#eto midoriya
aarcanevillains · 26 days
Encoded Chronicles: Characters
Meet the Cast of Ashes Between Us
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Name: Touya Todoroki
Alias: Phoenix
Quirk: Blue flame
Age / DOB: 23-24 / January 18
Looks: Link | Link | Extra
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Family: Enji Todoroki, Rei Todoroki, Fyumi Todoroki, Natsuo Todoroki, Shoto Todoroki
Height: 176cm (5’9”)
Name: Yoru Shimura
Alias: Genesis
Quirk: Float and Decay
~ She can suspend herself in the air ~ She has a five-point touch quirk that decays whatever she touches- unlike Tenko/Tomura however, she can undo some of the damage she causes
Age / D.O.B: 23-24 / August 2
Looks: Link
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Family: Nao Magi-Tsukauchi, Naomasa Tsukauchi (stepfather), Hana Shimura, Tenko Shimura, Mako Magi, Chizuo Magi, Nana Shimura, Kotaro Shimura (deceased)
Height: 167cm (5'6")
Name: Eto Midoriya
Alias: Omen
Quirk: Copy
~Can permanently copy quirks par mutation types, it is unknown why she had this quirk as DNA suggests she is biologically Inko and Hisashi's
~She cannot take quirks, but she can disregard quirks from her arsenal that she deems unsuitable for herself
Age / D.O.B: 21 / October 31
Looks: Link
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Family: Inko Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya, Izumi Midoriya and Hisashi Midoriya
Height: 170cm (5'7")
Name: Izumi Midoriya
Alias: Jackal
Quirk: Telekinesis
~ Unlike their mother her telekinesis has a much broader and stronger spectrum
~ Though she starts as a general student a surprise transfer and her twin's excitement leads her to enjoy this new career path
Age / D.O.B: 16 / July 15
Looks: Link
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Family: Inko Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya (twin), Eto Midoriya and Hisashi Midoriya
Height: 166cm (5'5")
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aarcanechaoss · 24 days
AO3 appears to still be down on my end even though it worked long enough for me to post a new chapter to Ashes Between Us lmao.
Oh well LOL I should probably give an update- yes I am procrastinating my assignment that I aimed to get done tomorrow though its due sunday :/
Yes I am still working out Faerie of the Storms (new black clover fic where a fae halfling bounty hunter trains mimosa vermillion about wild magic and how to hunt- you guys love feral mimosa I love this) anyway
Yes I started a new BNHA fanfic. It's technically two stories running in the same world with references to each other. Ashes Between Us stars undercover pro hero Touya Todoroki (Pheonix) who's been forced by the HPSC to infiltrate All for One's works- hence now being called Dabi... not that his family even knew he was alive after being taken by the hero commission after he set a forest on fire... oh and he has a girlfriend that he hasn't seen since he was twenty that Tomura Shigaraki shares some strange coincidences with.
Unbreakable will take place with the Midoriya's- Izuku is quirkless, his sisters aren't and he's going to be the best fucking hero there is (even if his twin sister's unexpected transfer from general to hero with Shinsou changed a few plans- yes he will make them the wonder twins of their time). Honestly this ones just going to fill some blanks that I can't cover in ABU without it feeling like sudden scene hanges.
ABU is more about Touya and Yoru (OC) with their families and his undercover mission. Touya might not know exactly what he left behind beside Yoru and her family but he'll get back to them and maybe bring some redeemable villains along for the ride.
UnB is the Midoriya siblings and their goal to get Izuku to the top. (OC's Eto and Izumi- copy quirk and telekinesis respectively). Oh and All for Dad pays his child support.
Oh and Covert Connections is just a fun LOV group chat where Hawks decides to add another hero just for fun
Oc's are old Oc's that have appeared in a few old works of mine Izumi just has a quirk now
Keep an eye on @aarcanevillains for updates and shit
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dynmghts · 3 months
@quirkthieves / cont.
A WARNING FOR: body horror (!!!!!!!!), blood (a lot of it), death, a hint of internalised homophobia if you squint. Leaning psychological mind-fuckery.
Katsuki should expect nothing less than what he gets from Monoma Neito.
A part of him considers being grateful that the bastard just sees him for who he is... Or worse, somehow, that he's quick to turn on his heel and feed into the resounding thought that'd remained in Katsuki's mind after his shadowy self disappeared. The past is dead, or it will be. Were it anyone else, he's sure they would've at least been a little more confrontational about what they just witnessed. Maybe they would wonder if it was some sick and twisted jab at his past or the sinking reality of his misdeeds.
Katsuki doesn't have to know. It's enough that the other blond brushes off the event and refocuses him on the mission ahead. "Whatever," he snaps. He shoves past Neito to go back toward the hallway. "Once I see that motherfucker, I'm gonna blow him to pieces with my own two-"
Footfalls stop abruptly and Katsuki stills, stunned.
The way they came had completely changed, now; it was Aldera Middle School's hallway instead of his childhood home hallway, though the walls fray and crack and crumble the longer he stands and stares. He sees something dark seep through the spider-webbed cracks, and for a moment, he isn't sure if it's just typical darkness or a substance being excreted.
Stepping out into the hallway, Katsuki watches empty, transparent husks of random faces walking up and down like it were another day in their school, chasing after the bell and seeking out friends among the chaos. All of their speech are mere whispers. When Katsuki tries to listen into what they were saying, all of their words are jumbled and jagged, voices like the crashing of surf against cliff rocks - but if Monoma were to listen in, each word spoken was about Katsuki himself. Everything was about a part of the blond, and by the furrow of his brows, he genuinely doesn't know what they're saying.
"Did you hear? Bakugou was diagnosed with something in primary school," one of them say. They phase through the blond as they do. "Yeah. Something called Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Makes sense, doesn't it? He was always kind of... Aggressive."
"Right? I don't understand why any of the girls like him!" a boy responds, exasperated. "Gee, he's ruining my chances to ask out Akiya-san! What do the girls even see in him?"
"Are you serious, Eto? He's handsome!" Another boy punches the fellow spectre beside him. "Never mind that he's rejected every single girl come Valentine's Day. Some of the girls still try their luck with him. I mean... His mom is Bakugou Mitsuki, right? The model."
"Oh! You're right!"
"Yeah, exactly!" The spectre sighs. "Ah, it's a shame. If he wasn't, you know, the way he is, and on top of his diagnosis... Well, I would totally use my handsome looks to my advantage, wouldn't you?"
The conversation fades. Another pair of spectres come past, though these ones stop by the doorway they're passing.
One of them holds their head in their hands - a young girl, groaning quietly. "Kiyomoto-chan tried to ask Bakugou-kun out today! I've been trying so hard to console her."
The other reaches to pat her shoulder. "Yeesh. What did that brute say to her?"
"I don't know, but whatever it was, she's been upset all day about it." The girl lifts her head up, then. "You know, though, I hear that he rejects all the girls because he's... Gay."
"Shh, keep it down!" The girl grabs the other's hands, uses it as a means to drag the other spectre over. "I mean... It makes sense, doesn't it? With- you know, with the way he treats Midoriya-san, you'd think that maybe it's like..." The girl mulls it over. "... That saying from the west? If a guy is bullying a girl - but it's another guy instead. Because he only bullies Midoriya-san, right?"
A pause. The other lowers her voice even more; "I thought it was because Midoriya-san is Quirkless."
"Why can't it be both?"
Katsuki hates that he doesn't know what any of them are saying.
As the blond walks further down the hall, he slows when he notices that he can hear clearer chatter - real, tangible words, instead of the jumbled and scattered lexicon he'd been subjected to through the hallway. He glances to Neito for all of two seconds. With the absence of knowledge on whatever the hell the spectres were saying about him, Katsuki jumps on the opportunity to hear something clear all too quickly. He swings the door open.
The office is remarkably untouched, compared to the fraying and decaying area outside of it. The desk is pristine and recently polished. There is a stack of paperwork there, but Katsuki catches a glimpse of a report card opened in the middle instead, with his name perfectly plastered at the top and his grades detailed below. The chairs in the office are all occupied.
He thinks he recognises them. Teachers, all of which he's had in the past before, sitting calmly in each seat with their own copies of his school grades resting comfortably in their hands. The chatter between them is clear cut and chipper... But not varied. Monotonous, despite being at a higher pitch.
"Bakugou Katsuki is a stellar student in the classroom," the woman says; that was his kindergarten teacher, Masaki-sensei. She was the first to see his Quirk in action. "He never slacks behind on his homework. He works well on his own, and he's far exceeded expectations for his age. He's growing up to be perfect Pro Hero material, don't you think?"
"I do agree," the older man comes next. Ikuta-sensei. This was his drumming tutor. "His talent goes unmatched."
The third and final teacher places the report back down - and that was Saneto-sensei, his first year middle school teacher. "With his straight A grades, I think it's safe to say he'll be cruising into the UA Hero Course via the entrance exam. Our first student from Aldera, going to UA High... That's quite the achievement."
Katsuki narrows his gaze. "Something ain't right," he says to Monoma. "Their faces..."
Slowly, he paces to the office desk, ignoring the praising chatter among them as he carefully eyes each one. Upon close inspection, he can see the seam of something around their features, the way their eyes look painted, the way their mouths are more static than he'd perceived from a distance. Masaki-sensei's makeup looks painted on. The scales from Ikuta-sensei's Quirk lost their dimension, and when Katsuki dares to wave a hand in front of their faces, they don't even flinch. They keep speaking like he isn't there.
He dares to touch the scales. Painted.
"They're masks."
Katsuki narrows his gaze as his fingers drag downward to the seam, feeling along it, trying to find a window. He hums. When he thinks he's found something, he tucks his fingers under and watches the porcelain face for any shifting features - or, shifting paint, at least, in the absence of true human qualities. No reaction.
The mask proves itself difficult to lift off, Katsuki digging his fingers in deeper to pry it more and pull away. There is something like cracking and squelching the more he pulls at it. Tension settles abruptly into his shoulders but he persists, keeps pulling, determined to figure out what was behind the porcelain façade that Ikuta-sensei was being made to wear, determined to know and know and know and understand-
He's met with exposed musculature and empty eye sockets. The blond tosses the mask aside out of reflex, jumping back a few steps, ignoring the smashing sound of porcelain against wall. He watches the grotesque figure turn its head slowly to the remnants of its face.
If a face with no lips could snarl, Katsuki is sure it would be like the way the face looks at him now. Fury, and disgust, and- and hate.
"Impatient," the voice comes, distorted and warped and gargled. Blood pours through his exposed teeth. The muscles move with the way he speaks, body raising from his seat at the desk - and his limbs grow outward from there, then, cracking and snapping bone accommodating the new shape. "Reckless." Fingers elongate with the same sounds, gripping the desk as he climbs over. His head tilts to an impossible angle with another crunch. "Ruthless."
"Stubborn," comes the woman's voice; she's willingly pulled off her mask. She has eyes and sharpened teeth, of which she bares with a look of a starving, bloodthirsty lion. "Pig-headed."
"Insolent," is the final voice - and the man hasn't ripped off his porcelain mask, but he's clawed at it with newly sharp nails, blood seeping through the marks he'd left behind. His torso twists in a 360 one way, his head the other way. Arms dislocate and stretch downward to hang past his knees, even as he flops them forward to push his chair aside. "Childish."
He doesn't know when he falls to the floor. He does remember shuffling back and away, though, as the three close in around him with spit dripping from exposed mouths, moves jagged and inhuman.
Katsuki's hands warm. He tries to push himself up, but one of the three - Ikuta-sensei, he thinks - barges into his space. The other two follow suit. He doesn't know where Neito is.
He almost doesn't want him to be here, not when the three voices finally call to the Bakugou with disjointed and ragged tone;
"Are you good enough?" They call in unison. "Will you ever amount to more than you are, Bakugou Katsuki? Will you ever be good enough?" He realises he's cornered. He doesn't see where the other blond is. Explosions pop rapidly from his palms, but a part of him forces him to stay in place, panicked.
"Is anything you do good enough, 'o young hero mine?"
The blast from his hands is unnecessarily large.
As soon as he spots Monoma - wherever he decided to be, however near or far he was - the blond seizes him by the wrist and quickly pulls him back out into the hallway, slamming the door shut behind him. There are bangs and clawing at the door. He holds himself against it with his feet planted and eyes wired shut, hands pressing on the door with excess pops coming from them, smoking up the wood. They keep trying.
If he listens too hard, he can hear them still, trying to convince the blond to reopen the door with honeyed and sweetened words. Things to appeal to his pride. Things to coax out his ego.
It makes him feel sick.
When the noises finally dissipate and silence fills the middle school hallway again, Katsuki takes in the first breath he thinks he's taken for the past minute, sagging a fraction against the door. He thought that seeing his memories was bad enough. He thought watching himself taunt a younger Izuku was the worst thing this villain had to offer him. And yet...
"Jesus fucking Christ." Katsuki slowly pushes himself away from the door, glancing over to Neito for a moment. A pause. Eventually, he looks down the hall instead, watching some of the whispering spectres travel past. "Where the fuck's the exit on this shit?"
The closest he'll admit to being spooked.
With that, Katsuki takes the time to travel down the hall again, quietly observing its state. He squints at some of the cracks on the walls, tries again to listen to whispers. He frowns.
The cracks are spreading out further along the walls, greying and chipping away, flaking out onto the floor in debris and pieces of dried paint. Some of the cracks that carry darkness in them have a liquid seeping out of them now, soaking into the paint and dripping toward the floor. The ground is starting to feel mushy along the edges. Katsuki walks through the middle instead, though he leaves himself to keep walking through spectres at that cost.
A spectre runs past them. "Come on! I hear Bakugou-san's about to start a fight near the soccer oval!"
Another spectre follows behind, but slows at the comment. "Wait! Where did you hear that?!"
The first runs off again, leaving the second to stand there, dumbfounded. The spectre in question runs back the way they came from - in the same direction Katsuki and Neito travel - until they skid to a halt in front of another spectre. "What's happening with Bakugou-san?"
The new spectre - presumably Ujihara - turns to them. "Oh my god, you don't know? Someone spread a rumour about him... You know."
"What? No I don't!"
"Yeah you do! Him having a crush on you-know-who."
They're both silent for a moment. Then, quietly; "Oh my god. Do you think Bakugou-san will be suspended? I don't- he could kill that guy, you know. With his Quirk and all..."
"Nah, he's secretly a teacher's pet. Best he'll get is a letter home and a warning. Besides, he doesn't use his Quirk on anyone but Midoriya-san."
Katsuki growls the more he hears the spectres. The whispering mess of syllables and words that make no sense together grate on his nerves, consume whatever remaining sanity he's managing to maintain. (What are they saying? What are they revealing? Did everyone speak of him behind his back this way? Why the hell did they even dare it, if they knew what would happen if he ever found out about their stupid rumours?)
They knew. They knew and they still talked. They ignored his theatrics to his face, maybe soaked him in some faux praise to keep themselves on his good side, and talked behind his back instead.
None of them were friends.
... The whispers fall silent.
Katsuki freezes. His eyes drift from the never-ending hallway ahead to look at the spectres surrounding them, faceless and only vaguely human-shaped, yet all pointed in the same direction as Bakugou Katsuki himself. His brows furrow. Instinctively, he positions himself a step closer to Neito in the process, with a hand raising and explosions popping off - as if it would deter the threat of a ghost.
Monoma can't hear the part that comes next, but Katsuki can't decide if he wants to hate him for it or be glad he didn't - because the silence rapidly becomes shrill sounds of screeching, yelling, words now clear and resounding in the Bakugou's mind. He stops his explosions and covers his ears. It doesn't help.
"Son of a- fuck!" Katsuki grabs Neito again, eyes quickly glancing around. Was the hall becoming smaller? "Hurry the fuck up, Copycat, we're taking the next door!"
The hall was definitely becoming smaller.
Katsuki scrambles through the hall and slips on the black ichor on the ground a few times, wincing each time his ankle twists the wrong way. He glances around for a door. The shrieking grows louder. The spectres themselves become less human-looking the further they run; almost demonic, instead, horned and teethed and miserable beasts with too many eyes and too many teeth. They throw language he's heard before at him. It's a mix of backhanded insults and demeaning comments all wrapped into one, as if expecting him to slow down because of that.
The only reason he slows down at all is because he nearly passes a door into the next room. And even then, he kicks it down with one leg and half-throws the other blond into it, chasing after and slamming the door shut. The shrieking stops.
A few breaths. In and out. Inhale, exhale. Once Katsuki has calmed his racing heart, his hands immediately reach out and blast the nearest thing to him to take out his anger. "Fuck this fucking shitty ass villain and his stupid fucking Quirk, and he better count his goddamn days! Y'hear that, asshole?! 'Cause the moment I fucking find you, I'm gonna-!"
"Kill him?" A voice calls in the room.
Katsuki growls, kicking whatever he can on the floor - a figure, he thinks. A model tank. "Fuck off! Give me five fucking minutes before you pull some other mind-breaking bullshit!"
"That's not very heroic of you," the voice speaks again.
"Why the fuck should I care, huh?! You're not even fucking real, you stupid illegal illusionary piece of fucking-" Katsuki paces back and forth, hand finally pushing back the fringe of his hair. He glares at Neito, then. "What is it, smart-mouth?! You wanna say something so fucking bad right now, don't you, watching my ass get fucking haunted every goddamn turn I make?!"
The voice cuts through again, distorted and angry; "Don't you dare be speaking to your friends like that in our home, Katsuki! What is wrong with you?!"
He probably should've realised who that voice was.
Red eyes tear away from the other blond to seek out the matching pair, mirrored, like staring into still water. Something about Mitsuki here feels... Off. He can't quite put a finger on it. Like she's missing something. Her signature look of motherly sternness, maybe.
She just looks monotonous and angry all at once, staring down her son with her arms crossed over her chest. "Don't go putting on the big act here."
"The fuck? I'm not." Katsuki knows she isn't real, but he still feels offended at her implication. Was it because it sounds nothing like her or sounds so much like her it was scary? "What the h-"
"Look around you, Katsuki. You've made a mess of the house again, and for what?" She gestures to the wall. "Perfectly good paint, burnt." Then to the floor. "You've left all your toys on the floor for me to clean up." His lips press into a thin line when he looks at what she means, seeing a mix of broken figures and destroyed hero toys, ichor seeping from their breaks. "And not to mention all the school notes you left," she continues, pointing to the pages strewn across the floor.
He doesn't say anything when he realises it isn't his handwriting.
In that moment, her voice shifts; its original brief clarity switching to the disjointed and jagged tone with distortion, pitched downward, another voice over the top. Its aggression sounds familiar. Its confidence is unmistakable. He would quietly hope that this would be the worst of it, except he can't ignore the way her face begins to split along an invisible seam, slowly exposing her teeth and jaw. Pointed teeth start to grow along it. And her fingers, tapping against her arm, seem to look elongated and pointed, sharpened. "If you weren't so weak, this wouldn't be an issue."
"If you weren't so aggressive," chimes in the next voice. A man's. His father's, sharing the same distortion as his mother's, the same overlay of his own. His shirt is destroyed in one spot. In the area, a large chunk of flesh is missing - ribs exposed, organs threatening to spill out, muscles contorting with every move he makes. It's like something is trying to grow and cage around the open flesh, thin dark spines prying and stretching skin. "The house would be fine."
"Maybe you should play a little nicer," are a set of three voices, and it's the teachers from before, in their ugly and grotesque forms. It's a silent hope that he doesn't have to witness his parents get to that stage as well. "You'd have some more kids to be friends with."
"If you were more authentic," is next, and Katsuki tenses at the sight of Class A. (Not real. They're not real.) "We'd understand you."
"Shut up," he finally says. "Shut the fuck up. None of you are real. None of you are actually here, and this is some shitty mind game meant to fuck me up and get me doing something stupid." (But they feel real. Maybe they are. Maybe you're deluding yourself into thinking they're not. There's nothing to tell you they're not. What will Copycat do for you to stop this, anyway? He's probably laughing at your expense the longer this goes on.) "I'm not fucking buying it. You won't fucking make me."
And he wants to say his will is unmovable, there. He wants to foolishly think that maybe they haven't gotten through to him.
He should've known better.
"Stop it, Kacchan."
Katsuki twists on his heel and stares at the boy on the ground near him, green curls covering his face, slouched and curling into himself, hiding away. Smoke emits from his right shoulder. Katsuki can't tell if his left hand feels any warmer.
A pause. He can sense the other trying to tell him something, so he snarls, shoots him a glare. "Don't you start, Copycat."
When his gaze turns back to the boy on the ground, there is an opportunity. Maybe this is what the villain wants. Forcing him to have... Closure? (That sounds right. That sounds wrong.) Maybe this is the sick game that the villain wanted to play all along, and Katsuki's just been forcibly rejecting it at every turn - trying to ignore the things people say about him. Trying to ignore who he was, who he's been, who he is.
Maybe all he has to do is get past the suspicion and reach out. "Oi. Get up off the floor, nerd."
A long silence, like the boy in front of him was contemplating.
Again: he should've known better.
Both of Izuku's hands seize his wrist unbearably tight, and he glances up with a grin completely unbefitting the boy he knows, the boy he grew up with. It carries nothing but malice and glee. It persists even as his grip tightens, pulling Katsuki down, forcing him to look at the state of the other.
Red running down face. Blood colouring the sclera of his eyes and negating the shine of usually vibrant green. There's too many teeth in that grin, the canines are unspeakably sharp, and nails in his arm are dangerously close to puncturing skin-
He tries to kick the boy away, but other hands seize him, ethereal and smoky but no less real to the touch. They capture his wrists and arms and a pair grab him from the back of his neck. All of them are unbearably warm to the touch and calloused and cruel, digging into skin more. From what he sees, he thinks that they're mostly his own hands - from different ages, from different lives, all trying to hold him down. All trying to make him succumb to their grip.
He thrashes against the hold. He's not sure if he tries to call for Neito to help him (because in the end, he can't see who grabbed him, and he feels like he's flailing with no luck), but he quietly hopes. His explosions pop and sputter rapidly. Among the racing heart and rising adrenaline and panicked flailing, he thinks he gets angry, shouts expletives in rapid-fire.
The grip around his neck tightens in response. He growls back, tries to reach up so he might pry the hands off.
It takes a few more explosions and struggle - and he thinks some help from the other blond... But he wrangles free of all the grips. The room is empty besides himself and Neito. He coughs and sputters onto the ground with the fresh intakes of air again, a hand rubbing away at the neck, eyes wide. And he has to wonder:
Just how real can this fucking asshole make it?
He doesn't know. Katsuki spits out excess saliva with a snarl, huffing quietly, until he finally spares a glance up to Neito. A part of him wants to tell him thank you.
The more Monoma-hating part of him growls at him instead, slowly picking himself up from the floor and brushing off whatever dirt's found its way onto him. "I'm fine," he lies. "We're not done here yet. I'm gonna find that little bastard, and I'm gonna make him regret ever messing with me."
There's a door to a room he can see from where they are, and Katsuki marches straight to it with unyielding confidence - anger, more like, frustration. He barely gives Monoma a second thought as he shoves open the offending door.
His middle school self sits in the middle of the League's hideout.
Arrogantly, confidently, and not without decoration.
The intense and pungent smell of dried and aged blood flood the senses, which cause the Bakugou to gag and cover his mouth. The entire floor is red. The walls are splattered with red. Black ichor seeps through whatever cracks remain in brick. The bar is stacked with different shades of red liquor, and Katsuki is quick to hazard a guess as to what they might be - even without seeing the labels of people's names on them.
Between him and the table his other self is at, there's a small path left clear. To either side, there are familiar faces. His family. His friends. His mentors and his classmates, even his rivals, even the remedial course students and whatever support course students he's met. All of them are almost like marble.
They aren't marble, nor are they breathing. The only indication that they were ever alive is the dried red of blood clinging to their hair and their skin, to their clothes, soaked by what they lay in - and the only evidence that something happened to them was by the marring of their skin. Ash. Soot, and handprints, and redness where any red should not persist on a body long cold.
His younger self seizes a glass of red. He sips on it, a trail of the liquid going down from the corner of his lips. "Don't you think they were right?"
Katsuki narrows his gaze. "About what?"
"That you're a villain."
He spares a glance to Monoma. Slowly, he treks in further; this has to be his conversation. "No. I'm not a fucking killer."
His younger self hums. "You told someone to kill themselves."
"That's not the same thing."
"Isn't it?" His younger self stands from his spot now, taking the glass with him. He stands on the table first, walks across, just to sit cross-legged on the other side - closer to Katsuki.
He scoffs. "What the fuck do you want from me?"
"To win."
"At what?"
"A game."
Katsuki stares, narrowing his gaze. "How am I meant to win a game I dunno I'm playing, huh?"
"That's not for me to decide."
"Then what is?"
And this question, that seems to pique the other's attention. He tilts his head back, almost to look as if he's looking down at his older counterpart. "What you see. Your truest self, come to light. You never wanted to be perceived as another person on the sidewalk, after all. You always wanted the spotlight. Destined for it, remember?"
Katsuki remembers. He doesn't say it. It's not hard to think back on every person that's praised him for all of his hard work, his amazing Quirk, his undeniable ethic that would see him reach the highest places should he want to achieve them.
Apparently, his other self was expecting him to reminisce, because he continues with a gesture to the room - "it would've been easy as hell to achieve that as a villain, y'know."
"Tch." Villainy. Katsuki lets off a choice few explosions in his hand immediately at the notion. "That ain't what I want and you should fucking know that if you were any real rendition of me. What, not smart enough to realise I've always wanted to be a hero? Go and shove your villainy promotional campaign to someone who might fucking buy into it."
"Is that so?"
His counterpart shifts, then; he looks older now, adorned in his hero costume, but he most certainly does not look normal. Blood drips from his hands. His sclera is black but his irises remain a strong, vibrant red. His teeth grow impossibly sharp in his mouth and look carnivorous, wolf-like and hungry. His hero costume contorts to become melded to him like a second skin, and when he breathes out, smoke bellows from his mouth with his chest alight like a furnace.
Even when Katsuki maintains a brave face in its front, he feels his heart in his throat. Saliva drips from fanged teeth as the smirk grows ever wider, like it will peel away at the skin and muscle and bone the more he does. The voice becomes nails on chalkboard;
"You should stop acting like a villain then, Bakugou Katsuki."
The figure in front of Katsuki vanishes. He stands alone in the room, now, with nothing but the statuesque people piled around him and the overwhelming stench of spoiled blood.
Fatigue is setting in with everything that's happened, no sign of an exit - Katsuki half-wants to slump on the ground and rest a while. The other half wishes he could find the asshole who managed to pull all this shit off and show him the wrath of a hero that's been wronged.
He does neither.
He stands, silent, and contemplating.
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gojou-violin · 2 years
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⏣ AOT: Eren (s4), Erwin, Hange, Jean (s4), Kenny, Levi, Mikasa (s4), Piek, Porco, Reiner (s4), Sasha (s4), Zeke.
⏣ BJ Alex: Chanwoo, Dong-Gyun, Jiwon, Myung-Dae.
⏣ Blue Lock: Bachira (aged up), Baro (aged up), Chigiri (aged up), Ego (aged up), Gagamaru (aged up), Kunigami (aged up), Imamura (aged up), Isagi (aged up), Lemon (aged up), Nagi (aged up), Naruhaya (aged up), Niko (aged up), Raichi (aged up), Reo (aged up), Rin (aged up), Ryosuke (aged up).
⏣ Bubble: Hibiki (aged up), Kai (aged up), Makoto (aged up), Shin.
⏣ Bungo Stray Dogs: Akiko, Akutagawa, Ango, Atsushi, Chuuya, Dazai, Fukuzawa, Gin, Kenji (aged up), Kunikida, Ranpo, Tachihara, Tanizaki, Sakunosuke.
⏣ Chainsaw Man: Aki, Angel, Denji (aged up), Kishibe, Power.
⏣ Death Note: Aizawa, Lawliet, Light, Matsuda, Mikami, Misa, Naomi, Raye.
⏣ Gachiakuta: Engine, Semiu, Regto, Rudo (aged up), Zanka.
⏣ Haikyuu!!: Bokuto (post time skip), Kenma (post time skip), Kuroo (post time skip), Nishinoya (post time skip), Sugawara (post time skip), Takeda, Tendou (post time skip), Tsukishima (aged up), Ukai, Yamaguchi (post time skip).
⏣ Hell's Paradise: Chobei, Gabimaru (aged up), Isuzu, Jikka, Ju Fa, Mu Dan, ran, Rien, Sagiri (aged up), Shija, Shion, Shugen, Tao Fa, Toma, Yui (aged up), Yuzuriha, Zhu Jin.
⏣ High & Low: Amagai, Binzo, Chiharu, Cobra, Fujio, Ito, Magoroku, Mercy, Murayama, Noboru, P, Rao, Reiji, Ryu, Sachio, Smokey, Suzaki, Takeshi, Todoroki, Tsukasa, Yamoto, Yasushi, Yuken.
⏣ JJK: Choso, Geto, Gojou, Itadori (aged up), Megumi (aged up), Nanami, Noritoshi (aged up), Sukuna, Toge (aged up), Toji, Yuutah (aged up).
⏣ Link Click: Chen Bin, Cheng Xiaoshi, Lu Guang, Qiao Ling, Qian Jing, Xu Shanshan.
⏣ MHA: Aizawa, All Might (small version), Bakugo (aged up), Dabi, Hawks, Himiko (aged up), Kirishima (aged up), Midoriya (aged up), Overhaul, Tamaki (aged up), Tenya (aged up), Shoto (aged up), Shigaraki.
⏣ Spy x Family: Loid, Sylvia, Yor, Yuri.
⏣ Tokyo Ghoul: Akira, Amon, Arima, Ayato, Eto, Furuta, Haise, Hide, Hinami (aged up), Itori, Juzo, Karren, Kaneki, Naki, Rize, Saiko, Shirazu, Takizawa, Tatara, Touka, Tsukiyama, Urie, Uta, Yomo.
⏣ Wotakoi: Hanako, Hirotaka, Kabakura, Naoya, Narumi.
⏣ OCs: Aoi, Ariza, Astred, Daia, Elisa, Estera, Hitch, Ineka (aged up), Katrina, Kazuko, Lizzy, Seena, Siobhan, Umika, Uri, Yukina.
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| last updated: 14 june 2023
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magma1000 · 2 years
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No. 16 from class 1-C, Shi Eto, 17, male, Quirk: Turret
Eto can transform the barrel of a turret on both arms from the forearm down. (He uses his hair as bullets)
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No. 16 from class 1-D, Takako Miura, 16, female, Quirk: Garden
Miura has the ability to grow and manipulate plants at her will
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No. 17 from class 1-C, Blonde Midoriya  Tokai Tanaka, 15, male, Quirk: Catastrophe
If he touches something with all five fingers, it will begin to crack and crumble (it won’t disintegrate like Shiggy’s quirk, it only breaks) Tanaka can’t undo what he breaks
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No. 17 from class 1-D, Takane Kikuchi, 15, female, Quirk: Giant
Takane’s quirk allows her to become a huge, angry and indestructible giant fro as long as she’s angry.
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No. 18 from class 1-C, Yuki Naito, 17, Demi-boy, Quirk: Jack Frost
Naito can control and produce snow, hail, and ice. Although, his body doesn’t handle it well…
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No. 18 from class 1-D, Toshiko Saito, 16, demi-boy, Quirk: Shooting Star
Saito can run as fast as a shooting star! He also bursts into flames when he activates his quirk. He hits hard and runs fast 🏃🏾
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No. 19 from class 1-C, Yumiko Sakai, 15, male, Quirk: Arrow
Sakai can produce arrows from the little compartment on his right wrist, and manipulate its path as long as it’s airborne
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No. 19 from class 1-D, Ume Matsuri, 15, male, Quirk: blood formation 
Matsuri can manipulate their blood into different shapes, and harden it so it stays in that shape. (It can be as fragile as plastic or glass tho)
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No. 20 from class 1-C, Yuuki Higashi, 16, female, Quirk: Dragon
Higashi can do anything a dragon can do.
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No. 20 from class 1-D, Yasu Fujiwara, 17, female??, Quirk: Reptilian 
Fujiwara can harness at most three traits from any kind of reptile!
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rosecoloredkiri · 2 years
about me
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name: Soul
age: 20
gender: He/They
sexuality: bisexual and asexual
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-anime list-
-attack on titan (waiting on new season)
-tokyo ghoul (finished)
-my hero academia (season 6)
-soul eater (finished)
-death note (finished)
-sk8 the infinity (season 1)
-jojos bizarre adventure (part 3)
-black butler (finished)
-noragami (season 2)
-demon slayer (mugen train)
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-simp list-
-aot : eren, armin, jean, connie, sasha, annie and ymir
-tokyo ghoul : hide, juuzou, ken, amon, nishiki, seidou, uta, ginshi, kuki, yomo, eto, kaya, touka, tooru and saiko
-my hero academia : bakugou, midoriya, monoma, kaminari, kirishima, sero, shinsou, amajiki, hawks, dabi, fatgum, midnight, jirou, momo, and mina
-soul eater : soul, spirit, death tk, stein, maka and medusa
-death note : l, mello and misa
-sk8 the infinity : reki, langa, and joe
-jojos bizarre adventure : joseph, ceasar, jotaro, kakyoin, and lisa
-black butler : sebastian, finnian, undertaker, grell and mey-rin
-noragami : yato, yukine, kazuma, bishamon and kofuku
-demon slayer: tanjiro, zenitsu, inosuke, giyu, sanemi and tengen
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catakeleo · 5 years
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I’ve tried something ewe
smol gif cause he’s so cuuuute
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eexplode · 4 years
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aarcanevillains · 26 days
Encoded Chronicles
Masterlist | AO3 Link
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Characters: Touya Todoroki, Yoru Shimura, Eto Midoriya & Izumi Midoriya Oneshots: Moments - It’s moments like this that make it worth it
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Touya Todoroki, known as the pro hero Phoenix, was secretly taken by the Hero Commission after his quirk went haywire. Presumed dead by his family, he was healed, trained, and sent undercover as Dabi in the League of Villains. His mission: dismantle the League from within while hoping to save some of its members and return safe and sound to his girlfriend, Yoru Shimura- pro hero Genesis. As Touya navigates the villainous world, he uncovers secrets about Shigaraki’s true identity, his possible relation to Touya’s partner and All for One’s manipulations. His ultimate goal is to reunite with his family and help Yoru’s family become whole again.
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aarcanechaoss · 2 years
I’m not dead
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Me rising from my pile of work
I had a hectic week and needed to finish some assignments
I’m back for a bit LMAO so I will try to finish requests when I can
And ya know what since I’m in the mood please remember
Black Clover, BSD and Higuchi specific requests are open along with BNHA now
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I updated chapter 2 of W.I.T.C.H on @aarcanevillains
You can also ask about my characters and stories because I do enjoy talking about them
Natsuko Higuchi (Ichiyo Higuchi) Bruises
Seiko Fujiwara A New Life
I have yet to introduce them but you can ask about Kayano Oda and Yuki Nakamura if you want
Black Clover:
Elle (Noelle Silva) The Dragon Valkyrie
Ariadne Grimmwolf Cosmik Debris
Iris Blayne That’s How Life Lows
Tahlia Spiridon Burn Butcher Burn
Eto Midoriya Codename: Redemption Arc
Yoru Shimura CN:RA
Mizuko Takashi CN:RA
Kotori Ando W.I.T.C.H
Izumi Midoriya Multiverse of Chaos
Ask me anything about the MoC universe
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Unravel by StarlightAbove
Thirty percent of the Japanese population is deemed useless or freaks. The ones without blessings of quirks, seemingly cursed to stay powerless their whole life.
Ten percent of that useless group is actually normal human beings, weak and known to not survive past their teens. The rest of that percentage though are monsters.
At least that's what most people call them.
Man-eating beasts that hide in human skin like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Feasting ravenously on the delicious tasting quirked and leaving the quirkless alone.
The world was unfair. You never choose how you're born, Izuku and Eto learned this once they could comprehend the topic. They were cursed to be alone and misunderstood. A heafty goal of becoming a hero is postponed indefinitely when Izuku has to take on the burden of caring for Eto.
How will they make it so ghouls fit in.
Or. The tokyo ghoul and mha crossover no one asked for. Eto and Izuku as twins. Izuku with a quirk while Eto is just a Ghoul.
Words: 2752, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 12 of Alternative Lives Of One Izuku Midoriya
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Tokyo Ghoul
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Noro (Tokyo Ghoul), Yoshimura Eto | Takatsuki Sen, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Yoshimura Eto
Additional Tags: Minor Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s), Midoriya Izuku-centric, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Yoshimura Eto is Izuku's twin, Midoriya Inko is Not Midoriya Izuku's Parent, More tags later, Blood, Blood and Injury, Blood and Gore, Blood and Violence, Mild Gore, Gore, I'll try to remember to give warnings whenever it warrents such a thing, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Quirk Suppressants and Izuku Don't Mix
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30913256
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ao3feed-tododeku · 5 years
Mary: The American Hero
Mary: The American Hero by notgayenouf
A girl was born with a powerful quirk in a state where she couldn't use it to help others like she wanted to.
Naomi Eto wanted to be a hero. But in a state where being a pro hero wasn't allowed, it seemed her dreams would just stay dreams. Until April 3rd. The day everything changed.
Suddenly Naomi was getting on a flight to Mustafu, Japan and beginning her training as a pro hero at the famed U.A. High.
And if that wasn't enough make Naomi scream, she gets to be trained by THE Pro Hero Deku. And she might even become the world's next symbol of peace. ---- I'm bad at summaries. So basically a girl from America, who longs to be a pro, finally gets to pursue her dreams along side the children of the class of 1-A.
Words: 2111, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Iida Tenya, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Nedzu, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Tokoyami Fumikage, Shouji Mezou, Hagakure Tooru, Ojiro Mashirao, Ashido Mina, Utsushimi Camie, Kendou Itsuka, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Relationships: Iida Tenya/Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Shouji Mezou/Tokoyami Fumikage, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Ashido Mina/Utsushimi Camie, Kendou Itsuka/Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Children, american hero, New Hero Course, New Class 1-A, Iida Tenya Class 1-A Homeroom Teacher, Class 1-A Shenanigans, Aizawa is U.A. Principal, No Minoru Mineta, Original Characters - Freeform, Children of Class 1-A, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/22061836
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redlineoffate-a · 5 years
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships! | @musehorder 
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Yonebayashi Saiko / Yoshimura Eto
Ochako Uraraka / Midoriya Izuku
Amajiki Tamaki / Asui Tsuyu
Ray / Ahsoka Tano
Hela / Orochimaru
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bcdtouch-a · 6 years
eto .. bad birthday !! bad .
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                   “...Izuku Midoriya, as if i’d want a happy birthday from you.  You wreak.”
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aarcanevillains · 2 years
Codename: Redemption Arc
Original Characters
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Name: Eto Midoriya
Alias: The Copy Hero; Omen
Quirk: Snatcher
Can permanently copy quirks with a single touch and can choose to disregard said quirk. EG: if she gained being able to regrow fingers she could remove it from her arsenal as if she’d never copied it.
She cannot take quirks and has unlimited storage but cannot exceed taking more than 5 quirks at once.
Age/ D.O.B: 20-21 / October 31st
4/5 year age gap between her and Izuku
Family: Inko, Izuku and Hisashi aka All for One
Height: 170cm (5’6”)
Eto is Izuku’s older sister and one of his “heroes” - She is an alumni of UA High
Eto as Omen is an underground hero and has been seen during daylight to help as well
Eto has the simmering temper of her father - something Inko always said
Eto, Inko and Izuku are all under the impression that Hisashi is a real-estate agent in America
Omen has on more than one occasion settled fights without physical altercations - how she does it… they can only assume it’s a quirk she’s copied
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Name: Yoru Shimura
Alias: The Rescue Hero; Genesis
Quirk/s: Decay, Restore & Float
Float and Decay are as named and as used by Nana and Shigaraki. Restore can only bring back what she or her brother has decayed.
Due to trauma as a child Restore kicked in far earlier than it should while Float came when she was 9/10
She got Decay the same time Tenko did
Age / D.O.B: 20-21 / April 4th
She and Tenko are twins- he’s older
Family: Tenko Shimura, Nana Shimura, Shimura family, Nedzu (adoptive father)
Height: 176cm (5’8”)
Yoru Shimura is the younger twin sister of Tenko Shimura and close friend of Eto Midoriya
Yoru was left in the ashes of her family after watching her brother be taken away- this trauma triggered Restore after only having Decay for a day with Tenko
Yoru was later adopted by Nedzu after being saved by Gran Torino and Tsukauchi- she is an alumni of UA High
She does have PTSD from the incident at 4yo and often has nightmares
She is a limelight hero but is only a rescue hero who works with natural disasters or similar quirk issues- will help for other jobs when asked
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Name: Mizuko Takashi
Alias: The Serpent Hero; Hush
Quirk: Fear Factor - Serpent
Can create hallucinogens and neurotoxins in her fangs (can control amount and intensity)
Can turn into a giant serpent (giant green snake)
Has all attributes of a snake even as a human (cold-blooded, sleepy after eating, sensitive to vibrations, venomous etc)
Age / D.O.B: 15-16 / September 1st
Family: Mother, Father, Meowskerteer (cat)
Height: 160cm (5’2”)
Mizuko is Inko and Izuku’s neighbour, while she went to a different middle school they are both in the hero course at UA High in 1A
She would rather be an underground hero but might end up in the limelight due to instances with the LoV
Mizuko when too cold will find the warmest person she can and fall asleep on them- often that is Izuku, Eto or anyone she deems warm
Mizuko’s mother is neglectful while her father is the most wonderful man ever. Her mother has the venom quirk that has mixed with her fathers snake quirk to have Mizuko’s
Mizuko has a scar from the USJ incident from Shigaraki in the shape of his hand over her diaphragm
Picrew Images: Here & Here
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