#even if the sister just hid her curse for this long
blookmallow · 1 year
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once-upon-an-imagine · 9 months
You're Still The One - Sirius Black
A/N: ahh! well here it is! I really hope you loves like it as much as the preview! so, here we go!
Requests: - Anonymous asked: Sirius x Potter!sister where she raises Harry and they reunite once he’s out of Azkaban but she has to tell him that he’s a father too (up to you if they had a son or daughter) - twilightlover2007 asked: I would love to see post-askaban Sirius with a single mama(witch or muggle). The little one could be hers or she adopted the child when her friends were killed, thinking the little one is 6months to a year and when able to walk the little one just FOLLOWS Sirius everywhere. Even bumping into his legs when he stops walking suddenly. His own little duckling! Please and thank you!
Warnings: this is very much AU because Sirius gets out of Azkaban earlier and Remus was kinda working his case and visiting him there, so if you don't like that then, this is not the story for you xD, also mentions of sex and I think that's it but let me know if I missed anything!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :) gif isn’t mine :D  
You're Still The One
You’re still the one I run to The one that I belong to You’re still the one I want for life
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“Hey, Remus, do you have any milk? I ran out and didn’t have time to go to the store-”
As soon as you walked into Remus’ home, Sirius instantly froze when he heard your voice. That beautiful voice he hadn’t heard in three years. It wasn’t something unusual for you to walk into the next house as casually as you did. But this wasn’t the way it was supposed to go. Sirius was still getting ready to see you. Which is why, when you came back up, the milk bottle slipped out of your hand and broke down on the floor as soon as you saw someone standing in the living room— a half-naked someone covered in tattoos, who definitely wasn’t Remus.
“Love” Sirius smiled, looking at you. The same smile he always had when he looked at you. He was about to walk your way, but you quickly grabbed what was nearest to you, which happened to be the newspaper on the table. You cursed silently for leaving your wand in your own kitchen. “What are you gonna do? Kill a spider-?”
“Who are you?”
“Bambi, it’s me-” he started, but you backed away.
“No! Do not call me that! It can’t be you! Y-you’re not here!” you said, feeling your eyes welling up.
He couldn’t be here. Sirius was in Azkaban. You knew that. You hadn’t seen him in three years. He couldn’t be just standing here in the middle of Remus’ living room.
“Sweetheart, I can explain-”
“What?” you heard Remus’ voice coming downstairs with clothes for Sirius. “Oh shit” he muttered when he spotted you.
“What the fuck is going on?” you asked, still with the newspaper in front of you.
“Calm down, okay?”
“Calm down!?”
“Shut up! Don’t call me that!” you said, turning to Sirius with your paper and he placed his hands up in surrender.
“Okay, put the paper down” Remus said, walking closer to you and pointing his wand to clean up the milk on the floor. "Just calm down, and listen to me, okay?"
"I'm listening..."
"Are you calmed?" Remus asked.
"...I'm listening" you repeated.
“Look, first of all, please don’t be mad at Moony, okay? I asked him not to tell you I was getting out until we were sure” Sirius insisted.
“Oh, and just how long were the two of you in on this?”
Sirius and Remus exchanged a look you had seen too many times back at Hogwarts before Remus responded.
“Two months” he said, taking a few steps back when you were going to hit him with the paper again but Sirius got in the middle.
“TWO MONTHS! You have been in touch with Sirius and you knew he was getting out and you hid this from me for two months?! You knew all this time and you didn’t tell me? You kept the love of my life away from me?”
“So, I’m still the love of your life?”
“I don’t know! I’m still mad at you!”
“What? Why are you mad at me for? Be mad at Moony!”
“Oi! You just told her not to be mad at me!”
“I know but I’d rather have her be mad at you than me!”
“Enough!” you yelled, making the two of them look at you. “One of you just… tell me what the bloody hell is going on!”
“I didn’t do it, love” Sirius told you.
“Well, I obviously know that part” you frowned.
“Y-you do?”
“I told you” Remus repeated, rolling his eyes. “Look, I didn’t want to tell you until we were certain and we could actually have enough to get him out” Remus explained.
“Why are you two looking at me like that? The last time you looked at me like that, you told me Remus was a werewolf” you said, nervously.
“It was Peter” Remus told you.
“W-what?” you asked, feeling your heart drop. You slowly sat down on Remus’ kitchen table. The two friends looked at each other and sat down with you. “B-but Peter’s dead-”
“He’s not” Sirius told you. “We decided, James and I…” he said, noticing the pained expression on your face when he mentioned your brother. “I suggested Peter should be the Secret-Keeper and not me. We didn’t tell anyone” he explained. “I- I didn’t think he would-” he choked as a few tears ran down his face. “I am so sorry, love” he said, trying to grab your hand but you quickly pulled it away.
“James would have told me” you said, not really knowing what else to think. You always knew it wasn’t Sirius. It couldn’t have been. You knew Sirius would die before he’d let anything happen to James or Lily. But you couldn’t believe it was Peter either. “H-how come none of us knew?”
“We thought it was best that way” Sirius confessed. “After… what happened” he continued. “I tracked Peter down and when I cornered him, he yelled for the whole street to hear that I’d betrayed Lily and James. Then, before I could curse him, he blew apart the street with the wand behind his back, killed everyone within twenty feet of himself- and sped down into the sewer with the other rats” he explained.
“Scabbers” you muttered. “He’s been hiding as Scabbers this whole time?” you said as more tears ran down your face.
“I didn’t want to tell you because I had to find him first” Remus told you. “I couldn’t get Sirius out if they still thought Peter was dead” he explained.
“So you-” you said, looking at Remus. “Y-you found him? You found Peter?”
“I did” Remus nodded.
“And he’s-?”
“He is” Sirius assured you.
“H-how long have you known it was Peter?” you asked Remus, who nervously looked at Sirius.
“Since the night Sirius was taken away” Remus replied and you only nodded.
“D-do you have any other questions, love?” Sirius asked.
“What time is it?” you questioned, getting up. “I have to go back and make breakfast and-”
“I’ll take care of that” Remus said, getting up too. “I think there’s still a lot you two need to talk about he said, looking between you and Sirius before he pulled you closer to him as Sirius went back to get the clothes Remus had brought for him. “He doesn’t know” he informed you and your eyes widened in surprise.
“Y-you didn’t tell him?”
“I couldn’t” Remus admitted. “Look, I know you begged me a million times to take you to see him-”
“You always said no!”
“Yes, because he made me promise to never take you there and he’s right. You don’t ever want to see that horrible place” he said. “And you wouldn’t want to see him that way” he continued. “He was completely shattered, and the biggest part that was killing him was that he had failed you and Harry. So, I didn’t have the heart to tell him there was someone else. It would have killed him” he explained.
“Okay” you nodded.
You knew it wasn’t Remus’ story to tell. You had to do that. It just made you incredibly anxious but when you looked back at Sirius, you felt the same butterflies you did so many years ago. This was Sirius. Your Sirius.
“It’ll be okay, love” Remus said, kissing the side of your head. “I’ll be next door when you’re ready” he smiled.
“Thanks, Rem” you smiled back at him, giving him a hug.
“Just please don’t have sex on my bed… again” he muttered, making you push him off.
“No promises” you chuckled.
“I mean it, Potter!” you heard him yell as he left.
“What’s he on about?” Sirius asked as you entered the living room.
“He doesn’t want us to have sex on his bed” you told him. “Again.”
“Well, there goes my question to know if you wanted to go have sex on Moony’s bed again” he said, raising his eyebrow suggestively at you and making you chuckle slightly.
“I think we scarred him for life when he walked in on us in school” you reminded him, making him laugh. Merlin, how you had missed his laugh. You slowly walked closer to Sirius and sat on the sofa too.
“Hi, sunshine” he smiled at you.
“Hi” you said shyly, playing with your hands, which Sirius knew meant you were nervous. He slowly reached out and held your hand in his. “I’m sorry” you smiled, shedding a few tears and squeezing his hand tighter.
“Why are you sorry, love?”
“I don’t know” you chuckled. “For threatening you with a newspaper?”
“It’s not the first time” he reminded you before you threw your arms around his shoulders and he quickly wrapped his around your waist, bringing you closer.
“I missed you so much” you said, clinging on to him, feeling that they would rip him away from you again at any second.
“I missed you too, my love” he said, feeling his eyes watering as well.
“I-” you said, sighing. “How-” you stuttered. “I- um-”
“I’m fine, love” he assured you, knowing that’s what you wanted to ask him. “I’m here with you and I’m gonna be fine, and that’s all that matters, okay?”
“I knew you didn’t do it” you said, with your voice breaking a little. Sirius pulled you away and cupped your cheeks with his hands. “You know that, right?”
“Of course, I know that, sweetheart” he assured you. “You and Harry were the only thing keeping me sane in that place” he said. “I knew I had to make my way back to the two of you” he smiled.
“Oh, and Moony, if he asks, I mean” he smiled. “How is Harry? He’s about four now, right?”
“He is, b-but um, Sirius-”
“Merlin, I am dying to see him! I bet he looks just like…” he stopped, not wanting to mention James’ name again and make you upset. “Um… does he- uh… does he know about me?”
“He does” you nodded, making him smile brightly at you. “But… um… Sirius, there’s… something we need to talk about” you said, nervously.
“Oh, I… well, I understand if you don’t want me to see him… right away, I mean, I don’t want to come back here and expect you to change your whole life for me. That’s regarding us as well, I mean, I guess we should have that conversation-”
“Sirius!” you said, getting up and walking away from him. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down. “I know that… there’s a lot of things that we have to discuss and talk about but… um…” you said, looking away and sitting down on the coffee table in front of him. “There’s something very important that I need to tell you” you said feeling extremely anxious.
“What’s wrong, love?” he asked, worriedly. “Is it about Harry? Do you not want me to see him yet?” he said. “Cause I would understand if-”
“No, um, is not about that” you said. “Well, I mean, it is, but… umm… Sirius” you said, taking a deep breath as he held your hands in his. “There’s… there’s someone else” you said, making him let go of your hands instantly.
“Oh” he said, with his expression stiffening a little as he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. “I uh-” he cleared his throat. “Well, I uh-” he said, brushing a hand through his hair frustrated. “I didn’t think you’d be waiting for me and- I um-”
“W-what? No! Sirius, that is not what I mean!” you said, grabbing his hands again and he looked at you, still a bit unsure. “Sirius… you are the love of my life” you said, with a few tears rolling down your cheeks again. “That was never going to change. I would have always been waiting for you” you assured him. “What I meant was is… there’s someone else… other than Harry” you added.
“W-what do you mean?”
“Um… a few weeks after they took you away I… I found out I was pregnant” you informed him.
“Y-you-? W-what?” he asked, looking stunned. “Y-you- um- we, we have a child?” he asked, feeling his heart beating incredibly fast and breaking at the same time.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I… didn’t really know how. And Remus wouldn’t let me go with him-”
“No!” he snapped a little, bringing you closer to him. “I never wanted you to go there or see me like that” he said, cupping your cheek with his hand. “Sweetheart, I am so sorry you had to go through this all by yourself! I- I wasn’t here for you! I-”
“No, Sirius, you don’t have to be sorry” you assured him.
“I can’t believe we have a kid” he said with a beautiful smile appearing on his face and you gently grabbed his hand from your cheek.
“Her name is Lyra” you said, making Sirius’ heart stop again as he felt tears rolling down his cheeks.
“We have a girl?” he asked, choking a little and you nodded, smiling.
“Would you like to meet her?”
“I know there’s still a million things we have to talk about but, if you want to, I would love for you to see Harry and meet Lyra” you said getting up and pulling him with you. “Ready?” you started walking towards the door but Sirius didn’t move. “Sirius?”
“D-do you think they’ll like me?” he asked worriedly, warming your heart. You cupped his cheek and smiled at him.
“They’re gonna love you” you assured him. “They already do. Harry has always been dying to know his uncle Padfoot” you informed him. “I told him he was traveling around the world so he’s probably going to ask you a billion questions” you said, smiling. “And he’s always telling Lyra how cool you are” you added. “She smiles a lot when she sees your picture” you explained. “I told you, I knew you didn’t do it” you said. “And I was not going to let Harry or your daughter grow up thinking you were a-” you choked, not able to finish that sentence. You were never able to. You never believed Sirius would kill your brother and his wife. He would have died before let anything happen to them.
“I love you” he said, hugging you closer to him. “I love you so much” he said with tears streaming down his face as he brought you closer, kissing your forehead.
“I love you too” you smiled, wiping away his tears before you pulled him closer and kissed him. It felt like every single time you had kissed Sirius. It didn’t matter what else the two of you had to discuss. Your feelings hadn’t changed. You knew that. Sirius was the love of your life. And now, he was back.
As soon as Sirius walked into the house next door to Remus’, he instantly felt at home, just like he did when he ran away to your parents’ house all those years ago. Except it was a lot cozier and it certainly had your touch everywhere.
“Please don’t mind the mess” you smiled nervously at him as you started grabbing some things and finding your wand somewhere so you quickly fixed everything up. “I would have cleaned up but- um… well, I wasn’t really expecting-”
Sirius cut you off by giving you a peck on the lips. “Please don’t ever apologize for that. Not to me, love” he insisted and you smiled back at him.
“Harry, are you up, sweetie?” you asked, hearing noise coming from the kitchen.
“I’m in here, Aunt Bambi” you heard. You were about to walk over there but Sirius pulled you back.
“Aunt Bambi?” he asked with an arched eyebrow.
“He kept pestering me one day asking why Moony had a nickname, his father had a nickname and you had a nickname, and I didn’t, so Remus told him you used to call me Bambi, and… it kind of stuck with him” you explained.
“I’m glad you kept hearing that nickname you claim to hate so much” he smirked.
“It kinda grew on me” you admitted, rolling your eyes a little. “Hi sweetheart” you said, spotting Harry with chocolate all over his face.
“Uncle Moony made chocolate chip pancakes!” he said, excitedly.
“I can see that” you chuckled, walking over to him and cleaning his face. “And where is Uncle Moony?”
“He’s upstairs, changing Lyra” he replied as you finished cleaning him up.
“Um, honey, I would like you to meet someone” you said as Sirius stood at the entrance. You saw Harry’s face light up as he got off the stool and ran over to him.
“Hey, bud” Sirius said, kneeling to pick Harry up. “You’re so big now!”
“It’s so cool that you’re here!” Harry said excitedly. “Uncle Moony has told me so many stories about you!” he said, making Sirius smile back at you. “What are you doing home?”
“Well, bud, I guess I just… missed you all so much” he said, kissing Harry’s head before putting him down.
“Do you want to see my broom? Aunt Bambi says it’s just like the one you and dad had, but she never lets me fly it-!”
“Hey, that’s not true” you complained.
“She won’t teach me Quidditch either-!”
“That’s because I don’t play Quidditch and neither does your Uncle Moony” you reminded him.
“But you said Uncle Padfoot played” he said, excitedly before turning back to Sirius. “Would you teach me?”
“Of course, I would” Sirius said, feeling his eyes water a little.
“Are you okay, Uncle Padfoot?” Harry asked a bit confused.
“Yeah, mate. I’m fine” he said, giving him another big hug. “I just… missed you so much” he said, with his voice breaking a little.
“Why don’t you go get your broom, love? I’m sure your uncle Padfoot would love to see it” you said, kissing his forehead.
“Yes! I will be right back!” he said excitedly, jumping up and down before he ran upstairs.
“You okay?” you asked, Sirius who was still looking Harry’s way.
“He just…” he said with a few tears rolling down his cheeks. “He looks so much like…”
“James, I know” you finished for him, pulling him closer. “He has Lily’s eyes though” you smiled.
“He does” Sirius said, kissing your temple. “I’m so sorry, love” he said, making you look at him a bit confused. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for you” he said, cupping your cheek. “I-” he sighed. “How-” he stuttered. “I- um-”
“I’m okay” you smiled sweetly. “I mean, there are good days… and not-so-good days” you admitted. “I just miss him” you said with a few tears falling from your eyes. “And I hate that he and Lily aren’t here to see Harry” you said.
“I know, love” Sirius said, wiping away your tears and hugging you to him.
“Hey” you heard Remus walking down the stairs with someone in his arms. You pulled away from Sirius and walked over to them.
“Good morning, my love” you said, taking the toddler from Remus’ arms.
“Mummy” she smiled brightly at you as you kissed her cheek.
Sirius felt like his heart was going to explode. He had no idea how he could love you even more. Or how he could love someone at first sight. And there you were, holding the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his entire life. She was the other way than Harry. She looked just like you, but she had his deep grey eyes.
“Sweetheart, I’d like you to meet someone” you told her as you walked back over to Sirius. “Sirius, this is Lyra” you said, as Sirius felt his entire heart melting when Lyra smiled shyly at him. “Can you say, hi, honey?” you asked as she waved her little hand at Sirius.
“H-hi” she said, resting her head on your shoulder.
“Hi, Lyra” Sirius said, as new tears rolled down his cheeks. “You are so beautiful” he smiled.
“Uncle Moony says I look like mum” she said.
“You do” Sirius nodded. “You’re just as beautiful as her” he smiled.
“I made this for Uncle Padfoot, do you think he’ll like it?” Harry asked you, showing the new drawing of him with Sirius.
It had been a few weeks since Sirius was back and each day, both kids were getting more attached to him. He was basically Harry’s new favorite person, and you couldn’t blame him. Harry spent the entire day asking him questions about James, playing Quidditch, and Sirius basically doing whatever he wanted, and spoiling him with gifts.
And then, there was Lyra. at first, she was a bit shy but it wasn’t long before she started warming up to him. Every single time Sirius appeared in a room, you saw your daughter’s face lighting up just as much as his did. She followed him everywhere. She cried whenever Sirius had to leave again because he was still staying with Remus since he said he didn’t want to turn your life upside down or the kids’ lives for that matter by him being back.
And it was no secret that Sirius was instantly wrapped around Lyra’s little finger. You could tell he loved Harry as much as you did. He was practically becoming his best friend and he loved spending time with him. But Lyra had brought something out in Sirius that you had never seen before. Which is why, you wanted to ask him to move in with the three of you. Firstly, because he was practically living here already. He came in before the kids woke up and he left when they were tucked in. Mostly so Lyra wouldn’t cry when he left. But also because you had missed him so much, and now he was back. And you wanted him back. With you.
“I’m sure he’ll love it, sweetheart” you said, kissing Harry’s head as he and Lyra had breakfast on the kitchen counter.
“Are you going to marry Uncle Padfoot?” he suddenly asked, making you choke on the coffee you were drinking.
“I asked Uncle Moony if you and Uncle Padfoot were married but he said no” he said, casually. “I think you two should be married” he shrugged.
“Why do you think that, love?” you asked, as you fed Lyra.
“Because you’re my godmother and he’s my godfather” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“W-well, I’ll… think about that” you smiled. “But… how would you guys feel if um- uncle Padfoot comes stay with us?”
“You mean live here?” Harry asked, excitedly.
“Yes” you nodded.
“With us?”
“Yes” you repeated.
“Where would he stay?” he asked, curiously.
“Um, well… he would stay with me” you explained.
“So, you are getting married?”
“I don’t know, Harry, I mean, I would have to ask him first” you chuckled.
“Uncle Moony said he asked you” he replied.
“What? Stop talking to your Uncle Moony!” you complained.
“Uncle Moony” Lyra repeated, smiling.
“Look, I will talk to Sirius today and I will ask him if he’d like to live with us” you explained. “So, I wanted to know what you guys think about it” you smiled.
“Yes, because we are a team. And you two are the most important people in my life” you said, poking each on their noses. “So… what do you think?”
“We love Uncle Padfoot!” Harry insisted. “Right, Lyra?”
“Yes!” she smiled, looking up at him.
“Okay, then. I guess I’m going to have to ask Uncle Padfoot” you smiled, nervously.
“Ask Uncle Padfoot what?” you heard Sirius walking in on the back door. “You monkeys are already up?” he said, messing Harry’s hair with his hand and picking up Lyra from her chair, kissing her cheek.
“Aunt Bambi wants to ask you to marry her so you can come live with us!” Harry said, excitedly.
“Harry!” you widened your eyes, feeling your cheeks burning instantly.
“W-what?” Sirius asked, looking at you.
“We want you to mawy mummy” Lyra repeated.
“Okay, that’s enough” you said, taking her from Sirius and placing her back on her seat. “Um, Sirius, could I see you in the other room for a moment?”
“Sure. Lead the way, Bambi” he smirked.
“Bambi” Lyra giggled.
“So, what’s this I hear about you wanting to marry me and move in with you?”
“Shut up, Black, and stop looking at me like that!”
“Oh, it’s Black now” he smirked. “I see you’re really riled up, Potter” he chuckled.
“Look, I just… wanted to ask you…” you started, avoiding his eyes. You knew he was enjoying this.
“Well, I was thinking about the possibility of you… moving in with us?”
“That’s not what your kids said” he smiled.
“First of all, they’re your kids too” you glared at him. “And secondly, it’s only because Harry asked if we were going to get married” you explained.
“Yes, he thinks we should because you’re his godfather and I’m his godmother” you told him.
“Kid’s got a point” he said.
“Sirius! I’m not joking!”
“Neither am I” he said, dropping his smile and looking at you.
“I don’t see why we shouldn’t get married” he shrugged. “I asked you before. You said yes” he reminded you.
“That was three years ago. A lot has changed since then-”
“Well, my feelings for you, haven’t” he clarified. “Have yours?”
“No, of course not!”
“I’m not saying we have to do it right away” he told you, smiling sweetly. “I’m just saying… if you’d ask… I’d say yes” he said.
“You think I’m going to ask you?”
“Why not? I asked you last time! It’s only fair, love!” he mocked you as you crossed your arms in front of your chest with a raised eyebrow. “You know, I forgot how cute you looked when you were mad” he said, pulling you closer. “I’m not going anywhere, love” he said, cupping your cheek with his hand. “You are the love of my life. You always have been. And you, Harry, and Lyra are the only thing that matters to me” he continued. “And Moony, if he asks” he said, making you chuckle. “Look, I’ve missed three years already and I don’t want to miss another second” he said, making you smile. “So, I will ask you, however you want me to, whenever you want me to, as many times as you’d like me to, my love” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist and you gave him a peck on the lips.
“I love you” you said, smiling.
“I love you too” he said, kissing you again. “You wanna go tell the kids?”
“Yeah, might as well” you said, kissing his cheek and pulling him towards the kitchen where the two of you saw Harry helping Lyra get down from her seat. Sirius felt you stop at the entrance and he grabbed your hand. He noticed the look on your face. In the past weeks, he noticed you getting that look whenever Harry was with Lyra.
“Harry’s a really good big brother” he said, kissing the side of your head.
“Yeah” you smiled. “He doesn’t just look like James” you said, resting your head on his shoulder.
“He’d be really proud of you, you know that, right? So, would Evans” he told you. “They picked right” he smiled.
“Yeah” you said, kissing his cheek. “They did” you told him. 
The End
A/N: I hope you loves liked it! and I hope this keeps rolling xD I have a few 9-1-1 imagines coming up, and also Stranger Things, and/or Remus, James hopefully!
tags: @twilightlover2007 , @hisparentsgallerryy
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loveshydorky · 23 days
ethan landry like boyfriend
ethan landry x fem!reader
sfw and nsfw
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I think ethan just loves to gossip with you. he is the guy who knows everything that happens at the university or in your dorm with him. ethan loves to gossip with you, in the evenings lying on his bed. especially, you both love to make fun of chad and tara. laughing at the fact that chad can't kiss this bithc, or at the fact that tarantula got into trouble again.
- «tarantula got into some trouble again, she had a fight with some idiot from the fraternity» - you rolled your eyes. and ethan chuckled softly. you both even came up with nicknames for this two bitches.
this guy is very clingy. this guy always manages to hold your hand, keep his hand on your waist or on your thigh. as soon as he sees you, he already out of habit puts keeps his hand on your body.
ethan will save money for a long time for your date with him or for some gift for you. he will save money diligently and try not to spend much. on dates he is definitely a gentleman.
when you find out he's ghostface, you still love him and he's grateful to you for it. he told you a funny story about a richie's girlfriend. ethan immediately started to hate amber.. he's just irritated by her stupid pig-like face. she even tried to flirt with him, so he taught her a lesson. a bucket of bugs fell on amber, and eth also ruined her clothes. after that, he never saw that pig.
he also absolutely despises people who try to make fun of you or flirt with you. he just hates the blonde emily at your university with all his heart because she always manages to make fun of you. ethan somehow ended up changing the water in the water machine to dirty and also broke the machine itself, and all the water poured out on this slut and she was famous throughout the university. you still remember how the blonde ran feverishly, and even fell in the hallway. a week later, ethan killed her.
- «baby.. is this your doing?» - ethan pretended to be the stupidest person in the world and looked at you with his big puppy eyes.
ethan just loves any clothes you wear. but he prefers it when you wear dresses. he loves your elegance. but he just hates it when you wear something revealing in public. he prefers it when you wear it in front of him, because it will definitely lead to sex later.
he loves sharing his cheetos with you, and he also loves cooking with you. he's.. actually, he knows a little about cooking. at least he's good at peeling potatoes.. but he'll definitely cut himself with a knife and you, being a caring girlfriend, will put a bandage on his cut and kiss him to soothe him. he literally melts deep down.
you're that quiet, nerdy couple, but behind closed doors you have a very... special and passionate relationship.
he is just obsessed with your hair. literally. when you are together in the dorm and relaxing, he will gently comb your hair and massage your head. this guy has hands from God.. (i kissed those hands)
if he suddenly does something wrong, he will literally beg you for forgiveness on his knees. for him it is like a catastrophe, and he is already going crazy and thinks that you will leave him. and if you do... then, endure a rough night of love with him.
his heart melts when you protect him from mindy, or anika's insults, or chad's rage. he literally looks at you and thinks.. "how did i get a girlfriend like that"
you are pinned to the very first place in his phone, and notifications are turned on only for you. except for his father, sister and chad, there is no one else in his contacts. he does not care at all about tara, sam, anika or mindy.
during rough sex he often starts complaining about your friends. his mouth is so dirty.. and you are just shocked by his words. he literally curses chad and tara and you can hear him growling.
he doesn't actually use condoms, he likes to take risks.. (what a bad boy) and he also often lies to you that he ran out of condoms, although he just hid them
he probably asked his sister quinn for dating advice and he regretted it.. she was always teasing him and making fun of her poor brother.
ethan is actually good at drawing, he secretly draws in class and rarely in econ when he gets too bored. he can only draw girls and their faces, and you know what kind of girl he always draws.
so in murders he shows his creative personality as an artist and creates his own work of art. remember anika.
you talk about anything. he prefers to listen more, he is ready to listen to any nonsense that you say and just admire your voice. he looks only at you and literally remembers everything that you tell him.
in the second act, your boyfriend literally saved you from falling out of the window. it happened that sam accidentally pushed you and you almost fell, he literally almost went crazy and pushed you away from the window. during the second act, he paid attention to you and only left you alone. when you were climbing the ladder, he deliberately began to slow down to knock down the door so that you could climb over.
his father will definitely faint when he finds out about his future wedding plans.. ethan is actually planning on marrying you when he graduates from university or a little earlier.
ethan is literally a cat. he has excellent vision and can even see well at night, he can also climb on roofs as a ghostface. and he can also.. purr. after his kills, he snuggles up to you and purrs quietly because you're next to him. but he doesn't like fish and can't stand the smell of fish. he can only tolerate salmon.
- «baby, thank you, it's so delicious.. I'll wash the dishes now» - ethan is literally ready to thank you on his knees for your care and food.
this boy barely eats normal food before you came into his life. you started cooking him light and healthy food. he just loves your fruit salad.
basically, ethan landry is a great boyfriend. he's caring, shy, and a very loyal guy. plus, he's your number 1 serial killer. girl, you've fallen in love with a criminal.
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miles1610/hobie brown x black fem! reader
sum: miles cheats on reader w gwen, reader gets even 🤷🏽‍♀️
warnings : slang, the n word, cursing, cheating . emotional cheating. READER BEING PETTY unedited and not proofread
genre: angst, a lil of comfort?
a/n:i rly hope it don’t disappoint, part 2 w miles and reader make up eventually, cause i can’t stand writing miles as a dickhead. JUST A STORY, I DONT CONDONE CHEATING, DONT THIS TO PEOPLE.
- - - - - - - - - <\3 - - - - - - - - - -
first time in a long time.
hurting deeply inside .
there it was. the confirmation you so desperately needed to blow off on miles. you’d suspected he was messing with gwen for a little while now, him leaving you too go on missions with her that ONLY they knew about, being on facetime with her while he was at YOUR house, his highlight on instagram for her, not to mention the countless drawings of her around his room that he hid horribly, just a bunch of weird shit. you had conversations about it before but he always reassured you and gaslit you until you shook of the accusations. but now, now you knew he was cheating. miles was in the shower he left his phone on the nightstand, you looked long and hard at it. debating whether if it was a invasion of privacy, as you thought about it you get more and more upset. if gwen could be an invasion of your relationship then this didn’t really matter. you pick up the phone and put the password it, it’s his birthday (narcissist 🙄.) you go to gwen’s message thread, the blue heart next to it made you infuriated. your stomach twist and your eyes leak with tears that you don’t even try to wipe not wanting to miss anything. all of the “i love you’s” and the “im with her right now’s” made your fingers tremble as you scrolled farther into their text. why did he waste his time with you if he loved her? why would he do that to you? when did he fall out of love? what did you do? your thoughts quickly interrupted by the sound of the shower turning off you jumped up turned the phone off and put it in the same downward facing position wiping your face speed walking back to the bed pretending to watch tv.
“what’s going on now , ma?“ he asked referring to the episode you were watching. your face turned as you came up with a lie. “uh nothing really they just found out she was pregnant” you huffed, you’ve never been a good liar and miles could read your emotions like they were his own, you had no idea how you were going to go the rest of the night with him, so you didn’t. getting up from the bed you acted like your mom texted you to come home, frowning looking at the fake text. miles squinted at your pout, walking closer to you he said,
“you okay?” “my mom said i had to come home, she’s going out tonight and wants me to watch my sister, she’s sick” miles fake frowned “you want me to come with you?” he suggested walking to his drawers to get some clothes. you shook your head no “i don’t want you to get sick, it’s fine i’ll just facetime you okay?” you said as you picked up your purse and put on your shoes. “okay at least lemme drive you home. can’t have my baby walking alone in the dark.” he joked as he put on his own shoes and jacket too. you internally cringed at his sentence reminded of who he also called his “baby”.
trust, trust who?
watching my back even when i’m in the booth.
ohh, trust who?
you’re in the passenger seat of his car, seeing the blue hair tie in the cup holder that wasn’t yours. you stared at it for a bit rethinking your entire relationship. he glanced at you, then the hair tye. he spoke up rubbing your thigh trying to get your mind off of it. “u wanna go to the mall tomorrow? we can get froyo.” he suggested knowing that you liked the froyo place in the mall, you knew he was trying to make you happy so you wouldn’t question the hair tye you just went along with it.
“yea okay.” you smiled warmly at miles not meaning it at all. his phone buzzed and you both looked down at it, the speed of which he grabbed it in was almost inhumane. you side eyed him closely as he swiped the opened the message then turned his phone off placing it into the cup holder facing away from you. as you pulled up to your house he leaned forward to peck your cheek, you couldn’t stand the feeling of his lips on your skin right you. “bye mami, facetime me later okay?” he whispered as he looked into your eyes with that same look on his face that made you swoon once before. “okay, i will” you said knowing you weren’t. as soon as you got into your room you cried, searching in your mind for a clue on why he was doing this to you. you’d tears interrupted once again as your phone buzzed, who was calling you and why couldn’t they go away ?? you checked it as a small smile speared on your face it was margo. margo kess had been your best friend since before you met miles, she worked at the same spidey agency he did , or whatever the fuck it was called. you answered wiping your tears. she was eating unti she saw your expression. “what happened??? why you crying boo?” she frowned at you through the screen “miles is cheating on me with gwen, i checked his phone” you chuckled through sniffles as her jaw dropped “what the fuck?? u exposed him his ass right ??” she shouted and you shook your head “i was in denial i guess, i still can’t believe this shit” “you know what you gotta do right?” she said and your face turned into a confused expression “what i gotta do?” she rolled her eyes “get even duhhhhh!! you way to pretty to let this nigga cheat on you with a big back ass bitch you know that.” you snorted at her compliment “ion know mar, maybe gwen didn’t know we was dating” you said trying to express grace to gwen.
“bitch how?? all that nigga do is talk about you, not to mention youre his lock screen.” you tilted your head in agreement, she spoke up again “and you been told his ass all that shit he did with gwen was weird and he didn’t stop it? if he wanna act nonchalant you can act notchabitch” margo smiled as she her attempt to cheer you up worked. “speak of the damn devil, guess who texted me.” you smirked as margo raised her eyebrow “don’t tell me you talm bout hobie.” you tried to fight the smile on your face as you clicked on his message
“hey, wyd rn?” the text read. margo sighed as she saw the smile on your face “HOBIE. HOBART BROWN?? really (name)? well i mean the way he looks at you is crazy, and i been saying y’all would be mad cute .” she shrugged as she resolved up her own feelings, you nodded as you thought about it . was this really what you wanted to do? hurt miles? nonono if he didn’t care about hurting you he can’t say shit when you do it back. you texted hobie back “nun rn, wby?” and he replied almost instantly “im bored, lemme come over?” you almost laughed at how you realized that hobie has never cared about your relationship with miles . you told him yes and you said your goodbyes to margo as you got ready for him to come over, eyes burning as you saw the multiple hoodies that miles owned .
“hey love.” hobie said as he walked into your room from the window, you always noticed hoboes accent but you never noticed how attractive it was until now. “hey hobie.” you said as he lifted your chin up with index and thumb. “you’ve been crying? what happened ?” he said trying to read your face. “um nothing just stuff with miles” he almost winced at the mention of miles, he would offen tell you that he wasn’t good for you, guess he was right. “what did he do now. something when gwen again i bet” you sighed deeply remember the messages in his phone again. “yea, he’s cheating i just found out.” hobie eyebrows furrow as you say this, if he didn’t like the way miles was treating you before, he definitely hated him now.
“i was just joking but, really? what the fuck? after everything you’ve done for him? i’m gonna murder him i swear to g-“ “hobie no, no don’t say anything. i’m fine i’m gonna deal with it myself.” you say pushing him back with your fingers. “at least let me make you feel better.” he said giving you a tight hug. he smirked as he said “you know i’d never make you feel like that.” you snorted into his chest pulling away, hobie grabbed your face with both hands and kissed your forehead. “you don’t deserve this ,(name) you deserve the entire world” he muttered , looking down at you with so much care. stand on your tipe toes to kiss hobie, he doesn’t kiss back for a while in shock but then he reciprocates it and you know you shouldn’t do this, that’s the exact reason why you did it anyway . you pull away looking up into his deep brown eyes, you needed this, comfort from someone that wasn’t hurting you. someone that wasn’t him. he kissed you again more aggressively this time. he pulls away this time only to catch his breath. he pecks your lips once , then twice. he smiles at you then walks to the bed and turns on the tv, you thought it was weird but you also didn’t want to talk about it, and definitely didn’t wanna do anything further. after watching tv with him at a uncomfortable distance you decide to address the elephant in the room.
“so, we not gon talk about that?” you turn off the tv before turning your head to look at him and he does the same “we don’t have to, you know i like you. but i don’t think you need that tonight, i think you just need me here.” he said and honestly, he was right. even though he had you all the way fucked up onna tuesday, you still loved him. you just nod at hobie and he kisses your cheek wrapping his arms around you so he’s spooning you, the way hobie is holding makes you think that he’s the only boy in the world. he falls asleep and you lie awake looking at the ceiling, you decide to go on instagram looking at people’s story until you see gwen’s story, it was a picture of her and miles in his car her feet up on the dashboard, the same car you were just in, the same car you had your first kiss in. that’s not even the half of it, the picture had a “besties” caption on it but you could tell from 20 miles away they were far from that. you take a picture of hobie asleep and post it, tagging him too copying the same caption as gwen had. after maybe 20 minutes miles replies to it “wtf? why are you letting hobie touch you like that? and i thought u had to watch your sister” “and i thought you and gwen were besties?” you reply back sending him the screenshots you send to your phone if gwen and miles text he starts blowing u up like crazy but you put your phone down and snuggle closer into hobie, maybe you could get even.
doing my own thing,
i’m down to come clean,
not like you.
lmk wat u think 😭.
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venmondiese · 4 months
based on nightwish's kinslayer aka aemond's theme ✧ gifs: /feodor-dostoevsky // jeonwonwoo
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AEMOND COULD HEAR THE LOUD NOISES FROM THE BROTHEL. He could smell the filthiness from it. He could feel it deep in his bones. He could sense it in the depts of his soul.
Aegon was much more careless than he was. As if he knew that he was doomed, destined to the seven hells, he left himself enjoy the pleasures of terrenal life, hedonistic natures for a doomed man.
Aemond wanted to be correct. When he was a kid, he dreamed of great things. Second sons often got nothing. And he wanted to be someone.
His own grandsire, Baelon, could have been someone. He was to be King, if the stranger didn't take him to soon. He would have been King. A second son.
Jaehaerys was a second son. Maegor was a second son. Even Aegon the First was second to his sister Visenya. Yet it was destined for him to be the ruler.
He thought of himself as worthy. He really did. Aemond Targaryen, rider of Vhagar. It was not something to be taken lightly. Vhagar, ridden by Visenya, Baelon, Laena. All of them were second best too.
It wasn't killing Lucerys what bugged him. He could not care less for the bastard boy. It wasn't making Rhaenyra suffer, though it wasn't how he planned it. She wanted him tortured, she wanted him to be sharply questioned when he just lost an eye. She ran away, with her impecable kin, secured on Dragonstone.
He made a mistake. He felt the power of what the Velaryons boys did when they bullied him. He was worthy. He was a Targaryen. And Vhagar was backing him up.
But sometimes, he didn't think losing an eye was worthy. Hidding it to not scare ladies at court. Cut the eyelids open so he could incrist a sapphire, like Symeon Star-Eyes. He learned how to chop men with a long staff with blades at both ends, just like the legendary hero did.
He wondered if he just wanted to feel something. If he just wanted to feel as someone special, worthy again. If he did, maybe they would admire him, or even care for him. Did they not?
Aegon had his own mess. Helaena had her own mess. Daeron wasn't even near King's Landing. His mother was busy ruling as his father was busier rotting.
"It's okay, my prince." The female voice says, in an attempt of soothing him as her hand caressed his forearm, and he sighed, his head on her lap as he looked into the room.
Brothels, even dirtiest, could have bedroom for the highlors attending. Aemond's naked chest was warm due to the fire, but not thanks to the physical intimacy.
It was a vain attempt of comfort. Aegon had invited him, to cheer him up and to celebrate his new title as King.
'Celebrate what?' He thought. 'I just started a war'
It haunts his dreams. The knowledge of what he did. The burden, the burning.
He found himself doomed. Haunted by a hateful nature inside him. It stirred, it boiled deep on his soul. Kinslayer.
A war between kin. The first drops of blood om his hands, tainting his very soul.
It felt good, at the beginning. He tried to rationalize it. A mistake. Vhagar lost control.
Because she did.
She had to. Because he didn't. It was... teasing. The power of being on Vhagar was just his arrongace, his vanity acting. Not him. It wasn't him. It couldn't be him.
He couldn't even look at his mother on the eyes. He could less look Helaena, hearing her horrified little scream as she found out.
His eye hurt. The emptiness of it, the wound that never fully healed. He couldn't even cry properly, not even for makind or his own doom.
'You lost one eye. How could you be so blind?' His grandsire said.
A need to understand. But there wasn't a need to forgive. He won't do that, for he has no reason. His mother called the war a curse from Gods themselves. She prayed, and prayed. But there wasn't any sense or truth to be followed. He even started to doubt if this was about ruling the realm.
"Do I have to pay you?" He asks, slightly unsure. Vulnerable, even. He hated it.
He was not used to this. Using a whore for comfort. Aegon laughed when he excused himself, asking for a whore, and he even congratulated him, a loud cheer all over the table.
Now he laid naked, curled up as his head rested on her lap. Warmth. Cosiness.
"No, my prince. The King has it covered"
The King. It was Aegon. The same Aegon who bullied him, and used to mock him. His big brother. Now, he was the King. It was his biggest fear, and another curse.
Was this a curse for his own ambitions? For wanting what wad the destiny of his elders? For preparing to rule even if he wasn't even acknowledged in his father's mind?
He sighed. His hair loose, the eyepatch lost somewhere on the room. He felt the touch over his cheebone, going up to move his hair to his back, her hands caressing his hair and head, in a soothing manner as she didn't speak more. He prefered silence after his vulnerable moment.
Being with a whore felt like meeting an old friend. It scared him, it bugged him in the wrong way. But who else can he turn to? The Gods have abandoned him to his luck, and with good reason.
He would prefer having a wife do it. He wondered that if he had one, she would be gentler than this, cozier than this.
He craved the love. He never tried to actively persuing a lady at court, so he had no wife. He couldn't go back to Floris Baratheon, he knew he cannot. Not as a Kinslayer.
He liked to picture his wife as beautiful lady. He does not imagine especifics, he is not demanding on that sense. He imagines her beautiful as the maiden herself, gentle and caring. Not judging him, even if his new curse made him a monster. If he had offsprings, would they love him? Afraid of his lost eye?
He realised that he has to thank the Gods. For not having a wife, or offsprings to pass the curse on. To share the madness with them.
Praying was in vain, for who would hear him? A slayer of his own kin. The blood of his sister was on his hands. Of her little son, that he murdered.
He had prayed to the Father. For him to save a place for Aemond. There are no gods. Not by your side.
He soon realised, he was as well doomed. Second son, kinslayer, murdered of his own nephew, on the skies mounting their dragons. Just as Maegor The Cruel did.
He won't become an acknowledged second son. He won't be worthy, he won't be remember greatly. He won't be a hero, unless he dies greatly. And he knows it. He lusts for this game, and he falls for every lie of it.
He looked at the flames, as if they could answer something to him. As if they could show him what was ahead of him. How he has to act. How he'll die.
A war was yet to come, and he knows he'll fight it. For he has nothing else to lose. He curses the Gods. How was he supposed to know?
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pitchsidestories · 9 months
New Year's Eve Party (5) II Lucy Bronze x Reader
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New Year's Eve Party Masterlist (all previous parts can be found here) I Word count: 2229
“We need to put an end to this suffering tonight.”, Keira declared in a serious tone. Aitana’s sister was nodding approvingly with her head: “I agree but how?” The English midfielder, the current ballon d’or winner and she were watching Lucy looking lovesick at her crush from afar.  Dramatically Keira hid her face so she couldn’t see how her close friend was behaving: “This is so pathetic.”  
“Girls you sound brutal in your judgement.”, Aitana laughed. The English national team player shrugged it off: “Oh please, that has been going on all year.”  “And we just want to help her because the whole team knows even Jonatan does and he normally has zero clue about such things.”, the Catalonian sister interjected with a frustrated groan. 
A small smile appeared on the Spanish midfielder’s lips: “I agree that it’s bad if even Jonatan knows. But what we do?”  “Now that’s the important question.”, Keira replied gravely. While Aitana’s sister suggested smirking:” We could get them drunk.” More diplomatic the older of the two answered:” Or just confront them with their feelings?”  “I got it. We’ll lock them in a room.”, the English midfielder announced with a triumphantly grin on her face. “Good idea, guest room?”, Fridolina Rolfös girlfriend thought out loud.
Unconvinced Keira pressed on: “Don’t you have something smaller like a storage room or something?” “Frido won’t like that.. but yes, we too.”, Aitana’s sister admitted blushing. The Spanish midfielder meanwhile put layers to their plan:” So we send them each individually to get something from there and when we lock the door for a couple of minutes and see what happens?” “Sounds like a horrible plan. Let’s do it.”, the woman of the house concluded grinning.
Lucy was already slightly tipsy when her fellow countrywoman reached out to her:“Kei, hi.” “Lucy? Can you help me with something?”, Keira asked the defender innocently. Warmly she replied: “Sure.” “Follow me.”, the midfielder demanded earnestly.
Curiously the dark-haired woman nodded into the open storage room: “So, for what exactly do you need my help? Is there a spider inside?”  “Yes. One of those that I hate. You know, tiny bodies and super long legs?”, Keira answered with big, scared eyes. Confidently Lucy waved at her:” Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it and bring the spider to the garden.”
Just as she went into the storage room the door was shot and a key ultimately locked her in. But the English woman was not shrieking because of that sound, a familiar voice behind her did. Loudly you protested: “Excuse me? What do you think you’re doing?!”
“What are you doing in here?“, Lucy asked in confusion. “I was supposed to get something for Aitanas sister and Frido.“, you explained, gesturing towards the shelves in the dark. Lucy huffed; “And I was supposed to save Keira from a spider.“ “Then why on earth would they lock us in that tiny space? Is this a sick joke?“ Your voice got angrier with each word.
You tried to turn the door knob again in hopes that the door would open when suddenly the light turned on. With a nonchalant shrug, your team mate replied; “At least I found the light switch.“ Finally, you let go of the door and wrapped your arms around yourself. You cursed yourself for wearing a sleeveless dress. This storage room was a lot colder than the rest of the house. “This makes it slightly less scary.“
“Are you cold?“, the defender asked, noticing you shiver slightly. “It’s definitely colder than the other rooms, right?“, you posed another question without answering Lucys. The English player raised her eyebrow; “Yeah, this thing has no heating and significantly less people. Here, take this.“ She took off her blazer and handed it to you. Gratefully, you wrapped it around your shoulders but quickly realized that Lucy only wore a plain suit vest underneath it. For a moment, her muscular arms caught your attention before you started to feel bad; “But won’t you get cold now?“
Another cool shrug from your team mate followed; “We can share it if this goes on for longer.“ “I’m sure they soon get bored of their own joke.“, you tried to remain positive. Lucy flashed you a wry grin; “I mean that’s one way to start the new year.“ “Yeah, it’s surely unforgettable.“, you agreed somewhere between being annoyed and wanting to laugh about the absurdity of this situation. “To be honest, I’d like to get out of here before midnight.“, your team mate admitted with a laugh and sat down on the floor, have back against the cold wall.
You nodded in agreement while following suit; “Me too. Have you tasted the food already? It’s really delicious.“ “It is really good.“, she nodded. There was a few moments of silence, followed by a sigh from Lucy; “We should have brought a bottle of champagne with us.“ As soon as she mentioned it, a bottle of wine on the shelf caught your eye; “Oh my god.“ You got up to take it; “It’s not champagne… but it’s something.“
You gave the bottle to Lucy who carefully studied the label and then skilfully uncorked it for you; “I’ll take it. I bet Frido won’t have a problem with it.“ She offered it to you to have the first sip. The wine tasted delicious, sweet with fruity flavours. You gave it back to her; “Here you go.“ “Oh, that tastes expensive.“, Lucy commented as soon as the first sip hit her tongue.
Laughing, you replied; “Of course it’s expensive. This is Fridos household.“ With a grin, Lucy tilted the bottle into your direction; “Good point.“ “Cheers.“, you said as you took the wine back from her. You passed the bottle back and forth, each taking big gulps of the flavourful drink.
Expectantly the defender looked at you: “It’s good right?” “Yes, it’s tasty.”, you admitted, your cheeks already turning slightly red because of the alcohol. At least you tried to blame it on that and not the looks your teammate was sending across the small space.
Clearing her throat Lucy was putting her arms around herself trying to make herself feel warmer:” You were right, it’s really cold in here.” “Better?”, you asked, pulling her into a hug and covering you both with her blazer.  Grateful the English player mumbled:”Thanks.” “You’re welcome, Lucia.”, you told her. The defender threw a brow up:” Lucia?” “You don’t like me calling you like that?”, you laughed.
An amused smile danced on her lips: “No one calls me that except for my mum.” “Sorry. It just reminded me of home, it’s a pretty common name in Portugal.”, you tried to explain your connection to Lucy’s same. Shock was written all over her face:” How did I not know you’re from Portugal?”  
“I guess we didn’t talk that much over the year, to be honest it felt like you were avoiding me..so I thought you might not like me.”, nervously you put a loose string of your hair back your ear. Something in the sincerity in her voice made your heart beat faster:  “I wasn’t avoiding you.”
“But we did not really talk much either.”, you remarked.  Quietly the defender agreed: “No, that’s true.”  “See? But why? Is it because you hate me?”, you pressed on. Immediately Lucy scoffed:  “I don’t hate you, that’s ridiculous.”  “It’s a little. I mean you wouldn’t have lent me your blazer if you did, right?”, you admitted with a shy grin. Your grin was reflected on the dark-haired woman’s face: “No, and we wouldn’t be drinking wine and talk if I didn’t like you.” “Sorry.”, you apologized in a whisper.
Determined she shook her head: “Don’t worry. It’s not on you. I was very distant.” “But why?”, the question was out of your mouth even though deep down in your heart you could already sense the true answer to it.  What followed was your teammates confession:“ I thought you were distractingly hot.” “Distractingly hot, huh?”, you teased her. In a playful tone Lucy continued:” It’s the end of the year, it’s time for confessions.”
“When why did not you say something the whole year?”, you wanted to know baffled. The English player answered smiling: “Bit weird, isn’t it? Just showing up after training to tell you’re hot.” “Yes, to be fair no one feels hot after training, we all just want to take a shower and a nap.”, you replied understandingly.  You felt Lucys arms pulling you into an even closer hug when she joked: “Oh, that’s what you say, I thought you looked your hottest all sweaty.”
“Can we switch off the lights again? You make me blush with that weird compliment!“, you asked, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. Lucy seemed to enjoy watching you. Determinedly, she shook her head; “No, the lights stay on.“ Rolling your eyes, you heaved a sigh; “Okay, I guess it’s time for my confession.“ “Go ahead?“ “I was really sad about the thought that you might hate me because I did find that you were quite a talented and hot player.“, you whispered in Portuguese. Your team mate smirked at you; “What now, talented or hot?“ “Can’t it be both?“, you asked innocently.
Lucy nodded, apparently satisfied with your answer; “It can be. I’ll take that compliment.“ “It’s better than the sweaty one!“, you protested. Unimpressed, Lucy grimaced at you; “Oh come on. You can’t take a joke? That takes away a lot of your hotness.“ You rolled your eyes; “Rude!“ Lucy answered with a soft chuckle. Gently, you tilted your head; “So you would not like to kiss me right now?“ You didn’t fail to notice that the defenders eyes got bright at your suggestion but she shook her head; “No.“ “Okay.“, you shrugged. You could tell she was lying from the way her gaze got caught on your lips. “But I do want to kiss you at midnight.“, she continued her answer with a grin.
You held your breath for a second, the sound of her words sending shivers down your spine even more than the chill of the room itself. At the same exact moment, you both looked up as something clicked in the lock and the door was left open. “The door is open!“, you almost yelled and got up from the floor. Lucy followed close behind you; “Finally!“ When you stepped out of the small storage room, there was no one to be seen. Everyone was busy enjoying the party. Whoever was responsible for this must have disappeared somewhere in the crowd.
Only Aitana passed you two, looking excited; “Here you are! We’re all on the balcony to watch the fireworks!“ Lucy didn’t fall for her innocent demeanour; “Thanks for letting us out in time.“ Keira appeared with two small bowls that she handed to you; “You’re welcome. Here are some grapes.“ “Uhm, thanks, I guess?“; Lucy looked from the grapes back to her fellow English woman. I contrast to her, you immediately knew what was going on. You gave Keira a smile; “Oh, perfect. Thank you.“ On your way outside, Keira explained to Lucy; “It’s a Spanish tradition.“ The night sky was perfectly clear and the air was crisp and fresh so close to midnight. “Don’t worry. I’ll show you, Lucia.“, you grinned up at her. “Show me?“, Lucy repeated, laughing.
Smiling bright you commanded her: “Open your mouth.” “I like where it’s going.”, the defender grinned dirty. Giggling you told her:“Oh, trust me, me too.” “Is this a challenge on how many grapes I can fit in my mouth?”, she asked curiously. Amused you enlightened her on the Spanish tradition: “You’re supposed to eat one grape with each clock strike.” “Those are the twelve grapes of luck.”, Aitana added. With a wink you said to the English player:“So, stop talking and start chewing.” “Easy.”, Lucy replied.
Satisfied you watched her start eating:“There you go.” “She still understood it wrong.”, Keira observed and rolling her eyes at her fellow country woman. The Spanish midfielder seemed very happy with what was going on as she concluded: “But at least she’s quiet for once.” “So nice.”, Mapi teased her good friend in the team. With a half full mouth Lucy mumbled: “Not funny.” “I think it’s.”, Keira interjected.
Now the dark-haired woman turned to you:” Where are your grapes?” “Here.”, you held up your bowl so she could see the fruits in them. Chuckling Lucy gave you an audible push:” Let’s hurry up with eating then.” “Go, go!”, Mapi, Ingrid and their girlfriend cheered on you as if you were making an important goal in an all or nothing match when in reality it was just eating grapes.
Watching you eat them in a rapid tempo, the English defender gave you worried glances:” Don’t choke, okay?” “I’m okay.”, you reassured her laughing. Relieved Lucy replied: “I hope so.” “Don’t worry we take care of your luck, Lucy.”, Aitana winked at her. “Oh, I know. The door didn’t close itself on us.”, the dark-haired woman answered promptly.
As the clock stroked midnight you exclaimed happily:” Happy New Year, girls!” “This is going to be a very happy new year for me.”, Lucy observed with a cheeky grin on her face before giving you a passionate kiss. You could already taste that 2024 was going to be exciting.
We hope you had a great start into 2024 and had fun reading our little series of companion oneshots. As usual we'd love to read from you in the comments or yoi to like our post, either way is really appreciated.
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quack-quack-snacks · 4 days
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Time Will Tell - Chapter 24
My Time Will Tell Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
The Time Will Tell Glossary
Warnings: The spider monster attack, reader gets injured (we love an injured queen), Hyun-su finally gets to choose his destiny (he pulls a Britney Spears). Word Count: 2,260
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You couldn’t stand watching the scene of Hyun-su just dangling in the air, wrapped up with nowhere to go and unable to do anything about it. 
Instead, you went back to the nursery to find your siblings. When you got there, you only saw Yeong-su playing with his dinosaur next to Jin-ok and you walked over to lean down next to him. “Annyeong Yeong-su, have you seen your sister anywhere?” You asked him.
He looked up at you with a small pout. “No. She said she’d come play dinosaurs with me but she hasn’t come yet.”
“I’ll go find her and then the three of us can play. How about that?” You asked him with a smile and he immediately brightened up, nodding ecstatically.
So, you ventured off to find your sister, using it as a distraction from the rescue mission you weren’t participating in on the floor below you. It took you a while but you finally saw her just wandering the halls with a lost look on her face. It brightened when she saw you and you smiled at her. “Yeodongsaeng, you know you’re not supposed to be going off on your own. You’ll get lost or something could happen!” You lightly scolded and held out your hand for her to grab. She did happily and you started leading her in the direction of the nursery. 
“I didn’t mean to, I was just trying to find Mr. Ha-” She was cut off by an ear-piercing screech that sounded from right behind you. You were already preparing to run even before you saw the eight-legged creature crawl out of a vent on the ceiling. 
You acted purely on instinct when you picked Su-yeong up and started running. She screamed as she saw the monster quickly approaching you from behind and hid her face in your neck. You rounded the corner just in time to avoid the beast crashing into you, sending it flying into the wall with a sickening crack! instead. You let out a breath of relief when you saw Mr. Han aiming his crutch gun at the beast and you pushed your legs even faster. “Han Du-sik, move!” You screamed at him when the monster fell to the floor, incapacitated. You knew it would only stay down for so long and you wanted him to get out of there as soon as possible, especially with him being at a disadvantage. 
You didn’t look back, but you could hear the squeaking of his wheels as he pushed them vigorously and sped away. You were set on getting Su-yeong to Jin-ok with your brother and protecting her before retreating to help the man; your axe was in the nursery anyways. 
When you got there, you could see the room was boarded up, each of the residents completely abandoning the drill exercises you all had practiced so many times. It made you furious but you couldn’t do anything about it at that moment. 
You banged harshly on the door to let them know you were out there before setting Su-yeong down and crouching to be at her level. “Get them to open the door for you and stay with Ms. Cha and Yeong-su, okay? I’m going to go help Mr. Han deal with the monster.”
You gave her a kiss on the forehead and ran away, leaving no room for a discussion as you barrelled to where you last saw Du-sik, completely abandoning your axe that was stored inside. 
Sure enough, you found him, but he was lying on the floor, his wheelchair lying sideways with the wheels spinning aimlessly. “Han Du-sik!” You called out, running towards him and putting your arms under his armpits. You tried pulling him away despite his pleas to run away but you weren’t strong enough. The monster arrived just as you’d barely gotten him six feet away from where you found him and you cursed under your breath.
Just when you collapsed, falling beside the man and preparing yourself for the monster’s attack as it neared, Du-sik slammed his crutch against a lever on the pillar beside you. A string attached itself to one of the monster’s legs and left it dangling in the air. You almost let out a sigh of relief until you felt a searing pain slash against your side and you were sent flying in the air. 
One of the spider monster’s legs had flailed around and gone clean through your shirt and side. It held onto your shirt while Han Du-sik grabbed onto your ankle, trying to pull you back. You were amazed at how your flimsy T-shirt was holding strong while the body it surrounded was being tugged in two different directions. 
Turning as much as you could while in the hold of both the monster and Mr. Han, you banged your fists against any part of the monster you could reach with every ounce of strength you had. Your - still injured from you punching the glass case holding the axe just barely three days ago - hand’s wounds must have reopened because you could see the white bandage that wrapped around it was starting to stain itself with a growing blood patch. 
Then, as quickly as you were raised into the air, you were dropped. You fell onto your back, the wind getting knocked out of you and you gasped uselessly. You could distantly hear Mr. Han screaming for you to run away but you could only bring yourself to move a few meters before you collapsed again, still unable to breathe and gasping for air. You gripped at your shirt and clawed at your neck for air until finally, finally, you felt a breath of air find its way into your lungs. You panted heavily, taking in breath after breath greedily and mentally thanking every single tree that existed. You looked up and saw one of the claws had pierced right through Du-sik’s leg, leaving it a bleeding mess on the floor. His face showed no pain so you assumed he couldn’t feel it but it was still a worrying sight. 
You could truly only watch as he hit the monsterized leg going through his own leg. The lack of air, along with the blood loss you were going through with your side bleeding profusely, made your body weak. 
You thanked your saviors when he was able to dislodge the claw and the beast was sent into the air by the group of girls holding the rope. When you looked over, you were able to see your little sister among the mix of people holding the rope; the only one you didn’t see was Eun-yu-
“You ugly eight-legged bastard freak! Fuck you!” 
Speak of the devil.
Eun-yu came sprinting up behind you with a lit Molotov cocktail and chucked it at the monster. You knew she was most likely aiming at its torso but with the way it was thrashing around she only managed to set one of its legs on fire. Regardless, you thanked her mentally as she helped you up and started to basically drag you away to a safer location. You made a note to thank her verbally whenever you regained the ability to speak. 
You stumbled alongside her until you both swung around when you heard screams as the group fell, losing their grip on the creature and unintentionally setting it free. 
You watched as its sights set on you and Eun-yu.
You watched it regain its footing and start crawling towards you.
You watched the horror dawn itself on Eun-yu’s face.
And so you did it without thinking. 
You used every ounce of strength left in your body to shove Eun-yu out of the way. She looked up as you did and screamed your name. A sad smile spread on your face as you accepted your fate. Your only regret was never saying goodbye to your siblings, forcing them to live as they had with your father’s death. You closed your eyes and waited as the creature approached. The screams of all the residents echoed through the room and the howls of the beast got closer and closer until-
What you expected to be sharp claws were instead replaced by a calloused hand spinning you around so that you were back to back with your savior. 
You knew who it was immediately just from the feel of his hand on your skin. Despite the interaction being so fleeting, you didn’t think you’d ever be able to forget the feeling. It was just so uniquely him.
Ji-su suddenly ran up to you just as Eun-yu reached you and together, they helped drag you over to the wall. They leaned you against it and Eun-yu immediately started putting pressure on the laceration on your side. You cried out at the pain but didn't resist it - partly because you were too weak to but also because you knew it would stop you from bleeding out. 
Hyun-su got stabbed multiple times by the monster and you watched it take him down, falling on top of him with screeching howls. The sight was horrifying and if you were strong enough you would have pushed Eun-yu and Ji-su away to rush over and help him. 
It went on for an excruciatingly long minute before both parties of the fight stopped moving. You held your breath - which hurt your side like crazy but you ignored it - and waited, praying he was okay. 
‘Let him be okay. You can take me away but please, please let him be okay...’ You pleaded in your head. 
He finally moved, pushing the monster off and away from him. The sigh of relief you let out was painful but worth it. Wasting no time, he stood up, putting nearly all of his weight on the spear he held and panting heavily. 
Everyone stared at him; some gazes thankful, some in shock, some in fear.
And then there was yours. Your gaze of such relief and affection and…
No… it couldn’t be… right?
You’d barely even known each other for more than two months, and the first month of that was just brief interactions that lasted probably much longer than they should have. 
But there was no other way you could describe this feeling. No other way to describe how your heart lit up just at the sound of his name. How fiercely protective you got whenever someone talked down on him. How you longed for his presence when he was gone. How you were always drawn back to him no matter how hard they (Eun-hyuk) tried to separate you. How you felt no fear for him no matter what state he was in. 
So that’s what it must be. 
His eyes found yours and the small voids that absorbed all light like a black hole slowly retreated back into his pupils. His gaze traveled down from your eyes to where Eun-yu’s hands were still pressed into the wound on your side before he looked away. You could see the flash of guilt that covered his face when he saw the blood leaking from behind your shirt and immediately knew his mind was sent into the realm of self-blame. 
He turned, starting to limp in the direction of the arcade room no doubt. He used his spear as a crutch and you yearned to reach for him and help him, but all you could do was watch helplessly as he walked off.
You tugged on Eun-yu’s sleeve with a pleading look. “Help me.”
She nodded, allowing you to wrap an arm around her neck while keeping her hand on your wound and assisting you as you followed after the boy. 
Everyone else seemed to have the same idea as they got there before you, allowing you to watch as Hyun-su opened the door and stepped one foot through the frame before stopping at the sound of his name falling from Ji-eun’s mouth as she stepped to the front.
“Hyun-su,” she called. He stopped and slowly turned around to face her. “I’m sorry. I know we made… things more difficult for you.”
He just stood there watching her, his feelings of confusion and gratefulness at her apology plainly showing on his face. 
Eun-hyuk stepped up next, saying what you’d been begging him to since the beginning. “This time, we’ll let you choose.”
The two choices he had were evident despite Eun-hyuk’s lack of saying them aloud. 
Continue to spend his time in the arcade room, quarantining himself from everyone else.
Leave the arcade room and join the rest of the residents in their - as free as can be - free lives. 
He stared at the boy who’d just granted him the choice regarding his freedom before skimming his eyes along everyone else. They stopped on you for a moment longer than needed before he turned back to the door. You nearly let out a sob at what you thought would be him going back into the arcade room regardless of the choice given to him, but you were quickly relieved when he retrieved the foot placed inside the room and closed the door. Once he turned back around, you were barely able to give him a smile and sigh out in relief before you could feel yourself fading. 
“Fuck,” you said to yourself softly. Your arm started to slide from its place around Eun-yu despite her efforts to catch you and you fell to your knees before everything went black.
The last thing you remembered was the embrace of someone with soft, yet calloused, hands. 
taglist: @hyeon-yi @haowonbins @mythical-mushrooms13
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lionlena · 6 months
I Hold You (Oberyn Martellxf!reader) one shot
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Summary: Oberyn has a nightmare about his sister's death, which makes him fear that he will lose you too.
Warning: angst, hurt/comfort, canonical death of a character, tragic death, blood, mention of rape…
Title inspired by the song: CLANN - I Hold You
A/N: I am obsessed with thinking, how tragic and terrible was the fate of Elia Martell.
Also, watch this: Robert's Rebellion by Oberyn Martell
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Hot air blew across their faces as they ran through the courtyard filled with the Dornish sun. From time to time, the shadow of the palm trees growing along the courtyard fell on them. Her dark hair bounced on her shoulders and her bare feet hit on the ground.
She held his hand tightly. With strength so contrasting to her petite body.
And she laughed. Oh… What a sweet sound that was. Like the nectar they drank for breakfast in the morning.
He didn't resist her as she pulled him towards the fountain. He never resisted her.
Even though she was weaker and so delicate, she was able to capture anyone's heart, especially his. She walked gracefully among the vipers and knew that no one would dare to hurt her. And if someone like that was found, he would make sure that such a fool suffered unimaginable torment.
Oberyn loved her like no one else. His sweet sister. Elia Martell. His friend, confidant of secrets, and comforter. He spent so many long hours with his head on her lap as she ran her hand through his raven hair and explained to him that not everything could be solved by force. And that he can't be mad all the time. She taught him how to read poetry. For her, he began writing poems.
She wasn't just his sister. She was part of him. An integral part of his wild soul. It was like a cozy, cool hole in which an angry desert viper hid when the desert heat was deadly.
When she jumped into the fountain and started splashing water on him, he laughed happily and his dark eyes sparkled. She took a step back so that the water flowing from the marble snake's mouth soaked her head. She waved her hand at him, encouraging him to do the same. He wanted to do it and feel the pleasant coolness of the water. But when he took a step forward, the water flowing down his sister's head turned red. His heart stopped and she looked at him in surprise, as if she hadn't realized that her face was turning red with blood.
She extended her hand towards him. With a heavy heart, the prince took a step closer but stopped when he noticed the bodies of two children floating in the red water. He heard his sister scream as she was now holding her dress covered in blood. She lifted the material up, revealing her thighs covered in slippery goo and blood.
He felt bile rising in his throat and struggled to find his voice.
"Elia," he croaked. "Do not leave me!"
His sister looked at him with eyes full of suffering, and suddenly her face turned into yours. The prince suddenly stretched his hand towards you, grabbed your dress, and shouted:
Oberyn woke up and sat on the bed, breathing heavily. His body was covered in sweat, his hair was stuck to his forehead, and he felt a bitter taste in his mouth. He glanced sideways at you and his heart tightened. You looked so peaceful as you slept next to him, still with a blissful smile on your face after he took proper care of you and brought you to multiple orgasms.
He carefully leaned over you and brushed your hair away from your face. You lived, you breathed and you were fine. And yet he couldn't shake the feeling that your life was as fragile as his sister's was. You reminded him so much of her. You were delicate and intelligent, sensitive and full of empathy. It was both a blessing and a curse for him. Sometimes he even thought that it was his sister's spirit that put you on his path. To remember again what it's like to have someone he will trust with all his heart and who will surround him with care and love.
Oberyn sighed heavily and moved away from your warm body. He sat on the edge of the bed and was lost in his thoughts. He was the best warrior in Dorne, and yet he failed to protect his sister. What if he fails you? Would you be safer without him? No... He shook his head. The thought of not knowing where you were or what was happening to you was even more terrifying to him.
While he was lost in his thoughts, you woke up and immediately realized what the problem was. This wasn't the first time he had nightmares. Your sweet prince was full of life every day, full of jokes... He was also arrogant, conceited, and proud, but when nightmares came, he was sad and needed support. His entire demeanor changed and you saw a side that few people saw.
You carefully stood up and sat down behind him. You hugged him from behind and placed your chin on his shoulder. You didn't say anything, you just waited for him to speak.
Oberyn sighed, feeling the comforting warmth of your body against his back. In moments like these, he was grateful for your love and understanding. You were a special woman to him. He had never opened up to any other lovers like he did to you. And maybe that's why, paradoxically, he had nightmares more often than before.
He placed his hand on top of yours, which was resting on his belly.
"I'm fine... You can go back to sleep... I'm sure you're still tired from what we did." He tried to make his voice sound convincing, but you could hear the note of sadness and desperation.
You nuzzled his neck as a signal that you weren't going anywhere and tightened your grip. For a moment, a small smile appeared on his face. Then he sighed and took a few deep breaths. And finally, he whispered:
"I saw her again... First it was a memory from our youth. Happy life at Sunspear. We ran to the fountain to cool off..." His voice suddenly became quieter and trembling. "When she entered the water... The water turned to blood, and then... Her face... Her..."
You noticed a tear rolling down his cheek and hugged him even tighter. You pressed your lips against his cheek, feeling the salty taste.
"Her face turned into yours…" Oberyn finished and you sighed softly.
Sometimes you would give anything to take this pain and these terrible memories away from him. Not only were you hurt by your loved one's suffering, but by poor Elia's suffering. When you first heard her story, you cried. You didn't know her, but it seemed so unfair what happened to her and her children. And even though House Lannister had done nothing wrong to you, you hated them as much as Oberyn did.
However, you knew that no one in the world had the power to undo what had already happened. Living in memories led nowhere. So instead of thinking about the past, you focused on the present and comforting your loved one.
"But I'm here... And I'm holding you. You feel my warmth and my breath."
Oberyn nodded.
"But what if one day I can't protect you from the horrors of this world?"
You thought for a moment. His question was one that had no easy answer. Neither of you could promise that nothing bad would happen. You finally answered slowly.
"If something bad happens to me, I will be sure that you did everything to protect me. And I will die with the feeling that I was loved... And that I will be mourned."
Oberyn took a shaky breath and gripped your hands tighter. Your answer was honest, painful and... somehow comforting. But... No, he didn't do everything to protect you. Suddenly he turned towards you and cupped your face in his hands.
"Be my wife."
His sudden reaction took you by surprise. The candlelight reflected in his brown eyes, and you could see the sincerity in them. It definitely wasn't one of his jokes or teasing.
"Be my wife." He repeated, his voice becoming more confident, almost demanding, even though you knew he would never force you to do anything.
"I thought that... That you didn't want this... That you were comfortable with our relationship."
Oberyn smiled softly at you and rubbed his thumb against your cheek.
"Because it suits me, but... As strange as it may sound, since I found you, I no longer need other women and I want to provide you with even greater security. And this will happen when you gain the title of princess. Hurting a prince's lover is not the same as hurting his wife. Everyone will think twice. Besides, if something happens to me, you will be left with my estate and under the full protection of the Martell family."
You frowned and looked away from him, and he didn't understand your reaction. He thought you would be happy.
"What happened, my love?" He asked tenderly and gently grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"You talk about marriage like a business. Something that will make you sleep soundly at night."
He finally realized what the problem was and immediately kissed your forehead.
"Oh, forgive me, my desert flower. It wasn't meant to sound like that. Your safety is important here, but... I want you to be my wife because I love you like no one else. Because you are part of my heart and the air that I breathe. Because I can't imagine a day without your kiss, without your look. I just want to make official what I have known for a long time... I am yours and only yours."
Even if you tried, you couldn't stop the smile that appeared on your face. His words easily warmed your heart and all you could do was whisper:
"I agree."
Oberyn smiled and kissed you gently on the lips. However, you could see that he still hadn't fully recovered from the nightmare. So you stroked his jaw and pulled him towards the center of the bed. You knew that in the morning you would want to discuss your wedding and that you would have many questions, but you knew that you both needed to rest.
"Let's go back to sleep. You're tired."
You could tell he wanted to argue with you, but you had a trick up your sleeve. You laid on your back and patted your belly and you knew he would always take him up on that offer. It was his favorite way to fall asleep after a nightmare. He always wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in your lap as you stroked his hair soothingly.
It was like that this time too.
He snuggled into your body and you started stroking his dark hair.
"Rest now, my love. It's all right. I'm here and I'm holding you."
Oberyn closed his eyes, listening to your calm voice. The fear of losing you was still there in him, and he squeezed you a little tighter as if hoping that the gods wouldn't be able to break you free from his grasp.
"I've got you." He whispered and slowly fell into sleep, hoping he wouldn't have another nightmare.
Rest now, my love It's all right The dark is gone I am here I hold you
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Pernament tag list: @harriedandharassed
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jxckchxmpi0n · 1 year
Lovely Crimes
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Ethan Landry x ghostface! Reader || m.list
Summary : Even if they are a killer, that won't stop the love from dying. So why not join them. Till death do us part.
Word count : 1.1k
Tallest @chaethewriter @wafflehousewrold @demausbreaux @bob-the-tomato
Warning: screamvi spoilers violence! character death - blood, cursing, guns, knifes, mentions of virgin loser Ethan ♡
Did not proof read
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It took months, but it was finally here. Killing Sam and Tara, who gave a shit about Ankia, Mindy, or Chad. They were objects that were in the way. Their expiration date was here.
Chad was dead in the movie theater lobby while the others ran away scared. Hovering over Chad's body as he fell limp will forever be the best thing. Tara screamed as she saw the ghostfaces stab her new love. He deserved it. He was a dick.
Detective baily stood center stage as he held his gun. Sam and Tara slowly backed away as they tried looking around for the ghostfaces. "Are you guys okay?" He got closer to them panicked Sam raised a knife, she doesn't know who to trust anymore.
Kirby went misses right as the first ghostface attacked. Baily raised his hands in the air, "hey its me, trust me, okay?" Tara held onto Sam's arm as hard as she could.
It was just them three now. What a living hell.
Two shadows came from behind Baily. As he tried to talk to Sam, Tara screamed out. The shadow then turned into two figures, a twisted smile showed on Baily's face.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" His arms opened wide as he looked behind him and saw the two ghostfaces as well as the shrine of everything from the attacks before.
"What the fuck!" Sam was shaking it didn't make any sense. Why was baily on the ghostface side.
"Oh- I see you look quite confused," he put his gun in his holster as he walked closer to the sisters.
"You killed him, you bitch" Quinn came out from behind the doors a knife in hand as she looked directly at Sam.
"We didn't kill anyone!" Tara screamed at Quinn as she hid behind her sister. An evil smile took place on yours and Ethans face.
"You killed their brother. You killed his son!" You waved the knife around as tears filled your eyes.
"Your brother died in a car accident." Tara's face was covered in blood but also confusion.
"No no no you sweet dumb thing. He died in woodboro at the hand of your bitch sister!" Ethan was angry he wanted to kill Tara he hated her.
But you, you wanted to kill her more. Throughout this entire time being with the group, she saw how Tara put that hand on her boyfriends shoulder, the long eye contact. She was the cause of the number of fights you and Ethan had.
"Can we just kill her already?" You fell on the couch in his dad's house as it was time to plan act three.
"What, no, we have to wait."  he sat next to you as Quinn walked into the room.
"I'm with y/n on this one she slut shame me every God damn day!"
You smiled, "Well Quinn she's not wrong"  Ethan couldn't help but laugh at the remark to his sister.
"Oh can it virgin loser"  Quinn then stormed off into her room. Leaving a very flustered boy and a confused yet intrigued girlfriend.
The carpenter sister got spilt up as Quinn and her father went after Sam and Ethan and you went after Tara. Her screams could be heard through the entire building, and your knife dug into her arm as you trapped her in a corner.
"I always fucking hated you Tara, you and your dumb little boyfriend deserve to die" Ethan stood behind you watching in awe as his beautiful girlfriend stood covered in blood.
"Baby this is a bad time but you just look so hot" he grabbed your sides pulling you into him. His lips met yours as the taste of salty sweat and iron fill your mouth.
Tara stood holding her arm the best she could. "You guys are sick" her voice cracked her emotions taking the best of her.
Just then a bang echoed through the rooms, you'd be lying if you said it didn't make you jump. Ethan was the first to run away, the thought of his dad or sister hurt made him panic.
As you watched Ethan run away, Tara saw glass from the broken case. Quietly she picked it up, this was her chance. "Listen don't-" just as you turned back she sprang up and slammed you down to the floor. "You fucking bitch" pushing her off you grabbed your knife, before you could make any move your eyes went wide.
Dropping the knife, Tara held a smrik on her face. "This, this is for Chad. You psycho bitch" looking down her hands gripped the glass and twisted it. Your screams filled her ears. "This is for Anika." Blood spilled from your mouth as she pushed it in further.
Pushing you off of her, she got up and watched as blood came rushing out of the wound and your mouth.
Tara ran into the theater room to find baily and Quinn dead. Sam sat on the edge of the stage, the adrenaline dying. She smiled once she saw Tara but frowned when she saw blood all over her.
"It's not mine, not all of it, at least." She sat down, leaning on her sister. "Is it finally over?"
Sam tried to comfort her sister a small nod as she hugged her. "I hope it is,"
What they didn't know was that Ethan was still alive. Partly, his mouth was covered in blood from Sam, stabbing him in the throat. But that was the least of your worries. He needed to find you.
Slowly, he crawled to the room he last saw you. His heart sank as he saw you laying down blood covering the floor. He couldn't speak. It hurt him too much. Your eyes were closed, but the sound of him near you made you open your eyes.
"Baby," your voice was whispered. His eyes filled with tears as he saw your grow pale. Please don't leave me, he thought. "We tried okay but fuck baby I can't stay awake" your breathing became labored. No y/n please don't die I need you he was crying. He was crying harder than he ever had. You are the love of his life he needs you.
"Ethan, I love you so so much." You grabbed his face, brushing the curly haired you loved so much smiling at him. Your eyes faded. You weren't there anymore. He choked on his cries, his throat burned as he cried for you. He was angry. He wanted to kill them still!
He grabbed your knife, not before kissing your forehead and closing your eyes. He ran into the theater room, ready to charge at the sister, their face filled with fear as they didn't have any more weapons. "I'm gonna kill you!"
Just as he reached them, a figure appeared holding a film camera "smile for the camera mother fucker" the lens crashed into Ethans head and he tripped on a wire. His body went limp as he hit the ground. He was dead and as were you.
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The Winter Sun (2)
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2. No man's land
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Death of characters, cursing, medieval and asoif customs, bullying, arrasment, kiss stealing, incest (c’mon is HotD), minor on minor violence, minors engaging in sexual activities, minors drinking wine, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3.3k
Notes: I’m running out of ideas for meet-cutes between Cregan and reader! haha and reasons for poor Cregan to travel two whole ass months to be in King’s landing. Anyways I want to say that in the White Dragon I was a stickler for the timelines and history… but here? nah, forget it! My story, my timeline, my rulezzzzz
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Turns out Aemond didn’t take well to be told to fuck off
Your scalp still burned because of how hard he pulled your hair. You actually cried, he made you cry. You had never cried because of his teasing and bullying before, but now? you were tired of it, tired and angry.
When you turned around and he still had your silver braid locked in his hand, and he saw your tears, he froze. He fucking froze on his place. He released you almost immediately, and you couldn’t take it anymore and you slapped him across the face as hard as you could, as hard his face turned to the side. 
“Don’t ever touch me again!”, you threatened, and turned to leave.
As you were leaving the hallway, Steffon Mangold, a King’s guard sworn to you, appeared
“Princess, i’m very sorry, I lost you”
“I was hiding Ser, don’t feel bad”, you explained, sniffing, you didn’t want him to see you
“You are crying Princess”, he muttered sadly
“I’m very sorry”, you said
“You don’t have to be sorry, next time, I will tell him to stop, I will stop him”
“It’s fine”, you interrupted him, with a shy smile, “Tell me, how is your younger sister?”. you changed the subject
“The medicine the maester gave her thanks to you, it really helped her”
“I’m so glad”, you cheered, recuperating your normal, happy self, “could you escort me, I need to dress for tonight”
“Of course princess”
It was almost like a game, to watch all those lords and ladies play “the young wolf”, to have a moment alone with him, they all wanted him for themselves, for their daughters, Cregan Stark was beginning to be the most eligible bachelor of the seven Kingdoms.
And he did not seem happy about it.
You hid behind the columns of the side of the Throne room while you watched the lords of court hoping to have a moment alone with the infamous Cregan Stark. He should be happy shouldn’t he? but he seemed miserable.
All the ladies blushed when he passed by their side, and it was almost chemical to see the different “tactics” each one tried to gain his attention, some would swoon, others would smile at him, or fan themselves, and other pretended they didn’t even see him while they flipped their long lustrous hairs
But nothing ever worked 
The very next day, at the very same hour, you found yourself reading in your tree, and he would find himself underneath it.
“No luck?”, you asked, amused
“I’m starting to think this was a mistake, little dragon”
“Why would that be, mean wolf?”
“Mean?”, he asked, amused
“Why was it a mistake?”, you asked again
“This is some sort of circus”, he muttered
“I’m very sorry the ladies of the south do not please you, M’lord”, you mocked
“That is not it”, he mocked back, “it’s just… sad”, he said
“You will find the one mean wolf, south of the Neck”
“What did the boy have to say to you about yesterday?”, he asked, changing the subject 
“I don’t know, I told him to fuck off”, you giggled, and he chuckled, “but I can’t scape him forever, is not that I could leave”, you whispered
“Do you miss your father?”, he asked
“Did you know him?”, you asked
“Briefly”, he muttered, “he helped me when my father died, he counseled me when my uncle tried to take Winterfell away from me”, he said carefully
“He was a good man, and I’m sorry he is gone”, he said firmly
“Thank you, My Lord I do miss him”, there was a comfortable silence, as you played with the pages of your book mindlessly, and again, it fell from your lap, right by his side. You gasped, it was your favorite book, about dragons and their Targaryen riders, starting with Aerion and Karnax, the first ever dragon and rider bonded, and through old Valyria. You had read it thousands of times
“My book!”
“Ups sorry, second time’s the charm, it’s mine now”, he said, picking it up and taking it with him
“No!”, you jumped from the tree, but he was already walking away. 
“I’ll give it back the next time we see each other”, he said with a shy smile, and then he turned and left. Under your amused gaze.
Turns out you were right.
After a week of pitiful courting, and chasing, and blushes and rejections, a light showed the way for Cregan Stark
And that light was Alysanne Blackwood.
When she showed up at court all the other ladies gave up, she was some sort of legend, she was feisty, beautiful, and brave, they say she hunted with bow and arrow and had the precision of an eagle in the hunt, and she rode horses as well, she was tall and lean, and had beautiful long curly hair. 
The game was pretty much won.
And just like that, Cregan left court with a fiery betrothed. And you were happy for him, happy because when you arrived at your chambers the night he had left, you found a surprise, a book about tales and legends of the North. Inside, it read, “property of the library of Winterfell”, and you smiled widely. 
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126 AC. Reader is 16 years old
It had been three more years until you even heard of Cregan Stark, apparently, he was a widower again. Alyssane has passed from a fever, and he was started to be known as “the lone wolf”
You lowered your gaze when you heard Uncle Viserys speaking about it, your uncle had also got a fever which he never recovered from. He was sicker by the day, and the maesters had started to exchange concerned looks. The worst part is that everybody knows, the court has once again grown grim.
You would have thought that cousin Rhaenyra would have shown her face, but she didn’t, not until now, not until… The King was bed-bound and Lord Corlys Velaryon suffered from a fatal wound.
So Rhaenyra was summoned to court to discuss who would inherit Driftmark, her son who everybody called a bastard, or… Vaemond Velaryon, Corlys brother.
You were watching Aemond train, with Criston Cole in the courtyard, when the Velaryon entered the game field, they wasted no time in spotting you walking towards you with smiles on their faces, mocking smiles, you caressed the idea in your mind of turning around and running away, but you couldn’t do that, you were now a woman grown.
“Dear aunt, how’ve you grown”, admired Jacaerys, and you only rolled your eyes. He had grown also, he was a young man now, you would even consider him handsome, if he wasn’t such a prick. 
“Nice to see you again nephew”, you muttered softly, and smiled at them both, they looked back at you without shame, you were an adult now, a woman grown. Nothing to be ashamed of, but the change was obvious between all of you
“I haven’t seen you since…”
“Driftmark”, you answered, “if you excuse me, nephews, I have a sewing class”, dragonshit, you didn’t, but you ran away either way
“Nephews, have you come to train, or to stare at another man’s things?”, Asked Aemond.
To Aemond, you were his, his thing, his property, his to do as he pleased.
He enjoyed watching you squirm on his grasp, he enjoyed your scared eyes, but above all else, he enjoyed your nervousness around him, he knew that you weren’t oblivious to his advances, you liked to play with him, that is what he thought about you. Three years ago he changed his tactic, he didn't want your tears, he wanted your nervousness, your blushes, your gasps.
So instead of shoving you he started grabbing you, instead of pulling your hair he began to gift you things, things he knew you’d like, books, trinkets bought in the streets of King’s Landing, and flowers. But instead of bringing you joy, these gifts brought you fear. You did not want him, nor his attention, you’d wish you’d disappear to him.
He had never spoken a kind word to you in his life, and now he was giving you presents?
You had designed your life to avoid him, your classes, your teaching with the septas, your time in the dragonpit, everything was made to avoid him, and it had worked to perfection so far. 
But as you read in the God’s wood, you felt watched, and when you raised your eyes you saw Daemon Targaryen on the flesh, the Rogue Prince
Your uncle
He was a stranger to you, he had never even spoken to you, every time you saw him, he would look away, you didn’t know why, you didn’t know it hurt him physically to look at you because it was like looking at his brother come again, and he missed him. But you never knew that.
He was looking straight at you and you became so nervous you knew no better than to wave awkwardly at him, he only smirked, and left you alone again.
Weird ass family you were born yourself into.
Court turned sour the day of the hearings, you were instructed, passive-aggressively, you needed to be there, and since you had more acquaintances amongst your cousins that is where you stood. Alicent had suggested you dress in green, but you dismissed her “suggestion”, wearing pink instead, a neutral color, far from any houses.
And you felt eyes on you, you looked across the room and there he was again, Daemon, this time, he nudged Jacaerys, and they both looked at you, and you moved uncomfortably. You had been living in this court and inside this family for six years, why did you still feel like an outsider? Why did you feel like you didn’t belong?
Why the dark comments about bastarcy, the angry looks, the tension, the violence
You didn’t understand it. Nor the need for all of it
Because of the ugly chair?
Absolute power.
When Vaemond called Rhaenyra a whore, and your nephews bastards, ande Daemon took his head… you left the throne room, disgusted by the blood and the brains, you couldn’t handle it, you didn’t have the stomach for it
Instead you decided to lurk the hallways, this audience had stopped all life in the castle anyways, no lessons or classes were being held today. 
You knew this night the King had invited you to a dinner, hosted to honor Rhaenyra’s visit, and he wanted to gather all of his family, and you thought it was sweet. As you were walking towards the private dining room of the Royal chambers, you accidentally eavesdropped a conversation you shouldn’t have.
“Marrying Jace with Baela is a mistake”, said Daemon
“She is your daughter, and he is my son”, fought Rhaenyra
“Aegon’s daughter…”, he said, “is a better match”
“She holds no real title, no lands…”
“She is his daughter”, he continued, “Aegon’s only child”
“You want the greens to have her?”, you wanted to hear no more, and you kept walking. 
You wanted nobody to have you, you were not a thing to have, you were a girl of your own
When you arrived at the dining hall, something happened that had never happened before, both Aemond and Jacaerys wanted you to sit among them, and you looked around uncomfortably, wanting to sit everywhere but near them, but that wasn’t possible, you ended up sitting right in the middle of them both.
“So tell me aunt, what have you been up to these past years?”, started Jace, and you smiled fakely
“Well, I've been reading a lot”, you muttered, hiding your disgust in a cup of wine, “and riding Vhaelar”
“Remember when we used to mock you because we thought Vhaelar wasn’t real?”, he giggled, like it was the best time of your life
“I remember vividly”, you answered bitterly, and Aemond right by your side chuckled
“What is so funny uncle?”, asked Jacaerys, already tired of him
“That you think that was some sort of fond memory for her”, he mocked 
“Well, we were children and we were bonding…”
“I wouldn't call it that”, said Aemond, and they started passively-aggressively attacking each other all through dinner, on top of that you felt Daemon’s gaze over you again, as he was watching, amused, the interaction between your cousin and nephew
They couldn’t possibly be attacking each other because of you, couldn’t they?
And to make it better, the toasts begin.
First it was Jace, toasting to the fond memories of your youth, and Aemond mumbling against his cup that truly it wasn’t, and then Rhaenyra and Alicent sharing toasts as well, that was kind of nice, so you smiled contently, but as the night went trough, Aemond felt it was time for his own toast
“A last tribute”, he said, raising his cup, “to the health of my nephews, each of them handsome, wise… Strong”
And all hell break loose
“I dare you to say that again”, said Jacaerys, raising from the table, so did Luke
Alicent tried to stop Aemond, but to no avail, he released himself from her grasp, while facing Jacaerys and you almost got caught on the cross fire.
Jace punched Aemond, but he barely moved. You knew how good he was fighting, a punch like that was not going to move him. Aemond only smiled and with a single hand pushed Jacaerys and send him flying on his ass to the ground
And Rhaenyra sent you all to your rooms, and you obliged, even if she wasn’t speaking to you directly.
But as you were walking towards your chamber, Aemond, who had left the room before everyone else, catch up to you
“(Y/N)”, he greeted firmly
“Aemond, the hour is late”, you said tiredly, “you should rest”
“Are you going to go find Jacaerys?”, he asked
“Why would I?”, he grabbed you by your wrist, stopping you, “Aemond”
“You like that bastard more than me?”, he mocked, “me?”
“No!”, you yelped
“Do you?”, he shook you, making you gasp
“No!”, he pushed you against the wall and trapped you with his own body.
“You are mine”, he growled, and you shook your head, “not that bastard’s”
“No! release me!”, you fought with all your might, but Aemond was strong, years and years of training. 
He quieted your pleas with his mouth, kissing you. You still shook against him, but he seemed determined, so he tried to immobilize you, grabbing both your wrist with one of his big hands and the other.
He grabbed your hip, roughly, pressing you against the stone. You whimpered when he finally released your mouth.
Your first kiss, stolen.
You whimpered again… tears threatening to come out
“Prince Aemond”, you looked at the end of the hall, to see Ser Steffon there, “the princess asked for release”, he warned, Aemond only chuckled, and released you
“I expect you in my room later”, he said firmly, “or I’ll go to you” 
Aemond left, and so did you
“I have to leave”, you cried, “really”, he only nodded. Steffon accompanied you to your room to get things, and then, he escorted you to the Dragonpit.
“People at your old home will be waiting for you”, he whispered as you were walking by his side through the streets of King’s Landing, “you will be safe there, tomorrow, I’ll explain everything to the King and Queen”
“They never believe Aemond grabbed me like that”, you whispered
“So I’ll say you just left for your home”, he said, and you nodded.
And as Rhaenyra departed at the late hours towards Dragonstone again, you found Vhaelar. 
Your father’s dragon.
“Hey sweet girl”, you greeted, she cooed at you from her place in the pit, watching you with emotion in her deep golden eyes. “care for a ride?”
She didn’t like to be trapped in the Pit, when you lived with your father she used to hide in caves imbedded in cliffs near the castle, not here, all crowded with other dragons.
You guided her outside, you brought a small bag with a couple of dresses and you were wearing your riding gear. You couldn’t stay here any longer, there is so much Steffon could do to keep Aemond at bay, and your aunt? she won’t do anything to protect you, not even your cousin. 
So you rode your dragon in the middle of the night, back to the place your father raised you in, a castle near Runestone.
People that still lived in the castle received you with open arms and in their nightgowns, surprised but happy
“We were waiting for you little princess”, many would say, as they lead you to your childhood bedroom.
Your uncle the King had kept the place running, paying the servants and letting them stay, it was his way of honoring your late father, a brother he loved so much. He had hopes one day that you would come here with your husband, and live it once again. 
Even Vhaelar seemed happy to be here, flying over the cliffs you hear her roar happily, you watched her through the window and you saw her white-silvery scales shining under the moonlight. 
When you were a girl you used to think she came from the moon itself, and your father, giggling, would never correct you. 
You know you couldn’t ran away for ever, the King was going to call you back to King’s Landing, what were you going to do then?, but you had turned sixteen a couple of weeks ago, you were technically of age, you could, demand to stay here. 
You were right, a week later a letter arrived, from the King himself, in it he demanded you return to King’s Landing, promising you he was going to control Aemond, and let you come back to your home when you turned eight and ten.
Additional to that, you received a letter from the Queen, who promised Aemond was not going to bother you ever again.
You took one more week to reply, and ended up spending one whole moon in your castle, before you willingly returned to King’s Landing. Your home was your home, but you were the only one living in it, you didn’t like to be alone.
When you came home, Aemond greeted you politely, and then backed away, he still gave you little presents, but that was it, he never touched you again. 
But The rumors you heard and what Joanna told you… they were going to betrothed you to him, but the King wouldn’t hear of it, your clock was ticking, to find your own match before it was too late and when your Uncle was gone they were going to make you marry him.
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In the far North, Cregan was looking down the hall and its people. His sister Sara by his side, smiling reassuringly up at him.
It had been one year after the death of Alyssane, and all the lords had gathered to hear their concerns. 
He was twenty eight, unmarried, without heirs, a widower of not only one, but two wifes
“If I fail to produce an heir, and perish before”, he said firmly, “the seat of Winterfell shall pass to my younger cousin Bran”, he announced, and the lords showed their disappointment, “this is my decision”, and he left the hall, still hearing the complaints and the rushed voices of the lords and ladies of the North.
Sara tried to run to catch up him, she eventually did
“You are not marrying again?”, she asked
“What is the point?”, he asked roughly, “I found love twice and the gods did not seemed me worthy enough to keep it”
“That is not it!”, she said hastily, “Cregan… you will find love again”
“Doubt it”
“What about my dreams? my visions?”, she said
“Sara, unless a beautiful maid comes flying up here, I swear, I’m not looking for a wife again”, he said finally, and kept walking. 
Sara just smiled, content. 
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Taglist! ❤️
@severewobblerlightdragon @missusnora @stargaryenx @poppyreader
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peachhcs · 6 months
sam and will just being soft with each other and maybe it’s just them cuddled in bed talking to each other sleepy?
a soft morning
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
a soft, slow, lazy morning with samy and will (an extension of rainy days at the lake house)
.9k words
i kind of made this into a blurb, i hope you don’t mind. it’s kind of like a part 3 to my two part lake house story acting as a morning after situation. there’s also a longer imagine i wrote a bit ago that has this similar vibe (sunday mornings) but writing this was so cutie :) as always, send in more requests, i love writing them!
au masterlist
summer's for the slow mornings
the second the sun began poking through the blinds samy's eyes slowly fluttered open. she could never keep sleeping when the sun shined into her bedroom, cursing her circadian clock. she squinted when the light crossed her eyes and immediately shoved her face back into will's chest who still slept peacefully beside her.
waking will up in the summer wasn't easy. when he didn't have early morning hockey, he slept until noon unless someone woke him up. not even the rising sun bothered the blonde which definitely made samy envy how heavily he slept.
now that she was awake the girl moved around for her phone that was somewhere in the bed. her fingers curled around a device, pulling it towards herself to see if it was hers or will. she smiled when she saw the familiar purple color.
samy readjusted herself against will's chest as she opened up her phone to check her notifications. none were of much an importance, so she headed to instagram. the posts were endless as the youngest hughes scrolled through her feed and tapped through stories. none of it was all too interesting, so samy switched into snapchat just to check how bad her bed head was.
the hickeys littered across her neck caught her off guard for a second. she forgot those were there for a moment until the memories of last night played in her head leaving a small smile on her lips. she carefully examined the ones she could see knowing there was no way she'd be able to hide all of them.
she'd just have to wear them with pride and ignore the chirping from everyone while also avoiding any eye contact with her parents.
the girl got bored of her phone, so she threw it back down on the bed. she got herself more comfortable against her boyfriend so she could play with his hair while waiting for him to wake up. 10:30 wasn't too early, so there was hope the blonde would wake up soon. samy's fingers carefully tangled themselves into will's messy curls in an attempt to make then a little less messy.
she was glad the mullet season was gone for now and he had his normal length back that wasn't too long at the nape of his neck. samy didn't hate when the boys had mullets, but it definitely wasn't her favorite hairstyle of will's.
she'd never tell him that though because then will would never grow his hair out like that ever again and his team would chirp at him for being such a simp.
samy knew how much will valued her opinion on everything and also how much he hated the constant chirping.
her delicate fingers must've woken will up because a few seconds later, the blonde's eyes fluttered open and squinted from the harsh sunlight coming in higher through the half-closed blinds. the boy looked to his right, immediately smiling when he saw samy.
"good morning," the girl grinned softly.
"morning," will's voice came out rough and raspy from sleep. "what time is it?"
"like 10:30," samy answered, gently running her finger up and down his hickey-filled chest.
"so early," he pushed his face into the side of samy's head making her giggle.
"early? it's late," she chuckled.
"early for me," will corrected himself.
samy rolled onto her side so she was facing her boyfriend who hid his face in the pillow when she moved her head away. he looked so cute in samy's eyes. "how'd you sleep?" she wondered.
will finally showed his face again, a lazy smile on his lips, "the best i've slept in months."
"that good, huh?" samy reached out to drag her fingernails across his exposed shoulder. the action had will jumping in surprise before quickly melting into her touch.
"i told you i've been wanting to sleep with you beside me since we got here," the boy mumbled earning a smile from the brunette.
"good thing i kicked hannah out then," samy laughed while will playfully rolled his eyes. he took ahold of the hand dragging across his shoulder to leave gentle kisses on.
his action made a deep blush spread across samy's already rosy cheeks.
"so how badly are things gonna be when we go downstairs?" will wondered meaning the two hadn't seen everyone since yesterday afternoon before their extremely eventful night.
"uhh..i'm not sure. maybe luke kept his mouth shut or they all heard us," samy giggled and her words definitely didn't ease the embarrassment on will's face at the idea of the entire house hearing.
"amazing," the blonde muttered.
"we could just stay here for a bit longer," samy suggested as her boyfriend met her gaze again. a smile danced on his lips while pushing his face closer to hers.
"sounds perfect," the boy mumbled before placing a chaste kiss to her lips and wrapping his arm tighter around her frame.
she curled into him with a content smile and will hummed in response, burying his face into her hair. the couple wrapped themselves up in one another finally feeling like they could be close without someone breathing down their backs every second.
will would lay in bed all day as long as it was with samy.
samy wouldn't ever get tired of being wrapped up in her boyfriend's arms as the sun slowly rose and their friends' voices sounded downstairs as everyone started waking up, ready for another full day of adventures.
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xxpeppermintxx109 · 1 year
queen shaera targaryen, the unlikely | GLBH AU, inspired by this edit. this one very much fits older shaera :)
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there was not a soul who presumed the quiet firstborn of rhaenyra targaryen would ascend the iron throne, but the dance of dragons had burned away nearly all of house targaryen in a mere two years. with her brothers dead, and her only remaining family her stepsisters and a mere child, shaera velaryon took the name targaryen and was named queen of the seven kingdoms—a sight her half-year queen of a mother would have liked to see. and while she sat the throne in king’s landing, her husband—only in name, some would say—sat the throne in sunspear, officially welcoming dorne into the crown’s purview for the first time. at just twenty years of age, shaera targaryen, the first of her name, had done what her ancestors could not.
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but throughout her reign, grief followed her. she had lost nigh her entire family in the war, save only for her stepsisters, baela and rhaena, and her brother, aegon the younger. gone was her dragon, slaughtered by her uncle’s, sunfyre, in a cannibalistic rage. gone was her lover, still chained to his saddle at the bottom of the god’s eye. gone were her brothers and mother and fathers.
similarly to aegon, she wore only black, forever in mourning. however, on the namedays of those she still had left, many claimed she wore velaryon blue and targaryen red, and sometimes a small smile could be seen slipping through her perpetual despair. when she welcomed a daughter back from sunspear a year after the war—one many thought to be a bastard for her pale hair and dark eyes that belonged to a kinslayer—it was only that girl, named visenya for a sister who never got the chance to live, who could truly rouse the queen from the storm hanging over her head. then there was a son, a boy with dark hair and even darker eyes donning the name aemon. though he was surely the son of the prince of dorne, there was little doubt he reminded the queen greatly of her lost love. and when her brother viserys was returned, many claimed to see the first true smile on shaera targaryen’s face—their embrace on the docks of blackwater bay enough to drive many to tears.
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for thirty years, shaera targaryen was queen, wearing not the crown of her mother—for that had been sold in exchange for a betrayal rhaenyra would never recover from—but the crown of both a conqueror and usurper. though her reign was largely peaceful, some say the rubies of aegon’s crown were cursed, reddened by the blood spilled to form the seven kingdoms and break them apart as well.
first, her husband would pass quickly. his death would come in the form of a letter brought by ravens from the south, sent by his firstborn daughter, who inherited dorne and loved rhaena of pentos. shaera was said to have grieved quietly and in private, only thirty years old and already made a widow—some would say for the second time. she would not take another husband despite the urgings of the twins, who only wished to see her happy.
next went her son. aemon was only two-and-ten when he was found dead. some said the greens still had supporters so long after the war, some said there was a wish to push the queen to madness so her brother, aegon, could take over—now a man. some said the boy merely had a weak heart and succumbed to an illness that hid deep within him. but the death of aemon was enough to remind many of the queen before, who at the death of jacaerys velaryon seemed mad with grief and chose only to haunt the halls of dragonstone and the red keep. such was a similar state for shaera, who after her son was burned on a pyre, seemed incapable of ever smiling again.
neither her sisters nor her brothers could bring a semblance of peace to her. even the sight of morning, rhaena’s pink dragon, couldn’t stir a moment of nostalgia in her heart—she and aegon were similarly broken by the dragons of old. for namedays, the birth of baela’s and rhaena’s children, the visits from aliandra martell, shaera simply sat upon the iron throne, a crown of rubies upon her dark and greying hair. she only ever watched. she never partook. the last time she danced was with a man lost to a lake.
it was only when her daughter, visenya, wed aegon in an attempt to stall any potential civil wars before they could build, that some say shaera actually cracked a smile, small and weak as it was. though the realm saw them wed per the seven’s wishes, shaera had them wed per their house’s true religion on dragonstone—with fire and blood. neither were truly happy, for their lives had been nothing but loss, but for a moment, many say visenya and aegon found peace. and some say, while aegon always wore black for his mother, visenya always wore green for her true father.
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from their marriage came three children: daemon, daenerys, and aenys. but grief was great and sorrow ever present for two children born in a civil war, and visenya was left widowed when aegon died of consumption at only six-and-thirty. some say she could not bear to live without him, and her heart broke one night, slaying her in her sleep, leaving her children to baela and alyn, who took the three in without issue.
shaera, hearing news of her daughter’s and brother’s death, called for her remaining family to return to the red keep. many wondered if she would abdicate to viserys for her grief was too great. she named viserys her heir, baela her hand, alyn the master of ships, rhaena the master of laws, and aliandra the master of whispers. when all was said and done, shaera bid her court a farewell, claiming she was far too tired to continue and that she would return to court on the morrow with news for the approaching winter. lord cregan stark, a dear friend of hers, was set to return after years protecting the north.
however, when he returned to see his queen, he was met only by a corpse. in her sleep, at the age of fifty—almost thirty years of ruling—queen shaera targaryen died. some claimed foul play. some said she deserved it for being a woman on the throne. some simply wrote songs about the grief she endured, and the peace she had brought, unlikely as she was. death had swept through house targaryen once more, but shaera ensured it stood strong, for she settled succession and protected her youngest brother’s claim before she passed. lord cregan stark was known to have lauded her for knowing when her time was near but remaining selfless enough to not return to her family, who all undoubtedly waited for her beyond the living veil, until all was settled.
unlikely, unwilling, shadowed always by grief in a black veil that never seemed to leave her hair, shaera targaryen was a good and just queen despite it all. and while her mother ruled only for half a year, she protected rhaenyra’s memory and claim for thirty long and prosperous years. years that many claim to be better than they should have been. years that went free of blood after so much was spilled before.
reunited once more with her family in death, some say baela and rhaena and viserys and aliandra all had similar last words—that they wished to return to their families. some even claimed that shaera’s last words were a breath of relief, at finally being free, and she called to her brothers and mother and fathers and daughter and son and husband.
and to aemond targaryen, who shaera velaryon loved before she was shaera targaryen. who the good queen refused to let him be known as a kinslayer in all of the histories written in thirty years of ruling. he was merely prince aemond to her.
and she was his shaera, reunited once more.
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oxymarie · 10 months
Title : Here, right now (not lost, but found)
Summary : It’s summertime in Feldcroft and Sebastian Sallow learns things about you (and himself in the process).
Warnings : A slightly graphic fight scene at the end. French people. Two idiots in love. Grammar and punctuation mistakes (probably).
Words : 8006
Note : The idea of Sebastian as a Healer comes from @ellivenollivander and her fabulous fic Reconciliation. If you like this one, go and give hers some love!
Someone was knocking at the door, which was both surprising and worrying, because it was the middle of the night.
Sebastian turned in his bed, praying silently that Uncle Solomon would open the door quickly and that whoever was at the door wouldn’t wake Anne up - his sister had had a string of bad days, the pain of her curse assailing her without mercy, coming stronger and stronger. He had stayed with her through it all, holding her hand, wiping her brow with a soft wet cloth and making her cups of tea. The pain was finally gone, and she needed to rest now.
Finally, he saw a sliver of light and heard his uncle open the door. He conversed for a few minutes with the person there in hushed, urgent tones before stepping out and closing the door, muffling the sound of his conversation and extinguishing the light of his wand. Now this sounded interesting.
Sebastian slowly got up and crept towards the window. He opened it quietly, hoping that the rusted hinges of the old pane wouldn’t creak, and leaned towards the place where he could just make out the outline of his uncle’s form.
« Kidnapped… hide them… safe here… Ministry… Diplomatic Incident… » Solomon’s answer was a low grumble. The man opposite him answered and the two kept arguing back and forth for a while, before finally stopping. « Fine, » he heard his uncle say, « bring them here tomorrow afternoon. » The stranger thanked him and Apparated. Sebastian hid in the shadows and waited as his uncle turned and entered the cottage. The older man closed the door behind him and used a spell to secure it - not a simple Colloportus, because it glowed a soft blue before disappearing - before taking a few steps into their main room. He stopped and looked towards Sebastian, still hiding in the shadows. « You are too old to play spies. » He spoke quietly and sighed before continuing, « Go back to bed, I will tell you in the morning. »
Because Anne was resting and he didn’t want to wake her by fighting with his uncle, Sebastian nodded and went back to bed, even though it was some time before he could go to sleep.
Morning dawned, bright and slightly dewy. Sebastian came to in a haze, unable to shake the last remnants of his dream - pretty eyes looking up at him, a mouth pulled by a grin and a soft voice saying things that he couldn’t quite remember - and abruptly remembered that he had to talk to his uncle. He groaned and went to get ready.
Feldcroft hadn’t changed much since his fifth year, even though he had, he mused. During that year, his friends had single-handedly stopped his descent into the Dark Arts : Ominis and the new student had sat him down after the Scriptorium incident and they had a long, emotionally charged talk. They had told him how worried they were, and how guilty they felt for not intervening before and for not protecting him. It was seeing his new friends’ tears that had convinced him, though, and he’d always remember the sound of her voice and the crack in her words when she’d said that she would never be able to handle the guilt if anything went wrong. Then Ominis had intervened and said that he wanted to save Anne, he had to do it the right way and become a Healer.
Of course his friend had been right, he thought, and after finishing Hogwarts and completing further studies, Sebastian had started working at St Mungo’s. He loved it and being able to help so many people every day made him and his family proud. His relationship with his uncle was much more relaxed now and he was able to soothe and alleviate Anne’s pains while still searching a cure for his sister’s curse.
He was currently in Feldcroft for a well-deserved holiday, while Ominis worked at the Ministry of Magic and his special friend was preparing for her new position. She had told him that Professor Weasley had approached her to become the new Professor of Magical Theory at Hogwarts, but that she was hesitating, not knowing if she would be able to fill the void left by Professor Fig’s absence. He had sat down with her in the sunny living-room of the house that she had bought after Hogwarts, surrounded by the smell of her perfume, and held her hand as he said that he wouldn’t see it as filling a void, but rather as a homage. She had smiled then - a breathtaking smile that caused his heart to miss a beat and whose memory has been inscribed in his brain since because it made the sun shine just a bit brighter - and had kissed his cheek. Two days later, she had told him that she had accepted the post and he had felt pride spark in his chest and wrap around his heart.
« Sebastian! » Anne’s voice rang through the cottage, « Breakfast! »
Torn from his daydream of you, he let the hazy image of a possible future float to the back of his brain and went to take a seat at the table.
— —
About half an hour later, when the tea and coffee had been drunk, the food consumed and the plates cleared and washed, Uncle Solomon sat them down.
« I have news, », he said, « and they are worrying. »
He explained that there had been a resurgence of Ashwinders lately, and that they were apparently looking for something. The Ministry didn’t know what, but the French Minister of Magic had been invited to consult. He had arrived two days ago with his wife and children, had met with various members of the Magic community and had been taken to a safe house for the night.
However, his uncle said frowning, when the Aurors tasked with the family’s protection had come back to next morning to relieve the night team, they had found their comrades’ dead bodies, a lot of blood, spell marks and two terrified children hiding in a closet.
« So last night, an old friend came to the house. As you might have heard, Sebastian, they need a quiet and safe place to hide these children while they look for their parents. They are afraid of sparking an international incident if the news get out, and they have asked me to take the young ones in for a few days. »
Anne gasped and sprung into action : « They can take my bed, » she said, « and I’ll go to the attic see if we still have clothes that could fit them. » « Wait, » Sebastian interjected, getting up and placing his hands on his sister’s shoulders, « They’ll take my bed because you need the rest. » As his sister started disagreeing, he looked at her and said : « I’ll get the tent from the attic while you look for clothes. Uncle Solomon, do you mind if I set it up next to the house? » His uncle answered he didn’t and Anne, convinced, sat down. « What can you tell us about the children? » Their uncle sighed: « Not much. They are quite young, not yet ten years old. There is an older girl and a younger boy. And we are going to have a problem, because they don’t speak English. »
That was going to be a problem, Anne thought, because even if the Sallows did understand French (which they did, because her and Sebastian’s parents had loved taking them on holiday to the French countryside or seaside when they were still alive) they hadn’t kept the practice. They could understand it well enough if the person they were speaking to was willing to slow down and repeat themselves, but actually speaking it was a whole other pair of shoes.
On the other side of the table, Sebastian was remembering a conversation he had had in Sixth year with some of his friends. They’d all sat down in the shade under a tree and Imelda Reyes was telling them that her parents were pestering her to take up Italian because « it would be useful for her resumé », before adding that if she had to learn a language, she’d rather learn French because then you would be able to help her. As they had all turned to you, you had blushed before explaining that your mother had been a governess and that she had taught it to you as well as German and Italian from a young age because she wanted you to be able to find a job someday if you needed it.
After that day, you’d started to meet several days a week with Poppy, Imelda and even sometimes Ominis (« Of course I speak French, don’t you know who I am? ») to practice. He had many memories of meals in the Great Hall being conducted entirely in whatever language you had chosen for the day, to the amazement of your fellow students and some professors. (Sharpe and Weasly had encouraged it, he remembered, and would sometimes stop by your table to participate.)
His uncle’s voice cut through his reverie : « I certainly hope that smile means that you have a solution, boy, because they’ll be here in less than two hours. » Raising his head with an even bigger smile, he answered : « As a matter of fact, I do. I need to send an owl. »
You were in over your head, you thought as you looked at the ever-growing mountain of books, parchment, quills and ink on your desk.
You had received an Owl from Professor Weasley (« Call me Matilda, dear. ») a few days earlier, outlining the academic requirements for your classes at Hogwarts, and you had started preparing for your classes immediately. You would be teaching years One through Seven, one hour a week for years One and Two, two hours a week for years Three, Four and Five, and three hours a week for the Sixth and Seventh years who had chosen Magical Theory for their N.E.W.T.S. - needless to say, you were swamped, exhausted and in dire need of a break.
You stood, stretching your back, and decided to make yourself a cup of coffee. You took the dirty cup on your desk and made your way to your sun-filled kitchen. You filled a kettle with water and coffee grounds and you were just setting it on the stove when a light tapping on your window panes caught your attention. You turned and saw Sebastian’s owl on your windowsill, waiting patiently for you to open it and let it inside. You did and it perched itself on the back of a kitchen chair, dropping your letter on the table and clearly waiting either for an answer or for a treat (but probably both). You gave it some owl treats you kept in a kitchen drawer and it flew away as you sat down to open your letter :
« Hey, you. I hope you are doing great. We have a bit of a situation here in Feldcroft. Would you mind stopping by as soon as you get this? Thank you and see you soon, Sebastian »
Now you were worried - why would Sebastian send an owl instead of coming directly to see you? And the tone was far from the one you were used to in his correspondence. Something must have happened, and it must have been serious.
You quickly got up, turning off the stove and closing the window, running out the kitchen to your entryway to put on your boots and a light coat before getting out and locking your door with a spell. Outside, your neighbor waved at you and started to come over for some light conversation but you quickly passed by him with an apologetic smile, telling him that you had an emergency right now but would be delighted to talk another day before Apparating without waiting for an answer.
— —
« Were we so tiny when you took us in? » Sebastian whispered to his uncle, looking at the two children that had been delivered earlier by three exhausted-looking Aurors.
Said children were now sitting side by side in an armchair, sipping on some hot chocolate that Anne had made them. They look terrified, Sebastian thought, watching the little girl gripping her little brother’s hand as if she expected them to rip him away from her at any minute. They still didn’t know their names, he realized, and he hoped his friend would be there soon.
« Yes, you were, » his uncle chuckled, « in fact- »
The end of his answer was cut by the sound of someone Apparating, followed by rushed footsteps coming to the front door. They readied themselves, hands on their wands in case of an attack, but relaxed when the door opened to reveal you, looking wildly worried and with your hair coming undone from its bun. You stopped in front of him and he caught your forearms, stilling you and asking you worriedly if you were okay and what the matter was.
« What- what’s the matter? Are you being serious? » you handed him a piece of parchment which he recognized as being his own letter, « This letter is the matter! I thought something had happened and that someone was injured or had died! »
There you stopped, both to take a breath and because you saw the children looking at you from their perch on the armchair, and Sebastian put his hands on your shoulders. « I’m sorry, Sweetheart (That’s new, you thought as your heart skipped a beat in your chest, both from the contact and from the nickname), I should have been clearer. We’ve been given charge of these little ones for a few days, but they don’t speak English and our French is… rusted, at best. Can you help? »
You sighed and gave his forearms a squeeze before stepping towards the two children. Once you got to them, you knelt down with a soft smile.
— —
Seeing you smile at the little ones made Sebastian’s heart flutter and his mind wandered down a path that it hadn’t walked before. It conjured an image of you, in a similar position, smiling and talking to children that looked strikingly like the both of you - his messy hair and your beautiful eyes, and a dusting of freckles across the bridge of a nose that was a lot like yours.
Suddenly, the little girl’s face scrunched up and sobs broke out as big tears started to roll down her cheeks. Uncle Solomon winced - he had never been comfortable with tears, or with any type of emotion really - and said he was going to make sure the cottage was secure. As his uncle left, Sebastian watched you hold out your arms and ask the little girl if she wanted a hug. When she nodded, you pulled her in your arms and she wrapped her own little arms around your neck. The boy said something then, and you sat on the armchair next to him, lifting one arm so he could join in the hug. Both children hid their faces in your neck and held on to you as you started humming a song for them.
In a desperate move to preserve his sanity and quiet his brain (She’s so pretty, how did I never see this before, and I love seeing her with children, and I would love to see her with…) he crossed the cottage to the kitchen, where he busied himself by making a fresh pot of tea.
While he was readying the cups, his uncle came back in and stood next to him. « They seem to have taken to her quite quickly, » he observed. Sebastian chuckled dryly : « She’s pretty and she smells nice. When you’re near her, you know that she’s safe and that she’ll fight for you if she has to. What’s not to like? » With that, he added a teaspoon of honey in a cup and left his uncle to set it on the small table next to your armchair.
And how do you know that? Thought Solomon, surprised. At that moment, he resolved to keep an eye on the both of you, to see if the feelings he guessed were simmering under his nephew’s skin were returned. As Sebastian set the cup down and you raised your head, smiling softly at him, he thought that they just might be.
— —
Some time later, when the children had calmed down enough so that the Sallows could introduce themselves, had eaten and were gone to sleep, everyone sat down around the table to discuss the situation. Uncle Solomon had brought you up to speed and you were now rubbing your nails along your fingers in what Sebastian recognized as an anxious gesture, which he stopped by catching your right hand in his and linking your fingers.
Thankful for the support, you squeezed his hand before taking a deep breath and summing up what you had learned : « The girl’s name is Béatrice and she is eight. The boy’s name is Arnaud and he is five. They are both very confused, and they clearly heard and saw things that they should never have. Béatrice told me that their mother hid them in the closet and used a vanishing spell on the door so that their assailants wouldn’t find them. The little boy didn’t hear or see anything, she made sure of it. »
« She’s a brave little girl, » said Anne, « I don’t think I would have been half as courageous as she was in her situation. »
« I’m sure that’s wrong », you answered as Sebastian protested.
« In any case, » Solomon said,  « they are going to stay with us at least for a few days. » He watched as you stifled a yawn before continuing : « Would you very much mind… »
« Of course not, » you answered, not letting him finish his sentence. « Preparing classes or spending time with my favorite people? That’s a non-issue. » You smiled, getting up slowly. « I’ll be back tomorrow with a few things to help with the little ones’ English. »
Sebastian also got to his feet : « I’ll walk you out. I’m testing out new sleeping quarters tonight. »
After saying your goodbyes to Anne, you found yourself walking outside with Sebastian and used the cover of the night to study his profile : dark eyes that you had grown to know better than your own, dark tousled hair in which you dreamt to bury your hands, a strong nose and a sharp jaw… Your eyes travelled downwards to his lips and you realized that he was talking to you : « -cold? »
Before you could answer anything beyond a surprised sound, he was divesting himself of his coat and settling it over your shoulders, closing the first button so that it wouldn’t fall off. « There, » he whispered, looking into your eyes and smiling, « I can’t have you catching a cold now, can I? » You had reached the fence that stood around Solomon’s cottage now and were facing each other. Before you could change your mind, you leant in, kissed Sebastian’s cheek, whispered a « Goodnight, Bash » and Apparated without waiting for his answer.
On his life, he would not have been able to say how long he stood there after you left before finally shaking himself out of his stupor and entering his tent.
— —
It was quarter to ten and you still weren’t there, which was worrying to Sebastian. The children were up and had had breakfast as well as a wash and Anne was entertaining them while Sebastian paced up and down the living room. Finally, Uncle Solomon grumbled : « For Merlin’s sake, Sebastian, sit down! I’m sure she had something to do and she’ll be there soon. » Then, under his breath, he added : « And you’re not even standing at the altar yet… » « Mmh? » Sebastian said before the sound of the door opening stopped him and you walked in, cheeks flushed and smiling.
« Good morning everyone! », you called out, setting a pack that was on your shoulder on the kitchen table. Then you turned, putting your hands on your waist, assessing the faces in front of you and stopping on Sebastian’s face. « Oh dear, » you said nervously, « what happened? » (You shouldn’t have kissed him yesterday, your brain provided, now he’s angry with you and he’s going to ask you to leave.) « Sebastian was worried because he thought you’d get there earlier », supplied Uncle Solomon, watching the two of you intently (They’re acting strange, he thought, watching you fiddling nervously with your hands and Sebastian rubbing the back of his neck embarrassedly).
« I stopped at Poppy’s early this morning and we worked on these, » you answered, taking your pack and extracting five little booklets from its depths. You gave one to Solomon, one to Sebastian and one to Anne, and they flipped through them, seeing little drawings accompanied with words in English and French. « It’s an emergency dictionary! I had to tell her a small lie about one of my cousin wanting to practice to get her to draw those because I absolutely cannot draw to save my life, but I hope to be able to tell her the truth once this is done. », you babbled, embarrassed, until Anne looked at you with wide eyes and exclaimed that it was a great idea and that it would be very useful. « You are already thinking like a teacher, » Solomon teased gently, smiling.
Sebastian stayed quiet, his fingers tracing the lines of your handwriting and how the ink had curled on the « S » of his name. « The children’s are a little bit different, » you showed them and they saw that they had drawings but no words, just blank spaces. « If that’s okay with you, I’ll work with them for a little while before we take a break outside, » you told Solomon.
He agreed and you went to call the children, sitting with them at the table while Anne went to take a short nap (she would never tell Sebastian but she did feel a little tired with all this commotion).
Solomon went to tend his garden and Sebastien feigned opening a book that he knew he would not read, not when you were there and so much more fascinating than any story he might read at that moment.
You were facing him, seated between Béatrice and Arnaud, holding a quill and ready to write for the little boy while his sister had her own in her hand and was looking at you. You looked… breathtaking, he realized, and completely in your element as you softly corrected the little girl’s pronunciation of the word « name ».
You spent some time on basic introduction sentences and were soon able to send Béatrice over to him so that she could introduce herself in English. He thought that the way you obviously were hanging on the little girl’s every word, nodding encouragements and giving her gentle smiles was absolutely adorable.
With Arnaud, you worked instead on numbers and you were counting to ten together, making his little fingers dance with yours. When Béatrice had finished introducing herself to him (he had bowed and enthusiastically clapped at her, earning a screech of delight from the girl and a heart-stopping grin from you), she sat at her place beside you and decided that she wanted to learn how numbers were written. And back to counting you went, quietly correcting and encouraging the little girl until- « Alright, this one is eight. Now, there’s a little trick to remember how it is spelled, ready? Eight goes to the market, so it ends in G, H, T. »
And once again, Sebastian had to get up and distract himself, because his brain wouldn’t let go of the thought that he loved seeing you with children and that maybe, some day, soon, the children would be his.
Luckily for him, you decided at that moment that it was time to take a break and let the little ones run outside while you were tidying up the table and grabbing a book. Finally, you turned and and asked him : « Are you coming with us? » - which, of course he was, obviously, so he took your hand and outside you went.
— —
The sun was shining and everyone was there. You were sitting in the grass, a child on each side of you, sometimes reading them stories from the book on your lap, sometimes talking with them, sometimes even just listening to their conversation.
He felt Anne sidling next to him but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. « You know », she whispered, « if you want it to, this could be your life in a little more than a year. » « Pardon? » he asked, because he really did not see that coming. « Well, don’t take it wrong, but I’ve never seen you look at anyone this way. You’re both adults and you have enough funds to start a life together, if that’s what you want. » There, she stopped and smiled before adding, « I like her very much, and so does Uncle Solomon ».
Following his sister’s gaze, Sebastian turned to look at his uncle who was sitting on a bench reading some newspaper. Every so often, he remarked, Uncle Solomon would look up at you and the children sitting in the grass and it seemed like he would sometimes fight to keep a tiny smile from gracing his face, especially when you said something to little Béatrice and she exclaimed « No! » with wide eyes. You nodded, smiling, and he felt his heart leap in his chest. Could he really…?
« Anyways, » Anne softly interrupted his train of thoughts, « I have mother’s engagement ring. If you want it for her, it’s yours. »
There, Sebastian turned to her in shock :  «  I possibly couldn’t - Anne - it’s yours. It was mom’s, and it’s yours now. You should have something of hers. » But his sister shook her head and smiled : « Nope, not your choice ! If she is to be my sister, I’d like her to know that I want her in my life as much as you do. » Sebastian deflated, the sudden tension fleeing his shoulders as acceptance came over him. Finally, he whispered « I’ll think about it. »
At that moment, a pair of arms wrapped around his legs, making him wobble slightly. He looked down at little Arnaud, who smiled at him, pointed at the sheep in the nearby field and held his arms up. Sighing, he picked the child up, setting him on his hip, and made his way over to the pasture.

Anne looked at him for a moment and then looked back at you, observing the way you were admiring her brother before finally catching your eye. There, she raised an eyebrow and nodded towards Sebastian, before snickering as you mouthed « Absolutely not! » and making her way inside. She had a letter to write to a man about his two best friends.
« Do you think he knows ? » Uncle Solomon asked her as she passed by him and she turned to look back at her brother.
While she had been walking, you had taken Béatrice’s hand and led her to the apple tree that stood next to the sheeps’ enclosure, where Sebastian was holding little Arnaud up so that he could grab an apple. You had come up behind him and, as they watched, laid a hand gently between his shoulder blades. He was currently telling you something that they couldn’t hear but they heard your answering peal of laughter and saw Sebastian’s delighted smile.
« Well, if he didn’t, I’ve put that thought in his head. But honestly, I think he did, just not consciously. He’s never shown interest in anyone else, and she’s the only one that makes him smile like that. »
Solomon inclined his head, nostalgic : « Your father used to look like that at your mother, too. » Anne looked a him, surprised, and her uncle shrugged : « He’s a lot like your father. I don’t talk about them but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about them, and I know they would be terribly proud of the both of you. » She didn’t know what to answer, so she settled for a smile and went inside to write her letter.
— —
All in all, it had been a very good day, Sebastian reflected much later. Once the children had tired of the apples and of the sheep, they had declared themselves hungry so you had gone inside to partake in the great meal that Anne and Solomon had cooked. Then, while the children (and Anne) had gone to lay down for a nap and Uncle Solomon had gone outside to check on his garden, he had some time to talk with you about his job, your new job (« It’s going to be a right mess, but don’t tell anyone », you had confided and he had delighted in taking some time to hear your fears and support you through them. He thought that it was a good sign that you wouldn’t hesitate to confide in him about matters that you would have kept from anyone else.)
At some point, you had gotten up and made him a cup of coffee, and he was surprised and thrilled to realize that you had made it exactly the way he liked it - with a dash of milk and a teaspoon of sugar. You had hidden a lovely blush when he had kissed you on the cheek, telling you that you were the only one beside Anne who could make it to his taste. « I watched you prepare it every morning for three years while we were in Hogwarts, » you defended yourself, « it’s really not that complicated! »
The memory of your smile at that moment sent some warmth to his heart and gave him a reason to hope, thinking back to Anne’s words earlier. He had gone to her just before going to bed, and she had given him their mother’s ring. He took the box from his nightstand now and opened it, looking at the piece of jewelry.
Sebastian wasn’t a man much given to introspection. He had always liked action more than reflection, but that night while everyone slept and he could not, he had not choice but to think. To think about you, more precisely.
He had never realized how truly important you were to him but, at that moment, all he could think and breathe was you. You were in the intervals of his heartbeats, and tucked under his breastbone. You were the most important person in his world, because you were his person.
Suddenly, it didn’t matter that he hadn’t known before, he needed to tell you as much as he needed to breathe, but he knew that would have to wait at least until morning.
Sleep took him by surprise, but he succumbed to it with a smile on his face and the ring in his hand.
— —
The next day, an owl arrived as they were finishing breakfast. The short message in your rushed script read « Have to meet Professor Weasley in Hogwarts today. Am alive but will be late. »
All of the anticipation that had been building up inside Sebastian since he had gotten up fizzled out and he had to keep himself from screaming in frustration. He apprized his family of the contents of your letter and, sensing his turmoil, his sister brought up the idea of spending the day by the shore with the children. You could join them there as soon as you arrived, Solomon added to cut Sebastian’s hesitations short.
But the day went on with no news of you. Even Solomon received news of his own : one of his Auror friends came to the cottage to tell him that they had received indications of the French Minister of Magic’s location and that an operation would be proceeding tonight in hopes to free his and his wife from their captors. They’ve worked well and quickly, Sebastian thought, and he took a moment to cross his fingers in hopes that everything would work out fine.
Finally, you appeared just as the afternoon concluded, walking down the beach to him as if you had been summoned from a dream and sitting down on the rapidly cooling sand next to him. For a while, neither of you said anything, until you sighed and laid down on the sand, looking up at him:
« I didn’t think I still had so many things to learn about Hogwarts. » Sebastian turned and looked at you : « How so? » You chuckled : « I had to take a tour of some of the places we never were allowed in when we were students. Did you ever wonder why you seldom saw the teachers coming and going to classes? Well, the answer is secret passages. Also, the teachers have a break room that is to die for, with a private library. » « All in all a good day, then? » He asked. « You could say that. I’ve seen my classroom and Matilda has gone over some academic requirements from the Ministry with me. Apparently they change every few years and I will have to keep an eye out for them. » « My poor, poor Sweetheart, » he laughed before extending his hand to brush your cheek. You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, making his heart flutter with hope. Now, he thought, I have to ask her now.
He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything Arnaud and Béatrice ran in, having finally spotted you, and the moment was lost.
That night, Sebastian took a deep breath and, after the children had been sent to bed, asked you if you’d like to take a stroll with him. As you smiled and agreed, he opened the door and stepped aside to let you pass - with a glance over his shoulder, he saw Anne giving him a thumbs up and rolled his eyes.
Once you both were outside, he offered you his arm (« That’s strange, » you thought, « he’s never done that before. ») and you went on your way up the hill, talking quietly about your day.
Once you’d arrived at the top of the hill, he turned to face you as you stopped, hesitating slightly before speaking : « I’ve been thinking about the future. » You smiled even though you felt anxiety suddenly course through your body, making your heart speed up and your thoughts scramble and bounce around your head : oh Merlin he’s met someone and he’s going to ask her to marry him and he’s going to tell me that he is giving me some notice because I’m his friend and he wants me to come to the wedding and she’ll probably have his children and I won’t see him anymore but he will be happy and he deserves it and-
« Hey are you okay? », Sebastian said, looking a tad worried and leaning slightly forward to look at you in the eyes, « You’ve just gone very pale. » You forced a smile and turned your head : « No, don’t worry, I’m fine. » Then, because apparently you liked pain, you went on : « Have you met someone? » He put a hand on your shoulder as he answered : « Well, yes. Or no, not recently, it’s complicated. » You raised an eyebrow at him : « Yes, it must be, if you don’t know if you met her recently or not. »
Sebastian sighed and wracked a hand through his hair : « What I was trying to say is… » 
An explosion followed by screams cut him short. You both turned and looked at the village below.
« Oh no. They’re here and they’re going for the kids. » You looked at each other and took off at a run.
Feldcroft was on fire. Sebastian stopped and looked around him, trying to locate Anne or his Uncle. You didn’t stop, passing by him and preparing yourself for the fight. You quickly ran through the mental list of the things you might need - Wiggenweld Potion, wand, knife - before charging at the first enemy you saw, making your way to the Sallow cottage. The man in front of you flashed you a dirty grin and pointed his wand at you. You stepped aside, dodging his spell, and cast one of yours - which did hit its intended target, sending the man flying against a tree before hitting the ground and staying there.
You saw a burst of light on your left and were preparing to be hit when an arm wrapped around your waist and lifted you out of the way, casting a very strong « Protego ». Sebastian grinned at you « I’ve got your back, Sweetheart. Go get the kids. » Even as your heart did a little flip in your chest, you kissed his cheek and kept going, knowing that he was protecting you and that you would be okay.
As you burst into the Sallows’ cottage, you saw two things : Anne standing in front of Béatrice and Arnaud, a scowl on her face and her hands empty, and a man advancing towards her, extending his hand to shove her away. You couldn’t use your wand - they were all too close, you would hurt someone - so you did the first thing that came to your mind and grabbed a chair, hitting the man on the head with it once, twice and then a third time to make sure that he would stay down.
Then you got to Anne and, without thinking, handed her your own wand : « I’m glad you’re okay. Take my wand and stay here, I’ll clear a path out for you and the kids. When I say so, grab them and run - don’t look back, don’t come back, stay hidden and don’t stop. Can you do that ?» Anne nodded and grabbed Arnaud’s hand without a word while Béatrice held on to her skirt. You kneeled to talk to them : « You are being very brave. Stay with Anne and stay together. She will keep you safe and so will we. » (I’m going to Hell because of this kind of promises, you thought.)
You turned and went to the back window, quietly opening it. The sounds of the ongoing battle reached you and anxiety churned in your stomach as you thought about Sebastian. Please be okay. You went out of the window, tip-toeing behind an Ashwinder that was standing guard.
Releasing your dagger from its sheath, you grabbed his neck and sliced his throat in the same move, covering his mouth so that he couldn’t make a sound and dragging his body behind a nearby crate. Then you checked that the way was clear - it was - and you signaled to Anne, who hoisted first Arnaud, then Béatrice out of the window before following them herself. Quickly, you led them to the edge of the village, checking to and fro to see if you could see anyone or if someone had seen you, ready to defend them if you had to.
But you didn’t have to, and soon you were watching them disappear in the Highlands, away from you but towards safety. You breathed out, rolling your shoulders and turned again towards Feldcroft.
The first person you saw was not the Sallow that you expected. Solomon was fighting two Ashwinders at the same time and doing brilliantly - he even had time to look you way when you passed by him before telling you (or more like screaming at you) that Sebastian was towards the center of the village, helping people get to safety. Nodding your thanks at him, you charged on, dodging here a fist and there a curse.
One woman dared to come at you with a sword, but you were quicker and had more stamina, having just joined the fight. Soon enough, she was on the ground unconscious and you had acquired a very sharp-looking sword that you were just dying to use.
You kept trudging on, looking for a sign, any sign of Sebastian in the mayhem around you until finally, finally you spotted him, fighting alongside one of the village’s citizens. What you also spotted was the man making his way over to him, the tip of his wand already lighting up with a curse that was aimed at Sebastian’s back, and you felt your heart stop in your chest, several thoughts flashing in your brain all at once - no, I can’t lose him, I can’t let him die, do something, I love him. In your head, the spell landed on his back, the light in his eyes extinguished, the mischievous spark that you adored gone forever and your heart rebelled against it. With no time to think, you ran over to him and did the first thing that came through your mind - which was throwing your sword.
Sebastian’s eyes widened as he watched the object fly past him and came back to you as he head the telltale sound of it finding its target and of a body falling to the ground. He caught you by the waist : « Nice shot, but I feel that I must inform you that swords are very much not throwing weapons, Sweetheart. » You smiled at him and raised an eyebrow, pushing the realization that you just had at the back of your brain for now, to be puzzled over later : « It worked, didn’t it? »
There, a few things happened all at once : from the corner of your eye, you saw a green flash aimed at you, and, in front of you Sebastian’s face lost all color as he threw himself against you to push you to the ground. The spell whizzed over your heads and you didn’t think as you used your weight to roll over Sebastian while calling your Ancient Magic to you. A flash of lightning came down from the sky and blew the witch who had tried to kill you to smithereens.
It was then, of course, that you heard the telltale sounds of multiple Apparitions at the same time : the Aurors had finally arrived, even though they were fifteen minutes late and a Galleon short. The fight seemed to instantly die down, as the Ashwinders that could chose to disappear either by Apparating or by running.
After a heartbeat, you looked down to Sebastian (how long had his hand been on your waist?), Uncle Solomon skidded down to a stop next to you and said : « I’d get up, if I were you. » Red-cheeked and embarrassed (somehow, you knew that he wouldn’t let the both of you live it down), you stood, offering Sebastian your hand. He grasped it and also found his feet, before tugging you close. Then you felt his hands ghost over your cheeks, your shoulders and your arms before settling around your waist. Belatedly, you understood that he was checking you for injuries.
Uncle Solomon rolled his eyes before whispering : « I’d better go talk to them. Don’t worry, » he looked at you, « I didn’t see anything, even though that was a nice throw. » With a wink at you and a nod to his nephew, he strode away.
When you turned back to Sebastian, he was looking intently at you, and before you could speak, you found yourself wrapped in his arms, his left arm around your waist and his right arm at your back, hand buried in your hair and his cheek on the top of your head. « I’m fine », you mumbled, hugging him back. « I know, » he answered with a strange voice, « but you almost weren’t. »
He kept you close to him for a long time, as people walked around you to go back to their homes and assess the damage, as Aurors made their last arrests and took away to bodies and as dawn slowly started to lighten the horizon. All this time, you waited, listening to his heartbeat and basking in his warmth, your head resting on his shoulder. All this time, he fought with his brain - she’s okay, she’s alive, she’s breathing - the words spinning again and again in his head as a thought that he had kept in the background finally came to the surface and won the race against all the others, and it wouldn’t let him go until he voiced it, and so he did, in the cold damp air of the summer dawn, as the light barely brushed your face.
« Marry me. »
You looked up at him, absolutely not expecting this, you who had silently been preparing you to lose him one way or another. You could barely mutter, in a broken-up voice : « Bash… »
He smiled softly and tilted your chin up with a finger so that he could look at you in the eyes : « If you say no, I’ll not speak of it anymore. I hadn’t realized before now, you know, all the ways that I love you. It’s the way you smell and how I know you’ve been there when I smell your perfume, it’s the way any room you walk into seems to brighten just a little, it’s the way you frown when you don’t agree with what I am saying, it’s the way you laugh when no one is looking, with your nose slightly scrunched up, it’s the way you always have a smile ready for everybody. It’s the way you care, very much, all the time, about the people close to you. It’s the way you know how I take my coffee and my tea, it’s the way you smile when you see me, even if you don’t know it. »
He sighed and the back of his hand brushed your cheek, coming away covered with tears.
« It’s also the way I seem to always be looking for you when I get somewhere, it’s the way I’d do anything to keep you safe. It’s the way I want you to be proud of me, and would do anything to make you so. It’s the way I cannot stand to see you cry and it’s the way I’d do anything to make you laugh. It’s the way I am ready to promise that I’ll do everything to make you happy. So please, please (there tried to take a step away from you, but you tightened you hold on him without a word, looking in his eyes and smiling encouragingly when you felt him falter and start to hesitate) marry me. » There you had to blink away your tears, and he must have read your answer in your eyes, because you had barely enough time to let out a « yes » before he picked you up in his arms and kissed you.
A cheer went up nearby, and as he put you down you both blushed furiously, because you had apparently become the focal point of the people of Feldcroft and of the few Aurors who were still there and who had become the witnesses of your happiness. You ducked your head and Sebastian laughed, taking a hold of your hand before jokingly bowing to your unintended public.
As he straightened up, he looked at you : « Ready to go? ». At your responding nod, he tucked your hand in the crook of his elbow and took you back to his Uncle’s cottage.
— —
Before entering the cottage, Sebastian stopped : « Wait, » he said, « I have something for you. »
Then he reached into the inside pocket of his coat and took out a small jewelry box. He opened it and extracted its contents : a beautiful ring with a blue-green stone surrounded by small diamonds. Your delighted gasp made him smile : « I’m happy that you like it. It was my mother’s and Anne gave it to me so that I could give it to you. She said she wanted you to have it. »
He slipped the ring on your finger then, and you both watched as it glinted and caught the early sun’s light. « Sneaky girl, » you whispered, your voice cracking at the realization, « she knew all along. » « I think everyone but us knew, Sweetheart. » There he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead. « Are you ready to face the lions? » he added teasingly.
« With you, I’d be ready for anything, » you answered, and you both took that steps that would bring to back to your family and into your future.
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boltermasterbon · 4 months
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The Shadow and The Ice Queen
(Yeah yeah I know I haven’t posted a story in Centuries don’t worry I’ll get to work but just enjoy this new series I made to break hearts)
You know that Story about two sisters? One born with frost magic and the other born without magic? A tale about how their bond was torn and then repaired. Well…….this story is that tale but…different……you see in this AU the king and Queen didn’t just have two daughters named Anna who was born without magic and Elsa who was born With magic…..but also a son……the youngest…….The Prince. His name is Y/N of Arendelle…..and he Was born with magic…..but not like Elsa’s no…..it was of Shadow and Darkness….he was only a baby when that night happened….the night of the incident….when Anna and Elsa’s bond was torn due to fear……Y/N grew up not knowing who his Elder sister was….only that she preferred to hide in her room for reasons no adult would tell. He grew up in the dark. Though a Prince…..he was a Cursed Prince. He did have better control over his magic but……he slowly became Disconnected from his family. “Elsa came first in their eyes” is what he told himself over the years as he was almost forgotten…..left behind….he became an outcast in his heart. Y/N grew a Resentment for the Stranger locked in her room. His Shadows became his only comfort. Sure he had Anna but……he was forbidden to show her his powers….only the staff and his parents knew…..and that made him feel like it wasn’t worth trying to get to know her especially since she wastes her time begging the Stranger to come out from her room. Elsa was nothing more than a Stranger…..he grew to become cold yet smart and calm. Always a straight face. When the King and Queen died…..he did not show….he stayed in his room mourning the loss…..and the worst part is….he didn’t say goodbye when he had the chance….and that left him broken even though he’s been broken his entire life! But nobody will notice when they can’t see in the dark.
And This is where our story Truly begins. The day had come for his Elder sister’s coronation as Queen of Arendelle….Great -_- He got dressed when the sun was just barely rising. His attire Formal yet had darkened flare to it. A Dark Prince kind of look. His face was cold, sharp, and composed. His magic hidden and under control. “Today is gonna be a long Boring day” he mumbled to himself already sick with the day knowing the amount of fools and richer fools he’ll have to deal with. Y/N walked through the hallways making sure things will go smoothly. As the sun rose he was in the library until he heard the voice of his older sister Anna……singing like an excited child….which Y/N was only Very slightly annoyed with but he knew she was merely happy to be able to say “The Gates are Open!” He just hopes that doesn’t mean he has to do anything annoying or….Social…Yeah he shuddered at that thought. He being the good younger brother that he is greeted his older sister “Good morning Anna. I see you’re very excited” he said with a smirk or erm smile. Her joy was a bit infectious. “Well Of course I am Y/N! The gates are Finally gonna open!” Anna said with glee and joy “Plus it’s Elsa’s Coronation!” Y/N’s smile shortened a bit “Grand” he said as he hid his resentment of her. He breathed in and out “just don’t go too wild Anna. You’ll still have to look formal for our dear Elder sister’s coronation And….Ball or party or whatever it’s called” Anna laughed a bit “Of course. Bye Y/N see you later!” Anna said as she gave him a quick hug and went on her marry way to sing her song. Y/N continued to walk through the halls until he saw…….Her….”Elsa…..” he said with straight face that masked his coldness for her and his resentment. “You look prepared for the day…..and nervous” he pointed out “Y/N…..It’s good to see you too…” Elsa said with a mix of fear, guilt, and affection for her little brother. She wished deep down she could’ve been more apart of his life but…..she can’t…..for his safety. “Well anyways good morning. I’ll see you at the coronation” he said as he tried to politely get away from her. “Okay…..and good morning to you too” Elsa said to him as she watched him walk away…she wasn’t a fool….she could tell that he held some form of resentment for her. During the Coronation Y/N stood tall and noticed somethings. One some prince with sideburns waved at Anna when she waved at him first. Second that thin layer of frost on the coronation objects when Elsa was holding them…she looked afraid but Y/N didn’t pay much mind to it. During the ball or whatever it’s called he wanted to Leave so Bad! He hates large social gatherings and just large groups of people. So he stood near the throne until Kai had him stand on Elsa’s left and Anna on Elsa’s right. Lord he wanted to get away from all this. Elsa and Anna started to Bond a bit…..which made him envious…but when Elsa told Anna it couldn’t stay like this he rolled his eyes “Of course you say that” he said with a sharp coldness and whisper which didn’t go unnoticed by Elsa. When Anna walked away out of frustration Elsa decided to talk with Y/N “Y/N…..I know that you don’t really like me but….you have to understand this is for the best” Elsa said as she tried to convince him….and herself that it was for the best “that’s what mother and father always said to Anna and Me…..but your the new Queen so I won’t argue” his tone was sharp, quick, and laced with venom that cut daggers into Elsa’s heart but she kept her composure. After a few minutes of silence and being forced by Elsa to meet with other nobles, kings, queens, dukes, princes, princesses, and lords! Suddenly came in Anna with that Sideburns again. “Elsa!- I mean Queen” Anna said with a bow “Me again. May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles” Y/N already doesn’t like him “Your majesty” Hans said with a bow “We- would like your blessing on- Our marriage!” …..Excuse you what did you just hear? Marriage?! “Marriage?” Elsa said with utter confusion “I-I’m sorry I’m confused?” She said with a brow raise and so did Y/N’s…. CLIFFHANGER!!!!
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avirael · 18 days
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FFxivWrite 2024
Day 07 - Morsel
“I don’t think that’s a good idea…”, A’viloh whispered and carefully tried to take a look over the crate they all hid behind.
“Keep your stupid head down or they’ll see us!”, the oldest boy beyond them hissed. “You think everything is a bad idea anyway.”
Tykha, who was the youngest among them but still very smart for his age and not at all fond of the other boy’s quips, retorted, “Don’t be so mean, Khuba! We all know this was your idea and you just made Laqa do this so he’d get in trouble.”
“That’s a lie!”, the dark-haired kid anwered quite angrily and the two boys almost got into a fight when the other one stubbornly replied, “No, it’s not!”
A’viloh pushed himself a little more into the corner between the crate and the wall, as if he could vanish by doing so, and wondered how he once again got himself into trouble although he really really tried not to.
Of course the answer was Laqa. It actually was every single time the small red-haired Miqo’te got involved in something silly. Khuba barely talked to him at all and Tykha usually wasn’t the one coming up with crazy ideas. But when Laqa asked him to do something, he either coaxed and argued until A’viloh was persuaded or he simply grabbed his hand and pulled him along.
Needless to say, it was usually A’viloh who either got caught or scolded at for not stopping the other boys from their nonsense.
So while A’viloh already imagined how angry U’odh would be once they were found out and the other two boys still quarreled about who’s idea this had been, the troublemaker in question sticked his blonde head out of the window. “Shhh! Shut up you idiots!”, he commanded and everybody fell silent for a second.
“Do you have it?”, Khuba asked then quietly, while Tykha whispered, “Hurry up!”
A’viloh had decided it was better to keep his mouth shut and just watched as Laqa vanished back into the building before finally returning a painfully long moment later to climb back out of the open window.
“Go! Someone’s coming!”, he yelled urgently. “We’ll meet at the pond!”
In the blink of an eye Tykha and Khuba had vanished into different directions and only A’viloh remained staring after the other boys with a mixture of surprise and confusion written all over his face.
“Come on, A’vi!”, Laqa repeated and grabbed his hand. Before A’viloh could even think of replying anything he was already dragged behind by the taller boy. Trying to keep up with him wasn’t easy and A’viloh almost stumbled a few times but at least he didn’t hear any angry voices calling after them. After a few moments they passed the small shallow path at one side of the pond that led outside of the village without having to pass one of the gates.
There, in their usual hiding place, Khuba and Tykha already sat awaiting the other boys arrival.
A’viloh gasped for air once they finally stopped and the other two stared at Laqa with gleams of anticipation in their eyes. Impatiently they gathered in a small circle to —
“I saw what you did there!”, a voice suddenly exclaimed nearby and made them all jump. Behind them stood a young girl with black hair and greyish-blue eyes.
“What are you doing here?”, Khuba scolded at his younger sister but the girl wasn’t impressed by her brother’s bossy tone. She simply crossed her arms in front of her chest and declared, “I want some too or I’ll tell mother!”
“You snitch!”, Tykha cursed but that also didn’t impress her. Annoyed she rolled her eyes and turned to leave. “Alright, if you say so…”
“Fine!”, Laqa hissed but still looked a little angry. “I have enough for all of us.”
A triumphant grin appeared on her face and quickly she squeezed in between A’viloh and Laqa. The later pulled a little package wrapped in palm leaves out of his pockets and carefully unfolded it in the middle of them. What appeared was a small heap of delicious looking dried dates - a treat that was usually strictly rationed.
“There you go!”, Laqa said while all of them hungrily eyed his loot. “Help yourself.”
One after the other each of them picked one of the tasty morsels and began to eat in silence. And if any of the grownups actually noticed some of the fruits being gone, certainly none of them suspected the bunch of innocently looking children to have stolen them…
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Think about how fucked up the mating bond is, people get bonded to whoever tf the magic chooses for them considering only how much powerful you are and that your kids will be powerful as fuck, and if you don't like them or some shit happened between you two earlier, sorry but the chances of you ending up with said person in a toxic relationship are still high, look at how many toxic bonds we saw:
we have tamlin's family, his father and brothers were worse than the vanserras and his mom and father were mated, so it didn't matter how much shit his father was, the mom just accepted that.
feysand's bond, fucked up as fuck. after all rhysand put feyre through during UTM, we get to acomaf (and there is also that stupid ring quest, imagine if she died..) where he gives her a long ass sad background story and she just accepted it.... yet if she wasn't his mate she would be pretty much death in book 1, and oh wait, let's not forget the fact he hid life threatening information about her pregnancy, and like, she is still with him as if nothing had happened.
nessian bond! also fucked up, we have cassian watching nesta fall the stairs and be like "haha i watched bc if get to the end, i would have to take you back upstairs, also you fell bc you didnt train so it is all YOUR fault", cassian telling her everybody hates her, cassian doesn't understand how her sisters love her, cassian taking her to a hike bc she (25 years old) was the only one between all those 500+ years old bitches who had balls to tell feyre she was gonna die before christmas, makes her carry a bag that is a third of her weight (lets say she is 1,75m and weights 60kg, she was carrying around 20kg and according to a search in google, a hiking backpack shouldn't weight more than 10 percent of the person's weight, which in this case Nesta should be carrying 6kg and not more than that...) during this hike. He has sex with her after she gets sexual assaulted by a mythical creature, he gets butthurt when she says a fact about riceman, gets angry when she gets uncomfortabled about the fact he wants everyone to know they share bed (and he literaly says exactly that), like, he even says that he didn't choice to be shackled to her, that means he wouldn't choice her => he wouldn't be with her if there wasn't a bond. During acosf we see that he knows shit about her and he doesnt even like her but he stilld wants her exclusively bc of the bond and nesta is molded and treated like shit until submission so she can fit him and his family. Let's not forget that whatever thing nesta disagres, cassian get like "is that because i am a bastard low born nobody and my ass is flat?". Also from a logic point of view (considering the power thing and that the cauldron chooses who you are mated with and it blessed elain with gifts and got angry at nesta bc she took its power) wouldn't make more sense if nesta ended up with a high lord/high lord heir or azriel? nesta is powerful as fuck, powerful to the point rhysand, a pOWErfuLl high lord (take his telepathy away and he is in the same level as the other high lords) struggles to contain her power, she is in the same level of a high lord, and i know cassian had 7 siphons but it is azriel who has not only 7 siphons but is also a shadowsinger, they are poweful but not in the same level as a high lord/nesta yet azriel at least has a special power, so between them two azriel is more logical, and in a general point of view, a high lord/heir... (i repeat, this bond was a curse threw at nesta)
drakon and miryam, too fucked up, she was a slave, that was given to him as gift from his bride/wife/girlfriend whatever. she was a slave, and half human, and during this time humans were all slaves. and drakon, prince, faerie... she was with jurian then somehow she fell in love with drakon(?) i don't remember their story properly, but i am pretty sure that if there wasn't a mating bond, they would not have any relationship. I honestly find this one too weird/absurd that I even have a theory that drakon is daemanti and manipulated miryam to ''love'' him (pretty much like rhysand seems to be doing/did to feyre... maybe that is why drakon and rhysand were friends or something, drakon taught him the telepathy things)
vs non-toxic:
Lucien and Elain, they aren't together, elain doesn't want to get close to lucien and he respects it, lucien doesn't force himself into her, keeps his distance s he is aware she is not comfortable, he let her know they are bonded from the beginning as opposite to some people up there...
Kallias and viviane - we didn't see much about them but considering they were friends since young age, so we are supposed to assume they are good...
Honestly if i was faerie i would be afraid of having a mate.
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