galaxialdarktale · 2 years
Starting now, please do not follow or interact with my blog if you are under the age of 18.
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gods-plinko · 2 years
Please do not follow or interact with my blog if you are under the age of 16.
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galaxialdarktale · 1 year
Re: Media Outlets
for the nonnie in my ask box
if you'd like to discuss this in depth, I'd prefer to have that conversation in the dms (which are open). while I don't have a definite answer to your question, i have theories as i have made the same observation you have.
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galaxialdarktale · 2 years
i would just like to let my followers/friends/mutuals know that i am, in fact, not dead. i am simply on a very extended hiatus that should, hopefully, be the last one i have to take for a long, long time. i'm in a very precarious and dangerous situation at home (i won't go into more detail than that simply because i don't know how to tag it, but you're free to dm if you're concerned or smth) and am trying my hardest to get out. it just takes time, mental energy (which i don't have a lot of being mentally ill and chronically in pain), and money that i have to save up.
hopefully, by july, i'll be out. in the meantime, if you at least want to know that i haven't died, while i don't have the energy to write at the moment and don't know what else to post here, it's very easy to reblog memes on my meme blog @gods-plinko. very active there.
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galaxialdarktale · 2 years
which of you amazing writeblrs do i turn to for advice on writing dual pov? i have questions as i've never done it before
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galaxialdarktale · 2 years
listen i know it's stupid early but i have a question and i need to know if anyone knows the answer because i do not
i have adhd, autism, ocd, and a lot of things that make working hard. my question here is why is it near impossible to work before, say, noon, but once the clock strikes 1 pm i can work just fine (even better if the sun is down)?
ive never understood that and could never get an answer from a doctor so maybe one of you guys know?
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galaxialdarktale · 2 years
random writing resource
ever needed a random name for a fake band along with a general vibe to go along with that band name? well, spotify has this feature called supergrouper, it was released a few months ago i think, and i've been using it. i've made four "bands" so far.
Rapunzel Complex
Villain Fall For Me First
Queens Second Guessing Angels Like You
Obey The Thriving Throne
it's pretty simple. it first asks you how many "band members" you want (3, 4, or 5). then, depending on which number you picked, you put in that number of preexisting artist names - someone you listen to or don't, doesn't matter. if they're on spotify, you can use them! finally, you pick a make a title out of words from various song titles from those selected bands.
obviously it doesn't make new songs, it just adds songs that fit the vibe it thinks you're going with. if you're on mobile, you can hit the "enhance" button and add songs to further add to the vibe from there.
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galaxialdarktale · 2 years
Personal Update
Hi everyone! So you all know how I went on a major hiatus where I just lurked, liked, and reblogged to sideblogs or privately for months? Yeah, well, during that period of self-reflection, it came to the realization of my system that the name "Galaxial" may fit us as a pen name - we actually still would love to be published under that name and are thus not changing the url here - it's not the name that fits us as a system/broad name for everyone to identify as.
From here on out, we are no longer Galaxial/Galaxial System. We are Ethera/Ether System!
Tags will be changed accordingly :)
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