#especially the baizhu one like i WILL have him in my team i refuse to die until then
rubys-domain · 8 months
just thoughts and rambles about personal genshin gameplay and my plans in genshin
(under a read more cuz it's pretty long)
today's a meh day for my genshin playing. i'm trying to condense my resin so i can grind talent books tomorrow, so today all i did resin-wise was getting the three x2 talent books. and i can't even spend mora because i'm trying to crown bennett's and kazuha's bursts. and crowning is frickin expensive. (oh yeah guess my last crown is going to kazuha after all lol.) i cleared some stories and hangouts on the alt, but those didn't really feel fun since i already know all the stories.
it's kinda concerning that i'm already ar 54 on this account. and two-thirds of the way to ar 55. it somehow feels like it took even less time than my main, even though realistically it took about the same time to get to ar 55. what's suprising to me is that i've been really neglecting world quests on the alt, while i basically did world quests as i came across them on main. yet somehow i'm almost ar 55 anyway? that's kinda wild to me. and i haven't done anything in dragonspine yet either. did i really do that much grinding? goddamn.
i can't wait for it to be tomorrow. it might be the day when the full details of the next banners are released. i decided to stop pulling on the alt because i'm one pull away from soft pity, and upon further consideration i don't strictly need kokomi on the alt. it'd be really, really nice to have a second dedicated healer (i refuse to use yaoyao because her voice is grating to me. i don't hate her or anything; i just really don't like her jp voice. and i play with jp voices so yeah). but eh whatever i'll just have to build barbara really well until i get someone else. hopefully baizhu if his rerun happens super early so i don't have to build dendro mc for my razor hyperbloom team. xingqiu's rain sword hydro app and the like is the one thing my alt really needs right now. if xingqiu isn't on the next banner then at least i'll have yelan until i can get him for sure from the starglitter shop. although i'd rather i get him through pulling so i can get beidou from the shop instead. for my future taser team, and also her swimming passive. and if he is on the banner, hopefully i get him before i get a 5 star so i can pull for the zhong-dong. i'm on a 50/50 but i'd rather not risk it if i can help it. of course i don't get my c4 yanfei or a rosaria cuz the game hates me.
actually... i can wait half a month longer for xingqiu to come home. i just really need my c4 yanfei so i finally have a non-interfering shield. and then i can just not bother trying to pull for zhongli since i'd have two shielders already and pulling for 5 stars is exhausting. maybe in his natlan rerun. just... not right now. and if i get kokomi in the meantime, well... i get a second healer. cool. she'll probably function as nothing more than a generic healer (maybe i could use her in a kaeya freeze team but that's further down the line), but i literally only have barbara and yaoyao (whom, again, i don't want to use) so having another one will do wonders for a comfier experience (especially since my layla is still very not built so her shield is paper-thin rn).
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
Reasons to stay alive:
-baizhu banner in genshin impact
-watching the ending of enstars eventually unfold
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