#ethan best daddy winters
sideeve · 1 year
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— after the baker incident , he couldn’t get enough of you.
— resident evil 7 plot , zoe dies (my pookie bear😢) , mia dies (fuck you bitch !!) , since i finally finished the game after years of playing it , rotting daddy needs some luv , possessive!ethan
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you lost track of time. your paranoia grew worse and worse by the day. the once nice family you knew and were fond of are now inhumane and devilish.
you hid in closet, secret tunnels, under beds. anywhere that can keep you alive for a short period of time.
then you were met with an unfamiliar face. “put your gun down, now! or i will shoot.” the nozzle of your pistol pressed against the person’s head. “don’t shoot, i’m not a threat.” his hands for up in the air, slowing turning to meet you. “see? i’m not going to hurt you.”
once he saw you, he took note of them cuts and bruises on your skin, “jesus, are you okay?” “look where we are. do we seem okay?” you seethe.
“sorry. look, my name is ethan. ethan winters. i was trying to find my wife but i just need to get out of here.” he was beginning to get tired of his wife going berserk on him at random times. but thank god he found another face. hopefully a trusting one.
“you have any ideas?” he shakes his head. “but we need to stick together. if we’re gonna make it out alive, we need to have each other’s backs. okay?”
“have you met zoe yet?” he breaks the silence between you two. “yeah, i have. we were friends before this happened.” that gives him some relief. at least you knew about the family. “where they nice before this? the bakers, i mean.” you sigh, “they were a family you wanted. the kindest. especially jack.”
“well, she promised me a cure to get us out of here.” he reassures you. “then i can meet mia.” you return the smile. but his falls.
why did he feel anger when hearing her name?
as the both of you explored the house more, killing mold creatures, he grew protective over you. he knew you could handle your own but if you got hurt, he blamed it on himself.
“ethan…it’s not your fault.” you huff out, sitting on the floor, catching your breath. “i should’ve seen it coming. i-” “enough!” you cut him off. you seethe in pain, “it’s not your fault.” you stand up. “let get out of here.”
his protectiveness turned into possessiveness. when lucas somehow took you, mia, and zoe. he only came for you.
“[name]! are you okay?” he ignores mia’s cries for him. he pulls out his knife, beginning to cut the rope from your wrists but you stop him. “ethan, your wife.” you move your bound wrists, throwing them her way, “help her.”
he shakes his head, continuing to cut you free. “what the fuck, ethan?!” mia cries.
once zoe was able to make a cure as she promised, he had used one on jack.
“i had to use one.” his hands shake. only one serum left. “i’m not even infected so i’m out of the—” you start but a sharp pain in your wrist cuts you off. both zoe and mia gasp. “ethan…what did you do?” you softly cry.
“you could’ve saved either one of them. zoe at least. she my best friend!” you seethe, pushing him backwards. “i did what i had to.” he catches your wrists, pulling you closer to him, “i told you we were going to get out of here together.”
he only wanted you two to survive.
it was too late to realize. he had already used it on you. “let’s go.” he pulls you by the wrist, pulling you to the boat.
you had survived. you were still shaken but you survived.
a light blanket was wrapped around you, giving you comfort. ethan sits next you, legs touching. “we did it.” he smiles. “yeah…we did.” you were distraught that you had left your closest friends to die.
“survival of the fittest, [ name ]. it was bound to happen.”
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smilessssss · 11 months
More Ethan winter headcanons!!!
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-Gives you and rose lots of kisses!!
-Physically can’t say no to you and rose.
-Would rather die than ever think of even cheating on you
- Definitely watches Disney movies with rose, would also buy rose a Disney princess table and tent
-Wants to cuddle you and rose 24/7, especially when he gets home after a long day of work
-Would eat your cooking even if it is bad and still say it’s the best thing he ever ate
-Rose’s crib is full of stuff animals, plus rose doesn’t even sleep in her crib since she basically takes over the y’all’s bed
-Gets Chris to babysit her so y’all could go on dates being all lovely dovey with each other
-Would freak out if you or rose ever got sick being dramatic over it
“No honey, you stay in bed while I take care of dinner.”
-One time you walked on rose sleeping on Ethan’s chest while he slept to. (Definitely took pictures)
-Speaking pictures, has like a billion of them of you and rose. It fills up half his storage.
-Literally cried when rose call him “daddy” and then cried harder when she took her first steps
-gives small nicknames to you like, sweetie, honey, light of my life, cutie.
-probably strong enough to lift you up for a certain amount of time
-once called you cutie pootie (uses that name for rose)
-Overall, he’s the best husband anyone could ever ask for 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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thebitcher69 · 1 year
Revisiting Resident Evil 7 (A full analysis)
In my personal opinion, this game is one of the best examples of horror games ever. The game itself simultaneously combines classic resident evil horror and traditional types of horror throughout the various sections. All of the characters, areas and mechanics combine to make an amazing horror video game that stunned fans when it first came out, reviving the resident evil series that was considered to be dying. All of its factors combined stun players to this day and I'm going to touch on why this game single handily revived the series and why it amazes players.
I will first touch on the usage of first person perspective, through various characters. This perspective had never taken place throughout the Resident Evil series and it was the first change that truly shocked fans. The reason this perspective works so well in accordance to this game in particular is to enable a sense of claustrophobia, with the tight hallways of the various levels and the potential monsters lurking behind every corner, first person perspective simply makes sense. The perspective also allowed for a more personal connection to 'regular guy' Ethan Winters that we haven't had with the other characters throughout the series. Compared to Leon Kennedy or Jill Valentine who both have amazing training, Ethan is just a regular man not well versed in action. The mechanic of the perspective allows the player to feel a bond as Ethan and a personal connection towards his reactions, choices and arguably hilarious one liners. This is all through the perspective and how it forms Ethan's connection to the player by utilising it. However, Ethan is not the only person who the players control. By utilising tapes us as an audience can connect to other seemingly normal people who have been dragged into the horrors of the Baker house.
Ethan Winters:
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I've already mentioned a lot around Ethan's character, however to expand some of my previous points we have to go in depth with his character. Ethan is by far not the best main character throughout the entire Resident Evil series, and Resident Evil 7 isn't amazing because of Ethan. However, he stands out due to his normality compared to other characters in Resident Evil. His normality makes him fun to play as and an interesting character to analyse. Ethan Winters is the protagonist in Resident evil 7, he is a man simply trying to find his wife, Mia. Once he discovers where she is and the strange mood swings she goes through, he is forced to traverse the horrors of the Baker residence. As a normal man, he manages to prove himself against all of the terrifying people, places, situations and creatures residing throughout the game. Ethan manages to prove himself as a fierce protagonist despite being kind of goofy throughout.
Jack Baker:
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The first villain I will touch on is arguably the best in this game. It is none other than Jack Baker. A perfect combination with true horror and absolute hilarity. He fills his parts of the game in with 3 boss fights and sections where he fills the role of a roaming monster. He is clearly psychopathic, constantly taunting Ethan and playing with him. One of the first areas with Jack is him following Ethan around a small portion of the main house. If caught a potential cutscene can play where Jack cuts Ethan's leg off and taunts him with a first aid med. He has the power to immediately kill Ethan yet doesn't for some reason, instead preferring to play with him. Jack seems to enjoy competition and this is amplified when Ethan enters the upstairs area, picking up a football helmet telling the player that it 'must be daddy's hobby'. This shows that Eveline (A character I will touch on later) uses the family's personal values to manipulate their minds with the mould. This is furthered with other characters I will touch on soon because there is evidence of their personalities being used as well. Jack's character is an embodiment of traditional 80's slasher films. Being horrifying yet campy in some format. This is furthered by the name Jack being taken from 'Jack Torrance' from The Shining. Not only are his taunts hilarious as he roams the house but they also serve a purpose as us as the players can now figure out where he is. They serve the same purpose as Mr X's incredibly loud footsteps in Resident Evil 2. We also slowly see Jack become more and more agitated every time we beat him. In his final form, he cracks almost no jokes and his sole purpose is to kill Ethan. He also is shown being upset that Eveline would prefer Ethan as her father. Stating this to the body of the deputy from the beginning. This shows that Eveline does not control Jack's mind, that the mould is simply perversion causing severe anger, jealousy and psychopathic behaviour.
Marguerite Baker:
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This idea of severe anger is furthered completely with the monstrous Marguerite. Her entire dialogue is mostly about various characters being 'ungrateful'. Her motherly energy is the one part of her personality that Eveline perverts and uses to make her disgusting as a character. A vast majority of her character surrounds a perversion of motherhood. From simple dialogue concerning the idea of people being ungrateful and not enjoying the things she makes (like Ethan refusing to eat her disgusting food). When the mould eventually mutates for marguerite her main issue along with her lanky limbs, is her giant egg sac that constantly spews insects. This egg sac again is an emphasis on her motherhood. This element of gratitude is also emphasised by the idea that she was the first to receive Eveline's gift and kept it a secret from the rest of the family. She felt gratitude from Eveline and accepted her gift with joy. For the players, this perversion makes Marguerite disgusting and it makes her the scariest boss battle in the entire game. Her entire character is based of the body horror side of horror, movies like Tusk where there is an uncanny familiarity to some features, and this makes it scary. My only personal issue with Marguerite is she didn't get enough screen time as a character in the main story and she's arguably a pretty easy boss to take down once you get past how grotesque she is. She is definitely the grossest character in the game, but other than that she has no true lasting effect on the way we play the game.
Lucas Baker:
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Lucas is a classic antagonistic sociopath throughout the game. There is implications through notes that lead us to believe he was destined to be somewhat 'wrong' from the before Eveline arrived. Even to the point of his childhood diary discussing how he locked a classmate in his attic to die. Lucas clearly takes after his father with his methods of torturing Ethan. He takes great pride in making a constant game out of suffering and gets angry when his plan to finally kill Ethan completely fails. He embodies the idea of psychological horror and taking an impact on your mental health to make you scared. Unlike Jack he is incredibly smart with his work, and uses traps to kill Ethan instead of just chasing him. As a character we never get the satisfaction of killing Lucas as Ethan, and we only end up killing Lucas in the DLC as Chris Redfield. His entire focus is saying taunts through the speaker and being deliberately tedious to get to. This is all evidence of his intelligence and the fact he is the only person who manages to stay alive against Ethan is the product of his tedious work.
Mia and Zoe: the illusion of choice :
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Mia and Zoe piece together as the collaborative quest givers. Mia is the original reason Ethan even went out to Louisiana in the first place. She serves a relatively small part as a villain whenever Eveline corrupts her. She makes the opening sequence of the game interesting, however this is where a lot of fans ended up disliking her character. This is due to her cutting off Ethan's hand with a chainsaw and generally being a nuisance to deal with. Zoe however, actively gives Ethan different goals to reach after making it to the main building. Although she is essentially selfish in her goals, wanting Ethan to accomplish the hurdles she throws at him for her to be cured. Each character has their own pro's and con's and the developers knew this, making the player themself choose between them on who to cure. Although, after playing both endings we can determine that Zoe was the 'wrong' choice. When it comes to the choice , there is only one true ending, the one where we save Mia. This ending is true because it follows through into Resident Evil 8's storyline, whereas the bad ending doesn't, even if you make the decision to save Zoe. The bad ending consists of both Zoe and Mia dying due to Ethan's decision. The good ending however concerns both Mia and Zoe surviving but we can only confirm this through the DLC's. The game gives an illusion of choice by giving only one true ending that players can see if we can get based on our own opinions on the two characters.
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Eveline is the main antagonist and fully embodies seemingly evil. She manipulates the Baker family into doing her bidding because she wanted a family. This however is due to what Mia refers to as her 'imprinting' tactic. She wants a family which is seen as tragic when considering how Eveline had been tested on and isolated her entire life. However, the way she goes about it is so purely evil that Ethan is forced to kill her. She also is the watchful eye taking the form of a grandmother to observe both the Baker family and Ethan throughout the story. She is the epitome of a tragic evil brought on by seemingly the disgusting world of Resident Evil.
The molded:
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The consistent enemy in the game is the moulded. Lanky, slimy creatures with giant mouths and frantic movements. They come in 4 variations, regular molded as described before, regular molded but with one big meaty claw, molded that crawl around and fatter molded that vomit up acid. They are some of the scariest regular enemies in the entire series in my personal opinion. They make me fear different areas of the game, like the basement of the main house or the Mia section of the boat. They serve the purpose of constantly making us feel fear as well as filling the space when going back to areas to get new items. The main example of this is going back to the main house to get the key cards to access Lucas' part of the house. The main house is now filled with molded of multiple variations to get the blood pumping and make the trip to the basement difficult and fear-inducing for the player. Even when I had all weapons I would still find the basement incredibly scary whenever I was required to go down there.
Level design:
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The level design is the thing that makes this game likely more scary than the actual characters. The characters would be nothing without the dingy lighting and tight spaced settings. The perfect examples of the terrifying space of the setting are both the basement and the kids bedroom. The basement is first walked through close to the beginning and is likely to freak out any player. You have to walk through all of the tight hallways with molded lurking behind almost every corner and only a handgun to assist you. The kids bedroom is similar although the player now has multiple weapons yet is still just as afraid of the situation. These tight and condensed hallways give players a sense of claustrophobia and a failure to escape. It really installs a feeling of fear whenever you have to enter these areas making the game a 10/10 when it comes to replaying it multiple times over. It also makes it interesting and moderately difficult to gain the platinum trophies.
My personal conclusion and rating of the game:
I personally love this game both as a horror and as a general game. I have played it multiple times and I am only revisiting it to gain the platinum for all Resident Evil games, but I realise that it is perfect as a game. 10/10. All of the sections, even the bad, ones merge together to create perfection.
I'd be interested in hearing any alternate views on the game, interesting facts and anything you'd like me to do an analysis like this on. :)
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maraxp · 1 year
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this is a multifandom blog meaning that i favorite certain fandoms/characters so there will most definitely be more writings for certain characters and fandoms.
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generation-simmer · 10 months
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Ethan: So how was school today, Ivy?
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Ivy: It was allright. But we heard today we have to write a story about what we do during winter break. All the kids are going to Mt. Komorebi, please tell me we're also going!
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Ethan: Oh I don't know honey... There is Winterfest and let's not forget we're gonna have to move soon. Probably even around winterfest. Also, the twins are still very young. I'm afraid it will be too much.
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Ivy: BUT DADDY!!! The kids are already making fun of me!! And if I will be the only one not going they will make more fun of me!!!!
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Ethan: DO NOT raise your voice at me, young lady!! I was just having a normal conversation with you. Go to your room and come back when you have cooled down a bit!
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Ivy decides to make a friendship bracelet for her best friend, Suzanne while on a time out.
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Ethan: So, are you ready to talk?
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Ivy: I'm sorry I was rude daddy. I just wanted to fit with the kids. But I guess your best friends is what should matter.
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Ethan: That's right honey. I'm proud of you.
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e-type001 · 1 year
@blitzkriegers has scribbled on the wall:
does evie consider herself a baker? a winters? for the winters to be bakers? something of her own making? the dlc confirms she still wants mia ( theres some “they” but whether that includes ethan is 🤷‍♂️ ), but i’d love to hear your big brain thoughts.
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evie doesn't really understand how names and families really work, she only knows what she's learned through stories and the memories of others. she wasn't given her own last name and, as much as she also hated them and definitely killed them ( i should write up something about that some day ), she loved her sisters. there was a lot of competition to get things right and be the best of the group, it made them all vie for attention but when the scientists all went home and the girls were put back into their isolation rooms, they only had their sisters to talk to. of course none of them told the scientists that they could communicate via telepathy and certainly evie did not let them know that she could project her image into the rooms of her sisters, but she did so out of neglect. she hated her sisters but they were the only ones that understood her or could comprehend that she was still a child. albeit a moldy one but...
most of her caretakers viewed her as a tool, like dealing with a nuclear bomb. they always had their guard up around her and was as impersonal as possible to keep her from getting into their heads as they had designed her with the capability of doing just that. for some time she was very honest and open with them, trying her very best to give them the right answers as she sought out praise from her captors but after awhile, they asked for things beyond her control ( at the time ) or were less forth giving of compliments. she saw most of her caretakers as teachers or instructors, demanding much and giving little in return. because of this, it was impossible to form a bond with them. mia was different.
mia was actually nice to her and i think not being part of the project from its inception was a major factor. any outsider would see a child first and monster second. of course she took her job and the scientists' warnings seriously but she still was compassionate to a degree that others were not. whether that was a natural inclination to be kind to children or because she realized that such a powerful being should be treated carefully to avoid backlash, i don't know but in evie's mind, it was because mia loved her. she finally had some ounce of affection from an adult and like all children, she desired an excess of it. children have no natural restrictions on their emotions and evie was the same.
when allen upset her enough to cause her to break free and kill everyone on the ship ( would love to know what he did, c.apcom ) she had intended to keep mia alive with her inside the ship forever, having no concept that it would slowly run aground or skin with no crew manning it. she had no idea that people do not live like they do in the movies, this would not be a " and they lived happily ever after " type deal because life keeps moving. nature and the molded would have eventually torn the boat apart-- if jack had not come along to save them. evie had worn herself out, pushed her powers to the absolute limit for the first time, fearing no repercussions and it had wiped her out momentarily.
much like mia, jack being so kind as to weather a storm to save her fit the archtype of a parental figure. this completed the set. he was instantly more likable to her than allen because he was completely open to her. allen had kept a block up, not letting her into his mind until the moments before his death, but jack was completely open, having no reason to be defensive of weary of a child.
all evie knew ws now she had a mommy and a daddy that would love her and take care of her forever. marguerite, lucas and zoe were afterthoughts. she did not seem to like lucas, as he was instantly very hostile towards her, whining about how she'd get his bed wet. marguerite was very nice and obviously wanted to care for the child but she already had a mom. if she had been aware of it, she might set marguerite up as a sort of grandmother figure but most children's stories don't have grandparent figures so she really didn't know what to do with her and i think was much more cruel towards marguerite than she needed to be.
the fact that the bakers had a last name was sort of unnoticed by her? i assume that mia used a fake name while at work, at least on this mission she probably borrowed allen's last name just so the paperwork made sense for them to be parents traveling with their daughter ( not that parents have to be married but you know ) and that evie was given that same name, most likely as i said, droney. last names are not as important to evie as her first name. most of the scientists called her e001 and she would refuse to do what they asked until they called her by eveline. so much so that she began writing it on all her stuff as noted on her boot.
as for which family she feels she belongs to, i would say that she thinks that mia belongs to her, as does jack. jack is stuck in the mold with her and eventually she's going to get bored of him but he did accept her as his daughter instantly. within moments of being infected he tried to attack zoe, screaming about accepting eveline's gift and even later, when talking to ethan in the mold, he impresses upon him that she just needs love. even with everything that she did to them and everything she persuaded them to do for her, he still loves her.
but he is stuck inside the mold and he was easily swayed and that bores her. she likes that ethan is his own person just as she likes that mia is. she could have killed mia, she could have drowned her in mold until she was a molded that would just do as she said but that's not what she wants, she craves actual parents that will love her and provide some boundaries, some stability. i think she also wants rose as her sister, she hates that rose is getting more attention than her and is getting the love neither ethan or mia showed her, she is very jealous of rose. rose got the normal life she didn't despite the fact that both of them are moldy girls with superpowers. rose got everything evie wanted and like any other child, she doesn't know how to handle those emotions and throws a huge tantrum and tries to kill her but really, what older sibling hasn't tried to kill their younger siblings? i'm not going to admit to any near-crimes of my own but from personal experience... i know.
much like ethan, she wants rose to want to be her family. rose has no idea who she is and evie does not take the time to talk to her, she's so caught up in her emotions and hates her but similarly to when ethan plunges the syringe into old eveline's neck, evie begins weeping. it is obvious that this is not really a tactic as it does not help her at all, it is literally just a child absolutely decimated that she isn't getting the affection she's begging for. she cannot see outside her own very limited scope. she is roughly ten years old, just mature enough to know what she wants and that she's going about it completely wrong but not emotionally or psychologically developed enough to be able to communicate her desires and fears properly, especially given her extremely unconventional upbringing.
she wants some amalgamation and i think at some point, she'd make up her own last name and want everyone else to take it as theirs, because like everything else she put her name on, it means they belong to her. it is a very limited, childish way of thinking about things because she is a child. she doesn't understand the complexities of names and families, she believes she can just jumble them up together and everything will be fine, no consideration to the other people involved.
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sunhalf · 1 year
@spirestar : ( from ethan, for mia ) ❛ i’m not afraid of you. ❜ / accepting.
He's so kind, and her chest feels like a black hole. Shrapnel's constantly being sucked into it, slicing her arteries as it goes, filling her more and more with that's sick and real instead of what's sick and NOT. Three years a monster / three years a victim / three years enduring the unendurable — the times they cut her throat open and laughed while her exposed windpipe gurgled red and sick / the time momma got so mad at her for refusing dinner that she tore off mia's arm and made her eat it / the tens / the hundreds? of people she killed and woke up regretting, blood on her hands, trying to convince a corpse IT WASN'T MY CHOICE IT WASN'T IT WASN'T. It was a hell that would never, ever end — until it did — and it doesn't absolve, because maybe it wasn't HER CHOICE but it was HER HANDS that RID HIM OF HIS.
She's the reason he was in Dulvey — she's the reason Eveline could hurt him, Daddy and Momma could hurt him, she's the reason that he went through that hell. MIA WINTERS DOESN'T DESERVE THAT LAST NAME OR BEING ALIVE, and she fucking knows it, and she can't go more than a few minutes without remembering, and she shakes so badly in a body that still isn't hers and is so scared every second and she can't even hold him, now, after so long where touch was a cage at best and a killing - that - wasn't - merciful - enough - to - last at worst. She's so fucking sick and so fucking scared that she's hurt him again, and he should HATE HER and he should FEAR HER and he should WANT HER DEAD THE WAY SHE DOES.
And he doesn't.
He's so kind, and the black hole in her chest shudders and aches and wants more of this, this love that softens the shrapnel, hoping it might heal the wound that is Mia and there's no healing the wound that is Mia. He's so kind and he doesn't hate or fear her and he wants her alive so fucking bad that he makes her promise, every morning, not to kill herself like they both know she wants to. And she does, because she carved him apart once. She wants to make good and THERE'S NO WAY TO MAKE GOOD WHEN SHE'S THE CAUSE OF EVERY HORRIBLE THING THAT'S EVER HAPPENED TO THE LOVE OF HER FUCKING LIFE.
Her limbs are still too thin, and they jerk, strange and wrong, when he reaches for her hands and then snap back to her chest. She shrinks in on herself, head shaking, head pounding, all - pain, all - sick, all - tired. All - monstrous. "You — you can't — m - mean that ——"
"I do," he promises, and her heart breaks. He's so kind, and she's the thing that tried to kill him. He's so kind, and she's the monster.
Her legs bend, and she finds herself in a miserable crouch on the tile floor of the kitchen that's barely changed at all since she left, hands wrapped around her chest. She can't breathe / she breathes too hard / she rocks, miserable and thinking she might throw up.
"You should," she whispers, voice ragged, as she watches his feet shift, as she watches him crouch before and can't bear to look at his face. If there was love there, she would spill like shattered glass across the floor. "You — you should."
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peonyblossom · 2 years
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All of these fics are ones that I worked on during @wip-wipeout-weekend ! Thank you so much Elsa for hosting this !!
I also worked on "Unplanned," but I want to do a little more with it before I share anything (I believe I already shared a snippet in a Sunday Six a while back)
Hide-and-Seek - OH - Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Sadie Oakley)
“Mommy! Daddy! Hide me!” Chloe whisper-yelled as she climbed up on the couch, crawling underneath the blanket on her parents legs.
“Why are we hiding you?” Sadie whispered back.
“We’re playing hide-and-seek!” Chloe positioned her small body in between her mom’s legs so her siblings would barely be able to see her.
“Hide-and-seek? What happened to dress-up?” Ethan asked.
“We’re done with that. Now shh or they’ll find me!”
Sadie and Ethan quietly giggled to each other as Sadie adjusted the blanket to better hide Chloe, despite the fact that her breathing could still be seen through the fabric. Sadie went back to telling Ethan about her day, so as not to seem suspicious to the other kids, however, she now kept her language and descriptions PG. 
HWU Coffee Shop AU (pls help me title this thing) - Thomas Hunt x f!MC (Jackie Winters)
“I take it you’re performing?” 
“I never miss an open mic, let alone a Taylor Swift theme night.” 
“Well, we’ll see. I still have to triple-check my syllabi before classes start.”
“If you miss open mic night to revise your syllabi, I’m going to be judging you because that is lame.” Jackie giggled as she leaned against the counter. 
“My students deserve my best.” 
“And you deserve a break.”
“I don’t need one.”
“Everyone needs one sometimes.”
“Yes, but not right now.” 
“Alright, but if I hear that you’re holding class while you’re sick, I’m gonna have some words for you.”
“I don’t get sick.”
“Of course you would say that.” Jackie rolls her eyes.
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Nicole’s Ramblings: ✨ Ethan Winters deserved so much more ✨
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In the last few weeks, I’m rewatching Markiplier’s playthroughs of RE7 and RE: Village. And an opinion started to form inside my head - the further I’ve watched, the stronger the opinion got. Honestly, I watched these games being played by multiple people (I just love having creative noise in the background) and this was the first time this shit hit me.
But before I get to say what I think, it would only be fair to explain my personal relationship with this particular game franchise:
Personally, we were a Silent Hill household, and Resident Evil games weren’t a big part of my childhood, so please, I am in no means any sort of an expert regarding this super convoluted storyline and timeline, I just know there’s some sort of Umbrella Company baddies and that Milla Jovovich portrayed the main character in the first movie (which, in all honesty, is one hell of a nostalgic blast for me and one of my all-time favorite horror movies). And… Yeah, people mutate because of T-Virus and they turn into zombies, and then there’s some G-Virus? That’s where any sort of extended knowledge regarding the game series ends.
Now, let’s move to the protagonist of Resident Evil 7 and 8, the one and only Ethan Winters, and why I think he deserved better. I’ll explain why some of it doesn’t make sense to me, but don’t forget this is just an opinion and you don’t have to agree at all.
Ethan Winters. Your normal everyday guy. He’s your neighbor, he’s someone you can bump into anytime; in the downtown, in the restaurant or Home Depot, wherever. Why? Cause he’s just your regular normal everyday motherfucker (author’s notes: if you know the song, I think it suits Ethan perfectly). This guy’s charm lays in him being so normal. He comes to save the day, whips out his ✨  enormous big dick energy ✨ and murders all the bad guys in his way, one by one. Doesn’t matter if it’s the Bakers possessed by Eveline or if it’s Miranda and her lords, Ethan is literally the definition of ‘man literally too angry to die’ and he will make them all perish. And I think he deserved so much more, he deserved better and a lot of it is Mia’s fault, and here is why:
Why the fuck did he go after Mia after that ship video log?
I cannot seem to empathize with this decision made by Ethan and I also know that I am biased against Mia cause I simply cannot stand her. First off, I know Mia was manipulated into sending the video by Eve. I also know and realize that Mia was his wife, I know he loved her insanely much and that he suffered when she allegedly died on the tanker that had crashed during the hurricane (not sure if Ethan was even aware of what happened). She disappeared for three years, right? And I realize that everyone needs their time to mourn and that the pain never truly passes away... But he thought she was missing (without any explanation in that matter), maybe even thinking she died. What would I do if I got to know that my wife not only lied to me for possibly the entirety of our marriage but then she also suddenly fucking disappears for 3 entire years? I’d make sure I take my time to mourn, make myself feel better, start living step by step, and  ✨ I’d fucking move on ✨. What if Mia sent the video to a completely different, changed man who moved on - what if she sent the video to this Ethan Winters? What if she contacted a new, changed man? What if Ethan met a new, amazing girlfriend, then proposed to her, settled down, and started anew? What then? Would he still just storm off to Louisiana just like that? 
And just by the way - Ethan is not ugly, he’s actually quite handsome... So don’t tell me there was not one single woman who’d be interested in him.
But okay, canonically, he did what he did and it was what needed to be done to put the story in motion.
Why, in the name of Lord, did he stay with her AFTER Louisiana?
Now, after everything that happened, Mia and Ethan are saved by no one other than Chris Redfield (hooray!). We know she’s a liar and that she was living a double life. We know Mia has tons of shit to explain and Ethan won’t leave until he listens to all the shit. All of it. Okay, let’s say she explained herself and everything that happened and that she was really sorry and mentally exhausted. They are strangers now - Mia lied, was completely absent (held hostage by Eve), and also is the source of all the shit coming Ethan’s fucking way.
Sure, I get that he had to stay under Umbrella’s little eye (since he came to contact with the mold), but why on Earth did he stay with that woman? They loved each other, but was that love this great? Sure, it could be, but... It just doesn’t seem too logical for me to stay with her. All of the above, I’d be repeating myself.
She continues lying and keeping things away from him. And also, Village happens, having Ethan die just to protect his daughter, whom he loves above all.
This wife, aight. This bitch has the audacity, she has the nerve... Goddamit, just gimme a gun and I’ll finish the deed myself because she's the cause of everything going down. She doesn’t learn throughout the time skip, she still lies to Ethan, she still doesn’t tell him everything that is going on, and then, when she gets swapped by Miranda - Ethan doesn’t even fucking notice? That speaks volumes about what Mia is like.
Keep in mind Miranda probably didn’t know how Mia acts at home, she probably had really sporadical access to modern technologically, she couldn't know how Mia talks to Ethan and she didn’t have her memories - and her own husband, the one who vowed to spend his entire life by Mia’s, side doesn’t see a difference? Don’t forget he witnessed Louisiana - by the logic of things, he’s probably noticed something being out of place like that, right?
No. No, he doesn’t. Ethan just goes 'aight' - and then she's "killed". To be fair, Ethan could've been overlooking it just because this pour soul wanted to take a breath and have a normal life; he was struggling with trauma (to be fair, Mia was surely too), they just moved to the other side of the world, and they had a newborn that was undergoing some monitoring and testing since Umbrella must've known that Rose is a mold baby. And... In addition to that, Ethan isn't the brightest bulb. I digress. But holy fucking shit. I don't think he'd notice anytime soon - God knows for how long was Miranda fucking around his house. And he was like 'okay wifey, let's have dinner!'.
Then, when this is said and done, Ethan goes on a rampage once more - just to find he has a mold baby with Mia (that had been to cut into fucking flasks and), that he HIMSELF is made out of the mold (which Mia clearly "forgot" to mention to Ethan since, again, she has a tendency to lie and don't tell things) and that HE FUCKING DIED, BEING KILLED BY JACK BAKER IN 2017. THAT HE IS DEAD FOR 3 YEARS ALREADY. I digress and once again, I wanna remind you that Ethan is not the brightest - but did he just think that re-attaching limbs at will are normal? He got his hands sawed off, torn off, his entire skull got crashed... How the fuck didn't he figure out he's fucked up too?
And this, all of this, ultimately leads him to his death in the village. 
While he could’ve lived a full, beautiful life. 
That's my 3 points about why Ethan Winters deserved so much more. And that Mia is actually the driving force behind all the conflicts. I try to understand her side of the story and her troubles, but I... I just find it so hard to sympathize.
✨ Ethan winters is the world's best dad and deserved better. ✨
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enderpearlll · 2 years
Platonic Yandere! Ethan Winters
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TW// Yandere, slight infantilism, manipulative behaviours, etc…
Takes place after RE7, pre-RE8. Includes a smidge of platonic yandere Chris Redfield.
Platonic HC’s for a yandere Ethan Winters.
+ Ethan is a very devoted husband and father, willing to saw off his own hand if it guaranteed the safety of his family. After losing his wife in Dulvey, all Ethan has is you. Whether you're his biological child or not, Ethan protects you with his life.
+ This behaviour may seem admirable to most, but to those who've been on the receiving end of his affection? Not so much. Ethan, being your father, meant that his overprotective tendencies amp up to a thousand when it came to your safety.
+ After the whole Baker incident happened, Ethan is very, VERY intent on keeping you away from any danger. When you both moved to Romania, he was installing the top-notch security systems around your house. He even took lessons from Chris to insure he would be able to defend you from any threat. 
+ Ethan loves to spend time with you whenever he can, seeing as he's busy cleaning and cooking for you both. "Ah, don't raise a finger sweetie, daddy'll do it for you." He babies you so much it's fucking annoying. "No, don't touch that hun, dad's got it!" 
+ God, he definitely uses it as a way to get you to spend time with him. You always cave in, and Ethan knows it. You know how much daddy works to keep you happy, right? "Sorry baby, my back is just so sore from working all day... How about we watch some movies? Didn't you want to watch that one movie...?" 
+ If you couldn't tell, Ethan is extremely manipulative. He's willing to gaslight you into obeying his rules, and has no remorse doing so. Ethan knows he's doing the right thing, so if it means he has to guilt trip you a little than he doesn't mind one bit.
+ He's also really delusional. Ethan has this fantasy of you never growing old, staying around with him forever. Ethan will always see you as the little baby who'd snuggle up to him when you were scared, and would only be comforted by a big hug and a warm glass of milk. You'll always be daddy's little royal in his eyes. But when you grow up and start to drift away from him? Well, Ethan's going to make sure that doesn't happen.
+ Ethan will spoil you rotten. His job pays him well, very well to be exact. He has such a soft spot for you he can't bring himself to say no. With a carefully timed "Please, dad?" and a flutter of your lashes, Ethan is already buying you whatever you want and more. 
+ He does have moments where he absolutely refuses though; there's no convincing him otherwise and that's final. Ethan feels extremely guilty about this later on and makes it up to you with treats and a present some time afterwards.
+ Touching on the last on: Ethan is really cheesy when it comes to spending time with you. Matching clothes? He's a sucker for it. Movie nights with all of your favourite snacks and drinks? Ethan's already got it set up. It doesn't matter to him how you want to spend time together, as long as you're happy, he's happy. 
+ Ethan desperately tries to be relatable, often researching into your interests and hobbies as much as he can. You like to draw? Here, dad's got you the best art supplies that he could find. Like a band? Ethan's already bought you a bunch of merch. (Well, if the band is up to his standards.)
+ Adding onto that— Ethan is a total helicopter dad. He has to monitor EVERYTHING you do on the internet. Well, not that you know of course. He has eyes on everything you do; every text and app are strictly monitored. If Ethan finds something he doesn't like than... Well, you ain't getting your phone back for a long time. 
+ Ethan does the same with music you listen to. More than one swear word and he's confiscating your phone. He's on edge if he even hears the word 'fuck' come from your phone. (Despite having quite the sailors mouth himself.) You're his baby, how could you be listening to such inappropriate songs?!
+ You'll probably learn how to dodge his efforts eventually, but Ethan always finds away to corner you again. You're forever trapped in his nest, treated like fragile porcelain.
+ Ethan is also weary of who you talk to. During childhood, you've been homeschooled. Probably due to the whole Dulvey incident; both to keep it on the down-low and because Ethan is anxious. What if you get bullied? He can't have that happen to his precious baby! 
+ The only people you've ever talked to when you were young was probably Mr. Redfield, your dad, and your tutor. Chris is like an uncle to you; equally as protective of you like your father. It's hell when you try to ask Chris to back you up against your dad's mother goose ways. 
+ It usually goes like this. "Uncle, come on! He's being paranoid again!"
"(Y/n), listen to your father. He's just trying to protect you, kid." 
+ During middle school, you managed to convince Ethan to let you go to public school. He was very weary about it, and would drop you off and pick you up every day. Everyday, he interrogates you on how your day was. It goes something like this.
+ "Hey sweetie. How was your day?
"Good. I ate the lunch you packed me."
"That's great, honey. Anyone picking on you?"
"Um, No?"
"Any boys or girls you like—"
+ Ethan gets lonesome without you around all day. He finds himself checking your room more often, and makes you handmade lunches packed with love. He leaves little notes in them too. "Hope you have a great day, love dad." He makes the fruits and veggies into little shapes, and cuts your sandwiches into hearts. Kids laugh at you about it, but you knew better than to tell Ethan about it. Besides— They were delicious!
+ If you manage to make a friend, than good luck keeping them around. Ethan's usually a sweetheart to you, but your friends? Not as much. He's intimidating when he wants to be. Ethan is asking questions like crazy. He probably knows more about your friend than you do at this point. You quickly learn that it's better to go to their house than your own. That's if Ethan allows you, of course.
+ Oh, don't even bother trying to run off to hangout with friends either. Ethan specifically requested Chris for a tracker to be implanted in your phone so he can keep eyes on you at all times. Chris and Ethan are already pulling up at your friends house, honking the horn and rushing out of the car. 
+ "Is... Is there someone honking outside?"
*deep sigh.* "That's probably my dad..." *VIOLENT HONK.* "... Maybe my uncle too." 
+ Oh god, don't even MENTION a crush around Ethan. Ethan loses his mind just thinking about the concept, nonetheless an actual crush. He's immediately on your case if notices your acting different. You dress differently, as if you're dressing to impress... You come home giddy and doe-eyed, like you've just been swept off your feet. Ethan knows these signs all too well. 
+ He should've expected it sooner or later, but he's tearing out his hair just thinking of some random kid placing their hands on you, kissing you, just— doing ANYTHING to you. It's driving him up the walls. Ethan can't really do anything either, seeing as he's a grown adult and your crush is way younger than him. 
+ God, if you're heartbroken than he's never felt more relieved in his life. Ethan feels bad for the most part, but as he's holding you to his chest while you sob, he's jumping for joy on the inside. Luckily, Chris has some connections that come in handy during times like this. All he had to do was threaten the kids family! So simple!
+ There's no doubt that Ethan would drop anything for you, so when you're whisked away to a remote village by a mother desperate to bring back her child, well... Ethan is going through hell and back to bring back his baby. He can't lose you, you're all he's got. Fuck the rest of that dammed village, Ethan will tear through friend or foe to get to you.
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toutallyahoe · 3 years
good sir, if you are taking asks at this moment, I would like to ask for nsfw ethan headcanons. or really anything with nsfw ethan. i simp for this man so much, it is not funny-
- 🌺✨ (aka a new anon to this wonderful page)
pairing(s): ethan winters x male reader
warnings: cursing, nsfw content ahead
a/n: hallo 🌺✨ anon and happy to have you here in this mess of a blog!
and ive been talking about ethan's kinks in previous asks but ill try to compile this one here haha, hope you enjoy 💙
btw im using 2 pov on writing hcs and etc but will continue using 3 pov in my usual works
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ethan winters prefer soft vanilla sex but that doesnt mean you both cant be kinky from time to time
mostly, he is just a soft boi who is definitely a pillow princess
please take care of him, the man has been through a lot
but anyways
praise kink is definitely ethan favorite kinks of them all
ethan deserves to know how much of a good boy he is
how good he was taking you so well and just over all praise his body
he likes being reminded that he is love by you and that the scars he has all over his body after the shit he had been through louisiana and the village are not ugly at all
and that you just appreciate every inch of his body even if he hates some parts of himself
just let ethan know his scars arent ugly
that he is the most beautiful man in the world and just let him know you love him so much
please kiss and tell him he is beautiful
ethan is very weak for it
especially when you guys have sex
like to imagine ethan has daddy kink to be honest
it was a surprise for both you and him when that slipped out of his mouth when he decided to be a power bottom that one night
it just open a kink that ethan never knew he even liked
he is a papa but when you softly call him daddy as you fuck him?
poor man is w e a k
please, call him daddy
also, ethan will not enjoy pain that much
he has ptsd from the shit he went through louisiana and the village
so please be soft with him
reasons why soft vanilla is the best way to go for him
the only pain ethan wants to feel is you literally destroying his ass, the hickeys and bite marks you leave in his skin, and orgasm denial
and yes, ethan has an edging kink and is very into orgasm denial
it is a bit of pain but goddamn ethan loves the thrill of you delaying and denying his orgasm
it doesnt only turns him on but it also gives him much more time to spend with you
yes, even in having kinky sex this boi is thinking about just being with you
he adores you so much
please love him
and also im going to add this since it became very popular recently
and because im a sucker for this shit
belly bulging
ethan is very much weak for it
if he gets a belly bulge from your dick inside him and rearranging his guts, he unconsciously places a hand
which is just really adorable and wholesome enough
ethan lightly touching and feeling the way you move inside him
god, he could literally just cum with that thought honestly
you will fill him good
ethan loves it
he is rather addicted to it
especially if you praise him for it as well
and if you mention about his belly bulging because of your cock, expect ethan to clench on you and prettily moan and whimper
especially if you place a hand on his and pressed on his belly bulge
ethan's mind just blanks
your so big that it shows even on his belly
so lowkey ethan has a size kink now that i think about it
what do you mean he is canonically 5'11? cant hear you over 5'9 ethan winters asfshsjkdksjfjjf
but anyways
please, continue just love him
thats all he wants and needs
just you loving him
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So I have played
Re: 2 remake
Re: 3 remake
Re: 7 *still playing but almost done*
And Re: 8
The list of humans in these games I would let ruin my life is…
Leon Kennedy, rookie cop or him in the later games which I hear he gets real gruff and ready to murder. I love him, and I want to be loved by him. And his VO and Mocap actor Nick apostolides is amazing and talented at art and being super rad. He loves the RE games and is just super cool.
Ada Wong, do I need to explain this one? No it’s ada wong, she did all of Re: 2 in heels and a mini dress. Like. An icon
Jill Valentine, ‘mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry’ if that doesn’t explain the energy that Jill holds. Idk what will. She holds that BDE. And Nicole Tompkins? Her VO and mocap actor? The sweetest human I would die for.
Nikolai Zinoviev, don’t you judge me, he’s got that pure neutral evil vibe. Like not chaotic evil, not lawful does evil for his benefit. Also the energy of ‘on your knees’ and I like that. Also he’s played by Neil newbon who makes my heart go pit pat so.
Nemesis, NOT IN A MONSTER FUCKER WAY. I just, I want nemmy to be like my friend. Like idk he would protect you if you programmed him to. Alright. STARS!!!
Ethan ‘BEST DAD IN HISTORY’ winters, I would die for this man, I would kill for this man, I will accept no Ethan slander 10/10 the best dad, and husband. DUDE TOOK ON MOLD PEOPLE, A CULT VILLAGE OF LYCANS, LOST HIS HAND MULTIPLE TIMES! All for his wife and baby. Like. Best man to ever man.
Chris redfield, THICK MAN I WANT TO CRUSH ME. Like he is rough and ready to rumble and would also be soft with you. So daddy in all words. Jeff shine kills it again. God he’s so cool.
Lady Dimitrescu, the goddess, the mother who we all want, gay icon, ace icon, just the best. I want her to be my mother and also wreck me sexually. Also Maggie Robinson her voice actor and performance capture actor, is the sweetest most wonderful soul. I love Maggie.
Karl ‘hobo man’ heisenburg, daddy. I want him to destroy me, and make me things out of metal. And just love me. And Neil newbon his VO and Mocap actor, Makes my heart do flips in the best way. So. That’s a plus.
I’m conclusion I love the resident evil games and yes.
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cellgore · 2 years
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this is a multifandom blog meaning that i favorite certain fandoms/characters so there will most definitely be more writings for certain characters and fandoms.
please don’t be offended if you send a request for someone and I don’t fulfil it, sometimes the inspiration is lacking for certain characters. I still wish to write though so I will continue to post.
requests are open so you can send them whenever you want !
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my masterlist is pinned at the top of my blog in navigation when viewing in the app, it can also be found on the left hand side of my blog when viewing on desktop.
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please check my pinned masterlist for request details, I always try my best to keep it updated.
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smut, angst, fluff, age gaps, poly/threesome+, reverse harem, dubcon, noncon, yandere, toy play, cheating (to an extent), blood play, knife play, bdsm, breath play, violence, gore, hunter/prey, praise and degradation, power imbalance, supernatural, choking, mommy/daddy kink. (wrap it up!)
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rpf, necrophilia, incest, daddy/little play, age play (basically pedophilia), spitting, bimbo!reader, foot fetish, animal play, race play, watersports, miscarriage, any kind of abuse, child fics, any ocs, the pet name ‘kitten’ is just.. no.
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I use canva and sometimes ibispaint x. I get most of my images from pinterest.
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miguel o’hara, hobie brown, gwen stacy, miles morales, tony stark, peter parker (all variants), doctor strange, wade wilson, eddie brock, kate bishop, mary jane
harley quinn, diana prince, clark kent, pamela isley/poison ivy, arthur curry/aquaman, bruce wayne/batman
eddie munson, steve harrington, henry creel, jim hopper
negan smith, rick grimes, daryl dixon, maggie greene, glenn rhee, abraham ford, carl grimes, morgan jones, shane walsh, michonne hawthorne, ezekiel sutton, gabriel stokes, eugene porter, rosita espinosa
leon scott kennedy, chris redfield, claire redfield, ashley graham, ada wong, luis sera, albert wesker, jill valentine, carlos oliveira, rebecca chambers, sherry birkin, ethan winters, helena harper, alcina dimitrescu, karl heisenberg
simon riley/ghost, john mactavish/soap, john price, kate laswell, phillip graves, kyle garrick/gaz, alejandro vargas, könig, gary sanderson/roach, farah karim, valeria garza, rodolfo parra
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are racist, homophobic, bigoted, zionist, islamphobic. judgmental to what people enjoy writing/reading. copy or repost my fics. follow me if you’re problematic. send your full fic into my ask box, i will not post it. —  if you fit the average dni criteria you will be blocked.
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royalnugget42 · 3 years
Ok so now that I’m officially in the Resident Evil fandom here’s something
In the aftermath of the explosion in that little village, Ethan’s body is recovered. He is completely molded though, and has no memory except that he has a daughter named Rose, and he is sent to a secret facility to be contained and researched. He spends years being experimented on, poked and prodded and his regenerative abilities grow to astonishing strength.
He can regrow whole limbs now. He found this out the hard way, when the scientists started cutting off bits and pieces of him. Whole bones have been regrown from nothing but mold, though he has to eat a lot of rotten food to make up for it. His captors never tell him who he was or what he did, not even telling him his name, and referring to him only by Subject F-001, or Series F.
Their guess as to how he got like this without showing any of the homicidal tendencies of his predecessors is a mystery to them. Perhaps it is the memory of his daughter, perhaps it is his isolation from the rest of the molded, perhaps he just has something in his DNA. Whatever the case, when he is not being hurt he is resentful and angry, but never violent, nor does he seem interested in spreading the mold further.
It’s 16 years after they took him that funding starts to run out for the project. They’ve devoted all the time to research that they can, and now they must look to utilize him in other ways.
They begin with that question, of why he is different from the rest of the molded, retaining some semblance of his humanity. They can’t take his memory of Rose, though they’ve tried, and instead start to introduce foreign samples of mold into his diet, to see if he gains any of their traits.
Did they know what was left catalogued in the E-series mold? Did they realize that every infected soul has left a mark in that strain? Did they predict...no they couldn’t have. But they should have.
Ethan Winters goes to sleep and dreams of his wife. He doesn’t remember having a wife, how could he? But he supposes this must be her, she is lying in bed with him and calling him baby. This is Rose’s mother, and she is beautiful. But she doesn’t say his name. He doesn’t know hers.
When he wakes up he sees a little girl with black hair at the foot of his bed. She giggles at him, but runs when he calls out, vanishing through the concrete walls. When he mentions this apparition, the scientists dutifully catalogue the apparent hallucinations in their notes on him, but they do nothing to help him when he begs them for knowledge.
“Where is she?” he shouts into the stark, empty air. “Where is my wife, where is my daughter? Where’s Rose?” There is no answer. Just the buzzing of fluorescent lights and the quiet beeps of machinery.
The second dream is of a kitchen. Sunlight pours through the window, and the wooden floor is grimy, but only because it hasn’t been washed since breakfast yesterday.
There’s an old man at the table. His wife brings a meal to the table, and whatever it is smells delicious. Their son, it must be their son, sits off to the side, scrolling nonchalantly through his phone. Their daughter is gathering silverware.
They are the picture of an idyllic, loving family. They smile at him and ask him if he’d like anything more to eat, gently chiding him. He’s so thin, shouldn’t he have just one more helping? So he dutifully finishes off another, before declaring he is done. The old man turns to him.
“You’ve got to go back soon. When you do you’ve got to remember.” Remember what? He only remembers Rose, he doesn’t even know who these people are. They aren’t his family, he knows that, but in a warped and twisted way they also are. The edges of his vision are black with mold as they all beg him to remember, to break free, to be himself again. Zoe is the last to speak.
“I know you remember us. We live on in you, everyone does. We’re all counting on you, kid.” He feels like he’s too old to be called a kid by this girl, but maybe this girl is older than she looks. Maybe he’s younger than he thought.
The little girl is back. She doesn’t run this time, just stares at him. It seems she is waiting for a question, and it’s only as he realizes this that he knows what to ask. “Who are you?” he asks. “Who am I?”
She laughs at this, bright and sharp as glass. “I’m your daughter, of course! And you’re my daddy.”
Rose? Is this little girl Rose? But no, she isn’t. He’s not sure how he knows but he does. This girl isn’t his daughter, except she is, isn’t she? They’re connected. A family in reverse. He didn’t make her, not like he made Rose, but she didn’t make him either. He’s too new for that. How can he be younger than his daughter?
She smiles at the recognition in his eyes. There’s fear there, but also familiarity. This is at least someone he knows. If she is his daughter, then he must be her father. That’s how it works isn’t it? All at once he feels like a part of his identity is locked into place. If he is a father then he has to protect his daughters, both of them. He must find Rose, and his wife.
She fades away before he passes out again. He dreams of pain, in his hand, in his legs. He dreams of terror and aching phantom memories. There’s a woman, tall and beautiful, with hands like long knives, her daughters all over him, many-legged. There’s a doll, there are so many dolls, and there’s a woman in mourning. A creature of water and filth confronts him, spewing out acid that burns in his mind. He talks to a man that moves metal without touching it. The man tells him to remember, tells him not to give up.
“You were always so stubborn. Don’t lose that. You’ll get those bastards yet.”
There’s a woman, and she has Rose. He kills her, and as she crumbles she whispers that she is finally with her daughter. She whispers to him that they are family, that they are both related and the same. He takes Rose from where she cries amongst the stones, and feels his hands fall apart.
Evelyn is a good daughter. When he is awake, he tells stories, about his dreams, about her mother. Evelyn tells him things too.
“You and mom tried to kill me, but I never knew why. I had a long time to think though, and I think I might’ve been a bad girl.”
For what it’s worth, he is sorry, but Evelyn shakes her head. “It was for the best, after all. You weren’t really my dad then.”
He doesn’t know what he is. The scientists call him series F, but he doesn’t know what that means. Evelyn used to be called series E. She says maybe his name starts with an F, but he knows that it doesn’t.
He���s different from Evelyn, but not so different that he is distant from her. Evelyn says that she tried to give him a gift, something she gave to lots of people. She gave it to his wife too, but she never gave anything to him.
“You have a gift too,” she says, “but it didn’t come from me. You made it all on your own. I came from this place, from these scientists, but you made yourself. It’s like you grew from nothing.”
Evelyn always wants to have more family, always wants to give more of her gift. She asks if Ethan is the same, and he realizes that he has never tried to give his gift to someone else. He doesn’t know if he wants to. He already has all the family he could ask for.
He dreams of his wife. Her name is Mia. He knows that now. His name is Ethan, and her name is Mia and they are family.
Scientists have been recording his conversations, and they’re growing concerned. Ethan spends so much time talking to his “daughter” Evelyn. They have realized by now that the E strain mold in his diet must have contained some trace of Evelyn’s consciousness, possibly along with others. They’ve stopped exposing him to it but it seems the damage is done. He asks for Mia and Rose at every waking moment that he does not spend talking to Evelyn.
They took a risk. They took far too many risks. Something happens one day, when a woman comes in to monitor his physical state. He was supposed to be sleeping, but the drugs wore off sooner than expected. He saw the woman through the door, and he begged her, to let him out, to bring him to his family. She ignored him. He pounded against the glass and she just rolled her eyes and took more notes.
Something snapped. No, not snapped. It twisted and warped and grew. It blossomed.
If this woman wasn’t going to let him see his family, then he would make more family. He would make her see his side, and once they were family she would have to help him. That’s what family does. His breathing slowed, and he closed his eyes. With every ounce of longing and loneliness he reached—
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whodofthought · 3 years
✨ Masterlist ✨
• Summary: You just want to be accepted by your girlfriends daughters.
Mica Familie ❤️
Daddy’s Princess
• Summary: Bottom Alcina! Not canon, takes place in a world where Miranda is neither good nor evil. Reader is Alcina’s wife and newest successful cadou experiment.
• Summary: After the Ethan Winters incident and a severe argument between you and Alcina, Mother Miranda calls you into the next meeting with some grave news.
Some Like It Rough
• Summary: Mother Miranda’s calls never left Alcina in the best mood.
• Summary: You and Alcina are a mated pair and you struggle with severe separation anxiety.
Your Touch
Your Touch (Bonus)
• Summary: You were Alcina’s weakness. She could never hold herself back when it came to you, and you’re not complaining but there’s someone else who also demands your lovers attention.
• Summary: You had something big to show Alcina, but can you keep it a secret till after dinner.
To Be Loved
• Summary: Your mistress has been off lately. She has recently been more attentive to you, she made sure you knew love was never in the cards but ….
Requested Stories
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hohoz · 3 years
How RE Village (8) SOLVED almost every problem that I had with RE Series
Okay - a few weeks ago I made a post that was “The ones that suffer the most” where I showed and explained my main problems with Chris and Jill and the RE series in general 
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RE 1 is my fav game of this series and probably one of my all time favs, I player every RE there is to be played except 4 (because I dislike Leon, sry) 
Recently, specially after 4, the franchise had a few problems, specially in writing/map design/lore 
Resident evil 5 for example (I love this game) but it has it flaws, Chris there is only driven by anger and action - Sheva is used as a tool for lore exposition and to be Chris’s new partner 
PLEASE: be aware that game at that generation didn’t have much lore - with some exceptions, like God of War 1 2 3 were a simply game with a simple lore, and the most recent GoW has evolved a little bit in the storytelling
Until we hit rock bottom in RE6 - I know a lot of people like this game, but this is only and action game, bad writing and generic stages. 
Chris there is so mistreated that makes me mad (if you want to read more about this go to my other post “the ones that suffer the most”)
Until RE7 appeared, Capcom had a new engine and they wanted to do a game that was more horror like - since RE is know for being a Survival horror game.
I liked 7 - some people complained about Ethan being without emotion and others complained about the mold, a few didn’t like the FEAR vibes from Eveline. 
I personally enjoyed the game, I thought RE series was going back on track, that game has it’s problems but it was really nice compared to what we had in 6.
After that game I had a conversation with my best friend and I said that I wanted a game that portrayed Umbrella’s fall since the only game that shows this is Umbrellas Chronicles (and that is most a resume of what happened)
And I said: “Bro, I wish that when they made that game, they could tie some mythological lore and human evolution before Umbrella - using Spencer, this would solve LOT OF STUFF and open new ways to handle this series”
and guess what - this happened in RE8 and kudos to the one writer that did that, i have my gratitude. 
RESIDENT EVIL 8 is probably one of the BEST RE games that we had IN YEARS
And I want to address all thing that I loved in this game and do some predictions to what will happen in the next games.
“WELL WELL IF IT ISN’T ETHAN WINTERS” (The Father of the year)
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My father was not a great guy... really, so I want to be the best dad ever, I really want be like Ethan - a guy who is ready to sacrifice and fight every monster in the way to save my family. 
Ethan was a character that in RE7 was used to make us fell like that it was us in the Baker’s house, so that is why he didn’t had that much personality (in my opinion) but they changed that in RE8, here he has nice dialogues AND a diary 
He has one of the best story line in the whole REverse, a guy that did EVERYTHING in his power to save his daughter - and you saw that playing the game, every sentence line that he delivered, he tried to save others too and even tho Chris said to him stay put ... but he couldn’t, he had to go to the altar, he had to help Chris, he had to go forward and keep going, specially after having the tools to face Heisenberg. 
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The plea from a father, that was his last wish, after he heard that Mia was alive he knew that someone had to stop that monster, he made a promise to his daughter “Daddy won’t let those weird fairy tale monsters get you” so he trusted Chris, to be the one that teaches his kid how to be brave and strong
I will not address Chris and Rose situation here because this is Ethans part and he deserves completely all the spotlight, his sacrifice was 100x times better than Steve (CV)/Piers(6)
My cheers to Ethan Winters - You have my respect !
Revelations -> RE8 
So leaks from earlier times said that RE8 sucked and Revelations 3 was amazing
Revelations FYI is know for using old tales in RE stories 
Revelations 1 - Dante’s Inferno 
Revelations 2 - Frans Kafka 
Revelations 3 - Dracula 
But since RE8 sucked, Capcom said to the REV3 team that they could make REV3 become RE8 and they accepted 
Revelations series is one of the best in the games, they handle Jill in a way that I love, Claire and even Barry - so they deserve all the spotlight for making this awesome game - you CLEARLY can see that they love this series and that they treat all the characters with the love that they deserve. 
Keeping that in mind, they are the same team that made Rev 2 and in REV 2 we have this file here 
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So they had a plan for Jill and we can see that in RE8 - I will address that later but keep that in mind - this team cares for the old characters, they were the ones that brought Barry back to the games :V 
Chris Redfield 
This is a hard one, because he is my fav character and I usually have the most critics regard him, since I’ve expect a lot from Capcom 
In the latest games they made him kind dumb, only muscles type of guy and an alcoholic that let all the people in his surroundings die (RE5,RE6,Vendetta) 
RE6 treats him the WORST
But in RE8 he had an amazing part in the storyline, it was obvious that he wasn’t evil and they FIXED HIS EYE COLOR - FINALLY 
I still don’t like the model face that much but it’s way better than 7 - so I believe Capcom, I still feel that he need more jawline 
But let’s go to the most important thing - here he really feels like a squad leader and a veteran, he has his team but he is the one in the front line, he covers and ask for help when he needs, everything about his line delivery makes you feel like “Woah, this guy is a badass, he is not some stupid guy only driven by emotions”
If you remember my post about the ones that suffer the most / Jill is also in that list and I will talk about her a little bit later but if my guess is right RE8 saved her character aswell
Another thing that I enjoyed here is the fact that he is kind of a mercenary / Neo Umbrella kind of guy, even tho he is one of the founders of the BSAA
So I will give you all my score to this game: 
I won’t give 10/10 because of some technical issues, the cursor lock didn’t work and mouse sensitivity was i dunno, not the best. 
RE8 and the future (PREDICTIONS)  - Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, BSAA, Neo Umbrella, Ada Wong and Rosemary
First let’s look Rose
The first time I saw Rose all grown up - I thought to myself : She has the same problem as Eveline (age a lot faster than normal) 
But she also absorbed Miranda’s power since the metalicite (something like this) thought that she was a better host. - so maybe she will live longer or something because I doubt that they will do a 14 years time skip. 
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This is not the same as Terra Save logo (Claire’s job) but it kind reminds me of it - her shoes appeared at least 3 times in this cut scene so maybe they are trying to show some hints with this 
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She really reminds me of Jodie (Beyond two souls, a game where a girl has a lot of power and the gov uses her in missions and stuff, but she also is learning how to be her own person) 
Another thing here is that they don’t have a logo in this car, it really reminds me the car that Chris as using in RE8 
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This supports the theory that Chris’s organization is dealing with her instead of the BSAA, the she is a hot headed girl and that she had a lot of powers. 
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So here you can say that she is just a kid because she is a teenager, but what if she actually grows older really fast (like Eveline) maybe this is just 1 year later / 2 yrs later. (after RE8)
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So this is the tricky part, this is Chris’s guard/soldier, someone that Chris trust to stand by her side, in my mind I do believe that Chris is kind of a father figure to her, so when this guys says this he is thinking about hot head Chris but she replies “Yeah” thinking about Ethan - (she has the mold memories, so she can actually remember Ethan’s memories) 
Now let’s look at this 
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So in REV1 is hinted that BSAA is not the best organization in the world, but since our heroes work there we think that they are the good guys right ? 
In REV 2 (it’s important to remember that the team that created RE8 is the same from the REVELATIONS and they had this file here in REV2)
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This email is from Jill and what does Jill have ? T-Virus 
Wesker is a different case since he was a project and she had the vaccine but this would make a lot of sense if they had this tests with Jill to get the T-Virus
If that is the case, they explained Jill’s absence in the main games, could even explain why Chris left BSAA and opened a new window to a lot of possibilities 
My Predictions: 
- Chris had trouble dealing with BSAA and Jill’s case, he wanted to get her out of there, maybe he removed her from there but that resulted in him being expelled from the force
-Jill may or may not know what they are doing with her blood, but she will have a huge part in the BOW used by BSAA 
-Chris is married to Jill (sorry- I had to place this here, in a perfect world he has two kids with her and they all love aunt Rose) 
-Chris will hopefully be a father figure to Rose and they will be in a game together since in the end they came to get her
-Rebecca is still involved in BSAA activities (leak from new REV3) if you consider Vendetta canon, she maybe the one that used Jill’s sample of blood to create the virus soldiers
-Barry maybe retired 
-I don’t think Leon will be in this game, but he will get his RE4 Rmk 
- I do believe RE9 will be release after Code veronica rmk and MAYBE they will do a game about Umbrella’s Fall (Chris and Jill in Europe against Red Queen and BOWs) 
But that is it, you can see a lot of elements from old RE games in RE8, they tried to do something really smart and the game felt amazing to play, that was something else and it’s been a while since a player a RE game that made me feel that way <3
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