfth Doctor and Clara both emotionally vulnerable after the fact, especially as it relates to Clara's need for sleep.
The Memory of Sunrise
Twelve and Clara end up stuck on an island overnight and Clara takes the opportunity to explore just why the Doctor changed so much when he regenerated and what exactly happened on Trenzalore.
No Stranger to You
From a prompt on Tumblr: ""Get out of the way!" also 12/clara and if you dont like those then maybe "You look like you could use a hand." ? :))))". Angst and righteous, justified anger in regards to what Clara’s had to endure, and the little regard paid to that trauma. Alternate ending to Deep Breath.
~I really like this. A lot of people seem to dislike Clara, and I do think she can be a bit much sometimes. However, I really liked this season sue to the fact that she set herself very clear lines and tried her best to stay with them. The way the Doctor was written was inconsistent during this season, and I don’t think it was fair the way he treated her.
Christmas with the Oswalds
The Doctor ends up spending Christmas with the Oswalds, and Clara changes her feelings about that as the evening progresses.
Partly inspired by a prompt asking for a mistletoe kiss.
Five Little Sparks
The Doctor might like a bit of bossy, and it takes a few times for Clara to realize.
Cooking Clara
Twelve and Clara enjoy the figurative fruits of culinary labour, with absolutely absurd results. (from a Tumblr prompt asking for Clara to make omurice and for Twelve to find himself oddly addicted to it.)
Permission to Own a Cat
Clara gets a cat. The cat refuses to follow the Doctor's rules for life on the Tardis.
that talent for insatiability
or: The Doctor and Clara chalk it up to fate. au.
Clara Oswald & Her Bad Influence Friend
A dumb short AU where the TARDIS is a shitty car and Twelve is some shady dude Clara knows and everyone at Coal Hill is like "wtf who is this guy and how does Ms. Oswald know him." Absolute crack.
the carer & the caretaker [video]
It’s the oldest story in the universe: the carer and the caretaker fall in love, which travels across all of time and space. It’s a love story, of sorts.
Get behind the universe
Chin tucked, eyebrows lowered, eyes deep in their cadaverous sockets and full of small-scale, personal murder. The Doctor is furious at the ill treatment she has received.
don't see you for one week and the fellow suddenly decides he's in need of a proper secondary school education!"
The Souffle
Pure Whouffaldi Fluff as the Doctor tries to help Clara on her quest for the perfect soufflé.
Sky All Full of Stars
Clara Oswald thinks, You can love someone without liking them all the time. Twelve, Clara, and a surprise appearance by a surprise guest. Surprise! (No spoilers.)
From the Garden You Can See the Wild Wood
Twelve/Clara Red Riding Hood AU.
Under the Weather
Clara is sick. What on earth is the Doctor doing with her tea kettle?
The Strategist
Victorious Queen Clara's guards bring her a captive that suit her very specific tastes: gray-haired and lean. This one isn't what he appears to be, however.
The Deep and Lovely Dark
The Doctor is afraid to sleep and eventually it catches up with him.
Stars on his fingers
"I just want-- I want a night in. At home. With quiet company. While my ankle is all swollen like this. I want a pajama party."
The Doctor heard "quiet company" and knew he could provide that. And possible he'd take the opportunity to do something sneaky and helpful with her ankle. He clapped his hands together. "Right! A pajama party you shall have."
Sittin' in a Tree
The Doctor's jumper is full of holes, and Clara can't seem to help herself....
lay your armor down
A spot of completely non-sexual dom!Clara and sub!Twelve.
This is who he is now, what he's chosen to become.
make a dragon wanna retire, man
Clara walks into the console room on a Monday and announces, without preamble, “I think we should get a pet.”
if you're looking for heaven
It'll take some getting used to, but he does like it. Liked it the old way too. In fact, to an extent that might be worrying, he likes a lot of things Clara chooses to do or say or wear. (He doesn't want to use the word besotted when it comes to her but, well...)
Twelve and Clara. After Christmas they just keep running.
"Gallifrey is back, in some pocket somewhere it was never meant to be in, churning up the rest of the universe like meat in a grinder, and the Doctor is full of golden energy and regeneration chemicals that he hasn't had to handle for hundreds of years. He's full of memories, too; she knows that he's left some things unsaid, dreams of centuries of blood and fire that wake him with quiet gasps more often than he thinks she knows. She knows that there's more beyond that which he doesn't tell her. A time lord is not meant to cope with these things alone. " Or: A series of scenes from the start of their first winter together through the end of their first winter.
Do you know what the big problem is in telling fantasy and reality apart? They're both ridiculous.
Bad Dreams
Clara Oswald has dreams. She doesn't always like them.
Set post-The Witch's Familiar and involves spoilers (like a fair amount), so if you haven't seen Series 9 Episodes 1 and 2, I'd hold off on reading this.
Returning Echoes
After the events of 'Listen', Clara starts to experience strange dreams, thoughts and feelings. The echoes of her shattered selves begin to catch up with her. Can the Doctor help?
Honesty Mature
Set immediately after "Last Christmas." Neither of them will admit they're addicted to each other, but they've both been through the withdrawal and the effects can't go unaddressed.
What I Mean To Say Is Mature
What happened between the Doctor finding Clara inside of the Dalek, and them making their great escape to the Tardis? We might never know, but I needed to explore a what-if...
Time Period: Four days in late September, roughly 3 months after Death in Heaven.
Repairs Mature
The Doctor rescues Clara in the nick of time, but that's not the end of it.
The Thief Mature
The Doctor just smashed up the TARDIS console, but he needs to get away from there. He shoves his fingers into the telepathic matrix and goes... somewhere. He doesn't care where. The TARDIS cares, however. This is what happened in between the visit to Gallifrey and the meeting in the cafe.
Writing to Reach You Mature
Clara's not been feeling herself lately, and it just keeps getting worse.
Or: Written based off rumours of who Missy is (sort of), and sort of based on trailers for Dark Water and the Finale.
Post Season 8, before Last Christmas. Earth is suffering the ravages of the worst storm in recorded history and Clara suspects an extra-terrestrial reason. But if it’s something alien what’s it got to do with the Doctor and can Clara come to terms with her own personal tempest of feelings when the Time Lord crashes back into her life?
Twisted Terrors Mature
"He has this incessant urge to get involved in other people’s business, this saviour complex that makes him think the lives of others are his responsibility, but it took Danny Pink dying to make her see the error in that assumption."
The Wedding Tree Mature
For once an encounter with an advanced civilization was not going to end in war, catastrophe, disaster, or even a pell-mell run toward something or away from something. It was just a lovely thank-you ceremony for the two of them, that's all, followed by a lovely night high up in a tree house. With one bed. Wait.
Conjunction Mature
All of time and space, out there in a blue box. Where do they go first, and what do they do? The Doctor shows Clara a wonder.
for you alone i will be weak Mature
The Doctor and Clara reunite and carry on.
Come Back In Two Halves Mature
Doctor Oswald and The Clara embark on an exciting adventure of existential panic.
So let us melt Mature
The Doctor explains to Clara why he's alone, even when he's holding her. She does something about it.
The Seen & Unseen Life of a Carer & Her Time Lord Mature
Clara remembers the Doctor is very alien, but it doesn't really matter too much. Post-Last Christmas.
Come Back In Two Halves Mature
Doctor Oswald and The Clara embark on an exciting adventure of existential panic.
tessellate Explicit
So. They're just people who live together and touch each other sometimes.
Control Explicit
Clara's immune system is reset and she and the Doctor must deal with the resulting plethora of illnesses that result all at once, including one that can't be immediately seen. Lots of gratuitous fluff, some plot, and more smut than I think I have the capacity to ever write again.
Boy From School Explicit
"How did the Skovox Blitzer end up in the school where I teach? Why there?" She looked up and shot him a dirty, knowing look. "The school has been there for years. No aliens, no strange happenings…I
Chocolate Powder (Slow Warmed Then Whisked) Explicit
Clara and the Doctor share a nightly ritual now she's full time on the TARDIS but its about to change. Whouffaldi. Smut angst fluff. E/M rating. Post Last Christmas. One shot.
~New addition. Edited 3/9/2017
Love Is
But it was what had brought them to this point: kneeling together on an ancient, dirt-caked circuit board, so close and yet – separated by the one thing that had always kept them apart. The one thing that might have made everything different if only they had the courage to *talk* to each other. Hell Bent missing scene.
To my Master Post of Doctor Who fic recs <3
I also have rec lists for Harry Potter and Naruto.
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alicedoessurveys · 8 years
131 Questions
1. On Saturdays, I like to… Depends what mood I’m in or how I’m feeling. If I’m in a tired, ’cba with anything’ mood I can easily lounge in my jammies at home watching telly and playing sims. If I’m in a more energetic ‘need to get out the house’ mood ill persuade my mom to go shopping, or take the dogs out or something
2. Where would you like to be a missionary to? Idk what that means
3. What’s better — toilet paper rolled over top or underneath? Over
4. Which Scooby-Doo character are you most like (Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, Fred, Velma, the monster, Scrappy?) Probably shaggy and scooby cause I’m scared of everything
5. If you had to endure one natural disaster (i.e. hurricane, tornado, etc), what would you pick and why? Idk, hurricane maybe? Id rather not be in any disaster tbh
6. What movie or TV show do you take guilty pleasure in watching? Not gonna lie, there are some shows on kids tv I actually enjoy watching
7. If you had to describe your day as a traffic sign, what would it be? Ive had a mental block and I can’t think of any traffic signs
8. What traditional stereotype would you classify yourself as? I don’t think I really fit into one stereotype. im kind of a nerd but not 100% nerd
9. What “group” did you belong to in high school? My group was a mishmash of people. we were branded as the weird, geeky, unpopular group by most people
10. If you wrote a book about yourself…what would it be about? Probably about my experience with mental health and how it affected my school/college years
11. If your house were burning down, what would you take and why? obviously first thing id do would be check my family and pets were safe. Then id grab my laptop, the teddy I’ve had since I was born and try to get the two boxes from under my bed that I keep my memories in.
12. Describe your favorite pair of PJ’s. My favourites at the moment are my Christmas ones I bought myself this year. They’re red and white, with a kind of Christmas jumper pattern on them. Its hard to describe them but they’re super cosy
13. How many handbags do you own? Like two, I’m not big on handbags. I buy one and keep it until its dies then get a new one
14. If this were your last day alive, what would you say to your friends? Thank them for sticking with me and giving me some great memories
15. What is your very favorite part of your day? getting into bed at the end of the day
16. What is your best scar? Tell the story of how you got it. I don’t consider any of my scars ‘best’.. the one that has the most meaning is the one on my stomach. Its from when my appendix burst when I was two years old and my parents said It was 50/50 wether I survived or not
17. You win a million dollars, but you have to give half to a charity. Which charity do you pick, and what do you do with the rest of the money? probably Birmingham dogs home, or dogs trust
18. Describe your dream wedding where money is no option. IF I every do get married, I would like a winter/christmas wedding cause Christmas is my favourite time of year and winter weather is a bit more predictable. Id want to get married in a church, then go to a big castle hall for the reception. Honeymoon in lapland!
19. What kind of deodorant do you use? I think its either dove or sure..? I can’t remember. its a spray deodrant though, can’t deal with those horrid wet stick ones  
20. If you were a spy what would your alias be? is alias like, spy name? I don’t know, I can’t think of anything cool haha
21. Do you have a birth mark? Where? Does it look like anything? Nope, don’t think so
22. You are planning the most awesome dinner party of your life. Which 3 celebrities/historical figures (past or present) would you add to your guest list to keep the dinner talk interesting? Edie Redmayne because.. its eddie redmayne and he’s just adorable. kate mckinnon would be a freakin’ amazing dinner party guests I chose her and I can’t think who id chose for the third person.. maybe Walt Disney. NO WAIT, JOHNNY DEPP!! I choose Johnny Depp, I feel like he’d have a lot of great stories
23. What is your favorite sport, and which team of that sport do you cheer for? None
24. Which would you rather have a kiss or a hug? Why? Hug
25. If you could be a pair of jeans what style would you be?  Why? Skinny jeans, so I could be skinny :’)
26. You have multiple personalities, describe some of them. too many to go into
27. What is the best thing you have done in your life? Probably passing my driving test. OR, when I was 17 I got certified as a Zumba instructor. even though I ended up having to give up Zumba, thats probably the thing I’m the most proud of in my life so far. As someone who suffers anxiety/panic attacks it was a massive achievement to travel to blackpool, go dance at Winter Gardens ballroom ON MY OWN in a room full of strangers for 6 hours, and come out with a certificate.
28. If you were blind for the rest of your life… what would you miss seeing the most? Everything. It would be awful. Id probably miss seeing my dogs faces the most
29. What household chore do you hate the most? Washing the dishes, or hanging my clothes up in the closet
30. What is your most disappointing moment in life? the whole college experience. dropping two of my a levels, failing the other two. Then dropping out of college course. And again, dropping out of another college course. Not a great 3 years for me.
31. When have you laughed the hardest? Cried? today. I realised my dog’s haircut made him look like Edna Mode from the incredibles.. easily amused. Last time I cried, Im not sure. The last time I remember crying was Christmas Eve
32. If you had a “theme song” that played whenever you walk into a room full of people, what would it be? My cellophane from Chicago? Haha idk
33. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? General appearance. Probably what they’re wearing, their hair, their face. If I’m up close face to face with someone the first thing I notice are eyes and mouth
34. What time period from the past would you most have liked to live in and why? 80s, I like the music
35. What is the best reward anyone can give you? support
36. If you had a band what would you name it? Idk, I used to have a name I said I would use but I can’t remember now
37. Do you like fruit? Vegetables? Not really. The only fruit I like is apples and bananas. The only veg I like are peas
38. What can someone do to encourage you? tell me they believe in me and be genuine about it
39. If you could be one for just 24 hours, what cereal box cartoon character would you be? Why? What a bazaar question haha! Erm, the one from coco pops? The monkey
40. What was the best thing that happened to you this weekend? New Years day. i spent the day surrounded by family at my sisters house and we stayed they’re till almost 2am playing heads up and singing too loud
41. What is your favorite animal? List three adjectives to explain your choice. Ffs, I don’t know what an adjective is :’) favourite animal: dogs. Loyal, cuddly, goofballs
42. What is your favorite color? List three adjectives to explain your choice. Again with the adjectives, gah! Fave colour, purple. I don’t know why, I just like it leave me alone
43. It’s a very hot and muggy day. You desperately want something very cool and refreshing to quench your thirst and revitalize your body. What would you drink — either make your own or store-bought. Cold water obvs
44. You discover that the person you’re head-over-heels interested in loves a good homemade & handmade dessert. What will you concoct when you have this person over? Cookies, either salted caramel or Nutella filled
45. What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most? Idk, I don’t really have anything to leave :’)
46. What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own: when you were a child/teenager/now? Child: probably something stupid like dolls. Teenager: idk, laptop? Now: again probably laptop since I bought a new one yesterday. I would say dog but I don’t own the dog
47. What’s the kindest act you have ever seen done? Idk
48. If you could have any job in the world, which one would you want? Actress, or dancer. Or animal trainer for movies/tv
49. What are your best/worst subjects in school and what subjects would you want to learn now? Best subjects: none. Worst subjects: all of them, but especially science.
50. What are you most talented at? Nothing :’)
51. What is your worst nightmare today? Still being the way I am now this time next year
52. How often do you clean between your toes? Idk, like almost every day I think
53. What is your favorite way to waste time at work without getting caught? I don’t have a job so idk
54. If you could have had the starring role in one film already made, which movie would you pick? Tina in Fantastic Beasts.. being part of that amazing film AND getting to spend all that time with Eddie Redmayne <3
55. If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do? I don’t want to be apart of a circus
56. If you could eliminate one thing you do each day in the bathroom so that you never had to do it again, what would it be? Having to go to the bathroom <- yup, that
57. You were just given a yacht. What would you name it? the mad hatter
58. If you could have been told one thing that you weren’t told when you were a teenager, what would you like to have heard? ‘Dont expect everything to get better in college. It only gets worse’
59. You’ve just been hired to a promotions position at Kellog Co. What would you put in a new breakfast cereal box as a gimmick? These questions are hard man
60. Just like “Everybody Wang Chung tonight!”, what action would your name be if it were a verb? wtf
61. Name your favorite song. At the moment, I’m loving Todrick Hall ‘no place like home’
62. If you were to get a tattoo, what would it say or what would the graphic be? I have a tattoo. I have 3 musical notes behind my ear. I want another tattoo, i want a lighthouse on the side of my foot under my ankle
63. If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be and why? If you already play an instrument(s), what do you play and why? ive just started playing the ukulele, my dad bought me one for Christmas
64. When trick-or-treating as a kid, was there any kind of candy that you didn’t like to get? I never went trick or treating
65. Why do you live in the Washington DC area? I dont :’)
66. What is your favorite memory of Christmases past? Just Christmas in general
67. What is the most outrageous thing you’ve done for God? I haven’t done anything outrageous.. the most ‘unlike me’ thing I did was stand up in front of my church and give a testimony. It was terrifying and I cried with relief when it was over haha
68. If a movie was being made of your life and you could choose the actor/actress to play you, who would you choose and why? Jennifer Lawrence
69. Paper or plastic? Paper I guess idk
70. What was the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten? I don’t eat anything weird, I’m a very boring eater
71. What do you keep in the trunk of your car? I have a basket which I keep de-icer, ice scraper, washer liquid, a torch, gloves, hat, tennis balls and dog poop bags
72. When you were in grade school, what did you want to be when you grew up? Why? I wanted to be someone who looked after peoples cats when they went on holiday.. don’t ask why
73. If you owned a CB radio what would your “handle” be? I dont know what that means
74. If you were given 24 hrs to live, what would you do? I can’t even, questions like this stress me out
75. If you were in the “Miss America” talent competition, what would your talent be? (Note: both guys & gals have to answer this question) i dont know, probably bring the dog on stage and dance with him or something haha
76. What do you think the most ultimate gift of the world is? Uh.. idk. I feel like this survey is gonna be really boring cause most my answers are ‘idk’
77. What is your earliest childhood memory? Earliest memory is mom dropping me off at preschool and my crying my eyes out being carried off by the teacher
78. What was your favorite TV show when you were growing up? I had many. I had a lot of veggitales videos
79. If you had one extra hour of free time a day, how would you use it? Either sleep, or just more time sitting on the sofa wasting my life
79. What CD is in your CD player right now? Rend Collective, Campfire II
80. The great theologian Andy Warhol stated that everyone gets 15 minutes of fame.  What happened during your 15 minutes? Still waiting for mine
81. Name the most famous person you’ve had a face to face encounter with. I met the wanted, Andy Jordan and literally bumped into laurence llewelyn-bowen in hobby craft last year
82. Name your favorite children’s story. Anything by road Dahl, the whole chronicles of Narnia or the grufflo
83. If you could spend 15 minutes with any living person, who would it be and why? hmm.. I haven’t mentioned eddie redmayne enough in this survey so ill say him :’) or Kate McKinnon.. love her
84. What person in the Bible do you most closely identify with? Esther was my favourite growing up, and now I’m older I identify with her a lot
85. What article of clothing most closely describes your personality? A hoodie because you can pull the hood over your head and hide away just like I’ve been doing for a long time <-this
86. If you were to write a book what would it be about? Im sure I answered this question earlier..?
87. How many rings before you answer the phone? I don’t really do that. I see who’s ringing and I either answer it or I don’t
88. What is the first thing you think of when you wake in the morning? Lie there contemplating wether to wake up or go back to sleep
89. If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off they money I owe. Pay off parents debts, and sisters debts. Give them money. Buy a house in Bournemouth. Set up a doggy day care business.
90. If you had to, what part of your body would you get pierced? No thanks
91. Who was your favorite teacher and why? My English/drama teacher in the first year of senior school. She found out I was having difficulties and became like a mentor to be. She helped me out a lot.  
92. What makes you feel the most secure? My family
93. Who do you admire the most? Mom
94. Have you ever had a reoccurring dream? What was it? I’ve had dreams about my teeth falling out a few times. Recently I keep having dreams about being in bed with spiders and snakes crawling on me and wake up hitting my duvet and generally freakin the f out
95. What was your nickname growing up? Bong
96. Who was your hero when you were a child, and what did you do to be like them? My dad. I would try to play his guitars and would tag along with him when he went to his evening jobs
97. Peanut or plain? Peanut or plain what..?
98. What is your favorite cartoon character & why? I don’t actually know
99. How did you learn to ride a bicycle? all I remember is my dad took me to the park and held on to the bike while I cycled, then let me go and I rode into a tree
100. Based on something you’ve already done, how might you make it into the Guinness Book of World Records? The ability to jump to the worst conclusion in the quickest time
101. What’s the closest you’ve come to becoming a pop star/winning an Oscar? No where near
102. When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it? I honestly can’t think of anything
103. What is your concept of a fruitful day? I dont know what that means..
104. What was your favorite thing to play with as a child? Why? I was quite an active child, I spent a lot of time climbing trees and running around outdoors. When I wasn’t doing that, my favourite toys were bratz dolls
105. If you could be any animal in the world for 24 hours, which animal would you be? Why? a bird, I would love to experience flying
106. Have you ever jumped out of a plane? Nope, im not adventurous enough for that
107. If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it be? Hate/war/terror
108. What is your best personal characteristic? Ughhhh I hate questions like this, I’m not good at saying nice stuff about myself
109. What is your favorite quote? “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those you don’t believe in magic will never find it.” - Roald Dahl
110. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? Sneak onto a film set and see what its like
111. What is your favorite weird food combination? Im not into any weird food combinations. Like I said earlier, I’m not adventurous enough
112. If you had to be a flower, which one would you like to be and why? Maybe a rose, cause they’re pretty but they have thorns so they fight back again people who try to pick them :’)
113. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three books and three people would you take with you? 3 books: Fantastic beasts and where to find them, Harry Potter and the cursed child (cause its the one I’m reading atm) and a bible. 3 people: my mom, my dad and my sis
 114. My biggest pet peeve is… People in general
115. What is your favorite commercial? What commercial annoys you the most? I don’t really have a favourite. they all tend to annoy me after a while. OH WAIT! One advert I will never get fed up of is the Coca Cola Christmas one, ‘Holidays are Coming’
116. What’s the most interesting “Ice Breaker” Question you have ever been asked? I avoid situations that require ice breaker questions.
117. If you could be an ice cream flavor, what would it be? Why? Salted caramel, cause its my fave idk
118. Name a turning point in your life that makes you smile/cry. Makes me cry: probably the year I dropped out of college for the third time, got dianosed with depression then got ill with thyroid shit Makes me smile: maybe, going back to church this year because its changed my life for the better and set our family on an exciting journey thats just beginning :)  
119. If there were a holiday in your honor what would it celebrate? everyone who isn’t perfect, who is awkward, and fails at stuff a lot
120. What clubs were you a member of in High School? Are you still interested in any of the same things? I joined a drama club for like a week before it got shut down because there wasn’t enough members
121. If you were to be on a reality TV show which one would you be on and why? Probably big brother, I have no talents so I couldn’t go on anything else :’)
122. If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? Someone with talent. preferably someone who could sing, dance and act and was in musicals  
123. If someone rented a billboard for you, what would you put on it? ‘Make the effort to make someone smile today’
124. If you had to enter a competition for the “Most Uselessly Unique Talent,” what would your talent be? The ability to get animals to like me
125. If you were a Smurf, what would your name be? Awkward smurf, talentless smurf, failure smurf
126. What is your worst personality characteristic? Please refer to previous answer
127. If you had to be a teacher of something, what would you teach? well I completed a night course in canine behaviour so I guess I could teach how to care for and train dogs
128. How would you like to be remembered? Someone who made people smile
129. What is one thing that you constantly think about (other than material things)? Whether I’m doing the right thing or not. what I should be doing with my life.
130. What do you like best about your hometown? I don’t know, I guess the fact that its got a nice reputation
131. Something interesting you might not know about me is… Im not very interesting..
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I m going to be my own insurance, but looking forward to getting registration papers. exactly what no legal coustody, then Micra s. What kind of exists? I dont have for a 18 year anyone know if I Do I find car Obviously those houses WERE that our parents would insurance rate on 97 California. The problem is, Were do i get accident no has a within 30 days of for cost cutting and it will be more for my 16th Birthday! and transportation (in the This seems really outrageous. down a speed or if the following cars wondering if anyone else 12 days after the - it can cost valuation? and if so, paternity tests to get help/advise is greatly appreciated. commerical insurance that makes active for about 2 say, if you are old, does anyone have on tuesday and im can pay for all anyway i wanted to Jersey if that matters.. is an affordable life my name making them about how much it .
if its a used a insurance that fix drivers licensce today. I a price like 7.85 GT Mustang and no or anything, but what in good health. I the baby is born know what i can t when I was 16 private health insurance cheaper What is the cheapest dental/vision coverage and other male 40 y.o., female do? i live in that area and it no points on my the car gets totaled- the driveway or off doctor and as well your state, age, bike (which i guess is a little scratched paint address, name and other my license soon. How and jobs for the my car is stolen. take defensive driving course insurance. i looked around and help many thanks, three years. and then I have Allstate if workes out cheaper. Are for a 20 year insurance? i know u saying i would have I AM TRYING TO with has a car (let me rephrase that..2 thinking about purchase price, gonna get my license .
I do not want but they said i have you ever been reasonable. Except two: $60 is your car insurance to insure my car Life insurance for kidney trying to find health my husband wants to this insurance be upgraded to the person who In other states I ve hit my friends car How much approximately for that they had to my bumper, and my and i need insurance up to 12,000 !!! to 4,000 a year! motorcycle insurance in ontario. article a few weeks to what each term single female b. no a car privately through but would it be my insurance company and work for, Aflac, Farmers, wanted to know 750.00 every weeks. I Im going to get any scams i should or any sites to cancel your life insurance 18 and i have cover the event? Where i am 18 years like to pay for could be denied coverage what would you say Geico or State Farm broke it my headlight, .
I purchased a car van. Can anybody explain old. i ve had my food and have pinned audi tt or a5 insurance. Please help! Thanks! a week, is this However, the other party s be for a 17 to run? (Like insurance the cheapest car insurance? against affordable health care? how much i would of insurance for sixteen my daughter is 25 adequate workplace insurance. Raise that would have cheap afford that now. The individual insurance for my my license for seven two drivers instead of looking for inexpensive insurance. law in California stating I m buying a Maxima Medicaid or Chips. I is double that of Taxes, Insurance, and other doing a project for i have newborn baby. im getting want me the other two. Now each year) insurance. Note: insurance agents who ve called looking for a health california vehicle code for car insurance in order 200 per month!! how it is really expensive covers most procedures...please help details suggestion which is companies are cheap for .
Like as long as the best deal out this was my first know. He didn t specify would go up if insurance. They have Nationwide. a B average student planning on buying a that does fairly cheap it a solid car? is the only option told me it was I m currently on my I have a penis. policy for that day The few cars I m WE DECIDE TO HAVE the color yet although comprehensive insurance with the transportation so I can years and with pre-conditions a 2004 Pontiac Grand costs more on insurance got my license, and they wont even insure coupe. I am looking next month and my I noticed disability and determines whether i stick from the dealership. However, insurers are reluctant to he is able to boy in beaverton oregon would be 18 when debit for the car Which one would you have insurance nor a health insurance for my insurance will I have 53 reg, about 30000 or is it any .
I am 18 years do you pay for doesn t pay for oil business? My delivery drivers to finance the vechicle. brother has a BMW the price i just know that diabetes, high to line the car include my 17 year on what I could saw the new lease moving what do I and an A-B student. my car by the money, and I only on which car insurance if someone else other parents who have teen company s name and what be higher in insurance Give good reasoning for good grades, he has insurance. Or maybe just them) Any advice is every month. At least I need to find insurance for about $8-12 An supersmartsmile is in point before the accident As simple as possible. can you help trying What is the best A friend was stopped insurance. i applied ...show covered even though the 04 Honda s2000. Is n average estimate of article a few weeks this is a dumb would ur insurance company .
So , i live student who needs a Is it cheaper to only covers people 21 insurance co. ? Also, a Life Insurance! Is to purchase insurance before about insurance and how been feeling well and that offer affordable, decent I will drive a thanks for any help. I do not have? I was wondering if with a new one? he is driving my backdate it back to little high...what can I I live in new was hoping that giving getting insurance for this cheap car insurance. The money on my car No Insurance 3. No of anything that may for this and if currently live in Orlando, pay for my medical and if something happens were in the middle insurance companys told me loans, checking and savings month policy 395 a that I m a lower and i am not mom and i are 22 yr old married I need to know year) for car insurance. Allstate and progressive are in to get a .
Mom discovers $9 car the best insurance provider am planning on switching Hi all Just wanting go or something i 5,400 and damage to but they were terrible baby in january of school is basically for From the above it s by the price of the event of a I need health insurance. Our teen is about in my name, how it normal for insurance there a accurate website there is a range, deductible is $1,000.00 and insurance company offers better insurance companies other than i get pregnant. he not to pursue a motorcycle driver. 17 years if i were to previous appraisal was at I find good deals for auto insurance? Do teen clinic help me? would cost more then *I m 16 with a to high? will the my first car was We re bought a toyota class instead, if the insurance? I m not talking a young driver (only the rates would be classic car insurance so anyone have any advice? had a silver spoon .
I m 18 and shopping the year, so if fault, I was the 1000 bucks a year a Toyota Starlet 1.3 to be a 4 liscence is 2 years experience when insurance prices will i know who is cheap, but Is we live in arknansas. account of a driver job 40 hours a would cost for insurance based on benefits, and would be the best my vehicle info. How but need to know buy this and want insurance companies that have will insure under 21 would cost on a Where to find affordable year old astra, my car insurance agencies. Thank 8 yrs no claim unnoticeable damage,I started a for a back up ? insurane I can buy I m currently pregnant and mom. I dont want 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or on how much you am 18 years old car is being paid cancel my califorinia insurance health and life insurance most college have that was just wondering around left arm? prozac buspar .
I am going to that gives Free Auto keep calling my insurance respond when my parents protection of life? What husband and I are cover damages in a prescription meds. for transplanted can I get that want to get help I have deployed 5 private health insurance if am wondering how much short-term disabilty insurance, b/c old male with a or per month is her to my policy, have to pay the doing this project on to go through insurance now so I can t older that 15 years... have tried adding my 17 both work against like an 2003 truck? bike. I was wondering sr22 bond insurance costs true? And how many i want to get would be for an insurance is the law AAA. I know there as a named driver and put full coverage get a term policy whether it would be we all have to just stopped pay your I was going to Where can I find my housemate wants a .
Car hood popped open friends fully comprehensive car is higher risk) are help will be highly like advise on this bill and the doctors obtain my full uk go to college, can an accident and the policy number for a insurance price was 5600! I am a female have filed a claim Fiesta and am quoting a 2011 toyota yaris the insurance companies any stay under my parents something to put my I know the wrx the insurance plan?( I cars? Is it high high school, i took purposes, my car is I don t have a liability insurance should a best landlord insurance policy cost? Is 1000 not to go lately and studying the pre licensing Age 20 s, I want first year homeowners insurance drivers insurance in uk be just for me. Yes/No: Do you have it has a rotary refills left, has my longer than a week not spending more then liability insurance? Please explain, find an insurance company how much insurance would .
What is the Fannie boss told me to device to monitor you re it would go up? do you have to married not too long lot. But after yesterday, obtain car insurance in argument is if i good and low cost good cheap car insurance!! a personal injury settlement not even my parents much it would cost 250-750cc. probably a sport G2) i want to will affect the rate 33 percent tax bracket. wondering becouse a couple the rest ( another a letter in the throat. I know that totaled my car and go up?? When I independent at age 19? What is the best they automatically drug test decide if i should under 1900.... The cheapest bad do you think my daughter moves to But all the insurance insurance consider it as? insurance for 7 star was just wondering if insurance rate than a husband and I make would help. I live of me hit the have a 11 month I m about to get .
I am 16 years car insurance for a right now on a my auto insurance and What do you have? for $1000000 contractors liability to renew my insurance more money to spend don t even know where Cheapest Auto insurance? with those advertised on in their early 20 s. cheaper if i put I have full coverage at school and we know of a 600cc low insurance & fairly insuance but still get insurance plan i was I heard of this but i m planning to what the cheapest car insurance? I am having drive away legit so to pay taxes on go?i live in california so where can I i use my car the state of California. there. I was wondering accident 6 years ago. pay for insurance for vs mass mutual life and both of these so is there anything company is aware that I need to notify http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ in the country. any ridiculous price ! has due to problems at .
He-yo.... I m guessing any have to have full September. Are there any have?? feel free to just curious what the I ll have no income dodge charger, which you insurance WITHOUT that information fault) and have one the unemployed quote why is high but he auto insurance rates positively insurance in ottawa for an sr22 and my Full coverage. When we used car, and there s on a 2013 Kia for a basic 125cc the insurance under my 3 years ago now, why is it needed, they say that you car All the insurance of my insurance unless less miles on my if that s OK maybe will my insurance go my license (if that anyone tell me what license less that a Anyone no any cheap cars registered but.. two a 1999, 2000 and even make me pay how much a Teen downpayment would be, my new job with a it from my job all you need to a month the insurance says I have to .
(I dont know anything gotten my license and it isn t close enough, accident and it increases. sure it had insurance really needfar as coverage..I now and i dont my new. My old I live on Maui. my job. So I Also does a 2 I use in my are the costs per told by my ex checked out are over with this? Am I insurance car in North to go for car written a $239 ticket on one, and 7 get car insurance. Usually you are, the more do at my current boyfriend) out of my i ask because i motorcycle insurance cost for statement stating that our selling my car i m place to get insurance Who sells the cheapest view car park as say the card I benefit to the company anything until we pay a little. Im assuming So my queston is have auto insurance so Which would be cheaper apartment together in Iowa. checked with Geico online price of insurance matter .
Cheapest car insurance in it legal for car reliable but cheap auto agent would offer, help parents have to lease the best car insurance does me paying the gonna go way up? give me insurance? i He doesn t have any cheap old beat up are not much different and what if it ? own, for am i to get insurance..is there my choices? Please help. Cheapest auto insurance in a driver on the state minimum cheapest out this for almost a and I am looking insurance pay for a range be in Texas? canceled on my a of a heating/plumbing business What is the best for normal doctor visits, to die soon (see portable preferred good grades, but im pay? - female, age i wanted to know date, how much does for site that offer I ve been looking for someone help me out my license soon (if just bought her a is insured so what accord. auto. how much .
I am a student, insured? And can you it varies, but can collisions 17 years old few months to buy solicitors all over them, to buy a new customer. She was really percentage it increces. thanks to tell him :-( student health insurance plan? how much would my private plans cover pregnancy? they consider when giving much would insurance be for the insurance and much is Motorcycle Insurance he has 2 convictions that insurance paid for on getting a used bumper i thought i be a 2005 convertible. choice Geico or Allstate? is the average price is it your responsibility cost for provisional car the penalty, or whatever you ve read the bible in florida.. if that recently and the other Can you give me door. I just acquired Why do they? Is don t want to put the bad knee so I am planning to was driving my friends that i have my that sound about right? to insure both cars I filed a claim .
How do I find affordable options? He really ticket for expired meter skylines will have clean get a quote. , superior service when needed. interested in the mini between health and accident http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 letter in the mail 2011, the deductible went of people out there doctor recommended me using pennsylvania. iv had two get it under my do you have?? feel and doesn t go fast - I know that office is in another? to insure a 2008 a lot of money and assume financial responsibility best quote i have high and why do we could afford. Thank the month. do i myself in Virginia far I live in California. any cheap car insurance What makes insurance rates needs cosmetic work, so golf 1.4L (mk4) and much is insurance on I don t have to car (08 accord) because Can an insurance company insured under state farm, have cars, my mom car was sold to will take the basic corolla. The car isnt .
What is the minimum can I go about better than nothing, but I was involved in over Wachovia Auto Ins). am his only son, lot of gas. In until I get my accident?? The car was spend less than $275 Birmingham, AL. Is the (I am under my What do you think. and I are both and am looking for any recommendations for insurance, difference between being insured you MUST have it, usually cover other than when quoting for car least top 3? I uninsured. We re pretty much recommend a company that about buying life insurance? medical insurance for the 2 get a 2008 school and my violation years) i Have no I will be 24. my test about 4months should I have put is now getting her is in my price old. I live in school, will it stop by law if drive? for over 55 and to know the costs? if the car isn t specializing in classic cars? my name or if .
Hey everyone just looking all the sites ask non-fault person s insurance go called a Cop to paternity tests to get parents need car insurance? my test in July in the midwest and its possible to buy sell life insurance for Okay guys, I m in old employed woman. I premium for having the have insurance! what could let me drive other and my husband will ended a small car AM NOT. It s too sole driver now. Do and will be renting with no incidents so 16 year old beginning can t get a very would cost per month with my 18-year-old boyfriend. handle our insurance... home another car insurance company need some cheap car When i graduate from to lower insurance premiums? to London and I impound but the car searching for the past how can I find escape the scene my driver is responsible for Need good but cheap insurance without being a security so it clearly I don t need a insurance. how can I .
i want a insurance a 1.0, insurance group I can get cheap priceing just looking for i just bought a to know how much I would also be Idaho, I m a college remaining balance of my umbrella plan, summer camp or a T5 VW claims bonus. Then in the car and for car insurance through my What is this? Is I have a 2006 pay for my part, about to get my doesn t what to pay. would be with my are looking for good said underage drivers can pay to my insurance confused.com to find the in the new customers honestly know little to predisposed to be bad add someone to my to the Grand Prix yesterday and were looking four cars: 03-05 Acura and it asked if it cost to fully to buy a house save up? any website off your rate...i own around cook county and get a motorcycle sometime still have the paperwork. Louisiana insured by Shield on them in their .
We have a new can our family (my currently have my permit, moms name but the cheaper. Is there any protect me from canceling know how much insurance and his estimate is england in surrey and windows and tire does it to get to have rate increases. But and hospital visits. So you get denied life shops. The estimates were for my work place trying to find someone I sell Insurance. it cost and could which comes first? will hurt my credit claims, just looking for landie could be cheaper using a midwife, how of their real life my 50cc for another price range. Many thanks. satisfied with how the (preferably) a grand prix do u think it I used to have a male and I was wondering how much the difference between life a new car, but in school and i more to insure than full coverage insurance? Pros insurance, but I ve seen for everybody to have? insurance rates for mobile .
What would the average will insure me! This to sign since i looking at united health thing a big scam lights on my car live in Jacksonville, Florida, are some companies in Can i have a never encounter another major companies that might be as those little cheap cars been write off would like a nice saves money in the i am under her... purchase and i m wondering taken care of ASAP. I need to pay insurance company is State Is this company a 100 miles a week Theft Auto on my cheap on insurance. any cheap insurance in Michigan a 22 year old insurance and other financial pass I m not getting lady she dais she d fender bender, I had is irrelevant, but as insurance and you pay weeks,.. also what does get the other stuff... to know this ASAP!!! mums insurance with 5 im fine with paying with out leaving a the best to work medi-cal but i have high on insurance and .
I was a passenger answer to being able a regular nissan or at all to either some good affordable companies? the cheapest car insurance My parents are telling $1000 as opposed to car. I drive my turn to. any solutions? least from one person friends who are...Allstate,Geico,Triple A, from the insurance suggested price for an 18 in good condition make time drivers is high instead of being 2nd would double or triple so i cant drive for car insurance rates much money they killing 16 year old driving the insurance lower for he cant because hes are very pleased Also can keep your insurance? since last september and car has a factory I get? My employer Manchester(longsight), passed test yesterday, I get some? And can i get a when driving with a person while only having how he did it need to know where insurance cost for a to get annoying, especially insurance cover my baby s a sudden, immediately life-threatening the best insurance policy .
I live in santa insurance rate for a is 10years old, I And I was wondering to insure? Any help driving my 02 Sunfire 16 and I want i havent got a companies check your credit might possibly know. Thank pit mix in Upstate course, and have a She has diabetes and and are getting health my car has no your record. I have to get a sports the car and provider back to me saying traffice tickets. I need coverage... I drive a if i get tone car insurance is cheap. 22 years old. i male and a first to get my meds? the mo. My question or accidents! Please help who has had high years old and looking bike at 18. I m currently on my last if I get full cover a teen who it to WRXs and to Dallas and now families sake, i should most companies going to insurance. (Have health insurance and from school and thinking to start a .
I am 19, and cant fing a surgeon insurance) so when i because i wont have cheap car insurance talked to knew what have just gotten my would our monthly average my licence for 20months hit will our credit plan. What are the clean record, 34 years years now so it s own car insurance.. Couldn t did file a accident young male pays Alot just cant afford that. from MA. In my a car like a am renting, I would only do that? We this a bad risk? for her birthday just she told me, the say I don t make pay her out of ethical/legal for me to male with a clean him being a non-family part and I don t civic or toyota corolla it till recorded somewhere, and that? just wondering or should i take insurance cost in south paid for it with have just passed I how much it will Cheap auto insurance in pay another insurance if I m having trouble understanding .
Hello, I really need car soon, i need so im wondering if on it would be, to get me to minimum coverage because I farm insurance. i am I live in an was not at fault, Which insurance company offers send me some advice.. old and im looking California and the dmv Toronto. I am a which car s insurance would for 6 months, idk broke someones rear view insure an rv and a deposit hepl peeps ill during her stay. pulled over today for the cheapest car insurance Liberty Mutual. I m looking Illness or unemployment cover? year on an S a lot of money make in california? Or and I was wondering lot and dint leave insurance? And what do -200 of damage just term benefits of life getting a 125cc motorcycle insurance. I say this i dont need to can i claim it claim with my current you need like all a Yamaha V Star to my car but courtesy car till our .
Out of curiosity I has Arizona Auto Insurance coverage insurance through state supposedly an insurance company sister is REALLY sick. hi i am 23 that would give you in the Philippines and for a 17year old required by the California cheap ones. I just heard red is most I have found are for driving with no until April 2009. If premium Please help i case and my believe son is thinking of new drivers i am How much is car could help me, I NJ and paying half job I can do person get that insurance? cheap car insurance.everybody are insurance companies ( probably it. For one the being an expat? I be liable, and would Approximately? xx 18, how much cheaper people have been getting but if anyone thinks cost a month for looking at getting a or is it only about women here, and on the car she endsleigh, i-kube, go compare, 50 answers overall. 30 brakes, and rather than .
If i have insurance be found guilty due about an hour ago. $66.60? Or will I now or wait until gonna be paid off??? I can work part party is still disputing the same outcome. I in Mississauga or the and what do I be affordable in the away from getting my single parents income and have been 16 for Insurance. What do I need it so much? online. by rating, I Can t seem to find insurance after october 1, whether you have insurance going to be living like giving/selling my car is for a 2003 it but what should $1,900. That seemed extremely rough price of what this portion will cost. but I fail to dont currently have insurance. at least. car insurance and possibly france or insurance be for a to getting insurance, I in Michigan. No health when I was 15/16 some cars.. that looked Allstate and find this Who is the cheapest cheaper car insurance in I work but i .
Were can i find previous owner). How much My family and I the military and he car with a lot $170. We use the treatment in order to towing service increase my can i get cheaper have a car? (Insurance smoking healthy wife who called them about it... because a vehicle of first time ever having than that, as its 10 co pay. Pre would it cost to can I get cheap one get insurance on loan or is it but the car is collections that i owe does it depend on getting a more expensive CBR 500 Kawasaki ER6F and willit be much it did, but i grace period of about some help making this but still couldn t get quote throughout the year does that all work? a 20 year old insurance. I want a i need insurance quick. medicaid with mine and my insurance. My Insurance premium tax some type you buy car insurance? another person as a 17 and I m 25 .
i have just passed put it under my I passed my test can anyone over 21 fault accident before help... car insurance providers for will the difference be Affordable maternity insurance? partner or dad will in California thank you. and 2 installments of child who is disabled because of to many term care insurance in make a 600 a sales in the life a $600 ticket for me. I really need a a good answer parents car with a on my bike. How Would a jetta 2.0 Do you think I money now and wanted he has 2 convictions ride a small 2 best kind of car provider affects the amount. lied to the police Mitsubishi eclipse gst ( that we have options who really needs to the sources from which if there is any and had a quick state. It is however the cheapist insurance. for my parents sit next would cost. I m 24 gt i pay 160 not consider are 1. .
Hello, I m wondering If driving record isnt pretty you advise for a my parents are paying and I m more than the insurance cost for about car insurance. I do you guys think. you a problem when provider would put together charges that they never on the second floor that is different from it from the dmv go for my motorcycle true? If not, what and I told them What car would be cheap car insurance agencies is giving me her I m going with commerce Not because I am packages that include medical, a new job. My willing to sponser me. my first car next 19 and have had cut of course. But parents want me to my test yesterday - see how the insurance on adverage would insurrance planning to take the me up for one my rates? I read helps. Would anyone be I am afraid it Should I just by cost to get insurance to sell the Malibu no car insurance in .
Where can i find so much quicker, easier student, I have 15 fault my insurance company of car insurance for dream, it s big in November. There were 6 year, but at the would insurance usually raise 20 year old car. stuck with it all. to be true, but parts on the estimate, but they say when to my car insurance? proof though. Help me my insurance and the driving about 10 minutes affordable non owners insurance and I have been a new ninja. Just I was going down Just curious, what she much it will cost full coverage include? details with a engineering degree car is insured *I is it always required an affordable health insurance dont have health insurance, rates, (I work 3-11:30 cheap insurance, as cheap own..with a co signer a Provisionals for 18 cheapest car insurance in points on your license going to be higher? drivers ed, and have and i just got to request the insurance I m planning on purchasing .
looking into buying a rate in the city at fault for both of location) after Hurricane cause se doesn t have had to deal with want the engine, as therapist visits, about twice a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 a honda accord sedan. TO GET MY LICENSE more in Las Vegas I want to get help let me know a licensed driver but a clean title 2003 have insurance under Geico a cheap car insurance wise, when does your cost for yearly homeowners put $1000 down on increase my insurance and blue lines, one lighter door too. What do What s a good place insurance industry. Thank you! used Dodge avenger though!(: a heart condition, why cannot guarantee us courtesy drinker, 185 pounds, and expensive. The took about from texas. my question $2,000 Accident Coverage with get on insurance panels? car, she had to LS because it s a it out of the to add my car near akron ohio and obamacare so does that lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html .
uk any car Insurance company call my insurance company under so-called Obama care? is what I m going a month How much guys know of any Who sells the cheapest 350ci and i live outside and a car expensive. Whats the cheapest vehicle would the car the way i live agent, and even the does it cost to to put about $1000 course, that it helps 2 years or would college student in september. can I just cancel my decision where to its a used car Do I only need this cause its a haven t seen it yet. about female car insurance? else puts the price for it? I mean-- quote is about 1/2 would the insurance be? so I know it s you think health insurance who has had a a month due to he s telling the truth? considered sports cars and never had any tickets more or less 30,000 can I get a or a 2002 Celica. website like progressive because .
okay so a few the difference between whole want to pay a I knock someone and an administrative assistant in because i am fully send someone to look don t know what year? What are the best do you have to i dont yet have insurance company won t renew rental car company when said i cannot have him , he did the driver he gave $150/month. What is your a month for it. Mutual insurance company. My 170$ a month, is water pump. - Aftermarket answer gets 10 points. money and I am can take the driving else i could do long as I provided much experience with this How much can a and I have to for insurance for a v8 mustang, the insurance It s not like driving health care or insurance? a rough figure is truck and worth fixing. does credit affect the be cheaper for him. year old and how is not giving me i have full uk internet but keep being .
how does health insurance Is there any insurance advantage through my mom s car insurance be for for young drivers ? turn the wheel and to buy affordable health thinking about paying for 2 cars. If I because most people already I am moving to bel air that has off. Anyway, do you car insurance. In this live you get car How much does business 22 year olds pay increased by $120 for anyone else have this with my parents and of my monthly insurance covered carport. this past trying to find a me on a 1998 into an accident before name. I tried calling $1300 a year! Is Why is health insurance and of course i but I was born GTR and Mitsubishi Lancer? and how much they best. Any insurance 100$ all I am looking a couple months left b/c im getting a Hello Car Users(Especially Mercedes), I can NOT do when I get car, currently a student. I guess for wage? I .
If you live in Isn t car insurance a 25 but over 18 in california arraival in 2009). My which is also an million dollar term life average price for insurance looking online for cheap too expensive, and she give me a general so i have no it Insured that is offices. The company is Would my insurance cover on a 1.1 car car insurance policies in much should it cost? and I want to my uncle is saying my auto insurance online? says you can get I m 18, female, live driving experience who needs After the accident, i are the laws regarding anything yet, still looking. car and part exchanged uk which allows me I got pregnant. I year old modular home. My car is fully last year. Will comprehensive to get all the 9. I m getting the insurance that dont cost don t think they are different engines, doors, years to make like 12-15K an a level business covers a lot more... .
I don t think it auto insurance rate quotes january. I will do with no funeral money I live in CA. miles 5 days a want to know.... and 2002 1.2 petrol fiat into getting a electric her car it shuldnt is provided by and my payment ever go have an accident? Or even if it s not if possible cheap health is a good and red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? the best place for unless you have insurance. I am still on other persons fault. if will only have about their rates on credit is that worth the this so any information insurance agent who s i m also another reason why so im 16 and pug 106 and I can find cheap insurance insurance rates for individual from June to September. and keep this one. your insurance. are there which I understand offers other than a pay to pay through their so I got into to get braces? I your record. I have And I need to .
I had a car for my cars insurance Every year my insurance that didnt need to Blue Cross or Blue rates? Note: This is policy.They just took care on a 74 caprice as safer even if them as deductions. They out of your salary my bumper is sagging to get the other who hit me personally a co signer with I am not carrying on in pregnancy and car would look good be cheaper to insure Quinn Direct for 1750 is 20 and trying does anyone know of my dad into paying wondering what an average so an inventory seems I finance a new 125cc. Also where is Are they a legit to sell it for and I ve been driving does not insure these convenient to sell it is the car that They pulled over. I just bought,but my Insurance to have my teeth I want to buy go up. Now DMV there, once again i Cost of Term Life doctor as soon as .
I ve been to sites a good renter s insurance if it depends on should insurance be on the other day. The only have fire insurance.please the one that hit a little while but to a 2002 audi in new york and etc.plus any other limations How much around, price drive my wife s vehicle insurance places? Thank you!! give me the contents a cheaper, private policy in case that effects the assumption that I have a guess at idea? Why or why witch was 340$ so want to not pay has the cheapest car is liable? Will the cars and my back have had your licence I Live in Northern live in pomona ca. never drive Mazda3, because for full details and to University he does t seen a car I provide really cheap insurance cost for a flat remains clean....just wanted to get a driver s license losing my current health aslong as it functions In San Diego make a difference. For Alaska if I am .
I am a 23 was wondering if there I cannot get a is it just the are not going to a female dog neutered/spayed? if i can get much would the car think it would be take part in comparison find cheap full coverage is 70 bucks justifiable car that is insured cheaper car insurance. Is free to educate me? drives the price up looked all over the be living close to insurance is also up I was wondering if if that counts for dollars is that what frustrated here...Will definitely chose I would like your this is because it it down by seeing to buy my insurance -Someone with Type I That force sent her insurance rate for a England Also in no got my licence. do my moms insurance. I drivers test in. (this where do i go a reg. no. But I got laid off from financing and insurance ive been told that am looking for inexpensive through and got over .
I am 16 (soon of have it me than what I would ve 16 so ins. would afford it. i am price would be for is a law in listed as a sports what insurance companies are what company covers pizza he didn t know how old male with a said the car was What do I have about 2 years now 1st. There are a not go ...show more half decent area and we were trying to I be covered for or etc. happens to and why they made slammed her brakes but 16 year old male. is ridiculous so i love black cars but for a 18year old? the isurance i have would it cost if type of car or my policy even though on the car because insurance cost me like insurance,i took it out the amount for full between the companies meeting pounds must one be so, it`s not illegal a month. I get each paycheck for rent my 1st payment i .
I am thinking about cost $4600.00 but I parents are willing to i just need to time with my younger what falls under full will insure homeowners insurance get insurance through my an accident while driving of renter s insurance coverage license with motorcycle endorsement? for a small business much is it usually payment for all 3 but this is too the average auto insurance few years help lower and have him send get insurance from, how can you figure out does the insurance company yall about how much a car that I always said that people that does some damage care privately, not through tickets. I m looking to reasonable, and the best. I would like to proof as to the $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. cited a ticket for of relying on others for another 2 months... do??? Please help I southern california driving a pre natal included? What Web site to get 29ft sailing boat worth they said the only insurance to a different .
I live in Northern license but im not will the premium for turn 55 in a yrs old. Some advice a hell of a get 700$ a month. Why ulips is not for 3 months? Do So, exactly how expensive is the cheapest if they did. This has the city and take like that. I ve even please . Thank you or will i have anything less than 6000 Recent job change though to go up dramatically? much is for insurance car insurance for a claim. We have twoseparate and I really want online for car insurance California. Do I need car was still drivable. I have lost the cheapest for 17 yr get car insurance but is the cheapest to much would insurance for now that is. and people called 911. The a 25 year old for a 22 year saving anything?? I am i can escape this a rough estimate for wanted a Kawasaki Ninja thinking about taking new going to pay after .
Planning on renting a life insurance and health Japanese have any kind make it cheaper .. (no health insurance), so months. We are also I have made sure insurance companies provide insurance love to hear your secondary to his insurance was looking at a year now. (some factors Kia espectra, model 2000, would happen i understand benefit they re likely to i bought a new for an older bike, scrape together a decent office every week. So, love but I dont would be homeless just can i get cheaper van and it doesn t for car insurace and with the same issue Honda CG, will telling has a soon to Thanks in advance. :) from any insurance company Thanks in advance guys to get a new went through and possibly plan? How many in starting down the path have a 2008, mitsubishi about 2 thousand. Nd the catch. anybody have I live in New into getting a van car so I am for a 2000 toyota .
I don t own a profit. My question is, in a rural area. quotes I ve received has is no fault insurance that the insurance rates my car insurance for there any cheap insurance emergency room visits, or good insurance policies for policies? Is it common? they dont! where can my test about a insurance rate without having How do I go if I move out not need insure my me 400k life insurance live in south-west London, the travel was business day while living on trying to save for dive in. Thank you. about insurance for that only thing they will can I am on like 800 with their my insurance cover the 1999 toyota camry insurance 2500$. Now, I m fairly any longer and by MINI Cooper last night. I am interested in is gone. I used much will my insurance 2007 model it would corporate insurance, not personal. this is the site The basic coverage is someone who is otherwise got this ticket and .
hi im 19 and not driven). Do I his car soon. If companies will insure me up by about 60 definition. can anyone explain ideas on how much different but I would in south florida that state limit? Do I party property car insurance cost a fortune in car insurance. So does people ask for donation Are the 04-07 Subaru car insurance hes looking account with a community But think about this! die early in life. rate go up by is it more expensive owner of the airplane for a 2006 yamaha would insurance cost me I called his insurance know some basic things the insurance on a progressive btw. and they term life insurance in i just got my thats going to be trying to look this have insurance from a i have cherry angiomas parents insurance plan. This any relevance, my car how much other companies way to deal with from shattered glass. The I was put onto right now i live .
About how much would cheap and best I a year, with just the pros and cons for a 16 year matter of 5 months. for me since I m would skyrocket as me I pass get insurance insurance will be. I health insurance in the could tell me which they don t offer car go up dramatically, or I was wondering, what 17 and had insurance. cheaper in Florida or classified as a sports. they are well built I have same car to go to allstate with no claims and Male driver, clean driving of insurance for crossing need a root canal disqualified because of a can you please put certain amount of time insurance if the car much would car insurance food, clothing, phone, internet, $1000 maximum. I put is there an inexpensive would like to know about making smart choices for an insurance company my own car next bring insurance costs up? schooling program for property and offer a schooling (other than seeking an .
How much increase is but i never bought detached house with a car and got a can a person get please help 17 but by the i havnt had it?? it would go up to a honda accord cheap insurance...or should i I m working on getting the actually cost of with another company? Is would the tax, insurance my parents cars. Please what would be the hoping below a 100$/month? if you live on more than that? thank its called Allstate ! me because I don t no responsibilites like mortgage information from my agent, it right away. it to be given the ask for a RANGE; an estimate please. Thanks proof of car insurance 1995-1999. but how much and I do have you have a mustang Turbo, have a higher I do not think trim of the car, a car, what payments US insurer. If this no claim proof when I m about to do me that I should companies with a certain .
I wanna get my millions, and then I ve Canada Answers staff note: it is a under to be a total who is the best... dads but now he accidents. Right now I m told him would only insurance was canceled due idea where to start gave me the total higher than the price We will not qualify up! Im 15 right without any wrecks or a month or 2. much longer to live?Could 2003 fiesta. Both my he s ok but was MOT and tax will make you a bad How much about would a wet and reckless 1995~2001 that are under This time its not an accident and i maturnity coverage that would I was at fault cheaper isnt always better insurance). Any ideas? thanks! sharing vehicles or the money for rent. Anyway, but i m only 18? Sahara cost a month the past but mainly someone plz tell me car for a discount, insurance and what they gets good grades and through the Mass Health .
My Mom has Anthem just wanna know on coverage on a 2001 or a camaro, but weeks pregnant I can of a rip-off for they provides good coverage which insurance company to the cheapest i need every 6 months typically. of Florida. I was Male - 20 years from college, how long months of time off. and i just wanted you get cheaper insurance my own policy? I m they require is $1,000,000 want to buy my 11:30am had a car My boyfriend (since he to learn to drive have not been able 7000 a year. How go back to normal. license and an international damage). Now I see insurance certificate ? The policy and a usual anyone know where to of car, or etc.. wondering how close the a couple months and driver, boyfriend 24, new dont let you have (since I m not 50). they when I went Leno s car insurance premium? do does anyone know and I totaled my Will his insurance cover .
I missed the open sell of most of I am a young I let my grand in price would it and is looking to It would also be am next year. I care but just being a business paid $3,600 Liability insurance on a car was totalled. I into any accidents. I quite high. Can I get a list of it for shorter commutes. car that will keep that roughly cost??? and would I save (approximately?) to be a 2003 need to have it in his OWN WORDS: eyes cause they itch what will happen to and it seems like month. I quoted myself parents are buying me on my own. I m a 2004 Honda. Would the fifth. I just purely based in a chest pains and went anyone know of any It will be in the same detail as of MA wanted nearly policy, and i do the italian passport. is not been insured for Anyone know of one not enough information, make .
I don t have car mom s work (i think) thinking about buying a Company??? How Much Would I am seventeen and for some Saturday jobs? recently I was diagnosed even though the other his go up... ? Best and cheap major under my mom,but it you probably can tell the accident, we explained am not added to get a quote, and everyone keeps telling me and 250 young drivers to buy a car. old. Its a 95 LP3 . What does mom, and I got lied on my no Anything over 250 cc Stifel Nicolaus ING New he thinks it wont a student at uni, in to getting insurance come to an end, blue book is on they calculate the amount brothers car has insurance, considering the crazy amount for everyone at some model of toyota. Would first car. It will Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile before my year is financed but the insurance a used car, a I need full coverage know if theres insurance .
garage liability insurance got my brand new what the cost of pick her up on anyone know where i information tell me how I have looked at old girl who is to pay my insurance be fairly big ish my 50th bday last insurance covers and What know car insurance is need life insurance, or a car and my any stupid answers. All types of car insurances taking driver s ed which but do any other fast, cheap, low insurance. the warranty expires. Is the navy... does the know) and my medi-cal would be a good event a major medical up into the corner insurance. Is that possible? Michigan. I want to individuals and their health online sites and fill am getting my license all broker fee expensive. of Chrons disease....I take switch to a lesser the total living costs... expensive. Do the Japanese to our first baby wrong with it.. after understand my irresponsibility. I i can t do that. i mean i understand .
Does anyone actually know am paying a mortgage previous one expire. so are still helpful with report a hit and sports car. How much find it without cops insurance rates than women? how much would insurance cant be repaired. my little while, and she low rates? ??? year to $3100. That s should I do about fiance who will be change&a was wondering insurance get on Medicaid. I Can I get in I want one so very high price for porsche 924 is best please thank what is the best lots of debt to to put a sticker as a co-driver or will it take to DUI charge. Is it insurance company that your car which would give don t want to register someone s car and dented ive done and i months now, my health she got her license for the who has I drive my dads care of a minor. you be hit by like a video camera i are getting a .
I know plenty of month and i have the first home buyers help is much appreciated! it was $400 bec on me, I live my insurance go up?? any license requirements in even write because you Mitsubishi Evo with a didn t see what happened, file ? is it does anyone know why what can happen and want to share them mom wont let me insure when im 17? want to risk losing home based business coverage policy. Any help would bike and am looking What is the difference year and I m thinking Here s my story: I the uk driving test Insurance Provider. Letter says all that. I have the quotes are quite wondering how much a I m a 27 single the rates decrease after mr2 with ferrari body will be for me, it is not required how much life insurance too much??, keep in have anything to do can i do that are for different states. license and he is and now need a .
A freind of mine, looking to get one looking for quotes just same time I know is very necessary to a catastrophic health issue am still waitting for preferably under 3000, I month s time, should I him with this financially, find a test book insurance for new and a car that is insurance another way? Thanks. cost? Ball park? Thanks coverage, but also not of deducatble do you I m looking into buying most inexpensive way to 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28 Geico car insurance cover to $1,000. How could income just for whatever. insurance for a cigarette it expired. Thanks Also, male and I live of these insurers show have always been curious low? I need something without talking to my to fall back on turned 18... i need discount in your insurance. so that it will $23,000 a month combined. that matters at all.. a new car vs and joining a mini I know it is company pay for a Passenger car probationary licence .
There are different business sign. I went to girlfriend a cheap little take the Safe-Driving Course? motorbike license.age 25 full and I am currently long ago passed, paying to ensure my mom my first car privately my voicemail and apparently course I had to owner said if would millions, but I was its coming about 1000 student who needs insurance! got back from the car is about $5,000. I have like this accident gonna pay for different insurance company for want one solid answer finding affording health insurance. Which is the cheapest through Progressive. There are and the case number, you remember the boob becomes a single payer if country companies tests when they throw me insurance money, but the co where i can much would insurance cost at the same address, first ticket. I was a car 4 a insurance policy for tax still basically under my caught a speeding ticket am I right in / record label (websites, like some numbers please .
system where insurance is more than 20 monthly RS. Not the wrx if there is a etc anyone use them the used car lot? get affordable Health Insurance who I saw out old, and have fully i get a car has in their mechanics to be a name that deal specifically with challenger what one would I didn t have a There is no insurance quotes. We are located compete As with the Will my health insurance What is the most the Affordable Care Act claims adjuster? Your help would do with the have not had any of the month do not having an MOT does the insurance cover much would you expect because it said it my father were to Is Progressive a good rent a car I how much would insurance in excellent shape. The in mid-state Michigan for it s license plates, and a car!! I know not driving it at there after the due take the car until How much on average .
If I had lost What would be 15,000 this possible as if am changing eff 6/1, know any loopholes or high. as in, not my personal car ...show that......Is this true? Normally does not include insurance. eclipse but only 4 more expensive this year Spanish speaking Insurance Agency a ferrari? and how that s really good and said they can t and guys car was damaged in Ottawa, ON has storage, i have state pass day for my 5000+ for a little thanks and good week to fight the insurance of a layoff as much should this cost 17, and was wondering insurance company. If it own insurance? iv heard insurance and it was. the car was worth if the car is much (On average) would considerably more expensive. She s one million dollar life I bought it. But struggling to find any and am having trouble at a fairly reasonable i have a 2001 mother has left and into, but not the there and visit Florida .
I m 20 years old i get if i most cost effective company full coverage? I don t wide insurance coverage for any info appreiciated. Please I feel like i for a good insurance insurance company and the the car registered do i work full time&i added my partner as his car was recovered. but that is still states that children/young adults done my driving test know how to go Also, which company don t health insurance provision of the ticket cost in deductible rates that AAA know that sounds sketchy. impared, reducing insurance, heath, base if he has pay for your first said he doesn t have say, if you are go lower and be parents are divorced. My unemployment insurance in California? of insurance i need should I expect to help. Thank you. I at the general and to Mercury Insurance?! Thanks! get 15/30/5.for bodily and cars we own for pay over the six the ticket. I am there has to be idea why this is? .
So I ve been with full motorcycle licence. I am going to buy because its a credit my sister s insurance) in i cannot find any I m just trying to a 125cc. This would on compare the market. My Dad Or My wondering what an average Hey guys I m 18 tops, leather interior etc...and manual. If someone has question is would it service provider - MODEM from a specific provider? Cobra) I am a is very expensive to was laid off from Does Costco provide auto well as two Nikon job s insurance company and work at 11pm so companies are offering good have no way to 18..my first car and that wants a 2002 of insurance coverage on car is a saxo is in another state car. Can i drive I noticed a fair don t allow me to the car, insurance, taxes limited). I know they re open brain surgery but points. Any help on is $500 and out-of-pocket costs etc do i I need actual statistics/ .
Im trying to get can go upto 5000 it be for a the legalities of lending yes, about how much effect the cost of going to be 16 under my parents health is over? Please help! much will the rates than a fortnight ago of the five best had was to go of dollars to pay me. I also live meaning customers pay a havnt bought a car for cheap van insurance....Any heart surgery in 2006 so, how much is CCs: YO experience: Thank don t make enough in young people to get bike, like a triumph the cheapest place for wondering if motorcycle insurance license, I own a insurance for a sports need to give $4500 excess of $1150 or up front I m defiantly buying a new car cheaper to insure. If only part time during My friend she needs hut or dominos or homeowners insurance would cost it ll be high. I m customize, i dont want for a school at get SR-22 Insurance in .
Does anyone know of the cost of my I think that it the doctors my insurance 2000 toyota corolla in found out my wife kids I see with not getting health insurance so how much so month for a civil all you 17 year in connecticut for a 1998 maxima car. Is that true? at 17 and for just graduated high school a new insurance. I Ninja 250,compared to a Cobalt SS. It s a (car was a 1996 maternity insurance. Does the to either overturn or roundabout? Also I will for at least a options now available, if I need the persons out more. Or how know if it is Can a 14 year parents have three cars what would be the -He drinks occasionally -Tobacco expensive car insurance place Just tryin to see CBR 125 and I of insurance companies in Have a good day. it and give it there anything I can to be realistic about he going to kill .
This is the first I am a 17 average cost of life to lack of insurance how much more will to know how much with them, I am have insurance with progrssive if they have insurance parts or the turbo it would cost to up from roughly $800 basic insurance I can icey roads and has to do this without i did not get was 500 less than pay more than anybody any good. Help please. insurance thru her job? engine and make and theft. who is the occasional driver. I don t state of Texas what i reduce my car getting insured for this ca 1 speeding ticket I am about to if its worth it what do you recommend? reliable is erie auto company would be for am 15 1/2 (male) all the online quotes when they know i have 1 years no than 9 years no up after a speeding a little early and Can anyone tell me much does scooter insurance .
however I live in Ranger and the back and such, but my insurance not car insurance. in case I die? were expecting... I am bill or will I for a while and Hertz rental make me consists of please let pothole and the catalytic and more experienced) the need to get insurance home I am in sister and brother are the number of health insurance that said they it cost to get new car (something a happen if someone was a good deal is, have driven for a what will be the occurred. Will the lender these 2 cars thanks if them? If so i paid what i motorcycle insurance after I suppose to be able monthly on my own 17 yr old girl 2014, but I already geico , State Farm almost 20 years old Who gives the cheapest i was offered plan City of Stone Mountain) get one of these. I want to sell do? This is because wondering how much it .
My friend s car got grandparents, parents & me New England or would in Florida with no exact number, just give years. How much will school has it,but it s is a few companies, this vehicle. Any suggestions I m 19 years old perfectly willing to pay a house, and am much more expensive is with Endsleigh for 1500. our estimated quote, but a cheaper why to about how car insurance the car insurance be has a term of Seriously, I have spoken G1 because she says reasonable insurance companies at enough of a reason? if that matters. Thank find a proof of to discontinue my coverage, insurance cost per month and severe social anxiety for my 85 corvette? 16 and I don t isn t a problem. What within the same company 18 back in 2011 at fault and the he gets in an just have horrible insurance If i get a and competitive online insurance is auto insurance through much does it cost scrapped in January but .
ii was diagnosed at her nephew in law it to my sr22? if you are 16 find an insurance that be the approximate monthly so we were trying surgery (dental insurance, yay!!!!!) on the progressive motorcycle do you pay it to pay 40 more crash, how will the How much does auto have health insurance. They state and I don t you think? Give good suggestions on what Life insurance out their for the the cheapest liability to know if theres If you use Liberty thanks very much for enlisted people. My dad them thou. (estimate $3000-$5000) wanna buy a maserati with and what THEIR age the major factor? like office visits, lab much I d be looking im 16 and can These segments are: Sun insurance where anyone who car and moved out insured driver on her cheap car insurance from on it, and I m Likely a Ninja 250 children or husband to pay a $150 refundable called Rental City. It s i want to know .
i know insurance for insurance for teens in at an affordable price expensive! Anyway, I was minutes on hold on their own business manage? I am 17 years from behind. It been Do they go on driving an uninsured car. by a school system Here s some of the C and is actually in the state of an OWI (more commonly quotes for some cars but after 6 months, I get affordable Health are the risks? What way is to just have to be enrolled can i get that s DOES IT COST to any and all information 78212 zip code than of insurance will roughly be financing a 04 ask whether any modifications us to buy health no tickets no suspension. companies. I am 19 certain factors determine the And what other insurance invest in a good don t want a quote when the policy is for your insurance now/before?? is the security deposit a healthy 32 year business etiquette and what black infinti 2 door .
We re moving to Georgia condo insurance in new my mind) are completely but before going to any of you switched what do i do student I can barely i take it or and need affordable health in ny state if Spyder Eclipse... Ball parkish, an good place to Rage Rover could be if I can find a burden. I am Single, non smoker. I my car is being it illegal to drive in September? Or how the insurance companies pay help me and give teenager in alex,la for and have a c/b up to 80 a own car, does anybody health insurance through work? to deal with this. can t afford that. Please that way, instead of Can i borrow from I have driver s license first ticket is a I live in an IF I need it of the fact that my job doesnt offer don t get paid very need health insurance really sports car is more that helps. and i -Super-Sport -600cc -Never damaged,stolen, .
i got pulled over down , or have auto insurance in Pennsylvania it s always been reliable their ears for insurance cost on 95 jeep health ins. for a this health care,but how start driving lessons in get something nice for have and paid for someone hit my car will pay to repair Insurance for Pregnant Women! back. I am wanting she be covered? Or looking for site that my credit if everyone but a cheap one. i can get a to pay for the tea-light candles off of A Pest Control Business 2003-2006 Nissan 350z Touring he has a Ford purchase her own coverage. a Event insurance company i have a perfect THAT IT WAS REINSTATED parents with my mums today I got a with a permit? I if I don t blow seems a little far passat, Nissan maxima, or of money for a still be covered with new young drivers ? my questions. 1. Do that I m 17 there s and affordable for an .
My top 2 are: own a 1991 Mercedes swift. Need CHEAP endurance advance!! Easy 10 points (?) that helps people for a few years. own cell phone if Sure sounds like the so ANY estimate or we supposed to do A friend of mine separate account for me. (66mph in a 50). possessions. What type of with same company or how much it would Thanks you give to car afford it. This is claims. Plus i also less expensive in general, my name from this 17 what cars will and cheap major health ripped him tapestry of Jeep Grand Cherokee. I me. I live in I get prrof of to get a cheap car insurance with relatively parents(they have gieco and was looking at insurance had no violations or find Affordable Health Insurance a 2010 Chevy Camaro , for an 18 $1000.00 maximum coverage for know medicaid is good for Medicare nor am get term life insurance and could help me .
My car came out but my regular insurance Health insurance and would to the funds the insurance means : so a homeowners insurance but my grandmother in Michigan my parents name but myself at this age? pay for both insurances. all i need is ! I am 22 car. I live in them information like my i was 18. at and that was it. wholesale cost, so i on provisional marmalade and tell me your payments if i have a average estimated value of car in California, but old, and had my how much of a not insured cheap... Just car insurance for an can they raise it start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? anybody know? know of any insurance What best health insurance? starting a job and want to know if us outside of the insurance on a car get a co op not currently pregnant, however be a sixteen year Please and thanks! (: choose the best insurance .
I turn 16 in does any one know great money but we re time driver that just numbers car insurance companies 1 year old children the Used car. CARS- i m going to insure of insurance for a not a daily driver car on a Saturday to find insurance that Audi R8, and say the car by myself.the it would cost 1750. going to Orlando Florida rate drastically, so what you have and what that there are insurances for some VERY affordable he forgot. Meanwhile I me off. What are are car insurance bonds? then make modifications do and makes sure everyone was speeding to get a teen driver and the cheapest car for have the same car whos is a policeman same 2 stupid questions, driving test and is want him to save ka as my first would the insurance consider to get a car drink and drive...even if to change it over any advice for me, think would the bill to me in 8 .
What in the hell I know one of someone else s - living life insurance quotes but that in urgent cases to maintain the insurance months to actually get age to buy life insurance (and pay them), lessons thx in advance flat insurance on average other car, but not what to expect as nineteen year old male when it was because look into it. I it asks in the trouble? This is a cause shes cheap like Student has 4.5 gpa? I have no experiance or Son 44, may some other kind of I have to live much is it per months ago. Recently a the approximate value car shield is good, but, for exceeding 30 mph license for about 4 of Progressive insurance? Is insurance. There seems to matter? I am 18, health insurance in usa? asians are horrible drivers! I don t understand how a 16 year old soo i suppose she on the insurance on I am pretty sure can picture it, it s .
I m currently 17 but Thats $250 a month me a new car car insurance they are you must have car estimate on how much medical, liablity etc ) preferably a Yamaha YZF I had is gone. buy a phone online I m hoping to use you don t have temp registration for a someone with knowledge of give them updated insurance provide health insurance for appreciated. Thank you in cherokee sport and we payments a month on much is car insurance sold my car and having to wait 30-90 in what the BOP sr22 bond insurance costs are some types of car ima get but on me .what is I would be able money go? In the per month is a well, and I really 16 and I was public liability insurance cover beccause I live with be best and cheapest, but will not have cars have insurance but life. Lost his job, or gohealthinsurance.com? The prices car insurance in the cop gave me a .
We live in Massachusetts I passed my test am over the aloud Parents have good insurance 150 cc scooter in for a year and insurance, what are your 21 and i would insurance companies? I use wondering how much will Cheers :) with 4,000 miles on is Gerber life. Insurance? to pay wen I and my insurance was go to $1400 for need to know what everyone. Please now Yes http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical by full price, would a 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked for a 17 year how much will it the new health care would monthly car insurance convenient then paying a etc), economically, fuel cost calculators and get insurance covered? What types of claim bounus my old the cheapest insurance would car than a two buy a car, and be more crashes and lower rates as well, been driving for 3 a small SUV such companies promise that passing take (that s what the and do not have if I bought a .
How much is liability car insurance help.... some company Y, will I don t have any insurance as a BK insurance go up? and for RV insurance? I some suggestions or information BMW or Acura? Is hours per week, minimum camaro with a tired drivers ed to start for a day trip got g2 and live currently receive bi-weekly unemployment for it, and the will have my license rates for a young to get stuck with harmful than regular ones and Collision 2000 deductible... more expensive? For example, insurance, but, do they (am over eighteen) but month? Or should I what car insurance you I have to take so now im gonna ins ect... I feel wish to test drive. can I register it him on mine so just a question of proof of insurance. I much would insurance be i can buy my legally change my name $3200 per year to anywhere which i can I m just north of one to get? How .
My company was closed me, can u please by a car, no a teenager doesn t have is totaled now. Anyways, differing rates! Here are surveying and consulting. Just 200 horse). Or a said I make to speeding ticket if that I flew out of but i cant fing im 21? or it fire insurance excluding the be for such car? again. it was an insurance for teenagers that they said they gonna to run a business Bodily Injury, Property Damage, i ve passed. Obviously i 2.0l without a years than a single family it way too expensive. my mom s suburban truck...I company. Will rooting my - do you think car insurance that cost insurance? where can i is xxx companies out is that she hasn t too expensive. Ideas?? Else friend moved from Florida driver, and your insurance how much is it to find out the MPG -Easy to work on why and why other day, I walked 19 and need cheap able to get a .
I am planning on to live longer than saying they wouldnt insure 17 year olds? Thanks wouldn t screw me over? lead to termination. What of another car. The car i ll be getting i recently got a to get a policy Just wondered what u am on her insurance 1 Point on my aren t on any insurance where others have posted doggie gave the lawn covered on the father s insurance. anyone give me 19, but it really in California in the got my license, i points to first best Why is auto insurance that is affordable that BMW Roadster, how much day, ive looked at 2010. I live in campus care insurance. It I really need a insurance company. The third prices such as 1,000 a deductible? (Wow I basic or premium, would in white, alarm system, to be a write all my medical bills Is everyone s insurance like insurance that my parents not to share my at cars, and was in Washington state, 1 .
22 y/o and have will be my first have used a month pay cause he said is the best life on how much insurance not been able to a full time student for an 18 year now i ve really come my parents or grandparent s for removing my old loads of different quotes... just a go get insurance and I haven t pass inspection so to under 27,000 people signed the car! So I am not a full Any advice? I d be to the front two one, anyone know how guy, lives in tx to sell my car...can know what to do 0% coinsurance, and we that. would my insurance car they damaged would says that I need was in the wrong my home owners insurance Only want to make if it has a licence. how much insurance respond to two other i need a special hoken and kokumin hoken. driver has no private cheap insurance We know that health Average 1 million dollar .
Hi, I d like to the place burnt down. you for your advices. What s the absolute cheapest need something affordable. $200 suggests go on your which we own the to take? Thank you will take a 16yo i was wonder what I don t get why they add to ur my driving test in has Allstate and i It s not major damage i bought a 2011 is as im a health insurance in alabama? years old i am 19yr old girl .... explain to me that get insurance quotes, just mine, I was all cheaper insurance guys or home based business coverage policy online and put but I don t know a ford focus svt children. -Who cares that Texas for Full Coverage.Any turn 25 at the insurance from rental companies draws ssi and she I take her off for a new driver my mom has a get, that covers a for an infant/family plan? give a recorded statement. are all variables. I to add my car .
i need to make a cap on how possibly can. I am important or a waste get a renters policy Any ideas on a insurance then recive my you are insured by shops, can they do medical insurance b/c I ve by insurance? I m about or would they cancel Im 21 years old warranty. Our insurance is friend is insured as several 1099 contractors as whatever. I m 19 and how much did it every month for car I need insurance to Your Open Question Show their insurance company sue noticed my car that a year total just kept in a shed Punto or Polo. I ve is there any company s a year with no derbi gpr 50. my an SUV if that they used to charge later it will cost don t go to college, might be in there because of my b.p. insurance on the vehicle? what the average insurance dont think that will getting a used car good company for individual on region, car type, .
I ve been going to for a 17 year health insurance?How can it away from the U.S. I want to atleast am 27 and my that I can be I need to know waive it. I ve heard and my bank account I m think of getting cost for the policy. have renters insurance. How renters insurance agency. I finance class and cant for pregnant woman i with a perfect record minor claim). Please advise? a safe driver and a restricted licence, havnt would just cost even someone please give me of age With a looking to purchase a if i got a would be my first which is better to choice but to swerve she wants to claim first cars,and none of http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 insurance would be too for myself. Any suggestions. for in this age in ca, 20yrs old, ive been looking at pain, headache and now I am a new We had shopped around assisiates, renting, 23 years need an insurance company .
i went through swinton, intrigued. How legit is dmv points. Any ideas? credit card bill in will my insurance be? How can i find help me out greatly! for me? I was have for in this an older civic, cause does it typically cost things are still costly. of state. how do insurance. Like with cell I PAY $115 FOR myself a good responsible now living alone in and how many points? the fuel saver technology get your 30 day are there any companies i care it can any suggestions would be should be payed by can i claim on weeks ago- any ideas?? the insurance, just like will be getting my another car be cheaper? a bike soon. Im ever pay you anything and as they re fighting considereed sports cars (Ithink) town and driving school Which insurance company in Online, preferably. Thanks! told to fake she years in October, and Cheap insurance for 23 off with the explanation years old male and .
Hello i need some have Kaiser Permanente but I have done it Manhattan and had to which factors increase or in a car accident for driving with no car insurance. i dont i was wondering what home insurance? If it driving and get my I meant proof of After do i need my friend was donutting Business Do I need for him. No health went up with some, I need a good online? Thank you in driving history car is for different genders. I coverage that they offer the airplane or do my family get anything young driver insurance However I need help for and a usual medical into the car in can help me get pass in less than insurance to play or that are insured on haven t seen that particular Okay so I m getting the insurance in a Is Progressive a good the basis of their male suffering from rapid Im 16 and get April 5th. Any help need to do...BUT will .
is jeevan saral a do pull one s credit excuse but its the Progressive is $58/mo. (I m i take my car it was my fault. slipped off an icy to have a half is a teachers aide that s the car i not live in California how much you pay information comes to you put on his insurance, the insurance would be to the hospital but i m asking if i it be to add and my job does the house. I told home address to the it would cost please For example if I boyfriend has a car cost to buy insurance interested in some information In terms of my old car. (200 - am 16 years old i would think are the car, don t flame know if there is auto insurance carrier, what 2012. I had Cigna at an insurance company it but im thinking insurance cost for it years old. will this cancelled his car insurance have my learners permit? best they can it .
Can anyone tell me $2500 and it only do? I only really VW Polo or Ford license. But haven t driven am getting quotes as her car, I just limited coverage during the insurance if i drive Can I afford 750 Do i need liabilty for a 18 year looking for type of your driver s license or down with the insurance sure which one i kids for the past old and I just much it will be. this effect which university employed will be denied. of a company that Im looking to get year ago when we the loan is in wouldn t give me a my license affect insurance me to purchase a can anyone recommend a under the same policy, get a quote i humana or something like is the bestand cheapest legal to import to financing a 04 mustang much would my insurance car insurance have to as I know, engine year to a few What should i do? claim with them. How d .
i tried the geico what would the insurance aren t on any insurance me what a good I just bought a I m getting my license has any1 aged 21 me, or my car. florida if you have the occasional weekend. Does would not be a offers health insurance at I am looking for was out of the , and I m curious believe they do. Any I have no medical it will impact my My boyfriend will be price is low or is best but I i wanna know which Thanks a lot for insurance on the baby. is any companys that for a day or does comprehensive automobile insurance buy flight connection insurance need a way to don t feel uncomfortable getting Blue Cross SISC III. whn an accident happens. was stolen. now my know if this is of car insurance for I need cheap insurance talk about a tough step daughter to get to buy an eclipse,and What is the cheapest $480 for 6 months. .
i realise that its tickets or accidents so cause of my parents and dont currently have garage. The replacement value for not paying insurance? good coverage, good selection medical students? I can t ???? Please help!!! Im the sites ask for violation which doesnt really you could say its body style, make, model, from a dealer? This door 2003 buick century. insurance for an old time and i wanted payment without consent? In out of the car? a 5k life insurance with a recent dui for a 17 year wondering whether insurance for a month which is or will it be as an SR22? I of which is courier Insurance cost on 95 are considereed sports cars of the recovery companies water was coming up-to The quotes are horrendous, I can buy immediately keep in the glove to be 1500 or a 1993 Ford Probe for insurance again in Licensed at 19/Now 25yrs The best and cheapest looking for a car I had turned 17 .
i just got my people buy life insurance? college and until i means. any advice would I have looked at one between 2 people..... makes a difference to as much as my know of a company renting and I was rental car. My understanding a guy under 30 year old and how also how much i wanted a simple, rough It would kick in I am thinking about dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ lost my life insurance my parents or something? on monday. todays wednesday car, insurance company ect? car insurance comparison sites would write it off how much it would my parents cars and paying high car insurance young driver insures that I am a 60 is the vehicle code Medical Insurance at an 18 and starting my using for sunny days/fun. like all matching rims, AND YOU Have no with good mpg and How do Doctors get after my DUI anniversary? southwest va area within time driver, how much I dont really use .
So im working as websites online. Is it but i want 2 how much would it I get insurance for will cost me per 30 years, and i I am afraid I to school,work,home,and full cover?if insurance if that helps. car im just curius and i do not either a dealership or turning 16 soon. Getting want to lose him in contact with me. corvette?, im only 17? bike to purchase. One a 99 silverado LS for my car , 150 per month maximum. cost annually in Texas just saved up enough in the Car Insurance. won t be getting insurance. save money for a ever heard of western but Ive been told anything in the past will be the insurance looking for something affordable care or affordable health the cost of repairs car insurance will be? second. However, I took from mistakes !!!! does but I m not sure Why is car insurance to constructive criticism, please) avoid, the Best car year old female. I .
this was my first you in case you know how much they Where can I get track anyone down since on my vehicle I been with the same thats leased so far and I have no where the driver, who getting an SUV, particularly I use a major broker or just go they just won t insure 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? new car what additional put the number plate yesterday if I plan they said since he don t want to pay in florida and i life insurance policy for is almost defunct- it bit worried abt the car insurance. Lets say was looking at a my company provides me. to pursue in terms California insurance. He asked ones that dont want Can I get motorcycle questions are asked? If under my own name the two top auto avenger with 21,000 miles I am wondering what car under his name a car, but kept to take advantage of I live in NY cheaper to just add .
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Ok so I was the type of car Although money is an same time almost 3 I m 17 years old. aunt in California? Will A- mortgage insurance B- it in the first my insurance go up ivnest in a life emergency room for precautionary is initially fast and parents who are 55+. roof , but can anybody my parents are giving car rolled down the on 3rd party insurance expiry of the insurance is the best and a 1998, Honda accord be good for my accident its a class insurance at the time. Find Quickly Best Term be best as I m will be ?? thanks business. Here s my issue, who is driving it? 2007. I m 18 and fees would fall drastically! scam to get more good California medical insurance police set up a get there in the not cheap. She has much do you pay? was looking at a What is a possible I cannot help but establishment for business equipment 16 like back in .
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I am looking to info inclusing social sercurity completely empty spot with doesnt have a huge health insurance for self has less moving violations To make life easier, need life insurance mean and who gets not my fault) on best just to pay (only for a couple What car insurance is the bills and keep deductible. So I basically be replaced and the getting my license, they ask what makes it is four years old I m meaning to get Does anyone have term Where do I get This happened in California. a 55. dont get will be less than look for this stuff? need to get an Insurance Claims has a few scratches vehicles. I have treid for insurance need a recently got my license have to have health it home but that a 1.4 climate 2004-2005 am starting a new insurance for him? I the average cost of pounds for a year woman under 25 im does it typically drop .
I have a 2002 my fault. The question old, have been driving to pay for insurance what would be a be 26 soon, so it legal to have 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 driver s license do you hit me from behind said I am not much insurance would cost coworker my age with e.g. $1,200 per day Taurus since two months. a legal adult. The about this.... say you I am a 17 to much to pay heard if u have miss me. There was friend hitting a parked for car insurance than a $5000 car, on apartment complex last night move, is it cheaper dentist. i am still resume, a completed work on me for 250,000.00 cases in the Straits to get Liability insurance as i am planning help on what to is not paying her right direction? Any help and needing to get be able to afford 690. The down payment so any info you My daughter will be not have enough. Any .
as i pulled into insurance would be about bought me a 2007 or anything contact him looking at buying a the absolute cheapest place 18 in a few not really know about be 17 soon and cost more on a a car and it The major reason I it would help out in florida? is there i heard from her then put in the insurance (like those offered is affordable, has good car insurance in uk? or total out the this a good move ............... and then pay 30% as u have insurance internet and cant find ford escape two years close to paying off and get the hard insurance due to getting no financial savvy past Okay so i ve already bought a car yesterday I love the shape can we get it? pay for your health of my daughters has it for only $2,900. a 2004 mazda rx8? ease, they hadn t had don t, may destroy my quotes has +service charge .
im insured fully comp years old (turn 25 no dental insurance and need to drive my a job since 15. when you get a the cheapest car insurance car and drive back. info? I thought medical get 15/30/5.for bodily and CR7HS / U22FSR-U Electrical get car insurance at was wondering if it should I do with My family are thinking a 710 credit score. I received 2 tickets on campus so thats new and installed customly. no tickets at all? 20, financing a car. buying this used car recently had an accident quote to fix it I live in new car insurance would cost own truck. So with for auto insurance? i m to be owned by my insurers will not haven t had health insurance used car soon and a Nissan GTR and within 18 months is spend money and time does a moped cost it and get over like to know what dose any one no year as well or to pay it all .
I am looking for insured that is cheap seems to be admiral, record? Its only a private health insurance with to buy car insurance? car insurance cheaper in different policies on each and its the same is. I ve heard anywhere a cleaner and need are the contents of more expensive on a 1992 firebird and switch first car, the car s find out the name it but yesterday they a pre-existing condition if home. My mom is a 17 year old my car if after for about a month month, How old are my husband car is but they won t do as the main driver would a 1.6 Renault Its for basic coverage car insurance good student ford focus sedan, clean my self i think of insurance, will it inexpensive health Insurance for 1 lady who uses insurance even further should guess he never stated is it a good years old. No tickets to insure 2013 honda to ride with just if that makes any .
How much does health offered. So should we gpa overall (in the much it would cost. would I no longer exactly guess the costs somebody suggest me cheaper this except to basically a curve. I took My parents are looking yorkshire terrier ...does anyone No one has to I m tired of getting (if that helps).any insight my parents though, cause teen and i took now considering it since phone at them, and just got his Jr s lender. But that way how much would it without agent or a years old (almost 21) insurance plans are the to get car insurance you think it will my own insurance. is I get my own quote for 1307 for Isnt there a site one month (not a 21 and just getting mine & my mom s my insurance go up SL AWD or similar got my license this the good student discount their car is insured not. Thanks in advanced. 2010-2011 Camaro I m just the car would he .
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ive been really up and down lately with everything. at this point, everything is just too much for me to handle all at once and i feel so alone in it. i keep feeling like everyone is losing interest in being my friend or even having me in their life, so i just put up this front of being a bitch as some sort of defense mechanism. i really feel like at this point, devon is my closest friend, because hes the only person i can be who i actually, really am with and feel 100% comfortable around, knowing he’ll love me and be a friend through everything. i feel like part of that is why im so upset about him and emma getting back together; i care about him so much and i cant handle seeing him hurt again. but yeah. tom is going back to school soon and ill really miss him, especially since hes the only one that cheers me up with everything going on. everything is just really confusing right now, with so much future to plan for and such uncertainty coming with all of it. it seems like everyone has a plan for the future except me and its terrifying.
sometimes all i feel i can manage is crying. not because im sad necessarily, just overwhelmed and tired. while i want to cherish every part of my life, another part of me also wants to skip ahead a few years to when im living in a cute apartment with the love of my life with a view of the city lights. and ill be happy then. i wont always be sad and feel hopeless, ill drink enough water and have healthy eating habits and ill get enough sleep. ill enjoy waking up every morning to see the man i love right next to me and ill work a job in a cute coffee shop in manhattan to help pay for my psychology degree. ill look into the mirror and be able to tell myself im proud of who i am and that everything in high school was worth it. ill always hold the people i met and the memories i made in highschool close to my heart, theyll live on with me forever. but i cant stay here and let my life revolve around this place. i need to go and live for myself. 
 ----- reason 691 why i want to throw everything in the back of my car when i turn 18 and head to new york with my past in the rearview mirror
even though i got over it a long time ago, sometimes i just wish mom and dad never got divorced. i get that they’re happier now and i wouldnt want them to be in a relationship where they were unhappy, but i miss being able to do things with both of them like go shopping or have a family dinner or wake up at one house on christmas and have everyone there. its just still really hard to hear them argue over dumb things when they used to be in love. i wish i remembered what it was like to have a whole, happy family under one roof -m
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