#even if im anxious lmaoooo
ibiteactually · 11 months
Thank you for all your lovely tags on the Wyverns bride 💕 the epilogue is still in process but I’m totally working on it. You know. Between other things.
Of course!!! I love your work so much and I plan on reading your other stories too! I understand being busy with other things, as I have too. Which is why it took me a while to get back to this lovely story. Can't wait to see how you finish it off. I'll be sad to see it end 😔
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sundial-girl · 1 year
vFlwoer...you know teh ourple one...
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My favorite song of theirs
ok i'm actually gonna be real i don't listen to that much flower 😭😭😭 SORRY. but the songs i have listened to are good she slays
i think given my blog theme though it's pretty obvious which is my fave flower song
Who I ship them with
ig(??) i do still for the most part think she's sapphic/has a preference for girls, and b/c of a friend my main thing was flowerin. i do like them v much and think abt them, they're cute. BUT a different friend of mine ships fukaflower and that's also really grown on me. BUT b/c of the internet and other mutuals too i've seen pikase and that's cute as hell too. so my mind somehow condensed that into the THREE OF EM (flower, fukase, piko) but i dont even know what tf i'd call that; its not entirely romantic but also not entirely platonic, something is going on and its made infinitely more complicated w/ how they all interact differently depending on what fucking timeline story thing we're in. and again flower & rin is also cute and flower has other cute ships too and AJKSDKJKJKJ 😭
i'll just say tho that the good thing about having several different story things where different things happen is i can do whatever i want and everyone can b happy. the bad thing is i end up overthinking it and also i have a tendency to not give the characters in my stories happy endings
My favorite part about their design
well for one i like how she has so many designs i think its funny lmaoo
v3 and v4 are my faves sooo... i do like the dress & longer hair of v3 actually, i feel its more like, actual flower-like so it fits (and maybe im a bit based b/c that's the design she had when i first vaguely knew abt her). but v4 is iconic, undoubtedly. its the first design that pops into my head when people say flower. i really like how its more ourple since her v3 is more like... black? hksjghkj. i like her striped armwarmer thing its quite funky. solid designs but theyre hard asf to draw imma be real 😭 i can never get them quite right
ALSO i know people dont like ci b/c she doesn't look like flower, but funnily enough i do kinda like that. the sorta uncanny valleyness, b/c u know its supposed to be flower and it vaguely does have some resemblance but its also not and something feels wrong. again though that might just be me b/c of how i twist that for narrative purposes and i have a lot of fun w/ angst shit regarding ciflower but sjkjdhjkshkjhakjhg
A random headcanon I have of them
you know those memes about people cutting/dying their hair after a mental breakdown? yeah that's her 😂😭
i don't think she actually dyes it, it's naturally that peppered white/black color sorta, but she does impulsively do shit to her hair sometimes, not necessarily when she is distressed but she has def done it as "distraction" from negative emotions going on. luckily there's some sorta thing going on that lets her grow her hair back really fast in case she fucks up, so she can test out as many hairstyles as she wants whenever basically. she does think fucked up hairstyles are really funny tho. probably once shaved her entire head just b/c she could
name a vocaloid in my askbox and i'll tell you stuff
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2blokesgoforaswim · 9 months
page 16 is done but i fucked up the dialogue so i need to fix it before i post lmao. tomorrow (later today cuz its like 2am)
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samandcolbyownme · 7 months
Babe (only gender neutral term I can think of rn cuz idk your pronouns) the way I CRIED reading I Wish I Knew?? And you have the audacity the end it with "sorry if it sucked" LIKE WHAT?? I'm actually such a slut for angst friends to lovers it's insane but you just did it PERFECTLY I'm obsessed it's 1am for me rn and my pillow is wet I couldn't even stop crying during the smut part lmaooo I'm very sensitive and the whole situation felt very personal but ugh I just loved it so much I love your work so so much <333
Babe is fine with me (and mamas but we won’t go there lmaoooo) She/her/hers for anyone else that wants to know! You’re so respectful I love that, but anyway IM SORRY I MADE YOU CRY now I feel like crying ughhh but thank youuu so frickin much! I ended it that way because I felt like it wasn’t my best but honestly with the reaction it got, I know I was dead wrong.. I had to genuinely research was angst meant in fanfiction (embarrassing I KNOW) and I was actually so anxious because I didn’t wanna get shredded for writing something that wasn’t you know?!
But I truly appreciate the feedback ugh I love youuuu thank you for being here and supporting me 😭🖤
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emi-matchu · 6 months
pet peeve discourse format: post that presents your own side of the wildly vitriolic discourse as the soft anxious uwu smol bean side. example:
> group I identify with: "hey guys, could you please do this one small thing for us?? 🥺🥺"
> group I consider my enemy: "omg you absolute dipshit you're the worst and everything you've just said is the worst, how fucking dare you ask me to mildly inconvenience myself, I hate doing things for anyone ever and my basis for this is entirely to watch you suffer because it's funny, lmaoooo"
> group I identify with: "oh.... ok...... guess I'll go die...... 😭😭😭"
idk I just have such a bad reaction to, in community conflict situations, pretending to be the One Soft And Reasonable Side,
for stuff where it's like. y'all I've been seeing this discourse, that's not how your cohort actually consistently talks. in most of these things, there's beratement posts and petty angry manipulative bullshit flying around in all directions
What tumblr discourse is, is traumatized people trying to find answers for their overwhelmingly complex feelings and experiences… even when people are wrong, it's very very rare that there's an actual outright villainous side ime
and idk, it just really irks me to see discourse fall away from the useful relevant topic into deciding We Are Good Ones and They Are Bad Ones, when we're not talking about CEOs, we're talking about other young disabled traumatized people, trying to figure stuff out with the only peers they know how to find
it's okay to be mad at people, it's okay to think someone is very very wrong and to say so, disabled traumaqueers are plenty often wrong and do bad things! trauma reactions, including bad and hurtful ones, are extremely common among us, this is how the trauma works
but idk, the times when people process this by presenting the rest of the world as outright villains, and themselves as just soft sweeties trying to get by…
idk, that's the stuff where I get real sad and scared
I genuinely kinda like discourse! I think sorting through complex issues together, even with conflict and tension involved, is extremely useful and interesting
but I hate "the discourse is bad because the other side is Willfully Cruel, unlike us who are just being Reasonable"… and the only way I've found to get away from it is to… just stop reading it and make sure my posts never end up in front of anyone anymore, I guess
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Asking 3, 4, 5, 6, and 17 for the stranger things ask game (Thats kind of a lot, sorry)
dont worry nons, i lovre doing these ask games :)
3- favourite scene in the entire series?
well that's hard. there are a. lot.
ok i'll do one as a viewer and one as a crazy insane totally un-normal cinematography nerd. as a viewer: holy fucking fuck fuck max's scene in dear billy. WHAT THE FUCKCKCJFJ. its cliche, i know, but the SONG, the LETTER, the LIGHTING, the DRAMATICS, thE FUCKIGN MEMORIES!?!@?1 MADWHEELER CAMEOO!:!>!>>!?@?!@/ IT S ITS SO FUCKING PERFECT AND I LOVE EVERYTHHIGN ABOUT IT. god its just. everything.
as a cinematography nerd and professional gay, THE FUCKING RAIN FIGHT. holy hell. where do i start. the dramatic lighting. the amazing fucking camera work. the car between them. the way we can feel will's absence after he leaves. the RAIN. mike wearing a yellow polo (pssst its will's colour pssst he's projecting) AND AND AND AND the colouring of the shot being blue because HE'S PROJECTING!!!! the way will tears up oh i want to hug him. the most iconic lines ever, confirmed gay will (if you have basic media literacy), and the way mike is jus. so distraguht. :((( (also compare it to mlvn break up its EMBARRASSING how much sadder it is lmaoooo)
4- saddest death for you?
well this one is hard. because does max count (i totally think she's coming back alive btw) im saying she counts. I CAN'T F-FEEL OR SEE ANYTHITGN. I DONT WANT TO DIE IM NOT READY. AFTER HER BEING FUCKING SUICIDAL AND ANXIOUS DISTANCING HERSELF FROM EVERYONE ALL SEASON AND HER CLUTCHING ON TO LUCAS SAYING SHE DOES WANT TO LIVE SHE DOES SHE DOESN'T WANT TO DIE SHE WANTS TO KEEP FIGHTING I- RHAHHHHHHHH. her arc is about finding the will to live and then they. fucking. killed her. (maybe). rahhghh.
5. should eddie have died in s4 or should it have been steve?
eddie fulfilled his purpose. he absolutely should have died in s4 (as in, the options are eddie never existed and steve dies or what we got in the show, that bitch was not living till s5) and im happy with the choice. i think steve dying in season 5 is a much better choice, because we've bonded with him, we like him (despite his fans), and he means so much to the kids. it'll hit harder in s5. from a screenwriting perspective, i think steve dying in s5 is better than in s4.
but on the other hand, i dont think they should have emphasised dustin and eddie's relationship that much. it should have been like a 'he was innocent, he didn't deserve this' death and not a 'oh no my best friend/older brother figure' death. bc the second one is steve.
so yes, i like eddie dying in s4 as long as steve dies in s5
6. Death predictions in s5?
oh. haha. steve. he's a fucking goner. for sure. i think steve confesses his uNdYiNg LoVe to nance, dies, and then everyone freaks out bc 'omg st3ddie are in heaven together.'
i do think all of the kids are safe, re: will, mike, lucas, dustin, el and max. they have specifically said its ending happy, and any of the main party dying is not happy. that said im a little scared for dustin. just like. 1%. if you told me one of the kids was out, i think its him. but im pretty sure they're all good.
robins safe, #diversity, nance is safe #love triangle security, argyle might be in danger, but he kind of doesn't feel important enough to die (i love him but dude doesn't even have a last name ffs), if steve dies then jonathan is safe, but if steve lives, jon's in trouble,
i think both joyce and hop are safe, hop especially, they did not fake him out in s3, then have him be gone for alllll of s4 just to kill him off in s5. fucking pointless (i do wish he died in s3 though. im a hopper hater, fight me.)
vickie is also safe, #diversity and also she's too clueless, max is double super duper safe (because why save her from such a good and epic and sad death just to kill her later), i do think murray is in trouble, its been a good long game death and he (sadly) isn't that much of a fan fav. erica may be in a bit of hot water. she's a fan fav and her death would be hard on both viewers and characters
also im hoping dreaming and praying for lonnie to come back so jonathan can kill him with either his bare fucking hands or (and this one i like) a chainsaw. please. please. PLEASE GIVE JON A CHAINSAW IN SEASON 5 I BEG YOU DUFFERS.
so steve, murray, erica and (🤞) lonnie are the only ones i think im sure enough to predict are dying, in that order of likeliness.
17. What song is saving you from vecna?
oh. well. any mcr, obviously. but i do have loads. specifically:
cemetery drive because the sheer power of the funniest thing ever would get my ass in the air (mikey falling on the way down im so sorry but 😭😭😭 my fav video on youtube) /j
you know what they do to guys like us in prison but it has to be live and frank's vocals have to be boosted to high heaven
planetary (GO!), because i need to get up and go back. to safety (i think im funny :,)
DESTROYA. be serious a second.
and finally, kids from yesterday or wttbp would do the trick. this is probably my nmost serious answer, because the raspy vocals in either of those songs are enough to make me sob my eyes out and they are the anthem songs of the respective albums.
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winterrhayle · 1 year
i cant even complain anymore bc i brought this onto myself ahaha
this love - the bridge of this song actually KILLSLSSSSS me everytime it makes me FEEL THINGS OMG LIKE. the production is like a wave just HIT ME IN THE FACE,, and the added echos onto taylors version????? PUT ME LITERALLY 6 FEET UNDERGROUND ITS SO GOOD,,,, im so glad that people are finally starting to give it attention bc of it being one of the 2 tvs on 1989 bc this song really is THAT GIRL
you are in love - this song is literally all i want to experience in life,,, its another underrated gem and its sosososo cute and i love how she wrote this about jack antonoff thats peak friendship tbh
wildest dreams - so iconic how she put her actual heartbeat into this song,, also have u heard the music video version of this???? basically, towards the end theres added instruments and it sounds more orchestral and ASIGDUSDGLHFASTFGYUASGDJHAIISUFGHJKAFDSGH
style - THEEEEEEEE STRUT SONG. CATCH ME ON A WEDNESDAY NIGHT IN MY ONESIE PRETENDING LIKE IM ON A CATWALK IN MY BEDROOM. im not a haylor stan BUT thank u harry styles for making this song happen (same goes for out of the woods which brings me to my next ranking,,,,....)
out of the woods - THE PRODUCTION. PUT THE SONG ON AND PROPERLY L I S T E N. jack antonoff and taylor put their whole soul into that bridge bc....,..,, the build up to that big moment and the layering of sounds and then the pull back of the production on 'you were lookin at me' to show that all of the anxiety from outside of the relationship fades when she looks at HIM AND OAFIUAGFHLSVHDG (im so normal about this)
i know places - ok 1989 has the best production ever tbh,, bc the click of the recorder thingy at the start and end of the song to show that shes constantly being watched by the public????? *CHEFS KISS* its always super interesting to see insights like this into what its like to be famous, and this song with all of the themes of being anxious in a relationship bc of people watching is soo reminiscent of out of the woods (and u already know how i feel about that song hahaha)
blank space - this song is reputation (lyrically) before rep even existed,, the whole thing with her leaning into the untrue persona people gave her is very rep coded + this song is probably the most iconic thing to come out of 2014, and its also so funny bc when it came out i didnt know it was satire, so 8 year old me was yell-singing 'boys only want love if its torture' with my WHOLE BODY LMAOOOO and i turned out to be a lesbian so maybe i was onto something there
wonderland (gotta preface this by saying that im NOT a gaylor,, im just gonna say how i interprate this song for myself ) - i listen to this song in a very lesbian way. the idea of a relationship being doomed bc of peoples thoughts but being in ur own bubble in the magic of it all anyway??????? lesbian. 'too in love to think straight'???? lesbian. also the b
shake it off - i unironically think this is such a bop. idc what yall say,, if ur a shake it off hater u just dont know how to have fun,, haters gonna hate i guess
new romantics - this song is soooooo 1989 tour. whenever i think about it i mourn the fact that i didnt go and experience it
welcome to new york - ICONICCCC ALBUM OPENER. the progression from 'some day i'll be livin in a big old city' to 'welcome to new york it's been waiting for you' makes me want to sob. also her going 'the lights are so bright but they never blind me' to 'the lights and boys are blinding' ON THE SAME ALBUM is so funny like girl why are u lying😭
all you had to do was stay - this song is so funny bc didnt she say that she heard the high pitched 'STAY' in her dreams and then put it in the song😭, also i love the genre of taylor song that is actually lyrically so sad but is paired with really upbeat happy production😭 for example august and forever winter
clean - i have a confession, i didnt like this song for yearrrrsss but now ive matured and im sane and i understand that this is such a perfect album closer, i love how its a lot calmer than the rest of the album and i really love the secret message for this song in the album cd booklet 'she lost him, but she found herself, and somehow that was everything'
how you get the girl - iconic of her to have a literal instruction manual for men with no communication skills. and its a bop so there really is something for everyone here
i wish you would - this song kinda reminds me of i almost do (aka one of my faves off red)
bad blood - iconic music video, iconic feature with kendrick lamar BUT. the lyrics arent up to her usual level,, however the bridge is still rly good,, i just think that reputation executed this songs vibe a lot better
fearless (im already dreading this omg,, why is it SO LONG) also just for fun im gonna put this emoji ☔️ on every song that mentions the rain or a storm bc theres sososo many
come in with the rain ☔️- shout out to me for bring the only person who appreciates this song,, like.....,.,.,.,,,,,, 'hoping that someone will come back and just watching the 'and i, ive got you down / i know you by heart / and you dont even know where i start' HELLO? this is such a comfort song and it is very relatable 13/10
the other side of the door ☔️- another underrated bop BURIED by the sheer number of songs on this album😭 the outro alone should make this song more popular bc LISTEN TO ITTTTT
the way i loved you☔️ - shes so silly for this bc this mindset is exactly what she was taking about growing from in daylight😭 anyways,, iconic bridge,, so fun to sing, another 13/10
you belong with me - PICK ME ANTHEM🗣🔊💥💥💥💥 also i saw someone post that its rly funny how the song says 'i remember you drivin to my house in the middle of the night' but in the music video taylor and the love interests are next door neighbours😭 like why are u driving 10 meters king !?
breathe - ANOTHER COMFORT SONG (the lyrical content is actually very sad but whatever) its about a friendship breakup and to me it also is very reminiscent of a wlw breakup and iahdouslahgdhfgsadfhjgshjadf also i love the outro sm (the im sorry repeat part) anddd idk why but i find the way she sings 'and we know its never simple never easy' soo satisfying
white horse - i love this song sm bc in all her old albums (including this one) she really emphasises the whole perfect fairytale romance thing but in this song she flips the whole thing and shes like nvm ive been delusional bc this isnt a fairytale, i deserve better, and and ur actually not allathat. byee
youre not sorry - THE MELODRAMA HAHAHAHHAH I LOVE THIS SONG, also im obsessed with the speak now mashup where she did back to december/apologise/youre not sorry bc thats probably my favourite ever live recording of her
bye bye baby ☔️- the first line is so good bc she says 'it wasnt just like a movie / the rain didnt soak through my clothes (❌☔️)/ down to my skin' bc this whole album shes talking about fairytale romance and kissing in the rain and here shes like nah i lied i was over romanticising this bc this didnt actually happen lolz (similar to white horse)
fifteen - this song is so relatable bc this exact thing happened with me when i was 15☠️ also why are her songs about abigail always the saddest things ever bc we have this one AND HAPPINESS???????? abigail was going thru it fr..,. oh and production wise i love the brief pause and the drums at 3:48 (this is very specific but whateverrr lol)
love story - what can i say...,.,,, its literally love story..,,,,,.,,,,.. the song of the century tbh, its not my personal favourite but i still adore it sm and i love the romeo juliet aesthetic and i love how shes wearing romeos shirt in the fearless taylors version cover (also apparently taylor wrote this song in 20 minutes???? thats crazy talent)
dont you - im obsessed with the vocal layering on 'my heart knows what the truth is' in contrast to the rest of this fairly simple song. also i love the parallel between 'sometimes, i really wish that i could hate you / i've tried, but that's just somethin' i can't do' and 'i can’t make it go away by making you a villain'
we were happy - to make this even more depressing i like to imagine this song sung by the person from mary's song,, where before they were these childhood friends-lovers who thought they were gonna be together forever. 'and our daddies used to joke about the two of us / they never believed we'd really fall in love' to 'talking 'bout your daddy's farm / and you were gonna marry me'
forever & always☔️- she ENDED joe jonas in this one LMAOOOOOOO 'was i out of line? / did i say something way too honest / made you run and hide / like a scared little boy' kills me hahhahahha
tell me why - i cant relate to this song but it is so fun to pretend to be angry and sing
thats when☔️ - most of the fearless vaults are super underrated and that makes me so sad actually, bc this song is so nicely produced it feels so light and airy
you all over me☔️ - 'once the last drop of rain / had dried of the pavement' is a very iconic lyric for such a rainy album. its good closure only...,,.,,,, THE ALBUM IS NOT FINISHED BC ITS 26 TRACKS LONG
mr perfectly fine - ok im gonna say it, this song is overrated. im SORRY,,, i love the song (especially the key change bc omg) but i feel like forever & always said everything this song did but in a better way???? but i do appreciate the sarcastic nature of this track
today was a fairytale - ok from this song ranking down i feel like the songs could have been cut out of the album,, bc honestly these songs are the reason why fearless drags on and is my least favourite ts album :(((( if these werent on it fearless would be higher on my album ranking,, anyway i think that today was a fairytale is super cute and nice but its very generic lyrically (also i like to imagine this song to be about the too perfect bf she talks about in the way i loved you)
untouchable - when i found out this song is a cover i was actually shook to my core bc the og is rock and it sounds so different😭 props to taylor bc she rly did make the song her own
change - the hallelujahs in this song are funny bc its literally christian country girl cosplay😭 go off i guess??????? one time my dad gave me the aux at church (hes a priest) and he told me to put on some christian songs and i played this one LMAOOOOOO
superstar - this ones cute, its like those one direction fanfics where a member would fall in love with a fangirl
jump then fall - this song is nice ! thats all i can say tbh
hey stephen☔️- whyyyy is this on the album,, stephen i do NOT care about u and this song is boring sorryyyyyyyyy,, the only good part is the mmm mm mm m m mmm m m OHH AND THE 'all those other girlssss yeah theyre beautiful / but would they write a song for you?? HA'
im not putting if this was a movie on here bc that is NOT A FEARLESS SONG. ITS A SPEAK NOW GIRLIE IDC. TAYLOR CANT GASLIGHT ME
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thevampirearchive · 2 years
Commentary on Interview With The Vampire - Episode 4 (Spoilers)
Now why did I think that was a cotton tree. Does Cotten even grow on trees? Okay
Omfg diaries! CLAUDIA MA CHÈRIE!
Black Angel :) he is beautiful! Pls, I love this!
From a young person perspective, I’m with Lestat. Imagine being a child forever? I’d loose my mind. @ vampires pls don’t turn me till I’m a crisp 35 pls and thank you.
“I dont know” I know this pisssed Lestat off. Like why you bring her here WITHOUT ANY PLANS? But also? Same Louis, same.
And ofc begging will help because Lestat would literally do anything to make his man’s happy, king.
Louis trusting Lestat and not saying anything as he nearly drained her —- iktr
Pls not a street cat, I love her.
“If you want it to be” Louis where will she go if it’s not pls he’s so nice, giving options and not tryna scare her. Lestat would have said yes ofc, and if you need anything else, tell me because I’m very rich.
“That make him the dumb one” not me weezing, child pls. And all while Lestat in the dark.
I love this tho, them communicating like this and watch Lestat be jealous as he should.
“What’s he saying” he’s so irritated! This is the reality Edward Cullen thinks he wants but trust, he doenst. Nobody does.
Relying on Louis words alone would make me anxious cuz it’s not like they understand eachother most of the time. And now miss C has access ? Yeah hang in their Lestat.
Not him calling her his lil Milkweed — IM SCREAMING
“Family secrets” awwwww. And Lestat got so happy! I’m so exited.
Uncle Les and Daddy Lou are the cutest nicknames!
Aww her observing them! She’s so cute.
Pls not the vegetarian parents vs the carnivore parent feuding. EAT HIM EAT HIM EAT HIM! Love how she sounds a lil sad but not for long cuz she about to have the best time and Louis will scream cry throw up
Lmaoooo ‘it has movement’ no because speak! Lestat, pls, You’ve been dragged for your outfits twice while we watched, you’re not a fashion icon pls you’re just French.
Pls not her smelling someone better hhhhahahahaa glad the swans are safe.
Ew not the singing, she’s so creepy, it’s perfect!
‘Not a cop’ Claudia said ACAP purr, that’s my niece for sure.
Lmaooo not now Lestat, he’s really tryna ‘that’s my baby’ rn? We’re busy bro pls have your proud father moment at home (but yes that’s y’a girl! PEIROD)
Lestat smiling at Louis as he really he’s him what Lestat taught him :) and I’m sure he’s especially happy because Louis had that whole morality dilemma. And now, he’s not even springing it on Claudia! Good!
Lmao she’s so pouty , same. Start screaming and kicking. “From starvation” hahahahaha ON HER KNEES, pls they need to pay attention or she’ll eat the streets💀
LMAO she’s having too much fun! FROG LEGS? Y’all sure this isn’t Leatats daughter?
Not her smashing the macaron, I know Lestat screamed cry threw up at the sight. It’s his country’s national treasur!
Hahahah not Kill Juice!
I love how she plays in the light! She’s such a kid Argh same.
Yes Daddy Lou is cute but Lil waif? Lmao not him calling her a fucking abandoned neglected poor orphan to her face 😭names go hard tho tho — they should drop a track
‘The book is her friend’ not Louis translating to Lestat who still don’t get it. She talks to books cuz she her daddy’s daughter hello? What’s not clicking.
Pls not the pen scribbling, it’s so loud 😭
NOT Lestat tryna threaten her and she unbothered, PEIROD. Nobody cares if your tiers uncle Les, answer the question 🔫
Omg! Louis French is good :) lmao Lestat just yelling FUCJING he’ll. Iconic. Lestat is super young-acting tho so idk how that was thrown at him. He’s mad cuz he cannot sleep, he cannot rest, 🎶a single mom who works two jobs —🎶
Pls not her testing the coffin, same.
Hahahahahahah not his feet in her face, baby was traumatized!
Not catching them get it on, ‘you miss me’ 🤓 yes pookie, hahaha I loved that
Glad Claudia realizes the hypocrisy, but don’t question him too much 😭 glad Louis set her straight cuz he’s been yelled at now a lil too much.
Pls not him explaining queerness, purr. She’s so freaking cute! Perfect casting!
Pls Claudia looks disgusted THAT FISH LOOKS NASTY INDEED. He’s tryna convert her and she’s still frowning, lmaoo. I lowkey don’t like this cuz he’s confusing her because he’s so tightly connected to his humanity still vs her adjusting so well already.
Pls not the call for prayer, mashallah. i could go on a 7 day rant about vampires and Muslims, and how Christian’s should step aside cuz their religion does not have the full facilities to hold such supernatural creatures to begin with! PURR
Claudia was out here on some author shit. Wrote all down like her life depended on it.
Her room is so nice. Lmao not her throwing stuff at him I’m screaming!
I’m glad she explains how time flies, cuz some ppl think eternal immortality is = boredom. YOU FOOLS!
Aww she truly is a child! Gets between her dads when they fight? Many of us are having war flashbacks, I bet.
Pls not them watching Nosfaratu and laughing! Same. The mockery. Pls
Another funeral, haven’t people died enough? And She wore red to a funeral? Baby, I bet it was lestats idea.
Pls not his sister against same
Sex parents hahahahahahahahha enough.
Not the smugness of Louis, same💀 I bet he’s sad tho, but still resentful after all.
Pls not his sister thinking Lestat pays for it all.. he does but Louis pays him back :/ put some respect on his name. And the threat. Pls! Their like a lil family of killers.
NOT THE SMELL! She was stood up there like that picture of blue Ivy
Lestat pls be Fr! cuz he acts however he wants and doenst care, and that’s why her behavior was fine lmaoo
Uncle Les and you are Evil Twins lmao, iconic evil twins.
Not him having the most convekyrrd complicated sex talk 😭 even i was slime huh? So he’s teaching her how to drive and what love and sex is? Iconic.
If someone called me belladonna I’d scream, that’s my fav nickname for her — why is he comparing her to drugs like this? Sir? 😭
Pls not them hunting together how Louis said he hated. Louis did tell her she hated it for a reason and I see why, but I see why Lestat loves it. Creepy, weird, enticing snd perverse.
Lmao not her just jumping him, I love this scene. “She’s with me” purr.
She’s realizing! I love it! But realizing too hard cuz now you playing grown.
‘Jumped a girl’ LMAO period, Lestat is so proud of her and Louis is terrified 😭I’m both 🫶🏾 Except that outfit is giving elderly, she truly is lestat’s daughter.
Pls, not darkie, I’m triggered y’all. 💀 NOT DARKIE. Almost had her commit homicide.
Omg he kinda looks like Louis’ brother :) omg.
Oh my gosh, she’s like a fanfic writer her thoughts hve be giggling.
She reads so fast she doenst even look down, me when? All so she could go see her man’s do his rounds!
THE FLOWERS! PLS! Not the blocking! ‘This is your father speaking’ LOUIS GET OUT OF HER HEAD! Can a girl get some privecy in here ?
Omg she’s matured so much! WAIT! I need a timeline cuz she said 19, is she lying or has 2. Years passed? If so, it took her almost 2 years to complete one diary? That seems fake.
Pls not the horse 😭 she’s finally getting what she wanted. But now I’m scared. ‘Your an Angel’ leave that man’s neck alone baby girl, cuz it cannot end good! YOUR KILLING HIM! CLAU! CLAU! NOOOOO! The horse fighting for its life in the back cuz she killed him!
I love her and I’m so sorry baby girl but not taking him home knowing your uncle is Lestat…. He’s gonna hurt your feelings Fr
‘He’s dead’ thump — I AN SCREAMING.
Louis: Lestat :/ — translation: be empathetic pls
Lestat: :) what? :)? — Translation: I keep telling y’all we vampires but everybody in this fucking house wants to mess around and be entangled with humans so this why y’all get, bodies bodies bodies..
‘Clean up after yoursel’ AND IM SCREAMING AGAIN. Y’all don’t understand this is him when he’s angry. When he’s yelling and shit? That’s him hurt and frustrated. Smiling and smooth and snip? Yeah y’all have him pissed.
Talk about taking actions for your responsibility. Lestat would be a ‘let it cry itself to sleep’ type of parent. He has to teach her tho or she’s gonna be miserable. And I love how harsh he is with her cuz this is exactly how Louis would have had to face the music if Lestat wasn’t so in love and so afraid of loosing him that he forced gentleness and patience out. Lestat fed up tho, he cannot have a Louis 2.0 situation, Mans 159, he’s tired.
“I don’t want you” 🤨 Louis, quickly, who does this remind you of? Option 1. You? Option 2. toi?
Not Anne Frank and Stephen king, Daniel…. 😀
‘I had two and their—’ lmaooo Daniel finish the sentence 💀
They have a lot of dark eras of their lives, ngl.
‘Bandaid for a shitty marriage’ DANIEL😭 this man must be an earth sign cuz what’s this brutality. Taurus maybe ? Or a
Coffin scene smacked. Omg the flavors! Me at 3am having yet another mental breakdown nBUT WORST. She’s realizing everything and it’s rushing thru her, poor baby about to end it. Pls and the nock on wood, CLAUDIA
LESTAT! LOUIS! GET HER! Their truly parents to an emo child cuz she basically cutting and venting to paper and I cannot beleive that’s how it ends :/ GIVE ME MORE DAMN IT!
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
“A Joyful Lens” liveblog!
I know I’ve been kind of delayed on these but I want to watch the finale as soon as I can, so this liveblog is happening tonight LMAO.
RIP bingo for this one, I did not have time, and I don't have time for the finale either. I've been really busy, and work has me working weird hours, so I'm really sorry about that.
As always, spoilers under the cut!
0:58 it’s really fucking creepy how he sicced a kid on number two. Creepy ass child
1:21 just let him drink it dude
1:46 welp there she goes
2:09 well there goes that plan
2:22 “I could not poison my own brother” my guy it’s not poison
2:34 what the
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3:03 I love that they have a code between each other LOL
3:10 “it’s our own system we made up to classify bug and animal threats to the farm and dictate our response” LMAO THOSE CUTE ASS NERDS
3:29 “I’ve stared down the barrel of Curtain’s brainsweeper. I’m fine staying put.” MY BABY GIRL KNOWING WHEN TO STEP ASIDE
3:35 “run silent, run deep.” REFERENCE TO THE INSTITUTE BREAK-IN
3:52 “thirty seconds pretty much guarantees they’ll be too far away to see our movements.” LMAO i take back everything I said earlier but at least my girl’s funny as fuck 4:13 straight jackets? really?
4:32 he is stone fucking cold. That's the face of a kid who rightfully held a grudge
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4:47 you’d think the happiness technique thing wouldn’t make Constance lose her contrarian nature, just make it have a pleasant flare. It goes to show how much it’s truly altering these people
4:55 “just pull it.” why does he know how a straight jacket works
5:03 she ripped that thing off like tearaway pants LMAO
5:14 “that’s not my way, you know that Sticky” I hate that he’s already trying to appeal to him
5:48 yikies
6:01 and now time for the lovely intro. I really do like the style, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired if the vibe
7:06 it makes me sad that she was so unhappy, but at the same time it’s upsetting that it’s being achieved through manipulation and hypnotism
7:11 it really does seem similar to a manic episode
7:28 “but when I think with my mind I just want to resist with all my might” smart. Please listen to yourself
7:42 “what if you just don’t think as much? What if everything’s just fine?” this sounds like a neurotypical person trying to tell someone to just not be anxious
7:53 wtf is happening
8:03 again wtf is happening. This is like two drunk people pretending they’re sober
8:05 oh lord it’s both of them now hahahah
8:21 okay the hard cut was really fucking funny
8:25 is the two of them screaming out a song going to be an important plot point for the gang reuniting hahahah
8:34 “...wolves?” LMAOOOO
8:40 what on earth
8:45 OOP
9:11 “blink once if they have this room bugged” yikes
9:18 “sir, you’re dressed in the faded rags of a hostage” tell me why that reminded me of gert’s “the tower” (gert if you’re reading this i love that fic and its additions so fucking much)
9:24 “I’m getting my own soon” if they’re anything less than a loud yellow im suing
9:26 “I requested yellow” girl you’ve been hypnotized for like 5 minutes when did you have the time to do that
9:36 what is wrong with this child
9:52 rip rhonda and milligan’s free will
9:59 “it’s like a… horse-camel.” does Kate not know what a llama is??
10:29 Constance looks like she jumped right out of Hansel and Gretel
10:58 “I know I tease you, Sticky, but the truth is that I enjoy your scientific facts.” I wonder how much truth there actually is to that
11:24 AWWWW. I know Constance would not do that when not under the influence but it’s so sweet
11:27 “...what’s wrong with her” she didn’t even hesitate
12:07 oh my gosh actually?? Smooth. And very smart to keep up the act so that they can meet up with the other two
12:30 “you two need to blend in” as if they aren’t already on curtain and his team’s hit list
12:38 ew is this like a PR thing
12:51 I really don’t like the phrase “reach into someone’s mind”. Very brainsweeper-adjacent of you
13:07 is this supposed to be a masterclass or some shit
13:29 “and soon all of you will be ready to share your gifts with the world” this is getting very Whisperer-takeover-adjacent of you
13:35 I’m sorry but Milligan you look ridiculous
13:36 I love how they somehow managed to make the four maintain some aspect of their personal styles in their hobo clothes. Reynie has a collar popped for fuck’s sake LOL
14:04 happiness centers?? This is the same but opposite of the books’ SAD cases and facilities
14:10 yikes, they’re operating them? Curtain must be fully convinced that he has control over their minds at this point. Scary
14:17 another one bites the dust
14:24 “I got it, they’re undercover.” Sticky I love you but do you think Mr Benedict is that good of an actor. Like Milligan and Rhonda I get, they are skilled as hell, but he would never be able to keep his cool around his brother like that
14:32 oh that made me so sad, I saw how ecstatic Miss Perumal looked
14:46 wait it happened that quickly? You get one neck pain and then 10 minutes later you’re fully catatonic?
15:05 of course the guy it happened to was conveniently on a wheelie chair
15:27 I really don’t like the implications of “worldwide happiness revolution”
15:37 Mr B looks incredibly concerned. Did he break out of it? Is it possible to break out of it? Is it possible to feel things other than happiness? I have so many questions
16:28 “they seem… very happy to be with you.” fake asf
16:44 ohh Reynie sweetheart
17:15 ohhhhh Kate
17:35 “there is no point to that emotion” dude’s fucked
17:42 “you guys are so convincing!” “thanks :D of what :D” incredible
18:01 “we love it here Sticky, and you will too.” fucking creepy
18:38 “it’s only natural to want others to be as miserable as you are” I mean there’s her usually biting tone but also huhhhh
18:58 Garrison team up part 2 electric boogaloo
19:40 oop they weren’t in unison that time
19:52 cover’s blown
21:13 “a correlation. Which is not the same as a causation.” just say you’re in denial and go
21:40 “and next time, do not bring me a problem for which you have no solution” so what I’m hearing is that homeboy doesn’t want to held responsible
22:37 why does she write her r’s like that
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22:37 I mean I get that it's a font but still
22:46 “optics. You mean like shining a bright light in someone’s eye?” don’t tell me they’re about to strobe people into awareness
23:06 “I’ve successfully stolen several items recently.” Kate, my love, I’m so proud of you LMAO
24:02 I’m really enjoying this compilation, each person is contributing in ways that play to all of their skills so dang well
24:19 that’s right, now learn to appreciate your dad’s contributions
24:36 “50/50… maybe…. 40/60?” loving the confidence lol. What a weird ass solution
24:49 it is so deeply strange seeing them all frolicking
25:01 I find it hilarious that the hippy pants don’t have belt buckles so Kate had to make a sash for her bucket
25:22 good grief. I know I said it earlier but it’s like they’re drunk off their asses
25:24 so did Mr B just like… forget about what he saw or
25:35 “that… is an unexpected vision.” agreed
25:47 “where’s my dad? Let’s start with him.” she can pretend she’s not worried about him all she wants but I will simply not believe her
25:57 okay so he didn’t forget. But he’s still dancing. So does the hypnosis thing kind of interject happiness into everything else, like force it to the front no matter what? Is that why he’s so chill? I still don’t quite understand how this works logistically
26:03 “and I knew I should feel something but I couldnt, which terrified me” okay so that does kind of answer my question, from what Mr B’s saying it negates other feelings to the point of overriding them
26:22 Milligan my guy chew with your mouth closed
26:42 I know he’s compromised but I think he would’ve responded the same way if he wasn’t because he’s so soft for her
26:54 “you are an amazing person, Kate Wetherall.” “I have strong genes.” AOJSDLFKSJDLF
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27:19 moment of truth
27:28 “...you deliberately misled me at the gates.” LMAO HE’S BACK AND HE’S BITTER
27:57 “looks like you’ve gotten acclimated :D” creepy
28:34 RHONDA’S FACE HAHAHAH she’s like “I can’t believe this shit”
28:43 “Oh, can it wait? I’m vibing.” drunk queen energy lol
28:53 “trust me.” “and I do, with my life” LSKDFJLIDSFJ AWWWWW
29:07 they’re going to be a problem if they’re watching so closely
29:13 first of all, don’t J&J recognize them from school?? LOL. second, called it
29:58 why did they have to tackle him like that adfjlafj
30:06 “my shoulder! It’s dislocated!” “STAY WITH ME” “it’s just my shoulder but thank you!” these two hahahhaa
30:58 “she gets a vote now?” in this house I demand respect for Miss Perumal 😤
31:52 “us :)” awwwwww
32:18 so is he like trying to do it to himself or
32:21 he WAS damnit that’s sad
32:28 equal parts sad and creepy. This is a desperate man
32:47 LMAO HUH
33:08 so number two’s original plan is in action lol. He is in a literal body bag
33:47 LMAOOOOO they’re fucking zoomin
34:06 why do they call them the greys too? Like.. don't they have an actual name for them. Like, say. Recruiters
So I did this liveblog in a few parts, but as I’m typing this it’s Wednesday night. I’m about to watch the finale.
34:24 idk why I gasped bc I knew it was coming
Damn, this season really took a hard left LOL. I have 0 idea what to expect for the finale. See you guys there!
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eddiexmunsn · 9 months
screaming at the other anon coming out here with the antisemitism fuck off
Anyways: yeahhhh I just found out TLOU has ties to zionist views and I guess the creator was- idk if Pedro is under contract but I do think it would be weird to suddenly talk about it and then everyone point out one of his projects was supposed Zionist propaganda. But also, u are so right about people waving money etc
There was a study done once that showed impoverished people are more likely to give money over those who have money because they know what it is like to go without and don't want others to.
I also know I get so busy I literally don't pay attention to anything or anyone else, and depressed and anxious about politics. I tend to just focus on the immediate in my life, but cmon....at some point you hear SOMETHING
My friend irl shared something at the start she believed was true and once finding out it was propaganda, deleted it and has shared actual facts about the war. She feels absolutely gutted about it. But it was ignorance and I've told her its okay- she has TRIED to make things better.
And yeah if DJO suddenly posted I'd feel it be performative af because like u never have before and if u don't do it again....don't profit off this ya know?
Which again makes me think of that other band and pisses me off more lmaoooo
its seriously pathetic how all these little bitch ass zionists try to defend themselves. its pathetic but also very humorous to see them try so hard to be edgy and do those stupid "gotcha" moments. like.....literally go eat the dirty shitty ass of satanyahu himself. im sure he'd love it, and then maybe they can hold hands and drink their shitty burnt coffee as they happily commit genocide and finger each other's assholes.
that study doesn't surprise me at all. people of less privilege/power/etc.. absolutely are more likely to care about other human beings period. literally the only people i don't care about are politicians and rich people. and even then, i think they deserve free healthcare and access to food and clean water.
and oof, it's rough being aware that you've actively spread propaganda unknowingly. i think one of the only reasons that shit never worked on me was my very jewish grandma who always shit talked israel and stupid ugly bibi, so shout out to that old lady. i've only talked to two of my friends about this because i know the other few aren't usually as involved and active in politics/human rights. its not that they don't believe in that stuff, it's just not something they post about or talk about, or even just aren't informed about because of some reason or another. which sucks and doesn't feel good, because i'd love to have some friends to go to protests with and such. but thats life i suppose. though some of my coworkers are pretty passionate about it so it's nice to go to work to be around others i know feel the same way that i do.
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im just gonna uhhhh. May delete this later. frubboruchevil partial fic plan under the cut
chapter 1:
tubbo gets a letter from the feds like "HEY YOU HAVE BEEN SUMMONED FOR TRIAL IN LIKE AN HOUR. GET FUCKED :)" and as per usual he goes and mourns with morning crew who reassure him that no tubbo it's okay you probably won't die or go to prison. meanwhile chat (a drone) keeps going "amiga..." bc it's funny. <- that's not important just a funny detail to me.
tubbo shows up at the trial as the defendant, i think maybe with likeee pac as his lawyer? or maybe he has to be his own lawyer that would be fun. (fit is not his lawyer because in this case the prosecution is forever+the feds meaning he could lose his job). ive decided tubbo will be his own lawyer.
tubbo fails miserably at defending himself partially because he keeps defaulting to "heyy but im just a little guyyy" and partially because when he actually DOES defend himself (like saying the hole is supposed to benefit everyone) he's ignored or it doesn't work.
the prosecution calls fred to the stand as a witness, cue a couple minutes of awkward queerness on tubbo's behalf and a complete lack of Anything from fred. fred testifies that no, tubbo has not informed them of any illegal intentions regarding the hole, but yes tubbo has broken several other laws, notably stealing the feds documents. tubbo is very betrayed but reasons that oh the feds are probably making them do this, there's no way.
but then he sees fred shaking weirdly and comes to the (WILDLY INCORRECT) conclusion that they're actually silently laughing at him. unable to defend himself, tubbo basically just has a panic attack and then phil and bagi and cellbit and morning crew get upset like DUDE you're OVERWHELMING HIM, but the feds Don't give a shit and arrest him for repeated breaking of the law. (this isn't even what he got tried for but the feds dgaf and bad and pierre are partying)
cucurucho and a guard escort him to the prison/rehabilitation centre (idk what it's called exactly but the big white building). tubbo tries to run for it but gets struck by lightning and then lassoed. they put him in a cell. end of chapter one
(note: i think the prosecutor would be jaiden, not bc she like dislikes tubbo or anything but bc of her friendship with cucurucho and also the fact that she's a DAMN good lawyer like that opening in the flippa trial was amazinggg.)
chapter 2:
chapter starts off with tubbo monologuing his new prison podcast to chat (a drone that legally he should not be able to have but he hid it by attaching it to his back. the feds took the rest of his stuff including his letters with fred). in the podcast, tubbo talks about being scared for a bit. he then rambles about how fred betrayed him and that he can never love anyone again, especially not from the feds. he talks in a joking manner but there's an undertone of genuine panic and heartbreak.
he starts to spiral a bit into paranoia (think "i will not trust anyone ever again not even fit and pac not even phil") but gets interrupted by a guard who comes in. they question tubbo for a bit, like how cucurucho did when they first met. tubbo however does not try to comply at all this time and is just a little shit the whole time.
the feds strike him with lightning again. tubbos like, "EVEN IN THE FACILITY????" and the guard just hits him. when the blindness wears off the guard is gone. he sits in silence for a bit but then starts to get really anxious and decides to talk to chat again. he lasts about 2 minutes before this time cucurucho enters (WOOHOOOOO!!!).
cucurucho gives him a book that talks about the actions they will take to 'Correct His Behaviour'. not quite sure what exactly those actions are, maybe they'll make him take pills similar to forever and pac, but whatever it is, tubbo's immediately like "NAHHHH lmaoooo aint no way im doing this... correcting behaviour shit"
they have a short back and forth, which ends with cucurucho going "YOU WILL LEARN." tubbo, who's been kinda smug and boisterous this whole time, pauses for a second and he's like "??? wdym king" to which cucurucho replies with a smiley face and says "I Hope You Enjoy The Island." it then leaves.
tubbo tries to brush this off but can't push down the dread. when he falls asleep he dreams of lava, white halls and guns.
chapter 3:
tubbo wakes up again and this time cucurucho is just sitting and staring him down. tubbo SCREAMS and immediately scrambles as far away from cucurucho as he can, hyperventilating. after realising that cucurucho is still in fact in the room with him, he forces himself to calm down. cucurucho is silent during the whole ordeal.
once tubbo no longer feels like he's about to explode, he pops the Very vital question of "hey king what the fuck are you doing here." cucurucho doesn't initially respond so tubbo pushes, "yknowww i dont mean to like pry or anything but you were literally watching me sleep. i feel like im owed an answer for that yknow. creepy as shit, watching people sleep." he's very obviously anxious.
(this is not actually supposed to be cucurucho stalking him. the feds track everyone on the island including sleep schedules and tubbo wakes at weird times. this is a nod to the whole "morning crew is not actually morning for tubbo" thing but also just that i like to push my terrible sleep schedules onto my faves.)
cucurucho finally writes down a reply, "YOUR SLEEP CYCLE IS IRREGULAR." tubbo's confused, asking "wdym" and rucho responds "ISLANDERS ARE NOT USUALLY ASLEEP AT THIS HOUR."
for a second tubbo's like "what- i slept that long- wait wdym islanders are not usually asleep at this hour??? are you tracking our fuckin sleep schedules??? what the fuck????" to which rucho just goes "CLASSIFIED." which tubbo basically confirms as yes.
tubbo asks the time and rucho responds that it's around 6pm (pst but that's not shared that's just the implied timezone of the island). tubbo's like, "yeah im always asleep at that time you just woke me up for no reason???"
rucho does not reply and goes "HA HA HA." tubbo notices it writing in a book and expects a reply, bouncing back to the "hey what the fuck do you track our sleep schedules, what else do you track?? our items?? the blocks we place?" rucho laughs again but does not hand the book over to tubbo.
gonna pause here because cctubbo just went live, but i am considering having qtubbo sneak a peak at the book (which says "SLEEP SCHEDULE DIFFERENT FROM PREVIOUSLY DOCUMENTED SLEEP SCHEDULE") so that he can question rucho on wtf that means since he's had basically the same sleep schedule since he thawed.
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fanboyzuko · 3 years
Me: haven't worked on new LTF chapters in maybe two weeks or so, have no perception of time
Me: wow I miss working on LTF it's been ten years
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ourladylennon · 4 years
four things of unimportance
1. activity log finally shows peoples tags when they reblog without having to open each reblog to see who actually tags n now I feel like I can get to know you guys 1000x easier 🥰🙏🙏🙏
2. A quick sorry that I haven’t been on as much because I haven’t had the motivation to gif stuff, primarily because I’ve been reading and writing pretty heavily (but also because I was starting up a regular blog + elections approaching are stressing me tf out). I keep wanting to like dissociate from the world and live in reading/writing land instead. Plus then I feel guilty for using my blog without posting any oc lmao. but that’s no way to live and i miss you guys so not gonna just ghost because i don’t have oc <3
3. This fandom is literally such a wonderful fandom, full of absolutely amazing individuals. Seriously!!!! Bold + intelligent people who make you really THINK about different theories and narratives and challenge what you know, sensitive + positive people who literally throw their hearts out and make it feel like a community, artists who provide us with unimaginable fics, graphics and artwork that would not even EXIST if they didn’t share their beautiful minds, and let’s not forget all the people who read and research to answer shit for us, the people who keep things going with reblog + likes, and also the beatles Counselors (yknow, the ones who we go and spill our souls out to in asks lmao). All sorts of people who make this fandom the absolute best <333 Shout out to all of you who engage by tagging things or reblogging with your thoughts or making textposts either about yourselves, your lives, fantastic shitposts or beatles discourse...like yes, please keep sharing! Yes I wanna know about your shitty day and what you think about paul mccartney’s mullet! You guys light up this fandom, thank you. This fandom: 10/10 would recommend 💗💗 You’re beautiful people <3
4. i found a way to make a baller peppermint mocha and i’m STOKED. i’m a peppermint addict
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ikyw-t · 4 years
lol so like. i thought that worst case scenario i would be graduating in summer 2021. but nope lmaooo bc i need to retake like 3 take classes that i failed with a D and i still need to find an internship. and i still have like 8 more classes to do. so im not gonna be graduating until spring 2022. meanwhile my sister is graduating this semester and has a full time job. i know it's not a race or competition but like :////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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saintfrenetic · 4 years
its sad boy hours again folks
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j4nn4s · 5 years
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