#eternal sunshine dk day
cutepeachco · 7 months
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A little late but, Happy 218 Bros Dayyyy! 🍕🥂👽🛸
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kyeommorning · 6 years
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hoshidata · 6 years
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© eternal sunshine | do not edit
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chilligyu · 3 years
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info: lee seokmin/reader, general audiences, idol/established relationship au genre: fluff | word ct: 1k warnings: none summary: after touring for months, all seokmin wanted was to be home with the one person that gave the word meaning.
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“All flights departing for South Korea have been delayed, we apologize for the inconvenience. Have a good day.”
Staring up at the departure log, Seokmin can slowly feel his lifeforce drain from his body. It’s been weeks, almost months, since he was home. It’s been weeks since he felt his own bed beneath him, weeks since he showered in his own bathroom, weeks since he’s been back in the city that holds his heart. For the longest time he lived for international concerts, he loved performing for people who despite not knowing his language, were singing along to every word. He used to get such a rush from being on stage.
But now, he hates them.
“Dokyeom, I’m sure the delay won’t last long.” Seungkwan says in an attempt to stay optimistic, a reassuring hand on his back.
“I’m about ready to walk back to Korea…” Seokmin mumbles underneath his breath.
The rest of the group is completely aware of how their happy virus has been feeling for the past few days. If it had been a short tour, he’d be fine. But he’s been itching to get back since the moment they left. He tried to be his usual sunshine self for the others, they just know him too well to be fooled by the act.
Throwing his bag into a random seat, he plops down and pulls out his headphones, signalling the others to leave him alone for the time being. Unlocking his phone a sad smile creases his lips.
17:09 LOML: text me before you get on the plane!! 17:09 LOML: I miss you lots!! 17:09 LOML: woojoo misses you too!! 17:09 LOML: 🐶 17:09 LOML: can’t wait to see you tonight!!
Chuckling at his girlfriend’s excessive use of exclamation points, and her excessive cuteness, he dials her number and puts his phone to his ear. One ring, two—
“DK!” She practically beams, clearly not expecting a call.
“Hey babe,” He starts, his entire presence softening at the sound of her voice, “how is everything at home?”
“Good, good!” She exclaims. “It’ll be better once you’re back, though. It’s lonely here without you and the boys. But mostly you.”
Seokmin shakes his head and sighs. “I know, and that’s partially why I called you.”
“Why does that—oh no.” She mutters in realization. “How much longer?”
“I don’t know.” He admits honestly, pinching the bridge of his nose. “All flights to Korea are delayed. There’s nothing I can do.”
Clearly just as unhappy as he is, she whines at the news. “Will this is what I get for dating a rockstar. Busy, busy, busy.”
“I know, baby, I’m sorry—"
“It’s not your fault, DK.” She reassures him. “I don’t mind you coming home late, so long as you come home healthy.”
“I don’t deserve you.” He admits with a smile.
“Wrong.” She states plainly. “You deserve the best. And I’m definitely the best girlfriend. Wanna know why?”
He decides to play along. “Why?”
“I bought us matching sweaters!” She exclaims, proud as can be.
Seokmin couldn’t help it as a sincere laugh bubbled past his lips. “I can’t wait to try it on.”
“The boys are going to be so jealous.” She practically cackles.
“They better be.” He snickers just as he catches her yawning from the other end. “Baby, it’s late. Get some rest.”
Still yawning, he can hear her whining again. “But I don’t want to go…”
“Neither do I, but you need to stay healthy too.” He says. “What if you get sick before I come back? You don’t want me to worry, do you?”
“Mmm… no…” She admits, obviously tired. “Okay, if you insist. I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“Definitely.” He states. “Even if I have to swim back.”
“Oh DK.” She giggles. “Don’t do that.”
“I won’t.”
“Okay. Goodnight, DK, I love you, come back soon!”
“I will. I love you too.”
The delay lasted for four hours. Four. Whole. Hours. And to Seokmin it felt like an eternity and then some. When he finally got off the plane, it was five in the morning, everyone was exhausted and ready to go to bed. And instead of hopping in the van back to the dorms, a mere 15 minutes away, he got a cab and went straight to his apartment. Despite the manager's attempts to talk him out of it. By the time he pulled onto his street, the sun was just starting to rise. Getting out of the cab, his suitcase dragging behind him, he inhaled as deeply as he could.
Finally, finally, he’s home.
Leaving his luggage inside the front door and kicking off his shoes, Seokmin quietly ascends the stairs. Coming to the main level, a familiar scent of citrus soothed his senses, he’s missed all this. As carefully as he could manage, he starts to tiptoe over to the bedroom. Getting closer, he can already hear the charming snores of his favorite puppy and his beloved girlfriend.
With Woojoo at her feet, she’s got the comforter all wrapped up in her arms all while she’s curled up into a little ball. She looks absolutely adorable. Woojoo wakes up first, blinking, yawning, and shaking his head. It takes every ounce of strength that Seokmin possesses not to coo over the cuteness.
“Morning Woojoo.” He whispers, scratching him behind the ears. “Thank you for keeping mama safe.”
Letting out a small yip of happiness, Woojoo starts licking Seokmin’s hand before jumping down and trotting over to his water bowl.
“Dammit, Joo!” Seokmin hisses quietly through his teeth. “Don’t wake her up!”
“Hmm…” She stirs suddenly, causing Seokmin’s heart to stop beating.
He realizes it’s a false alarm as she rolls over and releases the comforter. Sighing in relief, he starts pulling off his clothes so he can change into something more comfortable. Careful not to wake her, he stealthily pulls a pillow from the bed and starts tiptoeing back out into the living room. Unfortunately for him, he’s not that stealthy.
“Seokmin?” A sleepy voice asks, rubbing her eyes.
Shoot. He curses silently. “Go back to sleep, baby, it’s still early.”
“Okay…” She mumbles, laying back down.
Once her head hit the pillow, Seokmin tries to leave again.
“Wait, where are you going?” She protests, lifting herself onto her elbows.
“I didn’t want to wake you, I was going to sleep on the couch.” He admits quietly.
Her cheeks puff out as she pouts. “Well, I’m awake now.”
Sitting up, she extends her arms towards him. Which Seokmin has learned over the years to mean “come hold me”, and what kind of boyfriend is he if he denies her? Chuckling, he puts the pillow back and leans down to kiss his beloved, something he’s been dying to do for weeks. As she hums happily, he climbs into bed beside her, lifting the comforter over both of them before wrapping his arms around her.
Feeling her body against him for the first time in a long while, Seokmin unconsciously nuzzles into her neck, inhaling the familiar scent of her vanilla lotion. Holding her close, he can feel the lethargy start to kick in. The jetlag plus the fact that he got absolutely zero sleep on the plane is enough to knock anyone out. He just wants to hold her for a bit longer.
“Welcome home, Seokmin…” She whispers.
Kissing her bare shoulder, he laces their fingers together, a blissful smile creasing his face. For the first time in a long while, he’s really truly home.
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delicatecy · 4 years
20 questions  ✨
I got tagged by @xuseokgyu (thank you belle 🧡)
1: What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Deli or Célia is fine, some call me cece (or cc like my ig acc) but I don’t really mind
2: When is your Birthday?
April 3rd ♈️
3: Where do you live?
France !
4: Three things you are doing right now?
Lately, it’s been work work work... trying to be creative and sleep in between lol
5: Four fandoms that have peaked your interest.
I’ve never been such a big fandom lover but there are a few I enjoy seeing, especially on my tumblr dash. I have been following some cc blogs about teen wolf, the 100 and the vampire diaries and, growing up with these shows, I have a soft spot for them! ALSO, another small one I’m dying to see more on my dash is sense8 ✨
6: How has the pandemic been treating you?
Work has been hectic since the pandemic started, and I’m not complaining. I know many people lost their jobs, my father owns a restaurant and the situation hasn’t been so good on this kind of business here, to put it lightly. So, speaking for myself, it hasn’t been so bad I guess, as I never really stopped working. But I miss my friends like crazy, we had plans on travelling together, going back to London for christmas and such so everything has been put on hold. I feel like we’re waiting for something without knowing if or when it will come. The uncertainty of it all makes it stressfull. I feel like I’ve been wasting so much time and I hate that feeling. We’re not gonna talk about the anxiety rising like crazy and the lack of sleep. Beside all that, girl is t h r i v i n g.
7: A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
Sweet melody by Little Mix, I’m obsessed with this one. Also Dream of you by Chungha 🌙
8: Recommend a movie.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind (predictable?)
9: How old are you?
10: School, university, occupation, other?
I graduated from university a few years ago now. I have a bachelor degree in applied foreign languages (international trade) and I started a master degree in marketing and management but only graduated from the first year (out of two) cause girl got ✨ h i r e d ✨ in between after an internship. So my current occupation is commercial and marketing assistant!
11: Do you prefer heat or cold?
Heat, I can’t stand the cold, but a nice warm breeze is fine 👀
12: Name one fact others may not know about you.
I’ll stay in the theme and say I used to write, back in the days 👀 but not ff! I was on several hq rpg forums and met some amazing people there, some of them have become real friends I still talk to regularly 🧡
13: Are you shy?
Honestly I could have copied the answer from Belle lmao pretty much same, I will hardly make the first move in a social situation but will gladly interact if someone comes to me first!
14: Preferred pronouns?
15: Biggest Pet Peeves?
Close-minded people
16: What is your favorite “dere” type?
I honestly have no idea
17: Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
7 - there are a few things I’d like to improve but again, I feel lucky enough right now, my family is safe, so am I, I have a stable job, I’m independant and I love my friends so we’re good
18: What’s your main blog?
19: List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
I’m currently trying my best helping out @heartgyus with @gyunetwork (and suffer each time I have to reblog a set of the giant pup). Also, @underratedkpopgfxnet which is on hiatus for now but will hopefully comeback soon 🧡
20: Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
Don’t be afraid and come talk to me 👀 I have been told I can be pretty intimidating at first irl (thanks cap rising) but guess what, we’re not irl on this hellsite so go ahead and hit me up, I pinky promise I don’t bite 👌🏻
tagging : @heartgyus @gotseventeens @dk-s @art-hao @1of1orbit @kyeomshine @jonghan @coupsnim @coupshi
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alwaysupforthetrill · 4 years
I want to remember SEVENTEEN’s collection even if I will not be able to collect everything I want. Here it is:
17 Carat (2015) [Mini Album]
1. "Shining Diamond"          
2. "아낀다" (Adore U)        
3. "Ah Yeah" (Hip-Hop unit)
4. "Jam Jam" (Performance unit & Vernon)        
5. "20" (Vocal unit)
Boys Be (2015) Hide/Seek [Mini Album]
1. "표정관리" (Fronting) (Hip-Hop unit & Hoshi and Woozi)
2. "만세" (Mansae)
3. "어른이 되면" (When I Grow Up) (Vocal unit)
4. "OMG" (Performance unit)
5. “ROCK”
Love & Letter (2016) Love/Letter [Full Album]
1. “엄지척" (Chuck)
2. "예쁘다" (Pretty U)
3. "이놈의 인기" (Still Lonely) (Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Woozi, DK, Vernon, Dino)
4. "유행가" (Hit Song)
5. “Say Yes” (DK & Seungkwan)
6. "떠내려가" (Drift Away) (S. Coups, Jeonghan, Joshua, Mingyu, The8, Seungkwan)
7. "아낀다" (Vocal unit ver.) (Adore U)
8. "만. 세" (Hip-Hop unit ver.) (Monday to Saturday)
9. “Shining Diamond” (Performance unit & S. Coups, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Seungkwan, Vernon)
10. "사랑쪽지" (Love Letter)
Love & Letter Repackaged (2016) [Repackaged Album]
1. “No F.U.N”
2. "아주 NICE" (Very NICE)
3. "힐링" (Healing)
4. "SIMPLE" (Woozi)
5. "끝이 안보여" (Space) (Hip-Hop unit & DK)
*Along with the songs from Love & Letter*
Going Seventeen (2016) Make A Wish/Make It Happen/Make The Seventeen [Mini Album]
1. "Beautiful" (Joshua, Hoshi, DK, Mingyu, THE8, Dino)
2. "붐붐 (Boom Boom)"
3. "HIGHLIGHT" (Performance unit)
4. "기대" (Lean On Me) (Hip-Hop unit)
5. "빠른 걸음" (Fast Pace)
6. "몰래 듣지 마요" (Don’t Listen In Secret) (Vocal unit)
7. "글쎄" (I Don't Know) (S. Coups, Jeonghan, Jun, Wonwoo, Woozi, Seungkwan, Vernon)
8. "웃음꽃" (Smile Flower)
Al1 (2017) Alone/Al1/All [Mini Album]
1. "울고 싶지 않아 (Don't Wanna Cry)"
2. "입버릇" (Habit) (Vocal unit)
3. "IF I" (Hip-Hop unit)
4. "Swimming Fool" (Performance unit)
5. "MY I" (Jun & The8)
6. "Crazy in Love"
*7. “Who” (Performance unit)
*8. “Check-In” (Remastering) (Hip-Hop unit)
Teen, Age (2017) White/Green/Orange/RS [Full Album]
1. "Intro. 新世界" (New World)          
2. "CHANGE UP" (SVT Leaders)        
3. "모자를 눌러 쓰고" (Without You)
4. "박수" (Clap)  
5. "날 쏘고 가라" (Bring It) (Hoshi & Woozi)    
6. "13월의 춤" (Lilili Yabbay) (Performance unit)            
7. "TRAUMA" (Hip-Hop unit)            
8. "바람개비" (Pinwheel) (Vocal unit)
9. "Flower" (S. Coups, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, The8, Seungkwan, Dino)
10. "ROCKET" (Joshua & Vernon)      
11. "Hello" (Jun & DK & Mingyu)      
12. "캠프파이어" (Campfire)
13. "Outro. 未完" (Incompletion)
Director’s Cut (2018) Sunset/Plot [Special Album]
1. "Thinkin' About You"      
2. "고맙다" (Thanks)          
3. "지금 널 찾아가고 있어" (Run to You)          
4. "Falling for U” (Jeonghan & Joshua)
*Along with songs from Teen, Age*
You Make My Day (2018) Meet/Follow/Set The Sun [Mini Album]
1. “어쩌나 (Oh My!)”
2. “Holiday”
3. “나에게로 와” (Come to Me) (Vocal unit)
4. “What's Good” (Hip-Hop unit)
5. “MOONWALKER” (Performance unit)
6. “우리의 새벽은 낮보다 뜨겁다” Our Dawn Is Hotter Than Day
You Made My Dawn (2019) Before Dawn/Dawn/Eternal Sunshine [Mini Album]
1. "Good to Me"    
2. "Home"            
3. "포옹" (Hug) (Vocal unit)
4. "칠리" (Chilli) (Hip-Hop unit)        
5. "Shhh" (Performance unit)
6. "숨이 차" (Getting Closer)
An Ode (2019) Begin/The Poet/Hope/Truth/Real [Full Album]
1. "Hit"  
2. "거짓말을 해" (Lie Again)              
3. "독: Fear"        
4. "Let Me Hear You Say"    
5. "247" (Performance unit)  
6. "Second Life" (Vocal unit)
7. "Network Love" (Joshua, Jun, The8, Vernon)  
8. "Back It Up" (Hip-Hop unit)            
9. "Lucky"
10. "Snap Shoot"    
11. "Happy Ending" (Korean version)
헹가래(Heng:garæ) (2020) Hana/Dul/Set/Net [Mini Album] (1ST Press are all unique versions, while 2nd Press is only Group version)
1. "Fearless"
2. "Left & Right"
3. "좋겠다" (I Wish)
4. "My My"
5. "어른 아이" (Kidult)
6. "같이가요" (Together)
*HANA SET: 3 Unit versions (Individual Photobook), 1 Group version (Group Photobook)
DUL SET: 3 Unit versions (Individual Photobook), 1 Group version (Group Photobook)
SET SET: 2 Random unit versions (S.Coups, Joshua, The8, Hoshi, Wonwoo, DK, Vernon) (Jeonghan, Woozi, Jun, Seungkwan, Mingyu, Dino), 1 Group version
NET SET: 2 Random unit versions (Wonwoo, The8, Vernon, Mingyu, Hoshi, Jeonghan, Woozi) (Seungkwan, Jun, DK, S.Coups, Dino, Joshua), 1 Group version*
Semicolon Member/Group [Special Album] (1ST Press are member versions, while 2nd Press is only Group version)
2. "도레미" (Do Re Mi) (Seungkwan, Vernon, Dino) (maknae line)
3. "HEY BUDDY" (DK, Mingyu, The8) (’97 liners)
4. "마음에 불을 지펴" (Light A Flame) (Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Woozi) (’96 liners)
5. "AH! LOVE" (S. Coups, Jeonghan, Joshua) (‘95 liners)
6. "겨우" (All My Love)
*Member version only have that member photoshoots inside*
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anayzae · 7 years
Seventeen as the sons of Greek gods/goddesses
S.coups: Zeus
“Leader of the Olympic gods, and god of lightning, thunder, and the heavens.“
As the leader and the father.Seungcheol is on the charge of everything like Zeus.
Jeonghan: Hypnos
“God of sleep.”
Jeonghan is not lazy but he likes to relax and have some rest when he has the time for it.
Joshua: Demeter
“Goddess of the harvest.”
I’ve always felt like Demeter is a warm person who just keeps the family together (like a grandma maybe). And Joshua’s calm personality suits with that.
Jun: Aphrodite
“Goddess of love and beauty.”
He is really confident about his looks and has a point as you can see. He is a beauty.
Hoshi: Hermes
“ God of commerce and travel, and messenger of the gods”
Soonyoung is a hyper man. He is full of energy. So he is the kid for the protector god of travellers.
Wonwoo: Athena
“ Goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and the strategic side of war.”
Wonu likes to read. And he is a calm person. He is more of brains than physical stuff.
Woozi: Hephaestus
“God of fire and blacksmithing who created weapons for the gods. “
Hephaestus is a hardworking god in my opinion. As the hardworking leader of vocal unit, he could’ve been his son.
DK: Apollo
“God of the sun, music, healing, and herding.”
He is a sunshine, has powerful voice, he makes people laugh which makes him perfect for Apollo.
Mingyu: Poseidon
“God of the sea and earthquakes.”
He can cook, can survive in a jungle, he is like a swiss army knife. He could’ve been a son of a powerful god like Poseidon.
The8: Ares
“God of chaotic war.”
Have you seen him with nunchakus? That explains a lot.
Seungkwan: Hera
“Goddess of goddesses, women, and marriage and wife of Zeus.”
Despite his loud and extra personality, Seungkwan is a tame person. He is humble and sweet.
Vernon: Persephone
“Goddess of the Spring who lives off-season in the Underworld.”
The nature wakes up at Spring. Life starts blooming day by day. Like Vernon, as the time passes, he improves himself.
Dino: Nyx
“Goddess of the night.”
When you look up to a dark sky at a night, there is no ending of it, it’s like reaching to eternity. And Chan is a young one who has so many talent for him to discover in himself.
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iwatasachou · 8 years
Games with participation of Satoru Iwata.
Star Battle for Commodore Vic-20 - Creator  Super Billiards for MSX - Creator  Rollerball for Nintendo Entertainment System - Producer  Hole in One Professional for NES - Programmer Air Fortress for NES - Producer, technical adviser. Othello for NES - Producer  Eggerland: Meikyuu no Fukkatsu for NES - Producer Uchûkeibitai SDF for NES -Technical advisor New Ghostbusters II for NES - Technical supervisor NES Open Tournament Golf for NES - Main programmer Iwata's first Nintendo game. NCAA Basketball for Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Additional programming  Kirby's Adventure for NES - Producer Alcahest for SNES - Executive producer Game published by Square. Kirby's Dream Course for SNES - Producer Earthbound for SNES - Programming director, programmer, co-producer Adventures of Lolo for Game Boy - Executive producer Kirby's Dream Land 2 for Game Boy - Producer Pokémon Red and Blue for Game Boy - Special thanks (U.S. version) Kirby Super Star for SNES - Producer Kirby's Dream Land 3 for SNES - Chief producer Kirby's Star Stacker for Game Boy - Chief producer Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 64 - Producer Pokémon Stadium for Nintendo 64 - Producer Coded the battle program in a week[2] Pokémon Snap for Nintendo 64 - Producer Pokémon Gold and Silver for Game Boy - Special thanks Pokémon Stadium 2 for Nintendo 64 - Producer Pokémon Puzzle League for Nintendo 64 - Special thanks Pokémon Crystal for Game Boy Color - Producer Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble' for Game Boy Color - Special thanks Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards for Nintendo 64 - Supervisor Super Smash Bros. Melee for GameCube - Special thanks Machop at Work for e-Reader - Executive producer  Kingler's Day for e-Reader - Executive producer Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite! for Game Boy Color - Executive producer  Animal Crossing for GameCube - Executive producer Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Super Mario Sunshine for GameCube - Executive producer Star Fox Adventures for GameCube - Executive producer Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Metroid Prime for GameCube - Executive producer Metroid Fusion for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Mario Party 4 for GameCube - Executive producer The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for GameCube - Executive producer The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Ice Climber-e for e-Reader - Executive producer Game & Watch Gallery 4 for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem for GameCube - Executive producer Doshin the Giant for GameCube - Executive producer Balloon Fight-e for e-Reader  -Executive producer Wario World for GameCube - Executive producer WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$! for GameCube - Executive producer Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Pokémon Colosseum for GameCube - Executive producer Pokémon Channel for GameCube - Executive producer Pokémon Box: Ruby & Sapphire for GameCube - Executive producer Mario Party-e for e-Reader - Executive producer Mario Party 5 for GameCube - Executive producer Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Mario Kart: Double Dash‼ for GameCube - Executive producer Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour for GameCube - Executive producer The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition for GameCube - Executive producer Kirby Air Ride for GameCube for Executive producer Hamtaro: Rainbow Rescue for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer GiFTPiA for GameCube - Executive producer F-Zero GX for GameCube - Executive producer F-Zero: GP Legend for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Donkey Kong Country for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Densetsu no Starfy 2 for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer 1080° Avalanche for GameCube - Executive producer Yoshi Topsy-Turvy for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer WarioWare Touched! for Nintendo DS - Executive producer WarioWare Twisted! for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Super Mario 64 DS for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Ridge Racer DS for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Polarium for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Pokémon Emerald for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Pokémon Dash for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Pikmin 2 for GameCube - Executive producer Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for GameCube - Executive producer Metroid: Zero Mission for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Metroid Prime 2: Echoes for GameCube - Executive producer Mario vs. Donkey Kong for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Mario Power Tennis for GameCube - Executive producer Mario Pinball Land for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Mario Party 6 for GameCube - Executive producer Mario Golf: Advance Tour for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures for GameCube - Executive producer Kirby & the Amazing Mirror for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat for GameCube - Executive producer Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Densetsu no Starfy 3 for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Daigasso! Band Brothers for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Custom Robo for GameCube - Executive producer Yoshi Touch & Go for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Trace Memory for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Super Princess Peach for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Super Mario Strikers for GameCube - Executive producer Mario Kart DS for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time' for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Mario Party 7 for GameCube - Executive producer Mario Party Advance for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Mario Superstar Baseball for GameCube - Executive producer Mario Tennis: Power Tour for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Metroid Prime Pinball for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Nintendogs for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan for Nintendo DS Executive producer Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Pokémon Trozei! for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness for GameCube - Executive producer Polarium for Advance Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Star Fox Assault for GameCube - Executive producer Advance Wars: Dual Strike for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Animal Crossing: Wild World for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Battalion Wars for GameCube - Executive producer Big Brain Academy for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Chibi-Robo!: Plug Into Adventure! for GameCube - Executive producer Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix for GameCube - Executive producer DK: King of Swing for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Drill Dozer for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Dr. Mario & Puzzle League for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Electroplankton for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance for GameCube - Executive producer Geist for GameCube - Executive producer Jump Super Stars for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Kirby Canvas Curse for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Baten Kaitos Origins for GameCube - Executive producer bit Generations: Boundish for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer bit Generations: Coloris for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer bit Generations: Dialhex for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Custom Robo Arena for Nintendo DS - Executive producer bit Generations: Digidrive for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer bit Generations: Dotstream for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Elite Beat Agents for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Excite Truck for Wii - Executive producer Freshly-Picked Tingle Rosy Rupeeland for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Jump Ultimate Stars for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Kirby: Squeak Squad for Nintendo DS - Executive producer The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for GameCube, Wii - Executive producer Magical Starsign for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Magnetica for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Metroid Prime Hunters for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Mother 3 for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer New Super Mario Bros. for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Odama for GameCube - Executive producer bit Generations: Orbital for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Pokémon Diamond and Pearl for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Pokémon Ranger for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Rhythm Tengoku for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer bit Generations: Soundvoyager for Game Boy Advance - Executive producer Star Fox Command for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Tetris DS for Nintendo DS - Executive producer WarioWare: Smooth Moves for Wii - Executive producer Wii Play for Wii - Executive producer Wii Sports for Wii - Executive producer Yoshi's Island DS for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree for Wii - Executive producer Battalion Wars 2 for Wii - Executive producer Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol for Nintendo DS - Executive producer DK: Jungle Climber for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Endless Ocean for Wii - Executive producer Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn for Wii - Executive producer Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Hotel Dusk: Room 215 for Nintendo DS - Executive producer The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Mario Party 8 for Wii - Executive producer Mario Party DS for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games for Wii, Nintendo DS - Executive producer Mario Strikers Charged for Wii - Executive producer Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for Wii - Executive producer My Word Coach for Nintendo DS - Thanks Picross DS for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Planet Puzzle League for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Super Mario Galaxy for Wii - Executive producer Super Paper Mario for Wii - Executive producer Wario: Master of Disguise for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Wii Fit for Wii - Executive producer Advance Wars: Days of Ruin for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Animal Crossing: City Folk for Wii - Executive producer CrossworDS for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Kirby Super Star Ultra for Nintendo DS - Executive producer The Legendary Starfy for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Major League Baseball 2K8: Fantasy All-Stars for Nintendo DS - Special thanks Mario Kart Wii for Wii - Executive producer Mario Super Sluggers for Wii - Executive producer Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir for Nintendo DS - Executive producer New Play Control! Pikmin for Wii - Executive producer Pokémon Platinum for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Soma Bringer for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii - Executive producer Wario Land: Shake It! for Wii - Executive producer Another Code: R - A Journey Into Lost Memories for Wii - Executive producer The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! for DSiWare - Executive producer New Super Mario Bros. Wii for Wii - Executive producer Paper Airplane Chase for DSiWare - Executive producer 3D Picross for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver for Nintendo DS - Executive producer Punch-Out!! for Wii - Executive producer Wii Sports Resort for Wii - Executive producer Endless Ocean: Blue World for Wii - Executive producer Sin & Punishment: Star Successor for Wii - Executive producer Super Mario Galaxy 2 for Wii - Executive producer Art Style: Light Trax for WiiWare - Executive Producer X-Scape for DSiWare - Executive Producer Line Attack Heroes for WiiWare  - Executive Producer
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon for Nintendo DS - Executive Producer Fire Emblem: Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~ for Nintendo DS - Executive Producer Metroid: Other M for Wii - Executive Producer Kirby's Epic Yarn for Wii - Executive Producer Art Academy for Nintendo DS - Executive Producer Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem! for Nintendo DS - Executive Producer Donkey Kong Country Returns for Wii - Executive Producer Fluidity for WiiWare - Executive Producer Mario Sports Mix for Wii - Executive Producer Pilotwings Resort for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Nintendogs + Cats for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Steel Diver for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Pokedex 3D for eShop - Executive Producer Wii Play: Motion for Wii - Executive Producer The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Star Fox 64 3D for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition for DSiWare - Executive Producer Flower and Animal 3D Encyclopedia for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Kirby's Return to Dream Land for Wii - Executive Producer Pokemon Rumble Blast for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! for eShop - Executive Producer Super Mario 3D Land for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Super Fossil Fighters for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games for Wii /Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for Wii - Executive Producer Mario Kart 7 for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Pushmo for eShop - Executive Producer Kiki Trick for Wii - Executive Producer Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword for eShop - Executive Producer Rhythm Heaven Fever for Wii - Executive Producer Dillon's Rolling Western for eShop - Executive Producer Mario Party 9 for Wii - Executive Producer Kid Icarus: Uprising for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Xenoblade Chronicles for Wii - Executive Producer Pandora's Tower for Wii - Executive Producer Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Mario Tennis Open for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Fatal Frame 2: Deep Crimson Butterflies for Wii - Executive Producer Culdcept for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Pocket Football League Calciobit for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Pokedex 3D Pro for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer New Super Mario Bros. 2 for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer The Last Story for Wii - Executive Producer Kirby's Dream Collection for Wii - Executive Producer Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone! for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Crosswords Plus for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Pokemon: Black 2 and White 2 for Nintendo DS - Executive Producer Style Savvy: Trendsetters for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Freakyforms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive! for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Paper Mario: Sticker Star for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Nintendo Land for Wii U - Executive Producer New Super Mario Bros. U for Wii U - Executive Producer SiNG Party Wii U - Executive Producer Crashmo for eShop - Executive Producer Tokyo Crash Mobs for eShop - Executive Producer Fire Emblem: Awakening for Nintendo 3DS - Executive Producer Xenoblade Chronicles X for Wii U - Executive Producer
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kyeommorning · 6 years
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kyeommorning · 6 years
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kyeommorning · 6 years
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kyeommorning · 6 years
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181005 ICN cr. DEEP KNOCK
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deathbyseventeen · 8 years
SVT - Click a Prince: Seokmin/Dokyeom/DK
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Series: Click a Prince (intro)
Member/s: OT13 - DK/Seokmin x Reader
Words: 1429
It was a soft breeze the glided through the cotton curtains and blew out the night candles.
Short stubs surrounded by warm melted wax at the base of its holder cooled, almost hissing from the cold contact. Then, after dancing by the candle wicks, it parted your beds curtains gracefully and motioned for more to come in.
It played with the strands of your hair, lifting and moving them on and off your face before playing with your eyelashes.
The inside of your room was at a steady temperature, not too cold and not too hot, but it also wasn’t warm. When the cold of the breeze mingled with you lashes, they fluttered open begrudgingly.
It was only moderately warmer under the duvet. With this new found consciousness it all disappeared, leaving you to long for the warmth you had felt in the midst of the night.
There was a chirping outside and the sun was beginning to peek through. It casted rays of light onto the bed and your face.
You could have sworn that somehow, the combination of both the rays of sunlight and the chirping birds were inviting you to go outside and bask in their glory.
You sighed and threw the covers off of yourself, shivering in the cold breeze.
Once you had gotten used to the cold and warmth wasn’t a part of your vocabulary anymore, only a distant memory, you stood up completely.
You got off your bed and sauntered towards over the open window, running your fingers through your hair.
There was a figure, or more like blob, off in the distance, towards the river.
It  could have been a rock, or a dead animal for all it was worth, but something inside of you kept telling you to go take a look. After all, it was basking in the warmth of the morning sun.
Maybe it wasn’t a good idea, or maybe it was. All you really were sure of at that moment was the undeniable desire to put off studying the royal parchments.
After getting dressed in the simplest robes you could find you rushed down the grand staircase, and out the backdoor towards the forest and fields.
Far in the distance you could already see the end of the small lake, and the trees that hid the path towards open meadow.
In the morning sunlight the trees looked a dark green color, the grass a bright green color, and the sky and lake a beautiful blue. It was the picture perfect image. Inviting and serene, there was no way that you weren’t about to take this enchanting invitation.
There were a few leaves on the ground that had already turned various shades of reds and browns. They crunched under your feet as you stepped on them.
Before you entered the actual forest you paused for a second and basked in the warmth, but it still didn’t feel like enough, or near the warmth the bed had provided.
You shook the feeling off and stepped foot on the cobblestone path.
There was no sunlight here, only the cool shadowy land. If it wasn’t autumn and instead summer, you would have enjoyed the nice refreshing shade. But now was not the time for this.
You walked further into the forest watching birds fly in and out until you reached the patch of grass in the sun you had seen from your window.
You frowned. There was nothing there. Not rock. Not a dead animal.
You stood back and estimated the spot from where you had seen it. You walked towards it and inspected the ground.
There was nothing there! You huffed and stomped the ground with a foot.
You glared at the grass around your foot. Then, like the smell of freshly baked pastries, you realized there was a bigger imprint of a foot in front of you.
“Interesting…” you muttered softly.
You followed the imprints through the vines that twisted together. Like they were becoming one with one another, they knotted together and made little ruffles, like curtains in the wind.
The abundant thorns were the only reason you hesitated at the tree lining.
They were mostly intact, knotted and twisted, but one lose vibe swayed vertically in the air.
You approached it slowly, extending your hand to stop it and move it carefully. It had almost no thrones and had clearly been messed with.
Carefully you threw it over the top vine as to see behind it.
There was nothing there.  A huge gaping hole big enough for a man to fit through, if anything.
You walked through it, quickly locking eyes with more footprints.
It wasn’t long until you came to a grassy clearing. There was man there, sleeping peacefully as the wind moved pushed the blades of grass softly.
He rested on his folded arms, that were behind his head. The sun hit him perfectly and cast a glow that made him look like eternal.
A gust of wind stronger than the rest blew through the trees, knocking the orange brown leaves off the branches.
They leaves danced their way across the space, following the flow of the wind. They twirled around you gracefully like ballerinas until curtain call came and they all bowed.
They swayed as they fell and surrounded the sleeping boy’s body. His face as he rested was as handsome as always. The sun seemed to kiss him gently.
The smile he always wore was set in a straight line, and his breathing was calm and steady.
A start leaf had landed on the groove of his eyes, like a new eyepatch.
You stifled a laugh and you made your way to his side before kneeling down and plucking the leaf off his face.
You stared at his chiseled face for a few seconds, the urge to caress his face washing over you.
He was serene, something you had yet to feel in life.
Unable to resist, you placed a hand on his face and gently caressed the underside of his left eye with a thumb.
“Your hands are really soft.” His eyes shot open.
You stared at the brown eyed boy, blushing, your hand frozen in its place. Realizing where your hand still rested, you pulled it away quickly and stood up. “I’m sorry, Prince Dokyeom.”
“No. No, please. It’s okay, I really don’t mind. Please stay.” He grabbed onto the hem of your robes and pulled you back down next to him.
You smiled softly and laid down next to him, watching the clouds move.
“They look so inviting, don’t they?” He hummed.
“They do.”
“Like soft marshmallows or blankets.”
You smiled and moved your head to the side to take a peek at him. He wore a soft smile, on you were fairly accustomed to, and droopy eyes.
“Are you okay?” You asked softly.
His eyes widened and the small smile on his face disappeared. There was a knot in your stomach. Now that the usual smile on his face had disappeared, and his eyes were trained on you blankly.
Your eyes avoided his, and when you were about to stand up and leave, he finally spoke.
“No one’s ever asked me that before.” He smiled sadly, “How did you know there was something wrong with me?”
“Your smile–” you motioned to his lips, “it was different that the I’ve seen you using around here.”
He gave you a glance before returning his gaze to the sky, “I’m a walking ball of sunshine–” he laughed, “sunshine isn’t sad.”
“Sunshine comes from fire, fire is passion. Passion is more than one emotion.” You murmured, letting yourselves fall into a comfortable silence.
It was sunset when you both moved from your comfortable positions. The sun was still high in the sky, but its positions were beginning to move.
The shade was beginning to spread and soon it would cover both of you.
Yawning, you opened your eyes and stretched, hitting Prince Dokyeom’s chest in the process.
You jumped when you heard him hum then throw an arm over you, pulling you closer to him. You shifted so that you’d be able to look at him.
His eyes fluttered open and a small smile graced his face, “Thank you.”
“For what?” You asked beginning to shiver from the dropping temperature.
“For asking me what was wrong. For staying by my side all day.” He smiled, pressing a small kiss onto your forehead.
You blushed and hid in his sunset colored dress shirt, letting him hold you in his arms and hide you from the world.
Do you want to marry this Prince? Yes
Or Pick Another? Pick Another  
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