#especially when most of them do not require lengthy production processes
One of the comments that I’ve started to see pop up on Twitter and TikTok lately was that it’s wildly that Millie Bobby Brown is married and about to play a teenage girl that defeats monsters through the power of friendship; as a dig as to how long it’s taken Netflix to release a five season show. And like, they’re not wrong the show debuted when I was 17 turning 18 and now I have a bachelors degree, masters degree and a full time job. But, for the most part their production delays haven’t been their fault?
Like seasons 1-3 I think had about a year and half between each season, give or take. Then season 4 was set to follow that schedule and COVID hit and shut down film production for over a year, and then when season 5 was set to begin the writers and actors strikes happened which delayed filming again. It’s definitely a problem, how long it takes for studios/streamers to release shows now a days; especially ones that are not heavy VFX or effects shows. But I don’t feel like Stranger Things falls into this category, sure they’ve taken a while to release five seasons worth of content, but for the most part they have tried to have a reasonable turn around time between seasons; they just had bad luck with outside events interfering with production.
TLDR: There is absolutely a problem with the time in between releases of shows now a days, however Stranger Things by all accounts has tried to keep that window short and has just had unfortunate luck and not a good example of it being an egregious amount of time between release dates. Especially given the effects heaviness of the show.
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Hello! I hope all is well with you. I've become interested in spirit keeping and spirit work recently, and I noticed that spirits can be purchased on Etsy? Maybe that's not the right way to phrase it, but essentially you can adopt a spirit and the seller binds them to you (or an object.) Is this legit? I was hoping to purchase one but I really don't want to end up wasting money. The seller in question has like 1000 positive reviews.
Thank you for your time!
So as far as "spirit keeping" i generally dont use this term do to its original negative connotations versus "spirit work". As spirits do not need to be "kept" if that makes sense?
And spirit shops are a legit thing. As a retired spirit shop owner. Some practioners use discord but others use etsy or any other e-commerce platform.
When you want to adopt a spirit, the seller usually does a ritual that binds them to you or an object, aka "vessels" normally this requires the consent of the spirit itself. Alot of spirit shops have to go through a lengthy process of "vetting" a spirit throughout a certain time span to make sure that spirit is who they say they are before even getting to the pairing process.
I believe i touch more on those topics HERE and HERE
But as far as etsy goes and any other shop the only advice i can give is to check the reviews (which youve already done) BUT ALSO look at the particular listings.
Some things to think about (potential red flags) when looking at the shop are: ⬇️
What species of spirits do they have? Are they selling entites of a closed species from closed cultures? (species from closed cultures are not to be messed with. Theyre closed for a reason)
Are they selling entities that are classified as children? If so i would avoid at all costs.
Are the prices reasonable? Personally i wouldnt pay for a vessel that costs over $200+ depending on the spirit and any exlcusive add-on packages the seller offers
Do they they have a multitude of the same species that looks like theyre being mass produced? Spirit conjuring takes alot of energy and is not easy. The likelyhood of a person housing a 1000 spirits at a time is not realistic. Ex: Sanguine Vampires and the product says that have a 100.
Do the profile prompts look copied and pasted? Does the information look the same but just reworded differently? No spirit is one in the same.
Does the species abilites look to good to be true? Ex: Spirits CANNOT heal you/alter or interfere with any form of your health physically or mentally. They cannot cure physical sickness. Most can only aleviate and heal energetic pain or most likely provide energy rebalancing, and aid in specific forms of magic.
Whats their binding ritual like? Do they provide any information about their vetting and binding processes? Are they transparent and professional when interacting with potential clients? (ime i would let the spirit form a bond with a client or object naturally as i always felt the bond was much stronger vs. an artifical binding)
But this is just a short list of things to look out for. Its really up to you to decide if your ready for a spirit companion. Personally i wouldnt recommend getting one until a deep dive of research is done. Especially considering of what type of entity you want to interact with.
Assuming you might be a beginner i usually recommend local elemental spirits as i find theyre the easiest to work with.
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jackwil564 · 2 months
Personal Injury Claims Scotland
Personal Injury Claims Scotland involve seeking compensation for injuries or losses caused by someone else's negligence or wrongdoing. This process is an essential part of the legal system, providing a means for individuals to obtain justice and financial relief for their suffering. This article explores the key aspects of personal injury claims in Scotland, including the types of claims, the legal process, and practical considerations.
Types of Personal Injury Claims
Personal injury claims in Scotland encompass a wide range of incidents. The most common types include:
Road Traffic Accidents: These are among the most frequent causes of personal injury claims. They involve accidents between vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, or motorcyclists. Common injuries include whiplash, fractures, and more severe trauma.
Workplace Accidents: Employees may sustain injuries at work due to unsafe working conditions, inadequate training, or faulty equipment. Employers have a duty of care to ensure a safe working environment, and failure to do so can lead to a claim.
Public Liability Claims: These involve injuries sustained in public places, such as slips, trips, and falls due to poorly maintained sidewalks, inadequate lighting, or other hazards. Local councils, property owners, or businesses may be held liable.
Medical Negligence: When healthcare professionals fail to provide the expected standard of care, resulting in injury or harm, victims may pursue medical negligence claims. This can include surgical errors, misdiagnosis, or inadequate treatment.
Product Liability: Claims can arise if a person is injured by a defective product, such as faulty machinery, contaminated food, or unsafe consumer goods. Manufacturers, distributors, and retailers can be held responsible.
The Legal Framework in Scotland
In Scotland, personal injury claims are governed by a distinct legal system, separate from the rest of the United Kingdom. The main legal concepts include:
Duty of Care: The claimant must establish that the defendant owed them a duty of care. This means the defendant had a legal obligation to act in a certain way to prevent harm.
Breach of Duty: The claimant must prove that the defendant breached their duty of care, either through action or inaction, leading to the injury.
Causation: It must be demonstrated that the breach of duty directly caused the injury. This can involve complex medical evidence and expert testimony.
Loss and Damage: The claimant must show that they suffered actual loss or damage, such as physical injury, emotional distress, or financial losses. This is often quantified in terms of compensation.
Time Limits: In Scotland, personal injury claims are subject to strict time limits, known as the "prescriptive period." Generally, a claim must be made within three years from the date of the injury or from when the claimant became aware of the injury. There are exceptions, such as for minors or individuals with mental incapacity.
The Claims Process
The process of making a personal injury claim in Scotland typically involves several steps:
Initial Consultation: The claimant consults with a solicitor specializing in personal injury law. This initial meeting assesses the viability of the claim and explores potential compensation.
Investigation and Evidence Gathering: The solicitor gathers evidence to support the claim. This may include medical reports, witness statements, accident reports, and any other relevant documentation.
Medical Examination: A medical examination by an independent expert may be required to assess the extent of the injuries and their impact on the claimant's life. This report is crucial in determining the amount of compensation.
Negotiation and Settlement: In many cases, claims are settled out of court. The solicitor negotiates with the defendant's insurance company or legal representatives to reach a fair settlement. This stage can involve lengthy negotiations, especially in complex cases.
Court Proceedings: If a settlement cannot be reached, the case may proceed to court. In Scotland, personal injury cases are typically heard in the Sheriff Court or Court of Session, depending on the value and complexity of the claim. The court will consider the evidence and decide on liability and the amount of compensation.
Compensation: If the claim is successful, the claimant receives compensation. This can include general damages for pain and suffering, special damages for financial losses (such as lost earnings or medical expenses), and, in some cases, punitive damages.
Practical Considerations
Choosing a Solicitor: Selecting a solicitor with experience in personal injury law is crucial. They can navigate the complex legal landscape and negotiate effectively on the claimant's behalf. Many solicitors offer a "no win, no fee" arrangement, meaning the claimant does not pay legal fees if the claim is unsuccessful.
Insurance and Legal Aid: Some insurance policies, such as motor insurance or home insurance, may include legal expenses coverage, which can assist with the costs of pursuing a claim. In certain cases, legal aid may be available, depending on the claimant's financial situation.
Impact on Life: The impact of an injury on a person's life can be profound, affecting their ability to work, enjoy life, or even perform daily activities. Compensation aims to address these losses and provide financial security during recovery.
Emotional and Psychological Support: Personal injury cases can be stressful and emotionally taxing. Claimants may benefit from counseling or support groups to help them cope with the aftermath of their injury.
Personal injury claims in Scotland play a crucial role in providing justice and compensation to individuals who have suffered due to someone else's negligence. The process involves navigating a complex legal framework, gathering evidence, and often negotiating with insurance companies or legal representatives. By understanding the types of claims, the legal requirements, and practical considerations, individuals can better navigate the process and secure the compensation they deserve. Whether dealing with a minor injury or a life-changing event, the support of a skilled solicitor can make a significant difference in achieving a positive outcome.
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An Overview Of HDPE Plastic Pallets
Plastics are omnipresent in various aspects of our lives, from shampoo bottles to coffee mugs. Virtually everywhere, one can find them, including everyday items like seatbelt buckles. Additionally, there are many different plastic varieties due to the extraordinary array of uses for plastic. When contemplating the use of plastic pallets, understanding HDPE is crucial, as it serves as a commonly employed plastic for this purpose. Familiarity with its properties and characteristics ensures informed decision-making in selecting the right material for pallet needs.
High-Density Polyethylene, or HDPE, earns renown for its adaptability. More oversized products, such as snowboards, plastic lumber, and underground pipes, feature it due to its remarkable non-corrosive properties. It also finds applications in making milk jugs, chopping boards, and plastic bottles. Its toughness is also renowned as it can resist many conditions and settings without suffering too much damage. Since the 1950s, America has extensively made and utilized it, and it currently stands as the most popular plastic.
Advantages of HDPE plastic pellets
HDPE is an attractive option for plastic pallets since it has several distinctive qualities. This results from its unique chemical composition. During HDPE production, producers prevent chemical branching. Chemical bonding occurs when lengthy chains of chemical bonds develop more compact offshoots. A single molecule connects these offshoots, resembling branches, to the primary chain of molecules.Due to the lack of linking, HDPE has stronger molecular connections, increasing its strength and resistance to deformation. The production process results in producing a perfect injection-molded pellet of plastic suitable for pallets. It can handle a large amount of weight without collapsing or warping, and it can survive uncommon or harsh circumstances.
Durability: HDPE is a polymer that is highly durable because of its chemical makeup. With no problems, it can survive challenging storage conditions, huge loads, and unusual weather conditions. This makes it perfect for plastic pallets, ensuring they remain in good condition. The plastic pallets will be prepared for the next shipment regardless of what happens during shipping. Additionally, storing pallets made of HDPE plastic is much simpler than storing pallets made of wood or less sturdy plastic. Additional, more specific advantages of durability pertain to HDPE pallets.
Recyclable: Recycling facilities are set up to appropriately recycle and reuse HDPE because it is so standard. One of the most frequently recycled plastics is HDPE, which has a resin number of 2. HDPE pallets are an excellent choice if protecting the environment is essential to you. The advantages of products created from new HDPE are also present in those made from recycled HDPE. You might also consider these as alternatives for your pallets; on occasion, they are less expensive than pallets manufactured with completely new HDPE. Additionally, some plants might provide buyback or exchange programs that allow you to trade in your used HDPE pallets for cash or a new one in exchange.
Lightweight: HDPE is less dense than the typical alternative to wood for pallets, despite the word “density” being right there in the name. Pallets made this way are substantially lighter, making them easier to store and transport and lowering shipping costs. Additionally, HDPE pallets can still accommodate a typical load of your product, so they do not sacrifice practicality in favor of weight.
Easy to clean: HDPE is plastic; cleaning it up after usage only requires wiping or spraying. For your standard pallets, all you need is water, possibly some soap, and a rag. Especially useful when carrying food or medicines, as it allows for disinfecting and reusing the same pallet rather than discarding it as soon as the goods are delivered. When exporting food, you may easily adhere to FDA regulations while maintaining the use and safety of your pallets for all other types of shipment. Additionally, HPDE, resistant to decay, insects, mold, and mildew, can stay clean for many years.
Easy to Store: These pallets can withstand any environment’s humidity since HDPE is so resilient, allowing them to be stored in any space without concern. A non-climate-controlled facility can be used, and usable pallets are maintained because moisture or air temperature does not impact them. Due to their negligible weight, plastic pallets allow for stacking much higher than wood pallets without risking injury to workers, breakage, or the possibility of the pallets falling.
Chemical Resistant: Since HDPE is essentially non-reactive, most other compounds have little to no impact on it. As a result, HDPE pallets are perfect for moving chemicals and pharmaceutical supplies because there is no chance of a failed or broken pallet. You can use HDPE to transport the majority of substances you need. Of course, there are still some chemicals that have an impact on it, so avoid letting it come into prolonged contact with hydrocarbons or oxidizing agents. Because HDPE is a plastic, corrosive chemicals like chlorine should not expose it for prolonged periods. Instead, it is better to use other plastics for this purpose. However, if you are looking for a chemically resistant plastic that is not as durable, then HDPE might be a good choice for you. ‘ part of the current text part of the present text.
Because HDPE is a somewhat inert material, it is relatively resistant to chemicals, weather, and physical abuse. Additionally, because HDPE is essentially non-reactive, most other compounds have little to no impact on it. As a result, HDPE plastic pellets are perfect for moving chemicals and pharmaceutical supplies because there is no chance of a failed or broken pallet.
Of course, there are still some chemicals that have an impact on it, so avoid letting it come into prolonged contact with hydrocarbons or oxidizing agents. Manufacturing HDPE plastic pellets is a complicated process. First, select an appropriate plastic resin; then, melt the plastic into plastic pellets. Plastic pellets are classified into seven fractions, which different companies sell under their names. The number of plastic pellets used for pallets identifies the types of plastic pellets. HDPE plastic pellets have many benefits compared to wood. They are easier to store, lower in cost, lighter in weight, and much more environmentally friendly. HDPE plastic pellets act quickly and find utility in areas that other types of plastics cannot enter.
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plistaffing · 11 months
Why Hire Temporary and Contract Workers
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Hiring temporary and contract workers is a strategy that many companies in Ohio and beyond are increasingly adopting to meet their workforce needs. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the myriad reasons why companies should consider hiring temporary and contract workers through reputable temporary employee services in Ohio, such as PLI Staffing. If you're looking for a workforce solution that offers you the ultimate flexibility and efficiency, you've come to the right place.
1. Bridging Employment Gaps
The modern business world is often marked by peaks and valleys in workloads. Seasonal demands, special projects, and unexpected events can create temporary gaps in your workforce. This is where temporary and contract workers shine. By hiring skilled professionals on a temporary basis, you can bridge these employment gaps without the long-term commitment that comes with traditional employment.
2. Cost-Efficiency
One of the most compelling reasons to consider hiring temporary and contract workers is the cost savings it can bring. When you partner with a reputable staffing agency like PLI Staffing, you can save on expenses related to full-time employees, such as health benefits, paid time off, and other overhead costs. This cost-efficiency can be a game-changer for businesses looking to manage their budgets effectively.
3. Specialized Expertise
Temporary workers often bring specialized expertise to the table. Whether you need IT professionals, administrative support, or skilled tradespeople, you can tap into a diverse pool of talent. This expertise can be particularly valuable for short-term projects that require a specific skill set or knowledge base.
4. Rapid Scaling
Scaling your workforce up or down as needed is crucial for adapting to changing market conditions. Temporary and contract workers allow you to do just that. Whether you're experiencing rapid growth or need to downsize temporarily, you can flexibly adjust your workforce with ease.
Also, read about Getting the Most Out of Your Temporary Employees
5. Reduced Hiring Risks
The traditional hiring process can be time-consuming and risky. Hiring the wrong person for a permanent role can have long-lasting consequences. When you hire temporary and contract workers, you reduce the risk associated with permanent hiring decisions. This gives you more room to explore whether a temporary employee is a good fit for your organization before considering a permanent position.
6. Enhanced Productivity
Temporary and contract workers are often motivated to make a strong impression in a short amount of time. Their temporary status encourages them to be highly productive, which can lead to improved efficiency and output. This can be a significant advantage, especially when you have specific projects or tight deadlines to meet.
7. Streamlined Recruitment
Recruiting the right talent can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive task. Temporary employee services in Ohio, like PLI Staffing, are equipped with the resources and expertise to quickly find, vet, and place the best candidates for your specific needs. This streamlined recruitment process saves you time and effort.
8. Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity in the workplace is not just a buzzword; it's a proven factor for success. Temporary and contract workers bring diverse perspectives and experiences to your organization, enriching your work environment. By promoting diversity and inclusion, you can foster a more innovative and dynamic workplace.
9. Reduced Training Time
Permanent employees often require lengthy onboarding and training processes. Temporary and contract workers, on the other hand, can hit the ground running. With their specialized skills and experience, they need less time to get up to speed, making them a valuable resource for projects with tight deadlines.
Our experienced team of staffing experts is committed to helping you find the right talent to support your organization's goals. With PLI Staffing, you gain access to a vast network of skilled professionals who can seamlessly integrate into your team and make an immediate impact.
Hiring temporary and contract workers can provide businesses with a cost-effective, flexible, and skilled workforce. Ohio's growing temporary staffing services, including those offered by PLI Staffing, are making it easier for companies to meet their staffing needs efficiently. By understanding and addressing the challenges associated with hiring temporary workers, businesses can reap the benefits of a versatile and dynamic workforce.
Resource URL: https://bit.ly/3QNevbb
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johnklok · 1 year
MappyField 365 for Marketing and Sales Team
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Marketing and Sales teams work hand in hand to achieve targets. Tracking incoming leads, conversions, sales numbers, client conversations, etc., are some of the most important factors for any business, especially the heart and soul of the Marketing and Sales Team.
As technology has advanced, businesses have started investing in tools that add more to the technology they already use.
For example, CRM is something that businesses use to store and analyze customer data. But when analyzing team productivity or visualizing data, CRM has lengthy and time-consuming processes. However, you will find out how this complexity can be eliminated with one single click later in the blog.
As we know, location details of a client are crutial. Location details play an important role in presenting a product/service or connecting with the client. This data is not just latitude and longitude but a storehouse of information.
Marketing people will highly relate to this tweet!
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There is a lot marketers can do with data, like analyzing campaign performance across regions and countries. Marketers can use location data to see what campaigns work well in different areas and learn more about the engaged audience, like from where they belong, etc. This can help them make important short-term and long-term decisions.
MappyField 365, which is a mapping tool for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM users, can help you plot the location data. This is not it. There is a lot this tool can do for your Marketing and Sales team. So, let’s get started.
For example, ACX is a Pharmaceutical company, that uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and has integrated MappyField 365 with it. This blog explains how MappyField 365 helps their Marketing and Sales Team to overcome challenges.
Problem Statement:
Before integrating MappyField 365, Carol, the head of Marketing for ACX Pharma often complained it was getting hard for her to analyze the leads as the company started attracting more eyes, and the number of leads eventually increased. It became difficult for her to find which data is important or relevant for her next action. She felt lost and required better analysis and visualization to run her next campaign.
She would manually analyze leads in CRM, create a marketing list based on that analysis, and share it with the Sales team. She was not happy with the outcome as she was missing the visualization of regions that were attracting more leads and which region could be their next gold mine.
Carol knew the power of location intelligence and how it can help convert location from a challenge to a competitive advantage.
She integrated MappyField 365 with their Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM. She started using MappyField 365 to leverage location-based data by geographically plotting relationships, trends, dependencies, and patterns on a map. So, basically, Dynamics 365 map turned the data into powerful information which holds the potential to solve her problems.
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Carol and team often plan campaigns based on customer revenue or divide the contacts by doctors and pharmacists, or by the specialization of the doctor, etc. But before MappyField 365, they were facing challenges while documenting or visualizing the data.
They often find difficulty in finding answers for these questions:
Where are the customers, distributors, or prospects located?
Are there any gaps in the sales coverage?
Is the distribution channel according to the customer’s needs?
Are there any emerging regions to establish a new point of sale?
Which regions to target in their next marketing campaign?
Are there any risks associated with those regions?
Are there any cross-selling opportunities?
MappyField 365 was the answer to all her questions. She was now able to visualize all the customers, prospects, etc, on a map. The data helped her visualize more on regions that can be their next target and all the necessary information of the contacts they are targeting.
Once she was ready with the target audience, she filtered the contacts she wanted and created a marketing list out of it. It had a list of contacts that needed to be approached as a part of their campaign.
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Carol assigned the marketing list ‘Regional Marketing List 01 – USA’, to Olivia, Sales Manager at ACX Pharmacy. She explained the agenda behind targeting those contacts. Olivia opened the marketing list and plotted all the contacts in the marketing lists on the map.
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The reason for plotting the marketing list on the map for Olivia was totally different from Carol’s. MappyField 365 gave Olivia the visualization of how many contacts were in which territory, how many sales field agents would be required to cover the marketing list, and so on.
Once the sales manager had analyzed all the aspects, she would assign those contacts to different sales agents. Suppose the marketing list was of 200 contacts, and Olivia had assigned 10 contacts to each of 20 sales agents in her team.
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Map enhanced visualization and made it easy for Olivia to assign contacts to sales agents one by one or by territory/region/drawing/etc. Once it was done, she could view all the accounts assigned to any user (sales agent) at any time.
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She then created routes for the sales agents by selecting the start and end locations. The route could be shared with respective agents so that they could carry out their day.
The route optimization feature used location information to map the best route to meet the clients. MappyField 365 saved sales agents’ time as they didn’t have to spend hours on Google Maps to try different routes. It helped with traffic patterns, speed limits, meeting time and length, finding gas stations, and more.
Better routing options not only saved their time but also saved sales agents from getting frustrated waiting for hours stuck in traffic. Agents were able to offer better customer service by responding to urgent requirements on time. The company saved on commute costs as fuel consumption was reduced because more time was spent selling and less traveling.
Sales agents could use the Dynamics 365 mobile app to view the route and the contacts assigned to them. But this app had limitations. Olivia was unable to track her teams as it lacked advanced features like live tracking and automatic check-in/out.
But MappyField 365 had a solution for that as well.
Olivia started creating daily schedules for her sales agents on MappyField 365. She created a route connecting all the locations they had to visit in a day and shared it with the respective field agents.
This feature is called a Visit Planner, where managers create and assign schedules to their team members.
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Before using MappyField’s mobile app, the agents often forgot to check in, note the start time of the meeting or check-out time of the meeting. Thus, it became difficult for them to prove that they had attended the meeting.
But with live tracking, auto check-in, and check-out features meeting tracking wasn’t an isssue. The app was tracking the live location of the field agent. When the field agent enabled live tracking, the app helped them check in and check out (automatically, whenever they were within the radius of the customer location or when they left the customer location), kept track of the number of customers visited and the total time spent in meeting & traveling.
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All these meeting timings were noted in MappyField 365 and visible to Olivia as well. Moreover, the agents added meeting notes so that Olivia could see them in real-time. The MappyField 365 mobile app made resource productivity tracking a lot easier for managers.
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Managers had all the answers to the questions below because of MappyField!
Did the sales agents take the route that was planned for them?
How many stops/breaks do sales agents/drivers take for a snack/drink?
Were there any unforeseen circumstances like traffic that caused delays to the plan?
What was the total time spent on meeting and traveling?
How long does it take to deliver orders (medicines) at each stop?
With the help of MappyField 365, managers had accurate data automatically gathered by the tool that helped them in making a robust plan.
So, that’s how Carol and Olivia used and use MappyField 365 daily! They have observed that they were able to work smartly and their strategies were bringing desired results. Their agents were working without any worries as they had optimized routes to navigate through the whole day. Agents also had access to some other amazing features like POI, proximity search, and more. Moreover, all of these were available in the language of their choice. MappyField 365 ensures that language was never a barrier to utilizing it to its fullest.
As a business ACX Pharmacy was able to:
Deliver excellent customer service
Respond efficiently to delays or real-time problems
Review daily performances with accurate information from MappyField
Improve future operations and performance
Create realistic and accurate route plans
Reduce transportation costs
Like Carol and Olivia make MappyField 365 the best companion of your Marketing and Sales team!
Contact our team at [email protected], or simply click on the button below for a live demo to know MappyField 365 works.
Book a Demo
All product and company names are trademarks™, registered® or copyright© trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
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nanoslimxketo28 · 2 years
Nano Slim X Keto Gummies: Cause Natural Breakdown Of Fat
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Have you learned that the typical methods recommended for slimming down haven't worked in which you? The important thing would be to know that about to catch alone in this journey. If losing weight were easy, we wouldn't see so many overweight people. The truth is, things like dieting and exercise, though healthy, rarely bring people the results they hope available for. Lately, though, Keto-based formulas accessible popular, thanks to their ability to consistently slim people directly. Today we're going to share what we recognize one of these products in particular. We'll gover Nano Slim X Keto ACV Gummies in inclusive. Then, you can decide detail supplement is to be able to. If you do want to try them, you can do tap any belonging to the links on this page, and pay a discounted Nano Slim X Keto Price! So, without further ado, let's begin.
Nano Slim X Keto Gummies are intended to confront the videos . issue that most people who gain weight suffer from. Could be the fact that your body does are not in order to prioritize the loss in fat. Quite the opposite, in proven. Your fat exists as being a backup fuel source, for times once you can't acquire other options, such as carbs and sugars. The obvious problem with this, of course, is that carbs and sugars are everywhere. You need to consciously avoid them, and even then, it proves to become expensive. Even worse, depriving yourself of carbs for lengthy can have an adverse effect, as quite a few followers of the Keto Diet find the hard manner for you. Nano Slim X Keto Gummies are not the Keto Diet, only to find they use knowledge learned from it with the advantage. Any among the buttons you see here will bring you to the formula's official website!
How Nano X Slim Keto ACV Gummies Work
So, what makes Nano Slim X Keto Ingredients so effective? How stop trying utilize Keto science to your positive aspect? To explain that, we first have to define what the Keto Diet itself is, precisely. The diet program mandates carb abstinence. As we mentioned, your body prefers to burn carbs over fat. To find it to do the opposite, you need to deprive it in the option. By this process successfully, you'll enter a metabolic state known as ketosis, which your body uses to cover. You'll begin to generate BHB ketones, an essential ingredient for reorienting your factories' priorities. The ketones send out signals that are recognized by your factories as an instruction to prioritize burning fat. And, the truth is it works! People who follow this diet typically lose lots of weight, especially in the beginning. There's a problem, however, which usually that your body can't go without carbs.
So, how the actual Nano Slim X Keto Ingredients dissimilar? Well, it's simple: they contain liquids ketones we've just explained. And, providing them with this way circumvents the requirement of going carbless. As a result the risks built into the Keto Diet are avoided. What's more, it means that you will experience weight loss before you would using the diet. When you cut out carbs, it doesn't induce ketosis immediately. It's only once your last reserves of carbs have been burned into fuel that this can happen. By absorbing ketones directly, however, their effects deploy immediately. And, rest assured: they'll work the same way even though you get carbs available.
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onegloballogistics · 2 years
How a Freight Forwarder can help you ship fast and more efficiently
It doesn't matter how small or big the company is, importing goods from other countries can be a headache. Regarding your imports, it is of most importance that you save as much money as possible without sacrificing the security of your products or the speed of the process. It seems impossible for things to stay on schedule as well as keep costs low at the same time. The importing process can be complicated by various factors, including packaging, customs, tariffs, and in-land transportation. In this situation, freight forwarders such as One Global Logistics can be of great assistance. Using their connections, knowledge, and time, they can ensure you are not being overcharged for shipping.
Listed below are some tips on how freight forwarders can help you ship faster and more efficiently
Streamline your work and gain time
Many businesses use freight forwarding Brisbane services to assist in organizing and handling their shipping to decrease the amount of work. The freight forwarder will handle all coordination, documentation, and every aspect of shipping and be the point of contact for all your shipping queries instead of having to deal with multiple shipping companies. Through innovative online tools, you will also have direct access to a team of experienced and knowledgeable freight forwarders and can access tracking information 24/7.
Stress-free living
Our daily lives are filled with enough worries that we do not need to wake up in the middle of the night thinking if we have completed the customs declaration for the latest shipment. As you might expect, the export and import procedures can be complicated, particularly if you are importing and exporting to different countries, as they have varying laws and regulations that need to be followed. However, when you hire a freight forwarding Brisbane company, they ensure all of the necessary licenses, documents, and fees are in place, so all you have to do is relax, knowing your shipments will clear customs and arrive on time at their destination.
Expertise and knowledge
A freight forwarding Brisbane company that you can rely on at the end of the phone is an invaluable asset in shipping. Professional freight forwarders will offer you the chance to choose from a diverse range of services provided by air, road, rail, sea, and combinations of each so that you can ensure cost-effective transportation of goods in line with the timescales required by your business to meet the deadline. However, there is no doubt that if you have no freight forwarder, you will have to go directly to each carrier. It is quite a lengthy, time-consuming process, especially if you're unfamiliar with it.
Alternative plan
You can't control everything in the shipping world, which often results in issues or delays beyond your control. There are, however, certain things you can do to keep a freight forwarder posted about any problems that could affect your shipment and find alternative solutions to keep your goods moving. Shipment delays can occur due to various factors. Still, an experienced freight forwarding Brisbane company should be able to mitigate them rather than leave you to deal with them after they occur.
Minimizing costs
A reputable freight forwarding Brisbane company such as One Global Logistics has excellent relationships with carriers. Their large quantities give them significant purchasing power, making it possible to negotiate competitive shipping rates. In addition, some freight forwarders offer additional services that also provide similar economies of scale. The freight forwarder is best known for identifying the most cost-efficient shipping options that balance reliability and cost. The right shipping partner will get to know your needs and work with you to ensure that your shipping needs are planned and delivered in a way that will ensure you get the best value for your money in the long run.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
LOL sound issues on shows and movies annoy me so much, where it randomly jumps between two extremes without warning. I get the comparison to the lighting problems in various shows/movies, but at least I get why the latter happens. The reason so many shows and movies are poorly lit in scenes is literally just them being cheap. Skimping on the lighting is the singular go-to move of any production trying to tighten up their budget, because its not even just the energy expenditures of lighting shots.....its about saving TIME. 
Lighting is the single most time-consuming element of setting up any shot, requiring tons of crew members hauling around extremely heavy, bulky lighting equipment that’s not easy to maneuver to begin with, especially around cramped soundstages or on locations not designed with moving lighting equipment in mind, and care has to be taken to make sure none of the equipment can be seen in the shots. Second team (the actors’ stand-ins) are employed entirely JUST to be present while crew goes through the lengthy and complicated process of fine tuning a shot’s lighting, getting the bounce screens positioned just right so that shadows are cast in the proper direction or avoided entirely, etc.
Quite often it can take hours to set up the lighting for even a single angle of a single scene, with the actual filming of that scene taking not even a quarter that amount of time in comparison. And then this process has to be repeated over and over for each additional angle a scene is shot from.
So yeah.....the reason so many shows and even movies are so dark and have shit lighting, is because the second a production dips behind schedule or is just trying to save (or pocket) some extra money or has to rush through filming various scenes in order to accommodate changes in actors’ schedules, weather conditions interrupting filming, etc and so on.....lighting is the FIRST thing to get corners cut on.....because its the element of filming with the MOST corners to cut. The thing that the most time AND money can be saved by rushing or half-assing or cheaping out on.
*Shrugs* LOL not defending the logic there by any means, just saying that’s the literal logic behind so many shows and movies being full of dimly lit scenes its impossible to make out details in. The cheaper the project, the more poorly (or hastily) its lit. And on cheap productions its not usually like the crew is any less skilled or experienced in lighting, its not that they don’t know what they’re doing....its that they can only ever do their jobs to the degree of time and care the director and producers ALLOW them to spend on lighting any given scene.
To be fair, there is SOME overlap here with sound, because sound can get skimped on in filming quite frequently as well.....though since boom mikes and the like are far easier and quicker to maneuver and arrange than lighting, here it tends to be less about speeding production along and more about like.....productions not having time or being able to go back and re-shoot various scenes when there’s problems with various actors’ mic set-ups or the director only later discovers various background noise or interference they figured would be easy to edit out in post are like....not actually that easy to edit out.
BUT that’s why pick-ups exist, and like, its fairly easy to shoot just the actors redoing their lines in isolation or even after the scenes are completely shot and done, and just.....the new, clearer dialogue edited on top in post....so the issues with volume being all over the place in various shows and movies, from one scene to the next.....that tends to be more the result of rushing the sound engineers working on all of that in post-production...but also (I think) the result of having different engineers/editors working on different parts of the final cuts simultaneously, and like....the end result being the spliced together work of different people who were working on the sound in individual scenes out of sequence, and then their finished work just cobbled together in sequence rather than like.....the same people getting to oversee the layering in and editing of the sound from one scene to the next, in their proper orders.
Okay so in conclusion I’m a big old hypocrite and a dumbass because TECHNICALLY, I suppooooooose I do get why sound quality hiccups happen the way they do just as much as I understand why lighting is so often shit, LOL I think its just because I’m used to being on set where its a given that the director’s gonna try and cut corners on lighting I don’t even really think about lighting quality that much and just kinda sigh and go yeah that tracks, whereas I never really spent much time in post-production since I never worked on the editing side of things so the reasons for sound quality variations are more abstract for me. *Shrugs* Whoops.
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augiepets · 3 years
A comprehensive guide and some ideas to having a pet turtle at home
Taking care of a pet turtleis not as simple as it may appear. The decision to keep a pet turtle should be carefully considered. If your child has been begging for a pet, a turtle may seem like an obvious choice. It may appear to be more exotic than a goldfish and require less maintenance than a cat or dog. Turtles take particular attention and cleaning, and they don't get along well with children—turtles may bite and dislike being handled—but they're still fascinating pets to watch. Pet turtles need a lot of care and upkeep, and their lengthy lifetime makes them more of a long-term investment than a pet.
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Image Title: pet turtle
Description: The decision to keep a pet turtle should be carefully considered.
This is your guide to everything you need to know about How to take care of a pet turtle
1. Choosing the right breed of your pet turtle: Turtles come in a range of shapes and sizes, and some make better pets than others. Some may grow to be quite huge, while others are recognised for being more social and less aggressive, and they will all have distinct space, lighting, and dietary requirements.
Most people are not prepared to deal with the fact that turtles live for many years. Getting a pet turtle is a serious commitment. It's not a creature that will live for a few years. Not only do these creatures live a long time, but they also demand enormous cage.
Turtle house pets of all sizes, whether inside or out, require plenty of space. It's critical that they have a suitable enclosure; they must be allowed to exercise in order to be healthy.
There are many different species of turtles, but box turtles and red-eared slider turtles are the most often brought home as pets (and the simplest to care for).
Dark skin with yellowish patterns and towering, dome-shaped shells give box turtles their name. Adults generally reach a length of around 6 inches. One of the most popular aquatic turtle species is the Red Eared Slider.
They're more social and friendly than some of their cousins, they're very active, and they're readily accessible. These are the ones you'll see swimming about in aquariums at your local pet store. While young pet turtles are typically 4 inches or less, adults may grow up to 11 inches in length, which means you may need to expand your tank in the near future.
These pet turtles are usually kept indoors, but with the appropriate shelter, cleanliness, and warmer temperatures, they may thrive in an outdoor pond as well. It may become simpler to offer them with the space they require outside as they get older.
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Image Title: buy turtles online
Description: buy turtles online, water turtle breeders near me live turtles for sale and baby freshwater turtle store.
Red Eared Sliders may grow to be quite large, so their tank should be large and have plenty of places for them to bask. UV lighting and a good water filtration system are required.
2. Housing your turtle: When it comes to housing, bigger is better. Because many aquatic pet turtles are strong swimmers, use the biggest feasible enclosure.
Aquaria made of glass are a popular choice. For smaller species measuring 4 to 6 inches, a 30-gallon tank is the absolute minimum size.
A 55-gallon tank is suitable for turtles measuring 6 to 8 inches in length. Tanks in the 75- to 125-gallon range are best for turtles measuring more over 8 inches.
If you're starting with a younger, smaller pet turtle, a smaller tank is OK as long as the enclosure grows with your turtle. Plastic tubs, which can be found at most home or hardware stores, are another option for turtle housing.
Some tubs featuring both a water and a land section are particularly intended for pet turtles. An indoor or outdoor pond is another wonderful choice if you have the space. Clean water is one of the keys to successful turtle keeping.
A decent filtering system will help a great deal with this. An internal aquarium filter or a canister filter are both good alternatives for pet turtleaquariums. Whatever option you pick, make sure to clean the filter on a regular basis.
Pet turtles make a lot of messes. Keep tank ornaments to a bare minimum. Any attempt at aqua scalping is usually rejected by most turtles. Pet turtles are classified into two groups depending on their habitat: terrestrial and aquatic.
Box turtles are terrestrial turtles that live on land. They may be found in wet locations all over the world, such as the mossy sections of woods. An outdoor cage with high walls and a roof to fend off predators is a great home for a box pet turtle if you live in a temperate climate (with an average temperature of 75-85 degrees).
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Image Alt Text: What do pet turtles eat?
Image Title: What do pet turtles eat?
Description: pet turtles can eat vegetables, and fruits should all be included in an adult pet turtle's diet.
Set up an indoor space for your box pet turtles if you live in a colder or warmer region. Box turtles enjoy digging, so make sure they have enough of dirt, potting soil, shredded newspaper, or carpet scraps to keep them occupied.
Box pet turtles require a certain amount of moisture to thrive, so make sure your turtle's cage has lots of decaying dry leaves and damp soil, as well as a comfortable shoe box or flower pot where the turtle may hide or nap. Your outdoor turtle should never be kept in a glass aquarium.
The glass will heat up like a greenhouse, and your poor creature will be cooked! Aquatic pet turtles, such as the red-eared slider, prefer marshy, muddy regions with dense vegetation, such as lakes and ponds, as their native environment.
They require a habitat that includes both clean water for swimming and dry terrain for resting, hiding, and sunbathing. A tank with a capacity of at least 40 gallons should provide enough space for your pet turtle to walk about in.
Fill the bottom of your pet turtle’s tank with tiny rocks so it may dig around and have fun. You may also create a private island for your turtle by placing a huge rock or floating log in the centre of the water.
3. Feeding your turtles: What do pet turtles eat? Most pet turtles are omnivores, which means they consume both meat and vegetation. Animal products, vegetables, and fruits should all be included in an adult pet turtle's diet.
Younger pet turtles , between the ages of 7 and 10, require a greater proportion of animal-based meals. The amount of animal and vegetable food your pet turtlerequires is determined on its species.
Sources of animal food Processed pet meals like drained sardines, turtle pellets, and trout chow are examples of animal-based food sources for turtles. Cooked chicken, beef, and turkey are also good options.
Moths, crickets, shrimp, krill, feeder fish, and worms are examples of live prey. To assure quality and safety, purchase insects from a pet store or an undeveloped area, or cultivate them yourself.
Sources of plant food Leafy greens like collards, dandelions, and mustard greens should be the main sources of plant-based diet for your pet turtle. Some of these veggies, such as chives, parsley, and spinach, have high amounts of oxalates, which should be avoided.
Apples, cantaloupe, bananas, berries, and mangoes are examples of fruits. Non-toxic aquatic plants such as water hyacinth, water lettuce, and duckweed can also be fed to them.
Feed an adult pet turtle once or twice a day, and a juvenile turtle one to two times a day, depending on the species. The amount of food your pet turtle should eat is determined on its species.
As a general guideline, only let your pet turtle consume as much as they can in approximately 20 minutes, especially with pellets and other non-living items, and then remove any leftovers.
When it comes to eating habits, sea turtles and land turtles have distinct tastes. Because aquatic turtles can only eat when submerged, you'll need to put food in their water tank. Place your land turtle's food on a flat, firm surface, such as a rock or grass, if you have one. Many turtle owners like to cut a variety of veggies to feed their pets so that they don't simply consume one type and miss out on other, more nutritious plants.
Pet turtleshave different nutritional needs depending on their species. Research the nutritional requirements of your pet turtles species, and if you have any questions or concerns, contact your veterinarian.
Pet turtles, like humans and many other creatures, may become fat. Overfeeding your turtle can cause them to gain weight, making it difficult for them to withdraw their arms and legs inside their shell.
To minimise overfeeding, make sure your turtle has plenty of room to roam about. Tanks for turtles up to 6 inches long should be 30 gallons at a minimum, and up to 125 gallons for pet turtles over 8 inches long.
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Image Alt text: pet turtles
Image Title: pet turtles
Description: Pet turtles need a lot of care and upkeep, and their lengthy lifetime makes them more of a long-term investment than a pet.
Live prey allows your turtle to hunt and get some exercise. If pet turtles food isn't balanced, they might get vitamin A deficiency. A reduction in appetite, swelling of the eyelids and ears, renal failure, and lung infections are all symptoms of too little vitamin A in turtles.
Carrots, squash, bell peppers, and other red, orange, and yellow vegetables are high in vitamin A, which pet turtles require. Low-nutrient foods, such as lettuce and celery, should be avoided.
A veterinarian may prescribe Vitamin A therapies, either injected or given orally, to address Vitamin A deficiency. Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to growing a healthy turtle.
A healthy, well-balanced diet is essential for success. Provide as many varied meals as possible, with a high-quality pet turtles food serving as the mainstay of the diet. Keep in mind that a pet turtles nutritional requirements fluctuate as it grows older.
Although many are predominantly carnivorous as hatchlings, as they grow older, they ingest more plant stuff. Plant matter may even make up the bulk of the diet of some adult pet turtles.
It might be a symptom of sickness if your pet turtles aren’t eating enough, but other variables could be at play. Make sure the temperature of your tank, as well as the water temperature, lighting, and size, are appropriate for your turtle's species.
Pet turtleslack of appetite might be caused by hibernation or stress. Consult a veterinarian about any symptoms or behaviours, and schedule an appointment if problems persist after you make adjustments.
4. Controlling the light and temperature: Unfortunately, this is the most frequently overlooked aspect of a pet turtleenvironment. When purchasing a pet reptile from a pet store, many individuals choose not to purchase the most expensive element of the set up.
These same folks frequently rely on the pet store assistant to assist them in purchasing items for their new pet turtle, and they are frequently informed that UVB illumination is not required.
Your pet turtle will develop metabolic bone disease, be unable to synthesis Vitamin D (causing calcium metabolism issues), be sluggish, and have a lack of appetite if UVB illumination is not provided.
For these reasons, UVB lighting is critical. In most enclosures, supplementary heat is required since many turtles demand basking temperatures in the 80s and 90s.
Heat lamps are favoured over under-tank heaters because they allow you to adjust the temperature of the surrounding air. Under tank heaters sometimes have few or no controls for controlling the heat, and they primarily warm the bottom of the enclosure while failing to increase the surrounding air temperature, making it difficult to achieve a correct thermal gradient.
Heat lamps for tortoises and turtles come in a range of wattages, but it's vital to figure out what bulb wattage the cage requires to maintain the proper temperature. Larger enclosures often require greater wattage bulbs, whereas smaller enclosures require less wattage to maintain proper temperatures.
Aside from the mercury vapour bulb, which emits UVB rays, there are ceramic heat emitters and ordinary reptile heat lamp bulbs in various wattages. Ceramic heat emitters produce just heat and do not produce light, and they screw into a clamp light.
These are wonderful since they last a long time, are less brittle than light bulbs, and may be used at any time of day or night because they emit no light. In addition to heat, regular reptile heat bulbs can emit white, red, or blue/purple light.
Some concluding pointers!
1. Turtles require a lot of energy and time into proper maintenance. Pet turtles need a lot of care and upkeep, and their lengthy lifetime makes them more of a long-term investment than a pet.
2. Pet turtles are usually kept indoors, but with the appropriate shelter, cleanliness, and warmer temperatures, they may thrive in an outdoor pond as well.
3. Pet turtles make a lot of messes. Keep tank ornaments to a bare minimum.
4. Turtles, like humans and many other creatures, may become fat.
5. UVB lighting is critical. In most enclosures, supplementary heat is required since many turtles demand basking temperatures in the 80s and 90s.
How can Augie help you?
We have an ideal mix of Products and Services that can aid you in your efforts to take care of your pets. We work with different pets viz. Dogs / Cats / Other pets
You can reach out to us and we can aid you. Looking forward to working with you
Have a great Day Ahead!!
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redberrieswebdesign · 3 years
Things to Consider When Hiring a Web Design Company or Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai!
After your product or service, your website is what defines your brand, especially in Dubai. Even if you would not like to invest in creating a dedicated app, a well-designed user-friendly website makes all the difference to your business in Dubai. If you have not considered hiring a digital marketing agency or website design company in Dubai to design your website, maybe it is time you should? After all, in times like these when most of the world is safely tucked away in their homes, the only way to reach them in a city like Dubai is through a website.
Creating a web design isn’t one without its challenges. There are several things to take note of to get it perfect, from the actual design to the interface, how user-friendly it is, etc. To get the perfect website most companies prefer to just hire a digital marketing agency or Web Design Agency in Dubai to handle it all.
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However, before you embark on your website design journey, here’s a list of few things that you must reflect upon.
Your Requirement
Before you even think to talk with any digital marketing agency, you are going to have to make a complete list of website requirements. It does not mean you should know the technical side, but you ought to know what sort of a website you aim to build, should be it simple or perhaps detailed.
Once you’ve got those things hashed out, it will assist you in figuring out the right website design company that will deliver based on your requirements. By having these details ready before you walk into any digital marketing agency in Dubai, they can accordingly share their suggestions for improvements that can be made as well as it helps jumpstart the website design project.
 Project Timeline
The timeline of any project has to be carefully laid down. Designing a website is a pretty lengthy process and several variables like viability, integration so on and so forth. Once, you’ve figured out your requirements, take time to reflect on the timeline, as to when it is to go live.
As with any project, there are always changes, so note to consider your accessibility when setting the timeline. That would mean you need to make sure you factor in your approval of changes that may cause inevitable delays. 
 Digital Marketing Agency or Website Design Company Location
The location of the digital marketing agency or the website design company you choose for your website project plays a big factor over time. It may not be an issue in the starting but as the project progresses there may be delays for any number of reasons if its location is further than the same country. But, this can be easily solved via video conferencing as the pandemic has shown us today, so make sure that the Dubai-based digital marketing agency or website design company is equipped to be virtually available for meetings as well as showing live demonstrations.  
 Project Procedure
While considering which digital marketing agency or website design company to undertake your website design, you have several questions to ask to know who fits your exact requirements. The main question you must ask them is what is their process to design the website. 
By asking this you can get a better idea of the timeframe and accordingly set deadlines. Additionally, it will give you an idea of what happens at each stage at exactly when as well as get a better idea of how professional the digital marketing agency or the website design company is.
 Market Knowledge
You want to hire a digital marketing agency or website design company that is aware of the market as well as your firm. To understand this better, make sure you note their suggestions during the initial meetings, any key points they make in terms of improvements, etc.
In most cases, these website design companies or digital marketing agencies have made websites for all kinds of services or products, etc. Their experience can help the website design as well as improve your overall virtual presence.
Agency Functions 
One may focus on the web design with the digital marketing agency or website design company; however, it would be good to also note any other services they offer. The design itself does not suffice, it requires a domain name, hosting as well as IT support that the agency may also provide. It would be ideal to find one that handles it all at least at the beginning, then re-evaluate in the future.
Before you speak to any digital marketing agency or website design company, you must set your budget for the web design. That way, you know what sort of a target number you’re looking at and you can communicate the same to the digital marketing agency or the website design company.
The cost of the entire project depends on the type of website, so make sure you do ample research before your actual visit. Once, the price is set, you look at either a digital marketing agency or a website design company that comes closest to your budget and then approach them.  
Here’s one final tip for you! Website design is a pretty long-term process, so make sure you sign up with a digital marketing agency or a website design company that has decent experience as well as one that is flexible.
Hope these few things we’ve listed assist you in making your decision when picking the digital marketing agency or website design company to design your website in Dubai.
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realtalk-princeton · 3 years
My friend wants to transition, and I've told them should first see if they actually have gender dysphoria with a medical diagnosis. I'm not doctor, but I do know gender dyphoria is an actual medical thing. I know at the end of the day it's not my business, but this just kind of bothers me as something reflective of a world that is not understanding the real medical aspects of being transgender.
Response from Ocean:
While you’re correct that gender dysphoria is “an actual medical thing”, it’s very possible to feel it and know you have it without getting an actual diagnosis.  If your friend told you they were feeling depressed, would you tell them they should go to a doctor because depression is “an actual medical thing”?  Maybe so.  But it’s very possible to know what you’re feeling without a diagnosis, and getting such a diagnosis can be a lengthy and costly process which ultimately ends up telling you what you already know.  
I must say I also disagree with you that the world doesn’t understand the “real medical aspects of being transgender”.  In fact, the medical aspects are what most people focus on, whether it’s asking a transgender people about the surgeries and treatments they are on before asking them anything else, the requirement in most places to see therapists and psychologists before being allowed to start any type of medical or governmental transition (i.e. changing names and gender markers on ID), or even you focusing on this instead of asking your friend why they feel this way, if they would like you to use a different name and pronouns when referring to them, asking if they need help looking for new clothes or hygiene products, etc. 
Being transgender is not solely a medical issue and there’s much more to it than a diagnosis from a doctor.  I would encourage you to seek out more memoirs or autobiographies from transgender people, art from transgender artists, etc and try to see it from their perspective.  Or even just ask your friend to tell you more about what they’re feeling while you listen non-judgmentally.  I know this can be difficult to understand, especially if it is new to you.  But the world would be a better place if we all just sat down and talked and listened to people with other life experiences instead of trying to fit them in a box of our own making.  
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