#euro pride 2018
mysunshinetemptress · 10 months
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You Promised
Disclaimer: angst
Leah Williamson x reader
To say you and your girlfriend played the same sport just at different levels was an understatement.
Leah played for Arsenal in the WSL and is Captain of the Lionesses on the international stage whereas you played for and Captained Newport Pagnell FC an East Midlands women’s regional football team.
Now you where proud to play for them every time you walked out onto the pitch it was like you had led out an army ready to battle for the next 90 minutes. Only it was a pitch in the back arse of no where and the changing rooms where prefabricated buildings and your subs bench wasn’t the most comfortable place to sit but you wouldn’t change it for the world this was your team.
Dating a world class football player who had captained the English women’s team to European champs meant that many people began to have opinions on her life and in turn yours, and most of the time it was about the different levels you both played at.
Both yourself and Leah grew up in Milton Keynes and although you where a life long Arsenal fan you hadn’t began playing till the later Leah’s of primary school, unlike Leah who had been playing at Arsenal since the age of 8. You had both met later in secondary school and a friendship soon blossomed, your parents would often find you both either playing, talking or watching football together, but it didn’t take you long to realise that you both played at different levels.
It had become something you where rather insecure about. Watching as Leah made her senior debut in 2014 you had also been chosen to play on the women’s first team but your success would have to wait as you celebrated Leah’s and you honestly didn’t care as long as Leah was living out her dream and happy you would never care to celebrate yours. That was until recently.
Leah had asked you out on the night of your 20th birthday stating she simply couldn’t wait anymore and if it meant fucking over an amazing friendship for an even better relationship she would do just that. The first four years had been blissful. Leah played at Arsenal and had won the WSL as well as the FA cup and each time she just had to look into the stands to see your gleaming smile telling her how proud of her you where. Leah had played on the youth squads for England but in Russia in 2018 you had stood next to her family to cheer her on as she made her senior debut, as well you where the first person she called after Sarina Wiegman had asked her to be captain of the Lionesses heading into the euros, ultimately you had been asked to become the Captain of Newport Pagnell the same day but not wanting to take away such a moment from her you kept it quite. You had been there at every match of the Euros and had ultimately burst into tears at the sound of the final whistle on the 31st of July grabbing Amanda as you both sobbed with pride for the English captain, who had jumped the barrier and ran up the steps to kiss you right after. You had been there to witness all of Leah’s best moments from the minute you met, but you had also been there to witness her hardest moments. You had been sat in the west stand of Leigh’s Sports Village with Amanda and Leah’s cousin Holly hair still wet from training when she had gone down. Amanda had immediately grabbed your arm out of instinct before you stood stating you would go check on her. You had found her tear stained lying on physios bed “oh darling.” Leah had immediately burst into tears once more at the sight of you before explaining what the medic team had told her. There wasn’t anything you could do but hold her and listen wishing for it all to be wrong. Sadly it didn’t workout that way and it had been announced your girlfriend had torn her ACL and would be unable to Captain her team at the World Cup this summer.
It had been a selfish wish one that you immediately felt guilty about but you had hoped with this forced break Leah might attend a few more of your matches, maybe meet the team and the girls who had become some of your best friends, normally she either had training or was playing in one herself whereas you had a job as a teacher and trained night and played on Sundays. But what you had really hoped for was to turn to see Leah standing beside the pitch cheering you on as your team played their final match of the season and one that could potentially see your team winning the league.
“Lee, my love.” You had walked through the front door expecting to find your girlfriend sitting on the couch typing away on her computer, instead you found her in the kitchen with Lia Walti “oh hey Wally .” Lia stood pulling you into a hug “Y/n how are you.” You smiled dropping you bag before picking up the girls cups and refilling them making one for your self “I’m good Wally tired but good how are you.” Leah grabbed your hand pulling you to the chair beside her resting her hand on your thigh “I’m good, thought I would come check on this one since I’m out for the rest of the season as a precaution.” You smiled “thank you, speaking of how is your ankle I watched it after it was hard to watch no idea how you did it.” Leah squeezed your leg “she’s just built different love, you have to be to play at our level.” You froze slightly at what Leah was implying but chose to ignore it instead asking Wally if she was staying for dinner.
You lay in bed head on Leah’s chest as she stroked your hair softly “Lee.” Leah hummed “I was wondering if you would come to my last match on the 27th kickoff is at 2pm.” Leah smiled “I’d love to my girl.” You squeezed her gently “only if you want to.” Leah kissed your head “I promise to be there my love I want to be there.” You kissed her jaw before settling back down content with Leah’s answer.
Leah was still asleep when you woke up Saturday morning getting all your things ready to head to meet the team for the last match of the season. You ran back up the stairs after making yourself breakfast before leaning over to kiss her head “I’ll see you shortly Lee.” You had taken your jersey from last season and left it on her night stand hoping she would wear it before running out the door.
The team had been on a high the minute you had all met at the clubhouse the excitement of the last match and potentially winning the league had set you all into a buzz as you all danced around the changing rooms getting ready to go out for warmups. “Anyone special coming Skip.” You turned looking to your best friend and teammate Tegan Mallor, you couldn’t help your cheeks get all read “oh is the wife making an appearance.” You laughed “she’s not my wife yet haven’t asked haven’t been asked but yes she told me she was coming as well as her Mum and cousins plus my parents.” The girls cheered at the thought of the Lioness captain coming to watch the final match.
Walking out on to the pitch for warmups you looked over to see your parents stood on the sidelines with Amanda,Holly,Ben,Jordan and a few others of the Williamson/Baker bunch it had made your heart swell at the sight you had grown up with no siblings and so Leah’s cousins and brother had taken on that mantle, but you couldn’t help but notice Leah wasn’t here yet. Putting it down to her being late you got on with training and put your captain head on ready to win.
The first half had gone terribly, the opposition had scored twice all in the span of 10 minutes of each other and you found the girls began to lose hope, you had never been more grateful for the half time whistle grabbing your team into the changing room and trying to hype them back up “what’s going on this isn’t the bunch of girls that where dancing around this morning we have 45 minutes to do this 45 that’s plenty of time turn it around come on.” The girls had jumped up and began running back out as the second half began. You turned looking to the sidelines hoping to catch your girlfriend but instead it had been the same group you had seen at training, Holly had caught your eye and shrugged letting you know she had no idea where Leah was.
The next 45 minutes flew in and your team had managed to tie the game but with a minute to go you had found yourself screaming for a cross in at the edge of the box from Tegan. The team held their breath as you sent a scream to the top right corner before they all piled on top of you screaming as the red blew the whistle stating the match was over and you had won both the match and the league. You all stood running to your family’s on the sidelines grabbing your dad into a hug as he cried “oh peanut I’m so proud that was amazing.” You squeezed him letting go as you hugged your mum before moving to Amanda “that was incredible darling no one deserves it more.” You pulled away thanking her before hugging everyone else “where’s Le.” Everyone froze “Go celebrate we will talk after.” You sighed shoulders sagging in disappointment “she promised.” Holly squeezed your arm “I’m sorry Y/n.” You shook your head “can I take him with me.” You turned asking Jordan if you could kidnap her son to help raise the trophy wanting to move away from their pitiful stares “want to go with Auntie Y/n buddy.” The baby simply smiled raising his hands for you to take him as you thanked Jordan and walked off to get your medal. “I’m going to kill her.” Holly punched Ben in the arm before Amanda spoke “you will have to get in line.”
You had been stood in the changing room dancing with the girls when Tegan had tapped you on the shoulder showing you her phone. You felt your stomach drop as you watched your girlfriend hobbling around the pitch at meadow park wearing a Rafaelle jersey as the girls shook hands and did their lap around. “I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up it was so stupid.” Tegan grabbed your arm “hey it’s her fault she let you down ok you asked her to be here and she said no promised you she would ok.” You nodded turning to pack you bags just wanting to get home and change before heading to Amanda’s house for dinner.
You had arrived at Amanda’s and where currently sat on the floor playing with Jordan’s son while you laughed and talked about your summer plans when Leah had walked through the door “Hey.” You ignored her calling out in the hall as you talked about what you where bringing to Ibiza with Holly as well as possible things to do with Ben, “I’m bringing four bikinis max but my mum wants me to bring a rash vest if we are going jet skiing this year Ben after I came back the same colour as a strawberry last time.” They all laughed as Amanda grabbed Leah from the hall taking in her appearance dressed in an Arsenal jersey “you are in big trouble missy.” Amanda didn’t get to say anything else as you walked in with Jack (made up the name) resting on your hip, you stopped watching as Leah turned a smile taking over her face “Hi gorgeous.” You turned looking to Amanda “we thought we would come ask if you needed a hand with anything.” Amanda walked over taking Jack from you “no all good darling, I’ll leave you both to talk.”
You sighed turning to check the food as Leah went to grab you hand “hey what’s going on.” You shook your head “you promised.” Leah looked at you confused “what.” “You promised me you would be there, I thought you would be there, do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to tell my teammates your coming and then not show up only to see you all over instagram at Meadow park Le.” Leah shook her head “what are you talking about be where Y/n I have no idea.” You cut her off scoffing “oh my god you didn’t even remember, your telling me you didn’t care enough to remember.” Leah was getting annoyed now “what are you talking about.” You huffed not wanting to raise your voice “my match, the final match of the season where i captained my childhood club to win the league the one I asked you to come to the one you promised you would only to never show.” Leah froze “Y/n.” You shook your head “I left my jersey out for you to wear to it, I thought since you where injured you might come to just one of my matches heck even the most important one but you stood me up to go see Arsenal at Meadow park.” Leah sighed “it was Rafa’s last game.” You rolled your eyes “it was the most important match of my career.” Leah scoffed “you don’t have a football career Y/n your a teacher that’s your career not football for crying out loud your acting like I missed a World Cup final or a match at the emirates I missed a match in a field where the toilets are porta potties,the teams stand on the sidelines at half time and a bunch of wannabes pros run around so sorry I chose to go a more exciting match to support my friend in her last one for an actual professional team.” You felt tears spring to your eyes begging them not to spill over “so supporting your own girlfriend..” Leah scoffed “come on Y/n seriously I get bored watching you play at least my matches aren’t mind numbing.” You froze as Leah slowly began to realise what she had said “y/n” “ no your right, I don’t think I can do this anymore Leah.” Leah looked at you confused “do what Y/n let me explain please.” You shook your head “I can’t be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support me they way I support them it’s not fair and I’m so tired of it Leah I really am and I’m so sorry because no matter how much I love you because believe me I really do I can’t keep being the only one putting in the effort or support so I’m done.”You began to turn to walk back to the living room where you knew everyone could hear “Y/n.” You just shook your head walking into the room collecting your stuff as Leah walked in behind you “eh thank you for coming I’m so sorry I can’t stay for dinner I have eh I really have to go.” Amanda stood up not bothering to look at her daughter “Y/n.” You shook your head “it’s fine enjoy dinner I’ll see you later.” You brushed last Leah and headed straight out the front door. “Mum I.” Amanda shook her head “I don’t know who you are but you are not the girl I raised the girl I raised would have understood how important today was for her girlfriend she would have been rushing the pitch after watching her girlfriend score the winning goal, the girl I raised would have been there point blank.” Leah felt her eyes fill with tears “they won.” Holly nodded standing up “your girlfriend led a team who hadn’t won a game in ten years to wining the East Midlands league in a season and she scored the final goal.” Leah shook her head “I didn’t mean it.” Amanda laughed “I have known you long enough and so has Y/n to know that you did and you know she is insecure about not being enough for you as a human being and as someone who plays football yet you told her today right to her face that those fears where true. I’m sorry I can’t even look at you right now.”
Leah stood hopeless “Holly I…” Everyone stood up leaving the room as Leah was left to think about what she had said “oh god what have I done.”
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insignificant-artist · 3 months
hi, hello, I'm Mar, I promise I'm not a scam bot 😭 just a clay artist without many followers. I'm writing to other artists or people who enjoy art to see if any kind soul wants to help!
so I'm a refugee about to get deported and lose everything because a shady guy scammed me. the whole story is on my pinned post. I've been trying to raise the money I need to stay in a safe country, but it's been difficult.
if you'd like to join or reblog I'll owe you my life (literally)!! 🩷
sorry to bother you and have a nice day!! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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Post Created June 28 2024 // @important-reblogging
for everyone reading this; i did research, this person isn't a scammer. in 2018 someone posted about Mar's blog in their "Sculptors/potters/clayworkers/cool thing makers" recommendations in the category "Cutesy clay critter types" here (for those of you who don't click on links and instead copy paste them, i gotchu, here it is: https://www.tumblr.com/nessieinthefez/174981044664/curating-your-social-media-feed-to-decrease?source=share)
Mar's pinned post here (https://www.tumblr.com/plushlikecreaturesgallery/753096507039907840/so-my-life-is-once-again-in-danger?source=share) explaining their situation and linking their ko-fi and shop
Mar's ko-fi -> https://ko-fi.com/marlikesunicorns/goal?g=0
Mar's shop -> https://www.plushlikecreatures.com/shop (plus the link right below)
"How can I help?" You can reblog their posts, donate to their ko-fi, or buy from their shop!
"Well, what does Mar sell in their shop?" They sell clay creatures! They have pride dragons, Alastor, Charlie, Two Custom Order Sizes, Haku, and two types of blind boxes! (One blind box contains 1 dragon, while the other contains 2 dragons.)
"How much do they cost?" I found the price in dollars, euros, and yen below!
Pride Dragon: €75.00, $80.31, ¥12,908
Alastor: €150.00, $160.61, ¥25,815
Charlie: €120.00, $128.49, ¥20,852
Custom Order (Regular): €200.00, $214.15, ¥34,420
Custom Order (Big): €250.00, $267.69, ¥43,026
Haku: €95.00, $101.72, ¥16,350
Blind Box (One): €42.00, $44.97, ¥7,228
Blind Box (Two): €75.00, $80.31, ¥12,908
If you can't afford these, please reblog or even consider donating to Mar's ko-fi! Everything you can do is appreciated.
Pictures/Prices Via Screenshots Below (page found in Mar's ko-fi here)
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(i typed all this from hand, sorry if anything is incorrect)
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acommonloon · 4 months
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Earlier today I met up with friends to drink a beer that reminded me of earlier days. Earlier good days and today was a good day. Later I stopped for groceries and as I got out of the truck I saw a woman walking towards me.
She was wearing a loose dress and her hair was covered with a scarf. Her brows were dark her skin tanned, I thought she might be mid to late twenties. She held a piece of cardboard low against her chest. Based on world events, I thought she might be collecting support for Palestinians. I waited. “Excuse me sir” her voice was soft and I detected no accent. She unfolded the cardboard.
I glanced at it but only saw the words mother, hungry, children before I looked back at her eyes.
I was transported instantly to Strasbourg France, 2018. We were at the Christmas market there, it was near dusk and raining and one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever beheld. The medieval town square filled with lighted booths the towering church looming over it. We were cueing to get into the church when my son said, “Oh dad, there will be gypsy beggars up here. Don’t give them anything. It’s a scam.”
When the gnarled old woman shuffled up to me and handed me what I thought at first was a brochure, but was a tattered written plea for alms, I smiled and gave her whatever loose Euros I had in my pocket. My son snorted but I didn’t care. Didn’t care if it was a scam. It was small change.
In Chicago once I was approached by a young black woman who asked if she could have $5.65. I was surprised and asked why she asked for that specific amount. She pointed at the McDonalds I’d not noticed and said she could get a certain meal for that amount. I’d no idea if she was sincere but I laughed and gave her the cash I had on me which wasn’t enough. I shrugged and she thanked me in a perfunctory manner. It still makes me smile.
Anyway, I grew up just shy of really poor. My mom brandished a form of pride I recognize now as her shield to ward off shame. She was ashamed by her…our financial circumstance and she returned the near constant assistance she got from my dad’s mom with as much resentment as appreciation. She never failed to criticize welfare families even though we would have been them too without the help of my grandmother and others.
Some of that shame couldn’t help but rub off on me yet I was far more influenced by my grandmother than my mother. Seeing the grace with which she shared her own minimal resources with us, made me want to be like her. lol one last sidetrack.
I was 12 when my paternal grandfather died. By all accounts, he was a mean old man. Decades later a stranger said to me, upon finding out who my grandmother was, “There was never a finer woman than your grandmother.” Then he said, “She never deserved Alec.” Referring to my grandfather. Alec was a nasty man with rarely a good word to say about anyone. Except me. He called me little shitass and I knew he loved me.
When he died, he had a healthy bank account but also $4000 cash was found in a roll in the tackle box he kept in his truck. I heard my parents talk about this. One evening a few days after his funeral, my parents, my two sisters, both younger than me, and I were up at grandma’s. I’d been staying there anyway so she wasn’t alone.
My grandmother said, I want you to go into the dining room and in the drawer of the sideboard you’ll find where Alec kept all the wallets he got for Christmas presents and he never used.
I said I didn’t want a wallet. She said, “Go on, he would have wanted you to have one.”
I spent so much time in that little house on the Blue River, I knew where the wallets were. I pulled open the drawer and picked up the first wallet from the pile. It fell open in my hands and it was full of cash! A lot of cash.
I carried it into the living room to my grandma’s chair and held it out to her. She took it and looked up at me and said, “Where did you find this?”
“It was on top.” I said.
She said, “That can’t be. All your uncles and even cousins have been in there to get a wallet.”
She burst into tears. Her hand shook as she handed me a fifty. She pulled out more money and gave it to my parents who were also in a state of shock. Then still crying she said, I can take that trip to the Holy Land!
Her tears were of joy and though all I did was carry the wallet to her, I felt like I had done something for my grandma to make her happy. That feeling was a heady drug.
So. I fully recognize when I give someone something, I’m doing it for me.
It isn’t transactional. If they don’t appreciate it I don’t mind. Also, I recognize a gift can cause distress. I’m mindful not everyone feels gratitude at being given a gift. I learned that lesson…anyway
Today, in the Meijer parking lot, I looked down at the woman and smiled. “I’m going to give you some money.” I said as I reached into my pocket. “Where are you from?”
I laughed at that. Thinking of my son and Strasbourg.
I said, “Okay, I wonder if you are scamming me.”
Sorry, I don’t speak good English.
Right. I handed her a five and said, “Have a good day.”
I didn’t wait to see her reaction. On the way into the store my phone chimed with a text.
It was my son.
I typed, Hey guess whatI just did!
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bobgoesw00t · 2 years
So I decided to follow Ayumi Hamasaki on Instagram and as I was scrolling through he posts, I came across some pictures of her at Tokyo Rainbow Pride back in 2018. I was curious, looked up her stance on the LGBT community and HOLY HELL I WAS NOT EXPECTING TO DISCOVER THAT SHE’S A GAY ICON!!!!!!! I’VE KNOW ABOUT HER FOR YEARS (first discovered her when “Ayu’s Euro Megamix (Y&Co. Mix) was the first song to play on my pandora radio back in…2011-2012 I think) AND I CAME OUT AS GAY IN 2013…SO HOW AM I ONLY JUST NOW FIGURING THIS OUT!?!?!?!?!? Anyways, I’m glad I know now and I’m gonna share the following pic she posted to show my reaction to this info:
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internationalnewz · 2 months
Gareth Southgate Steps Down as England Manager After EURO 2024 Final Defeat
Gareth Southgate has announced his resignation as England manager following their loss to Spain in the Euro 2024 final. This marks the end of an illustrious tenure that saw him lead the national team through 102 matches over eight years.
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Resignation Announcement
In a heartfelt statement shared by England Football, Gareth Southgate expressed his decision to step down after England's 2-1 defeat against Spain at the Olympiastadion in Berlin. Reflecting on his tenure, Southgate emphasized his pride in representing and managing England.
Legacy and Achievements
Southgate initially took over as caretaker manager in late 2016 and went on to oversee England's journey to the semi-finals of the 2018 FIFA World Cup and consecutive runner-up finishes in the European Championships of 2021 and 2024. His leadership has been credited with revitalizing the team and fostering a new era of English football.
Acknowledgments and Gratitude
Acknowledging the support he received throughout his tenure, Southgate thanked the Football Association (FA) and his coaching staff, particularly highlighting the contributions of Steve Holland. He also expressed confidence in the young talent within the squad, urging support for the team's future endeavors.
Gareth Southgate's departure marks the end of a significant era for English football. His dedication, vision, and impact on the national team will be remembered as he passes the baton to the next generation of leaders within the FA.
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progiftreview · 4 months
Croatia Euro 2024 Crocs
Croatia Euro 2024 Crocs: A Gift for Everyone Croatia has long been a popular tourist destination, known for its stunning coastline, rich history, and vibrant culture. In recent years, the country has also made a name for itself in the world of sports, particularly in football. With their impressive performances in international tournaments, including a memorable run to the World Cup final in 2018, the Croatian national team has garnered a massive following worldwide. As the anticipation for Euro 2024, one of the most prestigious football events, continues to grow, fans are always looking for unique and memorable ways to show their support for their favorite team. The Croatia Euro 2024 Crocs present a fantastic and fashionable option for both men and women, making them the perfect gift for everyone. Crocs have become a global sensation, transcending age and gender, with their comfortable and versatile design. The Croatia Euro 2024 Crocs feature the iconic red-and-white checkered pattern, which is synonymous with the Croatian national team. This distinctive design not only showcases the team's colors but also represents the country's rich cultural heritage. By wearing these Crocs, fans can proudly display their support for both Croatia and their love for football. These Crocs are not just fashionable but also incredibly comfortable, making them suitable for everyday wear. Constructed with Croslite foam material, they provide exceptional cushioning and support, ensuring maximum comfort throughout the day. Whether you're exploring the cobblestone streets of Dubrovnik or cheering for your team from the comfort of your living room, these shoes will keep your feet happy and stylish. Moreover, the Croatia Euro 2024 Crocs are available for both men and women, allowing fans of all genders to join in on the excitement. The unisex design features a roomy fit, making them suitable for a wide range of foot sizes. With their slip-on style and adjustable heel straps, these Crocs are not only practical but also easy to put on and take off, making them ideal for travel or any spontaneous football-related gathering. The Croatia Euro 2024 Crocs are not limited to football enthusiasts alone. They can be a unique and thoughtful gift for anyone who appreciates Croatia's beauty, sportsmanship, or simply wants to add a touch of style to their footwear collection. From die-hard football fans to casual supporters, these Crocs allow everyone to showcase their love for Croatia in a comfortable and fashionable way. In conclusion, the Croatia Euro 2024 Crocs offer a perfect gift option for anyone looking to celebrate Croatia's participation in the upcoming Euro tournament. With their stylish design, comfortable fit, and unisex appeal, these Crocs are suitable for both men and women, making them an excellent choice for everyone. Whether you're exploring the streets of Zagreb or simply lounging at home, these Crocs will undoubtedly add a touch of Croatian pride and personality to your wardrobe.
Get it here : Croatia Euro 2024 Crocs
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Related : https://progiftreview.tumblr.com/post/720883055278145536/united-states-air-force-thunderbirds-4th-of-july
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chelscait · 4 months
thank you boo, i was literally just saying whatever that came to mind and i just want to add that even in fucking dispair i've still supported the swedish men and women.
do i more than occasionally want to jump off a bridge bc of their inability to win? yes
did i sit in 2018 and watch the world cup even though i wasn't really a football fan back then? fuck yeah
all this because that's what it means to be a fan of sports, to be a fan of your country. it means watching as your country loses against albania, it means not taking the bad results to heart and not hating them because they did their best. it means jumping and shouting and getting noise complaints from your neighbours when we win, it means getting to enjoy the good moments because you've had to endure the bad ones.
to support your country means to listen to the old people speak so wonderfully of the team that nearly did it, listen to them speaking about 1994 and the bronze medal and doing it with pride even if you weren't even thought of at that point.
i don't think these new fans will understand that feeling of pride as you wear the badge of your country over your heart, as you stand for your nations song with the feeling of butterflies in your stomach bc you never know whats going to happen.
they'll never understand the viceral hatred you have for other countries because they think its all just playground play, that its not a serious sport for actual athletes.
nothing like celebrating the euros or world cup in the pub garden supporting the country you are all from!!!!!!
you’re literally poetic xx
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¿Cuál es el historial de enfrentamientos entre Orlando City y Inter Miami en la MLS?
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¿Cuál es el historial de enfrentamientos entre Orlando City y Inter Miami en la MLS?
Historial de enfrentamientos
El historial de enfrentamientos es un registro de los encuentros pasados entre dos entidades o individuos, generalmente en el contexto de competiciones deportivas. Este historial es de gran importancia para analizar las tendencias, fortalezas y debilidades de cada uno de los contendientes, lo que puede ayudar a predecir resultados futuros.
En el ámbito deportivo, el historial de enfrentamientos entre dos equipos es utilizado por entrenadores, jugadores y aficionados para evaluar el desempeño pasado y prepararse para los próximos desafíos. El estudio de estos registros puede revelar patrones de comportamiento, estrategias efectivas y posibles ventajas o desventajas a considerar.
Asimismo, en otras áreas como las relaciones personales o profesionales, el historial de enfrentamientos puede ser útil para identificar conflictos recurrentes, patrones de comunicación ineficaz o situaciones problemáticas que requieran atención y resolución.
Es importante tener en cuenta que el historial de enfrentamientos no debe ser el único factor a considerar al analizar una situación, ya que otros elementos como el contexto actual, las circunstancias particulares y la evolución de las circunstancias también desempeñan un papel crucial.
En resumen, el historial de enfrentamientos es una herramienta valiosa para entender el pasado, aprender de las experiencias pasadas y tomar decisiones informadas en el presente para mejorar el desempeño futuro.
Orlando City
Orlando City es un equipo de fútbol profesional con sede en Orlando, Florida. Fundado en 2010, el club compite en la Major League Soccer (MLS), la principal liga de fútbol de los Estados Unidos y Canadá. Los colores distintivos del equipo son púrpura y oro, que reflejan los colores de la ciudad de Orlando.
El equipo juega sus partidos de local en el Exploria Stadium, un estadio icónico ubicado en el centro de Orlando y con capacidad para más de 25,000 espectadores. Los seguidores de Orlando City, conocidos como los "Lions", son apasionados y están siempre presentes para apoyar a su equipo en cada partido.
A lo largo de su historia, Orlando City ha tenido momentos destacados, incluyendo la participación en los playoffs de la MLS y la conquista de la U.S. Open Cup. El equipo ha contado con jugadores talentosos y reconocidos en el ámbito nacional e internacional, lo que ha contribuido a su crecimiento y éxito en la liga.
Además del equipo masculino, Orlando City también cuenta con un equipo femenino, el Orlando Pride, que compite en la National Women's Soccer League (NWSL). Ambos equipos tienen una sólida base de seguidores y están comprometidos con el desarrollo del fútbol en la comunidad de Orlando y más allá.
En resumen, Orlando City es un club vibrante y emocionante que representa la pasión por el fútbol en la ciudad de Orlando y continúa construyendo su legado en la MLS y en el mundo del deporte.
Inter Miami
Inter Miami, oficialmente conocido como Club Internacional de Fútbol Miami, es un equipo de fútbol con sede en la ciudad de Miami, Florida. Fue fundado en enero de 2018 y se convirtió en el vigésimo quinto equipo en unirse a la Major League Soccer (MLS), la principal liga de fútbol de Estados Unidos y Canadá. Su propietario es el exjugador de fútbol inglés David Beckham, quien ha estado involucrado en el proyecto desde sus inicios.
El equipo debutó en la MLS en la temporada 2020 y tuvo un comienzo prometedor, atrayendo a una base de aficionados apasionados y estableciéndose como un competidor digno en la liga. El nombre "Inter Miami" refleja la diversidad multicultural de la ciudad de Miami, con el término "Inter" representando la interconexión de diferentes comunidades y culturas que convergen en la región.
El equipo juega sus partidos como local en el estadio DRV PNK, ubicado en Fort Lauderdale, mientras construyen su propio estadio en el área de Miami. Los colores del equipo son rosado, negro y blanco, evocando el espíritu vibrante y moderno de la ciudad.
Inter Miami no solo ha atraído la atención de los seguidores locales, sino que también ha generado interés a nivel internacional debido a la presencia de Beckham y a su enfoque en la construcción de un club de fútbol exitoso y sostenible a largo plazo. Con un futuro prometedor por delante, Inter Miami se ha convertido en un equipo a tener en cuenta en la MLS y en la escena futbolística de Estados Unidos.
La MLS, siglas en inglés de Major League Soccer, es la principal liga de fútbol profesional en los Estados Unidos y Canadá. Fundada en 1993, la MLS ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial en las últimas décadas y se ha convertido en una de las ligas más competitivas y seguidas en América del Norte.
Actualmente, la MLS cuenta con 27 equipos, incluyendo franquicias en importantes ciudades como Los Ángeles, Nueva York, Atlanta y Toronto. La liga ha logrado atraer a renombrados jugadores de todo el mundo, lo que ha elevado su nivel de juego y le ha dado una mayor exposición a nivel internacional.
Uno de los aspectos más destacados de la MLS es su formato único de competición. A diferencia de las ligas tradicionales, la MLS cuenta con una estructura de playoffs al estilo de los deportes estadounidenses, lo que le da un toque emocionante y eliminatorio al final de la temporada.
Además, la MLS ha sido pionera en la implementación de la tecnología VAR (Video Assistant Referee) para ayudar a los árbitros en la toma de decisiones difíciles durante los partidos, lo que ha contribuido a mejorar la calidad y justicia en el arbitraje.
En resumen, la MLS es una liga en constante crecimiento y evolución que ha logrado ganarse un lugar en el corazón de los aficionados al fútbol en América del Norte y más allá.
Partidos pasados
Los partidos pasados son un tema que despierta la pasión de los aficionados al fútbol y a otros deportes. Recordar encuentros anteriores puede traer emociones intensas, ya sea por la victoria de nuestro equipo favorito o por la desilusión de una derrota inesperada.
En el mundo del deporte, los partidos pasados no solo son un recuerdo de momentos emocionantes, sino que también son una fuente de aprendizaje. Los jugadores y entrenadores analizan detenidamente los encuentros anteriores para identificar fortalezas y debilidades, y así mejorar su desempeño en futuros enfrentamientos.
Además, los partidos pasados también son un recordatorio de la historia y la evolución de un equipo o una competición. Recordar partidos emblemáticos o enfrentamientos históricos nos permite valorar el legado y la importancia de cada encuentro en la trayectoria de un equipo.
Por otro lado, los aficionados al deporte suelen revivir los partidos pasados a través de videos, fotografías o relatos emocionantes. Estos recuerdos pueden generar nostalgia, alegría o incluso frustración, pero siempre mantienen viva la pasión por el deporte y la competición.
En resumen, los partidos pasados no son solo recuerdos en la mente de los aficionados, sino que también forman parte de la identidad y la historia de cada equipo y competición deportiva. Recordar estos momentos nos permite valorar el presente y soñar con un futuro lleno de nuevas emociones y logros deportivos. ¡Que viva la emoción de los partidos pasados!
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theworldgate · 6 months
An Incredibly Silly Controversy on a Very Normal Island
Football, by which I mean Association Football, is a big deal in England [citation not needed].
And the national team has a new Home Kit out!
It looks like this:
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It is, somehow, controversial (at least, with politicians), if decidedy not the biggest of the big stories even as I write this.
That controversy is not because of the weird band at the bottom of the shorts, which is both ugly and bizarre (it... doesn't go all the way round?!), but because of this detail on the back of the shirt.
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It's sort of a St George's cross (the flag of England, specifically), but not, because of the coloured banding and also it not having a white background.
This choice for that, over sticking the flag on the collar and calling it a day, was made because, apparently, the three varying shades of red, and also each of the individual colours of the bi pride flag (... okay, not quite there, but I can't be the only one who sees the resemblance, right), have featured on iconic kits of England past.
A comedian disliked it, and thought it was a bit weird. (content warning: The Mirror is owned by Reach PLC and so has a borderline unusable website).
But the controversy appears to have proper kicked off [pun not originally intended], or at least gone mainstream, because of Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer being asked about it by the Sun because he's doing some sort of reader's questions gimmick with them (which is, honestly, itself way more of a problem than the flag thing), and Sir Keir taking the opportunity to signal his patriotism.
Specifically, Sir Keir said “...the flag [🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿] is used by everybody, it’s unifying, it doesn’t need to change. We just need to be proud of it. So I think they should just reconsider this and change it back.” (also: the shirt itself costs too much money to buy, and he is totally a massive football fan. Which by all accounts is actually true but he has an uncanny ability to sound like he is lying constantly.).
With that, the Prime Minister, whose entire political strategy has consisted of culture warring to not particularly impressive effect, also felt compelled to weigh in, also talking about the sacred immutability and pride in the flag.
As of 5pm on Friday 22nd March 2024, there are no plans to change the shirt [outside of the usual new shirt schedule, obviously], and it has the Football Association's full support.
The punchline
So, with all that hot air, the need to change 'back' the flag n'all, you'd think that there'd been a rich history of the unaltered St George's Cross flag [England ver.] on the back and/or front of kits, right? Beyond white being the default home kit colour and red a fairly common pick for away?
But. Well.
This is actually the first time since 2018 that there's been anything resembling a St George's cross on the kit.
If we just look at the past decade:
Neither the 2022 kit[s], nor the 2020 kit, nor the 2021 special kit for the 2020 Euros finals had the flag itself on. At all.
2018's Home kit did, (as I just said) but then the away kit had, and I quote "a modern St. George’s Cross." design all across the front. That is to say [gasp] a modified flag.
Anyway, 2016 also seems not to have had a flag, settling for the word "England" on the back of both kits.
2014 is in the zone where I'm stuck looking at eBay listings for a shot of the back of both home and away kits (so no more links alas), but, again, no flag on the home, and the same "modern" variant on the front of the away.
So in the last decade, there has been a regular St George's cross on an England outfield football kit precisely once.
But, just for fun, let's go a few more iterations back.
2013, first Nike kit, "150th anniversary" of England having a national football team, and no flag on either kit.
2012, last Umbro kit, no flag on the home, and I have hit my limit on how hard I'm willing to search to check the away's collar to be absolutely sure that there isn't an iron-on flag or something. But also, I really have to give shout-outs to the red-on-red crosses on the Home Goalkeeper kit, and blue-on blue for the away GK kit.
And, finally, 2011, a year when both outfield kits have flags on. But not the 'standard' one in either case. Specifically, Umbro gave us a home kit with a bunch of comically tiny multicoloured flags for ants, and an away kit with varying shades of blue cross on the collar. This was not controversial at the time - or at least an attempt to find evidence instead finds controversy over the contemporaneous rugby kit (and also the present thing I am writing about).
Though actually the home kit really should have been because, seriously, my god what is with this:
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Remember: Football shirts are designed to be visible from somewhat far away, and not require a magnifying glass to perceive a presumably important design element.
But, anyway, I'm beginning to think that the great 2024 England Kit controversy might be a bit contrived, not gonna lie.
Disclosure: I'd seen reference to the Umbro kit [which otherwise I would have missed on the flag search because, again, tiny flags for ants] in this BBC article which, in the time I took to write this, also seems to have been updated with all sorts of useful quotes basically saying the same thing I just did. C'est la vie, I guess.
Fake edit: oh, right. The home kit also isn't even the only England outfield kit this year with a modified flag.
Though I guess it is the only one where it's actually, like, visible when worn...
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leaguepremsinfo · 7 months
full name  —  jonathan apoloniusz mazur age  —  twenty - eight. october seventh, 1995 gender/pronouns  —  cis male, he/him orientation  —  bisexual, closeted publicly  birthplace  —  hampstead, london residence  —  south kensington, london languages spoken  —  polish, english height  —  200.66 cm / 6’7” weight  —  82 kg  /  181 lbs hair color  —  brunette eye color  —  blue
Be more like your dad! His mother had always squawked at Jonny, her Polish accent more thick with pride when talking about Filip Mazur. He and Bethany came to London as eighteen year olds with big dreams, having met back in Poland. They got engaged, married and had kids quickly, raising them to speak both English and Polish, to respect where they came from; heritage was important.
His father had, at one point, been the absolute best of the best on the pitch. A legend. He was loved by the team he played for (an Arsenal man through and through), loved by the nation (when he made his first appearance for Queen and country, Old Wembley’s stands shook) and loved by the pundits. He had records young footballers could only dream of, but it didn’t make him untouchable. 
In 2017, he did retire, at an eye watering age of forty two – something utterly unheard of in that world. He left with a wealth of accolades for Arsenal under his belt, a whole load of records - including oldest goal scorer in the Premier League. 
Jon, the Mazurs’ first born, had worked through Chelsea Academy as a kid - he didn't get to have a Bar Mitzvah because of his incredibly busy schedule, though he put his all into his sisters’ so that he could be a big part of it - and stayed with the Blues all the way through to seniors, making his debut in 2012, after Chelsea won the Champions League the year before. He was a Chelsea lad to his very core, playing (eventually) alongside Roy. Fucking. Kent. A man he should objectively hate given that he’d once tried to absolutely KO his dad in a match, but hey - what wouldn’t anyone give to kick a ball around under that man’s captaincy. He helped shape Jon into the player he is today and he’ll be grateful for it for as long as he’s able to play and beyond.
Of course WHU wanted him; he was in high demand; not only was he the second-tallest player in the Prem which made him a beast to go up against but he was known as an incredibly flexible player who had the ability to move from defence positions to the midfield right up to being in front, playing the 9. He had a kick like his dad, though in truth they were not that similar. That Mazur, though outspoken and bold off the grass, was patient and calm on the pitch, sharing his whippet speed and skill with his son. This Mazur had a relatively short temper and wasn’t afraid to use his elbows.. Though, this is something Jon has worked on over time, instead becoming known for his level headedness and dedication to the sport. He doesn’t fight referees, he doesn’t pick fights with the little shits on lower table teams, he’s an artist on the pitch. 
In 2015, aged twenty, Jon made his debut for the Three Lions, the England team, legacy number 1207.
Now he’s as beloved by West Ham fans as his father was (is) by Arsenal’s. He was named their captain in July of 2017, the same year his father stepped away from the game. It’s a role he takes seriously, trying to pave the way for the younger Hammers, showing them how to act and how to better themselves just as Roy Kent had done for him those years ago. 
On Nov 15th 2018, Jon was given the captain’s band for England for a game against USA, something his own father had never quite managed. He had wanted to step out of Fil’s shadow and this was just another challenge to take up in order to prove himself even more… to who, he wasn’t entirely sure. 
He captained the England team through the 2016 Euros, the 2020 Euros and the 2022 World Cup, he’s got 221 goals for West Ham under his belt, 62 for England and in 2023 he led West Ham to victory, winning the Europa Conference League in Prague.
The man is a true testament to himself and his game. It was no shock to the people that really knew him to find out that he was nominated for the Ballon d’Or, let alone when he won the thing (he, though, was sitting with his jaw agape before being roused from his seat). The biggest surprise of all was the moment his father walked out on stage to hand him the trophy - some people slammed the move from the older Mazur man, but it was perhaps the most touching moment of young Mazur’s life so far.
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razorblogz · 1 year
Ex-Italian PM Leaves Over ₹ 900 Crore To 33-Year-Old Girlfriend In His Will
Marta Fascina, a Forza Italia deputy, began a relationship with Mr Berlusconi in March 2020.
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Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who died last month, has left 100 million Euros (Rs 9,05,86,54,868) to his 33-year-old girlfriend Marta Fascina in his will, The Guardian reported. The three-time Italian prime minister’s empire is estimated to be worth more than 6 billion Euros.
Ms. Fascina, a Forza Italia deputy, began a relationship with Mr Berlusconi in March 2020. Though Mr. Berlusconi was not legally married to Ms. Fascina, he reportedly referred to her as his ‘’wife’’ on his deathbed.
The 33-year-old has been a member of the Italian Parliament’s lower chamber since the 2018 general election. She is a member of Forza Italia, the party founded by Mr Berlusconi in 1994 when he first entered politics.
Meanwhile, his business empire will be controlled by his two eldest children Marina and Pier Silvio. The pair, who already hold executive roles in the business, will have a 53 percent stake in the Fininvest family holding.
He also left 100m Euros to his brother, Paolo, and 30m Euros to Marcello Dell’Utri, a former senator with his Forza Italia party who served jail time for association with the mafia.
Mr. Berlusconi, who dominated Italian public life for decades as a billionaire media mogul, businessman, and prime minister, died aged 86 on June 12. He was admitted to a Milan hospital for what aides said were pre-planned tests related to his leukemia.
His will was read out in the presence of his five children and other witnesses on Tuesday. In the will, he wrote: ‘’I leave the available stock in equal parts to my children Marina and Pier Silvio. I leave all the rest in equal parts to my five children Marina, Pier Silvio, Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi.’’
He signed off his bequest with the words: “Thanks, so much love to all of you, your Dad.”
Notably, Mr. Berlusconi served three stints as Italy’s Prime Minister before being banned from politics for six years following a conviction for tax fraud. The larger-than-life character, who once compared himself to Jesus, was Italy’s longest-serving premier but was also plagued by scandal.
Despite being diagnosed with leukemia, he was active in politics to the end as a senator and partner in Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing government.
He spent much of his life embroiled in legal action, and the cases around his notorious “Bunga Bunga” sex parties, attended by young girls including underage escorts, were only wrapped up in February 2023. He suffered increasing health problems, although he maintained his pride in his appearance, always smartly dressed.
He was hospitalised for 11 days in September 2020 after contracting coronavirus, describing it as “perhaps the most difficult ordeal of my life”. In April 2023, doctors revealed he was in intensive care suffering from leukemia and a lung infection.
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iambountyfan · 6 years
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‪backstage at EuroPride 2018 in Stockholm‬
‪follow instagram.com/ionnalee‬
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lodxolconxbsseub · 6 years
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Europride is in Sweden this year, Stockholm and Gothenburg. Stockholm right now, and I’ll go to Gothenburg when it’s there. Yesterday was the opening for Pride Park, and I got to see Pia Sundhage as an opening speaker :)
(Pia was on the Swedish national football team, and then has been coach for the national teams of Sweden, China and USA)
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mooncqss · 3 years
the thing is, no matter what decision the uefa would have made, it would have been a statement. sadly, they made the homophobic one.
because making the decision which is wanted by the homophobic hungarian government and germany’s right-wing party is always a sign that you are standing on the wrong side here.
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swedishaesthetic · 6 years
Honestly so proud of and in love with Stockholm during pride season. Ever single bus has pride flags on them, I've seen flags at the airport, hotels, tube, train station, and in so so many stores. Let's keep it going until no one has feels ashamed of who they are or are scared to be themselves 🏳️‍🌈🇸🇪🏳️‍🌈
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empty-movement · 2 years
Empty Movement’s (Belated) Black Rose Saga 25th Anniversary/Utena & Anthy Dollfie Dream Drop/Pride 2022/We’re Broke and Selling Stuff/Whatever Party!!!
What up friends! Here's the deal. We bought two sets of the Utena and Anthy Dollfies. Vanna’s (my) hope was that selling one set, alongside a feeding frenzy of merch we still have from the Japan trips for the musicals, will be sufficient that I can afford to keep the other set. We've also hit uh, some other bills, but let's be real. This is about the dolls. I want money so I can keep them.
Wow so greedy lady overextends her credit and it's your problem? NOT AT ALL FRIENDS. IT'S YOUR WIN. Why? Because we’re gonna throw a *party.* We’re gonna stream musicals, give away stuff, and *everything being auctioned starts at cost.* Why? I mean it’s Utena’s 25th anniversary, and this is right when the Black Rose starts, and the dollfies are cool and I actually wanna keep a pair, and we all just need something to do that isn’t doomscroll...and I hear our streams are pretty cool? Wild? Ahem. So what’s incoming???
Now - July 8th, 6PM EST: Enter our giveaway! What’s there to win?
- First, a Pride ‘22 Revolution Denim Jacket, designed by Vanna and donated by Rat. This will be made to your size and color preferences based on what’s available in the store!  - Second, a deck of the ‘series accurate’ playing cards Vanna designed a few years ago. These have slightly edited face cards with references to Utena throughout. These are donated by us. - Finally, a sealed copy of the 2019 Musical Utena ~ Blooming Rose of Deepest Black Blu-ray, with the live pre-order limited music box that plays the musical’s opening banger. This is donated for giveaway by an anonymous wonderful person!
Check the application form for details and rules! There aren’t many. We’re literally just givin’ y’all stuff. :D We’ll hold on shipping until after the auctions.
July 4- July 11th on eBid.net, at our store! (No there’s nothing there until these dates lol) That’s right, sealed and unseparated and starting at cost. If the bids get driven up, might include the Volks Magazine that announced them. They’ll end in the US time zone evening somewhere. SOMEWHERE IN THIS TIME FRAME we will post an unboxing of the other pair or something of SOME kind to show these ladies off, but idk yet, we’ll get back to y’all.
July 5-July 12th, on eBid.net, at our store! Preliminary list here, sorry for the ugly. THESE ARE IN CANADIAN DOLLARS Didn’t get your Dollfies? Well holy hell do we have a ton of merch left for you! THE SERIES ACCURATE TEACUP AND TEAPOTS WILL BE UP, as well as a deluge of most 2019 Musical Utena merch. We are going to list the bromides individually, which is a lot, we know...but this is about letting everyone get exactly what they want instead of trying to batch the characters up. These will end in US evening time zones, with a delay between each so you have time to bid. The bromides will all go last. This merch is all opening again, at cost. We’ve had it stored for so long it’ll feel like profit anyway. :)
2018′s Musical Utena ~ Bud of the White Rose: Friday July 8, 7PM EST/4PM PST Saturday July 8, 11AM EST EUROZONE UK: 4PM, France: 5PM 2019′s Musical Utena ~ Blooming Rose of Deepest Black: Saturday July 8, 7PM EST/4PM PST Sunday July 9, 11AM EST EUROZONE UK: 4PM, France: 5PM
We will be streaming as always on Twitch, and this time we’ll be doing Euro runs as well! These take a LOT out of us to do but they’re so worth it when we can. <3 Remember, these will be *after* the merch giveaway but *during* the run of the auctions.
Actually finally:
The auctions will end on July 11th for the Dollfies and July 12th for the rest. They’ll end in the evening hours in the US, to be decided! Afterward we will contact everyone about combining shipping and such.  “But Empty Movement,” you might say. “what if we just want to give you money?” WELL. I mean, that option is also available, as always, via Patreon. We also sell merch via our Printful store!  Once this frenzy is over, look forward to a HUGE new interview translation, more gallery stuff, a doujin scan drop, more everything. So much more everything that there’s now another domain, emptymovement.com! But for now, let’s celebrate these gorgeous Dollfies, and the 25th anniversary of the Black Rose Saga, which premiered at the beginning of July in 1997. Cool huh? We didn’t schedule all this for *the correct* weekend coming up here, because frankly, with it being on Canada Day and Independence Day weekend, we suspect the internet will not support the streaming. Also, sorry this isn’t all prettier but there’s just so much to do! See you soon!
Vanna & Yasha
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