#evan is so desperate to BE something to be SEEN
fizzseed · 7 months
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this is insane actually
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alchemistc · 3 months
"Is it okay if I call you my boyfriend?"
Tommy is - Tommy is maybe being ambushed. He's barely through the door, night five in a row of convincing himself (and then talking himself around under and through, and then re-convincing himself) that if Evan wanted a break, or time to himself, he wouldn't keep inviting Tommy over.
"Hi," Tommy says, overnight bag in his hands, the spare key Evan had given him on night three ("It's not too soon if we don't think about it too hard." "I'm just following your lead, psycho," Tommy had responded, but he'd gathered him in for a series of kisses, all the same.) still rattling amongst his own house and car keys in his hand. "How was your day, Evan? Mine was great, thank you for asking."
Evan shoots him a mildly snarky look in response, already rounding the kitchen table to grab for Tommy's bag. Tommy watches in something approaching dangerous levels of smitten as he hooks Tommy's keys next to his on one of the hooks above the sideboard, as he hefts Tommy's bag up out of Tommy's hands and behind him, four stairs up towards the loft, where one of them will inevitably trip over it when things get hot and heavy and they forget it's there. Tommy knows this, because it's happened four nights in a row already.
He should give Evan his spare. Let him nest by slowly bringing over pots and pans until he's satisfied with the tools available in Tommy's kitchen. They won't have anything to trip on in Tommy's ranch, Tommy lies to himself.
Evan hooks fingers in Tommy's belt loops, and tugs him in. This is where the real ambush happens. Evan will press his lips to Tommy's, slide his tongue to the roof of Tommy's mouth, bite down on Tommy's lip just when Tommy is thinking he might have a chance of coming out of it with his brain cells more or less intact, and then he'll pull a ridiculous move like sliding his hand into Tommy's back pocket and Tommy will lose the entire plot.
Evan tips forward and lets his lips linger over Tommy's, a beat, two, three, and then he tilts his head and rather than changing the angle of the kiss he pulls away, bright eyed gaze searching Tommy's face for - something. Tommy knows what the something is but they're moving at a pace that puts card carrying UHaul Caribiner Lesbians to shame so he's pretending he doesn't know. "Serious question, actually. I - you always use 'partner' when you're talking about your - the guys you - exes? and I don't want to make you uncomfortable but I - I kinda like boyfriend."
'Your - the guys you - exes' incorporates a fair number of pillow talk confessions Tommy's made about the overly casual relationships he's maintained in the past for months (years, sometimes) without a real label, so Tommy doesn't take offense to the way he stumbled through it. He's so utterly charmed by this man.
"Boyfriend is fine," Tommy tells him, because he doesn't really have a preference, either way. Partner is - easier. Partner had worked well for him when he was newly out and trying desperately to make it seem like he was a regular old member of the community, and not shitting his pants every time someone referenced Tommy dating a man, like it was a completely normal occurrence and not at all something he'd spent decades trying to hide. A transition phrase, really, only he'd gotten used to it and then he'd hit thirty-five, and then forty, and the first semi-serious relationship he'd had he'd used partner, and it'd stuck.
He's ready for a real kiss, now that that's decided, but Evan twirls away before Tommy can angle his head in for it. Something is sizzling in a skillet when Evan takes the lid off, and Tommy resorts to eyeing the pull of his shirt across his shoulders so he doesn't do something ridiculous like pout about not getting his mind-altering greeting kiss.
This is a pair of jeans Tommy hasn't seen before - lighter wash than Evan usually prefers, and doing absolutely amazing things for his ass as he shifts from foot to foot.
"Come taste," Evan says, darting a look over his shoulder and absolutely catching the way Tommy's eyes bounce up guiltily. They are apparently just blazing right past the 'boyfriend' thing.
It's - too early. Maybe. Tommy's never had the greatest idea for when relationship milestones are meant to happen, or in what order they should happen in. He's not about to ask Eddie, Mr. Move A Girl In And Have Her Watch My Kid While I Engage In An Emotional Affair With My Dead Wife's Doppelganger.
Which is a shame, because Eddie's one of the few friends he has that will really get into the nitty gritty of feelings conversations without a million no homo disclaimers, like Tommy isn't incredibly aware of how Not homo his friends are. Like Tommy has ever shown an inkling of attraction to ninety-nine percent of them (Sal, at his bitchiest east-coast moments, a glaring exception to a general rule).
He's too busy licking sauce off the spoon Evan's already blown on to cool for him to give it too much more thought. Screw appropriate timing.
"Mmm," he murmurs, when Evan raises a brow. "Needs more garlic."
"You always say that."
And Tommy feels a little warm, beneath his sternum, at the idea that they've done this enough times for Evan to be saying things like 'you always say that' with more than a hint of exasperation.
"Am I ever wrong?"
Evan pouts, and it's adorable in all the best ways. "No," he pouts some more.
Tommy finds himself a stool, and takes a moment to recalibrate, to resettle into his bones. He slides a finger along the edge of a leaf of the plant sitting front and center on the island, bought two weeks ago at a farmers market he'd had to drag Evan out of bed for. It's a little over watered. He's been meaning to tell Evan for three days now.
Tommy breathes, and breathes, and breathes some more. The plant - Geraldine, according to a very concentrated Evan, who'd stared at the thing until a name 'spoke to him' - stares back with the yellowed edges of her leaves.
"You don't mind partner, do you?" he asks, when he feels like he has his bearings again. He could... probably switch it up. Make an attempt, at least. The other option hovers over him like an anvil, just waiting for the Benny Hill music to cue up, for Tommy to think it a little too hard and a marriage proposal to come pouring out of his mouth in a comedy of errors that ends with them hitched in Vegas without any alcohol to blame. He doesn't need Eddie to tell him that is too much too soon.
Evan shifts his weight so that he can keep stirring while still maintaining eye contact. "No. It's - it's nice."
"A ringing endorsement. Evan, if you prefer -."
"I wanna be that. For you. Whenever - I mean I called you my boyfriend today on a call and Chim gave me shit for it the rest of the day but I started thinking about it. If - if you ever refer to me like that. Partner is... partner will be good." He's tiptoeing around the point, the whole reason he'd brought it up in the first place, no doubt.
Tommy can't remember ever having this specific conversation before. He'd so rarely needed it, had kept his work and personal life so separate that if the word slipped he never needed to worry about it getting back to the guy he was seeing at the time.
Tommy isn't reading into the preferences outlined. Partner, for Evan. Boyfriend, for Tommy.
"Am I --." Tommy pauses. He can tell based solely on Evan's reaction that he's doing a horrendous job of hiding the uncertainty in his expression. "Why boyfriend?" he finally settles on.
Evan's face flushes pink. "I...kinda didn't mean to say it? I - well it almost came out as My Tommy, and Hen would have died laughing and probably renamed you in the group chat. But. It was. I said it and it felt." He gestures, unsure himself now, which wasn't Tommy's intention. "I know we haven't talked about it. It's probably way too soon and you're just indulging me, but it felt like - like finally getting the last word in the Sunday Crossword. In pen."
He's constantly knocking it out of the park with contrived analogies that somehow make Tommy want to curl up under twenty blankets and watch Love Actually with a pint of Americone Dream. Tommy's gonna give him the extra spare that's been dangling off his keychain for a week and a half.
"Evan," he says, heart in his throat, the heavenly scent of garlic tickling his nose. "You gotta stop saying romantic shit to me or I'm gonna lock you in my spare room until I find a ring that doesn't come off."
It's not a proposal. They're - this is all - neither one of them has any chill about the other. He's shared secrets with this man he was sure he'd take to his fucking grave.
Evan smiles cheekily at him. "I always figured, with the job, y'know, I'd get a tattoo."
The hair on his arms stands on end, for a moment. Christ.
Jesus Christ.
"Sounds painful," he says, when he can't come up with a single way to bounce out of this conversation. He doesn't want to, is the problem.
He should want to, maybe. Probably.
"And, like, super permanent," Evan adds, still smiling, eyes doing that crinkly thing at the corners. "Definitely won't come off. Not without painful lasers, anyway."
"Better to just keep it, then," Tommy murmurs, voice a few registers lower than he usually speaks, doing everything in his power not to stare at the bare left hand Evan has settled on his own hip.
He blinks, and turns to stir the sauce. Clears his throat, and settles the lid back on the pan. "So. Boyfriend. It's - you don't mind- I can call you that."
Tommy watches him fidget and wonders how he'd ever managed to keep it cool for as long as he did. "For now," he says, and Evan swallows, and beams
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rainbow-nerdss · 5 months
Buck goes over to Tommy's place late one morning, coffees in hand. They agreed to go out today, maybe go for a walk in a nearby park or something, no solid plans for the day other than spending it together.
When Buck gets there, though, he feels something is wrong. The curtains are closed, for one thing. And when Buck knocks, he doesn't hear any immediate movement towards the door. Usually, Tommy opens the door before Buck even makes it up the drive.
But today, Buck knocks, and he waits.
Had Tommy gotten held late at work? Buck knows he had a shift that was supposed to end a few hours before, but maybe he got stuck with overtime and didn't have a chance to call or text. But his car is there, in the same place it always is, and there hasn't been anything on the news about any major disasters.
Buck knocks again and considers calling or texting when he finally hears shuffling on the other side of the door, then the jingle of keys before the door opens.
Tommy is... A mess, honestly.
His hair is sticking up in every direction, old sweatpants with a hole at the knee, and a worn out old hoodie which Tommy shoves his hands back into the pockets of when he sees Buck.
"Hey, Evan." He swallows, voice think with some heavy emotion. "I'm so sorry, I... I forgot we had plans today, I—" he's hunched into himself, and he looks smaller than Buck's ever seen him.
"Tommy," Buck reaches for him with the hand that isn't holding the coffee cups. "What happened? Are you okay?"
Tommy shrugs, hesitating before stepping aside to let Buck in. "Rough shift," he says after an extended silence. "Everyone... The team all made it out, but... We lost someone. I lost someone."
Buck sets the coffee cups down on the entrance table and pulls Tommy into a hug, tucking his head into his shoulder and holding him tight. Slowly, Tommy's hands raise enough to wrap around Buck's waist.
"I don't think I'm gonna be much company today," Tommy sniffs after a while. Buck can feel a wet patch on his shoulder, but doesn't mention it.
The fact that Tommy trusts him enough to be this vulnerable with feels like something sacred, something he's been searching desperately for. Up to now, Tommy has been the one adjusting to make space for what Buck needs, but it's time for Buck to step up, to be there for Tommy.
"I get it, but I'm here." Buck kisses Tommy's cheekbone, just below his eye and he tastes the salty tang of tears there. "If you'd rather be alone, I-I get it. I can go home, and we can reschedule this. But, Tommy, I don't care if all we do is sit on your couch in the dark, okay? Whatever you need, I'm here."
Tommy holds Buck tighter for a moment.
"Evan," he says, in the same way he always says it. Like it's a something precious and delicate and wonderful. Buck's not sure where it came from, but he adores it.
"What do you usually do after a bad shift?' Buck asks.
Tommy sniffs, and it takes a while to answer. "Usually..." He clears his throat. "Usually I curl up in bed or on the couch and watch a rom-com. I know, it's a little—"
"Don't you dare say it's embarrassing," Buck warns, cupping Tommy's jaw and running his thumb over the stubble there. "Go make yourself comfortable, drink your coffee, pick a movie. I'll make us some snacks and join you in a minute, okay?"
Half an hour later, Buck settles on the couch—the coffee table full of popcorn, chopped vegetables and dips to snack on.
Buck reclines against the arm, and pulls Tommy on top of him, head on his chest. It's a tight fit, but from the way Tommy settles into him, Buck knows it's what he needs.
Tommy hits play, and Buck smiles at the opening monologue. "Love Actually?" He asks.
Tommy makes a sound, a soft sort of hum. "It's... kind of my favourite," he admits.
Buck smiles and kisses the top of Tommy's head, then replaces his lips with his fingers, running them over Tommy's scalp.
"That's really cute."
Tommy nestles in closer to Buck's chest, and neither of them say anything else for a while.
"Thanks," Tommy says, when they're about halfway through the movie. "For staying."
Buck kisses his head again, and Tommy lifts himself up a little so he can turn and kiss Buck on the lips, instead before settling back against his chest.
"Thank you, for letting me stay. For letting me look after you."
The words are on the tip of his tongue as he looks down and watches Tommy turn his attention back to the movie, watches him mouth along to a handful of lines.
I love him, he thinks. He doesn't say it out loud, not yet, but the realisation is soft, and warming, and perfect. And he will say it, soon. When the time is right. And he hopes Tommy will say it back.
For now though, Tommy is like a weighted blanket on his chest, comforting and warm, and Buck's content to just stay here for as long as he can.
They'll put on another movie, finish the snacks, maybe order takeout for dinner later, and Tommy will smile again, will laugh again, will kiss Buck the same way he says his name.
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mareastrorum · 9 months
I have never enjoyed a D&D series more than Misfits & Magic and it's entirely because of Brennan Lee Mulligan. I am fully aware that most viewers thought Evan Kelmp was ridiculously over the top and played up for laughs. I'm sure so many people thought it was for comedy.
I have never seen a poverty-stricken and violence-afflicted character portrayed so well.
People who have not experienced that level of desperation rarely ever comprehend the constant level of fear, but Brennan was locked in on it wonderfully.
Every moment is fixated on food, safety, and shelter. It takes so much effort and emotional vulnerability to shift attention from it. Free food? Gotta gently press to get more and more and more and more, but you can't ask too quick or people might kick you out. Someone's a threat? Gotta make it 100% clear that you will not be fucked with, and it does not matter what it costs you socially. Need to do something long term? Gotta figure out where and how you're going to sleep without anyone to watch your back; can you lock yourself in somewhere? Can it be somewhere alone? Where can you hide?
What will this cost?
The strained politeness and immediate switch to a fight response was excellent. People who want to help you do not trigger violent responses. People that do not want to help you and are in your business need to be dealt with. Brennan knew exactly how to demonstrate the tension of usually being treated as a dangerous animal rather than a person. It instills a script to be as perfect a person as possible, and as soon as anyone veers off the social script, be exactly what they're afraid of: a monster. Better to be a monster than a victim.
The one mistake was during the holiday special that he said credit cards instead of (stolen) gift cards for making a shank with razor blades. You'd get a secured one at 18, but not before then. Otherwise would have been perfect. (Duct tape's expensive, but not too hard to steal. I carried a bag with my laundry coins as an impromptu weapon. As soon as he ordered any drink with a glass bottle, I yelled, "Make a shank!" AND HE FUCKING DELIVERED.)
I often get so annoyed at terrible portrayals of children that grew up in impoverished, violent circumstances, but this is the first time I legitimately enjoyed myself.
Well done.
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cosyvelvetorchid · 1 month
Something cute:
Jee gives Uncle Tommy a friendship bracelet she's made, and Tommy's still wearing it a few days later when Buck fetches him from work (it's the first Buck heard about it).
Bonus if Tommy mentions that the guys at work have been trying to give him grief about it but Tommy doesn't give a damn, it's a present from his niece! 🤣❤️
Sorry for taking so long to get to this. This was a super cute one to do 😊
As always you can send me a bucktommy or saltommy prompt to my ask. Smut, fluff or whimp or a mix. Whatever you want.
“Sorry Maddie I have to leave for my shift in like 30 mins.” Buck said
“What’s up?” Tommy asked.
“Maddie needs to run a couple of errands for an hour but Jees daycare is closed so she needs a sitter.”
Tommy removed the phone from Bucks hand without a word.
“Hey Maddie.”
“Tommy, hi! How are you?”
“I’m good. Listen, my shift doesn’t start for another 4 hours if you need someone look after Jee for an hour.”
“Oh my god, really? Are you sure?”
“Of course. I mean, if you’re okay with that?” He asked just to be sure. He loved spending time with Maddie and Jee but he hadn’t done so before without Evan being there.
“Oh please. If you handle my brother you can handle a four year old.”
“Ain’t that the truth.” He said smirking at Buck.
“What?” He mouthed in response. Tommy simply winked at him. Buck would be mad if it wasn’t so fucking hot when he did that.
“Uh, I can be there in about 40 minutes?”
“Tommy you’re my hero!”
“I’ll see you soon.
“Bye! Thank you again!”
“Did you just offer to babysit Jee?” Buck asked.
“Yeah, why?”
“I.. you’re just really amazing, you know that?” Buck said with a soft smile.
“It’s nothing, Evan. You’re my family, which makes her, them, my family too. Of course I’d help.” He kissed Bucks temple and got up to finish packing his bag.
Family. He’d said it so nonchalantly. They hadn’t said anything as serious between each other yet, although Buck had been dancing around the ‘L’ word for weeks like a world class ballet dancer; desperate to say it yet utterly terrified of saying it.
It was going to be even trickier to not let it slip out when Tommy says such sweet shit like calling his family his family.
They finished packing their stuff and separated for the following 48 hours thanks to their shifts for once actually lining up for a full week - 48 on, then 72 hours off. Together.
Tommy arrived at Maddie’s to a very excited Jee-yun grabbing his hand and dragging him over to the coffee table to show him what she was doing.
“I’m sorry she’s in a very important friendship bracelet making phase right now.” Maddie told him.
“Well that’s just perfect because I love friendship bracelets!” He said in an exaggerated way for Jees benefit.
“You do?!” Jee asked
“Of course!”
Maddie stopped by the door for a moment just watching the way Tommy was with her. Every time he’d been over with her brother he always made time to indulge whatever she wanted his attention for. A little picture in her head of her brothers future flew by and she smiled at the thought.
“You okay?” Tommy asked pulling her back to reality.
“Uh, yeah. I should be no more than an hour. You have mine and howies numbers and everyone else’s are on the fridge just in case. Bye baby! Be good for Tommy!”
“So.. what bracelet are we making?” He asked Jee.
“For you!”
“For me?” She nodded. “Okay. How about you pick the colours and tell me what it should say and I’ll thread it together. Sound good?”
“Now that is the best friendship bracelet I have ever seen! Don’t you think?” Tommy held his wrist up to Jee to inspect their work.
“And the prettiest!”
“I agree! Good job.” He held out his hand for a high five which of course she gave him.
2 days later Buck was picking up Tommy from work and though exhausted from his own gruelling shift he was practically vibrating at the prospect of 72 uninterrupted hours with his lo- boyfriend.
“Hey babe.” He greeted Tommy getting in his car.
“Hey baby.” Tommy leaned over and pressed a quick kiss on the corner of Bucks mouth. “Good shift?”
“Exhausting. Please tell me you feel like take out? I don’t have the energy to cook?”
“This is why I-“ he stopped himself. Again. “-why were, uh, perfect for each other. You read my mind.”
45 minutes later they’d arrived at Bucks apartment and were getting undressed to shower. Something caught bucks eye as Tommy removed his shirt and undershirt in one pull.
“Hold up.” He lightly grabbed Tommys wrist, inspecting the glittery pink and white letter beads threaded around the elastic. “What’s this?”
“Oh.” Tommy smiled fondly. “Jee wanted to make friendship bracelets when I baby sat her the other day. I promised her I wouldn’t take it off. The guys at the station have been riding my ass about for the last 2 days.” He laughed.
Bucks finger tip glided across the letters “Uncle Tommy.” He read out loud and looked at him.
“Yeah.” He laughed “She told me what she wanted on it.”
Buck just looked at him with the softest eyes.
“Just so I understand correctly: you offered to babysit my 4 year old niece, you willingly made friendship bracelets with her, including her calling you uncle Tommy, promised you wouldn’t take it off, then kept that promise when your colleagues make fun of you even though she wouldn’t know if you’d taken it off?”
“I would know, Evan, and I promised i wouldn’t.”
Buck threw his arms around Tommys neck and planted a firm few kisses onto Tommys lips.
“Hmm. What was that for?” He smiled.
“Because I love you.”
Tommy face morphed into a bigger smile. “I love you too.” He kissed Buck back for a few seconds before pulling away. “I’d love you more if you order the damn pizza - I’m starving!”
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
A Family at Your Side
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x shy!paramedic!fem!Buckley!reader
Summary: You, Evan Buckley's sister, are a paramedic with the 118. When you're called to a fire, it quickly becomes a crime scene when someone opens fire on you. Your boyfriend Tim Bradford and your fire station family have to work together to save you.
Warnings: angst, fluff, injuries (r is shot), depiction of arson/shooting, lots of teasing. [While r is Evan's sister, I don't put anything specific in here past some teasing, so it could be viewed as adoptive or some other relationship dynamic!]
Word Count: 2.6k+ words
A/N: I've only seen a few episodes of 911 (season 1), so I hope my characterization of them isn't completely terrible. I really like this dynamic though; it's so fun and complex!!
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
Picture from Pinterest
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“There’s no escape,” you whisper under your breath, desperately wishing for some relief.
“Oh, c’mon, we’re not that bad,” Buck replies, knocking his fist against your shoulder. “We’re better than the cop.”
“In every way!” Hen adds, smiling at you. “Why you started dating him is one of the two things I will never understand about you.”
“What’s the other?” you ask.
“How you-“ she turns to point to Buck as she continues, “and him are related. He can’t shut up and you can’t make eye contact.”
“I got all the good genes,” Buck explains, smiling.
“Yet none of the smarts,” Hen argues, pressing her lips together as she tilts her head.
“Or looks,” Nash calls from his place in the kitchen. “Now if you’re done bothering her, can someone set the table?”
You stand to help, and Nash points a spatula at you as he says, “Not you. You do it all the time. Make your brother do something for once.”
“She has no power over me!” Buck yells dramatically. “I have leverage. Like that time she-“
Chimney hits the back of his head, telling him to stop, as your chin drops to your chest. The alarm goes off before you can wonder which embarrassing story he was planning to use, and as you rush to the ambulance with Hen, you’re glad Chimney stopped him. Their attention was bad enough without him divulging your personal information.
“This is a suspected arson, meets the MO of a few previous fires. We need that fire out before the police get here so they can get in,” Nash announces.
“Anyone inside?” Hen asks.
As Nash answers, someone screams in pain, and you look at Nash. He hesitates before nodding, and you grab your bag before running into the clear side of the duplex.
“Los Angeles Fire and Rescue,” you call. “Is anyone in here?”
“Yes! I need help!” a man yells from the back of the dwelling.
Rushing through, you radio to the rest of the 118 that you’re looking for an injured resident.
“We can’t get the fire under control,” Buck answers, his voice tight. “You need to get out of there.”
“I see him. Keep trying, Buck. Sir, are you injured?”
“No, I don’t think so,” he answers shakily. “I smelled the smoke and- and I have asthma, but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from, and I was scared to leave.”
“Okay, take a deep breath, sir. I’m a paramedic, so I’m going to get you out of here and then we’ll make sure your airways are clear. Do you understand?”
He nods but refuses when you gesture for him to stand.
“It’s on fire!” he argues.
“Sir, we have a clear track to the front door, but the fire will spread with the Santa Anas blowing outside, so we need to go now,” you explain.
Something crashes outside, and you pull the man to his feet.
“Get out of there! If I don’t see you in ten seconds, I’m coming in after you,” Buck radios.
“We’re coming, Buck,” you answer, pulling the man along.
More sirens become audible as you reach the door, the fire much closer to the front of the building. Several police cars approach, and you breathe a sigh of relief. The man stops, and you turn toward him quickly.
“Sir, we’re almost there,” you remind him, pointing to the ambulance.
“He’s still out here!”
“Who?” you ask, your voice quieting again as the adrenaline wears off.
“The man who set the fire!”
You freeze, a sudden cold rush contrasting the heat from the fire.
“Where is he?”
“I- I don’t know.”
A shot rings through the air, and you drop to the small porch, pulling the man behind the railing beside you. The fire is moving toward you, but with no idea of where that shot came from, you can’t move and risk your life and this man’s.
“Everybody down!” Nash yells, ducking behind the truck.
“7-Adam-19, shots fired at my location. LAFD 118 and LAPD in need of backup, dispatch air support for possible sniper,” Tim calls, kneeling behind his shop before rushing to the fire truck.
“She’s still up there,” Buck calls, squatting behind the ambulance with Hen.
Buck and Nash look at each other and then Tim, and he immediately knows they’re talking about you.
“Backup is on the way, but we can’t do anything yet,” Tim explains.
“Bradford, the fire is spreading, we can’t stop it with this wind!” Nash adds.
“Or a sniper taking shots at us!” Buck yells. He drops his head to his radio to ask, “Sis, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. What’s going on?”
“Bradford and Thorsen are here, they called for backup but we can’t do anything until-“
Another shot cuts him off, and you move back against the railing.
“Talk to me!” Buck yells into his receiver.
“I’m okay, Buck,” you reply quietly. “Our- uh- our guy passed out after working himself up, so…”
“He’s not our primary concern right now,” Buck responds.
“Careful,” you warn, your voice nearly inaudible.
“No, I happen to agree,” Nash adds to the conversation.
Tim pulls Chimney’s radio from his chest to say, “I do too. You take care of you, and we’ll worry about him when we can get up there.”
The radio stays quiet, and Tim looks around the end of the truck. He can’t see you, but knowing you’re out of sight and safe makes him feel better.
“Uh, Tim?” Aaron asks. “Eyes on our shooter.”
Tim turns quickly, looking up. He sees the end of the rifle, and when it lowers suddenly, he doesn’t think before yelling at you.
“Stay down!” he screams.
You drop lower, your face to the concrete as the shooter releases several rounds, making a line of bullet holes across the front of the duplex. The fire is moving slowly, but it’s still closing in on your hiding place.
The cold feeling hasn’t gone away, and as you look at the unconscious man at your side, you can only hope to make it out alive.
“Where is your backup?” Buck asks Tim, leaning forward to look past Hen.
“Still a minute out. Aaron and I are going to go through that building, find a way to the roof,” Tim answers.
“Be careful. We all care about the woman stuck back there,” Nash reminds him.
Aaron and Tim nod before moving between the shop and the fire truck, rushing to the main entrance and entering quietly.
“Go left, I’ll go right,” Tim whispers.
As they move up the stairs, Tim hears their backup and the airship approaching. He hopes that the shooter doesn’t do anything stupid when he sees the police and gestures for Aaron to go faster.
“LAPD, put the weapon down!” an officer demands over the speaker of the airship.
“Thorsen, go!” Tim yells, kicking the door open to walk onto the roof.
The man turns the rifle up, shooting toward the helicopter before it moves. Aaron and Tim approach from different sides, and when the gun suddenly drops and the man begins emptying his ammunition toward you, Tim doesn’t hesitate to shoot.
“7-Adam-19, suspect is down,” Aaron radios. “Tim, go get her.”
Nodding, Tim stands, rushing down the stairs and out into the road. The fire has worsened, and the 118 is still in place.
Evan sees Tim and clenches his jaw, stepping toward Tim to yell, “This is your fault! It’s all on you!”
 Tim’s brows furrow, looking to Nash for more information.
“She’s, uh- she’s not responding to the radio calls, and we can’t get up there until we get part of the fire out, enough to get through with our gear,” Nash explains.
“You should have brought enough backup to begin with or gone up there sooner!” Buck continues.
“You think I don’t know that?” Tim snaps. “But she was already stuck when I got here, so work on getting to her and getting her safe, and then you can get mad at me!”
“And if it’s too late?” Buck demands, his chest heaving in anger.
Tim looks away, and Buck moves forward quickly, causing Nash and Chimney to lunge forward and hold him back.
“I’ll kill you if we’re too late!”
“Buck!” Tim yells, walking to him. “I know this is my fault and if she doesn’t make it, her blood is on my hands. I’m sorry, I really am, but there is nothing I can do now except keep people back so you can get this fire out and find out if- and make sure she is okay.”
Buck relaxes slightly, pushing Chimney and Nash off of him.
“Let’s get her out!” Nash calls, directing everyone to their positions.
The man beside you groans as you tug him further against the wall. You’re caged in against the fire, and you dropped your radio, watching it burn as you kept your head down.
When water sprays onto your face, a steady stream coming from the street, you force a smile, hoping to get out, get warm, and hug your brother and Tim for as long as you can before they make you shy away from them. You love them for it, you remember, reminding yourself to think happy thoughts.
“Where’s the ambulance?” the man slurs before coughing.
“Just a minute, sir, keep your head down and breathe.”
The fire is driven back by two hoses, and when several feet are clear on the side of the railing, people begin yelling.
“Sis! Can you hear me?” Buck asks loudly, appearing in his turnout gear a moment later.
“Get him to the ambulance,” you reply, standing shakily as he pulls the man over his shoulder.
You walk into the small yard, looking for Tim. The persistent cold feeling is just beginning to concern you, and when you grow dizzy and stop in the yard, you realize that something is wrong. Raising your hands to press against your stomach, you begin to run through a mental list of potential injuries.
“Hey, hey, gorgeous, c’mon, we got to get back,” Tim calls as he jogs to your side. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you murmur, ducking away from his hands on your face.
“Good,” Tim replies, laying his hand on your upper back and directing you to the curb.
“You got lucky,” Buck grumbles, joining your other side across from Tim.
“We all did our jobs, Buck, she’s safe, just leave it,” Tim says lowly.
“No thanks to you!” Buck responds, stepping forward.
You recognize the look in his eyes, an anger he seems to reserve for you. Without thinking, you move a hand from your navel and push it against Buck’s chest to stop him. He and Tim look at your bloody hand before yelling your name as you tip back.
Buck catches you, lowering you onto the grass as he rips your shirt open.
“Hen!” he screams, a pained, guttural sound that draws the attention of the entire 118.
Hen sees you on the ground, unconscious between Buck and Tim, and rushes to you, her bag thrown over her shoulder.
“GSW,” she decides quickly, looking at your stomach, a mess of tattered fabric and blood. “Roll her over, carefully.”
Tim keeps his hands on your side, helping Buck tip you onto one side as Hen runs her hand down your spine.
“No exit wound, we need to go. Now.”
Leaning back, Tim gives Buck room to lift you, running to the ambulance as fast as possible.
“Are you coming?” he yells, raising his arms as he looks at Tim.
“Go!” Nash, Chimney, Aaron, and newly arrived Nolan yell.
Tim nods, rushing into the ambulance and sitting as it lurches into motion.
“I didn’t mean it,” Buck says, looking at you while he speaks to Tim. “It’s not your fault, but I can’t- I can’t lose her.”
“You won’t. We won’t,” Tim promises.
Hen works quickly, muttering under her breath about needing your help.
When you open your eyes, you first notice the unmistakable feeling of someone looking at you and touching your side, a gentle touch as fingers drag up and down your skin.
“Is he okay?” you ask, blinking against the harsh light above you.
“The man from the duplex?” Buck asks. “Yeah, he’s fine. Had an asthma attack and then a few panic attacks, but he’s good. You- you got shot and didn’t tell anyone.”
Tipping your head down, you’re surprised he’s standing at the end of your bed. This means the fingers on your exposed side belong to…
“Tim,” you whisper, glancing at him.
“You scared us, baby,” he replies softly, spreading his warm hand over your skin.
He smiles when your muscles tense beneath him, but it quickly disappears when you groan in pain.
“I didn’t mean not to tell you,” you say quietly, pinching the blanket between your fingers. “I didn’t know I got shot.”
“That’s kinda- that’s pretty epic, really,” Buck says, laying his hand on your foot. “Makes a good party story.”
“I don’t go to parties,” you grumble.
“I mean for me,” he replies happily.
“Are you two fighting?” you ask, looking between them.
“No,” they answer together, both squeezing you reassuringly.
“We were scared and upset, didn’t have anywhere else to take it out,” Buck explains with a shrug. “He’s just lucky you stopped me from hitting him. I would’ve removed him from active duty for six weeks minimum.”
“You wish,” Tim scoffs.
“Stop,” you say, chuckling when they look shocked at your bold demand. “Please.”
“You were in surgery for a long time,” Tim tells you. “How’s your pain?”
“It’s fine, manageable. I mean, I can feel it now, but it’s not too bad.”
You glance down, your brows furrowing as you realize why you could feel Tim’s skin directly on yours.
“Wondering where your hospital gown is?” Tim asks, a smile you know all too well on his face. “I put in a special request.”
“Gross. That’s my sister,” Buck interjects. When you look at him with wide eyes, he sighs and fills you in: “They couldn’t get to your stomach well enough with one on. If you want to cover up, we’ll make sure you’re comfortable.”
“It’s okay,” you reply, gently tugging the band of your sports bra down.
“More than okay,” Tim says, quiet enough that Buck can’t hear.
You look away quickly, and Buck makes a ‘tsk’ sound.
“The shooter is in custody,” Tim says, giving you a break from his ‘abuse.’
“Will I have to testify or anything?” you whisper.
“No,” Tim and Buck answer together.
Buck pulls his phone from his pocket, nodding before shaking your ankle, his hand still resting on you.
“I have to go, we’ve got a call, but when we’re done, everyone wants to come by,” he says.
You nod. “Be careful. I love you.”
“Love you, sis!”
Looking at Tim’s chest rather than his face, he takes the chance to tease you. “Maybe you should get a shirt before your team gets here.”
“Get out,” you mumble. “Or give me yours.”
“Whoa! You get shot once and become a whole new person.”
“Wasn’t worth it.”
“No, it wasn’t,” Tim replies, taking your hand. “And I’m sorry that I couldn’t do anything to keep it from happening.”
“’S not your fault.”
Turning your attention back to the blanket, Tim asks, “You get this shy with your patients?”
“No. But they’re not as pushy.”
“Hey,” Tim calls, using his hand to gently turn your chin toward him. “I love you. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“I love you, too. Thanks for being here through all of it.”
“Try to get rid of me.”
“I do. You never listen.”
Tim laughs, loud and happy, and you smile, turning your face into his arm where it holds your hand, glad he’s at your side, and you have a whole team, a family, to be with you through everything.
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luvrxbunny · 1 year
hii sorry to bother you im just gonna request something for ethan landry idk if youve written for him before i havent seen. but im legit obsessed and can you do something about like him being in econ and then getting all flustered from reader sitting next to him and just talking and then after that idk you can make something up hahaha but they go to like readers dorm and SmUt and hes all whiny and subby and maybe mommy kink goirhetlghrtglrhtg :))) dhbckudhfxkd
can you tell im going a bit insane for this guy
if you cant do it its okay also i love your work so much it gets me shuddering like legit
Thank you so so much for requesting! Unfortunately, I have no clue who this character is, (i literally thought he was evan peter's character in ahs before this) so I’m sorry if anything isn’t character-consistent!
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Pairing: Ethan Landry x F!Reader
Summary: You find out that Ethan has a little crush on you.  
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, some dry humping, handjob, overstimulation, f!mastrubation, mommy kink (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 4.3k
A/N: idk how this got so fucking long idek this guy. also y'all see the compliments in the request?? flattery will get you very far w me
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You walk in just as the bell rings, breathing a sigh of relief as you sit down and the professor begins his mind-numbing lecture. You place your bag on the ground and get out all the supplies you’ll need for this god-awful class. 
You’ve finished setting everything up when you realize that you’ve sat down next to someone. You try and see who it is through the peripherals of your vision, hoping you didn’t just sit next to some random person when you realize it’s him.
You’ve been going to school with Ethan for a few years now. He’s always been pretty quiet so he doesn’t have many friends. You guys are friendly, a level a bit higher than acquaintances because you’ve known each other for so long but you don’t really talk that often. You developed a crush on him back in high school. It never grew into anything more because you could never seem to hold a conversation with him... But it never fully left either because he’s still adorable.
You were shocked when you saw him in class on the first day, unable to believe that you were lucky enough to end up with him in the same class, at the same college. You try to talk to him more when you both are paired up in class but he’s not the best conversationalist. 
“Oh! Hey, Ethan! I didn’t even realize you were sitting here!” You try and be extra friendly, knowing how hard it is for him to communicate with others but you’re still met with silence. “Uh- I was almost late again! Did you see me? I got here like- just in time. Maybe I should start walking with you, you’re always on time!” You open your notebook and start taking down the notes on the board as you speak. 
Ethan is still silent. It’s getting a bit rude at this point. You thought the two of you were friendly but maybe he just doesn’t like you at all. You turn to look at him, hoping you’d get an explanation but all you’re met with is his alarmingly red face, fixated on the board. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. He has sweat lining his hairline and his back is unnaturally straight. “Hey… Are you okay? Are you sick?” Your voice is laced with concern as you speak, hoping this is the one thing he responds to. 
Ethan is trying so hard to act normal, be normal around you but he can’t. It would’ve been fine if you just hadn’t spoken to him. He could’ve easily pretended you weren’t there if he also ignored the smell of your perfume that was all but suffocating him with its ungodly sweet scent.
He’s been hard since you walked in, he always is. He can’t even help it at this point, he doesn’t try. In every class you’re in, his blood is in his dick. He used to try and prevent it, feeling like a pervert for being turned on at nothing but your presence but he’s given up. No one ever notices and he can just get off in the bathroom during lunch if he’s desperate enough. Only this time you’re sitting next to him.
He’s already leaking in his pants. 
To make it worse you were being so nice to him, too nice, and now you’re concerned about his health? Not even realizing that you’re the one who’s got him so hot, not a fever. 
“I’m- I’m fine. Thank you.” His voice is entirely flat as he speaks, trying to keep all emotion out of it in fear that you’ll be able to decipher what they mean. He doesn’t look at you, he’s scared he might cum on the spot if he does. 
You take these as signs of dishonesty. “Ethan… Are you sure?” You bring a hand up to feel his cheek, you’re so zoned into whether his skin is too warm or not, that you don't even notice when his eyes dart to your face. You move your hand to his forehead, deciding that his cheek isn’t reliable enough and your eyes meet his. 
You can hear his breath hitch at the eye contact and breaks it. It confuses you for a moment but you try and focus on the task at hand. “I don’t know, you feel kinda warm, Ethan. I don’t know if there’s a nurse on campus but we can check? I’d assume that-” 
His chest warms at your concern and he thinks it over. 
I can spend more time with her this way, and get to know her better. Can I handle spending all that time with her though? What if she notices my- Yeah. Maybe I just shouldn’t…
“Madame Late Pass?” Your eyes are already rolling into your head and you’re groaning quietly as the professor calls you out. You pull your hand away from Ethan’s face and give him the most distasteful stare you can manage. “Is there something wrong with Mr. Landry that’s distracting you from my lesson?”
“Actually sir, I think he might have a fever or something. I should probably take him to the nurse.” It’s an obvious excuse to skip his class but it isn’t technically a lie so he lets it go. You quickly pack your things up with a smile and motion for Ethan to do the same. 
You hold in your giggles until you guys are outside the classroom. “Okay! Do you wanna go to the nurse? We don’t have to- I don’t even know where it is, honestly.” Ethan is facing away from you, silent. 
Anxiety creeps in. “Hey. S- Sorry if you didn’t want to leave class. I- You could probably head back in a little bit… I should’ve asked I’m sorry. I just assumed. I mean wh- who likes econ y’know? I’m- I’m sorry.”
Your stuttering has his blushing even harder, the thought that anything he does could get any reaction out of you makes him smile. “I’m fine and I-” He lets out a light laugh that gives you butterflies “I kinda hate econ.” 
You place yourself in front of him with a huge smile. “Great! So do I, this will be great!” You lock your arms with his, a risky move, it has your heart pounding as he stiffens up with a sharp inhale but he never pulls away. You guys stroll down the corridors and talk. You have to slow your pace to keep up with Ethan and you’re doing most of the talking but you don’t mind one bit. 
You guys stop at the cafeteria for snacks and Ethan gently insists on paying, bringing the butterflies back to life and forcing a smile to your face as you thank him. You’re both sitting in a corner booth, away from most people, you’re talking and he’s squirming. 
Every few minutes he repositions himself and it was starting to get on your nerves a bit. It felt like he was uncomfortable being here, or that he was anxious for you to stop talking. You ended your story early, letting your voice die down, waiting for him to move again before questioning him. “Why are you so squirmy.?” 
He stops his movements instantly, and his eyes hesitantly look up to meet yours. “I’m not squirming.” He watches your feature turn into one of complete skepticism. “Ethan. I have eyes. If you want me to like… be quiet, or talk less or anything you can just say that. I won’t get offended or anything, I know I talk a lot.” You giggle at the end, Ethan twitches in his pants and has to suppress a whimper at the sound. 
“You’re not talking too much. You’re fine, it’s okay.” He’s struggling not to press his palm into his bulge again, needing any relief after being hard for almost half an hour now. Everything you do is making it worse and he doesn’t know how to escape the situation. 
The way you keep touching him is deadly. The way you linked arms with him when walking, the way you rubbed his back and thanked him as he paid and even now, the way you’ve placed your feet right next to his under the table, something about the action has his precum soaking through his jeans.
He doesn’t notice that you finished your food already and you’re now getting up and gathering the trash. He doesn’t have time to tell you he can do it himself before you’re crossing to his side. “I can take this for-” 
His hands cover his lap but you’re already staring. He doesn’t say anything, hoping that you’re staring at his crotch for a reason other than the fact he’s hard as a rock and soaking his pants. Your head tilts in confusion before you sit down, right next to him. Your scent wraps all around him like a blanket, his eyes fall shut as he breathes in your scent, his hands subconsciously massaging his dick gently. You feel the butterflies in your stomach turn to molten lava as you watch him. 
His breathing hitches as his hands stop moving and his eyes snap open. “I’m s- I’m so sorry. I’ll-” He’s gathering the abandoned trash and getting up but you place your hand on his arm softly and pull him back down. 
“You have nothing to be sorry about, Ethan. Although I’d like to know it’s um- origin.” Your heart is racing at the thought that you were the one to make him this hard, that you- just going about your day- could make him this hard. He answers you without saying anything, his face turns piping red again and he looks away. That does it. 
“Ethan, do you wanna come back to my dorm? I have something to… show you.” 
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He’s following close behind you, his shirt pulled down over his crotch and one hand in yours. You’re basically dragging him into your dorm, pressing him into the door the second he closes it. You’re leaning into him, your hands on his chest as his float awkwardly above your hips. 
“I wanna kiss you, Ethan.” He gasps sweetly at your words and leans into you instantly. 
His lips are soft and wet when they meet yours. You whine into his mouth, he moans loudly into yours in response and pulls away. “S- sorry.” His eyes are downcast and he sounds embarrassed. You couldn’t be more confused. 
“What?” You run your hands up his arms, over his shoulders, and to the back of his neck so you can play with his curls. His eyelids flutter at the action and you watch his adam’s apple jump before he speaks. 
“I don’t know. I was- I was loud. I didn’t mean to be…” You can’t help yourself. You smash his lips back into yours, forcing a beautiful moan out of his mouth, followed by a whine before you pull back. “I want you to be loud, Ethan.” 
You whisper the words to him, low and seductive. A little whimper slips out of his mouth and you kiss him again, walking backward towards your bed and he’s stumbling like Bambi as you do. 
His hands are finally on you, wrapped around your waist, trying to pull you in. You maneuver him around to push him onto the bed and straddle him. He’s moaning the moment your weight drops onto him, his hips bucking up into yours against his will and he’s apologizing again. 
You silence him with your lips, attacking his neck, and melting his words into groans and whines. You lift your weight off him, pushing onto your knees and cooing at how he whimpers and tries to follow you with his hips. You push him down to the bed, laying him out for you to admire. You run your hands down his arms, over and down his chest to the bottom of his shirt. Your eyes leave his body to check if he’s okay with this but his head is thrown back, pressing into your pillows with his knuckle between his teeth. 
“Ethan? Are you okay, honey?” A ragged half moan, half sob, shoots from his mouth as his hand leaves his mouth, gripping your arm desperately. He’s still not looking at you and his hands are shaking as they grip you.
“I-It feels s- so fucking g- good. You’re ma-aking me feel so good.” He’s incredibly breathless as his hips grind up into the air, searching for your warmth. You can feel heat explode in your stomach at his words, at his desperation from you just kissing and running your hands over his body. 
You drop your weight back onto him for a moment, to tease him and relieve yourself a bit. He rewards you with a shuddering gasp and his hands come to grip your hips as hard as they could. He can’t even get any words out as your clothed pussy slides over his sensitive cock. Your eyes are shut tight in concentration as you try not to make any noise, wanting to hear his noises instead. You grow a bit frantic in your movements, grinding on him harder, angling yourself a million different ways to try and get the perfect pressure on your clit when you feel his hand on your cheek. 
Your eyes snap open- you hadn’t even realized you closed them- and he’s pulling your lip from between your teeth with hooded eyes on you and a shy smile on his lips. “I wanna hear you too.” His voice is timid and breathy and you can tell he’s being genuine in what he says but all it does is turn you on even more. 
You moan as you dive for his lips, his hips follow yours up and his hand presses your head into his. He’s thrusting into you more forcefully, determined to cum against you but you lift your hips away from his again with a moan as he separates from your lips. “Why? I was- I don’t understand.”
He sounds like he could cry and his hips are still searching for any friction as you watch him, looking into his eyes and admiring all the emotion they hold. You can’t help the smirk that splits your face as he begins to whine for you, begging you to touch him, to make him feel good but instead, you fully remove yourself from him. You sit beside him and tell him to remove his pants, and he excitedly complies. He’s trembling beside you as you stare at the bulge in his briefs, in love with the way he’s leaking through the fabric. “Would it be okay if I touched you, Ethan?” 
You’re fixated on his bulge but you still hear the way his breathing picks up at your question. You crawl in front of him, your thighs laying over his, sitting between his spread legs with your pussy inches from his throbbing cock. Your hands run along his pelvis, tickling the skin just above the band of his underwear, and smiling at the way his stomach tenses under your minstrations. “P- Yes, please. Please- Oh-” 
He gasps prettily as you stick your hands into his underwear and pull his cock out. He hisses when it hits the cold air but falls into a moan as you start pumping him, wasting no time in getting him the pleasure he deserves.
“So. You got hard because..?” You prompt him, wanting to hear the real reason, and deciding this would be the perfect time to tease him. You’re not even sure he heard you, his eyes are still wide and staring at your hand as it glides up and down his cock, extra lubricated from all the precum his dick is spewing for you. 
You watch his face contort in pleasure, his head falling back as his eyes roll back and he begins to whine out your name on repeat. His hands start to shake and grip the sheets tighter, twisting the fabric in his fist before shouting out. “NO-”
You stopped. “Why are you- Why did you s- stop again? I was so- I was so c- close, I was gonna cum-” His voice pitches up at the end into a whine and he tries to fuck himself into your fist. You giggle at him.
“I asked you a question, baby.” He gives you a bitten-off groan at that. “You didn’t answer, which was quite rude but you do that all the time huh?” Your fingers run delicately over his length, watching it twitch as he struggles to respond. “I- don’t m-mean to.” You start jerking him off again, slowly. 
“You- You’re so pretty, I lo- I like y- you so- shit. I can’t speak- you turn me o-on.” He’s barely making sense as his hips fuck into your fist, trying to force you to get him off faster. He keeps cutting himself off with moans and debauched groans. His whole face is red, it’s spread down to his neck and up his ears too.
“I turn you on? That’s why you ignore me?” You stop again, your hand frozen in the middle of his dick. A broken wail shoots from him and his hands shoot up from the sheets to your face, pulling you in for a kiss. He’s licking up and into your mouth while letting his moans spill from his lips into yours. You’re shocked at the desperation and force of the kiss, your lips bruising themselves against his. He’s pulling at your hair gently and moaning as your tongue brushes along the inside his mouth. He pulls back and falls to your neck, whimpering quietly. 
“I can’t think- You make me so- I get so hot around you, mommy.” 
Your heart stops, every molecule in your body getting overrun with arousal at the words- at the name that just left his mouth. He’s pressing kisses into your neck and explaining himself further, as though he’s called you this before, like this is a normal thing between the two of you.
“-And everything about you just makes it so much worse. I just wanna cum for you, I want you to make m- me cum but you keep s-stopping and it hurts so much. I- please, I want you so bad, mommy.” He gasps at the end of his sentence that time and pulls his head out of your neck. 
His lips are wet , soft, and trembling, his eyes are terrified as they scan your face trying to decipher your reaction. He’s breathing fast, in a more panicked way at your silence. “I’m so sor-”
“So you want mommy to make you cum, baby?” His eyes widen with a gentle gasp but he keeps scanning your face, looking for anything that doesn’t feel genuine. His eyes lose focus though, as you begin to stroke his cock again. “I think I can do that… What do you think?” 
He’s nodding at you deliriously as his hips begin to roll themselves into your fist, his hand slides over the sheets until it finds yours and interlocks your fingers, causing warmth to bloom in your chest and stomach. You lean in to kiss his cheek as he moans your name but he turns his head so you catch his lips instead, his moans filling your mouth again. He’s barely kissing you, more like pressing his open mouth against yours, exchanging his breaths for yours as you smile at him. “That feels good, baby?”
His eyes open to meet yours and instantly roll back into his head. “Y- Mommy, don’t stop. Oh- You know it d- does. Please.” He’s interrupting with his own sounds again and his hand is wrapping around your waist, trying to pull your body closer to his. His moans are becoming more frantic and he keeps taking deep, stuttering, breaths in an attempt to calm himself down.
His bottom lip is being bitten red by his teeth, his eyelids are fluttering, struggling not to let his eyes close and roll to the back of his head. You can see his thighs tensing and jumping beside you, they press against your body, tense and stiff as his legs try to shut. 
“So cl- Mommy, I’m so- s-so- please. Oh, fuck.” His eyes snap open to meet yours pathetically. There are little tears that have gathered in his eyes and he looks so out of it, fucked out beyond belief, his head far up in the clouds. “Please don’t stop. Let-” You tilt your head at him as he collapses into a trembling sob, his hands beginning to shake where they hold you, his eyes shut again, and his eyebrows press up into each other. “Let me cum for you, let me cum f- for.”
His sentence is ruined by his orgasm and you can feel the force of it. Not by the way he all but screams your name, or by the way his body folds into yours. You can physically feel it. His cock pulses aggressively in your hand and you can feel each rope of cum work its way up his shaft and spurt out of his tip, running down your knuckles and dripping onto your bed. 
His thighs are trembling at your sides, trying to crush you as he humps your fist the best he can. He’s so loud against your neck, releasing passionate shrieks and wanton whines of your real name or your awarded one. He brings a sweaty hand to your cheek and pushes your face in his direction so he can smother your lips in his saliva, not waiting until he’s connected to your lips to start trying to taste you. You have to suppress a fond giggle at the action, letting him lick into your mouth instead. 
You’re still pumping him, trying to get out all the cum that’s been collecting in his dormant sac. His whole body is shaking now, repeated and choked moans falling into you as he crosses the line of overstimulation. You kiss him languidly and start to slow your hand, not wanting to overwhelm him too much. His fingers untangle from your hand and wrap around your other. 
He pulls away from the kiss and looks at you with hooded, clouded eyes. “I can c-cum again if-” 
He uses his hand to run yours over his shaft, jerking himself off with your hand. “If we- Can we k-keep going?” His eyes begin to cross as your hand establishes a rhythm, you’re not even doing anything, letting him get himself off with your hand. His hips are thrusting up erratically as he moves you frantically over his cock. “I wanna cum f- cum for you a-again.” 
Overcome with arousal, you slide your hand into your pants and start toying with your clit through your panties, your eyes falling shut at the pleasure. You’re already impossibly close, overly sensitive from all the neglect while being pummeled with stimulants; the way Ethan is reacting to you, his trembling body desperately pressing itself against yours, his moans, and the way he calls you mommy.
You hear his moans pick up and your eyes open back up to see his gaze between your legs before snapping up to meet yours. He stops pumping himself with your hand in favor of placing his hand over the one that rests inside your pants. He’s moving his hand in the same motions you are while you start jerking him off again, relishing in the way he’s twitching against your palm.
Ethan knows he isn’t doing anything, he knows that he’s not actually touching you but the way you moan his name makes him feel otherwise. The way you’ll moan at your own movements while his hand moves the same way, has him tricking himself into believing he’s the one making you feel good. The thought has him teetering- tipping over the edge. 
“Gonna cum.” He mumbles against your lips before dropping his head to your shoulder. You move your fingers faster over your clit, your hips beginning to cant up into your hand as your orgasm approaches. 
"Me too, honey. Fuck it feels so good, Ethan.” He moans brokenly as he cums again, thrusting weakly into your hand as his cock twitches pathetically, letting out tiny streams of cum onto your sheets. He’s gasping out a plea into your neck as he cums but you can’t make out what it is.
“-please. Oh, please. Cum, mommy. Cum. C-cum. Please cum. Fu-uck” You can’t help the way your body convulses against him or the shouting moan of his name that shoots out of your mouth as your eyes roll back. You can feel yourself soaking your panties as you shudder against him. His hand is still over yours, moving your finger over your clit in the midst of your orgasm, prolonging it as long as he can before you’re pulling your hand away and kissing him as passionately as you can. 
Both of you have your arms wrapped around the other as you guys kiss, dopey smiles on both of your faces when you pull back. He has a shy blush over his features that makes you giggle and press a kiss on the tip of his nose. You’re both lost in the moment, giggling and kissing each other, love-struck when you hear your dorm room open. “Oh god, what’s that smell?”
You hear your dormmate behind you and cover Ethan as best you can, with your body. “Sidney, fuck off!” You shout at her, hoping she’ll get the memo and leave but instead, you hear her speak again. 
“What?.. Oh eww.” You roll your eyes at her and look at Ethan, his face is red, obviously embarrassed at the presence in the doorway. 
“Oh my god! Shut up and just leave!” She finally leaves and you apologize to Ethan for the interruption. You kiss softly along his jawline and down his neck to calm him down, you fall for him the moment you pull away.
You get to see- for a moment- the face he had while you were kissing him, content and pleased, his eyes shut with a pretty little smile resting on his lips. 
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Thank you so much for reading! and thank you even more for requesting!! Please please please give any feedback you may have! I want it all!
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megalony · 9 months
This is an Evan Buckley imagine based on an Anon request, I hope you all like it. Thank you all for the rush of requests they are amazing and I am so pumped to try and work through them as quickly as I can. Enjoy.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@butlegendsneverdie@langdonzvoid@jennyggggrrr@rogmeddows@radiob-l-a-hblah@rogertaylorsbitontheside@chlobo6@rogertaylors-lipgloss@sj-thefanthefan@omgitsearly@luckytrashgooprebel@scarsout@deaky-with-a-c@killer-queen-ofrhye@bluutac@vousmemanqueez-blog@jonesyaddiction@milanosaurus@httpfandxms@saint-hardy@7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls@mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@noonenuts@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @topguncultleader @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen
911 Masterlist
Summary: A car accident leaves (Y/n), Evan and their unborn child in jeopardy and places them both in a coma.
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"You know we're supposed to be going out, right? Not back to bed,"
A smile wormed its way onto (Y/n)'s lips when she heard Evan's teasing voice and felt his hand move to grip her thigh. He gave her a squeeze and a little pinch just to watch her leg jerk before he went back to holding the steering wheel.
"Wake me up when we get there," She mused, sinking further down in her seat with her head lolled on the seatbelt.
"Oh no, baby, you're not getting a power nap right now." Evan reached over to turn up the radio, grinning when his wife mumbled something incoherent as she moved to grab his hand. He knew if she went to sleep, he would have a hard time waking her up when they arrived to meet Maddie at the restaurant for dinner. She had to stay awake or he would end up leaving her to sleep in the car and then she really wouldn't thank him.
He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing the back of her hand as she twisted in her seat. (Y/n) didn't open her eyes, but they both knew the radio was going to keep her awake, she couldn't sleep with any loud noise in the background. The most she was going to get was resting her eyes before they arrived and she would have to wake up for dinner.
"I'm tired,"
"Yeah, I think having a bath at five in the morning might have something to do with that."
"Your child only sleeps when I take a bath."
(Y/n) brushed her thumb over Evan's lips that parted to let out a laugh at her response. When she couldn't sleep this morning, taking a bath had been the only thing (Y/n) could think of doing to relieve her discomfort and try to settle down both her and the baby. The baby seemed to calm down when she laid in the bath. The water soothed her aching back and made the baby within her calm down and stop kicking and fidgeting.
"Oh, so when they play up they're my child, right?"
"Yes, Buckley, this kid has your hyperactiveness. I wanted to sleep, your child didn't."
That made Evan smile. Their baby wasn't even born yet and they were automatically his child when they did something wrong. He could understand though, he had seen the discomfort written across (Y/n)'s face these last two months. And he had momentairily panicked this morning when he woke up alone until he wandered to the bathroom and found his wife laid out in the bath, finally settled and feeling at peace as the baby had gone back to sleep.
"You can sleep as much as you want next month, I promise." He kissed her palm before she coiled her arms around her bump and shimmied around again.
They only had one more month to wait, and then Evan would be on annual leave and their baby would be born. Evan would take all the late nights he could get so (Y/n) could catch up on the sleep she had lost in these last few months.
She had the baby to herself right now and Evan was desperate for them to be born so he could snatch them away and finally see his baby. He wanted them in his arms and wriggling on his chest, he wanted to physically see and hold them instead of sitting around waiting in agony for the time to pass by.
Evan slammed on the brakes but it didn't do any good. His fingers deadlocked around the steering wheel, his elbows locked and his arms straightened out like rulers to press himself back into the seat.
The tyre on the car in front of them had burst. Evan couldn't swerve into the other lane unless he wanted to crash into the cars beside him and he couldn't swerve to the right and risk hitting the middle barrier. All he could do was brake and pray the cars behind wouldn't crush them.
A burning scream ricketed against the back of (Y/n)'s throat and teeth. She could feel her body tensing and pulling inwards and she scraped her shoes down against the floor to try and steady herself and push back in the seat as if she was reaching for an imaginary brake. Her hand tightened around the door handle and her free hand reached out to hold the dashboard when she heard Evan make a noise between a growl and a scream.
Her head collided with the window and the shock caused static to pound through her ears. Nothing but white noise filtered through (Y/n)'s head and she couldn't concentrate or feel anything but the way the car was shaking and how every muscle tensed to the point they were going to snap.
"Baby? Baby, you okay? Shit, talk to me please… (Y/n) please-" Evan's ramblings came to a pause when he felt (Y/n)'s hand leave the dashboard and swat out at her side to try and reach for him. Her throat was burning, the only noise she knew she could make would be to scream and that wouldn't help Evan right now.
She curled her trembling fingers around his wrist and started to tug on his arm to try and let him know she could hear him and that she was still somewhat awake and alert.
Her fingers stayed curled around his wrist and she reached her other hand out for him when he unclipped his belt and leaned across the gear stick to inch closer to her. His hands cupped her face and tilted her head up so he could rest their foreheads together. The feeling of his thumbs tracing up and down her cheeks calmed (Y/n) enough for her to finally open her eyes.
The vision of her husband blurred in front of her, he looked as if he had a halo of light glowing around him. The concern was evident in his eyes that were blown wide and glossy like wet marbles and she could see his eyes raking her up and down, scouting for injuries.
"We gotta get out the car, baby. We're in the middle of the motorway,"
He wanted to find his phone but he couldn't find the will power to move just yet. His whole body was raked with tremors coursing through him making him jerk back and forth in his seat and his phone was no longer clipped on the dashboard. It had fallen during the crash, it would probably be in the footwell somewhere or even behind the gas pedals.
They weren't the only people on the motorway or the only ones caught up in this crash. 911 would be hyjacked by hundreds of people ringing in to let them know there had been a crash so Evan didn't have to call and block up their lines any further.
They couldn't stay in the car.
They had crashed and they were still right in the centre of the dilemma. Evan knew the safest thing to do if they could both walk and get out would be to go on the side of the motorway and wait for the emergency services. Sitting in the car made them targets in case anyone else was speeding down and couldn't stop in time. People could easily crash into them, they needed to move.
"Baby are you okay?"
"Hm." She felt shaky, fueled with adrenaline and her neck was throbbing like it had been broken from whiplash, but she was okay.
"Let's get you out-"
(Y/n) screamed. She couldn't help it. A car pummelled into the back of their car, sending them violently twisting to the right and crashing forward into the two cars that had come to a halt in front of them.
Evan had taken his seatbelt off; he had the intention of getting out the car. With nothing to pin him to the seat, Evan's body slammed forward until his head smashed into the passenger window. His arms bent awkwardly around (Y/n) as his upper body fell onto her lap and his legs got caught between the door and the steering wheel like he was laying down to take a nap.
When the back of his head thrust back into the window, Evan suddenly stopped screaming and he slumped down, going motionless.
"Alright, you all know the drill. Major pile up in the middle of the freeway, if anyone can walk for help direct them to the paramedics. Shout out if you need to cut someone out the car, find anyone stuck and get them free. Chimney you're with me, Eddie go with Hen."
Bobby strapped on his helmet and nodded at his team but his eyes frowned when he looked over at Eddie.
They had parked up on the hard shoulder a few feet away from the crash since the ambulances needed to get round and them be closer to the scene so they could drive ahead and get out of the mess. At least ten cars had piled up right at the front of the chaos and other cars had swerved to awkward stops and parked up to try and help assist anyone they could. For the last seven miles, the truck had to drive on the hard shoulder because the motorway was jam packed with people unable to move anywhere.
"Eddie, what's up?"
"Cap, the blue ford…" Something stirred in Eddie's chest and his fingers curled tighter around his helmet when he scanned his eyes over the mess. Right at the front of the pile up near the middle barrier was a navy blue ford that looked beat up and bashed about. But Eddie knew (Y/n) had a car just like that and he knew Evan was off work today and tomorrow.
"What about it?"
"It's Buck!" Eddie dropped his helmet and set off into a sprint. He didn't need to see the number plate; his gut was telling him that either Evan, (Y/n) or both of them were in that car. He couldn't kick the dread that settled in the pit of his stomach or the adrenaline that fueled his system.
Eddie could hear Bobby shouting for back up and he knew his Captain wasn't far behind him, weaving through the mess to reach Evan's car. Eddie read the number plate when he was a few feet away and he found himself nodding; that was (Y/n)'s car. Was she in there? Was it just Evan? Were they both in this mess? A pregnant woman in a car crash was never a good thing.
"Buck! Buck, we're here- I need the wrench!" Eddie jammed his elbow into the window and tried in vain to wiggle the door handle but it was locked tight.
His hands stretched out and snatched the wrench that Bobby held out to him as he was followed by Hen with a medic bag on her shoulder. Chimney followed close behind with another medic from a different station, both of them carrying back boards upon Bobby's careful instruction.
The wrench jammed between the metal and Eddie used all his strength to prize the door open, stumbling back when the lock finally released and he could get inside.
Eddie went down on his knees, slumping beside the door as Hen curved around beside him to lean in.
They didn't like what they saw.
Once the door was open, it left (Y/n) to slump to the left towards the open space. She was being held up by her seatbelt that stopped her from flopping down onto Eddie's lap. Her hair fanned in fornt of her face like curtains shielding her from their perceptive eyes, but what scared them more was Evan.
He was laid out, his legs a tangled mess against the steering wheel and the driver's seat. His body was slumped onto (Y/n)'s thighs, his head resting motionless on (Y/n)'s chest with one arm hanging down by the seat and the other arm slumped on his waist. He was obscuring their view of (Y/n), they couldn't see if she had any injuries below the neck because Evan was completely covering her.
Even unconscious, it looked like he was trying to protect her.
From the off, Eddie could see a wound on the back of Evan's head that had already spilled blood through his curls and left a small slither down the back of his neck like a child had drawn a jagged line with a marker. Around the wound there was some swelling but they would need to send him for a scan to check if he had any cranial damage or brain swelling. The possibilities were creating a long, worrisome list of internal injuries Evan could have.
Pushing up on his toes, Eddie tried to control the trembling in his hands as he pressed them to either side of Evan's neck. He felt his pulse, checked for any swelling around his neck and looked at his chest to see his breathing.
"I've got a strong pulse, breathing is good but he could have nerve damage; look at his legs."
Evan's vitals were good, they were very good considering the predicament he was in but Eddie didn't like how he was laid. Evan could have done a lot of damage to his neck, he could have broken his spine or dislocated a column in his spine. And his legs were curled and skewed in the driver's seat which upon first glance, could be nothing scary. It could just be the way he had fallen during the accident, or it could indicate that Evan had nerve damage and he could have broken or damaged his legs.
"We need to move him. He's laid on (Y/n), he could be crushing the baby or hiding her injuries, either way he's adding extra pressure she doesn't need." Hen handed Eddie a neck brace for Evan while she slipped one around (Y/n)'s neck.
She could feel (Y/n)'s pulse and was trying to take her blood pressure, but Evan was obscuring their vision. They couldn't see (Y/n)'s stomach which Evan was clearly lying on and applying pressure to by accident. He could be crushing her lungs or cutting off the baby's blood supply with how he was laid and (Y/n) could have serious injuries that Evan was partially blocking. He had to be moved.
"Her BP's way too low and pulse is fluctuating but I can't check on the fetus yet. Bobby we need to get Buck out, now."
"Alright, I'll climb in the back and ease him over to you Eddie, Chim get ready to help get him out and on the back board."
The driver's side was completely blocked by another car and the middle barrier, they couldn't get Evan out that side which would have been easier than lifting him over (Y/n). But they had to work with what they had.
Bobby rammed the back door open and clambered inside, gripping the two front seats so he could cramp himself into the smallest shape possible and climb into the driver's seat. He did his best to avoid Evan's legs and slide himself down into the footwell near the gas pedals. Once he was turned around with his lower hips and bum pressed into the steering wheel, Bobby looked over Evan's legs.
How were they going to do this?
Usually they would get the back board in the car with them and clip Evan onto it, then lift him out. (Y/n) being here complicated things and made that impossible. They couldn't rest the board on or over her to get Evan on and they had to move him first.
He patted down Evan's legs and checked for any external injuries, any bleeding or broken bones and thankfully found none.
He gently twisted Evan's legs back round and stretched them out, laying him flat on his back as Eddie helped turn his upper chest on (Y/n)'s lap so he was fully straight.
"On three, lift him and start easing him out but go slow, I need to lean over (Y/n) without hurting either of them."
Bobby curled his hands beneath Evan's knees, pushed his shoulders up into the roof and lifted at the same time Eddie hooked his hands under Evan's arms and pulled him up. Eddie shuffled backwards and Chimney hurried forward to support Evan's lower back and he nodded at Bobby and took Evan's knees from him. It would be easier to keep Bobby there in the car to get (Y/n) out.
They eased Evan down onto the back board and pulled the straps over him to keep him in place.
"Get him in the ambulance but don't go until we've got (Y/n) out," Eddie wasn't sure where the authority in his voice came from but he didn't have time to care. He didn't want Evan leaving without (Y/n) in case someone messed up and took him to the wrong hospital or they couldn't find him once they got there. He needed to travel at the same time as (Y/n), preferably in the same ambulance so they could take them both together and the team could watch over them both.
Chimney and the other medic started to make their way towards the 118 ambulance, Evan still unconscious between them. They could give him fluids, get him on oxygen and check his vitals while they waited for (Y/n) and the rest of the team to join them.
"Eddie, we've got a problem," Hen looked back at him before she darted her eyes down to (Y/n). "Buck was hiding an injury from us."
Eddie knelt back down beside (Y/n) while Bobby sat down in the driver's seat and Hen leaned inside the car.
Blood was pooling between (Y/n)'s thighs and into the seat. She was haemorrhaging, possibly for a few seconds, possibly for a while and Evan had been laid on top of her, keeping it from them. But he also might have stemmed the bleeding with his weight and now he was gone, the bleeding could get worse.
Reaching into the medic bag, Eddie found a stethoscope and hurriedly pressed it to (Y/n)'s stomach. After a few seconds, he moved it over to her right side, then an inch lower before he leaned forward and sighed.
"There's a heartbeat, but it's low." His hands trailed along (Y/n)'s arms and down her legs, checking for any breaks which he didn't find. He then pressed his hands to (Y/n)'s upper chest, wincing when he felt her ribs. Two, possibly three, were damaged on her right side.
But when Eddie rolled up her shirt so he could check her stomach, he felt the way Hen tensed beside him and Bobby's eyes widened as he leaned forward.
"Skin is flushed and warm, she's bleeding internally, the baby might be too. Page the hospital, she has to go now."
(Y/n)'s abdomen was discoloured and dark, blood was pooling beneath the surface of her skin and her lower stomach was very warm and soft to the touch. She was bleeding both internally and externally, all around her abdomen which meant there was likely bleeding in the womb and around the baby. They needed to move her now before they lost the fetal heartbeat and someone would have to tell Evan he'd lost his child.
Hen placed the fluids bag on her shoulder and kept the IV line clear that she had taped into the back of (Y/n)'s hand to give her a wide stream. She held (Y/n) beneath her arms while Eddie held her legs and Bobby leaned over for added support, all nodding at each other to move.
A shudder ran down Eddie's spine once they laid (Y/n) down on the second backboard. The passenger seat was dark crimson instead of grey. She had been bleeding out for some time.
"This is Captain Nash to dispatch, alert the hospital that we are bringing in two casualties with severe concussions and need doctors on standby. One is a pregnant female, approximately thirty-five weeks, excessive blood loss and internal bleeding."
Terror ransacked through Evan's body when his brain seemed to switch on and his eyes opened. It took a few tries to get his vision to clear from a fuzzy wet painting into a proper, formed image.
Where was he? What happened? why was he laid down and aching all over like he had broken every bone in his body?
He didn't realise he was moving until he managed to swat a hand out and grab the oxygen mask strapped against his mouth and nose. The forceful flow of oxygen burned his lungs and made the back of his throat feel raw like sandpaper.
Evan's lips parted and his eyes widened in terror when he touched his nose and suddenly realised there was a tube taped inside his nose that went down his throat. Without a second thought, Evan tore the tape from beneath his nose, curled his fist around the cream tube and yanked. His tongue pressed out against his parted lips and he gagged, coughing violently onto his lap before he snorted when the long tube finally came out of his throat and nose.
He tossed it onto the floor and pushed himself up into a sitting position just as a pair of familiar hands found his shoulders and held onto him.
"Help!" Evan didn't know why that was the first word to leave his lips. He wasn't sure what sort of help he was asking for or why, but it was all he could think to say when Bobby perched down on the edge of the bed and appeared in front of him like a guardian angel.
"Buck, calm down. Hey, you're alright it's okay. You're in the hospital," Bobby's voice was soft, slow and soothing and he kept squeezing Evan's shoulders until the bout of panic started to subside.
His shoulders stopped quaking and his chest calmed down to a more normal breathing pattern instead of excessive, shallow breaths.
He darted his eyes around the room he was in. Bobby was sat on the bed but his rosary beads were on the chair beside the bed and his jacket was on the floor. Evan recognised a bag near the door, it was his duffle bag. Someone had brought him some things from home. How long had he been in here? How many hours had he been unconscious?
He had an IV drip taped into the back of his left hand and a heartbeat monitor clipped to his right finger which he threw on the floor as well. He was wearing an uncomfortable, itchy hospital gown.
The car.
He had been driving when a crash happened.
He was with (Y/n).
"(Y/n)! (Y/n), where is she? Bobby where is she?!" His hands reached out to clamp down on Bobby's forearms and he gave him a shove. Evan tried to swing his legs over the side of the bed but Bobby moved faster and pushed him back into the bed.
"Buck everything's okay-"
"Where's my wife?!"
"Sit down and I'll tell you." Bobby matched his tone of voice and raised his brows, digging his hands forcefully into Evan's shoulders until he finally relented and stopped fighting against him.
Evan couldn't go running round the hospital like a headless chicken in search of answers. Bobby had all the answers Evan was looking for and he would happily tell him if he would just calm down enough to listen. There was no need for him to panic, he wasn't sat here alone, he had Bobby here with him to talk him through everything.
"We arrived on scene and brought you both to the hospital, you had a concussion and swelling on the brain. The doctors put you in an induced coma to let your brain heal and for the swelling to go down. You've been out for three days, but you should be okay now. You've broken two ribs and dislocated your shoulder which they put back in place."
As soon as they arrived, Evan went up for an MRI and they found no bleeding in his brain but his brain had started to swell. They placed him in a coma to relieve the pressure and let him recover and it worked. His scan this morning showed his brain was a lot better and was functioning normally so they let him slowly come out of the coma this afternoon.
His shoulder had been put back in place and he had a bandage around his chest for the two ribs he had broken. Evan would be okay as long as he took things easy.
"Three days?" Fuck. "What about (Y/n) a-and the baby?"
"The placenta ruptured and caused a lot of blood loss, (Y/n) went straight for a C-section when you both arrived. They put her in a coma too after she flatlined during surgery. She hasn't woken up yet but she's stable and Eddie has been visiting her every day."
(Y/n) had immediate surgery to remove the baby and sort out the internal bleeding but she went into shock. Her heart stopped for one minute until they shocked her heart. A coma was the best way to let her recover and get blood transfusions and let her heal but they didn't want to bring her out of the coma too soon and cause further shock.
No one wanted her to be alone. Hen, Chimney and Eddie had done shifts to sit with her and keep an eye on her while Bobby and Athena rotated staying with Evan. They made sure neither one was ever alone and updated each other so everyone was in the loop.
"The baby?" A broken sound followed Evan's voice as his shoulders started to shake and his body hunched over. This didn't sound good to him. His wife was still in a coma, his baby had been born a month early and both of them had gone through extreme shock and trauma.
"You have a beautiful little girl. She's down in the neonatal unit, she's healthy and Maddie had stayed with her every day."
"I wanna see them."
Once the doctor cleared Evan to move and he was dressed in grey sweatpants and a matching hoodie, Evan was hobbling down the corridor with Bobby guiding him towards his daughter. He walked slightly hunched over to ease the ache in his chest and the throbbing in his shoulder and his legs felt like jelly about to come apart beneath him, but he forced himself to keep walking.
The two most important people in his life needed him; and he hadn't even met one of them yet.
Evan couldn't breathe. He paused in the doorway, clinging onto the door for dear life when his eyes locked on his sister. Maddie was stood in front of one of the incubators, a story book by her side and her hand stretched inside the incubator towards her niece.
She turned immediately when she heard a soft cry behind her. Tears flushed her face and she bolted forward, reaching her arms out just in time for Evan to fall into her arms so she could hold him up. His face tucked into her neck, his hands scrunched up her shirt in his fists and Bobby reached out to grab his torso so he didn't fully collapse onto Maddie or the floor.
"I'm so glad you're awake," Maddie whispered quietly, reaching a hand up to cup Evan's face as she grinned at him through tears. "Somebody wants to meet you."
She moved her hands to Evan's shoulders and with Bobby's help, they both guided his stumbling form over to a chair and eased him down before he collapsed into a heap on the floor.
Evan rubbed the base of his hands against his eyes to try and make the stinging pain go away and force the tears back so he could still see. He wanted a clear view of his daughter once she was placed in his arms.
It was almost like a wave of magic had washed over him when a tiny form was placed into the crook of his elbow. Evan curled his left hand into a fist to tense his arm and stop himself from shaking, he didn't want his daughter rattling in his arms and becoming afraid. He smoothed his index finger over her cheek, smiling through tears when he realised what she was wearing.
Maddie must have been to their apartment and gotten the hospital bag as well as pack a few things for Evan too. His daughter was wearing the pale cream baby grow Evan had picked out which said 'Daddy's Princess' on the front in golden letters. It looked a little big on her, but she was beautiful.
"And y-you're sure she's okay?" It didn't quite ring true for Evan that he had been in a coma, his wife was still in one and yet here was his precious little girl, perfectly fine, snoozing in his arms.
He knew he was lucky to have her here at all, but to see her look so perfect without any signs of injury or damage seemed too good to be true.
"She just needs a name,"
Maddie bent down on her knees and rested a hand on Evan's knee, staring up at him through tears. It felt weird to keep calling her 'little girl' or 'little lady' as Chimney had come to refer to her as. She needed a name but no one knew if Evan and (Y/n) had agreed on any names or not. Her ID bracelet said Baby Buckley which was endearing, but it wasn't a name.
A smile worked its way onto Evan's lips and he let out a breathless laugh while he continued to brush his finger against his daughter's cheek. They had names picked out and agreed on two months ago.
They decided to keep the gender a surprise, but they had agreed on a name for a boy and one for a girl.
"Madeline… after the person who raised me."
"Hi baby," Reaching his hands out, Evan took (Y/n)'s hand and interlocked his fingers with hers, bringing her hand up to rest against his lips. He ran his left hand up and down her arm, gliding his fingers over her skin in a way he knew would have tickled her if she were awake.
His shoulders hunched forward and he sat on the very edge of the chair until his knees were tucked beneath the bed like he was sat at the dining table.
The back of Evan's head was killing him, he felt like he had a thunderstorm taking place in his skull that was pounding to get out. There was a large square plaster stuck on the back of his head from the wound he received and he knew they had shaved part of his head to stitch it back up. When they got discharged he would need a buzz cut to grow his hair properly again.
Evan knew (Y/n) didn't like it when he shaved his hair.
"We uh, we've both been asleep for three days, it means you've finally gotten some rest though." He spoke quietly even though it was only the two of them in the room and his lips meshed against the back of (Y/n)'s hand.
She didn't look unwell from this angle.
She had the same tube up her nose as Evan had which he knew was a feeding tube while she was unconscious. She had IVs in and stickers on her chest in case they had to shock her heart again which Evan prayed they wouldn't. But (Y/n) didn't have any cuts or bruises on her face or her arms.
He was desperate to pull up her gown and see the damage to her abdomen, he knew already that it would be bad. Maddie told him what injuries she sustained. Her skin would be discoloured, bruised, stretched. Stitches would litter her abdomen beneath her belly button and healing was going to take a while.
Evan didn't like looking at (Y/n) and seeing a deflated stomach. He had grown so used to seeing the bump and kissing her stomach every morning and when he got back late from shift. He was used to rubbing his nose against her stomach and speaking to their baby. Seeing her stomach deflate like a popped balloon was unusual and Evan didn't like it.
He knew if they had gone through labour naturally, he wouldn't feel so uneasy about seeing her stomach like this. But their daughter had been born without either of them conscious to witness it. They had been so thrilled about having a baby and they missed the best part.
"We've got a baby girl, God, baby she's so gorgeous. She gets it from you. I told the nurse she's called Madeline- please don't wake up and tell me you've changed your mind, it's a bit too late now, I've already told everyone."
Evan had told the nurse so she could get forms ready and change the writing on the incubator from Baby Buckley to Madeline Buckley. And he knew it was just the news to cheer up his sister and thank her for watching over the three of them while they had been unwell. He prayed (Y/n) wasn't going to wake up and change her mind once she saw their daughter because Evan had set her name in stone now.
"So, I need you to wake up soon, baby. Because I don't know what to do with myself. I was supposed to coach you through this and then you'd tell me what to do and how to make everything work. I can't do this without you and I don't want to. I love you."
He brushed a hand against his eyes and took a deep, snuffly breath to try and clear his head.
"Please come back to me. I'm not moving until you do, I'll sit here and talk and talk and talk until you wake up and tell me to shut up."
"Excuse me… sir?"
Evan jolted awake, snapping his eyes open as a gasp burst past his lips like he had been resuscitated. He blinked rapidly, pushing himself up before wincing when a splitting agony coursed up his arm and through his shoulder.
He had fallen asleep. When did he fall asleep? The lights were on in the room and there were no windows leading outside. Evan couldn't tell whether it was still afternoon, if it was night or if he had stayed and slept through the night with (Y/n) and if it was now morning or not. Time had slipped away from him unknowingly.
His left arm ached from where he had been laid, he had fallen asleep in the chair with his head and chest flopped on the bed. And his left hand had still been tangled with (Y/n)'s fingers while his right hand was sprawled out over her thigh.
Evan looked up and tried to twitch his lips into a smile but he couldn't quite manage it. He assumed he had given the nurse a dirty look with the way she raised a brow and took a step away from him.
"Who are you?"
"Uh, who… Buck, I- no I mean, Buckley. Mr Buckley, her husband." Evan waved his hand around and shook his head to liven himself up. He wasn't lying, he was her husband. That was why he was tangled around her like a vine and why no one had kicked him out yet even though visiting hours had long since gone. Evan had come to find that none of the staff had kicked out any of the 118 when they stayed day and night with him, (Y/n) and Madeline.
No one dared.
"Oh, good, just the person we needed."
"Why's that?"
Her smile made Evan relax as he leaned back in the chair and clicked his spine into place. He stretched his arms out in front of him, trying to be careful of his shoulder and when he looked back up and the young nurse, she looked like she was itching with anticipation.
"We'd like to bring her out of the coma now."
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achilles-rage · 2 months
thinking about meeting buck when he was a ranch hand working on your father's ranch
MDNI- 18+ only
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your father hired him as one of his many ranch hands, not that you knew at first; he usually doesn’t let you around any of them. your father is protective of you, and doesn’t want them trying anything with you, not that you think it would be a problem.
you’ve always been a little bigger than the other girls in your town, and while you’ve grown to like your curves, you know they’re not something a lot of guys gravitate towards. you have met some of the guys after they've worked with your dad for a few years, and even made friends with one or two, but for the most part, you think it’s easier to just stay away.
it was a complete accident the day you met evan buckley. you were walking into the barn, looking for one of the ranch hands you were close to, when he came up behind you.
he couldn’t help his wandering eyes as you greeted him with a sickly sweet voice, your short sundress blowing ever so slightly in the warm morning breeze. he was drawn to your figure immediately; he’d always loved a woman with thick thighs and a soft belly, but you also had the prettiest face he thought he'd ever seen.
he knew he was done for when you held out your small basket of blueberry maple muffins. he’d always wondered about the baked goods that were dropped off in the barn in the mornings, and now he was putting a face to the person who'd made the most delicious sweets he’d ever had. you loved to bake, and most mornings you’d whip up a large batch of muffins or scones to bring to the barn for one of the ranch hands you’d grown close to to hand out to the others.
from that day on, he couldn’t help but plan out his mornings around your drop offs, always making sure he was near the barn around 8am when you came by. he’d greet you with a smile, trying very hard to keep his eyes on your face rather than your tits, and then talk with you until your friend came into the barn.
that’s probably how you ended up here: your front pushed up against a large tree in the pasture, with your sundress up around your waist and your panties carelessly tossed onto the grassy hill. evan’s hips move in rough thrusts, his hands on your wide hips to help guide you back onto him.
you can’t help the soft whimpers and moans escaping your throat, still having a sliver of mind occupied on keeping quiet; not wanting to alert anyone that could be close. he haphazardly placed his cowboy hat on your head earlier when he was nipping and sucking on your neck, and he revels in the sight of you sinking onto him so perfectly with it still on your head, albeit the hat sitting a little crooked.
he can feel his release quickly approaching as he feels you clench around him, and he takes one hand off your hip and places it around your neck, pulling you back against him.
“you like that, sweetheart?” he whispers in your ear, his other hand moving from your hip to your clit, his fingers circling around the sensitive bud roughly. a loud whimper escapes your mouth as you nod, your legs starting to shake as you feel yourself getting closer to the edge.
he smirks as he feels your legs starting to get weak, and it makes him move his hips a little faster, trying to make you fall over the edge before anyone comes looking for either one of you.
“you wanna come, pretty girl? you wanna come on my cock?” he purrs. he lets out a low groan as you nod desperately, a string of pleas and whimpers falling from your lips as you beg for your fast approaching release.
“let go, sweetheart. come for me.” he tells you, and with a few more thrusts, you’re falling over the edge with a loud moan. your cries paired with the way you feel wrapped around him sends him over the edge as well. he squeezes his eyes shut, shooting hot ropes of cum into your pretty cunt, staying deep inside you until he’s sure you’ve taken every last drop.
he takes a few moments to slow his breathing, resting his head on your shoulder. he trails his fingertips down your neck and arm, while the other rubs absentminded circles on your hip.
“so good for me, honey. absolutely gorgeous.” he mumbles in your ear. you smile weakly, basking in the feeling of your orgasm and the way he still has you stretched out around him. he finally pulls out, and you whine softly as you feel yourself trying to get used to the emptiness you're left with.
he turns you around, fixes your dress and takes his hat back, then gives you a sweet kiss, which you happily return. his hands go to your cheeks, and your hands wrap softly around his wrists, and you think this is the happiest you’ve ever been.
it’s kind of fun to sneak around like this, you think, and he thinks the exact same. he loves the idea of having the rancher’s daughter in secret, knowing your father has forbidden you from even talking to any of the ranch hands. it’s not the entire reason he likes it so much though, most of it is because it's you. you’re gorgeous, sure, but you’re also smart, and funny, and a hell of a baker.
he picks up your panties from the grass and shoves them into his pocket, laughing softly at your protests. he gives you another quick kiss and tells you to leave first, knowing it would be suspicious if you both came back from the far pasture at the same time.
he smacks your ass as you walk away, biting his lip as he watches you go. he imagines his cum dripping down your soft thighs, imagines you running into another ranch hand, or worse, your father, on the way back to your house, and how you’d hope and pray that they don’t pick up on your weak legs and fucked out expression.
the days that start like this are especially enjoyable for evan, even though he feels a little guilty for wanting to fuck you until you’re round and swollen with his seed, but it’s what a pretty little thing like you deserves. even so, he wishes more than anything to finally be able to take you out for real, without fear of what your father may do or say.
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notes: likes/comments/reblogs would be much appreciated if you liked this<33
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munsonsmixtapes · 2 months
evan buckley x reader where he gives he a massage cause I am a FIRM believer that he will be putting those muscles to good use and it would just feel amazing and I desperately need a massage so I am projecting ty!!!
I felt that.
Evan "Buck" Buckley x fem!reader
cw: MDNI (18+) Buck gives reader a massage and they take a bath together
Rain poured down as you entered the house that you shared with your boyfriend, Buck. He greeted you there, helping you take off your jacket and shoes, something that he did every time he was home when you got there. He knew how physically demanding your job as a doctor was and always wanted to be there to help you with whatever. 
“I missed you,” he said as he took you into his arms, pressing his lips to yours in a brief kiss. If Buck was being honest, he always missed you when he wasn’t with you. As soon as your alarm went off, he would pull you to his chest, burying his face into your neck, telling you that he just needed five more minutes. And those five minutes would turn into ten, then twenty and it never went beyond that because he didn’t want you to be late.
“I missed you too,” you mumbled against his lips. “So much.” It didn’t matter that you had seen him earlier that morning. You had been looking forward to seeing him again all day. Being snuggled up with him on the couch after you both took a much needed bath. 
“Let’s take a bath, hm?” He said and you nodded enthusiastically. He always seemed to be able to read your mind and you wondered how he could do it. He always knew you exactly what you needed or wanted and it amazed you every time.
Buck took you by the hand and led you up the stairs to the bathroom where he had a bath all ready for the both of you. Your favorite candles were lit like always and there was a bath bomb already melting into the warm water. I looked like the one that you supposed to relieve stress and you almost wanted to cry at how well Buck knew you. 
“Arms up,” he said once he closed the door. He pulled off your scrub top and undid your bra before removing your pants and underwear along with your socks. 
He then undressed himself before helping you into the tub. He had his back against it while you sat behind him, leaning into his chest with a contented sigh, thinking that your life couldn’t have gotten any better than that. With your favorite person and one of your favorite past times, there was no way the experience could ever be topped.
But then you felt his hands on your shoulders, his rough fingers digging into them. After years of the two of you being together, he had never given you a massage. Sure, his hands had done…other things to you, but never that. 
His thumbs dug into your shoulder blades and you let out a loud moan at the feelings, wondering why you had never let him do that before. He was so good at it, almost as if he had done it before and you were sure that he probably had. 
“So tense,” he said as his thumbs dug further into your shoulders and you let out another moan. Clearly you had needed it since it had felt so good and considering the sounds you were making in response to his hands massaging you. 
“Maybe I should do this more often, hm?” He asked, as his hands moved to your lower back, knowing that was the other area where you carried your pain. 
“Mmm,” was all you said in response as you closed your eyes, leaning your head back. You always knew that Buck was good with his hands, but not like this. Never like this. He seemed to know exactly where you wanted him, his rough fingers digging into the parts of your body that seemed to ache the worst. 
Buck knew you were tense, but not that much. Now he was thinking that a massage every few nights would really help you. Next time with the massage oil and not in the bath when it was hard to get to you the way he needed you to. He thought you deserved the best treatment for how hard you worked. And next time, he would give you exactly that.
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florenceafternoon · 5 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
These fics are set in the wizarding world but aren’t necessarily canon complaints.
For reference, anything in italics is taken from the summaries on ao3.
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Gilded by @charmingwillow
Beneath her jumper, her heart was fluttering fast. Her free hand rubbed at the spot, willing it to calm. Her eyes ached from all the nights she spent awake, unable to sleep because it hadn’t calmed in days. Weeks.
She knew why; beneath her fingertips, under the soft cotton of her sweater, her skin tingled. She knew without seeing that the spot above her heart sparkled faintly with gold, like stars spinning in the cosmos. Scattered and dancing around a name that wouldn't quite focus. It was as beautiful as it was terrifying.
Someone, somewhere, was falling in love with her. They were close enough that Lily could feel a tug of alignment if she concentrated enough.
Or, Lily and James go on a walk in the forest.
Sunshine in My Eyes (requires an ao3 account) by monroeslittle
Mr. and Mrs. Evans are killed when Lily's only a girl, and she's supposed to go to a home with her sister. Instead, a relative they didn't know they had comes to collect them, and introduces Lily to manners, magic, and a life that's just the slightest bit different from the life she was supposed to live.
Or, an AU in which Minerva McGonagall raises Lily.
Dying Fires by @jamesunderwater
In fifth year, James attempts to comfort Lily by a dying fire - but finds this will require restraint on his part in a number of ways.
Their tentative, developing friendship is something so special to me
basic maths by @gigglesandfreckles-hp
Euphemia cuts Sirius off sharply. “I was simply verifying whether this is indeed the same Lily Evans whose name is written under my dining room table with a heart around it.”
or Lily meets the parents and James tries not to hyperventilate. over and over and over again.
Blue Jay by @neurowriter14
In a world with magic, the only thing that really took Lily by surprise, and trepidation, was the fact that she had a soulmate.
All That's Known by @women-inthe-sequel
Wizards view nearly everything as a problem for magic to fix. Other people might view him that way, but James has never felt broken. He doesn’t need to be wound like an old-fashion toy and programmed to do what everyone else does.
I am in desperate need of more deaf!James (or deaf!Lily). Please can someone recommend me fics
just like a tattoo by sleepygirl0305 (on ao3)
Shortly after he witnesses Remus and Sirius realize that they're soulmates, James gets his own soulmate tattoo. A fairly inconvenient time, given that there is a war going on. And N.E.W.Ts. But no matter, he was going to try anyway.
A Happy Thought by @thelighthousestale
The 7th year Defense Against the Dark Arts Class learns the Patronus Charm.
James is shocked to learn what Lily's Patronus is.
I know that this is a very cliché trope but I'm a sucker for patronus fics.
The Boy (in the bedroom) Next Door by @eastwindmlk
Lily Evans has to move in with her new potion's teacher to finish her apprenticeship. There is one small issue, said teacher? Fleamont Potter, father of infinitely annoying and frustratingly fit former rival James Potter. Who she has not seen after leaving Hogwarts after her third year.
Put on Bed Rest also by @/ eastwindmlk
Hogwarts is covered in snow and James Potter is sick. Who better than Lily to nurse him back to health.
May Moon by Elynn (on ao3)
May Moon- also known as the Flower Moon or Blooming Moon, due to the abundance of flowers that occur as spring arrives.
She glanced up, catching sight of Mary and Marlene in the crowd of unsorted first years, the both of them bouncing on their toes as a new student was called up. She’d already made two friends (she hoped) and Lily was always a bit of an overachiever. “Hiya,” she said, doing her best to sound upbeat. The boy—Lupin—looked up at her, face a bit shocked. “I’m Lily.”
or sixth year, a bad pick-up line, and a secret.
Not really a jily fic (it's pre-relationship) but I really wanted to include it in this rec list
Accidental Magic by @missgryffin
What else is there to do after confessing feelings in the middle of the night than spend a lazy Saturday in bed?
Hell Is Empty (And All The Devils Are Here) by @nodirectionhome-ao3
When an Order mission takes an unexpected turn, James and Lily find themselves stranded together. In the aftermath of the chaos, sheltering together through the storm, a fire catches between them.
Ignore the fact that I can't remember if I've recommended this fic or not. Regardless, the back-and-forth between James and Lily is so good in this fic.
Starlight by @suzyq31
Under the cover of stars, Lily and James go out in search of an elusive flower. The northern lights make Lily contemplate how plans change.
The next few fics are all by @apalapucian because I may or may not have been stalking her ao3 page. Everything, and I mean everything, Jayne writes is incredible.
maybe it was egos swinging (maybe it was her)
James starts rolling his shoulders, wincing. "Jesus, Evans." "back at ya," says Lily, testing her wrists. "ever heard of taking it easy?" "with you? never." "can’t believe you’d use confringo on me." "knew you'd block it," he says. "can’t believe you’d use depulso." she shrugs, grinning. "knew you'd block it."
(or: seventh-year, auror-aspirant, academic rivals, head boy and head girl James and Lily.)
I still can't get over the fact that Jayne wrote me over 11 thousand words of academic rivals jily. ELEVEN THOUSAND WORDS OF ACADEMIC RIVALS TO LOVERS JILY!! The banter, the stakes, I love everything about this fic
calliope calling
in which:
James wields a wand for the first time; Lily giggles, tracing an impossible dancing deer in the sky; Sirius slams the door; Peter sighs; and Remus screams, raw and screeching and piercingly young.
(or: the marauders and lily evans as children, and something about invisible strings glinting in the moonlight.)
green light
There are yellow roses on the kitchen table. a cup of coffee charmed to keep warm for a time. a scrawled "morning! :) –James & Harry" on a scrap of paper, the torn bottom of a receipt for... milk, she finds. and strawberries. harry was signed by Harry himself, and Lily wants to cry at the shaky strokes, the crooked lines. she can hear them in the other room where James' window seat project is almost finished. harry is laughing. he asks questions, mocks his dad's shabby handiwork, drops the things he's asked to hand.
roses and handwritten notes and coffee and giggles nearby. this is her life now. she skims the flowers, the sun itself in her heart.
or: the war is over. everybody lives AU. (well, not everybody everybody, but the potter family + sirius + remus + even peter* live.) old fic rewrite.
* = you'll see.
bad day wall
Lily calls it the bad day wall. it's like this weird communal one-liner diary thing.
every time i think i'm over her something happens and it hits me just as stupidly intense as all the other times. i'm SICK of it
why can't people just LIKE by default the people they LOVE? why do they have to be separate feelings? it would make things so much less complicated
or: in sixth year, Lily starts talking to a stranger(?) through messages on a wall. she also befriends James Potter. These two things are completely not related.
I haven't read this one but it on my marked for later
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diazsdimples · 5 months
hi james <3 make em swoon prompt: hugging them from behind for bucktommy
Hi Nolan!!! As you wish 🫡
Something Buck was really learning to love about having a firefighter boyfriend was how well he fit in at the station with the 118.
Granted, it helped that Tommy knew Hen, Bobby and Chimney from way back when he was a probie himself, and can provide banter with Eddie that even rivals Buck's level of teasing, but it still takes Buck by surprise at just how perfectly he nestled into their little family.
The first time Tommy came over to surprise Buck, he'd been leaning against the outside wall of the station when the engine had pulled in after responding to a 2 alarm fire. He'd had his arms crossed over his chest, with that indulgent "god you're adorable, Evan" smile on his face as Buck had dropped down from the passenger seat and strode over to him, burying his face in Tommy's shoulder.
Times after that included Bobby secretly inviting him over for lunch with the station on the 4th of July after Buck had lamented about spending their first holiday apart, Tommy showing up with breakfast after a long, arduous night shift, and Tommy hiding in a storage closet late in the evening during one of Buck's 24 hour shifts, grabbing Buck as he walked past and pulling him in for a mind-blowing fuck while the rest of the station slept.
And Buck - well Buck was pretty sure he hadn't been happier in all his life. Whenever he saw Tommy playing pool with Hen, or sparring with Eddie, or battling Chimney on the XBOX, his heart would flutter, like it had become a butterfly and grown wings, and ready to beat out of his chest. It just felt so... perfect.
It had been a couple of days since he and Tommy had seen one another, and Buck was missing him. They'd exchanged texts and facetimed a couple of times but it wasn't the same as having Tommy's arms around him, or feeling Tommy press soft kisses against his neck. He missed that physical contact.
"You seem a little down today, man," Eddie muses as he and Buck chop vegetables in the kitchen. Bobby had ordered 3 finely diced carrots and some chopped celery sticks to make part of tonight's dinner, and had put Eddie in charge, with Buck's supervision.
Buck looks up from where he's been systematically shredding the end of a celery stick with surprise. "Really? I-I'm fine, I swear."
Eddie raises an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. Not that Buck's entirely surprised; his best friend could scope out a change in Buck's mood before it even happens. He'd be stupid to think he could hide anything from Eddie.
"Uh, sure you are. Nothing to do with the fact that you're missing a certain 6'2 muscular pilot, hmm?"
Buck blushes, the red heat creeping up his cheeks, and he quickly drops his eyes back to the celery in front of him, trying desperately not to meet Eddie's eyes.
"That obvious, huh?"
Eddie laughs, a sound that Buck had heard so rarely over the last year and now can't seem to go a day without hearing, and pats Buck on the shoulder. "Just a little bit, yeah. I mean, you've been moping around the station the last few days, and everytime your phone buzzes, you practically pounce on it to see if it's him."
Buck's blush deepens, and he shoves the half-shredded celery stick back onto the chopping board, dropping his head into his hands. "I miss him," he says, his voice small.
Eddie softens a little, and reaches up to grasp Buck's shoulder, giving it a little squeeze.
"Yeah, I'll bet," he says sympathetically. He puts the carrot back on the chopping board with a sigh. "Hey I left something downstairs, mind if you keep doing this? I'll be right back."
Buck rolls his eyes, familiar with Eddie's get-out-of-cooking tactics.
"Yeah, whatever. I'll finish it for us."
Eddie gives him a big grin and claps his shoulder again.
"Lifesaver. Be right back!"
And with that, he's crossing the loft and taking the stairs two at a time, footsteps echoing through the firehouse. Buck shakes his head and chuckles to himself. He's pretty sure Eddie would rather step on a thousand Legos than ever help prepare dinner.
With a small shake of his head, Buck continues to chop the celery and carrots, throwing them into a small bowl together. He's been doing it for a few minutes when he hears footsteps behind him. Assuming it's Eddie, Buck doesn't turn around, and continues to chop.
"You find what you were looking for?"
"Oh, I think I did."
A deep, gravelly voice fills Buck's ears as a pair of thick, strong arms circles his waist, and Buck's heart leaps instantly as he recognises the smell of Tommy's cologne.
"Tommy? What are you doing here?!" Buck exclaims, putting down the knife and lacing his fingers with Tommy's. Tommy rests his head on Buck's shoulder, pressing small kisses into the skin just above Buck's uniform shirt.
"Thought I'd stop by and surprise you, baby. I missed you. Eddie helped me organise it."
Buck grins widely and turns in Tommy's arms, leaning forward and pressing their lips together in a deep, searing kiss. His arms wrap around Tommy's neck and he tugs him closer, revelling in the feel of Tommy's hands resting against the small of his back, holding him steady.
After a moment, they break apart, and Buck leans their foreheads together, a wide, beaming smile on his face.
"God, I've missed you," he murmurs. "This is the best surprise."
Tommy smiles back at him, rubbing their noses together.
"Yeah, I missed you too, Ev. It's good to see you."
He gives Buck one last peck on the lips, and then releases him, turning his attention to the celery and carrots Buck had been chopping. He picks one up between his thumb and forefinger, scruitinising it with mock-intensity.
"So, what you making?"
Tagging bucktommy friends
@theotherbuckley @bidisasterevankinard @watchyourbuck @neverevan @hippolotamus
@wikiangela @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @jesuisici33 @emilybahu @detectivehorror
@disasterstans @ioncedreamedaflower @bandluvr97 (mutuals pls lmk if you want to be tagged in Bucktommy stuff, I haven't quite scoped out who's okay with them and who isn't)
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intoanotherworld23 · 8 months
Good For You
Pairing: Reader x Chris Evans
Warnings: NSFW 18+ MDNI, this whole thing is pure smut and sex, there’s female oral, fingering, a smidge of choking, bondage, unprotected sex
Summary: Chris has got you right where he wants you, and all you want to be is a good girl for him
I haven’t posted anything about Chris for a while so enjoy y’all! Let me know what you think in the comments and be sure to reblog, reblog, reblog!! XOXO
Check out my Hall Of Hunks
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"Oh god."
The heat between your legs was becoming almost unbearable at this moment. It was like an ache you couldn't get rid of, and it was starting to get to you.
Fingers gripping onto the hand rails behind your head as the silk fabric started to cut into your skin.
Back arching off the bed as your toes became entangled in the cold sheets. It was like you were being tortured, and you loved every minute of it.
Your legs were numb to feeling as they were constantly shaking, and thick hands were gripping your soft flesh.
A wet tongue lapping relentlessly at your raw core. Running circles around your dripping opening like you were his last meal. The sounds of your slickness like music to his ears. He could keep you like this all day, and you knew he would too.
"Mhhhm. More Chris." Whispering just enough for him to hear.
"You want more?" Tongue sucking onto your clit making your cry out.
Diving his tongue right in as his fingers spread your lips apart getting easier access. Nuzzling his face so close his nose was brushing against your clit. His tongue massaging your inner walls as his hands rubbed soothing circles on your outer knees.
Rotating your hips against his face wanting more, but unable to open your mouth and say the words. His tongue literally had you speechless right now.
"Something wrong sweetheart?" His tone condescending as he smirked up at you. "Did you need something?"
Pushing two fingers inside of you admiring how tight you were. Biting your bottom lip so harshly you thought you might draw blood. His fingers felt so delicious inside of you.
Your limbs felt so heavy but relaxed at the same time. Whining down at Chris to go faster, and he responded with a light chuckle.
"Can't wait to fuck that little cunt of yours." He says biting his bottom lip.
His thick fingers continued to slowly thrust and curl inside of you. Waiting for your response as you gasped when he sharply pushed his digits all the way up into your cervix. He was in complete control over you, and had you right where he wanted you.
"Cat got your tongue?" He teased when you weren't responding.
Watching intensely as your mouth hung open, and only little squeaks came out. Kissing up your stomach as he nuzzled your hot skin loving how vulnerable you were for him. Really pulling against your restraints hoping he would untie you.
"Such a poor little thing aren't you." Chris coos into your ear. "So desperate to cum."
"Chris." Mewling desperate to grip onto his locks or just something.
Instead of responding he just pulls apart your thighs even more. The slight burn radiating all the way down to your calves. Meanwhile he just stared between your legs licking his lips noticing just how wet and raw you looked.
"Fuck just look at you." Shaking his head in almost disbelief you were all his. "Look so fucking beautiful."
Watching as he lowers one of his hands to grip onto his very erect cock. Stroking himself groaning in pain from how sensitive he was. All he wanted right now was to bury himself deep inside of you.
Even though it was a very simple motion it was still the hottest thing you had ever seen. Grinding your hips into the air wanting him to touch you or something. Of course Chris saw what you were doing and grinned down at you.
"What do you want baby?" Reaching out to grip softly onto your neck with the same hand that gripped his cock just seconds ago.
"Chris." Whining up at him just hoping he would give it to you.
"No no." He shakes his head at you. "My sweet girl I want to hear you say it."
His hand tightening around your neck just slightly. Feeling the pressure of his fingers against your throat. Smoothly running his hand down past your collarbone, and in between your breasts. Feeling just how heavily your were breathing.
Chris was known for pushing you past your comfort zone. He wanted you to always give in to what he wanted when it came to sex. He wanted you and nobody else.
Just to tease you even more he places the tip of his cock at your entrance. Gathering your juices and rubbing it up and down. Twisting your hips to get more, but he just grabbed your hips to keep you still.
"Tell me like the good little girl you are." His tip barely just entering you.
"Please fuck me Chris." Finally able to say the words. "Just fuck me so hard I want your cock so badly."
Smiling down at you as he leaned forward to attach his lips to yours. His mouth moving along yours in such a sensual manner you felt so many sparks of fireworks. Feeling the outline of his cock pressed against your cunt.
Pushing his tongue inside your mouth at the same time he pushed his length inside of you. Swallowing your moans as his hips were pressed into your pelvis. Staying there for just a few seconds so you could adjust. Savoring the moment your walls enclosed around him like little suckers.
"Such a tight delicious pussy for me." He groaned as he pulled out and pushing back in. "Gonna have to fuck you more often sweetheart."
He begins to pound into your cunt with no mercy. The sounds of his hips slapping against yours. Moving the bed and slamming the headboard into the wall. His little grunts echoing in your ear and he moved relentlessly inside of you.
Feeling the fabric rubbing against your skin even harder creating a burning sensation. Typically the pain would have brought tears to your eyes, but right now it was only heightening the pleasure even more intensely.
"Look at me sweet girl." Commanding you noticing your shut eyes. "Look into my eyes as you cum around my cock."
Noticing how his jaw clenched as he grit his teeth staring deep into your eyes. Feeling your cheeks begin to become hot with such an intimate interaction. It was just you and him in this moment, and he wanted you to become lost in each other.
"That's my good girl." He praised you. "Always such a good sweet girl for me."
Wrapping your legs tightly around his waist as you began to feel that intense feeling building inside your stomach. Breasts bouncing back and forth with the motion of his rocking. His eyes looking down at them with lust. Unable to bear it anymore as he attached your left breast into his mouth.
"Oh my god." Crying out throwing your head back.
Chris could tell you were right there with each squeeze around his cock. He wanted to cum at the same time that you did. Holding himself back from spilling his seed inside of you too soon. Sweating so heavily he felt like he would almost pass out.
Lifting his head to look down at where you two are connected. Noticing as each time his cock pulls out a white creamy like substance strings along his length. The image drives him absolutely feral. Moving in and out of you so harshly your afraid he might actually break your body.
Your pathetic whimpers and moans are what keep him motivated. His eyes staying concentrated on your completely blissed out face. Your pupils are so dilated from being high off of each other.
"Cum for me sweetheart." He begs you unable to hold back any longer.  "I'm right there."
One of his hands reached down between you two to rub circles against your bundle of nerves. That was enough to send you spiraling. Your toes curling as your whole body shook with such an intense orgasm. Legs trembling against Chris’s hips as he held onto you.
Spilling his own seed inside of you his cock twitching a couple of times as he drained the last of his fluid. Laying against you feeling absolutely tired but relaxed.
"Was that okay?" He asked timidly as he reached up to untie your sore wrists. Your limbs falling straight down. "I didn't hurt you did I?"
"No." Responding out of breath eyes fluttering. "No Chris it was perfect."
"Good." He smiled up at you snuggling against your sweaty body his head on your chest. "Cause I'm not done with you yet."
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You know what screw it, I wanted to finish chapter 59 today but I feel horrible and it's just not going to happen so for now you can have this completed scene under the cut with my great affection love love peace peace feel free to react as it'll make me happy etc. etc.
Private WhatsApp Chat Resumed: Friday 18th March, 2022, 07:57 Members: Lily Evans, James Potter
James Potter: i think it's pretty amazing that you and beatrice know the exact date that you first met when you were two
Lily Evans: Lollllll Hello to you too
James Potter: although idk how sirius would react if we knew and i suggested celebrating that hello, also beautiful hello beautiful is what i meant to say
Lily Evans: Suave of you.
James Potter: i'm only just having my first coffee of the day, alright? give me five minutes and i'll be on my game
Lily Evans: I suppose I can allow you five minutes. We didn't always know, but my mum's been journaling every day for most of her life, so a few years back we did a little detective work and it turns out she'd written about my first day at Little Tots. We've done something for our anniversary every year since, but she's blown my gift out of the water this time around.
James Potter: why, what was your gift?
Lily Evans: I bought her a ladyship. She's Lady Beatrice Booth now. Officially. Incredibly it only costs £30 and you get a tiny plot of land in Cumbria with it. I gave the pack to her housemate to leave out today so she'll get a huge kick out of it when she gets home later.
James Potter: how ironic is it that you got her a ladyship and i was looking into getting her canonised earlier
Lily Evans: Lol why?
James Potter: because i really really really liked that video, evans
Lily Evans: I see. I see. I see. Not embarrassed about you having seen that AT ALL. Although I suppose I don't have a right to be embarrassed when I've seen all of your childhood photos, do I? It was probably about time that you saw some of mine.
James Potter: what would you have to be embarrassed about? you were an adorable child i loved watching you grow up on an instagram reel with, inexplicably, flo rida's musical accompaniment
Lily Evans: Lollllllllll I know that probably seems like a weird choice, but it was our go-to dance song when we were eighteen. And on that note, I was a very awkward teenager, as you've now seen.
James Potter: almost everyone on earth was an awkward teenager and the ones who weren't awkward peaked in their teens, so think of how they've suffered since then although i guess sirius is the exception anyway you say you were awkward, but fifteen year old me would have been DESPERATE for fifteen year old you's attention
Lily Evans: Oh, you say that now.
James Potter: no i would have been and i wouldn't have gotten it because as we've previously established i was a prick when i was fifteen so if i'd gone to school with you i still would have been a prick, but a prick who wanted your attention and did all manner of stupid things to get it i would have driven you mad
Lily Evans: Twenty-seven year old you wants my attention and I've not been driven mad over it once, to be fair.
James Potter: twenty-seven year old me has much improved with age and is more deserving of it you however have been a delight your whole life which i now have visual proof of hence i'll be calling your best mate saint lady beatrice from now on
Lily Evans: I wasn't a delight my whole life, I promise you. As a child I was a precocious little shit who thought she knew everything and couldn't be told otherwise. That's why I got into so many scrapes, doing stupid, dangerous things because I couldn't just listen to my mother when she told me "no, Lily, that's dangerous." I was like a working class Peppa Pig, honestly, no wonder my sister couldn't hack being around me half the time. So you're not the only one who has much improved with age. And fifteen year old me would have had a massive crush on fifteen year old you, BELIEVE me.
James Potter: oh really?
Lily Evans: Would I have let you know about it? Absolutely not. But it still would have been there.
James Potter: you mean like the crush you've had on me this whole time?
Lily Evans: I already have to get you back for some nonsense you pulled yesterday, Potter, so I'd advise you not to pile on and add this to the list.
James Potter: lollllllll
Lily Evans: I'm serious!
James Potter: oh i'm sure you are to which i say go on then do it
Lily Evans: I will do it.
James Potter: you go right ahead i can handle it
Lily Evans: You're being very cocky right now and while I can't pretend I don't like it, it'll also prove to be your downfall later.
James Potter: we'll see, we'll see
Lily Evans: We will see.
James Potter: whatever you need to tell yourself, sweetheart
Lily Evans: I think the fifteen year old you has taken over the controls in your head, mate.
James Potter: he probably has, yeah but what can i say he's really chuffed about your crush on me
Lily Evans: You mean the crush you've decided I have that I haven't confirmed?
James Potter: right, yeah, of course, clearly i'm the one in the wrong here still sleeping in my bed, are you?
Lily Evans: I have to go do a work thing now.
James Potter: oh, sure, that old excuse
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between-two-fandoms · 5 months
Thinking about after Buck and Tommy have been dating a while, and they're like having Maddie and Chim around for dinner or something, and it's getting late and Tommy and Buck are cleaning up and have settled into easy domesticity and Maddie and Chimney are having their own little conversation still at the table, but Maddie is watching because that's her brother and she's curious. Buck is talking about whatever his latest research subject is and he realises he's been talking for like ten-minutes straight and that Tommy hasn't been able to get a word in (not that he wants to because he likes listening to Buck) and Buck kind of bashfully apologises for rambling and Tommy just jokingly goes "that's okay, I love you anyway." And Buck doesn't clock it, and him and Tommy continue on, but Maddie does. Because she remembers her brother when he was hurt and yelling at their parents. She remembers younger Evan with his broken bones and desperate eyes, and she's looking at Evan now and he's calm and happy and knows without a doubt that he is loved.
Sorry, my replies tend to be three times the length they probably should be. I just like to babble about how much I love these characters. Sorry for any typos or grammar errors I don't know how to shut up sometimes.
My heart. Nonnie you're making me feel things. Maddie would be so happy for Evan. She's a little hesitant about Tommy at first, he's Buck's first boyfriend. It's all new waters, she's his sister, it's in her blood to be nervous for him. But she trusts her brother's judgment and Tommy seemed like a good guy at the wedding. Plus Chimney vouched for him, he's probably not the worst guy her brother could fall for. (More under cut)
Her sweet, precious, little brother who just wanted to be loved found someone. He found someone who loves him anyway. Evan found someone who she can see loves him so, so much. She didn't have to look too closely to see it. It's not a fake, surface-level puppy dog love either. What surprises her the most is that this is Evan, not Buck, in her kitchen with this person who's opened the world to him. It's Evan who's smiling and rambling and gentle and kind. It's been so long since she's seen him be Evan, and not live with the weight of Buck on his shoulders.
She knows in her Big Sister Bones that Tommy's someone who will keep her little brother's heart safe. Maddie will never be able to explain to Tommy what that means to her in words. But she watches them. (maybe not as subtle as she hoped). She watches her brother interact with him, watches Evan be all happy and relaxed and content. Unafraid to love and unafraid to be loved back.
She listens to how Tommy speaks to her brother. In a low, deep timbre that settles into Evan's bones. Tommy speaks like Evan was made to be cherished, holding his cheek as if Evan was his entire world, standing in her kitchen as they put dinner away. Tommy looks content too, enamored from the sheer energy radiating off of Evan as the night continues. As if being able to have Evan is enough, as if Tommy knows her brother doesn't have to be anything but himself to be worthy of love.
She sees the look in Tommy's eyes and is suddenly reminded of Chimney, reminded of the love she shares with her husband. She thinks Tommy already knows how special it is for Evan to choose you, to be important in Evan's life. She wonders if Evan has realized how gone for the Pilot is for him, probably not. She loves her brother but he can be a bit stupid unless someone spells it out for him. Still though, can tell Tommy's planning on sticking around for a long time, and she hopes he does. Evan and Tommy are good together, good for each other. She relaxes into Chimney's chest, leaning back as they watch Buck and Tommy try to set up a game of Pictionary. "So what do you think?" Chimney whispers, setting Maddie's wine glass aside for her. She looks up and kisses him on the chin.
"I like him," she says, smiling when Tommy somehow gets stuck in the legs of the whiteboard stand trying to set it up. Buck helps him get out of it, then plants a kiss on his lips, all rosy-cheeked and sappy. Yeah, Maddie thinks, Tommy's worthy of her little brother's heart.
I love supportive big sister Maddie with my whole chest.
If anyone's interested I might make this a fic. Maddie's POV ofc.
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princessfbi · 20 days
Kisses twelve for Bucktommy
Kisses + 12. Against a wall kiss + Bucktommy
Danger. That’s what he tasted like. Danger. Danger and those stupid freaking cherries he kept popping in his mouth whenever he lingered in one spot for too long. The same mouth Tommy couldn’t resist. Not even as he clawed his own nails into his thighs until he was sure he would bruise or looked away whenever he was near or ground his teeth to dust as he watched him flirt with other people at the bar. Did they feel it too? Did they feel like they were the center of the universe when those sky blue eyes were focused on them? Did they feel the burn in their chest when they watched those two perfectly plump lips lift up into a smirk? Did it matter? Because none of them were out there with them. Just Tommy. Just Tommy was getting to kiss Evan with a hunger that had been churning in his gut. Evan made a small, desperate sound as his back hit the wall behind him. His hands, his legs, wrapped around Tommy like he wanted to climb him like a tree. It was frantic and messy with teeth clashing and tongues battling but Tommy didn’t care. It was dangerous and stupid. Anyone could walk out on them. His whole freaking house was just past that barely propped open back door and all it would take was for someone to come looking for him to find him like this. The thought had his heart lurching up into his throat. Tommy sucked in a breath that burned harsher than whiskey as lips pulled away. He wasn’t ready. Not yet. Maybe not ever. Maybe this was all he could ever have. But he knew he wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready to be seen that way. “No one can know,” Tommy said, his voice more of a growl when murmuring those words against Evan’s lips. He hated himself for it when Evan's lips were so soft. He bit after his mouth, sucking Evan’s top lip in between his teeth and pushed in with his tongue to stoke the fire some more. Evan shuddered in his arms as the filthiest little whine filled Tommy’s lungs. They shouldn’t. Someone would come looking for him. Howie probably. And Howie was the best of them. He wouldn’t look at him differently if he found Tommy with a hard on and the twunkie bartender in his arms. But he wasn’t ready. He couldn’t stop either. Not when his hands wrapped so perfectly around Evan’s waist. Not when Evan tipped his head up and chased after Tommy’s mouth like he never wanted to let go. Evan arched up into him and Tommy groaned as that hard unmistakable length rutted against his own. Pleasure sparked like kindling and Tommy was engulfed with Evan Evan Evan. He pinned Evan’s hips back and could’ve gotten drunk of the way Evan responded to that. Evan writhed beneath him. Fingers fisted in his shirt collar and tugged and pulled on the fabric until it was going to be so overstretched he’d never be able to wear it in public again. “Come on,” Evan said, grinning against Tommy’s mouth. Tommy bit another kiss for his troubles. “You think I’m going to ruin this? Do you know how hard it was to get your attention?” Tommy stopped at that, his heart thundering in his chest. “My attention?” Evan hummed as he nodded and Tommy saw it there too. That flash of vulnerable honesty that streaked across the cocky overconfidence. All that flirting. All that torture he’d put Tommy through and it was to get his attention? Tommy's? But that vulnerable truth? That small token given to Tommy for safe keeping? It made something in Tommy's chest flutter free from the cage he'd locked himself in all those years ago and for once, Tommy didn't want to chase it back. It was Evan’s turn then to hide. He skated his hands into Tommy’s hair and pulled him down, sighing into the kiss when Tommy blanketed him with his body. He fit so perfectly in his arms. Yeah. Tommy was screwed.
For @buddie-buddie and @bigfootsmom
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