#even if i regret the tattoo in the future when im old
this is going to sound silly but
yknow that club night that I go to that I have mentioned on here a few times
the day after tomorrow I'm getting a tattoo for it and I'm so excited!!! I cannot wait!!!
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darlindandelion · 7 months
Anyone else feel like they've been responsible for everything their whole lives?
As a parentified child, I had too much responsibility as a kid, and all I could do was dream about the day I was an adult and I could be irresponsible but now I'm an adult and I have even more responsibilities.
I've worked since I was old enough to work. I've been paying taxes basically more years than I haven't. I've never done drugs or done anything illegal other than mild vandalism and I stole a bag of chips when I was 8. The most rebellious thing I'd do is go to the park near my house in the middle of the night WITH MY PARENTS PERMISSION.
I've never gone on a road trip, I've never seen a waterfall, I've barely been out of my state. And I'll I do is responsible things. I wanna do something crazy. I wanna do whippets and go to maine.
I cant even dye my hair anymore cuz of my job and because I know future me will regret it since I just grew out the stained green beetlejuice dye. I cant get a tattoo because i dont have the time because im always at work. I cant stay up all night anymore because I wake up at 4am to open a goddamn gas station. I cant smoke weed because I babysit and I worry that I'll get high and never get unhigh and then I have to babysit high.
I ate doritos yesterday and that was my naughty rebellious thing for the month and it gave me a headache.
I dont know what thesis of this post is, I'm just tired
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newkittypoom · 1 year
i saw a post in the tags about someone who wished the ending of os2 nlmg was different, and that's their preference, but it made me think about how i feel about the ending
i kind of like how nueng still persists in choosing what he wants to do for himself, because that's something he never got growing up despite being the privileged rich kid
he's always been shouldering the burden of behaving the way others want him to because that's what they expect of him, and the whole story of nlmg was about how palm is the only one hes ever felt like he could be himself with, the only one who has always supported him no matter what choices he makes because palm loves nueng for who he is, not what nueng does for palm
palm was the first person who showed him that nueng doesn't have to pretend to be someone else or make choices that he thinks they want him to make, to be loved by someone
and from the start to the end, regardless of the growth palm goes through in the narrative, his duty has always been his heart and that's choosing nueng. it's always been the easiest choice for him, even if everyone tells him that it shouldn't be his choice.
i love that nueng chooses to pursue his master's degree because he trusts whatever decision palm will make, because he's sure that palm will love him even if they need to spend more time apart. and that brief moment of disappointment was probably his past experiences with others triggering that sadness, especially with the ambiguous way palm worded it.
but i also love how palm chose to grow with nueng, because these are all things that he never would've even considered back as a young man in a rural fishing village. meeting his mom again, getting a tattoo of the person he loves, running his own bar, opening a restaurant, buying his own car, getting to travel outside of thailand?
he had no idea what he wanted to do back then in ep 1 on that fishing boat, but being with nueng gives him the inspiration and also the courage to pursue all these things. because nueng believes palm deserves all these things. and palm is probably starting to believe that these are all things he gets to have.
sure, he did have that frustration when nueng first told him, but we already know that palm is hotheaded, does things he regrets reflexively, but he never means any of it (referencing that one scene after mama mam dies and they reach that cliffside, palm is losing his shit and he shoves nueng instinctively, but when nueng actually tries to leave, palm doesn't actually want him to)
i feel like palm's reaction is a very normal emotional response to being told that the person you love will have to be parted from you longer than you originally expected, especially when you're already emotionally distressed by being slingshot like over 100 years into the past into your supposed previous incarnation
sometimes, i think we want characters to always perform the emotionally regulated, healthy, mature response, but palm is just some 21 year old dude (assuming that three years passed since they were 18 year old high school seniors, according to the video call captions in the first bit of ep 1) who's allowed to get mad first and then think later
honestly happy with the ending nueng and palm got, i'm sad to let these two little shits go but i hope pond and phuwin have more works together in the future and im definitely going to be checking out fish upon the sky now that i've watched nlmg and i hope i like pimork just as much as i liked palmnueng
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villavineyards · 2 years
us against the world
i got my hands on an old katy perry song and im making it everyone's problem. tonight let us imagine a the one that got away scenario with willem and them regretting dropping mc so soon as they near the finale and they see mc happily smitten with bruno
cw: sad undertones, words of regret, unrequited love, open for all audiences
wc: 1.8k
will thinks to themself about the exact moment they knew they'd went down the wrong path. maybe things would have been better if mc had never coupled up with them in the first place, because at least then will wouldn't have to know what they're missing out on.
but, his favorite moment has to have been on that first night they met, after mc'd won the heartrate challenge and got kobi to dance on them. will liked that even though mc didn't dance on him, they still took him aside to talk after everything settled down.
"it's crazy, you in here now when we're all just getting used to each other."
"i can gladly leave if that's what you're saying here will," you'd said back in a snap, making will laugh before they'd knew what was happening. "funny gal you are, mc. don't leave me so soon though, you haven't even seen us shirtless yet." they'd slyly flirted, which didn't go unnoticed by you. "oh, i've been watching the show so far. can't say i'm too impressed, really." you'd said, eyes low and inviting.
"i'd say it's better in person, right?" he'd asked, not at all insecure and shifting slightly to face mc better. "you tell me," you'd said back, fully facing will now and your faces inches apart. will would have kissed you then, someone so similar to him and enthralling and everything he thinks he'd wished for, but loved the tension and pulled away.
and you'd stayed up there for so long with each other, the two of you talking about work and family and your relationship values and what you want to gain out of the summer. will wasn't sure when they'd got to this point, but you were talking about your high school experience and how you'd knew you wanted to be a performer.
"okay, you know katy perry right? well i saw her in concert, and she performed this one song that changed my life. the one that got away, acoustic version. it was like, the prime of songwriting to me- there had never been a written piece that resonated so strongly with me, that even now i reference to in my romantic relationships. it's totally weird, but it's my favorite song in the world ever." you spoke on, and will watched in admiration. he'd told you that it is weird yes, but it's sweet that you liked the song so much and they respected how strongly you stood behind it. they saw you for the first time, he thinks, especially when you'd talked about your sleeve tattoos after that.
you'd pointed to an innocent seahorse, outlined in purple and blue. you'd explained to will that the colors matched your ex's own tattoo of a starfish and that, if you two stood next to each other, would almost perfectly fit with the other. "maybe the artist knew something we didn't, by not making the tattoos line up. either way, i don't regret a thing. i like the ocean, so no harm done." you'd said dreamily, not bothered in the slightest. will then, almost in disbelief, pointed out a tattoo they have of a starfish on his back- you two had howled in laughter, doubling over and faces red as you both reached for the other amidst all the laughing.
"in another life..." he'd joked, both about the song and your seemingly matching tattoos. you nodded along, catching your breath as you smiled at them. "maybe. at least now we have halloween costume ideas, right?" you two were calming down, and will thought about their future in the show for probably the first time ever. and he liked it.
things went so smoothly after that, and coupling up with mc felt like the first right thing that had happened that summer. it scared will. what if you really were too good to be true, and you two hurt each other in the end? it's always like this, will thinks, where he doesn't want a good thing to end so he ends it first.
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they remember mc's reaction when they said they wanted mc to not pick them at the recoupling. mc got out of the lilo, threw her hands up and said 'lovely will, have a great rest of your summer!' and walked off dramatically. at the time, will thought they'd dodged a bullet seeing mc so childishly end the argument. but now they know it was a moment of passion- they understand that more than anyone in the villa.
they also remember when mc washed their hair after the hotdog challenge, and when she'd explained all of that to them.
"i'm sorry will. for how i acted towards you and thabi that day in the pool. i have no excuse other than that i was upset at myself for having fallen so hard for you, and clearly put my eggs in the wrong basket. it wasn't anything personal, and i'm sorry if it made you or thabi uncomfortable. that's the last thing i'd want; you're a good pair."
will had told you about their thabi troubles then, and felt your hands stop in their hair briefly before continuing your ministrations. "well, i'm sorry to hear that then. at least you gave it a shot, right?" will wasn't sure if you'd said that bitterly or not, and the way you chuckled didn't help, but he found the humor in it all the same. "yeah.." they'd trailed off, not sure if this was a good time to apologize as well until you told them you'd finished up with their hair. will was suddenly very aware they were naked, and wasn't sure how things were so casual up until that moment. will knew they absolutely could have done something at that moment, but instead gave you a pat on the shoulder before shuffling away.
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why was he so nervous? willem kimura did not get nervous. ever.
but when they saw the way you'd sprawled yourself out on the couch, he figured it was now or never. 'what's the least creepy way i can wake mc up?' they questioned, before eventually just leaning down to put a hand on your shoulder and seeing if fate would be on his side.
you leapt up comically, and dazedly mumbled about being queen of the couch. you looked pretty sleepy, but still were open to forgive him for interrupting your precious nap. they grinned bashfully, and crouched into your eye-view.
"i didn't mean to scare the queen of the couch. i just have some urgent business with her, if she'll allow it." he said, and once you granted him an audience, he continued.
"it's kinda serious... like, the ocean breeze in the morning kind of serious. the first dusting of rain after a hot summer day, every drop with its own purpose to serve until it hits the ground."
"ocean breeze sounds serious."
they nodded solemnly, tenderly fixing a gaze on you as your eyes began to clear up. "yeah. the ocean breeze, it's cool and refreshing, yknow? makes you more aware of things and feel more alert.. which is relevant to what i want to say. which, uh, which is... that i feel something with you still. that spark, you know? i can honestly tell you that it never went away, no matter what happened between us or not. and... when you washed my hair yesterday?" they paused for effect, hand touching their chest and a small smile playing on his lips.
"i liked the way your fingers moved, like if you were washing all the stress from me."
"i guess i was, in a way. your hair had loads of stuff in it."
"so true. i guess, it's just like... it makes me feel like there could still be something between us. something that could like, blossom into more.. like a well-rooted tree. do you know what the isu tree is?"
"oh, cool! so you know that when it's fully grown, the roots sink into the ground and live for a long time- you just need to give it a chance to grow." they finished with a nod. "just think about it, and do whatever feels right, okay? i'll be off at the pool for today, if you want to find me again."
they walked away before you could respond, and sat on the lounger with a huff.
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will tried not to be bitter. he really did. he didn't own you, he had no claim on you whatsoever. so why do they feel this way?
he'd even told you before he was not the jealous type, and that's true. the more the merrier! but for the first time, seeing you with bruno as his arm wrapped around your middle and your head laid on his shoulder, the same day as will'd confessed to you.. they didn't like it.
maybe will was too late? he had no regrets in anything ever, but they were thinking back on the summer and everything they'd gone through. leaving for thabi, getting stolen by valentina, getting back with thabi... and now here. alone. thoroughly crushed as he witnessed you pick bruno again.
will tried not to be creepy about it, they really did. he couldn't help staring, a million thoughts going through their head. he'd watched the way bruno's hand basically caressed your upper arm, right over your tattoos and will saw the way bruno lightly pressed on them, making you giggle and turn slightly. will's eyes narrowed on your seahorse that was practically glaring at him, and looked away before things got too weird.
will wanted to talk to you again, to apologize for putting you on the spot again and to let you know they had no hard feelings over not getting picked again. and, he knew it was bad, but maybe he could turn the tides just a little in their favor. maybe. all to be seen, and he wanted to see you right away. before he could, he stopped by the dressing room to put on just two more spritzes of his cologne, and ran his fingers through his hair. he looked at himself blankly in the mirror, wondering how it got to this point, and then set off to find you.
easier said than done, because will could literally not find you for the rest of the evening.
as the night came to a close, will finally spotted the top of your head near the daybeds, but heard you and bruno speaking to each other and forced himself to walk away as to not intrude. will would've kicked themself if they could, losing all momentum as he turned to walk away. before he could though, he heard six words from bruno's voice that let will know they'd lost.
"us against the world, right babe?"
will didn't have to see to understand how happy that probably made you, both because that's your favorite song (had bruno seen that part you'd shared to will on tv before he came in?) and because will remembered you value devotion above all. he stopped in his tracks, in the doorway entering the inside of the villa, and felt heavier than ever as they made their way inside finally.
it was over.
there was no coming back from that.
tbh guys none of the islanders make me want to write sad stories like will LMAOOO i see so much of myself in him and i guess that part of me that understands them as a character is also the part that doesn't like him HAJDFKASKJDH i'm insufferable and sappy as hell so idk i see this misunderstood artiste leads with their heart type and i'm like yeah let's kill the vibe and all chances of happiness... more to come
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hargroves-angel · 5 years
 Masterlist - Upgraded ⚡️
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• Key • Fluff - ★ • Smut - ♡ • Angst - ♧ •
Up Coming Things Masterlist
- Masterlist of all the new things I have planned!
Prompt Requests Masterlist
Series • Billy Hargrove X Reader •
• Cookies And Cream • ★ ♡ ♧ •
| Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 |
• Time Changes People • ★ ♡ ♧ •
 Masterlist | Teaser | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |
Series • Billy Hargrove X OC •
- An Angels Kiss - _ _ _ -
(Coming Soon...)
Mini Series • Billy Hargrove •
Protective | Part 1 | Part 2 |
- Billy always has your back especially when kids are being assholes. 
She Calls Me Daddy Too | Part 1 | Part 2 |
- You’re Hoppers daughter and Billy likes to piss him off.
She's kinda hot though (Henderson! Reader) | Part 1 | Part 2 |
- Billy likes Y/N Henderson but she doesn't really understand the concept of flirting.
Badass (Harrington! Reader) | Part 1 | Part 2 |
- The hot chick behind Harrington gains Billys interest.
Fluff • ★ •
Comfy Cuddles And A Slight Breeze
- A night cute movie night with Billy 
Jealous Billy Headcannons
- Headcannons for jealous Billy
Quit It
- You've been trying to get Billy to quit smoking.
- Billy playing with you hair
Video Game Lover 
- Billy takes a liking to the girl who works at the arcade 
“Just Friends” 
- Billy and you are just friends. But you both know that you want bit more than that, and so doesn't everyone around you, Its just time for you both to own up to that.
Pools Of Honey (Biracial! Reader)
- Billy can’t stand people being rude to you.
It’s Ok Now Baby
- You're a bit touch starved and stressed, all you want is Billy.
Music Lover
- The girl in Billys detention, seems to have caught his attention, she loves music as well.
- Billy finds you so cute, you’re so different from his usual type and he finds you adorable.
Sweet Love Triangle (Henderson! Reader)
- Billy likes you but you like Steve, what could happen?
High With You
- Getting high with Billy and friends.
Wedding Bells 
- Yours and Billys wedding.
California Baby 
- You get Billy tickets to go to California for your anniversary.
Might Be Fun
- Billy is desperate to get with the Henderson he's fallen for but she isn't so keen herself.
Ice Cream And Sunscreen 
- You take the party to the pool to visit Billy whilst he's working there.
Double Date
- You and Billy go on a double date with Carol and Tommy to a drive in movie.
Summer Fair
- Going to the summer fair in Hawkins with Billy.
- Billy promising you with his moms ring.
- You and Billy get a couples tattoo.
Diner Date (Henderson! Reader) 
- A fifth date with Billy at a nearby diner.
Puppy Love
- Billy gets a job at a local veterans clinic.
- Billy doesn't like how his little step-sister is getting all the attention he's used to getting from you.
Pillow Talk
- Billy knows what he wants in the future. 
Im Not Scared... (Henderson! Reader)
- Billy takes you to go see Children Of The Corn but he doesn't realise that horror movies don’t phase you that much anymore, but hey sure as hell scare him.
Bikini Babe 
- Billy showing you off at the pool.
Prom night
- Billy takes you to prom.
I Love You For You
- Billy has been working out a bit too much to gain back his muscles he feels as though he's lost recently.
First Day Of Kindergarten
- Billy is a bit emotional on his daughters first day of kindergarten.
I Love You
- Billy is in love.
“Do You Love Billy?”
- You and Billy being soft at a movie night with the gang.
Dad Material 
- Billy has a soft spot for little ones.
Teddy Bear
- Billy loves his adorable girlfriend.
He’s Home
- Billy loves his family.
Smut • ♡ •
Lavender Lace 
- Your first time with Billy
Everything’s Ok Now
- Billy has a nightmare about the events that happened in season 3, and all he wants to do is forget about it.
Beautiful (Plus Size! Reader)
- You drove to Billys house, tears streaming down your face, you were so done, done with all your fathers bullshit. You were meant to to be going on a date with Billy but ended up missing it due to your father.
Birthday Boy
- It’s Billys birthday and you have a plan to spoil him.
- First time feels with Billy.
Officer Hargrove (Cop! Billy)
- You and officer Hargrove have a small arrangement regarding your sentence.
Backseat Lovin’
- You and Billy get down and dirty during drive in movie date.
Number 15 
- Things get a little bit spicy after a basketball game.
- You give Billy something to remember you for when you’re not around.
Keg Queen
- Billy likes the look of the new Keg Queen.
Being Horny And Pregnant
- You need Billy to help you get off because there is a certain baby bump in your way.
- Billy needs you after his father has hurt him once again.
Dirty Little Secret 
- Things get seamy after you find a little something in his draw.
Locker Room Loving
- You and billy get busy in the locker rooms. 
NSFW Alphabet 
- NSFW Alphabet with Billy.
- You and Billy get interrupted.
- Billy lays down some rules.
- Billy looks so good whilst he's working out.
- Things get steamy during a football match.
All The Good Girls Go To Hell
- You skip church because you’re horny for Billy.
Poor Max
- Max walks in on you and billy in an intimate position.
- Billy with a size kink.
Green Eyed Monster 
- Carol doesn't like the fact that you've managed to charm your way into Hargrove's pants.
Queen Of Hawkins
- Billy is smitten with the dominant Queen of Hawkins.
 - You decide to reward Billy for winning his last basketball match.
- Billy finally makes love to the girl who saved him from falling down a dark hole after the events of last summer.
Bad Girl 
- Trying BDSM with Billy.
Sweet Love
- Billy makes sweet love to you after a perfect proposal.
Take Things Slow
- Billy reflects back on his first time.
Scream My Name
- Billy doesn't like it when you're too shy.
His Damn Ego 
- Billy and his damn ego.
So Needy
- Thigh riding with Billy.
The Little Things You Do
- The little things you do that rile Billy up.
Kinky Fucker
- A few of Billys kinks hehe.
Angst • ♧ •
- Billy opens up to Y/N about about his father and finds out she's struggling with something similar.
Tire Screech 
- You thought that Tom was all you had left but after meeting Billy you knew what you two had wasn’t love.
- The new kid Harrison likes you, but you're dating Billy so he decides to give you some ‘new’ information on Billy.
Bittersweet Symphony
- Billys always had this pent up frustration and anger within him which he's never known how to let out, until you show him your fathers old drum kit.
You’re an angel (Biracial! Reader)
- You want to meet Billys parents but he seems hesitant.
A Great Dad
- Billy will always protect his family.
Little Quirks
- Billy falls for the sweet girl who was once enraptured by Steve Harrington.
Im Sorry Angel
- Billys jealously could use some work.
I Really Fucking Like You Billy Hargrove
- Billy does something that he regrets, letting his temper get the best of him, resulting in you and him having an argument. However this just makes Billy even more angry and upsetting causing Max to have to help her brother out.
Don’t Come Near Her Again
- You boyfriend Colby hurt you again but Billy decides he won't stand for it.
‘For Y/N’
- Ever since your mothers seat you've felt numb, but Billys been there for you everyday, at exactly 4:30 pm to check up on you, until you’re ready.
Other • ★ / ♡ / ♧ •
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hoplessdreamer9796 · 4 years
BTS 8th Member - Your Friends
Best Friends: Kim Hanbin (B.I from Ikon. (Pretend he’s still in Ikon and YG didn’t snake one of their best artists.) Your mothers are best friends and so when you moved to Korea, he was the only person you knew so you clung to each other. He was also one of your best friends through high school. He is your best friend and you both have always been there for each other. The both of you tried alcohol for the first time together, which you stole from his father’s liquor cabinet. Were there for each other’s first relationships and first heartbreaks. You were there for his parents’ divorce at 12 (I made this up idk if it’s true). You ditched classes and went to go sit on the roof of your apartment building to talk about your futures together. His aspirations for music and yours to live peacefully. In your friendship group he is the grandfather that clings to his youth. He hates any physical activities other than mountain hiking but loves going on nights out. You both even got matching tattoos as soon as it was legal, and it will be explained later. “You can’t push me away Y/N! So, get angry, scream and shout but I’m not going anywhere! I’m your best friend that shit doesn’t work on me!”) Park Shinhye (Despite your age difference you two are best friends, you consider each other sisters. Grew close because you both work in the entertainment industry but both don’t have girls around you, you by being in BTS and her by being an actress so when you both met at an award show soon after BTS debuted you clicked. You both were there for each other threw everything. She’s one of your best friends and you often have movie nights when you’re both free. She cried for you when BTS won a daesang for the first time, that moment went viral. BTS walked off the stage, and were still visible by fans but near backstage, and you two ran at each other like dramatic losers as she was crying more than you were and you were both shouting at each other to stop crying while continuing to hug. Fans love that moment and your friendship. She often states that you are her best friend both in this industry and in life. “I never really thought it was possible to connect to someone like that. But I honestly think that in another life we were sisters.”) Min Sooah (Best friend from high school is your secretary, for now, and is one of your pillars. You would not be able to function without her. There’s an ongoing joke that she is basically your mother, you worry her to no end. She is very grateful to you. After her father broke his hip and was not able to continue working, she had to drop out of university to go to work. You gave her the job as your secretary despite her not being qualified. You needed someone you trusted, and you knew she would work hard. Now she is one of the most important people in your company. She is the Dad of the group always complaining about how “I gave up my youth to look after you brats and none of you have time to spend with me? Okay I see how it is. Daehyun this is your influence on them!”) Ok Hwayoung (Best friend from high school now she is your personal shopper. After university she became a personal shopper, and you thanked the sky’s because she chooses all of your clothes to pack when traveling or when you have formal business meetings. You like buying clothes but you hate the process of shopping and trying things on, so you tell her what pieces you want, and she’ll get it. She also organises your wardrobe ‘cause she’s OCD like that. She also is a hopeless romantic and is constantly trying to talk you and Hangyeol into giving up your partying lifestyle because, “How are we supposed to have a group wedding if you don’t let yourselves find the ones you idiots?!”) Lee Hangyeol (Best friend from high school he owns a mechanics and auto repair shop and he is the only one you trust with you cars. He is also the only one of your best friends who encourages you attitude towards your love life as he is also not into committed relationships. You're both each other’s wingmen. You guys are basically the epitome of lads’ lads when around each other. You’re the loud, annoying people in a bar gassing each other up to chug your drinks down. Whenever one wants to go on a night out the other is always down. “Who needs a relationship? Tequila is just as good. Gives me a fun night and then when the fun wears off it give me a headache and regrets. That’s basically a relationship.”) Tae Daehyun (Best friend from high school he works as a pd on tv shows mainly running man. He was also on the track team back in high school. The two of you often go out on runs together. After seeing what the industry is like behind the camera, he worries a lot for you. Especially since he knows no matter how crappy you feel you’d rather down the nearest bottle of alcohol than talk about it. So, he always tries to let you know if you need to talk, he’s there. Also hates how much you and Hangyeol drink and always tries to make sure you guys eat a proper meal before going out and drinking. He’s also the one in your friend group who can be bothered to cook, he got so offended when he found out you hired a personal chef but then he tasted her food and is okay with it. He’s the Mum of the group. “What the hell is wrong with you all? You can’t throw a knife at the apple on his his head! Are you crazy? See this is what I have to deal with Sooah. But if you weren’t so busy working, you’d know that!”) Ryeo Chungae (Best friend from high school and she works on the public relations for your company. When she first joined your company, she always felt like she got the job because she’s your friend, but you wouldn’t have given her the job if you didn’t think she could do it. She went through a hard time when her boyfriend cheated on her with her old boss. Instead of being scared of falling in love again she wants love. Trying to convince you and Hangyeol that it’s is amazing when secretly she is glad that you won’t be able to get hurt. She is a pushover in all aspects of life except for work. When it comes to work, she is a force to be reckoned with. So instead of staying at her old job with her boss she resigned after making a scene about the boss sleeping with her boyfriend which got said boss fired. When she is with all of your friends, she is also very outspoken and opinionated. However, when it comes to people she isn’t comfortable with her anxiety acts up. You and all your friends are protective of her in situations where her anxiety gets bad. Her ideal life is a Hallmark movie. “One day I’m gunna meet the man of my dreams. He’s gunna be tall and handsome and most importantly he’ll take me away from all of you dumbass motherfuckers.”) Hak Daeho (Best friend from high school he works at Songsun’s shop as and is in charge of customising cars. He is the one that never wants to go out and always wants to stay home. He prefers a night in with his friends than at some stupid club where Y/N and Hangyeol ditch a half hour after arriving, most of the time. He doesn’t have the best relationship with his family after they found out he didn’t want to become a lawyer like his parents and siblings. His parents kicked him out and cut him off. Y/N payed for his college tuition even though he protested, you just said it was a loan and that he can pay you back someday. However, after he had been able to save up to pay you back you told him to shut up and buy a damn apartment which is what he did. Thanking the universes for his friends. He stayed in an apartment with Hwayoung, Daehyun and Chungae during college and no matter how many times he couldn’t pay rent his friends always had his back. It also helped that every time you visited you stocked the fridge and freezer. He thinks of you all as family more than he does of his own family. “You guys are a bunch of fucking idiots. Like you’re my family but damn you guys are stupid.”) Park Soomi (Best friend from high school. She is the most subscribed to female Korean youtuber with 11 million subscribers. She is also and ambassador for Jeonsa cosmetics although at first, she didn’t want to be as she felt like it would be using her friendship with you to her advantage. However, after you convinced her to accept, she did. You also knew that you could trust her since she has always been honest with you and never expects anything from you. You also knew that she would be advantageous for your company so it’s not like you’re just giving her money your promoting your company through her brand. After you explained this she reluctantly agreed. She is the loud, chaotic crackhead of the group. Constantly doing dumb shit. “Hey guys my pineapple was being difficult long story short we no longer have a microwave.”) Im Kyungmin (Best friend from high school, he is a part of Soul & Bones, a hip-hop and house dance crew. When you were younger all of your friends would go to his contests. Everything you learned about dancing you learned from watching that crew. You always loved the way their dancing looked and the atmosphere they created. But you were realistic with your situation knowing you’d never get to dance. When Bang pd wanted you to be a trainee you were hesitant, but he practically dragged you to that audition. And during trainee days he helped you with your dancing. He says your better than him now, but you know you’re not. Soon after you became a billionaire Soul & Bones were set to end. Their investor pulled out and most dance crews are under entertainment companies unlike soul & Bones. Kyungmin was devastated, Soul & Bones was his whole life. So, when you decided to fund it he was conflicted. On one hand he was thankful and on the other hand he was guilty. But after you told him what the crew meant to you, how you were also friends with everyone else in the crew and couldn’t let it end when you could do something about it he was on board. You however made it clear you don’t own Soul & Bones you just pay for things. Now it is considered the best hip-hop dance crew in Korea and one of the best in the world. He is the one in your group who seems high most of the time but isn’t. “I think that pizza is thinking shit about me... I’m gunna eat it not ‘cause I want to but because it needs to die!”) Close Friends: Mark Tuan (You met at a BTS and Got7 collaboration for and you both clicked immediately because you were both from western countries, you were both raised in similar cultures so you had become close friends easily. It is also less lonely when you both miss your home countries if you’re around each other. It was surprising because your personalities are the opposite, but you bring him out of his shell. Whenever you guys meet you always speak in English and it’s a relief for both of you since it is your first language no matter how long you’re in Korea. You both also relate on how different your home countries’ standards are compared to Korea in terms of public image, behaviour and many other things. It’s very easy to be your true selves around each other. ) Choi Youngjae (You guys are the same age so you clicked easily. Even though you’re closer to Mark you’re still close to Youngjae. The guy is literal sunshine it hard not to like him. There is also a group of idols born in 1996 who he is a part of.) BTS and Got7 are both close to each other so you are friendly with all the members. But you are the closest with Mark. Woo Jiho (Zico. You both met when BTS and Block B did a collaboration at mama. Namjoon and him knew each other but they weren’t that close, so it was unexpected when you and he hit it off. You are both close friends and hang out when you can. He often asks for your opinion with his music and the two of you once spent an entire night just messing around in the studio. He says that you are one of the only people to get him to take a break, when he’s in work mode, and to have some fun. Clubbing isn’t really his scene so you and Jaemin often have to beg him to go out drinking with you guys. He used to have feelings for you but after some time in the friendzone he realised he is okay with you not having feelings for him as long as you are in his life. No one knows about the feelings he had for you.) Lee Jaemin (A YouTuber who has 7 million subscribers. The two of you met through Jiho and got along very well because you both like alcohol and clubbing. However, he maintains a clean public image, so your company is fine with you being seen in public together. Your members aren’t very fond of him since the time he showed up at the dorm drunk looking for you and threw up in a plant. They think he is a bad influence, but you know what he was going through and know he’s a good person. He feels like he can be himself around you without feeling judged. Yoongi really hates him and the friendship you two have.) Kang Yujin (She is an Instagram model who has 18 million followers and 2 million subscribers on YouTube. She met you and Jiho through Jaemin. However, once the public found out about your friendship many thought she was using you in order to work with Jeonsa cosmetics. But you knew this wasn’t true. Yujin was the kind of person to drive to McDonald's for you at three in the morning when you had a nightmare about your father and wouldn’t tell her what it was about. The kind of person to kill spiders for you even though she’s scared of bugs too. And due to the public’s reaction, she was scared you would end up thinking the same of her. You told her how you knew what kind of person she was and in order to make a statement to the public you both posted a photo together on her Instagram announcing her endorsing your company. She is a very close friend and an older sister figure to you.) You, Zico, Jaemin and Yujin often go bowling together or go out to eat and are also drinking buddies you are very close to them. The four of you are often spotted in public together. Kang Seungyoon (You both met through Hanbin and both of your personalities go very well together. Musically you both also mesh very well together. You both also often play pool together and he gets triggered at how he’s played longer but you kick his ass at it. Whenever you both have the time you go out for food and drinks and spend all nigh playing pool and all night, he complains that you’re a cheater and he won’t stand for it. He’s a very good friend.) Kim Jisoo (You met her first, soon after they debuted, in the bathroom. The two of you clicked and then you met the rest of the group through her. It was easy to become friends with them due to BTS and Blackpink both being at the top of K-pop, so you were a lot more understanding of each other’s situations. She is a very close friend of yours and is an older sister figure to you. She always gets excited when you send her the new launches of Jeonsa cosmetics and does vlives talking about it.) Kim Jennie (Despite Jennie being introverted you charmed her during your first conversation. She found it very easy to talk to you despite being slightly nervous and you were her sunbae. She was surprised how easy it was to talk to you. You are a people person, and she is not so like most other extroverts she’s met she thought you would clash but surprisingly your personalities match very well. You bring out the fun in her.) Lalisa Manobal (Lisa. She looks up to you a lot in terms of your dancing. She is very clingy towards you when you meet, and you love her crackhead energy. You learnt to speak Thai early after BTS’ debut, this made Lisa feel like she could connect to you on a deeper level. You have also helped her with the racist side of K-pop, her being Thai and you being half Arabic you’re both no stranger to how harsh netizens are. As you have been going through it for longer than her you are able to comfort her (kind of because you’re emotionally stupid but you try and push that aside for your friend).) Park Chaeyoung (Rose. She was also born in a western country so when she met you it helped her feel less homesick. You both often talk about childhood TV shows together and relate to each other when people talk about Korean things from their childhood that you have no idea about. Even though you’re from different places it’s nice having someone who understands the difficulties of moving from western culture to eastern.) Kwon Jiyong (Gdragon. You guys met backstage at an award show when BTS and Bigbang met. The groups are casual with each other, but you and he became very close especially because you’re friends with many YG artists. You also both like to party a lot and often go out together. He views you as a very close friend and is often nagging at you to eat and rest properly You try and hang out whenever you both have time.) Matthew Kim (BM. You two met during an inkigayo. He got lost and was swearing in English. So, you approached him and asked in English if he was okay. You helped him find his way back to his dressing room. He knew who you were and that you were British as BTS was well known then. However, he was expecting you to be arrogant and was pleasantly surprised with how nice you were. You and he got along well as you have similar personalities. Both extroverted. The two of you also quickly found out about your shared love of partying and clubbing and now you often go out together.) Peniel Shin, Ashley Choi, Amber Liu, Stephanie Young Hwang (These are some of your other western born K-pop friends.) Red velvet (You are good friends with the group mainly Joy as you are the same age. You, them and Blackpink try to go out together when you can. Irene is also very protective over you and sees you like a little sister.) Park Chanyeol (You have very similar attitudes you were good acquaintances but then you both worked together on the Goblin ost (Pretend it was you instead of Punch p.s I love that song so fucking much.) He always tries convincing you to let him drive your cars and you always say no. He’s a very fun person and you guys have a good laugh together.) You’re friendly with the rest of the Exo members but the closest to Chanyeol. Your best friends are: Hanbin, Shinhye, and all of your friends from high school. However, you are still close with the rest of your friends.
26 notes · View notes
Harry Hook x reader Master List
you are perfect you are perfect v2 - written 2021 the scarlet jacket
surprise kiss daughter of queen of hearts anger issues first voice
first voice angst first voice fluff toxic promise  i dont care what they say 
faithful happy birthday harry protective protective v2 - rewritten 
protective p2 (based off the rewritten version)  my first harry hook x reader
sick evies sister! drabble flu sucks forbidden Quartermaster 
enemies are made on neverland  misunderstanding found out dont go wow
joy ride safe - OG post was removed so redirecting to A03  abandoned p1 
abandoned p2 turned p1 turned p2 save me boys and girls of every age
saved saved p2 prompt 128 “don't touch me. we’re fighting”
apple picking with ya boi Drunk!reader  protect when someone hits on you/him
you haven't even touched your food  regret  Umas schemes  pile of blankets 
happy birthday - Daughter of Hades - gift to sweetweasleygirl
commission - forget me not  x sparrow!reader - WICKED
soulmate au- lost things  harry cant swim - drabble 
harry still cant swim - drabble p2  Commission work -Happy Family 
La Bouff!Reader- Different  all bundled up  request - chubby! reader
request - soulmate au! sharing wounds request- no touchy 
request - Fem!Harry x Fem Reader  idk just felt like writing 
Pan! Reader - Misunderstood Queen Halloween special - Sanderson! Reader 
reckless my bonnie lass  Colorless - soulmate au Hypnotic song  pillow stealing
held back p1 - NB! Reader Held back p2  - final  soulmate au - Countdown timer 
soulmate au - Tattoos soulmate au - future vision  cold and bruises
Huma x reader - Brand new  Poly sea 3 x reader - lonely 
modern au - im sorry who? p1(?) dog person  glorious chaos~ 
Huma x NB reader - Commission work 
commission work - Male!Reader - meeting the parents  Oop, better run Hook
Commission work - Swann snapped Happy birthday to me - Rewrite oneshot 
Soccer ball to the face and im yours - Male!Reader Left behind - Audreys sister!
my sisters best friend is the one for me - Umas sister!reader p1
my sisters best friend is the one for me - Umas sister!reader p2 (final)
Halloween fic 2021 - Haunting frights smut fic - fuck pirates am i right?
calm nights with you  flinch smut fic - this isnt what i had in mind
its been a long, long time together again
2020 Christmas fic - First Christmas in Auradon (Claus!Reader)
final straw Buff reader x Simp Harry Smut fic - Relaxing Afternoon
switching places - soulmate body switch au  pet names - nb reader
Smut fic-  Car sex not a fun morning - sick!Reader
sudden library kisses aka pouty man wants kiss from his boyfriend - Male!Reader Grief - pet loss  birthday visits and confessions 
once upon a dream  touch starved  Keep quiet - smut fic 
JTK/Harry Hook Dont fuck with isle kids/old friends Always warm - male! reader
What a steal -ficlet  smut fic - vamp reader  Wanna bite him so bad
commission work -the sea four  - trans masc reader!
Why do i/Good grief - Goodbye to Harry Hook oneshot  Sweet boy
if you will marry me  Fresh from the shower -Smut fic Thief  
three times the fun-smut fic sweet summer - Request  Trust - Request(Male reader)
Sweet mornings-smut fic request-overtime  male-sparrow!reader-request-five times i got punched in the mouth and the one time i got kissed
Can’t stop this feeling - Smut 
 P1 p2 p3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 
Commission 2 parter - unpredictably adorable 
p1 p2
Commission 2 parter - Happily Ever After
p1 p2 
Commission 2 parter - hidden
p1 p2
Commission multipart - do I love her
p1  p2 p3 p4 p5
Commission multipart - used...then loved
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
Commission multipart -love at first sight 
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
2 part commission - the masked princess 
p1 p2
Commission Multipart - a prince behind the pirate 
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15
Commission multipart - Matchmaker
P1 - Jay/Gil P2 - Mal/Evie P3 - Audrey/Uma
P4 - Ben/Lia P5 - Carlos/Valentina P6 - Harry/(y/n)
P7 - Harry/(y/n) p2 (final)
Missing pieces - JTK is Harry Hook - Multipart
intro P1 P2 
Regained passion - multipart 
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 (finale)
Part of your world -D2
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12
p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 p18 epilogue
Reprise - OG POYW -D3
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 final 11 epilogue 
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15
sneak peek for rewrite
p19 p20 p21 p22 p23 p24 p25 - The finale
Part of your world 2.0 - D2
p1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 
Reprise 2.0 -D3
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
Encore 2.0 - AFTER CANON
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 Epilouge 
Rewrite - part of your world- D1
p1  p2 p3 p4 p5 p6  p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 - final
Shuffle playlist - Rewrite poyw- D2
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 -final 
what if? (y/n) went to Uma before Mal? (shuffle au #1)
what if? (y/n) went with Mal to the isle instead of Harry?  (shuffle au #2)
what if? Harry never came to Auradon in D1? (shuffle au #3)
Rewrite Mini-series - Interlude
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
Under the sea; Rewrite
P7 P8 P9 P10 (final)
Rewrite Oneshot - Moments 
Finale - POYW Rewrite- D3
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 -epilogue  
The Hook wedding (Harryxr)
The Royal wedding (Bal)
Remember - BOTW crossover 
p1  p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 p18 p19 p20
p21 p22
daughter of the honorable thief (on being revised and written WIP MODE FOR ALL PARTS, PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE) 
prologue  p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15
here ya go, a master list with all my most recent harry hook x readers!!!
2K notes · View notes
pizzaintheuk · 4 years
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About two month ago started a new Sims 4 account which has a Hetalia character as townies. I don’t have all the packs for Sims 4 but I do use a lot of Mods to do this. Most of the house building I found online.
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Each household has background and drama which was fun the think about. I have written over 10 pages of notes for this town so enjoy.   
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Luper Family
Boris Luper (Bulgaria) - CHILD, VAMPIRE Traits – Cheerful/ Aspiration – Whiz Kid  
Vladimir Luper (Romania) - ADULT, VAMPIRE Traits – Good, Cheerful, Family- Oriented/ Aspiration – Good Vampire
Mai - (Cat) Traits – Affectionate, Clever, Friendly
Vladimir (Vlad) adopted Boris because of his vampire powers
They took Mia in as most people think black cats are unlucky
Vald doesn’t need the money but has a part time job at a coffee shop
Vlad and Arthur have afternoon tea once a month
Vlad wants Boris to be creative so he started playing the violin
Positive atmosphere in the house
Vlad will cook for Boris as he can still eat human food however not very good
Vlad is a good vampire
Vlad hobby is annoying Elizabeta  
Boris talks to Mia when Vlad goes out
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Oxenstierna Family  
Berwald Oxenstierna (Sweden) - YOUNG ADULT Traits – Family – Oriented, Bookworm, Perfectionist/ Aspiration – Successful Lineage
Simon Oxenstierna (Denmark) - YOUNG ADULT Traits – Bro, Goofball, Self- Assured/ Aspiration – Fabuluosly Wealthy
Tino Oxenstierna (Finland) - YOUNG ADULT Traits – Good, Goofball, Cheerful/ Aspiration – Soulmate
Lukas Bondevik (Norway) - YOUNG ADULT/MAGIC Traits – Family- Oriented, Love Outdoors, Bookworm/ Aspiration – Purveyor of Polions
Emil Bondevik (Iceland) - TEEN Traits – Gloomy, Loner/ Aspiration - Angling Ace
Charlotte (Dog) Traits – Jumpy, Smart, Independent
Berwald and Tino are married, Simon is in a relationship with Lukas and Emil is Lukas brother.
Berwald and Simon are brothers but 90% they can’t agree to anything which leave them fighting over stupid things. For example TV remote, who cleaning up and food shopping
Simon is a Manager of a top end company, to bad he to lazy to move out.  
Everyone love Charlotte that the dog get the best treats and love.
Emil keep to himself and hide in the bedroom. No one know he seeing someone 😛
Lukas is over protective with Emil
Tino is a stay at home mum so he does most of the cleaning which Lukas help out using magic
Berwald my find it difficult expressing himself with words but he good at writing it down. His works as a writer.
Simon my be a pain but always help out with bills  
Tino take any holiday seriously!
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Wang Family  
Yao Wang (China) - ADULT Traits – Materialistic, Family- Oriented, Foodie/ Aspiration – Master Chef
Kiku Wang (Japan) - TEEN Traits – Genious, Geek/ Aspiration – Computer Whiz
Li Xiao Wang (Hong Kong) - TEEN Traits – Creative, Gloomy/ Aspiration – Musical Genius  
Im Yong Wang (South Korea) - CHILD Traits – Goofball/ Aspiration – Artistic Prodigy
Lin Yi Wang (Taiwan) Traits – Cheerful/ Aspiration – Rambunctious
Pochi (Dog) Traits – Loyal, Smart, Adventurous  
Yao work as a Chef  
Lin Yi wanted a dog for a very long time so Yao after work went and bought a dog so she can shut up.  
Yao favourite is Kiku because of his talent this make Li Xi jealous.  
Yao too old to deal with drama.
Every meal everyone must come to the table and sit together as a family
Lin Yi and Im Yong are trouble maker when bored.
Kiku goes to see Alfred for game night
Lin Yi love flowers  
Li Xiao goes to Emil for emotional support
Yao helps other household with meals
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Belischmidt Family  
Gilbert Belischmidt (Prussia) - ADULT Traits – Family –Oriented, Self- Assured, Dog Lover/ Aspiration – Friend of the Animals
Ludwig Belischmidt (German) - TEEN Traits – Active, Bookworm/ Aspiration –Academic
Aster (Dog) Traits – Smart, Couch Potato, Friendly
Blockie (Dog) Traits – Adventurous, Active, Independent
Berlitz (Dog) Traits – Sleuth, Couch Potato, Friendly  
Gilbert work as a manual laborer great at his job and the people love him
Francis or Antonio will walk into the house at random times
All dogs are well behaviour and won't hurt anybody
Ludwig can be shy when near to Feliciano
Every Sunday they have a father and son time which include playing football or watch TV
Gilbert is trying to give up drinking because one time he got so drunk Ludwig had to help him get home.
Gilbert and Elizabeta are rivals with who can do the most push ups  
Ludwig very close to his dad will ask about anything
Gilbert want more dogs in the future
Ludwig need to relax than worry what other people will think about him 
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Edelstein Family  
Roderick Edelstein (Austria) - ADULT Traits – Snob, Lazy, Music Lover/ Aspiration – Musical Genius  
Elizabeta Edelstein (Hungary) - ADULT Traits – Active, Good, Cat Lover/ Aspiration – Bodybuilder
Feliciano Edelstein (North Italy) - TEEN Traits – Creative, Art Lover/ Aspiration – Painter Extraordinaire  
Buffi (Cat) Traits – Affectionate, Friendly, Lazy
Roderick work as a professional pianist
Elizabeta is a stay at home mum but gets bored so she goes to the gym or babysit other children round the area
Felliciano has a twin brother (Lovino) but got kick out over a disagreement with the father
Elizabeta still upset about Lovino but Roderick won't speak to him
Elizabeta and Feliciano cook together  
Buffi is the best hot water bottle  
Roderick will drop dead if he has to clean  
Feliciano spend 65% of the time napping
You can tell what mood Roderick by the way he plays on the piano
There is always music playing in the house
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Carriedo Family  
Antonio Carriedo (Spain) – ADULT Traits – Childish, Music Lover, Clumsy /Aspiration - Freelance Botanist
Lovino Edelstein (South Italy)- TEEN Traits – Hot-Headed, Loner/ Aspiration – Master Chef
Antonio is a part-time gardener
Lovino ran away because of an argument with his dad. He doesn’t talk about it but grateful Antonio support him.
Antonio is an old friend of the Edelstein family that why Lovino know him
Antonio is very patient with Lovino
Lovino really miss spending time with his brother
Lovino gets jealous when Antonio goes out with Gilbert or Francis  
Lovino like his own space but does get lonely
Antonio just wants everyone to be happy and will do anything to help them
Tomato solve everything  
Lovino is angry with everything including himself
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Branginsky Family  
Katyusha Branginsky (Ukraine) – YOUNG ADULT Traits – Clumsy, Family- Oriented, Neat/ Aspiration – Successful Lincage
Natalia Branginsky (Belarus) - CHILD/MAGIC Traits – Mean/ Aspiration – Whiz Kid
Ivan Branginsky (Russia) - TEEN Traits – Borderline Personality Disorder, Shy/ Aspiration – Big Happy Family
Katyusha work at a coffee shop, she tries to be the older sister but is ashamed about how little money they have
Very poor but they get by
Natalia has a ghost friend that she talk to at night
Ivan want friends doesn’t know how to do it without freaking people or say something weird
Natalia is slowly making friends
Katyusha gets worried when Ivan doesn’t want to leave his bedroom
Ivan will knit anything  
Yao will come by with food
Something always breaks in the house
Natalia is scary when she angry
(Will Upload image soon!!!!!)
Zwingli Family  
Basch Zwingli (Switzerland) - ADULT Traits – Family- Oriented, Loner, Perfectionst/ Aspiration – Successful Lineage
Eva Zwingli (Liechtenstein) - CHILD Traits – Good/ Aspiration – Artistic Prodigy  
Basch is Eva father  
Basch is the chief of the town
Basch double check people background (doesn’t trust no one)
Eva doesn’t have a bad bone in her body  
Elizabeta babysits Eva when Basch is busy working
Basch and Roderick are old friends  
If anyone upset Eva expect Basch to threaten them with his gun
Eva love drawing pictures of Basch looking happy  
Eva is really good friends with Natatia  
Basch never talks about his job
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Kirkland Family  
Arthur Kirkland (England) - ADULT/MAGIC Traits – Hot-Headed, Bookworm, Snob/ Aspiration – Spellcraft + Sorcery
Alfred Kirkland (America) - TEEN Traits – Active, Goofball/ Aspiration – Leader of the Pack
Arthur work as a teacher  
Arthur is Alfred father  
Arthur is divorced to Francis. One night at a pub he saw Francis flirting with someone else. They spilt everything which including Alfred and Matthew.
Arthur not happy with Alfred tattoo even though he got a big tattoo on his arm when he was young
Alfred wants to be everyone friends and try to fix everyone problems which can make the issue a lot worst
Alfred doesn’t like Ivan because Ivan knows how insecure Alfred is with himself (doesn’t like rejection)
Arthur can’t cook but his magic can fix that
At times when they have a heated argument Arthur wish he had Matthew instead of Alfred
Alfred will make a cup of tea for Arthur before telling bad news (example bad report in school)
Alfred spend most of his time gaming or going out 
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Bonnefoy Family  
Francis Bonnefoy (France) - ADULT Traits – Art Lover, Foodie, Romantic/ Aspiration – Soulmate
Matthew Bonnefoy (Canada) - TEEN Traits – Shy, Cheerful/ Aspiration – Bestselling Author  
Francis works as a celebrity chef  
Very close with Matthew will cook together
Alfred comes in after a big argument with his dad. Francis will reason that Arthur doesn’t mean what he says and love him no matter what
People who are not Francis, Alfred or Arthur will forget about Matthew  
Matthew start getting knitting gifts but doesn’t know who it’s from
Francis is back on the dating game but still thinks about Arthur and wants to give it another go
Matthew is never stress  
Arthur calls Matthew once a week to check up on him  
Francis regrets that night and tries to hide his emotion in front of Matthew and friends
Francis love his food however looking good is more important  
I also made clubs for everyone because I am THAT bored 😊
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Freedom  - Party till they drop/ Having a great time/ Good vibes/ Away from family drama and life  
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Gym  - To keep fit/ Started out with Simon and Berwald/ No drama or Basch will get involve/ Gilbert behave in the gym and it help him stop drinking  
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Lets Party - Old friends meeting together/ All trying to get a date but end up getting drunk and gossiping all night/ Antonio end up paying for everyone drinks  
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Playtime - Yao set up a play date so it keeps Im Yong and Lin Yin in line. That was a mistake/ Everyone friendly/ They love watching Pokemon/ If someone upset they help one another
      'Ohana' means 'family. ' 'Family' means 'no one gets left behind”
I hope people like this stupid project now I’m heading to the kitchen to drink my problems away 😛
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blucmoon · 3 years
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━  ☾ ⊹  ( im jaebum, cis male , he/him ) say hello to AE YONGGUK, the TWENTY SIX YEAR OLD that seems to have a lot in his hands with HIS job as a STALL OWNER, DRUMMER AND OCCASIONAL BARTENDER! beyond that, they seemed RESPONSIBLE AND TRUSTWORTHY upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of EVASIVE AND INSECURE though. HE seems to live in a 4 BEDROOM HOUSE in YUNHWA, SOUTH KOREA. anything else to add? oh, yeah! he also RUNS A STALL CALLED “KODACHROME” WHERE HE TAKES PHOTOS FOR IDS, SELLS PRINTS AS WELL AS BOOKS SESSIONS FOR PHOTOSHOOTS. 
basic information
full name: ae yongguk
nickname(s): guk, yonggu (hasn’t figured out why)
age: 25
date of birth: january 6th, 1995
birthplace: seoul, south korea.
hometown: yunhwa, south korea.
current location: yunhwa, south korea.
ethnicity: asian.
nationality: korean
gender: cismale
pronouns: he / him
orientation: demiromantic, bisexual.
occupation: stall owner and drummer of a band called “crux”. sometimes he helps at his aunt’s bar in busan for some extra money.
living arrangements: house #4012, hwesakgu.
language(s) spoken: korean, english (conversational)
physical appearance
faceclaim: got7’s im jaebum “jb”
hair color: like almost everyone, he has naturally brown hair but throughout the years he’s dyed it blonde or black a couple of times. right now, it’s black and he has managed to grow it to a length he really likes below his chin. yongguk can be usually seen with his hair down and every so often he puts it up in a half updo. whenever the band has a gig, he  exerts a little more effort (even if most of the time it doesn’t pay off).
eye color: brown. (likes colored contacts every now and then)
height: 179 cm
weight: 66 kg
build: lean person, with a good muscular frame.
distinguishing characteristics: two beauty marks right next to each other on his left eyelid.
tattoos: has a full sleeve on his left arm from shoulder down to a little above his wrist and another one his right forearm.
piercings: lobe and upper lobe in both ears, anti-tragus on the left one, double helix on the right, anti-eyebrow and nose on the right side of the face (won’t ever use jewelry during the day though).
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clothing style: while he’s working at the stall he has a more casual style consisting of jeans, cargos, pants, button downs, sweaters. likes layering with denim shirts, flannels, jackets, windbreakers over t-shirts, etc. mostly in earthy colors, dark reds and blues, white, gray and black. no matter what though, he will always wear long sleeves, even in the hottest summer days and never roll them up, going to these lengths just to not draw any unnecessary attention. (he’s even gotten a fair amount of rash guards for those occasions when he feels like going for a swim.)
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at the bar or at gigs, he’s usually clad in all black or dark tones. sleeveless shirts or those with short sleeves are his go-to, not nearly as concerned to conceal the ink over his arms from the public eye at night. he likes to choose style and comfort when performing, thus splurging a little more on his nightly outfits rather than those he uses on the daily. leather and denim jackets, bombers, sometimes harnesses, jeans in either black or leather, boots, sneakers, muscle shirts, graphic t-shirts, shirts with the first buttons undone and rolled up sleeves in dark, rich colors. style varies from street fashion to grunge to rocker depending on how he feels.  
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sleeping habits: goes to sleep really late but has no trouble waking up early to go to to work, though for the first couple of hours he’s awake and if he has gotten 4-5 hours only, he’d be kind of silent and unresponsive until getting that first cup of coffee. will likely nap before his shift at the bar only for an hour and a half tops.
eating habits: eats 3 - 4 times a day and gets easily hungry between meals. often seen snacking whatever he can.
exercise habits: doesn’t really exercise much constantly, but on the weekends he likes hiking or running around town.
emotional stability: 6/10
body temperature: average
addictions: none
drug use: experimentally a couple of times, hasn’t done it in a while.
alcohol use: socially, medium-high tolerance.
label: the opaque (unable to be figured out; hiding behind a façade; not transparent.)
positive traits: reliable, responsible, hard-working, trustworthy, loyal, thoughtful, generous, creative, passionate, artistic, caring, considerate, devoted.
negative traits: defensive, evasive, cautious, indecisive, defiant, self-doubt, fluctuating self-esteem, conflict-averse, private, self-conscious, sensitive, unpredictable.
hobbies: starting songs he never finishes, watching the same show every year (avatar the last airbender) as well as his comfort movies, cloud/star gazing, jigsaw puzzles, origami, video games, playing guitar sometimes.
habits: knuckle cracking, muttering under his breath, snacking between meals, rubbing hands together, jaw clenching, gesturing while talking, rubbing the back of his neck, running hands through hair, drumming fingers, sings along to songs and sings gibberish for the parts he doesn’t know, doodles on any paper at reach, dozes off when bored/daydreams, bobs his leg while sitting.
zodiac sign: sun capricorn, moon pisces, rising scorpio (read as: impending disaster)
mbti: infp
enneagram: 6w5
temperament: melancholic
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
moral alignment: chaotic good
primary vice: wrath
primary virtue: diligence
element: water
expanded personality
yongguk has a strong tendency to appear quiet and reserved and it might come off as standoffish or easily confused with snoberish, which makes it worse when he doesn’t go out of his way to change this preconception about him. he needs a great deal of personal space, both physically and mentally, and any attempt to control him or forcibly schedule his activities will only strengthen his need for time alone.
he’s responsible, trustworthy and hardworking. relies heavily on his intuition to guide him and knows how to patiently wait as well as how to adapt to any circumstances. in yunhwa, he’s been forced to learn how to interact with the townsfolk and through the years he’s mastered the front he puts on in order to remain below the radar and not get any unnecessary attention; polite, helpful, sometimes even considered as a sweet guy, yongguk has no problem lending a hand to anyone that needs it.
however, in busan, his adaptability is also handy when it comes to dealing with customers. at the same time, it’s in these moments when he feels a little less restrained and allows himself to be less calculative: flirty, playful, sometimes misleading… he’s gotten in several problems because of this and yet he has no plans to stop it anytime soon.
yongguk is a little insecure and with a fluctuating self-esteem: sometimes he’s very well aware and confident on his skills and assets, but other times he will second-guess everything about himself. this combined with an strong fear of failure that stems from poor past decisions, makes him hesitate when it comes to making important calls that could potentially affect his future, but he knows how to play it off… most of the times.
despite appearing simple at a glance, yongguk is more than what meets the eye. friendly but private, polite but passionate about his beliefs, calm and sometimes expressionless. it’s not that he doesn’t have feelings - he actually runs quite deep and strong - it’s just that he conceals them under a mask of politeness because he’s unsure how to deal with them; he’s restrained when it comes to conveying emotion, but has a very deep care for his peers. might be awkward and uncomfortable with expressing himself verbally, but has a wonderful ability to define and reveal what he’s feeling on paper.
yongguk is genuinely interested in understanding others, a good listener, but will exclusively share his sorrows and woes only with the friends he trusts the most, unafraid to display his best and worst with them. his natural intuition allows him to sense the mood without the need of words. however, he can be quite impressionable and be easily influenced by the moods of others, which may often lead him to feel overwhelmed because of this.
incredibly curious, yongguk loves to explore with his hands and his eyes, touching and examining the world around him with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. he explores ideas through creating, troubleshooting, trial and error and first-hand experience. yongguk can be a challenge to predict, even by the closest people to him. can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but he has a tendency to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking his interests in bold, new directions.
with a good memory, he can recall experiences from the past down to smallest details. this is both good and bad: remembering the good memories is a way to ease himself when in stressful or sad situations, but he’s also prone to dwell on previous mistakes and regret them for a long time.
he’s not consistently angry. will either let the anger build up and release it all at once in an outburst or let it out slowly through small, critical remarks throughout the day. sometimes, both. he’s very difficult when annoyed, but it usually doesn’t last that long. a perfectionistic through and through, his main source of anger usually comes from things not being up to their standards. not good at sparing others’ feelings when he does become irritable. doesn’t like conflict and will go to great lengths to avoid it. in those occasions where he does have to face it, he will approach it from his feelings and mistakenly place little importance on who is right and who is wrong. yongguk will react to the emotions he’s going through and won’t care whether or not he’s right, which makes him appear irrational and illogic.
background (tldr)
his parents work in the field with doctors without borders.
yongguk was born in seoul and lived there for six years before his parents sent him to yunhwa to stay with his grandparents while they went abroad.
seven years passed, his parents would rarely contact them, much less visit them.
in the meantime, his grandma taught him how to play many instruments, being a musician herself and he was enrolled in kwangsook academy.
at thirteen they returned and guk moved with them back to seoul. around this time he became more reserved and quiet, the conversation always focused on his parents achievements and interests.
he made it his goal to become a doctor in hopes of having something in common with them. it was a way to seek their attention and approval.
a year later, a new plan was announced and yongguk was back in yunhwa with his grandparents. he was actually pretty happy about this.
started taking his studies seriously in his junior year of high school, going to the extent of dropping music and every other altogether.
he successfully managed to get into pusan national university, school medicine.
however, the whole experience was something he wasn’t ready for at all. for a year and half he struggled to keep up with his classmates and was utterly ashamed to compare his simple goal of wanting to get closer to his parents to the drive of everyone else.
he drops out after talking with his grandfather, a successful doctor himself.
initially excited to get the chance of truly discovering what he wanted to do, a single call from his father deterred his enthusiasm. he was supposed to return to yunhwa, instead he decided to move in with a friend and stay in busan… where everything goes downhill.
at only twenty and under the fake pretense that he’d get his act together, he allows himself to make mistakes and act recklessly, secretly wishing that’d be enough to get his parents attention.
he found temporary jobs all around busan and never lasted too long, but he still made money and that’s the only thing he really cared about at the moment. things aren’t great, but they aren’t that bad, or so he tells himself.
at twenty one, he gets a full sleeve on his left arm as well as many piercings. a couple of weeks after this, his grandparents decided to pay him a surprise visit and the state of his apartment as well as life… is not optimal.
coincidence or not, his parents video called them at that moment. it was the first time he heard from them in a year, and it was the last time as well.
seems like only his appearance was enough to finally trigger some sort of emotion from his father, but it wasn’t really the kind he was looking for. it was anger and he could clearly see the disappointment in his eyes. a heated argument ensues, one that ends with “you’re not our son anymore.”
perhaps it came a little too late, but it was the much needed wake up call to get his act together. not in order to mend the relationship with his parents, he knew that’d be impossible. but more so, for himself.
he perks up at a suggestion from his grandmother, one that was about a long forgotten hobby of his: photography. he remembers an old shoe box filled with polaroids and undeveloped films under his bed.
thus, he stays in busan after enrolling in a community college for a year-long photography class. around this time, one of his aunts offered him a job as a bartender in her bar and since then he’s been helping her every now and then. he says it’s for extra money, but in reality is a way to repay her from hiring him when no one else would.
after he was done with his course and had saved enough money to get a decent camera, he decided it was time to go back to yunhwa.
he returned three years ago. luckily, his reputation there remained intact and he wanted it to stay that way thus hiding the ink on his skin with long sleeves and removing the jewelry whenever he was outside.
yongguk moved back with his grandparents, this time to help them out and take care of his grandmother who started to get a little ill. he picked up playing and making music after finding his long abandoned drum set in the garage.
with the help of his grandfather, he opened his very own stall called “kodachrome” where he takes photos for ids, sells prints of his own work (mostly of yunhwa’s scenery) as well as books sessions for photoshoots.
a year and half ago, however, he had to find a new place. his grandparents decided to retire and move to jeju. thankfully, he managed to get a deal to rent a house from one of his grandma’s friends. the house was a little too big thus he decided to post an ad online looking for roommates to share the space and ease the expenses.
in the present, yongguk is still running his stall and getting contacted every blue moon by small influencers and event planners looking for his services. three nights a week, he goes back to busan to work for his aunt at the bar and every other night he has gigs with a band, which was randomly created after having far too many drinks with his roommates.
background (full)
tw: mentions of needles, tattoos, substances but nothing too graphic.
ae yongguk was the name given to you and and your endearing smiles as well as adorable dimples seemed to be more than enough to have everyone coddling and cosseting you from the get-go. nonetheless, permanency was never on your parents’ agenda. by the time you turned six, they moved away and you were shoved into your grandparents’ household in yunhwa.
it’s difficult to comprehend the sudden change, being told that you’d be living with them for some time. how much? they don’t specify, but the next thing you know is that you’re wordlessly bidding goodbye to your parents, who promised to write and come back for you soon. they didn’t. being part of doctors without borders and making it their goal to offer medical aid where it’s needed most, they put their humanitarian labor before parenthood.
the first letter you got arrived eight months after they left. there’s disappointment and there’s also heartbreak, but they don’t last long. you don’t allow them to regardless of your young age. instead, you focus on how your grandfather, despite having severe and strict ways, squeezed your shoulder and offered the small smile that you know all too well now. or how your grandmother, a renowned musician, didn’t hesitate to shower you in unconditional love. your education didn’t cease and your grandfather immediately enrolled you at kwangsook academy.
one of your most prominent traits is how transparent you are with your emotions and your grandmother easily learnt to read this. it was no surprise that the first time you saw her playing a beautiful song on her baby grand and your irises sparkled with curiosity, she immediately beckoned you closer. “hi, my love.” the elderly woman greeted while shifting a little so you could take a seat beside her. you meet her eyes and you wonder if she’s looking for anything by the time an easy smile appears on her face. “do you like music?” you’re unable to respond, but she must’ve seen something because, after that, she started teaching you the basics of piano. a couple of days later, she asked again and this time around, the answer naturally slipped out of your mouth: i love it.
for your regular classes, you were constant and responsible. sure, you enjoyed learning, but your interest wasn’t inherently there. it was just something you had to do. however, when it came to that newfound love for music of yours, you were the one with the initiative to ask for more lessons and practice whenever you had free time; first the piano, later the guitar and a couple of years later you made the stubborn decision to learn the drums.
it was nice staying in yunhwa, it brought you a comforting sense of belonging. it was the beginning of finding your own voice; discovering your likes and dislikes, some of your talents and even the chance of making friends. however, there was always a lingering question in the back of your mind and a deep sadness you rarely showed: when are my parents coming back?
they do, but only for a short period of time.
you had only turned thirteen, but the moment you saw them you were but an excited kid, joyously yelling and running to hug them, but they greeted you rather… frivolously. you try to ignore the breach between you and them, which you felt the most when you were holding your mother’s hand; her skin a couple of degrees colder than your grandma’s. they ask how you were doing and, in your frenzy, you start talking about everything that’s happened all this time only to be interrupted; the voice you were starting to grow inevitably drowned in the sea of their own achievements and stories.
it’s then that they tell you they’d move to seoul and you’re to go with them. apparently, with the intention to settle down and give it a go to having a normal family. you say goodbye to your grandparents, and unlike your mom and dad, the promises of staying in touch with them are real.
you were silent and reserved around your parents. you had to after learning that no matter what you tried to tell them, the conversation always ended being about what interested them. for a while you pretended to be okay with it, but soon you started wishing they paid as much attention to you as they did to their cause. it made you think that, by immersing yourself in that world, you might be able to keep them interested long enough or make them proud, and your very own obsession to become a doctor started right there. simple questions that had your parents perk up are what made you believe that your plan isn’t too far fetched.
luckily, you were able to retreat to your music whenever everything became too overwhelming, but even this wasn’t enough to stop an ever growing beast called dissatisfaction from making your chest its home. it increases in size and sometimes it’s so big that you’re unable to keep it in your ribcage, coming to light with rebellious little acts such as not doing your homework or bluntly strumming your guitar late at night. eventually, unspoken words and jumbled thoughts find their way into old notebooks full of an amateur’s unfinished songs.
it’s exactly a year later that they announced their new plans of moving to the other side of the world, plans that didn’t take you into consideration at all. it was disappointing, but not really surprising. still, you were able to comprehend the nature of their jobs, after all they were brilliant doctors and only a handful were willing to offer the assistance your parents did. you stop expecting things to change after the farewells you exchanged with them. you wished them the best and truly meant it.
going back to yunhwa at fourteen is something you anticipate; your grandmother welcomed you with your favorite food and your grandfather with a blank notebook. “for your songs, son” he said with that smile of his, learning about this new hobby of yours from one of the many mails you sent them. both were happy about your return and helped you pick up your studies where you last left them.
it’s in your junior year at high school when you truly get serious about your studies, medical school was your single goal. even though you’ve come to terms with the relationship you had with your parents, a hopeful part of you genuinely believed that becoming a doctor would help breach the distance.
and so you do, dropping music altogether and every other hobby that “needlessly” consumed your time and energy. it was admittedly exhausting and you were obviously miserable without playing any instrument. the sleepless nights and the isolation you brought upon yourself paid off the moment you received the news of your acceptance at pusan national university. that very night, you got a call from your parents congratulating you.
for the next year and a half, however, things prove to be extremely challenging when you find yourself amongst thousands of students whose drive and ambition is stronger than simply wanting to get close to their parents. it’s shameful, you admit and the constant pressure as well as the competitive environment soon takes a toll on you, but it was much needed for you to start questioning everything; yourself, your goals and if it was really what you wanted.
the person who helps you to fully come to this realisation is none other than your grandfather, another renowned doctor in your family. it’s shocking to hear him encouraging you to drop out and follow your dreams. truth is you were far too concerned chasing after a hopeless goal than to craft ambitions and dreams for yourself. still, you follow his advice even when you are completely at loss about what the next step would be.
if news of your acceptance travelled fast, so did the news of your departure. you got a call shortly after and all you heard was “we’re very disappointed” followed by radio silence before your father hung up. you were nineteen, about to turn twenty, when they last talked to you.
their silence becomes one of your many excuses to make mistakes and act recklessly; if your good behaviour and your previous little act didn’t catch their attention, this surely will. it’s your shield against the disapproval in your grandfather’s eyes, and that very shield is what stops him from stopping you. even when you told him you wouldn’t return to yunhwa, instead moving to one of your friend’s apartment in the heart of busan.
it’s amusing how easily your grandfather believes your fake promises of trying to get your life together and you feel awful for being such a good liar. you find decent jobs, but never stay too long. unnecessary fights with customers or blatant irresponsibility are the main reasons that force you to find a new one every couple of weeks. you’ve been many things: a busser, a server, even a mascot. you didn’t mind much as long as you were paid.
you willingly dive into a void filled with indulgence and bad decisions. all in order to not think, to not dwell on the future. you used every situation you could possibly get yourself into as a distractor from the painful reality. you were lost, so utterly lost.
twenty one comes around and you decide that, for the first time ever, you’re going to gift yourself something. a permanent work of art, its canvas your skin.
three monthly salaries were spent on black and red ink which reminded you of your favorite place. the needle pierces your skin once, twice, hundred times until your arm is almost fully covered… maybe it was a metaphor, a feeble attempt to display something bright and wonderful on someone who otherwise had long lost every trace of that. it was not enough and a couple of piercings follow in trying to beautify the sheer mess you’ve made of yourself.
some nights you question your own strength and sanity. you used to be pristine, someone to be proud of and an exemplary resident of the town you fondly call home. you were constant, had talent and a midas touch that turned meaningless words into beautiful songs, scribbles onto paper into melodies that had every listener humming along.
what happened to you, boy? says a voice in your head… or is it from your chest? is it the dissatisfaction you’ve tried to keep locked for years? all it took was to be called a disappointment once for you to willingly become one?
it consumes you and every passing day it becomes louder, but you’re stubborn and simply take it as a challenge to find new ways to drown it. headachingly loud music, poisonous substances, liquid trust or the ecstasy under someone’s fingertips… the city swallows you whole and provides you with momentary sweet oblivion but… is the aftermath of impeding remorse worth it? it is, you convince yourself while running back into it’s arms night after night.
one day, without warning, three knocks come onto your door and when you’re about to curse whoever disrupted your game, you’re met with your grandparents. your appearance is deplorable; bloodshot eyes, greasy hair and alarming signs of lack of proper sleep. it hurt to see your grandmother, as crystal clear as you wear, worried and at loss of words. a thing the city taught you was to be a pretender and so you ignore every sign of concern in their faces while smiling at them. “long time no see!” you say cheerfully.
it’s a quiet visit. they don’t know what to tell you or where to start, and neither do you feel a need to fill the awkward silence when your grandfather’s phone went off. he answers without thinking to a videocall and the voice that greets him has you freezing on your spot. father. your face falls and your eyes widen in obvious panic when he asks about you. the older man in the room seems to be equally as frantic as you when he glances at you, taking in how you look before your father speaks again.
“oh, is yongguk there? let me talk to him.” his authoritative tone was enough to have your grandfather turning the phone towards you. it’s late, far too late to fix yourself or even try to hide the glaringly bright red ink on your arm. so, in your frenzy, you decide to play cynical. what else could you lose, right? “hey, dad.” you greet with a shameless smile upon your lips. “your timing is as impeccable as ever.”
the argument that ensues forces you to retreat to your room and you thank whatever universal force that your roommate decided to have a weekend-long trip. it’s a heated fight, and you realize midway through that this is the longest conversation you’ve ever had with your father. why is it that the most display of emotion you get from him is when you don’t follow his ridiculous standards? he gets louder, so do you and it escalates to irreversible words. the last thing he says is “you’re not our son anymore” followed by silence.
then you laugh.
you laugh over the irony of an absent father saying such a thing. you laugh because you don’t want to allow him see you hurting. you laugh at how fucked up the whole situation is. “doesn’t make a difference, does it?” you say between unabashed chuckles. “not like you ever acted like a father, anyway.” and you hang up, your legs giving in and only then did you notice that your whole body had been shaking this whole time.
you muffle a scream on a pillow while feeling so alone and like the butt of the cruelest joke. you want to hate your father and your mother. you want to despise them for their horrible behavior. instead, you find yourself crying like an abandoned kid wanting, yearning for the love that wasn’t given to him. you want to run, to disappear, to hide where no one can find you.
then, two arms wraps around you and even though your grandmother is a little smaller than you, you find yourself feeling protected under her embrace. shortly after comes a pat on your head from your grandfather. you look up at those brown eyes full of wisdom and, when he tells you “everything will be okay, son.” you wholeheartedly believe him
because, a year later, things started looking up.
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teodorefms · 4 years
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 GREETINGS  ,  angels  !   i  literally  suck  at  everything  relating  to  introductions  ?  so  please  don’t  mind  how  much  of  a  mess  this  is  going  to  be  .   im  gianna  ,  or  gi  ,  and  i  go  by  she  and  her  pronouns  !   im  super  excited  to  be  here  ,  and  even  more  excited  to  write  with  all  of  you  !!    below  the  cut  you’ll  find  trash  that’s  suppose  to  be  a  bio  asdjf  .  
&&.  announcing  his  royal  highness  𝓉𝑒𝑜𝒹𝑜𝓇𝑒   𝓋𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓃𝓏𝑜   𝒹𝒾   𝓈𝒶𝓋𝑜𝒾𝒶  ,  the  twenty  year  old  prince  of  𝙄𝙏𝘼𝙇𝙔  .  he  is  often  confused  with  lorenzo  zurzolo  .  some  say  that  he  is  imprudent  and  petulant  ,  but  he  is  actually  intrepid  and  scrupulous  .
FULL  NAME.    teodore  vincenzo  di  savoia  .
NAME  MEANING.   god  gift  (  teodore  )  ,   to  win  or  to  conquer  (  vincenzo  )  .
REASONING.     honeyed  cries   and  sapphire  hues  ,   angelic  innocence  concealing  the  burning  urge  of  freedom  ,  the  birth  of  teodore  was  seen  as  a  gift  from  god  before  mischievousness  captured  those  sapphire  hues  and  recklessness  settled  in  .   and  what  was  a  better  name  then  teodore  who’s  meaning  is  just  that  ?
NICKNAMES.   teo  ,  teddy  .
BIRTH  DATE.   january  thirty  first  .
AGE.   twenty  .
ZODIAC.    aquarius   .
GENDER.   cis  male  .
PRONOUNS.   he  and  him  .
SEXUAL  ORIENTATION.   heterosexual  .
HAIR  COLOR.    a  soft  chestnut  brown  ,  develops  almost  blonde  streaks  during  the  summer  season  .
EYE  COLOR.   blue  ,  in  certain  lights  they  tend  to  look  more  on  the  grey  side.
DOMINANT  HAND.   right  .
HEIGHT.  five  ft  eleven  .
USUAL  EXPRESSION.    in  the  center  of  those  who  share  the  same  elite  title  as  his  ,  boredom  drips  from  his  features                  evidence  in  rosy  lips  that  remain  in  a  straight  line  and  hues  that  search  the  room  for  anything  to  rid  him  of  the  suffering   .   if  you  happen  to  catch  him  in  a  presence  of  non  royals  ,  or  even  those  he  simply  just  cares  about   ,  a  light  will  awaken  in  brunette  features  .  a  arrogant  smile  and  trouble  screaming  in  his  eyes  .
TATTOOS.   none  .
PIERCINGS.   none  .
DRUGS  /  ALCOHOL  /  SMOKING.   yes  to  all  of  the  above  .
LINKS.  pinterest  (  i  still  had  a  lot  to  add  but  just  so  yous  have  it  )
calloused  digits  pulling  at  bronze  locks  .    unread  text  messages  .   diamonds   covering  pearly  whites  .    bright  lights  .    a  racing  pulse  .    thunder  disturbing  pleasant  dreams  .   arrogance  spilling  into  rosy  lips  .   bruised  knuckles  .   skin  covered  in  love  bites  .    messy  sheets  .    burned  cigarettes   .  
                    the  contagious   echo  of  your  laughter  ,      tiny  footsteps  that  dance  across  polished  floors  .  even  as   a  small  child  house  rules  and  expectations  could  not  contain  you  .   you  ran  to  FREEDOM  ,  escaping  the  hands  of  servants  that  warned  you  of  the  consequences  .    silky  pajamas  that  clung  to  your  body  as  you  raced  from  room  to  room  ,  finding  the  excitement  you  so  desperately  craved  .   when  masculine  arms   caught  you  ,  you  presented  innocent  expressions  and  that  charming  smile  older  women  swore  would  be  the  cause  of  heart  breaks  among  many  when  you  were  older  .  in  return  ,  you  were  always  greeted  with  false  sternness  and  a  head  shake   that  spoke  for  itself  ,  you  were  going  to  be  TROUBLE  .  
star  filled  eyes  and  crowds  that  parted  ways  for  you  ,  SOVEREIGNTY  wasn’t  a  term  you  were  old  enough  to  understand  yet  but  it  was  carved  into  your  skin  .  the comments  that  floated  above  your  head  then  ,  did  not  bother  you   .  sculpted  by  the  hands  of  gods  ,  young  teodore  ,  you were  DESTINED  for  greatness  .  you  never  knew  exactly  why  ,  but  understood  enough  from  the  looks  others  gave  you  that  you  were  of  importance  .  it  didn’t  take  long  for  you  to  catch  on   however   ,  no  .  as  much  as  you  have  everyone  fooled  ,  you’ve  always  been  a  smart  boy  .  though  concealed  ,  rather  use  that  space  in  your  head  not  for  irreverent  facts  that  held  no  interest  to  you  but  how  to  get  away  with  murder  and  come  out  unscratched  .  
because  of  that  ,  disappointment  and  disapproval  came  early  for  you  .  you  were  a  wild  soul  stuck  in  a  PRISONERS  body  .  escaping  only  to  be  caught  when  the  sun  rose  and  the  light  of  dawn  gave  away  the  pillows  disguised  as  you  .   you  rolled  pretty  blue  hues  and  stood  your  grounds  at  the  bark  of  orders  .    STUBBORN  ,  aren’t  you  ?      ungrateful   is  what  they  called  you   .   shoved  their  fingers  in  your  face  and  raved  about  how  you  were  a  disgrace  ;  but  if  there  was  one  thing  you  ever  listened  to  that  was  worth  anything  it  was  to  let  words  bounce  off  of  you  .   you  always  thought  you  were  UNTOUCHABLE  ,    evidence  in  the  form  of  ,  “   shove  it  !    “  .    
estranged  relationship  rooted  in  lectures  that  reminded  you  that  you  would  never  be  what  people  wanted  you  to  be             even  the  sting  of  red  marks  painted  across  your  skin  could  not shake  the  recklessness  that  sat  on  your  shoulders  .     no   .  instead  you  allowed  it  to  create  an  ocean  between  you   ,    questions  about  a  place  you  did  not  feel  as  though  you  belonged  to  dismissed  faster  then  they  could  leave  lips   .     you’d  never  admit  it  ,  how  LONELY  it  could  be  .  hide  it  behind  a  cocky  smile  and  the  sound  of  your  heart  beating  in  your  ears   .      hand  over  chest  just  to  feel  it  ,  the  adrenaline  .     like  as  long  as  you  had  it  ,  you’d  never  be  alone  .    privileged  with  a  lifestyle  without  boundaries                          you  would  take  advantage  of  everything  it  had  to  offer   .    a  life  full  of  no  regrets  ,  just  a  lifetime  of  memories  you’d  never  forget  .
tear  stained  cheeks  ,    grief  became  a  new    friend               whispered  in  your  ear  until  you  understood  what  it  was  like  to  grieve  a  relationship  you  would  now  never  get  to  form   .    the  lost  of  your  father  didn’t  hurt  as  much  as  the  lost  a  future  with  him  ,  did  it  ?   distractions   were  something  you  yearned  for   ,    slurred  words  and  feet  that  forgot  how  to  walk  was  the  answer   .    hide  sadness  behind   impulsive  decisions   ,    mistakes  behind  black  colored  frames    .    gravity  was  sinning   ,   it  held  you   up   .     your  father  was  no  longer  here  ,  but  you  were  still  ALIVE   .  you  made  sure  to  remind  yourself  of  that   .     the  same  old  teodore  ,  that’s  what  the  headlines  said  .  not  even  the  death  of  your  father  could  calm  reckless  ways   
it  got  easier  ,   in  a  way  .  and  soon  ,    you  escaped   .   ignored  phone  calls  and  indulged  in  a  culture  unlike  yours   .  a  fresh  of  breath  air  you  reported  on  the  phone  when  older  siblings  threatened   that  if  you  didn’t  answer  they’d  send  someone  after  you  .     made  up  stories  about  classes  you  rarely  attended  and  left  out  details  about  friends  that  were  no  good  for  you   .    ignorant  to  the  world  you  grew  up  in  ...   but  nothing  lasts  forever  does  it  ?    because  you  ,  teodore  vincenzo  di  savoia  ,  are  home  . 
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dhwdojun · 4 years
*jungkook’s voice* good morning, everyone.
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 it’s ya boy, park dojun, coming at you once again but this time a little different. he just got through a revamp and now is the canon of hercules, star of the track and field team in the university division of the ever after academy, and even more of a sweetheart! he’s also a rebel this time (not very vocal about it) because he doesn’t really believe that his destiny is his destiny sort of thing, because hercules seems too much like a great person for him to believe that he can achieve that, so he sort of prefers to keep enjoying both of his passions (sports and art) and inherit his small family’s business when it’s time. his pages are still the same, but as a refresh, here is his profile and here is his bio. i still don’t have a plots page rip. as always a quick rundown about him under the cut and if you’d like to plot with this clumsy bean just ♡ and i’ll be in your ims asap! 
so park dojun, 23 years old, university student (majors in visual arts), track and field star member and helps his parents with their greengrocer business.
lives in the gardens #210 so neighbours plots??? he still lives with his parents and they’re as nice as they can be. probably welcomed you in the building with a tray of cookies or some nice fruits from their shop. 
just as hercules, he has a heart of gold. very kind and sweet, but also very gullible and not the smartest person of the bunch. makes up for it by being the most polite and respectful person you’ll ever meet. 
will help any and everyone if he can! do you need someone to carry your furniture to your apartment because there’s no elevator? he’s your boy. oh no, those bags seem very heavy, pls let them carry those for you too. it seems like that elderly person needs some help crossing the street, he’s on his way. need someone to walk you home at night even if it’s just to make you feel a little safer? count him in. do you need a fake boyfriend to introduce to your parents so they’ll stop pestering you about it? you found just the right guy and his name is park dojun. 
and the list goes on and on, just tell him the problem and he’ll try his best to help!
maybe someone who can’t believe that he’s as nice as he seems and try to “discover the truth” about him or simply don’t like how he’s just too nice. 
was born with his memories but always thought — still does — that the fates made a mistake and put the wrong memories on him, because how could little dojun become such a hero???
was bullied when he was younger because he was just a tiny thin bunny and very clumsy (that hasn’t changed rip) and he used to break a lot of things especially because he was still not in full control of his enhanced strength. it didn’t help that he was shy and socially awkward — which didn’t help him believe that he’s hercules tbh
so maybe someone who used to bully him?? and now you’re either surprised that skinny kid is now such a good looking fella which makes you want to bully him again even more or you feel bad about it and is trying to make amends or you just regret it because now you want to hit on him and you don’t know how you’ll be received (dojun is very forgiving so he most likely treats you like nothing has happened so there’s that). 
or someone who didn’t bully him but also didn’t do anything so stop the bullying either?? friends who stayed on his side?? 
but his parents were always kind and supportive, one of the few reasons why dojun is as nice as he is today. loves them very much, a momma and daddy’s boy.
started getting his glow up during high school when he got into the track and field for the first time. that’s when he started training and growing muscles. it also when he started getting a little more of self confidence. 
has a passion for both sketches and sports, sometimes feels like he has to choose between them especially for his future so he can have a little of a troy bolton syndrome, but less dramatic. probably.  
he also has a lot of tattoos (especially small ones thanks to @dhwyejun​) so the first impression of him can be very... intimidating, but as soon as he opens his mouth, he’s just a puppy. also he always covers them when he runs because coach keeps telling him that it isn’t very nice to compete with them, so maybe someone who has just seen running, now sees outside of that context and is shook that he has so many?  
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lcngview · 4 years
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✈️ — ⌜park jimin, cismale, cis male⌟  ↝  have you heard ? it seems like the heir of the HAE was very close to Liam Yu too. they go by ISAAC and they were Liam's MUSE. their network is of 87M and they’re only TWENTY FOUR … what a burden it must be. i heard they can be very ENERGETIC and LIGHT-HEARTED but these last few months, their RESTLESS and EMOTIONAL personality has been showing more. the media is sure having a filled day with them! i hope this road trip with friends will help them. did you know that LATE NIGHTS AT THE DANCE STUDIO, NEW TATTOOS THAT HIS PARENTS CAN’T SEE,  A GRILLED CHEESE WITH TRUFFLE OIL AND HANGING OUT WITH THE FAMILY DOG DURING DINNER PARTIES really show their true persona ? maybe Liam was the only one who knew that.
hello my darlings!! i’m lis and this is my cinnamon roll isaac. he’s a old muse of mine that i’ve decided to repurpose so there’s still some random holes in his backstory i still have to figure out so pls excuse me. i’m kind of a hot mess all the time honestly but ily all already and im v excited to start writing with you! you can find me on discord ( *𝙡𝙞𝙨.#2158 ) or we can just chat on tumblr <3
oh also you can find isaac’s pinterest here! its not totally finished but u know.
name: isaac hae gender: cis male. age: twenty-four ( 24 ) sexuality: homosexual. birthday: december 14th. zodiac: sagittarius hometown: new york, ny.
faceclaim: park jimin. hair: naturally black, currently dyed and styled like this. eyes: brown. build: despite his small stature he has an athletic build with strong legs from dancing.
tattoos: [he has a few artsy ones mostly on his back and ribs where his parents can’t see them but i'm too lazy to list them rn, i’ll get to it eventually jfkjsbjk] height: 5′7″
languages: english, korean
+ traits: energetic, light-hearted - traits:  restless, emotional
↳ isaac hae was born and raised in new york ctiy as the only child to two real estate developers turned luxury hotel owners in december 1996.
↳ his parents weren’t around much when he was growing up so he was raised mostly by the families butler Simon; as a result, isaac isn’t really all that close to his parents. to this day, despite having lived on his own for the past 6 years he still makes it a point to go to the family estate to see Simon when he can.
↳ isaac was around five when his parents began enrolling him in various afterschool activities; soccer, piano, tennis, archery, but he knew he had no interest in doing any of those things. he wanted to dance. after a few months of begging his mother gave in and enrolled him in a contemporary dance school. while his father was never silent about his dislike for his only son being interested in dance isaac never really cared, he barely saw his dad anyways.
↳ it didn’t take long after he started dancing for his teacher to notice his natural talent and isaac quickly became the most skilled dancer in his year, the competition trophies and metals quickly filling up the bookshelf in his bedroom.
↳ when isaac was around twelve his mom was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer almost out of the blue. this dropped a bomb on his relatively normal life up until that point. the next nine months were spent in and out of hospitals as his mom got treatment from the best doctors in the world. despite the fact that he was never all that close to her the fact that she was sick and not getting better made him rethink their relationship, she was his mom after all. 
↳ after his mom passed isaac spent the next few years throwing himself into dance more than usual while the relationship with his father quickly deteriorated. the only time his father made it a point to talk to his son was to ask about school and how the college search was going, only interested in the future reputation of the company his son would take over. 
↳ isaac eventually graduated high school and ran off to college, wanting to escape being under his father's thumb as quickly as possible. this was where he met liam. the older boy had wandered into the dance studio one day while isaac practiced for an upcoming showcase asking if he could watch and while he was confused at first he eventually agreed. 
↳ the first few times all liam did was sit in the corner and watch isaac while he practiced, only asking a few questions but not really speaking much beyond a greeting and saying goodbye. by the third or fourth time liam showed up at the studio he didn’t come empty-handed like normal, instead he had a sketchbook which he had immediately opened once isaac started dancing.
↳ it wasn’t until a few weeks had passed that isaac learned what liam had been doing, why he had continued coming to the studio even after that first time and was now sketching him. he had been painting isaac... and not just once either. after some coaxing liam eventually showed isaac the paintings.
↳ it was from that point on that liam and isaac developed an interesting relationship, anytime the older boy was feeling particularly uninspired he would come watch the younger one dance. isaac wasn’t totally sure what it was about his dancing that inspired liam but he didn’t ask, genuinely enjoying the company as he was usually alone in the studio at night. eventually the two became actual friends, keeping in touch even after liam had graduated. 
↳ the next few years isaac spent dancing and working towards his business degree (to appease his father and the board of directors) before eventually graduating and moving into one of the penthouse apartments owned by his father's company in downtown new york city. 
↳ despite being in the same city as liam (most of the time), with their crazy schedules it was difficult to see each other as often as either one of them would have liked. but liam still made a point to come to the studio to watch him dance when he had time. 
↳ currently isaac works for his dad and dances at a nearby studio whenever he’s not at work. 
tldr; isaac is just a dancing cinnamon with some parental issues spurring from his moms death and father just not being around. 
isaac can be a sassy little shit when he wants to be, typically always joking around and always in a good mood. it’s very rare to see this boy have an off day. despite this isaac has the most insane worth ethic which is why he is either practicing at the studio or working, rarely letting himself have any sort of off time (he prefers it this way tbh). at the end of the day isaac is really just a giant ball of sunshine wrapped up in a cinnamon roll. all he wants is to be your friend and make sure you feel loved. (he doesn’t always save a lot of that love for himself though asfjhg)
↳ third generation korean-american, his grandparents moved to the states in the early 1960′s.
↳ despite being comfortable with his sexuality he hasn’t totally come out of the closet to his family and doesn’t see that happening anytime soon. outside of his friends, he tries to keep his sexual preferences on the down-low, not wanting the media to get wind of it. 
↳ is NOT a morning person, never was and probably never will be. the only time isaac doesn’t have his sunshine personality on full display is in the first couple hours after he wakes up so he makes it a point to avoid everyone until he feels more like himself.
↳ isaac is absolutely terrible about his phone. it’s always dead or broken (despite being able to buy a brand new one) and he almost prefers it that way. this boy always has at least 17 unread texts and 9 missed calls at all times. if you are trying to get in contact with him it’s best to just give up.
↳ while in college he did his best to keep his family's wealth a secret, not wanting people to look at him differently just because he had a large trust fund waiting for him. 
↳ it wasn’t until a couple years ago that isaac realized he had a crush on liam and it scared the crap out of him. almost immediately after he came to the realization he knew liam could never find out and shoved the feelings deep down. isaac valued their friendship too much to ruin it but now kind of regrets not saying anything now.
↳ the duality this boy possesses is almost comical. day to day he is just isaac, the ball of sunshine and happiness most people know him to be but the moment he steps into that dance studio he turns into a different person. he becomes the type of person you probably wouldn’t want to bring home to your parents. isaac can turn this side of him on and off like a switch though most of the time he doesn’t realize that he is even doing it in the first place.
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deceits-left-glove · 4 years
My god.
I just found a really old logicality one-shot I made when I was very very very new in the fandom and dear god- I didn't think there was a time i wasn't a Janus Stan but here we are I guess
Patton PoV
As long as I could remember, I'd had a  tattoo on  my wrist. It was a cute little pair of glasses! My soulmark. There would be one other person in the world with that same pair of glasses on the same spot on their wrist! The thought had always made me giddy. There is someone out there destined to be with me, we've been looking at the same little picture all our lives! Like a secret museum just for us! Whenever I went out in public I would always look for peoples wrists. I didn't think about how weird it was until someone pointed it out to me. I didn't do it anymore after that. I was just scared of missing my soulmate! Imagine if you never found your soulmate! Knowing that you were destined to be with someone, and spending your whole life looking for that person, and then... I don't want to think about it. I was so so happy when I found out I needed glasses! I chose ones that looked like my soulmark, obviously! Then if my soulmate looks at my glasses, they would be reminded of their soulmark.  I was on my way to the cafe to meet up with my three best friends. Logan, Roman and Virgil! I was scared I was going to be late so I was running. My cardigan fell off and I had to go back to get it. It was around my shoulders, as usual. It was cold outside, but I hated covering up my soulmark! And hate is a strong word. I just thought that if my soulmate had their mark covered, then  them seeing mine could be the only way to find out. So I almost never covered it up. I was just glad  my cardigan didn't fall into a puddle! 
Logan PoV.
as long as I could remember, I'd had a tattoo on my wrist. A pair of glasses. It was my soulmark. I despised it. It was honestly a flawed method of finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. You could end up being the opposite of compatible. You could constantly argue and that would be an unhealthy relationship. I just think the whole thing is a falsehood. How can a mutated birthmark show the person you are going to be in a relationship with. It makes no sense and I just ignore  the whole... Mess entirely. I have never intentionally shown anyone  my soulmark and I never hope to in the future. It will always be covered, if not by a shirt then by that concealing makeup. I refuse to acknowledge my consentless tattoo other than when hiding it. I disregard it that much that when I was choosing my glasses, I found some particular frames rather familiar and  didn't realize why until I was at home with too pairs of the same glasses. That was one of the few times I have face-palmed in my life. The other times are normally when  Roman or Patton do something stupid. Like now, where I can see Roman at the counter trying to take three cups at once. I sometimes wonder how they are still alive. Probably because they usually have Virgil and I to reel them in from doing something overly dangerous. Like now, when i can see Virgil going over there to help him out with the other cups. With a ding from the shops bell, I watch Patton run through the door, hastily tying his cardigan around his shoulders. 
Patton PoV
I rush through the door and meet Logan's eyes. I smile at him and go over to our regular table. I felt other eyes on me, but that was probably me almost running into the door in my hurry to get to my friends. I pull out  my chair and sit down opposite him. 
"I told you you couldn't pick up all our drinks at once!" Virgil (that was the 666th word. I thought it would have been another character tbh ;) ) and Roman  come over from the counter, each holding two cups. Roman has a  chocolate milk and a  black coffee, and Virgil has a  mocha and  a hot chocolate. 
"I would have been fine!"
"Romano, buddy... you only have two hands." Virgil hands the hot chocolate to me from his seat, but Roman walks round to give Logan his drink. But there was someone walking past and -im sill not sure how it happened- Roman  tripped, spilling the coffee all over it's the guy who was ment to receive it (logan). Oh no! 
Deceit PoV (yea that's right! boom!)
From the moment I saw Patton pull out his chair I new what I had to do. He used his left hand. And on his left wrist was a pair of glasses. Just. Like. Logan's. I knew that wimp wouldn't do anything. When I saw his wrist he got all defensive. It's not like I did it on purpose! Jeez. Roman  carrying the drink round just made my job even easier- I didn't even have to waste my drink! I stood up and knocked  into him, and in an 'attempt to steady him' I pushed the drink out of his hand and onto Logan's left arm. Simple. He would either have to roll his sleeve up or take off his shirt- it was unbuttoned and he had a vest on, don't worry readers, I'm not making him strip (oi shut it you! Be grateful I added you into the story! Don't go turning into Deadpool) . Sure, I look like the bad guy, but I'm helping them, whether they realise it or not! 
"The Empire has fallen!" Virgil sweetie, as funny as that was... Leave the puns to Patton. He knows there's a time and a place. This isn't it.
"Ooh ya-"
"Logan! Are you ok?" At this point I can see the barista run around the counter with a cold cloth. He will be fine, just a little angry. 
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I've got to pretend to be at least a little remorseful. I can't look like a complete villain!  Then I lean closer to Logan and hiss in his ear  "you're welcome!" He knew what I ment. I  kept on walking to the bathroom so that it didn't look suspicious, and to stop  Logan from going in there to sort out his arm. This was fun. I should help people With their Soulmates more often.
Logan PoV
That snake! Why did he do that! He knows full well how I feel about my soulmark and he is making me show it for no reason! I should never have trusted him with something like that! 
"You're welcome!" What? Why would he say that. I'm stronger than him. I can show my soulmark just this once, nothing bad is going to happen, right? I roll my sleeve up and  take the damp cloth Remy is  handing to me. 
"Well he was rude.. anyway! lo, are you like, good? That was some hot coffee, girl!"
"Don't call me lo, or girl. And you don't need the 'like' in there."
"That's the Logan I know! At least it had no, like, permanent side effects!"
"What does that even mean? It's coffee! Not a potion!" 
"What do you mean by  'potion' ?" I'm not even listing to the conversation anymore. Patton is staring at the table and looking  distressed. Before I can ask, he blurts out 
"GLASSES!" He now has almost all of the shops attention. I take off my glasses to check if something has happened to them when he slams his arm down on the table, making all of us jump. Then Remy squeals. Drawing even more attention and confusing me even more. Then I notice Patton has a mark on his arm. It looks like a tattoo. His glasses? Wait. Oh..
I don't think he was looking at the table. 
This is my first one-shot and overall I'm happy with it. And I don't really know what else to put here.. so.. 
~Cyan 🖤
bonus scene (3rd person)
Patton is babbling nonsense, Logan is flushed and completely unresponsive, Remy reluctantly hands a very smug Virgil 5 dollars and Roman keeps repeating something under his breath. Deceit  comes back from the bathroom, struts up to the table like he owns the place and just
"You're welcome~*" 
And then Roman, slamming his hands on the table and screeching.
3.9 pages 
1435 words
First person PoV! I outright talked to Deceit! He didn't even get a name! I'm going to regret posting this but growth is important y'all!
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milofuckedup · 4 years
Questionnaire; task 2
read more about my boy under the cut
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Basic Character Questions
First name?  Milo
Last names? Blevins
Middle names? Dean
Nicknames? Mi, Mimi, Spacey
Date of birth? September 9th 1996
Age? 23
Physical / Appearance
Height? 6″0
Build? Athletic, lanky
Hair colour? Honey Brunette
Hair style? Mess of locks across his head
Eye colour? Blue
Glasses or contact lenses? Neither
Scars or birthmarks? cigarette burns across his arms, a scar above his right eye
Tattoos? none
Physical or mental handicaps? none
Type of clothes? thrift store chic. He lives in light washed jeans and old button down shirts
Race / Ethnicity? caucasian 
Mannerisms? fidgety, stuttery, always rubbing his lips 
What words or phrases do they overuse? “im sorry” “lets play a game” “can we go home?”
Do they have a catchphrase? No
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? pessimistic
Are they introverted or extroverted? VERY introverted
Do they ever put on airs? no
What bad habits do they have? smoking, drinking, running away 
What makes them laugh out loud? just about everything
How do they display affection? gently nuzzling his head into you, resting his head on your shoulder, holding your hand. He likes to be touched softly
How do they want to be seen by others? like a nice person, someone who loves deeply and genuinely 
How do they see themselves? as actual human garbage 
Strongest character trait? sensitivity 
Weakest character trait? sensitivity 
How competitive are they? not at all
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? he over things EVERYTHING
How do they react to praise? awkwardly
How do they react to criticism? crying
What is their greatest fear? spiders
What are their biggest secrets? he is sure that everyone in his life hates him, they all want him gone, so he works with everything that he has to try and get people to stay
When was the last time they cried? right now, he is probably crying this moment. 
What haunts them? his father
What will they stand up for? his friends, his loved ones, never himself
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? indoorsy
What is their sinful little habit? chainsmoker 
What quality do they most value in a friend? honesty, loyalty, wont leave him
What do they consider an overrated virtue? Dignity 
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? his inability to speak about what he wants, what he likes, what he needs from someone
What is their obsession? reading
What are their pet peeves? people biting their nails. 
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? hes all alone. 
What is their perception of family? that it isnt who you are born with it is who you chose. 
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? none
Describe their best friend. Luna Olsson she is selfless, and thoughtful and has picked Milo up more times than he can count, she is the on person on this planet he trusts enough to live with, he loves her more than he thought he could, he has let her in more than anyone else. 
Ideal best friend? See Above
Describe their other friends. Hudson the person he always turns to when life gets too tough. Tanner  the man that he can always have fun with, turn his brain off with and just let himself breathe with. Rion someone who has always been perfect and loving and gentle with him. 
Do they have any pets? no 
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child? he was a quiet baby, and a well behaved child, he did everything that he could to get his mother to stop abandoning him  
Did they grow up rich or poor? DIRT poor
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? neglected 
What is their greatest achievement? staying alive
What was their first kiss like? awkward, fumbly, he threw up afterwards because his stomach was in knots
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? make them feel like they were second best
What are their ambitions? maybe get his GED one day
What advice would they give their younger self? its all shit, dont even bother trying
What smells remind them of their childhood? burning tires, old gas stations, and piss under bridges
What was their childhood ambition? to stay alive
What is their best childhood memory? his 10th birthday his best friend came over with a cupcake and remembered the day while his mom was drugged up on the couch
What is their worst childhood memory? take your fuckin pick. 
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? no
When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? every day 
What past act are they most ashamed of? any time he has ever been intimate with someone 
What past act are they most proud of? any time he has been intimate with someone 
Do they believe in love at first sight? no 
Are they in a relationship? no 
How do they behave in a relationship? like a lovesick puppy, very clingy, very needy, asks if they still love him every twenty five seconds 
When did you character last have sex? two years ago
Has your character ever been in love? yes
Have they ever had their heart broken? yes
How do they respond to a threat? tears
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? his tongue 
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? the teddy bear his grandma gave him
What do they love to hate? reality television 
What are their phobias? spiders, the dark, being alone
What living person do they most despise? no one 
Have they ever been bullied or teased? his whole life 
Where do they go when they’re angry? on a long drive to the next town over 
Who are their enemies and why? he doesnt like to have any 
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? gas station clerk 
What do they think about their current job? he hates it
What are some of their past jobs? gas station clerk, thief, drug dealer
What are their hobbies? reading, writing, singing 
Educational background? didnt get ANY formal education
Do they have a natural talent for something? singing 
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? god no 
What is their socioeconomic status? lower lower lower class 
What is their favourite animal? cats 
What place would they most like to visit? england 
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? the beach at night 
What is their favourite song? halloween - hunny 
Music, art, reading preferred? music: indie. Art: abstract. Reading: character studies 
What is their favourite color? green
Favourite food: chicken tenders and fries
What is their favourite day of the week? friday night
What is in their fridge: ketchup, sauces, lemons
What is on their bedside table? books, a glass of water 
What is in their car? absolutely nothing
What is in their purse or wallet? his id, and his library card
What is in their pockets? a packet of gum, his phone, his empty wallet, his keys, two rings that he takes on and off 
What is their most treasured possession? his book collection
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? doesnt have one
Do they believe in the afterlife? no
What are their religious views? none
What do they think heaven is? a full fridge and your best friends 
What do they think hell is? other people
Are they superstitious? no 
What would they like to be reincarnated as? a house cat
How would they like to die? car accident or sleep 
What is your character’s spirit animal? field mouse
What is their zodiac sign? virgo
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? abandonment 
When did they last lie? he doesnt really lie, he mainly omits truths
what is their view of lying? he hates it, thinks its despicable 
When did they last make a promise? last week 
Did they keep or break their last promise? he broke it
Daily life
What are their eating habits? whenever he can, he will eat whatever is in front of him. 
Do they have any allergies? pollen 
Describe their home. small, dingey, covered in books, a bed on the floor, empty fridge 
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? clutter hoarder 
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? sleep, he just finished the night shift
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? go for a walk and take a picnic
What do they do on a Friday night? stay in and read
What is the soft drink of choice? sprite
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? whiskey neat
Who is their hero? he doesnt have any
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? dracula
If they could save one person, who would it be?
If they could call one person for help, who would it be?
What is their greatest extravagance? he owns an iphone 5 
What is their greatest regret? hurting angel @angclhqs​
What would they do if they won the lottery? buy a house, donate the rest
Do they believe in happy endings? no 
What is their idea of perfect happiness? a good book, electricity on, and a cup of tea 
What would they ask a fortune teller? how long until I am content
If your character could travel through time, where would they go? 2200 
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? invisibility 
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valtamxrri · 5 years
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☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  / im jaebum, 27, he/him, male / ⟶ welcome to the big top gemini ryu! i heard that you go by anubis and that you’re twenty-seven and a/an wheel of death acrobat? that’s pretty impressive, considering you’ve been with the circus for 2 months. i heard people say you were hardworking and stoic, but also secretive and hot-tempered, and that you remind them of hidden meetings under bridges in the night, singed edges of crumpled letters, and blood patterns pressed into skin. guess we’ll see if it’s true, eh? 
hello there muffins :( TIS I SKYE, here to present to you my actual demon gemini who fits his name p well tbh. this is going to be horrendous since i nearly ran over a deer and a rooster getting my ass home in time for opening, but i’m so excited to show him off to you  ♡ ♡ ♡ !
p.s. i deadass just finished writing this and i cant even SEE IM SO TIRED everything looks like a muhfuckin van gogh painting bUT like this and i’ll hit you up as soon as i can function once more~
― * 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭.
full name; gemini ryu choi minseok
stagename; anubis
age; twenty-seven [27]
birthday; october 9, 1992
birthplace; seoul, south korea
gender; male
orientation; biromantic / bisexual
s/o status; single
specialization; wheel of death acrobat
time with la luna; 2 months
― * 𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥.
fc; im jaebum
hair; nlack
eyes; black
height; 6′0″ ft
build; well-proportioned, tall and lean with quite a bit of muscle to him
marks/scars; multitudes across his body he always tries to cover, not necessarily from work
tattoos; n/a
piercings; multiple in his ears / conch, helix, upper/lower lobe
― * 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥
label; the illusory
myers briggs; istj
house; slytherin
religion; agnostic
enneagram; the individualist 
big five; conscientiousness
chronic; n/a
fears; returning to seoul
― * 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭.
[ warnings; abuse, death,
he never had the luxury of knowing his birth-parents, the matter of him being abandoned in the streets being drilled into his head by his ‘rescuers’ as they liked to dub themselves ― a married pair acting as the ringleaders of a smaller circus within seoul that had also adopted not only gemini but 7 other children as well.
there’s no time to be a kid when you’re a living spectacle for the masses that come to see the ‘freakshow’. he learns early on that there’s no respectability in the business, stuck in a constant loop of physical and mental abuse, expectancy he can barely reach, and competitiveness that could kill.
he’s the ‘middle child’ out of the odd group of siblings, but that doesn’t make him any less of a target ― where he fails, he’s ridiculed and beaten. where he succeeds, he’s picked apart and broken. it becomes common expectancy for gemini that a day without a bruise being pressed into his skin is about as rare as a pot of gold under a rainbow; still, he doesn’t let a depression sink in as much as it seems to hover over him like a cloud. promises of a brighter future and the dedication to get there are guarded behind a steely expression ― he might garner the appearance of allowing others to walk over him, but the reality was starkly different. 
gemini is into his early twenties when he’s finally done ― done with life itself, done with being pushed around, done with others holding the reigns to his present, past, and future. having not been put in school throughout the entirety of his childhood, the only thing he practically knows is the circus and how not to die. still, it comes to him after a particular physical altercation with his ‘brother’ ― a menace who terrorized gemini as much as he could and practically made him regret ever even existing. the two had never gotten along, always butting heads with one another; that is, up until gemini snapped.
it was unfortunate enough that the two shared an act together ― duel acrobats upon the wheel of death, in sync with their art although hardly with their life. to gemini, however, it offered itself up as the perfect opportunity ― it’s as simple as messing with the bolts to his brother’s wheel right before they went on stage, resulting in a grandeur display of the entire thing, brother included, falling over 70 feet to the hard ground below. as was expected, a shattered skull and neck coupled with broken steel was all that remained of a part of the toxicity in gemini’s life ― and quite frankly, he never felt better.
while the rest of the ‘family’ mourned the lost of their poster child, the male had finally had enough, leaving in the night and disappearing off without a trace ― after years of mental and physical torture, he knew that anywhere outside of seoul was better.
the news reaches him a few months after the incident, coming in the form of a hushed letter from an old acquaintance he had barely kept ties with back in korea ― gemini was a fugitive, foul play suspected and confirmed after an investigation found the bolts loosened suspiciously out of place. suddenly, the male found himself being forced to ‘pack up’ whatever he had with him and go on the run, fleeing the country barely before making a beeline to china. 
for the next 7 years, gemini drifts between multiple circuses across the world, never staying in one place for too long in order to be a step ahead before he’s being followed once more. he changes his name, forges all of his documents from scratch regardless of the punishments that could be garnered if someone found out ― he was a fugitive within seoul, what more could they do?
it’s a chance encounter, once more on the run but this time venturing up towards paris on a whim decision. gemini remembers traveling through the streets and seeing a sign depicting auditions for a certain ‘cirque de la luna’ ― the name rings a bell in the back of his mind, and he once again simply says why not? and finds himself applying for tryouts the moment he can
the last thing he expects is to be selected to join the cast, though he only hopes for now that it won’t blow his cover
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lovebunnie · 5 years
fr the poem questions: all of them >: )c
jared... only for you...
the tyger – are you a taker of calculated risks or do you enjoy playing with fire? would you rather ask for permission or forgiveness?
i am a major rule follower, i am not at all adventurous and i like to stay in my comfort zone. my life is a mix of staying true to my comfort zone and doing what I feel is right, first instinct. 
i carry your heart with me – do you believe in fate? what’s your secret to living a good life?
i tend to not believe in fate, it tends to make people not take responsibility for their actions and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth; predestination takes away humility from us. and i wouldnt say that im currently living a good life, its getting there but more often then not i would not describe my days as ‘happy’, more so just another day. but to make a day not outwardly bad, i firmly believe in having a really good breakfast in the morning and taking a shower at night. both of those really make my days better.
i wandered lonely as a cloud – what does nature mean to you? where do you feel most at peace?
nature for me is what comes to us instinctively and what we turn to for comfort in trying times. i feel the most at peace either at summer camp or in my bedroom with my cat :3
blackberrying – what were your early years like? do you miss being a child?
my early years were very happy, i was a very happy and funloving child. it was a time where i wasnt told about any of my family drama so i lived in blissful ignorance. i definitely miss being a child, all the way up to about 7th grade. its just been downhill from 8th grade and on.
ode to a nightingale – how do you feel about your own mortality? do you believe in life after death?
my mortality is something of a burden i carry with me everyday, a reminder that every minute is precious and this is the only life i get, i have one shot to not fuck it up. i dont believe in the afterlife, the concept of death is something that if i think too hard about then itll fuck me up.
hope is the thing with feathers – what gives you hope? what would you tell your 10-year-old self?
hope comes from those news stories about good news, like charity donation goals being hit and remembered anniversaries and flower bouquets in public, there is good in the world and sometimes its hard to find but its always there. to my 10 year old self, i would tell her to not hold too tightly to those around you, and that life constantly changes so dont get too attached or comfortable because itll prevent you from growing in the future.
the road not taken – do you find it hard to make decisions? what regrets do you have?
its really hard to make decisions because i always assume that my ideas are wrong or bad so if someone else takes the lead, i cant be blamed. as far as regrets, i wish that in my past, i just put myself out there more. i couldve spent highschool actively seeking for possibilities instead of sulking and wishing they came to me. they dont ever, you have to find them.
still i rise – what's your relationship with yourself like? what are your best qualities?
i have a bad relationship to myself; if i admire one trait about myself, the other traits must be less than. for example, if i think i look nice one day, then i remember abt my grades or my writing and how much i hate both of those. i can never be fully at peace, it will never be enough to sate my psyche. my ‘best’ qualities depend on the day, right now i think i have nice eyelashes.
howl – can you express yourself freely? do you feel smothered by societal norms?
i struggle everyday to be my genuine self. its not so much societal norms but my own mind; i want to look nice but i dont want to attract too much attention. i want to be remembered but not for how good my ass looks or whatever. my biggest fear is that people see me as something desirable but only sexually so i want to dress how i feel but i cant because im terrified of the gaze of men on my campus.
the raven – are you in touch with your feelings? how would you describe the relationship between emotions & rationality?
im extremely in touch with my feelings. i can acknowledge when i am angry or sad or happy, even if i dont know why. i allow myself to feel my feelings and then let them pass, i hate bottling those things up. between emotions and rationality, i use my emotions 9 times out of 10. i ask myself, ‘what do i want?’ and the first thing i come up with, i know is what i truly want to do. 
sonnet 116 – how do you define love? what qualities do you look for in a significant other?
i think love is everything; its the warmth of hanging out with familiar people, its when people remember facts about you, its a meaningful hug and its ‘this reminded me of you’. its different for everyone but i feel love in everything i do. in a significant other, the biggest thing is being able to make me laugh, if youre funny than im sold.
to autumn – what's your favorite season and why? what cherished memories do you associate with that season?
my favorite season is winter because it has lots of holiday warmth, good food, pleasant childhood memories, and comfortable clothing. also i love snow. i have very vivid memories of a blizzard in maryland when i was 11(?) years old, my neighbor tied a sled to the back of his ATV and dragged us around the cul de sac, it was so much fun!!
the waste land – do you like big cities? if you could choose any place on earth, where would you settle down?
i love big cities, they evoke so many feelings of love and the atmosphere being surrounded by people makes me so happy! if i could live anywhere, i think it would be san francisco, i love the city and the weather and the public transportation!!
o captain! my captain! – what are your aspirations in life? what motivates you?
in life, i want to give a tedtalk. i would also love to publish a book but i dont like what i write so if i ever did, id end up hating the book anyway in a year or so. i want to teach people the joy of public speaking and i want to give kids the joys i had given to me by my teacher when i was their age. my motivation comes from, this has to be done and if no one else will do it, it might as well be me. i have the passion and everything else will follow after that.
she walks in beauty – what's your aesthetic? how would you describe the relationship between inner goodness & outer beauty?
id describe my aesthetic as lovecore, i love the color pink and red and hearts and flowers and teddy bears and dresses and sparkles and valentines day and i love everything stereotypically ‘cute’. and i feel there is no outer beauty without inner goodness, if someone has bad intentions or a rotten core, their outward appearance will reflect.
one art – how do you deal with loss? do you write diary entries, poetry or prose?
thankfully i have not had to go through tremendous loss in my life but when i feel an emotional loss or general low point, i tend to move towards art, aimless doodling to take my mind off of situations. it centers me.
work, sometimes – how does your favorite weather make you feel? what is happiness to you?
my favorite weather makes me feel SO happy, all smiley and giddy and like things are going to be okay, just for one day, i will make this a good one. happiness to me is comfort and joy, its something that makes you laugh until your sides hurt and its art that you look at and feel. happiness isnt a huge moment, its little moments scattered throughout the days.
acquainted with the night – do you think there's such thing as the right time? what’s your outlook on the world?
no, i dont like to set things off for the thought of there being a right and wrong time. time isnt real and we only have so long on earth so there is no time but the present. go get that tattoo, ask them out, eat that snack. my outlook on the world is that there is a lot of bad shit but there is also a lot of good shit you will never see but it important nonetheless. you cant change the world in a day so you might as well take it one day at a time, working everyday to make it as good as possible.
if – do you daydream a lot? are you volatile, or do you stay calm when conflicts arise?
i love to day dream, it helps me determine what i really want and its a lovely distraction when the goings get tough. i try to avoid conflicts in every situation possible but if i were pushed, id either accept my mistake and apologize and work towards a better future; or i would tell the other person how im feeling and what i can do to help them feel better.
what would i give? – do you cry often? if you could change anything about your past, what would it be?
things make me sad but rarely enough to cry, things more so tend to weigh me down then break me. i let the sadness take me however it sees fit. and if thats to cry, so be it. if i could change anything about my past, i would just say that you will only get this chance to start over in a new state once, the years will go by quick so to TAKE OPPORTUNITIES WHEN THEY SHOW THEM SELF TO YOU!!!!!!
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