sloubs · 2 years
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encore un oc (j’peux po m’arrêter 🤭)
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akwolfgrl · 1 month
The matchmakers match
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“Sit,” Nami shoved Sanji down on the orange and green bedspread.
Her orange cat Marmalade imditily claimed the blonds lap covering his suit pants in orange fur. Sanji was after herself and Vivi, Marmalades favorite preson, well Sanji and Zoro. Zoro and Sanji still hadn't met each other. One was always busy, or Zoro would get lost. Luffy was sure that this time would be different, Nami wasn't to sure about that, not to mention if thouse two would even get along, it would be ethior a disaster or the best thing that's happened to ethior man in a long time.
Nami dug through her closet, searching for the clothes she still had of Sanjis from their college clubbing days. She threw him a pair of black skinny jeans and a cropped top. It was one that Ace made him. The blue would match his eyes… even if only one was visible.
“Go get dressed,” She told him over her shoulder as she looked for her own outfit. A smiple shiny gold top with matching heels and a short black skirt. This was a little last minute, so she didn't have time to debate what she was going to wear. She waited for him to come out of the bathroom. The pants looked even more painted on then the last time he wore them. His crop top showed off his abbs and a scattering of blonde hair that was his happy trail. “That will do,” Nami brushed past him to get changed herself.
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royalfirefly · 7 years
I wonder if my life would actually feel more full filling if I didn't have depression and social anxiety? Because I think back on all these missed opportunities and wonder why? Why didn't I just ask that person out? Why didn't I take that offer? Why didn't I stay in touch? Why didn't I join that club?
I turned down all these good things ethior because I was too anxious or too depressed and it makes me sad. Because now I'm a useless nobody
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akwolfgrl · 2 months
So for my siren sanji au, zoro isn't human ethior. But I can't make up my mind on what he is. Most of these he's only half on his mothers side.
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akwolfgrl · 5 months
I'm a great fuck but better lover part 7
Sanji steps out of his pantry after making room for the jars of tomato sauce, only to see his boyfriend dipping his finger into the sauce and sucking it off his finger.
“What are you doing!?” Sanji hurried over to the stove. “Please tell me you at least washed your hands first!” Sanji was panicking who knows what could have gotten into the suace! Maybe it was just sweat, but it could be sword oil!
“Yah I don't have a death wish,” Zoro grumbled, leaning against the counter. “Besides its already ruined its bland shit cook,”
“Well of course it is,” Sanji gave him a weird look as he turned the burner off and took out the hot cans from the large canner pot. “It's tomato sauce. It's a bace product. I add the seasoning to it when I cook,” Sanji didn't have to argue as he began to open the lids to jars. He placed a funnel atop a jar and began to fill.
“Oh…” Sanji continued to work as he glanced over at his boyfriend, who was definitely pouting. The swordsmen would deny fervently, but it was the truth.
“Were you trying to start a fight?” Sanji asked him, he could put him to work.
“Yah. We haven't had a fight since before Loguetown. You haven't been put for your morning stretches, ethior,”
“Ive been busy trying to get some things done, but if you give me some time, who's on the deck…other than Luffy?” He would not trust Luffy to watch his timer. Their captain would lose it.
“The w…Nami,”
“Great, let me make her some tanghulu and a quick cocktail, get the tomato sauce in the canner, set the timer, and ask her to watch my timer, then we can fight till it goes off. What I need from you is to get me, strawberries and grapes from the fridge, a minka from the pantry, the candy thermometer from the third draw, sugar in the middle canister in the cupboard to left of you, a small pot, and little Sophie,”
“Who the fuck is Sophie?” Zoro asked before compling.
“Yah, shit, she's the smallest knife a paring knife, I'll introduce you to my ladies sometime later,” Sanji wiped the rim of all jars with vinegar before seeling them finger tight. He then placed them on the rack and in the pot. When he turned to Zoro, he had managed to gather everything he had asked for. “OK one last thing. Grab a handful of the jerky and give it to Luffy it's his snack time. I'll meet you on the deck when I'm done,”
“You better or i'll drag you out,” Zoro grabbed handful of jerky as he walked out the door.
Sanji got to work, he quickly made the tanghulu and a cosmopolitan for his Nami-swan and headed out the door sliver tray in hand.
Nami was purning her trees when Sanji showed up. His cat was draped across the canvas bag she kept her tools in. She wiped the sweat from her brow and looked up at him. Even with a smuge of dirt on her face and a few straw leaves in her hair, Nami was as stunning as ever, her smile as radiant as the sun reflecting across the water.
“Good timing Sanji! I was just about to take a break,”
“Ah I'm so happy to serve you, my dear…however I am afraid I have a small favor to ask of you. The walking cactus I call a boyfriend is asking for a fight. However, I have cans of tomato suace in the canner that needs to come out at some point. I fear that I won't have time later on to fight him. I am only asking you to watch my timer and let me know when it goes off. Of course, I have a special treat for you as payment. It's tanghulu it's simply furit coated in a sugar glaze that it is clear and crisp, a cosmopolitan to go along with,”
“Sure I can do that,” Nami gave him a smile before nudging his cat off the bag and putting her stuff away before taking the tray from his hands.
Sanji made his way back down to where Zoro was waiting.
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akwolfgrl · 6 months
How sweet it is to be loved by them part 9
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“Yaho!” Luffy threw his hands in the air. “My first cerw mebers are my mates!” His mates were his first crew members he couldn't be happier. He wouldn't be alone anymore! Koby wouldn't be around much longer, Ace had already left to be a pirate, and Sabo was dead. Dadan and Makino were busy, and Shanks was somewhere on the grandline.
“Who the fuck knows,”
“That guy! Wha!? How!?”
“How'd he do that?! The bullets just bounced right off of him!”
“That bart ain't normal. He must have eaten a devil fruit!” the weird looking guy with the metal jaw spoke, while the rest of the Marines mumbled to themselves. Luffy waited while Sanji and Zoro hugged and scented each other. He couldn't wait to scent and be scented by them.
“If guns don't work, then we'll use our swords to kill him!” The marines began to run twords them.
“What the fuck! You can't even give us one fucking minute!” Sanji yelled as he and Zoro broke apart.
“All who oppose me must perish!”
Luffy watched as Zoro moved in the blink of an eye a sword in each hand, one in his mouth. The marines stopped in their tracks. Zoro was holding them back. Next to him, Sanji was lightning up a cigarette.
“Wow! Cool!” Zoro was amazing!
“Show off,” Sanji mumbled foundly form beside him, while Koby (when did he wake up?) Screamed from behind them.
“All of you better not move a single muscle. Move, and you die. I won't hesitate to kill you,” Zoro spoke somehow around the sword in his mouth.
The marines all looked tireffeired, it was helirours. They were no match for his mate! For his rugged swordsmen. Luffy couldn't be happier with his mates. They were perfect!
“I know already agreed to become a pirate with you. It doesn't matter much after this, thugh. We will be outlaws ethior way. But it's okay. We each have our own goals and dreams to fulfill. I'm going to become the words greatest swordsmen! I'm past caring of my names, clean or not. Clearly, things are so black and white. Badguy, goodguy, it doesn't matter anymore. As long as my name is known wide! If you get in the way of my goal, I will have to cut stomach open and rip out your guts!”
“Good! Be the world's greatest swordsmen! Since ya now a member of the pirate kings crew, if you can't even accomplish something that small, then I'd be embarrassed of you!” He wanted to hear Sanji's dream as well. Did his pretty Cook have a great dream like his rugged swordsmen?
“Heh! Well said! This will work out well then,”
“What the dam are you imbeciles doing standing around! I said kill them!” The big guy with ax for a hand yelled.
“Hey Zoro! Duck!” Zoro ducked, and Luffy shot out his long rubbery leg. “Gomu gomu leg sweeper!” He used leg to sweep away the marines and their swords.
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akwolfgrl · 11 months
Part 9 LFT
Zoro stared at Nami, trying to figure out how the hell she knew that.
"Luffy told everyone he saw you two in galley, I hope you cleaned up after yourselves…oh who am I kidding I'm sure Sanji scrubbed everything until his bleed, if it was up to you a quick wipe would have been sufficient,"
"Damn it Luffy, that's not why I'm here. Are you going to help or not?" Zoro grumbled, it wasn't necessarily a secret but what happened between him and Sanji was a private matter. If he didn't need help he wouldn't even be having this discussion.
"For a price," Nami said, Zoro swore he saw belli signs in her eye as she winked at him holding her hand up her thumb and pointer finger forming a circle.
"Fine, but only if it works," Zoro didn't want shitty useless advice.
"Of course it will work, I know what I'm doing, I'll be generous and throw in a bit of free reconnocence. I'll take Sanji clothes shopping and ask him some questions,"
"Is it really free if you make him carry all your stuff?" Zoro asked.
"I could always charge you,"
"Whatever, are you going to start or what?" Zoro sat down on the deck, ready for what ever mush shit would come from her mouth.
"Compliments are a great way to start, none of this grumpy I can't admit how much I like Sanji's cooking bull you've been pulling. Not just his cooking and not just during sex ethior. Gifts are always a good thing, oh try flirting a bit more,"
"Is that it?"
"Of course not," Nami huffed at him, waving her hand dismissively. "But it's a start, oh wash more frequently. I'm not saying everyday since I know you won't go for it but how about every three days like Ussop," She picked up her magazine and resumed her reading.
Zoro grumbled at being dismissed like some dam servant but he kept his mouth shut so she wouldn't charge him more. Zoro stood up and headed towards his weights to think things over.
Zoro was interrupted by a small explosion from the back of the ship. He put his weight down to investigate, they didn't need a dead Usopp on their hands. He watched as Sanji came peering out from the galley, a concerned look on his face.
"I've got it, Cook," Zoro said as he walked past him. "He's probably fine his screams are pretty loud,"
"If he destroyed one of Namis' trees, he won't fine much longer," He huffed and tried to duck back into the kitchen.
"SANJIII! I'm hungry," Zoro didn't need to look to know Luffy was warping around Sanji's legs with stretchy arms. He must have woken from his nap…or was trying to sleep and eat.
"Here I brought you more jerky now get off I need to finish lunch,"
Zoro let his feet carry him away from the conversation, and he stood in front of Ussop. The sniper lay flat on his back, covered in soot, and one of Namis' maps lay across his face.
"Still alive?" Zoro asked Ussop, he could see the rise and fall of his breath.
"Perfectly fine! I absolutely meant to do that!"
"Well it's a good thing you didn't fuck up the trees, the cook's ready to kick your ass,"
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royalfirefly · 7 years
I think one reason birthdays are sort of meh for me now is because the older I get the more I'm expected to hit these weird milestones society has set place for me when I ethior have no interest in them (Like marrying) or may take longer than 'the norm' to hit them
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