#evelyn seijaya
pokefangamebrainrot · 16 days
Hi Meteors I like you a lot you are very nice. Y’know who else is nice? Lumi. Do you have any Lumi headcanons? They're a very cute character.
best way i’ve ever received an ask ever lmao. ur very nice too noctor we like you a lot as well, ofc u can have some lumi headcanons
Lumi Seijaya headcanons!
-she’s much smarter than people give her credit for and she could absolutely be a scientist like eve if she had been nurtured to do so and had the passion for it
-she makes both her and eve’s clothes
-that’s one of the reasons she loves to train ice types! they help her figure out if somethings too warm or cold
-her and shelly become BEST friends in the post game
-she’s a better battler than eve is, though you wouldn’t guess it
-she also made zero a new outfit after he left team meteor
-she’s fiercely passionate about sticking up for the people she loves. anyone insults her friends or family they will get SCREAMED at
-along with adrienn, she helped start a rehabilitation programme for ex team meteor members like her
-her favourite food is ice cream! she makes it with her glaceon
-probably has a tamagotchi or virtual pet she takes care of religiously
-very emotionally mature
-wears lots of layers even in hot weather (she likes how cozy it makes her feel. that’s why she likes living in ametrine and stays there even after the post game)
-even when she gets older, she holds on to her childhood. she chases the dream to reclaim the life stolen from her, and as such, maintains her whimsy even when she grows up
-she will only use the cutest accessories she can find for her phone and pokémon
these were surprisingly easy to come up with!! hope you enjoy reading as much as i enjoy writing
thank you for the ask!
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flowerveil02 · 4 days
So, what IS Pokemon Reborn: Rainbow?
I'm glad you asked, anon! I'll put the answer simple above the cut and explain it in better detail below. Me and @nommyzommy will have a deep dive about Reborn: Rainbow in a later post.
WARNING: THIS IS A VERY LONG POST! You can just stick to the summary if you're not in the mood to read an excerpt as long as the bible!!
Put simply:
Reborn: Rainbow (from here forth called RR in this post) is an AU that combines elements of the white and black routes. It also contains original characters and events, including PULSEs, storyline, and even two entire cities with their own geography!
In detail:
RR mixes our favorite elements from both routes and changes some of them a little more to our preferences. It also allows us more screentime for our favorite characters that were kinda overshadowed or just straight-up put on a bus during the game :P Like Florinia, Serra, and more.
It also has new PULSEs and lore for Eve and the subsect of Team Meteor that creates them. And new lore for Team Meteor in general. Lots of the Alcantaras' history and influence is central to the fanfic.
Now, to begin on the characters: We made new characters (that we'll begin posting soon) and new arcs and designs for our favs! (Those are the RRr designs you've been seeing across our posts.) A lot more characters get to know each other, and the theme of the fanfic is a little bit more,, positive? More friendly? I just like games that are more optimistic! :)
And we've made new plot points and storyline! Like great news for Heather, the deforestation of a lot of the region's routes, and the recurrence of characters that were supposedly gone forever... *cough cough, the Belrose parents and Zina Vanhanen*
We've even made brand new cities and geography for them, too!! (Again, we'll touch up on these in a later post with finished maps and fixed details. Like the Jade Jungle is supposed to be bigger, etc.) First is Aquamarine City on Turquoise Island!
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The Turquoise Islands have a tropical climate and are located in the Azurine Lake just under Reborn City. The island and city, Aquamarine City, are largely based on Florida and California. It and Coral Ward are conneceted by a large bridge that crosses the Azurine Lake. The surrounding geography includes jungles, beaches, coves, and mountains! It also has a string of small uninhabited islands called the Scallop Isands and a world-renowned tourist attraction called Draconite Isle, which features a dangerous temple that reportedly withholds treasures!
Second is Flinthearth Town!
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The climate in the Flint Forest is humid temperate with hot summers and cold winters. Being located just south of Spinel Town, the area and town draw inspiration mostly from Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and Texas. Many trains connect it to other territories of the region, including Spinel. The geography of the area is comprised of forests, mountains, lakes, and terraces. Their greatest attractions are the annual Flinthearth Fair (mirroring the Lincoln County Fair among other county fairs) and the abandoned (and reportedly haunted!) Alabaster Castle!
Shout out to @nommyzommy for her wonderful artwork on the maps! Expect to see refined future references for the areas on her page!
Thank you so so so much for asking!!! We'll begin posting about RR more in future updates! It makes me so happy to answer questions like this! And sorry for the longass post :P
Thanks for the ask, and stay groovy! <3
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crystal-archives · 4 years
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Give it an applause for the Seijaya Sisters, Lumi and Eveeee!!!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
With some new style and their type persona, the sisters are diving into the Chronicverse along with an older brother, who canonically isn't and was merged with them, but the Magnezone Incident never happened so yes...
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pokefangamebrainrot · 15 days
If you still feel like doing more headcanons then can you talk about Eve next? The other sister in that ZEL system trio.
sure!! the last in the trio :))
Evelynn Seijaya headcanons
-she dances, tap and ballet in particular. it helps her de-stress when the job gets to her
-she gets super into d&d- but instead of being into the roleplay like lumi, she makes the most amazing and broken character builds
-she’s dyslexic, only being able to force herself to read when it comes to numbers. she prefers to work with her hands as a result of this
-she’s a lesbian
-she becomes reborn’s chief of scientific advancements and engineering in the post game
-she completely shut off her emotions after her parents died. she had to take care of lumi, there was no time to grieve
-florinia bonds with her over both striving to embrace their emotions
-she helps zero get a job as her secretary when he’s trying to get back on his feet
-she’s very supportive of lumi’s goals. she doesn’t want her sister to have to go through the same chronic stress she had to endure
-as a result of the chronic stress, she gets consistent migraines
-her and laura get along very well (but eve’s worried charlotte is a bad influence on lumi)
-espeon helps her deal with her migraines and anxiety attacks
-she hates how scared she is of losing control. she subsequently plans everything as much as she physically can
-she lives a very long happy life helping the city and living with her sister (and occasionally with zero)
hope you enjoyed these!! i adore eve. maybe i’ll make some zel art as a result of these asks
thanks for the ask!
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crystal-archives · 5 years
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The Zeltastic Trio
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