dorkustm · 1 year
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@euphoriabled , for ruth !
[ text : ruth 🦕] what're we going to do?? [ text : ruth 🦕] i know we don't really have any other choice but to have faith? that she has it under control? [ text : ruth 🦕] but i can't believe he's gone
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miscxllany · 1 year
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@euphoriabled said: ❛ maybe the journey was the treasure. ❜ -- for Jane Doe from Ricky Potts
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❛ Is it a better treasure than living again? ❜ Perhaps the girl was dwelling upon the potential prize far too much. But, could you blame her? A chance to know who she was again, a chance to remember everything. It seemed like a dream come true. Still, this time spent together was pretty nice. She had to admit to that. ❛ It has been a nice journey, hasn’t it? ❜
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modeltyped · 1 year
@euphoriabled​​ sent a meme:  “Vulnerability is so hard. If I told you anything sappy know that I had a hand to hand combat with seven layers of embarrassment and repression.” (Gwen!)
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"well.... that’s A LOT to unpack, gwen,” he admits.  if that’s not her being vulnerable, then he’s KIND OF SCARED to have to listen to what that’s like.  
“and i can’t say i have that problem,” he chuckles softly, charming smile back upon his full lips, “though, i do try to leave a bit of mystery for the fans.”
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royalreef · 2 years
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@euphoriabled​ inquired: you’re not gonna tell me where we’re going ? (from vicky!) Question Prompts - Accepting
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        “Nope! Not at all!” Her words pinched together, front and back, with the kind of simple delight that Miranda was known for, something that nearly begged the question of why anyone wouldn’t be as pleased with that answer as Miranda was in the giving of it. It was frustrating, yes, but it was also the kind of frustrating that most people who had known her already knew was coming. In that sense, it became more tolerable, now that her company had a chance to brace themselves for it, and navigate around all of Miranda’s peculiarities.
         She was still holding onto Vicky’s hand, with the same careless air that the answer had been given in. Her claws closed neatly around Vicky’s wrist, delicate and refined, as any princess should be. Here and there she tugged, especially when Miranda moved a little faster and Vicky a little slower than Miranda’s taste of things, but this was always done with a certain nature. Even with the bone implements that curved from the tip of her every finger, inches long and built like meat hooks, even with the pads on her hands like that of a cat’s, even with the missing pinkie finger and the additional thumb sitting in its place — there was never a stray brush of their sharpened edges, never a squeeze that went beyond attentive, never a curl of her hands that did not hold some inherent grace to it.
        Here, the trees grew tall, their bare branches reaching up to the sky like arms bent crooked and begging for relief, casting strange shadows across the ground. The underbrush bristled, having no more leaves to hide their woody interiors, and so appeared patchwork and reedy, bare gaps showing through here and there with nothing to comb over and hide their nakedness. The leaves were old, sinking back into the mud and dirt from whence they came, and only barely parting for the path that Miranda was following.
         The same path that she was guiding Vicky down, with her fins tilting back and forth and to and fro, her eyes looking ahead and not at the ground itself.
        “I could hardly call it much of a surprise if I were to tell you beforehand where we are going, could I? Of course, I could have blindfolded you too... But why waste the time, when this is easier?”
       As ever, Miranda made it impossible to tell if she was intentionally joking or being wholly serious, but so too was this just another quirk that most knew to expect from her. Seldom did it make a difference anyhow.
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risingmccns · 2 years
closed starter for @euphoriabled (Grace)
Upon hearing a familiar voice echoing through the halls, Max immediately smoothed out his shirt and told Kyle and Jason to leave. The last thing he needed was either of them saying something rude to Grace and causing her to run off. It was hard enough getting the time to talk to her, since he had quite the busy schedule, and he assumed she did too. Leaning back against his locker, he offered her a smile and a wave. “Hey Grace. Whatcha up to?”
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trailnapped · 11 months
❝ i don’t get scared. i’m practically fearless. ❞ - Coraline
"hey, me neither!" emily enthusiastically lies. it's not a ... conscious lie! in emily's mind, she is exponentially (that's a big word for her, actually) courageous, with a spitfire attitude that doesn't take crap from anyone. in practice, however, well. it's giving snow white running through that creepy forest.
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with her hands on her hips, emily proclaims, "i'm definitely not scared," she forces a laugh and taps her foot unrhythmically in the sludge of dirt, rainwater, and wet leaves. emily wraps herself in a hug not!! because she's scared. it's just cold out, and this jacket is too light.
"i just mean — how do we know there's even anything good out here? y'know, that's worth exploring?" yeah, that's a good response.
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vxidlight · 1 year
@euphoriabled: “You already know who we’re looking for, don’t you?” - Martha for Iota
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"I suspect we're looking for the same person," Iota had her hands in her pockets observing the sky. She turned around, her face serious. "Tall, round, looks human but isn't. Has a face similar to that of a cat's." She explained to see if they were on the same page. Perhaps they could help each other regardless if they were after the same person or not.
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viictorvandort · 1 year
‘ i am terribly sorry about what’s happened to you and i would like to help. ‘ from Alice
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"T-That's all right. I get myself into these situations..." Bad luck always seemed to follow Victor and there wasn't much he could do about it. At this point, he was certain a terrible curse had befallen him and that he was doomed to suffer for the rest of his life. Yes, it all sounded rather dramatic, but it was how he felt!
"I keep running into strange beings... Or running from? A combination of both, perhaps?" His mind was tired, his thoughts in disarray as he tried to explain the reason for his current predicament. It felt like he was being chased by nightmares while awake but how could that be possible? Was he losing his mind? What a frightful thought!
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"Can you help me find my bearings?" Victor pulled himself up, attempting to ignore the sting in his twisted ankle. "Nothing around here looks familiar."
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dorkustm · 1 year
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@euphoriabled , for steph !
[ text : steph l. ] hey, it's peter. just wanted to say hey and thanks again for inviting me to the game. i had a great time [ text : steph l. ] you know, up until us losing the game
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scribedhorror · 2 years
your  name: Amélie
your age: 19
your perfect date: either something fun like karaoke/dancing/rollerskating or something lowkey like picnic. i'm up for whatever as long as you're also having a good time, though
make out in private or in public?: uh, geez. i don't have like any experience with pda, so ... maybe like holding hands and stuff in public?? and make out in private? but, idk! i could be convinced. :)
do you like to cuddle?: yeah, i find it super comforting. but don't laugh if i fall asleep or something.
tell me something about you: i've had the high score in ms. pac-man at our local arcade for like 6 years. i'm gonna be so bummed if i lose it.
why do you want to be my valentine?: i like spending time with you. you understand me :)
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@euphoriabled || meme || accepting
"Karaoke sounds perfect to me--- And maybe some cuddling after, if you're up for it."
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terrcrized-a · 2 years
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@euphoriabled said “You guys are jerks, you know that?” ( Sam ! )
from one of my memes
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he isn't totally sure how long it had been since he passed out. honestly, he's pretty sure he he hadn't actually slept in the last 24 hours, and as it turns out, alcohol really is a pretty good depressant in that sense. not to mention he had to take two shots for ever chris' one-- because he's a lightweight! had to make sure the besties were going through it together. he's pretty sure they succeeded.
but he can hear the commotion. it's hard to make his body cooperate-- he could almost feel beth trying to push him awake. but it wasn't working-- not at that moment. he couldn't be totally sure how long it took for him to finally wake up and be aware enough to sit up, rub his eyes. let the world spin around him for a second before he finally got the courage to stand up and stagger towards the sounds, the talking. where they're all gathered-- outside, yelling out. arguing amongst themselves. it's cold.
he leans against the doorframe as soon as he's close enough, just to get a little rest. a little stability. he's fine, give him a minute. it doesn't stop him from speaking, though. "what's happening? what's going on?" he can't hear them-- but he knows sam's there. he heard her say it, call them jerks. what'd they do? is that why beth was waking him up? damn, he's going to have to sober up real fast and beat the shit out of someone, he just knows it. "sam-- sam sam-- what's happenin'?"
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euphorial-docx · 1 year
a lily evans portrait inspired by alberto mieglo’s art <3
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molecoledigiorni · 1 year
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Ph. Euphori.am
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vxidlight · 1 year
@euphoriabled: “Why are you being so weird about this?” - Clara to 11
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The Doctor caught and composed himself. He adjusted his bowtie and stood straight. "Weird? Who? Not me. Not weird at all." He cleared his throat acting mildly offended by her comment.
A moment later, he'd already moved on, walking around the console blabbering on about some technical jargon while waving his hands in between pulling levers.
Suddenly, the Time Rotor stopped, the TARDIS hum became silent, and everything went black. "That shouldn't have happened." The Doctor whispered.
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viictorvandort · 1 year
[Puts head on the other’s shoulder] - from Victoria
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A nervous swallow, his posture upright, unmoving. It wasn't like he was uncomfortable! No, no, not at all! He just wasn't quite sure how to respond to such actions given the fact he hadn't really experienced such closeness before. Eyes drifted to his hands on his lap, glad he'd gotten his fidgeting under control. He told himself that taking smaller steps to fight his anxiety would help him in time.
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"It's nice... being by the fire, I mean..." He spoke quietly, hoping that he didn't disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the room. Fortunately, they had time for themselves this evening and wouldn't be interrupted by snooping, judgemental parents. He swallowed again, wondering if he should add to that comment. Somehow, it just didn't seem enough...
"...And being with you."
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dorkustm · 1 year
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@euphoriabled , from ruth : "how do we know for sure that we don't have chemistry if we don't try for a reaction, pete? i'll be the catalyst. let's see if you're a constant or not."
a gentle groan escapes pete. if there's any weakness-- actually, he has plenty of weaknesses, but that's besides the point... the point is that he loves a good pun. and a science pun? he's the textbook definition of a nerd. he doesn't want to acknowledge the pick-up line, but he can't help the way that a smile tugs at a corner of his lips and he feels the tips of his ears begin to burn. goddammit, ruth. "nice one, ruth. did... did you come up with that one yourself, or...?"
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