verdita-toons · 1 year
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The butcher & the poet
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Vespio is official for only $4.99
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asb-fan · 7 years
Awe poor Espio. He’s so fought over
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Being popular isn´t easy
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dergarabedian · 2 years
Podcast: Universidad de Palermo y Spotify lanzan programa de capacitación
Podcast: Universidad de Palermo y Spotify lanzan programa de capacitación
La empresa Spotify y la Universidad de Palermo anunciaron un acuerdo para ofrecer un curso gratuito de capacitación en podcast. (more…)
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It's a good day to be out there supporting Vecpio
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drzewobojczyni · 4 years
How to get rid of a spy (The Penguins of Madagascar)
Dostępna polska wersja/Polish version available
When in the central park ZOO a well-known to the penguins enemy appears, the only thing they can do is sending Private to get rid of him once and for all. No pairings
Old draft finished for @2020madagascarparty theme: Missions
The day looked like it was going to be just great. In the cloudless sky the sun was shining, a slight wind was blowing, and the school year was coming to an end, so the Central Park ZOO animals could be sure that a lot of visitors was going to show up. Sadly, not everything went as well as it should have. At least, not for the penguins, standing in their habitat.
"Kowalski," – asked Skipper, looking through binoculars. "Can you see what I'm seeing?
"It depends on what's on your mind," responded Kowalski. "Technically, we're looking at the same group of early school-aged children, but I'm guessing you mean a certain person, whom I'm unable to recognize from this distance."
Skipper pulled himself together and handed the binoculars to his lower rank colleague. Kowalski took a look and reacted as the squad member predicted.
"Whoa, momma!" he yelled. "It's the same kid again!"
"What kid?" asked Private, appearing from the hatch.
Kowalski quietly handed him the binoculars. Private quickly found the familiar person in the crowd – this curious, intrusive gaze and notebook with pencil, clutched in hands, could not be mistaken could not be mistaken for anyone else.
"Skipper, it's the same boy that was spying on us!"
Skipper wanted to say that he had time to notice this, but he held back, preferring not to hurt Private's feelings. The young penguin needed to trust the leader.
"Well, we've got to come up with some plan to get rid of him once and for all. Kowalski, any suggestions?"
Kowalski had already opened his beak, but before he had an opportunity to say anything, three lemurs jumped into the habitat.
"Hello, silly penguins!" yelled king Julien
"Ringtail!" groaned Skipper. "We were just going to work on a plan of an extremely important mission!"
"It won't take long, " spoke up Maurice. "You see, a lot of visitors came here today..."
"Thank you, Maurice, the king can speak for himself," interrupted him Julien. "The thing is, when the humans start to throw these fish to you... you've got to eat them quickly, so it doesn't smell!!! And if not, I'll bait Mort on you!!!"
Said lemur tried to make a scary face, but because of his small size, it wasn't effective enough.
"That's all? You don't have to remind us of such things!" said Private
"If you said everything you wanted to say, go away, there's an important meeting happening here." Skipper pushed the lemurs in the direction of their habitat. "It concerns you as well, so be so kind and don't interrupt us."
"I also meant to tell you to not let yourselves get taken away from the ZOO," Julien kept on babbling. "Because lately some human took this Mort away, and now he can't come into our ZOO! If it keeps on going, we'll be left without food from humans." He wrung his hands in despair..
Skipper stopped chasing away the lemurs immediately.
"You've got to tell me everything in detail right now!"
"You won't be ordering a king around! Mort, Maurice, we're going!"
And they were gone
"Well, we have to get necessary informations ourselves." Skipper sighed. "Private, call Rico. We're going to check out how Mort got kidnapped and why nobody told us about it. I've got some sort of plan already."
Kowalski got sad. Although he hadno idea on how to get rid of the spy, but he was deeply hurt that Skipper hadn't even let him speak up. He had no intention to debate his leader.
Firstly, the penguins headed to Marlene's habitat. They found her quietly strumming her guitar
"Hello, my friend, I see you're relaxing before the hard work of entertaining humans?" started Skipper
Marlene angrily put her guitar away
"I guess I'll never teach you respecting other's privacy, won't I? Lets get this done. What's the reason of your visit?"she asked.
"We're looking for the informations concerning the kidnapping of certain lemur named Mort," responded Kowalski.
"What, again? In any case, I know nothing about this!"
"It's fine, Marlene, we mean an event from the past," calmed her down Skipper.
"Oh, you should have said it first! Although I haven't seen much, you would be better off asking, you know, the lemurs."
"Due to the reasons independent to us," lied Skipper smoothly, "we can't cooperate with them."
"Why do I have this weird feeling that the reasons are very much dependent to you," mumbled Marlene. "Okay, I'll tell you everything I know, but I remind, there's not much of it.
"Two days ago, a school field trip came. You guys weren't here, you went on some 'secret mission', didn't you? The kids weren't happy. Most of them headed farther, but some of them were lingering. I don't know, maybe they thought that you had been hiding somewhere. Suddenly, Julien kicked Mort right next to your habitat. So, one of the marauder shoved him into his bag. Somehow, he did it so well that it was noticed only after he got into the bus. That's all I know."
"And that's enough for us," said Skipper. "Farewell, Marlene, thank you for cooperating."
After these words, the whole penguin squad left as quickly as it appeared.
For a moment Marlene pondered on what the penguins could be planning. After all, she came to conclusion that she would find out one day, and got back to playing her guitar.
"You heard this yourself, Kowalski, we have to place Private..."
"Why me?" asked Private.
"...in the bag," finished Skipper, unfazed. "Kowalski, what options do we have?"
"I suggest using my newest invention – a homing penguin-catapult. There's fifty percent chance of hitting the target."
"Let me guess – and fifty percent chance that the catapult will blow up, turning the shootee into a pile of ash?"
"How did you know?"
"A good leader can predict elements that could make accomplishing the mission harder."
"Or maybe I'll just sneak up and jump into the boy's bag?" asked the potential victim of the device, which ended up with a slap on the beak.
"Private, do not question the leader's orders!"
Private wanted to say that no order had been given, but he decided to keep quiet, afraid of another stroke.
"Kowalski, we'll use your devilish invention," decided Skipper.
Transporting the device from the base to the park – with huge contribution from Rico – took surprisingly little time, even despite the necessity of dissasembling it and reassembling it on the spot. Kowalski was typing something into the console, glancing at his notes from time to time.
"Aren't we attracting even more attention this way?" asked Private, still hoping to reason with the squad.
"Are you questioning my orders again?" growled Skipper.
"From my calculations it appears that right here we are least likely to get caught," threw Kowalski without stopping clicking.
"Listen, Private," said Skipper much quieter. "Keeping the secrecy of our squad depends on your sacrifice. It's a very honorable task, and if I were you, I'd be proud of being entrusted with it."
"Calibration finished!" yelled Kowalski.
Private shivered at these words.
"It was an honor having you in the squad," said Skipper.
"I would like to remind that there's fifty percent chance that Private survives the shot," noted Kowalski, whose pride was hurt by Skipper's doubts.
"Oh, right. In this case, good luck, soldier," he spoke to Private. "May you land in the right fifty percent."
Private hesitantly scrambled up the catapult's bucket, and instructed by Kowalski, he got into the most airdynamic position. All that was left was pressing the launch button, which Kowalski did with the pleasure that always accompanied him when testing any of his inventions. Everything seemed to go according to the plan – Private shot into the air like a rocket.
"See, even the equipment is still whole," noticed Kowalski. "According to my calculations, Private should fall into the bag in ten sec..."
In that moment the cattapult blew up in the cloud of smoke. The explosion drew attention of the ZOO visitors, including the intrusive boy, who turned around in search of noise's source. Together with him moved his bag, which was the goal of Private's flight. The penguin fell flat onto the paved with concrete bricks alley.
Meantime, the remaining penguins were shaking off from underneath of scattered parts, just a few seconds ago assembled into a handy ensemble in the form of a catapult.
"Kowalski, analysis," wheezed Skipper, not stong enough to express anger with his voice.
"I didn't predict that the catapult could blow up only after the shot, heh heh..." the penguin laughed nervously, which earned him a stroke with the wing. A cloud of soot flew into the air.
Having disciplined the scientist, Skipper put his mind into further progress of the mission.
"Binoculars!" he yelled to Rico.
Sadly, Rico inhaled a lot of soot and got a coughing attack. Kowalski wanted to perform the Heimlich maneuver on him, but because of his rapid movements he raised even more dust. Rico started to cough so strongly that he espectorated, in order: a rubber duck, ukulele, and something that looked a bit like a food processor, and a bit like a piggy bank. Luckily, a pair of binoulars joined them soon.
"I'm tracking him down, Skipper," said Kowalski, observing the terrain closely. "Wait... I think I've got him... yes, Private on the third! He landed according to my calculations... or rather he would, heven't the kid moved..."
"Is he conscious?" asked Skipper.
"Honestly, I doubt it, he's laying and not moving."
"Well then, let's go, our man is injured."
Three penguins sled to help the fourth squad member.
Meantime, Ronald tried to explain his teacher how the unconscious penguin showed up next to him.
"I'm telling you, it flew here from the park! Precisely, from over there!" He showed the direction with his hand.
"Penguins can't fly," responded Mrs Trevor
"Well, it looked more like it was thrown or shot here," the boy continued.
The woman had an unclear feeling that something like this had happened before, but she blamed it on the deja vu effect.
"All in all, it would be better to report it to one of employees," she proposed. "I think I can see someone! Wait for me!" She walked briskly towards the first person wearing a zookeepers uniform that she saw – in that case, Alice, driving a golfcart. The teacher tried to attract her attention by yelling, but the zookeeper was wearing headphones. The cart was moving farther and farther, forcing poor Mrs Trevor to run. A few students laughed, seeing this scene.
Meanwhile, the penguins were approaching their target.
Having heard Mrs Trevor's words, belittling his stories about penguins once again, Ronald sighed in despair. The boy had no idea how to prove his suspicions about the group of the birds right, and he definitely didn't want to end up like certain commonly considered a freak Mr X, about whom he often heard on the news. Although, on the other hand, another weirdo with the same obsession could direct attention of the public onto the right tracks.
Suddenly, with a corner of his eye, he noticed the penguins, sliding in his direction, which meant the risk of the unconscious bird being taken away by his peers. Ronald didn't want for it to happen during the teacher's absence. In a surge of genius he shoved the bird into the depths of his schoolbag.
Much to the boy's astonishment, the action caused the penguins to retreat suddenly into their habitat. He expected that the birds would rush to help their comrade, no matter what, but it seemed thet they were too selfish for this... or they had some other plan. Ronald was slowly starting to understand mr X.
After a moment, Mrs Trevor and the zookeeper Alice emerged from behind of the corner. The first of aforementioned women was explaining the other the circumstances of the event.
"We saw the penguin right here, didn't we, Ronald?" The teacher pointed under the boy's feet with her hand.
Alice appraised the habitat, then she moved her gaze to the boy.
"And you, I hope, had nothing to do with that?" she asked suspiciously.
"No, of course not!" He tried to hold his nervous grin back.
"If that's the case, where did he go?" asked Alice once again.
"And why didn't you stop him?" added Mrs Trevor.
The boy pondered for a moment.
"He went... in this direction!" He pointed at the park with his hand. "And I didn't stop him because I was afraid of him. I mean, I was afraid for him, I could have hurt him, and then what?"
"You'd be in trouble," mumbled Alice. "Alright, I'm going to take care of this situation." With these words, she turned arounds and walked away.
"I'll check out what the rest of the class is doing. Don't do anything stupid!" said the teacher, who left Ronald to his own devices as well.
As soon as the women left, the boy realised what he had done. The penguins seemingly let go of any attempts to save the colleague, which meant that the whole plan of revealing their secrets backfired. There was only one thing left – getting rid of the evidence imperceptingly and pretending that nothing happened. Ronald made sure that the animal hidden in his bag is still alive, and then he headed to the park.
In the bag, Private regained cosciousnes – and regretted it immediately. It was dark, stifling, and the edges of textbooks and notebooks were stabbing his body. He promised himself to never get involved in such a mission.
As if there were not enough problems, the only way of to find out his surroundings were outside sounds and the movements of the bag. From the sounds of the crowd slowly becoming quieter and rustling of the trees replacing them the penguin guessed that the boy is leaving the ZOO.
Private tried to escape before it was too late, but the velcro was holding strong, and the textbooks were giving no support. Constant jumps of the bag was not helping, either. The only thing left was waiting for a miracle.
The miracle turned out to be Alice.
The zookeeper was searching through the part of Central Park adjacent to the ZOO, asking the people about the penguin here and there. In the best cases she was met with polite denials, in the worst ones – laughter and unpleasant comments. Despite this, she was not giving up, mostly because of the spectre of paycheck cuts, or, even worse, losing her job, although concern for her charge was not leaving her alone, either.
"He couldn't run away too far," she mumbled. "You never know with these, though..."
She checked yet another bush, with no big results again. Resigned, she got up, turned around... and almost jumped, in front of herself seeing the boy, who informed her about missing penguin.
"It's you again!" she said, annoyed. "Well, then, have you seen anything?" she asked a bit nicer.
The boy shook his head, trying to hide his nervousness and the bag, in which he felt a slight movement. Luckily for him, it unnoticed by Alice.
"Okay, then." She shrugged. "If you see anything, let me know," she said, and left to search further.
Ronald was just waiting for Alice to leave him alone. He opened the bag and put the penguin on the ground. He was about to leave, when suddenly the zookeeper returned.
"I think I left..." She registered the scene unfolding in front of her. "… a pen here"
Ronald desperately tried to find some believable explanation, but before anything came to his mind, he felt as his wrist gets into Alice's iron grip.
In one hand holding the found penguin, and pulling the culprit of his disappearance with the other, the zookeeper triumphantly stepped into the ZOO. Both red-faced – although because of different reasons – they stood before the face of the teacher, who was standing next to the gate.
"Your student," said Alice, coldly as ice, "endangered thed life of on of our penguins.
"But how...?" asked Mrs Trevor, glaring at the boy, who tried to turn himself invisible with willpower.
"I put him into my bag and ran away to the park," exploded Ronald. "But you see, they were spying on me one time..."
"You must understand that I can't allow for such a situation to repeat," interrupted him Alice. "If you can't keep an eye on your students, I'm forced to ban the whole class from going to this ZOO."
"You have ten minutes to gather the children and leave the garden. Good bye."
Alice turned around dramatically to put the badly battered flightless back in his habitat.
Meanwhile, the other penguins were observing the situation from hideout, lazily chewing popcorn. As soon as the zookeeper started to march towards their habitat, the threw the snacks between bushes and sled back to their place before she could notice their absence.
"Well, Private," said Skipper. "You managed better than I expected."
"Thank you, Skipper," responded Private. "But it's more of a coincidence..."
"Don't be so modest, you deserve a reward."
Skipper looked around. Seeing that most of the people had already left, he uncovered the base's hatch and jumped inside. The rest of the squad followed him.
Inspired by a certain post
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elcieloencantado · 3 years
“Preferí perder mi trabajo antes que vacunarme”.
En Estados Unidos el 93% de la población, las empresas donde estan actualmente laborando los patrones estan obligando a sus colaboradores a que se apliquen la vacuna del Covid-19; ya que para ellos es un requisito indispensable para laborar.
El porcentaje restante de la población está en contra de las implementaciones que estan ejecutando en las empresas, ya que es obligatorio vacunarse para tener un empleo, dichas personas que no desean vacunarse lo hacen porque no creen en una vacuna que pueda disminuir el cuadro infeccioso de los sintomas del Covid-19 por lo que piensan que no es necesario vacunarse ya que cada persona tiene distintos pensamientos, por lo que ellos analizan encontrar un trabajo donde no les pidan vacunarse obligatoriamente.
 En lo personal a mi parecer las empresas están haciendo lo correcto exigiendo que sus trabajadores se vacunen ya que es un requísito minimo para proteger a todos los trabajadores y en si que la empresa no tenga una perdida, pero algo que si he visto es que los jefes de esas empresas no les pagan para enviarlos a hacerse un examen, corren por cuenta de los trabajadores o si se contagiaron de coronavirus les exigen una prueba donde salga negativo y si no sale negativo no pueden regresar a laborar.
Hay una determinada cantidad de personas que tienen la idea de que si se vacunan los pueden clonar, morir, creencia de que es la marca del anticristo, la red de 5g, pero en otras personas no creen en la existencia del coronavirus y que la vacuna lo que quieren es tenerlos controlados.
 Hay artistas que han fallecido por covid tal es el caso de: Grichka e Igor Bogdanoff, Julie Le Galliard (Boxeadora), Mauro Viale, Larry King, Hugo Arana, Horacio González, Fernando Pino, Armando Manzanero, Phil Espector , Agustina Fontela, Marcelo Peralta, Juan Gimenez, Agustín Alezzo, Hugo Asencio, Miguel Castellini, Claudio Garbolino, Mario Pereyra, Juan Domingo, Leopoldo Jacinto Luque, Matías Conte, Daniel Comba, Santiago Lusardi, Francisco Ramírez, Lorenzo Sanz, Lucía Bosé, Terrence McNally, Mark Blum, Floyd Cardoz, Ann Sullivan, Luis Sepulveda, Norman Hunter, Allan Merril; así como tambien hay personas que se enfermaron de covid y pese a estar vacunadas tambien fallecieron, todo esto depende tambien del organismo de cada persona.
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ydesperte · 4 years
Vuelve ‘Liarla Pardo’
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Liarla Pardo regresa esta tarde a La Sexta con las visitas de Pablo Motos y Carlos Latre. En esta cuarta temporada, el programa que comenzará ahora a las 15.30 horas, seguirá teniendo a Gonzalo Miró, Marc Vidal, Roberto Brasero, Luis Troya, Inés Paz, Paco Marhuenda y Ramoncín como principales colaboradores. A ellos se les sumará un invitado especial que pasará cada semana por la mesa de actualidad (Manu Sánchez y Anabel Alonso serán los primeros).
Además, el formato estrenará dos nuevas secciones de nutrición y consumo y viajará por toda España para analizar cómo evoluciona la pandemia.
Liarla Pardo cerró la pasada temporada como la mejor de su historia: cerca de un millón de espectores y un destacado 7.3 por ciento de cuota de pantalla, siendo el programa del pasado 15 de marzo el más visto con más de dos millones de espectadores y un notable 11.5 por ciento de cuota de pantalla.
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cazadora-libros · 5 years
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Pedagogías Silvestres Los caminos de la formación Estanislao Antelo Arandú, Goya, Corrientes, 2015, 1ra ed 293 pags ; 21 x 15 cm ; enc rústica sin solapas
de la contratapa: Conversaciones con: Tomás Abraham, Diana Aisenberg, Adriana Astutti, Rosario Bléfari, José Emilio Burucúa, Fabiana Capriotti, Carlos Hernán Casella, Teresa Chiurazzi, Claudia del Río, Julieta Escardó, Claudio Espector, Ana Frenkel, Mario Goldenberg, María Lancio, Alejandro López, Marysol Mediavilla, Julio Moreno, Luis Pescetti, Gabriel Senanes, María Paula Sibilia, Javier Trímboli y Marcelo Zanelli
“Es difícil saber a ciencia cierta cómo alguien se transforma en lo que es. Los caminos de la formación son generalmente esquivos y contingentes, mezcla de azares y certidumbres. Con esa idea en mente, he invitado a veintidós maestros orgullosos de sus trabajos y de sus obras para que nos ayuden a comprender las trayectorias formativas que dan sentido al recorrido de una vida. A pesar de las distancias que los separan –de edad, de procedencia, de intereses y prespectivas–, los une un afán considerable: el esfuerzo sistemático por describir con palabras nuevas un conjunto de prácticas capaces de enriquecer el sentido de la palabra formación.
En lo que a mí concierne, debo reconocer que las conversaciones que componen este volumen me han hecho feliz y no tengo ninguna duda de que esa misma felicidad será también la de los lectores. Pedagogías silvestres es un libro bálsamo: raro, pero hermoso. Es que hermosas son las palabras que los maestros que conversan en estas páginas. Hermosas, sus ideas y hermoso es el amor con el que se predisponen a compartir ses experimentos." –E. Antelo Leer Índice >>
Presentación Daniel Lesteime Prólogo Estanislao Antelo Para mí una clase es un hecho milagroso Tomás Abraham Lo primero que haría es desasnarlos a ustedes en relación al arte Contemporáneo Diana Aisenberg Me sale una cosa de contagiar fervores Adriana Astutti Apagar por un segundo las voces que lo desacreditan Rosario Bléfari Lire, ecrire, et conter José Emilio Burucúa La palabra clase no nos sirve más Fabiana Capriotti Me alucina bastante la vida periférica que puede tener lo que uno enseña Carlos Casella No creo mucho en la asignación prematura de talentos Teresa Chiurazzi Unas mujeres malas, viejas y feas Claudia del Río Proponer una mirada personal sobre el mundo. Eso es entre otras cosas, fotografía Julieta Escardó Yo creo que es importante haber tenido una experiencia en lo que uno enseña Claudio Espector Yo soy una maestra ciruela Ana Frenkel Estar a la altura de la época Mario Goldenberg Nunca le des de comer a alguien algo que vos no vas a comer María Lancio La mejor manera de aprender algo es enseñándolo Alejandro López A mí me da la sensación de que nadie enseña a cantar Marysol Mediavilla Lo creativo es un movimiento de alejarse, de ir para adelante, a un territorio de incertezas Julio Moreno Yo hago los discos como mi vieja ponía la mesa Luis Pescetti ¿Qué docente de música hace falta? Uno que siga enamorado de la actividad que enseña Gabriel Senanes ¡Jamás me enseñaron a educar! Paula Sibilia Tuve la impresión de que ese lugar al que yo entregraba mi hija era un lugar sagrado Javier Trímboli A mí me gusta lo que hago, que no es muy diferente a lo que hicieron conmigo Marcelo Zanelli
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Sua beleza
Sou espector desta tua beleza tão admirável. 15/04/2019
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verdita-toons · 2 years
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Sing Along! 🎶
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odioguinho · 6 years
Manuel Luís Goucha fica de boca aberta com pedido em direto
The post Manuel Luís Goucha fica de boca aberta com pedido em direto appeared first on Dioguinho Blog.
Esta semana, o “Você na TV”, agora sem Cristina Ferreira, decidiu inovar e começou aceitar telefonemas dos espectores. Esta quarta-feira, dia 18 de Outubro, Manuel Luís Goucha acabou surpreendido com a chamada de uma espectadora. Em direto, Inês Landi começou por dizer “Muito obrigado por esta oportunidade primeiramente. Tenho um pedido para fazer. Queria fazer ...
The post Manuel Luís Goucha fica de boca aberta com pedido em direto appeared first on Dioguinho Blog.
from Dioguinho Blog https://ift.tt/2QXrtRH via IFTTT
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newingtonnow · 6 years
Nothing stops Messi fan from rooting for star in Russia
Nothing has stopped Argentine fan Nora Espector from following Lionel Messi wherever he plays. from WFSB - Sports http://www.wfsb.com/story/38469825/nothing-stops-messi-fan-from-rooting-for-star-in-russia
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casorasi · 6 years
Nothing stops Messi fan from rooting for star in Russia
NIZHNY NOVGOROD, Russia (AP) — Nothing has stopped Argentine fan Nora Espector from following Lionel Messi wherever he plays. Nothing stops Messi fan from rooting for star in Russia
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carlospignataro · 5 years
— Rodrigo Espector (@RodrigoEspector) November 6, 2019
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ohwowbabee · 7 years
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Targeting Academy and Insightr Review and Bonus by Devid Farah – Best New ad targeting training program for FB Ads and shopify 2018
Targeting Academy and Insightr OTO / Upsell / Downsell :
FE : Targetig Academy 50 video modules + Insightr Light Version I will run a special coupon code “Soff” for FAST ACTION takers during the 5 hours of the launch then it’s gone. If they act fast they’ll get Targeting Academy
OTO 1 : Insightr PRO Version With the Insightr PRO features, you will instanly take your sales & customer base to the next level using or breakthrough Youtube & Twitter ad technology!
OTO 2 : Targeting Academy Local Business Clients 12 exclusive advanced training videos revealing how to target thousands of local clients with
Downsell : Targeting Academy Local Business Clients Light You still fet a chance to get 6 videos from my exclusive 12 video training series
OTO 3 : eSpector My secret weapon to find winning ecom products, FB interests, trends, design ideas and more at the push of a button!
Here’s just a few targeting strategies you will learn
The “Magic Words” Technique – Use my 3 magic words to discover how to get the highest ROI over and over again without losing money or wasting time.
Niche Targeting Manipulation – The trick to MANIPULATE the “AND” and “OR” framework to seek out the most PASSIONATE buyers out there. I’ll show you how to dig deep within your niche market & yield the most successful FB ads you’ve ever had!
Physical Product Targeting Domination! – The targeting strategies that i’m revealing in these videos are responsible for over $300k in physical product sales in just 3 months!
The $100k/year T Shirt Business! – Discover My T-shirt Niche Domination secrets to having a 6-figure T-shirt business using FB ads the simple way. I’m going to explain how the major players and top sellers continually SET & SHATTER their own sales records!
Profiting Insanely with CPA Offers – I’ll show you how the Big CPA Marketers target their offers on Faebook! Some are making up to $10k/day with this very coveted secret information. You DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!
Super Targeting FB Ad Secrets – I will give you the ONE SIMPLE SECRET that all the “gurus” don’t want you to know. The ONE MISSING ELEMENT that is so easy a child can do it. And it can make you WEALTHY BEYOND YOUR DREAMS!
Here’s some things our Insightr Platform can do for them
Cutting Edge Targeting Engine or Full Extraction Engine Breakthrough engine with cutting edge algorithms that finds hundreds of related interests that are impossible to even know exist without hours of laborious research!
Money Intelligence Technology Know which interests will GENERATE MONEY before ever posting a single ad! Their ads will be fail-proof & nearly EVERY campaign they put up will INSTANTLY become a WINNER. This feature will give them the ability to see into the future and automatically know what will work and what won’t. NO more wasting time and money to figure out what works. They will already know!
Enter ANY Keyword Insightr uncovers every possible targeting interest in seconds…Find unlimited interests, associations, job titles, schools, clubs, employers, education majors, clubs and more! In other words, you will find the most PASSIONATE audiences. This is extremely IMPORTANT because your most passionate audience goes to a physical location – if they go through the trouble of physically GOING to a club or niche related location of some sort, this proves that they are passionate buyers!
Create LASER TARGETED FB Audiences Build very targeted audiences and launch your ads instantly! If you know WHO your audience is and HOW to market directly to them, you can INSTANTLY position yourself to shatter sales records in your first month, week or even 24 HOURS!
Brands Extraction Enter ANY niche…just click search and it pulls back information from Amazon. You then can take the information and copy paste in the detailed targeting box and see if there are good interests to target. You can’t get this ANYWHERE else!
Movies/Tv Shows Unique Targeting You can target by movies and tv shows. Enter your niche and the app is going to pull back all movies and TV programs putting you in a position to marketing to your ideal customer. You can sort by genre such as family, romance, suspense, documentary, drama, all genres.
Save Your Research Save your valuable research into your own personal profit vault so that it’s ready to go when you are. For example: If you find something you want to target and shortly after you would like to recall it, you CAN! When you have bright ideas, save them instantly so that you can test them later over and over again.
Integrate Insightr Fully with Facebook Want to know something even cooler? Other than unlocking thousands of hidden interests, Insightr also integrates directly with Facebook using a powerful technology never developed before…this alone is worth $397, Insightr is the true definition of Automated Fb ads Solution!
Web App FB ads Platform that gets you results immediately! Insightr is not a simple desktop app so you can easily access and use it to full extent from anywhere, even with mobile devices. We custom built the core framework with a super-sophisticated technology so your customers get results with their ads immediately, this is a must have app if you want to generate profits from FB ads.
Targeting Academy and Insightr Features :
→ Most detailed, most comprehensive and most authoritative training on mastering FB targeting
→ 50 video modules of PURE GOLD revealing never-shared-before interest targeting strategies for massive profits
→ Strategies & methods responsible for over $437k of eCom products SOLD!
→ Access to Insightr that requires just few clicks to find those passionate buyers who are willing to take up your offer no matter how expensive it is.
→ Backed up by $1 Million dollars in verified proof.
→ Not just limited to Facebook, master all major platforms like Google, Twitter and Youtube with this authority training
forget about wasted time end payment high price,. Targeting Academy and Insightr is something I’ve been waiting for, I had seen these kinds on many sites before but didn’t now of any tool that could create like Targeting Academy and Insightr. My advice don’t wait around, jump in! Targeting Academy and Insightr will pay for itself as soon as you start using it.
Targeting Academy and Insightr is the best software on the market right now (as far as I know). Targeting Academy and Insightr comes with easy to follow instructions. You don’t need any technical experience to make these improvements. is good news for online bussiness. Targeting Academy and Insightr by Devid Farah Bonus
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Targeting Academy and Insightr by Devid Farah Bonus
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