#euphemia | face
padfootastic · 2 years
summary: from euphemia to james to sirius to harry to lily luna—traditions passed down through the generations of potters. love in the form of feeding your people, aloo paranthas as a labor of love etc etc
a labor of love
(also on ao3!)
August, 1970
“Jamie, breakfast’s ready!”
Loud steps thundered around the house as her ten year old raced down the stairs. Euphemia didn’t even bother to reprimand him at this point—she knew it was a pointless endeavour. Instead, she made sure the safety charms on the staircase were always updated.
“HiMumGoodMorningWhatsForBreakfast,” James’ words came out in one single whoosh of air and it was only because this was her child that she had extensive experience with that she could decode what he was saying.
She smiled gently while placing the plate in front of him. “Aloo parantha, honey.”
“Yesss,” James hissed in pleasure, a quick fist pumped in the air, before bending forward with his nose mere millimetres away from the paranthas.
Euphemia swapped the back of his head with a ‘tsk’. “James. How many times have I told you not to smell your food? You’re not a dog.”
“Ma, you don’t get it, okay. It smells so good,” he replied with a goofy, cross-eyed expression. “Seriously, whenever I go to heaven, I just know it’ll smell like fried potato and ghee and coriander. Life can’t get any better than this.”
Euphemia could only smile at the innocent look of wonder on her son’s face as he tore a piece off to stuff it in his mouth, hoping it always stayed there. If she had to keep making him aloo paranthas every morning to keep it there, she’d happily do so. 
August, 1976
Sirius huddled closer into the wall, pulling his knees up to his chest and trying to count his breaths so he didn’t go so fast anymore.
It was some ungodly time of the day and he was sitting on the floor, pressed right up against the corner of the living room of Potter Manor, having a minor—really, not a big deal at all—panic attack about…well, everything.
It hadn’t been two days since he’d run away from Grimmauld Place and already the hopelessness was settling into his bones. He couldn’t stop replaying the words and curses and taunts and Reg’s face and—
“Sirius?” A drowsy voice cut through his spiral. He shouldn’t be surprised.
James always had a way of doing that.
“H-Hi, Jamie,” he replied, straightening up and wiping his eyes in a futile attempt to hide the tears he could feel pooling there. It wouldn’t work, he knew that, James always, always knew but he still had to try.
Sure enough, a pair of sock clad feet (adorned in little animated snitches) stopped right in front of him. His gaze traveled slowly, reluctantly, up to see James looking at him with a complicated look on his face. It was a mixture of sadness and frustration and resignation. Sirius hated that he put it there. James wasn’t made for expressions like that—he should always be happy, smiling, and this felt wrong, wrong, wrong.
Before he could do anything, though (not that there was much in his control), a hand entered his vision, palm up in invitation. Without even thinking twice about it—he would always choose James—he let himself be pulled up and straight into strong arms that were the only thing keeping him whole and grounded so far.
The hug ended in less time than it took for him to draw a full, shaky, breath. The abruptness of it left him reeling. 
“Come on,” James said, tugging him in the direction of the kitchen. Sirius followed, confused, letting himself be manhandled into the kitchen stool and watched James take something out of the cooking cabinet.
“Boiled potatoes,” he explained, already moving on to the spice rack. “Mum always keeps some ready to go.”
With quick, practiced movements, James had them peeled and mashed. Another sealed container was retrieved—‘Dough. For the rotis’—and a flat top griddle was placed on the stove.
Sirius watched the whole thing in a daze, unable to identify a single thing but being comforted all the same. It felt almost like a ritual; the rhythmic movements of James’ hands as he rolled the dough into balls, and stuffed them with the potatoes. Watching him smooth it out into a round, flat shape. 
“I didn’t know you were so proficient in the kitchen, Prongs,” Sirius finally said as the kitchen warmed up from his best mate’s ministrations, the smell of ghee-fried dough and spiced potatoes permeating the air.
“I’m not, really,” James shrugged. “But aloo paranthas are—they’re different, you know? Everyone should know how to make them.“
“I’ve never even tried them.”
“Well, then, everyone should have them at least once in their lives,” James said, firmly.
He placed a plate full of warm, steaming—aloo paranthas in front of Sirius and without even knowing what they really were, he could feel the rest of the tension seeping out of him. It’s a temporary relief, to be sure, but that it happened at all is enough to both awe and excite him.
He looked up at James with wide eyes, only to receive a knowing smile in return.
“Have a bite, Pads,” James pushed the plate closer. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
And he didn’t.
As he sat there and entirely demolished four of the wonderful paranthas—after days of not feeling the slightest pang of hunger—Sirius was helpless against the warmth that suffused his entire being, not just from the heat of the potatoes, but from the boy in front of him who’d decided to take a chance on him. Decided to welcome him not just in his arms but his house, his family. 
August, 1995
“Sirius, why are we here?” Harry asked, confused. A minute ago, they were in the garden, talking about something or the other, and then suddenly his godfather had grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the kitchen.
“Because you, my dear Prongslet, have been severely, unforgivably wronged and it’s time to start rectifying that,” Sirius proclaimed, which really didn’t help.
“You just told me you’ve never had anything but bland, boring British food. Ever.” Sirius stressed the last word, making a point Harry wasn’t quite sure of.
“Yes…because the Dursleys are raging racists and Hogwarts isn’t too creative with its culinary choices,” Harry slowly said, feeling eerily like he was defending himself for…not being able to have a diverse palette?
“Exactly. If James had a grave, he’d be rolling around in it.”
Harry’s eyebrows raised in disbelief.
“Look, I was supposed to do this for you since the day you were old enough to eat solids. That I didn’t…well. Let’s not go there right now. But now that I do have the chance, it’s practically first on the list of my godfatherly duties—“
“What is, Sirius?” Harry asked, slightly exasperated. The man was making no sense.
“Making aloo paranthas, Harry! Come on, keep up, it’s bad enough you’ve gone this far without—any longer and I swear, James will find a way to come back to wring my neck and tie you to a chair just so he could force feed you,” Sirius finished, a slightly haunted look in his eyes like he was speaking from experience.
Harry blinked. What—?
“Now, luckily for us, the boiled potatoes are already done. You’ve got me to thank for that bit of foresight, of course, never go without since fifth year—“
“—because they’re so versatile—“
“Right, of course, how silly of me.”
“Yes. So, now you’ve gotta peel and mash it, and none of that ricer or fork nonsense, either, okay? You’ve gotta really get in there with your hands.” Sirius demonstrated by taking one slightly cold potato from the bowl, expertly peeling and crushing it between his fingers. He kept going until it was almost smooth, with just the smallest hint of texture. Once done, he turned expectantly towards Harry, eyebrow raised and ‘go on’ written all over his face.
Still slightly bemused, Harry stepped forward and gingerly took a potato of his own. Trying to peel it was—not as easy as he thought and everything else faded away as he concentrated on making sure no brown bits remained. It was a surprisingly soothing task. When he had his first potato peeled and mashed, he turned to Sirius proudly.
“There. What next?”
Sirius nodded in approval. “Now, we do the rest of it.”
And standing there shoulder to shoulder, the two of them managed to get through a veritable mountain of boiled potatoes, interspersed with Sirius’ stories of the Potters, a rare, greedy pleasure for Harry.
“Your grandmum, Euphemia, she’d make this for breakfast every so often. It was James’ favorite and she could never resist his great, big eyes—you get that from him, by the way. Not many people could, mind, but it was particularly effective when he wanted to scam some paranthas out of her.”
and “Your dad wasn’t the best in the kitchen, but this was one thing he was absolutely adamant he learn. Spent hours with Effie and Rani perfecting it, as well.”
Once the potatoes were done, Sirius directed him to the spice cabinet. “Now, this is the most important bit, Harry. Everyone makes their aloo paranthas in their own way. You can have different people following the same recipe and all of their final results would still taste different.”
Harry nodded in understanding. It was a bit like Aunt Petunia’s prized Roast Dinner—she always claimed no one else could make it the way she could, not even letting Harry close to the preparation of it. 
“The first time I had this was in fifth year—similar to you, come to think of it—and I’ve experimented after, right? It was so good I had to. I went to many, many places in muggle London—roadside stalls to fine dining, you name it—and not once have I felt the same as when your dad made it with his eyes still half closed and the paranthas a little burnt on the edges and a bit undercooked in the middle. There’s no competition. So. It’s all in the spice, yes?”
Sirius handed him the container of carom seeds. “That being said, the most important bit?”
Harry leaned forward, eager, all hesitation forgotten in the face of a piece of his culture, his family being passed down to him like this.
“You’ve got to—“
August, 2017
“—measure with your heart, okay, Lils?”
Little Lily Luna Potter, only nine but adopting an air of maturity of someone much older, nodded solemnly, taking her dad’s word as gospel.
“This isn’t just food—this is you telling someone you love them. It’s a warm hug. Feeding someone, taking care of them, is no small job. So, forget all this measurements nonsense and just get in there,” Harry finished, nostalgia coating his words as he quoted his own godfather word for word.
“Get in there, Daddy!” Lily-Lu repeated empathetically.
“That’s right,” Harry chuckled, using one hand to ruffle the riotous mane of red curls piled on top of her head. “The next thing to go in is the powdered spices. Which ones are those, again?”
Lily-Lu squinted thoughtfully. “Coriander powder, red chili powder, tyoo-mer-ic, and cumin powder. That’s all of it, right, Daddy?”
Harry smiled at her serious countenance. “There’s just one more you’re missing.”
She frowned, biting her lip and mumbling under breath. “One more? Coriander…chili…cumin…and—and—garam masala! It’s garam masala, isn’t it?” The last few words were said in an excited shout, almost loud enough to startle him but he could only lean forward and place a quick kiss on her forehead in approval.
“Sure is, sweetheart. You’re a quick one, aren’t you?”
“I’m smart, Daddy, you and Mummy say so,” Lily-Lu returned, self-satisfaction radiating from every inch of her little frame
“That’s because you are; the smartest of us all, isn’t it?” Harry teased, while carefully mixing the spices with the potatoes. This one he’d do himself—Lily-Lu’s hands weren’t the steadiest yet.
“Oh!” She exclaimed suddenly, leaning forward. “The salt! You forgot the salt, Daddy.”
Harry blinked in surprise, looking down at his array of ingredients and realised he had.
“Huh. So I have, it seems. Would you like to do the honours, Lulu?” He extended the container towards her, smiling once again at how she was practically vibrating in excitement.
Harry was—not just glad but utterly ecstatic that he could do this, had the opportunity and ability for it. And he had no one but Sirius to thank for it.
Taking care of me even from the afterlife, aren’t you, Siri? he thinks with a silent offering of gratitude to the universe. I don’t think I can ever thank you enough for it, for everything. 
“And now, the absolute final step?”
“The chopped coriander!” Lily-Lu chirped, already reaching forward to clasp a handful of coriander he’d prepared beforehand. She sprinkled it all over their mixture with a high, bright giggle and Harry could’ve spent an eternity in that moment, with his child beside him and the weight of his family behind him.
#euphemia potter#james potter#sirius black#harry potter#lily luna potter#this is perhaps the most personal thing i’ve ever written.#no other piece of work has more of me and my life in it#and i don’t it will either. i’m not a huge fan of ~reality yeah?#but i was eating aloo paranthas my aunt made me today. feeling exceptionally content.#and remembering the time my grandma made the same for me#and how the way my aunt and mom make it is the literal same taste bc rhe learnt from their mom (grandma)#and how i’m learning to make it the exact same way (about. 75% there i’d say)#and i’m feeding my friends and enjoying seeing the joy on their face#so aloo paranthas are like. nostalgic. and a labor of love. and a symbol of family and affection and generational habits passed down#so u have a whole fic around it bc projection is what i do best#i’m still v apathetic to identity headcanons for the same reasons as before#but this had to be done so that issue is put to the side for a while#also like. why is posting on tumblr so fkn difficult my god#why does it not accept formatted stuff 😭#i’m sure there’s a way to do it but i’m either too stupid or too lazy#but that and the weird spaces it adds between paragraphs will be the death of me some day#anyway. enjoy! i have lots of thoughts about it so feel free to come talk to me about it#massively restraint in myself in the tags & authors notes#this was just supposed to be a lil tumblr drabble but it. just. Grew?#so yah.#pen’s writing
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
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today's warmup sketch, more of these guys
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euphemia-lehisaref · 5 months
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Vampire goblin dweller.
Euphemia is my third name. I like it very much.
lvl 29
I like to draw, play games and collect things.
Traditional artist, tho I like to try new things or mix techniques. Drawing in MS Paint is my thing too.
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astralee · 2 months
baby fever
pairing: james potter x f!reader
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you’ve always heard your friends talking about the feral feeling they get when they see their boyfriends holding a child, but never actually experienced it until now. “whose this little one?”
james beamed at your sudden appearance next to him after you’d been busy helping his parents in the kitchen. “go on and tell her your name sweets.”
“kaia.” the little girl whispered shyly, her head nuzzled into your boyfriends neck in attempts to hide away. “are you jamie’s friend?”
“my girlfriend sweets.” james corrected. “i told you about her before, remember?”
kaia nodded and before you could strike up a conversation with her, somebody had called her name and she wriggled out of james arms and ran into somebody else’s. “she’s cute.” you smile, leaning your head on his arm. “she’s the neighbours daughter?”
they had only moved in recently and euphemia and fleamont had decided to have a little garden party as a welcoming.
james hummed in response to your question as he manoeuvred you around to be in his arms, your face resting on his chest. “missed you.”
“i was only gone for 10 minutes.” you chuckled, lifting your head and leaning back slightly to get a good glimpse of his face.
“10 minutes too long.” he groaned, squeezing you tight and only pausing when kaia shouted his name and waved something in the air to show him. “she’s the sweetest.”
you agreed. since you had walked out and seen him, your head had been clouded with dreams of your future. “you’re gonna be a really good dad one day.”
“to our kids?” he quirked a brow.
“yeah, to our kids.” you smiled bashfully at the huge grin that spread across his face as soon as you confirmed it.
“reckon we should get started soon?” he leaned to whisper. “i want a full quidditch team.”
you laughed and teasingly pushed him away. “you’ll have to learn to push them out yourself for that.”
he was quick to bring you back to him, always wanting you as close as possible. you’d always been very affectionate together and even though you’d tell him to tone the pda down in front of his family, he couldn’t help but keep a hand on you at all times. “i wouldn’t mind. i’m excited for our future.”
“yeah? when are you gonna propose to me then?” you grinned smugly.
“that’s a secret! don’t you give me those eyes.”
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hoaxriot · 7 months
pairings. james potter x fem!reader.
summary. every year james went away to hogwarts while you went to a different wizard school, but every summer it was you two. until he brought home a girl.
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summer was finally here, you were back home and the air was crisp, the warmth was just right. one thing was different but you didn’t know it yet. your mother yelled for you to remember dinner with the potter’s, which of course you already knew.
getting in the shower washing off the smell of your school and getting ready quickly since you arrived home later than usually. your mom yelled for you from downstairs, you groaned as you looked for clothes in your closet since, most were still in your bags.
once you did, you quickly changed and made your way downstairs.
“took you long.” your father said in a joking tone, you smiled at him following your mom out the door and across the street. since the two of your families knew each other since before you were born, your mother walked into the house without knocking. she held a bouquet of flowers as she yelled for euphemia making her yell back where she was in the living room. there was more commotion then usual making you confused.
the three of you made your way into the room where many people were sitted, you noticed sirius, remus, and peter sitting on the floor. then you noticed james sitting beside a red head, very close causing a pit in your stomach to form. more girls sitting around the floor.
usually, when sirius saw you he would hug you but he didn’t which made you even more nervous.
“i’ve met these boy’s but whose this lovely girl?” your mom questions looking at the girl, at her words you look towards james who was now avoiding looking into your eyes, usually when you walked into the door he jumped right up and hugged you.
your eyes snapped away when the redhead began to speak, “i’m lily, lovely to meet you!” she looked at all of you, you tried your best to smile but it wasn’t true. sirius was staring at you, the two of you became very close so you told him about you and james, he now regrets not sending you a letter at the true heartbreak on your face. he knew he should’ve but he was so torn between the two of you.
euphemia always went all out with the get togethers, but today was different. all of james’ friends were here, even lily’s since this year they had become a full group now that the two groups had come together because lily and james were dating.
she called everyone to follow her into the backyard where a long table was sitting in the grass, decorations all over the table. you follow your parents, usually sitting by james and the others but it was different. you watched as all of his friends fell into a group sitting by each other, even sitting far away from one another they were still having conversations.
this was the first time you felt out of place at the potters.
lunch went by slow for you, it felt like hours had passed but only one had. finally, everyone dispersed, your mother and father kissed your head as they followed the other parents, you quickly walked away towards the field in their backyard full of flowers where you and james had spent times together.
your throat had suddenly felt tight and an all too well feeling in your eyes, luckily everyone was too focused on whatever to come to you so letting the tears fall you took a deep breath with your eyes closed, head tilting back just a little to feel the summer breeze hit your rosy cheeks.
too focused on your thoughts, you didn’t hear the footsteps approaching. you quietly gasped seeing someone from the corner of your eye, scared that it was james but relieved to see sirius. he sadly smiled at you.
“when?” you simply questioned, he knew. “beginning of this year, she started to like him after years of him chasing after her.” he explained, your eyebrows furrowed as he spoke.
you let out a scoff with a little laugh, “chasing after her?” sirius winced, he was so beyond fucked, james never spoke about lily when he was on break because he was so focused on you.
feeling the sun peak through your curtains you opened your eyes fully opened, you smiled seeing james sleeping, he was snoring softly. he was beyond beautiful at any time of the day. you brought a hand to his face softly brushing the curls off of his face. he hummed in content at the feeling of your hands.
“morning,” he groggily spoke, you absolutely melted at his morning voice. “morning.” you replied. the sheets were tangled in between you as he tightened his hands around your waist bringing you closer to him, in-fact bringing you to lay on top of him. you lightly laughed as he kissed your neck.
“all these years he came home on break, sneaking out of his own house to come into my room. he went back to school and chased her?” gods, you wanted to hate her but she was everything, she was sweet and beautiful. he wanted to hug you hearing your voice crack as you spoke.
you laughed at yourself, cancelling so many plans your friends had invited to you over breaks for him, stupid james potter.
letting out a breath as you wiped the tears off your cheeks, “i’m so stupid.” you muttered, sirius heard you making him sigh. you turned around and began to walk away. he called your name as he followed you around the house, you did not want to face your parents or his. sirius calling your name caught everyone’s attention. they all watched as sirius followed you, disappearing around the house. james quickly followed leaving everyone making lily confused, leaving everyone confused on what happened.
sirius heard james so he stopped and let him follow you out of the yard.
he continued to call your name but you continued to walk away from him, he finally caught up to you grabbing your wrist.
“do not call me that!” you yelled at him yanking your wrist from his grip, “you do not get to call me that anymore.” the tears kept falling, there was no stopping that. james had tears in his eyes, it was a mess.
“please, just listen to me.” he begged, you scoffed. “no you listen to me, you chased after her for years!” realization struck him, sirius slipped and told you.
“you- what the hell was i too you, james?” desperation filled your voice, “i love you! an— and. god!” you groaned turning your head away. “i was never yours, but you were mine. all the time. while i was away, i was yours— writing to you, thinking about you, calling you, everything! while you were chasing her!” your voice rose in anger.
james had finally let the tears fall, he never knew it would ever come to this. you guys had been best friends since birth, literally. two weeks after you were born, he was. sharing birthdays growing up because the two of you wanted to share it. then he fell in love with you, and you fell in love with him.
now everything was crushed, your friendship and your relationship, he was losing you— he could see it in your eyes.
“i am so stupid.” whispering to yourself, again. luckily he didn’t hear you.
“just, enjoy your friends, james.” you spoke quietly as you turned away and james was so heartbroken he let you walk away, he watched you walk up the stairs to your porch and disappear into your home.
you immediately walked up your stairs and fell onto your bed, sobbing. not even ten minutes had passed when your mother realized you were gone, and she went back home to find you. she walked up the stairs quickly seeing your door open and the sounds of your sobs, her shoulders sunk seeing her daughter like this.
“sweetie.” she whispered sitting on your bed putting her hand on your shoulder.
“i thought he loved me back.” you spoke between sobs, you knew she knew because she was your mom. even though you didn’t tell her this one thing, she knew. the nights he snuck into your room or watching the two of you from the potters kitchen window.
“oh, my sweet girl.” she slid her shoes off and wrapped her arms around you letting you cry. soon enough, your father came home sensing something was wrong when his wife didn’t come home, he saw the two of you but let you be.
almost an hour had pass when the tears stopped, your mom wiped your cheeks and kissed it. “go take a warm bath and i’ll cook your favorite dinner.” she smiled as her hands were on your face, nodding softly the two of you got off of your bed.
later that night, you laid in your bed thinking.
james was never yours to lose.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
kettle - August 10th - jegulus - @stag-microfic - word count: 268
"So, Jamie. What do you need to talk about?" Euphemia asked, taking the kettle off the stove and turning to face her son.
Something, she knew, was off. Or important. Or different. It was rare that James approached her in such a demure, quiet way, requesting to talk over a cup of tea, with nothing to distract them. Usually he shared his feelings quickly, speaking a million miles a minute. But now, he looked like he was not only thinking, but overthinking.
"Mum," he murmured, fiddling with his cup, "I'm seeing someone."
"Oh, sweetheart," she smiled, admittedly a bit relieved, reaching across the table to hold her son's hand. "Is that all? You looked so nervous, my love, this is wonderful news! I can't wait to meet her-"
Silence rang for half a second as she took in the word.
"He's...a he," James clarified, meeting her eyes.
And she understood. "Ah. Him, then. I can't wait to meet him," she smiled, squeezing James's hand.
Big, hazel eyes peered through glasses to meet her gaze. "Yeah?"
"Of course, my love. As long as he makes you happy, that's all I care about. Does he make you happy?" she asked, complete truth echoing from her words. All she'd ever wanted was for her son to be happy, healthy, and loved.
And to see the smile break out on James's teary face, the happiness radiate from every inch of him, made her almost cry along with him. "Yes," he breathed. "I- you have no idea," he grinned.
"I think I have some idea," she murmured happily, thinking of her family.
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inkdrinkerworld · 2 months
hey there <3 I can’t find whether your requests are open so ignore this if you’re not accepting!!
I am on my knees asking for more of your bfb!remus… I need it, the world needs it. moony finally giving in after years of denying the reader for james’ sake 😫 this dynamic is everything
You're Jamies' baby sister and Remus can't believe he's got the fattest crush on you.
You're three years younger than him which isn't the thing that bothers Remus. What bothers him is the reaction James might have.
Remus should've never said yes to this damn vacation. You're all at the Potter's summer house, a life of dipping in the pool and then hitting the beach soon after.
Right now you're at the beach, and while James and Sirius are wrestling each other in the water, Remus can't pull his eyes off you as you build sandcastles and decorate them with shells that you'd found along the shore.
You can feel his eyes on you every now and then, and hide a smirk. You're pretty sure everyone knows you and Remus are head over heels for each other, he just never takes your advances as advances- much to your disappointment.
You shake your head a little, pieces of hair coming undone before you set your trap.
"Remmy, will you come help me?" You look up at him and the hair that had been braided back as all loosened and fallen in your face. You look like an angel of destruction like this- specifically his destruction.
"I'm not sure how well I can braid, dove. You know that's Jamie's strong suit." His knees crack as he stands and sets his book down before making his way over to you.
"Doesn't have to look pretty Rem, just need it out of my face so I can finish this castle."
Remus' hands are gentle as they pull the hair tie off, "Tell me if I'm pulling too hard."
You take a chance, "I can handle a little bit of pain, Rem." His breath hitches and you smile.
"Are you on the shore for me Remus? Because I'm a big girl now, you can go wrestle in the water with the boys."
Remus rolls his eyes, "I know you are, but why would I willingly let Sirius and James hold me under water?"
Remus' braid doesn't look as good as yours had, but it's swept all the hair out of your face. You turn to face him as he ties the braid off, a wide smile on your face.
"Remus I have an important question." you lean back on your palms and Remus can feel the back of his neck on fire. Your stupid little belly ring is a constant torment in his mind, always dangling over your tummy and making his brain short circuit.
"I'll answer if I can, dove." He's nervous, anything can come out of your mouth, no filter. He thinks it's sweet that you never censor yourself, Euphemia and Fleamont had ensured that their kids were never insecure about that.
You take a deep breath and Remus looks away from your glittery red bikini top. You smile and hide it quickly, "Are you scared to kiss me because of James?"
Remus looks over his shoulder, James and Sirius body surfing now. He leans in, sandy brown hair and hazel eyes all you can see- not that you mind.
"Or do you not like me anymore?" You know that's not true, but if Remus doesn't kiss you by tonight, you're going to go insane.
"Not like you?" Remus chuckles, his hand reaching for your cheek. "Dove, you don't ask silly questions." You really don't. "Of course I like you, I like you so much sometimes I can't look at you because I want to kiss you stupid."
It's your turn for your breath to hitch. "Then why haven't you kissed me yet?" Remus smiles, you sound so petulant and pouty, so unlike yourself that he leans in a little more.
Your nose brushes his, lips just barely touching and you frown. "Remus."
He groans, and pulls you closer, lips locking and you melt into him. It's a gentle kiss, experimental and slow. Your hands comb through his hair and pull him a little closer, making him deepen the kiss.
You hear whopping and hollering, "Fucking finally Moony!" It's your brother and the shock causes you both to pull away.
You heart is racing and Remus chases your lips for a second kiss. "Took you long enough." you whisper and he shakes his head.
"Did that kiss magically make you mouthy, pretty girl?" You nod, smiling like a giddy fool as Remus stares down at you.
"Moony, you couldn't wait till the end of the trip? Now I have to do the washing up for the rest of the week." Sirius moans as he and James meet you at your sandcastle fortress.
"No, I really couldn't." he's looking directly in your eyes as he says it.
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singmyaubade · 1 year
No Longer Yours
James Potter x Female!Reader
IB: In The Cold November Rain by @sweetsweetjellybean (Make sure to check it out, it’s incredible and one of the best I’ve ever read !)
A/N: First, I wanna say thank you to @sweetsweetjellybean for letting me be inspired by her story even though I am stupid, lol, but seriously (not kissing ass), check her series out; it is fantastic. Thank you to everyone for the kind comments, reblogs, and likes. I'm overwhelmed with love, and I'm so thankful that people actually want to read more of what I write but anyways, enjoy!
Summary: James had disregarded you for multiple years, but when you have an epiphany in your final year, how does it feel to taste his own medicine?
Warning: It may contain swearing and soon-to-be smut.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you all the way?" Your mother asked, squeezing your hand.
"I'll be fine," You caressed her hand, "I'm still your baby, though."
She laughed lightly, "Make sure to write always," She held your face with her hands, "Have fun; it's your last year."
You touched her hand on your cheek, "I will."
You hugged her one last time, taking in her scent. Every time you said bye to her, it was as sad as the first, without you crying and begging to stay.
"Okay," She smiled, taking her hands off your face, "Are you still sure you don't wanna wait for James here? I mean, you've done it all these years."
Little did she know, you had been ignoring James's letters, all 128 of them. He had been persistent, asking you what was wrong and begging for a reply to know you were safe.
You even received a letter from his mother, Euphemia Potter, asking how you were and everything was in Paris. You would never have it in your heart to ignore Ms. Potter, so you replied dutifully and happily.
And then you got a letter from him saying,
Dear Y/n,
Are you really going to reply to my mother and not me?
Your BEST FRIEND, James Potter.
You didn't reply, scoffing at the bolded best friend. The last letter you received was last week, him telling you he couldn't wait to see you and wanted to talk as soon as he got to you.
"Yeah," You gulped, "I'm just gonna meet him inside."
"Well, I'm sure he misses you," She started fixing your coat, "I mean, you have been in Paris all of this time, and I just think it would be good for you to-"
You cut her off, pecking her cheek, "Love you!" You yelled, going towards the train.
She shook her head, "Be safe!"
You smiled at her, going through the wall to the train. The feeling still felt the same, nostalgic. This was the last time boarding the train, and it felt sad.
You remembered the first time you ever boarded it. James was practically high on excitement on his first day at Hogwarts. You were scared out of your bloody mind, not wanting to leave your mum and dad.
When you had finally stopped crying and holding onto your mother's leg, James was the one to hold your hand and tell you that he would take care of you.
Maybe that was the first time you had realized James was more than a friend to you, or perhaps you were a naive child.
But either way, he was the one that you needed protecting from. You realized he hadn't been your friend since the fourth year.
But this year wasn't about James; it was about you having the best last year of Hogwarts that you could have ever had.
You boarded the train, moving through the compartments to where Marlene, Mary, Dorcas, and Lily usually were.
Compartment 222.
It was pretty lucky; it is where you guys first met.
You opened the compartment, "Did you guys miss me?"
They excitedly cheered, "Now tell me, Y/n, how many French boys did you end up shagging in France?" Marlene asked.
"I would say about thirty, oui oui." You joked in a French accent as they all started laughing.
You sat down next to Dorcas, giving her a side hug. You saw Lily and Mary whisper something to each other, to which Mary said, "Just say it!"
You could see Dorcas in the corner of your eye, shaking her head no aggressively. Apparently, Marlene was the only one not in the plan, continuing to look at her newsletter.
Your eyebrow raised, "Am I missing something?"
"It's really nothing," Lily nervously said.
"Okay, so what is it?" You laughed.
"Well," Lily fiddled with her fingers, "You know how you specifically requested that none of us tell James that you were replying to our letters and not purposely ignoring him."
You said, "Uhuh." Already knowing where this going.
"Well, I accidentally let it slip out over the letter you had spoken to Marlene and me." She admitted.
Your mouth agape, "Lily."
"I know, I know," She groaned, "It was a total accident."
"How do you accidentally slip something out over letter?" Marlene snorted, earning a glare from Lily, but she still looked at her newsletter.
"What did he say after?" You asked, kneading your forehead.
"Why is she ignoring me?" Lily answered, "I just said it was none of my business, nor was I involved."
The group stayed in silence, waiting for you to reply.
You sighed, thinking about how much James would bother you more now that he knew you ignored him.
"Are you mad at me?" Lily asked quietly.
"No, of course not," You smiled, looking at her, "I just don't want to talk to him and explain everything,"
"Who says you have to?" Mary asked.
You looked at her confused, "I just can't ignore him." You said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"And why not?" Marlene asked, now looking at you.
You opened your mouth to reply, but nothing came out. You thought about it harder, and why wouldn't you be able to ignore James? Maybe it was hard because you have never done it before.
"So I just don't reply when he tries to talk to me?" You asked.
"Well, I don't support this, but," Lily started, "You could always just walk away when he says something to you."
"Wouldn't that be mean?" You asked.
"What did I tell you in person and in the letter?" Dorcas asked as you looked at her.
"Give him hell."
"So do it." She said.
They were right; you couldn't keep explaining to James what he did wrong; you just had to be done with him. You missed your friendship, but it took a turn years ago; you never said anything.
And you had to start not caring about him.
"So, how was your guy's summer?" You changed the subject, grinning as Marlene went on about how she perfected her Quidditch skills and would finally be the best chaser at Hogwarts.
Then Lily talked about her poetry that she started over the summer and how her sister had ripped a few of them, but she fixed them with a single swish of her wand and appreciated magic more.
Mary talked about how many soap operas she had seen and how she might even go into it after she graduates from Hogwarts.
Lastly, Dorcas talked about how this year was her year to be a seeker and how she got a whole book collection from her sister in New Zealand.
You began talking about how you tasted so many new foods and learned a bit of French, showing off your knowledge of the profound language.
You were interrupted by someone opening the compartment doors, "Hello," Remus greeted as you stood up to hug him immediately.
He caught you as you almost made him fall over by the movement, "Remmy, how much I have missed you," You said, kissing him on the cheek.
"And Y/n, how was France?" He asked, smiling.
"Quite a bore; every man was all over me; I was getting exhausted," You exhaled, sitting back in your seat.
"Well, if you ever want to get with a real man, I'm here, Y/n," Sirius said, nudging next to you as you looked disgusted.
"Did you have to bring him?" Dorcas asked Remus, rolling her eyes.
"He insisted," Remus shrugged.
"There needs to be some form of restraining order against him by all of us," Mary sighed.
"I thought his STDs were enough of a restraining order for us to keep away from him," Marlene teased.
Sirius interrupted before another insult could be made, "Ladies, this Sirius Black hate train is honestly starting to hurt," He pretended to be hurt.
"Aww, poor baby," You said in a baby voice, pinching his cheek as he swooshed your hand away.
"Now, Y/n, why are you ignoring poor Prongs?" Sirius asked as you wanted to throw him out of the train through the window.
"I thought he told you to dance around the question," Remus snorted.
Sirius disregarded, "What did my poor, stupid boy do this time?"
"I'm afraid it's none of your business, Black." You simply said.
"It is my business when my friend is sulking and bringing down my mood," He explained, "So why are you upset with him?" He asked.
Marlene abruptly laughed, "I'm sorry, but he really thought you would be the one Y/n would say something to,"
Sirius fake-laughed, "Oh McKinnon, I'll be laughing like that when you fall off of your arse on the field,"
Marlene mocked his facial expression as he did the same thing to her.
"May I please just arrive in peace without one word of James Potter? I'm begging." You reasoned.
"Well, at least I can tell him I tried and that Moony was no help." He glared at Remus.
"I told you I wasn't going to talk to her for him; it was all up to you," Remus said as Sirius went outside, and Remus waved everyone goodbye before closing the doors.
You could already tell it was going to be a long year.
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After finally sorting the first year, everyone was allowed to dine. One thing you always missed about Hogwarts was the fantastic food; it was always incredible.
You were sitting in between Remus and Dorcas when Remus abruptly got up.
"Where are you going?" You asked, mid-laugh from a joke Marlene had made about Dumbledore and McGonagall in their secret chamber.
"Don't kill me," Remus stated before leaving. You looked confused, and James took the spot in front of you. You rolled your eyes, turning back to your meal.
"Please talk to me, Y/n," James pleaded.
You continued to stay silent, not even giving him a look as you looked at Marlene. She shook her head, and you continued to eat.
"I just wanna know what I did," James begged.
When you still didn't respond, he grabbed ahold of your wrist in an attempt for you to look at him.
"Don't fucking touch me." You spat before getting up and leaving the dining hall, telling your friends you were just gonna meet them in the dorm.
You tried rushing to the common room, but James was behind you.
"Y/n!" He yelled, speed-walking after you.
You continued to ignore him, going to the common room until you were stuck with the singing lady at the door who would not give it a rest.
"You have to talk to me," James demanded while the lady continued to screech.
"I don't have to do a thing you say," You scoffed, "In fact, I would prefer if you screwed off and stopped talking to me."
You went to one of the corridors, trying to escape him, but he followed you.
"Can't you just explain to me what I could've done for you to treat me like this?" He said roughly.
You turned to him, "There is not a single, simple explanation of what you could've done; there is a book of things," You snapped, "And treat you like this? Ever since I fucking stepped foot into your life, you have continued to treat me like shit." You stepped closer, "I stuck with you despite Lily, despite what other people said, and despite what you have shown me."
He continued to stay silent, "And now that I finally stick up for myself, I've done you horribly? Bullshit." You spat, "You have continued to show me exactly why I will never ever love you again, and yeah, for a matter of fact, I did love you, but you don't deserve me and never will."
Your words shocked him, not being able to mutter a word.
"Now you have nothing to say?" You manically laughed, "The smooth-talking and fantastic golden boy that shocked the century has nothing to say? What a pathetic-"
He kissed you suddenly precipitously, his tongue entering your mouth, entangling with yours.
For a second, you were drunk on his mouth, engaging with his kiss with as much passion as he gave you. His hand pulls on your hair lightly, making you moan.
His lips went from your mouth to your neck, sucking hard, red marks into your skin, knowing it would bruise.
Then you remembered everything. You remembered James's bitter words, his voice mocking you, and the boys laughing in the locker room.
You pushed his hard chest off you, breathing hard from the whole interaction. He looked at you, breathing as hard as you; realizing what he had done, he tried to touch your hand, but you pushed him again.
Tears brimmed in your eyes, "You're such an asshole," You cried, going to the Gryffindor common room.
You rushed up the stairs, immediately going into your bed. You couldn't believe what had just happened.
A part of you wanted to be grateful, grateful that you pushed him off, and realized that he only wanted to be with you when he felt convenient.
Another part of you wanted to continue kissing him, laughing with him, hugging him. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you had never figured it would be painful.
What if you had loved James for so long that you didn't know anything but to love him?
It was stupid and pathetic.
You were tired of being stupid and pathetic, you just wanted to move on from James Potter and get away from him, and if that wasn't possible, you had to make him regret being friends with you in the first place.
So you did.
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You got up fresh and early in the morning when all of your roommates were sleeping, taking a shower immediately.
You looked in the mirror, your mascara smudged and dark red and purple hickies wearing your skin. You placed a shit-load of powder and concealer to cover up the parts you could.
You tried several spells to cover it up as best as possible, changing into your uniform.
You slipped into the most showing tights you could and wore your skirt from the fifth year that you so obviously outgrew, showing almost your ass cheeks.
You would be thankful not to get a write-up from McGonagall.
You unbuttoned two buttons off the top of your shirt, showing a tiny bit of your bra. It wasn't the most rebellious or seductive, but it could work.
The first challenge of that day was Potions; all of your friends were there, including all of the Marauders. But, thanks to Merlin was also Jacob Carrow's class, the Slytherin Captain that James hated with a burning passion.
They both could not be in the same room without spitting a hateful insult at the other. James once had a dream that you and Jacob had gone out, and he refused to talk to you for an entire day until you convinced him you would never do that.
You never considered yourself a liar.
The only problem was that Jacob was a dickhead, but so was James. You were surprised they didn't get along, maybe in another life.
You went inside Potions with your friend group, and you spotted Jacob Carrow in the back with an empty seat next to him as you told your friends you were gonna sit in the back.
You were thankful none of his friends were around him; it would be ten times more unbearable.
You sat next to him with a wide grin painted on your face, trying not to show your pain.
"Sitting next to me, Y/n?" He smirked, "I thought you were Potter's little puppy."
You tried to ignore your annoyance, "Pets tend to lean away from their owner at points; I guess that's my case." You shrugged.
"I am no Potter; I don't like having little girls follow me and do my shit for me." You could tell he was insulting you, but you stood tall.
"Good thing girls don't like to be in your presence." You snickered.
He smiled, "Love a kitty with claws," He leaned into his chair, "What do you want?"
"Do I have to want something?" You asked, popping your chest out to show your tits as he looked down at your face.
"You finally trying to make your boy toy jealous?" He asked.
You dropped the facade, "Are you gonna help me or not?"
"Control the temper, baby; I just wanna know what's in it for me." His body faced you.
"Isn't James being angry enough?" You asked.
"Nah, I can piss off Potter by just existing." He replied.
"What do you want?" You asked, half-annoyed.
"Meadows on a date with me."
You laughed, "Dorcas would never go on a date with you."
"Then no deal." He said with a fake smile.
"Ugh, fine, I'll talk to her if you just make James's life hell for a few minutes." You said.
"Okay, deal." He smiled, "Do you want me to touch you or,"
"Sure, but don't overdo it." You warned.
"I love when you flatter yourself." He said as James walked in, laughing with the Marauders.
Jacob immediately placed a hand on your thigh, slightly higher than preferred, but you continued smiling.
You started fake-laughing at Jacob's joke, which immediately caught James's attention. You looked behind you, and James's head looked like it would explode.
You looked back at Carrow, touching his shoulder and admiring how much muscle he had.
"What else do you want me to do?" He said through his teeth.
"I'll scoot closer to you, and you can put your hand on my waist." You suggested as he nodded.
You faced the front as Jacob touched your waist, tickling you with his fingers as you laughed.
"Mind keeping it down?" James scowled, "Not everyone wants to fucking hear that shit."
"How about you piss off, Potter?" Jacob mocked as he gripped your waist tighter, which pissed off James even more.
Before James could say another word, Slughorn started the class.
Throughout the class, Jacob would squeeze your thigh or tickle you, almost rising to touch your tits. Whenever he did those actions, you would giggle, earning daggers from James.
Once Slughorn instructed everyone to look inside their microscopes at the different ingredients used in Veritaserum, you took the opportunity to sit on Jacob's lap, looking in the microscope as he bounced you with his knee, causing you to laugh.
This really pissed James off, him storming up to you both. He grabbed your arm, practically flying you off of Jacob.
"Mr. Potter!" Slughorn yelled as the class watched the entire thing.
"Don't you dare fucking touch her," James said brusquely.
Jacob scoffed, "What will you do about it, Potter?" He stood, going closer to James.
You rolled your eyes due to the amount of testosterone in this conversation.
James got closer as you grabbed his hand, pushing him back, "Stop it." You said to him as he looked at you.
He grabbed your wrist, dragging you out of the classroom to an abandoned bathroom.
"James, let go of me!" You yelled as he pushed you inside the bathroom.
He was fuming, and you could tell which scared you. You hadn't seen him this angry since he lost a Quidditch match against the very man's lap you were on.
"You dragged me in here, so is there something you have to say?" You looked at him angrily, hands on your hips.
"Us not being friends anymore doesn't allow you to be a slut," He ridiculed.
You slapped him, "Don't you fucking dare call me a slut; I can do whatever the fuck I want,"
He wiped his mouth with a smile, "You think he gives a shit about you? He would fuck you and then dump you." He said as he moved closer, and you backed up.
"You don't know a thing," You replied nervously.
"He wouldn't even clean you up after," He continued, "He would let you rot there like a slut," Another step closer, which you took backward. You didn't understand if he purposely tried to intimidate or lecture you.
He didn't stop.
"He would tell all of his friends after," Another step, "He wouldn't dare spare you a minute after," Another step, "You would mean nothing," You were backed into the wall now, "But it's okay because you can do whatever the fuck you want."
"James." You kept eye contact with him, his eyes beaming into yours.
His mouth lowered to your ear, "But I think you want me to give a shit; you wanna see me mad." His hand snaked to your waist, "I guess you win." His body left yours, storming out of the bathroom.
Did you really win?
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A/N: Y/n: 2, James 0??? There is also an alternate chapter to this because I couldn't stop writing two plots LOL.
taglist: @feast0nmeee @queerqueenlynn @diasnohibng @somebodys-enola @kiwichixta @queerpanickingrn @strnqer @virgogaia @ddddawson @lxriearxella @losa12308 @soosheee @lokifriggason1 @kenqki @volturissideslut @lmfaograyc @melllinaa @iluvfetuszarry @lovelywebber @violetbossler @moonys0chocolate @ourloveisforthelovely @stormymind14 @abq654 @cr1stinx @4-everm-0-re @icantwaittoliveandlearn @aceofheartzzz @ashkuuuu @i-dont-know-me-either @slayingqueenchal @hero-ically @mikeikax @extrainsanity @roryctrlshift @helloitsmeeeeeee @@dittos-blog-dylanobrien @drstargirl @17luvr @eviesmith1810 @fluffycookies22 @valencia-rou @watersquirtpewpewboomm @kentucky-criedfricken @lokisbitch13 @evangelinejxy @youroutdoorbf @ok-boke @madison-rebel @sunshineangel-reads @feast0nmeee @rey26
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izels-writing · 2 months
j. potter — 5 times james showed you he loved you + the 1st time he said it
Pairing: james potter x childhood best friend!fem!reader
Summary: james is in love with you, as you are with him.
Warnings: longer than usual, FLUFFF, a bit specific (y/n have a big family and nut allergy), a break up (not james ), confession scene is bad but i feel that’s what childhood best friend love confession would look like😭, ALSO I USED A LITTLE DIALOGUE FROM GILMORE GIRLS AND B99 BC I JUST HAD TO OKAY IT WAS FUNNY
a/n: i tried so hard with this one, pls tell me if u like it! it’s a bit different than my usual writing
august 12th, 1969:
"what're you two doing?" euphemia potter asked, a small smile gracing her lips as she noticed you and james sat across each other on his bedroom floor.
you placed your piece down, grinning at james' utter disappointment as you took his piece in the process. he groaned.
"we're playing muggle chess," he told his mother. "and y/n's beating me!"
you smiled. "i told him it wasn't as easy as he thought!" you countered, noticing euphemia's chuckle.
"well, it's getting late you two," she said. "i don't suppose you two expect to be up until the wee hours playing this game," though she tried to be stern, you and james knew how incapable she was when it came to the two of you.
"mum! we're nine now! can't we just have a little bit longer? nine o'clock it too early," james complained. "how about ten thirty?"
euphemia crossed her arms in thought. "how about ten o'clock?"
"ten-twenty," james countered.
"ten-fifteen," euphemia concluded, "take it or leave it,"
"we'll take it!" you exclaimed. james nodded in agreement, though, he always agreed with whatever you said.
you supposed that was part of the best friends thing.
you and james had been best friends since you were five years old, when your parents inherited the house next door to his—which was a blessing given the large family you had. three brothers, two sisters, and you—making a total of six kids. your three bedroom apartment wasn't cutting it anymore at that point.
so, to escape your loud and obnoxious family, you often spent all of your time at the potters. it helped that you and james didn't go to school, given euphemia taught you at home. out of all of your siblings, only you and two of your brothers had inherited magic. whereas the rest of them had to attend muggle school, you, james, and your two brothers were homeschooled by euphemia.
and everyone knew since the day you moved in, you and james were inseparable.
"alright then, either of you fancy a snack?" euphemia asked. "i don't want either of you eating too late,"
"no, thank you, mrs. potter," you replied with a small smile.
"yeah, we're okay mum, thank you," james added.
"of course," euphemia grinned. she eerily looked like a girl version of james when she did grinned, you supposed that's why you found her so comforting. "and y/n, dear, how many times have i told you to call me mia?"
you smiled sheepishly. "i'm sorry, i can't,"
and truthfully, as much as you tried, it felt way to disrespectful to call her by her name and not mrs. potter.
"yeah," james snickered, "she's got this weird compulsion where she has to be perfect and respectful all the time," james taunted.
"shut up," you laughed, shoving james gently.
"alright, well, ten-fifteen...alright?" she looked at you both warningly.
"yes ma'am," you and james chorused, but as soon as she left, you two burst into a fit of laughter.
even if lights were out by ten-fifteen, you two would still be awake all hours of the night laughing and talking about seemingly nothing.
you let him play his turn, smiling as he made a rookie mistake. you quickly showed him how bad his mistake was.
"y/n!" he groaned.
"face it, potter," you sighed. "i'm just better..."
he rolled his eyes and shoved the pillow in his lap at your face. you, being you, caught it with a laugh and threw it aside. analyzing the board as he went to make his next move.
he'd never admit he let you win just so he could see the smile on your face when you did.
march 15th, 1996:
"stop painting her nails and help me find an outfit!" sirius exclaimed. "moony won't wait forever!"
james looked up from your hand as you both turned to look at sirius. though he'd never admit it aloud, james loved painting your nails ever since you forced him to do it the first time because your hands were too shaky.
"red shirt, leather jacket, and..." you squinted before turning to james to let him decide what pants your lovesick friend should wear.
"black jeans," he decided. you nodded in agreement.
"thank you, mr. and mrs. potter," sirius sighed, pulling out the exact clothes you two had picked out. "finally you pay attention to me,"
his nickname for you both made you shift slightly, as it always did. not that either of them noticed.
"don't be dramatic, sirius," you replied, rolling your eyes. "painting nails is tedious work,"
"you're tedious work," sirius grumbled, quickly changing. the boys had no qualms changing in front of you despite the fact that you were a girl, they'd known you as long as they'd known james—given you were a package deal when you got to hogwarts.
"how are you two planning to spend the afternoon?" he asked, making conversation as he finished up his eyeliner.
"napping," you replied. you had pulled the longest study session ever last night, and still had to wake up in time for classes. to say you were tired was an understatement.
james didn't like naps as much as you, but he laid with you until you fell asleep because he was so warm. you practically forced him to.
"cuddle session?" sirius asked, ruffling his hair in style.
"that's the one," james replied, finishing your last nail.
"it never ceases to amaze me how close you two are without being in love," sirius chuckled before slipping on his shoes. "anyway, bye...don't wait up for me and moony," he winked before closing the door behind him.
he wasn't entirely truthful. sirius knew about your long haboured crush in james since your third year of hogwarts. at first, you were convinced it was just teen hormones and it'd wear off.
it did not.
if anything, it got worse ever since then. you couldn't be near the boy without smiling and you certainly spent most of your time with him if not with mary or the other boys you two had befriended. he just understood you, he was your person.
the worst part was that you knew he didn't feel the same. you'd known since your first year about his undying love for lily evans, which had progressed so much more over the years.
you supposed you'd get over it eventually.
you scoffed. "look at him, flaunting what we don't have—remus,"
"i know, the utter torture knowing remus will never be ours," he sighed sarcastically. you laughed,
he lied down, arm behind his head which flexed all the right muscles. meanwhile you blew at your nails to make them dry faster. you marveled at the beautiful pink color, perfectly done by your best friend.
"you can take the girl out of the muggle world, but not the muggle world out of the girl," james teased before grabbing his wand and waving it wordlessly. in an instant, your nails were fully dry.
you scoffed. "please, you love the muggle world,"
he grinned. "yeah, i do," he shrugged.
you lied beside him, curling up into him to wrap your arms around his waist and your legs around his hips. it wasn't always the most comfortable position for him, but he put up with it for you, unbeknownst to you. you lied your head on his shoulder, breathing in his aromatic cologne.
you never understood why you tortured yourself like this. you knew these moments would just make you fall harder for him, but you couldn't help yourself. even if he'd never be your boyfriend, at least you had him in your life.
"alright, see you in two hours," you mumbled, adjusting your head comfortably.
"i'll be here," he sighed in fake annoyance. "waiting..."
"shut up," you muttered sleepily.
a few movements later, he smiled softly as you began to snore quietly. he kissed your head ever so softly, as to not wake you, pushing hair out of your face.
he really did hate naps.
but not the ones with you.
september 22nd, 1974:
the five of you sat in the greats hall, piling your plates as everyone chattered during their dinner. you laughed at whatever sirius said, waiting for remus to let go of the spoon for the macaroni bowl.
"pads, wipe your mouth," james scolded, handing the friend in question a cloth. sirius rolled his eyes and grabbed it, wiping his mouth aggressively.
"happy?" the grey-eyed got asked in feign annoyance.
you laughed as james rolled his eyes and nodded.
"y/n, do you want some?" peter asked, showing you a plate of fruit bars with nuts in it.
"do you want her to die?!" james exclaimed, though it was drowned out by the loudness of the great hall.
you, sirius, and remus exchanged looks. james took all of you guys' allergies seriously, but for some reason, with yours he became scandalized. you took a deep breath, sending an apologetic look toward peter.
james scoffed. "does she look like snivellus to you?"
peter blinked at him.
"does she?" james demanded. the four of you didn't know whether he was genuinely being serious.
"no...?" peter replied.
"then why are you trying to poison her?!" he snapped.
peter sighed, remembering your allergy suddenly. "i'm sorry, y/n," he said. "i forgot,"
"it's okay," you replied with a small smile.
james glared at peter.
"what?!" peter exclaimed. "i said sorry! it's not like i shoved it down her throat!"
"shame on you, wormy," he shook his head.
"james, believe it or not," you said. "i'm a big girl, i can just tell peter no when he offers,"
"it's about principle, y/n!" he replied.
"and you call yourself one of her best friends," james scoffed, shaking his head at peter again.
"james, if you don't stop, i'll put normal milk in your cereal, you lactose-intolerant freak," peter threatened.
remus sighed. "one peaceful dinner, it's all i ask," he grumbled. sirius rubbed his arm comfortingly.
you laughed loudly, making the other four turn to you. quickly, the rest of them broke and laughter filled the table. quickly, remus, sirius, and peter resumed their own conversation—leaving you to talk to james.
"thanks for remembering, it's very kind of you," you admitted to him lowly. "even though you're such a drama queen about it," you taunted.
"of course, i actually know you," he whispered back. "not like these posers,"
you laughed, shoving him playfully. "you're such a loser,"
"takes one to know one," he fired back.
you rolled your eyes and joined in the conversation in front of you, grabbing a cookie and breaking it in half. without breaking your conversation, you handed one half to james and began to eat the other.
he smiled at you and ate his half.
of course he remembered everything about you. how could he not? you were going to be in his life for the rest of it. that he was sure of.
june 12th, 1975:
you sniffled, wiping your nose on a tissue as you went through your various polaroids. your boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now, had broken up with you a couple hours ago. as much as you tried not to cry over a boy, especially one that wasn't your best friend, you couldn't help but feel hurt nonetheless.
you liked him. and he just made a bet to date you for five months.
mary, marlene, emmeline, and lily had tried to comfort you but to no avail. you asked them to leave you be and they complied, silently agreeing to get the one person who they all knew could comfort you.
you held back a sob, cutting up the pictures and discarding them in the dorm trash. god, you felt pathetic. he wasn't worth it. but it still hurt.
a knock at the door caught your attention.
"come in," you sniffled, thinking it was one of the girls trying to get to your shared room that you selfishly kicked them out of. you hated crying in front of people.
a tall, lean raven-headed boy entered the room. he held a box of tissues and a buttload of snacks. he set everything down on your desk, eyes scanning you sadly.
"he dated me on a bet, james," you sniffled as your voice wavered slightly. "he broke up with me this morning,"
you met his eyes, seeing how worried he looked, and got shoved your face into your hands—a quiet sob escaping your lips, muffled by your hands.
"i'm so sorry, love," he mumbled, sitting in front of you to pull you into a hug. you hugged him back tightly, crying quietly into his shoulder. you felt terrible for his tear-stained shoulder, but the tears wouldn't stop.
you just felt so pathetic and used. how could you fall for it so easily? but you suppose if there was anyone you could be vulnerable with, it was your best friend in the entire world.
"why didn't he like me?" you mumbled tearfully.
"because he's an idiot," james replied, holding you tightly. "because he doesn't know what a great girl is even if it slapped him in the face,"
you let go. "how could i be so stupid? i mean i should've known! in all my five years at hogwarts, no boy has ever asked me out... i should've trusted my gut," you shook your head disappointedly.
"you're not stupid," james assured you. "he is, don't get it twisted. you liked him, there's nothing wrong with that, he just happened to be a prat,"
you frowned. "i suppose. but i mean i should've known..."
james cupped your face, looking into your eyes. "listen to me, y/n," he said seriously. "you are the most beautiful girl i know, you're smart and kind and funny and understanding...i could go on and on. he lost a great girl and he will pay for it for the rest of his life, do not feel pathetic and upset over some stupid bloke—got me?"
you let a smile grace your face. "you think i'm beautiful?"
he huffed and let go of your face, though you could see his playful expression. "is that really the only thing you got from that?"
you shook your head. "no, i heard you loud and clear," you admitted with a small smile. "thank you, j, you're the ultimate best friend,"
he grinned. "i know, it's a talent,"
you rolled your eyes. without you having to say anything, he grabbed the snacks and began to open them up for you, the both of you beginning to eat from the packages of snacks.
"am i more beautiful than farrah fawcett?" you asked teasingly.
"don't push your luck," he huffed.
you let out a melodic laugh and instantly, a smile spread across james' face. that's all he wanted, was to make you laugh.
the very next week, your ex boyfriend ended up in the hospital wing after a few humiliating yet harmless hexes being cast on him. unfortunately, all four marauders received detention for something they had very obviously done.
james didn't care. he'd go through millions of detentions if it meant protecting you.
may 27th, 1976:
a thousand used tissues and a finished vial of cold medicine later, you had only gotten through the first five chapters of your potions book. despite your efforts, you hadn’t made much progress in the years worth of material you were set to cover. exams were in two weeks and you were much more behind than you had realized. you had no time to recover, not when o.w.l’s determined what classes you received next year.
your eyes drooped as you turned the page, leaning your head in your hand tiredly. you weren’t even sure you were retaining anything anymore, just studying so you could say you had done it.
lily and mary had left you some time ago, tired themselves. they had begged you and pleaded for you to join them in your dorm, so you could sleep off the medicine. you were the only one sick—just your luck.
you refused and moreover, begun to ignore them. they didn’t take it personally, they knew how you could get around exam time. they muttered that they’d come back to check on you soon. that had been four hours ago, and you were happy that they seemingly weren’t going to come back any time soon.
a loud clatter across the library made you sit up from your medicine-potion-induced trance. your eyes opened wider, scanning the dark library for any movement. madam pince had left two hours ago, given the library had closed and she had no idea you were back here.
“hello?” you whispered, mentally cursing yourself for the stupid mistake. if there was someone here, like a teacher, you surely had just given yourself away.
thankfully for you, it wasn’t a teacher or staff member. instead, it was your best friend.
“y/n? what’re you doing here? it’s twelve-a.m.!” james whispered loudly, moving the books that had blocked your view effortlessly. he kneeled by you on the chair, your body relaxing as you realized it was him.
“baking a cake,” you replied sarcastically. “what does it look like i’m doing, potter?”
“first of all, you know last names hurt me,” james replied. “secondly, you look like shit,”
he felt your forehead. “and you feel like shit,”
“wow, you sure know how to charm a lady, james,” you replied with a playfully eye roll. “don’t worry, i’m on my way back to the dorms, just twenty more minutes,”
james gave you a deadpan look. “mary and lily told me you said that four hours ago,”
so that’s who revealed your location. the traitors.
“james, i have to study! i can’t just not pass my potions o.w.l’s?” you replied.
james sat on the chair diagonal to you, looking at your very obviously sick form. it had to be some strain of the summer flu, given remus had gotten it just a week prior.
“to quote my mother, you have to sleep—it’s what keeps you beautiful,” he tried persuasively. you were not nothing if not vain.
you scoffed. “who’s gonna cares about beauty if i fail my finals?!”
“your future husband?” james tried.
“i won’t be marrying anyone that vain,” you concluded.
“that should make me feel better,” he replied. “but you working yourself to death does not,”
“okay, you can study for twenty more minutes,” he sighed after a moment of you staring at each other. “i’ll go make you a tea and wait with you to make sure you actually come to bed,”
you rolled your eyes and waved him off, returning to your potions textbook in no time. james quickly ambled out of the library and made his way to the kitchen.
thankfully for him, filch was on leave for a few days, not that anyone knew that. he had walked into a particularly nasty prank by james and sirius, leaving him stuck in the hospital wing for a few days. all the staff elected to not tell students, in hopes it’d scare them into not sneaking out at night.
james quickly made his way back to the kitchen, asked the house elves for a tea, and began making his way back. it was in a tiny coffee to go cup—why the house elves had them, james had no idea, but it certainly made his life easier.
he couldn’t have been gone more than a ten minutes, but as james got back, he quickly noticed the angle of the light from your wand was not the same as it had been when he left. james quietly made his way over and smiled warmly at the sight.
there you were, head lying on the table, hands tucked into your sweatshirt in attempts to be warm. you were sound asleep, the potion having finally caught up to you. granted, james was just glad the amount you had drank hadn’t killed you—as he was sure it wasn’t safe at all to finish a vial in one day.
he walked over and summoned a blanket with the flick of his wand, allowing for his hand to catch it immediately. he placed the tea down on the table. then, he pushed the hair out of your face and draped the cover over you, kissing your head gently as he had felt you do to him so many times.
he wrapped it around you and with one swift motion, he wrapped an arm around your knees and another around your neck—cradling you close to his chest. you woke for a moment, brief and unaware, to wrap your arms around his neck. he tried to fight the nerves that twisted in his stomach at your touch.
and all the way from the library to the common room, james held you tight and carried you all the way back, careful not to wake you. you were burning up, but other than that, you looked comfortable. much more comfortable than before.
the fat lady, without a word, swung open when she saw james and he safely brought you inside—laying you down on the couch. you stirred a bit and looked up at him through half-lidded eyes.
“thanks, j,” you whispered.
“of course,” he grinned, sitting beside you, moving your legs on his lap. “now get some sleep, i’ll wait here with you,”
“you’re a good best friend,” you mumbled through a yawn.
james smiled and kissed his fingers, gently placing them on your head. you smiled happily and fell asleep in no time.
he only wished that one day he’d be more than just your best friend.
october 11th, 1977:
you sat in front of james on his bed, finishing up an essay you two had worked on together. the entire day, no—the entire week, he’d been acting strange. james was usually strange, but not this strange. he had been gentler and his face would burn up whenever sirius mentioned his little nickname for both of you.
it was beginning to scare you. what if he was becoming uncomfortable with the jokes? the nicknames? what if he had a girlfriend and he didn’t know how to tell you that your relationship with each other would have to change? how would you even react to that?
you looked up at him, noticing the boy wringing his hands. despite this, you said nothing. maybe you could live in denial just a little longer.
“i have something to tell you,” james spoke suddenly.
you looked up, eying him carefully. “what’s up, j?”
james’ face flushed a light pink as he looked up at you sincerely. he swallowed thickly. for a moment, he stared at you. you both just looked into each others eyes and you were unsure what to do next. he’d never been this serious with you.
“you alrig—“
“i love you,” he blurted. “as more than a best friend,”
you would like to say that what you did next was completely intentional, but it wasn’t. as a matter of fact, you weren’t quite sure where it came from.
you covered your mouth, looking in shock as james landed on the ground. he wasn’t terribly hurt, just shocked. you were shocked as well.
“that is…not what i expected,” james muttered, standing up and sitting in front of you again.
“what was that for?” he asked.
“i dunno…” you mumbled. “i panicked, i didn’t know what to say…”
james softened his gaze at you and a smile curled onto his lips. soon enough, you began to smile too. and then you both burst into laughter. after you both sobered up, you smiled at him.
“i love you too, as more than a best friend,” you finally replied. it felt like a weight lifted off your shoulders—you finally confesses your biggest secret to james. “just so you know,”
he smiled. “i’m glad to hear that,”
“wow, what a loser,” you commented playfully. “usually this is the scene where the guy kisses the girl,”
he grinned. “really? sort of like this?”
he pulled you in, your lips touching quickly. if this is what heaven felt like, you understood why everyone wanted to go so bad. you pulled him closer, refusing to break the kiss.
you broke apart finally. “yeah…like that,” you grinned.
“will you…?” james stumbled on his words.
you grinned, knowing him perfectly enough to know exactly what he’s asking. “yes, james, i will be your girlfriend,” you replied happily.
he smiled, pulling you in again.
he’d finally confessed it.
“what’re you two doing?” you grinned, leaning against the doorway of your son harry’s room.
he threw down a card, glaring at ginny as she placed down her own card with a smirk.
“we’re playing uno,” ginny replied with a smile. “ron didn’t want to play so harry and i decided to go against each other,”
“how is it a muggle game and she’s beating me?! she’s never even played before!” harry exclaimed.
“you underestimate weasley’s,” ginny grinned. “we’re not as ignorant as you think,”
“well, it’s getting late you two,” you commented, glancing at the clock in harry’s room. “i don’t suppose you two plan on playing until the wee hours,”
“mum! we’re thirteen now!” harry groaned. “we can stay up a little later than nine-thirty, right?”
ginny nodded and shrugged. “i mean i’m twelve, but still…”
you sighed in feign annoyance. “fine, ten-fifteen, and then ginny will go sleep in your sisters room and you and ron will have to go to bed—sound good, you two?”
“but—“ harry began.
you smirked. your son—ever the clone of james potter, your husband. “let me rephrase, ten-fifteen, take it or leave it,”
“we’ll take it!” ginny replied quickly.
“yeah, we will,” harry smiled, glancing at ginny with a little glint in his eyes. you and james knew full well the future of harry and ginny’s relationship, even if no one else did.
“good, ten-fifteen,” you said warningly before making your way downstairs.
james lounged on the couch, clicking through tv channels. you curled up beside him.
“they’re doing the thing,” you commented, knowing james would know exactly what you meant.
“remember when we were that young and in love?” james grinned.
“aren’t we still young and in love?” you teased.
“not that young anymore, but in love? yes,” he replied with a smirk. you rolled your eyes and kissed his cheek, wrapping your arms around his chest and draping your legs across his lap.
“i’m glad it’s ginny, she’s a bold little lady,” your husband grinned. “just the other day, she defended your son against this kid at the little league quidditch try-outs, even punched his nose,”
“i know, harry came home and told me all about it,” you grinned. “all impressed and admiring, even ron saw how in love he looked,”
“well, we potter men love ballsy ladies,” james joked.
you rolled your eyes. “don’t i know it…”
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kitaylo · 4 months
Possessive James, kind of smutty
James was never one to lay claim to things. From a very young age, Euphemia and Fleamont instilled in him the importance of sharing, a thing that led him to be selfless at times, relinquishing his treasures to others.
However, at this moment, years of conditioning dissolved into dust. His eyes were following Regulus all around the dance floor, dancing his heart out looking absolutely delectable. He was wearing a black tank top that stopped midriff, leaving a wisp of hair  for fantasies to feed on. His waist was hugged by low fitting jeans that only accented the sway of his hips. Arms thrown in the air swinging with the crescendo of the beat, his hair sticking to some parts of his face, and when he threw his head back relishing the sweetness of the beat drop, James almost stifled a moan as the column of his neck sparkled in the flashing light. James' eyes weren't the only ones savoring the sight in front of them. This knowledge only tugged at something deep inside his chest, a desire he long repressed, but the more he registered people eying Regulus, the more that desire slithered its way through James' assurance.
James was never a man of many desires, but now his grandest one was to make his way through the crowd and lap the sweat on Regulus' neck with his tongue, until it found his mouth and claimed his lips for himself. James felt heat washing over him. He really needed something to quench his thirst as he ordered another drink. He swirled the glass, and as he brought it to his lips, eyes wandering to his boyfriend, he was met with silver eyes looking at him languidly, full of desire. Regulus beckoned him with his head, and James, like a snake enchanted by the flute's notes, made his way to him.
Dazed and drunk on the sight of him, his hands clenched around Regulus' hips and brought him closer. He nosed his neck, dragging his teeth on the column of his neck, and when he found Regulus' sweet spot he sunk his teeth in, gnawing on the flesh slightly until violet bloomed on the porcelain skin and a moan filled his ears.
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starmoondany · 6 months
Can you imagine how happy Euphemia was when she found out that her son and Regulus were getting married? She had taken Regulus into her home when he was still a boy, so hurt, so vulnerable. She practically took him and Sirius into her arms, raising them as if they were her own children, loving them as if they were her own children.
She wasn't stupid, she knew her son; James had been born to her after all. And she knew her boy was in love. She saw it in her boy's eyes every time Regulus was around. The woman didn't want to squirm in her wisdom, but with a smirk on her face, she knew those two would end up together. And she couldn't help but feel proud and somewhat mischievous of herself when, just after James had turned twenty, asked Regulus to marry him.
She had suspected that her boy was up to something; James had been working twice as hard since he graduated. She, worried, seeing her son come home tired every night, tried to reassure him; telling him that there was no need, that he would never lack anything at home. Oh, little she know that James was saving to buy a ring, and to pay the first installment of the house he was going to buy for himself and Regulus.
Despite that, she did knew they would eventually get married. What she didn't expect was that they would give her grandchildren so soon.
When James and Regulus announced it, right after having lunch together, she was speechless, she just couldn't form the words, thousands of things were happening inside her. She then looked at Regulus, seeking confirmation. He had a soft smile on his face, and when Euphemia looked down, she saw a barely noticeable baby bump under Regulus' clothes and that's when she started crying. Oh, how she loved that boy. And although she always considered Regulus part of her family, this was different. She hugged him, so tight, crying into the poor boy's clothes. Regulus hugged her back, feeling so overwhelmed, no one had ever hugged him like that. He cried too, he couldn't help it. Everything was so overwhelming and so beautiful. She took the boy's face in her hands; she always thought Regulus was a very beautiful boy. And now he was hers; part of her family. Regulus had just given her the most beautiful gift that only he could give her, and Euphemia was never going to let him go. He was her boy too.
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bobluvbot · 6 months
late night cravings
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pairing: sirius black x afab!reader summary: you sneak off the night for a cheeky midnight snack, hoping sirius won’t notice (spoiler alert: he does, and he’s sulky about it)  wc: 4k cw: pregnancy & baby talk, descriptions of food and eating, brief allusions to sex (not directly stated), no physical traits of reader specified but sirius can hold things out of reader’s reach  a/n: so i had a lengthy angst fic for sirius’s debut on my blog and im halfway done on it but i cant seem to finish it bc it sends me to a depressing spiral each time <33333 so pls enjoy a very self-indulgent domestic excessively fluffy blurb with my beloved <33333 p.s this is not proofread so plz ignore mistakes ty <3
opening the tomato salsa jar turned out to be the hardest part. 
back in bed, you thought the trickiest part of your late night escapade from sirius black was his long limbs wound up tight with yours, even in low light of the small nightlight in the corner, you could still make out the intricate script and designs following the curves and dips of his strong arms, holding you close to his chest. 
you had it committed to memory by now, having explored sirius’s body well enough to memorize the way his skin feels against yours, with heartbeats and breaths falling in sync without much effort. 
judging by the way his breathing gets heavy after every exhale and the little snores that escape in between, you knew he was beyond knackered. it was day five of sirius’s new job as an deputy director at the auror office. the day he learned about the promotion was pure unadulterated happiness. after letting you know through an express owl, you mustered up enough vigor available to your seven months pregnant self to get out of the house and go to the local shops to get party supplies and food to celebrate sirius’s achievement. 
Coming in third out of the list of things he genuinely loved in this life, after you and his luscious locks of course, was his job as an auror. young sirius had never thought in his wildest dreams that he’d work at the ministry, much less actually enjoy it. can’t really blame sixteen year old sirius, starting an underground rock band with the marauders seemed like the perfect thing to do after gruelling hours of studying at hogwarts. 
defense against the dark arts came to him naturally, with some counterspells like second nature to him as being exposed with use of dark magic young gave him no choice but to grow up quickly and defend himself from the excruciating pain or the mind control that was from his own family’s doing. Winning the first wizarding war alongside his friends and found family has solidified sirius’s calling in eradicating the use of dark magic and making sure the next generation can have a safe and normal life without the looming threat of a megalomaniac sorting people with their blood status and taking over the wizarding world. 
that night, sirius walked into a dark and eerily quiet home that had his senses on overdrive. but when the lights turned on and he saw familiar faces of his loved ones all beaming with pride, and there you were in the center, looking ethereal and round and all his, with his favorite red velvet cake on hand and a ridiculously big balloon that says “congratulations” tied to the candle, he could have melted in a syrupy mess of gooey happiness right then and there if he hadn’t caught himself together last minute.
Sirius had thought– that after you agreeing to go on one date with him to hogsmeade, winning the quidditch cup and seeing the proud look on minerva’s face, going home for christmas break and euphemia welcoming him with a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug, remus teaching at the very same classroom you all were in years back, james and lily’s first kiss at the altar, holding little baby harry in his arms, you walking down the aisle with a bouquet of peonies in the most beautiful dress, and when you held his hand that one night and told him that you were expecting—- that he knew of love. but you do something extraordinary that has him scrambling to add to the endless list of why you’re the love of his life. he was so focused on you that he wasn’t prepared to catch pure muscle of james’s body as he flung himself to tackle his best friend in a hug. luckily, remus with a party hat was aptly standing between a toppling sirius and the living room wall, and he singlehandedly saved the two from creating a huge hole in the drywall. 
this was the life, sirius had thought after many hours of partying celebrating and eating, when he laid beside you in bed, limbs tangled, sated and dizzy and warm as you both came down from your highs. and he gets to spend it with you.
but as fun and exciting sirius’s new job is, it entailed an increased amount of responsibility as he was assisting the head auror. his least favorite part of the job was the boatloads of paperwork he has to deal with. An express owl almost dropped a howler letter into the soup you were making for dinner earlier that day and you opened it up panicking thinking it was an emergency. But no, it was just sirius whining that his hand hurt and is about to fall off and that he needs you to kiss it better. 
You did eventually, and one thing led to another and here you were, tucked in your husband’s warm embrace. you could stay here forever, only separating to drink water and bathroom trips, but the gnawing urge to eat something savory, sweet, tangy, and crunchy has possessed your entire being, the only way to quell it was to get up and go to the kitchen. the baby doesn’t seem to have a semblance of time yet, a fact you both envied and despised, because the clock on your nightstand said it was 3:48am in bold red numbers. A few months ago, you’d never be caught dead awake at this time, taking your precious sleep time seriously. The man himself would poke fun at you and say you’d gladly sleep through an earthquake or a housefire just as long as you get your seven to eight hours of sleep per day, and despite of your assumed role of contradicting and arguing with spontaneous and stubborn sirius, you had to agree.
But this was not about you anymore, or at least not quite yet for a good seventeen years, so you untangle yourself from sirius and your perfectly warm and cool side of the bed and waddle down the carpeted stairs, careful not to set foot on the creaky step that might risk waking sirius up. You need your secrets too, and you’re not in the mood to share food.
Grateful for the heavens that you and sirius stocked up on groceries two days ago, you had a wide selection of random items to munch on. A few days ago, you were introduced to the idea of a fluffernutter sandwich while scrolling through the short videos on your feed. Peanut butter and marshmallow fluff as spreads on their own was something you didn’t mind eating, but both together in a sandwich? You were enthralled, and the only way to quell the curiosity was to make it. So you did. 
You shovel and slather more than enough spread on each slice of bread, though you might have used the same spoon on both jars.. but who’s to tell you off otherwise, your snoozing husband upstairs? pfft. 
Smiling happily as if committing a particularly naughty crime, you place the spoon in your mouth, licking off the gooey mixture as you place the sandwich on a piece of paper towel (yes, you take the no dishwashing tonight seriously) on the table. humming, you mull over what to prepare next.
The baby needs something savory and tangy, but you’re not particularly keen on going through all the effort of heating up the soup from dinner, not to mention the amount of cutlery and dishes you’ll use for that, so you zero in on the tostada shells you chose rather than tortilla chips because its much more crispier. 
Opening the fridge, you see the laughing cow on a round packaging and decide its the one, so you grab two cheese wedges from it. 
Sirius had argued that the next aisle had actual, real blocks of cheese with a variety on display and that there was no point in getting artificially flavored ones. But you’ve gotten really good at giving him the stank face, which inadvertently ends 75 percent of nonsense bickering before it even starts; and since you’ve started showing more and more, sirius has admittedly gone softer on you, not that he was ever more but a pushover your entire relationship. Merely widening of eyes and a jut of your lower lip, even adding a slight tremble or two during times where you did actually fuck up, sirius can’t hold his stance longer than a minute before sighing and taking you in his arms. he might call you out for being a brat at times, but there’s no denying he loves it. And so the artificial wheel of cheese wedges got purchased and bagged home, and you’re meticulously spreading it over the golden shells, leaving little to no gaps of it bare. 
Laying it on another paper towel, your heart gets giddy on your chest knowing you’re in for a treat tonight. But not quite time to start munching, the baby reminds you that you still need something tangy to complete the meal. So comes your big predicament, should you get dill pickles or tomato salsa? 
It took you ten seconds too long of weighing down the pros-and-cons of choosing one and feeling like you made the wrong choice if you end up not liking it. It doesn’t help that the pregnancy hormones make you more anxious and tend to put you always on the verge of tears. So when the not-so-groundbreaking idea of just eating them both hits you, you feel the weight slide off your shoulders as you sigh. Because again, who’s gonna tell you that eating pickles this late at night can give you bad acid reflux, your snoozing husband? Pfft.
Snacking on some, you do manage to pick out the juiciest looking pickle chips and lay them atop of your tostadas. You and the little one are beyond excited to dive in. It’s looking like a mini upside-down pizza with the cheese spread first then the pickle as toppings. Only thing left now was the the tomato salsa slathered on top to seal the deal. 
Opening tight lids wasn’t an issue for you before, in fact, you took pride when friends hand you a jar or bottle to open because you could do it in a breeze. Chances were, the lid wasn’t even screwed on that tight, you were just built different, you’d say with a shrug once you give the items back. So when the tomato jar doesn’t budge after two attempts, you get puzzled.
Maybe your hands were slippery? You wipe them down with a tea towel and try again. No.
You weren’t holding it tight enough? Fingers held taut against the lid, you try three times. Still no.
Determined, you try different positions before letting the jar go, shooting it glares as if it’d get intimidated and just open up for you. You were also getting lightheaded, and passing out on the kitchen floor due to excessive stimulation of your vagal reflex because you were too stubborn to use magic or wake your husband up to open it for you doesn’t seem like the best way to spend the early Tuesday morning hours.
Magic was even out of the option (well, in your brain it was), because your wand’s tucked beside sirius’s on your nightstand, and frankly, you don’t have the patience to drag yourself upstairs just to flick a utility spell to open the wretched thing. So you do the next best option: lose hope. 
The disappointment was mutual between you and your baby. And the acid reflux did start to kick in, making your stomach grumble in both hunger and pain. This was all going so well until it isn’t, tears began to make its way up to your eyes.
“See, this is what you get for being greedy and eating all snacks by yourself,” sirius huffs behind you, deep voice still raspy with sleep. You didn’t even hear him getting out of bed and coming down the stairs, that’s how preoccupied you were with opening the jar.
He grabs the container away from you to open it, but not without throwing a scowl at your direction, handsome face contorted with furrowed eyebrows and downturned mouth, enough to express that he felt betrayed by this whole ordeal. If you were in a better mood, you’d poke his sides and tackle him playfully, teasing him for being sulky. But for now, you need the jar opened so you could eat in peace. You’ll deal with the sharing food issue later.
“t wasn’t supposed to take long,” you mumble, caught off guard and refusing to make eye contact, pretending the fridge magnets beside sirius’s head is ten times more interesting than his face. You don’t miss his raised eyebrow and snort at your response. 
The second attempt comes and he opens it with a satisfying pop. your mouth falls agape, eyeing the *now accessible* tomato salsa dip in disbelief. What the hell? 
And you couldn’t even take the smug grin spreading across sirius’s face by the millisecond. Refuse to. You try to snatch the open container away from him but he holds it higher and out of reach, making a show of puffing his chest, flexing his biceps, even giving it a kiss. This is all James’s doing, you need to have a talk with Lily soon about keeping these two separated.
“Sirius!” you try to plead your way out. the trademark innocent, pouty expression settles on your face like a second mask, hoping he’d go down this easy. 
It doesn’t work. He just chuckles, mocking your pleas and face while his free hand sneaks up and pinches your unsuspecting cheek to tease you further.
You yelp in mock outrage and swat his hand away, trying your best to keep your displeasure firm on your face, but you feel the giggles coming up. “This is why I sneak out alone to eat, you’re such a bully,” you huff, but take a seat in front of your makeshift spread. 
Sirius places the jar near you, but not without poking your exposed sides, armed with the knowledge that the easiest way to get you laughing (and eventually conceding in an argument) is knowing where your tickle zones are. “Oh yeah,” he drawls, plopping himself beside you. “That’s also why you’re the only one waking up with an upset stomach, stinking up our bathroom so early in the morning.”
Now this one got you appalled, embarrassed, disturbed, basically hit with all the feelings. You’ve been living together long before you got married, and he never brought up this issue until today. “That’s it. I’m leaving.” He makes a move to snatch the sandwich away but the embarrassment on your cheeks made you more agile, swatting his hand away and shielding the sandwich with your hands. “After I finish my meal,” you continue, shooting him a glare.
But see, one of the things that drove you nuts even way back at Hogwarts, was how Sirius Black mostly managed to outsmart you or be one step ahead of you in everything. After you turned him down without much thought whatsoever despite his grand declaration of interest, Sirius took it upon himself to show you (1) that you made a mistake for rejecting him, (2) that his ego won’t let you embarrass him like that again, (3) and that you won’t get rid of him that easily. Once he set his eyes on you, you were face to face with him in everything: grades, OWLs/NEWTs scores, Quidditch plays and bets, wins at the duelling club, even with the fucking gobstones tournament. He never let you catch a break.
Things were surely different now, since you vowed to be with him in sickness and health and untill death parts you both– hell, you’re carrying his child. So you figured maybe, maybe, he’ll let you catch a break this time. Let you eat in peace as you mull over his bathroom comment and how you’re going to get him back. 
But again, no. Unlike you, Sirius remembered to grab his wand from the nightstand. Not even batting an eye, he says nonchalantly, “Accio sandwich.” And the fluffernutter you protected with all your physical might managed to escape your watch, and land gracefully on his waiting palm. 
What irritated you more from this whole ordeal? The prodigal auror that climbed his way up the ranks and became the youngest deputy director, fully capable of complex spells and wielding different kinds of magic, felt the need to do a verbal Accio spell just to make a point to you.
Out of words, you just stare at him blankly. Too stunned to even cry in frustration because you knew you made a conscious, willing choice to be with this man. 
Maybe your best guilt-tripping expression comes best when you’re not trying. Color drains from his face when you remained silent and he scrambles to take a bite off the sandwich before handing it back to you, or rather placing it on your limp hand as you refuse to acknowledge it, still too hurt to budge. “‘m sorry, baby. Just wanted to eat with you since we didn’t get to earlier.”
He did arrive later than usual, deciding to finish the stack of case files and paperwork so he won’t have to sift through them again the next day. There were plans to wait for him before eating, but when the jitteriness and slightly nausea started to kick in, you had no choice in the matter. Sirius had been sulky and clingy the moment he got home, and as compromise, you stayed to watch him eat; listening and reacting animatedly as he ranted about his stressful day.
So you cut him off some slack, also exhausted from all the emotional stimulation sirius brought since he woke up. As a silent peace offering (also because you’re not ready to say sorry to his face), you slide the tostadas within his reach and finally take your bite of the goddamn sandwich. It was good, tasted as expected, sweet peanut butter. You’d probably have it again as a drunk at 3am meal.
Sirius also went and got snacks of his own: microwaved popcorn, pickles, toasted bread slathered with butter, and grapes. Together, you munched on the little spread of random food you could find in your kitchen at 4am in comfortable silence, which is surprising after the earlier bickering. No matter how cheesy it sounded in your head, sirius was the only person that can drive you to the brink of insanity and right back. You were in for a hell of a ride for the foreseeable future; and while there’s a lot of uncertainty right now and changes to be made when the little one gets here, you’re beyond happy that you get to do all this with him. 
Sleep was beginning to creep up on you. Of course he notices this right when you do, so a warm arm wrapped across your back urges you to settle on his lap, bodies melding into the familiar crevices like puzzle pieces, though you both had to adjust certain angles to accommodate your growing belly. You sit like this for a while; your head tucked securely in the crook of his neck, steady breaths lulling you to sleep, while sirius’s hands instinctively finds its way under your sleep shirt and on the natural curve of your belly, lithe fingers stroking and drawing soothing circles anywhere he could reach. 
you wish you could stay like this forever– cozy and soft and safe– but alas, you were carrying sirius black’s offspring. the baby decides to reward you with a round of kicks, probably giddy after feeling their father’s touch. Sirius chuckles and coos at your bump, while a muffled groan leaves your lips from the sudden onslaught of movement, but still refusing to move from this comfortable position.
Smooth cold lips touch the side of your forehead and you relish in the feeling. “Does it ever hurt, love? All that kicking and wiggling?” 
“Not really,” a content sigh leaves your lips. “Feels strange at times, seeing your belly move on its own.” 
To prove your point, two tiny bulges make a split second appearance just above where Sirius’s hand lay. His thumb soothes the area lovingly.
“Definitely getting stronger though; Lily told me during the later months, harry for some reason loved to kick downwards, making bathroom trips more frequent than it already is. Not excited for that.”
He presses kisses on your forehead, temple, hairline, anywhere he could reach without moving too much. “Things that you do and endure for this ‘lil troublemaker,” sirius murmurs. He doesn’t need to say it out loud, you could feel his body reverberating with awe and fondness. You try to bask in it for as long as you could, but a passing thought makes its presence known to you again.
“Do i really make the bathroom stink?” it comes out whinier than you intended it to be but you just had to know for peace of mind. 
Sirius’s whole frame vibrates as he tries to stifle his laughter, taking you with him. He’s laughing at your expense but you feel your own giggles brewing in your belly. You try to hold it in for longer, preserving some self respect. “A little bit,” he says solemnly. You groan, earlier mortified feeling returning in full swing. It triggers another round of chuckles.
“But dove, it’s nothing that my deep love and adoration for my lovely strong hot and sexy wife can’t handle.” He says assuredly, and you curse yourself for being so down bad for this man as blood rushes to your cheeks from his words. Good thing it’s dim and your face is still tucked in the crook of his neck. 
You do pinch his arm in response, and both your laughters compliment the comfortable silence. 
“Although,” he says after a while. “The betrayal of you eating without me still hurts.” 
“Siri.. i’m sorry,” you mumble. “‘y looked so tired, Didn’t wanna wake you up.”
He tuts and doesn’t say much after that. In sirius dictionary, this means he just wants some affection from you— for you to dote on him and coax out his forgiveness, even if you both know he’s not really mad; judging by his arms still wrapped securely around your frame and steady breaths that tickle and fan on your bare skin. 
So you mimic his actions from earlier, planting tiny kisses on his neck, collarbones, jawline, anywhere your lips could reach. Kissing his cheek seem to do the trick, his fake scowl quickly coming undone as a bashful smile breaks through the frown, and his tiny dimple you love so much making an appearance. The muggle maternity books did say dimples are genetic, so an image of a little Sirius running around and smiling up at you with those dimpled cheeks is a warming thought. 
“I am charming all the lids to be stuck at night as soon as i wake up tomorrow for work.” You poke a sensitive spot on his side, making him jolt, but you couldn’t resist laughter as it bubbles out of the surface. “You’re insufferable, I can’t believe I married a psychopath.”
“And you let him knock you up too. I’d say it takes one to know one, hm?” 
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ellecdc · 6 months
Soooo, I'm not the usual requester of the poly!moonwater x reader, but I fell I love with them and the way you write them!
With that being said, could I request Mia and Monty taking in Regulus and reader, saving them from their cruel families, and the holidays being absolutely hectic with everyone there.
Maybe some Mia and reader bonding?
If not that's fine! All my love,
*gasps* thank you lovely! I'm so glad you've loved moonwater enough to submit a request!!! sorry this took so long, I had this half finished and couldn't figure out for the life of me how to wrap it up happily, and then I was like "of course! Effie!" - not so much chaos but a lot of hurt/comfort and fluff
~please note: my requests are currently closed as I work through my older ones~
poly!moonwater x fem!reader
CW: toxic/abusive family dynamics, mentions and insinuations of abuse, your parents suck in this - I'm sorry, but just call me Euphemia Potter because you're all my children now
Remus had to admit that he was getting increasingly worried about you and Regulus the closer it got to the summer holidays. It seemed that no matter how much brighter the weather became outside, clouds were determined to follow the two of you around.
Remus only knew why Regulus would perhaps grow tense at the thought of returning to 12 Grimmauld Place on account of Remus’ years’ long friendship with Sirius. But the youngest Black, since reconciling with his older brother, has staunchly refused to discuss family life. Remus could accept that; he understood the gist.
But you, he was at a loss with. Though, he would admit that your occasional flinch at a raised hand or sudden quick movements by either Regulus or Remus spoke volumes on that end.
So here you all were (being Remus, you, Regulus, Sirius, James, Peter, and Lily) sitting by the Black Lake and enjoying the sun on one of the last few days of the school year, and you and Regulus were nearly comatose in your melancholy. 
Lily and Peter were doing their best to pretend they didn’t notice any tension in the group as they busied themselves with a game of wizarding chess, but James and Sirius had no such qualms and were staring hard between Remus and Regulus. 
“I told you that you could come with me, Reggie.” Sirius said surprisingly softly for the oldest Black. Regulus’ jaw twitched as he stole a fleeting glance at James.
“You told me that a year ago. I wasn’t smart enough to go then, I don’t see why I’d deserve that option now.” He muttered, sounding disturbingly more and more like the aristocratic Pureblood he was raised to be.
“It’s not about deserving, Reg.” Sirius said at the same time Remus said, “of course you do.”
“Honestly,” James interjected, “at this point, my mum would be pissed if you didn’t come live with us.”
Regulus’ face appeared to remain impassive, but Remus knew better; there were signs. His jaw tightened, there was a small movement in his left eyebrow and a subtle glossiness in his eyes.
Suddenly his gaze flit to Remus, his eyes almost begging him to understand something he hadn’t yet voiced. Remus held Regulus’ gaze until his eyes turned to something else; to you.
But it didn’t appear that you had heard any of the conversation going on around you; your eyes pointed to some unmarked point in the horizon, your mind far away.
“I can’t leave her.” Regulus whispered once he knew you wouldn’t hear.
“What’s the point of both of you suffering, Regulus? You can’t help her from Grimmauld Place.” Sirius argued. 
Regulus finally groaned, and Remus’ heart clenched knowing how close he was to frustrated tears. Remus felt just as close, feeling completely helpless in this situation. But his parents struggled enough supporting him alone. He knew that if he asked, his mum would have the two of you in a heartbeat, but the Potter’s had the space and funds to do it far more easily. 
“Y/N can come too.” James said plainly.
“Hm?” You hummed quietly, turning your attention back to the group at the sound of your name.
Regulus grimaced slightly but James, either ignorant to body language or choosing to ignore it carried on. “I was just thinking, we’re inviting Regulus to move in with us for the summer. Perhaps you could join us?”
You stared hard at James without breaking eye contact and Remus grew more and more tense the longer you stayed silent.
“It’s good that Regulus is staying with you.” You commented, sounding nearly robotic.
“You could-” Remus began, but you cut him off.
“Don’t, Remus.”
“Amour.” Regulus pleaded quietly.
“Leave it.” You ordered before standing and walking away. 
Regulus sighed and buried his face in his hands. Remus couldn’t stand it anymore and moved to sit beside him, rubbing soothing swipes up and down his spine.
“Your brother is right, love. You’ll be more help to her if you’re safe at Potter Manor. You need to be brave for the both of you right now.”
“She’s never told me either, you know?” Regulus spoke from inside his hands. “I have no idea what happens when she leaves here.”
Remus fought back the tears that threatened to infiltrate his eyes. “You’ll be more help to her from Potter Manor.” He repeated.
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You’d been avoiding the boys, that much was certain. And even if you weren’t avoiding them, it was like you weren’t even there when you were sitting right next to them. Remus hated to think that this was the note you were all leaving on, knowing you’d not see each other again until September first. 
Regulus had agreed to stay with the Potters, though he refused to discuss with anyone what was said to his parents (or, perhaps more importantly, what his parents had said in return). 
So, they stood there in Central Hall with their bags and school trunks; James and Sirius arguing over what they were going to do first when they got to the Manor (in an attempt to hopefully lighten the mood for Reggie's sake) while Remus stared at Regulus’ face without pretending that he wasn’t, as his boyfriend stood painfully rigid.
You appeared then, the strap of your duffle bag thrown over your shoulder and your school trunk trailing behind you. Remus didn’t think he’d ever seen you look so forlorn.
It was like a switch was flipped in Regulus, and he went from a soldier standing at attention to cooing over your shorter frame.
“Let me get this, amour. Did you get everything packed okay?” He asked you softly, pulling your duffle bag gently from your shoulder to throw over his own. You barely nodded in acknowledgment, eyes staring at the ground unseeingly. Remus felt sick to his stomach.
“Okay.” Regulus murmured at you quietly, giving Remus a quick shake of his head as he went to move to you. Remus had this overwhelming urge to pick you up and huddle you under his arm, not letting go until you were all the way to Wales – where your family couldn’t get to you.
But Regulus perhaps understood your mindset better than he did.  
“Can Rem take your trunk for you?” Regulus asked, mostly as a means to invite Remus into the conversation and less trying to get him to be your pack mule.
“No.” You said as firmly as you could manage in this fragile state. “I’ve got it. Thank you, though.” You said, finally looking up to make eye contact with Remus and Regulus. 
Regulus, for his part, managed to smile sadly at you. Remus was sure his discontent was written all over his face.
“Ready to get this show on the road? Look at me, sounding all muggle.” Sirius called. One would think he sounded indifferent to what was going on, but Remus (and Regulus) could see this for what it truly was: distraction.
“No.” You whispered.
“What is it, lovie?” Remus asked, turning his attention quickly back to you.
“I’m not, I-” you took a few quick breaths, face scrunching up painfully as your eyes filled with tears. “I’m not ready, I can’t. I can’t go. I’m not...”
“Okay.” Regulus said softly.
“I can’t go back, I can’t - I’m not ready.”
“That’s alright.” Sirius offered just as softly. 
You were disturbingly close to hyperventilating – surveying your surroundings like you were looking for a place to run, looking for a way out. “I can’t do it anymore, I can’t.” You cried.
“Then don’t, love.” Remus pleaded. And you broke down into sobs. 
Something inside Remus snapped and he made for you, enveloping you in a hug that was probably far too tight, but you nuzzled impossibly further into his chest anyway as if he could perhaps hold your pieces together as you fell apart.
He’d find a way to do it for you if that’s what you truly needed.
As your gasping sobs ceased and your breathing evened into only the occasional hiccup, James let out a theatrical “Phew.”
“What?” Regulus asked, voice somewhat taut from both protectiveness and frayed nerves. 
“I sort of told my mum she was coming to live with us, anyway.”
Remus could have kissed the sod right on the mouth at that moment. He opted to kiss the top of your head instead. 
“I don’t want-”
“-to be in the way. You won’t be, amour.” Regulus interrupted your train of thought, voice far softer than the one he’d used with James.
“Yeah, Regulus is far more inconveniencing than you are, dollface.” Sirius snarked with a wink, earning him a quick stinging jinx from Regulus. 
If Remus had thought that the hard part was over in Central Hall, he was very wrong.
You had settled not too badly as you all rode the wagons to the train station holding onto Remus’ hand like a vice, and Regulus appeared to be far more comfortable now that he was less worried about you. Regulus undeniably had some abandonment issues, and the thought of going to the Potter’s without you left him with the sense that he would somehow be letting you down. Remus supposed that at least before, the two of you could commiserate together knowing that whatever you were going through, so was the other.
But as the group travelled on, some of your own tension returned the closer you got to Kings Cross Station. 
“You don’t have to say anything to them, you can just leave with us.” Sirius said plainly as Remus reached to grab your bags from the overhead compartment.
“That’d be considered kidnapping.” You responded quietly.
You hooked your duffle over your shoulder and stood, looking through the compartment as if you could somehow see your family through the sheets of metal separating you and Platform 9 ¾.
“Would...would you like us to come with you? Stand by your side? How would you like to do this, love?” Remus asked, leaning back slightly so he could see your face directly. 
You seemed to ponder that for a few moments before returning his gaze. “Maybe...maybe you guys could just, stay a little behind me? Not close enough to say anything or for them to say anything to you, just...”
“Close.” Regulus finished for you. You nodded in response.
“Consider it done, dove.” Remus said and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
James and Sirius spotted the Potter’s quickly after exiting the train and brought your bags and trunks to them so that the Potter’s elves could bring them to the Manor. You watched as your trunk disappeared with a pop; there was no going back now. 
“Y/N.” An indifferent tone called, causing you to stand up straighter, though you didn’t seem ready to turn your gaze towards it yet.
“We’re right here, amour. We’re not leaving without you.” Regulus insisted. Remus wanted to touch you, grab your hand, kiss your cheek, but he knew he’d have to wait until you felt safe.
Soon you’d be safe.
True to their words, Regulus and Remus followed you towards your parents who stood poised like models in a Victorian Era portrait, staring down at you over their noses, though the two boys paused a good distance away as you had asked them too.
“I hate this.” Regulus murmured as you said hello to your parents. Your mother turned to leave before you asked them to wait.
“We’ll be able to take her home after this.” Remus placated, but it did nothing to soothe his own nerves either. 
“You’re doing what?” He heard your mother ask derisively. 
You repeated yourself, albeit quieter and more meekly than you had before. Remus wanted to hex her for making you feel so small.
“Absolutely not. Get your things.” Your father barked.
You raised your hand carefully, pointing towards the Potter’s to explain that they’ve already brought your things to their house.
“You insolent little witch. How dare you undermine me like this.” Your father spat and took a menacing step towards you. You stepped back quickly with a full body flinch, and that was it for Remus.
“We’re done. Let’s go.” Remus said authoritatively. “Come on, dove.” 
You needn’t be told twice, allowing Reg to steer you towards the Potter’s as Remus cast a quick muffliato around you to spare you from any trailing remarks your parents made. 
Remus and Regulus exchanged a worried glance over your head as you kept your eyes glued to the floor, letting yourself be guided blindly through the platform.
“Ready to go, dearies?” Euphemia Potter asked kindly, softly, as she beamed at the five students in front of her with Fleamont at her side. Even Remus felt like he had whiplash at the difference of atmosphere on this end of the platform; he couldn’t imagine how you or Reg were managing. 
“Hello, cariad!” Remus heard his mother call before any of you could answer Effie’s question. He turned his gaze to see his parents, Hope and Lyall Lupin, move through the crowds towards them.
“Gangs all here now!” Lyall called, and you tightened your hand currently enclosed safely in Remus’. He gave your three quick squeezes in return: a silent promise of safety. 
“This must be Regulus and Y/N!” His mum cheered, looking awfully close to embracing both of you. However, Regulus’ aristocratic upbringing appeared to save the day as he quickly stepped in front of you and stuck his hand out, bowing politely to her.
“Mrs. Lupin, it’s very nice to finally meet you.” He said, posh accent on full display.
Remus gave a pleading look to his family, knowing his mother was the kind to say “oh, I’m really more of a hugger.”
But apparently, one thing motherly love was very good at was reading the room, and his mum accepted the handshake before his dad, Effie and Monty all got one of their own. You nodded politely and exchanged a quiet ‘hello’ but opted to stay glued to Remus’ side.
He couldn’t say he minded that option entirely. 
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Euphemia Potter was no stranger to troubled children showing up at her doorstep, but she couldn’t help but admit how different this time was.
Last year, Sirius showed up battered, beaten, bloodied, and bruised, not to mention completely scared out of his mind. And underneath all of that was this horrible fear for his younger brother’s safety, as well as an overwhelming sense of guilt for leaving him behind.
Sirius never really recovered from feeling like a burden, not last summer at least. He remained entirely too polite for Effie’s tastes, full of “thank you, Mrs. Potter”’s or “that really isn’t necessary”’s right up until the day she sent them off to Hogwarts.
“Now boys.” She said, giving the two troublemakers as stern a face as one Euphemia Potter could muster. “Though I would certainly prefer no trouble at all, can we at least promise not to get quite as many detentions this year? And for the love of Merlin – no more broken bones! I like that when people ask me how my sons are, I can at least say ‘well, at least they’ve got their health!’”
Effie was certain that the pressure behind Sirius’ eyes from fighting the tears must have been excruciating, but he held out for as long as he could before he launched himself into her chest. 
“Thank you, Effie.” He finally whispered through tears.
“Please, Sirius.” She whispered as she stroked the boy’s hair. “Call me mum.”
If last year was full of guilt, grief, and fear, this summer seemed to be full of caution, hope, and love.
Where James spent last summer trying to keep Sirius in as high spirits as possible, this year he got to simply play the role of host. Where Sirius spent last summer trying to stay out of the way and convince himself and everyone around him that he was completely fine, this year he got to show his brother what real family looked like.
And though he saw a lot of Sirius in Regulus, there was so much that was so distinctly him.
Regulus’ trauma came out in impeccable table manners, speaking in a manner far more suited to a member of parliament than a teenaged boy at a casual meal, and assessing the atmosphere in the room with the efficacy of a social weather man. 
But his personality was completely contradictory. 
He made jokes and comments that he didn’t seem to realize were funny until people around him laughed, which caused him to blush but let out surprised laughter of his own. Where Sirius’ jokes were performative and always for the sake of amusing the people around him, Regulus’ humour came naturally and unbiddenly. Where Sirius showed his love and excitement as loudly as possible in order to make sure everyone around him got to share in it, Regulus dutifully handed out his love and excitement in carefully curated doses. 
She loved them both beyond measure.
And you...well, Effie could certainly see how you managed to win over not one but two of her favourite young men. Your trauma seemed to come out in the form of fading into the background. Everything you did, you did quietly. You never asked for anything, whether it be for seconds at dinner, something to drink during the day, or to go into town to shop for supplies.
But even though you were clearly struggling, Effie could see how much you cared for those boys both actively and passively. Your body language seemed to change the second either of them entered a room, their presence’s easing any discomfort you may have been feeling nearly immediately; you smiled brighter, made more eye contact, and even contributed to conversations when one of them was around. Right now they were your confidence, your safe space. Effie hoped to get the chance to see it for herself one day, but she felt unbelievably lucky to get to see it in this way too. 
You always showed up with bottles of water when the boys were outside playing quidditch, somehow knowing Regulus was the kind to completely miss any cues his body gave him of thirst and predicting his needs. And you always brought sunblock out unprompted when Remus would fall asleep with a book over his face, ensuring he wouldn’t burn in the sun. 
She loved you so much.
It had been about two weeks since summer holidays started, and Hope and Lyall Lupin were going to be leaving their mini holiday at Potter Manor in a few days when Effie felt that you had made enough progress to broach the subject. 
“Y/N, dearie. Do you have a moment?” She asked as you and the boys walked in the back door after spending some time down at the lake.
Effie noticed a flicker of concern cross your features, though you readily agreed nonetheless. Remus smiled while Regulus promptly stood at attention.
“Hope’s going to be leaving in a few days, and I was thinking perhaps we could get a shopping trip in before she does.”
At this Hope looked over with a beaming smile. “Oh! I’d so love to go shopping! The shops are not nearly as posh in Cardiff.” 
You looked between the two women uncertainly but began nodding your head. “Erm, yes, sure. What...what are we shopping for?”
“Well, I thought we could go shopping for some clothes.”
You looked absolutely horrified at this. “I have clothes! I brought everything I had from school.”
Effie smiled encouragingly at you. “Yes, and what you had packed for school was appropriate for a Scottish autumn and winter, not for a summer in London.”
Sirius, never one to leave very well alone, piped up at this. “I want to go shopping! Can I come?”
Hope chuckled and ruffled the boy’s long hair. “I think it’d be better just us ladies, hm?”
Sirius pouted at that, but Regulus took pity on his brother. “You can come with me and Fleamont, Sirius.”
Sirius stood abruptly and planted a smacking kiss to the younger boy’s cheek. “You’re officially my favourite sibling.” He declared, earning him an indignant ‘oi!’ from James. 
“Get off of me, you sod.” Regulus grumbled, leaning further into Remus’ side. 
You looked at your two boys then; Remus was smiling at you with a look so full of love and pride it nearly rivaled Effie’s, and Regulus was smiling encouragingly and so sweetly, Effie was certain her blood sugar levels spiked just at the sight.
“That...that would be very nice. Thank you, ladies.” You agreed quietly. You nodded your head in decision, mostly to encourage yourself but Effie was thankful for the effort.
It was hard to imagine a time nearly eighteen years ago that Effie and Monty were heartbroken and struggling to finally have a child of their own. If only they’d know that seventeen years later, their lovely, lovely boy would bring home four more for them to love.
She was simultaneously sad for you, Regulus, and Sirius that you had to grow up in homes that didn’t love you the way you ought to have been, but she was so beyond grateful she got the honour to love you properly, now and for the rest of her life.
As long as Euphemia Potter lived, none of you would ever spend a moment being anything but loved.
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bettysupremacy · 1 year
SHUT UPSNSBW I love it sm. I asked for the James prompt that you just did and I’m fan girling so hard rn. I’m too shy to ask for anything that’s not anonymous (I’m sorry 😔) but omg can you do another where they’re just cuddling and talking. Omg maybe reader just met James’ parents and they’re in his room and shes like I swear I love your mom more than you now. Again if you don’t feel inspired no pressure, love you girly pop 🫶
you make me sick. this was the most insufferably adorable idea. you make me sick, he makes me sick, he is so boyfriend, and we are now bffs.
“I’m serious,” You convey to James, chin propped on his chest. “I fear I may love your mum more than you now, Jamie.”
He smiles down at you lovingly, thumb swiping between your eyes, down your nose, and along the apple of your cheek. “Don’t replace me.”
You’re fond, watching his half lidded eyes. “That’s my girl, James. She wants me in book club.”
“And also don’t do that.”
You giggle, dropping your cheek to his chest. “She said she’d make a shirt for your games, James.”
He groans, his hand falling to hold your jaw. “Her rugby mom shirts are already enough.”
“Rugby girlfriend.” You sing, sitting back up to look at him.
He pushes your face away, rough palm gentle with the precious cargo he calls your face. “That’s enough.”
You smile and he feels it against his palm. “I’m so happy she likes me.”
“Me too, lovely.” His genuineness aches in you, a smile fighting to your face.
You nod, feeling his eyes on you heavily. “And I think your dad liked me.”
“Dad loved you.”
“You think?”
“He invited you to golf.” He deadpans.
You giggle softly, hands on his cheeks. “That was sweet of him.”
“You’re not going.”
“That’s impolite.”
“It’s boring.” He smiles. “I’m saving you.”
Euphemia’s soft knock on the open door slips James, but you make to sit up politely. His hand pushes the small of your back down onto him heavily. You descend with a tiny oomph.
“Where’re you goin-“
“Please do not manhandle your girlfriend.” Euphemia is stern, but her smile is fond watching her son flinch.
“Mum.” James eyes shut, startled at her intrusion. His fingers pinch the bridge of his nose, just below his glasses. The hand on your back still works softly.
“James,” She mimics, leaning against the white doorframe breezily. “I was just coming up to say I found the book.”
“The book?” You ask James.
He groans, long and drawn out, hand over his eyes, with the dramatics of Sirius. “The baby book.”
You gasp, handing gripping his broad arms under you. “Can I see?” You beg James. “I want to see.”
He shakes his head, patting your back. “It’s so embarrassing, lovely.”
“Oh, you were probably so cute, please just a peek.”
“He was the cutest.” Effie smiles. “And when he’d take baths he’d-”
“Alright!” James interrupts. “She’s heard enough.”
“No I haven’t.” You smile brilliantly at him.
“Come on,” Euphemia coaxes. “you know how Monty loves it.”
“Loves what?” He pops in.
“The book.”
“The book!” He gasps, palming Effie’s arm. “We have to get it out.”
His hand works warmly over her shoulder. The loving touch of a husband. You let something fond crumple in your chest at the sight. This’ll be you and James in some decades.
“This is so humiliating.” James moans.
Under his warm blue blanket, you brim with love. It’s palpable as you grin.
“I’m so happy.” You whisper to him.
He moons, hand coming out of the blanket to push hair away. “Don’t do this to me.”
You smile, eyes crinkling prettily. The air in his lungs knock out of him, his chest deflating. “I’m not doing anything.”
He sighs, desperate for a kiss, but weary of his parents in the doorframe. “Alright,” his eyes don’t leave yours. “We’ll be down in a moment, mum, get the book.”
Effie gasps, eyes twinkling towards Monty. “Get the book!”
The sound of their footsteps tumble down the stairs quickly.
“You made your mom really happy.”
He nods silently, eyes roaming back down to your lips, neck, and chest, mind far from yours.
Both warm cheeks in his rough hands, and his parents gone, he pulls your face to his. It’s long, and soft, and he really doesn’t want to pull back, trailing warm kisses down your jaw, down to your neck.
“That was really evil, sweetheart.” He murmurs, pulling away from your spit sticky skin.
“I didn’t do anything.” You breathe, letting his thumb work over your lips, overly aware of his eyes roaming there.
He smiles, sitting up with the weight of you still in his lap. “You’re too pretty.”
You laugh out, climbing off his lap. “Shut up, stupid, I have baby pictures to look at.”
He sighs, following you.
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hoaxriot · 1 year
pairings. regulus black x potter!reader
synopsis. regulus ran away with sirius to the potters, he was fragile especially seeing you.
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right now you were laying on your side watching the vinyl turn on your record player, softly playing music as the only light comes from a lamp on your desk you were to tired to stand up and switch off.
usually you would be in james’ room hanging out with him but you were too upset, you and regulus had an argument before break and he ignored you on the train saying he didn’t want to talk until after coming back to hogwarts. so you had been miserable at home.
james was flabbergasted when he found out about the two of you, of course sirius was more angry then anything but once he saw you two together he just made jokes around y’all. you also knew what they went through at home because of sirius, he came to you a lot more than he thought he would when he needed someone. then regulus told you what went through his mind, it was hard to even sleep on break’s because your mind was always on them.
you felt your eyes close slowly since you had been thinking so much, but your eyes flew open when banging was heard on your front door. jumping up in your bed throwing your legs off the side, you sat there for a second before you heard james’ name being yelled then his running footsteps. you heard the panic in your mothers voice making your heartbeat quicken.
then you heard your mum call your name causing you to stand up quickly and ran across your room to open the door, since your room was the last one you ran down the hallway then down the stairs.
you heard commotion by the door causing you to slow down as you started to walk towards it as your heart got quicker. james turned his head towards you, the light was on so you saw the tears in your eyes causing your heart to feel like it was going to burst out of your chest.
then you saw sirius cuddled into your mothers side, it felt like your heart stopped and dropped into your stomach at the sight.
then you saw him, regulus. he was stood in front of your dad as he checked him. you were beyond confused at what was happening but you were still worried.
“sweetie,” euphemia noticed you stood a few feet away still holding onto sirius. she was going to say something but sirius heard her and knew who she was talking to making him pull away from her and look at you. his eyes were full of tears that were still falling, he had a large mark on his face but you couldn’t figure it out.
you didn’t have time too before sirius started to make his way too you, knowing what he need you met him halfway and caught him in your arms. sirius never understood why but your hugs always calmed him down so as much as he loved the motherly hug he needed you, his little sister that he always needed.
he mumbled something into your shoulder but you couldn’t understand, looking up to your brother who was helping your parents with regulus, you tried not to stare as sirius needed you but he looked so fragile.
“what’d you say, sirius?” you whispered, he sniffled as he pulled away still holding onto you. “can you, um- call moony, please?” sirius kept his voice low, “i really need him.” you understood him immediately, he had confided in you about the two of them.
“of course.” you smiled up at him, squeezing his hand before letting go, he watched you walk passed your parents and his brother. regulus watched you too, he really wanted you to hold him but right now your parents were dragging him and sirius to sit on the couch.
“what are you doing?” james appeared behind you as you walked into the kitchen, “calling remus.” you answered shortly continuing to the phone hanging on the wall. james stayed behind you as you dialed the phone before he decided to go with sirius.
the ringing lasted until the last ring when you heard him pick up and his tired voice speak into the phone, you told him as much as you knew causing him to get of bed.
you hung up and made your way back into the living room meeting eyes with regulus’ dark and sad ones. he had a permanent frown on his face, silently begging you to sit beside him. thankfully, you did even though there was more spaces. there was space between the two of you because you wanted to comfort him but you didn’t know what he wanted.
until, you felt his hand capturing your own as he scooted closer to you. holding onto you like his life depended on it. there was a short conversation about the black brothers staying here but there wasn’t enough extra rooms, your mum said they could talk about it tomorrow.
“you can sleep in my room tonight, sirius. i’ve got some of your clothes.” james spoke up as your parents left the room, sirius solemnly nodding before he looked towards you. you nodded with a smile causing him to stand up and following james.
it was silent in the living room for a few moments, regulus still held onto you. he brought your hands that he still held onto, he laid them on his lap causing you to watch him. he lowered his head on them making you frown.
you then heard the small sobs, the shaking of his shoulders. you pulled your hand from him then quickly grabbing his body and pulling him onto your lap. regulus grabbed onto your arms that hugged his chest, he continued to cry harder and harder every second as you brought your chin to his shoulder.
“reg, come take a shower.” you whispered into his ear as he started to calm down a bit, he breathed in heavily. feeling him nod against your arm with a small ‘mhm’ you helped him stand up and walk up the stairs.
walking down the hallway you both heard james and sirius talking, he grabbed your hand tighter once he heard sirius explaining what happened at their house. he felt you squeeze his hand back as you opened your door then closing it behind him.
“do you need help or…” you questioned him, he nodded his head, “okay. i’ll, um, ask james or sirius if they have any extra pajamas.” once again, regulus nodded in response before walking into your bathroom.
you stood in silence as he closed the door, turning around and walking back to james room. knocking softly, hearing the conversation quiet down, “come in.” james spoke from behind the door making you open the door and walk in.
“do you have any extra pajamas for regulus?” james sat up in bed as sirius followed suit on the makeshift bed on the floor, “yeah, hold on.” james stood up walking to his closet. sirius stared at you.
“rems coming in the morning.” you told him knowing what he was thinking, he smiled at you as james shut his closet door.
“here.” he handed you a pair of clothes, smiling at your brother as you grabbed them and walked out before saying i love you to the two of them.
walking back to your room and closing the door, not hearing your shower running but letting regulus be. you set your clothes on the bed as you sat down next to them.
sitting down on your bed for less than two minutes until you heard a crash in your bathroom making you shoot up and run to the door opening it.
regulus was sat against your bathtub, knees brought up to his chest as his hands held his head —sobbing. you crouched down in front of him, gently putting your hands on top of his knees. he didn’t acknowledge you he continued to cry.
“reg.” whispering his name softened but he still doesn’t rise his head. you grab his hands from his head, but he still continues to keep his head down. letting out a sigh, you bow your head onto his knee kissing it before situating yourself beside him and holding him like you did in the living room.
“it’s okay, baby. it’s okay. you’re here and safe.” you said softly as you started rock him back and forth a bit. he gripped onto your forearm tightly but you didn’t care.
after a few minutes, he leaned up. “i’m sorry.” regulus spoke, you furrowed your eyebrows. you shook your head in confusion as he continued to apologize.
“nothing to be sorry for. c’mon, up.” you started to stand, he followed without saying anything. you started to pull of his clothes for him, he put his hands up for you to pull off his shirt. once you pulled everything off, you turned on the bath.
he stood in nothing but is boxers waiting for you in silence, watching as you gathered soap as the water started to rise. regulus wanted you to say anything about the argument at hogwarts, yell, scream, push. but you weren’t, you were taking care of him like no one has.
“alright, in.” you nodded your head towards the bath, he stripped completely naked stepping in as you brought your step stool beside the bath as he sat down.
you grabbed the soap and a rag, rubbing it over his body. he let you as his eyes closed in relief, then you grabbed a cup from the ground and filling it with water rinsing the soap off of him.
once you finished, you grabbed the shampoo rubbing it into his scalp. regulus sighed in content with his eyes closed before he exhaled and opening his eyes.
“when are we going to talk about the argu—“ regulus spoke but you cut him off.
“later. this is more important.” regulus didn’t agree with you, he was going to speak again but you warned him to close his eyes, rinsing the shampoo out. he then decided to wait until he got out.
you finished his bath draining and he water and handing him a towel, “here, i’ll get your clothes.” he grabbed the towel from you wrapping it around himself, watching you walk out of the bathroom then back in putting the clothes on the counter, walking out again.
you waited on the bed, turning your music off as you did.
when regulus was finished, he walked out meeting your eyes stopping right outside of your door.
“can we talk now?” he questioned tossing the towel in your laundry basket, you sighed again. “please?” he took steps towards you leaning down at your legs as your eyes stayed on your lap.
“regulus, why does it matter? you should sleep, we can talk tomorrow.” you tried to ignore the conversation again but regulus brought his hands to the outside of your legs, “no, i want to talk tonight.” he spoke in a more demanding voice.
“i shouldn’t have been like that and i shouldn’t have ignored you when you tried to talk to me, nor should i have walked away without hearing you.” regulus spoke as he looked up at you.
“why does this matter? this shouldn’t be a matter to you right now.” you did want to talk about this until he showed up, hurt and upset.
“because, we argued. we can’t just leave it be. i want to say sorry for the way i was.” regulus said bringing one hand to your chin so you would look at him.
“i know, i’m sorry too.” you spoke quietly, he smiled at you as he stood up and sat beside you, hugging you. the two of you held onto each other for a long time, regulus desperately needed you all night but he hadn’t expected to be able to.
he pulled away, hand still on your waist as the two of you put yourselves under the covers. then he cuddled himself into your chest as you scratched at his head to help him sleep.
the two of you eventually fell asleep in each other’s embrace.
regulus had nightmares multiple times, ever since he was a kid. he began to put a silence charm in his bed because he started to wake up evan and barty some nights. some nightmares were horrid where he would wake up screaming, some he was just shoot up in bed covered in sweat.
right now, he was watching his mother torture you. he watched as you begged him for help but he couldn’t move. he started to move in your bed, starting to sweat as his mother was laughing in his face.
you were a heavy sleeper so him moving hardly beside you didn’t wake you up, until you felt a hard kick causing you to open your eyes slowly. regulus started to whimper in his sleep making you turn around to see him.
“no!” he yelled out in his sleep, shooting up to throw his legs over the bed. “reg.” you called out softly as you saw his body move up and down trying to catch his breath. he put his hand out for you not to move to him making you confused.
you sat up throwing the covers over your body and stand up, he was so lost in his mind so he didn’t notice until he saw your legs come into sight.
he cried your name in desperation, you didn’t say anything but brought your hand to the back of his head bringing it to your stomach. regulus wrapped his hands around you tightly as he cried again, your chest became tight at the sounds of his loud cries and the way he held onto you so tightly.
someone must have heard him yell because you heard footsteps carry to your door, then the door opened making you turn your head to see sirius looking at the two of you.
“reggie.” he called out making his way to him, he pulled away keeping his hands on your waist. regulus looked at his brother with teary eyes, then you saw sirius eyes fill with tears.
“i’ll leave you two.” you said before kissing regulus heads then walking to the door spotting your own brother watching sirius sit down next to his brother.
james met your eyes as you walked in front of him, he brought his arm around your shoulder in comfort knowing how hard it is for you to see someone you love hurt. it was for everyone but to you, it felt like you could feel their hurt.
“they’ll be alright, they’re here now.” he spoke softly so he didn’t interrupt the other siblings, you nodded into his shoulder.
the rest of the night the other two boys stayed in your room, talking all night, telling funny stories about each other.
regulus held your hand the whole night.
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
pasta - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 283
"Are you serious?" the man sitting across from James asked, an incredulous expression on his face.
And James didn't blame him, to be honest. He wasn't trying to hide it. It was just...he was having trouble not staring.
He'd originally arrive at the restaurant that night to have dinner with John, a dreadfully boring man from work that he'd finally agreed to dating after multiple requests, mostly because John was nice.
"Get yourself a nice man," Euphemia kept telling James every time he went 'round for dinner, and James contemplated that a bit too much.
Because he didn't want nice. He wanted..
Well, he wanted the man a few tables down. The man with dark, chin-length curls and piercing eyes. The man who kept throwing him withering looks and rolling his eyes. The man whose gaze was making James's body heat up and tense. The man whose beauty was undeniable.
Get yourself a nice man.
Well, maybe that was James's problem.
"Yeah, I think I am," James murmured, and focused on John, was was chewing on his pasta nervously. "I'm so sorry, John, but this isn't going to work out. Here-" And, passing him a fifty-pound note, he stood, heading toward the bathroom, jerking his head slightly, eyeing the man he'd been enamored by all evening.
When he entered the small, single-person restroom, he almost panicked. Of course the man wouldn't follow. What had he done? John was perfectly nice, and decently good-looking and-
The door opened, and the dark-haired man entered, light eyes full of hunger. "So you really buggered that up, huh?" he asked haughtily, smirking a bit.
"Depends," James grinned. "Are you single?"
And suddenly, their lips crashed together.
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